Papers by Elhadj Ould Brahim
Journal of Migration History , 2024
Using an ethnographic method, this article goes into the enslavement and liberation struggles of ... more Using an ethnographic method, this article goes into the enslavement and liberation struggles of four iconic Haratin women in Mauritania, exploring the intricate dynamics of slavery, gender, sexuality, migration and emotional norms. By examining these women's experiences, the research sheds light on enduring social, legal, and personal practices in modern Mauritania where slavery and post-slavery categorisation is difficult to distinguish. The article examines emotional norms linked to institutional slavery, contrasting these with the transformative experiences of freedom encountered by these women. Ultimately, the aim is to illuminate the interconnected narratives of enslavement, migration and emotional experiences, offering insights into the struggles and triumphs of Haratin women in their pursuit of liberation in Mauritania.
باستخدام منهج إثنوغرافي، تعمل هذه الورقة على دراسة قصص إستعباد وتحرر أربع نساء حرطانيات بارزات في... more باستخدام منهج إثنوغرافي، تعمل هذه الورقة على دراسة قصص إستعباد وتحرر أربع نساء حرطانيات بارزات في موريتانيا. من خال هذه الحالات الأربعة تقوم الدراسة باستكشاف وتحليل الديناميكيات المعقدة للعبودية التقليدية وارتباطها بقضايا النوع الاجتماعي، الجنس، والهجرة والعلاقات العاطفية البينية. ومن خلال دراسة تجارب هؤلاء النساء الأربع، يسلط البحث الضوء على الممارسات الإستعبادية التقليدية في اشتباكاتها الاجتماعية والقانونية والشخصية والنقاشات المستمرة حول الرق في موريتانيا المعاصرة حيث مازال يصعب التمييز بين تحقيبات نظرية من قبيل "العبودية" و"ما بعد العبودية". تحاول الدراسة وضع التاريخ الشخصي لهؤلاء النسوة الأربع ضمن السياق الأوسع للمشهد التاريخي والاجتماعي في موريتانيا، وطبيعة النقاشات الجارية حول سؤال استمرار العبودية من عدمه. ومن خلال تسليط الضوء على دور الهجرة والانتقال القسري أو الاختياري للبيئات الحضرية، تبحث الدراسة في كيفية مساهمة هذه العوامل في تطلعات التحرر عند هؤلاء النسوة وتأثير ها على حركيتهن الجسدية والعاطفية. وبالخصوص كيف أسهم قرار هؤلاء الضحايا بالهجرة في استعادة فردانيتهن وإنسانيتهن، وكيف انعكس هذا التحول أو النمو الفردي على علاقات هؤلاء الضحايا بمحيطهن الأسري كأمهات وزوجات وشقيقات وجارات. علاوة على ذلك، تحاول الدراسة تحليل وتفكيك المعايير العاطفية المرتبطة بالعبودية التقليدية سواء في بعدها المتعلق بالضحايا أنفسهن أو في علاقتهن مع من امتهنوا كرامتهن عندما كن مستعبدات. تقارن الدراسة هذا الوضع القبلي بالتجارب والعواطف والعلاقات ما بعد تحررهن وانتقالهن لأماكن عيشهن الجديدة في العاصمة. في النهاية، يهدف هذا البحث لإلقاء الضوء على السرديات المتشابكة للاستعباد والهجرة والتجارب العاطفية، وتقديم نظرة حول نضالات وانتصارات النساء الحرطانيات في سعيهن للتحرر من ربقة الرق وانتهاك الكرامة في موريتانيا.
E-motions: A History of Unrecorded Female Rural Displacements in Post-Slavery Africa, Aug 29, 2024
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
مجلة الاداب
في شهر ابريل / نيسان من العام الماضي انشغلت الشبكات الاجتماعية الموريتانية بقصص الحج الأكبر لآلاف... more في شهر ابريل / نيسان من العام الماضي انشغلت الشبكات الاجتماعية الموريتانية بقصص الحج الأكبر لآلاف الموريتانيين الذين ولو وجوههم صوب صحاري "تازيازت" المقفرة للتنقيب عن احلامهم بالغنى ورغد العيش بعدما عز تحقيق النزر اليسير من ذالك على حكومات وانظمة البلد المتعاقبة. كان ذالك بعد أن سمحت الحكومة للمواطنين بما سمي بالتنقيب السطحي عن الذهب بالاجهزة الالكترونية الكاشفة. لقد تحول ما سمي حينها ب "حمى الذهب" لحديث الموريتانيين وقد طالت حرارة تلك الحمى حتى الموريتانيين في الخارج حيث الغى البعض مشاريع هجرتهم والقى اخرون بمشاريع دراستهم عرض رمال صحاري "تازيازت" المتموجة.
