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Moon Magic

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Moon Magic

"Much of authentic witchcraft is the magic of the Moon, derived

of the ancient popular cult of the Moon"

new Moon

The spells related to everything that begins have a

best effect when there is a new moon. That is, this is the lunar phase
appropriate for casting spells and rituals, which serve to begin
a new project like births, virginity, new ideas; the
magic of desire, hunting; and cause something to happen.

Changing silver coins in your pocket to increase the

wellness is an ancient act of magic traditionally performed
during the new moon. Some believe that the first new Moon of the
year causes prophetic dreams (especially to know who will be the
future consort) when a special spell, such as the following, is
repeat 3 times:

"Greetings, New Moon, greetings to you all!

I beg you, good Moon, to tell me,
Tonight who will be my true love"

According to an ancient esoteric custom of England, the

The third day immediately following the new moon is a "Day
favorable for most commitments. Also, you must be
alert of the new Moons that fall on Saturdays or Sundays, since they
It is said that they bring bad luck and unpleasant weather. The ancient
Popular mole of the pagan Britons states that pointing a finger
The new Moon brings bad luck to your life. As an interesting detail,
This belief found a place in the realm of superstition
Christian, who maintains that aiming at the Moon 9 times leaves the
person without the possibility of entering heaven. It is doubtful that there
has been
chosen the number 9 for this superstition by mere chance, since
that this has always been considered by witches, wizards and all
those who deal with the occult, as the most magical of all

Crescent moon

The sorcery that is related to everything that is desired

increase or attract is best done when there is a waxing moon. Is
That is, in this lunar phase spells are cast and rituals are performed
involving births, strength, growth, cultivation of
gardens, friendship, harmony, happiness, achieving goals
and goals, travel, protection, teaching, working with the climate (for
attract), and positive changes. Love magic and spells for
health, good luck and money are also realized during this phase.

In the goddess-oriented stream of Wicca, the crescent Moon

corresponds to the maiden – also to warriors and virgins – in her
meaning of Triple Goddess.

Full moon

It is said that the full Moon is the phase in which the energies are in
its peak, and it is also the time in which witches carry out
their monthly meetings, or witches' meetings, since it is at this time
when the witches' psychic powers are at their maximum.

In this phase of the full Moon the sorcery is carried out that
invigorates, enables, illuminates, transforms and satisfies; that is, it is the
most appropriate for doing spells and rituals that include
fertility, virility, creativity, beauty, health,
blessings, communications, divination, happiness,
intuition, transformation, spiritual spells; the
teaching, sexuality, and dreams - especially of
prophetic -, and any matter of a psychic nature.

"When it is full, pray to the Moon.

Thus fortune will abound with you.
Whatever you seek you will find,
Whether on land or in the sea."
-Ancient pagan rhyme (anonymous)

It is said that the full Moon causes madness in men, and the old
saying: "when the Moon is full, sanity weakens" is a
clear example of this. In some regions of Europe where it was believed
in lycanthropy, it was common among royalty and the peasantry
be very afraid of the full Moon, since its intrinsic nature
activated animal transformations in men affected with
the curse of the werewolf.

Spells to cure warts have been done on a full moon,

probably since magic was first practiced. HE
said that the witches of the north of England were capable of removing,
by means of magic, any wart on any part of the body,
simply blowing his breath in the light of the full moon. "Wash up"
hands in a well-polished silver vessel, filled only with the
rays of the full moon, while reciting a magical incantation
was another method once used by witches and healers
to remove warts from fingers and hands.
In the goddess-oriented stream of Wicca, the full Moon
corresponds to the mother aspect of the Triple Goddess, so it is
becomes the appropriate time for invocations to the Goddess
Mother and all the spells and ritual work that are associated with

Waning moon

Spells that diminish, remove or bring to an end certain

Matters are best carried out with the waning Moon. In this lunar phase
spells and rituals are performed that involve exoneration,
reversal, death and resurrection, healing, wisdom,
maturity, countermagic, freeing oneself from ties, overcoming,
spells to modify the weather, weight loss, selling
properties and the breaking of addictions, bad habits and streaks of
bad luck.

Expulsions, bindings, exorcisms; the launch and breakup of

Curses are also, traditionally, developed during the
Waning moon.

In the goddess-oriented stream of Wicca, this lunar phase

corresponds to the crone aspect of the Triple Goddess, and many Wiccans
(especially postmenopausal women) perform rituals of
reverence to the crone - or the goddess of darkness - during the Moon

Black Moon

The Black Moon is the 3 and a half day period just before the Moon
New. The Moon is not visible in the sky during this time, and the
who practice sorcery according to the energies of the phases
Lunars abstain from all magical activity until it is concluded. Of
According to an ancient popular belief, doing any type of
Spells during the Black Moon cause the spells not to be obtained.
desired results.

