Papers by danijela godinic

SAŽETAK: Rad predstavlja svojevrstan osvrt na otuđenost u socijalnom kontekstu života u patološko... more SAŽETAK: Rad predstavlja svojevrstan osvrt na otuđenost u socijalnom kontekstu života u patološkoj "normalnoj stvarnosti", čijim integralnim pripadnicima afirmirane mainstream grupacije nameću vlastite kriterije normalnosti, primjenom znanstvenog pozitivizma, arbitrarno uspostavlje-nih vrijednosnih sudova i oboružani religioznom, političkom i obrazovnom aparaturom. U tu svrhu možemo tvrditi da se sredstva biraju pomno i pro-računato, a shodno tome, utemeljuju se u institucionaliziranoj i političkoj formi s ciljem generiranja poslušne, produktivne i povodljive zajednice de-subjektiviranih subjekata podložnih kontroli i autodestruktivizmu. Psihoa-naliza predstavlja plodno tlo za refleksiju o psihologiji mase, struktural-noj osnovi i instrumentaciji interpersonalnog povezivanja. Psihoanalitički koncepti koje ću prezentirati namijenjeni su razotkrivanju eksplicitnih teh-nika implicitnih političkih agendi. Budući da su implikacije reakcionarnih masa poduprtih ideološkim zamagljivanjem pogubne u suvremenom svije-tu, konzekventno dovode do gubitka klasne svijesti i angažiraju se u svr-hu kapitaliziranja i ignorantnosti stanovništva. Nametanje lažnog putom nevidljivih posredujućih instanci vodi apsurdu, stoga je svaka struktura, koja arbitrarno apelira na tzv. etablirane smjernice ponašanja, djelova-nja i bivanja, ipso facto fatalna jer nije u mogućnosti racionalizirati svoje namjere i prisilno korigira one izvan poretka, ne verificirajući kredibilitet uvjerenja niti kada je poredak izvan pravca. Budući da se filozofija na-lazi izvan problema na koji se referira, kritičkim razmišljanjem možemo modificirati dosadašnje kriterije da bismo uvidjeli opasnost adaptiranja poremećenom društvu.
Ima li života prije smrti? Iskustvo prvog lica Media bar d.o.o., Zagreb 2018.

Filozofska istraživanja, 2019
Temi psihološke uloge medija u procesima indoktrinacije političkih i korporativnih ideologija u z... more Temi psihološke uloge medija u procesima indoktrinacije političkih i korporativnih ideologija u zapadnim društvima pristupljeno je iz više perspektiva. Rad pruža pregled kritičke teorije medija, koja razmatra kako postmoderna propaganda pogoduje nastajanju fenomena ‘javnosti’ i institucije ‘PR-a’. Utvrđeno je da imperativ konzumerizma, koji inzistira na negaciji individualiteta, reproducira tipove osobnosti. Stoga je pojedinac modernog doba depersonalizirana individua koja je za konstrukciju svoje zbilje ovisna o medijima, političarima i oglašivačima te relativno novijim akterima – influencerima. Razmatra se kako kolektivni entiteti, sačinjeni od heterogenih pluralističkih institucija, mogu postati jezgra socijalnog ‘pathosa’. Rad nastoji dekonstruirati neke aspekte odnosa privrede, politike i medija te načina na koji se propagandnom retorikom utječe na psihu pojedinca i zajednica.

Considering how communities perceive the threat and risks of COVID-19, it is essential to examine... more Considering how communities perceive the threat and risks of COVID-19, it is essential to examine how emotional regulation stimulated through intrinsic and extrinsic incentive mechanisms via social media can reinforce ‘Stay at home’ intentions. The conceptual framework was developed using the elements of the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM). A self-reported questionnaire was used to measure individuals’ intention to stay at home during the pandemic based on the perceived locus of causality as a part of self-determination theory. The empirical research was conducted on a sample of 306 USA respondents. The study results indicate that both components of the EPPM—efficacy and threat—positively affect ‘stay at home’ intentions. Moreover, a positive effect of efficacy on threats was found, as was a moderating effect of threats on the relationship between efficacy and the intention to stay at home. Meanwhile, the influence of social media exposure on threats and behavioral intentions...

