This paper aims to study the connection between the identity construction and psychic maturity as... more This paper aims to study the connection between the identity construction and psychic maturity as fundamental elements of personality. In addition to the clarification and description of some important terms like “identity”, “maturity”, “Self”, “Ego”, the paper demonstrates the relations between the statuses of identity and the obtained levels of maturity, by means of scientific research. The identity and the psychic maturity describe in their correlation the archetypal phenomena: “Who am I?” and “The Great Journey”. “The Great Journey” (individuation, self-becoming, actualization, Self-accomplishment) is still present among human beings, just as it was in ancient times. The research demonstrated the essential connection between the identity construction process and the psychic maturation process. The psychic maturity level reached by an individual depends on the way in which he succeeds in accepting and going through identity crises, eventually assuming a clear, precise and authent...
An integrative approach to the concept of emotional fusion: A cross-sectional study based on the ... more An integrative approach to the concept of emotional fusion: A cross-sectional study based on the measurement of subjective perceptions and experiences
This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new conce... more This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new concept that comes together with the most consecrated terms in the field such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical framework of the paper is based on well known approaches such as Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, but also on more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. This is a form of knowledge that, although it is the first one to emerge in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and opposes rational or iconic knowledge. In the research part, there is presented a first version of a questionnaire that measures the level of body intelligence. This first variation of the questionnaire was based on the testing of a group of 52 adult subjects. The item analysis revealed a good internal consistency given by an alpha coefficient of 0.805. The paper is a good starting point for continuing the study in order to establish the external consistency of the questionnaire and to develop possible new variants.
This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new conce... more This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new concept that comes together with the most consecrated terms in the field such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical framework of the paper is based on well known approaches such as Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, but also on more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. This is a form of knowledge that, although it is the first one to emerge in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and opposes rational or iconic knowledge. In the research part, there is presented a first version of a questionnaire that measures the level of body intelligence. This first variation of the questionnaire was based on the testing of a group of 52 adult subjects. The item analysis revealed a good internal consistency given by an alpha coefficient of 0.805. The paper is a good starting point for continuing...
At the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, the new current in... more At the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, the new current in terms of studying the shapes of human intelligence, risen from the transpersonal psychology area, brought to the world the third type of intelligence that tends to become acknowledged (after its antecessors: cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence): „spiritual intelligence”. Spiritual intelligence, as defined by researchers, is strongly connected to the fulfillment of a human being’s profound need – to feel that everything has a meaning, a purpose. It is the intelligence that makes us whole and renders our integrity. It is the intelligence of the soul, the profound self-intelligence. It is the intelligence that makes us ask ourselves fundamental, existential questions and overcome the boundaries we were used to. The psychologists that discovered this type of intelligence say that its development guarantees the psychic health. The main challenges, which occurred once we accepte...
This paper aims at presenting a study on bodily intelligence, a relatively new term that joins th... more This paper aims at presenting a study on bodily intelligence, a relatively new term that joins the most established ones such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical basis is supported by Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence as well as more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. A form of knowledge is highlighted which, although it is the first to appear in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and which opposes rational or iconic knowledge. The present study aims at finding a tool for measuring bodily intelligence and at investigating the dynamics of this intelligence in relation to participating in a unifying personal development program through dance and movement. In this sense we went through two major stages and objectives at the same time: 1 - conducting a unifying personal development program through dance and 2 - conducting a quantitative statistical study to capture t...
The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused dramatic changes in the daily lives of Romani... more The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused dramatic changes in the daily lives of Romanians, affecting their mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has evolved at three significant peaks, which sequentially occurred on: April 29, 2020; September 18, 2020; and the third wave registered the highest severity on November 27, 2020. Little is known about the mental health changes during this phase of this pandemic. This study evaluated mental health levels in Romania at the end of the first wave of the pandemic and amidst the third and most severe wave. We administered a two-phase internet-based survey among 543 and 583 participants, respectively, recruited through snowball sampling at a 6-month interval. The IPAT Anxiety Scale measured anxiety, the Beck’s Depression Inventory measured depression, and the Dissociative Experiences Scale measured dissociation. We observed no statistically significant differences in the number of participants with clinically relevant scores at either ...
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, May 1, 2013
The paper reveals the dynamics of the differentiation process of the self, associated with psychi... more The paper reveals the dynamics of the differentiation process of the self, associated with psychic maturity. The research demonstrates the efficiency of a personal development program on the increase of the differentiation level of the self. The paper also emphasizes the correlations between this level and the levels of anxiety, depression, self-satisfaction and emotional intelligence. The retest took place two months after program and it confirmed the hypotheses. This is the first study revealing the dynamics of differentiation of the self and its multiple correlations. Moreover, it validates a personal development program in order to enhance this differentiation.
