Pregnancy Exercise: Staying Active and Healthy
Being fit throughout your pregnancy is challenging. You have to keep moving and exercising every day but you also have to be wary of the kind of exercises you do. Thankfully, there's one that you can do from the beginning of your pregnancy up until the very end and that's yoga. It's even got tons of benefits for pregnant ladies that you'll get to enjoy. Check them out here. #pregnancy #yogaduringpregnancy #pregnanxyexercise #pregnantlife #healthypregnancy
6 Things Doctors Don't Tell You About Pregnancy Induction But Should - This Little Nest
Labor induction can be pretty rough business and there's a lot doctors leave out. I've been there. Click the pin to learn everything you need to know about labor induction so you'll be prepared. #laborinduction #beinginduced #labor #childbirth #pregnancy #induced
The Complete First Trimester To Do List
Congrats mama! Did you just find out you're pregnant? Now you're probably wondering what you should do during your first trimester. In this post, I share 18 things that should be on your first trimester to do list. Early pregnancy is important and you want to make sure to start off right for a healthy pregnancy! #pregnancy #pregnant #pregnancytips #newmoms #momlife #mom #firstpregnancy
Ten Tips to Survive the First Trimester of Pregnancy
Pregnancy, birth and parenthood are amazing, difficult, beautiful, and challenging journeys. Now, I know you probably want the low-down on everything to expect. I can’t give you all of that, because every pregnancy, birth and child are different. But, I can give you some insider tips and advice based off of my experiences. You may be aware that the first trimester tends to be pretty rough for some. Between being fatigued and vomiting, the first trimester can rock you. But, there are ways to make
How To Be A Supportive Husband During Pregnancy: - So Goes Life
Sometimes the hardest part of being pregnant is the lack of understanding from your husband. 9 Things I wish my husband understood about being pregnant and what he was able to do to support me. Being a supportive husband makes pregnancy so much easier for a new mother to be.
Bump, Set, Recharge: Overcoming Fatigue in Pregnancy in 11 Natural ways
Pregnancy fatigue can be hard for new moms. Pregnancy fatigue starts right away during the first trimester and can often be one of the first signs you're pregnant. In this post, I share 11 natural ways to combat and beat pregnancy fatigue. #pregnancy #pregnant #mom #newmom #momlife #baby #momtobe