Humberto Calderon Naranjo
Humberto Calderon Naranjo
Humberto Calderon Naranjo
humberto calderon
c.c. 17.653.370
cel. 3222912978
NOTA DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: El uso indebido del correo electrónico es una falta grave y esto puede dar lugar a sanciones disciplinarias, legales o
judiciales, de acuerdo con la ley y regulaciones vigentes en la materia"
Este correo electrónico puede contener archivos adjuntos y confidenciales, legalmente protegidos, reservados, no susceptibles de difusión pública y / o
información personal de la Agencia de Renovación del Territorio – ART, y está destinado únicamente para el uso del destinatario (s) previsto (s), si recibió
este mensaje por error por favor informe inmediatamente respondiendo al remitente, omita su contenido o y elimínelo sin guardar ninguna copia, Le
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CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The improper use of email is a serious offense and this may result in disciplinary, legal or judicial sanctions, in
accordance with the law and regulations in force in the matter established by the Agency for Territorial Renewal – ART.
This email may contain annexes and confidential, legally protected, reserved, not amenable to public dissemination and / or personal information of the
Territory Renewal Agency – ART, and is intended solely for the use of the intended recipient (s), if you received this message in error please inform
immediately replying to the sender, omit its content or delete it without saving any copy, We inform you that you may not compile, subtract, offer, sell,
exchange, send, buy, intercept, disclose, modify, use, retain, print, copy, distribute or make public your content; doing so could incur a crime and the
penalties typified in Law 1273 of 2009 and other applicable regulations.
Additionally, we inform you of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, data portability, limitation of treatment
and oblivion in the terms established in the current legislation on the processing of personal data, rights that may be made effective by writing to the
mail [email protected] indicating that you do not wish to receive further emails from that account and/or that there was an
error and that you are not the person to whom the message should have been addressed.
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