Santísimo Enero
Santísimo Enero
Santísimo Enero
Le llamé así a mi file porque a el me encomendé al presentar este examen. Colegas mis días de
examen fueron 2 y 5 de enero, quiero agradecer a todos los grupos en los que aún estoy, créanme
que fueron de mucha ayuda, y en especial a la dra génesis, que después de mi primer día de examen
me brindó su apoyo y su ayuda. Mi examen es una es comprendido, por los files, ecleasiastes, hope y
algunas otras que no recuerdo haberlas visto en algun file.
Una vez que ingresan al centro, les revisan sus dos identificaciones, id con foto y otra puede ser
la tarjeta de crédito, tienen que venir sus nombres como los pusieron en su dentpin. Les otorgan una
llave para su locker para que puedan guardar sus pertenencias, después pasan, les toman huellas,
foto y les hacen revisón exahustiva antes de ingresar al aula de cómputo. El primer día consta de 4
secciones, las 3 primeras de 100 preguntas cada una y una 4ta. De 60 preguntas, esta última parte es
de casos clínicos.
Hagan su bootcamp primero que ello les sirva de base, pero en sus últimas semanas exhiganse
asi mismos, literal aprenderse los files, el mayor numero que puedan, o en su caso si no tienen ya
suficiente tiempo como me pasó a mí lean los files base de cada familia, prácticamente tienen un 50
a 60% de su examen. Cuando inicien su examen concentrense y relacionen las preguntas con los
files, cabe mencionar, que entre cada sesión del examen, pueden tomar 15 minutos de descanso,
como el segmento se cierra y ya no pueden regresar a ese segmento, es permitido si así lo desean
tomar su celular, les recomiendo que ese primer día envíen a los grupos de what’s app las preguntas
que recuerden para que inmediatamente los colegas pueden identificar la familia y el file, imaginen
que en su primer segmento les digan es este, pueden incluso llevar los files base guardados y una
vez identificándolos hasta pueden repasarlos o porque no tambien que se los pasen en ese
Su segundo día si lo tienen identificado estudian las segundas parte de esa familia, muy seguro
que van a venir esas preguntas, este día son segmentos también de 1 hr 45 min cada uno, este día en
su mayoría son casos clínicos.
A) Hepatite B
C) Pertussis
D) Tetanus
A)Odontogenic keratocysts
C. Ameloblastoma D. Odontoma
3) Patient had no teeth but the radiograph exam showed supernumerary teeth in the panoramic.
Syndrome associated with?
d. Temporalis
c. Increase in heartbeat
d. Increase in workload
Pt brought by mother. Had to travel 1.5 hrs to reach the clinic. Marginalized background. Pt had
poor oral hygiene, multiple caries and moderately uncooperative. What to give on the first visit?
a) SDF (Silver dinamita fluor)
b) Fluoride varnish
d) Do restoration
7) Child pt brought by mother complaining of fever and vesicular rash on hand, foot and Mouth .
What's the cause?
a) Coxsackie
8) Patient had lesions on the left palate extending from tooth 9 to 14 , left lip region. Which virus
causes it?
A. Varicela zoster
c. Human papillomavirus
9) Pregunta en la cual daban dos recetas, en una venia penicilina VK y en la otra ibuprofeno, aquí
la pregunta solo fue que es lo que debe decirle el dentista. Lo que ,yo puse es que se tenia que
tomar el tratamiento completo.
A. V
b. VII
c. IX
d. XII (hypoglosus)
12) Pt was recently given complete denture in both jaws. Within a few days she complained of a
cheek bite. Reason?
A. Increased vdo
B. Poor habituation
13) Ibuprofen is
b. Inhibition of prostaglandins
c. Phospholipase inhibitor
14) Patient on oral bisphosphonates for 2 yrs. Pt wants full mouth extraction for complete
b. Patient moved
c. Chin is up
d. Chin is down
17) Asthma pt. Taking a steroid inhaler. Wipeable white plaque like lesion on palate
18 ) What to give?