مركز الجزيرة للدراسات , 2012
تزامنت فكرة قيام "الثورة الموريتانية" على نظام الرئيس محمد ولد عبد العزيز مع الانتفاضات التي عرفه... more تزامنت فكرة قيام "الثورة الموريتانية" على نظام الرئيس محمد ولد عبد العزيز مع الانتفاضات التي عرفها الشارع العربي بعد ما حدث في تونس. ومن المفارقات أن الرئيس الموريتاني كان آخر رئيس استقبله الرئيس التونسي زين العابدين بن علي قبل هروبه في 11 فبراير/ شباط 2011. فالشباب الموريتاني تخطى المرحلة السرية المتمثلة في التخطيط للزمان والمكان والطريقة التي ستخرج بها من صفحة "طرد العسكر" على الشبكة الاجتماعية في الفيسبوك إلى "ميدان تحرير" نواكشوط الذي قرر الشباب الناشط في "حركة 25 فبراير" أن يكون في ساحة "ابلوكات" وسط العاصمة نواكشوط.(1)
مركز الجزيرة للدراسات
أزمة الشمال المالي...انفجار الداخل وتداعيات الاقليم
aljazeera center for studies , 2013
Mid-January marked a new stage in the long historical struggle between the Malian government and ... more Mid-January marked a new stage in the long historical struggle between the Malian government and the Touareg rebels. This new chapter emerges at a time where Malians are preparing for legislative and presidential elections expected to be held on 29th April 2012. The Malian Constitutional Council has yet to make any decisions on whether it will hold the elections on the due date or adjourning them to a more proper time.
This paper put under investigation GTA Salil al-Sawarem or "clanking of the swords" mod video gam... more This paper put under investigation GTA Salil al-Sawarem or "clanking of the swords" mod video game released by the self claimed Islamic State in Syria and Iraq acronymed ISIS. The open message for the video game is to propagate the ideology of the group and recruiting sympathizers around the world aged 9-12 as the video game trailer declares. The paper investigates the gameplay mechanics and how they help to serve this purpose. A second focus of the paper is analyzing the ideological messages coded in the mod game in addition to the discursive similarities between the original game GTA V and its mock version Grand Theft Auto: Salil al-Sawarem.
مركز الجزيرة للدراسات, 2012
ع ذْ بٍ ٝزبثع اى شَء أخجبس اىض س٘اد اىعشثٞخ -ع ا٘ء فٜ عٗبئو الإعلا اىعشثٞخ أ الأع جْٞخ- ٝذ ؾٕ مٞف... more ع ذْ بٍ ٝزبثع اى شَء أخجبس اىض س٘اد اىعشثٞخ -ع ا٘ء فٜ عٗبئو الإعلا اىعشثٞخ أ الأع جْٞخ- ٝذ ؾٕ مٞف أ إد اٗسد ععٞذ بٍ صاه ؽبظشا فٜ شٍمض رؾيٞلاد ريل الأخجبس. ٝؾزبط اى شَء فقػ أ ٝأخز فٜ
اعزجبس ؽغظ إد اٗسد ععٞذ اىصبدقخ ؽ ه٘ اى اَ٘ظٞع اى زَصيخ ث زٖ الأؽدذاس فٗدٜ قٍدذ زٍ بٖ أفندبس ع اىذٝ قَشاؼٞخ، اىؾشٝخ، اىؾذاصخ، اىز َْٞخ، اى ّٖٝ٘خ، الإعلا ،ً اىعدشة، عٗدبئو الإعدلا دٍٗب ؽدبث رىل.
While following news stories of all the Arab revolutions whether in Arab or Western media, one ca... more While following news stories of all the Arab revolutions whether in Arab or Western media, one can find Edward Said in the center of all of them. One just needs to have in mind Edward Said‟s wholehearted arguments around the themes related to these events like the question of democracy, freedom, modernity, development, identity, Islam, Arabs, media so and so forth.
