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Cheats - Borderlands

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Go to "My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config" and open "WillowGame.ini". Search for the term and change it.

Code WeaponReadyMax (2 to 4) bDemiGodMode (set to true) InventorySlotMax_Misc (choose number) bIgnoreFriendlyFire o of these) bIgnoreNPCFriendlyFire hother bBossesRegenHealthOnReset ealth after bResurrectAllPlayersWhenOneDies hen one of ----------------------------------Cambiar estos parametros de las sombras para Pcs viejos en el archivo "WillowEngi ne.ini" por un mltiplo mas pequeo (por ejemplo 512 o 256) o aumentarlo para pc ms nuevos. MinShadowResolution=2048 MaxShadowResolution=2048 ShadowFadeResolution=256 TEXTUREGROUP_LightAndShadowMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLO DSize=4096,LODBias=0) -----------------------------------Puertos Requeridos Para Jugar Online 7777 (TCP/UPD) 28900 (TCP) 27900 (UDP) 28910 (TCP) 28902 (TCP/UPD) Effect Cap Weapon Slots Demigod Mode (Invincibility) Raise Max Inventory set to "false" to be able to shoot your teammates and do damage (there's tw set to "false" to let NPCs do dmg to eac set to "false" so bosses do not regain h dying. set to "true" to ressurect all players w your guys dies.

-----------------------------------Para jugar en modo ventana solo necesitas aadir en la lnea de comandos del acceso directo del juego -windowed --------------------Activar Anti-Aliasing --------------------Ati Radeon: Descarga Rivatuner y usa la opcin "D3D0verrider" Nvidia: Descarga nHacer

--------------------------Desactivar Todos los Videos =========================== Esto se puede hacer con el fin de omitir el prlogo al iniciar un juego nuevo. Sin embargo, esta es una medida drstica, ya que al parecer bloquea todas las pelculas ! Escenas de corte, pantallas de carga, etc, no digas que no te lo advert! Dentro de su acceso directo para Borderlands, haga clic derecho -> Propiedades. Dentro de la lnea de acceso directo, agregue este parmetro despus de el enlace a su archivo exe Borderlands: -nomoviestartup Ajustar FOV (Campo de Vision) =========================== Editar: WillowInput.ini Busca la linea: [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput] y debajo de la ultima linea aade e sto: Cita: Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="FOV 90",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False) Bindings=(Name="F11",Command="FOV 110",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False) Ppuedes cambiar las teclas (F10 y F11) a las que quieras, as como los valores de campo de visin.

Desactivar suavizado del Raton =========================== Editar: WillowInput.ini Busca la linea: "bEnableMouseSmoothing" y cambiala Cita: bEnableMouseSmoothing=True Cambiala a False, esto mejorara enormemente el raton Habilitar Vsync =========================== Editar: WillowEngine.ini Busca "UseVsync" y editala: Cita: UseVsync=False Cambiala a True Desactivar Chat de Voz =========================== Editar: WillowEngine.ini busca la linea "bHasVoiceEnabled" y editala: Cita:

bHasVoiceEnabled=True Cambiala a False Activar Consola =========================== Edita: WillowInput.ini * NOTA: En este momento no funciona correctamente, los resultados de todos los c omandos es como si hablases* Busca la linea "ConsoleKey" y editala: Cita: ConsoleKey = aade: "Tilde" despus del signo igual para activarla Ejemplo: Cita: ConsoleKey = Tilde Dentro del juego se activara con la letra Cambiar Tecla: Tirar Armas =========================== Edita: WillowInput.ini Busca la linea [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput] y dentro de esa busca "ThrowWeapon " por defecto es el espacio, pero tu puedes cambiarlo a la tecla que quieras por ejemplo la V Cita: Bindings=(Name="V",Command="ThrowWeapon",Control=F alse,Shift=False,Alt=False) Habilitar la rueda de desplazamiento en los cuadros de texto: =========================== Edita: WillowInput.ini * NOTA: Parece que solo funciona dentro de la ventana de misin de los jugadores L og (clave por defecto es la L), y no en la ventana de la Misin (cuando reciba las misiones de los PNJ) * Cita: InputKeyName="MouseScrollUp",ModifierKeyFlags=42 InputKeyName="MouseScrollDown",ModifierKeyFlags=42 quitar ", ModifierKeyFlags = 42" y dejarlo asi: Cita: InputKeyName="MouseScrollUp" InputKeyName="MouseScrollDown" Habilitar Tercera Persona =========================== Editar: WillowInput.ini Busca la linea: Bindings=(Name="F8",Command="shot") y debajo de lo que tengamos pondremos: Cita: Bindings=(Name="F3",Command="Camera ThirdPerson",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=F

