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Chinga Tu Madre Uribio
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Juan Antonio Rodríguez Martinez
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Chinga Tu Madre Uribio
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Chinga Tu Madre Uribio
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Student’s Book pp. 31-33 A. Choose a, b, cor a. yin Colurger0 The Swing at the 1 End of the World When people talk about The Swing at the End of the Worle, they are 1. + to the swing that hangs from La Casa del Arbol. or The Tree House, whichis located at the edge ofa clit in Bahos, Ecuador. ion yee -Atious this simpe weodon ree house is wheresclentsts study Mt} Tungurahua,an ative voleano inthe area, thas increased 2_cL_ Inthe area. j This is because is swing is perfect for visitors looking for a(n) 3_CL_ What ‘makes tis ordinary swing unusual ists height 2s wll as what you 8 C4. a5 you ride on it. As You fly through the clouds, you can take 5 (°_themost spectacular landscape while swinging at a height of over 8,720 tin other 6 © itistike any other swing except that its much higher and, of cours, more dangerous. The Swing at the End of the World isa popular destination for adventurous visitors. Once there, riding the swing is 7 Cl for anybody with a sense of adventure and anybody who 8 C2. to be bravel } 3 1. @referring> b. catering concerning reproducing ievoraoes tow industry cctral our > 3. Ehiemoce* be tuxury Ip yO eimpzoyernent_awealth “1 C20, 4, &shuntbuscab, educate acquire 5.a.up b. down >) : 6 aways (bowordi) stake save ‘ 7. Glin), weatthycd merad'e. compulsory d.itehy 1G. ~8 Ramits —(@-beleves, e.thinks claims : 1. statue or building which Is bull to honour an important person or event p- seasickness 2. nausea, dizziness and sometimes vomiting which a person experiences V. educated when travelling by boat, because of the movement of the boat in the wate pares 4, someone who Is paid to give private lessons toa student or a small group ‘4. having a good level of knowledge fb) = monument 5. to offer to do something without expecting any pay [E] volunteer ‘6. when a ship Is destroyed at sea, usually in an accident El] & tor ( Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. I like reading books for_ € \T RELAX 2. Children under twelve must be _COSo00°. 1). by their parents. COMPANY 3. The fans were shouting with <7. C 1} 11.0) ‘when their team won the championship. EXCITE A Thistingisot__OCP>t ONS value QUESTION 5. the_CeCh 42¢+ of Venice is absolutely incredible. ARCHITECT 6. Traveling abroad defintely 1°00 C\ your hortzons. Broan 7. This newspaper always has good articles about major _C,lich oS. __ issues. PouiticRe aa) ak aed repositions. rast UIE Then Westoury Gliders is ust what you're [ooking for! Hang gliding Is an kdeal sport for anyone who wants t0 feel free ay, moment you take 3__C)O. and are up in the sky. you are sure), Se oi ‘fio ai eee ong Fe cme asten shu oo cx ee coe 6 ATMS te ere you tm cay more there sa wide range of hang gliders 7__C)Y) ww wwestburygiiders.com aig B. Circle the correct words. 1. Ben has taken (@8)o0 much work, a usa 2. Kevin is here(@Y on behalf of his brother, Frank. 34 Dorit worry about Sam. Hel GS take over his problem with Peter 4. Jenmy isin (ea) phone with Tina at the momen. '5. Work is more pleasant when you get through / ith your colleagues, { Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Pro" the verbs in bracket wear) a suit toms Interview yesterday, so he (\, cos very good impression, 1 reac wie 2. White James WIOS A Cig iriy (drive) tow " (get) into‘an accident. 3 {te Thanking. «ink about Helen wh SCL (5009 ner inthe calé 6. Lets get 1 through to work. We only meee —2 _ sold have two hotirs before the meeting starts and re ___ (buy) a new one, ui we aren't prepared Mags doing, {09 Phates wren? 2. bil takes on /affeP Is uncle, Joe. They both QE ing, love sports. 