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How to detect ERC-4437 Ethereum transfers

I have an address I'm monitoring and for straight Eth transfers its simple but I am struggling to detect ERC-4337 transfers. I can filter on user operation events: const USER_OPERATION_EVENT = id('...
OultimoCoder's user avatar
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Is there a way to import ERC4337 smart wallet to another app or extract its private key?

I was using Obvious! ERC4337 smart wallet for several months without any issue. Recently there is a problem on my app I can't send or sign any swaps using their app on my smartphone. Not sure if it is ...
user3509046's user avatar
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How to dynamically get the user operation gas values?

I'm developing smart wallet based application using ERC-4337 v0.6 . I'm trying to dynamically get the gas values of a user operation. Currently I'm using Stackup's bundler for sending user operations ....
Gaurav Pant's user avatar
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ERC6551 and module style

I would use ERC6551 to introduce accounts as NFTs into the game. I believe that adding a modular style to the account contraption would make it an extensible contraption. However, in contrast to ...
tjtr's user avatar
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How to do a paymaster from scratch?

I just read and learned about the account abstraction concept, and I like it when I know it has a gas-less concept (paymaster). During reading and implementing, I have some questions: If I start ...
Wind's user avatar
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Implement wallet abstraction locally : Do I need a bundler node?

I'm trying to implement wallet abstraction locally using Anvil. I've deployed the required contracts. Now I'm wondering if I have to set up a local node bundler for my local Anvil network to bundle ...
Fantasim's user avatar
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How to sign Transactions in smart contract account in erc 4337?

We can create a smart contract account using ERC-4337 right, now using that account we can interact with other smart contracts and it can hold assets, but my query is how can a smart contract account ...
Nishant Shah's user avatar
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Troubleshooting a Failing Transaction in Ethereum Account Abstraction

I'm attempting to use account abstraction for transactions on the Mumbai chain without a paymaster, where my smart contract wallet pays the fees. Despite following the process and checking against the ...
Shivam Yadav's user avatar
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Using .call to send funds to Smart Contract Wallet account

I have the following function in my smart contract which fails to send funds to a Smart Contract Wallet (SCW). It works fine with standard accounts. I explicitly set gas to 0 because this is an ...
Kogelet's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a paymaster that use ethers in smart contract wallet as gas payment

In the context of ERC-4337/account abstraction, we know that paymasters are able to sponsor a UserOperation from a smart contract wallet, we can even allow the use of an ERC20 token in a smart ...
swkcoding's user avatar
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ERC-4337 - Bundler development

I understood the ERC-4337, but I need to develop a Bundler for my job. But I don't know how to do it, I researched about it but I didn't find any great content. Please give me tips and explain how can ...
Pedro Peres's user avatar
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How i can install eth infinitism bundler locally to my system

i am new to learning account abstraction which is defined in ERC-4337. i had found the following repo on the github which is the implementation of bundler from the original authors of ERC-4337. https:/...
Umar Raza's user avatar
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Do Smart Contract wallets using ERC4337 allow wallet export?

From what we see in the ERC4337 documentation, SCW allow different architecture for transaction approvals. Unline EOA where we use ECDSA for signing transaction, with ERC4337, wallet developers will ...
Dakata's user avatar
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ERC4337 Account abstraction access

I have been reading about the new ERC4337 proposal, however I have a question about its implementation: If we abstract the Ethereum accounts and move completely from EOA to Smart Contract accounts, ...
Dakata's user avatar
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EIP-4337 example implementation and source code

Heard about new boi in the town . Read its documentation but it is way too technical for a beginner like me . Can anyone explain it in simple terms ? I read the ...
Gaurav Pant's user avatar