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Not able to run a function of a smart contract (Create Community) from Express.js server

I am trying to create community from express server but getting an error. The get Community is running fine I am able to get the Community corresponding to that particular id. But when trying to send ...
Abhishek Bhagat's user avatar
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Best practice for Single or Multiple instances of Provider for different types of block chain requests #

What the best practice is in terms of using the ethers provider as either a singleton (or persistent instance) in a module or to create a new instance every time a request is made. For example, for a ...
DogEatDog's user avatar
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Subscribing to events using ethers / hardhat network

I have a basic node express application. It connects to my locally running hardhat network via ethers & websocket. The connection seems to work, since I can query the blockchain succesfully (for ...
Fabian Scherer's user avatar