Plants: Peperomia & Pipers

Piperaceae include Piper and Pepreromia.
28 Pins
L'Illustration horticole; journal international populaire de l'horticulture dans toutes ses branches : Lemaire, Charles, 1801-1871 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
L'Illustration horticole; journal international populaire de l'horticulture dans toutes ses branches : Lemaire, Charles, 1801-1871 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Peperomia 'Rosso'
Peperomia 'Rosso' - more correctly known as Peperomia 'Eden Rosso', is a hybrid of Pep. marmorata x metallica.
File:Peperomia rotundifolia 2010 2.JPG - Rainforest Plants
Peperomia rotundifolia for vivs
Tropiflora - Bromeliads, Air Plant (Tillandsias) & exotic plants!
Peperomia aff. urocarpoides - We don’t know a whole lot about this Peperomia other than it is closely related to P. urocarpoides. We don’t believe it is that species but it certainly has a close relation to it. As best we can tell, it most likely comes from Colombia and does well as a terrarium plant or a small container plant. The foliage is cute with its almost cordate, smooth green leaves. [Tropiflora]
Tropiflora - Bromeliads, Air Plant (Tillandsias) & exotic plants!
Peperomia maculosa (2831) This tropical self heading species bears rather succulent stems and foliage. It is a larger growing Peperomia and can produce leaves eight inches long. The leaves are quite decorative with bright white, contrasting veins on a succulent, shiny, green leaf. In this clone, the leaves are over all more lanceolate in shape compared to some of the more ovate shaped clones in circulation. Peperomia maculosa grows quite well in a pot or it can be mounted. [Tropiflora]
Peperomia incana | Peperomia incana
Peperomia marmorata Hook.f.
Peperomia marmorata Hook.f. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 92 [ser. 3, vol. 22]: t. 5568 (1866) [W.H. Fitch]
Peperomia velutina Linden & André
Peperomia velutina Linden & André - L’ Illustration horticole, vol. 19: t. 89 (1871)