Many Samhain Blessings witches! I thought to share a little simmer pot inspiration today in case you would like to include it in your Samhain rituals and because if you've been around here for a minute you'll know I adore a good simmer pot lol. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, swipe for a Beltane Simmer Pot as well! ... Samhain is all about death, releasing, rebirth, cleansing, and transformation. Also, often known as the witches new year. I hope this simmer pot can help you achieve you... New Years Simmer Pot Recipes, New Year Simmer Pot Recipes, New Year Simmer Pot Spell, Kitchen Witch Simmer Pot, Ostara Simmer Pot, Beltane Simmer Pot, New Year Simmer Pot, Yule Simmer Pot, Sabbat Recipes