Drafts by Elhadj Ould Brahim
This paper is a comprehensive survey on Mauritanian public and private broadcast television. The ... more This paper is a comprehensive survey on Mauritanian public and private broadcast television. The paper investigates both ethnic as well as gender power relations on television. It gives insight into administrative, technical as well as journalistic structures of Mauritanian broadcast television with unprecedented and exclusive analysis of the forgotten and omitted gender and ethnic power relations controlling Mauritanian broadcast television. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
Historically film studies followed a tendency to study formal, textual, aesthetic, authorship, st... more Historically film studies followed a tendency to study formal, textual, aesthetic, authorship, stardom or institutional aspects of cinema. Only recently film studies scholarship found interest in other aspect of the screen that is the spectatorship experience. Informed by theoretical premises of reception theory and social and cultural history, this paper tries to apply this paradigm on an unvisited geography and public in 1970s 1980s Mauritania. This study make use of inedited historical documents as well as oral narratives retrieved from small scale respondent who lived the cinema experience at early age in its golden era in different places of Mauritania. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
Conference Presentations by Elhadj Ould Brahim
Books by Elhadj Ould Brahim
Media, Culture and Conflict in Africa, Mar 31, 2023
Using a qualitative method, this chapter examines the relationship between media organizations, s... more Using a qualitative method, this chapter examines the relationship between media organizations, specifically private televisions, and corruption cases in Mauritania. The chapter sheds light on specific cases where the ex-head of Mauritanian regime himself was linked to local and international corruption issues, as well as how independent media broadcasts handled or ignored these allegations. The study argues for a complicity between private media organizations (tasked with educating and defending the public interest) and the executive authority where power and power abuses occur.
The study examines various cases in which the ex-head of state General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz and his social and economic affiliates were accused of corruption and power abuse by local and international media outlets, with a special focus on an investigative report published in October 2015 by the Wall Street Journal and Le Monde. People socially connected to the ex-president were suspected of accepting unjustified payments and exclusive contracts from the Canadian multinational Kinross Gold Corporation, according to this study. The investigation reveals the existence of a conflict of interest involving media owners through concentrating media ownership on one level and gatekeeping on the other. This conflict of interest is clearly manifested in the coverage of corruption issues in general and this case in particular as this chapter shows.
Thesis Chapters by Elhadj Ould Brahim
This thesis aims to illuminate the Mauritanian media system(s) within the framework of g... more Abstract
This thesis aims to illuminate the Mauritanian media system(s) within the framework of global media philosophies. It examines how these philosophies influence media literacy policies in the country, focusing on the dynamics of public and private media outlets, audience engagement, and educational initiatives. By analyzing the evolution of the Mauritanian media landscape since its inception in the 1960s, this research investigates the convergence or divergence of this system with the five predominant categories of international press systems: authoritarian, socialist, libertarian, social responsibility, and developmental. The study will assess the implications of these relationships on media literacy in Mauritania. Given the intrinsic link between a country’s political system and its media philosophy, this thesis will provide a chronological overview of political transitions in post-independence Mauritania, documenting the resultant changes in media discourses across radio, television, print, and electronic platforms. It seeks to clarify the shifts between various media systems in Mauritania and their reflection of the political instability marked by coups and counter-coups that have characterized the nation’s political history. Additionally, this research will address the challenges hindering the development of robust media literacy policies in Mauritania, while also exploring potential avenues for progress. Ultimately, this thesis will present a perspective on the future of Mauritanian media, particularly following the deregulation and liberalization of the audiovisual sector initiated in June 2010.
Mauritanian Media System, Global Media Philosophies, Media Literacy, Political Transitions, Post-Independence Mauritania, Public and Private Media, International Press Systems, Authoritarianism, Social Responsibility, Media Deregulation, Audiovisual Liberalization, Audience Engagement, Media Discourses, Educational Initiatives.
Talks by Elhadj Ould Brahim
FMSH, 2024
Papers by Elhadj Ould Brahim
اعزجبس ؽغظ إد اٗسد ععٞذ اىصبدقخ ؽ ه٘ اى اَ٘ظٞع اى زَصيخ ث زٖ الأؽدذاس فٗدٜ قٍدذ زٍ بٖ أفندبس ع اىذٝ قَشاؼٞخ، اىؾشٝخ، اىؾذاصخ، اىز َْٞخ، اى ّٖٝ٘خ، الإعلا ،ً اىعدشة، عٗدبئو الإعدلا دٍٗب ؽدبث رىل.
