Shanghai Tourism-Checklist
Shanghai Tourism-Checklist
Shanghai Tourism-Checklist
Please note that the Consulate may in justified cases, request additional documents during the
examination of an application which are not mentioned in the above list. The applicant is hereby
informed that submitting the above-mentioned documents do not guarantee automatic issuance of
a visa.
Por favor tome nota que, en casos justificados, el Consulado podrá requerir documentos
adicionales a los descritos más arriba La presentación de la documentación requerida no implica
una garantía automática de concesión del visado solicitado.
Inquiry Officer to delete as appropriate
1. The applicant has confirmed that s/he has no other documents to submit
El solicitante ha confirmado que él/ella no tiene más documentos que presentar.
2. The applicant has submitted the supporting documents above. I have advised him / her that
failure to submit all necessary documents may result in the application being refused, but s/he
has chosen to proceed with the application.
提交申 请。El solicitante ha presentado los anteriores documentos acreditativos. Le ha sido
aconsejado que en caso
de no presentar todos los documentos necesarios podría conllevar el rechazo de la solicitud, pero
él/ella ha decidido continuar con la solicitud.