Cosapi S.A. 19.09.2020

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Cosapi S.A.

Miles de soles 2018 2019

Cotizacion al 31 de diciembre 0.56 0.04

Nro. Acciones (miles) 200,000 200,000
Patrimonio neto 346,240 190,451
Market Cap 111,908 7,857
Market Cap/Patrimonio neto 0.32 0.04

Obligaciones financieras 260,851 271,629

Porcion corriente 65,364 74,227
Porcion no corriente 195,487 197,402
Efectivo y equivalente de efectivo 339,482 318,741

Valor Empresa (EV) 33,277 (39,255)

EBITDA 198,600 91,904

Utilidad operativa 92,264 (93,076)
Depreciacion 63,795 82,116
Amortizacion 42,541 102,864

Ingresos 1,639,606 1,671,748

Margen EBITDA 12% 5%

EV/EBITDA al 31 de diciembre 0.2 -0.4

Graña y Montero

Miles de soles 2018 2019

Cotizacion al 31 de diciembre 1.91 1.69

Nro. Acciones (miles) 729,434 43,609
Patrimonio neto 2,489,931 1,876,085
Market Cap 1,393,219 73,699
Market Cap/Patrimonio neto 0.56 0.04

Obligaciones financieras 1,202,672 799,066

Porcion corriente 826,474 454,260
Porcion no corriente 376,198 344,806
Efectivo y equivalente de efectivo 948,978 801,140

Valor Empresa (EV) 1,646,913 71,625

EBITDA 572,205 301,529

Utilidad operativa 334,714 98,899
Depreciacion 125,419 97,352
Amortizacion 112072 105,278

Ingresos 3,899,462 4,085,004

Margen EBITDA 15% 7%

EV/EBITDA al 31 de diciembre 2.9 0.2

Cosapi S.A. y Subsidiarias


Tasa de descuento 13.35%

Tasa de crecimiento perpetuidad 2.00%

(+) Depreciacion
(+) Amortizacion
(-) Cambio NOWC
(-) Capex

Tiempo transcurrido
Factor de descuento

EV @31 de diciembre de 2019
(-) Deuda
(+) Caja
Valor equity
Numero de acciones

Valor por accion (soles)

Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24

4,419 7,667 8,382 9,111 9,854

82,873 87,922 92,970 98,019 103,067
- - - - -
(89,679) (3,102) 35 236 216
(6,000) (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) (40,000)
(8,387) 52,486 61,387 67,366 73,137

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.01

0.88 0.78 0.69 0.61 0.53



Cosapi S.A. y Subsidiarias Dec-14 Dec-15

Estado de Resultados -11%

Ingresos 1,474,924 1,309,020

Costos (1,286,731) (1,123,848)
Utilidad bruta 188,193 185,172
Gastos de administración (56,796) (65,579)
Otros ingresos 3,412 8,070
Otros gastos (2,625) (12,761)
Utilidad operativa 132,184 114,902
Ingresos financieros 6,445 2,810
Gastos financieros (30,686) (31,285)
Participación en los resultados de negocios (2,251) 791
Participación en los resultados de sucursales (8,648) (2,591)
Diferencia en cambio, neto (5,583) 3,657
Utilidad antes de impuesto 91,461 88,284
Impuesto a las ganancias (28,740) (29,125)
Utilidad neta 62,721 59,159

Balance General

Efectivo y equivalente de efectivo 116,642 132,437

Depósitos a plazo - 23,856
Depósitos a plazo en garantía 2,981 1,704
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales a terceros 314,413 257,014
Cuentas por cobrar a relacionadas 27,955 25,261
Cuentas por cobrar diversas 58,521 35,623
Inventarios 43,359 48,581
Ingresos de obras en ejecución por facturar 65,324 55,122
Impuestos y gastos pagados por anticipado 66,940 37,603
Costo de desarrollo de proyectos inmobiliarios 6,130 122
Activo corriente 702,265 617,323

Cuentas por cobrar diversas a largo plazo 1,642 1,875

Impuestos y gastos pagados por anticipado a largo plazo 1,817 935
Inversiones 57,351 84,864
Instalaciones, maquinaria y equipo 394,784 361,014
Otros activos 1,052 961
Activo diferido por impuesto a las ganancias 11,980 12,348
Activo no corriente 468,626 461,997

Activo total 1,170,891 1,079,320

Sobregiros bancarios - -
Cuentas por pagar comerciales a terceros 224,744 121,064
Adelantos de clientes 200,282 100,474
Cuentas por pagar a relacionadas 22,023 50,304
Facturación en exceso de costos y utilidades estimadas de 47,925 28,410
obras en ejecución
Cuentas por pagar diversas y provisiones 56,997 62,924
Parte corriente de deuda a largo plazo 68,320 77,784
Otros pasivos financieros - -
Pasivo corriente 620,291 440,960

Adelantos de clientes a largo plazo 7,972 -

Pasivo diferido por impuesto a las ganancias 4,265 7,410
Cuentas por pagar a relacionadas a largo plazo 644 -
Deuda a largo plazo 278,658 314,322
Otros pasivos financieros - -
Pasivo no corriente 291,539 321,732

Pasivo total 911,830 762,692

Capital social 140,000 140,000

Reserva legal 18,836 24,113
Ganancia no realizada 1,504 1,602
Otras reservas 5,891 5,891
Resultado por conversión 355 6,582
Resultados acumulados 92,475 138,440
Patrimonio neto 259,061 316,628

Total pasivo y patrimonio 1,170,891 1,079,320

Check - -


Base sujeta a depreciación

Depreciación contable

Saldo NOWC


Deuda financiera

Estado Flujo de Efectivo

Utilidad neta
(+) Depreciacion
(+) Amortizacion
(-) Cambio en NOWC
Flujo de caja operativo
(-) Capex
(+) Cambio en deuda
Flujo de caja del periodo
Saldo de efectivo y equivalente de efectivo
Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21

-28% 65% 6% 2% -20% 10%

938,073 1,547,271 1,639,606 1,671,748 1,337,398 1,471,138

(814,012) (1,406,521) (1,488,659) (1,614,150) (1,291,320) (1,420,452)
124,061 140,750 150,947 57,598 46,078 50,686
(62,293) (62,181) (58,483) (62,386) (62,386) (62,386)
11,584 9,760 25,200 13,076 25,200 25,200
(19,628) (16,271) (25,400) (101,364) (2,625) (2,625)
53,724 72,058 92,264 (93,076) 6,267 10,875
3,338 1,809 3,137 4,161 4,161 4,161
(30,819) (29,666) (35,999) (38,100) (15,327) (16,987)
(1,115) 8,645 (1,866) 9,269 9,269 9,269
- - - - - -
(5,068) (6,899) (1,623) (9,681) (9,681) (9,681)
20,060 45,947 55,913 (127,427) (5,310) (2,363)
(10,829) (23,554) (35,837) (25,979) (1,567) (697)
9,231 22,393 20,076 (153,406) (6,877) (3,060)

193,042 366,186 339,482 318,741 223,894 286,936

- - - - - -
- - - - -
232,671 272,206 355,226 279,479 222,972 245,942
52,319 40,604 29,450 22,301 22,301 22,301
46,753 39,386 75,541 48,825 48,825 48,825
62,086 54,817 58,147 65,620 52,353 57,746
20,405 112,838 - - - -
39,625 43,323 47,786 43,902 35,026 38,634
305 67 3 21 21 21
647,206 929,427 905,635 778,889 605,391 700,404

1,846 1,783 1,856 1,822 1,822 1,822

- - - - - -
80,816 91,582 85,534 77,946 77,946 77,946
359,590 329,337 305,522 323,772 246,899 198,977
822 2,114 1,860 9,266 9,266 9,266
17,029 35,732 36,413 48,622 48,622 48,622
460,103 460,548 431,185 461,428 384,555 336,633

1,107,309 1,389,975 1,336,820 1,240,317 989,946 1,037,037

- - - 107 107 107

162,153 227,530 427,241 402,721 321,297 354,394
107,242 274,165 134,103 119,529 119,529 119,529
86,207 90,888 92,461 107,784 107,784 107,784
32,419 32,625 - - - -
53,630 118,801 68,555 91,352 4,447 217
46,590 60,229 - - - -
- - 65,364 74,227 53,687 59,503
488,241 804,238 787,724 795,720 606,851 641,534

- - - - - -
4,168 7,262 7,369 1,688 1,688 1,688
- - - 55,056 55,056 55,056
290,098 242,145 - - - -
- - 195,487 197,402 142,777 158,244
294,266 249,407 202,856 254,146 199,521 214,988

782,507 1,053,645 990,580 1,049,866 806,372 856,522

140,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

28,000 28,923 31,332 33,339 33,339 33,339
1,558 2,276 2,245 1,531 1,531 1,531
5,891 9,080 9,080 - - -
6,887 4,102 6,994 7,233 7,233 7,233
142,466 91,949 96,589 (51,652) (58,529) (61,588)
324,802 336,330 346,240 190,451 183,574 180,515

1,107,309 1,389,975 1,336,820 1,240,317 989,946 1,037,037

- - - - - -

6,000 40,000

650,623 656,623 696,623

82,873 87,922

(224,601) (134,922) (131,820)

89,141 98,797

271,629 196,464 217,747

(6,877) (3,060)
82,873 87,922
- -
(89,679) (3,102)
(13,682) 81,760
(6,000) (40,000)
(75,165) 21,282
(94,847) 63,042
318,741 223,894 286,936
Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24

2% 2% 2%

1,500,561 1,530,572 1,561,184

(1,448,861) (1,477,838) (1,507,395)
51,700 52,734 53,789
(62,386) (62,386) (62,386)
25,200 25,200 25,200
(2,625) (2,625) (2,625)
11,889 12,923 13,978
4,161 4,161 4,161
(18,029) (19,075) (20,124)
9,269 9,269 9,269
- - -
(9,681) (9,681) (9,681)
(2,391) (2,403) (2,398)
(705) (709) (707)
(3,097) (3,112) (3,105)

350,205 418,754 492,383

- - -
- - -
250,860 255,878 260,282
22,301 22,301 22,301
48,825 48,825 48,825
58,901 60,079 61,113
- - -
39,406 40,195 40,886
21 21 21
770,519 846,051 925,811

1,822 1,822 1,822

- - -
77,946 77,946 77,946
146,007 87,988 24,921
9,266 9,266 9,266
48,622 48,622 48,622
283,663 225,644 162,577

1,054,182 1,071,696 1,088,388

107 107 107

361,482 368,712 375,059
119,529 119,529 119,529
107,784 107,784 107,784
- - -
11 1 0
- - -
63,154 66,817 70,493
652,067 662,950 672,972

- - -
1,688 1,688 1,688
55,056 55,056 55,056
- - -
167,954 177,696 187,471
224,698 234,440 244,215

876,765 897,390 917,187

200,000 200,000 200,000

33,339 33,339 33,339
1,531 1,531 1,531
- - -
7,233 7,233 7,233
(64,685) (67,797) (70,902)
177,418 174,306 171,201

1,054,182 1,071,696 1,088,388

- - -

40,000 40,000 40,000

736,623 776,623 816,623

92,970 98,019 103,067

(131,855) (132,091) (132,307)

104,859 110,942 117,045

231,108 244,513 257,964

(3,097) (3,112) (3,105)

92,970 98,019 103,067
- - -
35 236 216
89,908 95,143 100,178
(40,000) (40,000) (40,000)
13,361 13,406 13,451
63,269 68,548 73,629
350,205 418,754 492,383
Cosapi S.A. y Subsidiarias Dec-19

Tasa de inflación Perú 2.00%

Tasa de inflación EE.UU 1.50%

Tasa IR 29.50%

Tasa de crecimiento de la perpetuidad 2.0%

Escenarios 2 1,671,748

Crecimiento en ventas


Tasa de depreciación contable 13%

Costos -97%
Gastos de administración (62,386)
Otros ingresos 25,200
Otros gastos (2,625)

Dias del año 365
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales (dias ventas) 61
Inventarios (dias costo de venta) 15
Gastos contratados por anticipado (dias ventas) 10
Cuentas por pagar comerciales (dias costo de venta) 91
Ingresos diferidos (dias ventas) 26
Provisiones (dias ventas) 18

Deuda/EBITDA 2.2

Otros pasivos financieros

Corriente 27%
No corriente 73%
Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24

0.45% 2.72% 2.67% 2.61% 2.56%

1,337,398 1,471,138 1,500,561 1,530,572 1,561,184

-20% 10% 2% 2% 2%
-20% 10% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
-20% 10% 2% 2% 2%
-20% 10% 5% 5% 5%

6,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000

6,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
6,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
6,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000

13% 13% 13% 13% 13%

-97% -97% -97% -97% -97%

(62,386) (62,386) (62,386) (62,386) (62,386)
25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200 25,200
(2,625) (2,625) (2,625) (2,625) (2,625)

366 365 365 365 366

61 61 61 61 61
15 15 15 15 15
10 10 10 10 10
91 91 91 91 91
26 26 26 26 26
18 18 18 18 18

2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2

27% 27% 27% 27% 27%

73% 73% 73% 73% 73%
Cosapi S.A. y Subsidiarias Dec-14 Dec-15

Estado de Resultados -11%

9.05% 0.41%
Ingresos 1,474,924 1,309,020
Costos (1,286,731) (1,123,848)
Utilidad bruta 188,193 185,172
Gastos de administración (56,796) (65,579)
Otros ingresos 3,412 8,070
Otros gastos (2,625) (12,761)
Utilidad operativa 132,184 114,902
Ingresos financieros 6,445 2,810
Gastos financieros (30,686) (31,285)
Participación en los resultados de negocios (2,251) 791
Participación en los resultados de sucursales (8,648) (2,591)
Diferencia en cambio, neto (5,583) 3,657
Utilidad antes de impuesto 91,461 88,284
Impuesto a las ganancias (28,740) (29,125)
Utilidad neta 62,721 59,159

Balance General

Efectivo y equivalente de efectivo 116,642 132,437

Depósitos a plazo - 23,856
Depósitos a plazo en garantía 2,981 1,704
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales a terceros 314,413 257,014
Cuentas por cobrar a relacionadas 27,955 25,261
Cuentas por cobrar diversas 58,521 35,623
Inventarios 43,359 48,581
Ingresos de obras en ejecución por facturar 65,324 55,122
Impuestos y gastos pagados por anticipado 66,940 37,603
Costo de desarrollo de proyectos inmobiliarios 6,130 122
Activo corriente 702,265 617,323

Cuentas por cobrar diversas a largo plazo 1,642 1,875

Impuestos y gastos pagados por anticipado a largo plazo 1,817 935
Inversiones 57,351 84,864
Instalaciones, maquinaria y equipo 394,784 361,014
Otros activos 1,052 961
Activo diferido por impuesto a las ganancias 11,980 12,348
Activo no corriente 468,626 461,997

Activo total 1,170,891 1,079,320

Sobregiros bancarios - -
Cuentas por pagar comerciales a terceros 224,744 121,064
Adelantos de clientes 200,282 100,474
Cuentas por pagar a relacionadas 22,023 50,304
Facturación en exceso de costos y utilidades estimadas de
obras en ejecución 47,925 28,410
Cuentas por pagar diversas y provisiones 56,997 62,924
Parte corriente de deuda a largo plazo 68,320 77,784
Otros pasivos financieros - -
Pasivo corriente 620,291 440,960

Adelantos de clientes a largo plazo 7,972 -

Pasivo diferido por impuesto a las ganancias 4,265 7,410
Cuentas por pagar a relacionadas a largo plazo 644 -
Deuda a largo plazo 278,658 314,322
Otros pasivos financieros - -
Pasivo no corriente 291,539 321,732

Pasivo total 911,830 762,692

Capital social 140,000 140,000

Reserva legal 18,836 24,113
Ganancia no realizada 1,504 1,602
Otras reservas 5,891 5,891
Resultado por conversión 355 6,582
Resultados acumulados 92,475 138,440
Patrimonio neto 259,061 316,628

Total pasivo y patrimonio 1,170,891 1,079,320

Check - -

Desglose de ingresos

Ingresos por obras

Proyectos industriales 471,866 476,193
Proyectos civiles e infraestructura 320,444 428,896
Proyectos de edificación 406,043 236,283
Alquiler de equipos 38,506 7,465
Otros servicios 14,241 19,469
Total 1,251,100 1,168,306

Ingresos por venta de servicios

Servicios de movimiento de tierras 223,824 140,714
Servicios de gerenciamiento de proyectos inmobiliarios - -
Inmuebles - -
Total 223,824 140,714

Total ingresos 1,474,924 1,309,020

Check - -

Desglose porcentual de ingresos

Ingresos por obras

Proyectos industriales 38% 41%
Proyectos civiles e infraestructura 26% 37%
Proyectos de edificación 32% 20%
Alquiler de equipos 3% 1%
Otros servicios 1% 2%
Total 100% 100%

Ingresos por venta de servicios

Servicios de movimiento de tierras 100% 100%
Servicios de gerenciamiento de proyectos inmobiliarios 0% 0%
Inmuebles 0% 0%
Total 100% 100%

Total ingresos 100% 100%

Ventas por obras 1,251,100 1,168,306
Crecimiento (%) -6.6%

Ventas por servicios 223,824 140,714

Crecimiento (%) -37.1%

Ventas por obras PERÚ 1,251,100 1,168,306

Crecimiento (%) -6.6%
100.0% 100.0%
Ventas por servicios PERÚ 223,824 140,714
Crecimiento (%) -37.1%
100.0% 100.0%
PPE Propio (Costo)
Equipo de trabajo 228,961 247,670
Vehículos 11,223 10,593
Muebles y equipos de cómputo
Equipos en tránsito 9,167 595
Muebles y enseres 8,898 10,216
Equipos diversos 22,604 26,335
Otros equipos
Derechos de uso
Sub Total PPP Propio (Costo) 280,853 295,409

PPE Arrendamiento Financiero (Costo)

Equipo de trabajo 205,718 228,826
Vehículos 47,522 48,048
Muebles y enseres 634 634
Equipos en tránsito
Equipos diversos 652
Otros equipos 14,596 18,244
Sub Total PPP Arrendamiento Financiero (Costo) 268,470 296,404

Total PPE bruto 549,323 591,813

Otras cuentas importante de las notas financieras

Depreciacion 58,333 74,748
Amortizacion 140 140
Base sujeta a depreciación 540,156 591,218
Tasa de depreciacion contable 11% 13%

EBITDA 190,657 189,790

Capex 133,429 5,390

Capex / (Depreciacion + Amortizacion) 2 0
(Depreciacion + Amortización) / EBITDA 0.31 0.39
Capex (% EBITDA) 70% 3%

Pago dividendos 25,200.00 7,917.00

Pay-out ratio 0.40 0.13

Principales activos
PPE 395,836.00 361,975.00
Intangibles 0.00 0.00
NOWC -57,311.00 58,736.00

Ratios de actividad
PPE / Ventas 0.27 0.28
Intangibles / Ventas 0.00 0.00
NOWC / Ventas -0.04 0.04

Dias del año 365 365
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales (dias ventas) 78 72
Inventarios (dias costo de venta) 12 16
Gastos contratados por anticipado (dias ventas) 17 10
Cuentas por pagar comerciales (dias costo de venta) 64 39
Ingresos diferidos (dias ventas) 50 28
Provisiones (dias ventas) 13 16
Ciclo de Conversion de Efectivo (20) 14

Estimacion ROIC
IR corporativo 30.0% 28.0%
PPyE 395,836 361,975
Intangibles - -
NOWC (57,311) 58,736
NOPAT = EBIT * (1-t) 92,529 82,729
ROIC 27.3% 19.7%

Analisis Dupont
Margen neto 4.3% 4.5%
Rotacion de activos 0.79 0.82
Multiplicador del patrimonio 0.22 0.29
ROE 0.7% 1.1%

Numero de acciones (miles) 140,000 140,000

Utilidad por accion 0.45 0.42
Dividendo por accion 0.40 0.13

Deuda financiera total 346,978 392,106

Deuda / Patrimonio 1.3x 1.2x
Deuda / EBITDA 1.8x 2.1x
Deuda neta / EBITDA 1.2x 1.4x

Otros pasivos financieros

Corriente 0% 0%
No corriente 0% 0%

Tasa de interes implicita 8.47%

Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19

-28% 65% 6% 2% Mediana

2.35% 1.86% 1.77% 3.82% Promedio
938,073 1,547,271 1,639,606 1,671,748
(814,012) (1,406,521) (1,488,659) (1,614,150)
124,061 140,750 150,947 57,598
(62,293) (62,181) (58,483) (62,386)
11,584 9,760 25,200 13,076
(19,628) (16,271) (25,400) (101,364)
53,724 72,058 92,264 (93,076)
3,338 1,809 3,137 4,161
(30,819) (29,666) (35,999) (38,100)
(1,115) 8,645 (1,866) 9,269
- - - -
(5,068) (6,899) (1,623) (9,681)
20,060 45,947 55,913 (127,427)
(10,829) (23,554) (35,837) (25,979)
9,231 22,393 20,076 (153,406)

193,042 366,186 339,482 318,741

- - - -
- - -
232,671 272,206 355,226 279,479
52,319 40,604 29,450 22,301
46,753 39,386 75,541 48,825
62,086 54,817 58,147 65,620
20,405 112,838 - -
39,625 43,323 47,786 43,902
305 67 3 21
647,206 929,427 905,635 778,889

1,846 1,783 1,856 1,822

- - - -
80,816 91,582 85,534 77,946
359,590 329,337 305,522 323,772
822 2,114 1,860 9,266
17,029 35,732 36,413 48,622
460,103 460,548 431,185 461,428

1,107,309 1,389,975 1,336,820 1,240,317

- - - 107
162,153 227,530 427,241 402,721
107,242 274,165 134,103 119,529
86,207 90,888 92,461 107,784

32,419 32,625 - -
53,630 118,801 68,555 91,352
46,590 60,229 - -
- - 65,364 74,227
488,241 804,238 787,724 795,720

- - - -
4,168 7,262 7,369 1,688
- - - 55,056
290,098 242,145 - -
- - 195,487 197,402
294,266 249,407 202,856 254,146

782,507 1,053,645 990,580 1,049,866

140,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

28,000 28,923 31,332 33,339
1,558 2,276 2,245 1,531
5,891 9,080 9,080 -
6,887 4,102 6,994 7,233
142,466 91,949 96,589 (51,652)
324,802 336,330 346,240 190,451

1,107,309 1,389,975 1,336,820 1,240,317

- - - -

345,678 496,855 270,927 462,638

349,576 475,585 421,771 390,110
123,440 223,067 620,233 433,814
16,357 18,463 9,008 17,440
42,852 39,267 38,692 33,132
877,903 1,253,237 1,360,631 1,337,134

59,595 259,531 276,080 316,291

575 1,359 1,980 2,888
- 33,144 915 15,435
60,170 294,034 278,975 334,614

938,073 1,547,271 1,639,606 1,671,748

- - - -

39% 40% 20% 35%

40% 38% 31% 29%
14% 18% 46% 32%
2% 1% 1% 1%
5% 3% 3% 2%
100% 100% 100% 100%

99% 88% 99% 95%

1% 0% 1% 1%
0% 11% 0% 5%
100% 100% 100% 100%

100% 100% 100% 100%

877,903 1,253,237 1,360,631 1,337,134
-24.9% 42.8% 8.6% -1.7%

59,595 259,531 276,080 316,291

-57.6% 335.5% 6.4% 14.6%

854,526 1,085,269 1,311,381 1,323,727

-26.9% 27.0% 20.8% 0.9%
97.3% 86.6% 96% 99%
58,568 225,924 266,087 313,120
-58.4% 285.7% 17.8% 17.7%
97.3% 86.6% 96% 99%

258,601 287,557 290,830 365,320

6,654 32,425 22,954 20,900
15,881 15,227
2,079 2,559 17,702 14,181
11,904 15,513 -
28,024 44,539 5,786 11,680
36,040 45,498
307,262 382,593 389,193 488,590

209,590 171,272 181,520 172,352

48,045 15,202 15,144 16,554
634 445 445 -
5,896 2,773
621 1,550 1,634 1,595
18,237 11,128 11,185 1,497
277,127 199,597 215,824 194,771

584,389 582,190 605,017 683,361

26,934 61,675 63,795 82,116

140 166 0 0
582,310 579,631 581,419 650,623
5% 11% 11% 13%

80,798 133,899 156,059 (10,960) Mediana

22,037 28,734 29,073 63,923 Mediana

1 0 0 1 Promedio
0.34 0.46 0.41 -7.49
27% 21% 19% -583%

0.00 13,681.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.61 0.00 0.00

360,412.00 331,451.00 307,382.00 317,254.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 15,784.00
11,357.00 -250,150.00 -168,740.00 -224,601.00

0.38 0.21 0.19 0.19

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
0.01 -0.16 -0.10 -0.13

365 365 365 365

91 64 79 61
28 14 14 15
15 10 11 10
73 59 105 91
42 65 30 26
20 22 12 18
(1) (57) (43) (50)

28.0% 29.5% 29.5% 29.5%

360,412 331,451 307,382 317,254
- - - 15,784
11,357 (250,150) (168,740) (224,601)
38,681 50,801 65,046 (65,619)
10.4% 62.5% 46.9% -60.5%

1.0% 1.4% 1.2% -9.2%

1.18 0.90 0.82 0.74
0.29 0.24 0.26 0.15
0.3% 0.3% 0.3% -1.0%

140,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

0.07 0.11 0.10 -0.77
0.00 0.61 0.00 0.00

336,688 302,374 260,851 271,629 Mediana

1.0x 0.9x 0.8x 1.4x
4.2x 2.3x 1.7x -24.8x Deuda / EBITDA
1.8x -0.5x -0.5x 4.3x

0% 0% 25% 27%
0% 0% 75% 73%

8.46% 9.28% 12.78% 14.31%



Cosapi S.A. y Subsidiarias Dec-14

Estado de Resultados

Ingresos 100%
Costos -87%
Utilidad bruta 13%
Gastos de administración -4%
Otros ingresos 0%
Otros gastos 0%
Utilidad operativa 9%
Ingresos financieros 0%
Gastos financieros -2%
Participación en los resultados de negocios 0%
Participación en los resultados de sucursales -1%
Diferencia en cambio, neto 0%
Utilidad antes de impuesto 6%
Impuesto a las ganancias -2%
Utilidad neta 4%
Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19

100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

-86% -87% -91% -91% -97%
14% 13% 9% 9% 3%
-5% -7% -4% -4% -4%
1% 1% 1% 2% 1%
-1% -2% -1% -2% -6%
9% 6% 5% 6% -6%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
-2% -3% -2% -2% -2%
0% 0% 1% 0% 1%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% -1% 0% 0% -1%
7% 2% 3% 3% -8%
-2% -1% -2% -2% -2%
5% 1% 1% 1% -9%
Cosapi S.A. y Subsidiarias Dec-14

Estado de Resultados

Utilidad bruta
Gastos de administración
Otros ingresos
Otros gastos
Utilidad operativa
Ingresos financieros
Gastos financieros
Participación en los resultados de negocios
Participación en los resultados de sucursales
Diferencia en cambio, neto
Utilidad antes de impuesto
Impuesto a las ganancias
Utilidad neta
Coeficiente de
Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19

-11% -28% 65% 6% 2% 100%

-13% -28% 73% 6% 8% 100%
-2% -33% 13% 7% -62%
15% -5% 0% -6% 7% -11%
137% 44% -16% 158% -48% -37%
386% 54% -17% 56% 299% -45%
-13% -53% 34% 28% -201%
-56% 19% -46% 73% 33% -33%
2% -1% -4% 21% 6% -17%
-135% -241% -875% -122% -597% -80%
-70% -100% 0% 0% 0% 71%
-166% -239% 36% -76% 496% 27%
-3% -77% 129% 22% -328%
1% -63% 118% 52% -28% 92%
-6% -84% 143% -10% -864%

Inflacion Peru 2.00%

Inflacion EE.UU. 1.50%

Beta Desapalancado
Beta apalancado 1.6
Debt/Equity sector 0.4
Tasa marginal IR 25.0%
Beta desapalancado 1.23

Prima Riesgo País

EMBIG Peru 1.07%
Relative EMV 1.25
Prima Riesgo Pais 1.3%

Costo del patrimonio

Tasa libre de riesgo 1.92%
Rendimiento de mercado 8.86%
Prima de riesgo de mercado 6.94%
Beta apalancado 2.47
Prima de riesgo país 1.3%
Prima por liquidez 4.0%
Costo de capital del accionista 24.4%
Costo de la deuda
Costo de la deuda - pre tax 7.76%
Tasa impuesto a la renta 29.5%
Costo de la deuda - post tax 5.5%

Beta Reapalancado
Target Debt/Equity 1.43
Tasa impositiva 29.5%
Beta Reapalancado 2.47

Estructura de capital
Deuda/Capital 59%
Patrimonio/Capital 41%

WACC nominal en USD 13.29%

WACC nominal en PEN 13.35%

Costo de la deuda - pre tax (en USD) 7.76%

Costo de la deuda - pre tax (en PEN) 7.80%

Costo de capital del accionista (en PEN) 24.6%

Tasas de interés: EMBIG (variación en pbs) - Spread - EMBIG Perú (pbs)
02Dic19 125
03Dic19 136
04Dic19 128
05Dic19 127
06Dic19 124
09Dic19 123
10Dic19 122
11Dic19 125
12Dic19 114
13Dic19 118
16Dic19 110
17Dic19 109
18Dic19 105
19Dic19 108
20Dic19 109
23Dic19 108
24Dic19 110
25Dic19 110
26Dic19 110
27Dic19 112
30Dic19 110
31Dic19 107
01Ene20 107
02Ene20 110
03Ene20 116
06Ene20 113
07Ene20 112
08Ene20 107
09Ene20 111
10Ene20 112
13Ene20 110
14Ene20 112
15Ene20 113
16Ene20 110
17Ene20 107
20Ene20 107
21Ene20 112
22Ene20 112
23Ene20 116
24Ene20 119
27Ene20 125
28Ene20 121
29Ene20 124
30Ene20 121
31Ene20 122
03Feb20 124
04Feb20 122
05Feb20 117
06Feb20 116
07Feb20 120
10Feb20 122
11Feb20 118
12Feb20 114
13Feb20 114
14Feb20 115
17Feb20 115
18Feb20 118
19Feb20 115
20Feb20 116
21Feb20 118
24Feb20 123
25Feb20 130
26Feb20 132
27Feb20 139
28Feb20 156
02Mar20 154
03Mar20 153
04Mar20 142
05Mar20 149
06Mar20 168
09Mar20 213
10Mar20 185
11Mar20 205
12Mar20 231
13Mar20 212
16Mar20 268
17Mar20 264
18Mar20 332
19Mar20 357
20Mar20 352
23Mar20 372
24Mar20 346
25Mar20 294
26Mar20 257
27Mar20 279
30Mar20 278
31Mar20 265
01Abr20 285
02Abr20 292
03Abr20 297
06Abr20 294
07Abr20 282
08Abr20 282
09Abr20 n.d.
10Abr20 274
13Abr20 262
14Abr20 257
15Abr20 276
16Abr20 282
17Abr20 271
20Abr20 274
21Abr20 282
22Abr20 280
23Abr20 283
24Abr20 284
27Abr20 278
28Abr20 278
29Abr20 271
30Abr20 257
01May20 n.d.
04May20 251
05May20 243
06May20 236
07May20 241
08May20 234
11May20 229
12May20 232
13May20 241
14May20 245
15May20 237
18May20 219
19May20 215
20May20 208
21May20 197
22May20 195
25May20 195
26May20 192
27May20 194
28May20 191
29May20 191
01Jun20 189
02Jun20 183
03Jun20 171
04Jun20 171
05Jun20 166
08Jun20 164
09Jun20 169
10Jun20 177
11Jun20 191
12Jun20 191
15Jun20 194
16Jun20 182
17Jun20 184
18Jun20 186
19Jun20 182
22Jun20 181
23Jun20 177
24Jun20 178
25Jun20 178
26Jun20 183
29Jun20 184
30Jun20 182
01Jul20 178
02Jul20 176
03Jul20 176
06Jul20 173
07Jul20 176
08Jul20 174
09Jul20 179
10Jul20 177
13Jul20 176
14Jul20 179
15Jul20 175
16Jul20 176
17Jul20 171
20Jul20 169
21Jul20 164
22Jul20 161
23Jul20 162
24Jul20 164
27Jul20 160
28Jul20 163
29Jul20 156
30Jul20 155
31Jul20 150
03Ago20 147
04Ago20 147
05Ago20 139
06Ago20 137
07Ago20 140
10Ago20 140
11Ago20 140
12Ago20 142
13Ago20 139
14Ago20 n.d.
17Ago20 n.d.
Historical Impl Premiums

Date updated:
Created by:
What is this da
Home Page:
Data website:

Year T.Bond Rate Implied Premium (FCFE)

1960 2.76%
1961 2.35% 2.92% 5.27%
1962 3.85% 3.56% 7.41%
1963 4.14% 3.38% 7.52%
1964 4.21% 3.31% 7.52%
1965 4.65% 3.32% 7.97%
1966 4.64% 3.68% 8.32%
1967 5.70% 3.20% 8.90%
1968 6.16% 3.00% 9.16%
1969 7.88% 3.74% 11.62%
1970 6.50% 3.41% 9.91%
1971 5.89% 3.09% 8.98%
1972 6.41% 2.72% 9.13%
1973 6.90% 4.30% 11.20%
1974 7.40% 5.59% 12.99%
1975 7.76% 4.13% 11.89%
1976 6.81% 4.55% 11.36%
1977 7.78% 5.92% 13.70%
1978 9.15% 5.72% 14.87%
1979 10.33% 6.45% 16.78%
1980 12.43% 5.03% 17.46%
1981 13.98% 5.73% 19.71%
1982 10.47% 4.90% 15.37%
1983 11.80% 4.31% 16.11%
1984 11.51% 5.11% 16.62%
1985 8.99% 3.84% 12.83%
1986 7.22% 3.58% 10.80%
1987 8.86% 3.99% 12.85%
1988 9.14% 3.77% 12.91%
1989 7.93% 3.51% 11.44%
1990 8.07% 3.89% 11.96%
1991 6.70% 3.48% 10.18%
1992 6.68% 3.55% 10.23%
1993 5.79% 3.17% 8.96%
1994 7.82% 3.55% 11.37%
1995 5.57% 3.29% 8.86%

Page 37
Historical Impl Premiums

1996 6.41% 3.20% 9.61%

1997 5.74% 2.73% 8.47%
1998 4.65% 2.26% 6.91%
1999 6.44% 2.05% 8.49%
2000 5.11% 2.87% 7.98%
2001 5.05% 3.62% 8.67%
2002 3.81% 4.10% 7.91%
2003 4.25% 3.69% 7.94%
2004 4.22% 3.65% 7.87%
2005 4.39% 4.08% 8.47%
2006 4.70% 4.16% 8.86%
2007 4.02% 4.37% 8.39%
2008 2.21% 6.43% 8.64%
2009 3.84% 4.36% 8.20%
2010 3.29% 5.20% 8.49%
2011 1.88% 6.01% 7.89%
2012 1.76% 5.78% 7.54%
2013 3.04% 4.96% 8.00%
2014 2.17% 5.78% 7.95%
2015 2.27% 6.12% 8.39%
2016 2.45% 5.69% 8.14%
2017 2.41% 5.08% 7.49%
2018 2.68% 5.96% 8.64% Media 10.14%
2019 1.92% 5.20% 7.12% Mediana 8.86%

* Earnings and dividends numbers each year reflect the estimated numbers as of the end of the year. These numbers get updated later in the year but I do not update the numbers in this spreadsheet, since I would not have had acce

Page 38
Historical Impl Premiums

dsheet, since I would not have had access to them at the end of the year.

Page 39
BAML Emerging Mkt Public Bond Spread 12.76% BAMLEMPBPUBSICRPIEY
S&P Emerging BMI (Equity Index) 15.98% BAMLEMPUPUBSLCRPIUSEY
Relative Volatility 1.25

Index: BAML Public Sector Emerging Markets Corporate Plus Index Yield
Source: FRED (Federal Reserve St. Louis Datasets)
Period Five years
Interval Daily