ABSTRACT Introduction: It has been recently proven in repeated studies and publications that emot... more ABSTRACT Introduction: It has been recently proven in repeated studies and publications that emotional intelligence is responsible for the successes and achievements in different existential dimensions, especially through the qualitative increase of interpersonal relationships. Also, several hypotheses were issued regarding the fact that the level of emotional intelligence may be increased through various creative activities and educational-therapeutic programs. Objectives: The present study aimes to investigate the dynamics of emotional intelligence in relation to the participation in a unifying personal development program through dance and movement. To this end, we covered two major stages and objectives at the same time: 1 – building up and implementing a unifying personal development program through dance and movement (UPDDM) and 2 – conducting a statistically quantitative study in order to capture the effects of the program on emotional intelligence, as well as the correlation between it and the self-satisfaction regarding the physical body. Method: The experimental-quantitative research was conducted on an experimental sample, composed of 32 persons and a control sample composed of 32 persons as well. The method of applying the instruments was the test-retest type. The initial testing was at the beginning of the program and the retesting took place two months after its finalization. There was a period of six months between the test and retest. The conducted experiment consisted in a program called "Filia Alchemic Dance", composed of 3 modules, 20 hours long each, every two months. "Filia Alchemic Dance" is a complex program, based on UPDDM and, implicitly, on the Experiential Therapy of Unification. Results: The results obtained after the statistical data processing show significant differences between the control group and the experimental one in the two main variables, emotional intelligence and self-satisfaction regarding the physical body. There is a strong positive correlation between these variables, which confirms the hypotheses of the research. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that unifying personal development, with corporal support, in this case through dance and movement, is a valid method of increasing the emotional intelligence by reconnecting with one's own body and through the inner unification between body, emotion, reason and spirit.
The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused dramatic changes in the daily lives of Romani... more The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused dramatic changes in the daily lives of Romanians, affecting their mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has evolved at three significant peaks, which sequentially occurred on: April 29, 2020; September 18, 2020; and the third wave registered the highest severity on November 27, 2020. Little is known about the mental health changes during this phase of this pandemic. This study evaluated mental health levels in Romania at the end of the first wave of the pandemic and amidst the third and most severe wave. We administered a two-phase internet-based survey among 543 and 583 participants, respectively, recruited through snowball sampling at a 6-month interval. The IPAT Anxiety Scale measured anxiety, the Beck's Depression Inventory measured depression, and the Dissociative Experiences Scale measured dissociation. We observed no statistically significant differences in the number of participants with clinically relevant scores at either time point. In the first survey, 23.8%, 19.2%, and 32.6% reported being clinically anxious, clinically depressed, and showed clinical dissociation, respectively. Binary logistic regressions indicated that age, education level, and previous traumatic events were significantly associated with clinical levels of anxiety and depression. Moreover, multiple linear regression analysis reported a collective significant effect of gender, age, psychological impact, traumatic events, and dissociation on predicting high levels of anxiety and depression.
This paper aims at presenting a study on bodily intelligence, a relatively new term that joins th... more This paper aims at presenting a study on bodily intelligence, a relatively new term that joins the most established ones such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical basis is supported by Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence as well as more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. A form of knowledge is highlighted which, although it is the first to appear in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and which opposes rational or iconic knowledge. The present study aims at finding a tool for measuring bodily intelligence and at investigating the dynamics of this intelligence in relation to participating in a unifying personal development program through dance and movement. In this sense we went through two major stages and objectives at the same time: 1-conducting a unifying personal development program through dance and 2-conducting a quantitative statistical study to capture the effects of the program on bodily intelligence and its correlation with self-satisfaction related to the physical body. The quantitative (experimental) research was applied with the participation of an experimental group composed of 33 people and a control group composed of 36 people. The results were obtained by pre-test-post-test procedure. The initial testing was held at the beginning of the program and retesting-one day after its completion. The experiment consisted of a UPDDM program lasting 20 hours over three days. The results obtained from the statistical data processing show significant differences between the control group and the experimental group in the bodily intelligence variable confirming the research hypothesis, according to which a UPDDM dance therapy program is a valid method of increasing bodily intelligence.
