Papers by Chevalier de Dieu Kutche Tamghe
This research aims to analyze the influence of HRM practices on social performance in public seco... more This research aims to analyze the influence of HRM practices on social performance in public secondary schools in Cameroon at a time when successes to national results are steadily declining. To achieve this, we have mobilized several theoretical orientations, including the theory of high
This research aims to analyze the influence of HRM practices on social performance in public seco... more This research aims to analyze the influence of HRM practices on social performance in public secondary schools in Cameroon at a time when successes to national results are steadily declining. To achieve this, we have mobilized several theoretical orientations, including the theory of high
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - SHS, Dec 12, 2019
Le développement des compétences dans l'enseignement secondaire au Cameroun : pilier de l'engagem... more Le développement des compétences dans l'enseignement secondaire au Cameroun : pilier de l'engagement organisationnel des enseignants Communication à la Journée de Recherche de L'ENS de Bertoua. Le métier d'enseignant, aujourd'hui et demain : Défis et opportunités
Research Papers in Economics, 2020

Information and Knowledge Management, 2020
This study aims to research the effects of the ownership of ICT on hospital performance in the Ca... more This study aims to research the effects of the ownership of ICT on hospital performance in the Cameroonian context. To achieve this objective, data from a field survey of a valid random sample of 479 employees from first and second category hospitals in Cameroon are subjected to descriptive and econometric analyzes. The results obtained reveal that the level of ownership of ICT by hospital staff is very average and has an impact on hospital performance. Indeed, the inferential analyzes performed using simple regression showed a positive and significant effect of the perceived ease of use of ICT, the perceived usefulness and cognitive absorption on hospital performance. These results, discussed from the perspective of Berbain and Minvielle (2001), Li, Benton and Leong (2002), Mukuna (2016) and Picard (2007) suggest acting on the determinants of ICT ownership, which are: training, raising awareness and improving the working conditions of hospital staff if we want to improve their ability to use and their enthusiasm for this use of ICT. this would improve staff satisfaction, patient satisfaction and the quality of clinical services.

The teacher occupies a prominent place in the training, development and socio-professional integr... more The teacher occupies a prominent place in the training, development and socio-professional integration of the individual. The success of its mission strongly depends on its social performance, of which satisfaction and commitment to work are among the dimensions most used in the literature (Kutche, 2019). This article aims to analyze the effects of human resource development practices on the social performance of public secondary teachers in Cameroon. To achieve this, a quantitative approach conducted using a questionnaire submitted to a simple random sample of 426 teachers was used. Two dimensions of human resource development are operationalized, namely continuous trainingand career management. Descriptive analysis of the data shows that the level of relevance of these practices is quite low in the Cameroonian education system. Furthermore, the simple linear regression under SPSS 23 reveals that continuous training and career management have a significant influence on the social performance of teachers. These results discussed from the perspective of Arcand et al. (2004), Aït Razouk and Bayad (2011), Grensing-Pophal (2003) and Noah (2017), suggest that a better continuous training policy as well as a more equitable and objective management of teachers' careers are essential for their satisfaction and commitment to work. To this end, a structuring of career management based on continuous training is proposed.

Cet article vise a analyser l'impact des pratiques de developpement des ressources humaines s... more Cet article vise a analyser l'impact des pratiques de developpement des ressources humaines sur l'engagement organisationnel des enseignants du secondaire public au Cameroun. Pour y parvenir, nous avons opte pour une demarche quantitative. Celle-ci a ete conduite a l'aide d'un questionnaire soumis a un echantillon aleatoire constitue de 426 enseignants. L'analyse descriptive des donnees montre que le niveau de pertinence des pratiques de developpement des competences est assez faible dans le systeme educatif camerounais. De meme, la regression lineaire a revele que le developpement des competences a une influence significative sur l'engagement organisationnel des enseignants. Ces resultats d'ameliorer le systeme de formation continue en vigueur dans les etablissements scolaires afin d'agir positivement sur l'engagement organisationnel des enseignants.

Journal of Education and Practice, 2019
This article aims to analyze the impact of organizational justice on the work commitment of publi... more This article aims to analyze the impact of organizational justice on the work commitment of public secondary school teachers in Cameroon. To achieve this, we mobilized the theory of social exchange (Blau, 1964, Gouldner, 1960) and opted for a quantitative approach. This was conducted using a random sample of 426 teachers. Thus, the descriptive analysis shows that the level of equity in managerial practices concerning public secondary schools in Cameroon is low. Similarly, the linear regression reveals that distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice have a significant influence on teachers' commitment to work. These conclusions were discussed in the perspective of Magner and Johnson (1995) and Chênevert, Charest and Simard (2007) whose results corroborate ours. In contrast, Müller and Djuatio (2011) found no significant link between distributive justice and employee commitment. The results suggest that taking into account equity in HRM practices would improve the level of work commitment of public secondary school teachers in Cameroon.

Cette recherche vise a analyser l’influence des pratiques de GRH sur la performance sociale dans ... more Cette recherche vise a analyser l’influence des pratiques de GRH sur la performance sociale dans les etablissements d'enseignement secondaire public au Cameroun a un moment ou les succes aux resultats nationaux sont en constante baisse. Pour conduire cette recherche, nous avons mobilise plusieurs orientations theoriques parmi lesquelles la theorie des pratiques de mobilisation des ressources humaines (Barraud-Didier et al. 2003, Osterman, 2006 ; Beaupre et Cloutier, 2007 ; Shih, Chiang et Hsu, 2013), l’approche universaliste (Pfeffer, 1996 ; Pfeffer et Viega, 1999) et la theorie de l’echange social (Blau, 1964 ; Gouldner, 1960). Des lors, notre hypothese generale se formule comme suit : les pratiques de GRH influencent la performance sociale dans les etablissements du secondaire public au Cameroun. Pour verifier cette hypothese, nous avons opte pour une demarche quali-quantitative. L’enquete quantitative a ete conduite a l’aide d’un questionnaire soumis a echantillon aleatoire c...

International Journal of Social Sciences an Management Research , 2020
The teacher occupies a prominent place in the training, development and socio-professional integr... more The teacher occupies a prominent place in the training, development and socio-professional integration of the individual. The success of its mission strongly depends on its social performance, of which satisfaction and commitment to work are among the dimensions most used in the literature (Kutche, 2019). This article aims to analyze the effects of human resource development practices on the social performance of public secondary teachers in Cameroon. To achieve this, a quantitative approach conducted using a questionnaire submitted to a simple random sample of 426 teachers was used. Two dimensions of human resource development are operationalized, namely continuous trainingand career management. Descriptive analysis of the data shows that the level of relevance of these practices is quite low in the Cameroonian education system. Furthermore, the simple linear regression under SPSS 23 reveals that continuous training and career management have a significant influence on the social performance of teachers. These results discussed from the perspective of Arcand et al. (2004), Aït Razouk and Bayad (2011), Grensing-Pophal (2003) and Noah (2017), suggest that a better continuous training policy as well as a more equitable and objective management of teachers' careers are essential for their satisfaction and commitment to work. To this end, a structuring of career management based on continuous training is proposed.
Papers by Chevalier de Dieu Kutche Tamghe