2011-06-30 4.89 Average = 4.32 In spread %

2011-07-01 4.87 Std Dev = 0.551861644445 In spread %

2011-07-02 4.87 CV = 12.7606% ! Std Dev/ Average
2011-07-05 4.84
2011-07-06 4.87
2011-07-07 4.88
2011-07-08 4.91
2011-07-09 4.92
2011-07-12 4.92
2011-07-13 4.91
2011-07-14 4.89
2011-07-15 4.87
2011-07-16 4.86
2011-07-19 4.87
2011-07-20 4.87
2011-07-21 4.87
2011-07-22 4.88
2011-07-23 4.92
2011-07-26 4.96
2011-07-27 4.97
2011-07-28 4.95
2011-07-29 4.93
2011-07-30 4.88
2011-08-02 4.88
2011-08-03 4.90
2011-08-04 4.93
2011-08-05 4.98
2011-08-06 4.98
2011-08-09 5.00
2011-08-10 4.97
2011-08-11 4.97
2011-08-12 5.00
2011-08-13 5.01
2011-08-16 5.00
2011-08-17 5.03
2011-08-18 5.05
2011-08-19 5.10
2011-08-20 5.13
2011-08-23 5.25
2011-08-24 5.26
2011-08-25 5.29
2011-08-26 5.20
2011-08-27 5.17
2011-08-30 5.20
2011-08-31 5.21
2011-09-01 5.24
2011-09-02 5.22
2011-09-03 5.20
2011-09-06 5.20
2011-09-07 5.24
2011-09-08 5.23
2011-09-09 5.26
2011-09-10 5.28
2011-09-13 5.30
2011-09-14 5.31
2011-09-15 5.31
2011-09-16 5.29
2011-09-17 5.23
2011-09-20 5.28
2011-09-21 5.37
2011-09-22 5.40
2011-09-23 5.50
2011-09-24 5.51
2011-09-27 5.57
2011-09-28 5.63
2011-09-29 5.58
2011-09-30 5.51
2011-10-01 5.48
2011-10-04 5.39
2011-10-05 5.32
2011-10-06 5.28
2011-10-07 5.30
2011-10-08 5.25
2011-10-11 5.24
2011-10-12 5.23
2011-10-13 5.23
2011-10-14 5.20
2011-10-15 5.15
2011-10-18 5.15
2011-10-19 5.16
2011-10-20 5.20
2011-10-21 5.17
2011-10-22 5.14
2011-10-25 5.10
2011-10-26 5.10
2011-10-27 5.13
2011-10-28 5.15
2011-10-29 5.14
2011-10-30 5.15
2011-11-01 5.12
2011-11-02 5.08
2011-11-03 5.05
2011-11-04 5.08
2011-11-05 5.12
2011-11-08 5.18
2011-11-09 5.19
2011-11-10 5.19
2011-11-11 5.21
2011-11-12 5.24
2011-11-15 5.22
2011-11-16 5.19
2011-11-17 5.17
2011-11-18 5.11
2011-11-19 5.07
2011-11-22 5.08
2011-11-23 5.09
2011-11-24 5.12
2011-11-25 5.12
2011-11-26 5.12
2011-11-29 5.09
2011-11-30 5.11
2011-12-01 5.11
2011-12-02 5.16
2011-12-03 5.20
2011-12-06 5.21
2011-12-07 5.26
2011-12-08 5.25
2011-12-09 5.30
2011-12-10 5.37
2011-12-13 5.45
2011-12-14 5.43
2011-12-15 5.47
2011-12-16 5.43
2011-12-17 5.45
2011-12-20 5.48
2011-12-21 5.47
2011-12-22 5.48
2011-12-23 5.48
2011-12-24 5.48
2011-12-27 5.48
2011-12-28 5.47
2011-12-29 5.48
2011-12-30 5.50
2011-12-31 5.5
2012-01-03 5.47
2012-01-04 5.46
2012-01-05 5.45
2012-01-06 5.48
2012-01-07 5.49
2012-01-10 5.51
2012-01-11 5.55
2012-01-12 5.59
2012-01-13 5.65
2012-01-14 5.71
2012-01-17 5.72
2012-01-18 5.72
2012-01-19 5.77
2012-01-20 5.79
2012-01-21 5.70
2012-01-24 5.69
2012-01-25 5.66
2012-01-26 5.63
2012-01-27 5.56
2012-01-28 5.51
2012-01-30 5.55
2012-01-31 5.55
2012-02-01 5.59
2012-02-02 5.57
2012-02-03 5.51
2012-02-04 5.49
2012-02-07 5.49
2012-02-08 5.51
2012-02-09 5.53
2012-02-10 5.58
2012-02-11 5.61
2012-02-14 5.60
2012-02-15 5.57
2012-02-16 5.50
2012-02-17 5.48
2012-02-18 5.46
2012-02-21 5.44
2012-02-22 5.43
2012-02-23 5.44
2012-02-24 5.40
2012-02-25 5.39
2012-02-28 5.38
2012-02-29 5.36
2012-03-01 5.31
2012-03-02 5.28
2012-03-03 5.21
2012-03-06 5.25
2012-03-07 5.24
2012-03-08 5.24
2012-03-09 5.22
2012-03-10 5.19
2012-03-13 5.18
2012-03-14 5.22
2012-03-15 5.21
2012-03-16 5.09
2012-03-17 5.02
2012-03-20 5.02
2012-03-21 5.02
2012-03-22 5.04
2012-03-23 5.08
2012-03-24 5.08
2012-03-27 5.08
2012-03-28 5.06
2012-03-29 4.98
2012-03-30 4.96
2012-03-31 4.98
2012-04-03 4.97
2012-04-04 5.00
2012-04-05 4.99
2012-04-06 4.99
2012-04-07 4.97
2012-04-10 4.92
2012-04-11 4.90
2012-04-12 4.84
2012-04-13 4.80
2012-04-14 4.80
2012-04-17 4.82
2012-04-18 4.77
2012-04-19 4.76
2012-04-20 4.77
2012-04-21 4.79
2012-04-24 4.82
2012-04-25 4.83
2012-04-26 4.80
2012-04-27 4.73
2012-04-28 4.71
2012-04-29 4.54
2012-05-01 4.52
2012-05-02 4.54
2012-05-03 4.55
2012-05-04 4.53
2012-05-05 4.52
2012-05-08 4.53
2012-05-09 4.51
2012-05-10 4.48
2012-05-11 4.46
2012-05-12 4.43
2012-05-15 4.42
2012-05-16 4.40
2012-05-17 4.44
2012-05-18 4.51
2012-05-19 4.49
2012-05-22 4.49
2012-05-23 4.48
2012-05-24 4.47
2012-05-25 4.47
2012-05-26 4.46
2012-05-29 4.46
2012-05-30 4.54
2012-05-31 4.54
2012-06-01 4.50
2012-06-02 4.42
2012-06-05 4.37
2012-06-06 4.33
2012-06-07 4.29
2012-06-08 4.30
2012-06-09 4.32
2012-06-12 4.34
2012-06-13 4.39
2012-06-14 4.38
2012-06-15 4.36
2012-06-16 4.35
2012-06-19 4.33
2012-06-20 4.33
2012-06-21 4.31
2012-06-22 4.28
2012-06-23 4.29
2012-06-26 4.30
2012-06-27 4.27
2012-06-28 4.19
2012-06-29 4.18
2012-06-30 4.09
2012-07-03 4.09
2012-07-04 4.06
2012-07-05 4.06
2012-07-06 4.05
2012-07-07 4.03
2012-07-10 3.99
2012-07-11 4.01
2012-07-12 3.99
2012-07-13 4.00
2012-07-14 4.01
2012-07-17 4.02
2012-07-18 3.99
2012-07-19 4.00
2012-07-20 4.01
2012-07-21 3.99
2012-07-24 3.99
2012-07-25 4.01
2012-07-26 4.00
2012-07-27 3.99
2012-07-28 3.97
2012-07-30 4.01
2012-07-31 4.00
2012-08-01 4.03
2012-08-02 4.06
2012-08-03 4.01
2012-08-04 3.98
2012-08-07 3.96
2012-08-08 3.94
2012-08-09 3.89
2012-08-10 3.89
2012-08-11 3.88
2012-08-14 3.85
2012-08-15 3.83
2012-08-16 3.85
2012-08-17 3.81
2012-08-18 3.82
2012-08-21 3.84
2012-08-22 3.83
2012-08-23 3.84
2012-08-24 3.86
2012-08-25 3.86
2012-08-28 3.87
2012-08-29 3.85
2012-08-30 3.89
2012-08-31 3.91
2012-09-01 3.90
2012-09-04 3.90
2012-09-05 3.86
2012-09-06 3.80
2012-09-07 3.80
2012-09-08 3.87
2012-09-11 3.94
2012-09-12 3.93
2012-09-13 3.96
2012-09-14 3.96
2012-09-15 3.96
2012-09-18 3.96
2012-09-19 3.94
2012-09-20 3.91
2012-09-21 3.83
2012-09-22 3.84
2012-09-25 3.86
2012-09-26 3.84
2012-09-27 3.83
2012-09-28 3.81
2012-09-29 3.82
2012-10-02 3.83
2012-10-03 3.84
2012-10-04 3.86
2012-10-05 3.87
2012-10-06 3.88
2012-10-09 3.88
2012-10-10 3.89
2012-10-11 3.90
2012-10-12 3.89
2012-10-13 3.89
2012-10-16 3.91
2012-10-17 3.91
2012-10-18 3.89
2012-10-19 3.88
2012-10-20 3.88
2012-10-23 3.85
2012-10-24 3.85
2012-10-25 3.92
2012-10-26 3.93
2012-10-27 3.94
2012-10-30 3.95
2012-10-31 4.00
2012-11-01 4.01
2012-11-02 4.00
2012-11-03 4.01
2012-11-06 3.99
2012-11-07 3.97
2012-11-08 4.06
2012-11-09 4.19
2012-11-10 4.20
2012-11-13 4.47
2012-11-14 4.39
2012-11-15 4.39
2012-11-16 4.37
2012-11-17 4.45
2012-11-20 4.45
2012-11-21 4.43
2012-11-22 4.45
2012-11-23 4.45
2012-11-24 4.48
2012-11-27 4.47
2012-11-28 4.46
2012-11-29 4.39
2012-11-30 4.44
2012-12-01 4.45
2012-12-04 4.42
2012-12-05 4.37
2012-12-06 4.34
2012-12-07 4.34
2012-12-08 4.35
2012-12-11 4.39
2012-12-12 4.35
2012-12-13 4.34
2012-12-14 4.45
2012-12-15 4.43
2012-12-18 4.43
2012-12-19 4.40
2012-12-20 4.37
2012-12-21 4.36
2012-12-22 4.37
2012-12-25 4.37
2012-12-26 4.37
2012-12-27 4.36
2012-12-28 4.34
2012-12-29 4.32
2012-12-30 4.33
2013-01-01 4.33
2013-01-02 4.31
2013-01-03 4.28
2013-01-04 4.23
2013-01-05 4.21
2013-01-08 4.22
2013-01-09 4.19
2013-01-10 4.22
2013-01-11 4.17
2013-01-12 4.17
2013-01-15 4.17
2013-01-16 4.13
2013-01-17 4.14
2013-01-18 4.20
2013-01-19 4.21
2013-01-22 4.17
2013-01-23 4.15
2013-01-24 4.18
2013-01-25 4.18
2013-01-26 4.16
2013-01-29 4.15
2013-01-30 4.17
2013-01-31 4.16
2013-02-01 4.14
2013-02-02 4.13
2013-02-05 4.10
2013-02-06 4.09
2013-02-07 4.08
2013-02-08 4.07
2013-02-09 4.07
2013-02-12 4.07
2013-02-13 4.06
2013-02-14 4.08
2013-02-15 4.07
2013-02-16 4.06
2013-02-19 4.06
2013-02-20 4.04
2013-02-21 4.02
2013-02-22 3.99
2013-02-23 3.98
2013-02-26 3.98
2013-02-27 4.01
2013-02-28 4.06
2013-03-01 4.09
2013-03-02 4.09
2013-03-05 4.08
2013-03-06 4.09
2013-03-07 4.14
2013-03-08 4.21
2013-03-09 4.20
2013-03-12 4.20
2013-03-13 4.23
2013-03-14 4.20
2013-03-15 4.14
2013-03-16 4.13
2013-03-19 4.12
2013-03-20 4.10
2013-03-21 4.08
2013-03-22 4.12
2013-03-23 4.11
2013-03-26 4.08
2013-03-27 4.08
2013-03-28 4.08
2013-03-29 4.07
2013-03-30 4.12
2013-04-02 4.10
2013-04-03 4.08
2013-04-04 4.08
2013-04-05 4.07
2013-04-06 4.07
2013-04-09 4.08
2013-04-10 4.06
2013-04-11 4.05
2013-04-12 4.02
2013-04-13 4.02
2013-04-16 4.00
2013-04-17 4.00
2013-04-18 4.01
2013-04-19 4.02
2013-04-20 4.00
2013-04-23 4.01
2013-04-24 4.01
2013-04-25 4.02
2013-04-26 4.01
2013-04-27 4.00
2013-04-29 4.00
2013-04-30 4.01
2013-05-01 4.00
2013-05-02 3.99
2013-05-03 4.01
2013-05-04 4.03
2013-05-07 4.02
2013-05-08 4.03
2013-05-09 4.02
2013-05-10 4.01
2013-05-11 3.98
2013-05-14 3.94
2013-05-15 3.93
2013-05-16 3.91
2013-05-17 3.97
2013-05-18 3.95
2013-05-21 3.95
2013-05-22 3.95
2013-05-23 3.94
2013-05-24 3.92
2013-05-25 3.91
2013-05-28 3.91
2013-05-29 3.90
2013-05-30 3.95
2013-05-31 3.94
2013-06-01 3.92
2013-06-04 3.91
2013-06-05 3.90
2013-06-06 3.92
2013-06-07 3.94
2013-06-08 3.95
2013-06-11 3.96
2013-06-12 3.96
2013-06-13 3.94
2013-06-14 3.95
2013-06-15 3.96
2013-06-18 3.96
2013-06-19 3.99
2013-06-20 4.01
2013-06-21 4.01
2013-06-22 4.00
2013-06-25 3.98
2013-06-26 3.99
2013-06-27 4.01
2013-06-28 4.03
2013-06-29 4.05
2013-07-02 4.07
2013-07-03 4.06
2013-07-04 4.09
2013-07-05 4.11
2013-07-06 4.13
2013-07-09 4.11
2013-07-10 4.10
2013-07-11 4.06
2013-07-12 4.05
2013-07-13 4.04
2013-07-16 4.02
2013-07-17 4.00
2013-07-18 3.99
2013-07-19 3.98
2013-07-20 3.96
2013-07-23 3.97
2013-07-24 3.98
2013-07-25 3.97
2013-07-26 3.96
2013-07-27 3.97
2013-07-30 4.00
2013-07-31 4.00
2013-08-01 3.99
2013-08-02 3.96
2013-08-03 3.96
2013-08-06 3.96
2013-08-07 3.96
2013-08-08 3.96
2013-08-09 3.97
2013-08-10 3.97
2013-08-13 3.95
2013-08-14 3.96
2013-08-15 3.97
2013-08-16 3.93
2013-08-17 3.92
2013-08-20 3.90
2013-08-21 3.91
2013-08-22 3.91
2013-08-23 3.88
2013-08-24 3.87
2013-08-27 3.86
2013-08-28 3.84
2013-08-29 3.84
2013-08-30 3.85
2013-08-31 3.84
2013-09-03 3.83
2013-09-04 3.82
2013-09-05 3.82
2013-09-06 3.79
2013-09-07 3.77
2013-09-10 3.79
2013-09-11 3.82
2013-09-12 3.82
2013-09-13 3.83
2013-09-14 3.83
2013-09-17 3.82
2013-09-18 3.83
2013-09-19 3.84
2013-09-20 3.86
2013-09-21 3.85
2013-09-24 3.84
2013-09-25 3.84
2013-09-26 3.89
2013-09-27 3.88
2013-09-28 3.86
2013-09-29 3.89
2013-10-01 3.91
2013-10-02 3.90
2013-10-03 3.88
2013-10-04 3.88
2013-10-05 3.90
2013-10-08 3.90
2013-10-09 3.89
2013-10-10 3.88
2013-10-11 3.86
2013-10-12 3.86
2013-10-15 3.86
2013-10-16 3.86
2013-10-17 3.85
2013-10-18 3.84
2013-10-19 3.88
2013-10-22 3.89
2013-10-23 3.89
2013-10-24 3.91
2013-10-25 3.90
2013-10-26 3.90
2013-10-29 3.87
2013-10-30 3.93
2013-10-31 3.94
2013-11-01 3.93
2013-11-02 3.97
2013-11-05 3.96
2013-11-06 3.98
2013-11-07 3.99
2013-11-08 4.00
2013-11-09 4.03
2013-11-12 4.03
2013-11-13 4.03
2013-11-14 4.00
2013-11-15 3.97
2013-11-16 3.97
2013-11-19 3.96
2013-11-20 3.98
2013-11-21 3.96
2013-11-22 3.96
2013-11-23 3.96
2013-11-26 3.93
2013-11-27 3.92
2013-11-28 3.96
2013-11-29 3.91
2013-11-30 3.90
2013-12-03 3.91
2013-12-04 3.90
2013-12-05 3.89
2013-12-06 3.91
2013-12-07 3.92
2013-12-10 3.92
2013-12-11 3.94
2013-12-12 3.93
2013-12-13 3.92
2013-12-14 3.92
2013-12-17 3.93
2013-12-18 3.94
2013-12-19 3.96
2013-12-20 3.97
2013-12-21 3.97
2013-12-24 3.97
2013-12-25 3.97
2013-12-26 3.96
2013-12-27 3.95
2013-12-28 3.95
2013-12-30 3.75
2013-12-31 3.75
2014-01-01 3.75
2014-01-02 3.74
2014-01-03 3.74
2014-01-04 3.74
2014-01-07 3.74
2014-01-08 3.76
2014-01-09 3.78
2014-01-10 3.77
2014-01-11 3.78
2014-01-14 3.78
2014-01-15 3.77
2014-01-16 3.78
2014-01-17 3.80
2014-01-18 3.82
2014-01-21 3.83
2014-01-22 3.81
2014-01-23 3.81
2014-01-24 3.80
2014-01-25 3.81
2014-01-28 3.85
2014-01-29 3.86
2014-01-30 3.88
2014-01-31 3.91
2014-02-01 3.94
2014-02-04 3.96
2014-02-05 3.95
2014-02-06 3.95
2014-02-07 4.01
2014-02-08 4.07
2014-02-11 4.05
2014-02-12 4.05
2014-02-13 4.08
2014-02-14 4.09
2014-02-15 4.06
2014-02-18 4.06
2014-02-19 4.09
2014-02-20 4.09
2014-02-21 4.10
2014-02-22 4.09
2014-02-25 4.06
2014-02-26 4.06
2014-02-27 4.11
2014-02-28 4.11
2014-03-01 4.11
2014-03-04 4.10
2014-03-05 4.11
2014-03-06 4.12
2014-03-07 4.12
2014-03-08 4.13
2014-03-11 4.13
2014-03-12 4.12
2014-03-13 4.12
2014-03-14 4.13
2014-03-15 4.13
2014-03-18 4.16
2014-03-19 4.18
2014-03-20 4.20
2014-03-21 4.18
2014-03-22 4.19
2014-03-25 4.20
2014-03-26 4.18
2014-03-27 4.17
2014-03-28 4.16
2014-03-29 4.16
2014-03-30 4.12
2014-04-01 4.13
2014-04-02 4.12
2014-04-03 4.12
2014-04-04 4.12
2014-04-05 4.11
2014-04-08 4.13
2014-04-09 4.16
2014-04-10 4.16
2014-04-11 4.16
2014-04-12 4.17
2014-04-15 4.19
2014-04-16 4.19
2014-04-17 4.19
2014-04-18 4.22
2014-04-19 4.25
2014-04-22 4.28
2014-04-23 4.28
2014-04-24 4.32
2014-04-25 4.31
2014-04-26 4.31
2014-04-29 4.35
2014-04-30 4.37
2014-05-01 4.40
2014-05-02 4.43
2014-05-03 4.43
2014-05-06 4.44
2014-05-07 4.48
2014-05-08 4.52
2014-05-09 4.47
2014-05-10 4.46
2014-05-13 4.47
2014-05-14 4.52
2014-05-15 4.53
2014-05-16 4.55
2014-05-17 4.56
2014-05-20 4.55
2014-05-21 4.52
2014-05-22 4.50
2014-05-23 4.47
2014-05-24 4.45
2014-05-27 4.44
2014-05-28 4.40
2014-05-29 4.43
2014-05-30 4.51
2014-05-31 4.54
2014-06-03 4.56
2014-06-04 4.56
2014-06-05 4.59
2014-06-06 4.62
2014-06-07 4.61
2014-06-10 4.64
2014-06-11 4.66
2014-06-12 4.66
2014-06-13 4.66
2014-06-14 4.67
2014-06-17 4.68
2014-06-18 4.69
2014-06-19 4.68
2014-06-20 4.67
2014-06-21 4.65
2014-06-24 4.64
2014-06-25 4.65
2014-06-26 4.64
2014-06-27 4.66
2014-06-28 4.65
2014-06-29 4.65
2014-07-01 4.67
2014-07-02 4.66
2014-07-03 4.66
2014-07-04 4.65
2014-07-05 4.62
2014-07-08 4.61
2014-07-09 4.61
2014-07-10 4.61
2014-07-11 4.62
2014-07-12 4.60
2014-07-15 4.59
2014-07-16 4.60
2014-07-17 4.60
2014-07-18 4.61
2014-07-19 4.59
2014-07-22 4.60
2014-07-23 4.60
2014-07-24 4.58
2014-07-25 4.57
2014-07-26 4.56
2014-07-29 4.56
2014-07-30 4.59
2014-07-31 4.62
2014-08-01 4.65
2014-08-02 4.62
2014-08-05 4.61
2014-08-06 4.63
2014-08-07 4.67
2014-08-08 4.70
2014-08-09 4.70
2014-08-12 4.75
2014-08-13 4.75
2014-08-14 4.76
2014-08-15 4.72
2014-08-16 4.72
2014-08-19 4.72
2014-08-20 4.71
2014-08-21 4.70
2014-08-22 4.70
2014-08-23 4.72
2014-08-26 4.72
2014-08-27 4.72
2014-08-28 4.73
2014-08-29 4.75
2014-08-30 4.78
2014-09-02 4.78
2014-09-03 4.82
2014-09-04 4.82
2014-09-05 4.80
2014-09-06 4.81
2014-09-09 4.84
2014-09-10 4.87
2014-09-11 4.86
2014-09-12 4.83
2014-09-13 4.83
2014-09-16 4.82
2014-09-17 4.83
2014-09-18 4.84
2014-09-19 4.82
2014-09-20 4.80
2014-09-23 4.79
2014-09-24 4.80
2014-09-25 4.78
2014-09-26 4.73
2014-09-27 4.74
2014-09-29 4.77
2014-09-30 4.77
2014-10-01 4.76
2014-10-02 4.77
2014-10-03 4.85
2014-10-04 4.86
2014-10-07 4.86
2014-10-08 4.86
2014-10-09 4.87
2014-10-10 4.84
2014-10-11 4.83
2014-10-14 4.82
2014-10-15 4.81
2014-10-16 4.81
2014-10-17 4.84
2014-10-18 4.83
2014-10-21 4.85
2014-10-22 4.85
2014-10-23 4.84
2014-10-24 4.85
2014-10-25 4.84
2014-10-28 4.85
2014-10-29 4.89
2014-10-30 4.95
2014-10-31 4.94
2014-11-01 4.94
2014-11-04 4.93
2014-11-05 4.93
2014-11-06 4.92
2014-11-07 4.95
2014-11-08 4.96
2014-11-11 4.96
2014-11-12 4.97
2014-11-13 4.97
2014-11-14 4.98
2014-11-15 4.98
2014-11-18 4.98
2014-11-19 5.02
2014-11-20 5.03
2014-11-21 5.03
2014-11-22 5.03
2014-11-25 5.05
2014-11-26 5.07
2014-11-27 5.07
2014-11-28 5.02
2014-11-29 5.07
2014-12-02 5.02
2014-12-03 5.00
2014-12-04 5.01
2014-12-05 5.01
2014-12-06 4.99
2014-12-09 4.99
2014-12-10 4.99
2014-12-11 4.98
2014-12-12 4.97
2014-12-13 4.96
2014-12-16 4.93
2014-12-17 4.92
2014-12-18 4.92
2014-12-19 4.92
2014-12-20 4.95
2014-12-23 4.94
2014-12-24 4.94
2014-12-25 4.93
2014-12-26 4.93
2014-12-27 4.92
2014-12-30 4.92
2014-12-31 4.92
2015-01-01 4.90
2015-01-02 4.85
2015-01-03 4.82
2015-01-06 4.80
2015-01-07 4.81
2015-01-08 4.79
2015-01-09 4.78
2015-01-10 4.78
2015-01-13 4.77
2015-01-14 4.75
2015-01-15 4.73
2015-01-16 4.70
2015-01-17 4.69
2015-01-20 4.69
2015-01-21 4.67
2015-01-22 4.65
2015-01-23 4.62
2015-01-24 4.62
2015-01-27 4.60
2015-01-28 4.61
2015-01-29 4.62
2015-01-30 4.58
2015-01-31 4.55
2015-02-03 4.56
2015-02-04 4.53
2015-02-05 4.52
2015-02-06 4.53
2015-02-07 4.52
2015-02-10 4.52
2015-02-11 4.52
2015-02-12 4.53
2015-02-13 4.52
2015-02-14 4.50
2015-02-17 4.50
2015-02-18 4.49
2015-02-19 4.47
2015-02-20 4.50
2015-02-21 4.48
2015-02-24 4.47
2015-02-25 4.46
2015-02-26 4.45
2015-02-27 4.47
2015-02-28 4.50
2015-03-03 4.50
2015-03-04 4.50
2015-03-05 4.48
2015-03-06 4.47
2015-03-07 4.46
2015-03-10 4.44
2015-03-11 4.42
2015-03-12 4.40
2015-03-13 4.39
2015-03-14 4.37
2015-03-17 4.34
2015-03-18 4.33
2015-03-19 4.32
2015-03-20 4.26
2015-03-21 4.25
2015-03-24 4.23
2015-03-25 4.21
2015-03-26 4.19
2015-03-27 4.20
2015-03-28 4.21
2015-03-30 4.24
2015-03-31 4.26
2015-04-01 4.26
2015-04-02 4.27
2015-04-03 4.26
2015-04-04 4.26
2015-04-07 4.26
2015-04-08 4.25
2015-04-09 4.24
2015-04-10 4.25
2015-04-11 4.27
2015-04-14 4.28
2015-04-15 4.29
2015-04-16 4.29
2015-04-17 4.27
2015-04-18 4.27
2015-04-21 4.27
2015-04-22 4.26
2015-04-23 4.24
2015-04-24 4.26
2015-04-25 4.24
2015-04-28 4.23
2015-04-29 4.22
2015-04-30 4.22
2015-05-01 4.25
2015-05-02 4.24
2015-05-05 4.23
2015-05-06 4.22
2015-05-07 4.21
2015-05-08 4.20
2015-05-09 4.20
2015-05-12 4.18
2015-05-13 4.18
2015-05-14 4.17
2015-05-15 4.16
2015-05-16 4.17
2015-05-19 4.18
2015-05-20 4.17
2015-05-21 4.16
2015-05-22 4.14
2015-05-23 4.12
2015-05-26 4.12
2015-05-27 4.10
2015-05-28 4.09
2015-05-29 4.09
2015-05-30 4.08
2015-06-02 4.03
2015-06-03 4.03
2015-06-04 4.01
2015-06-05 4.01
2015-06-06 4.02
2015-06-09 4.00
2015-06-10 3.99
2015-06-11 3.97
2015-06-12 3.96
2015-06-13 3.95
2015-06-16 3.97
2015-06-17 3.92
2015-06-18 3.91
2015-06-19 3.82
2015-06-20 3.85
2015-06-23 3.84
2015-06-24 3.84
2015-06-25 3.85
2015-06-26 3.85
2015-06-27 3.82
2015-06-29 3.83
2015-06-30 3.81
2015-07-01 3.79
2015-07-02 3.79
2015-07-03 3.76
2015-07-04 3.77
2015-07-07 3.78
2015-07-08 3.81
2015-07-09 3.82
2015-07-10 3.79
2015-07-11 3.80
2015-07-14 3.79
2015-07-15 3.78
2015-07-16 3.78
2015-07-17 3.77
2015-07-18 3.76
2015-07-21 3.76
2015-07-22 3.77
2015-07-23 3.75
2015-07-24 3.74
2015-07-25 3.76
2015-07-28 3.74
2015-07-29 3.73
2015-07-30 3.75
2015-07-31 3.75
2015-08-01 3.72
2015-08-04 3.68
2015-08-05 3.69
2015-08-06 3.64
2015-08-07 3.64
2015-08-08 3.63
2015-08-11 3.73
2015-08-12 3.76
2015-08-13 3.78
2015-08-14 3.74
2015-08-15 3.71
2015-08-18 3.74
2015-08-19 3.72
2015-08-20 3.72
2015-08-21 3.72
2015-08-22 3.74
2015-08-25 3.69
2015-08-26 3.70
2015-08-27 3.70
2015-08-28 3.71
2015-08-29 3.69
2015-08-30 3.70
2015-09-01 3.70
2015-09-02 3.67
2015-09-03 3.64
2015-09-04 3.65
2015-09-05 3.67
2015-09-08 3.68
2015-09-09 3.71
2015-09-10 3.74
2015-09-11 3.73
2015-09-12 3.77
2015-09-15 3.77
2015-09-16 3.76
2015-09-17 3.74
2015-09-18 3.73
2015-09-19 3.71
2015-09-22 3.67
2015-09-23 3.68
2015-09-24 3.69
2015-09-25 3.69
2015-09-26 3.69
2015-09-29 3.73
2015-09-30 3.73
2015-10-01 3.70
2015-10-02 3.67
2015-10-03 3.62
2015-10-06 3.62
2015-10-07 3.64
2015-10-08 3.64
2015-10-09 3.66
2015-10-10 3.69
2015-10-13 3.69
2015-10-14 3.70
2015-10-15 3.71
2015-10-16 3.71
2015-10-17 3.70
2015-10-20 3.71
2015-10-21 3.69
2015-10-22 3.68
2015-10-23 3.68
2015-10-24 3.68
2015-10-27 3.70
2015-10-28 3.69
2015-10-29 3.70
2015-10-30 3.69
2015-10-31 3.66
2015-11-03 3.68
2015-11-04 3.71
2015-11-05 3.71
2015-11-06 3.73
2015-11-07 3.76
2015-11-10 3.75
2015-11-11 3.76
2015-11-12 3.75
2015-11-13 3.72
2015-11-14 3.71
2015-11-17 3.72
2015-11-18 3.72
2015-11-19 3.69
2015-11-20 3.69
2015-11-21 3.70
2015-11-24 3.69
2015-11-25 3.68
2015-11-26 3.69
2015-11-27 3.69
2015-11-28 3.69
2015-11-29 3.72
2015-12-01 3.75
2015-12-02 3.73
2015-12-03 3.70
2015-12-04 3.72
2015-12-05 3.73
2015-12-08 3.73
2015-12-09 3.73
2015-12-10 3.72
2015-12-11 3.71
2015-12-12 3.70
2015-12-15 3.67
2015-12-16 3.66
2015-12-17 3.65
2015-12-18 3.67
2015-12-19 3.67
2015-12-22 3.66
2015-12-23 3.66
2015-12-24 3.66
2015-12-25 3.65
2015-12-26 3.64
2015-12-29 3.64
2015-12-30 3.65
2015-12-31 3.65
2016-01-01 3.66
2016-01-02 3.62
2016-01-05 3.60
2016-01-06 3.61
2016-01-07 3.61
2016-01-08 3.61
2016-01-09 3.60
2016-01-12 3.59
2016-01-13 3.58
2016-01-14 3.55
2016-01-15 3.54
2016-01-16 3.54
2016-01-19 3.53
2016-01-20 3.51
2016-01-21 3.49
2016-01-22 3.48
2016-01-23 3.48
2016-01-26 3.45
2016-01-27 3.43
2016-01-28 3.42
2016-01-29 3.40
2016-01-30 3.43
2016-02-02 3.41
2016-02-03 3.44
2016-02-04 3.44
2016-02-05 3.44
2016-02-06 3.42
2016-02-09 3.40
2016-02-10 3.40
2016-02-11 3.40
2016-02-12 3.39
2016-02-13 3.38
2016-02-16 3.38
2016-02-17 3.36
2016-02-18 3.36
2016-02-19 3.34
2016-02-20 3.32
2016-02-23 3.29
2016-02-24 3.30
2016-02-25 3.31
2016-02-26 3.35
2016-02-27 3.37
2016-02-28 3.35
2016-03-01 3.30
2016-03-02 3.26
2016-03-03 3.15
2016-03-04 3.18
2016-03-05 3.15
2016-03-08 3.39
2016-03-09 3.53
2016-03-10 3.64
2016-03-11 3.90
2016-03-12 4.03
2016-03-15 4.19
2016-03-16 4.35
2016-03-17 4.84
2016-03-18 5.09
2016-03-19 5.09
2016-03-22 5.20
2016-03-23 5.23
2016-03-24 5.16
2016-03-25 4.93
2016-03-26 4.92
2016-03-29 4.93
2016-03-30 4.93
2016-03-31 4.97
2016-04-01 4.96
2016-04-02 4.92
2016-04-05 4.97
2016-04-06 4.96
2016-04-07 4.94
2016-04-08 4.84
2016-04-09 4.84
2016-04-12 4.78
2016-04-13 4.70
2016-04-14 4.69
2016-04-15 4.67
2016-04-16 4.63
2016-04-19 4.65
2016-04-20 4.68
2016-04-21 4.69
2016-04-22 4.69
2016-04-23 4.70
2016-04-26 4.72
2016-04-27 4.69
2016-04-28 4.61
2016-04-29 4.51
2016-04-30 4.50
2016-05-03 4.50
2016-05-04 4.47
2016-05-05 4.48
2016-05-06 4.45
2016-05-07 4.40
2016-05-10 4.39
2016-05-11 4.35
2016-05-12 4.35
2016-05-13 4.36
2016-05-14 4.31
2016-05-17 4.25
2016-05-18 4.22
2016-05-19 4.14
2016-05-20 4.05
2016-05-21 4.06
2016-05-24 4.05
2016-05-25 4.01
2016-05-26 3.99
2016-05-27 3.98
2016-05-28 3.98
2016-05-30 3.99
2016-05-31 3.96
2016-06-01 3.93
2016-06-02 3.88
2016-06-03 3.87
2016-06-04 3.82
2016-06-07 3.76
2016-06-08 3.74
2016-06-09 3.73
2016-06-10 3.75
2016-06-11 3.76
2016-06-14 3.79
2016-06-15 3.74
2016-06-16 3.75
2016-06-17 3.74
2016-06-18 3.72
2016-06-21 3.72
2016-06-22 3.71
2016-06-23 3.72
2016-06-24 3.72
2016-06-25 3.71
2016-06-28 3.71
2016-06-29 3.62
2016-06-30 3.62
Index: S&P Emerging BMI Index
Source: S&P
Period Five years
Interval Daily

S&P Emerging
Dollar) Gross
Effective date Total Return Return
Daily Std
6/30/2011 254.87 Deviation = 0.99%

