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~ UBT Ye Aree TO ~ ea juciaion, pucde perpare fama ena & he MS bociles 6: 7 etelben, hefenako ay fz, is, vee By rve 7 dode, Ay. ove 1% Bomino Bs ods ete Briere Gj to al Mneherreo ening 0 Hemene general Qhaie bow, come, para. [sate poor, be cent fo caviepoe. duwilt. dy, portemced defers sone Secenctin, oe HG fren, Repent: Uloug Seeceseo. srnfbrcitts (osucerion,) he 75 €9 daa fnaoe. go hominio rock sarees he, Blnar Me “ 0 geales gue aon enter %o frak ged y - Dou = WY, Le rail, wecapoucttieie s¢ A ae a, g ab nator coverpornclisutt an? ste erculoe =H a a < o pi oD we we aK fe. Qin) ° bien Ay en? Bo de prcece. eopeerfizan aor fueron, dade Supgiatt, Bovine, Lidciahts paws golabteech Ln poe, on 4,8, 42,46, 22, 0, eae MAR (Eee! aplii pm 4g 240 ° ae5 aaa Mane oe leomun pecete Set corre fr Gf ht boomin erie Jerd, ore aza a “ i wo eh Comino pad oe eng feceni vs, aed Brine Oy’ + dbocue ee cfu de bes Resa sedtisar. flit Qn es 7 5 bem (Ba) 488 Gallfney soni 4,3; Seccecedi, £ & enenocnemney a Graaples + Qnz RL 78 Oe vesecto los 15 Bemenes? 4,2; ~ 4, A532 3/275 s themansd 2 34% 6 Gy OL pre oie poma it i fe pirualixgas. Ynaficante ‘Seca Cemeros £0 See fehea on B G Z ° 5O pes facie » (2, Bx) tua Succrenin page ole ees, conreotieuw clo Be obscmannes & fenfecn ce Of kecasd An, porccicee Bag by Himines pe pecroam @ & euauslo. 0 fincee tit Aeflvecrliorentt ite te posbamos calesedd pe fiir Gg= %, 223 Taucbicn, pores ret feu a prrectucte, fe 2 Beernenta, 25 rakeer dt Cp farses aumeilan, alo 6 Aertimernes clean do hin cya A> 00 bi Ee cambio cuanto n caece fahferittowit bs ambos he bn more aprexiinen a rengin pridmira (Nani eilig pale, gerca He Ag oe -4) Barausones tn tay obfenrcisres (he Chile te. flewcos portent a den teh sepediondy jon Loish, he Sececegn, oO afore cab-er-? Wile Serteocon (By) lene bnnele dh y Se plonbolgg. hin Ane kh es Verso, TMro/ va a eet => /a@,-L]<€, nae Be cicos Bin foros nowneg fe Pore bn Cir penny (2, $6 Bbehans a L Gute corre Glecamos al doce A bn ettcoy pron) oa _ Seefectoslimenche Geen. Ma, Si evwte ih brnile, feuebo se eleci fse Co Secencoen ak (é feb en eomecguat) be! 'en%s Te fectate, de dice fh Seccaoeot. te ereegentt, 3 Yuisciin fa. hry Bye PO ets ¥kso: sibel tnagporr’ > ~O Jos Qj2 ~ an YA
    00 Le camparares cop ky Melo ccriens + Gets prem po wncen clfereucea £2 fas tomnueones 0 pieleier [pw i “y Rebar pee iin et 2 nbs nig © neo A Neo ecto, fara brute kt foe. 0) in io # gr Wares abeo/ Yn the 4-2) +8 a ye-8 ~4- ae | “i } = -/£)* Leé ([pucs 0 w ) . aa ) han (DM )= 00 gem VRZOF A Moo / th? Mm at ek ” n3 00 => n> kt a4417 Ly selects tibia Pp ' Cas propeedactes call jew belt, lemme. pe. Bernal, ole Juccbres en ee Ae, cerrsplien Peeperdad dun (@n)y (On) ducescones comacegectes a A wun le. Exdocers: a) fin be : 2 & tan & Dd, tte fate 2) tein Gat as be Qy +, tars_%9 No Nr» 7 a hon i thing Mar, 9 i e). les Ae aa tim tate ae da by nyo poe ole pegped del, teparedacto (tment) Be. peccete aclaplay he Ce see. i Suan oo ae fax Komrcepen. & Ly Tat fre &y ue Ungny (erate Ap tot wiloce fe) = (aor aege a & Bo faleake toy 8 a) hin, ein 16) fon xn ye. 4 ae nav sare” 4) Ueitesmes le propected deh papas 1 toe 3% et, Wars [EOI IEA a4 CDE Be a come te ef 10 be plat y come Mee a= 2. oe ae oy joan foe Las aa Le Seecernwes eit) conneege qo we ne ‘deeceseone’ (4) 0 bbe) arncegen @ O\md 5, 1 §) Deniderives mislerader y Bocsominc ator por te emavaasy ppitic a, Bibl dlenomirpolet, wi. axle care’ 9° (gparned th presmreo, Pe! foeto fos fova het ole ae a a bho) tle +0? titra : we FOS Ss TS 20. oo | i Sa42 nom 5) 24 *d : we Mil. Obserron pis 5 bitin ane thls Menate, quemorady, 9 dtwomimadnr, Linden 2 00 Cuando 120, motes pore, ali i car ta negle. a L Mopiti, pros et eds sc apleca o fer. ceonen cle cratendle peak | g ne keeceneB, tp cretg feciee ot narcable, cutie, 7 | Reno ae pucole splabtecee sme inctatiin sue toute, ote fucstesie gy tha ce Vaden, maceaele th Riguee Tiotend? Brwmad Sit dehuostincioh ) ke tan fod= & [fie wun far) n $O)= Ap Cueto Pe | A os . f pli => i age & ( fpenctn re tf Goren pac i Wala. Prelonsey ot he niticpubacitey pa ek Szpucsete, frafeoo ts Fowme res dec aw se la fiewzan lime Camel tatoos te | Scccoubi. cortepiaplecete ‘Gimibir lane tenets & Ke fon oe Anak | Ty be 2 & : g Calewke a) In FAHItD 6) loin -€2.9, 9490. Sat a-ge 67. a 7% ne @) Lael onearno Bitte. pest Lb cabeikacey eeliruorinente, peso «bore i i aplecarnes ef Bowmae necim Peaks - | j f . I 3 Fata be Su t2~ } Tomamor f(x thin Tebt4 99 2% O hig e Boe : 900 Se tee Yo Rep S- kK y : & Oy © aplecainnsr be negla ce £ hopeiae i } i { } i i 1 i os por of Corema conckurhnss fee that 9 200 8) hin bn. AAwe AY» Brat 7 thie, a han bax Wy 7X hin AsO Roe Key. A230 Be eo 227 a ton bra. o 924 “Ae Roe sucrarones com putin, trauctele. tn wick nee of bepaicote ntalhades. Za 3 hon Og 180 ey hao &y 20 Aa ADD : QPL trecovbiacioe pe bane xe bt proptededl che eunparedaco Fabeines fue = /@nJE@n < (eal % camo rake, @ = jin Jag |= 2 cen = 12a] d so pe ey han Ag=O ee Dante DAVA : Benplo alleutan tin A”. Smgtto 2.6 Re He Aya A ‘ Yadase , lmozo 1 Are las a4 5 bi te 4 N00 Min (nt)? pra exe + a0 Jae 4) & Sfened ; efi forts fal? " ce bs Fecou tnsponeuced? yk ) eae guapeco S¢ pmuustdo | Jaco 7 ces0 12044 gy laled lal o fale} spe podemer eee pee ie e poe Giowme 1 ele fue Juin tal"2 0 ar lim Ja? nae N20. 