Bozzanp (2017) Territorios Posibles, Utopías Reales
Bozzanp (2017) Territorios Posibles, Utopías Reales
Bozzanp (2017) Territorios Posibles, Utopías Reales
The aim of this reflective article is to summarize the question about how the
epistemological perspective of possible territories is contributing to the construction
of Theories of the Transformation, during three decades. In Addition it has been
included dialogues with the perspective of the real utopias in Wright (2015). The
general hypothesis proposes a basic formula between People and Public Policies
in order to co-construct another development: Possible Territories, Real Utopias
or other concepts, but committing ourselves to the decision of transforming our
world with the “legs of the table” of Latin American Territorial Intelligence: people,
scientists, politicians and businessmen. The formula is theoretically organized
around four hypotheses, which is applied using a method, Territorii, and supported
on results of a wide amount of researches, carried out since 1984 and another
research about development from 2014 called: the PIO Project UNLP-CONICET
“Integral Management of the Territory”. In this PIO, two Scientific Agenda have
been operating by permanent work-tables have been producing concrete results in
the subjects of “Informal Urbanizations” and “Territory-Industry-Environment”, co-
building Power and Public Politics from People and Science with the participation
of an own-language speaker actor: the Environment. Institutions and companies
always participate in the dominant system´s framework in both facets: formality
and informality.
Bozzano, H. (2017). Territorios posibles y utopías reales. Aportes a las teorías de la transformación:
inteligencia territorial y justicia territorial. Colombia. Arquetipo Volumen (15). pp 71-91
Territorios posibles y utopías reales. Aportes
a las teorías de la transformación: inteligencia
territorial y justicia territorial*.
Horacio Bozzano**
[email protected]
Bachelard, G., (1984), La formación del espíritu científico, México DF, México:
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Morin, E. (2000). Los siete saberes para una educación del futuro. París:
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Construcción del marco teórico, formulación de los objetivos y elección de la
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