Annualized Std
7/1/2011 254.63 -0.09% Deviation= 15.98%
Std Dev/ Average 7/2/2011 252.61 -0.79%
7/5/2011 247.27 -2.11%
7/6/2011 243.38 -1.57%
7/7/2011 236.45 -2.85%
7/8/2011 241.2 2.01%
7/9/2011 244.88 1.53%
7/12/2011 247.67 1.14%
7/13/2011 247.77 0.04%
7/14/2011 246.38 -0.56%
7/15/2011 247.62 0.50%
7/16/2011 247.97 0.14%
7/19/2011 246.6 -0.55%
7/20/2011 247.41 0.33%
7/21/2011 244.8 -1.05%
7/22/2011 243.23 -0.64%
7/23/2011 239.8 -1.41%
7/26/2011 233.89 -2.46%
7/27/2011 233.12 -0.33%
7/28/2011 235.41 0.98%
7/29/2011 234.41 -0.42%
7/30/2011 236.18 0.76%
8/2/2011 233.46 -1.15%
8/3/2011 233.9 0.19%
8/4/2011 234.26 0.15%
8/5/2011 232.69 -0.67%
8/6/2011 232.92 0.10%
8/9/2011 233.92 0.43%
8/10/2011 231.21 -1.16%
8/11/2011 226.51 -2.03%
8/12/2011 226.94 0.19%
8/13/2011 227.09 0.07%
8/16/2011 225.12 -0.87%
8/17/2011 222.92 -0.98%
8/18/2011 220.73 -0.98%
8/19/2011 217.73 -1.36%
8/20/2011 213.05 -2.15%
8/23/2011 201.18 -5.57%
8/24/2011 205.47 2.13%
8/25/2011 204.62 -0.41%
8/26/2011 212.12 3.67%
8/27/2011 213.28 0.55%
8/30/2011 212.87 -0.19%
8/31/2011 208.14 -2.22%
9/1/2011 207.16 -0.47%
9/2/2011 208.91 0.84%
9/3/2011 205.43 -1.67%
9/6/2011 203.07 -1.15%
9/7/2011 206.5 1.69%
9/8/2011 210.74 2.05%
9/9/2011 209.15 -0.75%
9/10/2011 209.03 -0.06%
9/13/2011 210.22 0.57%
9/14/2011 210.07 -0.07%
9/15/2011 213.81 1.78%
9/16/2011 214.58 0.36%
9/17/2011 214.69 0.05%
9/20/2011 211.94 -1.28%
9/21/2011 209.42 -1.19%
9/22/2011 205.75 -1.75%
9/23/2011 204.15 -0.78%
9/24/2011 205.3 0.56%
9/27/2011 203 -1.12%
9/28/2011 201.72 -0.63%
9/29/2011 205.37 1.81%
9/30/2011 206.3 0.45%
10/1/2011 209.16 1.39%
10/4/2011 213.7 2.17%
10/5/2011 215.04 0.63%
10/6/2011 220.25 2.42%
10/7/2011 219.2 -0.48%
10/8/2011 222.3 1.41%
10/11/2011 223.71 0.63%
10/12/2011 220.94 -1.24%
10/13/2011 219.63 -0.59%
10/14/2011 223.36 1.70%
10/15/2011 223.83 0.21%
10/18/2011 224.1 0.12%
10/19/2011 223.65 -0.20%
10/20/2011 221.81 -0.82%
10/21/2011 222.25 0.20%
10/22/2011 224.72 1.11%
10/25/2011 224.97 0.11%
10/26/2011 223.96 -0.45%
10/27/2011 223.52 -0.20%
10/28/2011 220.1 -1.53%
10/29/2011 220.74 0.29%
11/1/2011 221.2 0.21%
11/2/2011 223.57 1.07%
11/3/2011 225.66 0.93%
11/4/2011 224.8 -0.38%
11/5/2011 222.21 -1.15%
11/8/2011 219.93 -1.03%
11/9/2011 217.67 -1.03%
11/10/2011 217.61 -0.03%
11/11/2011 217.83 0.10%
11/12/2011 214.55 -1.51%
11/15/2011 213.69 -0.40%
11/16/2011 216.02 1.09%
11/17/2011 215.67 -0.16%
11/18/2011 219.11 1.60%
11/19/2011 220.9 0.82%
11/22/2011 220.29 -0.28%
11/23/2011 219.29 -0.45%
11/24/2011 218.33 -0.44%
11/25/2011 218.51 0.08%
11/26/2011 215.71 -1.28%
11/29/2011 214.01 -0.79%
11/30/2011 216.34 1.09%
12/1/2011 216 -0.16%
12/2/2011 215.48 -0.24%
12/3/2011 213.87 -0.75%
12/6/2011 213.28 -0.28%
12/7/2011 210.15 -1.47%
12/8/2011 209.71 -0.21%
12/9/2011 208 -0.82%
12/10/2011 203.2 -2.31%
12/13/2011 202.97 -0.11%
12/14/2011 205.43 1.21%
12/15/2011 207.72 1.11%
12/16/2011 210.2 1.19%
12/17/2011 208.12 -0.99%
12/20/2011 208.51 0.19%
12/21/2011 209 0.24%
12/22/2011 211.27 1.09%
12/23/2011 211.51 0.11%
12/24/2011 211.63 0.06%
12/27/2011 210.84 -0.37%
12/28/2011 211.01 0.08%
12/29/2011 209.09 -0.91%
12/30/2011 209.85 0.36%
12/31/2011 209.96 0.05%
1/3/2012 203.33 -3.16%
1/4/2012 203.45 0.06%
1/5/2012 201.43 -0.99%
1/6/2012 195.34 -3.02%
1/7/2012 195.54 0.10%
1/10/2012 191.16 -2.24%
1/11/2012 191.04 -0.06%
1/12/2012 191.86 0.43%
1/13/2012 190.61 -0.65%
1/14/2012 186.54 -2.14%
1/17/2012 184.94 -0.86%
1/18/2012 187.75 1.52%
1/19/2012 182.42 -2.84%
1/20/2012 181.33 -0.60%
1/21/2012 186.42 2.81%
1/24/2012 187.54 0.60%
1/25/2012 185.95 -0.85%
1/26/2012 187.21 0.68%
1/27/2012 188.76 0.83%
1/28/2012 194.1 2.83%
1/31/2012 194.05 -0.03%
2/1/2012 190.82 -1.66%
2/2/2012 189.11 -0.90%
2/3/2012 193.17 2.15%
2/4/2012 192.91 -0.13%
2/7/2012 191.32 -0.82%
2/8/2012 190.07 -0.65%
2/9/2012 190.27 0.11%
2/10/2012 186.09 -2.20%
2/11/2012 186.06 -0.02%
2/14/2012 189.98 2.11%
2/15/2012 191.31 0.70%
2/16/2012 192.85 0.80%
2/17/2012 195.34 1.29%
2/18/2012 194.3 -0.53%
2/21/2012 196.99 1.38%
2/22/2012 195.39 -0.81%
2/23/2012 193.36 -1.04%
2/24/2012 192.69 -0.35%
2/25/2012 194.24 0.80%
2/28/2012 194.49 0.13%
2/29/2012 198.33 1.97%
3/1/2012 202.16 1.93%
3/2/2012 204.56 1.19%
3/3/2012 207.64 1.51%
3/6/2012 208.73 0.52%
3/7/2012 207.03 -0.81%
3/8/2012 207.3 0.13%
3/9/2012 207.35 0.02%
3/10/2012 209.98 1.27%
3/13/2012 210.46 0.23%
3/14/2012 206.82 -1.73%
3/15/2012 207.26 0.21%
3/16/2012 213.48 3.00%
3/17/2012 215.89 1.13%
3/20/2012 216.79 0.42%
3/21/2012 216.74 -0.02%
3/22/2012 214.51 -1.03%
3/23/2012 212.6 -0.89%
3/24/2012 212.37 -0.11%
3/27/2012 212.36 0.00%
3/28/2012 212.54 0.08%
3/29/2012 217.53 2.35%
3/30/2012 218.34 0.37%
3/31/2012 216.41 -0.88%
4/3/2012 216.2 -0.10%
4/4/2012 213 -1.48%
4/5/2012 212.04 -0.45%
4/6/2012 211.81 -0.11%
4/7/2012 214.06 1.06%
4/10/2012 216.04 0.92%
4/11/2012 217.63 0.74%
4/12/2012 221.53 1.79%
4/13/2012 221.62 0.04%
4/14/2012 221.58 -0.02%
4/17/2012 221.01 -0.26%
4/18/2012 223.24 1.01%
4/19/2012 222.57 -0.30%
4/20/2012 223.1 0.24%
4/21/2012 221.16 -0.87%
4/24/2012 219.54 -0.73%
4/25/2012 220.47 0.42%
4/26/2012 220.54 0.03%
4/27/2012 220.91 0.17%
4/28/2012 220.23 -0.31%
5/1/2012 219.03 -0.54%
5/2/2012 214.98 -1.85%
5/3/2012 213.19 -0.83%
5/4/2012 212.2 -0.46%
5/5/2012 210.96 -0.58%
5/8/2012 209.95 -0.48%
5/9/2012 211.63 0.80%
5/10/2012 211.86 0.11%
5/11/2012 211.32 -0.25%
5/12/2012 208.95 -1.12%
5/15/2012 209.72 0.37%
5/16/2012 210.66 0.45%
5/17/2012 208.99 -0.79%
5/18/2012 205.68 -1.58%
5/19/2012 206.74 0.52%
5/22/2012 207.18 0.21%
5/23/2012 207.79 0.29%
5/24/2012 209.96 1.04%
5/25/2012 211.06 0.52%
5/26/2012 212.58 0.72%
5/29/2012 212.77 0.09%
5/30/2012 212.6 -0.08%
5/31/2012 212.49 -0.05%
6/1/2012 212.85 0.17%
6/2/2012 214.8 0.92%
6/5/2012 216.91 0.98%
6/6/2012 219.43 1.16%
6/7/2012 220.82 0.63%
6/8/2012 219.37 -0.66%
6/9/2012 216.03 -1.52%
6/12/2012 212.74 -1.52%
6/13/2012 211.05 -0.79%
6/14/2012 212.59 0.73%
6/15/2012 210.36 -1.05%
6/16/2012 212.22 0.88%
6/19/2012 215.62 1.60%
6/20/2012 216.57 0.44%
6/21/2012 217.35 0.36%
6/22/2012 219.1 0.81%
6/23/2012 212.22 -3.14%
6/26/2012 209.46 -1.30%
6/27/2012 212.22 1.32%
6/28/2012 216.38 1.96%
6/29/2012 219.27 1.34%
6/30/2012 220.19 0.42%
7/3/2012 221.38 0.54%
7/4/2012 218.54 -1.28%
7/5/2012 216.21 -1.07%
7/6/2012 217.66 0.67%
7/7/2012 218.53 0.40%
7/10/2012 222.59 1.86%
7/11/2012 224.74 0.97%
7/12/2012 225.06 0.14%
7/13/2012 227.41 1.04%
7/14/2012 227.5 0.04%
7/17/2012 228.12 0.27%
7/18/2012 227.57 -0.24%
7/19/2012 228.56 0.44%
7/20/2012 228.56 0.00%
7/21/2012 228.24 -0.14%
7/24/2012 228.12 -0.05%
7/25/2012 228.2 0.04%
7/26/2012 229.14 0.41%
7/27/2012 229.4 0.11%
7/28/2012 228.89 -0.22%
7/31/2012 230.66 0.77%
8/1/2012 229.48 -0.51%
8/2/2012 227.86 -0.71%
8/3/2012 229.77 0.84%
8/4/2012 232.05 0.99%
8/7/2012 234.5 1.06%
8/8/2012 235.44 0.40%
8/9/2012 235.96 0.22%
8/10/2012 237.29 0.56%
8/11/2012 238.1 0.34%
8/14/2012 239.76 0.70%
8/15/2012 239.46 -0.13%
8/16/2012 238.31 -0.48%
8/17/2012 239.96 0.69%
8/18/2012 238.43 -0.64%
8/21/2012 237.05 -0.58%
8/22/2012 237.16 0.05%
8/23/2012 234.93 -0.94%
8/24/2012 235.14 0.09%
8/25/2012 236.28 0.48%
8/28/2012 234.94 -0.57%
8/29/2012 235.7 0.32%
8/30/2012 234.35 -0.57%
8/31/2012 233.94 -0.17%
9/1/2012 236.09 0.92%
9/4/2012 238.02 0.82%
9/5/2012 241.75 1.57%
9/6/2012 242.19 0.18%
9/7/2012 242.58 0.16%
9/8/2012 238.36 -1.74%
9/11/2012 234.01 -1.82%
9/12/2012 232.77 -0.53%
9/13/2012 232.67 -0.04%
9/14/2012 233.88 0.52%
9/15/2012 232.97 -0.39%
9/18/2012 235.91 1.26%
9/19/2012 236.04 0.06%
9/20/2012 237.78 0.74%
9/21/2012 241.26 1.46%
9/22/2012 240.34 -0.38%
9/25/2012 237.22 -1.30%
9/26/2012 238.18 0.40%
9/27/2012 238.74 0.24%
9/28/2012 238.49 -0.10%
9/29/2012 236.49 -0.84%
10/2/2012 238.96 1.04%
10/3/2012 240.08 0.47%
10/4/2012 240.2 0.05%
10/5/2012 240.29 0.04%
10/6/2012 239.8 -0.20%
10/9/2012 240.58 0.33%
10/10/2012 237.9 -1.11%
10/11/2012 237.05 -0.36%
10/12/2012 234.2 -1.20%
10/13/2012 235.91 0.73%
10/16/2012 235.15 -0.32%
10/17/2012 238.66 1.49%
10/18/2012 239.76 0.46%
10/19/2012 239.9 0.06%
10/20/2012 239.8 -0.04%
10/23/2012 241.39 0.66%
10/24/2012 241.56 0.07%
10/25/2012 239.82 -0.72%
10/26/2012 238.52 -0.54%
10/27/2012 237.98 -0.23%
10/30/2012 238.46 0.20%
10/31/2012 237.63 -0.35%
11/1/2012 234.63 -1.26%
11/2/2012 232.78 -0.79%
11/3/2012 231.48 -0.56%
11/6/2012 235.28 1.64%
11/7/2012 236.97 0.72%
11/8/2012 231.89 -2.14%
11/9/2012 230.4 -0.64%
11/10/2012 223.81 -2.86%
11/13/2012 221.58 -1.00%
11/14/2012 222.12 0.24%
11/15/2012 223.39 0.57%
11/16/2012 223.45 0.03%
11/17/2012 222.88 -0.26%
11/20/2012 223.7 0.37%
11/21/2012 225.76 0.92%
11/22/2012 225.09 -0.30%
11/23/2012 224.34 -0.33%
11/24/2012 225.39 0.47%
11/27/2012 227.09 0.75%
11/28/2012 225.93 -0.51%
11/29/2012 226.96 0.46%
11/30/2012 225.51 -0.64%
12/1/2012 224.41 -0.49%
12/4/2012 224.81 0.18%
12/5/2012 226.43 0.72%
12/6/2012 228.06 0.72%
12/7/2012 230.37 1.01%
12/8/2012 230.29 -0.03%
12/11/2012 228.75 -0.67%
12/12/2012 229.97 0.53%
12/13/2012 228.72 -0.54%
12/14/2012 225.15 -1.56%
12/15/2012 224.59 -0.25%
12/18/2012 223.14 -0.65%
12/19/2012 223.06 -0.04%
12/20/2012 223.36 0.13%
12/21/2012 221.07 -1.03%
12/22/2012 221.09 0.01%
12/25/2012 221.09 0.00%
12/26/2012 221.76 0.30%
12/27/2012 223.94 0.98%
12/28/2012 225.88 0.87%
12/29/2012 227.2 0.58%
1/1/2013 227.1 -0.04%
1/2/2013 228.36 0.55%
1/3/2013 229.35 0.43%
1/4/2013 232.01 1.16%
1/5/2013 231.8 -0.09%
1/8/2013 231.25 -0.24%
1/9/2013 233 0.76%
1/10/2013 232.79 -0.09%
1/11/2013 235.15 1.01%
1/12/2013 235.01 -0.06%
1/15/2013 233.55 -0.62%
1/16/2013 234.81 0.54%
1/17/2013 235.52 0.30%
1/18/2013 234.76 -0.32%
1/19/2013 234.4 -0.15%
1/22/2013 236.72 0.99%
1/23/2013 238.67 0.82%
1/24/2013 239.48 0.34%
1/25/2013 240.14 0.28%
1/26/2013 240.07 -0.03%
1/29/2013 239.29 -0.32%
1/30/2013 238.78 -0.21%
1/31/2013 239.76 0.41%
2/1/2013 240.41 0.27%
2/2/2013 241.59 0.49%
2/5/2013 242.39 0.33%
2/6/2013 241.88 -0.21%
2/7/2013 242.82 0.39%
2/8/2013 244.01 0.49%
2/9/2013 245.32 0.54%
2/12/2013 246.93 0.66%
2/13/2013 246.33 -0.24%
2/14/2013 248.43 0.85%
2/15/2013 249.45 0.41%
2/16/2013 247.88 -0.63%
2/19/2013 249.14 0.51%
2/20/2013 249.31 0.07%
2/21/2013 250.61 0.52%
2/22/2013 250.88 0.11%
2/23/2013 248.65 -0.89%
2/26/2013 248.09 -0.23%
2/27/2013 246.83 -0.51%
2/28/2013 247.47 0.26%
3/1/2013 246.65 -0.33%
3/2/2013 246.06 -0.24%
3/5/2013 247.03 0.39%
3/6/2013 247.14 0.04%
3/7/2013 246.48 -0.27%
3/8/2013 243.6 -1.17%
3/9/2013 244.26 0.27%
3/12/2013 246.84 1.06%
3/13/2013 247.2 0.15%
3/14/2013 248.18 0.40%
3/15/2013 253.13 1.99%
3/16/2013 253.52 0.15%
3/19/2013 255.07 0.61%
3/20/2013 254.72 -0.14%
3/21/2013 253.22 -0.59%
3/22/2013 253.65 0.17%
3/23/2013 254.15 0.20%
3/26/2013 252.92 -0.48%
3/27/2013 254.12 0.47%
3/28/2013 254.5 0.15%
3/29/2013 254.18 -0.13%
3/30/2013 251.6 -1.02%
4/2/2013 253.29 0.67%
4/3/2013 253.62 0.13%
4/4/2013 254.92 0.51%
4/5/2013 253.83 -0.43%
4/6/2013 253.47 -0.14%
4/9/2013 252.94 -0.21%
4/10/2013 252.35 -0.23%
4/11/2013 253.04 0.27%
4/12/2013 253.64 0.24%
4/13/2013 253.06 -0.23%
4/16/2013 253.89 0.33%
4/17/2013 252.55 -0.53%
4/18/2013 251.38 -0.46%
4/19/2013 252.69 0.52%
4/20/2013 253.13 0.17%
4/23/2013 255.3 0.86%
4/24/2013 257.85 1.00%
4/25/2013 257.64 -0.08%
4/26/2013 256.94 -0.27%
4/27/2013 256.82 -0.05%
4/30/2013 257.31 0.19%
5/1/2013 259.01 0.66%
5/2/2013 258.26 -0.29%
5/3/2013 256.4 -0.72%
5/4/2013 255.71 -0.27%
5/7/2013 256.45 0.29%
5/8/2013 257.71 0.49%
5/9/2013 259.65 0.75%
5/10/2013 260.28 0.24%
5/11/2013 260.95 0.26%
5/14/2013 263.1 0.82%
5/15/2013 264.05 0.36%
5/16/2013 262.31 -0.66%
5/17/2013 256.58 -2.18%
5/18/2013 258.86 0.89%
5/21/2013 260.16 0.50%
5/22/2013 260.23 0.03%
5/23/2013 260.38 0.06%
5/24/2013 262.36 0.76%
5/25/2013 263.09 0.28%
5/28/2013 262.58 -0.19%
5/29/2013 262.13 -0.17%
5/30/2013 260.52 -0.61%
5/31/2013 261.45 0.36%
6/1/2013 262.81 0.52%
6/4/2013 263.39 0.22%
6/5/2013 262.94 -0.17%
6/6/2013 263.4 0.17%
6/7/2013 264.14 0.28%
6/8/2013 263.55 -0.22%
6/11/2013 261.63 -0.73%
6/12/2013 261.76 0.05%
6/13/2013 262.55 0.30%
6/14/2013 259.94 -0.99%
6/15/2013 260.2 0.10%
6/18/2013 262.45 0.86%
6/19/2013 260.97 -0.56%
6/20/2013 261.15 0.07%
6/21/2013 261.29 0.05%
6/22/2013 261.84 0.21%
6/25/2013 263.62 0.68%
6/26/2013 262.77 -0.32%
6/27/2013 261.96 -0.31%
6/28/2013 262.23 0.10%
6/29/2013 261.76 -0.18%
7/2/2013 262.77 0.39%
7/3/2013 261.25 -0.58%
7/4/2013 261.86 0.23%
7/5/2013 261.22 -0.24%
7/6/2013 260.44 -0.30%
7/9/2013 261.99 0.60%
7/10/2013 263.91 0.73%
7/11/2013 267.02 1.18%
7/12/2013 269.3 0.85%
7/13/2013 270.89 0.59%
7/16/2013 271.74 0.31%
7/17/2013 272.02 0.10%
7/18/2013 273.86 0.68%
7/19/2013 273.57 -0.11%
7/20/2013 273.3 -0.10%
7/23/2013 274.21 0.33%
7/24/2013 273.91 -0.11%
7/25/2013 274.43 0.19%
7/26/2013 275.86 0.52%
7/27/2013 275.51 -0.13%
7/30/2013 276.23 0.26%
7/31/2013 276.94 0.26%
8/1/2013 277.22 0.10%
8/2/2013 276.63 -0.21%
8/3/2013 277.35 0.26%
8/6/2013 279.56 0.80%
8/7/2013 280.21 0.23%
8/8/2013 278.4 -0.65%
8/9/2013 274.82 -1.29%
8/10/2013 271.97 -1.04%
8/13/2013 274.46 0.92%
8/14/2013 274.16 -0.11%
8/15/2013 276.16 0.73%
8/16/2013 276.57 0.15%
8/17/2013 275.69 -0.32%
8/20/2013 276.78 0.40%
8/21/2013 278.81 0.73%
8/22/2013 279.57 0.27%
8/23/2013 281.25 0.60%
8/24/2013 282.22 0.34%
8/27/2013 282.35 0.05%
8/28/2013 281.46 -0.32%
8/29/2013 283.31 0.66%
8/30/2013 283.92 0.22%
8/31/2013 285.18 0.44%
9/3/2013 283.84 -0.47%
9/4/2013 284.52 0.24%
9/5/2013 284.36 -0.06%
9/6/2013 285.67 0.46%
9/7/2013 285.84 0.06%
9/10/2013 287.94 0.73%
9/11/2013 288.56 0.22%
9/12/2013 287.86 -0.24%
9/13/2013 287.83 -0.01%
9/14/2013 288.35 0.18%
9/17/2013 290.07 0.60%
9/18/2013 289.28 -0.27%
9/19/2013 289.8 0.18%
9/20/2013 288.88 -0.32%
9/21/2013 287.35 -0.53%
9/24/2013 282.53 -1.68%
9/25/2013 281 -0.54%
9/26/2013 280.57 -0.15%
9/27/2013 279.42 -0.41%
9/28/2013 281.86 0.87%
10/1/2013 282.26 0.14%
10/2/2013 286.05 1.34%
10/3/2013 287.55 0.52%
10/4/2013 287.94 0.14%
10/5/2013 288 0.02%
10/8/2013 287.21 -0.27%
10/9/2013 289.38 0.76%
10/10/2013 289.82 0.15%
10/11/2013 290.86 0.36%
10/12/2013 292.15 0.44%
10/15/2013 293.65 0.51%
10/16/2013 291.76 -0.64%
10/17/2013 292.02 0.09%
10/18/2013 289.76 -0.77%
10/19/2013 290.23 0.16%
10/22/2013 289.1 -0.39%
10/23/2013 288.41 -0.24%
10/24/2013 288.73 0.11%
10/25/2013 287.48 -0.43%
10/26/2013 287.54 0.02%
10/29/2013 288.61 0.37%
10/30/2013 288.99 0.13%
10/31/2013 290.7 0.59%
11/1/2013 290.44 -0.09%
11/2/2013 289.86 -0.20%
11/5/2013 291.35 0.51%
11/6/2013 291.91 0.19%
11/7/2013 292.04 0.04%
11/8/2013 291.84 -0.07%
11/9/2013 290.57 -0.44%
11/12/2013 289.26 -0.45%
11/13/2013 287.89 -0.47%
11/14/2013 285.74 -0.75%
11/15/2013 288.81 1.07%
11/16/2013 291.7 1.00%
11/19/2013 291.89 0.07%
11/20/2013 295.54 1.25%
11/21/2013 296.69 0.39%
11/22/2013 295.74 -0.32%
11/23/2013 296.29 0.19%
11/26/2013 294.92 -0.46%
11/27/2013 295.09 0.06%
11/28/2013 293.57 -0.52%
11/29/2013 289.61 -1.35%
11/30/2013 288.08 -0.53%
12/3/2013 289.14 0.37%
12/4/2013 287.84 -0.45%
12/5/2013 284.09 -1.30%
12/6/2013 283.88 -0.07%
12/7/2013 286.56 0.94%
12/10/2013 289.06 0.87%
12/11/2013 286.97 -0.72%
12/12/2013 288.51 0.54%
12/13/2013 289.33 0.28%
12/14/2013 288.87 -0.16%
12/17/2013 292.2 1.15%
12/18/2013 292.49 0.10%
12/19/2013 292.94 0.15%
12/20/2013 294.49 0.53%
12/21/2013 295.97 0.50%
12/24/2013 295.95 -0.01%
12/25/2013 295.59 -0.12%
12/26/2013 296.96 0.46%
12/27/2013 298.8 0.62%
12/28/2013 300.34 0.52%
12/31/2013 300.16 -0.06%
1/1/2014 305.17 1.67%
1/2/2014 306.92 0.57%
1/3/2014 309.71 0.91%
1/4/2014 311.49 0.57%
1/7/2014 312.86 0.44%
1/8/2014 312.63 -0.07%
1/9/2014 311.47 -0.37%
1/10/2014 311.67 0.06%
1/11/2014 314 0.75%
1/14/2014 314.42 0.13%
1/15/2014 315.63 0.38%
1/16/2014 317.53 0.60%
1/17/2014 318.77 0.39%
1/18/2014 320.28 0.47%
1/21/2014 322.78 0.78%
1/22/2014 325.54 0.86%
1/23/2014 327.77 0.69%
1/24/2014 328.18 0.13%
1/25/2014 330.88 0.82%
1/28/2014 328.97 -0.58%
1/29/2014 324.38 -1.40%
1/30/2014 326.03 0.51%
1/31/2014 324.76 -0.39%
2/1/2014 320.61 -1.28%
2/4/2014 315.41 -1.62%
2/5/2014 306.3 -2.89%
2/6/2014 306.58 0.09%
2/7/2014 303.69 -0.94%
2/8/2014 299.01 -1.54%
2/11/2014 301.33 0.78%
2/12/2014 303.83 0.83%
2/13/2014 308.75 1.62%
2/14/2014 313.55 1.55%
2/15/2014 312.73 -0.26%
2/18/2014 312.32 -0.13%
2/19/2014 311.25 -0.34%
2/20/2014 315.44 1.35%
2/21/2014 313.77 -0.53%
2/22/2014 317.37 1.15%
2/25/2014 318.49 0.35%
2/26/2014 315.76 -0.86%
2/27/2014 312.22 -1.12%
2/28/2014 311.47 -0.24%
3/1/2014 309.06 -0.77%
3/4/2014 307.72 -0.43%
3/5/2014 311.29 1.16%
3/6/2014 309.49 -0.58%
3/7/2014 310.54 0.34%
3/8/2014 313.28 0.88%
3/11/2014 316.83 1.13%
3/12/2014 316.91 0.03%
3/13/2014 315.51 -0.44%
3/14/2014 314.89 -0.20%
3/15/2014 313.88 -0.32%
3/18/2014 311.68 -0.70%
3/19/2014 312.77 0.35%
3/20/2014 313.02 0.08%
3/21/2014 309.34 -1.18%
3/22/2014 304.42 -1.59%
3/25/2014 306.98 0.84%
3/26/2014 307.34 0.12%
3/27/2014 301.98 -1.74%
3/28/2014 303.4 0.47%
3/29/2014 303.75 0.12%
4/1/2014 303.35 -0.13%
4/2/2014 303.69 0.11%
4/3/2014 300.43 -1.07%
4/4/2014 302.97 0.85%
4/5/2014 302.49 -0.16%
4/8/2014 302.18 -0.10%
4/9/2014 305.4 1.07%
4/10/2014 305.6 0.07%
4/11/2014 306.08 0.16%
4/12/2014 304.18 -0.62%
4/15/2014 302.32 -0.61%
4/16/2014 302.36 0.01%
4/17/2014 304.91 0.84%
4/18/2014 306.54 0.53%
4/19/2014 302.93 -1.18%
4/22/2014 300.1 -0.93%
4/23/2014 299.71 -0.13%
4/24/2014 296.04 -1.22%
4/25/2014 296.43 0.13%
4/26/2014 299.12 0.91%
4/29/2014 300.81 0.56%
4/30/2014 300.24 -0.19%
5/1/2014 297.97 -0.76%
5/2/2014 294.48 -1.17%
5/3/2014 294.58 0.03%
5/6/2014 295.38 0.27%
5/7/2014 296.07 0.23%
5/8/2014 296.71 0.22%
5/9/2014 299.32 0.88%
5/10/2014 301.21 0.63%
5/13/2014 302.49 0.42%
5/14/2014 298.13 -1.44%
5/15/2014 299.37 0.42%
5/16/2014 296.98 -0.80%
5/17/2014 294.82 -0.73%
5/20/2014 294.6 -0.07%
5/21/2014 296.25 0.56%
5/22/2014 293 -1.10%
5/23/2014 293.65 0.22%
5/24/2014 294.05 0.14%
5/27/2014 294.26 0.07%
5/28/2014 291.57 -0.91%
5/29/2014 289.42 -0.74%
5/30/2014 291.29 0.65%
5/31/2014 293.39 0.72%
6/3/2014 297.25 1.32%
6/4/2014 296.11 -0.38%
6/5/2014 297.91 0.61%
6/6/2014 297.45 -0.15%
6/7/2014 294.32 -1.05%
6/10/2014 295.3 0.33%
6/11/2014 295.76 0.16%
6/12/2014 294.23 -0.52%
6/13/2014 292.61 -0.55%
6/14/2014 290 -0.89%
6/17/2014 288.54 -0.50%
6/18/2014 283.18 -1.86%
6/19/2014 284.98 0.64%
6/20/2014 281.92 -1.07%
6/21/2014 283.43 0.54%
6/24/2014 279.12 -1.52%
6/25/2014 278.17 -0.34%
6/26/2014 273.79 -1.57%
6/27/2014 272.86 -0.34%
6/28/2014 278.66 2.13%
7/1/2014 276.97 -0.61%
7/2/2014 276.34 -0.23%
7/3/2014 275.95 -0.14%
7/4/2014 275.42 -0.19%
7/5/2014 276.74 0.48%
7/8/2014 280.78 1.46%
7/9/2014 280.99 0.07%
7/10/2014 278.19 -1.00%
7/11/2014 280.21 0.73%
7/12/2014 280.97 0.27%
7/15/2014 279.62 -0.48%
7/16/2014 279.92 0.11%
7/17/2014 279.49 -0.15%
7/18/2014 277.18 -0.83%
7/19/2014 279.6 0.87%
7/22/2014 279.78 0.06%
7/23/2014 283.12 1.19%
7/24/2014 285.36 0.79%
7/25/2014 284.99 -0.13%
7/26/2014 285.8 0.28%
7/29/2014 285.23 -0.20%
7/30/2014 284.45 -0.27%
7/31/2014 284.25 -0.07%
8/1/2014 279.7 -1.60%
8/2/2014 281.25 0.55%
8/5/2014 280.52 -0.26%
8/6/2014 282.64 0.76%
8/7/2014 282.29 -0.12%
8/8/2014 281.86 -0.15%
8/9/2014 278.02 -1.36%
8/12/2014 272.9 -1.84%
8/13/2014 272.54 -0.13%
8/14/2014 267.17 -1.97%
8/15/2014 267.08 -0.03%
8/16/2014 267.17 0.03%
8/19/2014 270.04 1.07%
8/20/2014 272.32 0.84%
8/21/2014 273.72 0.51%
8/22/2014 272.95 -0.28%
8/23/2014 273.19 0.09%
8/26/2014 278.09 1.79%
8/27/2014 278.17 0.03%
8/28/2014 277.8 -0.13%
8/29/2014 274.1 -1.33%
8/30/2014 273.7 -0.15%
9/2/2014 271.41 -0.84%
9/3/2014 269.06 -0.87%
9/4/2014 264.64 -1.64%
9/5/2014 263.86 -0.29%
9/6/2014 265.2 0.51%
9/9/2014 261.57 -1.37%
9/10/2014 259.38 -0.84%
9/11/2014 259.97 0.23%
9/12/2014 263.45 1.34%
9/13/2014 265.69 0.85%
9/16/2014 263.02 -1.00%
9/17/2014 263.51 0.19%
9/18/2014 266.34 1.07%
9/19/2014 267.5 0.44%
9/20/2014 271.01 1.31%
9/23/2014 268.17 -1.05%
9/24/2014 268.01 -0.06%
9/25/2014 269.22 0.45%
9/26/2014 270.15 0.35%
9/27/2014 269.33 -0.30%
9/30/2014 269.01 -0.12%
10/1/2014 266.46 -0.95%
10/2/2014 266.85 0.15%
10/3/2014 260.81 -2.26%
10/4/2014 257.9 -1.12%
10/7/2014 256.75 -0.45%
10/8/2014 256.09 -0.26%
10/9/2014 254.23 -0.73%
10/10/2014 247.4 -2.69%
10/11/2014 253.49 2.46%
10/14/2014 251.9 -0.63%
10/15/2014 255.35 1.37%
10/16/2014 254.48 -0.34%
10/17/2014 251.58 -1.14%
10/18/2014 251.23 -0.14%
10/21/2014 254 1.10%
10/22/2014 249.04 -1.95%
10/23/2014 247.05 -0.80%
10/24/2014 246.57 -0.19%
10/25/2014 244.58 -0.81%
10/28/2014 243.42 -0.47%
10/29/2014 243.45 0.01%
10/30/2014 248.62 2.12%
10/31/2014 253.36 1.91%
11/1/2014 258.59 2.06%
11/4/2014 257.86 -0.28%
11/5/2014 257.55 -0.12%
11/6/2014 259.49 0.75%
11/7/2014 257.87 -0.62%
11/8/2014 253.73 -1.61%
11/11/2014 251 -1.08%
11/12/2014 251.24 0.10%
11/13/2014 252.22 0.39%
11/14/2014 255.27 1.21%
11/15/2014 256.94 0.65%
11/18/2014 257.48 0.21%
11/19/2014 253.56 -1.52%
11/20/2014 254.73 0.46%
11/21/2014 254.85 0.05%
11/22/2014 253.18 -0.66%
11/25/2014 254.75 0.62%
11/26/2014 255.45 0.27%
11/27/2014 258.45 1.17%
11/28/2014 260.19 0.67%
11/29/2014 259.87 -0.12%
12/2/2014 264.88 1.93%
12/3/2014 264.15 -0.28%
12/4/2014 261.27 -1.09%
12/5/2014 255.46 -2.22%
12/6/2014 256.07 0.24%
12/9/2014 251.09 -1.94%
12/10/2014 251.83 0.29%
12/11/2014 255.38 1.41%
12/12/2014 256.96 0.62%
12/13/2014 254.06 -1.13%
12/16/2014 252.85 -0.48%
12/17/2014 251.73 -0.44%
12/18/2014 252.69 0.38%
12/19/2014 251.11 -0.63%
12/20/2014 249.83 -0.51%
12/23/2014 248.75 -0.43%
12/24/2014 247.97 -0.31%
12/25/2014 248.35 0.15%
12/26/2014 248.88 0.21%
12/27/2014 251.56 1.08%
12/30/2014 252.6 0.41%
12/31/2014 252.74 0.06%
1/1/2015 250.55 -0.87%
1/2/2015 249.51 -0.42%
1/3/2015 253.63 1.65%
1/6/2015 256.59 1.17%
1/7/2015 256.27 -0.12%
1/8/2015 260.38 1.60%
1/9/2015 261.42 0.40%
1/10/2015 261.73 0.12%
1/13/2015 259.89 -0.70%
1/14/2015 262.46 0.99%
1/15/2015 263.41 0.36%
1/16/2015 263.2 -0.08%
1/17/2015 265.39 0.83%
1/20/2015 265.61 0.08%
1/21/2015 263.61 -0.75%
1/22/2015 263.86 0.09%
1/23/2015 265.69 0.69%
1/24/2015 268.05 0.89%
1/27/2015 266.67 -0.51%
1/28/2015 266.91 0.09%
1/29/2015 268.29 0.52%
1/30/2015 272.09 1.42%
1/31/2015 272.5 0.15%
2/3/2015 271.94 -0.21%
2/4/2015 272.94 0.37%
2/5/2015 272.06 -0.32%
2/6/2015 270.48 -0.58%
2/7/2015 269.61 -0.32%
2/10/2015 269.19 -0.16%
2/11/2015 270.82 0.61%
2/12/2015 270.64 -0.07%
2/13/2015 269.57 -0.40%
2/14/2015 267.96 -0.60%
2/17/2015 269.2 0.46%
2/18/2015 269.65 0.17%
2/19/2015 272.34 1.00%
2/20/2015 272.91 0.21%
2/21/2015 275.04 0.78%
2/24/2015 277.46 0.88%
2/25/2015 276.59 -0.31%
2/26/2015 275.53 -0.38%
2/27/2015 273.74 -0.65%
2/28/2015 274.06 0.12%
3/3/2015 274.85 0.29%
3/4/2015 275.89 0.38%
3/5/2015 276.21 0.12%
3/6/2015 272.92 -1.19%
3/7/2015 270.15 -1.01%
3/10/2015 273.23 1.14%
3/11/2015 275.61 0.87%
3/12/2015 275.86 0.09%
3/13/2015 275.32 -0.20%
3/14/2015 277.61 0.83%
3/17/2015 280.8 1.15%
3/18/2015 281.22 0.15%
3/19/2015 280.43 -0.28%
3/20/2015 280.19 -0.09%
3/21/2015 277.12 -1.10%
3/24/2015 274.82 -0.83%
3/25/2015 275.76 0.34%
3/26/2015 274.21 -0.56%
3/27/2015 274.86 0.24%
3/28/2015 278 1.14%
3/31/2015 280.93 1.05%
4/1/2015 281.16 0.08%
4/2/2015 282.96 0.64%
4/3/2015 283.08 0.04%
4/4/2015 284.28 0.42%
4/7/2015 285.17 0.31%
4/8/2015 286.48 0.46%
4/9/2015 286.99 0.18%
4/10/2015 284.81 -0.76%
4/11/2015 285.02 0.07%
4/14/2015 284.02 -0.35%
4/15/2015 285.97 0.69%
4/16/2015 286.76 0.28%
4/17/2015 286.14 -0.22%
4/18/2015 286.22 0.03%
4/21/2015 285.32 -0.31%
4/22/2015 285.35 0.01%
4/23/2015 284.65 -0.25%
4/24/2015 282.86 -0.63%
4/25/2015 283.43 0.20%
4/28/2015 283.82 0.14%
4/29/2015 283.5 -0.11%
4/30/2015 283.86 0.13%
5/1/2015 283.27 -0.21%
5/2/2015 284.84 0.55%
5/5/2015 278.99 -2.05%
5/6/2015 277.66 -0.48%
5/7/2015 276.15 -0.54%
5/8/2015 271.4 -1.72%
5/9/2015 272.59 0.44%
5/12/2015 268.06 -1.66%
5/13/2015 267.71 -0.13%
5/14/2015 268.06 0.13%
5/15/2015 267.48 -0.22%
5/16/2015 263.87 -1.35%
5/19/2015 263.5 -0.14%
5/20/2015 264.78 0.49%
5/21/2015 264.58 -0.08%
5/22/2015 260.69 -1.47%
5/23/2015 261.87 0.45%
5/26/2015 262.64 0.29%
5/27/2015 262.7 0.02%
5/28/2015 262.56 -0.05%
5/29/2015 264.84 0.87%
5/30/2015 265.76 0.35%
6/2/2015 267.73 0.74%
6/3/2015 267.11 -0.23%
6/4/2015 266.9 -0.08%
6/5/2015 266.24 -0.25%
6/6/2015 267.62 0.52%
6/9/2015 271.12 1.31%
6/10/2015 273.54 0.89%
6/11/2015 272.01 -0.56%
6/12/2015 271.24 -0.28%
6/13/2015 269.28 -0.72%
6/16/2015 268.17 -0.41%
6/17/2015 271.48 1.23%
6/18/2015 274.57 1.14%
6/19/2015 278.46 1.42%
6/20/2015 278.42 -0.01%
6/23/2015 278.24 -0.06%
6/24/2015 276.15 -0.75%
6/25/2015 277.05 0.33%
6/26/2015 278.94 0.68%
6/27/2015 278.97 0.01%
6/30/2015 281.63 0.95%
7/1/2015 281.95 0.11%
7/2/2015 281.64 -0.11%
7/3/2015 282.85 0.43%
7/4/2015 281.57 -0.45%
7/7/2015 278.7 -1.02%
7/8/2015 277.64 -0.38%
7/9/2015 279.33 0.61%
7/10/2015 280.61 0.46%
7/11/2015 279.48 -0.40%
7/14/2015 281.27 0.64%
7/15/2015 281.73 0.16%
7/16/2015 280.62 -0.39%
7/17/2015 279.81 -0.29%
7/18/2015 280.6 0.28%
7/21/2015 279.47 -0.40%
7/22/2015 279.62 0.05%
7/23/2015 279.79 0.06%
7/24/2015 279.55 -0.09%
7/25/2015 278.28 -0.45%
7/28/2015 277.91 -0.13%
7/29/2015 276.75 -0.42%
7/30/2015 275.61 -0.41%
7/31/2015 272.25 -1.22%
8/1/2015 266.96 -1.94%
8/4/2015 259.26 -2.88%
8/5/2015 259.7 0.17%
8/6/2015 259.92 0.08%
8/7/2015 263.26 1.29%
8/8/2015 262.2 -0.40%
8/11/2015 260.67 -0.58%
8/12/2015 259.14 -0.59%
8/13/2015 257.42 -0.66%
8/14/2015 256.93 -0.19%
8/15/2015 258.93 0.78%
8/18/2015 260.91 0.76%
8/19/2015 260.98 0.03%
8/20/2015 261.77 0.30%
8/21/2015 259.97 -0.69%
8/22/2015 259.38 -0.23%
8/25/2015 256.7 -1.03%
8/26/2015 257.5 0.31%
8/27/2015 257.56 0.02%
8/28/2015 259.07 0.59%
8/29/2015 262.46 1.31%
9/1/2015 262.46 0.00%
9/2/2015 259.61 -1.09%
9/3/2015 263.96 1.68%
9/4/2015 266.69 1.03%
9/5/2015 267.9 0.45%
9/8/2015 268.11 0.08%
9/9/2015 267.36 -0.28%
9/10/2015 269.79 0.91%
9/11/2015 271.57 0.66%
9/12/2015 272.89 0.49%
9/15/2015 272.42 -0.17%
9/16/2015 270.17 -0.83%
9/17/2015 270.78 0.23%
9/18/2015 269.13 -0.61%
9/19/2015 270.74 0.60%
9/22/2015 269.63 -0.41%
9/23/2015 268.47 -0.43%
9/24/2015 267.12 -0.50%
9/25/2015 267.94 0.31%
9/26/2015 266.29 -0.62%
9/29/2015 265.49 -0.30%
9/30/2015 264.6 -0.34%
10/1/2015 263.05 -0.59%
10/2/2015 263.95 0.34%
10/3/2015 264.87 0.35%
10/6/2015 264.13 -0.28%
10/7/2015 263.49 -0.24%
10/8/2015 263.48 0.00%
10/9/2015 264.78 0.49%
10/10/2015 268.27 1.32%
10/13/2015 269.52 0.47%
10/14/2015 269.86 0.13%
10/15/2015 270.82 0.36%
10/16/2015 272.41 0.59%
10/17/2015 271.68 -0.27%
10/20/2015 272.54 0.32%
10/21/2015 273.53 0.36%
10/22/2015 272.89 -0.23%
10/23/2015 274.54 0.60%
10/24/2015 274.25 -0.11%
10/27/2015 276.13 0.69%
10/28/2015 276.03 -0.04%
10/29/2015 275.8 -0.08%
10/30/2015 275.7 -0.04%
10/31/2015 277.63 0.70%
11/3/2015 280.93 1.19%
11/4/2015 282.23 0.46%
11/5/2015 281.51 -0.26%
11/6/2015 282.97 0.52%
11/7/2015 280.78 -0.77%
11/10/2015 277.89 -1.03%
11/11/2015 278.21 0.12%
11/12/2015 275.4 -1.01%
11/13/2015 274.89 -0.19%
11/14/2015 276.23 0.49%
11/17/2015 277.09 0.31%
11/18/2015 278.66 0.57%
11/19/2015 277.68 -0.35%
11/20/2015 276.3 -0.50%
11/21/2015 277.19 0.32%
11/24/2015 278.32 0.41%
11/25/2015 277.04 -0.46%
11/26/2015 278.33 0.47%
11/27/2015 277.95 -0.14%
11/28/2015 275.92 -0.73%
12/1/2015 275.92 0.00%
12/2/2015 275.33 -0.21%
12/3/2015 275.61 0.10%
12/4/2015 277.2 0.58%
12/5/2015 278.57 0.49%
12/8/2015 278.99 0.15%
12/9/2015 278.4 -0.21%
12/10/2015 280.7 0.83%
12/11/2015 283.26 0.91%
12/12/2015 286.54 1.16%
12/15/2015 287.16 0.22%
12/16/2015 290.24 1.07%
12/17/2015 292.02 0.61%
12/18/2015 291.46 -0.19%
12/19/2015 291.4 -0.02%
12/22/2015 292.49 0.37%
12/23/2015 292.07 -0.14%
12/24/2015 292.12 0.02%
12/25/2015 292.59 0.16%
12/26/2015 294.52 0.66%
12/29/2015 294.86 0.12%
12/30/2015 294.06 -0.27%
12/31/2015 294.1 0.01%
1/1/2016 298.23 1.40%
1/2/2016 297.17 -0.36%
1/5/2016 294.22 -0.99%
1/6/2016 294.75 0.18%
1/7/2016 293.61 -0.39%
1/8/2016 297.82 1.43%
1/9/2016 298.82 0.34%
1/12/2016 301.32 0.84%
1/13/2016 301.23 -0.03%
1/14/2016 300.07 -0.39%
1/15/2016 300.6 0.18%
1/16/2016 302.11 0.50%
1/19/2016 301.43 -0.23%
1/20/2016 296.95 -1.49%
1/21/2016 298.18 0.41%
1/22/2016 295.55 -0.88%
1/23/2016 294.84 -0.24%
1/26/2016 290.14 -1.59%
1/27/2016 291.15 0.35%
1/28/2016 289.81 -0.46%
1/29/2016 283.4 -2.21%
1/30/2016 281.29 -0.74%
2/2/2016 279.9 -0.49%
2/3/2016 285.89 2.14%
2/4/2016 287.12 0.43%
2/5/2016 289.37 0.78%
2/6/2016 286.84 -0.87%
2/9/2016 285.51 -0.46%
2/10/2016 288.64 1.10%
2/11/2016 291.18 0.88%
2/12/2016 290.33 -0.29%
2/13/2016 290.05 -0.10%
2/16/2016 290.75 0.24%
2/17/2016 288.17 -0.89%
2/18/2016 290.33 0.75%
2/19/2016 288.73 -0.55%
2/20/2016 286.59 -0.74%
2/23/2016 280.14 -2.25%
2/24/2016 279.68 -0.16%
2/25/2016 276.6 -1.10%
2/26/2016 273.07 -1.28%
2/27/2016 266.59 -2.37%
3/1/2016 268.94 0.88%
3/2/2016 272.01 1.14%
3/3/2016 273.49 0.54%
3/4/2016 273.31 -0.07%
3/5/2016 266.81 -2.38%
3/8/2016 249.58 -6.46%
3/9/2016 253.81 1.69%
3/10/2016 249.68 -1.63%
3/11/2016 232.06 -7.06%
3/12/2016 234.96 1.25%
3/15/2016 218.98 -6.80%
3/16/2016 217.76 -0.56%
3/17/2016 207.3 -4.80%
3/18/2016 203.35 -1.91%
3/19/2016 211.43 3.97%
3/22/2016 199.71 -5.54%
3/23/2016 209.4 4.85%
3/24/2016 217.72 3.97%
3/25/2016 222.85 2.36%
3/26/2016 219.58 -1.47%
3/29/2016 216.78 -1.28%
3/30/2016 220.78 1.85%
3/31/2016 216.35 -2.01%
4/1/2016 218.73 1.10%
4/2/2016 216.77 -0.90%
4/5/2016 221.78 2.31%
4/6/2016 228.48 3.02%
4/7/2016 227.95 -0.23%
4/8/2016 231.52 1.57%
4/9/2016 231.6 0.03%
4/12/2016 230.69 -0.39%
4/13/2016 233.98 1.43%
4/14/2016 231.54 -1.04%
4/15/2016 230.99 -0.24%
4/16/2016 234.23 1.40%
4/19/2016 234.47 0.10%
4/20/2016 228.79 -2.42%
4/21/2016 231.59 1.22%
4/22/2016 232.52 0.40%
4/23/2016 229.45 -1.32%
4/26/2016 233.3 1.68%
4/27/2016 235.31 0.86%
4/28/2016 239.9 1.95%
4/29/2016 241.39 0.62%
4/30/2016 239.2 -0.91%
5/3/2016 232.15 -2.95%
5/4/2016 234.39 0.96%
5/5/2016 234.83 0.19%
5/6/2016 234.54 -0.12%
5/7/2016 238.3 1.60%
5/10/2016 239.36 0.44%
5/11/2016 237.97 -0.58%
5/12/2016 237.79 -0.08%
5/13/2016 235.7 -0.88%
5/14/2016 235.82 0.05%
5/17/2016 238.72 1.23%
5/18/2016 241.44 1.14%
5/19/2016 243.25 0.75%
5/20/2016 242.92 -0.14%
5/21/2016 236.81 -2.52%
5/24/2016 238.6 0.76%
5/25/2016 242.35 1.57%
5/26/2016 242.7 0.14%
5/27/2016 242.42 -0.12%
5/28/2016 243.9 0.61%
5/31/2016 249.33 2.23%
6/1/2016 253.66 1.74%
6/2/2016 258.21 1.79%
6/3/2016 258.38 0.07%
6/4/2016 261.85 1.34%
6/7/2016 263.39 0.59%
6/8/2016 263.62 0.09%
6/9/2016 264.12 0.19%
6/10/2016 259.01 -1.93%
6/11/2016 258.13 -0.34%
6/14/2016 254.1 -1.56%
6/15/2016 259.01 1.93%
6/16/2016 260.51 0.58%
6/17/2016 260.85 0.13%
6/18/2016 262.5 0.63%
6/21/2016 262.77 0.10%
6/22/2016 266.4 1.38%
6/23/2016 264.46 -0.73%
6/24/2016 263.75 -0.27%
6/25/2016 261.81 -0.74%
6/28/2016 261.11 -0.27%
6/29/2016 261.23 0.05%
6/30/2016 262.85 0.62%
To look up a company, you can either go through the entire list (which is alphabetically sorted) o
Company name
Industry Group =
Country =
Broad Geographical group =
Sub Group
If you want to find the companies in a sector, use the industry sorted worksheet in this spreadsheet

Company Name
024 Pharma, Inc. (OTCPK:EEIG)
1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FLWS)
10x Genomics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TXG)

12 ReTech Corporation (OTCPK:RETC)

1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PIH)
180 Degree Capital Corp. (NasdaqGM:TURN)
1847 Holdings LLC (OTCPK:EFSH)
1895 Bancorp of Wisconsin, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BCOW)

1mage Software, Inc. (OTCPK:ISOL)

1PM Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:OPMZ)
1st Capital Bank (OTCPK:FISB)
1st Colonial Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:FCOB)
1st Constitution Bancorp (NasdaqGM:FCCY)
1st NRG Corp. (OTCPK:FNRC)
1st Prestige Wealth Management (OTCPK:FPWM)
1st Source Corporation (NasdaqGS:SRCE)
22nd Century Group, Inc. (AMEX:XXII)
24/7 Kid Doc, Inc. (OTCPK:TVMD)
2U, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TWOU)
3D MakerJet, Inc. (OTCPK:MRJT)
3D Pioneer Systems Inc. (OTCPK:DPSM)
3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) (OTCPK:THDS)
3DX Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:DDDX)
3M Company (NYSE:MMM)
420 Property Management, Inc. (OTCPK:FTPM)
4Front Ventures Corp. (CNSX:FFNT)
665 Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:SSOF)
8000 Inc (OTCPK:EIGH)
808 Renewable Energy Corporation (OTCPK:RNWR)
89bio, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ETNB)
8x8, Inc. (NYSE:EGHT)
A-Mark Precious Metals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMRK)

A. O. Smith Corporation (NYSE:AOS)

A.H. Belo Corporation (NYSE:AHC)
A.M. Castle & Co. (OTCPK:CTAM)
A1 Group, Inc. (OTCPK:AWON)
A10 Networks, Inc. (NYSE:ATEN)
AAC Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AACH)
AAON, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAON)
Aaron's, Inc. (NYSE:AAN)
AB&T Financial Corp. (OTCPK:ABTO)
Abbott Laboratories (NYSE:ABT)
AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV)
Abby, Inc. (OTCPK:ABBY)
ABCO Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:ABCE)
Abeona Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:ABEO)
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (NYSE:ANF)
Abiomed, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ABMD)
ABM Industries Incorporated (NYSE:ABM)
Abraxas Petroleum Corporation (NasdaqCM:AXAS)
Acacia Communications, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACIA)
Acacia Diversified Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ACCA)
Acacia Research Corporation (NasdaqGS:ACTG)
Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACHC)
ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACAD)
Acadia Realty Trust (NYSE:AKR)
Acamar Partners Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:ACAM)
Accel Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE:ACEL)
Accelera Innovations, Inc (OTCPK:ACNV)

Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AXDX)

Accelerated Technologies Holding Corp. (OTCPK:ATHC)

Acceleron Pharma Inc. (NasdaqGM:XLRN)
Access Worldwide Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:AWWC)
Access-Power, Inc. (OTCPK:ACCR)
ACCO Brands Corporation (NYSE:ACCO)
Accuray Incorporated (NasdaqGS:ARAY)
AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ACRX)
Acer Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:ACER)
Achaogen, Inc. (OTCPK:AKAO.Q)
Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACHN)
ACI Worldwide, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACIW)
Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACRS)
ACM Research, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ACMR)
Acme United Corporation (AMEX:ACU)
ACNB Corporation (NasdaqCM:ACNB)
Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACOR)
Acorn Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:ACFN)
Acquired Sales Corp. (OTCPK:AQSP)
Acreage Holdings, Inc. (CNSX:ACRG.U)
Acro Biomedical Co., Ltd. (OTCPK:ACBM)
ACS Global, Inc. (OTCPK:AMCY)
Act II Global Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:ACTT)
Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX:ATNM)
Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX:ATNM)
Activision Blizzard, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ATVI)
Actuant Corporation (NYSE:EPAC)
Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI)
Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE:AYI)
Acura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:ACUR)
Acushnet Holdings Corp. (NYSE:GOLF)
Acusphere, Inc. (OTCPK:ACUS)
Adama Technologies Corporation (OTCPK:ADAC)
Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ADMS)
Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (NasdaqCM:ADMP)
Adams Diversified Equity Fund, Inc. (NYSE:ADX)
Adams Natural Resources Fund, Inc. (NYSE:PEO)
Adams Resources & Energy, Inc. (AMEX:AE)
AdaptHealth Corp. (NasdaqCM:AHCO)
Adaptive Ad Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:AATV)
Adaptive Biotechnologies Corporation (NasdaqGS:ADPT)

Adaptive Medias, Inc. (OTCPK:ADTM)

Addus HomeCare Corporation (NasdaqGS:ADUS)
ADDvantage Technologies Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AEY)
Adesto Technologies Corporation (NasdaqCM:IOTS)
Adhera Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:ATRX)
Adia Nutrition, Inc. (OTCPK:ADIA)
Adial Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ADIL)
Adino Energy Corporation (OTCPK:ADNY)
ADM Tronics Unlimited, Inc. (OTCPK:ADMT)
ADMA Biologics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ADMA)
Adobe Inc. (NasdaqGS:ADBE)
Adtalem Global Education Inc. (NYSE:ATGE)
ADTRAN, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ADTN)
Aduro BioTech, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ADRO)
Advance Auto Parts, Inc. (NYSE:AAP)
Advanced Biomedical Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:ABMT)
Advanced Deposition Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:ADTC)
Advanced Disposal Services, Inc. (NYSE:ADSW)
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (NYSE:WMS)
Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ADES)
Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AEIS)
Advanced Engine Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:AENG)
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMD)
Advanced Oxygen Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:AOXY)
Advanced Voice Recognition Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:AVOI)
AdvanSix Inc. (NYSE:ASIX)
AdvanSource Biomaterials Corporation (OTCPK:ASNB)
Advant-e Corp. (OTCPK:ADVC)
Advantego Corporation (OTCPK:ADGO)
Advantis Corp. (OTCPK:ADVT)
Advanzeon Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:CHCR)
Advaxis, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ADXS)
Adverum Biotechnologies, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ADVM)
Adynxx, Inc. (OTCPK:ADYX)
Aegion Corporation (NasdaqGS:AEGN)
Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AGLE)
Aehr Test Systems (NasdaqCM:AEHR)
Aemetis, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AMTX)
Aeolus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:AOLS)
Aeon Global Health Corp. (OTCPK:AGHC)
Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AERI)
Aerius International, Inc. (OTCPK:AERS)
Aerkomm Inc. (OTCPK:AKOM)
AeroCentury Corp. (AMEX:ACY)
AeroGrow International, Inc. (OTCPK:AERO)
Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:AJRD)
AeroVironment, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AVAV)
Aerpio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ARPO)
Aeterna Zentaris Inc. (TSX:AEZS)
Aethlon Medical, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AEMD)
Aevi Genomic Medicine, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GNMX)
AFA Protective Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:AFAP)
Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (NYSE:AMG)
Affinity Beverage Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ABVG)
Affinity Gold Corporation (OTCPK:AFYG)
Affymax, Inc. (OTCPK:AFFY)
Aflac Incorporated (NYSE:AFL)
AfterMaster, Inc. (OTCPK:AFTM)
AG Mortgage Investment Trust, Inc. (NYSE:MITT)
AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO)
AgEagle Aerial Systems, Inc. (AMEX:UAVS)
Agent Information Software, Inc. (OTCPK:AIFS)
Agenus Inc. (NasdaqCM:AGEN)
AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. (AMEX:AGE)
Agile Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AGRX)
Agilent Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:A)

Agiliti, Inc. (OTCPK:AGLY)

Agilysys, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AGYS)
Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AGIO)
AgJunction Inc. (TSX:AJX)
AGNC Investment Corp. (NasdaqGS:AGNC)
Agree Realty Corporation (NYSE:ADC)
Agri Dynamics, Inc. (OTCPK:AGDY)
AgriSolar Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AGSO)
Agritech Worldwide, Inc. (OTCPK:FBER)
Agritek Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AGTK)
Agro Capital Management Corp. (OTCPK:ACMB)
AgroFresh Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AGFS)
AgTech Global International, Inc. (OTCPK:AGGL)
AHAlife Holdings Limited (ASX:AHL)
Aileron Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ALRN)
Aim Exploration Inc. (OTCPK:AEXE)
AIM ImmunoTech Inc. (AMEX:AIM)
Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AIMT)
Aimrite Holdings Corporation (OTCPK:AIMH)
Air Industries Group (AMEX:AIRI)
Air Lease Corporation (NYSE:AL)
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (NYSE:APD)
Air T, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AIRT)
Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ATSG)
Airborne Security & Protective Services, Inc. (OTCPK:ABPR)
Aircastle Limited (NYSE:AYR)
Airgain, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AIRG)
Airspan Networks Inc. (OTCPK:AIRO)
Ajia Innogroup Holdings, Ltd. (OTCPK:AJIA)
AK Steel Holding Corporation (NYSE:AKS)
Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AKAM)
Akcea Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AKCA)
Akebia Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AKBA)
Akerna Corp. (NasdaqCM:KERN)
Akero Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AKRO)
Akers Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AKER)
Akorn, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AKRX)
Akoustis Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AKTS)
Alabama Aircraft Industries, Inc (OTCPK:AAII.Q)
Alacer Gold Corp. (TSX:ASR)
Alamo Energy Corp. (OTCPK:ALME)
Alamo Group Inc. (NYSE:ALG)
Alanco Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:ALAN)
Alaric Corporation (OTCPK:HALB) Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALRM)
Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE:ALK)
Alaska Communications Systems Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALSK)
Alaska Power & Telephone Company (OTCPK:APTL)
Albany International Corp. (NYSE:AIN)
Albemarle Corporation (NYSE:ALB)
Albina Community Bancorp (OTCPK:ACBC.Q)
Albireo Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ALBO)
Alcoa Corporation (NYSE:AA)
Aldeyra Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ALDX)
Alector, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALEC)
Alerus Financial Corporation (NasdaqCM:ALRS)
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. (NYSE:ALEX)
Alexander's, Inc. (NYSE:ALX)
Alexandria Advantage Warranty Company (OTCPK:AAWC)
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (NYSE:ARE)
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALXN)
Alice Consolidated Mines, Inc. (OTCPK:ACNE)
Alico, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALCO)
Align Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALGN)
Alimco Financial Corporation (OTCPK:ALMC)
Alimera Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ALIM)
ALJ Regional Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ALJJ)
Alkame Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ALKM)
Alkane, Inc. (OTCPK:ALKN)
All American Gold Corp. (OTCPK:AAGC)
All American Pet Company, Inc. (OTCPK:AAPT)
All For One Media Corp. (OTCPK:AFOM)
All State Properties Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ATPT)
All-American Sportpark, Inc. (OTCPK:AASP)
Allakos Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALLK)
AllDigital Holdings, Inc (OTCPK:ADGL)
Alleghany Corporation (NYSE:Y)
Allegheny and Western Railway Company (OTCPK:AWRY)
Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:ATI)
Allegiance Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ABTX)
Allegiant Professional Business Services, Inc. (OTCPK:APRO)
Allegiant Travel Company (NasdaqGS:ALGT)
Allegro Merger Corp. (NasdaqCM:ALGR)
Allena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALNA)
Alliance Bioenergy Plus, Inc. (OTCPK:ALLM)
Alliance Creative Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ACGX)
Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE:ADS)
Alliance Media Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:ADTR)
Alliance Recovery Corporation (OTCPK:ARVY)
Alliant Energy Corporation (NasdaqGS:LNT)
Allied Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:AGGI)
Allied Esports Entertainment Inc. (NasdaqCM:AESE)
Allied First Bancorp Inc. (OTCPK:AFBA)
Allied Healthcare Products, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AHPI)
Allied Minds plc (LSE:ALM)
Allied Motion Technologies Inc. (NasdaqGM:AMOT)
Allied Security Innovations, Inc. (OTCPK:ADSV)
Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ALSN)
Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALLO)
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MDRX)

Alltemp, Inc. (OTCPK:LTMP)

Ally Financial Inc. (NYSE:ALLY)

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALNY)

Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited (NasdaqGS:AOSL)
Alpha Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:APHE)
Alpha Technologies Group, Inc. (OTCPK:AHAG)
alpha-En Corporation (OTCPK:ALPE)
Alphabet Inc. (NasdaqGS:GOOG.L)
Alphatec Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ATEC)
Alpine 4 Technologies Ltd. (OTCPK:ALPP)
Alpine Banks of Colorado (OTCPK:ALPI.B)
Alpine Immune Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ALPN)
Alpine Income Property Trust, Inc. (NYSE:PINE)
ALR Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:ALRT)
Alseres Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:ALSE)
Alta Mesa Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:AMRQ.Q)
Altair Engineering Inc. (NasdaqGS:ALTR)
Altavoz Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:AVOZ)
Alternative Energy Partners, Inc. (OTCPK:AEGY)

Alternative Fuel Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:AFTC)