6. White the children Los pay) tc ‘agin 1,8 Doctors aways do what onthe best Srila cher water) tne vo Interest of their patients 7. What time chk vitor 9. Can you help me take over (Gowns suitcase, tte home yesterday? ! please? Hole, MI™not sure. He vane . OS Vase —Cuctrvedh — yi 10. Jennifer's ln 1A ood terms with al her tae, \eavin 1.9 (eave) for the supe” neighbours. A: Who t 11. dont understand how you can get 7 through on such a tow salary 12, nathan goClf on trouble because he broke tne vase In fon\purvose you _ (not ve"? i ‘stened —amabiame™, y Me vot thought TecechComplete with the Past Simple or th rogressh Have you ever noticed that when you look forwar Something, things usually go wrong? About a month | age. for example, 11 \ Xi herd — (want) to go on a tip to Chicago to visit a friend of mine who 2 WOFNECA (work) there at the time | don't 10 my sister 36 ICS, CU Lee torteny to dnve me to the airport on the day of my departure But when the day 4 COAN€ (come), everytning 5 end (90) wrong! 16 C\Cinvd NEC ye (not hear) my alarm clock go off, 60 17 LCs e _ (woke) up later than | nad planned to 18 Ces (nor get) stressed, tnowgh, becouse! sti ha just enough time to gel ready Unfortunately, wile 19a2%S, (yet "AG (get) ready and 10 __\V\\4) HEC) (think) about all the fun things my friend and | would do during my stay in Chicago, my sister 11 Cy \lech (eam me and 12} elec (tein me that she was too Sick to get out of bed. I had no time to waste sol 13 tf Cuts (tun) out the door pnd, iLO tok) cab tote onpot Bucs taku CHEF Yabroen Redrecen desk. 116 __
«gasp b. attempt 4. spot Mert .Student’s Book pp. 40-41 oO A Choose a.t.¢or d sa. when victor 52 the Bea, Me Fan in tng osm but 1. Tomake atong story | 1 we were ina car cra ‘aber B.OPPOSHE. .baekna ‘easy to mistake Robert were not ryuted hashy a ana Nn etast quick ns Gran noi) tamal east - 2 vac cousein Ch 000 bo (awl bifor cr red ‘ ware : encountered . occu! a crore, 6 treet Sere 4. There were MANY SUTPFISES storey, holiday = bon ctor 3. The man walked back and {as he waited forthe {doctor ta tlt him how his wite was a.torward —bufront) e forth 4. I nearty jumped _L'. my skin when | saw the snake. a.amaytrom boutot colt ot ‘through a.torwards (aM ; peter couldn't figure ct how to soive 5, ain b.up cout 1 Form complete sentences using tne prompts. the time expressions given and the APPrOPriste pat, 1 te reais our musta we start ating P ..@ Ine 06 S000 C1 tue Cues No 2. Tom / know / he / be in trouble / he / see / police t Tor inc hes indole cine he Seta pour’ 3. Thetnsers climb / mountain they /se / wll Yre Whers climD mountoun Os theywos sefins A. Jake / finish / studying / he / go / out with friends, { adres Fags shoddy, ¢- he went a '. Amanda / do the washing-up/ the eiren play dome the woshag- 6.3 re + borne tie aren ploy {Read the writing task and the story, and circle the correct options. aware Blue Mountains- Work magazine rosoromes §©6AUStralia _— a notaay story {Enpettion One Right rom the star. knew ou holiday Would be atterent. Laat jucky participant Yesterday summer Frank and | had arranged to take part in er nina noiday #12600"e Dke ride around Austata We were both very excited because te 't was supposed to be a dream holiday come true. You see, we are both nature and Dae Your story must tegin wth 8 sentence igh trom the start. (knew our 7 ouday woud be aierent our story must povncceatue potorons a eon EET As hen nad 8 cme ‘hadnt bitten met ‘sant next to where my head had bee® | + someone Fortunatety we found ‘ha being lost ainsi ‘our way back tothe bike path ai ° ime. wo were careulto mens alter a few hours. Howevet 12h ¢ + a spider untorgettable holiday! "uF Map and not ta leave our route 293"* to8 C1 along story short. they took the injured man on board to take Choose a,b, cor d. Island Adventure Getting stuck on an island isn't something you plan. However, it was tnrough an advertisement in the newspaper, not a(n) 1_C that | ound myself on a small deserted island near Australia. 