A. Geographic tongue
b. Hairy tongue
c. Enlarged tongue
d. Bald tongue
21) For hepatit c pt what to use?
a. N95 mask
b. Suction pressure
c. Universal precautions
a. 95
c. 75
d. 65
b. Prospective cohort
c. Rct
d. Cross sectional
A. Case control
C. Cohort
D. Meta Analysis
A. Case report
b. Systematic Review
c. Cohort
d. Case series
a. Intrusion
b. Extrusion
c. Luxation
d. Subluxation
30) Patient is moving to another state and wants her dental records sent to a new dentist though she
hasn't covered her bills. What should be done?
a) Ask the new dentist to call him and sign to get the records
c) Send the bills to her home and then ask her to come to get the records
31) Methadone is Prescribed in patients with morphine addiction. What is the reason?
a) Constipation
c) Fever
a) Diameter of canal
b. Diameter of post
c. Remaining portion
b) Osteoblasts
c) Odontoblasts
d) Fibroblast
a) Osteoclasts
b) Osteoblasts
c) Odontoblasts
d) Fibroblast
36) Patient missing teeth 17, 18, 19, and 30, 31, 32. Where the Rest seat is going to be placed?
b) On mesial of 20 and 29 (Recuerden la regla, para clase I y II se colocan en O.D. por mesial.)
c) On distal of 20 and 29
37) Hard nodule-like lesions in the anterior region. What can be seen in a biopsy?
a) Abscess
c) Salivary acini
a) Leukoedema
c) Leukoplakia
d) Lichen planus
b) Leukoedema
c) Lichen planus
d) Fibroma
40) Case of multiple myeloma. What should you ask the treating oncologist about the pt?
a) Chemotherapy medication
a) Increase in bleeding
b) Bone loss
c) Decreased healing
a) Airway obstruction
b) Pacifier
c) Migroglosia
d) Thumb sucking
42) Caso de SCC. The question was what would be involved in the street layer?
a)St Spinosum
B- st basal
C- st corneum
43) Aspirin Moa
a) Mercury
b) silver
45) Image type scheme, they place something like this: Patient 1: information of patient Patient 2:
information of patient Patient 3: information of patient. What type of study will be made?
A) Case series
B) Experimental study
C) Descriptive study
D) Systematic Review
A) 5-15
B) 20-30
C) 40-50
D) 70-80
47) Cupping on occlusal: Mencionaba que se daba en órganos dentarios que eran antagonistas a
coronas de porcelana.
a) Erosion
b) Attrition
c) Abfraction
48) Dentists remove old amalgam to remove toxins from the mouth. What broken principle?
a) Non-maleficence
b) Justice
c) Veracity
49) All are demographic data of patients related with caries EXCEPT?
a) gender
b) socioeconomic
c) Nutrition
d) age
50) Case of a patient with angina pectoris who was given Nitroglycerin and did not improve. What is
your next step? (they don't specify how many times it was given, they only say that it did not
A) Activate EMS
B) Give oxygen
C) Give Aspirin
51) Wound healing phase that is going to maintain the clot and achieve hemostasis :
A) Inflammatory.
B) Proliferation.
C) Migration.
D) Remodeling.
53) Patient with albuterol and white plaque on palate what is that?
A) Informed consent
B) take INR
56) Patient has enlargement in knees, has submandibular and ant. And post. Cervical enlargement
a) Behçet's
57) Case patients have hypertension, diabetes, The dentist is going to do a tooth extraction, the
patient's blood pressure is normal, and he is using a hypertensive medication. After anesthesia, his
blood pressure rises to 145x95. What is the blood pressure category ?
A) Hypertension stage 1
b) Hypertension stage 2
58) A patient presents lingering pain with cold and percussion. The pulpal and periapical diagnosis that
best describe this patient are?
59) Female taking estradiol is getting extraction , all of these is true regarding giving antibiotics
a) 1-6
b) 10 - 20
c) 20 - 30
d) Give antibiotic.
a. Buccal mucosa.
b. Smooth muscle.
c. Cartilage.
d. Bone.
63) The fistula of a chronic abscess produces exudates that are mainly made up of?
a. Lymphocytes
b. Neutrophils
c. Monocytes
d. Eosinophils
64) A person insists on having his teeth whitened, if the dentist follows with his request, the dentist
will be following which ethical principle?
a) Autonomy
b) Beneficencia
c) Non-Maleficence
d) Veracity
A. Lateral pterygoid
b. Medial pterygoid.
c. Digastric
d. Temporalis
66) 17 yrs male. Came to the clinic after 2 yrs. Patient had full mouth bitewing and only one
interproximal carious lesions. Which cambra classification?
a. High
b. Low
c. moderate
d. Very high
b. Inhibition of prostaglandins
c. Phospholipase inhibitor
68) Pt on oral bisphosphonates for 2 yrs.Pt wants full mouth extraction for complete denture.
