Generalidades de La Sinapsis
Generalidades de La Sinapsis
Generalidades de La Sinapsis
Ricardo Cabezas
• 1897 Sinapsis. Charles Sherrington
• Espacio de interacción entre una neurona
y otra célula, estableciendo una
interacción química o eléctrica.
Las neuronas se
• comunican
Actúa mediando
entre ellas señales
• de≪contigüidad,
algún modo no continuidad≫
• Se acercan mucho, pero sus membranas y
citoplasma están independientes
• En la sinapsis eléctrica existe una forma de
• Tiene 2 partes:
• El terminal Axónico de la célula presináptica Células postsinápticas:
• La membrana de la célula postsináptica *Células no nerviosas
(Músculos, leucocitos,)
* Astrocitos (sinapsis
Flujo de la información
terminal Axónico de la
célula presináptica
membrana de la célula
Axodendríticas (Axones - dendritas) • Eléctricas
Axosomáticas (Axones -soma)
Axoaxónicas (entre axones ) Potencialmente, cada neurona recibe 10000
Dendrodendríticas (tálamo) impulsos nerviosos.
• Son esenciales para la homeostasis –> Información se Filtre
y se integre, computando señales de numerosas neuronas.
• Estructura y función de determinadas sinapsis se modifican
• Trasmisión o bloqueo de señales - Aprendizaje
• Enfermedades y trastornos neuronales
• Transmisión de sustancias químicas Neurotransmisores
Sinápsis : Sitio de comunicación entre neuronas
Bilateral: ejemplo
corazón, hipotálamo,
simultanea de señal
a lo largo de muchas
Conexones, gap
comunicantes o en
No hay
Sinapsis eléctrica
• Comunicación mas rápida:
bidireccionales o unidireccionales
• Sincronización: La actividad de un
grupo de neuronas o de fibras
musculares , (produciendo
potenciales de acción al unisonó)
(Latido cardiaco, peristaltismo)
• Utilizan poca energía metabólica
Sinapsis químicas
Cl- K+ Na+
3. Pueden transmitir información a lo largo de un amplio dominio temporal
Transmisores, receptores,
segundos mensajeros y efectores
Pueden funcionar
Ubicadas cerca a la
neurona que la
Potenciales postsinápticos excitatorio e inhibitorios
Pentaméricos Monoméricos
Potenciales Post sinápticos rápidos Potenciales post sinápticos lentos
Purves, 5th
Receptores Ionotrópicos
• Canal iónico dependiente de ligando
• En ausencia de ligando se cierra
• Puede generar PEPS O PIPS (despolarización o hiperpolarización), según ión
que pase.
Receptores metabotrópicos
• Está acoplado a receptor de Proteína G AMPc
• Activa un segundo mensajero (AMPc) cierra o abre canales iónicos
• Más lentos que ionotrópicos, en producción de PEPS o PIPs
Los estímulos más fuertes liberan más neurotransmisor
Integración de la transferencia de información neural
• Convergencia
• Divergencia
Las vías integran la información de múltiples neuronas
• Sumación espacial: espacios
Las vías integran la información de múltiples neuronas
• Sumación temporal: tiempo
Plasticidad sináptica
• SN es capaz de cambiar la actividad en la sinapsis
• Se puede perder 40% de sinapsis (microglia)
No se han estudiado en
Éxito en los vertebrados mamíferos
Receptores neurocrinos
Eléctricas Químicas
• Bidireccionalidad no tan útil
• La velocidad en la transmisión puede ser demasiado
• La sinapsis eléctricas ejercen funciones especializadas
en el sistema nervioso
• Mas prevalentes donde se requiere sincronía: escape
• Coordinación fija de los movimientos oculares
• Sincronización de neuronas que generan una actividad
Los neurotransmisores son liberados por vesículas
• We started with the proposition that many types of cell-cell interactions are synapses, even when synapses are defined as being asymmetric in the context of structural and functional
differences between opposed cells. Interestingly, Sherrington preferred the word synapse to junction, although he was not accurate about the demise of the latter: “As to ‘junction’ I feel we
are less easily reconcilable . . . The mere fact that junction implies passive union is alone enough to ruin the term . . . I think it does not want the gift of prophecy to fortell that it [the word
junction] must become more and more obviously inapplicable as research progresses. Synapse, which implies a catching on, as e.g., by one wrestler of another—is really much closer to the
mark.” [from a letter he wrote to his colleague Sharpy-Schafer in 1897, which was quoted in Reference 1]. From our survey of cell interactions by neurons, immune cells, epithelial cells, and