1nad2 =! to join a group of people who were going to stay on the {stand for one whole year. We were complete 3 C1 who had never ‘met each other before - and now we were going to live together and ‘support each other in order to get 4 C_ only on whatever we could find on the island, For me, the most territying moment was when one of the members. of tne group was seriously injured while hunting, There wasn't much we could do for him and, as the days passed, he was getting worse. We needed help, so we tried to attract the 5_ Clot a passing ship by gathering branches and setting them 6 ©. fire. within an hour a boat was 7_(_ the island. Reading all those ‘adventure books paid off! him toa hospital. They thought we wanted to leave with them, so we ‘nad to explain to them that it wasn't time for us to go home yet. 7 TGS Tagipoaien ptowem age aS Se 2iiccaeteds “b,voluntered crelered encountered ooo beofficls ——etorelgners migrants 4.a0OugF bon CB... dover S.alattentiof) bemergency e,avalabity “a: path= "0 Sain bat (eon ato, 2 aasembarhing baBSRSSEhRESE Teparting 4. setfsdoif” °° ema bite edo sy ce 11 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning tothe fist sentence, using the word given. Donat change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word glven. 1. Wile Billy was running to catch the bus. he slipped and fell Bity was running tocatentnetus UJN2A he slieped __ andter 2. dont fet ti«ghaving Chinese today. Tmnot p ram FOr Neruiagy chinese today 3. Winen we were young, my sister and I rode our bikes in the park. Mysisterana tS AD our bikes inthe park when we were young, 4. evn aid break the window by accident. BE purpose evinbroke the window OC 0ODE ______:itwasetanaceident. 5. Jessica intend to cook nner, but she ordered a lz9 ged. desea uO _G.21ng Ac wnlerd| "puts ceed pasa isend 6. Alice's tke ner mother in many ways tice the cater net Other _inmany wavs 2. My grandmother always baked cakes on Sundays, My grandmother Ci P-Oy Ss Gn! e.Ghe cakes on Sundays 8 Larry and Henry dont tke each other and are not friendly to each other Larry and Henry 0 + oped 6y'Oney cart h each otherne word only. Complete the gaps in the paragraph with 0 HOUSE SITTING IN IRELAND T remember how 11___n@ec\ to pay a fortune for accommodation when I wanted to go 2__ On holiday 13 _wwocr\ch_— always look for cheap deals. but that didn't help me travel to all the places I wanted to go to One day, 4 sone I was searching for an affordable way to travel, I found a website about house sitting House sitting is an affordable way to go anywhere you want in the world without having to pay anything for your stay All you have to do is take care of somebody's house Talang care of a stranger's house seemed like a big responsibilty to take 5 ___©n_. but I wos sure I could do it I was 6 going pick @ house in the UK, but then T found a small, cosy one on a farm in Irelord As 7 __=C&n___ 08 I reached the house, T knew that I had made the r: decision I spent three wonderful weeks in Ireland. taking care of the form onmt9: and the house. and going sightseeing in the afternoon So, money but you still want to get 8 Hf you don’t have much a from it all, become 0 hows? * 1. You will hear five people talking about (1) statements ag. There are two exes tatemreatecnaay® yah: Match te ee in ot need to 8 Because ofa mistake, ha spentatetotmoney.but nga ney worth it, was, sooner (] Pian on going again, but sta somewhere vying speaner2 (J yf “ aT want 03th, ut i Speaker3 {_} ie : ‘glad aa the trp for me eM ruined © Weost me att op speakers [_| pee and twas 8. Maisn Anta tine YM, butt ha anStudent's Book pp. 43-45 Pe TOE? Ga? ALERT! Reve jsations have been stressing the threats, nave been making etforts to raise people's 1. C\_ of Ivaipota ears toe, a in poster, Favtumatery. they have Deen successful in making governments realise that the 2 \p ota sett regulations to protect polar bears Is necessary. Asa result. lomaflor8to 9.9 the puting of these bears. 01973, Canada, Norway. enmark, te USA and the Soviet Union signe! the Agreement onthe Conservation of Pola Bears Large polar bear populations canbe found in areas 4 inal ive sountes However, polar bears are still in danger because of the 5 \C, of global warming at tne North Pole. The melting of thee there 6 Cl. a serious threat to polar “bears Mss because they can survive only in areas where the oceans freeze “aowing therm to hunt seals living on or under the polar ie cap. Mary scientists fear tht it governments dont stat protecting polar bears. they wit lol the ace ofthe eavthin the near future! © Complete with the words in the box. There are two 1. We spent our summer holiday at acabin___ bes de the take: 2. The stip got stuck on a corat_ attention b.awareness replica creation >) 4. a.located b. consisted 5. a,needs «growth impact Sates aim C8 0° (FC evolw bb consult preven) «tay ape 30 etfects Purposes 6. aexamines —_—_e poses bimakes airegenerates) depart eaet bilewe, disappear > 300 Monat CSapareser sa words which you do not need to use. organism—-sculptors TELE ___ because the captain was inexperienced. 