This paper aims to study the relationships and connections that sexual satisfaction has with the ... more This paper aims to study the relationships and connections that sexual satisfaction has with the main variables that occur in the process of adjustment to a couple relationship. The aim of the research carried out on a group of 49 people from different European cities is to highlight the correlations between sexual satisfaction and: dyadic communication and the quality of the dyadic relationship with its components: satisfaction, cohesion, consensus and affective expression in the couple. The results show that the sexual satisfaction of today's couple is strongly intertwined with the whole process of dyadic adjustment, being an important facet of the couple's expression, not being strictly dependent on individual characteristics. INTRODUCERE Sexualitatea a fost un domeniu psiho-social destul de controversat de-a lungul istoriei umanităţii. De la negarea sau reprimarea vieţii sexuale corelate cu reguli de interdicţii şi tabuu, până la o atracţie deosebită pentru acest aspect, fie cu accent pe importanţa ei covârşitoare pentru om, fie cu căderi în psihopatologie. Societatea modernă arată un interes din ce în ce mai mare pentru sexualitate, concretizat prin valuri şi explozii informaţionale, pe toate căile posibile. Acesul facil la aceste informaţii şi dorinţa de cunoaştere a acestui domeniu, încă învăluit de mister, a condus către o acumulare de cunoaştere care însă, a avut şi consecinţe mai puţin bune. Mai ales în rândul tinerilor s-a creat o mare confuzie şi dezorientare faţă de acest domeniu, ei aflându-se în situaţia de a nu-şi mai putea stabili repere, după cum arată şi psihiatru şi autorul Florin Tudose (2014). Momentan se evidenţiază cel puţin trei tendinţe majore de a privi sexualitatea, în rândul specialiştilor. O tendinţă oarecum romantică asupra sexualităţii, ce vizează aspectul ei pregnant uman, prin care este corelată cu comunicarea interpersonală, cu intimitatea, sentimentul iubirii şi cu imaginarul. O tendinţă plasată cumva în opoziţie, ce exclude romantismul, reducând sexualitatea la ceva instinctual la un comportament biologic, la o datorie a speciei de a se perpetua. O a treia perspectivă ce pune un accent mai mare pe pasiune şi plăcere, plasând sexualitatea oarecum pe tărâmul vieţii şi expresivităţii corporale, arătând funcţiile sale de energizare, regenerare, însănătoşire a întregului organism. Esther Perel arată că iubirea sau dragoste poate fi văzută diferenţiat de dorinţa şi plăcerea sexuală, aceste două aspecte putând fi privite ca fiind
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 20, no 1 (77) , 2017
Introduction: The psychotherapeutic program "Filia Alchemic Dance", developed ever since 2006 in ... more Introduction: The psychotherapeutic program "Filia Alchemic Dance", developed ever since 2006 in Braşov, represents a holistic and integrative approach to human personality, having as a main frame the "Unifying Experiential Psychotherapy" method. This program combines the efficiency of dance and movement therapies, as creative-expressive methods, with the effectiveness of body psychotherapies and transpersonal approaches which use the amplified consciousness states.
Abstract: This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively... more Abstract: This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new concept that comes together with the most consecrated terms in the field such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical framework of the paper is based on well known approaches such as Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, but also on more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. This is a form of knowledge that, although it is the first one to emerge in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and opposes rational or iconic knowledge. In the research part, there is presented a first version of a questionnaire that measures the level of body intelligence. This first variation of the questionnaire was based on the testing of a group of 52 adult subjects. The item analysis revealed a good internal consistency given by an alpha coefficient of 0.805. The paper is a good starting point for continuing the study in order to establish the external consistency of the questionnaire and to develop possible new variants.
The present paper is a study of the symptomatological triad consisting of anxiety, depression and... more The present paper is a study of the symptomatological triad consisting of anxiety, depression and self-dissatisfaction, which can be linked to the psychological maturation process. At the confluence of psychological health and psychological disorder, we find a field where the individual is confronted with the issue of personal growth. This process has been called either individualization (individuation), actualization, self-realization, or psychological maturation. According to humanistic and transpersonal psychology, this process leads the individual to become a genuine, mature, unified person, capable of expressing its major potentials. The research done with a 180-subject study group shows highly significant positive correlations between the three components of the triad on the one hand and highly significant negative correlations between each of these components and the level of psychological maturity. These results show that we can speak of an integrative three-dimensional anxiety-depression-self-dissatisfaction stricter structure that indirectly reflects the extent to which an individual has reached certain levels of psychological maturity. In this sense, the symptoms expressed through anxiety, depression, self-dissatisfaction, unrelated to disorders corresponding to the other psychological functions, actually express a blockage of the process of psychological maturation. From a psychotherapeutic point of view this conclusion shows the importance of focusing the intervention on the different aspects of the individuation process rather than reducing those symptoms.
