Aldosterona Regulación

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Paradoja de la Aldosterona

Aldosterone Paradox: Differential Regulation of Ion

Transport in Distal Nephron

The mechanisms through which aldosterone promotes apparently opposite

effects like salt reabsorption and K+ secretion remain poorly understood.

The mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone has traditionally been

appreciated as the key hormone in the response to two apparently opposite
physiological conditions: hypovolemia and hyperkalemia.
Paradoja de la Aldosterona
La depleción de volumen conduce a la retención de sodio
en nefrón distal en parte por efecto de Aldosterona.
Mientras que el sodio es reabsorbido, la secreción de K+
permanece sin modificar.

Por otro lado si el K+ plasmático aumenta, se produce

incremento de Aldosterona favoreciendo la secreción de K+, sin
afectar la reabsorción de sodio, o sea se pierde K+ sin retención
de sodio.

Estos procesos son referidos como la paradoja de

Expresión de proteínas en nefrón distal
Nefrón Distal esta compuesto por:

A- Túbulo contorneado distal (DCT), dividido en segmentos DCT

inicial (DCT1)y DCT final (DCT2).

B- El túbulo conector (CNT).

C- Túbulo colector cortical (CD).

• Cada segmento presenta diferencias en la expresión de

proteínas de transporte.
Nefrón Distal
• DCT1, donde solo es expresado NCC.

• DCT2 donde NCC y ENaC estan co-expresados.

• CNT/CD donde solo es expresado ENaC.


Los efectos de aldosterona en nefrón distal

están restringidos a segmentos específicos
referidos como,

Nefrón Distal sensible a Aldosterona

Aldosterone-Sensitive Distal Nephron (ASDN),

que comprende DCT2, CNT y CD.

Expresión de Proteinas en Nefrón Distal

Physiology Vol26,2011
• La regulación de ENaC por Aldosterona
involucra a Sgk1

• Sgk1 previene que Nedd4-2 interaccione con

ENaC disminuyendo la ubiquitilación y
degradación del canal
Aldosterone Paradox: Differential Regulation of Ion
Transport in Distal Nephron

The mechanisms through which aldosterone promotes apparently opposite

effects like salt reabsorption and K+ secretion remain poorly understood.

The mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone has traditionally been

appreciated as the key hormone in the response to two apparently opposite
physiological conditions: hypovolemia and hyperkalemia.

• La depleción de volumen conduce a la activación de

sistema RAS.

• No obstance angiotensin II no es afectada por la

concentración de K+ plasmático.

• La mayor diferencia entre depleción de volumen e

hiperkalemia es la presencia de Angiotensina II.
Hipovolemia e Hiperkalemia
Durante al hipovolemia ambos angiotensina II y
Aldosterona son secretados

Durante hiperkalemia solo aldosterona,

y no angiotensina II, se incrementa

Los transportadores y canales estan sujetos a

una regulación diferencial por KINASAS
Kinasas sin Lisina (WNK)
Las kinasas sin lisina WNK1 y WNK4 juegan un
rol crítico en la regulación del transporte
de Na+ y K+ en nefrón distal

La familia de WNK está compuesta por 4 miembros

designados como WNK1 a WNK4 Tres de ellos estan
expresados en riñón WNK1, WNK3 y WNK4 .
El nefrón distal tiene dos estados opuestos

1) Estado de retención de sal con mínima

secreción de K+ secretion

2) Un estado de secreción de K+ en el cual la

reabsorción de sal no está incrementada
FIGURE 3. The WNK4 conundrum Under basal conditions, WNK4 acts as an inhibitor of NCC, ENaC, and ROMK all along the distal
nephron. During hypovolemia (high angiotensin II and aldosterone levels) and PHAII mutations, WNK4 inhibits ROMK all along the
distal nephron but upregulates NCC in DCT1 and DCT2 and ENaC function in the ASDN. During hyperkalemia, however, WNK4
inhibits both NCC and ROMK in DCT1 (favoring an increased distal delivery of Na) and activates ENaC and ROMK in the ASDN,
favoring the Na and K exchange, as well as BK channel activation. The exact effect of aldosterone on NCC in DCT2 is still debated.
However, evidence points toward an aldosterone-mediated increase in NCC.
FIGURE 3. The WNK4 conundrum Under basal conditions, WNK4 acts as an inhibitor of NCC, ENaC, and ROMK all along the distal
nephron. During hypovolemia (high angiotensin II and aldosterone levels) and PHAII mutations, WNK4 inhibits ROMK all along the
distal nephron but upregulates NCC in DCT1 and DCT2 and ENaC function in the ASDN. During hyperkalemia, however, WNK4
inhibits both NCC and ROMK in DCT1 (favoring an increased distal delivery of Na) and activates ENaC and ROMK in the ASDN,
favoring the Na and K exchange, as well as BK channel activation. The exact effect of aldosterone on NCC in DCT2 is still debated.
However, evidence points toward an aldosterone-mediated increase in NCC.
FIGURE 4. Sodium and potassium transport in DCT1 and ASDN under hypovolemia vs. hyperkalemia: an explanation for the aldosterone paradox A: during
hypovolemia, angiotensin II stimulates NCC activity via WNK4-SPAK and inhibits ROMK, presumably via both a WNK4-dependent and -independent
mechanisms, in both DCT1 and DCT2. In DCT2, angiotensin II releases ENaC inhibition. In addition, ENaC is further activated by aldosterone-mediated
stimulation of the Sgk1-Nedd4-2 pathway, together with an L-WNK1-mediated inhibition of ROMK in both DCT2 and CNT/CD, such that volume retention
is favored by increasing NCC and ENaC activity and K loss is minimized through ROMK inhibition. B: in contrast, hyperkalemia will only elicit a response by
aldosterone. Since DCT1 is insensitive to aldosterone regulation, WNK4- mediated inhibition of NCC and ROMK favored by a K-induced overexpression of
KS-WNK1 will be maintained. DCT2, however, will respond to aldosterone by increasing ENaC activity via activation of the Sgk1-Nedd4-2 pathway. Sgk1-
mediated hosphorylation of WNK4 will release the WNK4-mediated inhibition of both ROMK and NCC. In a similar fashion, ENaC and ROMK will be
upregulated in the CNT/CD, thus favoring ENaC/ROMK-mediated Na and K exchange.
Gain of function of NCC . Hypertension and Hyperkalemia.
Gordon syndrome.
Loss of function of NCC Hypotension and Hypokalemia.
Gitelman syndrome

Gain of function ENaC Hypertension and hypokalemia.

Liddle syndrome.
Loss of function ENa C Hypotension and Hyperkalemia
Pseudohypoaldosteronism type I

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