Drafts by Elhadj Ould Brahim
Conference Presentations by Elhadj Ould Brahim
Books by Elhadj Ould Brahim
The study examines various cases in which the ex-head of state General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz and his social and economic affiliates were accused of corruption and power abuse by local and international media outlets, with a special focus on an investigative report published in October 2015 by the Wall Street Journal and Le Monde. People socially connected to the ex-president were suspected of accepting unjustified payments and exclusive contracts from the Canadian multinational Kinross Gold Corporation, according to this study. The investigation reveals the existence of a conflict of interest involving media owners through concentrating media ownership on one level and gatekeeping on the other. This conflict of interest is clearly manifested in the coverage of corruption issues in general and this case in particular as this chapter shows.
Thesis Chapters by Elhadj Ould Brahim
This thesis aims to illuminate the Mauritanian media system(s) within the framework of global media philosophies. It examines how these philosophies influence media literacy policies in the country, focusing on the dynamics of public and private media outlets, audience engagement, and educational initiatives. By analyzing the evolution of the Mauritanian media landscape since its inception in the 1960s, this research investigates the convergence or divergence of this system with the five predominant categories of international press systems: authoritarian, socialist, libertarian, social responsibility, and developmental. The study will assess the implications of these relationships on media literacy in Mauritania. Given the intrinsic link between a country’s political system and its media philosophy, this thesis will provide a chronological overview of political transitions in post-independence Mauritania, documenting the resultant changes in media discourses across radio, television, print, and electronic platforms. It seeks to clarify the shifts between various media systems in Mauritania and their reflection of the political instability marked by coups and counter-coups that have characterized the nation’s political history. Additionally, this research will address the challenges hindering the development of robust media literacy policies in Mauritania, while also exploring potential avenues for progress. Ultimately, this thesis will present a perspective on the future of Mauritanian media, particularly following the deregulation and liberalization of the audiovisual sector initiated in June 2010.
Mauritanian Media System, Global Media Philosophies, Media Literacy, Political Transitions, Post-Independence Mauritania, Public and Private Media, International Press Systems, Authoritarianism, Social Responsibility, Media Deregulation, Audiovisual Liberalization, Audience Engagement, Media Discourses, Educational Initiatives.
Talks by Elhadj Ould Brahim
اعزجبس ؽغظ إد اٗسد ععٞذ اىصبدقخ ؽ ه٘ اى اَ٘ظٞع اى زَصيخ ث زٖ الأؽدذاس فٗدٜ قٍدذ زٍ بٖ أفندبس ع اىذٝ قَشاؼٞخ، اىؾشٝخ، اىؾذاصخ، اىز َْٞخ، اى ّٖٝ٘خ، الإعلا ،ً اىعدشة، عٗدبئو الإعدلا دٍٗب ؽدبث رىل.
The study examines various cases in which the ex-head of state General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz and his social and economic affiliates were accused of corruption and power abuse by local and international media outlets, with a special focus on an investigative report published in October 2015 by the Wall Street Journal and Le Monde. People socially connected to the ex-president were suspected of accepting unjustified payments and exclusive contracts from the Canadian multinational Kinross Gold Corporation, according to this study. The investigation reveals the existence of a conflict of interest involving media owners through concentrating media ownership on one level and gatekeeping on the other. This conflict of interest is clearly manifested in the coverage of corruption issues in general and this case in particular as this chapter shows.
This thesis aims to illuminate the Mauritanian media system(s) within the framework of global media philosophies. It examines how these philosophies influence media literacy policies in the country, focusing on the dynamics of public and private media outlets, audience engagement, and educational initiatives. By analyzing the evolution of the Mauritanian media landscape since its inception in the 1960s, this research investigates the convergence or divergence of this system with the five predominant categories of international press systems: authoritarian, socialist, libertarian, social responsibility, and developmental. The study will assess the implications of these relationships on media literacy in Mauritania. Given the intrinsic link between a country’s political system and its media philosophy, this thesis will provide a chronological overview of political transitions in post-independence Mauritania, documenting the resultant changes in media discourses across radio, television, print, and electronic platforms. It seeks to clarify the shifts between various media systems in Mauritania and their reflection of the political instability marked by coups and counter-coups that have characterized the nation’s political history. Additionally, this research will address the challenges hindering the development of robust media literacy policies in Mauritania, while also exploring potential avenues for progress. Ultimately, this thesis will present a perspective on the future of Mauritanian media, particularly following the deregulation and liberalization of the audiovisual sector initiated in June 2010.
Mauritanian Media System, Global Media Philosophies, Media Literacy, Political Transitions, Post-Independence Mauritania, Public and Private Media, International Press Systems, Authoritarianism, Social Responsibility, Media Deregulation, Audiovisual Liberalization, Audience Engagement, Media Discourses, Educational Initiatives.