At the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, the new current in... more At the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, the new current in terms of studying the shapes of human intelligence, risen from the transpersonal psychology area, brought to the world the third type of intelligence that tends to become acknowledged (after its antecessors: cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence): “spiritual intelligence”. Spiritual intelligence, as defined by researchers, is strongly connected to the fulfillment of a human being’s profound need – to feel that everything has a meaning, a purpose. It is the intelligence that makes us whole and renders our integrity. It is the intelligence of the soul, the profound self-intelligence. It is the intelligence that makes us ask ourselves fundamental, existential questions and overcome the boundaries we were used to. The psychologists that discovered this type of intelligence say that its development guarantees the psychic health. The main challenges, which occurred once we accepted the new concept, were related to the differentiation from other concepts, more or less accepted by the psychological science: spirituality and religiosity. The main difficulties encountered by researchers were to define spiritual intelligence and to build an instrument that could be able to capture it. For these reasons, this study aimed to identify a valid instrument for the Romanian population in order to measure spiritual intelligence and to capture its significant correlations. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 subjects, by means of the SISRI-24 questionnaire, that we translated and adapted, and it demonstrated a very good validity as far as both internal and external consistency are concerned. To this end, the investigated dimensions were: transcendence, the meaning of life and creativity. This paper opens up a new perspective of research in the field, which should involve this new concept: “spiritual intelligence”.
This paper aims to study the connection between the identity construction and psychic maturity as... more This paper aims to study the connection between the identity construction and psychic maturity as fundamental elements of personality. In addition to the clarification and description of some important terms like "identity", "maturity", "Self", "Ego", the paper demonstrates the relations between the statuses of identity and the obtained levels of maturity, by means of scientific research. The identity and the psychic maturity describe in their correlation the archetypal phenomena: "Who am I?" and "The Great Journey". "The Great Journey" (individuation, self-becoming, actualization, Self-accomplishment) is still present among human beings, just as it was in ancient times. The research demonstrated the essential connection between the identity construction process and the psychic maturation process. The psychic maturity level reached by an individual depends on the way in which he succeeds in accepting and going through identity crises, eventually assuming a clear, precise and authentic personal identity. We cannot talk about psychic maturity as long as the person in question is not concerned with his/her own identity and either blocks his/her differentiation process in relation to the identities of the parents, or he/she absorbs some of their identity, consciously or less consciously.
This paper aims to study the connection between the identity construction and psychic maturity as... more This paper aims to study the connection between the identity construction and psychic maturity as fundamental elements of personality. In addition to the clarification and description of some important terms like “identity”, “maturity”, “Self”, “Ego”, the paper demonstrates the relations between the statuses of identity and the obtained levels of maturity, by means of scientific research. The identity and the psychic maturity describe in their correlation the archetypal phenomena: “Who am I?” and “The Great Journey”. “The Great Journey” (individuation, self-becoming, actualization, Self-accomplishment) is still present among human beings, just as it was in ancient times. The research demonstrated the essential connection between the identity construction process and the psychic maturation process. The psychic maturity level reached by an individual depends on the way in which he succeeds in accepting and going through identity crises, eventually assuming a clear, precise and authent...
An integrative approach to the concept of emotional fusion: A cross-sectional study based on the ... more An integrative approach to the concept of emotional fusion: A cross-sectional study based on the measurement of subjective perceptions and experiences
This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new conce... more This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new concept that comes together with the most consecrated terms in the field such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical framework of the paper is based on well known approaches such as Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, but also on more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. This is a form of knowledge that, although it is the first one to emerge in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and opposes rational or iconic knowledge. In the research part, there is presented a first version of a questionnaire that measures the level of body intelligence. This first variation of the questionnaire was based on the testing of a group of 52 adult subjects. The item analysis revealed a good internal consistency given by an alpha coefficient of 0.805. The paper is a good starting point for continuing the study in order to establish the external consistency of the questionnaire and to develop possible new variants.
This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new conce... more This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new concept that comes together with the most consecrated terms in the field such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical framework of the paper is based on well known approaches such as Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, but also on more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. This is a form of knowledge that, although it is the first one to emerge in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and opposes rational or iconic knowledge. In the research part, there is presented a first version of a questionnaire that measures the level of body intelligence. This first variation of the questionnaire was based on the testing of a group of 52 adult subjects. The item analysis revealed a good internal consistency given by an alpha coefficient of 0.805. The paper is a good starting point for continuing...
