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Gas griefing in "typed" external calls

I was wondering whether the "insufficient gas griefing attack" is possible in cases when the external call is a typed call rather than an inline call with lower level utility functions (i.e. ...
Mila A's user avatar
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question about smart contract code possible vulnerability

I need help with one of my smart contracts. I wrote a smart contract that have functions that only emit events. The parameters of each event are some of the functions parameters. I want to ask if ...
kathi's user avatar
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Is the May 2017 contract creation attack still possible?

In May 2017, an "attacker" created a contract that attempts to create many other contracts(using many JUMPDEST operations in the creation bytecode) until it runs out of gas. I see the gas ...
Bert Kellerman's user avatar
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Denial attacks by submitting transactions with strategically calculated gas prices

As can be understood from the title, there is a specific form of denial attack where specific transactions are blocked by submitting transactions with strategically calculated gas prices. Example 1: ...
osolmaz's user avatar
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