2021 - Documentacion A Aportar Español-Inglés
2021 - Documentacion A Aportar Español-Inglés
2021 - Documentacion A Aportar Español-Inglés
Required documents to pre-register in a Master’s Degree
Copy of your university degree that must authorize the holder to access
university master's degree studies (except those students with a degree issued
by the University of Oviedo). If you did not finish your degree yet, you don’t
need to show a copy of your diploma, the admission is conditioned to the
completion of the degree of the diploma before registration.
The average grade equivalent for courses taken at foreign universities will be
calculated based on the procedure set out in Resolution (21 March 2016) of the
General Directorate for University Policy. For this purpose, applicants should
follow the steps described on the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
website, where all the information for this procedure can be found:
Copy of your university degree that must authorize the holder to access
university master's degree studies (except those students with a degree issued
by the University of Oviedo). If you did not finish your degree yet, you don’t need
to show a copy of your diploma, the admission is conditioned to the completion
of the degree of the diploma before registration.
The average grade equivalent for courses taken at foreign universities will be
calculated based on the procedure set out in Resolution (21 March 2016) of the
General Directorate for University Policy. For this purpose, applicants should
follow the steps described on the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
website, where all the information for this procedure can be found:
6. Curriculum vitae normalizado acompañado de la documentación acreditativa de los
méritos indicados en el mismo
Documentación/ Documents:
Los documentos originales redactados en otro idioma se presentarán en el plazo de
matrícula y deben acompañarse de la correspondiente copia compulsada con la
traducción legal al castellano. En el supuesto de los títulos no homologados expedidos
conforme a sistemas educativos ajenos al EEES, deben ser legalizados por vía
diplomática o bien mediante Apostilla de La Haya.
Documents written in any language other than Spanish must be sent along with
the corresponding legal translation into Spanish within the stipulated
application deadline. Regarding those qualifications issued by a country not
integrated in the EHEA and which have not been validated, they must be
legalized through diplomatic channels or through the Apostille of The Hague.