At the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, the new current in... more At the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, the new current in terms of studying the shapes of human intelligence, risen from the transpersonal psychology area, brought to the world the third type of intelligence that tends to become acknowledged (after its antecessors: cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence): „spiritual intelligence”. Spiritual intelligence, as defined by researchers, is strongly connected to the fulfillment of a human being’s profound need – to feel that everything has a meaning, a purpose. It is the intelligence that makes us whole and renders our integrity. It is the intelligence of the soul, the profound self-intelligence. It is the intelligence that makes us ask ourselves fundamental, existential questions and overcome the boundaries we were used to. The psychologists that discovered this type of intelligence say that its development guarantees the psychic health. The main challenges, which occurred once we accepte...
This paper aims at presenting a study on bodily intelligence, a relatively new term that joins th... more This paper aims at presenting a study on bodily intelligence, a relatively new term that joins the most established ones such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical basis is supported by Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence as well as more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. A form of knowledge is highlighted which, although it is the first to appear in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and which opposes rational or iconic knowledge. The present study aims at finding a tool for measuring bodily intelligence and at investigating the dynamics of this intelligence in relation to participating in a unifying personal development program through dance and movement. In this sense we went through two major stages and objectives at the same time: 1 - conducting a unifying personal development program through dance and 2 - conducting a quantitative statistical study to capture t...
The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused dramatic changes in the daily lives of Romani... more The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused dramatic changes in the daily lives of Romanians, affecting their mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has evolved at three significant peaks, which sequentially occurred on: April 29, 2020; September 18, 2020; and the third wave registered the highest severity on November 27, 2020. Little is known about the mental health changes during this phase of this pandemic. This study evaluated mental health levels in Romania at the end of the first wave of the pandemic and amidst the third and most severe wave. We administered a two-phase internet-based survey among 543 and 583 participants, respectively, recruited through snowball sampling at a 6-month interval. The IPAT Anxiety Scale measured anxiety, the Beck’s Depression Inventory measured depression, and the Dissociative Experiences Scale measured dissociation. We observed no statistically significant differences in the number of participants with clinically relevant scores at either ...
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, May 1, 2013
The paper reveals the dynamics of the differentiation process of the self, associated with psychi... more The paper reveals the dynamics of the differentiation process of the self, associated with psychic maturity. The research demonstrates the efficiency of a personal development program on the increase of the differentiation level of the self. The paper also emphasizes the correlations between this level and the levels of anxiety, depression, self-satisfaction and emotional intelligence. The retest took place two months after program and it confirmed the hypotheses. This is the first study revealing the dynamics of differentiation of the self and its multiple correlations. Moreover, it validates a personal development program in order to enhance this differentiation.
ABSTRACT Introduction: It has been recently proven in repeated studies and publications that emot... more ABSTRACT Introduction: It has been recently proven in repeated studies and publications that emotional intelligence is responsible for the successes and achievements in different existential dimensions, especially through the qualitative increase of interpersonal relationships. Also, several hypotheses were issued regarding the fact that the level of emotional intelligence may be increased through various creative activities and educational-therapeutic programs. Objectives: The present study aimes to investigate the dynamics of emotional intelligence in relation to the participation in a unifying personal development program through dance and movement. To this end, we covered two major stages and objectives at the same time: 1 – building up and implementing a unifying personal development program through dance and movement (UPDDM) and 2 – conducting a statistically quantitative study in order to capture the effects of the program on emotional intelligence, as well as the correlation between it and the self-satisfaction regarding the physical body. Method: The experimental-quantitative research was conducted on an experimental sample, composed of 32 persons and a control sample composed of 32 persons as well. The method of applying the instruments was the test-retest type. The initial testing was at the beginning of the program and the retesting took place two months after its finalization. There was a period of six months between the test and retest. The conducted experiment consisted in a program called "Filia Alchemic Dance", composed of 3 modules, 20 hours long each, every two months. "Filia Alchemic Dance" is a complex program, based on UPDDM and, implicitly, on the Experiential Therapy of Unification. Results: The results obtained after the statistical data processing show significant differences between the control group and the experimental one in the two main variables, emotional intelligence and self-satisfaction regarding the physical body. There is a strong positive correlation between these variables, which confirms the hypotheses of the research. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that unifying personal development, with corporal support, in this case through dance and movement, is a valid method of increasing the emotional intelligence by reconnecting with one's own body and through the inner unification between body, emotion, reason and spirit.