Most modern witches consider the Black Moon to be a

rest and recovery time. It is the ideal time for
Meditation, vision seeking, and future planning

Moon Off Course

The Moon off course occurs every 2 or 3 days, and refers to the time
between the final aspect of the Moon in any sign of the zodiac and the
moment when the next one enters. This can have a range of
time ranging from several minutes to several hours.

Traditionally, when the Moon is off course, no

spells. Many witches who believe in astrology believe that
Spells cast during this time are highly prone to
failure; however, meditation increases during this time
and many people find it favorable for divination and
work with dreams. Regarding the lack of course of the Moon,
author Nicholas de Yore states in the "Encyclopedia of Astrology"
that: "When the Moon is located in such a way, it denies the
fulfillment of much of the good promised in other circumstances
on the layout.

On a tray with a container with water and a blue candle.

We will also take with us a white rose.

Dressed in clothes with some blue detail, we will kneel and do

our request directing us to the Magic of the Moon. You will use your
own words, born from the heart, and therefore only as an example
you will say:

"White goddess of the night, Mother of Life, I ask you... (and here
formulate your wish).
May your Strength fill my Life with the Light of your almighty Energy.
So be it, so be it and so be it."

The wish or request can be just one or several (but we should not
abuse but that our requests will be justified and necessary) and
The topic can be about work, health, love, etc.

Later, we will take the white rose and keep it for a few
moments in our hands and we will delicately remove one
to one, after asking permission from this wonderful flower,
silently, to be used in our ritual, the petals in the
container with water (better if it is spring or mineralized because
its positive energies are strong and lasting), as we say:

"Thus my request for (formulates the first wish) is sealed."

You will strip the flower of another petal and say:

"Thus my second request is sealed (you formulate the second

And so with each and every one of the requests you have made.

To finish, you will blow out the candle with your fingers, you will look at the Moon,
you will bow your head and give heartfelt thanks to the
Goddess of the Night for the positive energies and forces that have given you


The practice of attracting the energy and essence of the Full Moon to oneself
itself and the use of said power is called <<ceremony of
attraction of the energy of the moon>>.

When it is completed, you will feel a strong trance state combined

with a resurgence of energy that will flood your entire body.

You must perform this ceremony during a ritual of protection of the

magic circle It is usually practiced in an Esbat, when there is a lot to do.
do. You don't have to incorporate this ritual into every Esbat, but you do.
want to take a break and simply enjoy the power of the moon,
a simple ritual that honors the Moon or the Goddess (since it is usually
being symbolized by the moon) does not constitute any crime.

There are witches who use their wands or athames when performing the
moon energy attraction ceremony. For it:

First open the chakras, visualize them as jumping balls of

colors, flowers that open or like spirals of colored lights:

Start at the crown of your head and visualize a pure white ball.
of sparkling light. Observe the ball spinning downwards though
stay in the same place. When you have that center set in the
mind continue with the next chakra. It is the purple one and it is
located in the third eye area. When turning at a speed
constant and has stabilized, move to the throat chakra in the
You will find a light blue ball. The following is that of
heart, which can be displayed as bright green or pink
warm. Go down to your navel and see a bright yellow color, like
summer sunlight; then, lower down, between the navel and the
groin, notice the orange color of the setting sun. The last chakras
It is found on the genitals and is crimson red. There's also
energy centers in the hands and feet, I let them explode
all in little white balls of light.

Then assume the Goddess position (with your arms extended

upward with palms towards the sky and separated from each other
another), with the wand in the right hand. Little by little raise the
arms in front of you and clasp both hands on the wand or the

Point to the Moon and say:

Now I draw the power of the Moon Priestess to me and merge with
her power, the pure essence of the Goddess.

Increase the vibrational frequency and let the power of the moon
enter the wand. You will feel it. Then lower it little by little
the wand with both hands direct it directly to your heart.
Visualize the resurgence of a silvery blue light entering your
body, which runs through and around your entire physical being and
astral. When the energy begins to decrease, drop your arms to
the sides. You have just created your own cone of energy.

Now he is endowed with the power of the Moon Goddess. Use this
ability with wisdom.

The next step is to perform a <<job>>, leave the wand/athame

in the right hand (to send). If you do not perform any spell, leave the
wand in the left hand (to receive) and enter a state of
meditation to absorb energy.

When you have finished each job, discharge the power, either
coming out of it or physically placing your hands on the ground.

When you are performing the ceremony of attracting the energy of the
moon, you will not be able to concentrate on anything else, forget about reciting
phrases or
poems just feel the energy.

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