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I can't verify the contract on bscscan, I have installed Openzepplin. This is [HardHat] (Pictures add in)

Showing you first the deployed contract, smart contract, and then the error on the last picture. I have tried to deploy it with the URL but the problem remained. I myself know that there's an easy ...
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I've just created a contract, But the question that remains, how do i put in the total supplys of tokens into the contract? [Hardhat, Openzeppelin]

I have just been able to deploy the contract into the testnet but as a beforehand noticed, there are no total tokens of Nikola being deployed. Could someone advise me on what I should do to redeploy ...
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reason: 'too many arguments: in Contract constructor', This is the last step before i deploy the contract, so any advice would be great

I got this error: Is there some error I have been making in the contract? Any help would I appreciate, if you need me to publish other contracts just tell me I will update this question with the ...
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ParserError: Expected ';' but got identifier Error HH600: Compilation failed - getting this error, one step before deploying the contract

I keep getting this error; I was told before to use "const License one in my code, but I don't know which contract I will put it into. Here's the picture: Could someone advise me on what I should ...
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HardhatError: HH700: Artifact for contract "Greeter" not found - clarification [Hardhat, openzeppelin]

I keep getting this error when doing: npx hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js --network testnet. I got an answer "You have named your contract 'Nikola' and not 'Greeter'. The actual file-names ...
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An unexpected error occurred: Error: Cannot find module '@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle' [Hardhat, openzeppelin]

I keep getting this error when doing: npx hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js --network testnet. Edited the name of my computer for security reasons. How do I put in the module 'nomiclabs/hardhat-...
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HardhatError: HH700: Artifact for contract "Greeter" not found - this is the problem i'm getting [Hardhat, openzeppelin]

I keep getting this error when doing: npx hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js --network testnet. Edited the name of my computer for security reasons. Compiling 10 files with 0.8.4 Compilation ...
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Trying to deploy my smart contract to ropsten testnet but keep receiving this error - ReferenceError: Secret is not defined

The last one is Hardhat.config.js This the error (sensitive information, meta mask private key blurred and so the moralis io testnet code ReferenceError: Secret is not defined at Object. (/Users/...
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