The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused dramatic changes in the daily lives of Romani... more The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused dramatic changes in the daily lives of Romanians, affecting their mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has evolved at three significant peaks, which sequentially occurred on: April 29, 2020; September 18, 2020; and the third wave registered the highest severity on November 27, 2020. Little is known about the mental health changes during this phase of this pandemic. This study evaluated mental health levels in Romania at the end of the first wave of the pandemic and amidst the third and most severe wave. We administered a two-phase internet-based survey among 543 and 583 participants, respectively, recruited through snowball sampling at a 6-month interval. The IPAT Anxiety Scale measured anxiety, the Beck's Depression Inventory measured depression, and the Dissociative Experiences Scale measured dissociation. We observed no statistically significant differences in the number of participants with clinically relevant scores at either time point. In the first survey, 23.8%, 19.2%, and 32.6% reported being clinically anxious, clinically depressed, and showed clinical dissociation, respectively. Binary logistic regressions indicated that age, education level, and previous traumatic events were significantly associated with clinical levels of anxiety and depression. Moreover, multiple linear regression analysis reported a collective significant effect of gender, age, psychological impact, traumatic events, and dissociation on predicting high levels of anxiety and depression.
This paper aims at presenting a study on bodily intelligence, a relatively new term that joins th... more This paper aims at presenting a study on bodily intelligence, a relatively new term that joins the most established ones such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical basis is supported by Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence as well as more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. A form of knowledge is highlighted which, although it is the first to appear in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and which opposes rational or iconic knowledge. The present study aims at finding a tool for measuring bodily intelligence and at investigating the dynamics of this intelligence in relation to participating in a unifying personal development program through dance and movement. In this sense we went through two major stages and objectives at the same time: 1-conducting a unifying personal development program through dance and 2-conducting a quantitative statistical study to capture the effects of the program on bodily intelligence and its correlation with self-satisfaction related to the physical body. The quantitative (experimental) research was applied with the participation of an experimental group composed of 33 people and a control group composed of 36 people. The results were obtained by pre-test-post-test procedure. The initial testing was held at the beginning of the program and retesting-one day after its completion. The experiment consisted of a UPDDM program lasting 20 hours over three days. The results obtained from the statistical data processing show significant differences between the control group and the experimental group in the bodily intelligence variable confirming the research hypothesis, according to which a UPDDM dance therapy program is a valid method of increasing bodily intelligence.
This paper aims to study the relationships and connections that sexual satisfaction has with the ... more This paper aims to study the relationships and connections that sexual satisfaction has with the main variables that occur in the process of adjustment to a couple relationship. The aim of the research carried out on a group of 49 people from different European cities is to highlight the correlations between sexual satisfaction and: dyadic communication and the quality of the dyadic relationship with its components: satisfaction, cohesion, consensus and affective expression in the couple. The results show that the sexual satisfaction of today's couple is strongly intertwined with the whole process of dyadic adjustment, being an important facet of the couple's expression, not being strictly dependent on individual characteristics. INTRODUCERE Sexualitatea a fost un domeniu psiho-social destul de controversat de-a lungul istoriei umanităţii. De la negarea sau reprimarea vieţii sexuale corelate cu reguli de interdicţii şi tabuu, până la o atracţie deosebită pentru acest aspect, fie cu accent pe importanţa ei covârşitoare pentru om, fie cu căderi în psihopatologie. Societatea modernă arată un interes din ce în ce mai mare pentru sexualitate, concretizat prin valuri şi explozii informaţionale, pe toate căile posibile. Acesul facil la aceste informaţii şi dorinţa de cunoaştere a acestui domeniu, încă învăluit de mister, a condus către o acumulare de cunoaştere care însă, a avut şi consecinţe mai puţin bune. Mai ales în rândul tinerilor s-a creat o mare confuzie şi dezorientare faţă de acest domeniu, ei aflându-se în situaţia de a nu-şi mai putea stabili repere, după cum arată şi psihiatru şi autorul Florin Tudose (2014). Momentan se evidenţiază cel puţin trei tendinţe majore de a privi sexualitatea, în rândul specialiştilor. O tendinţă oarecum romantică asupra sexualităţii, ce vizează aspectul ei pregnant uman, prin care este corelată cu comunicarea interpersonală, cu intimitatea, sentimentul iubirii şi cu imaginarul. O tendinţă plasată cumva în opoziţie, ce exclude romantismul, reducând sexualitatea la ceva instinctual la un comportament biologic, la o datorie a speciei de a se perpetua. O a treia perspectivă ce pune un accent mai mare pe pasiune şi plăcere, plasând sexualitatea oarecum pe tărâmul vieţii şi expresivităţii corporale, arătând funcţiile sale de energizare, regenerare, însănătoşire a întregului organism. Esther Perel arată că iubirea sau dragoste poate fi văzută diferenţiat de dorinţa şi plăcerea sexuală, aceste două aspecte putând fi privite ca fiind
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 20, no 1 (77) , 2017
Introduction: The psychotherapeutic program "Filia Alchemic Dance", developed ever since 2006 in ... more Introduction: The psychotherapeutic program "Filia Alchemic Dance", developed ever since 2006 in Braşov, represents a holistic and integrative approach to human personality, having as a main frame the "Unifying Experiential Psychotherapy" method. This program combines the efficiency of dance and movement therapies, as creative-expressive methods, with the effectiveness of body psychotherapies and transpersonal approaches which use the amplified consciousness states.