4 poe Goreme 2, Cremer Puce bon @ Me > 00 SY 224 consedlranco & foie ah fo aa exporen teak, oy fobet I fue thin Qa v0 29 0 a 6) Se A hod hing Qh = Ibs (AY lah” (aloud (al> 4 ) 7 n> 12 00 : , by aelulegameles db nnutlicear S, potter) ree flee bme md baceokt (br palmer ole An Ceeen 5 Mech cen ti clefined hewunt: | A Teemacusts poclemor elec fue fs a jue bin oe 4 N22 abe paw corel geet, ob Weber eh A eniliruacibn jamner a Bfeic pmouatowie Jac lucorednes Duftcisis ; Unlo Sucacok (An) se bleme erteciute Se Un On Bntg, Cleo fecroed co murentfora so ineadtaee 0 decent | Wl: Ac(Bq) e dtecsels Ay 6 Oye P eolne ge netfee get Mantine LO] - de (Qa) ty derteceula 81 7 Aa? gd arn J ererefoen Poe An~ Fars 7O, uae : E : oy pawn dulicminar & morveoteue he wus Sucseot, beteemey aA Wo Aan Aaa, YC Commpacemey Cor 2, fe fe 2 4149 : Sean Manny. es clecrcciesTe ceo ener eo creccencté. Duticoninan ile qmocctrued cle A fa subd eye this Guat ta Ay = 248 nzh 253 Anes CADET | APE 3, Uy mg DES ~ ONE Oralea 1° 0t% + MES Aly = Gaskara)e lars are) - Zt 9ft20 RE DK 1%, Gar) (mo) (nrg) : : ; 2 +_ Rie (peo DEN wy 43) lare)>0) pose (lore) fa Qa Gur re = An > Qnuy Ais Ca becencod to ecrsceeslé a de Lecerko naceke : cn fords AD Ail: Ola frase tact 14 craederes fea few he ya Tharés 0 ta cera de pobar pur va ecrecenti. We2 A (debe! on fue P'oazo Vxz+) ‘ efit cnr Une: Sccpouo. (An) 0 aeslaste % Ca muagen % Co Guano 07 acoballo, em dees & BH yam / med, EM Ha ‘Wiles: Obneoran fu ey 2 mene lire, flax Jove’ fecmaranen aot eval do. Milod: 3 BN, heemor fue volo! acotade Suptune SC dan, deeemiod Pur colo’ acotace 0 1 Aes je & fue Qn yo -. wha acofade Ueperiarmenetl a pocioror conckiur fue (4a) -2 acotaste char pescessainy purastona, ccokacla, ii waporiedes ee emar an ok Fepecceuste Louie Teeter, the toy, Jucncered mnorotlorits . ; Taste sectasbs Fra acetone. oo Convent Aisle 4,- ba geotaceot bo wna coudticcdi, pnecnana jaca ER tr elec fue & Lan) mo e4 ecotacla > Can) mo , a concert . 3 fet daca cuenta H lo rabicles de cole reached, pier (az) & ff po en ccobad wad fcr fue la, “valores oft Lo wernrgen Ctecen 0 cloew ton enclifecek daanenbe. yp bo Tuli pro: puceor aprcoenaene a mers (iemees foots yiere consecueenceo (Ho Ceree Erncte, els, tr coon m0 t conrergentis Hirlad ihe Sacenoe (an) poets eq“ propeniforen taro cle, Ans MH Lpae o> crcecete..) SP pvebacte pa tliorarmoé Courtnpte camo haw Sateen “Delormenarmes pr Sn DAS, a mowotoe 9 tev. ada, 9 camo tevaceutnart: for A amc lactones ore teaty ty comrerteale : Spinal: ste fouecle proba [ro to marron Mace pPrpast b> torr poco ago ) gue & tecrosoc, On= (thf) mmonotoua ) acotado., pak foe dedhucemes fee berrecgente, eeepc mo Sefirmon cunt ty Kh crolo dh Lrnily, pn Ime (igo Fiat or deo deltemuima cen - 3 Be pucele protien (moto naman Mace Phe ham, (ers) é | Pewtor enferuiton re Masti ohove, fe \ Seema tha Silo tifusle Sale frrsn Ge ert ew che ten pitém forele eke Bemenios. & eters foe pa yerysh, he Seema, nf Wet gt td FL Lt mo Teeme egos fecal iA anne oy Ek ogee ae wien gremebce