alse) Bindings=(Name="F4",Command="Camera FirstPerson",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=F alse) Cuando pulsemos F3 activaremos la tercera persona, y cuando pulsemos F4, volvere mos a la primera, pero podeis cambiarlo por las teclas que querais -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NUEVO TWEAK PARA LA CAMARA 3 Persona QUE FUNCIONACon este tweak se ve la 3 persona y la mira en 1) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AADIR ESTO AL FINAL DE LA SECCION [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput] DEL ARCHIVO Will owInput.INI Bindings=(Name="FirstPersonZoom",Command="advanced button bAdvancedButtonAux5",C ontrol=False,Shift=False,Alt =False,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnor eCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) Bindings=(Name="ThirdPersonZoom",Command="advanced button bAdvancedButtonAux5 | Camera FirstPerson | OnRelease Camera ThirdPerson",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt =False,L eftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=Fa lse,bIgnoreShift=Fal se,bIgnoreAlt=False) Bindings=(Name="FirstPersonToggle",Command="Camera FirstPerson | setbind RightMo useButton FirstPersonZoom | setbind F1 ThirdPersonToggle",Control=False,Shift=Fa lse,Alt=F alse,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreC trl=False,bIgnoreSh ift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) Bindings=(Name="ThirdPersonToggle",Command="Camera ThirdPerson | setbind RightMo useButton ThirdPersonZoom | setbind F1 FirstPersonToggle",Control=False,Shift=Fa lse,Alt=F alse,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreC trl=False,bIgnoreSh ift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) Bindings=(Name="F1",Command="ThirdPersonToggle",Co ntrol=False,Shift=False,Alt=F alse,LeftTrigger=Fals e,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShif t=False ,bIgnoreAlt=False) Ver FPS =========================== Editar: WillowInput.ini Buscar: [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput] y debajo de lo que tengamos aadir: Cita: Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="stat fps",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,Left Trig g er=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgn oreShift=False,bIgnore Alt=False) al apretar F12 mostrara nuestros FPS y de estar Online tambien nuestro Ping ------------------Para activar DX10: ------------------1. Go to the directory --> C:\Users\[Your user Name]\Documents\My Games\Borderla nds\WillowGame\Config a. FInd the file WillowEngine.ini (make a copy and rename it as a backup)

2. Find the section [SystemSettings] Change the following settings to True, you will see if you are currently in DX9 as well. - AllowD3D10=True (this is the key one to enable the DX10 render engine) Also change the following - MotionBlur=True - DepthOfField=True - Bloom=True - UseHighQualityBloom=True - FogVolumes=True ( volumetric fog make a huge difference, think Bioshock effect s in DX10 mode if you used that) --------------------------Activar Physx por hardware. --------------------------1. Go to the section [Engine.Engine] (En el mismo archivo de antes, WillowEngine .ini) Find --> bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport=False (cambiarlo a TRUE o False, buscar in fo.) -------------------------------------------------------------------Truco Quitar el estilo Dibujos Animados y verlo como juego mas Real. -------------------------------------------------------------------1 Esta opcion es para quitar todos los efectos .................................................. DefaultPostProcessName=WillowEngineMaterials.Willo DefaultUIScenePostProcessName=EngineMaterials.Defa ThumbnailSkeletalMeshPostProcessName=EngineMateria s ThumbnailParticleSystemPostProcessName=EngineMater ess ThumbnailMaterialPostProcessName=EngineMaterials.D wScenePostProcess ultUIPostProcess ls.DefaultThumbnailPostProces ials.DefaultThumbnailPostProc efaultThumbnailPostProcess

