FASE 1 - Jonathan - Lozano
FASE 1 - Jonathan - Lozano
FASE 1 - Jonathan - Lozano
Presentado a:
Álvaro José Cervelion
Con el desarrollo de esta fase se busca tener claro los conceptos de los diferentes tipos de
comunicación industrial mediante el estudio de los protocolos de comunicación usualmente
utilizados en la industrial, de igual manera describir mediante mapas conceptuales la topología de
redes industriales
Yu, W., Jipu, G., Chenghui, L., Mingyong, X., Jianyang, Z., Yumin, H., & Bowen, L. (2021).
Design of Intelligent Joint Commissioning System for Telecontrol Information Based on IEC61850.
2021 IEEE International Conference on Emergency Science and Information Technology (ICESIT),
Emergency Science and Information Technology (ICESIT), 2021 IEEE International Conference
On, 887–890. https://doi-org.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/10.1109/ICESIT53460.2021.9697022
Cortes, D., Ramirez, J., Villagomez, L., Batres, R., Vasquez-Lopez, V., & Molina, A. (2020). Digital
Pyramid: an approach to relate industrial automation and digital twin concepts. 2020 IEEE
International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Engineering,
Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2020 IEEE International Conference On, 1–7. https://doi-