Portfolio - ARW2
Portfolio - ARW2
Portfolio - ARW2
In order to make the company Arrogance is an unattractive
viable, it will unfortunately be personality trait that is not easy
necessary to reduce staffing to tolerate.
Vigorous Chilly Utterly
(adj) Very forceful or (adj) Slightly cold. (adv) Completely or extremely.
Cyclone Yacu was inmeasurably destructive The rising crime rate in her
that affected several regions of Peru. neighborhood was more than
worrisome, it was alarming.
Devote Thrilled Resentful
(v) To give all your time and (adj) Extremely happy about (adj) Feeling angry because
effort to one thing. something. you have been forced to
accept someone or
something that you don’t like
I devoted last year preparing
for the university admission
I was thrilled when I saw my
name highlighted in green,
exam. which means I reached He was resentful of his new
vacancy in my major, in the baby brother.
admission exam results.
Fulfilling Oxymoron
(adj) Making you feel happy and satisfied. (n) Two words or phrases used
together that have, or seem to
have opposite meanings.
Medicine is hard work, but it can be very The whole concept of the music
fulfilling. industry is an oxymoron.
1. What is the main idea or thesis? What issues are discussed?
- Numerous animals have extreme perception which can help humans or surprise them with their behaviors or acts. It is mentioned about forensic dogs,
seizure alert dogs and a particular horse whose owner thought he could count.
2. Who wrote the article or passage? Who were the people mentioned in the article?
-This article was written by Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson. It is mentioned two cases which are about Connie Standley and Wilhelm von Osten.
4. Why did Clever Hans's owner think his horse could count?
-Because when the owner presented him a mathematical problem, even a long question, Clever Hans tapped out the answer with his hoof and got it
Seizure alert dogs use their advanced perceptual abilities to predict a seizure before it happens, according to their
owners; and the dogs that act once the seizure has started are known as seizure response dogs. But some of these
dogs have gone from responding to seizures to perceiving them ahead of time, indeed one study found that there are
10% of owners whose dogs had become seizure alert dogs. Both are very helpful to humans protecting them.
The case of the German horse called Clever Hans whose owner thought he could count and solve mathematical
problems, even a long question, it was demonstrated that the questioners were making unconscious movements
which only Hans could see it. Hans has in common with the seizure alert dogs is that both acquired their traits
without any human help. These animals did not need to do what they were doing but they choose to, they use their
cognitive and perceptual skills to solve a problem with their own ways.
Writing 2
Waking up in this future era is awesome. The vigorous barking of my pets from my door relieves me
because, thanks to advanced science, I know that their lives will last as well as mine. Utterly
unbelievable people live until 400 years old as if we were rocks due to no disease affects us. Just
imaging to still have the people you love with all your heart and giving them all they deserve makes
me believe that universe smiled at me.
Thinking in love is this time is a lost of time. If you have trouble in love, you just must forget it,
This problem is a grain of sand on the beach that's why I don't care about it, and I have decided to
improve my career. It is better to take advantage of the time and take more about yourself. I have
studied everything related to finances and international trades as quick as a flash to know more about
global business. Thanks to that I have been traveling to every corner of this world and I have bought
houses in each country.
My life has been an endless adventure filled with immeasurable happiness and success; I can't
complain. It’s the life I’ve always dreamed of.
Graphic organizers
How to identify it
It can be seen as a
It is not correct to repeat the
combination of two shorter Begin with a
noun that the relative
sentences about the same relative pronoun
pronoun is already replacing
• Things that happened • Completed actions that • Use for actions that
and were completed happened at an indefinite began in the past and
• Some expressions that time in the past weren’t completed or
indicate a completed • Also for completed have continued up and
action: last, ago, in, on, at, actions that may happen may continue into the
yesterday, when … again in the future future.
• Use for or since with • Non-action verbs are not
non-action verbs, such as usually used in the
be, feel, and know. continuous.
Words to concede:
Use to express an opinion where you need to
support it but, at the same time, recognize although, though, even though, despite the
and describe the opposing opinión. fact that, in spite of the fact that
These words introduce dependent clauses