Papers by Fierenziana Getruida Junus
Hak cipta merek KBM Indonesia sudah terdaftar di DJKI-Kemenkumham dan isi buku dilindungi undang-... more Hak cipta merek KBM Indonesia sudah terdaftar di DJKI-Kemenkumham dan isi buku dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang keras menerjemahkan, memfotokopi, atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa seizin penerbit karena beresiko sengketa hukum
Ecrononciation : Fenomena Bahasa Prancis dalam Komunikasi Media Sosial, 2024
Hak cipta merek KBM Indonesia sudah terdaftar di DJKI-Kemenkumham dan isi buku dilindungi undang-... more Hak cipta merek KBM Indonesia sudah terdaftar di DJKI-Kemenkumham dan isi buku dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang keras menerjemahkan, memfotokopi, atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa seizin penerbit karena beresiko sengketa hukum

Conference International sur le Français, 2019
Cet article est basé sur des recherché sur le phénomène de la communication. Tout le monde,dans l... more Cet article est basé sur des recherché sur le phénomène de la communication. Tout le monde,dans leur vie, a besoin de communiquer avec les autres. Donc, pour commencer la communication, on se salue et s'appelle. Vocatif est un terme d'adresse nécessaire à la communication. Dans cet article, nous allons décrire notre recherche sur les vocatifs dans une bande dessinée intitulée "Les Aventures de Tintin" (LAdT). Le but de cette recherche est de trouver les vocatifs dans la bande dessinée LAdT puis de les cathegoriser. Pour cela, nous utilisons la théorie de la morphosyntaxe, alors que pour catégoriser les vocatifs, nous utilisons les théories vocatifs de Friederike Braun et Arnold Zwicky. Les résultats de l'étude ont révélé que les vocatifs utilisés dans les bandes dessinées de LAdT étaient l'affection, le nom, la caractéristique physique, le nom d'ethnique, le travail, et le nom de l'animal.

The 1st International Translation and Interpretation Simposium, 2014
This article is the result of a research on two French comic translations "Asterix di Belgia" and... more This article is the result of a research on two French comic translations "Asterix di Belgia" and "Asterix dan Cleopatra" by Goscinny and Uderzo and their original comics. This research aims to comparing the method of both comic translations by using Newmark's theory and to find the typical translation phenomena that might be used as reference in comic translating by using descriptive qualitative method and Grounded Theory approach. After doing the research, it is found that both comic "Asterix di Belgia" (AdB) and "Asterix dan Cleopatra" (AdC) use almost all of the methods of translation. From the comparison of the proportion usage on translation methods, it is obtained that the translation methods of AdB comic are more oriented to Target Language. In contrast, the translation methods of AdC comic are more oriented to Source Language. In this study, it is found several translation strategies that could be used as references in translating comics such as; translation which is based on the context and the purpose, the onomatopoeic and name translation. All of these strategies are used so that the message and the impression in text of source language comics could be delivered in target language comics, therefore the comic does not seem to be the work of translation.
The 3rd International Trans-disciplinary Linguistics, 2016

This study aims to analyze the perspective of French media on the reporting of water pollution in... more This study aims to analyze the perspective of French media on the reporting of water pollution in Indonesia through language rhetoric. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with an applied linguistic approach (language style). Data collection, in the form of media texts, is sourced from three French online media, namely Enviro2b, La Croix, Le Point, Les Groumerstrotters, and Liberation. The author collected news texts from the five French media that raised the theme of water pollution in Indonesia. The results of the study concluded that French online media conveyed their attitudes and views on the management of plastic waste in Indonesian waters through the use of language rhetoric, namely hyperbole, repetition, and metaphorical style. The use of repetition and hyperbole language shows the attitude and critical view of the French media towards the pollution of plastic waste in the Indonesian sea. One of the critical statements through hyperbole rhetoric is that the word ...