ce Serie cuybncotic Defasid » Be flame peu wnpritld 9 semplimialt Sout a le heard A AGIA, Feet Ant rn ey Ge cleecoleetiomnn, Bors 2 | Blt ° Fla fon ante rottacodd O spoila dacta alisinioractl, e poatind ann? ea prcra coro zy ay + gue eae! € Logs | Che como dyer, Segre feearclo a toda Seema? Cmptocens> mance ler’ bo, 198 en Legg parry oieadsicate a O wud, e dete Memo, nd, OE Some, pacuetes i G2 Ay 1 ‘ I | Sasa, ae $Q,2 2- “yt i obra ahewd, Pe bay Setmdy tcealeg foruen wan Seeereo, I cago cis Hivae 3 ges 2. 4, es 2 lin Gg = hon fale tcracnd. pcege aE peo fin Sip = Nor, Eubiuccs coames qua fe Sere Teme Sang spuata & Qefeiiis.: Dalle b. sewe Z/%, an cewolors” pmestute Sembolo Sy al N-Lsime ne poset n> 2a = a+ ; : | Qy tat tAy! | t | i I de & Saceat (a) 22 eemnewgnuks ail, snldrice, Kecomor prs A sec ya, gonaeege ¢ Ge $4 Some by & J + week 20 A tagt--- FAgt-—— 2 B/G ek no Be & Suceseod dhe Sema parecates ds lo Bee me wnrese, Leceros Yar aed dere : \ t { i & En meewrbio terms = egpe 2G) =* Lo cual Aigmifeia, Pro 3 fe Summa sone dhutidag fqpectendl Fiinonoy dh (Seu, gay podemey pecseon @ toto 42 Pre Pow gy a tn gonple npeilaut: Ae sain $0 wus Porebisia 1 ibiiion : F ape 2 a8 a Wh Soy Aerer, of Ce frome at artant-tan go = B/E ado Eb a2 2 cecele howe coud @ ye ae a2 Reales fy” Re Aagon J poude See pe 2 capac « Gila seu. com & oe entra, Viahseg aude} LZ by Abn ccxee i Seree pecreliin con Aah ge £ © Seat pNP d ty bee dest, vole ce emda on tee ane aeyp ae -£ @ Tholiomes de cokewhan, b Suma ote les Beate | Geomilains Bc and, & ataema sume jascat O42 a hia Gy Stee 072 Geatort ate i--at a Aa ae pe eas puller, ens feomeliccn hererge Bie) Ope ne Hho ong de asd Pa 18 Se ey Cee W300 Stuck, chives af : Se al as sj pramen a cokehar Ly soma pacceak alo deg, frown Sn C1 AREA -H- pant: NSne OL4A FAVE AD” (opleaplcngses wasn Ge O$ Da - 2 Baz a~ Pie al1-2") | = jana") con fald L So (4-2) = alt2) x %, Fecodernes lo oko mu ba pags, sobu lonlle 7 2 Suconon (2”) vlan 6, hin (422°), Joh se [tle 4 [peas 20) a zee “eee w /el> 4 Roum eulivices tonto, boy neseebtades, Timemcr Pe * 2 Fiak?. sco Ne L ype te ghee talent et, Cae Aet {-& Bek direege & te ermentic fee bs, perttg dado, @ 9 Deomeg peng eabcrel Tyce Meee. a aaa En © 22 fended my come fecerel antameo miler pe obtin ames aeboredrtnacsls jel @ sees comnecpe © hace & ! & L Both he eg A ak op atime Aral lie A wigs a haceai Ss fs rh) 7 ge Eeprran of iducmil peubelico 323 come 4 raged ote doo calico, ~ ; “9 603 - 5423.4 23,4 23 Pee ee fy So" Geo * Gop * 5 ALG ) “ hy sered. @ correrge pier ep eeta eet promreliiea ele hegre tee gb ldwe S2t = te ; : : 34 loom) § fo, Ben reries ce be freee ZI Chy~ Sou) 2 deute b, cool Bomeno penecae fe nha pucoisi. ote leomindy povelies § Slomuscatic fue ba Stee ey “ati cemmerge, tales, Se ome Mo coun, soir, feonabiica, oe orado put stewnmian 2 le edefercitants Sees 1 Lateecbames ‘seus Aer, jaceolen, pre ells Games a Cpe sar uf tlmeno’ peneraf Ln ole Glia frre, “tiptirducctotis . a(at) is domo wena scum he fraccimes, Vana cllo Flabeagernssny be Ce ue CO hicernas onl jotlvls He eiigracetin ote yew. ane. f . ceduty nationale |(mibodas de heocomporccran bet Freeones Jat.” ceales 0 Semple )) +6. 