International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development
The COVID-19 crisis posed an opportunity for entering new avenues and market segments for large a... more The COVID-19 crisis posed an opportunity for entering new avenues and market segments for large and financially viable enterprises, whilst SMEs lacking resources for such maneuver required cost-effective and quick-fix solutions. In this literature review, we reflect on the drivers of sustainable development of SMEs compared to their larger counterparts during major disasters. We have analyzed prior studies drawing from the concept of “sustainability“ during COVID-19, published between 2020-2021, as well as relevant studies from the domains of crisis management, sustainability, enterprise sustainability, digitisation effects on sustainability, sustainable business practices. Each research was screened to check for the content relevance to the subject matter. The paper suggests that radical sustaining innovation in service delivery combined with diversification could be fostered to mitigate risks and ensure SMEs survival in times of economic downturn. The paper adds to the existing bo...

Current Psychology, 2022
The employees' psychological health and resilience in times of emergency and general uncertainty ... more The employees' psychological health and resilience in times of emergency and general uncertainty was chosen due to the immense implications for economics, entrepreneurs, psychologists and psychiatrists, and policymakers. This study aims to provide an insight into uncertainty-induced anxiety and depression among Chinese employees in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak. Analysis performed in the context of China in the COVID-19 pandemic aftermath is significant due to the universal nature of external shock impact on psychological welfare, applicable across nations and business sectors and in similar contexts. The statistical analysis was performed with SEM software AMOS version 23. The research model consisting of fear of COVID-19, job insecurity, anxiety, depression, was empirically tested. A purposive sampling technique was applied with the online questionnaire shared with employees in companies located in China. Respondents were working in educational services, information technology, engineering, electronics, and other sectors on white-collar jobs. The data collection was conducted from May to August 2020, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic in China. The research sample consisting of 283 respondents was used for analysis. Path analysis was performed, and standardized parameter estimates, standard errors, and p-values were calculated. The results indicate a positive and significant impact of job insecurity on depression and anxiety. Furthermore, results indicate that the fear of COVID-19 significantly impacts anxiety and depression but does not impact job insecurity. The findings can be used in a multidisciplinary effort to mitigate the psychological damage. Furthermore, they complement the ongoing epidemiological and scientific discourse on people's personal health and choice of coping.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
The paper revises the ample empirical and theoretical literature on sustainable organizational gr... more The paper revises the ample empirical and theoretical literature on sustainable organizational growth and strategic leadership relating to the critical aspects of the ongoing pandemic, including poverty, social responsibility, public health, and organizational and managerial innovation. Drawing from available COVID-19, management, and sustainable leadership publications released from 2020 to 2021, this paper considers influential studies exploring core business concepts, principles, philosophies, and activities for accelerating, stimulating, and nurturing social and corporate sustainability. The study analyzed the characteristics and interrelation of 133 articles through bibliometric and literature systemization techniques. We shed light on the significant influence COVID-19 has had on financial, operational, and psychological solvency and organizational health to elucidate expectations and implications for businesses worldwide concerning the long-term financial and functional impac...

Journal of Knowledge Management, 2021
PurposeThis study aims to examine psychological mechanisms underlying tacit knowledge-sharing beh... more PurposeThis study aims to examine psychological mechanisms underlying tacit knowledge-sharing behaviours. The personality trait of conscientiousness is tested in relation to knowledge sharing, and the effect of eagerness and subjective norm on the intention to share is measured in the context of local and multinational knowledge-intensive enterprises in Croatia.Design/methodology/approachThe quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 288 employees of small and medium-sized companies working on knowledge-intensive tasks. The purposive sampling technique and a survey strategy were used in the study. Organizational affiliation, as it was presumed that these individuals possess a higher degree of tacit knowledge. The data collection was conducted in October 2019. Respondents worked in science and technology companies in Croatia on assignments involving information technology, electronics, petrochemicals, medicine and biochemistry. Statistical product and service solutions analysis ...

