2971 - HEL BAP MWD Sensor - HMR - SPANISH
2971 - HEL BAP MWD Sensor - HMR - SPANISH
2971 - HEL BAP MWD Sensor - HMR - SPANISH
• Proporciona información critica en ambientes de
perforación difíciles donde se presenta un margen
mínimo entre presión de poro y presión de fractura de la
Weatherford International Ltd. Weatherford products and services are subject to the Company’s standard terms and conditions, available on request
515 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 600 or at www.weatherford.com. For more information contact an authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted otherwise,
Houston, Texas 77027 USA trademarks and service marks herein are the property of Weatherford. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Tel: 713-693-4000 Weatherford sells its products and services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable contract between
www.weatherford.com Weatherford and the client.
Weatherford International Ltd. Weatherford products and services are subject to the Company’s standard terms and conditions, available on request
515 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 600 or at www.weatherford.com. For more information contact an authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted otherwise,
Houston, Texas 77027 USA trademarks and service marks herein are the property of Weatherford. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Tel: 713-693-4000 Weatherford sells its products and services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable contract between
www.weatherford.com Weatherford and the client.
Diámetro Diámetro
Exterior Exterior Longitud
Nominal Máximo (SistemaHEL) Peso Conexión
(pulg.) (pulg.) (ft) (lb) Superior Conexión Inferior
4-3/4 5-1/4 25.2 1,400 3-1/2 IF Box 3-1/2 IF Pin
6-3/4 7-3/8 25.3 2,850 4-1/2 IF Box 4-1/2 IF Pin
8 8-5/8 25.2 4,100 6-5/8 Reg Box 6-5/8 Reg Pin
8-1/4 8-7/8 25.6 4,000 5-1/2 IF Box 5-1/2 IF Pin
9-1/2 9-1/2 25.8 5,500 7-5/8 Reg Box 7-5/8 Reg Pin
Torque Severidad
de Torque Tensión Máxima Severidad Máxima
Armado Máximo Máxima Rata Fuerza Rotando Deslizando
(ft-lb) (ft/lb) (lb) Doblamiento (°/ft) (°/ft)
9,900 a 10,900 16,700 528,000 2:10 20°/100 36°/100
28,000 a 32,000 44,700 978,000 2:53 11°/100 19°/100
52,000 a 56,000 77,300 1,480,000 2:70 10°/100 16°/100
53,000 a 56,000 80,100 1,450,000 2:47 9°/100 15°/100
75,000 a 78,000 112,000 1,870,000 3:10 8°/100 14°/100
Equivalente Máximo
Doblamiento Temperatura Rango de Contenido de
(DE × DI) Operación Máxima Presión Operación Flujo Máximo Arena
(pulg.) (°F/°C) Máxima (psi/MPa) (gal/min) %
356° 30,000
4.75 × 3.22 400 2
180° 207
356° 30,000
6.75 × 4.20 800 2
180° 207
356° 30,000
8.0 × 4.18 800 2
180° 207
356° 25,000
8.25 × 5.17 1,800 2
180° 172
356° 25,000
9.5 × 5.16 1,800 2
180° 172
Weatherford International Ltd. Weatherford products and services are subject to the Company’s standard terms and conditions, available on request
515 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 600 or at www.weatherford.com. For more information contact an authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted otherwise,
Houston, Texas 77027 USA trademarks and service marks herein are the property of Weatherford. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Tel: 713-693-4000 Weatherford sells its products and services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable contract between
www.weatherford.com Weatherford and the client.
Weatherford International Ltd. Weatherford products and services are subject to the Company’s standard terms and conditions, available on request
515 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 600 or at www.weatherford.com. For more information contact an authorized Weatherford representative. Unless noted otherwise,
Houston, Texas 77027 USA trademarks and service marks herein are the property of Weatherford. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Tel: 713-693-4000 Weatherford sells its products and services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable contract between
www.weatherford.com Weatherford and the client.