English: Niche 1 of the Shuining Temple Caves at Bazhong, Sichuan, 7th – early 10th century. The central image is a representation of, according to the Chinese book Buddhist Caves of Bazhong: Tang Sculpture in Color (edited by Bazhong Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau, 2008), Bhaisajyaguru. However, Professor Angela Falco Howard has a different opinion, as she wrote in her article "Tang Buddhist Sculpture of Sichuan: Unknown and Forgotten" (1988): "Niche number 1 is 1.98 meter high, 1.78 meter wide, and 0.70 meter deep. Its iconography consists of a standing Buddha, perhaps Kṣitigarbha (Tizang), since he wears a monastic robe, holds a bowl and a staff. The attendant Bodhisattvas are Avalokiteśvara portrayed holding a bottle and a willow spray and Mahāsthāmaprāpta. They are guarded by two Vajirapāṇi. Two apsarases are shown flying along the frame of the niche. I was told that below this niche there are two fragments of inscriptions, but without a date or donor's name."
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