Sustainability, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the global economy, with numerous companies suffering losses and sh... more The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the global economy, with numerous companies suffering losses and shutting down. However, some companies proved to be resilient, being able to sustain their economic performance despite the pandemic. The study aims to explain the sustainable economic performance of companies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The relationships between empowering leadership, innovative work behavior, organizational readiness to change, and sustainable economic performance were assessed. The data were collected via an online questionnaire from January 2021 to March 2021, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia. The respondents were Russian companies’ employees holding management positions, competent to objectively assess organizational circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic. A sample of 337 was used in the analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with maximum likelihood estimation was conducted using SPSS AMOS. The structural model was tested with standardi...

Sustainability, 2021
In the wake of the current socio-economic crisis, discovering an effective strategy for managing ... more In the wake of the current socio-economic crisis, discovering an effective strategy for managing uncertainty and successful reallocation of resources became key to ensuring sustainable economic performance. More recent evidence pointed to the entrepreneurial leadership style as an effective means for engaging employees in a more proactive pursuit of organizational goals. This article introduces a novel approach to sustainable economic performance during the COVID-19 pandemic considering entrepreneurial leadership, entrepreneurial bricolage, and job insecurity. The empirical study was performed on a sample of 410 employees from Croatian organizations working in different industries during the COVID outbreak. The study results reveal that entrepreneurial leadership positively impacts sustainable economic performance but does not lead to decreased job insecurity. Expectedly, job insecurity was found to have a negative effect on sustainable economic performance. The results confirmed a ...

Sustainability, 2020
The research explores key factors impacting enterprise operational sustainability and the ability... more The research explores key factors impacting enterprise operational sustainability and the ability to transcend adversity during different stages of a crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The current study draws from the Theory of Crisis Management Teams, the Stakeholder Theory, and the Distributed Cognition Theory to build an “Enterprise Effectiveness and Sustainability Model during Pandemic.” Existing theoretical background joint with contemporary success case studies helped to identify the essential aspects and strategies enterprises should employ to survive and thrive during crisis and post-crisis. We have conceptualized an innovative approach to COVID-19 from the perspective of organizational characteristics, operations, digital transformation, and financial planning. The findings suggest that enterprises having distributed leadership, workforce and adaptive culture sustain business operations during a pandemic. Furthermore, resilient enterprises allow for more informed and de...

International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 2020
Psychological well-being is a major global concern receiving more scholarly attention following t... more Psychological well-being is a major global concern receiving more scholarly attention following the 2008 Great Recession, and it becomes even more relevant in the context of COVID-19 outbreak. In this study, we investigated the impact of economic uncertainty resulting from natural disasters, epidemics, and financial crisis on individuals’ mental health. As unemployment rate exponentially increases, individuals are faced with health and economic concerns. Not all society members are affected to the same extent, and marginalized groups, such as those suffering from chronic mental illnesses or low-income families cannot afford the downsizing, mass lay-offs and lack of access to public health services. Psychiatric profession is familiarized with the phenomenon of intolerance of uncertainty (IU), and we examine how this concept is associated with job uncertainty and social identity disturbance. Several studies have formally investigated the effects of IU, but to our knowledge, this is th...

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
As the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic causes a general concern regarding the overall mental he... more As the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic causes a general concern regarding the overall mental health of employees worldwide, policymakers across nations are taking precautions for curtailing and scaling down dispersion of the coronavirus. In this study, we conceptualized a framework capturing recurring troublesome elements of mental states such as depression and general anxiety, assessing them by applying standard clinical inventory. The study explores the extent to which danger control and fear control under the Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM) threat impact job insecurity, with uncertainty phenomenon causing afflicting effect on the experiential nature of depression heightened by anxiety. With the aim to explore the job insecurity relationship with anxiety and depression, and measure the impact of EPPM threat, an empirical study was conducted in the United States on a sample of 347 white collar employees. Demographic data, EPPM threat, job insecurity, anxiety, and depres...

