Fedex Rates Exp en JP 2023

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IPE Export

Japan Promotional Export Rates

For International Priority Express Shipments
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1 Effective January 2, 2023
Please refer to Zone Index for detailed zone classification
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
Thailand, U.S. (Rest of Brazil, Germany, United Arab
China, Hong India, Australia, U.S. (Western
Major Destinations Singapore, Indonesia Country), Argentina, United Emirates, Bangladesh
Kong, Taiwan New Zealand Region)2
Malaysia Canada, Mexico Colombia Kingdom, Italy Russia, Turkey
FedEx Envelope3 0.5 kg 5,400 5,540 5,560 6,140 7,860 7,860 8,720 7,580 7,840 8,970
FedEx Pak3 0.5 kg 8,310 9,590 10,430 11,530 12,310 12,310 13,260 12,740 13,710 16,600
1 10,320 11,620 12,440 13,960 14,650 14,650 17,000 16,280 17,340 21,020
1.5 11,820 12,960 13,850 16,240 16,630 16,650 21,000 20,300 21,870 26,490
2 13,220 14,370 15,160 18,590 18,640 18,650 25,340 24,530 25,830 31,380
2.5 14,730 15,890 16,630 21,050 20,670 20,700 29,470 28,590 29,940 36,150
International Priority 0.5 kg 11,270 12,390 12,470 13,060 14,320 14,330 16,480 17,570 18,410 22,960
Express (IPE)
1 12,910 14,170 14,810 15,930 16,800 16,800 21,790 21,800 24,270 30,160
1.5 14,550 15,950 17,150 18,800 19,280 19,270 27,100 26,030 30,130 37,360
2 16,190 17,730 19,490 21,670 21,760 21,740 32,410 30,260 35,990 44,560
2.5 17,830 19,510 21,830 24,540 24,240 24,210 37,720 34,490 41,850 51,760
3 19,270 21,840 24,160 27,400 28,530 28,550 42,770 38,810 47,770 59,150
3.5 20,710 24,170 26,490 30,260 32,820 32,890 47,820 43,130 53,690 66,540
4 22,150 26,500 28,820 33,120 37,110 37,230 52,870 47,450 59,610 73,930
4.5 23,590 28,830 31,150 35,980 41,400 41,570 57,920 51,770 65,530 81,320
5 25,030 31,160 33,480 38,840 45,690 45,910 62,970 56,090 71,450 88,710
5.5 25,930 31,950 34,280 40,650 46,850 47,060 64,280 58,020 73,040 90,620
6 26,830 32,740 35,080 42,460 48,010 48,210 65,590 59,950 74,630 92,530
6.5 27,730 33,530 35,880 44,270 49,170 49,360 66,900 61,880 76,220 94,440
7 28,630 34,320 36,680 46,080 50,330 50,510 68,210 63,810 77,810 96,350
7.5 29,530 35,110 37,480 47,890 51,490 51,660 69,520 65,740 79,400 98,260
8 30,430 35,900 38,280 49,700 52,650 52,810 70,830 67,670 80,990 100,170
8.5 31,330 36,690 39,080 51,510 53,810 53,960 72,140 69,600 82,580 102,080
9 32,230 37,480 39,880 53,320 54,970 55,110 73,450 71,530 84,170 103,990
9.5 33,130 38,270 40,680 55,130 56,130 56,260 74,760 73,460 85,760 105,900
10 34,030 39,060 41,480 56,940 57,290 57,410 76,070 75,390 87,350 107,810
10.5 34,700 39,630 42,090 58,070 58,360 58,480 77,400 76,490 88,920 109,750
11 35,370 40,200 42,700 59,200 59,430 59,550 78,730 77,590 90,490 111,690
11.5 36,040 40,770 43,310 60,330 60,500 60,620 80,060 78,690 92,060 113,630
12 36,710 41,340 43,920 61,460 61,570 61,690 81,390 79,790 93,630 115,570
12.5 37,380 41,910 44,530 62,590 62,640 62,760 82,720 80,890 95,200 117,510
13 38,050 42,480 45,140 63,720 63,710 63,830 84,050 81,990 96,770 119,450
13.5 38,720 43,050 45,750 64,850 64,780 64,900 85,380 83,090 98,340 121,390
14 39,390 43,620 46,360 65,980 65,850 65,970 86,710 84,190 99,910 123,330
14.5 40,060 44,190 46,970 67,110 66,920 67,040 88,040 85,290 101,480 125,270
15 40,730 44,760 47,580 68,240 67,990 68,110 89,370 86,390 103,050 127,210
15.5 41,400 45,330 48,190 69,370 69,060 69,180 90,700 87,490 104,620 129,150
16 42,070 45,900 48,800 70,500 70,130 70,250 92,030 88,590 106,190 131,090
16.5 42,740 46,470 49,410 71,630 71,200 71,320 93,360 89,690 107,760 133,030
17 43,410 47,040 50,020 72,760 72,270 72,390 94,690 90,790 109,330 134,970
17.5 44,080 47,610 50,630 73,890 73,340 73,460 96,020 91,890 110,900 136,910
18 44,750 48,180 51,240 75,020 74,410 74,530 97,350 92,990 112,470 138,850
18.5 45,420 48,750 51,850 76,150 75,480 75,600 98,680 94,090 114,040 140,790
19 46,090 49,320 52,460 77,280 76,550 76,670 100,010 95,190 115,610 142,730
19.5 46,760 49,890 53,070 78,410 77,620 77,740 101,340 96,290 117,180 144,670
20 47,250 50,460 53,340 79,540 78,690 78,810 102,670 97,390 118,750 146,610
20.5 47,250 51,030 53,340 80,670 79,760 79,880 104,000 97,650 120,320 148,550
Rates per kg (Multiply by Total Shipment Weight)
Weight (kg)4 21-44 2,250 2,440 2,540 3,880 3,860 3,950 5,010 4,650 5,770 7,180
45-70 1,680 1,850 1,980 3,380 3,460 3,630 4,520 4,110 4,850 6,000
71-99 1,660 1,710 1,960 3,350 3,420 3,590 4,470 4,080 4,640 5,660
100-299 1,650 1,700 1,960 3,170 3,240 3,360 4,320 3,880 4,470 5,500
4 300-499 1,620 1,680 1,830 2,950 3,040 3,140 3,880 3,460 3,970 4,920
4 500-999 1,620 1,680 1,830 2,880 2,950 3,070 3,880 3,460 3,970 4,920
4 1000+ 1,620 1,680 1,830 2,880 2,950 3,070 3,850 3,420 3,950 4,920