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2022), 2022
Indonesian tourism suffered a heavy blow when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. One of the recovery stra... more Indonesian tourism suffered a heavy blow when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. One of the recovery strategies issued by the Indonesian government in 2021 is storynomic tourism, which puts forward narratives, creative content, and cultural strengths. Folklore, as part of the nation's cultural wealth, can support storynomic tourism. This study examines the concept of the integration of literature, translation, and tourism using an ethnographic method while documenting the folklores of South Sulawesi in Makassarese, Buginese, and Torajanese. The data came from resource persons who know and can tell local folk tales using their local language, transcribed the collected folklore into text, and translated them into Indonesian. Other data are photos of objects related to the stories. This article discusses three folk tales, which represent the Makassarese (the love story of Datu Museng and Maipa Deapati), the Buginese (the origin of the village Batu Cokkong), and the Torajanese (the legend of Lakipadada). The mapping of the potentials and constraints faced by the folklores shows that the mentioned folk tales have significant possibilities to support tourism in South Sulawesi. According to Butler's theory, the stories can bring tourists to actual locations, promote particular places, and create a new tourist destination. On the other hand, some sites can popularize certain folk tales. This research produced the concept of literary tourism that can support the regional economy while preserving folklore as one of the cultural heritages.
Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan, 2013
Cultural Dynamics in a Globalized World, 2017
Educational institutions increasingly recognize the role that student belonging plays in retentio... more Educational institutions increasingly recognize the role that student belonging plays in retention. Many studies in this area focus on helping students improve a sense of belonging before they matriculate or identifying belonging as a reason for their departure. This study measures students' sense of belonging at key transition points during the first year and finds that social belonging and academic performance are both strong predictors of retention that are not necessarily correlated. These results suggest that a comprehensive, focused outreach protocol that encompasses both social and academic factors could have a positive impact on student persistence.

RIDP, Oct 16, 2019
Міжнародний економіко-гуманітарний університет імені Академіка Степана Дем'янчука РОЛЬ ЗАСОБІВ МА... more Міжнародний економіко-гуманітарний університет імені Академіка Степана Дем'янчука РОЛЬ ЗАСОБІВ МАСОВОЇ ІНФОРМАЦІЇ У ВИСВІТЛЕННІ ЗБРОЙНИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ У СВІТІ: ТЕОРЕТИЧНИЙ ПІДХІД У статті на основі історичного розвитку соціально-політичних відносин в умовах ринкового виробництва і теоретичних досліджень сутності понять «медіа», «мас-медіа», «засоби масової інформації» визначено їх особливості. З'ясовано, що з допомогою зазначених умов і особливостей виникли об'єктивні передумови для перетворення інформації в продукт купівлі-продажу у форматі товару, який виконує розважальну, інформаційну і просвітницьку функції. Здійснено теоретичний аналіз сутності сучасних збройних конфліктів і доведено, що у їх висвітленні ключову роль відіграють ЗМІ. Визначено, що основними чинниками переростання конфліктів у збройні є структурні і процедурні. До структурних чинників належать: структура суспільства, рівень економічного розвитку і його регіональна збалансованість, до процедурних-політика, що проводиться учасниками конфлікту. Ключові слова: медіа, мас-медіа, засоби масової інформації, інформація, інформаційні відносини, продукт, збройний конфлікт, військова сутичка, військовий інцидент. Bohush L. A. ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN COVERAGE OF ARMED CONFLICTS IN THE WORLD: THEORETICAL APPROACH In the article on the basis of the historical development of socio-political relations in the conditions of market production and theoretical studies of the essence of the concepts "media", "mass media", "media" their features are determined. It is found that with the help of these conditions and features, objective prerequisites arose for transforming information into a product of sale in the format of goods that performs entertainment, information and educational functions. Theoretical analysis of the essence of modern armed conflicts is carried out and it is proved that the media play a key role in their coverage. It is determined that the main factors of conflict in the armed are structural and procedural to procedural-policy conducted by participants in the conflict.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

