
My favourite art works, art ideas and inspiration.
31 Pins
Art inspiration
The canva, called Quadratologo, is a good idea for easy an abstract art. You can be very creative without a motive in your mind. Just paint! :)
Mother‘s Day DIY💕 -Werbung|Ad|unbeauftragt- Heute gibt es mein DIY zum Muttertag. Vor kurzem habe ich in einem Laden für über 10€ eine Kerze mit bedruckten Blumen gesehen. Die war nicht mal schön. 😂 Also hab ich mir ein wenig was buntes Blumenladen gekauft, meinen dicken Schulatlas raus gekramt und die Blumen darin trocken gepresst. Auf meinem Blog zeige ich euch Schritt für Schritt wie es geht. ✌😁Ach und liebes @rico_design euer Pinsel war mir immer ein treuer Begleite
Easy painting
This is a perfect easy painting idea on canvas, called Quadratologo, for beginners or people who like abstract art. There is a net on the surface of the canvas and you paint each field individually and without rinsing the brush. In this way you get amazing color creations.
Colorful Artwork
Photo by Blue Thistle Fluid Art on January 05, 2021. May be art of flower.
Acrylic Pouring
I tried the acrylic pouring technique. The painting didn't end up as I imagined before but anyway it's beautiful, creative and very individual. So it's a nice technique for abstract and colorful artworks also for people who aren't good in painting. #artideas Bei den verwendeten Links handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Durch einen Kauf über den Link werde ich am Umsatz beteiligt. Dies hat für Dich KEINE Auswirkungen auf den Preis!
Dance your life!
I really miss dancing in times like these and I am looking forward to the parties after corona. I simply love dancing, it makes you happy :) #dance #life #happy #happiness #liveyourlife
Self painted coffee to go cup
This coffee to go cup, which I painted myself, was a christmas present for a friend. It's a creative and useful idea for a personal gift. #coffee #coffeecup #coffeetogo #paint #art #christmaspresent #gift #crativity #DIY