1 All rates are exclusive of all applicable tax. For special fees and fuel surcharge, please refer to the Surcharge and Other Information page for details.
2 U.S. Western Regions include Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington States.
3 FedEx Express packaging must be used. No multiple piece shipments are allowed when using FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak. FedEx Envelope shipments exceeding 0.5kg will be charged at FedEx Pak rates. FedEx
Pak shipments exceeding 2.5kg will be charged at IPE rates.
4 Air cargo space must be reserved in advance with our Customer Service team for the following shipments: IPE multiple-piece shipments with an actual weight of more than 300kg.

- These are special rates and available only to qualified customers in Japan. See the Miscellaneous Information section for details.
- A fuel surcharge and other special fees will apply.
- The above rates do not apply to FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box. For applicable rates, please refer to FedEx Box Rates.
- IPE is available to selected zip codes only. Please contact our Customer Service Team for destination details.

Please refer to Zone Index

IP Export
Japan Promotional Export Rates
For FedEx International Priority Shipments (IP)
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1 Effective January 2, 2023
Please refer to Zone Index for detailed zone classification
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
Thailand, U.S. (Rest of Brazil, Germany, United Arab
China, Hong India, Australia, U.S. (Western
Major Destinations Singapore, Indonesia Country), Argentina, United Emirates, Bangladesh
Kong, Taiwan New Zealand Region)2
Malaysia Canada, Mexico Colombia Kingdom, Italy Russia, Turkey
FedEx Envelope3 0.5 kg 5,140 5,290 5,290 5,850 7,470 7,470 8,290 7,200 7,460 8,530
FedEx Pak3 0.5 kg 7,890 9,150 9,920 10,990 11,710 11,710 12,620 12,120 13,060 15,800
1 9,830 11,070 11,850 13,280 13,950 13,950 16,190 15,510 16,520 20,010
1.5 11,260 12,350 13,190 15,460 15,840 15,850 20,010 19,340 20,840 25,230
2 12,600 13,690 14,440 17,700 17,760 17,770 24,140 23,370 24,620 29,900
2.5 14,040 15,140 15,840 20,060 19,700 19,720 28,080 27,240 28,520 34,440
International Priority 0.5 kg 10,730 11,810 11,880 12,430 13,640 13,660 15,690 16,760 17,540 21,870
1 12,300 13,490 14,110 15,170 16,000 16,010 20,730 20,780 23,130 28,730
1.5 13,870 15,170 16,340 17,910 18,360 18,360 25,770 24,800 28,720 35,590
2 15,440 16,850 18,570 20,650 20,720 20,710 30,810 28,820 34,310 42,450
2.5 17,010 18,530 20,800 23,390 23,080 23,060 35,850 32,840 39,900 49,310
3 18,380 20,770 23,030 26,100 27,170 27,190 40,700 36,950 45,520 56,350
3.5 19,750 23,010 25,260 28,810 31,260 31,320 45,550 41,060 51,140 63,390
4 21,120 25,250 27,490 31,520 35,350 35,450 50,400 45,170 56,760 70,430
4.5 22,490 27,490 29,720 34,230 39,440 39,580 55,250 49,280 62,380 77,470
