Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the e... more Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the economy, especially absenteeism, early retirement and job loss. The prevalence is between 10.1 and 80% in the general population. The divergence of these values refer to differences in study methodologies. Many studies on chronic pain emphasize the adjustment and psychological well-being. In this sense two variables are prominent: resilience and pain catastrophizing. Resilience is currently considered as a new paradigm for adaptation to chronic pain. Resilience and pain catastrophizing has featured in the management and regulation of chronic pain, and as a psychological factor that promotes adaptive responses to pain. This thesis seeks to build resilience profiles for understanding the biopsychosocial aspects underlying the chronic pain condition. For this three stages were necessary. The first stage is the systematic review in order to find specific instruments for chronic pain that is used to measure resilience. This is necessary since the resilience depends on the context, that is, an individual may be resilient in a context but not another. As a result of this first stage we found only one instrument, the Profile Chronic Pain: Screen (PCP: S). Studies investigating the psychometric properties of this instrument were evaluated, especially with the use of COSMIN methodology. In this sense the studies showed good levels, indicate the validity of the instrument. In the second stage used the latent class analysis (LCA) in a sample of 414 patients with musculoskeletal chronic pain, using sociodemographic variables gender, age, education, employed or not working, or in treatment or not in treatment, and PCP:S resilience groups. Identified three latent class resilience using LCA. The class of "resilient" (30%) consisted of women over 54 years old, low level of education, under a doctor's care and do not working due to pain. The class of "non-resilient" (29%), consisting of women with a middle level of education, aged 40 and 54, working despite pain and do not receiving treatment for pain. The class "other" (40%) consisted of men aged up to 40 years , high level of education, under a doctor's care and do not working due to pain. In the third stage widens the scope of the second stage, using the same data and the same sample, applies to the latent class regression (LCR) where the dimensions of the pain catastrophizing, measured by Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), using to predict individuals' latent class membership. The coefficients (betas) on the covariates are estimated simultaneously as part of the latent class model, and exponentiation shows the odds ratio. This stage identified three latent classes with the same sociodemographic characteristics of the classes identified in the second stage. The class "other" showed low scores in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. The class "nonresilient" showed high scores in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. Finally, the "resilient" class showed an intermediate score in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. These three classes reveal three distinct paths of resilience, and relevant to clinical practice. It is notable that, in comparison with other studies, cultural differences have been identified, and require attention and further studies.
Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the e... more Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the economy, especially absenteeism, early retirement and job loss. The prevalence is between 10.1 and 80% in the general population. The divergence of these values refer to differences in study methodologies. Many studies on chronic pain emphasize the adjustment and psychological well-being. In this sense two variables are prominent: resilience and pain catastrophizing. Resilience is currently considered as a new paradigm for adaptation to chronic pain. Resilience and pain catastrophizing has featured in the management and regulation of chronic pain, and as a psychological factor that promotes adaptive responses to pain. This thesis seeks to build resilience profiles for understanding the biopsychosocial aspects underlying the chronic pain condition. For this three stages were necessary. The first stage is the systematic review in order to find specific instruments for chronic pain that is used to measure resilience. This is necessary since the resilience depends on the context, that is, an individual may be resilient in a context but not another. As a result of this first stage we found only one instrument, the Profile Chronic Pain: Screen (PCP: S). Studies investigating the psychometric properties of this instrument were evaluated, especially with the use of COSMIN methodology. In this sense the studies showed good levels, indicate the validity of the instrument. In the second stage used the latent class analysis (LCA) in a sample of 414 patients with musculoskeletal chronic pain, using sociodemographic variables gender, age, education, employed or not working, or in treatment or not in treatment, and PCP:S resilience groups. Identified three latent class resilience using LCA. The class of "resilient" (30%) consisted of women over 54 years old, low level of education, under a doctor's care and do not working due to pain. The class of "non-resilient" (29%), consisting of women with a middle level of education, aged 40 and 54, working despite pain and do not receiving treatment for pain. The class "other" (40%) consisted of men aged up to 40 years , high level of education, under a doctor's care and do not working due to pain. In the third stage widens the scope of the second stage, using the same data and the same sample, applies to the latent class regression (LCR) where the dimensions of the pain catastrophizing, measured by Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), using to predict individuals' latent class membership. The coefficients (betas) on the covariates are estimated simultaneously as part of the latent class model, and exponentiation shows the odds ratio. This stage identified three latent classes with the same sociodemographic characteristics of the classes identified in the second stage. The class "other" showed low scores in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. The class "nonresilient" showed high scores in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. Finally, the "resilient" class showed an intermediate score in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. These three classes reveal three distinct paths of resilience, and relevant to clinical practice. It is notable that, in comparison with other studies, cultural differences have been identified, and require attention and further studies.