This article is the result of a study on "French Language Guide in Tana Toraja". This s... more This article is the result of a study on "French Language Guide in Tana Toraja". This study aims to analyze the mistakes made by tour guides in Tana Toraja in French. The subjects in this study were 3 French-speaking tour guides, and the object in this study was a mistake in French. This study uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis methods with a theory approach to analyzing language errors in the Tarigan model that divides language errors into misformation, omission, addition, and misorder which will then be searched for factors causing language errors by tour guides in Tana Toraja. After conducting research, the results of the analysis show that all tour guides make mistakes in French, and the most dominant tour guide makes mistakes is the tour guide 1. The error is caused by performance factors such as experience and communication goals and competency factors, namely education.
Perempuan sering mengalami marginalisasi dan subordinasi dalam kehidupan mereka. Bahasa menjadi a... more Perempuan sering mengalami marginalisasi dan subordinasi dalam kehidupan mereka. Bahasa menjadi alat dalam melakukan kekerasan tersebut. Lewat penggambaran tentang diri perempuan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan paham falosentrisme yang sangat partiarki. Perempuan sering tidak menyadari hal tersebut, mereka juga ikut menjadi pelaku bagi sesamanya Hal ini disebabkan karena ketidakpahaman dan ketiadaan akses untuk. mengetahuinya bahkan perempuan menjadi pelanggeng kekerasan tersebut. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana bahasa dijadikan alat untuk melakukan kekerasan marginalisasi dan subordinasi terhadap perempuan. Dengan mnrujuk beberapa teori seperti teori Lacan, Hélène Cixous dan Julia Kristeva, penulis menawarkan solusi berupa ecriture feminine yaitu perempuan harus menyuarakan siapa dan bagaimana dia, menulis tentang perempuan, untuk perempuan oleh perempuan.

International Conference on Language, Culture, and Society, 2015
The use of social media in communicating nowadays increase sharply and influence the development ... more The use of social media in communicating nowadays increase sharply and influence the development of language, in this case Indonesian language.Various new forms of language emerged with enormous variation in number. In fact, this new form of words slowly displacing the existing standard. A phenomenon that is hard to avoid. This article describes the use of various forms of language by users of social media which do not refer to the standard form. The social media user inclined to write down what was said. A process which the authors refer to as ecrononciation or the process of writing a word or phrase as spoken. This process occurs in a variety of linguistic change, like the abbreviation, morfofonologis, zeroisation, onomatopoeic, and ellipsis. The other form that also existsas specific style of this kind of communication is the use of emoticons, stickers, and meme. The social media chatter use words, phrases or sentences arbitrarily, which is quite communicative andalso very popular among them. They are very creative, they modified words and creating new words that can be understood easily. The prior research showed that the phenomenon appeared as a result of economizing language because whether the company of telephone cellular or the provider of social media applications had only required some limited spaces for a status or a comment characters number.Nevertheless, the reason is no longer relevant since the technology of telephone cellular become more sophisticated. The use of language in social media is not just a language production but it is also a process of self-representation, the process of dialogue between capitalism and users, the process ofconstructing identity by the social media users. Abstrak: Penggunaan media sosial sebagai sarana komunikasi menjadi semakin sulit dielakkan, semakin meluas dan membawa pengaruh besar bagi perkembangan bahasa dalam hal ini bahasa Indonesia. Berbagai bentuk bahasa baru muncul dengan variasi yang sangat besar jumlahnya. Bahkan bentuk baru ini perlahan menggusur kata-kata baku yang ada. Sebuah fenomena yang sulit dihindari Artikel ini memaparkan penggunaan berbagai bentuk bahasa oleh para pengguna media sosial yang seringkali tidak mengacu pada bentuk baku ataupun standar bahkan cenderung untuk menuliskan apa yang diucapkan. Sebuah proses yang penulis sebut sebagai ecrononciation atau proses penulisan kata atau kalimat sebagaimana yang diucapkan. Dalam proses ini tejadi berbagai perubahan linguistik, seperti abreviasi, morfofonologis, zeroisasi,onomatope, dan elipsis. Bahkan bentuk-bentuk lain seperti penggunaan emotikon,stiker, dan meme menjadi ciri khas dari jenis komunikasi ini. Para pengguna media sosialmenggunakan kata atau kalimat sesuka hati yang ternyata cukup komunikatif bagi komunitas penggunanya bahkan sangat popular digunakan. Mereka sangat kreatif, memodifikasi kata dan menciptakan kata-kata baru yang dapat dipahami dengan mudah. Mungkin awalnya variasi bahasa yang muncul merupakan akibat dari ekonomisasi bahasa. Namun seiring teknologi yang semakin canggih, alasan tersebut menjadi tidak relevan. Penggunaan bahasa dalam media sosial bukanlah sekadar sebuah proses reproduksi bahasa namun juga merupakan sebuah proses representasi diri, proses dialog antara kapitalisme dan individu pengguna, dan proses konstruksi identitas bagi para pengguna media sosial.. Kata Kunci: variasi bahasa, konstruksi identitas, representasi, media sosial, ecrononciation 366
Papers by Fierenziana Getruida Junus