Alternaturals, Inc. (OTCPK:ANAS)
Alternet Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:ALYI)
Alternus Energy Inc. (OTCPK:ALTN)
Alteryx, Inc. (NYSE:AYX)
Altex Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:ALTX)
Altice USA, Inc. (NYSE:ATUS)
Altigen Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:ATGN)
Altimmune, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ALT)
Altisource Asset Management Corporation (AMEX:AAMC)
Altitude International, Inc. (OTCPK:ALTD)
Altium Limited (ASX:ALU)
Altra Industrial Motion Corp. (NasdaqGS:AIMC)
Altria Group, Inc. (NYSE:MO)
Altus Midstream Company (NasdaqGM:ALTM)
Aluf Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AHIX)
AlumiFuel Power Corporation (OTCPK:AFPW)
Aly Energy Services, Inc. (OTCPK:ALYE)
AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMAG)
Amalgamated Bank (NasdaqGM:AMAL)
Amarantus BioScience Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AMBS)
Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (OTCPK:AMAR)
Amazing Energy Oil and Gas, Co. (OTCPK:AMAZ), Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMZN)
Amazonas Florestal, Ltd (OTCPK:AZFL)
AMB Financial Corp. (OTCPK:AMFC)
Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMBC)
Ambarella, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMBA)
AmBase Corporation (OTCPK:ABCP)
Ambient Water Corporation (OTCPK:AWGI)
AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:AMC)
AMC Networks Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMCX)
AMCI Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:AMCI)
AMCON Distributing Company (AMEX:DIT)
Amdocs Limited (NasdaqGS:DOX)
Amedisys, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMED)
AMEN Properties, Inc. (OTCPK:AMEN)
AmeraMex International, Inc. (OTCPK:AMMX)
Amerant Bancorp Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMTB)
Ameren Corporation (NYSE:AEE)
Ameresco, Inc. (NYSE:AMRC)
AMERI Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AMRH)
America Great Health (OTCPK:AAGH)
America's Car-Mart, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CRMT)
American Airlines Group Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAL)
American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT)
American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:AXL)
American Bank Incorporated (OTCPK:AMBK)
American Basketball Association, Inc. (OTCPK:ABKB)
American Battery Metals Corporation (OTCPK:ABML)
American Biltrite Inc. (OTCPK:ABLT)
American Bio Medica Corporation (OTCPK:ABMC)
American BriVision (Holding) Corporation (OTCPK:ABVC)
American Business Bank (OTCPK:AMBZ)
American Campus Communities, Inc. (NYSE:ACC)
American Cannabis Company, Inc. (OTCPK:AMMJ)
American Caresource Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GNOW)
American Church Mortgage Company (OTCPK:ACMC)
American Commerce Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AACS)
American Community Newspapers Inc. (OTCPK:ACNI)
American CryoStem Corporation (OTCPK:CRYO)
American Defense Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:ADFS)
American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. (NYSE:AEO)
American Education Center, Inc. (OTCPK:AMCT)
American Electric Power Company, Inc. (NYSE:AEP)
American Energy Partners, Inc. (OTCPK:AEPT)
American Environmental Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:AEEI)
American Equity Investment Life Holding Company (NYSE:AEL)
American Express Company (NYSE:AXP)

American Fiber Green Products, Inc. (OTCPK:AFBG)

American Films, Inc. (OTCPK:AMFL)
American Finance Trust, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AFIN)
American Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE:AFG)
American Graphite Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:AGIN)
American Green Group, Inc. (OTCPK:AMNE)
American Green, Inc. (OTCPK:ERBB)
American Hemp Ventures Inc. (OTCPK:AMHV)
American Homes 4 Rent (NYSE:AMH)
American International Group, Inc. (NYSE:AIG)
American International Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:AMIH)
American International Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:AMIN)
American International Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:AIVN)
American Leisure Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AMLH)
American Lithium Minerals, Inc. (OTCPK:AMLM)
American Medical Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:ADLI)
American Metal & Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:AMGY)
American Metals Recovery and Recycling Inc. (OTCPK:AMRR)
American National Bankshares Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMNB)
American National Insurance Company (NasdaqGS:ANAT)
American Nortel Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:ARTM)
American Outdoor Brands Corporation (NasdaqGS:AOBC)
American Power Group Corporation (OTCPK:APGI)
American Public Education, Inc. (NasdaqGS:APEI)
American Racing Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:AMRA)
American Realty Investors, Inc. (NYSE:ARL)
American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AREB)
American Renal Associates Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ARA)
American Resources Corporation (NasdaqCM:AREC)
American River Bankshares (NasdaqGS:AMRB)
American Riviera Bank (OTCPK:ARBV)
American Scientific Resources, Incorporated (OTCPK:ASFX)
American Shared Hospital Services (AMEX:AMS)
American Sierra Gold Corp. (OTCPK:AMNP)
American Silver Mining Co. (OTCPK:ASLM)
American Software, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMSW.A)
American States Water Company (NYSE:AWR)
American Superconductor Corporation (NasdaqGS:AMSC)
American Tower Corporation (REIT) (NYSE:AMT)
American Vanguard Corporation (NYSE:AVD)
American Water Works Company, Inc. (NYSE:AWK)
American Woodmark Corporation (NasdaqGS:AMWD)
Americana Distribution, Inc. (OTCPK:ADBN)
AmeriCann, Inc. (OTCPK:ACAN)
AmericaTowne Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ATMO)
Americold Realty Trust (NYSE:COLD)
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. (NYSE:AMP)
Ameris Bancorp (NasdaqGS:ABCB)
Amerisafe, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMSF)
AmeriServ Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ASRV)
AmerisourceBergen Corporation (NYSE:ABC)
AmeriStar Network, Inc. (OTCPK:AMWK)
Ameritek Ventures (OTCPK:ATVK)
Ameritrans Capital Corp. (OTCPK:AMTC.Q)
Amerityre Corporation (OTCPK:AMTY)
Ames National Corporation (NasdaqCM:ATLO)
Amexdrug Corporation (OTCPK:AXRX)
Amgen Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMGN)
Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FOLD)
Amincor, Inc. (OTCPK:AMNC)
Amkor Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMKR)
AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. (NYSE:AMN)
Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE:AMRX)
Ampco-Pittsburgh Corporation (NYSE:AP)
Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMPH)
Amphenol Corporation (NYSE:APH)
Ampio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX:AMPE)
Amplify Energy Corp. (NYSE:AMPY)
AmpliTech Group, Inc. (OTCPK:AMPG)
AMREP Corporation (NYSE:AXR)
Amtech Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ASYS)
Amyris, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMRS)
Analog Devices, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ADI)
Anaplan, Inc. (NYSE:PLAN)
AnaptysBio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ANAB)
Anavex Life Sciences Corp. (NasdaqCM:AVXL)
Anchorage International Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:AHCP)
Andes Gold Corporation (OTCPK:AGCZ)
Andiamo Corporation (OTCPK:ANDI)
Andover Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:ANDC)
Andrea Electronics Corporation (OTCPK:ANDR)
ANGI Homeservices Inc. (NasdaqGS:ANGI)
AngioDynamics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ANGO)
AngioSoma, Inc. (OTCPK:SOAN)
Angstrom Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:AGTT)
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ANIP)
Anika Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ANIK)
Anixa Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ANIX)
Anixter International Inc. (NYSE:AXE)
Annabidiol Corp. (OTCPK:ACBD)
Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE:NLY)
ANSYS, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ANSS)
Antares Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ATRS)
Antec Inc. (GTSM:6276)
Anterix Inc. (NasdaqCM:ATEX)
Antero Midstream Corporation (NYSE:AM)
Antero Resources Corporation (NYSE:AR)
Anthem, Inc. (NYSE:ANTM)
Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:ANTH)
Anworth Mortgage Asset Corporation (NYSE:ANH)
Anything Technologies Media, Inc. (OTCPK:EXMT)
Apache Corporation (NYSE:APA)
Apartment Investment and Management Company (NYSE:AIV)
Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:APLS)
Apergy Corporation (NYSE:APY)
Apex Global Brands Inc. (NasdaqCM:APEX)
Apex Technology Acquisition Corporation (NasdaqCM:APXT)
Apogee Enterprises, Inc. (NasdaqGS:APOG)
Apollo Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:APLO)
Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc. (NYSE:ARI)
Apollo Endosurgery, Inc. (NasdaqGM:APEN)
Apollo Global Management, Inc. (NYSE:APO)
Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AMEH)
Apotheca Biosciences, Inc. (OTCPK:CBDC)
AppFolio, Inc. (NasdaqGM:APPF)
Appian Corporation (NasdaqGM:APPN)
Appiphany Technologies Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:APHD)
Apple Hospitality REIT, Inc. (NYSE:APLE)
Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL)
Apple Rush Company, Inc. (OTCPK:APRU)
Applied BioCode Corporation (GTSM:6598)
Applied Biosciences Corp. (OTCPK:APPB)
Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:APDN)
Applied Energetics, Inc. (OTCPK:AERG)
Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation (NasdaqGM:AGTC)
Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:AIT)
Applied Materials, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AMAT)
Applied Minerals, Inc. (OTCPK:AMNL)
Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AAOI)
Applied Science Products, Inc. (OTCPK:APLD)
Applied Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:APLT)
Applied Visual Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:APVS)
Appliqate Inc. (OTCPK:APQT)
Approach Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:AREX.Q)
AppSwarm, Inc. (OTCPK:SWRM)
AppTech Corp. (OTCPK:APCX)
AppYea, Inc. (OTCPK:APYP)
Aprea Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:APRE)
APT Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:APTY)
AptarGroup, Inc. (NYSE:ATR)
Aptevo Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:APVO)
Aptinyx Inc. (NasdaqGS:APTX)
Aptose Biosciences Inc. (TSX:APS)
Apyx Medical Corporation (NasdaqGS:APYX)
Aqua America, Inc. (NYSE:WTR)
Aqua Metals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AQMS)
AquaBounty Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AQB)
Aquesta Financial Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AQFH)
Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AQST)
Aradigm Corporation (OTCPK:ARDM.Q)
Aramark (NYSE:ARMK)
Aravive, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ARAV)
Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:ABR)
Arbutus Biopharma Corporation (NasdaqGS:ABUS)
ARC Document Solutions, Inc. (NYSE:ARC)
ARC Group Worldwide, Inc. (OTCPK:ARCW)
ARC Group, Inc. (OTCPK:RLLY)
ARCA biopharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ABIO)
Arcadia Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RKDA)
ArcBest Corporation (NasdaqGS:ARCB)
Arch Coal, Inc. (NYSE:ARCH)
Arch Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:ARTH)
Archer Entertainment Media Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:AEMC)
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (NYSE:ADM)
Archon Corporation (OTCPK:ARHN)
Archrock, Inc. (NYSE:AROC)
Arcimoto, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FUV)
Arcis Resources Corporation (OTCPK:ARCS)
Arconic Inc. (NYSE:ARNC)
Arcosa, Inc. (NYSE:ACA)
Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGM:ARCT)
Arcus Biosciences, Inc. (NYSE:RCUS)
Ardelyx, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ARDX)
Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ARNA)
Ares Commercial Real Estate Corporation (NYSE:ACRE)
Ares Management Corporation (NYSE:ARES)
Arête Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:ARET)
Areti Web Innovations, Inc. (OTCPK:AWEB)
Argan, Inc. (NYSE:AGX)
Argonaut Gold Inc. (TSX:AR)
Arias Intel Corp. (OTCPK:ASNT)
Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ARDS)
Arista Financial Corp. (OTCPK:ARST)

Arista Networks, Inc. (NYSE:ANET)

Arista Power, Inc. (OTCPK:ASPW)
Aristocrat Group Corp. (OTCPK:ASCC)
Ark Restaurants Corp. (NasdaqGM:ARKR)
Arkose Energy Corp. (OTCPK:RKOS)
Arlington Asset Investment Corp. (NYSE:AI)
Arlo Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:ARLO)
Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc. (NYSE:AHH)
Armanino Foods of Distinction, Inc. (OTCPK:AMNF)
Armata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX:ARMP)
Armco Metals Holdings, Inc (OTCPK:AMCO)
ARMOUR Residential REIT, Inc. (NYSE:ARR)
Armstrong Flooring, Inc. (NYSE:AFI)
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. (NYSE:AWI)
Arno Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:ARNI)
ArQule, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ARQL)
Array Networks, Inc. (GTSM:3664)
Arrayit Corporation (OTCPK:ARYC)

Arrow Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:ARW)

Arrow Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:AROW)
Arrow Resources Development, Inc. (OTCPK:ARWD)
Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ARWR)
Art's-Way Manufacturing Co., Inc. (NasdaqCM:ARTW)
Artec Global Media, Inc. (OTCPK:ACTL)
Artelo Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ARTL)
Artemis Therapeutics Inc. (OTCPK:ATMS)
Artesian Resources Corporation (NasdaqGS:ARTN.A)
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (NYSE:AJG)
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions Inc. (OTCPK:AITX)
Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (NYSE:APAM)
Arvana Inc. (OTCPK:AVNI)
Arvinas, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ARVN)
ARYA Sciences Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:ARYA)
ARYx Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:ARYX)
AS Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:ASIN)
ASA Gold and Precious Metals Limited (NYSE:ASA)
Asbury Automotive Group, Inc. (NYSE:ABG)
Ascena Retail Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ASNA)
Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:ASTI)
ASGN Incorporated (NYSE:ASGN)
Ashford Hospitality Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AHT)
Ashford Inc. (AMEX:AINC)
Ashland Global Holdings Inc. (NYSE:ASH)
Asia Broadband, Inc. (OTCPK:AABB)
Aspen Aerogels, Inc. (NYSE:ASPN)
Aspen Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ASPU)
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AZPN)
Assembly Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ASMB)
Assertio Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ASRT)
AssetMark Financial Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:AMK)
Associated Banc-Corp (NYSE:ASB)
Associated Capital Group, Inc. (NYSE:AC)
Assurant, Inc. (NYSE:AIZ)
Assure Holdings Corp. (TSXV:IOM)
Asta Funding, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ASFI)

Astec Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ASTE)

Astro Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:ASTO)
Astronics Corporation (NasdaqGS:ATRO)
AstroNova, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ALOT)
Astrotech Corporation (NasdaqCM:ASTC)
Asure Software, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ASUR)
At Home Group Inc. (NYSE:HOME)
AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T)
Atacama Resources International, Inc. (OTCPK:ACRL)
Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ATRA)
ATC Venture Group Inc. (OTCPK:ATCV)
Athena Silver Corporation (OTCPK:AHNR)
Athenex, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ATNX)
AtheroNova Inc. (OTCPK:AHRO.Q)
Athersys, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ATHX)
Atkore International Group Inc. (NYSE:ATKR)
Atlantic American Corporation (NasdaqGM:AAME)
Atlantic Capital Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACBI)
Atlantic Energy Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:AESO)
Atlantic Power Corporation (TSX:ATP)
Atlantic Union Bankshares Corporation (NasdaqGS:AUB)
Atlantic Wind & Solar, Inc. (OTCPK:AWSL)
Atlanticus Holdings Corporation (NasdaqGS:ATLC)

Atlantis Internet Group Corp. (OTCPK:ATIG)

Atlantis Technology Group (OTCPK:ATNP)
Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAWW)
Atlas Energy Group, LLC (OTCPK:ATLS)
Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AFH)
Atlas Resources International, Inc. (OTCPK:ALSI)
Atlas Technology Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ATYG)
Atmos Energy Corporation (NYSE:ATO)
ATN International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ATNI)
Atomera Incorporated (NasdaqCM:ATOM)
Atossa Genetics Inc. (NasdaqCM:ATOS)
Atreca, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BCEL)
AtriCure, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ATRC)
Atrion Corporation (NasdaqGS:ATRI)
Attis Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:ATIS)
Attune RTD, Inc (OTCPK:AURT)
ATWEC Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:ATWT)
aTyr Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LIFE)
Auburn Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:ABBB)

Auburn National Bancorporation, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AUBN)

Audentes Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:BOLD)
AudioEye, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AEYE)
Aura Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:AUSI)
AuraSource, Inc. (OTCPK:ARAO)
Aureus Incorporated (OTCPK:ARSN)
Auri, Inc. (OTCPK:AURI)
AURYN Mining Corporation (OTCPK:AUMC)
Auscrete Corporation (OTCPK:ASCK)
Autodesk, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ADSK)
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ADP)
AutoNation, Inc. (NYSE:AN)
AutoWeb, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AUTO)
AutoZone, Inc. (NYSE:AZO)
Avalanche International, Corp. (OTCPK:AVLP)
Avalara, Inc. (NYSE:AVLR)
Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NasdaqCM:AVCO)
Avalon Holdings Corporation (AMEX:AWX)
AvalonBay Communities, Inc. (NYSE:AVB)
Avanceon Limited (KASE:AVN)
Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE:AGR)
Avanos Medical, Inc. (NYSE:AVNS)
Avantor, Inc. (NYSE:AVTR)

AVAX Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:AVXT)

Avaya Holdings Corp. (NYSE:AVYA)
Avenue Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ATXI)
AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AVEO)
Averox, Inc. (OTCPK:AVRI)
Avery Dennison Corporation (NYSE:AVY)
Aviat Networks, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AVNW)
Avid Bioservices, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CDMO)
Avid Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AVID)
Avidbank Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AVBH)
Avidus Management Group Inc. (OTCPK:ASNH.F)
Avinger, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AVGR)
Avis Budget Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CAR)
Avista Corporation (NYSE:AVA)
Avistar Communications Corp. (OTCPK:AVSR)
Avita Medical Limited (ASX:AVH)
Avitar, Inc. (OTCPK:AVTI)
Avnet, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AVT)
AVRA Medical Robotics, Inc. (OTCPK:AVMR)
AVVAA World Health Care Products, Inc. (OTCPK:AVVH)
AVX Corporation (NYSE:AVX)
Aware, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AWRE)
AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:EQH)

Axalta Coating Systems Ltd. (NYSE:AXTA)

Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ACLS)
Axcella Health Inc. (NasdaqGM:AXLA)
AXIM Biotechnologies, Inc. (OTCPK:AXIM)
Axiologix, Inc. (OTCPK:AXLX)
Axion Power International, Inc. (OTCPK:AXPW.Q)
Axion Power International, Inc. (OTCPK:AXPW.Q)
Axis Energy Corporation (OTCPK:AXGC)
Axis Technologies Group, Inc. (OTCPK:AXTG)
AXM Pharma, Inc. (OTCPK:AXMP)
AxoGen, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AXGN)
Axon Enterprise, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAXN)
Axonics Modulation Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AXNX)
Axos Financial, Inc. (NYSE:AX)

Axsome Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:AXSM)

AXT, Inc. (NasdaqGS:AXTI)
Axway Software SA (ENXTPA:AXW)
Ayr Strategies Inc. (CNSX:AYR.A)
Aytu BioScience, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AYTU)
Aziel Corporation (OTCPK:AZIL)
Aztec Land and Cattle Company, Limited (OTCPK:AZLC.Z)
Aztec Oil & Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:AZGS.Q)
Azure Holding Group Corp. (OTCPK:AZRH)
AzurRx BioPharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:AZRX)
B-Scada, Inc. (OTCPK:SCDA)
B. Riley Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RILY)
B. Riley Principal Merger Corp. (NYSE:BRPM)
B&G Foods, Inc. (NYSE:BGS)
B2Digital, Incorporated (OTCPK:BTDG)
Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:BW)
Badger Meter, Inc. (NYSE:BMI)
Bagger Dave's Burger Tavern, Inc. (OTCPK:BDVB)
Baker Boyer Bancorp (OTCPK:BBBK)
Baker Hughes Company (NYSE:BKR)
Bakhu Holdings, Corp. (OTCPK:BKUH)
Bakken Water Transfer Services, Inc. (OTCPK:BWTX)
Balance Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:BLNC)
Balchem Corporation (NasdaqGS:BCPC)
Ball Corporation (NYSE:BLL)
Ballantyne Strong, Inc (AMEX:BTN)
Ballistic Recovery Systems Inc. (OTCPK:BRSI)
Banc of California, Inc. (NYSE:BANC)
Banc of California, Inc. (NYSE:BANC)
BancFirst Corporation (NasdaqGS:BANF)
Bancorp 34, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BCTF)

Bancorp Of New Jersey, Inc. (AMEX:BKJ)

BancorpSouth Bank (NYSE:BXS)
Bandwidth Inc. (NasdaqGS:BAND)
Bang Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:BXNG)
Bangi Inc. (OTCPK:BNGI)
Banjo & Matilda, Inc. (OTCPK:BANJ)
Bank First Corporation (NasdaqCM:BFC)
Bank of Akron (OTCPK:BARK)
Bank of America Corporation (NYSE:BAC)
Bank of Botetourt (OTCPK:BORT)
Bank of Commerce Holdings (NasdaqGM:BOCH)
Bank of Hawaii Corporation (NYSE:BOH)
Bank of Marin Bancorp (NasdaqCM:BMRC)
Bank of San Francisco (OTCPK:BSFO)
Bank of Santa Clarita (OTCPK:BSCA)
Bank of South Carolina Corporation (NasdaqCM:BKSC)
Bank of Southern California, N.A. (OTCPK:BCAL)
Bank of the James Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BOTJ)
Bank OZK (NasdaqGS:OZK)
Bank7 Corp. (NasdaqGS:BSVN)
BankFinancial Corporation (NasdaqGS:BFIN)
BankGuam Holding Company (OTCPK:BKGM.F)
BankUnited, Inc. (NYSE:BKU)
Bankwell Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:BWFG)
Banneker, Inc. (OTCPK:BANI)
Banner Corporation (NasdaqGS:BANR)
Banyan Corp. (OTCPK:BNYN)
Bar Harbor Bankshares (AMEX:BHB)
Barfresh Food Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BRFH)
Barings BDC, Inc. (NYSE:BBDC)
Baristas Coffee Company, Inc. (OTCPK:BCCI)
Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. (NYSE:BNED)
Barnes Group Inc. (NYSE:B)
Barnwell Industries, Inc. (AMEX:BRN)
Baron Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:BROE)
Barrel Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:BRLL)
Barrett Business Services, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BBSI)
Basanite Inc. (OTCPK:BASA)
Basic Energy Services, Inc. (OTCPK:BASX)
Bassett Furniture Industries, Incorporated (NasdaqGS:BSET)
Baudax Bio, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BXRX)
Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX)
Bay Banks of Virginia, Inc. (OTCPK:BAYK)
BayCom Corp (NasdaqGS:BCML)
Baying Ecological Holding Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BYIN)
Bayport International Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:BAYP)
BB Liquidating Inc. (OTCPK:BLIA.Q)
BBQ Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BBQ)
BBX Capital Corporation (NYSE:BBX)
BCB Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:BCBP)
Beacon Redevelopment Industrial Corporation (OTCPK:BCND)
Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BECN)
Beard Co. (The) (OTCPK:BRCO.Q)
Beasley Broadcast Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:BBGI)
Beazer Homes USA, Inc. (NYSE:BZH)
bebe stores, inc. (OTCPK:BEBE)
Bebida Beverage Company (OTCPK:BBDA)
Becton, Dickinson and Company (NYSE:BDX)
Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. (NasdaqGS:BBBY)
Befut Global, Inc. (OTCPK:BFTI)
Bel Fuse Inc. (NasdaqGS:BELF.B)
Belden Inc. (NYSE:BDC)
Beliss Corp. (OTCPK:BLIS)
Bell Buckle Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:BLLB)
Bellatora Inc. (OTCPK:ECGR)
Bellerophon Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BLPH)
Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:BLCM)
BellRing Brands, Inc. (NYSE:BRBR)
Bemax Inc. (OTCPK:BMXC)
Ben Franklin Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:BFFI)

Benchmark Bankshares, Inc. (OTCPK:BMBN)

Benchmark Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:BHE)
Benchmark Energy Corporation (OTCPK:BMRK)
Beneficial Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:BFHJ)
Benefitfocus, Inc. (NasdaqGM:BNFT)
Bergio International, Inc. (OTCPK:BRGO)
Berkshire Bancorp Inc. (OTCPK:BERK)
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A)
Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE:BHLB)
Berry Global Group, Inc. (NYSE:BERY)
Berry Petroleum Corporation (NasdaqGS:BRY)
Bespoke Extracts, Inc. (OTCPK:BSPK)
Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE:BBY)
Best Hometown Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:BTHT)

Beta Music Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BEMG)

Better Choice Company Inc. (OTCPK:BTTR)
Between Dandelions Inc. (OTCPK:HOPS)
Beyond Air, Inc. (NasdaqCM:XAIR)
Beyond Commerce, Inc. (OTCPK:BYOC)
Beyond Meat, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BYND)
BeyondSpring Inc. (NasdaqCM:BYSI)
BG Medicine, Inc. (OTCPK:BGMD)

BG Staffing, Inc. (NYSE:BGSF)

BGC Partners, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BGCP)
Bhang Inc. (CNSX:BHNG)
Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation (NasdaqGS:BGFV)
Big Lots, Inc. (NYSE:BIG)
Big Rock Partners Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:BRPA)
Big Screen Entertainment Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BSEG)
Bigfoot Project Investments Inc. (OTCPK:BGFT)
Biglari Holdings Inc. (NYSE:BH.A)
BigString Corporation (OTCPK:BSGC) Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:BILL)
Billing Services Group Limited (AIM:BILL)
Biloxi Marsh Lands Corporation (OTCPK:BLMC)
Bimini Capital Management, Inc. (OTCPK:BMNM)
Bingo Nation, Inc. (OTCPK:BLTO)
BIO-key International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BKYI)
Bio-Matrix Scientific Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BMSN)
Bio-Path Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BPTH)
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE:BIO)

Bio-Techne Corporation (NasdaqGS:TECH)

BioAdaptives, Inc. (OTCPK:BDPT)

Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BASI)

Bioasis Technologies Inc. (TSXV:BTI)

BioCardia, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BCDA)
Biocept, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BIOC)
BioCorRx Inc. (OTCPK:BICX)
BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BCRX)
BioCube, Inc. (OTCPK:BICB)
BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BDSI)
BioElectronics Corporation (OTCPK:BIEL)
Bioethics, Ltd. (OTCPK:BOTH)
BioForce Nanosciences Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:BFNH)
Biogen Inc. (NasdaqGS:BIIB)
Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Company Ltd. (NYSE:BHVN)
BioHemp International, Inc. (OTCPK:BKIT)
BioHiTech Global, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BHTG)
BioLargo, Inc. (OTCPK:BLGO)
BioLife Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BLFS)
Biomagnetics Diagnostics Corp. (OTCPK:BMGP)
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NasdaqGS:BMRN)
Biomerica, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BMRA)
Biomimix, Inc. (OTCPK:BMMX)

Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:BNET)

Bionano Genomics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BNGO)

BioNitrogen Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:BION.Q)

BioNovelus Inc. (OTCPK:ONOV)
Biophan Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:BIPH)
BioPharmX Corporation (AMEX:BPMX)
BioPower Operations Corporation (OTCPK:BOPO)
Bioqual, Inc. (OTCPK:BIOQ)

BioQuest Corp. (OTCPK:BQST)

BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. (OTCPK:BRTX)
Bioscience Neutraceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:DEVV)
Bioshaft Water Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:BSHF)
BioSig Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BSGM)
BioSolar, Inc. (OTCPK:BSRC)
BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NasdaqGM:BSTC)
Biostage, Inc. (OTCPK:BSTG)
BioTech Medics, Inc. (OTCPK:BMCS)
BioTelemetry, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BEAT)
Biotricity, Inc. (OTCPK:BTCY)

BioVie Inc. (OTCPK:BIVI)

BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BTAI)
Bioxytran, Inc. (OTCPK:BIXT)
Bitcoin Crypto Currency Exchange Corporation (OTCPK:ARSC)
Bitcoin Generation Inc. (OTCPK:BTGN)
Bitcoin Services, Inc. (OTCPK:BTSC)

BitFrontier Capital Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:BFCH)

BJ's Restaurants, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BJRI)
BJ's Wholesale Club Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:BJ)
BK Technologies Corporation (AMEX:BKTI)
BKF Capital Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BKFG)
Black Cactus Global, Inc. (OTCPK:BLGI)
Black Dragon Resource Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:BDGR)
Black Hills Corporation (NYSE:BKH)
Black Knight, Inc. (NYSE:BKI)
Black Ridge Oil & Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:ANFC)
Blackbaud, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BLKB)
Blackhawk Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:BHWB)
BlackLine, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BL)
BlackRidge Technology International, Inc. (OTCPK:BRTI)
BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE:BLK)
BlackStar Enterprise Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BEGI)
Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc. (NYSE:BXMT)
Blaqclouds Inc. (OTCPK:BCDS)
Blink Charging Co. (NasdaqCM:BLNK)
Blockchain Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:BCII)

Blonder Tongue Laboratories, Inc. (AMEX:BDR)

Bloom Energy Corporation (NYSE:BE)
Bloomin' Brands, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BLMN)
Blow & Drive Interlock Corporation (OTCPK:BDIC)
Blox, Inc. (OTCPK:BLXX)
Blucora, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BCOR)
Blue Apron Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:APRN)
Blue Bird Corporation (NasdaqGM:BLBD)
Blue Calypso, Inc. (OTCPK:BCYP)
Blue Diamond Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:BLDV)
Blue Dolphin Energy Company (OTCPK:BDCO)
Blue Eagle Lithium Inc. (OTCPK:BEAG)
Blue Earth Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:BERI)
Blue Gem Enterprise (OTCPK:BGEM)
Blue Line Protection Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BLPG)
Blue Ridge Bankshares, Inc. (AMEX:BRBS)
Blue Ridge Real Estate Company (OTCPK:BRRE)
Blue Water Ventures International, Inc. (OTCPK:BWVI)
bluebird bio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BLUE)
BlueFire Equipment Corporation (OTCPK:BLFR)
BlueFire Renewables, Inc. (OTCPK:BFRE)
Bluegreen Vacations Corporation (NYSE:BXG)
blueharbor bank (OTCPK:BLHK)
BlueLinx Holdings Inc. (NYSE:BXC)
Blueprint Medicines Corporation (NasdaqGS:BPMC)
BluePrint Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:BKSD)
Bluerock Residential Growth REIT, Inc. (AMEX:BRG)
Bluestem Group Inc. (OTCPK:BGRP)
BMC Stock Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BMCH)
BNK Petroleum Inc. (TSX:BKX)
Boardwalktech Software Corp. (TSXV:BWLK)
Boart Longyear Limited (ASX:BLY)
Boingo Wireless, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WIFI)
Boise Cascade Company (NYSE:BCC)
BOK Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:BOKF)
BOL Bancshares Inc. (OTCPK:BOLB)
Bonal International, Inc. (OTCPK:BONL)
Bonanza Creek Energy, Inc. (NYSE:BCEI)
Bonanza Goldfields Corp. (OTCPK:BONZ)
Booking Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGS:BKNG)
Boot Barn Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:BOOT)
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation (NYSE:BAH)
BorgWarner Inc. (NYSE:BWA)
Boss Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:BSHI)
Boston Omaha Corporation (NasdaqCM:BOMN)
Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BPFH)
Boston Properties, Inc. (NYSE:BXP)
Boston Sand & Gravel Co. (OTCPK:BSND)
Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX)
Boston Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:BTHE)
Bottomline Technologies (de), Inc. (NasdaqGS:EPAY)
Bounce Mobile Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:BNCM)
Bourque Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:BORK)
Bowl America Incorporated (AMEX:BWL.A)
Bowlin Travel Centers, Inc. (OTCPK:BWTL)
Box, Inc. (NYSE:BOX)
Boxlight Corporation (NasdaqCM:BOXL)
BoxScore Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:BOXS)
Boxwood Merger Corp. (NasdaqCM:BWMC)
Boyd Gaming Corporation (NYSE:BYD)
Boyle Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:BYLB)
Bozzuto's Inc. (OTCPK:BOZZ)
BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust (NYSE:BPT)
BPI Energy Holdings, Inc (OTCPK:BPIG.F)
Brady Corporation (NYSE:BRC)
Braemar Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:BHR)
Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:BCLI)
BrainyBrawn, Inc. (OTCPK:BRNW)
Brandywine Realty Trust (NYSE:BDN)
BRAVADA International Ltd (OTCPK:BRAV)
Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:BVTK)
Bravo Multinational Incorporated (OTCPK:BRVO)
Brickell Biotech, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BBI)
Bridge Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BDGE)
BridgeBio Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BBIO)
Bridgegate Pictures Corp. (OTCPK:BBGP)
Bridgeline Digital, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BLIN)
Bridgewater Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BWB)

Bridgford Foods Corporation (NasdaqGM:BRID)

Briggs & Stratton Corporation (NYSE:BGG)
Brigham Minerals, Inc. (NYSE:MNRL)
Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc. (NYSE:BFAM)
Bright Mountain Media, Inc. (OTCPK:BMTM)
Brightcove Inc. (NasdaqGS:BCOV)
Brightec, Inc. (OTCPK:BRTE)
Brighthouse Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BHF)
Brightlane Corp. (OTCPK:BTLN)
BrightRock Gold Corp. (OTCPK:BRGC)
BrightSphere Investment Group Inc. (NYSE:BSIG)
BrightView Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:BV)
Brinker International, Inc. (NYSE:EAT)
Brinker International, Inc. (NYSE:EAT)
Brinx Resources Ltd. (OTCPK:BNXR)
Brinx Resources Ltd. (OTCPK:BNXR)
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE:BMY)
Britannia Mining Inc. (OTCPK:BMIN)
Brite-Strike Tactical Illumination Products, Inc. (OTCPK:BSTK)
Brixmor Property Group Inc. (NYSE:BRX)
Broadcom Inc. (NasdaqGS:AVGO)
Broadmark Realty Capital Inc. (NYSE:BRMK)
Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE:BR)
Broadside Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:BRSE)
BroadVision, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BVSN)
Broadway Financial Corporation (NasdaqCM:BYFC)

Broadwind Energy, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BWEN)

Brookdale Senior Living Inc. (NYSE:BKD)
Brookfield Property REIT Inc. (NasdaqGS:BPR)
Brookline Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BRKL)
Brooks Automation, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BRKS)
Brown & Brown, Inc. (NYSE:BRO)
Brown-Forman Corporation (NYSE:BF.B)
Brownie's Marine Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BWMG)
BRP Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BRP)
BRT Apartments Corp. (NYSE:BRT)
Bruker Corporation (NasdaqGS:BRKR)

Brunswick Bancorp (OTCPK:BRBW)

Brunswick Corporation (NYSE:BC)
Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation (NasdaqGS:BMTC)
Bryn Resources Inc. (OTCPK:BRYN)
BSQUARE Corporation (NasdaqGM:BSQR)
Bud Genius, Inc. (OTCPK:RIGH)
Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (NYSE:BBW)
Builders FirstSource, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BLDR)
Bull Run Capital Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:BRCH)
Bullfrog Gold Corp. (OTCPK:BFGC)
Bulova Technologies Group, Inc. (OTCPK:BTGI)
Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG)
Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust Company (OTCPK:BHRB)
Burlington Stores, Inc. (NYSE:BURL)
Burned Media, Ltd. (OTCPK:BUNM)
Burnham Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:BURC.A)
Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. (OTCPK:BZYR)
Buscar Company (OTCPK:CGLD)
Business First Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BFST)
Butler National Corporation (OTCPK:BUKS)
Buyer Group International, Inc. (OTCPK:BYRG)
Buzz Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:BZTG)
BV Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:BVFL)

BWX Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:BWXT)

Byline Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE:BY)
C-Bond Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:CBNT)
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CHRW)
C&F Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:CFFI)
Cabaletta Bio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CABA)
Cable One, Inc. (NYSE:CABO)
Cabo Verde Capital Inc. (OTCPK:CAPV)
Cabot Corporation (NYSE:CBT)
Cabot Microelectronics Corporation (NasdaqGS:CCMP)
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:COG)
Cache, Inc. (OTCPK:CACH)
CACI International Inc (NYSE:CACI)
Cactus, Inc. (NYSE:WHD)
Cadence Bancorporation (NYSE:CADE)
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CDNS)
Cadiz Inc. (NasdaqGM:CDZI)
Caduceus Software Systems Corp. (OTCPK:CSOC)

Caesars Entertainment Corporation (NasdaqGS:CZR)

Café Serendipity Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CAFS)
CAI International, Inc. (NYSE:CAI)
Cal Dive International, Inc. (OTCPK:CDVI.Q)
Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CALM)
Caladrius Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CLBS)
CalAmp Corp. (NasdaqGS:CAMP)
Calavo Growers, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CVGW)
Calcol, Inc. (OTCPK:CLCL)
Caleres, Inc. (NYSE:CAL)
CalEthos, Inc. (OTCPK:BUUZ)
Caliber Imaging & Diagnostics, Inc. (OTCPK:LCDX)
California BanCorp (OTCPK:CALB)
California Beach Restaurants, Inc. (OTCPK:CBHR)
California Business Bank (OTCPK:CABB)
California First National Bancorp (OTCPK:CFNB)
California International Bank, N.A. (OTCPK:CAIB)
California Nanotechnologies Corp. (TSXV:CNO)
California Resources Corporation (NYSE:CRC)
California Style Palms, Inc. (OTCPK:CFPI)
California Water Service Group (NYSE:CWT)
CaliPharms, Inc. (OTCPK:KGET)
Calissio Resources Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CRGP)
Calithera Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CALA)
Calix, Inc. (NYSE:CALX)
Callahan Consolidated Mines, Inc. (OTCPK:CCMN)
Callaway Golf Company (NYSE:ELY)
Callon Petroleum Company (NYSE:CPE)
Calloway's Nursery, Inc. (OTCPK:CLWY)
Calmare Therapeutics Incorporated (OTCPK:CTTC)
Calvin B. Taylor Bankshares, Inc. (OTCPK:TYCB)
CalWest Bancorp (OTCPK:CALW)
Calyxt, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CLXT)
Camber Energy, Inc. (AMEX:CEI)
Cambex Corporation (OTCPK:CBEX)
Cambium Networks Corporation (NasdaqGM:CMBM)
Cambridge Bancorp (NasdaqCM:CATC)
Camden National Corporation (NasdaqGS:CAC)
Camden Property Trust (NYSE:CPT)
Campbell Soup Company (NYSE:CPB)
Camping World Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CWH)
Canadian Aerospace Group International, Inc. (OTCPK:CASG)
Canal Capital Corporation (OTCPK:COWP)
Canandaigua National Corporation (OTCPK:CNND)
Canbiola, Inc. (OTCPK:CANB)
Cancer Genetics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CGIX)
Candlewood Hotel Company, Inc. (OTCPK:CNDL)
Candy Club Holdings Limited (ASX:CLB)
Canfield Medical Supply, Inc. (OTCPK:CNMF)
Cann American Corp. (OTCPK:CNNA)
Canna Consumer Goods, Inc. (OTCPK:CBMJ)
Canna Corporation (OTCPK:CNCC)
Cannabics Pharmaceuticals Inc. (OTCPK:CNBX)
Cannabis One Holdings Inc. (CNSX:CBIS)
Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (OTCPK:CBDS)
Cannabis Strategic Ventures (OTCPK:NUGS)
Cannabiz Mobile, Inc. (OTCPK:LGBI)
Cannae Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CNNE)
CannaGrow Holdings, Inc (OTCPK:CGRW)
Cannalink, Inc. (OTCPK:CNLK)
CannaPowder, Inc. (OTCPK:CAPD)
CannaSys, Inc. (OTCPK:MJTK)
CannAwake Corporation (OTCPK:CANX)
CannLabs, Inc. (OTCPK:CANL)
Canopus BioPharma Incorporated (OTCPK:CBIA)
Cansortium Inc. (CNSX:TIUM.U)
Cantel Medical Corp. (NYSE:CMD)
Canterbury Park Holding Corporation (NasdaqGM:CPHC)
Capital Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CBNK)
Capital City Bank Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CCBG)
Capital City Energy Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CETG)
Capital Financial Global, Inc. (OTCPK:CFGX)

Capital Group Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CGHC)

Capital One Financial Corporation (NYSE:COF)

Capital Park Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:LOGG)

Capital Properties, Inc. (OTCPK:CPTP)
Capital Senior Living Corporation (NYSE:CSU)
Capital Southwest Corporation (NasdaqGS:CSWC)
Capitol Federal Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CFFN)

Capricor Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CAPR)

Capstar Financial Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CSTR)
Capstead Mortgage Corporation (NYSE:CMO)
Capstead Mortgage Corporation (NYSE:CMO)
Capstone Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:CAPC)
Capstone Therapeutics Corp. (OTCPK:CAPS)
Capstone Turbine Corporation (NasdaqCM:CPST)
Cara Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CARA)
CARBO Ceramics Inc. (OTCPK:CRRT)
Carbon Energy Corporation (OTCPK:CRBO)
Carbonite, Inc.
Carbonxt Group Limited (ASX:CG1)
Cardax, Inc. (OTCPK:CDXI)
Cardiff Lexington Corporation (OTCPK:CDIX)
Cardinal Ethanol, LLC (OTCPK:CRDE)
Cardinal Health, Inc. (NYSE:CAH)
Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CSII)
Cardlytics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CDLX)
Cardtronics plc (NasdaqGS:CATM)
Cardxx Inc. (OTCPK:CXCQ), Inc. (NYSE:CRCM)
CareDx, Inc (NasdaqGM:CDNA)
Career Education Corporation (NasdaqGS:CECO)
Carefree Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CRFU)
CarePayment Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CPYT)
CareTrust REIT, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CTRE)
CareView Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:CRVW)

CarGurus, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CARG)

Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL)
CarMax, Inc. (NYSE:KMX)
Carnival Corporation & Plc (NYSE:CCL)
Carolina Financial Corporation (NasdaqCM:CARO)
Carolina Trust BancShares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CART)
Carpenter Technology Corporation (NYSE:CRS)
Carriage Services, Inc. (NYSE:CSV)
Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc.
Carroll Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:CROL)
Carroll Shelby International, Inc. (OTCPK:CSBI)
Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TAST) Inc. (NYSE:CARS)
CarSmartt, Inc. (OTCPK:CRSM)
Carter Bank & Trust (NasdaqGS:CARE)
Carter's, Inc. (NYSE:CRI)
Carvana Co. (NYSE:CVNA)
Carver Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CARV)

Casa Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CASA)

Cascadia Investments, Inc. (OTCPK:CDIV)
Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CWST)
Casey's General Stores, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CASY)
CaseyCorp Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:CCPR)
Cashmere Valley Bank (OTCPK:CSHX)
CASI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CASI)
Cass Information Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CASS)
Cassava Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SAVA)
Castle Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CSTL)
Castlight Health, Inc. (NYSE:CSLT)

Catabasis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CATB)

Catalent, Inc. (NYSE:CTLT)
Catalyst Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CBIO)
Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CPRX)
Catasys, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CATS)
CatchMark Timber Trust, Inc. (NYSE:CTT)
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE:CAT)
Cathay General Bancorp (NasdaqGS:CATY)
Catskill Hudson Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:CSKL)
Cavco Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CVCO)
Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CVAT)
CAVU Resources Inc. (OTCPK:CAVR)
CB Financial Services, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CBFV)
CBA Florida, Inc. (OTCPK:CBAI)
CBB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:CBBI)
CBD Life Sciences Inc. (OTCPK:CBDL)
CBD of Denver Inc. (OTCPK:CBDD)
CBD Unlimited, Inc. (OTCPK:EDXC)
cbdMD, Inc. (AMEX:YCBD)
CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. (NYSE:CBL)
CBM Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CBMB)

CBOA Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:CBOF)

Cboe Global Markets, Inc. (BATS:CBOE)

CBRE Group, Inc. (NYSE:CBRE)

CBTX, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CBTX)
CCA Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:CAWW)
CCFNB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:CCFN)
CCUR Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CCUR)
CD International Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:CDII.Q)
CDK Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CDK)
CDTi Advanced Materials, Inc. (OTCPK:CDTI)
CDW Corporation (NasdaqGS:CDW)
CECO Environmental Corp. (NasdaqGS:CECE)
CeCors, Inc. (OTCPK:CEOS)

Cedar Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:CDR)

CEL-SCI Corporation (AMEX:CVM)
Celadon Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CGIP.Q)
Celanese Corporation (NYSE:CE)
Celcuity Inc. (NasdaqCM:CELC)
Celerity Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:CLTY)
Celexus, Inc. (OTCPK:CXUS)
Cell MedX Corp. (OTCPK:CMXC)
Cell Source, Inc. (OTCPK:CLCS)
Celldex Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CLDX)
Cellectar Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CLRB)
Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CBMG)
Celsion Corporation (NasdaqCM:CLSN)
Celsius Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CELH)
Cemtrex, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CETX)
Centaurus Diamond Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CTDT)
Centene Corporation (NYSE:CNC)
Centennial Resource Development, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CDEV)
Centennial Specialty Foods Corp. (OTCPK:CHLE)
CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (NYSE:CNP)
CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (NYSE:CNP)
CenterState Bank Corporation (NasdaqGS:CSFL)
Central Bancompany, Inc. (OTCPK:CBCY.B)
Central Federal Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:CFDB)

Central Federal Corporation (NasdaqCM:CFBK)

Central Garden & Pet Company (NasdaqGS:CENT)

Central Pacific Financial Corp. (NYSE:CPF)
Central Securities Corp. (AMEX:CET)
Central Valley Community Bancorp (NasdaqCM:CVCY)
Central Wireless, Inc. (OTCPK:CWIR)
Centric Brands Inc. (NasdaqCM:CTRC)
Centric Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CFCX)
Centrus Energy Corp. (AMEX:LEU)
Century Aluminum Company (NasdaqGS:CENX)
Century Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CNBK.A)
Century Casinos, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CNTY)
Century Cobalt Corp. (OTCPK:CCOB)
Century Communities, Inc. (NYSE:CCS)
Century Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CYFL)
Century Next Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CTUY)

CenturyLink, Inc. (NYSE:CTL)

CEO America, Inc. (OTCPK:CEOA)
Cerebain Biotech Corp. (OTCPK:CBBT)
Cerecor Inc. (NasdaqCM:CERC)
Cerence Inc. (NasdaqGS:CRNC)
Cereplast, Inc. (OTCPK:CERP.Q)
Ceres Global Ag Corp. (TSX:CRP)
Ceres Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:CEVE)
Ceridian HCM Holding Inc. (NYSE:CDAY)
Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc. (OTCPK:CRMK)
Cerner Corporation (NasdaqGS:CERN)

Certive Solutions Inc. (CNSX:CBP)

Cerus Corporation (NasdaqGM:CERS)

CES Synergies, Inc. (OTCPK:CESX)
CEVA, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CEVA)
CF Finance Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:CFFA)
CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CF)
CFN Enterprises Inc. (OTCPK:CNFN)
CGE Energy Inc. (OTCPK:CGEI)
CGrowth Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:CGRA)
Champion Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:CHMP)
Champion Investments, Inc. (OTCPK:CHAM)
Champion Pain Care Corporation (OTCPK:CPAI)
Champions Oncology, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CSBR)

Chancellor Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CHAG)

Change Healthcare Inc. (NasdaqGS:CHNG)

Changing Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CHGT)

ChannelAdvisor Corporation (NYSE:ECOM)
Chanticleer Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BURG)
Chaparral Energy, Inc. (NYSE:CHAP)
Charah Solutions, Inc. (NYSE:CHRA)
Charles & Colvard, Ltd. (NasdaqCM:CTHR)
Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. (NYSE:CRL)

Charlie's Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CHUC)