2 My _QALSOVS were Korean, hut unfortunately ve never been to Korea 4. Me Rodents is a aiticult man te SAH SE yy 5. twas stung by tw), JL 4 CI whe swimming 6 Thove are tree bronze 7 C1 UP inte local park 1. Stephen Frankiin is one of my favourite COs AIVSS Hove his artwork. © They stood —_¢GCHNAN a targe tree in the park until the rain stopped. -Complote withthe correct form of the words in capital 1 Kartnquakes are common CQL disasters |B Amana 11 CEL walted tothe other side of the room 2. Peter stood’ mere Ot 1) not knowing what to do. [S Sendy iw suena we ch era FS Won ne st as a: ,_. He is never happy with anything of my colleagues. | managed to finish my project on time SJ. Tom is at work before seven but today he hasnt arrived yet ‘NATURE— GRACEFUL Motion “ve. ASSIST. ‘ORDINARY ‘|‘pox. There are The Great Basin Bratlecone Pine is species of tee Ihe These incredible trees are some of the oldest lived for over 5,000 years! Scientists believe that, over time, the species Nas 1 SOC UW) techniques which 3! long. They believe that its natural 2 Up in the mountains, is relevant to its age. This is beca fewer pests and disease-causing plants which could hav able to survive in a variety of conditions, including cold or suffer from drought. However, in recent years, it has been 3 ‘spread of a disease. The problem is so serious that ths danger of becoming 4 ‘areas have been created in order to prevent the 5 of this remarkable species. 11 Form compound words with under or over and the correct form of the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Some verbs can be used more than once. 1 pont ner es ERE ses ses ostertan she took 2. The poor boy looks ONEL USS Letsbuy im something toe 4. Mark used tobe the bes student in lg but something has mene anne CEL oy 4, Students sometimes CNOT =O certain words and phrases because they dont have a large enough vocabulary 5. ‘think that the taxi driver COVECOC\A me. tusuatly pay tess to gointo the city centre «6. The schoothas a modern brary butts OYOEE 66> because students dnt visit much, You must be caretul not ©CHCL COC) — the you cook it for more than 10 minutes, you wil ruin ‘Spaghetti it a. my mother CIC. pelea get tothe Toons coubetewe tet aus ia opened ' Delore the doors ‘9 Robert thinks that he s wade eh the does and he s going to ask fora se work he pont take the steaks of the gril ye. you \ them, no one wi eat ther OLECOO f 11, We realised we had embrE ced ter our Tree elapsed a 8000 95 8 ved in house when u ne 1 is found in the United States. vving organises vue wort. SOME have developed various eit possible for them to live fOr 80 | which is usually high ‘use at such a height there are im it. The Bristlecone Pine is environments which ar by the 1e Bristlecone Pine is in Asa resuy. many protected 4] two extra words witilt YOU Ho not on « e extremely {Complete with the correct prevs* 1. People need to understand A.C __ protecting tne ewe 2. There has been an increase —— the levels of pollution tre => atmosphere 3. Which isthe biggest rest ——~ humanity? 