Since I've been doing such wearable looks for the past few entries, I decided to amp it up a bit. Expect more like this in the future! Ok, start by putting on a light base, I used Aromaleigh Voile powder in White [it might be called Ghost White, I can't remember] over my normal base to make my… Troll Makeup Halloween, Chameleon Face Paint, Grasshopper Makeup, Turtle Makeup Ideas, Frog Inspired Makeup, Eel Makeup, Chameleon Makeup, Nemo Makeup, Seussical Makeup

Woodland Sprite

Since I've been doing such wearable looks for the past few entries, I decided to amp it up a bit. Expect more like this in the future! Ok, start by putting on a light base, I used Aromaleigh Voile powder in White [it might be called Ghost White, I can't remember] over my normal base to make my skin…

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