Charlotte's Web Holdings, Inc. (TSX:CWEB)
Chart Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GTLS)
Charter Communications, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CHTR)
Chase Corporation (AMEX:CCF)
Chase Packaging Corporation (OTCPK:CPKA)
ChaSerg Technology Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:CTAC)
Chatham Lodging Trust (NYSE:CLDT)
Checkpoint Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CKPT)
Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG)
Chembio Diagnostics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CEMI)
Chemed Corporation (NYSE:CHE)
ChemoCentryx, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CCXI)
Chemung Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:CHMG)
Cheniere Energy, Inc. (AMEX:LNG)
Cherry Hill Mortgage Investment Corporation (NYSE:CHMI)
Cherubim Interests Inc. (OTCPK:CHIT)
Chesapeake Energy Corporation (NYSE:CHK)
Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc. (OTCPK:CPKF)
Chesapeake Granite Wash Trust (NYSE:CHKR)
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (NYSE:CPK)
Chester Mining Company (OTCPK:CHMN)
Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX)
Chewy, Inc. (NYSE:CHWY)
CHF Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CHFS)
Chiasma, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CHMA)
Chicago Rivet & Machine Co. (AMEX:CVR)
Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CSSE)
Chico's FAS, Inc. (NYSE:CHS)
Chilco River Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CRVH)
Chill N Out Cryotherapy, Inc. (OTCPK:CHNO)
Chimera Investment Corporation (NYSE:CIM)
Chimerix, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CMRX)
China Carbon Graphite Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CHGI)
China Finance, Inc. (OTCPK:CHFI)
China Food and Beverage Company (OTCPK:CHIF)
China Health Management Corp. (OTCPK:CNHC)
China Industrial Steel Inc. (OTCPK:CDNN), Inc. (OTCPK:CIIX)

Chino Commercial Bancorp (OTCPK:CCBC)

Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (NYSE:CMG)
Choice Hotels International, Inc. (NYSE:CHH)
ChoiceOne Financial Services, Inc. (OTCPK:COFS)
Christopher & Banks Corporation (OTCPK:CBKC)
ChromaDex Corporation (NasdaqCM:CDXC)

Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (NYSE:CHD)

Churchill Capital Corp II (NYSE:CCX)
Churchill Downs Incorporated (NasdaqGS:CHDN)
Chuy's Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CHUY)
CIB Marine Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:CIBH)
Cicero Inc. (OTCPK:CICN)
Cidara Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CDTX)
Ciena Corporation (NYSE:CIEN)
Cigna Corporation (NYSE:CI)
CIM Commercial Trust Corporation (NasdaqGM:CMCT)
Cimarex Energy Co. (NYSE:XEC)
Cimetrix, Inc. (OTCPK:CMXX)
Cincinnati Bancorp (OTCPK:CNNB)
Cincinnati Bell Inc. (NYSE:CBB)
Cincinnati Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:CINF)
Cinedigm Corp. (NasdaqGM:CIDM)
Cinemark Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CNK)
Cintas Corporation (NasdaqGS:CTAS)
Cipherloc Corporation (OTCPK:CLOK)
Circle Entertainment Inc. (OTCPK:CEXE)
CIRCOR International, Inc. (NYSE:CIR)
Circuit Research Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:CRLI)
Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CRUS)
CirTran Corporation (OTCPK:CIRX)
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CSCO)
Cision Ltd. (NYSE:CISN)
Cistera Networks, Inc. (OTCPK:CNWT)
CIT Group Inc. (NYSE:CIT)
Citadel Exploration, Inc. (OTCPK:COIL)
CITBA Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CBAF)
Citi Trends, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CTRN)
Citigroup Inc. (NYSE:C)
Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CTXR)
Citizens & Northern Corporation (NasdaqCM:CZNC)
Citizens Bancorp (Nevada City, CA) (OTCPK:CZNB)
Citizens Bancorp (OTCPK:CZBC)
Citizens Bancorp of Virginia, Inc. (OTCPK:CZBT)
Citizens Bancshares Corporation (OTCPK:CZBS)
Citizens Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:CCVS)
Citizens Community Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CZWI)
Citizens Community Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CZWI)
Citizens Financial Corp. (OTCPK:CIWV)
Citizens Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE:CFG)
Citizens Financial Services, Inc. (OTCPK:CZFS)
Citizens Holding Company (NasdaqGM:CIZN)
Citizens National Corporation (OTCPK:CZNL)
Citizens, Inc. (NYSE:CIA)
Citrix Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CTXS)
City Bank (OTCPK:CTBK)
City Holding Company (NasdaqGS:CHCO)
Civeo Corporation (NYSE:CVEO)
Civista Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CIVB)
CKX Lands, Inc. (AMEX:CKX)
Clancy Systems International, Inc. (OTCPK:CLSI)
Clarent Corporation (OTCPK:CLRN)
Clarion County Community Bank (OTCPK:CCYY)
Clarus Corporation (NasdaqGS:CLAR)
Clean Coal Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CCTC)
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NasdaqGS:CLNE)
Clean Energy Pathways, Inc. (OTCPK:CPWY)
Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CETY)
Clean Harbors, Inc. (NYSE:CLH)
CleanSpark, Inc. (OTCPK:CLSK.D)
Cleantech Biofuels, Inc. (OTCPK:CLTH)
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCO)
Clear Peak Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:CLPE)
Clearfield, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CLFD)
ClearOne, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CLRO)
Clearside Biomedical, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CLSD)
ClearSign Technologies Corporation (NasdaqCM:CLIR)
ClearStar, Inc. (AIM:CLSU)
Cleartronic, Inc. (OTCPK:CLRI)
Clearwater Paper Corporation (NYSE:CLW)
Clearway Energy, Inc. (NYSE:CWEN.A)
Clenergen Corp. (OTCPK:CRGE)
Cleveland BioLabs, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CBLI)
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE:CLF)
CLIC Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:CLCI)
ClickStream Corporation (OTCPK:CLIS)
Clifton Mining Company (OTCPK:CFTN)
Clikia Corp. (OTCPK:CLKA)
Clinigence Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CLNH)

Clipper Realty Inc. (NYSE:CLPR)

Clone Algo Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:CATI)
CloudCommerce, Inc. (OTCPK:CLWD)
Cloudera, Inc. (NYSE:CLDR)
Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE:NET)
Cloudward, Inc. (OTCPK:CDWD)
Clovis Oncology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CLVS)
CLS Holdings USA, Inc. (OTCPK:CLSH)
CLST Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CLHI)
CMARK International, Inc. (OTCPK:CMIT)
CME Group Inc. (NasdaqGS:CME)

CMG Holdings Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CMGO)

cMoney, Inc. (OTCPK:CMEY)
CMS Energy Corporation (NYSE:CMS)
CMTSU Liquidation, Inc. (OTCPK:CBRI)
CNA Financial Corporation (NYSE:CNA)
CNB Bank Shares, Inc. (OTCPK:CNBN)
CNB Community Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:CNBB)
CNB Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:CCNE)
CNO Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE:CNO)
CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CNSP)
CNX Resources Corporation (NYSE:CNX)
Co-Diagnostics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CODX)
Coastal Capital Acquisition Corp. (OTCPK:CCAJ)
Coastal Carolina Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:CCNB)
Coastal Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:CCB)
CoastalSouth Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:COSO)
Coates International, Ltd. (OTCPK:COTE)
Coattec Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:CTCK)
Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. (NasdaqGS:COKE)
Cocrystal Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:COCP)
Coda Octopus Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CODA)
Codexis, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CDXS)

Codorus Valley Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CVLY)

Coeur Mining, Inc. (NYSE:CDE)
Coffee Holding Co., Inc. (NasdaqCM:JVA)
Cogent Communications Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CCOI)
Cognex Corporation (NasdaqGS:CGNX)
Cognitiv, Inc. (OTCPK:COGV)
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation (NasdaqGS:CTSH)
CohBar, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CWBR)
Cohen & Company Inc. (AMEX:COHN)

Cohen & Steers, Inc. (NYSE:CNS)

Coherent, Inc. (NasdaqGS:COHR)
Coherus BioSciences, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CHRS)
Cohu, Inc. (NasdaqGS:COHU)
Coil Tubing Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:CTBG)
Colfax Corporation (NYSE:CFX)
Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL)
Collectors Universe, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CLCT)
Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NasdaqGS:COLL)
Collier Creek Holdings (NYSE:CCH)
Colombia Energy Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:CERX)
Colony Bankcorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CBAN)
Colony Capital, Inc. (NYSE:CLNY)
Colony Credit Real Estate, Inc. (NYSE:CLNC)
Columbia Banking System, Inc. (NasdaqGS:COLB)
Columbia Care Inc. (OTCPK:CCHW.F)
Columbia Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CLBK)

Columbia Property Trust, Inc. (NYSE:CXP)

Columbia Sportswear Company (NasdaqGS:COLM)
Columbus McKinnon Corporation (NasdaqGS:CMCO), Inc. (OTCPK:CGUD)
Comcast Corporation (NasdaqGS:CMCS.A)
Comerica Incorporated (NYSE:CMA)
Comerton Corp. (OTCPK:COCM)
ComF5 International, Inc. (OTCPK:CMFV)
Comfort Systems USA, Inc. (NYSE:FIX)
Commencement Bank (OTCPK:CBWA)
Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CBSH)
Commerce Group Corp. (OTCPK:CGCO)
CommerceWest Bank (OTCPK:CWBK)
Commercial Metals Company (NYSE:CMC)
Commercial National Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CEFC)
Commercial National Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CNAF)
Commercial Vehicle Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CVGI)
CommScope Holding Company, Inc. (NasdaqGS:COMM)
Communications Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGM:JCS)
Communities First Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CFST)
Community Bancorp (OTCPK:CMTV)
Community Bancorp of Santa Maria (OTCPK:CYSM)
Community Bank of the Bay (OTCPK:CBYA.A)
Community Bank System, Inc. (NYSE:CBU)
Community Bankers Trust Corporation (NasdaqCM:ESXB)
Community Capital Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:ALBY)
Community Financial Group, Inc. (Spokane, WA) (OTCPK:CFGW)
Community First Bancorporation (OTCPK:CFOK)
Community First Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CFBI)
Community Health Systems, Inc. (NYSE:CYH)
Community Healthcare Trust Incorporated (NYSE:CHCT)
Community Heritage Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:CMHF)
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CTBI)
Community West Bancshares (NasdaqGM:CWBC)
Commvault Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CVLT)
Compass Diversified Holdings LLC (NYSE:CODI)
Compass Minerals International, Inc. (NYSE:CMP)
Complete Financial Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:CFSU)

CompuMed, Inc. (OTCPK:CMPD)

Computer Programs and Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CPSI)

Computer Services, Inc. (OTCPK:CSVI)

Computer Task Group, Incorporated (NasdaqGS:CTG)
CompX International Inc. (AMEX:CIX)
comScore, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SCOR)
Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CHCI)
Comstock Mining Inc. (AMEX:LODE)
Comstock Resources, Inc. (NYSE:CRK)
Comtech Telecommunications Corp. (NasdaqGS:CMTL)
Comunibanc Corp. (OTCPK:CBCZ)
Conagra Brands, Inc. (NYSE:CAG)
Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqCM:CNAT)
Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CNCE)
Concho Resources Inc. (NYSE:CXO)
Concierge Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CNCG)
Concrete Leveling Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:CLEV)
Concrete Pumping Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BBCP)
Condor Hospitality Trust, Inc. (AMEX:CDOR)
Conduent Incorporated (NasdaqGS:CNDT)
ConectiSys Corporation (OTCPK:CONC)
Conformis, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CFMS)
Conifer Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CNFR)
CONMED Corporation (NasdaqGS:CNMD)
Conn's, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CONN)
Connected IO Limited (ASX:CIO)
ConnectOne Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CNOB)
Connectyx Technologies Holdings Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CTYX)

Connexus Corporation (OTCPK:CNXS)

ConocoPhillips Company (NYSE:COP)
Conrad Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:CNRD)
Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CNSL)
Consolidated Eco-Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:EXSO)
Consolidated Edison, Inc. (NYSE:ED)
Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co. (AMEX:CTO)
Consorteum Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CSRH)
Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ)
Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CNST)
Construction Partners, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ROAD)
Consumer Automotive Finance, Inc. (OTCPK:CAFI)

Consumer Capital Group, Inc (OTCPK:CCGN)

Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CPSS)

Consumers Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:CBKM)

Contango Oil & Gas Company (AMEX:MCF)
Contango Ore, Inc. (OTCPK:CTGO)
Continental Building Products, Inc. (NYSE:CBPX)
Continental Materials Corporation (AMEX:CUO)
Continental Resources, Inc. (NYSE:CLR)
ContraFect Corporation (NasdaqCM:CFRX)
Contura Energy, Inc. (NYSE:CTRA)
Conversion Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:CVLB)
Conyers Park II Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:CPAA)
Cool Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AWSM)
Cool Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:WARM)
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company (NYSE:CTB)
Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc. (NYSE:CPS)
Copart, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CPRT)
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CRBP)
Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NasdaqCM:CORT)
Cordia Corporation (OTCPK:CORG)
Core Lithium Corp. (OTCPK:CORX)
Core Molding Technologies, Inc. (AMEX:CMT)
Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CORE)
CoreCivic, Inc. (NYSE:CXW)
CoreLogic, Inc. (NYSE:CLGX)
CorEnergy Infrastructure Trust, Inc. (NYSE:CORR)
CorePoint Lodging Inc. (NYSE:CPLG)
Corero Network Security plc (AIM:CNS)
CoreSite Realty Corporation (NYSE:COR)
CorMedix, Inc. (AMEX:CRMD)
Cornerstone Building Brands, Inc. (NYSE:CNR)
Cornerstone Community Bancorp (OTCPK:CRSB)
Cornerstone Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CFIC)
Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CSOD)
Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW)
Corning Natural Gas Holding Corporation (OTCPK:CNIG)
CoroWare, Inc. (OTCPK:COWI)
Corporate Office Properties Trust (NYSE:OFC)
Corporate Resource Services, Inc. (OTCPK:CRRS.Q)
Corporate Universe, Inc. (OTCPK:COUV)
Corsa Coal Corp. (TSXV:CSO)
Corteva, Inc. (NYSE:CTVA)
Cortexyme, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CRTX)
Cortland Bancorp (NasdaqCM:CLDB)
CorVel Corporation (NasdaqGS:CRVL)
Corvus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CRVS)
Cosmos Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:COSM)
CoStar Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CSGP)
Costar Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CSTI)
Costas, Inc. (OTCPK:CSSI)
Costco Wholesale Corporation (NasdaqGS:COST)
Coty Inc. (NYSE:COTY)
Country Bank Holding Company, Inc. (OTCPK:CYHC)
County Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ICBK)
Coupa Software Incorporated (NasdaqGS:COUP)
Cousins Properties Incorporated (NYSE:CUZ)
Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE:CVA)
Covenant Transportation Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CVTI)
Covetrus, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CVET)
Covia Holdings Corporation (NYSE:CVIA)
Covista Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:CVST)
Cowen Inc. (NasdaqGS:COWN)
CPI Aerostructures, Inc. (AMEX:CVU)
CPI Card Group Inc. (NasdaqCM:PMTS)
CPS Technologies Corporation (NasdaqCM:CPSH)
CRA International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CRAI)
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CBRL)
Craft Brew Alliance, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BREW)
Crane Co. (NYSE:CR)
Crawford & Company (NYSE:CRD.B)
Crawford United Corporation (OTCPK:CRAW.A)
Crazy Woman Creek Bancorp Incorporated (OTCPK:CRZY)
Creative Learning Corporation (OTCPK:CLCN)
Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CELZ)
Creative Realities, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CREX)
Creative Waste Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:CWSS)
Credit Acceptance Corporation (NasdaqGS:CACC), Inc. (OTCPK:CRMZ)

Crednology Holding Corporation (OTCPK:COHO)

Cree, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CREE)
Crescent Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:CRSA)
Cresco Labs Inc. (CNSX:CL)
Crexendo, Inc. (OTCPK:CXDO)
Crimson Wine Group, Ltd. (OTCPK:CWGL)
Crinetics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CRNX)
Critical Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:CSLI)
Crocs, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CROX)
Croghan Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:CHBH)
Cross Border Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:XBOR)
Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CCRN)
Cross Timbers Royalty Trust (NYSE:CRT)
CrossFirst Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CFB)
Crossroads Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:CRSS)
Crosswind Renewable Energy Corp. (OTCPK:CWNR)
CrowdGather, Inc. (OTCPK:CRWG)
CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CRWD)
Crown Baus Capital Corp. (OTCPK:CBCA)
Crown Castle International Corp. (REIT) (NYSE:CCI)
Crown Crafts, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CRWS)
Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCK)
Crumbs Bake Shop, Inc. (OTCPK:CRMB.Q)
Cruzani, Inc. (OTCPK:CZNI)
Cryo-Cell International, Inc. (OTCPK:CCEL)
CryoLife, Inc. (NYSE:CRY)
Cryoport, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CYRX)
Crystal Valley Financial Corporation (OTCPK:CYVF)
CSB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:CSBB)
CSG Systems International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CSGS)
CSP Inc. (NasdaqGM:CSPI)
CSS Industries, Inc. (NYSE:CSS)
CSW Industrials, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CSWI)
CSX Corporation (NasdaqGS:CSX)
CTI BioPharma Corp. (NasdaqCM:CTIC)
CTI Industries Corporation (NasdaqCM:CTIB)
CTS Corporation (NYSE:CTS)
Cub Energy Inc. (TSXV:KUB)
CUBA Beverage Company (OTCPK:CUBV)
CubeSmart (NYSE:CUBE)
Cubic Corporation (NYSE:CUB)
Cue Biopharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CUE)
Cuentas Inc. (OTCPK:CUEN)
CUI Global, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CUI)
Cuisine Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:CUSI)
Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. (NYSE:CFR)
Culp, Inc. (NYSE:CULP)
Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqGS:CPIX)
Cummins Inc. (NYSE:CMI)
Cumulus Media Inc. (NasdaqGM:CMLS)
CÜR Media, Inc. (OTCPK:CURM)
CurAegis Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CRGS)
Curaleaf Holdings, Inc. (CNSX:CURA)
Curative Biosciences, Inc. (OTCPK:CBDX)
CURE Pharmaceutical Holding Corp. (OTCPK:CURR)
Curis, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CRIS)
CURO Group Holdings Corp. (NYSE:CURO)

Currency Exchange International, Corp. (TSX:CXI)

CurrencyWorks Inc. (TSXV:CWRK)

Curtiss Motorcycles Company, Inc. (OTCPK:CMOT)
Curtiss-Wright Corporation (NYSE:CW)
Cushman & Wakefield plc (NYSE:CWK)
Custom Protection Services Inc. (OTCPK:CSPS)
Customers Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE:CUBI)
Cutera, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CUTR)
CV Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CVHL)
CV Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:CVSI)
CVB Financial Corp. (NasdaqGS:CVBF)
CVD Equipment Corporation (NasdaqCM:CVV)
CVF Technologies Corporation (OTCPK:CNVT)
CVR Energy, Inc. (NYSE:CVI)
CVS Health Corporation (NYSE:CVS)
Cyanotech Corporation (NasdaqCM:CYAN)
Cyber Apps World Inc. (OTCPK:CYAP)
Cyber Digital, Inc. (OTCPK:CYBD)
Cyber Operations, Inc. (OTCPK:CYPJ)
Cyberfort Software, Inc. (OTCPK:CYBF)
Cyberloq Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CLOQ)
CyberOptics Corporation (NasdaqGM:CYBE)
Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CYCC)
Cyclerion Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CYCN)
Cyclo Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:CTDH)
Cyclo3pss Corporation (OTCPK:OZON)
Cyclone Power Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:CYPW)
Cygnus Oil & Gas Corp. (OTCPK:CYNS)
CYIOS Corporation (OTCPK:CYIO)
CymaBay Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CBAY)
CynergisTek, Inc. (AMEX:CTEK)
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (NasdaqGS:CY)
CYREN Ltd. (NasdaqCM:CYRN)
CyrusOne Inc. (NasdaqGS:CONE)
CytoDyn Inc. (OTCPK:CYDY)
Cytokinetics, Incorporated (NasdaqGS:CYTK)
CytomX Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CTMX)
Cytosorbents Corporation (NasdaqCM:CTSO)
CytRx Corporation (OTCPK:CYTR)
Cytta Corp. (OTCPK:CYCA)

D.R. Horton, Inc. (NYSE:DHI)

DAC Technologies Group International, Inc. (OTCPK:DAAT)
Dacotah Banks, Inc. (OTCPK:DBIN)
Daily Journal Corporation (NasdaqCM:DJCO)
Dais Corporation (OTCPK:DLYT.D)
Dakota Territory Resource Corp. (OTCPK:DTRC)
Dakshidin Corporation, Inc. (OTCPK:DKSC)
Daktronics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DAKT)
Dalrada Financial Corporation (OTCPK:DFCO)
Dana Incorporated (NYSE:DAN)
Danaher Corporation (NYSE:DHR)
Daniels Corporate Advisory Company, Inc. (OTCPK:DCAC)
Darden Restaurants, Inc. (NYSE:DRI)
Daré Bioscience, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DARE)
DarkPulse, Inc. (OTCPK:DPLS)
Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE:DAR)
DASAN Zhone Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DZSI)
Daseke, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DSKE)
Data Call Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:DCLT)
Data I/O Corporation (NasdaqCM:DAIO)
Data Storage Corporation (OTCPK:DTST)
Data443 Risk Mitigation, Inc. (OTCPK:ATDS)
Datadog, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DDOG)
DATATRAK International, Inc. (OTCPK:DTRK)

Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PLAY)

Davi Luxury Brand Group, Inc. (OTCPK:MDAV)
DaVita Inc. (NYSE:DVA)
Dawson Geophysical Company (NasdaqGS:DWSN)
Daxor Corporation (AMEX:DXR)
Day Tradexchange, Inc. (OTCPK:SYNJ)
Daybreak Oil and Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:DBRM)
DBM Global Inc. (OTCPK:DBMG)
Deal a Day Group Corp. (OTCPK:DEEL)
Dean Foods Company (OTCPK:DFOD.Q)
Debt Resolve, Inc. (OTCPK:DRSV)

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DCPH)

Decision Diagnostics Corp. (OTCPK:DECN)

Decisionpoint Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:DPSI)

Decker Manufacturing Corporation (OTCPK:DMFG)
Deckers Outdoor Corporation (NYSE:DECK)
Deep Blue Marine, Inc. (OTCPK:DPBE)
Deep Down, Inc. (OTCPK:DPDW)
Deep Green Waste & Recycling, Inc. (OTCPK:DGWR)
Deer Valley Corporation (OTCPK:DVLY)
Deere & Company (NYSE:DE)
Defense Technologies International Corp. (OTCPK:DTII)
Defentect Group, Inc. (OTCPK:DFTC)
Del Taco Restaurants, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TACO)
Delcath Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:DCTH)
Delek US Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DK)
Delhi Bank Corp. (OTCPK:DWNX)
Delivery Technology Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:DTSL)
Dell Technologies Inc. (NYSE:DELL)
Delmar Bancorp (OTCPK:DBCP)
DelMar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DMPI)
Delmarva Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:DLMV)
Delphax Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:DLPX)
Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL)
Delta Apparel, Inc. (AMEX:DLA)
Deltron, Inc. (OTCPK:DTRO)
Deluxe Corporation (NYSE:DLX)
Demand Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:DMAN)
Democrasoft Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:DEMO)
Denali Bancorporation, Inc. (OTCPK:DENI)
Denali Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqGS:DNLI)
Denbury Resources Inc. (NYSE:DNR)
Denmark Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:DMKB.A)
Denny's Corporation (NasdaqCM:DENN)
Dermira, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DERM)
DermTech, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DMTK)
Designer Brands Inc. (NYSE:DBI)
Destination Maternity Corporation (OTCPK:DEST.Q)
Destination XL Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DXLG)
DevMar Equities, Inc. (OTCPK:DEVM)
Devon Energy Corporation (NYSE:DVN)
Dewmar International BMC, Inc. (OTCPK:DEWM)
DexCom, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DXCM)
DHI Group, Inc. (NYSE:DHX)
DiaMedica Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:DMAC)
DiaMedica Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:DMAC)
Diamond Discoveries International Corp. (OTCPK:DMDD)
Diamond Eagle Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:DEAC)
Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DHIL)
Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. (NYSE:DO)
Diamond S Shipping Inc. (NYSE:DSSI)
Diamondback Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FANG)
Diamondhead Casino Corporation (OTCPK:DHCC)
DiamondPeak Holdings Corp. (NasdaqCM:DPHC)
DiamondRock Hospitality Company (NYSE:DRH)
Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DRNA)
DICK'S Sporting Goods, Inc. (NYSE:DKS)
Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated (NYSE:DBD)
Diego Pellicer Worldwide, Inc. (OTCPK:DPWW)
Diffusion Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqCM:DFFN)
Digerati Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:DTGI)
Digi International Inc. (NasdaqGS:DGII)
Digi International Inc. (NasdaqGS:DGII)
Digimarc Corporation (NasdaqGS:DMRC)
DigiPath, Inc. (OTCPK:DIGP)
Digirad Corporation (NasdaqGM:DRAD)
Digital Ally, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DGLY)
Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc. (OTCPK:DATI)
Digital Brand Media & Marketing Group, Inc. (OTCPK:DBMM)
Digital Development Partners, Inc. (OTCPK:DGDM)
Digital Info Security Company, Inc. (OTCPK:DGIF)
Digital Locations, Inc. (OTCPK:DLOC)
Digital Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:DLR)
Digital Turbine, Inc. (NasdaqCM:APPS)
Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:DUTV)
DigitalTown, Inc. (OTCPK:DGTW)
digitiliti, Inc. (OTCPK:DIGI)
Dillard's, Inc. (NYSE:DDS)
Dime Community Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DCOM)
Dimeco, Inc. (OTCPK:DIMC)
Dine Brands Global, Inc. (NYSE:DIN)
Dinewise, Inc. (OTCPK:DWIS)
Diodes Incorporated (NasdaqGS:DIOD)
Diplomat Pharmacy, Inc. (NYSE:DPLO)
Direct Equity International, Inc. (OTCPK:DEQI)
DirectView Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:DIRV)
Discover Financial Services (NYSE:DFS)

Discovery Energy Corp. (OTCPK:DENR)

Discovery Minerals Ltd. (OTCPK:DSCR)
Discovery, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DISC.A)
DISH Network Corporation (NasdaqGS:DISH)
Diversicare Healthcare Services, Inc. (OTCPK:DVCR)
Diversified Gas & Oil PLC (AIM:DGOC)
Diversified Resources Inc. (OTCPK:DDRI.Q)
Diversified Restaurant Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SAUC)
Dixie Brands Inc. (CNSX:DIXI.U)
DLH Holdings Corp. (NasdaqCM:DLHC)
DLT Resolution Inc. (OTCPK:DLTI)

DMC Global Inc. (NasdaqGS:BOOM)

DNA Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:DNAX)
Document Security Systems, Inc. (AMEX:DSS)
DocuSign, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DOCU)
Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE:DLB)
Dollar General Corporation (NYSE:DG)
Dollar Tree, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DLTR)
Dolphin Entertainment, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DLPN)
Dome Energy AB (publ) (OM:DOME)
Dominion Energy, Inc. (NYSE:D)
Dominion Resources Black Warrior Trust (OTCPK:DOMR)
Domino's Pizza, Inc. (NYSE:DPZ)
Dominovas Energy Corporation (OTCPK:DNRG)
Domo, Inc. (NasdaqGM:DOMO)
Domtar Corporation (NYSE:UFS)
Donaldson Company, Inc. (NYSE:DCI)
Donegal Group Inc. (NasdaqGS:DGIC.B)
Dong Fang Hui Le Inc. (OTCPK:DFHL)
Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE:DFIN)

Dorian LPG Ltd. (NYSE:LPG)

Dorman Products, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DORM)
Dougherty's Pharmacy, Inc. (OTCPK:MYDP)
Douglas Dynamics, Inc. (NYSE:PLOW)
Douglas Emmett, Inc. (NYSE:DEI)
Dovarri, Inc. (OTCPK:DVAR)
Dover Corporation (NYSE:DOV)
Dover Motorsports, Inc. (NYSE:DVD)
Dow Inc. (NYSE:DOW)
DPW Holdings, Inc. (AMEX:DPW)
Dragon Life Science Holdings Group, Inc. (OTCPK:NOHO)
Dream Homes & Development Corporation (OTCPK:DREM)
Dril-Quip, Inc. (NYSE:DRQ)
Drinks Americas Holdings, Ltd. (OTCPK:DKAM)
Drive Shack Inc. (NYSE:DS)
Driven Deliveries, Inc. (OTCPK:DRVD)
Drone Services USA, Inc. (OTCPK:DSUS)
Dropbox, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DBX)
DropCar, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DCAR)
DSA Financial Corporation (OTCPK:DSFN)

DSP Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DSPG)

DTE Energy Company (NYSE:DTE)
Dthera Sciences (OTCPK:DTHR)

Ducommun Incorporated (NYSE:DCO)

Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK)
Duke Realty Corporation (NYSE:DRE)
Duluth Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGS:DLTH)
Dunkin' Brands Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DNKN)
Duo World, Inc. (OTCPK:DUUO)
Duos Technologies Group, Inc. (OTCPK:DUOT)
DuPont de Nemours, Inc. (NYSE:DD)
DURECT Corporation (NasdaqCM:DRRX)
DXC Technology Company (NYSE:DXC)
DXP Enterprises, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DXPE)
Dyadic International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:DYAI)
Dycom Industries, Inc. (NYSE:DY)
Dyna Group International Inc. (OTCPK:DGIX)
DynaResource, Inc. (OTCPK:DYNR)
Dynasil Corporation of America (OTCPK:DYSL)
Dynastar Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:DYNA)
Dynatrace, Inc. (NYSE:DT)
Dynatronics Corporation (NasdaqCM:DYNT)
Dynavax Technologies Corporation (NasdaqCM:DVAX)
Dynex Capital, Inc. (NYSE:DX)
DynTek, Inc. (OTCPK:DYNE)
E-Qure Corp. (OTCPK:EQUR)
e.l.f. Beauty, Inc. (NYSE:ELF)
E*TRADE Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:ETFC)
EACO Corporation (OTCPK:EACO)
Eagle Bancorp Montana, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EBMT)
Eagle Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EGBN)
Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc. (NasdaqGS:EGLE)
Eagle Financial Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:EFBI)

Eagle Financial Services, Inc. (OTCPK:EFSI)

Eagle Ford Oil & Gas Corp. (OTCPK:ECCE)
Eagle Materials Inc. (NYSE:EXP)
Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EGRX)
Earth Gen-Biofuel, Inc. (OTCPK:EGBB)
Earth Science Tech, Inc. (OTCPK:ETST)
Earth Search Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:ESSE)
EarthFirst Technologies, Incorporated (OTCPK:EFTI)
Earthstone Energy, Inc. (NYSE:ESTE)
East Morgan Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:EMHI)
East West Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EWBC)
Easterly Government Properties, Inc. (NYSE:DEA)
Eastern Asteria, Inc. (OTCPK:EATR)
Eastern Michigan Financial Corporation (OTCPK:EFIN)
EastGroup Properties, Inc. (NYSE:EGP)
Eastman Chemical Company (NYSE:EMN)
Eastman Kodak Company (NYSE:KODK)
Eastside Distilling, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EAST)
Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE:EV)
EAU Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:EAUI)
eBay Inc. (NasdaqGS:EBAY)
Ebix, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EBIX)
ECA Marcellus Trust I (NYSE:ECT)
Ecard Inc. (OTCPK:ECRD)
ECC Capital Corp. (OTCPK:ECRO)
ECGI Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ECGI)
Echo Global Logistics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ECHO)
Echo Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:ECTE)
EchoStar Corporation (NasdaqGS:SATS)
Eco Depot Inc. (OTCPK:ECDP)
Eco Innovation Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ECOX)
Eco Safe Systems USA, Inc. (OTCPK:ESFS)
Eco Science Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:ESSI)

Eco-Stim Energy Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:ESES)

Ecoark Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ZEST)
Ecolab Inc. (NYSE:ECL)
EcoloCap Solutions Inc. (OTCPK:ECOS)
EcoLogix Resource Group, Inc. (OTCPK:EXRG)
Ecomat, Inc. (OTCPK:ECMT)
EcoPlus Inc. (OTCPK:ECPL)
Ecosciences, Inc. (OTCPK:ECEZ)
Ecrid, Inc. (OTCPK:ECDD)
EDCI Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:EDCI)
Edgewell Personal Care Company (NYSE:EPC)
Edison International (NYSE:EIX)
Edison Nation, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EDNT)
Editas Medicine, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EDIT)
Education Management Corporation (OTCPK:EDMC.Q)
Educational Development Corporation (NasdaqGM:EDUC)
Edwards Lifesciences Corporation (NYSE:EW)
eGain Corporation (NasdaqCM:EGAN)
EGPI Firecreek, Inc. (OTCPK:EFIR)
eHealth, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EHTH)
Eidos Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EIDX)
Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EIGR)
Ekso Bionics Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EKSO)
El Capitan Precious Metals, Inc. (OTCPK:ECPN)
El Paso Electric Company (NYSE:EE)
El Pollo Loco Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LOCO)
Elah Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ELLH)
Elamex SA de CV (OTCPK:ELAM.F)
Elanco Animal Health Incorporated (NYSE:ELAN)
Elastic N.V. (NYSE:ESTC)
Elcom International Inc. (OTCPK:ELCO)
Eldorado Resorts, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ERI)
Electric Car Company, Inc. (OTCPK:ELCR)
Electro-Sensors, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ELSE)
electroCore, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ECOR)
Electromed, Inc. (AMEX:ELMD)
Electron Solar Energy (OTCPK:ESRG)
Electronic Arts Inc. (NasdaqGS:EA)
Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Ltd. (OTCPK:ECIG.Q)
Electronic Control Security Inc. (OTCPK:EKCS)
Electronic Sensor Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:ESNR)
Electronic Systems Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:ELST)
Electronic Tele-Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:ETCI.A)
Element Global, Inc. (OTCPK:ELGL)
Element Solutions Inc (NYSE:ESI)
Elev8 Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:VATE)
Elevate Credit, Inc. (NYSE:ELVT)

Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE:LLY)

Eline Entertainment Group, Inc. (OTCPK:EEGI)
Elio Motors, Inc. (OTCPK:ELIO)
Elite Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ELTZ)
Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:ELTP)
Ellington Financial Inc. (NYSE:EFC)
Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT (NYSE:EARN)
Elmer Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:ELMA)
Elmira Savings Bank (NasdaqCM:ESBK)

Eloxx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ELOX)

Elray Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:ELRA)
eMagin Corporation (AMEX:EMAN)
eMamba International Corporation (OTCPK:EMBA)
Embarr Downs, Inc. (OTCPK:EMBR)
Embassy Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:EMYB)
Ember Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:EMBT)
Emclaire Financial Corp (NasdaqCM:EMCF)
EMCOR Group, Inc. (NYSE:EME)
EMCORE Corporation (NasdaqGM:EMKR)
Emerald Bioscience Inc. (OTCPK:EMBI)
Emerald Expositions Events, Inc. (NYSE:EEX)
Emerald Organic Products Inc. (OTCPK:EMOR)
Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE:EBS)
Emergent Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:EMGC)

Emergent Health Corp (OTCPK:EMGE)

Emerson Electric Co. (NYSE:EMR)
Emerson Radio Corp. (AMEX:MSN)
Emisphere Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:EMIS)
Emmaus Life Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:EMMA)
Emmis Communications Corporation (NasdaqGS:EMMS)
Empire Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:EMPK)
Empire Diversified Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:MPIR)
Empire Global Gaming, Inc. (OTCPK:EPGG)
Empire Petroleum Corporation (OTCPK:EMPR)
Empire Post Media, Inc. (OTCPK:EMPM)
Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:ESRT)
Employers Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:EIG)
Empower Clinics Inc. (CNSX:CBDT)
Enable Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ENAB)
Enable IPC Corporation (OTCPK:EIPC)
Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ENTA)
ENB Financial Corp (OTCPK:ENBP)
Encision Inc. (OTCPK:ECIA)
Encompass Compliance Corporation (OTCPK:ENCC)
Encompass Health Corporation (NYSE:EHC)
Encore Capital Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ECPG)

Encore Wire Corporation (NasdaqGS:WIRE)

Encounter Development Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:ENTI)
EncounterCare Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:ECSL)
Endeavor Bank (OTCPK:EDVR)
Endologix, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ELGX)
Endonovo Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:ENDV.D)
ENDRA Life Sciences Inc. (NasdaqCM:NDRA)
Endurance Exploration Group, Inc. (OTCPK:EXPL)
Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EIGI)
Endymed Ltd (TASE:ENDY)
Ener-Core, Inc. (OTCPK:ENCR)
Energenx, Inc. (OTCPK:EENX)
Energizer Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ENR)
Energous Corporation (NasdaqCM:WATT)
Energtek, Inc. (OTCPK:EGTK)
Energy 1 Corporation (OTCPK:EGOC)
Energy and Environmental Services, Inc. (OTCPK:EESE)
Energy and Water Development Corp. (OTCPK:EAWD)
Energy Focus, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EFOI)
Energy Fuels Inc. (TSX:EFR)
Energy Recovery, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ERII)
Energy Revenue America, Inc. (OTCPK:ERAO)
Energy Services of America Corporation (OTCPK:ESOA)
Enerkon Solar International, Inc. (OTCPK:ENKS)
EnerSys (NYSE:ENS)
EnerTeck Corporation (OTCPK:ETCK)
Englewood Lab, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A950140)
ENGlobal Corporation (NasdaqCM:ENG)
enherent Corp. (OTCPK:ENHT)
Enigma-Bulwark, Limited (OTCPK:PTSS)
EnLink Midstream, LLC (NYSE:ENLC)
Ennis, Inc. (NYSE:EBF)
Enochian Biosciences Inc. (NasdaqCM:ENOB)
Enova International, Inc. (NYSE:ENVA)

Enova Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:ENVS)

Enphase Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ENPH)
EnPro Industries, Inc. (NYSE:NPO)
Enservco Corporation (AMEX:ENSV)
Ensurge, Inc. (OTCPK:ESGI)
EnSync, Inc. (OTCPK:ESNC)
Entasis Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGM:ETTX)
Entegra Financial Corp. (NasdaqGM:ENFC)

Entegris, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ENTG)

Entercom Communications Corp. (NYSE:ETM)
Entergy Corporation (NYSE:ETR)
Enterprise Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EBTC)
Enterprise Diversified, Inc. (OTCPK:SYTE)
Enterprise Financial Services Corp (NasdaqGS:EFSC)
Enterprise Financial Services Group, Inc. (OTCPK:EFSG)
Enterra Corporation (OTCPK:ETER)
Entertainment AI plc (AIM:EAI)
Entertainment Arts Research Inc. (OTCPK:EARI)
Entia Biosciences, Inc. (OTCPK:ERGO)
Entravision Communications Corporation (NYSE:EVC)
Envela Corporation (AMEX:ELA)
Envestnet, Inc. (NYSE:ENV)
Enviro Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:EVTN)
Enviro-Serv, Inc. (OTCPK:EVSV)
Environmental Infrastructure Holdings Corp (OTCPK:EIHC)
Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (OTCPK:EVSP)
Environmental Solutions Worldwide, Inc. (OTCPK:ESWW)
Environmental Tectonics Corporation (OTCPK:ETCC)
EnviroTechnologies International, Inc (OTCPK:ETII)
Envision Solar International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EVSI)
Envista Holdings Corporation (NYSE:NVST)
EnXnet, Inc. (OTCPK:EXNT)
Enzo Biochem, Inc. (NYSE:ENZ)
Enzolytics Inc. (OTCPK:ENZC)
Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:ENZN)
Enzyme Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:EESO)
Enzymes America Holding Corp. (OTCPK:ENZH)
EOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE:EOG)
Eon NRG Limited (ASX:E2E)
EOS International, Inc. (OTCPK:EOSI)
EP Energy Corporation (OTCPK:EPEG.Q)
EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE:EPAM)
Epazz, Inc. (OTCPK:EPAZ)
Epic Corp. (OTCPK:EPOR)

EPIRUS Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:EPRS.Q)

Epizyme, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EPZM)
ePlus inc. (NasdaqGS:PLUS)
Epoxy, Inc. (OTCPK:EPXY)
EPR Properties (NYSE:EPR)
Epsilon Energy Ltd. (NasdaqGM:EPSN)
EQ Energy Drink, Inc. (OTCPK:EQLB)
EQT Corporation (NYSE:EQT)
Equifax Inc. (NYSE:EFX)
Equillium, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EQ)
Equinix, Inc. (REIT) (NasdaqGS:EQIX)
Equitable Financial Corp. (OTCPK:EQFN)

Equitrans Midstream Corporation (NYSE:ETRN)

Equity Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EQBK)
Equity Commonwealth (NYSE:EQC)
Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc. (NYSE:ELS)
Equity Residential (NYSE:EQR)
Equus Total Return, Inc. (NYSE:EQS)
ER Urgent Care Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ERUC)
Era Group Inc. (NYSE:ERA)
ERBA Diagnostics, Inc. (OTCPK:ERBA)
ERF Wireless, Inc. (OTCPK:ERFB)
Ergo Science Corporation (OTCPK:ERGN)
Erie Indemnity Company (NasdaqGS:ERIE)
Erin Energy Corporation (OTCPK:ERIN.Q)
Eros International Plc (NYSE:EROS)
ES Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:ESBS)
Escalade, Incorporated (NasdaqGM:ESCA)
Escalon Medical Corp. (OTCPK:ESMC)
ESCO Technologies Inc. (NYSE:ESE)
ESP Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:ESPI.Q)
Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ESPR)
Espey Mfg. & Electronics Corp. (AMEX:ESP)
Esquire Financial Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ESQ)
ESSA Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ESSA)

ESSA Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ESSA)

Essential Properties Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:EPRT)

Essex Property Trust, Inc. (NYSE:ESS)
Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (NYSE:ETH)
Ethema Health Corporation (OTCPK:GRST)
Eton Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ETON)
Etsy, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ETSY)
Eureka Homestead Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:ERKH)
Euronet Worldwide, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EEFT)
EuroSite Power Inc. (OTCPK:EUSP)
EV Charging USA, Inc. (OTCPK:EVUS)
EV Transportation, Inc. (OTCPK:EVTP)
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation (OTCPK:ESCC)
Evans Bancorp, Inc. (AMEX:EVBN)
EVCI Career Colleges Holding Corp. (OTCPK:EVCI)
Evelo Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EVLO)
Eventbrite, Inc. (NYSE:EB)
Everbridge, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EVBG)
Evercel, Inc. (OTCPK:EVRC)
Evercore Inc. (NYSE:EVR)
Evergreen Gaming Corporation (TSXV:TNA)
Evergreen-Agra Global Investments, Inc. (OTCPK:EGRN)
Evergy, Inc. (NYSE:EVRG)
Everi Holdings Inc. (NYSE:EVRI)
Everlert, Inc. (OTCPK:EVLI)
Everock, Inc. (OTCPK:EVRN)
EverQuote, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EVER)
Eversource Energy (NYSE:ES)
Everspin Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MRAM)
EVI Industries, Inc. (AMEX:EVI)

EVO Payments, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EVOP)

EVO Transportation & Energy Services, Inc. (OTCPK:EVOA)
Evofem Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EVFM)
Evoke Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EVOK)
Evolent Health, Inc. (NYSE:EVH)

Evolus, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EOLS)

Evolution Petroleum Corporation (AMEX:EPM)
Evolutionary Genomics, Inc. (OTCPK:FNAM)
Evolving Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EVOL)
Evoqua Water Technologies Corp. (NYSE:AQUA)
eWellness Healthcare Corporation (OTCPK:EWLL)

eWorld Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:EWRC)

Exact Sciences Corporation (NasdaqCM:EXAS)
Exactus, Inc. (OTCPK:EXDI)
Exagen Inc. (NasdaqGM:XGN)
Exantas Capital Corp. (NYSE:XAN)
Excelsior Mining Corp. (TSX:MIN)
Exchange Bank (Santa Rosa, CA) (OTCPK:EXSR)
Exela Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:XELA)
ExeLED Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:ELED)
Exelixis, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EXEL)
Exelon Corporation (NasdaqGS:EXC)
Exeo Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:EXEO)
Exicure, Inc. (NasdaqCM:XCUR)
Exlites Holdings International, Inc. (OTCPK:EXHI)
ExlService Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EXLS)
Exobox Technologies Corp. (OTCPK:EXBX)
eXp World Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EXPI)
Expedia Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EXPE)
Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EXPD)
Exponent, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EXPO)
Express, Inc. (NYSE:EXPR)
Extended Stay America, Inc. (NasdaqGS:STAY)
Exterran Corporation (NYSE:EXTN)
Extra Space Storage Inc. (NYSE:EXR)
Extraction Oil & Gas, Inc. (NasdaqGS:XOG)
Extreme Biodiesel, Inc. (OTCPK:XTRM)
Extreme Networks, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EXTR)
Exxe Group Inc. (OTCPK:AXXA)
Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), Inc. (OTCPK:ICTY)
EyeGate Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EYEG)
Eyenovia, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EYEN)
EyePoint Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EYPT)
Eyes on the Go, Inc. (OTCPK:AXCG)
EZCORP, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EZPW)

Ezenia!, Inc. (OTCPK:EZEN)

F & M Bank Corp. (OTCPK:FMBM)
F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB)
F5 Networks, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FFIV)
Facebank Group, Inc. (OTCPK:FBNK)
Facebook, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FB)
FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE:FDS)

Fair Isaac Corporation (NYSE:FICO)

Falcon Minerals Corporation (NasdaqCM:FLMN)
Falcon Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:FLCN)
FalconStor Software, Inc. (OTCPK:FALC)
Falken Industries Ltd. (OTCPK:FLKI)
Fame Productions, Inc. (OTCPK:FMPR)
Family Room Entertainment Corporation (OTCPK:FMYR)
Fansfrenzy Corporation (OTCPK:FFZY)
Far Point Acquisition Corporation (NYSE:FPAC)
Farmer Bros. Co. (NasdaqGS:FARM)
Farmers & Merchants Bancorp (OTCPK:FMCB)
Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FMAO)
Farmers & Merchants Bancshares, Inc. (Burlington, IA) (OTCPK:FMBN)
Farmers & Merchants Bank of Long Beach (OTCPK:FMBL)
Farmers and Merchants Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:FMFG)
Farmers Bancorp (Frankfort IN) (OTCPK:FABP)
Farmers Bankshares, Inc. (OTCPK:FBVA)
Farmers National Banc Corp. (NasdaqCM:FMNB)
Farmhouse Inc. (OTCPK:FMHS)
Farmland Partners Inc. (NYSE:FPI)
FARO Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FARO)
Fasoo.Com Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A150900)
Fast Lane Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:FLHI)
Fastbase, Inc. (OTCPK:FBSE)
Fastenal Company (NasdaqGS:FAST)
Fastly, Inc. (NYSE:FSLY)
FAT Brands Inc. (NasdaqCM:FAT)
Fate Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FATE)
Fauquier Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FBSS)
Favo Realty Inc. (OTCPK:FAVO)
FB Financial Corporation (NYSE:FBK)
FBC Holding, Inc. (OTCPK:FBCD)
FBEC Worldwide, Inc. (OTCPK:FBEC)
FBL Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE:FFG)


Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (NYSE:AGM)

Federal National Mortgage Association (OTCPK:FNMA)

Federal Realty Investment Trust (NYSE:FRT)

Federal Signal Corporation (NYSE:FSS)
Federated Investors, Inc. (NYSE:FII)
FedEx Corporation (NYSE:FDX)
FedNat Holding Company (NasdaqGM:FNHC)
Fennec Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqCM:FENC)
Fentura Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:FETM)
Fernhill Corporation (OTCPK:FERN)
Ferro Corporation (NYSE:FOE)
FFBW, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FFBW)

FFD Financial Corporation (OTCPK:FFDF)

FFW Corporation (OTCPK:FFWC)

FiberCore, Inc. (OTCPK:FBCE)

FibroGen, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FGEN)
Fidelis Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:FDEI)
Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FDBC)
Fidelity National Financial, Inc. (NYSE:FNF)
Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (NYSE:FIS)
FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation (OTCPK:FPPP)
Fiesta Restaurant Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FRGI)
Fifth Street Asset Management Inc. (OTCPK:FSAM)
Fifth Third Bancorp (NasdaqGS:FITB)
Financial Gravity Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:FGCO)
Financial Institutions, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FISI), Inc. (OTCPK:FIND)
Findit, Inc. (OTCPK:FDIT)
FineMark Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:FNBT)
FingerMotion, Inc. (OTCPK:FNGR)
Finjan Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FNJN)
Finotec Group Inc. (OTCPK:FTGI)
FinTech Acquisition Corp. III (NasdaqCM:FTAC)
FireEye, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FEYE)
Firemans Contractors, Inc. (OTCPK:FRCN)
Firma Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:FRMA)
First Acceptance Corporation (OTCPK:FACO)
First Advantage Bancorp (OTCPK:FABK)
First American Financial Corporation (NYSE:FAF)
First Bancorp (NasdaqGS:FBNC)
First Bancorp of Indiana, Inc. (OTCPK:FBPI)
First BanCorp. (NYSE:FBP)
First Bancshares Inc. (Bellevue, OH) (OTCPK:FIBH)
First Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:FBSI)
First Bank (NasdaqGM:FRBA)
First Bankers Trustshares, Inc. (OTCPK:FBTT)
First Busey Corporation (NasdaqGS:BUSE)
First Business Financial Services, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FBIZ)
First Capital Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:FCPB)

First Capital, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FCAP)

First Choice Bancorp (NasdaqCM:FCBP)
First Choice Healthcare Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:FCHS)
First Citizens BancShares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FCNC.A)
First Citrus Bancorporation, Inc. (OTCPK:FCIT)
First Commonwealth Financial Corporation (NYSE:FCF)
First Community Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FCBC)
First Community Corporation (NasdaqCM:FCCO)
First Community Corporation (OTCPK:FCCT)
First Defiance Financial Corp. (NasdaqGS:FDEF)

First Farmers and Merchants Corporation (OTCPK:FFMH)

First Farmers Financial Corporation (OTCPK:FFMR)
First Financial Bancorp. (NasdaqGS:FFBC)
First Financial Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FFIN)
First Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:THFF)
First Financial Northwest, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FFNW)
First Foods Group, Inc. (OTCPK:FIFG)

First Foundation Inc. (NasdaqGM:FFWM)

First Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FGBI)
First Hartford Corporation (OTCPK:FHRT)
First Hawaiian, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FHB)
First Horizon National Corporation (NYSE:FHN)
First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:FR)
First Internet Bancorp (NasdaqGS:INBK)
First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FIBK)
First Keystone Corporation (OTCPK:FKYS)
First Merchants Corporation (NasdaqGS:FRME)
First Miami Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:FMIA)
First Mid Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FMBH)
First Midwest Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FMBI)
First National Bank Alaska (OTCPK:FBAK)
First National Corporation (NasdaqCM:FXNC)
First National of Nebraska, Inc. (OTCPK:FINN)
First NBC Bank Holding Company (OTCPK:FNBC.Q)
First Niles Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:FNFI)

First Northern Community Bancorp (OTCPK:FNRN)

First Northwest Bancorp (NasdaqGM:FNWB)
First Ottawa Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:FOTB)
First Real Estate Investment Trust of New Jersey (OTCPK:FREV.S)
First Reliance Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:FSRL)
First Republic Bank (NYSE:FRC)
First Resource Bank (OTCPK:FRSB)
First Savings Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FSFG)
First Seacoast Bancorp (NasdaqCM:FSEA)

First Solar, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FSLR)

First Sound Bank (OTCPK:FSWA)
First United Corporation (NasdaqGS:FUNC)
First US Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FUSB)
First Western Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MYFW)
FirstCash, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FCFS)

FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE:FE)

FirsTime Design Limited (OTCPK:FTDL)
Fiserv, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FISV)
Fitbit, Inc. (NYSE:FIT)
FitLife Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:FTLF)
Five Below, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FIVE)
Five Point Holdings, LLC (NYSE:FPH)
Five Prime Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FPRX)
Five Star Senior Living Inc. (NasdaqCM:FVE)
Five9, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FIVN)
Flagstar Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE:FBC)

Flame Seal Products, Inc. (OTCPK:FLMP)

Flamemaster Corporation (OTCPK:FAME)
Flameret, Inc. (OTCPK:FLRE)
Flanigan's Enterprises, Inc. (AMEX:BDL)
FlashZero Corp. (OTCPK:FZRO)
FleetCor Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:FLT)
FlexiInternational Software Inc. (OTCPK:FLXI)
Flexion Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FLXN)
Flexpoint Sensor Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:FLXT)
FlexShopper, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FPAY)

Flexsteel Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FLXS)

FLIR Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FLIR)
Flitways Technology Inc. (OTCPK:FTWS)
Floor & Decor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:FND)
Flotek Industries, Inc. (NYSE:FTK)
Flowers Foods, Inc. (NYSE:FLO)
Flowserve Corporation (NYSE:FLS)
Fluence Corporation Limited (ASX:FLC)
Fluent, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FLNT)
Fluidigm Corporation (NasdaqGS:FLDM)

Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR)

FluoroPharma Medical, Inc. (OTCPK:FPMI)
Flushing Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:FFIC)
Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:FLUX)
FMC Corporation (NYSE:FMC)
FNBH Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:FNHM)
FNCB Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FNCB)
FNCB Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FNCB)

Focus Financial Partners Inc. (NasdaqGS:FOCS)

Fog Cutter Capital Group Inc. (OTCPK:FCCG)
FONAR Corporation (NasdaqCM:FONR)
FonU2, Inc. (OTCPK:FONU)
Foot Locker, Inc. (NYSE:FL)
Foothills Exploration, Inc. (OTCPK:FTXP)
For The Earth Corp. (OTCPK:FTEG)
Forbes Energy Services Ltd. (OTCPK:FLSS)
Force Protection Video Equipment Corp. (OTCPK:FPVD)
Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F)
Forecastagility Corporation (OTCPK:FCGY)
Forecross Corp. (OTCPK:FRXX)
Forescout Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FSCT)
Foresight Financial Group, Inc. (OTCPK:FGFH)
Forestar Group Inc. (NYSE:FOR)
ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation (OTCPK:FVRG)
FormFactor, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FORM)
Formula One Group (NasdaqGS:FWON.K)
Forrester Research, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FORR)
Forterra, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FRTA)
Fortinet, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FTNT)
Fortitude Group, Inc. (OTCPK:FRTD)
Fortive Corporation (NYSE:FTV)
Fortran Corporation (OTCPK:FRTN)
Fortress Biotech, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FBIO)
Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC (NYSE:FTAI)
Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc. (NYSE:FBHS)
Forty Seven, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FTSV)
Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:FET)
Forum Merger II Corporation (NasdaqCM:FMCI)
Forward Air Corporation (NasdaqGS:FWRD)
Forward Industries, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FORD)
Fossil Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FOSL)
Foundation Building Materials, Inc. (NYSE:FBM)
Fountain Healthy Aging, Inc. (OTCPK:FHAI.D)
Four Corners Property Trust, Inc. (NYSE:FCPT)
Four Corners, Inc. (OTCPK:FCNE)
Fox Corporation (NasdaqGS:FOXA)
Fox Factory Holding Corp. (NasdaqGS:FOXF)
Foy-Johnston Inc. (OTCPK:FOYJ)
Francesca's Holdings Corporation (NasdaqGS:FRAN)
Franchise Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FRG)
Franklin Covey Co. (NYSE:FC)
Franklin Credit Management Corporation (OTCPK:FCRM)

Franklin Electric Co., Inc. (NasdaqGS:FELE)

Franklin Financial Network, Inc. (NYSE:FSB)
Franklin Financial Services Corporation (NasdaqCM:FRAF)
Franklin Resources, Inc. (NYSE:BEN)
Franklin Street Properties Corp. (AMEX:FSP)
Franklin Wireless Corp. (OTCPK:FKWL)
Frankly Inc. (TSXV:TLK)
Fred's, Inc. (OTCPK:FRED.Q)
Freddie Mac (OTCPK:FMCC)

Frederick County Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:FCBI)

Freedom Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:FDMF)
Freedom Leaf Inc. (OTCPK:FRLF)
Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (NYSE:FCX)
Freestone Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:FSNR)
Freeze Tag, Inc. (OTCPK:FRZT)
FreightCar America, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RAIL)
Frélii, Inc. (OTCPK:FRLI)

Fremont Petroleum Corporation Limited (ASX:FPL)

Frequency Electronics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FEIM)
Frequency Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FREQ)
Fresh Harvest Products, Inc. (OTCPK:FRHV)
Freshpet, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FRPT)
Friedman Industries, Incorporated (AMEX:FRD)
Friendable, Inc. (OTCPK:FDBL)
Friendly Hills Bank (OTCPK:FHLB)
FRMO Corporation (OTCPK:FRMO)
Front Yard Residential Corporation (NYSE:RESI)
Frontage Holdings Corporation (SEHK:1521)

frontdoor, inc. (NasdaqGS:FTDR)

Frontier Communications Corporation (NasdaqGS:FTR)
Frontier National Corp. (OTCPK:FIEC)
Frontier Oilfield Services, Inc. (OTCPK:FOSI)
FRP Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FRPH)
FS Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FSBW)

FSB Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FSBC)

FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN)

FTS International, Inc. (NYSE:FTSI)
Fuel Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FTEK)
FuelCell Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FCEL)
Fulcrum Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FULC)
Fulgent Genetics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FLGT)
Full Alliance Group, Inc. (OTCPK:FAGI)
Full House Resorts, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FLL)
Full Motion Beverage, Inc. (OTCPK:FMBV)
FullNet Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:FULO)
Fulton Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:FULT)
Funko, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FNKO)
Fuse Group Holding Inc. (OTCPK:FUST)
Fuse Medical, Inc. (OTCPK:FZMD)
Fuse Science, Inc. (OTCPK:DROP)
Fusion Connect, Inc. (OTCPK:FSNN.Q)
Fusion Interactive Corp. (OTCPK:FUIG)
FusionPharm, Inc. (OTCPK:FSPM)
FutureFuel Corp. (NYSE:FF)
FutureLand, Corp. (OTCPK:FUTL)
FutureWorld Corp. (OTCPK:FWDG)

FVCBankcorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FVCB)

G Medical Innovations Holdings Ltd (ASX:GMV)

G-III Apparel Group, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:GIII)

G&S Minerals, Inc. (OTCPK:GSML)
G1 Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GTHX)
Gadsden Properties, Inc. (OTCPK:GADS)
Gaia, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GAIA)
GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:GCAP)
GainClients, Inc. (OTCPK:GCLT)
Gala Pharmaceutical, Inc. (OTCPK:GLPH)
Galaxy Digital Holdings Ltd. (TSXV:GLXY)
Galaxy Gaming, Inc. (OTCPK:GLXZ)
Galaxy Next Generation, Inc. (OTCPK:GAXY)
Galectin Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GALT)
Galenfeha, Inc. (OTCPK:GLFH)
Galera Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GRTX)
GAMCO Investors, Inc. (NYSE:GBL)
GAMCO Investors, Inc. (NYSE:GBL)
GamePlan, Inc. (OTCPK:GPLA)
GamesGamesGames Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:SCFR)
GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME)
Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GLPI)
Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE:GCI)
Garb Oil & Power Corporation (OTCPK:GARB)
Gardner Denver Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:GDI)
Gartner, Inc. (NYSE:IT)
GASE Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:GASE)
Gates Industrial Corporation plc (NYSE:GTES)
GATX Corporation (NYSE:GATX)
Gaucho Group Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:VINO)
Gawk Incorporated (OTCPK:GAWK)
GB Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:GBLX)
GBT Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:GTCH)
GCI Liberty, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GLIB.A)
GCP Applied Technologies Inc. (NYSE:GCP)
GD Entertainment & Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:GDET)
GeckoSystems International Corporation (OTCPK:GOSY)
GEE Group, Inc. (AMEX:JOB)
GelStat Corp. (OTCPK:GSAC)
GelTech Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:GLTC)
Gemini Group Global Corp. (OTCPK:GMNI)
Gemphire Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:GEMP)
GEMZ Corporation (OTCPK:GMZP)
Genco Corporation (OTCPK:GNCC)
Genco Shipping & Trading Limited (NYSE:GNK)
Gencor Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GENC)
Gencor Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GENC)
GeneLink, Inc. (OTCPK:GNLK.Q)
Generac Holdings Inc. (NYSE:GNRC)
General American Investors Company, Inc. (NYSE:GAM)
General Cannabis Corp (OTCPK:CANN)
General Datacomm Industries Inc. (OTCPK:GNRD)
General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD)
General Electric Company (NYSE:GE)
General Environmental Management, Inc. (OTCPK:GEVI)
General Finance Corporation (NasdaqGM:GFN)
General Mills, Inc. (NYSE:GIS)
General Moly, Inc. (AMEX:GMO)
General Motors Company (NYSE:GM)
General Payment Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:GPSI)
Generation Alpha, Inc. (OTCPK:GNAL)
Generation Hemp Inc. (OTCPK:GENH)
Generation Next Franchise Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:VEND)
Generex Biotechnology Corporation (OTCPK:GNBT)
Genesco Inc. (NYSE:GCO)
Genesis Electronics Group, Inc. (OTCPK:GEGI)
Genesis Healthcare, Inc. (NYSE:GEN)
Genesys Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:GEIN)
GeneThera, Inc. (OTCPK:GTHR)
Genie Energy Ltd. (NYSE:GNE)
Genius Brands International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GNUS)
GenMark Diagnostics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GNMK)
Genocea Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GNCA)
Genoil Inc. (OTCPK:GNOL.F)
Genprex, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GNPX)
GenTech Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GTEH)
Gentex Corporation (NasdaqGS:GNTX)
Gentherm Incorporated (NasdaqGS:THRM)
Genufood Energy Enzymes Corp. (OTCPK:GFOO)
Genuine Parts Company (NYSE:GPC)
Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE:GNW)
GEO JS Tech Group Corp. (OTCPK:GJST)
GeoPetro Resources Company (OTCPK:GEOR)
Geopulse Exploration, Inc. (OTCPK:GPLS)
George Risk Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:RSKI.A)
Georgetown Corporation (OTCPK:GTCP)
Geospace Technologies Corporation (NasdaqGS:GEOS)
Geospatial Corporation (OTCPK:GSPH)
GeoVax Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:GOVX)
Gepco, Ltd. (OTCPK:GEPC)
German American Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GABC)
Geron Corporation (NasdaqGS:GERN)
Get Real USA, Inc. (OTCPK:GTRL)
GetFugu, Inc. (OTCPK:GFGU)
GetSwift Limited (ASX:GSW)
Getty Realty Corp. (NYSE:GTY)
Gevo, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GEVO)
GH Capital Inc. (OTCPK:GHHC)
Ghost Technology Inc (OTCPK:GHST)
Giant Group, Ltd. (OTCPK:GGLT)
Gibraltar Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ROCK)
Giga-tronics Incorporated (OTCPK:GIGA.D)
GigCapital2, Inc. (NYSE:GIX)
Giggles N' Hugs, Inc. (OTCPK:GIGL)
Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GILD)
Gilla Inc. (OTCPK:GLLA)
Glacier Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GBCI)
Gladstone Commercial Corporation (NasdaqGS:GOOD)
Gladstone Land Corporation (NasdaqGM:LAND)
GlassBridge Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:GLAE)
Glaukos Corporation (NYSE:GKOS)
Glen Burnie Bancorp (NasdaqCM:GLBZ)
Glen Rose Petroleum Corporation (OTCPK:GLRP)
Global Arena Holding Inc. (OTCPK:GAHC)
Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GBT)
Global Boatworks Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GBBT)
Global Brokerage, Inc. (OTCPK:GLBR)
Global Capital Partners Inc. (OTCPK:GCPL)
Global Clean Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GCEH)
Global Clean Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:GCEI)
Global Digital Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:GDSI)
Global Eagle Entertainment Inc. (NasdaqCM:ENT)
Global Ecology Corp. (OTCPK:GLEC)
Global Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GBHL)
Global Fiber Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:GFTX)
Global Healthcare REIT, Inc. (OTCPK:GBCS)
Global Medical REIT Inc. (NYSE:GMRE)
Global Net Lease, Inc. (NYSE:GNL)
Global Payment Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:GPTX)
Global Payments Inc. (NYSE:GPN)
Global Payout, Inc. (OTCPK:GOHE)
Global Poletrusion Group Corp (OTCPK:GPGC)
Global Profit Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:GLPT)

Global Resource Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:GBEN)

Global Seafood Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:GSFD)
Global Self Storage, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SELF)
Global Tech Industries Group, Inc. (OTCPK:GTII)
Global Technologies, Ltd. (OTCPK:GTLL)
Global Vision Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GVHI.B)
Global Warming Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:GWSO)
Global Water Resources, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GWRS)
Global Water Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:GWTR)
GlobalSCAPE, Inc. (AMEX:GSB)
Globalstar, Inc. (AMEX:GSAT)
Globaltech Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GLBH)

Globe Life Inc. (NYSE:GL)

Globe Photos, Inc. (OTCPK:GBPT)
GlobeImmune, Inc. (OTCPK:GBIM)
Globus Medical, Inc. (NYSE:GMED)
Glori Energy Inc. (OTCPK:GLRI)
Glow Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GLOH)
Glowpoint, Inc. (AMEX:GLOW)
Glu Mobile Inc. (NasdaqGS:GLUU)
Glucose Health, Inc. (OTCPK:GLUC)
GlycoMimetics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GLYC)
GlyEco, Inc. (OTCPK:GLYE)
GNB Financial Services, Inc. (OTCPK:GNBF)
GNC Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:GNC)
GNCC Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:GNCP)
Go Green Global Technologies Corp. (OTCPK:GOGR)
Go Solar USA, Inc. (OTCPK:GSLO)
GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY)
Gogo Inc. (NasdaqGS:GOGO)
GoIP Global, Inc. (OTCPK:GOIG)
Gold and GemStone Mining Inc. (OTCPK:GGSM)
Gold Coast Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:GLDT)
Gold Dynamics Corp. (OTCPK:GLDN)
Gold Reserve Inc. (OTCPK:GDRZ.F)
Gold Resource Corporation (AMEX:GORO)
Gold River Productions, Inc. (OTCPK:GRPS)
Gold X Mining Corp. (TSXV:GLDX)
Golden Developing Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:DVLP)
Golden Entertainment, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GDEN)
Golden Gate Partners, Inc. (OTCPK:GNGT)
Golden Grail Technology Corp. (OTCPK:GOGY)
Golden Matrix Group, Inc. (OTCPK:GMGI)
Golden Minerals Company (AMEX:AUMN)
Golden Patriot Corp. (OTCPK:GPTC)
Golden Phoenix Minerals, Inc. (OTCPK:GPXM)
Golden Star Enterprises Ltd. (OTCPK:GSPT)
Golden State Bancorp (OTCPK:GSBX)
Golden Valley Bank (Chico, CA) (OTCPK:GVYB)
Goldkey Corporation (OTCPK:ZWBC)
Goldrich Mining Company (OTCPK:GRMC)
Goliath Film and Media Holdings (OTCPK:GFMH)
Good Gaming, Inc. (OTCPK:GMER)
Good Hemp, Inc. (OTCPK:GHMP)
Good Times Restaurants Inc. (NasdaqCM:GTIM)
Good Vibrations Shoes Inc. (OTCPK:GVSI)
Goodrich Petroleum Corporation (AMEX:GDP)
Gooi Global, Inc. (OTCPK:GOOI)

Goosehead Insurance, Inc (NasdaqGS:GSHD)

GoPro, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GPRO)
Gordon Pointe Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:GPAQ)
Gores Holdings III, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GRSH)
Gores Metropoulos, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GMHI)
Gossamer Bio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GOSS)
Gouverneur Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:GOVB)

GP Strategies Corporation (NYSE:GPX)

Graco Inc. (NYSE:GGG)
Graf Industrial Corp. (NYSE:GRAF)
GrafTech International Ltd. (NYSE:EAF)
Graham Corporation (NYSE:GHM)
Graham Holdings Company (NYSE:GHC)
Grand Canyon Education, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LOPE)
Grand Capital Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:GRCV)
Grand Havana Inc. (OTCPK:GHAV)
Grand Perfecta, Inc. (OTCPK:GPIW)
Grand River Commerce, Inc. (OTCPK:GNRV)
GrandSouth Bancorporation (OTCPK:GRRB)
Granite City Food & Brewery, Ltd. (OTCPK:GCFB)
Granite Construction Incorporated (NYSE:GVA)
Granite Falls Energy, LLC (OTCPK:GFGY)
Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. (NYSE:GPMT)
Graphene & Solar Technologies Limited (OTCPK:GSTX)
Graphene 3D Lab Inc. (TSXV:GGG)
Graphic Packaging Holding Company (NYSE:GPK)
Gratitude Health, Inc. (OTCPK:GRTD)
Gray Television, Inc. (NYSE:GTN)
Great Ajax Corp. (NYSE:AJX)
Great American Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:GTPS)

Great Basin Scientific, Inc. (OTCPK:GBSN.Q)

Great Elm Capital Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GEC)
Great Lakes Aviation, Ltd. (OTCPK:GLUX)
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation (NasdaqGS:GLDD)
Great Southern Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GSBC)
Great Western Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE:GWB)
Great Western Iron Ore Properties, Inc (OTCPK:GWIO)
Green Automotive Company (OTCPK:GACR)
Green Brick Partners, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GRBK)
Green Cures & Botanical Distribution Inc. (OTCPK:GRCU)
Green Dot Corporation (NYSE:GDOT)

Green Energy Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:GYOG)

Green Energy Live, Inc. (OTCPK:GELV)
Green Energy Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:GRGR)
Green EnviroTech Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:GETH)
Green Globe International, Inc. (OTCPK:GGII)
Green Growth Brands Inc. (CNSX:GGB)
Green Hygienics Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:GRYN)
Green Leaf Innovations, Inc. (OTCPK:GRLF)
Green Mountain Development Corp. (OTCPK:GMND)
Green Plains Inc. (NasdaqGS:GPRE)
Green Planet Group, Inc. (OTCPK:GNPG)
Green PolkaDot Box Incorporated (OTCPK:GPDB)
Green Star Products, Inc. (OTCPK:GSPI)
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:GSFI)
Green Technology Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:GTSO)
Green Thumb Industries Inc. (CNSX:GTII)
Green Zebra International Corp. (OTCPK:GZIC)
Greenbelt Resources Corporation (OTCPK:GRCO)
GreenCell, Inc. (OTCPK:GCLL)
GreenChek Technology Inc. (OTCPK:GCHK)
Greene Concepts, Inc. (OTCPK:INKW)
Greene County Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GCBC)

Greenfields Petroleum Corporation (TSXV:GNF)

GreenGro Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:GRNH)
Greenhill & Co., Inc. (NYSE:GHL)
Greenkraft, Inc. (OTCPK:GKIT)
Greenlane Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GNLN)
GreenLink International Inc. (OTCPK:WSHE)
Greenlite Ventures Inc. (OTCPK:GRNL)
GreenPlex Services, Inc. (OTCPK:GRPX)
GreenSky, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GSKY)
Greenville Federal Financial Corporation (OTCPK:GVFF)
Greenway Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:GWTI)
Greenway Technology (OTCPK:GWYT)
Greif, Inc. (NYSE:GEF)
Grey Cloak Tech Inc. (OTCPK:GRCK)
Greyson International, Inc. (OTCPK:GYSN)
Greystone Logistics, Inc. (OTCPK:GLGI)
Gridiron BioNutrients, Inc. (OTCPK:GMVP)
Grifco International, Inc. (OTCPK:GFCI)
Griffin Industrial Realty, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GRIF)
Griffon Corporation (NYSE:GFF)
Gritstone Oncology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GRTS)
GRN Holding Corporation (OTCPK:GRNF)
Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. (NasdaqGS:GO)
GroGenesis, Inc. (OTCPK:GROG)
Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:GRMM)
Groove Botanicals, Inc. (OTCPK:GRVE)
Group 1 Automotive, Inc. (NYSE:GPI)
Groupon, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GRPN)
Grow Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:GRWC)
Grow Solutions Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GRSO)
GrowGeneration Corp. (NasdaqCM:GRWG)
GrowLife, Inc. (OTCPK:PHOT)
Grubhub Inc. (NYSE:GRUB)
Gryphon Gold Corporation (OTCPK:GYPH.Q)
Gryphon Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:GRYO)
GS Acquisition Holdings Corp (NYSE:GSAH)
GSE Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GVP)
GSI Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GSIT)
GSRX Industries Inc. (OTCPK:GSRX)
GT Biopharma, Inc. (OTCPK:GTBP)
GTG Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:GTGT)
GTT Communications, Inc. (NYSE:GTT)
GTY Technology Holdings Inc. (NasdaqCM:GTYH)
Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GNTY)
Guaranty Federal Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGM:GFED)

Guaranty Financial Corporation (OTCPK:GFCJ)

Guard Dog, Inc. (OTCPK:GRDO)
Guardant Health, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GH)
Guardion Health Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GHSI)
GUE Liquidation Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:FTDC.Q)
Guess?, Inc. (NYSE:GES)
Guided Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:GTHP)
Guidewire Software, Inc. (NYSE:GWRE)
Gulf Coast Ultra Deep Royalty Trust (OTCPK:GULT.U)
Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GIFI)
Gulf West Investment Properties, Inc. (OTCPK:GLFW)
Gulfport Energy Corporation (NasdaqGS:GPOR)
GulfSlope Energy, Inc (OTCPK:GSPE)
Gunther Grant, Inc. (OTCPK:GNGR)
Guozi Zhongyu Capital Holdings Company (OTCPK:GZCC)
GWG Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GWGH)

GX Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:GXGX)

Gyrodyne, LLC (NasdaqCM:GYRO)
H.B. Fuller Company (NYSE:FUL)
H.E.R.C. Products Inc. (OTCPK:HERC)
H/Cell Energy Corporation (OTCPK:HCCC)
H&E Equipment Services, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HEES)
H&R Block, Inc. (NYSE:HRB)
Haber, Inc. (OTCPK:ASPT)
Habersham Bancorp (OTCPK:HABC)
Haemonetics Corporation (NYSE:HAE)
Halcón Resources Corporation (OTCPK:HALC)
Halitron, Inc. (OTCPK:HAON)
Hallador Energy Company (NasdaqCM:HNRG)
Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL)
Hallmark Financial Services, Inc. (NasdaqGM:HALL)
Halo Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:HALN)
Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HALO)
Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company (NYSE:HBB)
Hamilton Lane Incorporated (NasdaqGS:HLNE)
Hamilton Thorne Ltd. (TSXV:HTL)
Hamlin Bank & Trust Co. (Smethport, PA) (OTCPK:HMLN)
Hammer Fiber Optics Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:HMMR)
Hancock Jaffe Laboratories, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HJLI)
Hancock Whitney Corporation (NasdaqGS:HWC)
Hanesbrands Inc. (NYSE:HBI)
Hanger, Inc. (NYSE:HNGR)
Hanmi Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:HAFC)
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (NYSE:HASI)

Hannover House, Inc. (OTCPK:HHSE)

Hanover Foods Corporation (OTCPK:HNFS.A)
Harbor Bankshares Corporation (OTCPK:HRBK)
Harbor Diversified, Inc. (OTCPK:HRBR)
HarborOne Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HONE)
Harborside Inc. (CNSX:HBOR)
Harbourton Capital Group, Inc. (OTCPK:HBTC)
Harford Bank (OTCPK:HFBK)
Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE:HOG)
Harleysville Financial Corporation (OTCPK:HARL)

Harmonic Inc. (NasdaqGS:HLIT)

Harpoon Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HARP)
Harrison Vickers and Waterman Inc. (OTCPK:HVCW)
Harrow Health, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HROW)
Harsco Corporation (NYSE:HSC)
Harte Hanks, Inc. (NYSE:HHS)
Harvard Bioscience, Inc. (NasdaqGM:HBIO)

Harvard Illinois Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:HARI)

Harvest Community Bank (OTCPK:HCBP)

Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CNSX:HARV)
Harvest Oil & Gas Corp. (OTCPK:HRST)
Hasbro, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HAS)
Hash Labs Inc. (OTCPK:HLAB)
HashChain Technology Inc. (TSXV:KASH)
Hat Trick Beverage, Inc. (OTCPK:HKBV)
Hauppauge Digital Inc. (OTCPK:HAUP)
Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc. (NYSE:HVT)
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (NYSE:HE)
Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HA)
Hawaiian Hospitality Group, Inc. (OTCPK:HHGI)
Hawaiian Vintage Chocolate Co. (OTCPK:HWVI)
Hawk Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:HWSY)
Hawkeye Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:HWKE)
Hawkins, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HWKN)
Hawthorn Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HWBK)
Haymaker Acquisition Corp. II (NasdaqCM:HYAC)
Haynes International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HAYN)
HBT Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HBT)
HC2 Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:HCHC)
HCA Healthcare, Inc. (NYSE:HCA)
HCB Financial Corp. (OTCPK:HCBN)
HCI Group, Inc. (NYSE:HCI)
HD Supply Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HDS)
HD View 360, Inc. (OTCPK:HDVW)
Health Advance Inc. (OTCPK:HADV)
Health Catalyst, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HCAT)
Health Discovery Corporation (OTCPK:HDVY)
Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NasdaqGM:HIIQ)
Health Revenue Assurance Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:HRAA)
Health Sciences Acquisitions Corporation
Health Sciences Group, Inc. (OTCPK:HESG)
Health-Chem Corporation (OTCPK:HCLC)
Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated (NYSE:HR)
Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HCSG)
Healthcare Solutions Management Group Inc (OTCPK:VRTY)
Healthcare Trust of America, Inc. (NYSE:HTA)
HealthEquity, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HQY)
Healthier Choices Management Corp. (OTCPK:HCMC)
HealthLynked Corp. (OTCPK:HLYK)

Healthmed Services Ltd. (OTCPK:HEME)

Healthpeak Properties, Inc. (NYSE:PEAK)
HealthStream, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HSTM), Inc. (OTCPK:HEWA)

Healthy Coffee International, Inc. (OTCPK:HCEI)
Heartland BancCorp (OTCPK:HLAN)
Heartland Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLD)
Heartland Financial USA, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTLF)
Heat Biologics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HTBX)
Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL)
HEICO Corporation (NYSE:HEI)
Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HSII)
Helios and Matheson Analytics Inc. (OTCPK:HMNY)
Helios Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HLIO)
Helius Medical Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HSDT)
Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (NYSE:HLX)
Helix TCS, Inc. (OTCPK:HLIX)
Helix Wind, Corp. (OTCPK:HLXW)
Helmer Directional Drilling Corp. (OTCPK:EXLA)
Helmerich & Payne, Inc. (NYSE:HP)
Helo Corp. (OTCPK:HLOC)
HemaCare Corporation (OTCPK:HEMA)
Hemagen Diagnostics, Inc. (OTCPK:HMGN)
Hemisphere Media Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:HMTV)
Hemp Naturals, Inc. (OTCPK:HPMM)
Hemp Technology Inc. (OTCPK:CPOW)
Hemp, Inc (OTCPK:HEMP)
HempAmericana, Inc (OTCPK:HMPQ)
Hennessy Advisors, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HNNA)
Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp. IV (NasdaqCM:HCAC)
Henry Schein, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HSIC)
Hepion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HEPA)
Her Imports (OTCPK:HHER)
Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. (NYSE:HLF)
Herborium Group, Inc. (OTCPK:HBRM)
Herc Holdings Inc. (NYSE:HRI)
Hercules Capital, Inc. (NYSE:HTGC)
Here to Serve Holding Corp. (OTCPK:HTSC)
Heritage Commerce Corp (NasdaqGS:HTBK)
Heritage Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:HFWA)
Heritage Global Inc. (OTCPK:HGBL)
Heritage Insurance Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:HRTG)
Heritage NOLA Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:HRGG)

Heritage Southeast Bancorporation Inc. (OTCPK:HSBI)

Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc (NasdaqGS:HCCI)
Herman Miller, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MLHR)
Heron Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HRTX)
Hersha Hospitality Trust (NYSE:HT)
Hertz Global Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:HTZ)
Heska Corporation (NasdaqCM:HSKA)
Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES)
Hess Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:HESM)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (NYSE:HPE)
Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL)
HF Foods Group Inc. (NasdaqCM:HFFG)
HFB Financial Corporation (OTCPK:HFBA)
HG Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:STLY)
hhgregg, Inc. (OTCPK:HGGG.Q)
Hi-Crush Inc. (NYSE:HCR)
Hibbett Sports, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HIBB)
High Country Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:HCBC)
HighCom Global Security, Inc. (OTCPK:HCGS)
Highlands Bankshares, Inc. (OTCPK:HBSI)
Highlands Bankshares, Inc. (OTCPK:HLND)
HighPoint Resources Corporation (NYSE:HPR)
Highwoods Properties, Inc. (NYSE:HIW)
Hill International, Inc. (NYSE:HIL)
Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:HRC)
Hillenbrand, Inc. (NYSE:HI)
Hills Bancorporation (OTCPK:HBIA)
Hilltop Holdings Inc. (NYSE:HTH)
Hilton Grand Vacations Inc. (NYSE:HGV)
Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. (NYSE:HLT)
Hingham Institution for Savings (NasdaqGM:HIFS)


HireQuest, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HQI)
Hiru Corporation (OTCPK:HIRU)
HK eBus Corporation (OTCPK:HKEB)
HL Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:HCCH)
HLK Biotech Holding Group, Inc. (OTCPK:AMHD)
HMG/Courtland Properties, Inc. (AMEX:HMG)
HMN Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGM:HMNF)

HMS Holdings Corp. (NasdaqGS:HMSY)

HNI Corporation (NYSE:HNI)

Holiday Island Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:HIHI)
Holloman Energy Corporation (OTCPK:HENC)
Holly Brothers Pictures, Inc. (OTCPK:MINR)
HollyFrontier Corporation (NYSE:HFC)
Hollywall Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:HWAL)
Holobeam, Inc. (OTCPK:HOOB)
Hologic, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HOLX)
Holographic Storage Ltd. (OTCPK:HSTG)
Home Bancorp Wisconsin, Inc. (OTCPK:HWIS)
Home Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HBCP)

Home Bancshares, Inc. (Conway, AR) (NasdaqGS:HOMB)

Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana (NasdaqCM:HFBL)

Home Financial Bancorp (OTCPK:HWEN)

Home Loan Financial Corporation (OTCPK:HLFN)

Homeland Resources Ltd. (OTCPK:HMLA)

Homeland Security Corporation (OTCPK:HSCC)
HomeStreet, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HMST)

Hometown International, Inc. (OTCPK:HWIN)

HomeTrust Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HTBI)
Homology Medicines, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FIXX)
Honat Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:HONT)
Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON)
Hooker Furniture Corporation (NasdaqGS:HOFT)
HOOKIPA Pharma Inc. (NasdaqGS:HOOK)
Hop-On Inc. (OTCPK:HPNN)
Hope Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HOPE)
hopTo Inc. (OTCPK:HPTO)
Horace Mann Educators Corporation (NYSE:HMN)
Horizon Bancorp, Inc. (Lake Havasu City, AZ) (OTCPK:HRRB)
Horizon Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HBNC)
Horizon Global Corporation (NYSE:HZN)
Horizon Minerals Corp. (OTCPK:HZNM)
Horizons Holdings International, Corp. (OTCPK:HZHI)
Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE:HRL)
Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. (OTCPK:HOSS)
Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:HST)
Hostess Brands, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TWNK)
Hoth Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HOTH)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company (NasdaqGS:HMHC)
Houlihan Lokey, Inc. (NYSE:HLI)
Houston American Energy Corp. (AMEX:HUSA)
Houston InterWeb Design, Inc. (OTCPK:HITD)
Houston Wire & Cable Company (NasdaqGS:HWCC)
Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:HOV)
Howard Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HBMD)
HQ Global Education Inc. (OTCPK:HQGE)
HST Global, Inc. (OTCPK:HSTC.D)
HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HTGM)

Hub Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HUBG)

HUBB Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:HUBV)
Hubbell Incorporated (NYSE:HUBB)
Hubilu Venture Corporation (OTCPK:HBUV)
HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS)
Hudson Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HSON)
Hudson Pacific Properties, Inc. (NYSE:HPP)
Hudson Technologies Inc. (NasdaqCM:HDSN)
Hugoton Royalty Trust (OTCPK:HGTX.U)
Human Unitec International, Inc. (OTCPK:HMNU)
Humana Inc. (NYSE:HUM)
Humanatare Distribution Corp (OTCPK:TTCS)
Humanigen, Inc. (OTCPK:HGEN)
Humatech, Inc. (OTCPK:HUMT)
Humble Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:HUML)
Hunt Companies Finance Trust, Inc. (NYSE:HCFT)
Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NasdaqGS:HBAN)
Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (NYSE:HII)
HuntMountain Resources Ltd. (OTCPK:HNTM)
Huntsman Corporation (NYSE:HUN)
Huntwicke Capital Group Inc. (OTCPK:HCGI)
Hurco Companies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HURC)
Huron Consulting Group Inc. (NasdaqGS:HURN)
Huron Valley Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:HVLM)
Huttig Building Products, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HBP)
HV Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:HVBC)

Hyatt Hotels Corporation (NYSE:H)

Hybrid Coating Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:HCTI)
Hycroft Mining Corporation (OTCPK:HYCT)
Hydrogen Engine Center, Inc. (OTCPK:HYEG)
Hydrogenetics, Inc. (OTCPK:HYGN)
Hydromer, Inc. (OTCPK:HYDI)
Hyperdynamics Corporation (OTCPK:HDYN.Q)
HyperSolar, Inc. (OTCPK:HYSR)
Hypertension Diagnostics, Inc. (OTCPK:HDII)
HyreCar Inc. (NasdaqCM:HYRE)
Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc. (NYSE:HY)
I-Wellness Marketing Group Inc. (OTCPK:IWMG)
i3 Verticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IIIV)
IAC/InterActiveCorp (NasdaqGS:IAC)
iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc. (CNSX:IAN)
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. (TSXV:IB)
IBERIABANK Corporation (NasdaqGS:IBKC)
iBio, Inc. (AMEX:IBIO)
iBrands Corp. (OTCPK:IBRC)
IBW Financial Corporation (OTCPK:IBWC)
iCAD, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ICAD)

ICC Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ICCH)

ICF International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ICFI)
Ichor Holdings, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:ICHR)
Icon Media Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ICNM)
Iconic Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:ICNB)
Iconix Brand Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ICON)
iCoreConnect Inc. (OTCPK:ICCT)


ICU Medical, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ICUI)
ID Global Corporation (OTCPK:IDGC)
Idaho First Bank (OTCPK:IDFB)
IDdriven, Inc. (OTCPK:IDDR)
Ideal Power Inc. (NasdaqCM:IPWR)
Ideanomics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IDEX)
IDEAYA Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IDYA)
Identiv, Inc. (NasdaqCM:INVE)
Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IDRA)
IDEX Corporation (NYSE:IEX)
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IDXX)
Idle Media, Inc. (OTCPK:IDLM)
IDT Corporation (NYSE:IDT)
IDW Media Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:IDWM)
IEC Electronics Corp. (AMEX:IEC)
IEH Corporation (OTCPK:IEHC)
iEntertainment Network, Inc. (OTCPK:IENT)
IES Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:IESC)
IF Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IROQ)

IFAN Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:IFAN)

iFresh Inc. (NasdaqCM:IFMK)
IGEN Networks Corp. (OTCPK:IGEN)
Igene Biotechnology, Inc. (OTCPK:IGNE)
IGM Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IGMS)
Ignis Petroleum Group, Inc. (OTCPK:IGPG)
iGo, Inc. (OTCPK:IGOI)
iHeartMedia, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IHRT)
II-VI Incorporated (NasdaqGS:IIVI)
IJJ Corporation (OTCPK:IJJP)
ikeGPS Group Limited (NZSE:IKE)
IKONICS Corporation (NasdaqCM:IKNX)
IL2M International Corp (OTCPK:ILIM)
Illinois Tool Works Inc. (NYSE:ITW)
Illumina, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ILMN)

IMAC Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IMAC)

Image Metrics, Inc. (OTCPK:IMGX)
Image Protect, Inc. (OTCPK:IMTL)
Image Sensing Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ISNS)
Imagenetix, Inc. (OTCPK:IAGX)
ImageWare Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:IWSY)
ImageWorks Corporation (OTCPK:IWKS)
Imagexpres Corp. (OTCPK:IMJX)
Imagination TV, Inc. (OTCPK:IMTV)
Imaging3, Inc. (OTCPK:IGNG)
Imagion Biosystems Limited (ASX:IBX)
iMedia Brands, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IMBI)
iMine Corporation (OTCPK:JRVS)
Immage Biotherapeutics Corp. (OTCPK:IMMG)
Immediatek, Inc. (OTCPK:IMKI)
Immersion Corporation (NasdaqGS:IMMR)
ImmuCell Corporation (NasdaqCM:ICCC)
Immune Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:IMNP.Q)
Immune Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:IMUN)
Immunic, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IMUX)
ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, Ltd. (OTCPK:IMUC)
ImmunoGen, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IMGN)
Immunomedics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:IMMU)
ImmunoPrecise Antibodies Ltd. (TSXV:IPA)

Immunotech Laboratories, Inc. (OTCPK:IMMB)

Immunovant, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IMVT)
Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. (AMEX:IMH)

Impact Fusion International Inc. (OTCPK:IFUS)

Imperalis Holding Corp. (OTCPK:IMHC)
Imperial Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:IPRC)
Impinj, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PI)
Impreso, Inc. (OTCPK:ZCOM)
In Ovations Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:INOH)
Inception Mining, Inc. (OTCPK:IMII)
Income Opportunity Realty Investors, Inc. (AMEX:IOR)

Incoming, Inc. (OTCPK:ICNN)

Incyte Corporation (NasdaqGS:INCY)
Independence Contract Drilling, Inc. (NYSE:ICD)
Independence Holding Company (NYSE:IHC)
Independence Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:IRT)
Independent Bank Corp. (NasdaqGS:INDB)
Independent Bank Corporation (NasdaqGS:IBCP)
Independent Bank Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IBTX)
Independent Film Development Corporation (OTCPK:IFLM)
Index Oil and Gas Inc. (OTCPK:IXOG)
India Globalization Capital, Inc. (AMEX:IGC)
indiePub Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:IPUB)
Indigenous Roots Corp. (OTCPK:IRCC)
Indivior PLC (LSE:INDV)
Indocan Resources Inc. (OTCPK:IDCN)
Indoor Harvest Corp. (OTCPK:INQD)
Indus Holdings, Inc. (CNSX:INDS)
Industrial Logistics Properties Trust (NasdaqGS:ILPT)
Industrial Nanotech, Inc. (OTCPK:INTK)
Industrial Services of America, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IDSA)
Industry Source Consulting, Inc. (OTCPK:INSO)
Infinera Corporation (NasdaqGS:INFN)
Infinex Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:INFX)
Infinite Graphics Incorporated (OTCPK:INFG)
Infinite Group, Inc. (OTCPK:IMCI)
Infinite Networks Corporation (OTCPK:INNX)
Infinity Energy Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:IFNY)
Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:INFI)
InfoNow Corporation (OTCPK:INOW)
Information Analysis Incorporated (OTCPK:IAIC)
Information Services Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:III)
InfoSearch Media, Inc. (OTCPK:ISHM)
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IEA)
Infrastructure Developments Corp. (OTCPK:IDVC)
Infrastructure Materials Corp. (OTCPK:IFAM)
Infrax Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:IFXY)
Infusion Brands International, Inc. (OTCPK:INBI)
InfuSystem Holdings Inc. (AMEX:INFU)
Ingevity Corporation (NYSE:NGVT)
Ingles Markets, Incorporated (NasdaqGS:IMKT.A)
Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE:INGR)
Inhibitor Therapeutics Inc. (OTCPK:INTI)
INmune Bio Inc. (NasdaqCM:INMB)
InnerScope Hearing Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:INND)
InnerWorkings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:INWK)
Innocap, Inc. (OTCPK:INNO)
Innodata Inc. (NasdaqGM:INOD)
Innolog Holdings Corporation (OTCPK:INHC)
Innophos Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IPHS)
Innospec Inc. (NasdaqGS:IOSP)
Innovaro, Inc. (OTCPK:INNI)
Innovate Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:INNT)
Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc. (OTCPK:IPIX)
Innovative Designs, Inc. (OTCPK:IVDN)
Innovative Food Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:IVFH)
Innovative Holdings Alliance, Inc. (OTCPK:IHAI)

Innovative Industrial Properties, Inc. (NYSE:IIPR)

Innovative Payment Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:IPSI)
Innovative Solutions and Support, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ISSC)
Innovest Global, Inc. (OTCPK:IVST)
Innoviva, Inc. (NasdaqGS:INVA)
Innovus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:INNV)
InnSuites Hospitality Trust (AMEX:IHT)
Inogen, Inc. (NasdaqGS:INGN)
Inovalon Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:INOV)

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:INO)

Inphi Corporation (NYSE:IPHI)
Inpixon (NasdaqCM:INPX)
Inrad Optics, Inc. (OTCPK:INRD)
InRob Tech Ltd. (OTCPK:IRBL)
InsCorp, Inc. (OTCPK:IBTN)
Inseego Corp. (NasdaqGS:INSG)
Insight Enterprises, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NSIT)
Insignia Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ISIG)
Insmed Incorporated (NasdaqGS:INSM)
Insperity, Inc. (NYSE:NSP)
Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. (NYSE:INSP)