Journal of Knowledge Management, 2021
This study aims to examine psychological mechanisms underlying tacit knowledge-sharing ... more Purpose
This study aims to examine psychological mechanisms underlying tacit knowledge-sharing behaviours. The personality trait of conscientiousness is tested in relation to knowledge sharing, and the effect of eagerness and subjective norm on the intention to share is measured in the context of local and multinational knowledge-intensive enterprises in Croatia.
The quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 288 employees of small and medium-sized companies working on knowledge-intensive tasks. The purposive sampling technique and a survey strategy were used in the study. Organizational affiliation, as it was presumed that these individuals possess a higher degree of tacit knowledge. The data collection was conducted in October 2019. Respondents worked in science and technology companies in Croatia on assignments involving information technology, electronics, petrochemicals, medicine and biochemistry. Statistical product and service solutions analysis of a moment structures software was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling.
The findings suggest that the personality trait of conscientiousness has a positive impact on tacit knowledge sharing behaviour. An attitude of eagerness and subjective norm were also confirmed as predictors of tacit knowledge sharing behaviour. Furthermore, conscientiousness influences the eagerness to share knowledge. A significant association between subjective norm and conscientiousness was also established. Finally, the mediating effects were identified, indicating that subjective norm and eagerness mediate the relationship between conscientiousness and tacit knowledge sharing.
Practical implications
Explaining the relationship between personality and attitude in the context of knowledge sharing will result in a better understanding of factors that should be nurtured within individuals. Accordingly, distinct management initiatives are to be developed to suit these factors. Furthermore, to intensify the knowledge exchange when working on knowledge-intensive tasks of significant economic value, organizations tailor a more particularistic application to suit the individual in the domain of leadership, staffing decisions, work organization and incentive systems.
This study provides an in-depth analysis and theoretical understanding of factors salient for knowledge-sharing behaviour. The authors provide an overview of how knowledge sharing evolves during social interaction through intensive problem-solving sessions and teamwork. The authors render the explanation on how the personality trait of conscientiousness, conjoint with the attitude of eagerness to share know-how in the expert surrounding, is conducive to the generation of tacit knowledge sharing. Underpinning this study are employees’ psychological motives and internal drives to communicate individual cognitive capital outweighing the potential negative consequences, such as losing the competitive advantage over the colleagues

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
n this study, we conceptualized a framework capturing recurring troublesome elements of mental st... more n this study, we conceptualized a framework capturing recurring troublesome elements of mental states such as depression and general anxiety, assessing them by applying standard clinical inventory. The study explores the extent to which danger control and fear control under the Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM) threat impact job insecurity, with uncertainty phenomenon causing afflicting effect on the experiential nature of depression heightened by anxiety. With the aim to explore the job insecurity relationship with anxiety and depression, and measure the impact of EPPM threat, an empirical study was conducted in the United States on a sample of 347 white collar employees. Demographic data, EPPM threat, job insecurity, anxiety, and depression data were collected via a standardized questionnaire during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The questionnaire consisting of multi-item scales was distributed online. All the scale items were evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale. SEM software AMOS version 23 was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis with maximum likelihood estimation. In the structural model, relationships between the threat of COVID-19, job insecurity, anxiety, and depression were assessed. The findings of the study suggest that job insecurity has a significant impact on depression and anxiety, whereas the threat of COVID-19 has a significant impact on depression. Mediating effects of job insecurity and EPPM threat impact on anxiety were not established in the study. The study contributes to the apprehension of the repercussions of major environmental disruptions on normal human functioning, and it investigates the effects of self-reported protective behaviors on risk perception. The study also explains the underlying mechanisms of coping behavior as possible antecedents to mental disorders. When subjected to stressful events, heightened psychological arousal causes physical and psychological challenges of affected employees to manifest as behavioral issues.

International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 2020
Psychological well-being is a major global concern receiving more scholarly attention following t... more Psychological well-being is a major global concern receiving more scholarly attention following the 2008 Great Recession, and it becomes even more relevant in the context of COVID-19 outbreak. In this study, we investigated the impact of economic uncertainty resulting from natural disasters, epidemics, and financial crisis on individuals' mental health. As unemployment rate exponentially increases, individuals are faced with health and economic concerns. Not all society members are affected to the same extent, and marginalized groups, such as those suffering from chronic mental illnesses or low-income families cannot afford the downsizing, mass lay-offs and lack of access to public health services. Psychiatric profession is familiarized with the phenomenon of intolerance of uncertainty (IU), and we examine how this concept is associated with job uncertainty and social identity disturbance. Several studies have formally investigated the effects of IU, but to our knowledge, this is the first research integrating the psychological well-being, job uncertainty and identity disturbance caused by economic breakdown. Literature points to many reported cases of PTSD, anxiety, depression and suicidal tendencies following major social disasters. Yet, we have undertaken to analyze the subjective experiences underlying the self-harming behaviors in an attempt to fill the methodological gap by drawing insights from prominent psychological, sociological and economic theories. We find economic uncertainty to have a positive relation to job uncertainty and identity disturbance, and a negative relationship with psychological well-being. Psychological well-being depends on coherency between both abstract subjective and concrete objective identity, and when these perceptions are inconsistent, cognitive dissonance arises resulting in identity disturbance. We argue that stability is not associated with monetary advantage only, but also with a wide range of other benefits that are crucial for individuals' growth, satisfaction and sense of identity. Therefore, we propose the implementation of social support and public welfare policies to mitigate health risks during the turbulent socioeconomic changes.

Sustainability, 2020
The research explores key factors impacting enterprise operational sustainability and the ability... more The research explores key factors impacting enterprise operational sustainability and the ability to transcend adversity during different stages of a crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The current study draws from the Theory of Crisis Management Teams, the Stakeholder Theory, and the Distributed Cognition Theory to build an "Enterprise Effectiveness and Sustainability Model during Pandemic." Existing theoretical background joint with contemporary success case studies helped to identify the essential aspects and strategies enterprises should employ to survive and thrive during crisis and post-crisis. We have conceptualized an innovative approach to COVID-19 from the perspective of organizational characteristics, operations, digital transformation, and financial planning. The findings suggest that enterprises having distributed leadership, workforce and adaptive culture sustain business operations during a pandemic. Furthermore, resilient enterprises allow for more informed and decentralized decision-making. Prosperous organizations leverage Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) and integrate Intranet, social media, and online communication platforms into their daily business routines, as this helps to establish trust and build bonds with employees, stakeholders, and customers during and post-crisis. Finally, balancing between the stockpiling of resources and resiliency is crucial in anticipation of a crisis. Therefore, we conclude that enterprises with financial contingency plans sustain their business operations during a pandemic.

Čemu, 2017
SAŽETAK: Rad predstavlja svojevrstan osvrt na otuđenost u socijalnom kontekstu života u patološko... more SAŽETAK: Rad predstavlja svojevrstan osvrt na otuđenost u socijalnom kontekstu života u patološkoj "normalnoj stvarnosti", čijim integralnim pripadnicima afirmirane mainstream grupacije nameću vlastite kriterije normalnosti, primjenom znanstvenog pozitivizma, arbitrarno uspostavlje-nih vrijednosnih sudova i oboružani religioznom, političkom i obrazovnom aparaturom. U tu svrhu možemo tvrditi da se sredstva biraju pomno i pro-računato, a shodno tome, utemeljuju se u institucionaliziranoj i političkoj formi s ciljem generiranja poslušne, produktivne i povodljive zajednice de-subjektiviranih subjekata podložnih kontroli i autodestruktivizmu. Psihoa-naliza predstavlja plodno tlo za refleksiju o psihologiji mase, struktural-noj osnovi i instrumentaciji interpersonalnog povezivanja. Psihoanalitički koncepti koje ću prezentirati namijenjeni su razotkrivanju eksplicitnih teh-nika implicitnih političkih agendi. Budući da su implikacije reakcionarnih masa poduprtih ideološkim zamagljivanjem pogubne u suvremenom svije-tu, konzekventno dovode do gubitka klasne svijesti i angažiraju se u svr-hu kapitaliziranja i ignorantnosti stanovništva. Nametanje lažnog putom nevidljivih posredujućih instanci vodi apsurdu, stoga je svaka struktura, koja arbitrarno apelira na tzv. etablirane smjernice ponašanja, djelova-nja i bivanja, ipso facto fatalna jer nije u mogućnosti racionalizirati svoje namjere i prisilno korigira one izvan poretka, ne verificirajući kredibilitet uvjerenja niti kada je poredak izvan pravca. Budući da se filozofija na-lazi izvan problema na koji se referira, kritičkim razmišljanjem možemo modificirati dosadašnje kriterije da bismo uvidjeli opasnost adaptiranja poremećenom društvu.

Filozofska istraživanja, 2019
Afirmacija psihološke uloge medija u procesima suvremene zapadne indoktrinacije Sažetak Temi psih... more Afirmacija psihološke uloge medija u procesima suvremene zapadne indoktrinacije Sažetak Temi psihološke uloge medija u procesima indoktrinacije političkih i korporativnih ideolo-gija u zapadnim društvima pristupljeno je iz više perspektiva. Rad pruža pregled kritičke teorije medija, koja razmatra kako postmoderna propaganda pogoduje nastajanju feno-mena 'javnosti' i institucije 'PR-a'. Utvrđeno je da imperativ konzumerizma, koji inzistira na negaciji individualiteta, reproducira tipove osobnosti. Stoga je pojedinac modernog doba depersonalizirana individua koja je za konstrukciju svoje zbilje ovisna o medijima, političarima i oglašivačima te relativno novijim akterima-influencerima. Razmatra se kako kolektivni entiteti, sačinjeni od heterogenih pluralističkih institucija, mogu postati jezgra socijalnog 'pathosa'. Rad nastoji dekonstruirati neke aspekte odnosa privrede, po-litike i medija te načina na koji se propagandnom retorikom utječe na psihu pojedinca i zajednica. Ključne riječi javnost, politika, mediji, kapitalizam, propaganda, odnosi s javnošću, ideologija, filozofija medija Uvod Prema Karlu Marxu, ideologija je nadgradnja koja korespondira s bazom za-snovanom na relacijama proizvodnje. Distorzija nije rezultat izravnog obma-njivanja, već prije učinak djelovanja dominantnih društvenih veza na svijest pojedinaca kojih je on nesvjestan. 1 Ideologija obuhvaća sferu reprezentacija unutar kojih se proizvodi krivo prepoznavanje, prividna determinacija, umi-šljena veza s uvjetima egzistencije. Na svijest potlačenih klasa se, prema tome, utjecalo putem sredstava mentalne proizvodnje u vlasti dominantne klase, a ovakav je koncept ideologije izravno vezan uz medije kao sredstva posredovanja i moguće ga je testirati na primjeru kako komunizma i nacio-nalsocijalizma tako i demokracije. Vezuje se uz probleme prirode društvene kontrole koja se provodi medijima, danas poglavito onih koji su u vlasništvu privatnih korporacija. Uz to, čini se da mediji izravno participiraju u forma-ciji apstrakcija poput fantazmične 'javnosti' i takvih institucija poput 'odnosa s javnošću'. U postmodernom konzumerističkom društvu, gdje je imperativ negacija individualiteta, ovakav je 'shizoidan' odnos moguće održavati ako 1 Tony Bennett, »Theories of the media, theories of society«, u: Tony Bennett i dr. (ur.), Culture, Society and the Media, Routledge, London, New York 1998., str. 45.
Papers by danijela godinic
This study aims to examine psychological mechanisms underlying tacit knowledge-sharing behaviours. The personality trait of conscientiousness is tested in relation to knowledge sharing, and the effect of eagerness and subjective norm on the intention to share is measured in the context of local and multinational knowledge-intensive enterprises in Croatia.
The quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 288 employees of small and medium-sized companies working on knowledge-intensive tasks. The purposive sampling technique and a survey strategy were used in the study. Organizational affiliation, as it was presumed that these individuals possess a higher degree of tacit knowledge. The data collection was conducted in October 2019. Respondents worked in science and technology companies in Croatia on assignments involving information technology, electronics, petrochemicals, medicine and biochemistry. Statistical product and service solutions analysis of a moment structures software was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling.
The findings suggest that the personality trait of conscientiousness has a positive impact on tacit knowledge sharing behaviour. An attitude of eagerness and subjective norm were also confirmed as predictors of tacit knowledge sharing behaviour. Furthermore, conscientiousness influences the eagerness to share knowledge. A significant association between subjective norm and conscientiousness was also established. Finally, the mediating effects were identified, indicating that subjective norm and eagerness mediate the relationship between conscientiousness and tacit knowledge sharing.
Practical implications
Explaining the relationship between personality and attitude in the context of knowledge sharing will result in a better understanding of factors that should be nurtured within individuals. Accordingly, distinct management initiatives are to be developed to suit these factors. Furthermore, to intensify the knowledge exchange when working on knowledge-intensive tasks of significant economic value, organizations tailor a more particularistic application to suit the individual in the domain of leadership, staffing decisions, work organization and incentive systems.
This study provides an in-depth analysis and theoretical understanding of factors salient for knowledge-sharing behaviour. The authors provide an overview of how knowledge sharing evolves during social interaction through intensive problem-solving sessions and teamwork. The authors render the explanation on how the personality trait of conscientiousness, conjoint with the attitude of eagerness to share know-how in the expert surrounding, is conducive to the generation of tacit knowledge sharing. Underpinning this study are employees’ psychological motives and internal drives to communicate individual cognitive capital outweighing the potential negative consequences, such as losing the competitive advantage over the colleagues
This study aims to examine psychological mechanisms underlying tacit knowledge-sharing behaviours. The personality trait of conscientiousness is tested in relation to knowledge sharing, and the effect of eagerness and subjective norm on the intention to share is measured in the context of local and multinational knowledge-intensive enterprises in Croatia.
The quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 288 employees of small and medium-sized companies working on knowledge-intensive tasks. The purposive sampling technique and a survey strategy were used in the study. Organizational affiliation, as it was presumed that these individuals possess a higher degree of tacit knowledge. The data collection was conducted in October 2019. Respondents worked in science and technology companies in Croatia on assignments involving information technology, electronics, petrochemicals, medicine and biochemistry. Statistical product and service solutions analysis of a moment structures software was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling.
The findings suggest that the personality trait of conscientiousness has a positive impact on tacit knowledge sharing behaviour. An attitude of eagerness and subjective norm were also confirmed as predictors of tacit knowledge sharing behaviour. Furthermore, conscientiousness influences the eagerness to share knowledge. A significant association between subjective norm and conscientiousness was also established. Finally, the mediating effects were identified, indicating that subjective norm and eagerness mediate the relationship between conscientiousness and tacit knowledge sharing.
Practical implications
Explaining the relationship between personality and attitude in the context of knowledge sharing will result in a better understanding of factors that should be nurtured within individuals. Accordingly, distinct management initiatives are to be developed to suit these factors. Furthermore, to intensify the knowledge exchange when working on knowledge-intensive tasks of significant economic value, organizations tailor a more particularistic application to suit the individual in the domain of leadership, staffing decisions, work organization and incentive systems.
This study provides an in-depth analysis and theoretical understanding of factors salient for knowledge-sharing behaviour. The authors provide an overview of how knowledge sharing evolves during social interaction through intensive problem-solving sessions and teamwork. The authors render the explanation on how the personality trait of conscientiousness, conjoint with the attitude of eagerness to share know-how in the expert surrounding, is conducive to the generation of tacit knowledge sharing. Underpinning this study are employees’ psychological motives and internal drives to communicate individual cognitive capital outweighing the potential negative consequences, such as losing the competitive advantage over the colleagues