Abstract: This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively... more Abstract: This paper aims to present the first part of a study on body intelligence, a relatively new concept that comes together with the most consecrated terms in the field such as cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical framework of the paper is based on well known approaches such as Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, but also on more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. This is a form of knowledge that, although it is the first one to emerge in human ontogenesis, has not been much studied and promoted and opposes rational or iconic knowledge. In the research part, there is presented a first version of a questionnaire that measures the level of body intelligence. This first variation of the questionnaire was based on the testing of a group of 52 adult subjects. The item analysis revealed a good internal consistency given by an alpha coefficient of 0.805. The paper is a good starting point for continuing the study in order to establish the external consistency of the questionnaire and to develop possible new variants.
The present paper is a study of the symptomatological triad consisting of anxiety, depression and... more The present paper is a study of the symptomatological triad consisting of anxiety, depression and self-dissatisfaction, which can be linked to the psychological maturation process. At the confluence of psychological health and psychological disorder, we find a field where the individual is confronted with the issue of personal growth. This process has been called either individualization (individuation), actualization, self-realization, or psychological maturation. According to humanistic and transpersonal psychology, this process leads the individual to become a genuine, mature, unified person, capable of expressing its major potentials. The research done with a 180-subject study group shows highly significant positive correlations between the three components of the triad on the one hand and highly significant negative correlations between each of these components and the level of psychological maturity. These results show that we can speak of an integrative three-dimensional anxiety-depression-self-dissatisfaction stricter structure that indirectly reflects the extent to which an individual has reached certain levels of psychological maturity. In this sense, the symptoms expressed through anxiety, depression, self-dissatisfaction, unrelated to disorders corresponding to the other psychological functions, actually express a blockage of the process of psychological maturation. From a psychotherapeutic point of view this conclusion shows the importance of focusing the intervention on the different aspects of the individuation process rather than reducing those symptoms.
At the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, the new current in... more At the end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, the new current in terms of studying the shapes of human intelligence, risen from the transpersonal psychology area, brought to the world the third type of intelligence that tends to become acknowledged (after its antecessors: cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence): “spiritual intelligence”. Spiritual intelligence, as defined by researchers, is strongly connected to the fulfillment of a human being’s profound need – to feel that everything has a meaning, a purpose. It is the intelligence that makes us whole and renders our integrity. It is the intelligence of the soul, the profound self-intelligence. It is the intelligence that makes us ask ourselves fundamental, existential questions and overcome the boundaries we were used to. The psychologists that discovered this type of intelligence say that its development guarantees the psychic health. The main challenges, which occurred once we accepted the new concept, were related to the differentiation from other concepts, more or less accepted by the psychological science: spirituality and religiosity. The main difficulties encountered by researchers were to define spiritual intelligence and to build an instrument that could be able to capture it. For these reasons, this study aimed to identify a valid instrument for the Romanian population in order to measure spiritual intelligence and to capture its significant correlations. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 subjects, by means of the SISRI-24 questionnaire, that we translated and adapted, and it demonstrated a very good validity as far as both internal and external consistency are concerned. To this end, the investigated dimensions were: transcendence, the meaning of life and creativity. This paper opens up a new perspective of research in the field, which should involve this new concept: “spiritual intelligence”.