Inspired Entertainment, Inc. (NasdaqCM:INSE)

InsPro Technologies Corporation (OTCPK:ITCC)
Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:NSPX)
Installed Building Products, Inc. (NYSE:IBP)
Insteel Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IIIN)
Instructure, Inc. (NYSE:INST)
Insulet Corporation (NasdaqGS:PODD)
INSYS Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:INSY.Q)
Integer Holdings Corporation (NYSE:ITGR)
Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation (NasdaqGS:IART)
Integral Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:ITKG)
Integral Vision, Inc. (OTCPK:INVI)
Integrated BioPharma, Inc. (OTCPK:INBP)
Integrated Business Systems & Services, Inc. (OTCPK:IBSS)
Integrated Cannabis Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:IGPK)
Integrated Environmental Technologies, Ltd. (OTCPK:IEVM)
Integrated Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:INTP)
Integrated Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:INTV)
Integrative Health Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:IHTI)

Intel Corporation (NasdaqGS:INTC)

IntelaKare Marketing, Inc. (OTCPK:IKMA)
Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NTLA)
IntelliCentrics Global Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:6819)

Intellicheck, Inc. (AMEX:IDN)

Intelligent Highway Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:IHSI)
Intelligent Systems Corporation (AMEX:INS)
Intelligentias, Inc. (OTCPK:ITLI)
Intellinetics, Inc. (OTCPK:INLX)
Inter Parfums, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IPAR)
Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IBKR)
Interactive Health Network (OTCPK:IGRW)
InterCare DX, Inc. (OTCPK:ICCO)
Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ICPT)
InterCloud Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:ICLD)
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE:ICE)

InterDigital, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IDCC)

Interdyne Company (OTCPK:ITDN)
Interface, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TILE)
Interlink Electronics, Inc. (OTCPK:LINK)
Interlink Plus, Inc. (OTCPK:ITRK)
Intermap Technologies Corporation (TSX:IMP)
Internap Corporation (NasdaqGS:INAP)
International Baler Corporation (OTCPK:IBAL)
International Bancshares Corporation (NasdaqGS:IBOC)
International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM)
International Cannabrands Inc. (CNSX:INCB)
International Card Establishment, Inc. (OTCPK:ICRD)
International Consolidated Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:INCC)
International Dispensing Corporation (OTCPK:IDND)
International Display Advertising, Inc. (OTCPK:IDAD)
International Endeavors Corp (OTCPK:IDVV)
International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (NYSE:IFF)
International Isotopes Inc. (OTCPK:INIS)

International Land Alliance, Inc. (OTCPK:ILAL)

International Monetary Systems, Ltd. (OTCPK:ITNM)
International Money Express, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IMXI)
International Paper Company (NYSE:IP)
International Seaways, Inc. (NYSE:INSW)
International Spirits & Wellness Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ISWH)
International Star, Inc. (OTCPK:ILST)
International Stem Cell Corporation (OTCPK:ISCO)
Internet Infinity, Inc. (OTCPK:ITNF)
Interpace Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IDXG)
Interplay Entertainment Corp. (OTCPK:IPLY)
Intersect ENT, Inc. (NasdaqGM:XENT)
Intertech Solutions , Inc. (OTCPK:ITEC)
Interups, Inc. (OTCPK:ITUP)
inTEST Corporation (AMEX:INTT)
Intevac, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IVAC)
INTL FCStone Inc. (NasdaqGS:INTL)
Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ITCI)
INTREorg Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:IORG)
Intrepid Potash, Inc. (NYSE:IPI)
Intrexon Corporation (NasdaqGS:XON)
IntriCon Corporation (NasdaqGM:IIN)
Intrusion Inc. (OTCPK:INTZ)
Intuit Inc. (NasdaqGS:INTU)
Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ISRG)
Inuvo, Inc. (AMEX:INUV)
Invacare Corporation (NYSE:IVC)
Invent Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:IDEA)
Inventergy Global, Inc. (OTCPK:INVT)
Invesco Ltd. (NYSE:IVZ)
Invesco Mortgage Capital Inc. (NYSE:IVR)
Investar Holding Corporation (NasdaqGM:ISTR)
Investors Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ISBC)
Investors Real Estate Trust (NYSE:IRET)
Investors Title Company (NasdaqGS:ITIC)
Investview, Inc. (OTCPK:INVU)
Invitae Corporation (NYSE:NVTA)
Invitation Homes Inc. (NYSE:INVH)
InVitro International (OTCPK:IVRO)
InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. (NasdaqCM:NVIV)
INVO Bioscience, Inc. (OTCPK:IVOB)
Inyx, Inc. (OTCPK:IYXI)
ION Geophysical Corporation (NYSE:IO)
Ionic Brands Corp. (CNSX:IONC)
Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IONS)
Iota Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:IOTC)
Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:IOVA)
Iowa First Bancshares Corp. (OTCPK:IOFB)
IPG Photonics Corporation (NasdaqGS:IPGP)
iPic Entertainment Inc. (OTCPK:IPIC.Q)
Ipsidy Inc. (OTCPK:IDTY)
iPure Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:IPLB)
IQVIA Holdings Inc. (NYSE:IQV)

IRadimed Corporation (NasdaqCM:IRMD)

iRhythm Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IRTC)
IRIDEX Corporation (NasdaqGM:IRIX)
Iridium Communications Inc. (NasdaqGS:IRDM)
iRobot Corporation (NasdaqGS:IRBT)
Iron Mountain Incorporated (NYSE:IRM)
IronClad Encryption Corporation (OTCPK:IRNC)
Ironstone Group, Inc. (OTCPK:IRNS)
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:IRWD)
Isabella Bank Corporation (OTCPK:ISBA)
iSign Solutions Inc. (OTCPK:ISGN)
Ism International Inc. (OTCPK:ISML)
Isomet Corp. (OTCPK:IOMT)
IsoRay, Inc. (AMEX:ISR)
Issuer Direct Corporation (AMEX:ISDR)
iStar Inc. (NYSE:STAR)
Italian Food & Beverage Corp. (OTCPK:IFBC)
iTech Medical, Inc. (OTCPK:IMSU)
iTeknik Holding Corporation (OTCPK:ITKH)
Item 9 Labs Corp. (OTCPK:INLB)
Iteris, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ITI)
ITEX Corporation (OTCPK:ITEX)
Itoco Inc. (OTCPK:ITMC)
Itonis, Inc. (OTCPK:ITNS)
Itron, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ITRI)
Itronics Inc. (OTCPK:ITRO)
Iveda Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:IVDA)
IVERIC bio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ISEE)
iWallet Corporation (OTCPK:IWAL)
IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NasdaqCM:IZEA)
IZON Network, Inc. (OTCPK:IZNN)
J & J Snack Foods Corp. (NasdaqGS:JJSF)
J. Alexander's Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:JAX)
J. C. Penney Company, Inc. (NYSE:JCP)
J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. (NasdaqGS:JBHT)
J.Jill, Inc. (NYSE:JILL)
J.W. Mays, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MAYS)
j2 Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS:JCOM)
Jabil Inc. (NYSE:JBL)
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. (NasdaqGS:JKHY)
Jack in the Box Inc. (NasdaqGS:JACK)
Jacksam Corporation (OTCPK:JKSM)
Jaco Electronics Inc. (OTCPK:JACO)
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (NYSE:J)
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (NYSE:J)
Jade Global Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:JADG)
Jagged Peak Energy Inc. (NYSE:JAG)
Jaguar Health, Inc. (NasdaqCM:JAGX)
JAKKS Pacific, Inc. (NasdaqGS:JAKK)
James Maritime Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:JMTM)
Jammin Java Corp. (OTCPK:JAMN)
JanOne Inc. (NasdaqCM:JAN)
Jason Industries, Inc. (NasdaqCM:JASN)
JC Data Solutions Inc. (OTCPK:JCDS)
Jeff Davis Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:JDVB)
Jefferies Financial Group Inc. (NYSE:JEF)
Jeffersonville Bancorp (OTCPK:JFBC)
JELD-WEN Holding, Inc. (NYSE:JELD)
JER Investors Trust Inc. (OTCPK:JERT)
Jerash Holdings (US), Inc. (NasdaqCM:JRSH)
Jernigan Capital, Inc. (NYSE:JCAP)
Jerrick Media Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:JMDA)
Jetblack Corp. (OTCPK:JTBK)
JetBlue Airways Corporation (NasdaqGS:JBLU)
Jewett-Cameron Trading Company Ltd. (NasdaqCM:JCTC.F)
JG Boswell Company (OTCPK:BWEL)
JLM Couture, Inc. (OTCPK:JLMC)
JNS Holdings Corporation (OTCPK:JNSH)
Joey New York, Inc. (OTCPK:JOEY)
John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. (NasdaqGS:JBSS)
John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. (NasdaqGS:JBSS)
John Bean Technologies Corporation (NYSE:JBT)
John Marshall Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:JMSB)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NYSE:JW.A)
Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ)
Johnson Outdoors Inc. (NasdaqGS:JOUT)
Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (NYSE:JLL)
Jones Soda Co. (OTCPK:JSDA)
Jonestown Bank & Trust Co. (OTCPK:JNES)
Jounce Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:JNCE)
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM)
JPO Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:MOPN)
JPX Global, Inc. (OTCPK:JPEX)
JRjr33, Inc. (OTCPK:JRJR.Q)
JTNB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:JTNB)
Juma Technology Corp. (OTCPK:JUMT)
Juniata Valley Financial Corp. (OTCPK:JUVF)
Juniper Networks, Inc. (NYSE:JNPR)
Jupiter Marine International Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:JMIH)
Jushi Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:JUSH.F)
JV Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ASZP)
JZZ Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:JZZI)
K12 Inc. (NYSE:LRN)
Kaanapali Land, LLC (OTCPK:KANP)
Kadant Inc. (NYSE:KAI)
Kadmon Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:KDMN)
Kaiser Aluminum Corporation (NasdaqGS:KALU)
Kaiser Group Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:KGHI)
Kaival Brands Innovations Group, Inc. (OTCPK:KAVL)
Kala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KALA)
Kaleido BioSciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KLDO)
Kali, Inc. (OTCPK:KALY)
KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:KALV)
Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc. (TSXV:KLY)
Kaman Corporation (NYSE:KAMN)
Kannalife, Inc. (OTCPK:KLFE)
Kansas City Life Insurance Company (OTCPK:KCLI)
Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU)
KAR Auction Services, Inc. (NYSE:KAR)
Karuna Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:KRTX)
Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqGS:KPTI)
Katahdin Bankshares Corp. (OTCPK:KTHN)
Kaya Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:KAYS)
Kbridge Energy Corp. (OTCPK:BMMC.F)
Kearny Financial Corp. (NasdaqGS:KRNY)

Kellogg Company (NYSE:K)

Kelly Services, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KELY.A)
KEMET Corporation (NYSE:KEM)
Kemper Corporation (NYSE:KMPR)
KemPharm, Inc. (NasdaqGM:KMPH)
Kenilworth Systems Corp. (OTCPK:KENS)
Kennametal Inc. (NYSE:KMT)
Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:KW)
Kentucky Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:KTYB)
Kentucky First Federal Bancorp (NasdaqGM:KFFB)

Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. (NYSE:KDP)

Kewaunee Scientific Corporation (NasdaqGM:KEQU)
Keweenaw Financial Corporation (OTCPK:KEFI)
Keweenaw Land Association, Limited (OTCPK:KEWL)
Key Capital Corporation (OTCPK:KCPC)
Key Energy Services, Inc. (OTCPK:KEG.X)
Key Tronic Corporation (NasdaqGM:KTCC)
KeyCorp (NYSE:KEY)
Keynes Technology Co Ltd. (OTCPK:KYNS)
Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:KEYS)
Kezar Life Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KZR)
KFG Resources Ltd. (TSXV:KFG)
Kforce Inc. (NasdaqGS:KFRC)
Kibush Capital Corporation (OTCPK:DLCR)
Kid Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:KIDB.Q)
Kid Castle Educational Corporation (OTCPK:KDCE)
Kidville, Inc. (OTCPK:KVIL)
Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC)
Kimball Electronics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KE)
Kimball International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KBAL)
Kimberly Parry Organics Inc. (OTCPK:KPOC)
Kimberly-Clark Corporation (NYSE:KMB)
Kimco Realty Corporation (NYSE:KIM)
Kinbasha Gaming International, Inc. (OTCPK:KNBA)
Kinder Morgan, Inc. (NYSE:KMI)
Kindred Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:KIN)
King Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:KRFG)
Kingstone Companies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:KINS)
Kinsale Capital Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KNSL)
Kirby Corporation (NYSE:KEX)
Kirkland's, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KIRK)
Kish Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:KISB)
Kite Realty Group Trust (NYSE:KRG)
Kiwibox.Com, Inc. (OTCPK:KIWB)
KKR & Co. Inc. (NYSE:KKR)
KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc. (NYSE:KREF)
KLA Corporation (NasdaqGS:KLAC)
KlausTech, Inc. (OTCPK:KLTI)
KLX Energy Services Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KLXE)
KM Wedding Events Management, Inc. (OTCPK:KMWE)
Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KNX)
Knoll, Inc. (NYSE:KNL)
Know Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:KNWN)
Knowles Corporation (NYSE:KN)
Kodiak Sciences Inc. (NasdaqGM:KOD)
Kohl's Corporation (NYSE:KSS)
Koios Beverage Corp. (CNSX:KBEV)
Kona Gold Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:KGKG)
Kona Grill, Inc. (OTCPK:KONA.Q)
KonaRed Corporation (OTCPK:KRED)
Kontoor Brands, Inc. (NYSE:KTB)
Kopin Corporation (NasdaqGS:KOPN)
Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP)
Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY)
Kosmos Energy Ltd. (NYSE:KOS)
Koss Corporation (NasdaqCM:KOSS)
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCPK:KBLB)
Kraton Corporation (NYSE:KRA)
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KTOS)
Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:KNOS)
Kronos Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE:KRO)
Krystal Biotech, Inc. (NasdaqGM:KRYS)
Kuboo, Inc. (OTCPK:SGTB)
KULR Technology Group, Inc. (OTCPK:KULR)
Kunekt Corporation (OTCPK:KNKT)
Kura Oncology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KURA)
Kura Sushi USA, Inc. (NasdaqGM:KRUS)
KushCo Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:KSHB)
KVH Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KVHI)
KYN Capital Group, Inc. (OTCPK:KYNC)

Kyzen Corp. (OTCPK:KYZN)

L Brands, Inc. (NYSE:LB)
L.B. Foster Company (NasdaqGS:FSTR)
L3Harris Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:LHX)
La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company (NasdaqCM:LJPC)
La-Z-Boy Incorporated (NYSE:LZB)
Labor Smart, Inc. (OTCPK:LTNC)
Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (NYSE:LH)
Ladder Capital Corp (NYSE:LADR)
Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. (AMEX:LTS)
Ladybug Resource Group, Inc. (OTCPK:LBRG)
Lake Shore Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:LSBK)

Lakeland Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LBAI)

Lakeland Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:LKFN)
Lakeland Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM:LAKE)
Lam Research Corporation (NasdaqGS:LRCX)
Lamar Advertising Company (REIT) (NasdaqGS:LAMR)
Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:LW)
Lancaster Colony Corporation (NasdaqGS:LANC)
Lancer Orthodontics, Inc. (OTCPK:LANZ)
Landcadia Holdings II, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LCA)
Landec Corporation (NasdaqGS:LNDC)
Landmark Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:LARK)
Landmark Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:LDKB)
Lands' End, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LE)
Landstar System, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LSTR)
Lannett Company, Inc. (NYSE:LCI)
Lantheus Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:LNTH)
Lantronix, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LTRX)
Laredo Oil, Inc. (OTCPK:LRDC)
Laredo Petroleum, Inc. (NYSE:LPI)
Las Vegas Sands Corp. (NYSE:LVS)
Las Vegas Xpress, Inc. (OTCPK:LVXI)
LaSalle Brands Corporation (OTCPK:LSAL)
Laser Energetics, Inc. (OTCPK:LNGT)
Laser Master International, Inc. (OTCPK:LMTI)
Latitude 360, Inc. (OTCPK:LATX)
Lattice Biologics Ltd. (TSXV:LBL)
Lattice Incorporated (OTCPK:LTTC)
Lattice Semiconductor Corporation (NasdaqGS:LSCC)
Laureate Education, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LAUR)
Lawson Products, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LAWS)
Laxai Pharma, Ltd. (OTCPK:LAXA.F)

Lazydays Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LAZY)

LCI Industries (NYSE:LCII)
LCNB Corp. (NasdaqCM:LCNB)
Le@p Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:LPTC)
Lead Innovation Corporation (OTCPK:LEIC)
Leaf Group Ltd. (NYSE:LEAF)
Leafbuyer Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:LBUY)
Leap Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:LPTX)
Lear Corporation (NYSE:LEA)
Learning Tree International, Inc. (OTCPK:LTRE)
Ledyard Financial Group, Inc. (OTCPK:LFGP)
Lee Enterprises, Incorporated (NYSE:LEE)
Lee Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:LPHM)
Leeward Group Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:PCPZ)
Legacy Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:LGC)
Legacy Education Alliance, Inc. (OTCPK:LEAI)
Legacy Housing Corporation (NasdaqGS:LEGH)
Legacy Technology Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:LTHO)
LegacyXChange, Inc. (OTCPK:LEGX)
Legend Oil and Gas, Ltd. (OTCPK:LOGL)
Legends Business Group, Inc. (OTCPK:LGBS)
Legg Mason, Inc. (NYSE:LM)
Leggett & Platt, Incorporated (NYSE:LEG)
Lehman (T.H.) & Co., Inc. (OTCPK:THLM)
Leidos Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:LDOS)
Leisure Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:LACQ)
LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. (NasdaqGM:LMAT)
LendingClub Corporation (NYSE:LC)

LendingTree, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TREE)

Lennar Corporation (NYSE:LEN)

Lennox International Inc. (NYSE:LII)
Level One Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LEVL)
LevelBlox, Inc. (OTCPK:LVBX)
Levi Strauss & Co. (NYSE:LEVI)
LexaGene Holdings Inc. (TSXV:LXG)
Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LXRX)
Lexington Realty Trust (NYSE:LXP)
LF Capital Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:LFAC)
LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:LFAP)
LGI Homes, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LGIH)
LHC Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LHCG)
Libbey Inc. (AMEX:LBY)
Liberated Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:LIBE)
Liberated Syndication Inc. (OTCPK:LSYN)
Liberty Broadband Corporation (NasdaqGS:LBRD.K)
Liberty Defense Holdings, Ltd. (TSXV:SCAN)
Liberty Energy Corp. (OTCPK:LBYE)
Liberty Latin America Ltd. (NasdaqGS:LILA)
Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. (NYSE:LBRT)
Liberty Property Trust (NYSE:LPT)
Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp. (OTCPK:LBSR)
Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LTRP.A)
LICT Corporation (OTCPK:LICT)
Life Clips, Inc. (OTCPK:LCLP)
Life Design Station International, Inc. (OTCPK:LDSI)
Life Insurance Company Of Alabama (OTCPK:LINS.A)
Life On Earth, Inc. (OTCPK:LFER)
Life Storage, Inc. (NYSE:LSI)
Lifeline Biotechnologies, Inc. (OTCPK:LLBO)
LifeQuest World Corporation (OTCPK:LQWC)
Lifestyle Medical Network, Inc. (OTCPK:LMNK)
Lifetime Brands, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LCUT)
LifeVantage Corporation (NasdaqCM:LFVN)
Lifeway Foods, Inc. (NasdaqGM:LWAY)
LIG Assets, Inc. (OTCPK:LIGA)
Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (NasdaqGM:LGND)
Light Engine Design Corp. (OTCPK:TLED)
Light Media Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:LGMH)
Lightbridge Corporation (NasdaqCM:LTBR)
Lighthouse Global Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:LHGI)
Lighting Science Group Corporation (OTCPK:LSCG)
LightPath Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LPTH)
Lightwave Logic, Inc. (OTCPK:LWLG)
Lightyear Network Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:LYNS)
Lilis Energy, Inc. (AMEX:LLEX)
Limbach Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LMB)
Limelight Networks, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LLNW)
Limestone Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LMST)
Limitless Venture Group Inc. (OTCPK:LVGI)
Limoneira Company (NasdaqGS:LMNR)
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation (NasdaqGS:LINC)
Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LECO)
Lincoln National Corporation (NYSE:LNC)
Lincoln Park Bancorp. (OTCPK:LPBC)

Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LIND)

Lindsay Corporation (NYSE:LNN)
Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (AMEX:LCTX)
Lingerie Fighting Championships, Inc. (OTCPK:BOTY)
Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. (NYSE:LGF.A)
Lipocine Inc. (NasdaqCM:LPCN)
Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (ASX:LNG)
Liquid Holdings Group, Inc. (OTCPK:LIQD.Q)
Liquidia Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LQDA)
Liquidity Services, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LQDT)
Liquidmetal Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:LQMT)
Lithia Motors, Inc. (NYSE:LAD)
Lithium Corporation (OTCPK:LTUM)
Lithium Technology Corporation (OTCPK:LTHU.Q)
Littelfuse, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LFUS)
Littlefield Corporation (OTCPK:LTFD)
Live Current Media Inc. (OTCPK:LIVC)
Live Microsystems, Inc. (OTCPK:LMSC)
Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE:LYV)
Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LOB)
Live Ventures Incorporated (NasdaqCM:LIVE)
Livent Corporation (NYSE:LTHM)
LivePerson, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LPSN)
LiveRamp Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:RAMP)
LiveTiles Limited (ASX:LVT)
Livewire Ergogenics, Inc. (OTCPK:LVVV)
LiveWorld, Inc. (OTCPK:LVWD)
LiveXLive Media, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LIVX)
Livongo Health, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LVGO)

Lixte Biotechnology Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:LIXT)

LKA Gold Incorporated (OTCPK:LKAI)
LKQ Corporation (NasdaqGS:LKQ)
LM Funding America, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LMFA)

LMP Automotive Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LMPX)

Local Corporation (OTCPK:LOCM.Q)
Location Based Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:LBAS)
Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT)
Lode-Star Mining Inc. (OTCPK:LSMG)
Loews Corporation (NYSE:L)
Logan Clay Products Company (OTCPK:LGNC)
Logansport Financial Corp. (OTCPK:LOGN)

LogicBio Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:LOGC)

Logicquest Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:LOGQ)
LogMeIn, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LOGM)
Lonestar Resources US Inc. (NasdaqGM:LONE)
Long Blockchain Corp. (OTCPK:LBCC)
Longfin Corp. (OTCPK:LFIN)

Longport, Inc. (OTCPK:LPTI)

Longwen Group Corp. (OTCPK:LWLW)
LookSmart Group, Inc. (OTCPK:LKST)
Loral Space & Communications Inc. (NasdaqGS:LORL)
Lotus Bio-Technology Development Corp. (OTCPK:LBTD)
LOUD Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:LTEC)
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (NYSE:LPX)
Lowe's Companies, Inc. (NYSE:LOW)
LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGS:LPLA)
LRAD Corporation (NasdaqCM:GNSS)
LSB Industries, Inc. (NYSE:LXU)
LSC Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:LKSD)
LSI Industries Inc. (NasdaqGS:LYTS)
LTC Properties, Inc. (NYSE:LTC)
Luby's, Inc. (NYSE:LUB)
Ludwig Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:LUDG)
Lumber Liquidators Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:LL)
Lumentum Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGS:LITE)
Luminex Corporation (NasdaqGS:LMNX)

Luna Innovations Incorporated (NasdaqCM:LUNA)

Luther Burbank Corporation (NasdaqGS:LBC)

Luvu Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:LUVU)

Lydall, Inc. (NYSE:LDL)
Lyft, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LYFT)
Lyons Bancorp Inc. (OTCPK:LYBC)
Lyric Jeans, Inc. (OTCPK:LYJN)
M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:MDC)
M/I Homes, Inc. (NYSE:MHO)
M&F Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:MFBP)
M&T Bank Corporation (NYSE:MTB)
MabCure, Inc. (OTCPK:MBCI)
MabVax Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MBVX.Q)
Macatawa Bank Corporation (NasdaqGS:MCBC)
Mace Security International, Inc. (OTCPK:MACE)
Mach7 Technologies Limited (ASX:M7T)

Mack-Cali Realty Corporation (NYSE:CLI)

Mackinac Financial Corporation (NasdaqCM:MFNC)
MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MTSI)
Macquarie Infrastructure Corporation (NYSE:MIC)
MacReport.Net, Inc. (OTCPK:MRPT)
MacroGenics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MGNX)
Macy's, Inc. (NYSE:M)
Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. (OTCPK:MCZA.F)
Madison Ave Media, Inc. (OTCPK:KHZM)
Madison County Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:MCBK)

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MDGL)

Magellan Gold Corporation (OTCPK:MAGE)
Magellan Health, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MGLN)
Magenta Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MGTA)
Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation (NYSE:MGY)
Magplane Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:MAGP)
Main Street Capital Corporation (NYSE:MAIN)
MainStreet Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MNSB)
Majesco (NasdaqGM:MJCO)
Majic Wheels Corp. (OTCPK:MJWL)
Major League Football, Inc. (OTCPK:MLFB)
Malaga Financial Corporation (OTCPK:MLGF)
Malibu Boats, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MBUU)
Malvern Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MLVF)
MamaMancini's Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MMMB)
Mammoth Energy Services, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TUSK)
Manati Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:MNII)
Mango Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:MCAP)
Manhattan Associates, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MANH)
Manhattan Bridge Capital, Inc. (NasdaqCM:LOAN)
Manhattan Scientifics, Inc. (OTCPK:MHTX)
Manitex International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MNTX)
Mannatech, Incorporated (NasdaqGS:MTEX)
Manneking Inc. (OTCPK:MNKG)
Manning & Napier, Inc. (NYSE:MN)
MannKind Corporation (NasdaqGM:MNKD)
ManpowerGroup Inc. (NYSE:MAN)
ManTech International Corporation (NasdaqGS:MANT)
Manufactured Housing Properties Inc. (OTCPK:MHPC)
Manzo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:MNZO)
Marani Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:MRIB)
Marathon Oil Corporation (NYSE:MRO)
Marathon Patent Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MARA)
Marathon Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:MPC)
Marchex, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MCHX)
Marcus & Millichap, Inc. (NYSE:MMI)
Marcus & Millichap, Inc. (NYSE:MMI)
Marijuana Company of America, Inc. (OTCPK:MCOA)
MariMed Inc. (OTCPK:MRMD)
Marin Software Incorporated (NasdaqGM:MRIN)
Marine Petroleum Trust (NasdaqCM:MARP.S)
Marine Products Corporation (NYSE:MPX)
MarineMax, Inc. (NYSE:HZO)
Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MRNS)
Marizyme, Inc. (OTCPK:MRZM)
Markel Corporation (NYSE:MKL)
Marker Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MRKR)
MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGS:MKTX)

Markray Corp. (OTCPK:RVBR)

Marlin Business Services Corp. (NasdaqGS:MRLN)

Marquette National Corporation (OTCPK:MNAT)

Marriott International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MAR)
Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation (NYSE:VAC)
Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MBII)
Mars Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:MNBP)
Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. (NYSE:MMC)
Marten Transport, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:MRTN)
Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. (NYSE:MLM)
Masco Corporation (NYSE:MAS)
Masimo Corporation (NasdaqGS:MASI)
Masonite International Corporation (NYSE:DOOR)
Mass Megawatts Wind Power, Inc. (OTCPK:MMMW)
MassRoots, Inc. (OTCPK:MSRT)

MasTec, Inc. (NYSE:MTZ)

Mastech Digital, Inc. (AMEX:MHH)
Masterbeat Corporation (OTCPK:MSTO)
Mastercard Incorporated (NYSE:MA)
MasterCraft Boat Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MCFT)
Mastermind, Inc. (OTCPK:MMND)
Mastery Education (OTCPK:PEDH)
Matador Resources Company (NYSE:MTDR)
Match Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MTCH)
Matchaah Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MCHA)
Mateon Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:MATN)
Materion Corporation (NYSE:MTRN)
Matinas BioPharma Holdings, Inc. (AMEX:MTNB)
Matmown, Inc. (OTCPK:MTMW)
Matrix Service Company (NasdaqGS:MTRX)
Matson, Inc. (NYSE:MATX)
Mattel, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MAT)
Matthews International Corporation (NasdaqGS:MATW)
Mauch Chunk Trust Financial Corp. (OTCPK:MCHT)
Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc. (NYSE:MLP)
Maverick Energy Group, Ltd. (OTCPK:MKGP)
Maverick Technology Solutions (OTCPK:MVRK)
Max Sound Corporation (OTCPK:MAXD)
Maxar Technologies Inc. (NYSE:MAXR)
MaxCyte, Inc. (AIM:MXCT)
Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MXIM)
Maxima Group Inc. (OTCPK:MXMG)
MaxLinear, Inc. (NYSE:MXL)
Maxus Realty Trust, Inc. (OTCPK:MRTI)
Mayville Engineering Company, Inc. (NYSE:MEC)
MB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:MBCQ)


MBT Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:MBKL)
MC Endeavors, Inc. (OTCPK:MSMY)
McCormick & Company, Incorporated (NYSE:MKC)
McDermott International, Inc. (NYSE:MDR)
McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD)
McGrath RentCorp (NasdaqGS:MGRC)
mCig, Inc. (OTCPK:MCIG)
McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK)
McRae Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:MCRA.A)
MCTC Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MCTC)
MDC Partners Inc. (NasdaqGS:MDCA)
MDM Permian, Inc. (OTCPK:MDMP)
MDU Resources Group, Inc. (NYSE:MDU)
MDwerks, Inc. (OTCPK:MDWK)
Mechanical Technology, Incorporated (OTCPK:MKTY)
Medalist Diversified REIT, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MDRR)
Medallia, Inc. (NYSE:MDLA)
Medallion Financial Corp. (NasdaqGS:MFIN)

MedAmerica Properties Inc. (OTCPK:BRST)

MedGen, Inc. (OTCPK:MDIN)
Media Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:MDTC)
MediaG3, Inc. (OTCPK:MDGC)
MediaShift, Inc. (OTCPK:MSHF.Q)
MediaTechnics Corporation (OTCPK:MEDT)
Medibio Limited (ASX:MEB)

Medical Cannabis Payment Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:REFG)

Medical Connections Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MCTH)
Medical Imaging Corp. (OTCPK:MEDD)
Medical Innovation Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MIHI)
Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTCPK:MJNA)
Medical Properties Trust, Inc. (NYSE:MPW)
Medican Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:MDCN)
Medicine Man Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:MDCL)
MediciNova, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MNOV)
Medifast, Inc. (NYSE:MED)
Medifirst Solutions, Inc (OTCPK:MFST)
Medinah Minerals, Inc. (OTCPK:MDMN)
Medite Cancer Diagnostics, Inc. (OTCPK:MDIT)
MediXall Group, Inc. (OTCPK:MDXL)

Medizone International, Inc. (OTCPK:MZEI.Q)

Medley Management Inc. (NYSE:MDLY)
MedMen Enterprises Inc. (CNSX:MMEN)
Medpace Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MEDP)

Medtainer, Inc. (OTCPK:MDTR)

MedX Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MEDH)
Megalith Financial Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:MFAC)
Meganet Corporation (OTCPK:MGNT)
Megatech Corp. (OTCPK:MGTC)
MEI Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MEIP)
MeiraGTx Holdings plc (NasdaqGS:MGTX)
Melinta Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MLNT)
Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:MLNX)
Melrose Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:MELR)
Menlo Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqGS:MNLO)
Mentor Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:MNTR)
Mera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:MRPI)
Mercantile Bank Corporation (NasdaqGS:MBWM)
Merchants & Marine Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:MNMB)
Merchants Bancorp (NasdaqCM:MBIN)

Merchants Financial Group, Inc. (OTCPK:MFGI)

Merchants' National Properties, Inc. (OTCPK:MNPP)
Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE:MRK)
Mercury General Corporation (NYSE:MCY)
Mercury Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MRCY)
Meredith Corporation (NYSE:MDP)
Mergence Corp. (OTCPK:MRGN)
Merida Merger Corp. I (NasdaqCM:MCMJ)
Meridian Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EBSB)

Meridian Bioscience, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VIVO)

Meridian Corporation (NasdaqGS:MRBK)
Meridian Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MRDH)
Merion, Inc. (OTCPK:EWLU)
Merit Medical Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MMSI)
Meritage Homes Corporation (NYSE:MTH)
Meritage Hospitality Group Inc. (OTCPK:MHGU)
Meritor, Inc. (NYSE:MTOR)
Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MACK)
Merriman Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MERR)
Mersana Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MRSN)
Mesa Air Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MESA)
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MLAB)
Mesa Royalty Trust (NYSE:MTR)
Mesabi Trust (NYSE:MSB)
Meso Numismatics, Inc. (OTCPK:MSSV)
Message Processing International, Inc. (OTCPK:MPIN)
Mestek, Inc. (OTCPK:MCCK)
Meta Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CASH)

Metaline Contact Mines (OTCPK:MTLI)

MetaPower International, Inc. (OTCPK:MTPR)
MetaStat, Inc. (OTCPK:MTST)

Methes Energies International Ltd. (OTCPK:MEIL)

Methode Electronics, Inc. (NYSE:MEI)
MetLife, Inc. (NYSE:MET)
Metro Global Media, Inc. (OTCPK:MGMA)
Metro Inc. (OTCPK:MTRI)
Metro One Telecommunications, Inc. (OTCPK:WOWI)
MetroCity Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MCBS)
Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. (NYSE:MCB)
Metrospaces, Inc. (OTCPK:MSPC)
Mettler-Toledo International Inc. (NYSE:MTD)

Metwood, Inc. (OTCPK:MTWD)

Mexco Energy Corporation (AMEX:MXC)
Mexus Gold US (OTCPK:MXSG)
MFA Financial, Inc. (NYSE:MFA)
MGE Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MGEE)
MGIC Investment Corporation (NYSE:MTG)

MGM Growth Properties LLC (NYSE:MGP)

MGM Resorts International (NYSE:MGM)
MGP Ingredients, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MGPI)
MGT Capital Investments, Inc. (OTCPK:MGTI)
MHHC Enterprises Inc. (OTCPK:MHHC)
Michael Anthony Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MAJJ)
Micro Imaging Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:MMTC)
Microbot Medical Inc. (NasdaqCM:MBOT)
Microchip Technology Incorporated (NasdaqGS:MCHP)
Micron Solutions, Inc. (AMEX:MICR)

Micron Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MU)

Micropac Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:MPAD)
Microphonics, Inc. (OTCPK:MRPS)
Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT)
MicroStrategy Incorporated (NasdaqGS:MSTR)
MicroVision, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MVIS)
Microwave Filter Company, Inc. (OTCPK:MFCO)
Microwave Filter Company, Inc. (OTCPK:MFCO)
MICT, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MICT)
Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MPB)
Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE:MAA)
Mid-Atlantic Home Health Network, Inc. (OTCPK:MAHN)
Mid-Southern Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MSVB)

MidCoast Community Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:MDCT)

Middlebury National Corporation (OTCPK:MDVT)
Middlefield Banc Corp. (NasdaqCM:MBCN)
Middlesex Water Company (NasdaqGS:MSEX)
Midland Capital Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:MCPH)

Midland States Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MSBI)

Midwest Energy Emissions Corp. (OTCPK:MEEC)
Midwest Holding Inc. (OTCPK:MDWT)
MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MOFG)
Mikros Systems Corporation (OTCPK:MKRS)
Milestone Medical, Inc. (WSE:MMD)
Milestone Scientific Inc. (AMEX:MLSS)
Mill City Ventures III, Ltd. (OTCPK:MCVT)
Millendo Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MLND)
Millennium Energy Corp (OTCPK:MENC)
Millennium Healthcare, Inc. (OTCPK:MHCC)
Millennium Investment & Acquisition Company Inc. (OTCPK:MILC)
Millennium Prime, Inc. (OTCPK:MLMN)
Miller Industries, Inc. (NYSE:MLR)
Miller Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:MLLS)
Mills Music Trust (OTCPK:MMTR.S)
MiMedx Group, Inc. (OTCPK:MDXG)
MineralRite Corporation (OTCPK:RITE)
Minerals Technologies Inc. (NYSE:MTX)
Minerco, Inc. (OTCPK:MINE)
Minerva Neurosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NERV)
Mining Global Inc. (OTCPK:MNGG)
Mirage Energy Corporation (OTCPK:MRGE)
Miragen Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MGEN)
Mirati Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MRTX)
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MIRM)
Misonix, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MSON)
Mission Bancorp (OTCPK:MSBC)
Mission Valley Bancorp (OTCPK:MVLY)
Mistral Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:MILV)
Mistras Group, Inc. (NYSE:MG)
Mitcham Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MIND)
Mitek Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MITK)
Mix1 Life, Inc. (OTCPK:MIXX)
MJ Biotech, Inc. (OTCPK:MJTV)
MJ Harvest, Inc. (OTCPK:MJHI)
MJ Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MJNE)
MJardin Group, Inc. (CNSX:MJAR)
MKS Instruments, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MKSI)
ML Capital Group, Inc. (OTCPK:MLCG)
MMA Capital Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MMAC)

MMA Global Inc. (OTCPK:LUSI)

MMEX Resources Corporation (OTCPK:MMEX)
MMRGlobal, Inc. (OTCPK:MMRF)

MNB Corporation (OTCPK:MNBC)

Mobetize Corp. (OTCPK:MPAY)

Mobile Mini, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MINI)

Mobile Ready Entertainment Corp. (OTCPK:MRDY)

MobileIron, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MOBL)

MobileSmith, Inc. (OTCPK:MOST)

Mobiquity Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:MOBQ)

Mobivity Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:MFON)
Model N, Inc. (NYSE:MODN)
Modern Cinema Group, Inc. (OTCPK:MOCI)
Moderna, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MRNA)
Modine Manufacturing Company (NYSE:MOD)
Moelis & Company (NYSE:MC)
Mohawk Group Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MWK)
Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE:MHK)
MOJO Organics, Inc. (OTCPK:MOJO)
Molecular Templates, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MTEM)
Moleculin Biotech, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MBRX)
Molina Healthcare, Inc. (NYSE:MOH)
Molson Coors Brewing Company (NYSE:TAP)
Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MNTA)
Momentum Biofuels, Inc. (OTCPK:MMBF)
Monaker Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MKGI)
Monarch America, Inc. (OTCPK:BTFL)
Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MCRI)
Monarch Services, Inc. (OTCPK:MAHI)
Mondelez International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MDLZ)
MoneyGram International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MGI)
MoneyOnMobile, Inc. (OTCPK:MOMT)
MongoDB, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MDB)
Monitronics International, Inc. (OTCPK:SCTY)
Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corporation (NYSE:MNR)
Monocle Acquisition Corporation (NasdaqCM:MNCL)
Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MPWR)
Monopar Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:MNPR)
Monro, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MNRO)
Monster Arts, Inc. (OTCPK:APPZ)
Monster Beverage Corporation (NasdaqGS:MNST)
Montage Resources Corporation (NYSE:MR)
Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO)

Moog Inc. (NYSE:MOG.A)

Moregain Pictures, Inc. (OTCPK:MGPC)
Morgan Group Holding Co. (OTCPK:MGHL)
Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS)
Morningstar, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MORN)

Moro Corporation (OTCPK:MRCR)

Morphic Holding, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MORF)
Mosaic Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:MOSC)
MoSys, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MOSY)
Motif Bio plc (AIM:MTFB)
Motorcar Parts of America, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MPAA)
Motorola Solutions, Inc. (NYSE:MSI)
Motors Liquidation Company GUC Trust (OTCPK:MTLQ.U)
Motus GI Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MOTS)
Mountain Commerce Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:MCBI)
Mountain High Acquisitions Corp. (OTCPK:MYHI)
Mountainview Energy Ltd. (OTCPK:MNVW.F)
Movado Group, Inc. (NYSE:MOV)
Movement Industries Corporation (OTCPK:MVNT)
mPhase Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:XDSL)
Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (NasdaqCM:COOP)

MRC Global Inc. (NYSE:MRC)

MRI Interventions, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MRIC)
MSA Safety Incorporated (NYSE:MSA)
MSB Financial Corp. (NasdaqGM:MSBF)

MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc. (NYSE:MSM)


MSG Networks Inc. (NYSE:MSGN)

MTBC, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MTBC)

MTS Systems Corporation (NasdaqGS:MTSC)

Mudrick Capital Acquisition Corporation (NasdaqCM:MUDS)
Mueller Industries, Inc. (NYSE:MLI)
Mueller Water Products, Inc. (NYSE:MWA)
Multi Solutions II, Inc. (OTCPK:MUSS)
Multi-Media Tutorial Services, Inc. (OTCPK:MMTS)
MultiCell Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:MCET)
Multicorp International, Inc. (OTCPK:MCIC)
Muncy Bank Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:MYBF)
Mundus Group, Inc. (OTCPK:MNDP)
Murphy Oil Corporation (NYSE:MUR)
Murphy USA Inc. (NYSE:MUSA)
MusclePharm Corporation (OTCPK:MSLP)
Mustang Alliances, Inc. (OTCPK:MSTG)
Mustang Bio, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MBIO)
Mutual Federal Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:MFDB)

Mutual Merchant Services, Inc. (OTCPK:MUTM)

MutualFirst Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGM:MFSF)
MV Oil Trust (NYSE:MVO)
MVB Financial Corp. (NasdaqCM:MVBF)
MYCELX Technologies Corporation (AIM:MYX)
Myers Industries, Inc. (NYSE:MYE)
myFreightWorld Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:MYFT)
MyGo Games Holding Co. (OTCPK:MYGG)
MyoKardia, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MYOK)
Myomo, Inc. (AMEX:MYO)
MYOS RENS Technology Inc. (NasdaqCM:MYOS)
MYR Group Inc. (NasdaqGS:MYRG)
Myrexis, Inc. (OTCPK:MYRX)
Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MYGN)
Myson Group, Inc. (OTCPK:MYSN)
NAC Global Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:NACG)
NACCO Industries, Inc. (NYSE:NC)
Nacel Energy Corporation (OTCPK:NCEN)
Naerodynamics, Inc. (OTCPK:NDYN)
Nano Labs Corp. (OTCPK:CTLE)
Nano Mobile Healthcare, Inc. (OTCPK:VNTH)

Nanobac Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated (OTCPK:NNBP)

NanoFlex Power Corporation (OTCPK:OPVS)
Nanoforce Inc. (OTCPK:NNFC)
NanoLogix, Inc. (OTCPK:NNLX)
Nanophase Technologies Corporation (OTCPK:NANX)
NanoSave Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:NNSV)
NanoString Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NSTG)

NanoTech Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:NTEK)

NanoTech Gaming, Inc. (OTCPK:NTGL)
NanoVibronix, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NAOV)
NanoViricides, Inc. (AMEX:NNVC)
NantHealth, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NH)

NantKwest, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NK)

Napco Security Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NSSC)
NASB Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:NASB)

Nascent Biotech, Inc. (OTCPK:NBIO)

Nascent Wine Company, Inc. (OTCPK:NCTW)
Nasdaq, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NDAQ)

Nate's Food Co. (OTCPK:NHMD)

Natera, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NTRA)
Nathan's Famous, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NATH)
National American University Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:NAUH)
National Asset Recovery Corp. (OTCPK:REPO)
National Bank Holdings Corporation (NYSE:NBHC)
National Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NKSH)
National Beverage Corp. (NasdaqGS:FIZZ)
National CineMedia, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NCMI)
National Energy Services Reunited Corp. (NasdaqCM:NESR)
National Fuel Gas Company (NYSE:NFG)
National General Holdings Corp. (NasdaqGM:NGHC)
National Health Investors, Inc. (NYSE:NHI)
National HealthCare Corporation (AMEX:NHC)
National Healthcare Logistics Inc. (OTCPK:NHLG)
National Holdings Corporation (NasdaqCM:NHLD)
National Instruments Corporation (NasdaqGS:NATI)
National Oilwell Varco, Inc. (NYSE:NOV)
National Presto Industries, Inc. (NYSE:NPK)
National Research Corporation (NasdaqGS:NRC)
National Retail Properties, Inc. (NYSE:NNN)
National Stock Yards Co. (OTCPK:NSYC)
National Storage Affiliates Trust (NYSE:NSA)
National Storm Management, Inc. (OTCPK:NSMG)
National Storm Recovery Inc. (OTCPK:NSRI)
National Vision Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:EYE)
National Waste Management Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:NWMH)
National Western Life Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NWLI)
Natural Alternatives International, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NAII)
Natural Blue Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:NTUR)
Natural Gas Services Group, Inc. (NYSE:NGS)
Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE:NGVC)
Natural Harmony Foods, Inc. (OTCPK:NHYF)
NaturalShrimp Incorporated (OTCPK:SHMP)
Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NATR)
Natus Medical Incorporated (NasdaqGS:NTUS)
Nautilus, Inc. (NYSE:NLS)
Navidea Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX:NAVB)
Navient Corporation (NasdaqGS:NAVI)

Navistar International Corporation (NYSE:NAV)

NBT Bancorp Inc. (NasdaqGS:NBTB)
NCR Corporation (NYSE:NCR)
NCS Multistage Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NCSM)
nDivision Inc. (OTCPK:NDVN)
Nebula Acquisition Corporation (NasdaqCM:NEBU)
Neenah, Inc. (NYSE:NP)
Neffs Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:NEFB)
Nektar Therapeutics (NasdaqGS:NKTR)
Nelnet, Inc. (NYSE:NNI)

Nemaura Medical Inc. (NasdaqCM:NMRD)

Nemo Motors Corp (OTCPK:NMOC)
Neogen Corporation (NasdaqGS:NEOG)
NeoGenomics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NEO)

Neoleukin Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NLTX)

NeoMagic Corporation (OTCPK:NMGC)
Neon Bloom, Inc. (OTCPK:NBCO)
Neon Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NTGN)
NeoPhotonics Corporation (NYSE:NPTN)
Neos Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NEOS)
Nephros, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NEPH)
Nesco Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:NSCO)
Net Element, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NETE)
Net Medical Xpress Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:NMXS)

NetApp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NTAP)