4. Pollution has a very negate —D.n___botn peoples ™* environment 5. One of the advantages —2*—", recycling stat it reduces rubbish you create - 6 Theresa great need 2 against tiegal hunt"? Many people believe nat "© Of technology wat nave # 1 owrives What are your reasons becoming a voluntet” 9% Acidram causes alot Dutaings. ; 10.11 sure we can tna 3 OM” ur problem i we cae" aa Student's Book BP ti ee cmcnrougaa Complete wity the words in the box We ¥ need to use, pis i inmate” 1 1s found in the United States, The Great Basin Bristiecone Pine is a species of tree that These incredible trees are some ofthe oldest ning organisms in the world, Some have wed for over 5,000 years! Scientists believe that, ovr time, the species has developed various 1 _SOCVINAL __ techniques which make it possible for them to lwve for so. long. They believe that ts natural 2__ bate reac which is usually high Up in the mountains, is relevant tots age. Ths s because at such a height there are fewer pests and disease-causing plants which could harm it. The Bristlecone Pine is able to survive in a variety of conditions, including environments which are extremety ‘cod or suffer trom drought However n recent years, thas been a Ane QS ened by tne spread of a disease. The probiem is so serous tat the Bratlecene Pine i in anger of becoming 4 As aresuy. many protectes areas nave been created in order to prevent the $__|QSe> of this remarkable species, fem canaundnatuitan atone co Lampeter pci ener ete eiehetere al verbs can be used more than once. 1. People need to understand" = a Oo — Leche 2 There nas been an increase 1. Dont ner” es: "ERS anaes. snes taster than she the tevets of pomution = me [F os coe 2. Thepoor boy looks QNET USS Lets buynim 2. Which is the biggest tee onan =n" ‘3. Mark used to be the best student in class but something has 4 Potution nas a very neva changed and ne) COP GC" Show On botn peer 4. students sometimes CCL IE certain werds ang environment. prases Because they dont have alarge encugh vecabary 5 One ot te aavartages — Stina thatthe tant coves PCOS etsy pay Fecycting is that i reseces ™ ‘oemtepecrne ‘omen & The school has amodern rary butts CCT he jo There isa great nent > because students don't visit t much mee Ponnst mega NE You must be caretul net te NEF CON) tne, uy % Many peopie beteve os rmcaaemenatmmancieascer ant Mea tine 8 My motner C312 CSATEE Co te twats tate us tg n cues aetto the sop |n9 ETE we ATMA een tetas © rat ae your mest ole palumet becoming avontee” © Ronertinas matte OEE PL Ese sean © Acatramennns atte oes and he 1 96070 10 a8 for arise fe ve yoy 10. Dont tate the steak vcundercon them. no one wat eat them Shed1 Complete with the Past Simple, the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Pertect Progressive ofthe ve 1. nat HO COOP Geert Spertth tr two veers batore she 410260) travesti that 2 ovine nme tony Cenllech —— eamener back Cheer ¢ yan te wheter a vowing Vac marl fe frOve \ec\ draven i'n’ Os netore be U6 {goto Osbanomar Al aanrt LEC A teavertne otter. (UI LECL teeatser matt COL gO!) rete phen on aa Wag Oo ss avy fan’! COC" (rot workd atte company for atong time when she yeti oon!
bi hectic 0. caretiee 1. complete withthe The San Diego Zoo correct form of the words in capitals. The San Diego Zoo, in California, in the USA. Is home to more than 4,000 rare and endangered animals. ts actively involved in the 1 ex £10 2 _ of various programmes which aim to DEVELOP help protect animals. Of course, these programmes attract many 2 CONE WIM rom all over the world. CONSERVATION One of the most interesting programmes that the San Diego Zoo has developed is that of breeding white rhinos.3_veC Orbs white things have been added to the list of endangered species because of the fact that thelr natural habitats are being destroyed at and C\QC Mm ___ rate and because they are threatened by ALARM poaching. Athough the San Diego Zoo cannot provide a natural and 5__%.PO1\ environment, itcan provide a safe home for SPOIL white rhinos to live in RECENT Fortunately the programme has been very suecesstl and nas 6_ CLG AE rhs € increased the DRAMATIC survival chances of white rhinosStudent’s Book pp. $2-53 —————~ 8 Complete with the words/phrases in the box. There are two words/phrases Which You do nox. 1. William has decided to __ his use of fossil fuels by riding his bike to work 2. Many doctors insist nat the QOS 0 r6 gt) Ot red meat is unheathy 2. Plants absorb COy\oOn ALOK ' dts good to have a few in your house 4 We should ail respect our planet more instead of taking itfor CNEL C\4—SCisdin OF 5. Pr 2VET DE _ tromthe exhaust pipes of cars are responsible for much of the air pollution in large cities 6. I buy onty VTC META appliances because I care about the environment. 