2 Y esta es unicamente para quitar el borde de los graficos: RECOMENDARDO ESTA OP CION .................................................. ........... En WillowEngine.ini under [Engine.Engine], cambiar DefaultPostProcessName=WillowEngineMaterials.WillowScenePostProcess a DefaultPostProcessName=WillowEngineMaterials.WillowScenePostProcess_cinematic -------------------Activar Motion blur: --------------------

under [SystemSettings], change MotionBlur=False to MotionBlur=True ---------------------Mejora de rendimiento: ---------------------Cambiar el nombre del ejecutable y el acceso directo a: BIOSHOCK.exe y en la ruta del acceso directo.

-----------------------# New Game+ mode Successfully complete the game to unlock New Game+ mode. In your second playthro ugh, all enemies are more powerful. # Duplicating items and weapons Start a co-op game with at least one other player. Drop the item(s) and/or weapo n(s) you want to duplicate. Then, leave the game through a non-saving method, su ch as force closing the game. Since the game did not save after you dropped the item(s) and/or weapon(s), you will still have them, and the other player(s) who picked them up will also have them. # Easy loot and money Every time you load a saved game, the chests and lootable objects restock. Save the game near a place where there are multiple weapon chests, such as in the tow n of New Haven. Collect all the loot in them, then save the game. Reload the sav ed game, and collect all the loot again. Keep the loot you want, and sell the lo ot you do not want. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: You get more mon ey and better loot when there are more than one player. This is best done with f our players. # Easy rare weapons Save the game near a location with multiple weapon chests, such as in the town o f New Haven. Then, host a game, and have three other players join. Collect all t he weapons in the chests, then exit out of the game, and host a new game at the same spot. Repeat this process as many times as desired. You should get quite a few rare weapons using this method. # Easy experience and weapon proficiency Use the following trick to get easy experience and weapon proficiencies, as well as good weapons and money by selling loot from all the dead enemies. Once you r each "The Middle Of Nowhere" area, you will eventually get the "Circle Of Slaugh ter" quest. When do you do the quest, enter the arena, and kill all but one enem y (preferably a little one). Do not kill all enemies or the quest will end. Also , do not die or you will potentially lose a lot of money. After killing all but one enemy and collecting all items desired, exit out, and the game will save aut omatically. Reload your saved game, sell all desired items through one of the ne arby machines, and repeat the quest as many times as desired. Note: There are th ree rounds; the last one is called" Final Round". Do not finish it if you want t o repeat this trick.

# Hidden house with Rider gun in New Haven When you get the "Another Piece Of The Puzzle" quest (do not complete), you can go to a secret house in New Haven. When you enter the house, you take a lift dow n to the bottom. There is one regular weapon chest and a red weapon chest. The r ed weapon chest always contains the "Rider" gun, which is a reference to the Red Ryder BB gun from the classic movie A Christmas Story. Its stats usually vary s lightly each time you get one. The weapon can only be found in this house. The w eapon's manufacturer is "Gearbox" (the game's developer), as opposed to an in-ga me company such as Dahl, Hyperion, etc. Note: When this location is used with th e others in New Haven for the "Easy loot and money" trick, you can get a lot of loot and money quickly. # Hidden rare weapon chest in Rust Commons West Go to the far northwest corner (on the map) in Rust Commons West. Find the rock wall with the gun tower on top of it. Stand near the left side of the gun tower. Then, crouch and stay against the rock wall as you move down the rocks. The war ning sign may appear. Ignore it, and try to move as quickly as possible. The che st is basically in front of the gun tower, under a large rock overhang. The weap ons chest has a high chance of spawning rare weapons. Note: It may require a few attempts to reach the chest. Once you get the weapons, you either must kill you rself or exit the game because there is no way to leave this area safely. # Extra SDU Backpacks Sometimes during your second playthrough and beyond, you will get an extra SDU B ackpack after repairing a Claptrap even after you have reached the 42 maximum al lowed slots in your inventory. Note: This is not supposed to happen, and is a kn own glitch in the game. # Extra item space Create a start a he items transfer second character for use in Co-op mode. When you want to store an item, Co-op game with your main character and secondary character. Transfer t you want to store to the secondary character until you need them, then them back.