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano, Jan 28, 2014
The worldwide overweight prevalence showed a rapid increase in recent decades, featuring a true g... more The worldwide overweight prevalence showed a rapid increase in recent decades, featuring a true global epidemic. The aim of this study was to determine the overweight prevalence (BMI ≥ 25kg/m 2) and possible associations with socioeconomic and demographic indicators for adults in Brazil. This epidemiological study analyzed data from the population of adults aged 20-59 years (n = 101 308 637) included in the 2008-2009 Brazilian Family Budget Survey (POF) conducted in all geographic regions of Brazil. The nutritional status assessment used the Body Mass Index, which was categorized as normal weight and overweight according to cutoff points recommended by the World Health Organization. As socioeconomic and demographic indicators, sex, age, color-race, education, income, and geographic region were analyzed. Crude and adjusted Poisson regression was performed. The results showed that the overweight prevalence was 47.7%, and the groups with the highest prevalence were adults aged 20-59 years, males, black skin color, schooling from 6 to 9 years , income of 1/4 ≥ minimum wage <1/2 and living in Southern Brazil. Almost half of adults in Brazil are overweight. Strategic actions aimed at reducing the overweight prevalence among adults in Brazil are needed to combat the obesity epidemic.
According to studies, most of the negative results obtained on the incidence of aflatoxin M1 can ... more According to studies, most of the negative results obtained on the incidence of aflatoxin M1 can be attributed to the low sensitivity of the analytical methods employed. The presence of Aflatoxins M1, represents a public health issue, since milk is among the products most consumed by man and, constituting the basis of infant feeding.
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de verificar a prevalência e fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos... more Este trabalho teve o objetivo de verificar a prevalência e fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos associados ao excesso de peso em idosos brasileiros. O trabalho foi construído com os dados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) 2002-2003. A amostra constou de 13.943 idosos, acima de 60 anos de idade. O excesso de peso (sobrepeso + obesidade) foi verificado por meio dos pontos de corte para o índice de massa corporal (IMC ≥ 25 kg/m²). As variáveis independentes foram: sexo, idade, cor-raça, escolaridade, renda e região geográfica. Estimaram-se as razões de prevalência e os intervalos de confiança, bruto e ajustado, considerando nível de significância de 5%. A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 45,1%. Na análise da razão de prevalência bruta, todas as variáveis foram significativas. No modelo ajustado, os grupos de idosos com maiores prevalências de excesso de peso foram:
Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the e... more Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the economy, especially absenteeism, early retirement and job loss. The prevalence is between 10.1 and 80% in the general population. The divergence of these values refer to differences in study methodologies. Many studies on chronic pain emphasize the adjustment and psychological well-being. In this sense two variables are prominent: resilience and pain catastrophizing. Resilience is currently considered as a new paradigm for adaptation to chronic pain. Resilience and pain catastrophizing has featured in the management and regulation of chronic pain, and as a psychological factor that promotes adaptive responses to pain. This thesis seeks to build resilience profiles for understanding the biopsychosocial aspects underlying the chronic pain condition. For this three stages were necessary. The first stage is the systematic review in order to find specific instruments for chronic pain that is u...
Background Brazil have a huge free health care system. Inspired on UK National Health System (NHS... more Background Brazil have a huge free health care system. Inspired on UK National Health System (NHS), the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, that means Unified Health System) was consolidate as a right for all citizens after 1988's Brazilian Federal Constitution. Despite your spread, part of Brazilian citizens have an opposite opinions about SUS. So, the main question is: How to teach the relevance of a universal free health care system as a human right. Objectives The main aim of this work is teaching the recognize of SUS as a human right and ratified by Brazilian Federal Constitution in a High School class. In this sense, we used the cinema and debate for stimulate an effective comprehension of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and health promotion as a human right in a high school class. We used the movie Elysium (Neill Blomkamp, 2013) that show a dystopian world with two social class: citizen and non-citizen of Elysium (an artificial satellite of the Earth with high techn...
Este artigo apresenta o relato de experiência docente durante a pandemia da COVID-19 (março de 20... more Este artigo apresenta o relato de experiência docente durante a pandemia da COVID-19 (março de 2020 a dezembro de 2021), no Instituto Benjamin Constant/ Rio de Janeiro. Estudo de natureza qualitativa, com características de abordagem descritiva exploratória, com emprego de técnicas da pesquisa documental/ bibliográfica, que teve o objetivo abordar as estratégias, os desafios e a superação dos professores no teletrabalho, que se reinventaram no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, baseado na teoria do ensino centrada no aprendiz, e entregaram conhecimentos diversificados de hábitos saudáveis, de alimentação e nutrição, práticas esportivas e estratégias preventivas às três etapas da Educação Básica, a partir de uma (Re)Educação Física baseada em evidências. Percebeu-se o envolvimento dos estudantes nas atividades propostas e atitudes críticas de apropriação dos conteúdos apresentados, contudo, as peculiaridades da comunidade escolar daquela instituição foram desconsideradas durante o tele...