a) 12 permanent 12 deciduous
b) 20 permanent 4 deciduous
c) 18 permanent 6 deciduous
d) 18 primary 6 permanent
a) Infection to eye
b) Ludwig's angina
c) Sinusitis
a) Complicated
b) Compound
c) Uncomplicated
72) Pt had one remaining lower incisor root rest of the teeth not present and is visiting dental for the
first time. What radiograph should be taken?
a) Only OPG
b) OPG + periapical
c) OPG + bitewing
d) OPG + occlusal
73) What is done in hyperventilation?
a) Increase in paCO2
b) Decrease in paCO2
c) Increase in paO2
d) Decrease in paO2
a) Cracked lines
b) Troughing
c) Smooth surfaces
d) Contact points
75) Patient has a fracture at the ramus, what muscle will pull the mandible?
a) Masseter
b) Buccinator
c) Temporalis
d) Medial pterygoid
a) Amyloidosis
b) Medication
c) Candidiasis
a) Denture Stomatitis
C- Biopsy
A- Case report
B- Case control
C- Randomized Controlled Trial D-Cohort
B)- Mycobacterium
A- Direct contact
B)- Blood
C- Fomite
D- Airborne
85) Cupping on occlusal. What is the cause? Mencionaba algo que se observa en órganos dentales
antagonistas a coronas de zyrconia. Chequen porque en muchos files viene como erosión, pero yo
puse attrition.
A- Erosion
B- Abrasion
C- Attrition.
A. 5.0-5.5
B. 6.0-6.5
C. 7.0-7.5
D. 8.0-8.5
88) Patient complains of sensitivity to cold in gingival margin, most likely diagnosis? Duración
segundos. Ojo, no confundir con Irreversible.
A) Reversible Pulpitis
B) periodontal disease
C) irreversible pulpitis
D) Necrotic pulp
89) Patient with asthma has 5 night time attacks per month, what is his classification?
A) Intermittent mild
B) persistent mild
C) persistent moderate
D) severe
90) Precursor cell for bone formation in extraction socket?
A) Osteoblast
B) osteoclast
C) Fibroblast
91) When treating this patient suddenly he has slurred speech, blurry eyes and blood pressure is
200/90, what is the diagnosis?
A) Anaphylaxis
B) Cerebrovascular accident
C) vasovagal reaction
D) ictal seizure
92) Memory lapses and difficulty in organization, what is the classification of alzheimers?
A) Mild
B) Moderate
C) Severe
93) Which of the following is contraindicated in patients using calcium channel blockers?
A) amoxicillin
B) azithromycin
C) clarithromycin
94) Patient has cardiac arrest, what is the most effective approach?
A) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
c) Oxygen
95) Patient complains of slow mental state and depressed and has white frosts in face, trunk, and
C) Hep B
d) Addison disease
96) Dentist explains the risk and disadvantages of removing sound, carious free restoration, but the
patient elects to proceed. What ethical principle is followed?
A) Autonomy
B) Nonmaleficence
C) Veracity
A) Conserve dentin
A) IL 1
B) IL 2
C) IL 3
D) IL 4
101) Patient has pain and TMD, what is the most each of the following is important except?
A) Pain quality
B) Pain history
D) Type of pain
102) Patient on zometa since 5 years. Pt came for normal check up. Treatment is to extract teeth and
put on maxillary denture. What would you do?
c) Give antibiotic
103) What anatomical structure is used to locate the apex of the mesiobuccal root?
A) Central groove
b) Housing
c) Medical disability
105) Dentists suspect the dental assistant abuses substances. U confront them and they confirm it.
What's the appropriate next step EXCEPT?
A) Dismiss the assistant immediately if the law allows it
C) Refer to therapist
A) Dentigerous cyst
A) Vascular resistance
B) Release Renin
108) Each should be included in the protection stabilization documentation form, EXCEPT:
D. Unusual root shape due to late invagination of Hertwig epithelial root sheath
a) Biofilm
A- Measles
C- C- Rotavirus
113) Pt that had a single permanent tooth missing. They asked me what was happening with the
mandibular dentition.
