Bac SC Physique 2022

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€ a DW LMy Seed Ghyll Olpall 2022 :3)32 SB gabe Ly gh Obest SS Aad ale He! _ 230,403 roabt TILA apldl bal 3 jl! Tom oeaasall aah JUS of easel) cle SY) Esvagall (8 coed Raat pl} 8 2 1 Mabel Ge) claine (04) Ae gona sins (Abu 13) 25591 Sasl (HUE 06) 23.8) ce shee 60 Ae banol jLaf Led (ASAL) yttja) LsLeaill AUS sll ed Aanghel CylsSlly GY seal) Meas all Aalyey Reale! SLY ylaietd) 2 cibadl etal — Ausglly LeliY Cl Gy CHAM CLAY Colas hg paces Letts gsi - Heap jes cians ants Gal dss (8) ghbval yo Ake 364 Apa Lee ll onal Vis Gage A] cl asst golibay) alll Spies!) ISAM Aug 8 Gas! pei ~ rebar My = 6x10 ig WEES 6 Ry = 6380km LybS aaly 0 15S G=6,67 x10 N (ST) zpbet) Gis] ub - T, = Dah $22 DS yy dpe AS p92 UY ja -(S) gota! 48 Aga Labs —/I GaN qlee ge hh ely) lem, (abs Ant Asi Gelubaal bab pei] wuadl! Gls sl LB gad r yki Gath fe A 1(S) ASpm Lad alia aarsall jill Ty sas Lie 2 (5) pall Va os SB Fp, sak gke ry ms we 6G Way cS) gD (SI) Haya Real A aay aL AG a cage M31 sll 2 aaditase Uae “Keise Se 12” ors Mp 6G Wa x Tgpilly v yaad depall Ga SS Hbe by 2.2 (5) Hike 59d tall we SADLY Gs fos) GUL sll pat Si) 3.2 : i aylee phi nad guys isles UY: (S) sell) Whe 583 a gyal abst (1 USA) oly did 3 r By links JA = ¢€ 2022 Wyss kad gle sagas Lyall ppl dale J tt Aye shay) lly cub fas, ana SAIL (5) lac JSyl a EsLall ole dp 1.3 . +My GaN Abs 148 ys Gin .2.3 scales pgSth pall Samal! ppl) cians les -/I1 2017 dies le gb 1 Gls oS pelo! jaill DUB! 5s GaN che Ge = 35, 8.107 kr ELSy! le Leake agSlh sal v Syylaall Re pall Gal Tele atl celilasay! pill 7 yyull pitta! 2 cole Saad Rell USL: LL Sth gels 3, oa! alae Uda! alll Hs Ugiiay sll Lay tll 58.1.3 Sage llbe SLAY) cys gyill Hh and ES 2.3, 0,05 ysis ars) : (BUS 07) 8th Saal cet SES SE Gil Os) Gd Uplne USS Glo sols HNO, Ashes Aine (Jy tall) 2559 Gee Aspsailly LSygll GleLnall ecgiba Lang gb SIAM) ASSES Aakash AaytEally Lal) ge aig) Glaae JEU Aude ool) Quail Ha hays S85 TINO, 225) Laan! 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SONI 688 all st D, | Dd, | Dd, 0,50 | 0,00 | 0,25 i(a) tails qa (eis psi) AgIS 34 a | 0,00. | 0,25 Bp 3 indo {HA ai MACSS2023+§ NH | : ol OS taal sia cytall oi de Sean ettill ye 1 Anstall rst Rested RCA sty Malia Ha So cass cae Olly asl Olé Galt 2 ; ON aM co 6 eta, 5.0 RBS ns kad gay AGL He gag. Sil sini Vey Ble Ales eli a Ab! SdH wl Gl 70 aall) ue GY Dee) a sa2 att chy i Rata stall gf gg FSAI ole eS Syl GS GL hal) sab Yeas ) ll ass lbs cub ft 4 s@=0 I (gael ubaall abaely ofisy sylall iljses Bay Adal he whi fa al gf Hag So slut) cinta gle alas yl .2 Ay Syl gi stall Aalsc Yh ctlyeS!) 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Geli guatleas gated 1.4 Ue tall cad ya Aad aha 2.4 ip spl DS BM Gg GS ja sh Udall) te eli dep eal 3.4 oS 12h Aaa ase SHY qujall GI deli Reape deel) da diay Le gle Hl ele Ty UD Guid ae Las yyal § etal Quan de pall glad ol taal oh 1348) gad Alp -/H Va ghedall Geli a 2} Glewigidales Oj yl ANI Uyeda He GIS! qujall gf ciakall ill pats Jap gle label «1 veel cial Wa we lela all yall Sa LT nll Jeli K thal ojlall cub U8 2.1 eri SyaS ine etal bp Csaba Jyaith age a 3.1 Saas yall Read) ALL Ef Lake ay yas coe SS palbill pathy dyad Ged Semall Co) 2 Reyie ye SN Raye bay od SISUNT quell Leth! Ga al nay AapiLiYT Ube Sale AES Cuseel 3 sP=95% gh Sa) Qed agaye pth epagel By Sinks

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