The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of energy drink (ED) ingestion on CrossFit... more The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of energy drink (ED) ingestion on CrossFit®performance in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study, with 8 CrossFit®-trained (26.5 ± 2.7 years;70.2 ± 13.0 kg; 1.7 ± 0.09 m; 23.0 ± 3.2 kg/m2; Σ skinfold thickness: 34.1 ± 6.9 mm; body fat: 13.3 ± 3.0%), that were randomly allocated to 2 groups and underwent 2 trials separated by a 7-day washoutperiod. Participants ingested either a dose of 300 mL of ED or Placebo (soda), 30 minutes before thestart of tests of muscular strength (MS), 10 and 12 maximum repetitions (MRs) in barbell bench press(BBP) and barbell squat (BS), respectively and localized muscular endurance (LME) using Workout of the Day (WOD) selected. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and the rating of perceived pain (RPP)were evaluated immediately after the tests. The total volume of repetitions (TVR) was evaluated to each test. The TVR was significantly higher after consuming the ED (p = 0.012) and of the Place...
The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of energy drink (ED) ingestion on CrossFit... more The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of energy drink (ED) ingestion on CrossFit® performance in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study, with 8 CrossFit®-trained (26.5 ± 2.7 years; 70.2 ± 13.0 kg; 1.7 ± 0.09 m; 23.0 ± 3.2 kg/m2; ∑ skinfold thickness: 34.1 ± 6.9 mm; body fat: 13.3 ± 3.0 %), that were randomly allocated to 2 groups and underwent 2 trials separated by a 7-day washout period. Participants ingested either a dose of 300 mL of ED or Placebo (soda), 30 minutes before the start of tests of muscular strength (MS), 10 and 12 maximum repetitions (MRs) in barbell bench press (BBP) and barbell squat (BS), respectively and localized muscular endurance (LME) using Workout of the Day (WOD) selected. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and the rating of perceived pain (RPP) were evaluated immediately after the tests. The total volume of repetitions (TVR) was evaluated to each test. The TVR was significantly higher after consuming the ED (p = 0.012) and of the Placebo (p = 0.027). There was a reduction in the rate of RPE after the consumption of both drinks (p = 0.023 and p = 0.024). The consumption of ED significantly reduced the rate of RPP (p = 0.017). Acute ED ingestion improved CrossFit® performance by increased the TVR and the pain tolerance.
Anais do(a) Anais da Semana Acadêmica do IFRJ Campus Mesquita
que dialogam com a educação de jovens e adultos, identidades e questões étnico-raciais. Após as a... more que dialogam com a educação de jovens e adultos, identidades e questões étnico-raciais. Após as análises e diálogos com as dissertações, verificamos que as questões a respeito das relações étnico-raciais são pouco trabalhadas pelos pesquisadores da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica no campo do ProEJA.
OBJETIVO: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento, as principais características e a aplicabilida... more OBJETIVO: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento, as principais características e a aplicabilidade de um site responsivo para avaliar/ aprimorar a Aptidão Física Relacionada com a Saúde (AFRS) de adultos aparentemente saudáveis. MÉTODOS: Estudo metodológico, realizado em quatro etapas: elicitação de requisitos funcionais com dois professores de Educação Física, uma bacharela em Nutrição e três técnicos em Informática (acessos e ferramentas com base em evidências científicas à AFRS) e não-funcionais (desenvolvimento: framework Bootstrap 4; linguagens de programação: HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7.4.0 e Javascript; gerenciador de banco de dados: SQLite; execução pelos browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox e Internet Explorer); prototipagem pela equipe de tecnologia da informação; testagem (design; usabilidade; linguagem; instruções; segurança; e transferência) por 31 participantes, selecionados por conveniência, com média de idade de 30,5 anos (17 mulheres); e implementação do site responsivo...
The aim of this study was to identify resilience profiles of patients with chronic pain. Using la... more The aim of this study was to identify resilience profiles of patients with chronic pain. Using latent class analysis in a sample of 414 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain, three profiles were identified: primary resilience (40%), consisting of individuals 40 years or younger with high education, who seek medical care, are not working, and without symptoms of psychological stress; secondary resilience (30%), consisting of women over 54 years of age with low schooling, who seek medical care, are not working, and with low likelihood of symptoms of psychological stress; tertiary resilience (29%), women with medium schooling, 40 to 54 years old, working, who do not seek medical care, and with a high likelihood of symptoms of psychological stress. The three profiles display different paths of resilience in chronic pain that are relevant to clinical practice, highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary care for patients with chronic pain.