# Critical hits It is important to try to get critical hits on enemies so you kill them quicker and get additional XP. To get a critical hit on a human, shoot it in the head. I f you use a sniper rifle, it will usually kill them instantly. For a Skag, shoot it in the face when its mouth is open. This varies depending on the type. For t he pups, shoot them while they roar at you. For adults, quickly shoot them while they jump at you. For the spitters, shoot their mouths while they fire their po ison projectile at you. Critical hits are easiest at close range with a shotgun or scattergun. # Quick reloads While reloading, press [Melee] as soon as the cartridge is removed or new rounds are being inserted, and the gun will reload instantly. # Claptrap locations The ten Claptraps can be found at the following locations. When you repair a Cla ptrap, it will reward you with an SDU Backpack, which adds three extra slots to your inventory.

Crazy Earl's Scrapyard When you enter the area, go left at the "T" intersection. Fight your way t hrough bandits, and you will find him in one of the camps. To get the repair kit , just jump on the washing machine to get onto the platform. Kill the bandits, a nd grab the kit. Crimson Fastness You should just run into this Claptrap. He will be next to some other dead Claptraps. Krom's Canyon When you enter the area, go right. The Claptrap is (from the perspective o f only using the right side of the map) at the north west part of that canyon. New Haven The Claptrap is in the town right next to the bounty board. Old Haven The Claptrap does not spawn until you have completed the quest to save the Claptrap from the cage. Once you have completed that quest, enter the area, and take the first right. Follow that street, as if you were heading towards the ba se of troopers that have the two turrets. He will be in a house on your left, be fore you turn the corner to head towards that base. His kit is on the rooftops. Sledges Safehouse The Claptrap is in the north west part of the map, near some rubble, and c lose to a stairwell; listen for the Claptrap's moaning. His repair kit is above you, when you are standing on the waypoint. Tetanus Warrens The Claptrap is north of where you start, before you get to the fork in th e road, on the left side. The repair kit is further north, staying left, above s ome metal structures in the first corner, farthest north west. The Lost Cave The Claptrap is near the point where there is a "T" intersection and a ban dit outpost area. When you are looking at the outpost as you enter, the left pat h leads to a dead end, and the right path leads to the spiral area. The repair k it is up the hill (following the rail tracks up and around) and just behind the second or third building in some pipes. The Salt Flats When you enter the area, go towards the huge piece of saw machinery. Once you enter that area (from the right side), take your first right, and you should see the Claptrap. Trash Coast When you enter the area, turn right, and look at your map. You will see a fork in the road, go left, then make your first right. The Claptrap is in the mi