7. Governments Ried to take more rn. €C}SOL LA to help endangered animals 8. Turn on the air conditioner to__ COO) the room, agraphs in the order they | HOW CAN WE CONSERVE | OUR WATER SUPPLIES? 7] wnt psd simportanttsave waterathome corporations mustalsofind \waysto coiierwe our water As employees. we can save ater at our workplace andevenelp our employers understand that water conservation also way fr {temo save money. 2 Besides Apart frontal acorescanreduce and recycle much oftheir waste instead of pupiginoriversandlakes ana potting out || waterresources || (@] 3 Omit other nang To sumup. although there are many things wecan doto protect our water supplies. most of us dort do everything we can 4 Nevertheless | See ene cane eee ‘can make sure that future generations willhave enough clean water. [7] 5Tobegin with? Nevertheless its important for ustotry to reduce our own, use of water. 6 Espectally /FOr example}we should leave the water running when we are brushing our teth orfaking shower and we should also make Sure the tap doesnt leak Its 7s) although important for usto pay attention || tohiow much water we consume because we sometimes underestimate how } much we are wasting, | whereas when we have long showers. [72] Werneed clean water to survve.so protecting ur water supple should be one ot courtop priorities Fortunately. n recent years, various efortshavebeen made to | raiseawareness about water sues. 9 However {Whild uivduals corporations and the government can all do more to conserve ou water supplies. [tonal Particularly. the government shoul also make lawstoconserve water supplies 11 For instance / Anottier idea) water waste can be reduced boy placing fines on people and companies that use more than they should. | 12/Althoughi/ Furthermore, the government can distribute educational vers ‘and create Television commercials to inform people about the importance of water conservation. d{Alot the Hoong 1 of sentences tn to ways, sing the words given and making any necessary changes. tte wo id hore. The howne werent detrovet ecetholens Were wt GC ord wnlbecters neuk Aneles> the houres welen} Anhoughy Ierewas a Clood he area, ine Ieee eweren'd deborel quin 2. w eu seting tone envionment We can cea rel beach rer tntance batg er, Id. do-semeliung donde tneeancrent Or indonce we (on Cu ir Neh Pposercnns toneladne enuvOrent seth Gs wt corey 2. Catpoo om 44 ‘way to reduce your carbon footprint. Its not always easy to organise. onthe other hand “gees n9, 99 1s eal my Ja gleee, fet carbon Cco\print Ondhe hr * SCupcoling, Ss ung go reduce yeoe corto cooley int its coh ons 4. James gives money to the Wikife Fund Me also vances for them Janey tee SMP TIOEY lothe Wildifefund besdes he cso uolateers Apart Crom Yimes gues ane, iotne Unidlée Turd ne alse volookers (er Shem A Choose a,b,c ord. The Ozone layer ? The ozone layer is part of the Earth’s atmosphere that protects us from the dangers of the sun. It is exerted te sys wal os veut tose wth 2. ‘comequences which would negatively affect alltving 2 ‘Scientists began to study the ozone layer in the 1970s, and in the mid 1980s they discovered that the ozone layer is stowty declining at a rate of 4% per decade. This phenomenon is known {sozone depletion and ts caused by the 3. C_ of chemicals into the atmosphere. The serious 4 QL that this will have on life may not seem obvious now. Nowever.in the future, ozone depletion willhave negative 5 CL. These ‘nctude globat warming, an increase 6 CL the occurrence of skin ‘ance an damage to agriculture ‘Fortunately. in recent years, progress has been made in7 CL people's amareness of this issue. People have started to make efforts to lent ‘tives which make matters worse in the hope of @.C. the damage ‘Matos been done Litem) edvamatic artical ely 2 ATieations —— Geowwanris> ancestors 2 eonwmption —beinstallation overuse fa impact > b.loss, 4. purpose Sa jropovats b. attitudes: estimates: (oe bon ain 7 @conmibating yt. raising © A.preventing —B.conservingWt was the fest time tnt he traveled ASA Henccl nauer troudled tw asiadetore | 2. After searching for an hour, they found thet cat ner Hoa heen
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