5 23,860 29,730 31,950 36,940 43,530 43,710 60,100 53,390 68,000 84,510
5.5 24,720 30,480 32,710 38,670 44,630 44,810 61,340 55,230 69,530 86,330
6 25,580 31,230 33,470 40,400 45,730 45,910 62,580 57,070 71,060 88,150
6.5 26,440 31,980 34,230 42,130 46,830 47,010 63,820 58,910 72,590 89,970
7 27,300 32,730 34,990 43,860 47,930 48,110 65,060 60,750 74,120 91,790
7.5 28,160 33,480 35,750 45,590 49,030 49,210 66,300 62,590 75,650 93,610
8 29,020 34,230 36,510 47,320 50,130 50,310 67,540 64,430 77,180 95,430
8.5 29,880 34,980 37,270 49,050 51,230 51,410 68,780 66,270 78,710 97,250
9 30,740 35,730 38,030 50,780 52,330 52,510 70,020 68,110 80,240 99,070
9.5 31,600 36,480 38,790 52,510 53,430 53,610 71,260 69,950 81,770 100,890
10 32,460 37,230 39,550 54,240 54,530 54,710 72,500 71,790 83,300 102,710
10.5 33,110 37,780 40,130 55,310 55,550 55,730 73,760 72,850 84,790 104,560
11 33,760 38,330 40,710 56,380 56,570 56,750 75,020 73,910 86,280 106,410
11.5 34,410 38,880 41,290 57,450 57,590 57,770 76,280 74,970 87,770 108,260
12 35,060 39,430 41,870 58,520 58,610 58,790 77,540 76,030 89,260 110,110
12.5 35,710 39,980 42,450 59,590 59,630 59,810 78,800 77,090 90,750 111,960
13 36,360 40,530 43,030 60,660 60,650 60,830 80,060 78,150 92,240 113,810
13.5 37,010 41,080 43,610 61,730 61,670 61,850 81,320 79,210 93,730 115,660
14 37,660 41,630 44,190 62,800 62,690 62,870 82,580 80,270 95,220 117,510
14.5 38,310 42,180 44,770 63,870 63,710 63,890 83,840 81,330 96,710 119,360
15 38,960 42,730 45,350 64,940 64,730 64,910 85,100 82,390 98,200 121,210
15.5 39,610 43,280 45,930 66,010 65,750 65,930 86,360 83,450 99,690 123,060
16 40,260 43,830 46,510 67,080 66,770 66,950 87,620 84,510 101,180 124,910
16.5 40,910 44,380 47,090 68,150 67,790 67,970 88,880 85,570 102,670 126,760
17 41,560 44,930 47,670 69,220 68,810 68,990 90,140 86,630 104,160 128,610
17.5 42,210 45,480 48,250 70,290 69,830 70,010 91,400 87,690 105,650 130,460
18 42,860 46,030 48,830 71,360 70,850 71,030 92,660 88,750 107,140 132,310
18.5 43,510 46,580 49,410 72,430 71,870 72,050 93,920 89,810 108,630 134,160
19 44,160 47,130 49,990 73,500 72,890 73,070 95,180 90,870 110,120 136,010
19.5 44,730 47,680 50,570 74,570 73,910 74,090 96,440 91,930 111,610 137,860
20 44,730 48,230 50,820 75,640 74,930 75,110 97,700 92,990 113,100 139,710
20.5 44,730 48,780 50,820 76,710 75,950 76,130 98,960 93,030 114,590 141,560
Rates per kg (Multiply by Total Shipment Weight)
Weight (kg)4 21-44 2,130 2,330 2,420 3,690 3,670 3,770 4,770 4,430 5,490 6,850
45-70 1,590 1,770 1,880 3,220 3,300 3,460 4,310 3,920 4,630 5,730
71-99 1,580 1,620 1,870 3,200 3,260 3,430 4,250 3,890 4,430 5,410
100-299 1,570 1,610 1,860 3,020 3,090 3,200 4,120 3,700 4,260 5,240
4 300-499 1,550 1,590 1,750 2,820 2,900 2,980 3,700 3,300 3,780 4,690
4 500-999 1,550 1,590 1,750 2,740 2,820 2,930 3,700 3,300 3,780 4,690
4 1000+ 1,550 1,590 1,750 2,740 2,820 2,930 3,670 3,260 3,760 4,690