ddle of a bandit encampment right next to where a bunch of lava crab worms are. If you find the shack on the ocean, it is straight west of that and a little sou th. It is almost right in the middle of the southern potion of the map. The repa ir kit is on top of the pipe where the diamond leads. Follow it back to the tras h pile, and climb onto the pipe to get it. # Challenges Successfully complete the indicated challenge to get the corresponding amount of XP: Headhunter: Kill 50 human enemies (1,000 XP). Not Really a People Person: Kill 250 human enemies (2,000 XP). Misanthrope: Kill 1,000 human enemies (5,000 XP). War Criminal: Kill 2,500 human enemies (20,000 XP). Lucky Shot: Kill 100 enemies with critical hits (1,000 XP). Crack Shot: Kill 250 enemies with critical hits (2,000 XP). Don't You Ever Miss?: Kill 1,000 enemies with critical hits (5,000 XP). Brain Surgeon: Kill 2,500 enemies with critical hits (20,000 XP). Relentless: Kill 5 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds betwe en each kill (500 XP). Chain Killer: Kill 10 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds be tween each kill (1,000 XP). Killing Spree: Kill 15 enemies in succession with no more than 7 seconds b etween each kill (2,000 XP). Conveyor of Death: Kill 5 enemies in succession with no more than 7 second s between each kill (5,000 XP). Action Hero: Kill 50 enemies using your Action Skills (1,000 XP). Beware! Mad Skills!: Kill 250 enemies using your Action Skills (2,000 XP). Why Do You Even Carry a Gun?: Kill 1,000 enemies using your Action Skills (5,000 XP). Your Kung Fu is Best: Kill 2,500 enemies using your Action Skills (20,000 XP). Seasoned Killer: Kill 500 enemies (1,000 XP). Numb to the Voice: Kill 1,000 enemies (2,000 XP). Terror of Pandora: Kill 4,000 enemies (5,000 XP). I am Become Death...: Kill 10,000 enemies (20,000 XP). Pocket Change: Earn $10,000 (1,000 XP). Money, it Buys Happiness: Earn $250,000 (2,000 XP). The Rich Get Richer: Earn $1,000,000 (5,000 XP). How Much For the Planet?: Earn $9,999,999 (20,000 XP). Duelist: Win 10 Duels (500 XP). Smack Down!: Win 50 Duels (1,000 XP). Bragging Rights: Win 250 Duels (2,000 XP). Invincible: Win 1,000 Duels (5,000 XP). What is That Thing?: Kill 50 Guardians (1,000 XP). The Vault is Mine: Kill 250 Guardians (2,000 XP). Prelates Relict: Kill 1,000 Guardians (5,000 XP). Dominant Species: Kill 2,500 Guardians (20,000 XP). Rakk Slayer: Kill 50 Rakk (1,000 XP). It if Flies, it dies: Kill 250 Rakk (2,000 XP). Rakk Flak: Kill 1,000 Rakk (5,000 XP). If I Can't Fly, No One Flies: Kill 2,500 Rakk (20,000 XP). Skag Slayer: Kill 50 Skags (1,000 XP). SIT! STAY! PLAY DEAD!: Kill 250 Skags (2,000 XP). I Hate Dogs: Kill 1,000 Skags (5,000 XP). You Are The Skagpocalypse: Kill 2500 Skags (20,000 XP). Spiderant Slayer: Kill 50 Spiderants (1,000 XP). Bug Crusher: Kill 250 Spiderants (2,000 XP). I Hate Bugs: Kill 1,000 Spiderants (5,000 XP).