a) Hypodontia
114) Clinical case, mother takes her son to see the chief complaint that he has bilateral jaw swelling:
a) Cherubism
b) Fibrous dysplasia
d) Ectodermal dysplasia
a) Incidence
b) Prevalence
c) Sensitivity
d) Specificity
116) Father came with his son, 12 months old, for evaluation. Father says they were on vacation and
his son is having a fever and dry cough. What is the first appropriate management to do:
A. Refer to specialist
C. Isolation
121) Clinical case: They showed a cephalometry that had an ANB of 6 degrees, and asked What class?
a) Class I
b) Class III
c) Class II
a) apical fracture
a) Infection
a) Metal sulfates
b) Dyes
c) Zinc Oxide
d) Resin
T cell
a) Case control
b) Cohort
a. Pharyngeal lesions
c. Bleeding gums
d. Fever
129) Patient has an ulcer on the lip after 1 week of medication. What kind of cell is present?
A) Cytotoxic
B) Immediate
C) Cell mediated
130) Best fine detail, elastic recovery, dimensional stability impression material?
a) Vinyl polysiloxane
131) White to white-pink usually but can be reddened, rough surface (cauliflower), elevated lesion
(No picture)?
a) Papilloma
132) Case: the patient has periodontitis, if he does the periodontal treatment (SRP), what could
133) A non English speaking patient comes with her daughter who speaks English. She says my
mother has tooth pain and she feels an evil spirit is causing it. What do you do?
a) Partial P. Time
b) Prothrombin time
a) Monthly
b) Weekly
136) Clinical case: Pt was taking phenytoin and had gingival hyperplasia. What was causing this
gingival hyperplasia?
a) Phenytoin
137) White or white/gray swollen fluid lesion of buccal or labial oral mucosa the lesion dissipates
when tissue is stretched, as a result of the edematous quality of the lesion. La preguntaron 2 veces.
a) Leukoedema
c) Leukoplakia
d) Lichen planus
138) Hard Palate, inflamed, minor salivary gland ducts with background of leukoplakic change,
tobacco use?
a) Nicotine Stomatitis
140) Asthmatic patient that they put the rubber dam on him after the dentist heard a wheezing
sound and his lip began to swell, what is the first step? OJO, ES OCASIONADO POR DIQUE DE GOMA
a. Albuterol
b. Diphenhydramine
c. Epinephrine
d. Call 911
a) Blood
b) Plasma
d) White cells
a) Ovate
c) Ridge Lap
a) Morphodifferentiation / histodifferentiation
b) Maturation
c) Apposition
d) Proliferation (CAP)
• Transformación en distintos tipos de células – IEE /ameloblastos – Papila dental / odontoblastos
Defectos = amelogénesis imperfecta, dentinogénesis imperfecta
• La forma y el tamaño de la corona final se determinan durante este proceso, 11 semanas en el útero.
Defectos = anomalías de tamaño y forma como clavijas laterales y macrodoncia.
148) Patient box: CD4 count 400, HbA1c: 10 and platelets count 150.000. What should you be more
concerned about?
a) CD4
b) HbA1c
C) platelets
149) The patient has swelling and pain in the anterior superior teeth, what is the most concern about
a) Eye infection
c) Ludwig’s Angina
a) HIV
b)Hepatitis B
C- Malaria
D- Measles
151) Which of the following terms describes the loss of tooth structure due bruxism?
a) Abrasion
b) Attrition
c) Abfraction
d) Erosion
152)Case: Patient has tested positive for tuberculosis two weeks ago, and still has a cough. He came to
the clinic to have his teeth cleaned. What is the next step? OJO NO ES URGENCIA.
b) Refer and don’t schedule until the TB test result came negative
A) Obligate anaerobes
B) Strict aerobes
C) Facultative anaerobes
D)Facultative aerobes
B) Canine guidance
A) Biofilm
B) Streptococcus
C) Bacilli
D) flagella.
157) What is most important when determining working length?
A) Apical constriction
B) Radiographic apex
C) Apical foramen
158) You placed an IANB, the patient is not anesthetized. What to do?
159) CASE: Patient with full mouth series, they ask about #18. What would happen if you upright the
molar with a spring coil?
160) Asistent puts hand sanitizer on for people to sanitize their hands and gave these alternatives.
“Just study these topics.”
