Psoas - muscle of the soul

Conor Harris on Instagram: "This is the key to getting a Psoas to release long-term + one of my favorite exercises to accomplish that ✅ ——— #psoas #psoasstretch #psoasrelease #hipflexor #hipflexors #hipflexorstretch #hipflexorrelease #hipmobility #posture #posturecorrection"
Top Psoas Muscle Stretches for Flexibility
Improve your flexibility and relieve pain with these top psoas muscle stretches. Learn how to effectively stretch and release your psoas muscle with our step-by-step guide, perfect for reducing discomfort and enhancing mobility.
10 Psoas-Releasing Stretches to Stabilize the Spine and Relieve Low Back & Knee Pain
Doug Keller: Yoga to Release the Psoas
medically accurate muscle illustration of the Psoas Major
7 Yoga Poses For Psoas Release | Holistic Healing | Chamomile Yoga
Your holistic healing may include yoga practices that release trauma from your body. This post gives you seven poses to release trauma from your psoas and tips for better tension release! I invite you to deepen your holistic healing and explore this post!
The ‘Muscle of the Soul’ May Be Triggering Your Fear and Anxiety - Here Are 7 Stretches to Unlock it
The ‘Muscle of the Soul’ May Be Triggering Your Fear and Anxiety - Here Are 7 Stretches to Unlock it
The psoas muscle is prone to getting strained. Here’s what you need to do to finally get some psoas muscle pain relief (and maybe ease your anxiety, too!). via @livelovefruit
This is such a restorative routine that also stretches your hips, shoulders and back. Wonderful for your #pelvicfloor, #lowback, and… | Instagram
Yoga For Somatic Release & Comfort | Somatic Healing | Chamomile Yoga
Does your somatic healing practice include yoga? This blog post gives you seven different yoga poses to explore trauma release in your psoas. I invite you to read the blog post and deepen your somatic healing journey with these simple, effective poses!