1 All rates are exclusive of all applicable tax. For special fees and fuel surcharge, please refer to the Surcharge and Other Information page for details.
2 U.S. Western Regions include Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington States.
3 FedEx Express packaging must be used. No multiple piece shipments are allowed when using FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak. FedEx Envelope shipments exceeding 0.5kg will be charged at FedEx Pak rates. FedEx
Pak shipments exceeding 2.5kg will be charged at IP rates.
4 Air cargo space must be reserved in advance with our Customer Service team for the following shipments: IP multiple-piece shipments with an actual weight of more than 300kg, or IPF shipments (regardless of

- These are special rates and available only to qualified customers in Japan. See the Miscellaneous Information section for details.
- A fuel surcharge and other special fees will apply.
- A 68kg minimum rate charge per package shall apply to IPF shipments of less than 68kg. Your contractual discount will not be reflected for IPF shipment less than 68kg. Please contact FedEx Customer Service
team for details.
- The above rates do not apply to FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box. For applicable rates, please refer to FedEx Box Rates.

Please refer to Zone Index

IPF Export
Japan Promotional Export Rates
For FedEx International Priority Freight Shipments (IPF)
Door-to-Door Rates
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1 Effective January 2, 2023

Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
International 68-99 1,580 1,620 1,870 3,200 3,260 3,430 4,250 3,890 4,430 5,410
Priority Freight (IPF)
100-299 1,570 1,610 1,860 3,020 3,090 3,200 4,120 3,700 4,260 5,240
Weight (kg)4
300-499 1,550 1,590 1,750 2,820 2,900 2,980 3,700 3,300 3,780 4,690
500-999 1,550 1,590 1,750 2,740 2,820 2,930 3,700 3,300 3,780 4,690
1000+ 1,550 1,590 1,750 2,740 2,820 2,930 3,670 3,260 3,760 4,690

Japan Promotional Export Rates

For FedEx International Priority Freight Shipments (IPF)
Door-to-Airport Rates
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
International 68-99 1,540 1,590 1,830 3,120 3,200 3,330 4,170 3,800 4,340 5,270
Priority Freight (IPF)
100-299 1,540 1,580 1,820 2,950 3,020 3,130 4,020 3,600 4,150 5,110
Weight (kg)4
300-499 1,520 1,560 1,720 2,760 2,830 2,910 3,610 3,240 3,700 4,600
500-999 1,520 1,560 1,720 2,690 2,750 2,870 3,610 3,230 3,690 4,590
1000+ 1,510 1,560 1,710 2,670 2,750 2,870 3,590 3,170 3,670 4,580

Japan Promotional Export Rates

For FedEx International Priority Freight Shipments (IPF)
Airport-to-Door Rates
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
International 68-99 1,540 1,590 1,830 3,120 3,200 3,330 4,170 3,800 4,340 5,270
Priority Freight (IPF)
100-299 1,540 1,580 1,820 2,950 3,020 3,130 4,020 3,600 4,150 5,110
Weight (kg) 4
300-499 1,520 1,560 1,720 2,760 2,830 2,910 3,610 3,240 3,700 4,600
500-999 1,520 1,560 1,720 2,690 2,750 2,870 3,610 3,230 3,690 4,590
1000+ 1,510 1,560 1,710 2,670 2,750 2,870 3,590 3,170 3,670 4,580