The Exterminator: Kill 2,500 Spiderants (20,000 XP). Spray and Prey: Get 50 kills with the combat rifle (1,000 XP). Size Matters: Get 250 kills with the combat rifle (2,000 XP). Make Chunks: Get 1,000 kills with the combat rifle (5,000 XP). One Man Army: Get 2,500 kills with the combat rifle (20,000 XP). Draw!: Get 50 kills with Pistols (1,000 XP). Size Matters: Get 250 kills with Pistols (2,000 XP). Make Chunks: Get 1,000 kills with Pistols (5,000 XP). One Man Army: Get 2,500 kills with Pistols (20,000 XP). Get Off My Lawn!: Get 50 kills with Shotguns (1,000 XP). Taste the Red Mist: Get 250 kills with Shotguns (2,000 XP). Instant Autopsy: Get 1,000 kills with Shotguns (5,000 XP). Buckshot Legend: Get 2,500 kills with Shotguns (20,000 XP). Boom: Get 50 kills with Launchers (1,000 XP). BOOM: Get 250 kills with Launchers (2,000 XP). KaBOOM!: Get 1,000 kills with Launchers (5,000 XP). KABOOOOOOOOM!!!!: Get 2,500 kills with Launchers (20,000 XP). One Shot, One Kill: Get 50 kills with Sniper Rifles (1,000 XP). I'll Wait Back Here...: Get 250 kills with Sniper Rifles (2,000 XP). Brain Ventilator: Get 1,000 kills with Sniper Rifles (5,000 XP). Finger of God: Get 2,500 kills with Sniper Rifles (20,000 XP). Road Rage: Get 50 kills with a vehicle (1,000 XP). Vehicular Manslaughter: Get 250 kills with a vehicle (2,000 XP). School Bus Driver: Get 1,000 kills with a vehicle (5,000 XP). Hell on Wheels: Get 2,500 kills with a vehicle (20,000 XP). Punchy: Get 50 kills with Melee attacks (1,000 XP). Brawler: Get 250 kills with Melee attacks (2,000 XP). Boxer: Get 1,000 kills with Melee attacks (5,000 XP). Heavyweight Champion: Get 2,500 kills with Melee attacks (20,000 XP). Hot! Too Hot!: Get 50 kills with Incendiary attacks (1,000 XP). Toasty!: Get 250 kills with Incendiary attacks (2,000 XP). Plays with matches: Get 1,000 kills with Incendiary attacks (5,000 XP). Pyromaniac: Get 2,500 kills with Incendiary attacks (20,000 XP). Zap!: Get 50 kills with Shock attacks (1,000 XP). Nikola is a friend of mine: Get 250 kills with Shock attacks (2,000 XP). Put forks in sockets: Get 1,000 kills with Shock attacks (5,000 XP). Shocker: Get 2,500 kills with Shock attacks (20,000 XP). Chemistry Rocks!: Get 50 kills with Corrosive attacks (1,000 XP). Why is the floor all gooey?: Get 250 kills with Corrosive attacks (2,000 X P). Mixes household chemicals: Get 1,000 kills with Corrosive attacks (5,000 X P). Chemist: Get 2,500 kills with Corrosive attacks (20,000 XP). Boom Goes the Dynamite!: Get 50 kills with Explosive attacks (1,000 XP). Too Bad About the Tinnitus: Get 250 kills with Explosive attacks (2,000 XP ). Crosses Border for fireworks: Get 1,000 kills with Explosive attacks (5,00 0 XP). Demolitionist: Get 2,500 kills with Explosive attacks (20,000 XP). What's in Here?: Open 50 lootable objects (1,000 XP). Scavenger: Open 250 lootable objects (2,000 XP). Wilderness Survivor: Open 1,000 lootable objects (5,000 XP). Cachet Lucres: Open 5,000 lootable objects (20,000 XP). Ooo! Shiney!: Open 5 chests (1,000 XP). Treasure Hunter: Open 25 chests (2,000 XP). Swag Master: Open 100 chests (5,000 XP). Envy of Pirates: Open 500 chests (25,000 XP). How Much For the Gun?: Sell 50 items (1,000 XP). Gun Runner: Sell 100 items (2,000 XP). Arms Dealer: Sell 400 items (5,000 XP).

Merchant of Death: Sell 2,000 items (20,000 XP). Impulse Buyer: Buy 5 items (1,000 XP). Good Consumer: Buy 50 items (2,000 XP). I Want it All!: Buy 200 items (5,000 XP). Self-contained Economy: Buy 500 items (20,000 XP). Lots of Shots: Shoot 2,000 times (1,000 XP). Keep Firing: Shoot 10,000 times (2,000 XP). Who Made That Man Gunner?: Shoot 25,000 times (5,000 XP). I Fired Every Bullet Ever: Shoot 100,000 times (20,000 XP). Hang Time: Get two seconds of vehicle hang time (500 XP). Airborne: Get three seconds of vehicle hang time (1,000 XP). This is Not a Flight Simulator: Get four seconds of vehicle hang time (2,0 00 XP). Orbit Achieved: Get five seconds of vehicle hang time (5,000 XP). 12 Days of Pandora: Master the technology of Pandora (12 assault rifle kil ls, 11 pistol kills, 10 shotgun kills, 9 smg kills, 8 sniper rifle kills, 7 mele e kills, 6 critical hit kills, 5 explosive kills, 4 shock kills, 3 incendiary ki lls, 2 face melted kills, and 1 grenade kill) (5,000 XP).

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