A) Administrative control
B) Engineering control
C) Control of infection
a) Milk.
b) Yogurt.
a) Glass ionomer
b) Resin cement
163) Teenage girl showed up with her father complaining about her “crowded teeth”. She was
a. Convex profile
c. Deviated nose
d. Incompetent lip
164) Uncooperative patient, he and his mother traveled a distance to get to the office and he has a
cavity. How to treat:
b) Composite
c) Amalgam
165) A patient with opioid abuse goes to the clinic, saying he is in pain for no apparent reason and
that he will not leave until he gets the prescription. What to do?
b) Call 911
c) Refer
A) Horizontal plane
B) Position of joint
c) Vertical plane
D) Midline
b) Increased VDO
a) veracity
b) Non-maleficence
c) Beneficence d) Justice
169) A study of articaine vs lidocaine , showing articaine is rr 3.1, ci 95% 3.4- 4.7 , p value. What does
this study tell us about efficacy (asking exactly about efficacy in q). Es el que viene en todos los files.
170) 4-year-old boy who had sleep apnea, which of these causes it?
a) allergic rhinitis
b) Hypertrophic adenoids
c) asthma
d) small jaw
a- Survey
b- Case Control
c- Cross-sectional
d- Randomized clinical trial
172) Which hormone afects an eruption dentaria?
a) PTH
b) Thyroxine
173) A question asking When do you color the patient, you take it:
a) Pulp vitality
b) percussion c) Restaurability
175) What’s responsible for surgical complication: Scenario given about dry socket?Pt smokes 2
packs/year; takes Oral contraceptives; Poor OH. OJO 2 Packs/year, significa 2 paquetes de cigarrillos al
día durante 2 anos según bootcamp.
a) Oral contraceptive
b) Smoking Seleccioné esta, revisen, algunos files tienen que oral contraceptive y otros poor OH.
c) Poor OH.
b) Serous acini
c) Odontoma
d) Osteoma
179) Patient has a fracture in the front teeth, he wants to fix it as soon as possible, bad oral hygiene,
no pulp exposure. What is the best treatment?
a) Composite resin
b) Veneer
c) porcelain crown
d) PFM crown
180) Patient addicted to methamphetamine, very bad oral hygiene, many cavities, had not been to
the clinic for a long time. He has a fracture class IV on the central incisor, no pulp exposure. What is
the best treatment for this patient? (no picture)
B) Veneer
C) Porcelain crown
181) Patient presents with a lesion on the gingival mucosa. The lesion is a 1 cm by 1 cm area that is a
bluish-gray color. What is the Differential Diagnosis of this lesion? EXCEPT
a) Blue Nevus
b) Amalgam tattoo
c) Melanoma
d) Fibroma
182) OSHA best management of amalgam
a) Recycle
a) Self-cure acrylic
A) Amox 1g 1h before
B) Azytrom
C) Clind
A) Avoid alcohol
B) Not to take with empty stomach.
186) Qué pasa cuando los incisivos max no contactan con incisivos mand
A) Crossbite
B) Open bite
C) Sobremordida
189) Del caso anterior como está la pulpa?
190) What is the best diagnostic test for pulpal anesthesia: OJO NO VENIA COLD TEST.
A. Thermal test
B. Lip numbness
D. Tongue numbness
191) Te daban una radiografía donde el canino y el lateral estaban en distinta posición.
A) Transposición
B) Geminación
C) Fusión.
192) Radiografía panorámica paciente de 9 o 12 años, que era lo que la flecha marcaba. Se podía
apreciar canino retenido y tenía todavía el O.D. C en boca
a. #6 retenido
b. Supernumerario
c. C retenido
193) Ferrule
a. 0.5mm
c. 2.5mm
d. 3mm
a. Reversible
A) Provide stability.
A) 2-3
201) Patient 44 years old Hypertension: Chief complaint: my dry ayes, dry mouth:
a) Sjogren’s syndrome
b) Ransey hunt
c) Hyperkeratosis
Chief Complaint
Current Findings
A study collected data on 100 patients’ subjective pain scores on a scale from 1-10 at 24h post
extraction without the use of pain control. A boxplot with the data is shown. What is the interquartile
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 7
Chief Complaint
Current Findings
Data taken from a cross-sectional study on the rates of caries in various states in the US.
Chief Complaint
Current Findings
Chief Complaint
Current Findings
How long does it take for the plaque pH to drop to the critical pH and then neutralize during an acid
5 minutes; 20 minutes
A. 5 minutes; 40 minutes
B. 10 minutes; 20 minutes
D. 15 minutes; 40 minutes
A dental sales representative describes the strength of a new ceramic material in
Newtons/m . This is an example of what type of variable?