Trata-se da Escala de Auto-Eficácia Geral Percebida, validade e adaptada para amostras brasileira... more Trata-se da Escala de Auto-Eficácia Geral Percebida, validade e adaptada para amostras brasileiras. A escala está pronta ara o uso, basta realizar o download, segue também orientações básicas sobre os escores. O artigo que trata da validação é: SOUZA, Israel &amp; SOUZA, Marcos Aguiar de. Validação da Escala de Auto-Eficácia Geral Percebida. Rev. Univ. Rural, Sér. Ciências Humanas. Seropédica, RJ, EDUR, v. 26, n. 1-2, jan.- dez., 2004. p. 12-17.
portuguesA metodologia do treinamento desportivo sempre esteve orientada para a performance. Ness... more portuguesA metodologia do treinamento desportivo sempre esteve orientada para a performance. Nesse interim, a avaliacao fisica dos atletas tornase imprescindivel como um identificador da condicao do atleta, bem como fornece subsidios ao treinador para a prescricao, planificacao e periodizacao adequada do treinamento esportivo. Deste modo, o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a avaliacao dos atletas de judo por meio de um teste especifico: o Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT). Para alcancar este objetivo realizouse uma revisao bibliografica sobre testes especificos para o judo e tambem um estudo empirico utilizando o Special Judo Fitness Test com 30 atletas de Judo, competidores da Regiao do Grande Rio, categorizados pelo desempenho esportivo segundo a obtencao de medalhas em competicoes e segundo a observacao dos treinadores. Os resultados apontam que os atletas avaliados possuem desempenho no SJFT abaixo (pontuacao alta) dos citados na literatura, no entanto, as comparacoes ...
This study aimed to describe BMI's short-term trends and analyze the association between the ... more This study aimed to describe BMI's short-term trends and analyze the association between the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the sociodemographic variables and variables of family perception of the sufficiency and type of food consumed by Brazilian elderly of both sexes. The authors used data from the Household Budget Surveys (HBS) collected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2002/03 and 2008/09. The prevalence of overweight and obesity increased, whereas normal and low weight decreased. Multinomial regression models were used for 2008/09 to analyze the association between BMI and sociodemographic variables and variables of family perception of the sufficiency and type of food intake. Income and age were more associated with BMI. We suggest that health and nutrition prevention and monitoring measures be implemented through public policies, considering multifactorial overweight in the Brazilian elderly.
Brazilian Journal of Medicine and Human Health, 2013
Objectives: To describe the populational profile of adults affected by neck and upper limb pain (... more Objectives: To describe the populational profile of adults affected by neck and upper limb pain (NULP) and to relate the characteristics of this type of pain with the predominantly physical, psychic and mixed workloads. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 2,297 individuals of > 20 years old, in Salvador-Brazil. A standardized questionnaire was applied to collect data about socio-demographic characteristics. Workers were grouped according to predominantly physical, psychic and mixed workloads, and associations were verified against the characteristics of those affected in comparison to individuals without reports of pain in the neck and upper limbs. The prevalence of pain was estimated by the OR adjusted (95% CI). Univariate analyses and logistic regression were performed. Results: NULP was found in 222 individuals (9.47%), and predominated in women and widowers exposed to physical workloads; moderate alcohol consumption was the protector in this occup...
Brazilian Journal of Medicine and Human Health, 2015
Objective: To describe the chronic lower back pain functional profile in a population-based sampl... more Objective: To describe the chronic lower back pain functional profile in a population-based sample. Methods: A total of 2,297 individuals aged around ≥ 20 years were selected from 34 regions of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. In order to characterize samples, sociodemographic data were collected. And, in order to describe functional profile, the body map and functional items were applied based on Oswestry questionnaire. Results: Between 28.6% and 68.8% of the population with CLBP presented disability, depending on the analyzed function. Chronic lower back pain was negatively associated with function in lifting objects (rarely, OR 2.39 IC 95%, 1.15-4.97) and remaining seated (OR 10.40 IC 95% 3.32- 32.46). In opposition to that, walking was associated to increased function (frequently, OR 0.47 IC 95% 0.30 – 0,72). Conclusions: Chronic lower back pain is frequently associated with disability. Lifting objects and remaining seated were the functional items that presented higher association with...
Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the e... more Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the economy, especially absenteeism, early retirement and job loss. The prevalence is between 10.1 and 80% in the general population. The divergence of these values refer to differences in study methodologies. Many studies on chronic pain emphasize the adjustment and psychological well-being. In this sense two variables are prominent: resilience and pain catastrophizing. Resilience is currently considered as a new paradigm for adaptation to chronic pain. Resilience and pain catastrophizing has featured in the management and regulation of chronic pain, and as a psychological factor that promotes adaptive responses to pain. This thesis seeks to build resilience profiles for understanding the biopsychosocial aspects underlying the chronic pain condition. For this three stages were necessary. The first stage is the systematic review in order to find specific instruments for chronic pain that is used to measure resilience. This is necessary since the resilience depends on the context, that is, an individual may be resilient in a context but not another. As a result of this first stage we found only one instrument, the Profile Chronic Pain: Screen (PCP: S). Studies investigating the psychometric properties of this instrument were evaluated, especially with the use of COSMIN methodology. In this sense the studies showed good levels, indicate the validity of the instrument. In the second stage used the latent class analysis (LCA) in a sample of 414 patients with musculoskeletal chronic pain, using sociodemographic variables gender, age, education, employed or not working, or in treatment or not in treatment, and PCP:S resilience groups. Identified three latent class resilience using LCA. The class of "resilient" (30%) consisted of women over 54 years old, low level of education, under a doctor's care and do not working due to pain. The class of "non-resilient" (29%), consisting of women with a middle level of education, aged 40 and 54, working despite pain and do not receiving treatment for pain. The class "other" (40%) consisted of men aged up to 40 years , high level of education, under a doctor's care and do not working due to pain. In the third stage widens the scope of the second stage, using the same data and the same sample, applies to the latent class regression (LCR) where the dimensions of the pain catastrophizing, measured by Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), using to predict individuals' latent class membership. The coefficients (betas) on the covariates are estimated simultaneously as part of the latent class model, and exponentiation shows the odds ratio. This stage identified three latent classes with the same sociodemographic characteristics of the classes identified in the second stage. The class "other" showed low scores in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. The class "nonresilient" showed high scores in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. Finally, the "resilient" class showed an intermediate score in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. These three classes reveal three distinct paths of resilience, and relevant to clinical practice. It is notable that, in comparison with other studies, cultural differences have been identified, and require attention and further studies.
Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the e... more Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the economy, especially absenteeism, early retirement and job loss. The prevalence is between 10.1 and 80% in the general population. The divergence of these values refer to differences in study methodologies. Many studies on chronic pain emphasize the adjustment and psychological well-being. In this sense two variables are prominent: resilience and pain catastrophizing. Resilience is currently considered as a new paradigm for adaptation to chronic pain. Resilience and pain catastrophizing has featured in the management and regulation of chronic pain, and as a psychological factor that promotes adaptive responses to pain. This thesis seeks to build resilience profiles for understanding the biopsychosocial aspects underlying the chronic pain condition. For this three stages were necessary. The first stage is the systematic review in order to find specific instruments for chronic pain that is used to measure resilience. This is necessary since the resilience depends on the context, that is, an individual may be resilient in a context but not another. As a result of this first stage we found only one instrument, the Profile Chronic Pain: Screen (PCP: S). Studies investigating the psychometric properties of this instrument were evaluated, especially with the use of COSMIN methodology. In this sense the studies showed good levels, indicate the validity of the instrument. In the second stage used the latent class analysis (LCA) in a sample of 414 patients with musculoskeletal chronic pain, using sociodemographic variables gender, age, education, employed or not working, or in treatment or not in treatment, and PCP:S resilience groups. Identified three latent class resilience using LCA. The class of "resilient" (30%) consisted of women over 54 years old, low level of education, under a doctor's care and do not working due to pain. The class of "non-resilient" (29%), consisting of women with a middle level of education, aged 40 and 54, working despite pain and do not receiving treatment for pain. The class "other" (40%) consisted of men aged up to 40 years , high level of education, under a doctor's care and do not working due to pain. In the third stage widens the scope of the second stage, using the same data and the same sample, applies to the latent class regression (LCR) where the dimensions of the pain catastrophizing, measured by Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), using to predict individuals' latent class membership. The coefficients (betas) on the covariates are estimated simultaneously as part of the latent class model, and exponentiation shows the odds ratio. This stage identified three latent classes with the same sociodemographic characteristics of the classes identified in the second stage. The class "other" showed low scores in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. The class "nonresilient" showed high scores in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. Finally, the "resilient" class showed an intermediate score in the dimensions of pain catastrophizing. These three classes reveal three distinct paths of resilience, and relevant to clinical practice. It is notable that, in comparison with other studies, cultural differences have been identified, and require attention and further studies.
