Zbrush Tutorials

Community for CG & Digital Artists
3d Character by Philip Harris GenoisComputer Graphics & Digital Art Community for Artist: Job, Tutorial, Art, Concept Art, Portfolio
Dark Witch sculpt
How to create armor completely in ZBrush - hi & low-poly version (real-time video preview=
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beUxldDReAw #zbrush #armor #sculpt #tutorial
Making an Eye in Zbrush and Rendering
Making an Eye in Zbrush and Rendering - YouTube
Smaug Breakdown by synthesys on DeviantArt
Smaug Breakdown by synthesys.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt
Hanza - Overwatch fan art - Breakdown
Hanza - Overwatch fan art - Breakdown
A Thorough Introduction to ZBrush's FiberMesh | Envato Tuts+
One of the most powerful additions to ZBrush in recent memory, FiberMesh builds on a growing list of amazing features, and adds the ability to create realistic hair, fur, and other fiber based meshes directly within ZBrush with an unprecedented amount of control. That level of control comes at a price though, and you'll be faced with numerous settings, sliders and curves when you fire it up for the first time. So where do you start, and how do you know which settings to manipulate to achieve...
Hanza - Overwatch fan art - Breakdown
Hanza - Overwatch fan art - Breakdown
"Spirit of Nature"