2 alia {Ger? = atl alara)> ae ig a i He ae pepe J So= (1- 3) + (&-#)! (£-DY AB AE a > Sa» 1-4. 4 S920 ay Sod aL i a Be ae conreege ge 2S tomy * 4 Cullen del p-timo teimino pare le hen Fertema Se. & Aree BS) Oy eonntege > hur) @y =O —= a7 09 Ei gual pancort wlituger be conliaites pesca ck Briand Peg i j dur Se hen Oy BO 77 ek mp & 4a. iol pa 1909 Gin oe Seepouganeen fee Bit courcege mp Scene (Snot te, pay —— comncege ee fe, =O Qaa -8y~ H- Sox ; . Lele ot acon dan Ope ban SL hen Spy S-Se ee . hetee pote foe. ea 2 Baba sue Ze de feta n= 20 Gade sat Zo degen He 2 pe ex Doe eu By CO derege PO FS, ceatnie e int wats, hin BPR ponte. Pa “20e5 dhovige dis joa eat Sat Ban 8 pet en iS feo 3- mR £ oO be, Be. eel poet hh Garena fo pale. lin Og = Me ete vo bn A o oS te Cob se pucks Lompialean ein Oe Sess onastis, E Z 4) ge foe her 120 pao potent Px fa see Fata musa suse Aro 7 Very a caboubar 665 Remet jacerto ate fore Son Sp sSy- Sy e Atd. 2 r= 2 = aed eh HE ao clecei 2 ans fA pa 53 -Dye Sulbt eet)” > Fa 4(F arab? 2 SHS Sela” a)? i +Ly- te’ Pee ~ : 50 2° , & Suceswon (Hp) oo ) Lomo consecuencd, (a Fete fei, gempuccca Lre¥e f Rapeadee de bin pitts correctly Cprpieated ae te 2 bc Zag emmagen Ay Z| by orrege 4 a yé4 oe => i a) kA Oo pha = & Zaq= jOnten)= BI t 2 cr a) AA ENS = 7 eo Ben clirtege 0 Rho me By bin Birnluin, ctiverye, (3) ye Z * DS By an conborge y Ze by ettige me ZIin tty) age & a shin 4 4 Delecrneiviin, & bene de ba SR Tene: 2 a ~ 7004 2 gp) EE BG % le | 244, i oO (Seneca che Sete prom bee ta) = P= 2 : gs Altimiia, te conrocgences 0 moiae Ce seul EAS tea) poe - awe \O 2 a neue By fe tatege porguc te souk dameohein , fa” x = a Luopes B ae Be donne x preted @ fa tae By hwo oma anc prelin ctoaet A oo tamacdge, i 5 vba seen dade, po popeted @ aeeege Hon acting dor pretuniben iaaportnule, fac lacer ciceree de tea Ste 7a fifi pees pes oe a n¢ fo feet BE chercegeg Gea by Le Sema! 2 : ! ‘ i ; Fase, conliotr endo. cept eabpuee, peste egener fee Se peibice Lei) thr putrdava. peat obtine, fe de Sema, paccsale,, g 701% \by inends de cledlly Suctaep pe aebeean 2 wy a ten 02 fgoS, S, on eeego pw a Seue con ey Ly hacen fend habieniey chritzhadd lez lo frepertlan . Tera enlo oo eo aod Stasbemoy fae fa. heed, aaprorccig dercige , fer o6isleego, wh mo bo pr. hemo, Aercuber lon he fina Corepectne Ore? | hen Sumo, peace ben ceecen, Ser eon poco teen fen £40 pillones de Thetrerss paca $e Sn