A. Discrete
B. Categorical
C. Independent
D. Continuous
Continuous variables are numeric variables that are obtained by measuring and can,
therefore, assume any value within a certain set of real numbers. The value given for a
continuous variable can be as small as the instrument of measurement allows.
The strength of the ceramic material in this case, which is measured in Newtons per
square meter, is an example of a continuous variable.
A. Discrete
Discrete variables are numeric variables that are obtained by counting and taking
values from a set of distinct whole values. These variables cannot assume fractional
values between two consecutive whole numbers. An example of a discrete variable is the
number of teeth in a patient’s dentition.
B. Categorical
Categorical variables are those that are assigned to an individual, unit, group, or
category based on a qualitative property - they are not numeric variables. An example of
a categorical variable is hair color.
C. Independent
An independent variable is a variable that is manipulated by the researcher in an
experimental study. In a research study conducted to assess the strength of this ceramic
material, the strength would be dependent on the material choice, so it would not be an
independent variable.
Key Takeaway:
Continuous variables are numeric variables that are obtained by measuring and
can, therefore, take any value between a certain set of real numbers.
The value given for a continuous variable can be as small as the instrument of
measurement allows.
211) What is required to calculate statistical significance?
A. Odds ratio
C. Probability value
The significance level represents the probability that the results obtained were by
chance, and is usually < 0.05. If the calculated probability value (p-value) is less than
the predetermined significance level, then the results can be considered statistically
A. Odds ratio
An odds ratio measures the association between two factors in a population. It
represents the odds that an outcome will occur given exposure compared to the odds
an outcome will occur without the exposure. An odds ratio is not required to calculate
statistical significance.
Key Takeaway:
Probability values are required to calculate statistical significance.
Chief Complaint
Current Findings
213) Which of the following study types is most impacted by recall bias?
A. Cohort
B. Case-control
C. Case series
D. Experimental
Correct answer: B
Answered Correctly
Time Spent
Last Updated
Recall bias occurs when there is a systematic change in the risk that participants in a
study are able to recall and report information.
A. Cohort
Cohort studies are longitudinal, observational studies which are designed in a manner
opposite to a case-control study. In a cohort study, the researcher starts with a
participant's exposure status and then tracks them to see if they develop the disease of
interest. This study design reduces the effects of recall bias because it is typically
definitively known if the patient received an exposure, as this is the basis for a
participant entering the case or control arm of the study.
C. Case series
Case series track participants with known exposure over time. They are composed of a
group of case reports of patients who have been given a similar treatment or exposure
and include detailed reports of diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. This is a prospective
study, which results in a low risk of recall bias.
D. Experimental
Experimental studies involve the introduction of an intervention. The effects of the
intervention are then tracked to identify study outcomes. This is not a retrospective
study and is unlikely to be impacted by recall bias.
Key Takeaway:
Case-control studies are at a high risk of being impacted by recall bias.
214) What is the ideal upper limit for fluoride concentration in community water as
determined by research?
A. 0.5 ppm
B. 0.7 ppm
C.1.2 ppm
D. 1.8 ppm
Chief Complaint
Current Findings
B. primary prevention.
C. secondary prevention.
D. tertiary prevention.
Type of
Definition Examples
Primordial Preventing the development of risk factors Educational programs, oral health
instruction, improvements in access
to care
216) A research project requires searching for the effect of water fluoridation on
caries rate. Which of the following is the most appropriate search phrase to aid in
researching this topic?
A. Water AND fluoridation OR caries
B. Water AND fluoridation AND caries
C. Water fluoridation OR caries
D. “Water fluoridation” AND caries
A. Involvement
B. Issue
C. Intervention
D. Indication
1) Bupropion side effects?
b) Xerostomia
2) Patient complained about the appearance of tooth 11, clinically showing cervical decalcification
that bothered her. What is the reason? Les dan la imagen de un canino.
A. Amelogenesis imperfecta
B. Tetra stain
C. Hypocalcification
d) Dentinogenesis imperfecta
4) Patient active tuberculosis, was in pain and swelling. what would be the ideal management in
this situation.
C) Universal precautions
5) Same case. In the box it shows that he was taking Isoniazid. What are the side effects of this
patient's medication?
A) Hepatitis
B) Renal failure.