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano, Jan 28, 2014
The worldwide overweight prevalence showed a rapid increase in recent decades, featuring a true g... more The worldwide overweight prevalence showed a rapid increase in recent decades, featuring a true global epidemic. The aim of this study was to determine the overweight prevalence (BMI ≥ 25kg/m 2) and possible associations with socioeconomic and demographic indicators for adults in Brazil. This epidemiological study analyzed data from the population of adults aged 20-59 years (n = 101 308 637) included in the 2008-2009 Brazilian Family Budget Survey (POF) conducted in all geographic regions of Brazil. The nutritional status assessment used the Body Mass Index, which was categorized as normal weight and overweight according to cutoff points recommended by the World Health Organization. As socioeconomic and demographic indicators, sex, age, color-race, education, income, and geographic region were analyzed. Crude and adjusted Poisson regression was performed. The results showed that the overweight prevalence was 47.7%, and the groups with the highest prevalence were adults aged 20-59 years, males, black skin color, schooling from 6 to 9 years , income of 1/4 ≥ minimum wage <1/2 and living in Southern Brazil. Almost half of adults in Brazil are overweight. Strategic actions aimed at reducing the overweight prevalence among adults in Brazil are needed to combat the obesity epidemic.
According to studies, most of the negative results obtained on the incidence of aflatoxin M1 can ... more According to studies, most of the negative results obtained on the incidence of aflatoxin M1 can be attributed to the low sensitivity of the analytical methods employed. The presence of Aflatoxins M1, represents a public health issue, since milk is among the products most consumed by man and, constituting the basis of infant feeding.
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de verificar a prevalência e fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos... more Este trabalho teve o objetivo de verificar a prevalência e fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos associados ao excesso de peso em idosos brasileiros. O trabalho foi construído com os dados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) 2002-2003. A amostra constou de 13.943 idosos, acima de 60 anos de idade. O excesso de peso (sobrepeso + obesidade) foi verificado por meio dos pontos de corte para o índice de massa corporal (IMC ≥ 25 kg/m²). As variáveis independentes foram: sexo, idade, cor-raça, escolaridade, renda e região geográfica. Estimaram-se as razões de prevalência e os intervalos de confiança, bruto e ajustado, considerando nível de significância de 5%. A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 45,1%. Na análise da razão de prevalência bruta, todas as variáveis foram significativas. No modelo ajustado, os grupos de idosos com maiores prevalências de excesso de peso foram:
Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the e... more Chronic pain is a major public health problem, with impacts on families, health systems and the economy, especially absenteeism, early retirement and job loss. The prevalence is between 10.1 and 80% in the general population. The divergence of these values refer to differences in study methodologies. Many studies on chronic pain emphasize the adjustment and psychological well-being. In this sense two variables are prominent: resilience and pain catastrophizing. Resilience is currently considered as a new paradigm for adaptation to chronic pain. Resilience and pain catastrophizing has featured in the management and regulation of chronic pain, and as a psychological factor that promotes adaptive responses to pain. This thesis seeks to build resilience profiles for understanding the biopsychosocial aspects underlying the chronic pain condition. For this three stages were necessary. The first stage is the systematic review in order to find specific instruments for chronic pain that is u...
Background Brazil have a huge free health care system. Inspired on UK National Health System (NHS... more Background Brazil have a huge free health care system. Inspired on UK National Health System (NHS), the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, that means Unified Health System) was consolidate as a right for all citizens after 1988's Brazilian Federal Constitution. Despite your spread, part of Brazilian citizens have an opposite opinions about SUS. So, the main question is: How to teach the relevance of a universal free health care system as a human right. Objectives The main aim of this work is teaching the recognize of SUS as a human right and ratified by Brazilian Federal Constitution in a High School class. In this sense, we used the cinema and debate for stimulate an effective comprehension of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and health promotion as a human right in a high school class. We used the movie Elysium (Neill Blomkamp, 2013) that show a dystopian world with two social class: citizen and non-citizen of Elysium (an artificial satellite of the Earth with high techn...
Este artigo apresenta o relato de experiência docente durante a pandemia da COVID-19 (março de 20... more Este artigo apresenta o relato de experiência docente durante a pandemia da COVID-19 (março de 2020 a dezembro de 2021), no Instituto Benjamin Constant/ Rio de Janeiro. Estudo de natureza qualitativa, com características de abordagem descritiva exploratória, com emprego de técnicas da pesquisa documental/ bibliográfica, que teve o objetivo abordar as estratégias, os desafios e a superação dos professores no teletrabalho, que se reinventaram no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, baseado na teoria do ensino centrada no aprendiz, e entregaram conhecimentos diversificados de hábitos saudáveis, de alimentação e nutrição, práticas esportivas e estratégias preventivas às três etapas da Educação Básica, a partir de uma (Re)Educação Física baseada em evidências. Percebeu-se o envolvimento dos estudantes nas atividades propostas e atitudes críticas de apropriação dos conteúdos apresentados, contudo, as peculiaridades da comunidade escolar daquela instituição foram desconsideradas durante o tele...