pe Sy epue & 400. fm & fees ulelisanno, wene c & Sp, debe a lo benlacibu en he pide aapels pe micmge, baotink, Aapelo Aeberes aged pea Sa, Secperivuds smonenntele 7 lam tarvivepucn do, Ae apercimen @ wed 02 fi dexpacio gun pevcoelin proscks Bbeagee 4 20 gre ce AO puteg arpectactbes pace Hobe, ror oe yu bar Sp Poy bo GAB Seeva Urcrenionle (pee oer deadepecerre, cd fer, pe om perrrstenn Saber Se weng Stace eorerdepe © IO, oe pw mo samp b> pel dlliuminay & dnurecgente karts ete Co Seomo de fe Seece,! a helen i j Cite dele esti de Goudy 2 smug Bea feuig fmesoin conttiueg , pooling 4 Aecreicseels ta uf wlierato L4s0) y Sepougewer pee gel) Hae => 2 : te Hess Bey ye villa mepeepen [Pf onrdsc comengins 0 dercegenr foe i : Qe Seq f ma for decwctouke, torterda 1 poodtins en lta) 1 : Z gy ys fla). Gel paaficeO potas obscrran (rg Or MTionpgeslldr, Cee ny Ay, hececanns yam rg wee ir eld, On A, J hg, Ay,-~ % : wala e044 Brag us ak cae bua He anere J* fey sles by dew J ford 2 tag tagt~ tes Oa ' Qn] x ata idivel pointer) Preeten po Abjo Leckise'rmin ety Tree z \si: yt agi Fa sf, fare 9% min fac Ay Hy FR, pH Ay E at [pede @b combentndo Qa y Ob Cenerien pay [low £Q,4agt-~ H4n © by + ff” fed & fado dered ot Ca dancigecnet dk 5 “Io hye to infenits, Ghaino sé 6 fexrdee fr, 4 anveslid Qlss Za on oon : f@ c hado ppeiudn he. anil gneenbia ue Elan dtfeii By bo ke gouty witipel son arden couertepeucli, O clncepe | Gees bo ba neue pig Fr a P83 dowd pir le, ye Home Ak ho He remoicucn Peumal gn Ce i Probar fc Aka Seu, Cure fe se Pr | BVA, teen dirduve | A pRor'de fbi fire Ly to contencse ponetira: eecrecetate, yh fo) y fla) | 1 naman a igplecérs af Celico 2 le ealiyay 4 “ die = fin 0 antye 5 tho at |, Gas eta bed, lisa cpt ba bom PP PY 4300 SPet « be : ee p Pi | P>A (pus 1-P<0) ae iso et (pues 1-P 20) Bo pos, ba sete Hada to tq aeuk avmoriecn pit ge febemey fix eereege ii S = ne fon PB Qlne ss pao te Bitp> BV? dead fon apo i te stu mo cormenge (hema ciplecaces ef! 1300 7 quiets el tata Camere para b clemergencco ) Poe Zs ts Ge Pra pak a OP deige ge, PEL Culliritis Maia tuts ole. Marinirias porcliars ’) Calo ole eamgactieces “Trowme Secpouseone fre 02@, eh, Yard a) 86 By ay dererge mp Zd bn Hvivige ner S 5) se Zep be emolege > ZI an commerge Hele, : QL wlilisar, bt calling debemos Corey apna, frien comic, pow dialings & CO pen awe, Hoots, cheora, Tiree, srfretadtes Sobre, 4 fy Seueg nat oo evncrge 6 HEL Sout Peomesicen Pat mi ye dBA ve Mi 2 “ se POS wets P Al oe at pes sectolread Hncge oe desergency cle la, fee Ganplo Didieminan ke eoomerginuo o 8 a Susy ©) & | é b) > fag pat Bn? # SOT ‘ey Lgl a) apysata> tl ro > - < by 3734 6072 nq Jamo Bs dy emerge (seua Pp, tom pod) ner a (per popudad de Breatectad) = ail deeucienr met tennis

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