This paper aims to study the connection between the identity construction and psychic maturity as... more This paper aims to study the connection between the identity construction and psychic maturity as fundamental elements of personality. In addition to the clarification and description of some important terms like "identity", "maturity", "Self", "Ego", the paper demonstrates the relations between the statuses of identity and the obtained levels of maturity, by means of scientific research. The identity and the psychic maturity describe in their correlation the archetypal phenomena: "Who am I?" and "The Great Journey". "The Great Journey" (individuation, self-becoming, actualization, Self-accomplishment) is still present among human beings, just as it was in ancient times. The research demonstrated the essential connection between the identity construction process and the psychic maturation process. The psychic maturity level reached by an individual depends on the way in which he succeeds in accepting and going through identity crises, eventually assuming a clear, precise and authentic personal identity. We cannot talk about psychic maturity as long as the person in question is not concerned with his/her own identity and either blocks his/her differentiation process in relation to the identities of the parents, or he/she absorbs some of their identity, consciously or less consciously.
Papers by Florin Vancea
new concept that comes together with the most consecrated terms in the field such as cognitive
intelligence, emotional intelligence, or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical framework of the
paper is based on well known approaches such as Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, but also
on more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. This is a form of
knowledge that, although it is the first one to emerge in human ontogenesis, has not been much
studied and promoted and opposes rational or iconic knowledge.
In the research part, there is presented a first version of a questionnaire that measures the
level of body intelligence. This first variation of the questionnaire was based on the testing of a
group of 52 adult subjects. The item analysis revealed a good internal consistency given by an
alpha coefficient of 0.805.
The paper is a good starting point for continuing the study in order to establish the external
consistency of the questionnaire and to develop possible new variants.
Spiritual intelligence, as defined by researchers, is strongly connected to the fulfillment of a human being’s profound need – to feel that everything has a meaning, a purpose. It is the intelligence that makes us whole and renders our integrity. It is the intelligence of the soul, the profound self-intelligence. It is the intelligence that makes us ask ourselves fundamental, existential questions and overcome the boundaries we were used to. The psychologists that discovered this type of intelligence say that its development guarantees the psychic health.
The main challenges, which occurred once we accepted the new concept, were related to the differentiation from other concepts, more or less accepted by the psychological science: spirituality and religiosity. The main difficulties encountered by researchers were to define spiritual intelligence and to build an instrument that could be able to capture it.
For these reasons, this study aimed to identify a valid instrument for the Romanian population in order to measure spiritual intelligence and to capture its significant correlations. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 subjects, by means of the SISRI-24 questionnaire, that we translated and adapted, and it demonstrated a very good validity as far as both internal and external consistency are concerned. To this end, the investigated dimensions were: transcendence, the meaning of life and creativity.
This paper opens up a new perspective of research in the field, which should involve this new concept: “spiritual intelligence”.
new concept that comes together with the most consecrated terms in the field such as cognitive
intelligence, emotional intelligence, or spiritual intelligence. The theoretical framework of the
paper is based on well known approaches such as Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, but also
on more recent neurological and psychological studies on the human body. This is a form of
knowledge that, although it is the first one to emerge in human ontogenesis, has not been much
studied and promoted and opposes rational or iconic knowledge.
In the research part, there is presented a first version of a questionnaire that measures the
level of body intelligence. This first variation of the questionnaire was based on the testing of a
group of 52 adult subjects. The item analysis revealed a good internal consistency given by an
alpha coefficient of 0.805.
The paper is a good starting point for continuing the study in order to establish the external
consistency of the questionnaire and to develop possible new variants.
Spiritual intelligence, as defined by researchers, is strongly connected to the fulfillment of a human being’s profound need – to feel that everything has a meaning, a purpose. It is the intelligence that makes us whole and renders our integrity. It is the intelligence of the soul, the profound self-intelligence. It is the intelligence that makes us ask ourselves fundamental, existential questions and overcome the boundaries we were used to. The psychologists that discovered this type of intelligence say that its development guarantees the psychic health.
The main challenges, which occurred once we accepted the new concept, were related to the differentiation from other concepts, more or less accepted by the psychological science: spirituality and religiosity. The main difficulties encountered by researchers were to define spiritual intelligence and to build an instrument that could be able to capture it.
For these reasons, this study aimed to identify a valid instrument for the Romanian population in order to measure spiritual intelligence and to capture its significant correlations. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 subjects, by means of the SISRI-24 questionnaire, that we translated and adapted, and it demonstrated a very good validity as far as both internal and external consistency are concerned. To this end, the investigated dimensions were: transcendence, the meaning of life and creativity.
This paper opens up a new perspective of research in the field, which should involve this new concept: “spiritual intelligence”.