C) Cardiac problems
6) Moa of Nitroglycerin
c) Platelet function
d) Prothrombin Time
8) In the box, the patient was taking many medications, but he reported that the patient was
undergoing dialysis on Mondays and Thursdays. What is the ASA of this patient?
a) ASA I
a) Heparin
10) Patient arrived for restorative treatment on tooth 5. What would be a challenge in treating this
a) Heparin
11) What will we not find in a number 8 tooth, 21 years old patient.
a) Mamelons
b) Lingual fossa
12) Patient present with a lesion in the retromolar pad region. what could be a differential
diagnosis except
a) Amalgam tattoo
b) Melanoma
c) Blue Nevus
d) Fibroma
13) What is the most appropriate next step for diagnosing this lesion?
a) Excisional Biopsy
b) Incisional Biopsy
c) Radiograph
d) Exfoliative Cytologic
14) About the same case, if you had to do a biopsy, how do you anesthetize?
15) They gave a photo where tooth 19 was lingualized. What treatment for this case?
b) The arch size must be increased because the tooth needs space.
18) You just finished an extraction procedure and the socket starts bleeding excessively. What is
the first thing you should do?
A) Place gel foam on the alveolus
19) Patient with methotrexate and Humira, what test do you take?
a) Creatinine test
b) CBC
c) Bleeding time
20) X-ray where the central teeth of the child were with very wide canals, the child was 10 years
old. What is the diagnosis for this case?
B) Normal Anatomy
23) Patient taking Aspirin and Clopidogrel. What modification is required to proceed with the
A) Stop clopidogrel
D) No modifications needed
24) Patient with a draining fistula on tooth 9. What is the most appropriate treatment for draining
this fistula?
b) Give antibiotics
25) Patient with fistula for more than two years. Which cell is present.
a) Neutrophils
b) Lymphocytes
c) monocytes
d) Eusynophilos
26) Same case. What is the pulp diagnosis of a tooth with a fistula?
c) Necrosis pulpar.
27) Patient suffered trauma to the anterior teeth which led to discoloration of the teeth. What is
the cause of this discoloration?
b) Endotoxin bacteria
a) Necrotic
b) Remove all caries and Leave affected dentine, modified glass ionomer, restore.
30) Treatment plan for implant placement. All exams are required except?
a) Lateral cephalometric
b) CBCT is needed
c) OPG also
a) Angulation
b) Location
c) Size
d) Number
32) Father arrived at the office complaining that his son had no teeth, periorbital wrinkles, and dry
skin. What can be a Diagnosis:
a) Ectodermal Dysplasia
a) Dry eyes.
35) patient swelling and pain on the left side take amphetamine, his HR 120 BP 160/110. What is
the next step.
a) Refer to physician
36) Informed consent should include all the following EXCEPT? Which is the EXCEPTION? Doing an
extraction on tooth #19.
c) Parestecia
a) Actinomycetemcomitans
b) T. denticola
c) T. Forsythia
d) P. Gingivalis
a) Creatinine
b) Uric acid
40) Carrier hepatitis B and opioid addiction in the past - which painkiller give?
d) Tramadol 50 mg
a) Bupropion
51) They showed an image similar to this one, a bleeding gum In the photo it looked more
inflamed Vand they asked what type of tissue was it? Sorry no se cómo cortar copier y colocar la
a) Friable
52) patient has been drinking soda for the office, what is the most likely pH the patient is at the
time of treatment?
53) Following updated research, which material is better to form a dentine bridge?
a. MTA
b. Calcium hydroxide
55) Patient with candida in the gingival mucosa in the region of upper premolars, and the lesion
was 4 mm. They reported that the patient had already taken nystatin but it did not resolve. What
is the most appropriate next step?
a) Excisional Biopsy
b) Exfoliative Cytologic
c) Incisional Biopsy
56) They gave a picture of a fractured tooth with a fracture extending to the root.
a) Complicated crown
c) Crown root
57) A new patient in the office, tooth #8 decayed and he wanted all of his teeth evaluated. no x-ray
a) Comprehensive
c) Limited
58) the same patient asking what type of x-ray should you take?
a) BW & PAN
b) PA & PAN
59) In the same case, to restore this tooth, which is the best method for isolation?
a) Cotton rolls
c) Rubber dam
d) Isolite
60) Patient has drooling saliva and can’t blink his eyes. All will happen except:
a) Corneal abrasion
b) Dry eyes
c) Glaucoma
d) Inability to sleep
61) Correct sequence for post and core on a rct failure case asking what is the correct sequence .
