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What's stopping me from attacking the network by renting 51% of the stake for a few blocks?

The Ethereum market cap today is about $200bn. Theoretically, buying 51% of it would cost a stunning $100bn. Good luck getting that money hahah. However, I could ideally rent 51% of the staked eth for ...
Nic Szerman's user avatar
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can someone explain this line of the whitepaper?

To show how ethereum had made it's language turing-complete Vitalik in his white paper gave this example: "To show the motivation behind our solution(i.e using gas), consider the following ...
Dhanush Sai Baswa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to use low mining complexity to remove some certain transaction in the past?

I have a question that has concerned me for a long time. It relates to the security and reliability of the blockchain applications. Let's assume I want to build an application that uses Ethereum or ...
Dobby007's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

DAPP vs Consensus attacks

Are contracts such as DAPPs on the Ethereum block chain vulnerable to consensus attacks like Bitcoin is, such as say, to Gambler's ruin?
JustAnotherUser's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

During a 51% attack, What Can the Attacker Actually Accomplish?

During an attack on the network, where the attacker has more than 51% of hashing power (or the equivalent of Ether in PoS), what can the attacker do and not do to the chain and the contracts on it? ...
HodlDwon's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Is Ethereum secure against an attack by quantum computers?

Does Ethereum implement Post-quantum cryptography? Or will the network break once a malicious actor gains control of an effective quantum computer?
Shelvacu's user avatar
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