even between pathogens and host cells, it is clear that in all cases these synapses are highly active, not passive, and that they generate asymmetry in the functional organization of cells at
the synapse. The neuronal synapse, as originally defined, is an asymmetric structure required to transmit an action potential from one cell to the other via the release of neurotransmitters
from the presynaptic side that bind to, and activate, receptors on the postsynaptic side. Similarly, the immunological synapse is asymmetric because it forms between two functionally
distinct cells, a T cell and an APC, and results in an asymmetric functional response by the T cell. Can we consider, in the same context, that a synapse is formed between simple epithelial
cells? Because the adhesive contacts are symmetric between the same cell type, a superficial answer is no. However, the epithelial synapse is located at the boundary between structurally
Yamada and Nelson Page 14 Annu Rev Biochem. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 June 06. NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript and
functionally different membrane domains; the apical and basal-lateral domains generate asymmetry in the apicobasal axis of the cell to drive vectorial transport of ions and solutes from one
side of the epithelium to the other. Other types of interactions between leukocytes, endothelial cells, and even pathogen and host cells are clearly asymmetric, involving different responses
by the paired cells that mediate changes in the organization and fate of one or both of the cells. How is structural and functional asymmetry generated at various synapses by these
adhesion proteins (outside-in signaling)? Our survey of synapses revealed examples of adhesion between proteins of the same, or a different, class that were either homophilic or
heterophilic. As suggested (see Figure 1), heterophilic adhesion potentially recruits different cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins to each membrane to generate structural and functional
asymmetry at the synapse (e.g., neuroligin/neurexin) (Figure 2), whereas homophilic adhesion potentially recruits the same cytoplasmic scaffolding proteins and generates a symmetric
synapse (e.g., cadherins) (Figure 5), unless different sets of binding proteins were expressed in each of the opposing cells and resulted in an asymmetric synapse (e.g., βcatenin at the
presynaptic membrane) (Figure 2). The recruitment of cytoplasmic signaling proteins to diverse adhesion proteins appears to play a role in modulating adhesive properties of the synapse
(inside-out signaling), and to propagate changes in cell structure and function. Heterophilic adhesions between neurons or immune cells lead to the recruitment of scaffolding proteins and
other membrane proteins that generate asymmetric signal transduction between opposed cells and ultimately different functions of the attached cells. Although the epithelial cell synapse
forms symmetric adhesion between the same cell type, it recruits protein complexes that generate structural and functional asymmetry in the apicobasal axis of the cell by controlling the
organization of the apical (Crumbs complex) and basal-lateral membrane domains (Par and Scribble complexes). Remarkably, pathogens have evolved machinery that hijacks host cell
synapses to invade cells and organisms. Pathogens form novel synapses with host cell adhesion proteins and disrupt adhesion proteins or their downstream scaffolding and signaling
networks to enable pathogen entry. In summary, our survey of five diverse examples of cell-cell interactions revealed that cell adhesion proteins regulate the specificity of cell-cell
interactions in terms of cell recognition and initial adhesion and that these proteins interact with networks of cytoplasmic scaffolding and signaling proteins to propagate changes in overall
cell functions. What is surprising, however, is that many of the same classes of adhesion and cytoplasmic proteins are used at synapses in very different cellular contexts, with different
functional outcomes. Although this is evidence of the evolutionary conservation of functions of these adhesion protein complexes, further studies are needed to understand how
combinations of these adhesion protein complexes specify the assembly of functionally different synapses