Japan Promotional Export Rates

For FedEx International Priority Freight Shipments (IPF)
Airport-to-Airport Rates
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
International 68-99 1,500 1,550 1,770 3,060 3,120 3,280 4,080 3,720 4,240 5,160
Priority Freight (IPF)
100-299 1,490 1,540 1,760 2,870 2,950 3,050 3,910 3,530 4,030 5,000
Weight (kg) 4
300-499 1,480 1,520 1,680 2,710 2,770 2,860 3,530 3,140 3,620 4,470
500-999 1,480 1,520 1,680 2,600 2,680 2,780 3,530 3,140 3,610 4,470
1000+ 1,480 1,510 1,680 2,600 2,680 2,780 3,480 3,100 3,570 4,470

1 All rates are exclusive of all applicable tax. For special fees and fuel surcharge, please refer to the Surcharge and Other Information page for details.
2 U.S. Western Regions include Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington States.
3 FedEx Express packaging must be used. No multiple piece shipments are allowed when using FedEx Envelope or FedEx Pak. FedEx Envelope shipments exceeding 0.5kg will be charged at FedEx Pak rates. FedEx
Pak shipments exceeding 2.5kg will be charged at IP rates.
4 Air cargo space must be reserved in advance with our Customer Service team for the following shipments: IP multiple-piece shipments with an actual weight of more than 300kg, or IPF shipments (regardless of

- These are special rates and available only to qualified customers in Japan. See the Miscellaneous Information section for details.
- A fuel surcharge and other special fees will apply.
- A 68kg minimum rate charge per package shall apply to IPF shipments of less than 68kg. Your contractual discount will not be reflected for IPF shipment less than 68kg. Please contact FedEx Customer Service
team for details.
- The above rates do not apply to FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box. For applicable rates, please refer to FedEx Box Rates.

