
Crystals have the capacity to heal, connect, protect, transform and manifest energy. They are formed in nature from several hundreds of thousands to millions of years ago. They have survived the incredible pressure of severe storms, volcanic eruptions, ice ages, and many more natural disasters—these gems should be cherished for the true treasures they are.
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@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: The abundance of amazing friends you have.The abundance of flowers in your garden.The abundance of trees on your walk to work.The abundance of your wifi supplyThe abundance of air in your lungs. Abundance is all around us. It’s just a case of changing our perception. Then, the more you focus on abundance in one area of your life, the more it will start to show up in other areas too. 📷@luminosity_crystals . . . #womenwhoempowerwomen #hireacoach #futu
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: What are you thankful for? 🙏🏻✨ . . . #womenwhoempowerwomen #hireacoach #futurecoach #leadermindset #coachingcertification #coachingcertificationdone #coachingcertifications #coachingcertificationtraining #centerforcoachingcertification #coachingcertificationonline #lifecoachingcertification #coachbusiness #coachingforlife #mindhack #lifecoachtraining #lifecoachingworks #holisticlifecoach #lifecoachformoms #lifecoachlife #mentorcoach #women
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: Rather than focusing on what you want to physically show up in your life, how about starting to think about how you want to feel? One thing we teach our students inside The Clique Academy (our 6 month coach certification program) is how to help their clients connect with the feelings of already having their desires, rather than just focusing on the physical desires. Why? Because those feelings are things you can access right now, even in the absence of your
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: Are you showing up as if your desires are a non negotiable? Or are you giving yourself a Plan B? Here is why a Plan B doesn’t come into my vocabulary. A Plan B indicates there is a possibility your first choice (your true desire) may not work out for you. A Plan B suggests that there is an element of doubt about you being fully supported. Giving yourself a Plan B is like saying to The Universe, “I’m open to the idea of my desires not coming into fruition”,
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: Are you focusing on everything you want to change about yourself? Or are you focusing on who you want to become? Stepping into the highest version of ourselves cannot happen when we keep looking back. You’ve got to look forward. Rather than focusing on what you don’t currently like about yourself, put your energy instead on who you want to be. When you put your energy on what you don’t want, you get more of what you don’t want. When you change your perspectiv
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: Do you feel joy when things are going amazing for when you experience success as a business owner?You may think “well this is completely normal”, right?!But here’s the thing:When you are dependent on your results to feel a certain way, or allow the outcome to control how you feel, you are relying on some sort of external source to validate you.Then, when things don’t go your way, the same thing applies. You feel crappy because you didn’t get the outcome you w
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: ALIGNMENTTo be in alignment with your desire, you have to step away from a place of “needing” or “wishing” or “willing” your goals into existence and look at them from a place of “this is already present”In the NEEDING of your desire, you actually block that very thing from showing up.Need speaks of lack.I NEED this because I DON”T have it.Contrast this with: “I acknowledge my desire is already present and it is going to show up for me at any given moment.”Wh
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: A powerful way to practice self love & open yourself up to receiving the miracles of The Universe is through celebrating how far you’ve already come.So often, we focus on what we don’t yet have, which puts us in the vibration of lack. It puts us in the energy of I am not yet enough and I don’t yet have enough.But when we acknowledge how much our life has already worked out for us, how we have already grown since yesterday (even if it's just a tiny shift), we
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: ⚡5 Reminders today ⚡⁣⁣⁣⁣1. You are enough ⁣⁣⁣⁣2.Your dreams matter ⁣⁣⁣⁣3.Miracles are natural⁣⁣⁣⁣ 4.Authenticity is magnetic ⁣⁣⁣⁣5.You’ve totally got this. ⁣⁣ 📷@luminosity_crystals .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #energyflowswhereyourfocusgoes #energyflowswhereattentiongoes #energyflowswhereintentiongoes #wherefocusgoesenergyflows #energyflow #divineenergy #meditatedaily #divinetiming #modernmystic #consciousnessshift #messagesfromtheuniverse #soulcoach #heartcenter
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: 🌜You must learn to trust that there is a future waiting for you that is far bigger than what you may be able to grasp in this present moment.🌛⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 📷@luminosity_crystals .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #worthiness #divinetiming #innerknowing #soultribe #innerbeing #spiritualconnection #innerjourney #universallaws #souljourney #personalpower #vibratehigherdaily #manifestyourdreams #selfempowerment #soulpreneur #highvib
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: 🌟Practice Gratitude⁣⁣⁣⁣When you wake up, write about five things you have gratitude for. Gratitude is a magnet for miracles. When you recognise your blessings, the universe sends more. 📷@luminosity_crystals .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #awakenedmind #3rdeyeopen #spirituallyawake #manifestationcoach #awakeningsoul #raisethevibetribe #manifestingmagic #lawofattractioncoach #thirdeyevision #manifestyourdreams #universalenergy #powerofpositivtiy #energyupdate #divineb
@Wearetheclique posted to Instagram: Comparison isn't just the thief of joy. It's the thief of everything. Keep your eyes on your purposeful path. Celebrate others. Celebrate progress not perfection. Cultivate gratitude over comparison. Gratitude turns what we have into more than enough ✨ . . . #intentionsetting #truehappiness #angelsguidance #divineplan #postivethinking #dailyom #presentmomentawareness #openyourheart #davidji #staypositiveinlife #gratitude #vibratehigherdaily #manifest
Inspirational images
yes. a big yes. crystal healing left side of the body for pulling in, right side for exiting ... repinned by precious & peculiar