The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of energy drink (ED) ingestion on CrossFit... more The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of energy drink (ED) ingestion on CrossFit®performance in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study, with 8 CrossFit®-trained (26.5 ± 2.7 years;70.2 ± 13.0 kg; 1.7 ± 0.09 m; 23.0 ± 3.2 kg/m2; Σ skinfold thickness: 34.1 ± 6.9 mm; body fat: 13.3 ± 3.0%), that were randomly allocated to 2 groups and underwent 2 trials separated by a 7-day washoutperiod. Participants ingested either a dose of 300 mL of ED or Placebo (soda), 30 minutes before thestart of tests of muscular strength (MS), 10 and 12 maximum repetitions (MRs) in barbell bench press(BBP) and barbell squat (BS), respectively and localized muscular endurance (LME) using Workout of the Day (WOD) selected. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and the rating of perceived pain (RPP)were evaluated immediately after the tests. The total volume of repetitions (TVR) was evaluated to each test. The TVR was significantly higher after consuming the ED (p = 0.012) and of the Place...
The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of energy drink (ED) ingestion on CrossFit... more The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of energy drink (ED) ingestion on CrossFit® performance in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study, with 8 CrossFit®-trained (26.5 ± 2.7 years; 70.2 ± 13.0 kg; 1.7 ± 0.09 m; 23.0 ± 3.2 kg/m2; ∑ skinfold thickness: 34.1 ± 6.9 mm; body fat: 13.3 ± 3.0 %), that were randomly allocated to 2 groups and underwent 2 trials separated by a 7-day washout period. Participants ingested either a dose of 300 mL of ED or Placebo (soda), 30 minutes before the start of tests of muscular strength (MS), 10 and 12 maximum repetitions (MRs) in barbell bench press (BBP) and barbell squat (BS), respectively and localized muscular endurance (LME) using Workout of the Day (WOD) selected. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and the rating of perceived pain (RPP) were evaluated immediately after the tests. The total volume of repetitions (TVR) was evaluated to each test. The TVR was significantly higher after consuming the ED (p = 0.012) and of the Placebo (p = 0.027). There was a reduction in the rate of RPE after the consumption of both drinks (p = 0.023 and p = 0.024). The consumption of ED significantly reduced the rate of RPP (p = 0.017). Acute ED ingestion improved CrossFit® performance by increased the TVR and the pain tolerance.
Anais do(a) Anais da Semana Acadêmica do IFRJ Campus Mesquita
que dialogam com a educação de jovens e adultos, identidades e questões étnico-raciais. Após as a... more que dialogam com a educação de jovens e adultos, identidades e questões étnico-raciais. Após as análises e diálogos com as dissertações, verificamos que as questões a respeito das relações étnico-raciais são pouco trabalhadas pelos pesquisadores da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica no campo do ProEJA.
OBJETIVO: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento, as principais características e a aplicabilida... more OBJETIVO: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento, as principais características e a aplicabilidade de um site responsivo para avaliar/ aprimorar a Aptidão Física Relacionada com a Saúde (AFRS) de adultos aparentemente saudáveis. MÉTODOS: Estudo metodológico, realizado em quatro etapas: elicitação de requisitos funcionais com dois professores de Educação Física, uma bacharela em Nutrição e três técnicos em Informática (acessos e ferramentas com base em evidências científicas à AFRS) e não-funcionais (desenvolvimento: framework Bootstrap 4; linguagens de programação: HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7.4.0 e Javascript; gerenciador de banco de dados: SQLite; execução pelos browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox e Internet Explorer); prototipagem pela equipe de tecnologia da informação; testagem (design; usabilidade; linguagem; instruções; segurança; e transferência) por 31 participantes, selecionados por conveniência, com média de idade de 30,5 anos (17 mulheres); e implementação do site responsivo...