Please refer to Zone Index

IE Export
Japan Promotional Export Rates
For FedEx International Economy Shipments (IE)
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1 Effective January 2, 2023
Please refer to Zone Index for detailed zone classification
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
Thailand, U.S. (Rest of Brazil, Germany, United Arab
China, Hong India, Australia, U.S. (Western
Major Destinations Singapore, Indonesia Country), Argentina, United Emirates, Bangladesh
Kong, Taiwan New Zealand Region)2
Malaysia Canada, Mexico Colombia Kingdom, Italy Russia, Turkey
FedEx Envelope 0.5 kg
FedEx Pak 0.5 kg No FedEx Envelope and FedEx Pak rates are available for International Economy (IE) Service. Please use International Priority (IP)
1.0 Service if FedEx packaging is needed. Any IE shipment using FedEx Envelope & Pak packaging will be charged at IE rates based on
1.5 the weight per shipment.
International 0.5 kg 10,530 11,570 11,650 12,190 13,380 13,390 15,400 16,440 17,190 21,450
Economy (IE)
1 12,060 13,220 13,840 14,870 15,690 15,690 20,370 20,380 22,670 28,170
1.5 13,590 14,870 16,030 17,550 18,000 17,990 25,340 24,320 28,150 34,890
2 15,120 16,520 18,220 20,230 20,310 20,290 30,310 28,260 33,630 41,610
2.5 16,650 18,170 20,410 22,910 22,620 22,590 35,280 32,200 39,110 48,330
3 18,000 20,370 22,600 25,580 26,620 26,650 39,990 36,220 44,630 55,240
3.5 19,350 22,570 24,790 28,250 30,620 30,710 44,700 40,240 50,150 62,150
4 20,700 24,770 26,980 30,920 34,620 34,770 49,410 44,260 55,670 69,060
4.5 22,050 26,970 29,170 33,590 38,620 38,830 54,120 48,280 61,190 75,970
5 23,400 29,170 31,360 36,260 42,620 42,890 58,830 52,300 66,710 82,880
5.5 24,230 29,900 32,110 37,950 43,710 43,960 60,060 54,110 68,200 84,660
6 25,060 30,630 32,860 39,640 44,800 45,030 61,290 55,920 69,690 86,440
6.5 25,890 31,360 33,610 41,330 45,890 46,100 62,520 57,730 71,180 88,220
7 26,720 32,090 34,360 43,020 46,980 47,170 63,750 59,540 72,670 90,000
7.5 27,550 32,820 35,110 44,710 48,070 48,240 64,980 61,350 74,160 91,780
8 28,380 33,550 35,860 46,400 49,160 49,310 66,210 63,160 75,650 93,560
8.5 29,210 34,280 36,610 48,090 50,250 50,380 67,440 64,970 77,140 95,340
9 30,040 35,010 37,360 49,780 51,340 51,450 68,670 66,780 78,630 97,120
9.5 30,870 35,740 38,110 51,470 52,430 52,520 69,900 68,590 80,120 98,900
10 31,700 36,470 38,860 53,160 53,520 53,590 71,130 70,400 81,610 100,680
10.5 32,100 36,800 39,150 53,790 54,110 54,190 71,840 70,890 82,480 101,750
11 32,500 37,130 39,440 54,420 54,700 54,790 72,550 71,380 83,350 102,820
11.5 32,900 37,460 39,730 55,050 55,290 55,390 73,260 71,870 84,220 103,890
12 33,300 37,790 40,020 55,680 55,880 55,990 73,970 72,360 85,090 104,960
12.5 33,700 38,120 40,310 56,310 56,470 56,590 74,680 72,850 85,960 106,030
13 34,100 38,450 40,600 56,940 57,060 57,190 75,390 73,340 86,830 107,100
13.5 34,500 38,780 40,890 57,570 57,650 57,790 76,100 73,830 87,700 108,170
14 34,900 39,110 41,180 58,200 58,240 58,390 76,810 74,320 88,570 109,240
14.5 35,300 39,440 41,470 58,830 58,830 58,990 77,520 74,810 89,440 110,310
15 35,700 39,770 41,760 59,460 59,420 59,590 78,230 75,300 90,310 111,380
15.5 36,100 40,100 42,050 60,090 60,010 60,190 78,940 75,790 91,180 112,450
16 36,500 40,430 42,340 60,720 60,600 60,790 79,650 76,280 92,050 113,520
16.5 36,900 40,760 42,630 61,350 61,190 61,390 80,360 76,770 92,920 114,590
17 37,300 41,090 42,920 61,980 61,780 61,990 81,070 77,260 93,790 115,660
17.5 37,700 41,420 43,210 62,610 62,370 62,590 81,780 77,750 94,660 116,730
18 38,100 41,750 43,500 63,240 62,960 63,190 82,490 78,240 95,530 117,800
18.5 38,500 42,080 43,790 63,870 63,550 63,790 83,200 78,730 96,400 118,870
19 38,900 42,410 44,080 64,500 64,140 64,390 83,910 79,220 97,270 119,940
19.5 39,300 42,740 44,370 65,130 64,730 64,990 84,620 79,710 98,140 121,010
20 39,700 43,070 44,660 65,760 65,320 65,590 85,330 80,200 99,010 122,080
20.5 40,100 43,400 44,950 66,390 65,910 66,190 86,040 80,690 99,880 123,150
Rates per kg (Multiply by Total Shipment Weight)
Weight (kg)3 21-44 1,910 2,070 2,150 3,190 3,200 3,280 4,140 3,850 4,780 5,950
45-70 1,430 1,570 1,690 2,810 2,870 3,010 3,750 3,400 4,030 4,980
71-99 1,410 1,450 1,670 2,790 2,840 2,970 3,710 3,380 3,840 4,710
100-299 1,400 1,440 1,670 2,620 2,690 2,790 3,590 3,230 3,700 4,570
3 300-499 1,380 1,430 1,560 2,450 2,520 2,600 3,210 2,870 3,290 4,080
3 500-999 1,380 1,430 1,560 2,390 2,450 2,540 3,210 2,870 3,290 4,080
3 1000+ 1,380 1,430 1,560 2,390 2,450 2,540 3,180 2,830 3,270 4,080

1 All rates are exclusive of all applicable tax. For special fees and fuel surcharge, please refer to the Surcharge and Other Information page for details.
2 U.S. Western Regions include Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington States.
3 Air cargo space must be reserved in advance with our Customer Service team for the following shipments: IE multiple-piece shipments with an actual weight of more than 300kg, or IEF shipments (regardless of

- These are special rates and available only to qualified customers in Japan. See the Miscellaneous Information section for details.
- A fuel surcharge and other special fees will apply.
- The above rates do not apply to FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box. For applicable rates, please refer to FedEx Box Rates.
- A 68kg minimum rate charge per package shall apply to IEF shipments of less than 68kg. Your contractual discount will not be reflected for IEF shipment less than 68kg. Please contact FedEx Customer Service
team for details.
- No dangerous goods may be shipped in International Economy (IE) or International Economy Freight (IEF) shipments.