62) Patient with mitral valve prolapse device and had penicillin allergy. What is antibiotics
prophylaxis ?
c) Nutrition counseling. (Bootcamp maneja que para dar consejería tendría que ir con un nutriólogo).
64) A 15 YRs old female patient that was so lethargic, her blood pressure was 80/60, has bronze
pigmentation. What is the diagnosis?
a) Addison’s disease
a) Corticosteroids
b) Refer to physician
66) Clinical picture showing buccal mucosa with white/red ulcerated patch and bleeding seen, lesion
covered the entire right side of the buccal mucosa, which type of lesion is this? The photo wasn't
exactly the same as this, but it was similar, on the test it looked more eroded.
B) metastatic carcinoma
C) pleomorphic adenoma
67) In relation to the above case ...which type of biopsy must be done?
A) incisional biopsy
B) excisional biopsy
C) punch biopsy
68) What is the first thing you should say to this patient?
69) Perio stage grading, case with generalized, CAL 2mm and one tooth with 4mm and HbA1c 8.2%,
patient was smoking. What stage?
A) stage I grade B
B) stage I grade C
C) stage II grade B
D)stage II grade C
A. Gingivostomatitis
B. Vit C deficiency
C. Sarcoidosis
D. Phenytoin
A) within 3 weeks
B) within 3 months
a) Normal
b) Poorly-controlled
c) Farly-Controlled
d) Controlled
a) J shaped
74) Anesthetized nerves to extract #8?
a. mesial of tooth 27
b. distal of tooth 27
c. mesial of tooth 28
d. distal of tooth 28
a) Loop diuretic
c) ACE inhibitor
77) Degree of complexity according to the American Association of Endodontics of a root canal
treatment in a single tooth with internal resorption.
a) High
A) Obturationr overfilled
B) Obturation underfilled
79) Patient takes methotrexate and humira. Which test do you order?
a) five
c) six
d) three
81) Case of extensive caries on the occlusal side of tooth K, what is the treatment?
b) Amalgam
82) They showed a panoramic view with tattoo amalgam to identify between the lower
a) Foreign Body
a) Acute
b) Disease Control
c) definitive
d) restorative
84) Patient with a history of myocardial infarction a year ago the dentist placed anesthesia and the
patient began to feel dizzy (the only symptom they gave).
A) Oxygen
B) Aspirin
C) Trendelenburg position
D) Supine position
85) Rheumatic fever when the patient was a child. They asked about what would be associated in
the future. The options were:
a) problems in cardiac and joints
86) Patient with an open bit and Class III, what can cause it. except?
a) Genetic
b) Mouth respirator
c) Tongue Thrust
d) Digital Suction
a) Class I
b) Class II
c) Class III
88) Pt that they were doing an RCT and when they removed the rubber dam her lips were swollen,
they asked what happened to her:
a) Angioedema
89) Panoramic with a very deep restoration and you had to diagnose
a) Condensing osteitis
b) Cementoblastoma
a. Scalloped
b. No bevel
a) Thin
b) Thick
c) Average
92) Radiograph (description- vertical bone loss on distal but has a little in mesial surface too of the
upper First premolar, they gave just this 3 options).
B) Circumferential
C) Horizontal
93) A 10 year old patient fell off and broke his upper Central Incisor What is an ideal diagnostic
radiograph to determine fracture ??
A) occlusal radiograph
C) Periapical radiograph.
D) pano
94) Case 21 young college male, has incisal edges worn out, due to what?
a) Abrasive diet
b) Bruxism
c) Attrition
d) malocclusion
95) Panoramica similar to this one, asking what could happen in the future.
a) Caries on tooth 18
b) External resorption
c) Pericoronitis
d) Primary cyst
96) Photo. Pt. With gingival enlargement drug could cause gingival enlargement?
Herpes gingivostomatitis
b) Pyogenic
b) Gingivectomy
a) Mucogingival junction
b) Deficiny granuloma
c) Attached gingiva
101) They gave a panoramic with bone resorption. The patient was taking Zoledronate IV for 2
years. What is the cause?
b. Fibroblast apoptosis
103). Patient 72 y/o female CC “my tooth broke”, MH includes Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple
sclerosis, depression and a purified protein derivative skin test positive. Medications:
Escitalopram, Interferon Beta 1 B, Risperidone (not sure). Tooth #9 fractured. What does the type
IV reaction indicate: