Papers by Ernesto Pearson

Lipids, 1981
Male Sprague‐Dawley rats were fed for 30 days a high‐fat liquid ethanol diet with dihydroxyaceton... more Male Sprague‐Dawley rats were fed for 30 days a high‐fat liquid ethanol diet with dihydroxyacetone, pyruvate and riboflavin added as supplements (AMA‐). Plasma triglyceride (TG) levels were 6‐fold greater in these rats than in those fed and alcohol with without the supplements (AA‐). The liver TG content in rats fed the AMA‐diet was similar to that of rats fed a control diet (CA‐) in which alcohol was replaced with isocaloric amounts of dextrose. Livers of rats fed the AA‐ diet had 3 times more TG than controls. Alcohol ingestion also enhanced the hepatic content of cholesteryl esters (CE) and phospholipids (PL). These lipids were reduced to levels found in livers of rats fed the control diet (CA‐) when dihydroxyacetone, pyruvate and riboflavin were included in the alcohol diet. The fatty acid compositions of TG, CE and PL from livers of rats fed the AMA‐diet were similar to those of corresponding lipids from rats fed the control diet (CA‐) but differed from compositions when fed th...
Diagnostic and interventional imaging, Jun 1, 2015
Interventional oncology is developing rapidly as a result of advances in imaging and medical devi... more Interventional oncology is developing rapidly as a result of advances in imaging and medical devices. Although the treatments offered are recent and not yet fully validated in the guidelines, they allow non-invasive curative treatments to be offered to a growing number of patients. When it is used in a highly selected patients with less than three metastases under 2-3 cm in size, percutaneous tumor ablation offers local efficacy similar to excision surgery with considerable sparing of the parenchyma, both for lung and liver metastases. Hepatic intra-arterial therapies (chemotherapy, radioembolization, and chemoembolization) are now ''salvage'' methods after chemotherapy has failed and are being assessed in earlier lines of treatment.
Archives de Pédiatrie, 2018
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, 2015
Interventional oncology is developing rapidly as a result of advances in imaging and medical devi... more Interventional oncology is developing rapidly as a result of advances in imaging and medical devices. Although the treatments offered are recent and not yet fully validated in the guidelines, they allow non-invasive curative treatments to be offered to a growing number of patients. When it is used in a highly selected patients with less than three metastases under 2-3 cm in size, percutaneous tumor ablation offers local efficacy similar to excision surgery with considerable sparing of the parenchyma, both for lung and liver metastases. Hepatic intra-arterial therapies (chemotherapy, radioembolization, and chemoembolization) are now ''salvage'' methods after chemotherapy has failed and are being assessed in earlier lines of treatment.
Journal of Neuroradiology, 2012

Journal de Radiologie Diagnostique et Interventionnelle, 2015
L'oncologie interventionnelle se développe rapidement grâce aux progrès en imagerie et dans les d... more L'oncologie interventionnelle se développe rapidement grâce aux progrès en imagerie et dans les dispositifs médicaux. Bien que les traitements proposés soient récents et donc encore incomplètement validés dans les guidelines, ils permettent de proposer des traitements à but curateur à plus de patients avec une invasivité très modérée. Les destructions tumorales percutanées, lorsqu'elles sont appliquées sur une population très sélectionnée avec des métastases de moins de 2 à 3 cm et en nombre inférieur à 3, présentent une efficacité locale équivalente à la chirurgie de résection, avec une épargne parenchymateuse importante ; et ceci aussi bien pour les métastases pulmonaires qu'hépatiques. Les traitements intra-artériels hépatiques (chimiothérapie, radioembolisation, chimioembolisation), aujourd'hui moyen de « rattrapage » après échec de chimiothérapie, sont en évaluation dans des lignes plus précoces de traitement. © 2015 Éditions françaises de radiologie. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés. L'oncologie interventionnelle (radiologie interventionnelle dans le traitement du cancer) est une spécialité en évolution rapide et sera probablement dans un avenir proche le quatrième pilier des soins du cancer, à côté de l'oncologie médicale, de la chirurgie et de la radiothérapie. L'oncologie interventionnelle permet des traitements novateurs peu invasifs DOI de l'article original : ଝ Ne pas utiliser, pour citation, la référence française de cet article, mais celle de l'article original paru dans Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, en utilisant le DOI ci-dessus.

European Radiology, 2015
Screw fixation (osteosynthesis) can be performed percutaneously by interventional radiologists. W... more Screw fixation (osteosynthesis) can be performed percutaneously by interventional radiologists. We report our experience in cancer patients. We retrospectively reviewed all cases of percutaneous osteosynthesis (PO) of the pelvic ring and proximal femur performed in our hospital. PO were performed for fracture palliation or for osteolytic metastases consolidation. Screws were inserted under CT- or cone-beam CT- guidance and general anaesthesia. Patients were followed-up with pelvic-CT and medical consultation at 1 month, then every 3 months. For fractures, the goal was pain palliation and for osteolytic metastases, pathologic fracture prevention. Between February 2010 and August 2014, 64 cancer patients were treated with PO. Twenty-one patients had PO alone for 33 painful fractures (13 bone-insufficiency, 20 pathologic fractures). The pain was significantly improved at 1 month (VAS score = 20/100 vs. 80/100). In addition, 43 cancer patients were preventively consolidated using PO plus cementoplasty for 45 impending pathologic fractures (10 iliac crests, 35 proximal femurs). For the iliac crests, no fracture occurred (median-FU = 75 days). For the proximal femurs, 2 pathological fractures occurred (fracture rate = 5.7 %, median-FU = 205 days). PO is a new tool in the therapeutic arsenal of interventional radiologists for bone pain management. • Screw fixation (osteosynthesis) can be performed percutaneously by interventional radiologists. • CT- or CBCT-guidance results in high technical success rates for screw placement. • This minimally invasive technique avoids extensive surgical exposure in bone cancer patients. • Osteosynthesis provides pain relief for bone-insufficiency fractures and for pathologic fractures. • Osteosynthesis plus cementoplasty provide prophylactic consolidation of impending pathological fractures.

Diagnostic and interventional imaging, 2014
The purpose of our study is to determine whether there is a relation between overweight, age, sex... more The purpose of our study is to determine whether there is a relation between overweight, age, sex, "hospitalised/outpatient" status and a non-inflammatory hypersignal of the subcutaneous lumbosacral adipose tissue in T2 Short-Tau Inversion-Recovery (T2-STIR) MR imaging sequences. One hundred and six lumbar MRI, including a T2-STIR and T1 Fluid Attenuated Inversion-Recovery (FLAIR) weighted sagittal sequences, were retrospectively taken from the picture archiving and communication system (PACS) of our hospital and then made anonymous and analysed. The presence or absence of a T2-STIR hypersignal within subcutaneous adipose tissue behind the paraspinal muscle aponeurosis was determined. In addition, the weight, thickness of the fat tissue, the administrative status of the patient, the age, sex, time of the examination and, when present, the height of this hypersignal were noted. A uni- and multivariate analysis by logistic regression was carried out in order to examine the r...

European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies, Jan 10, 2014
Neuroendocrine tumors from gastro-pancreatic origin (GEP-NET) can be responsible for liver metast... more Neuroendocrine tumors from gastro-pancreatic origin (GEP-NET) can be responsible for liver metastases. Such metastases can be the dominant part of the disease as well due to the tumor burden itself or the symptoms related to such liver metastases. Intra-arterial therapies are commonly used in liver only or liver dominant disease and encompass transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), transarterial embolization (TAE) and radioembolization. TACE performed with drug emulsified in Lipiodol has been used for the past 20 years with reported overall survival in the range of 3 to 4 years, with objective response up to 75%. Response to TACE is higher when treatment is used as a first line therapy and degree of liver involvement is lower. Benefit of TACE over TAE is unproven in randomized study, but reported in retrospective studies namely in pancreatic NET. Radioembolization provides early interesting results that need to be further evaluated in terms of benefit and toxicity. Radiofrequency ab...

Life, 2021
Stroke remains one of the leading causes of death and disability in Europe. The European Stroke A... more Stroke remains one of the leading causes of death and disability in Europe. The European Stroke Action Plan (ESAP) defines four main targets for the years 2018 to 2030. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the use of innovative technologies and created pressure to improve internet networks. Moreover, 5G internet network will be helpful for the transfer and collecting of extremely big databases. Nowadays, the speed of internet connection is a limiting factor for robotic systems, which can be controlled and commanded potentially from various places in the world. Innovative technologies can be implemented for acute stroke patient management soon. Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are used increasingly often without the exception of medicine. Their implementation can be achieved in every level of stroke care. In this article, all steps of stroke health care processes are discussed in terms of how to improve them (including prehospital diagnosis, consultation, transfer of the patient, di...

Annals of Surgical Oncology, 2015
The role of percutaneous thermal ablation as a minimally-invasive treatment has not been evaluate... more The role of percutaneous thermal ablation as a minimally-invasive treatment has not been evaluated in children under 18 years of age with pulmonary osteosarcoma metastases. This was a retrospective review of children treated with percutaneous thermal ablation for pulmonary osteosarcoma metastasis after prior surgical metastasectomy and chemotherapy. Selection criteria included number of pulmonary nodules <5 and nodule size smaller than 2 cm. Indications were discussed at multidisciplinary meetings. The goal was to achieve complete remission using percutaneous thermal ablation, thereby avoiding additional thoracotomies. A total of 26 pulmonary nodules (mean size 6.7 mm, range 2-16 mm) were successfully treated by percutaneous computed tomography (CT)-guided thermal ablation in 11 children with osteosarcoma between the ages of 7 and 17 years (median 12.5). Patients denied post-procedure pain. Complications were limited to three pneumothoraxes (two minor, one major), and median hospitalization duration was 2.0 days. One patient died of rapidly progressive lumbar metastasis discovered 20 days post-ablation. Of the remaining 10 patients, local control at the ablation site was achieved, with median follow up of 16.7 months (range 4.1-41.8). Five patients remained in complete remission after median follow-up of 37.5 months, and five patients developed new metastases (one osseous, four pulmonary), of which two are in remission after subsequent treatment. Percutaneous thermal ablation is a safe and effective minimally-invasive curative local treatment alternative for children with oligometastatic pulmonary osteosarcoma in whom surgical intervention is clinically contraindicated or unappealing.

ABSTRACT Objectifs Le but de notre étude est d’évaluer s’il existe une association entre le surpo... more ABSTRACT Objectifs Le but de notre étude est d’évaluer s’il existe une association entre le surpoids, l’âge, le sexe, le statut « hospitalisé/externe » et un hypersignal non inflammatoire du tissu adipeux sous-cutané lombosacré en IRM sur la séquence T2 short-tau inversion-recovery (T2-STIR). Patients et méthodes Cent-six IRM lombaires, comprenant une séquence sagittale pondérée T2-STIR et une pondérée T1 FLAIR, ont été extraites rétrospectivement, à partir du système d’archivage de notre l’hôpital, puis anonymisées et analysées. La présence ou non d’un hypersignal T2-STIR au sein des tissus adipeux sous-cutanés en arrière de l’aponévrose des muscles paraspinaux a été recherchée. De même, le poids, l’épaisseur adipeuse, le statut administratif du patient, l’âge, le sexe, l’heure de réalisation de l’examen et, lorsqu’il était présent, la hauteur de cet hypersignal ont été enregistrés. Une analyse uni- et multivariée par régression logistique a été effectuée afin d’examiner les relations entre ces données. Résultats Sur les examens sélectionnés, 25,5 % (n = 27) ont montré un hypersignal T2-STIR dans l’hypoderme. Nous avons identifié le poids (p < 0,023), l’épaisseur adipeuse (p < 0,001), l’âge du patient (p < 0,017) et le statut « hospitalisé » (p < 0,009) comme variables significatives associées à cet hypersignal T2-STIR. La hauteur moyenne de l’hypersignal était 109,5 millimètres. Parmi ces 27 patients, 5 ont eu une injection de chélate de gadolinium ne retrouvant aucun rehaussement à ce niveau. Conclusion Nous avons trouvé une association significative entre le surpoids, l’âge et le statut « hospitalisé » et une infiltration non inflammatoire du tissu adipeux lombaire. Ce phénomène semble correspondre à un œdème interstitiel, lié à une stase sous-cutanée. Cette anomalie ne doit pas être confondue avec une inflammation locale.
Papers by Ernesto Pearson