The aim of this study was to identify resilience profiles of patients with chronic pain. Using la... more The aim of this study was to identify resilience profiles of patients with chronic pain. Using latent class analysis in a sample of 414 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain, three profiles were identified: primary resilience (40%), consisting of individuals 40 years or younger with high education, who seek medical care, are not working, and without symptoms of psychological stress; secondary resilience (30%), consisting of women over 54 years of age with low schooling, who seek medical care, are not working, and with low likelihood of symptoms of psychological stress; tertiary resilience (29%), women with medium schooling, 40 to 54 years old, working, who do not seek medical care, and with a high likelihood of symptoms of psychological stress. The three profiles display different paths of resilience in chronic pain that are relevant to clinical practice, highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary care for patients with chronic pain.
Trata-se da Escala de Auto-Eficácia Geral Percebida, validade e adaptada para amostras brasileira... more Trata-se da Escala de Auto-Eficácia Geral Percebida, validade e adaptada para amostras brasileiras. A escala está pronta ara o uso, basta realizar o download, segue também orientações básicas sobre os escores. O artigo que trata da validação é: SOUZA, Israel &amp; SOUZA, Marcos Aguiar de. Validação da Escala de Auto-Eficácia Geral Percebida. Rev. Univ. Rural, Sér. Ciências Humanas. Seropédica, RJ, EDUR, v. 26, n. 1-2, jan.- dez., 2004. p. 12-17.
portuguesA metodologia do treinamento desportivo sempre esteve orientada para a performance. Ness... more portuguesA metodologia do treinamento desportivo sempre esteve orientada para a performance. Nesse interim, a avaliacao fisica dos atletas tornase imprescindivel como um identificador da condicao do atleta, bem como fornece subsidios ao treinador para a prescricao, planificacao e periodizacao adequada do treinamento esportivo. Deste modo, o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a avaliacao dos atletas de judo por meio de um teste especifico: o Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT). Para alcancar este objetivo realizouse uma revisao bibliografica sobre testes especificos para o judo e tambem um estudo empirico utilizando o Special Judo Fitness Test com 30 atletas de Judo, competidores da Regiao do Grande Rio, categorizados pelo desempenho esportivo segundo a obtencao de medalhas em competicoes e segundo a observacao dos treinadores. Os resultados apontam que os atletas avaliados possuem desempenho no SJFT abaixo (pontuacao alta) dos citados na literatura, no entanto, as comparacoes ...
This study aimed to describe BMI's short-term trends and analyze the association between the ... more This study aimed to describe BMI's short-term trends and analyze the association between the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the sociodemographic variables and variables of family perception of the sufficiency and type of food consumed by Brazilian elderly of both sexes. The authors used data from the Household Budget Surveys (HBS) collected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2002/03 and 2008/09. The prevalence of overweight and obesity increased, whereas normal and low weight decreased. Multinomial regression models were used for 2008/09 to analyze the association between BMI and sociodemographic variables and variables of family perception of the sufficiency and type of food intake. Income and age were more associated with BMI. We suggest that health and nutrition prevention and monitoring measures be implemented through public policies, considering multifactorial overweight in the Brazilian elderly.
Brazilian Journal of Medicine and Human Health, 2013
Objectives: To describe the populational profile of adults affected by neck and upper limb pain (... more Objectives: To describe the populational profile of adults affected by neck and upper limb pain (NULP) and to relate the characteristics of this type of pain with the predominantly physical, psychic and mixed workloads. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 2,297 individuals of > 20 years old, in Salvador-Brazil. A standardized questionnaire was applied to collect data about socio-demographic characteristics. Workers were grouped according to predominantly physical, psychic and mixed workloads, and associations were verified against the characteristics of those affected in comparison to individuals without reports of pain in the neck and upper limbs. The prevalence of pain was estimated by the OR adjusted (95% CI). Univariate analyses and logistic regression were performed. Results: NULP was found in 222 individuals (9.47%), and predominated in women and widowers exposed to physical workloads; moderate alcohol consumption was the protector in this occup...
Brazilian Journal of Medicine and Human Health, 2015
Objective: To describe the chronic lower back pain functional profile in a population-based sampl... more Objective: To describe the chronic lower back pain functional profile in a population-based sample. Methods: A total of 2,297 individuals aged around ≥ 20 years were selected from 34 regions of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. In order to characterize samples, sociodemographic data were collected. And, in order to describe functional profile, the body map and functional items were applied based on Oswestry questionnaire. Results: Between 28.6% and 68.8% of the population with CLBP presented disability, depending on the analyzed function. Chronic lower back pain was negatively associated with function in lifting objects (rarely, OR 2.39 IC 95%, 1.15-4.97) and remaining seated (OR 10.40 IC 95% 3.32- 32.46). In opposition to that, walking was associated to increased function (frequently, OR 0.47 IC 95% 0.30 – 0,72). Conclusions: Chronic lower back pain is frequently associated with disability. Lifting objects and remaining seated were the functional items that presented higher association with...
Papers by Israel Souza