Please refer to Zone Index

IEF Export
Japan Promotional Export Rates
For FedEx International Economy Freight Shipments (IEF)
Door-to-Door Rates
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1 Effective January 2, 2023

Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
International 68-99 1,410 1,450 1,670 2,790 2,840 2,970 3,710 3,380 3,840 4,710
Economy Freight
100-299 1,400 1,440 1,670 2,620 2,690 2,790 3,590 3,230 3,700 4,570
(IEF) Weight (kg)3
300-499 1,380 1,430 1,560 2,450 2,520 2,600 3,210 2,870 3,290 4,080
500-999 1,380 1,430 1,560 2,390 2,450 2,540 3,210 2,870 3,290 4,080
1000+ 1,380 1,430 1,560 2,390 2,450 2,540 3,180 2,830 3,270 4,080

Japan Promotional Export Rates

For FedEx International Economy Freight Shipments (IEF)
Door-to-Airport Rates
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
International 68-99 1,380 1,420 1,630 2,720 2,760 2,900 3,620 3,310 3,780 4,590
Economy Freight
100-299 1,370 1,410 1,620 2,570 2,620 2,720 3,490 3,130 3,610 4,440
(IEF) Weight (kg)3
300-499 1,350 1,400 1,530 2,410 2,460 2,530 3,140 2,820 3,210 4,000
500-999 1,350 1,400 1,530 2,330 2,400 2,500 3,140 2,820 3,200 3,990
1000+ 1,350 1,400 1,530 2,320 2,400 2,490 3,120 2,750 3,180 3,980

Japan Promotional Export Rates

For FedEx International Economy Freight Shipments (IEF)
Airport-to-Door Rates
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
International 68-99 1,380 1,420 1,630 2,720 2,760 2,900 3,620 3,310 3,780 4,590
Economy Freight
100-299 1,370 1,410 1,620 2,570 2,620 2,720 3,490 3,130 3,610 4,440
(IEF) Weight (kg)3
300-499 1,350 1,400 1,530 2,410 2,460 2,530 3,140 2,820 3,210 4,000
500-999 1,350 1,400 1,530 2,330 2,400 2,500 3,140 2,820 3,200 3,990
1000+ 1,350 1,400 1,530 2,320 2,400 2,490 3,120 2,750 3,180 3,980

Japan Promotional Export Rates

For FedEx International Economy Freight Shipments (IEF)
Airport-to-Airport Rates
(Rates exclude special fees and fuel surcharge)1
Rates in JPY A B C D E F G H I J
International 68-99 1,340 1,390 1,580 2,660 2,710 2,840 3,530 3,250 3,680 4,470
Economy Freight
100-299 1,330 1,380 1,570 2,480 2,560 2,650 3,390 3,060 3,500 4,350
(IEF) Weight (kg)3
300-499 1,320 1,350 1,500 2,360 2,410 2,480 3,070 2,740 3,140 3,890
500-999 1,320 1,350 1,500 2,280 2,330 2,420 3,070 2,730 3,140 3,890
1000+ 1,320 1,350 1,500 2,270 2,330 2,420 3,040 2,690 3,110 3,890

1 All rates are exclusive of all applicable tax. For special fees and fuel surcharge, please refer to the Surcharge and Other Information page for details.
2 U.S. Western Regions include Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington States.
3 Air cargo space must be reserved in advance with our Customer Service team for the following shipments: IE multiple-piece shipments with an actual weight of more than 300kg, or IEF shipments (regardless of

- These are special rates and available only to qualified customers in Japan. See the Miscellaneous Information section for details.
- A fuel surcharge and other special fees will apply.
- The above rates do not apply to FedEx 10kg or 25kg Box. For applicable rates, please refer to FedEx Box Rates.
- A 68kg minimum rate charge per package shall apply to IEF shipments of less than 68kg. Your contractual discount will not be reflected for IEF shipment less than 68kg. Please contact FedEx Customer Service
team for details.
- No dangerous goods may be shipped in International Economy (IE) or International Economy Freight (IEF) shipments.

Please refer to Zone Index


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