Netfin Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:NFIN)
Netflix, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NFLX)
Netlist, Inc. (OTCPK:NLST)
NetMed, Inc. (OTCPK:NTME)
NetScout Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NTCT)
NetSol Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NTWK), Inc. (OTCPK:NTLK)
Network 1 Financial Group, Inc. (OTCPK:NTFL)
Network-1 Technologies, Inc. (AMEX:NTIP)
NeuBase Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NBSE)
Neurobiological Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:NTII)
Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NBIX)
Neurogenesis, Inc. (OTCPK:NEUN)
NeuroMetrix, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NURO)
Neuronetics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:STIM)
NeuroOne Medical Technologies Corporation (OTCPK:NMTC)
Neurotrope, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NTRP)
Neutra Corp. (OTCPK:NTRR)
Nevada Canyon Gold Corp. (OTCPK:NGLD)
Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX:NCU)
Nevro Corp. (NYSE:NVRO)
Nevtah Capital Management Corp. (OTCPK:NTAH)
New Age Beverages Corporation (NasdaqCM:NBEV)
New America Energy Corp. (OTCPK:NECA)

New Concept Energy, Inc. (AMEX:GBR)

New England Service Company, Inc. (OTCPK:NESW)
New Fortress Energy LLC (NasdaqGS:NFE)
New Frontier Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:NFEI)
New Generation Consumer Group, Inc. (OTCPK:NGCG)
New Jersey Mining Company (OTCPK:NJMC)
New Jersey Resources Corporation (NYSE:NJR)
New Peoples Bankshares, Inc. (OTCPK:NWPP)
New Pride Corporation (KOSDAQ:A900100)
New Providence Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:NPA)
New Relic, Inc. (NYSE:NEWR)
New Residential Investment Corp. (NYSE:NRZ)
New Senior Investment Group Inc. (NYSE:SNR)
New World Gold Corp. (OTCPK:NWGC)
New York Community Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE:NYCB)

New York Health Care, Inc. (OTCPK:BBAL)

New York Mortgage Trust, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NYMT)
New You Inc. (OTCPK:NWYU)
Newberry Specialty Bakers, Inc. (OTCPK:NBRY)
NewBridge Global Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:NBGV)
NewCardio, Inc. (OTCPK:NWCI)

Newell Brands Inc. (NasdaqGS:NWL)

NewLink Genetics Corporation (NasdaqGM:NLNK)
Newmark Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NMRK)
NewMarket Corporation (NYSE:NEU)
Newmont Goldcorp Corporation (NYSE:NEM)
Newpark Resources, Inc. (NYSE:NR)
News Corporation (NasdaqGS:NWSA)
Newtek Business Services Corp. (NasdaqGM:NEWT)
Newtown Lane Marketing, Incorporated (OTCPK:NTWN)
Nexeon MedSystems Inc. (OTCPK:NXNN)
NexGen Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:XGEN)
NexGen Mining Incorporated (OTCPK:NXGM)
Nexien BioPharma, Inc. (OTCPK:NXEN)
Nexis International Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:NXSI)
Nexity Financial Corporation (OTCPK:NXTY.Q)
NeXplore Corporation (OTCPK:NXPC)
NexPoint Residential Trust, Inc. (NYSE:NXRT)
Nexstar Media Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NXST)
Next Generation Management Corp. (OTCPK:NGMC)
Next10, Inc. (OTCPK:NXTN)
NextCure, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NXTC)
NextDecade Corporation (NasdaqCM:NEXT)
NexTech FAS Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:NXSL)
Nexteer Automotive Group Limited (SEHK:1316)
NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NEE)
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NXGN)

NexTier Oilfield Solutions Inc. (NYSE:NEX)

NextMart, Inc. (OTCPK:NXMR)
Nexus BioPharma, Inc. (OTCPK:NEXS)
Nexus Energy Services, Inc. (OTCPK:IBGR)
nFinanSe Inc. (OTCPK:NFSE)

NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NGM)

Nhale, Inc. (OTCPK:NHLE)
NI Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NODK)
NIC Inc. (NasdaqGS:EGOV)
Nicholas Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NICK)

Nicodrops, Inc. (OTCPK:NCDP)

Nicolet Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NCBS)
Nielsen Holdings plc (NYSE:NLSN)
NightFood Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:NGTF)
NII Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NIHD)
Nine Energy Service, Inc. (NYSE:NINE)
NioCorp Developments Ltd. (TSX:NB)
NiSource Inc. (NYSE:NI)
Nitches Inc. (OTCPK:NICH)
NL Industries, Inc. (NYSE:NL)
nLIGHT, Inc. (NasdaqGS:LASR)
NMI Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NMIH)

NN, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NNBR)

No Borders, Inc. (OTCPK:NBDR)

Nobility Homes, Inc. (OTCPK:NOBH)

Noble Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NBL)
Noble Roman's, Inc. (OTCPK:NROM)
Nocera, Inc. (OTCPK:NCRA)
Nocopi Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:NNUP)
Nofire Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:NFTI)
Non-Invasive Monitoring Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:NIMU)
Noodles & Company (NasdaqGS:NDLS)
Noranda Aluminum Holding Corporation (OTCPK:NORN.Q)
Nordson Corporation (NasdaqGS:NDSN)
Nordstrom, Inc. (NYSE:JWN)
Norfolk Southern Corporation (NYSE:NSC)
Norris Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:NRIS)
Nortech Systems Incorporated (NasdaqCM:NSYS)
North America Frac Sand, Inc. (OTCPK:NAFS)
North American Cannabis Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:USMJ)
North Bay Resources Inc. (OTCPK:NBRI)
North Dallas Bank & Trust Co. (OTCPK:NODB)
North European Oil Royalty Trust (NYSE:NRT)
North Springs Resources Corp (OTCPK:NSRS)
North State Telecommunications Corporation (OTCPK:NORS.A)
Northeast Bank (NasdaqGM:NBN)
Northeast Community Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:NECB)

Northeast Indiana Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:NIDB)

Northern Minerals & Exploration Ltd. (OTCPK:NMEX)

Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (AMEX:NOG)
Northern Star Financial Inc. (OTCPK:NSBK)
Northern Technologies International Corporation (NasdaqGM:NTIC)
Northern Trust Corporation (NasdaqGS:NTRS)
Northfield Bancorp, Inc. (Staten Island, NY) (NasdaqGS:NFBK)

NorthPoint Communications Group Inc. (OTCPK:NPNT.Q)

Northrim BanCorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NRIM)
Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC)
Northsight Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:NCAP)
Northstar Electronics, Inc. (OTCPK:NEIK)
Northway Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:NWYF)
Northwest Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NWBI)

Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:NWBO)

NorthWest Indiana Bancorp (OTCPK:NWIN)

Northwest Natural Holding Company (NYSE:NWN)

Northwest Pipe Company (NasdaqGS:NWPX)
NorthWestern Corporation (NYSE:NWE)
NortonLifeLock Inc. (NasdaqGS:NLOK)
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:NCLH)
Norwood Financial Corp. (NasdaqGM:NWFL)
Notis Global, Inc. (OTCPK:NGBL)
Nouveau Holdings, Ltd. (OTCPK:NHLI)
Nouveau Life Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:NOUV)
Nova LifeStyle, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NVFY)
Nova Tech Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:NTEI)
NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX:NBY)
Novagant Corp. (OTCPK:NVGT)

Novan, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NOVN)

Novanta Inc. (NasdaqGS:NOVT)
Novation Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:NOVC)
Novavax, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NVAX)
NovelStem International Corp. (OTCPK:NSTM)
Novint Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:NVNT)
Novo Integrated Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:NVOS)
Novus Acquisition & Development Corp. (OTCPK:NDEV)
Novus Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NVUS)
NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NRG)
NSAV Holding, Inc. (OTCPK:NSAV)
NTN Buzztime, Inc. (AMEX:NTN)
Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:NUS)
Nuance Communications, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NUAN)
Nucor Corporation (NYSE:NUE)
NuEarth Corporation (OTCPK:NUEC)
NuGene International, Inc. (OTCPK:NUGN)
Nunzia Pharmaceutical Corporation (OTCPK:VGCP.D)
Nuo Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:AURX)
NuOncology Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:NLAB)
Nutanix, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NTNX)
NuTech Energy Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:NERG)
Nutra Pharma Corp. (OTCPK:NPHC)
NutraLife BioSciences, Inc. (OTCPK:NLBS)
Nutranomics, Inc. (OTCPK:NNRX)
Nutri Pharmaceuticals Research, Inc. (OTCPK:NRPR)
Nutriband Inc. (OTCPK:NTRB)
Nutroganics, Inc. (OTCPK:NUTT.Q)
NuVasive, Inc. (NasdaqGS:NUVA)
Nuvectra Corporation (OTCPK:NVTR.Q)
Nuvera Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:NUVR)
Nuverra Environmental Solutions, Inc. (AMEX:NES)
NuVim, Inc. (OTCPK:NUVM)
Nuvus Gro Corp. (OTCPK:NUVG)
NV5 Global, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NVEE)
NVE Corporation (NasdaqCM:NVEC)
Nvest Inc. (OTCPK:NVES)
NVIDIA Corporation (NasdaqGS:NVDA)
NW Tech Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:NWTT)
NxGen Brands Inc. (OTCPK:NXGB)
NXT Nutritionals Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:NXTH)
Nxt-ID, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NXTD)
Nyxio Technologies Corporation (OTCPK:NYXO)
NZJ Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:NZIH)
O-I Glass, Inc. (NYSE:OI)
O'Reilly Automotive, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ORLY)
O2 Secure Wireless, Inc. (OTCPK:OTOW)
Oak Ridge Financial Services, Inc. (OTCPK:BKOR)
Oak Valley Bancorp (NasdaqCM:OVLY)
Oak View National Bank (OTCPK:OAKV)
Oaktree Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:OAC)
Oasis Petroleum Inc. (NasdaqCM:OAS)
Obalon Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:OBLN)
OC Beverages, Inc. (OTCPK:OCBG)
Occidental Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:OXY)
Ocean Bio-Chem, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OBCI)
Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OPTT)
Ocean Smart, Inc. (OTCPK:OCSM)
Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation (OTCPK:CPWR)
Oceaneering International, Inc. (NYSE:OII)
OceanFirst Financial Corp. (NasdaqGS:OCFC)

Oconee Federal Financial Corp. (NasdaqCM:OFED)

Ocugen, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OCGN)

Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. (NasdaqGM:OCUL)
Ocwen Financial Corporation (NYSE:OCN)

Odonate Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ODT)

Odyne Corporation (OTCPK:ODYC)
Odyssey Group International, Inc. (OTCPK:ODYY)
Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OMEX)
Office Depot, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ODP)
Office Properties Income Trust (NasdaqGS:OPI)
OFG Bancorp (NYSE:OFG)
OGE Energy Corp. (NYSE:OGE)
Ohio Valley Banc Corp. (NasdaqGM:OVBC)
Oil States International, Inc. (NYSE:OIS)
Oil-Dri Corporation of America (NYSE:ODC)
OJsys, Inc. (OTCPK:OJSY)
Okta, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OKTA)
Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ODFL)
Old National Bancorp (NasdaqGS:ONB)
Old Point Financial Corporation (NasdaqCM:OPOF)
Old Republic International Corporation (NYSE:ORI)
Old Second Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OSBC)
Olfactory Biosciences Corp. (OTCPK:OLFC)
Olin Corporation (NYSE:OLN)
Ollie's Bargain Outlet Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:OLLI)
Olympic Steel, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ZEUS)
Omagine, Inc. (OTCPK:OMAG)
OMDA Oil and Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:OOAG)
Omega Flex, Inc. (NasdaqGM:OFLX)
Omega Healthcare Investors, Inc. (NYSE:OHI)
Omeros Corporation (NasdaqGM:OMER)
Omni Bio Pharmaceutical, Inc. (OTCPK:OMBP)
Omni Financial Services, Inc. (OTCPK:OFSI)
Omni Health, Inc. (OTCPK:OMHE)
Omni Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:OMVE)
Omni-Lite Industries Canada Inc. (TSXV:OML)
Omnicanna Health Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:ENDO)
Omnicell, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OMCL)

Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE:OMC)

Omnimmune Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:OMMH)
Omnitek Engineering Corp. (OTCPK:OMTK)
OMNOVA Solutions Inc. (NYSE:OMN)
On Deck Capital, Inc. (NYSE:ONDK)

ON Semiconductor Corporation (NasdaqGS:ON)

On4 Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:ONCI)
Onassis Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:ONSS)
OncBioMune Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:OBMP)
OncoCyte Corporation (AMEX:OCX)
Oncolix, Inc. (OTCPK:ONCX)
Oncologix Tech, Inc. (OTCPK:OCLG)
Oncology Pharma Inc. (OTCPK:ONPH)
Onconova Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ONTX)
OncoSec Medical Incorporated (NasdaqCM:ONCS)
OncoVista Innovative Therapies, Inc. (OTCPK:OVIT)
Oncternal Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ONCT)
Ondas Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:ONDS)
ONE Gas, Inc. (NYSE:OGS)
One Liberty Properties, Inc. (NYSE:OLP)
One Step Vending Corp. (OTCPK:KOSK)
One Stop Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OSS)
One World Pharma, Inc. (OTCPK:OWPC)
One World Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:OWVI)
OneLife Technologies Corp. (OTCPK:OLMM)

OneMain Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:OMF)


OneSpan Inc. (NasdaqCM:OSPN)
Online Vacation Center Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:ONVC)
Onsite Energy Corp. (OTCPK:ONSE)
Onto Innovation Inc. (NYSE:ONTO)
Ooma, Inc. (NYSE:OOMA)
OP Bancorp (NasdaqGM:OPBK)

OpGen, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OPGN)

Opiant Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OPNT)
OPKO Health, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OPK)
Oportun Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:OPRT)

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. (NYSE:OPY)

OPT-Sciences Corporation (OTCPK:OPST)
Optec International, Inc. (OTCPK:OPTI)
Optex Systems Holdings, Inc (OTCPK:OPXS)
Optical Cable Corporation (NasdaqGM:OCC)
Optigenex Inc. (OTCPK:OPGX)
OptimizeRx Corporation (NasdaqCM:OPRX)

Optimum Care Corporation (OTCPK:OPMC)

Optimum Interactive USA Ltd. (OTCPK:OPTL)
OptimumBank Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OPHC)
OptiNose, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OPTN)
Option Care Health, Inc. (NasdaqCM:BIOS)
Options Media Group Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:OPMG)
Opus Bank (NasdaqGS:OPB)
Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL)
Oracle Healthcare Acquisition Corp. (OTCPK:OHAQ)
Oragenics, Inc. (AMEX:OGEN)
Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqCM:ORMP)
Orange County Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:OCBI)
OrangeHook, Inc. (OTCPK:ORHK)
OraSure Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OSUR)
Orbit Drop, Inc. (OTCPK:OBDP)
Orbit International Corp. (OTCPK:ORBT)
Orbsat Corp. (OTCPK:OSAT)
Orchid Island Capital, Inc. (NYSE:ORC)
Orchid Ventures, Inc. (CNSX:ORCD)
Orchids Paper Products Company (OTCPK:TISU.Q)
Oregon Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:ORBN)
Oregon Pacific Bancorp (OTCPK:ORPB)
Organic Plant Health, Inc. (OTCPK:OPHI)
Organicell Regenerative Medicine, Inc. (OTCPK:BPSR)
Organogenesis Holdings Inc. (NasdaqCM:ORGO)
Organovo Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ONVO)
Orgenesis Inc. (NasdaqCM:ORGS)
OrgHarvest, Inc. (OTCPK:ORGH)

Origen Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:ORGN)

Origin Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OBNK)
OriginClear, Inc. (OTCPK:OCLN)
Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OESX)
Orion Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ORN)
Orisun Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:ORSN)
Ormat Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:ORA)
Orpheum Property, Inc. (OTCPK:PLFF)
Orrstown Financial Services, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ORRF)
Orthofix Medical Inc. (NasdaqGS:OFIX)
Orthometrix, Inc. (OTCPK:OMRX)
OrthoPediatrics Corp. (NasdaqGM:KIDS)
Oryx Technology Corp. (OTCPK:ORYX)
Osage Exploration and Development, Inc. (OTCPK:OEDV.Q)
Osceola Gold, Inc. (OTCPK:OSCI)
Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK)
OSI Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OSIS)
Osmotica Pharmaceuticals plc (NasdaqGS:OSMT)
Osprey Technology Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:SFTW)
Osyka Corporation (OTCPK:OSKA)
OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCPK:OTCM)

Otelco Inc. (NasdaqCM:OTEL)

Otonomy, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OTIC)
Ottawa Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OTTW)
Otter Tail Corporation (NasdaqGS:OTTR)
Out Front Companies Inc. (OTCPK:OTFT)
Outfront Media Inc. (NYSE:OUT)
Outlook Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:OTLK)
Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. (NYSE:OSG), Inc. (NasdaqGM:OSTK)
Ovid Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqGS:OVID)
Owens & Minor, Inc. (NYSE:OMI)
Owens Corning (NYSE:OC)
Oxford Bank Corporation (OTCPK:OXBC)
Oxford Industries, Inc. (NYSE:OXM)
Oxford Square Capital Corp. (NasdaqGS:OXSQ)
Oyster Point Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqGS:OYST)
P. H. Glatfelter Company (NYSE:GLT)
P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PTSI)
P&F Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PFIN)
P10 Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:PIOE)
Pace Medical, Inc. (OTCPK:PMDL)
Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PACB)

Pacific Blue Energy Corp. (OTCPK:PBEC)

Pacific Coast Oil Trust (NYSE:ROYT)
Pacific Conquest Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:PCHK)
Pacific Drilling S.A. (NYSE:PACD)
Pacific Energy & Mining Company (OTCPK:PEMC)
Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PEIX)
Pacific Financial Corporation (OTCPK:PFLC)
Pacific Green Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:PGTK)
Pacific Health Care Organization, Inc. (OTCPK:PFHO)
Pacific Mercantile Bancorp (NasdaqGS:PMBC)
Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PPBI)
Pacific State Bancorp (OTCPK:PSBC)
Pacific Valley Bank (OTCPK:PVBK)
Pacific Ventures Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PACV)
Pacific West Bank (OTCPK:PWBO)
PacificHealth Laboratories, Inc. (OTCPK:PHLI)
Pacira BioSciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PCRX)
Packaging Corporation of America (NYSE:PKG)
PacWest Bancorp (NasdaqGS:PACW)
PagerDuty, Inc. (NYSE:PD)
Palatin Technologies, Inc. (AMEX:PTN)
Palmetto Real Estate Trust (OTCPK:PTTT.S)
Palo Alto Networks, Inc. (NYSE:PANW)
Palomar Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PLMR)
Pan Global Corp. (OTCPK:PGLO)
Panache Beverage Inc. (OTCPK:WDKA)
Pangaea Logistics Solutions, Ltd. (NasdaqCM:PANL)
Panhandle Oil and Gas Inc. (NYSE:PHX)
PAO Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PAOG)
Papa John's International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PZZA)
PaperFree Medical Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:PFMS)

Par Pacific Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:PARR)

PAR Technology Corporation (NYSE:PAR)
Paradigm Medical Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:PDMI)
Paradigm Oil and Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:PDGO)
Paragon Financial Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:PGNN)
Paragon Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:PGNT)
Parallax Health Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:PRLX)

Paramount Gold Nevada Corp. (AMEX:PZG)

Paramount Group, Inc. (NYSE:PGRE)
Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PRTK)
Pardee Resources Company (OTCPK:PDER)
Pareteum Corporation (NasdaqCM:TEUM)
Paringa Resources Limited (ASX:PNL)
Park Aerospace Corp. (NYSE:PKE)
Park City Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PCYG)
Park Hotels & Resorts Inc. (NYSE:PK)
Park National Corporation (AMEX:PRK)
Park-Ohio Holdings Corp. (NasdaqGS:PKOH)
Parke Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PKBK)
Parker Drilling Company (NYSE:PKD)
Parker-Hannifin Corporation (NYSE:PH)
ParkerVision, Inc. (OTCPK:PRKR)
Parks! America, Inc. (OTCPK:PRKA)
Parkway Acquisition Corp. (OTCPK:PKKW)

Parsley Energy, Inc. (NYSE:PE)

Parsons Corporation (NYSE:PSN)
Partners Bank of California (OTCPK:PBKX)
Party City Holdco Inc. (NYSE:PRTY)
PASSUR Aerospace, Inc. (OTCPK:PSSR)
Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PBHC)
Pathfinder Cell Therapy, Inc. (OTCPK:PFND)
Patient Access Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:PASO)

Patient Portal Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:PPRG)

Patrick Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PATK)

Patriot Gold Corp. (OTCPK:PGOL)
Patriot National Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PNBK)
Patriot Scientific Corporation (OTCPK:PTSC)
Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PATI)
Patten Energy Solutions Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PTTN)
Pattern Energy Group Inc. (NasdaqGS:PEGI)
Patterson Companies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PDCO)
Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PTEN)
Paul Mueller Company (OTCPK:MUEL)
PAVmed Inc. (NasdaqCM:PAVM)
PayChest, Inc. (OTCPK:PYCT)
Paychex, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PAYX)
Paycom Software, Inc. (NYSE:PAYC)
Paylocity Holding Corporation (NasdaqGS:PCTY)
PayPal Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PYPL)
PaySign, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PAYS)
Pazoo, Inc. (OTCPK:PZOO)
PB Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PBBI)

PB Financial Corporation (OTCPK:PBNC)

PBF Energy Inc. (NYSE:PBF)
PBS Holding, Inc. (OTCPK:PBHG)
PC Connection, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CNXN)
PC Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PCGR)
PCB Bancorp (NasdaqGS:PCB)
PCS Edventures!.com, Inc. (OTCPK:PCSV)
PCSB Financial Corporation (NasdaqCM:PCSB)


PCTEL, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PCTI)
PD-Rx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:PDRX)
PDC Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PDCE)
PDF Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PDFS)
PDL BioPharma, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PDLI)
PDL Community Bancorp (NasdaqGM:PDLB)

PDS Biotechnology Corporation (NasdaqCM:PDSB)

PDX Partners, Inc. (OTCPK:PDXP)
Peabody Energy Corporation (NYSE:BTU)
Peak Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:PKPH)
Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:PGC)
Pebblebrook Hotel Trust (NYSE:PEB)
Peer to Peer Network (OTCPK:PTOP)
PeerLogix, Inc. (OTCPK:LOGX)
PeerStream, Inc. (OTCPK:PEER)
Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (OTCPK:PGUZ)
Pegasystems Inc. (NasdaqGS:PEGA)
PEI Worldwide Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:PEIW)
Pekin Life Insurance Company (OTCPK:PKIN)
Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PTON)
Pengram Corporation (OTCPK:PNGM)
Penn National Gaming, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PENN)
Penn Virginia Corporation (NasdaqGS:PVAC)
Pennexx Foods, Inc. (OTCPK:PNNX)
Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PWOD)
Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (NYSE:PEI)
PennyMac Financial Services, Inc. (NYSE:PFSI)

PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust (NYSE:PMT)

Pensare Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:WRLS)
Penske Automotive Group, Inc. (NYSE:PAG)
Penumbra, Inc. (NYSE:PEN)
People's Bank of Commerce (OTCPK:PBCO)
People's United Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PBCT)
People's Utah Bancorp (NasdaqCM:PUB)
Peoples Bancorp Inc. (NasdaqGS:PEBO)
Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PEBK)
Peoples Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:PEBC)
Peoples Financial Corporation (OTCPK:PFBX)
Peoples Financial Services Corp. (NasdaqGS:PFIS)
Peoples Ltd. (OTCPK:PPLL)
Peoples-Sidney Financial Corporation (OTCPK:PPSF) Inc. (OTCPK:PLWY)

PepsiCo, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PEP)
Perceptron, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PRCP)
Peregrine Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:PGID)
Perficient, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PRFT)
Performance Food Group Company (NYSE:PFGC)
Performant Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:PFMT)
PerkinElmer, Inc. (NYSE:PKI)

Perkins Oil & Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:OOIL)

Perla Group International, Inc. (OTCPK:PERL)
Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PESI)
Perma-Pipe International Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PPIH)
Permanent Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:PERT)
Permian Basin Royalty Trust (NYSE:PBT)
Permianville Royalty Trust (NYSE:PVL)
PermRock Royalty Trust (NYSE:PRT)
Perpetual Federal Savings Bank (OTCPK:PFOH)

Perpetual Industries Inc. (OTCPK:PRPI)

Pershing Resources Company, Inc. (OTCPK:PSGR)
Personalis, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PSNL)

Perspecta Inc. (NYSE:PRSP)

Pervasip Corporation (OTCPK:PVSP)
PetIQ, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PETQ)
Petlife Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:PTLF)
PetMed Express, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PETS)
Petro River Oil Corp. (OTCPK:PTRC)
Petro-Victory Energy Corp. (TSXV:VRY)
PetroGas Company (OTCPK:PTCO)
Petrogress, Inc. (OTCPK:PGAS)
Petrolia Energy Corporation (OTCPK:BBLS)
Petrominerals Corporation (OTCPK:PTRO)
PetroShare Corp. (OTCPK:PRHR.Q)
PetroSun, Inc. (OTCPK:PSUD)
PetroTal Corp. (TSXV:TAL)
Petrotech Oil and Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:PTOG)
Petroteq Energy Inc. (TSXV:PQE)
PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:PETV)
Pfenex Inc. (AMEX:PFNX)
Pfizer Inc. (NYSE:PFE)
PFSweb, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PFSW)
PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG)
PGT Innovations, Inc. (NYSE:PGTI)
Pharma-Bio Serv, Inc. (OTCPK:PBSV)

PharmaCom BioVet, Inc. (OTCPK:PHMB)

PharmaCyte Biotech, Inc. (OTCPK:PMCB)
Pharmagen, Inc. (OTCPK:PHRX)
PharmaRoth Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:ROTH)
PharmChem, Inc. (OTCPK:PCHM)
Pharmos Corp. (OTCPK:PARS)
PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PHAS)
PhaseRx, Inc. (OTCPK:PZRX.Q)
Phathom Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PHAT)
Phibro Animal Health Corporation (NasdaqGM:PAHC)
Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM)
Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX)
Phio Pharmaceuticals Corp. (NasdaqCM:PHIO)
Phoenix Footwear Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PXFG)
Phoenix Life Sciences International Limited (OTCPK:PLSI)
PhoneX Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:PXHI)
Photronics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PLAB)
Phreesia, Inc. (NYSE:PHR)

PHSL Worldwide Inc. (OTCPK:PHSL)

Phunware, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PHUN)
Physicians Realty Trust (NYSE:DOC)
Pick-Ups Plus, Inc. (OTCPK:PUPS)
PICO Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PICO)
Piedmont Community Bank Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PCBN)
Piedmont Mining Company, Inc. (OTCPK:PIED)
Piedmont Office Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:PDM)
Pier 1 Imports, Inc. (NYSE:PIR)
Pieris Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PIRS)
Pilgrim's Pride Corporation (NasdaqGS:PPC)
Pineapple Express, Inc. (OTCPK:PNPL)
Pinelawn Cemetery (OTCPK:PLWN)
Ping Identity Holding Corp. (NYSE:PING)
Pinnacle Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:PCLB)
Pinnacle Bank (OTCPK:PBNK)
Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PNFP)
Pinnacle West Capital Corporation (NYSE:PNW)
Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS)
Pioneer Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PBFS)

Pioneer Bankshares, Inc. (OTCPK:PNBI)

Pioneer Energy Services Corp. (OTCPK:PESX)
Pioneer Natural Resources Company (NYSE:PXD)
Pioneer Oil and Gas (OTCPK:POGS)
Pioneer Power Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PPSI)
Piper Jaffray Companies (NYSE:PJC)
Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE:PBI)
Pivotal Acquisition Corp.
Pivotal Investment Corporation II (NYSE:PIC)
Pixelworks, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PXLW)
PJT Partners Inc. (NYSE:PJT)
Planet 13 Holdings Inc. (CNSX:PLTH)
Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE:PLNT)
Planet Resource Recovery, Inc. (OTCPK:PRRY)
Plant Health Care plc (AIM:PHC)
Plantronics, Inc. (NYSE:PLT)
Plastic2Oil, Inc. (OTCPK:PTOI)
Plateau Mineral Development, Inc. (OTCPK:PMDP)
Platinum Studios, Inc (OTCPK:PDOS)
Playa Hotels & Resorts N.V. (NasdaqGS:PLYA)
PlayAGS, Inc. (NYSE:AGS)
Players Network, Inc. (OTCPK:PNTV)
Pledge Petroleum Corp. (OTCPK:PROP)
Plexus Corp. (NasdaqGS:PLXS)
Plug Power Inc. (NasdaqCM:PLUG)
Plumas Bancorp (NasdaqCM:PLBC)
Pluralsight, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PS)
Plus Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PSTV)
PLx Pharma Inc. (NasdaqCM:PLXP)
Plymouth Industrial REIT, Inc. (AMEX:PLYM)
PNM Resources, Inc. (NYSE:PNM)
Point of Care Nano-Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:PCNT)
Polar Power, Inc. (NasdaqCM:POLA)
Polarean Imaging plc (AIM:POLX)
Polaris Group (GTSM:6550)
Polaris Inc. (NYSE:PII)
Polaris International Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:PIHN)
PolarityTE, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PTE)
PolyOne Corporation (NYSE:POL)
Poniard Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:PARD)
Pool Corporation (NasdaqGS:POOL)
Popular, Inc. (NasdaqGS:BPOP)
Portage Resources Inc. (OTCPK:POTG)
Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR)
Portman Ridge Finance Corporation (NasdaqGS:PTMN)
Portola Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PTLA)
Portsmouth Square, Inc. (OTCPK:PRSI)
Portsmouth Square, Inc. (OTCPK:PRSI)
POSaBIT Systems Corporation (CNSX:PBIT)
Positive Physicians Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PPHI)
PositiveID Corporation (OTCPK:PSID)
Positron Corporation (OTCPK:POSC)
Post Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:POST)
Postal Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:PSTL)
PostRock Energy Corporation (OTCPK:PSTR.Q)
Potash America, Inc. (OTCPK:PTAM)
Potbelly Corporation (NasdaqGS:PBPB)
PotlatchDeltic Corporation (NasdaqGS:PCH)
PotNetwork Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:POTN)
Potomac Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:PTBS)
Poverty Dignified, Inc. (OTCPK:PVDG)
Powell Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:POWL)
Power Integrations, Inc. (NasdaqGS:POWI)
Power Solutions International, Inc. (OTCPK:PSIX)
PowerFleet, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PWFL)
Powersafe Technology Corp. (OTCPK:PSFT)
Powerstorm Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:PSTO)
PowerVerde, Inc. (OTCPK:PWVI)
PPG Industries, Inc. (NYSE:PPG)
PPJ Healthcare Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:PPJE)
PPL Corporation (NYSE:PPL)
PQ Group Holdings Inc. (NYSE:PQG)
PRA Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PRAA)

PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PRAH)

Praetorian Property, Inc. (OTCPK:PRRE)

Praxsyn Corporation (OTCPK:PXYN)
PreCheck Health Services, Inc. (OTCPK:HLTY)
Precicion Trim, Inc. (OTCPK:PRTR)
Precipio, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PRPO)
Precision BioSciences, Inc. (NasdaqGS:DTIL)
Precision Optics Corporation, Inc. (OTCPK:PEYE)
Predictive Oncology Inc. (NasdaqCM:POAI)
Predictive Technology Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PRED)
Preferred Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE:APTS)
Preferred Bank (NasdaqGS:PFBC)
Preformed Line Products Company (NasdaqGS:PLPC)
Premier Biomedical, Inc. (OTCPK:BIEI)
Premier Development & Investment, Inc. (OTCPK:PDIV)
Premier Exhibitions, Inc. (OTCPK:PRXI.Q)
Premier Financial Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PFBI)
Premier Holding Corporation (OTCPK:PRHL)
Premier Pacific Construction, Inc. (OTCPK:PPCQ)
Premier Power Renewable Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:PPRW)
Premier Products Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PMPG)
Premier, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PINC)
Premium Beverage Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PBEV)
Premium Exploration, Inc. (OTCPK:PMME.F)
Pressure BioSciences, Inc. (OTCPK:PBIO)

Prestige Capital Corporation (OTCPK:PGEC)

Prestige Consumer Healthcare Inc. (NYSE:PBH)
Prevail Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqGM:PRVL)
PreVu, Inc. (OTCPK:PRVU)
PRGX Global, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PRGX)
PriceSmart, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PSMT)
Primal Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:PMSO)
Prime Meridian Holding Company (OTCPK:PMHG)
PrimeCare Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:PCYS)

PrimeEnergy Resources Corporation (NasdaqCM:PNRG)

Primerica, Inc. (NYSE:PRI)
Primo Water Corporation (NasdaqGM:PRMW)
Primoris Services Corporation (NasdaqGS:PRIM)
Princeton National Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:PNBC)
Principal Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PFG)
Principal Solar, Inc. (OTCPK:PSWW)
Principia Biopharma Inc. (NasdaqGS:PRNB)
Priority Technology Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PRTH)
Prism Software Corporation (OTCPK:PSWR)
Prism Technologies Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PRZM)
PrismOne Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PMOZ)
Private Bancorp of America, Inc. (OTCPK:PBAM)
Pro-Dex, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PDEX)
ProAssurance Corporation (NYSE:PRA)
ProBility Media Corporation (OTCPK:PBYA)
Processa Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:PCSA)
ProConcept Marketing Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PRMK)
Procyon Corporation (OTCPK:PCYN)
Proficient Alpha Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:PAAC)
Profile Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:PSIQ)
Profire Energy, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PFIE)
Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PGNX)
ProGreen US, Inc. (OTCPK:PGUS)
Progress Software Corporation (NasdaqGS:PRGS)
Progressive Care, Inc. (OTCPK:RXMD)
Progressive Green Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:PGSC)
Progyny, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PGNY)
Prologic Management Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:PRLO)
Prologis, Inc. (NYSE:PLD)
Prom Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:PRMO)
Promithian Global Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:PGVI)
Proofpoint, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PFPT)
ProPetro Holding Corp. (NYSE:PUMP)
ProPhase Labs, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PRPH)
ProPhotonix Limited (OTCPK:STKR)
PROS Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:PRO)
ProSight Global, Inc. (NYSE:PROS)
Prosperity Bancshares, Inc. (NYSE:PB)
Protagenic Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:PTIX)
Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PTGX)
Protalex, Inc. (OTCPK:PRTX)
Protech Home Medical Corp. (TSXV:PTQ)
Protect Pharmaceutical Corporation (OTCPK:PRTT)
Protective Capital Structures Corp. (OTCPK:PCSO)

Protective Insurance Corporation (NasdaqGM:PTVC.B)

ProTek Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:PRPM)
Proteo, Inc. (OTCPK:PTEO)
Proteon Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PRTO)
Proteonomix, Inc. (OTCPK:PROT)
Proteostasis Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PTI)
ProText Mobility, Inc. (OTCPK:TXTM)
Protide Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:PPMD)
Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB)
Proto Script Pharmaceutical Corp. (OTCPK:PSCR)
Protocall Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:PCLI)
ProtoKinetix, Incorporated (OTCPK:PKTX)
ProtoSource Corporation (OTCPK:PSCO)
ProUroCare Medical Inc. (OTCPK:PUMD)
Provectus Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:PVCT)
Provention Bio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PRVB)
Provident Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PVBC)

Provident Financial Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PROV)

Provident Financial Services, Inc. (NYSE:PFS)

Provision Holding, Inc. (OTCPK:PVHO)

Proxim Wireless Corporation (OTCPK:PRXM)
Prudential Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:PBIP)

Prudential Financial, Inc. (NYSE:PRU)

PS Business Parks, Inc. (NYSE:PSB)
PSB Holding Corp. (OTCPK:PSBP)
PSB Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:PSBQ)
Psychemedics Corporation (NasdaqCM:PMD)
PTA Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:PTAH)
PTC Inc. (NasdaqGS:PTC)
PTC Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PTCT)
Public Company Management Corp. (OTCPK:PCMC)
Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (NYSE:PEG)
Public Storage (NYSE:PSA)
Puget Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:PUGE)
Puissant Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:PSSS)
Pulmatrix, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PULM)
Pulse Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PLSE)
Pulse Evolution Corporation (OTCPK:PLFX)
PulteGroup, Inc. (NYSE:PHM)
Puma Biotechnology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PBYI)
Pura Naturals, Inc. (OTCPK:PNAT)
Puradyn Filter Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:PFTI)
Puration, Inc. (OTCPK:PURA)
Pure Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:PACQ)
PURE Bioscience, Inc. (OTCPK:PURE)
Pure Cycle Corporation (NasdaqCM:PCYO)
Pure Harvest Cannabis Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PHCG)
Pure Storage, Inc. (NYSE:PSTG)
PureBase Corporation (OTCPK:PUBC)
PureRay Corporation (OTCPK:PURY)
PureSpectrum, Inc. (OTCPK:PSRU)
PureTech Health plc (LSE:PRTC)

Purple Beverage Company, Inc. (OTCPK:PPBV)

Purple Innovation, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PRPL)
PwrCor, Inc. (OTCPK:PWCO)
Pyxus International, Inc. (NYSE:PYX)
Pzena Investment Management, Inc (NYSE:PZN)
Q BioMed Inc. (OTCPK:QBIO)
Q.E.P. Co., Inc. (OTCPK:QEPC)
Q2 Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:QTWO)
Q2Earth, Inc. (OTCPK:QPWR)
QAD Inc. (NasdaqGS:QADA)
QC Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:QCCO)

QCR Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:QCRH)

QED Connect, Inc. (OTCPK:QEDN)
QENEX Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:QNXC)
QEP Resources, Inc. (NYSE:QEP)
Qian Yuan Baixing, Inc. (OTCPK:QYBX)
QMIS Finance Securities Corporation (OTCPK:QMIS)
Qorvo, Inc. (NasdaqGS:QRVO)
QPS Die Cutters and Finishers Corp. (OTCPK:QPSF)
Qrons Inc. (OTCPK:QRON)
QS Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:QSEP)
QTS Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:QTS)
Quad M Solutions Inc. (OTCPK:MMMM)
Quad/Graphics, Inc. (NYSE:QUAD)
Quadlogic Controls Corporation (OTCPK:QDLC)
Quaint Oak Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:QNTO)
Quaker Chemical Corporation (NYSE:KWR)
QUALCOMM Incorporated (NasdaqGS:QCOM)
Qualstar Corporation (NasdaqCM:QBAK)
Qualys, Inc. (NasdaqGS:QLYS)
Quanex Building Products Corporation (NYSE:NX)
Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE:PWR)
Quanta, Inc. (OTCPK:QNTA)

Quanterix Corporation (NasdaqGM:QTRX)

QuantRx Biomedical Corporation (OTCPK:QTXB)

Quantum Capital Inc. (OTCPK:QTCI)
Quantum Computing Inc. (OTCPK:QUBT)
Quantum Corporation (OTCPK:QMCO)
Quantum Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:QEGY)
Quantum International Corp. (OTCPK:QUAN)
Quantum Materials Corp. (OTCPK:QTMM)
Quantum Medical Transport, Inc. (OTCPK:DRWN)
Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (NYSE:DGX)
Quest Oil Corporation (OTCPK:QOIL)
Quest Patent Research Corporation (OTCPK:QPRC)
Quest Resource Holding Corporation (NasdaqCM:QRHC)
Quick-Med Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:QMDT)

QuickLogic Corporation (NasdaqCM:QUIK)

Quidel Corporation (NasdaqGS:QDEL)
QuinStreet, Inc. (NasdaqGS:QNST)
Quintana Energy Services Inc. (NYSE:QES)
Qumu Corporation (NasdaqCM:QUMU)
Quorum Health Corporation (NYSE:QHC)
QuoteMedia, Inc. (OTCPK:QMCI)

Quotient Technology Inc. (NYSE:QUOT)

Qurate Retail, Inc. (NasdaqGS:QRTE.A)
Quture International, Inc. (OTCPK:QUTR)

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (NYSE:RRD)

R1 RCM Inc. (NasdaqGS:RCM)
RA Global Services, Inc. (OTCPK:RAGL)
Ra Medical Systems, Inc. (NYSE:RMED)
Ra Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RARX)
Raadr, Inc. (OTCPK:RDAR)
Radian Group Inc. (NYSE:RDN)
Radiant Logistics, Inc. (AMEX:RLGT)
Radioio, Inc. (OTCPK:RAIO)
Radius Health, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RDUS)
RadNet, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RDNT)
Radva Corp. (OTCPK:RDVA)
Rafael Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:RFL)
Rafarma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:RAFA)
Rainbow Coral Corp. (OTCPK:RBCC)

Rainmaker Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:VCTL)

RAIT Financial Trust (OTCPK:RASF.Q)
Ralph Lauren Corporation (NYSE:RL)
Ramaco Resources, Inc. (NasdaqGS:METC)
Rambus Inc. (NasdaqGS:RMBS)
Rand Capital Corporation (NasdaqCM:RAND)
Rand Worldwide, Inc. (OTCPK:RWWI)
Randolph Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RNDB)

Range Resources Corporation (NYSE:RRC)

Ranger Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE:RNGR)
Ranpak Holdings Corp. (NYSE:PACK)
Rapid7, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RPD)
RAPT Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RAPT)
Rare Element Resources Ltd. (OTCPK:REEM.F)
Rattler Midstream LP (NasdaqGS:RTLR)
RAVE Restaurant Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RAVE)
Raven Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RAVN)
Raymond James Financial, Inc. (NYSE:RJF)
Rayonier Advanced Materials Inc. (NYSE:RYAM)
Rayonier Inc. (NYSE:RYN)
Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN)
Razer Inc. (SEHK:1337)
RBB Bancorp (NasdaqGS:RBB)
RBC Bearings Incorporated (NasdaqGS:ROLL)
RBC Life Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:RBCL)
RCI Hospitality Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RICK)
RCM Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RCMT)
RDX Technologies Corporation (OTCPK:RGDE.F)
RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:RMAX)
Reach Messaging Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:RCMH)
Reading International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RDI)
Ready Capital Corporation (NYSE:RC)
Real American Capital Corp. (OTCPK:RLAB)
Real Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:RLBD)
Real Goods Solar, Inc. (OTCPK:RGSE)
RealNetworks, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RNWK)
Realogy Holdings Corp. (NYSE:RLGY)
RealPage, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RP)
Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O)
Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RETA)
Recro Pharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:REPH) Group, Inc. (OTCPK:RCRT)
Red Branch Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:RBTI)
Red Cat Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:RCAT)
Red Lion Hotels Corporation (NYSE:RLH)
Red River Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RRBI)
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RRGB)
Red Rock Resorts, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RRR)
Red Violet, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RDVT)
Redefy Corporation (OTCPK:RDCO)
Redfin Corporation (NasdaqGS:RDFN)
RedHawk Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:SNDD)
Redwood Capital Bancorp (OTCPK:RWCB)
Redwood Green Corp. (OTCPK:RDGC)
Redwood Group International, Inc. (OTCPK:RDWD)
Redwood Scientific Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:RSCI)
Redwood Trust, Inc. (NYSE:RWT)
Ree International, Inc. (OTCPK:REEI)
Reed's, Inc. (NasdaqCM:REED)
Reelcause, Inc. (OTCPK:RCIT)
Reeltime Rentals, Inc. (OTCPK:RLTR)
Reflect Scientific, Inc. (OTCPK:RSCF)

Reflectkote, Inc. (OTCPK:RKTE)

Refocus Group, Inc. (OTCPK:RFCS)
Regal Beloit Corporation (NYSE:RBC)
RegalWorks Media, Inc. (OTCPK:RWMI)
ReGen Biologics Inc. (OTCPK:RGBO.Q)
Regen BioPharma, Inc. (OTCPK:RGBP)
Regency Affiliates, Inc. (OTCPK:RAFI)
Regency Centers Corporation (NasdaqGS:REG)
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:REGN)
RegeneRx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:RGRX)
Regenicin, Inc. (OTCPK:RGIN)
Regenicin, Inc. (OTCPK:RGIN)
Regional Brands Inc. (OTCPK:RGBD)
Regional Health Properties, Inc. (AMEX:RHE)
Regional Management Corp. (NYSE:RM)

Regions Financial Corporation (NYSE:RF)

Regis Corporation (NYSE:RGS)
Regnum Corp. (OTCPK:RGMP)
Rego Payment Architectures, Inc. (OTCPK:RPMT)
Regulus Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:RGLS)
Reign Sapphire Corporation (OTCPK:RGNP)
Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated (NYSE:RGA)
Rejuvel Bio-Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:NUUU)
Rekor Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:REKR)
Reliability Incorporated (OTCPK:RLBY)
Reliance Global Group, Inc. (OTCPK:RELI)
Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. (NYSE:RS)
Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited (ASX:RWC)
Reliant Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RBNC)
Reliv' International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RELV)
Relmada Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RLMD)
Remark Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MARK)
Remote Dynamics, Inc. (OTCPK:RMTD)
REMSleep Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:RMSL)
Renaissance Gold Inc. (TSXV:REN)
Renasant Corporation (NasdaqGS:RNST)
Renewable Energy Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:REGI)
Renewable Energy Solution Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:RESS)
Renewal Fuels, Inc. (OTCPK:RNWF)
Rennova Health, Inc. (OTCPK:RNVA)
RenovaCare, Inc. (OTCPK:RCAR)
Renovate Neighborhoods, Inc. (OTCPK:RNVT)
Rent-A-Center, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RCII)
ReoStar Energy Corp. (OTCPK:REOS)
Repay Holdings Corporation (NasdaqCM:RPAY)
Replay Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:RPLA)
Repligen Corporation (NasdaqGS:RGEN)
Replimune Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:REPL)
Repro Med Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:KRMD)
Republic Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RBCA.A)
Republic Bank of Arizona (OTCPK:RBAZ)
Republic First Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FRBK)
Republic Services, Inc. (NYSE:RSG)
Research Frontiers Incorporated (NasdaqCM:REFR)
Research Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:RSSS)
ReShape Lifesciences Inc. (OTCPK:RSLS.D)
Resideo Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:REZI)
ResMed Inc. (NYSE:RMD)
Resonant Inc. (NasdaqCM:RESN)
Resonate Blends Inc. (OTCPK:KOAN)
Resource Ventures Inc (OTCPK:REVI)
Resources Connection, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RECN)
Resources Global Services Group (OTCPK:RGSG)
RespireRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (OTCPK:RSPI)
Response Genetics, Inc (OTCPK:RGDX.Q)

Restance, Inc. (OTCPK:ANCE)

resTORbio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TORC)
Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. (NasdaqGS:ROIC)
Retail Properties of America, Inc. (NYSE:RPAI)
Retail Value Inc. (NYSE:RVI)
Retractable Technologies, Inc. (AMEX:RVP)
Retrophin, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RTRX)
Reunite Investments, Inc. (OTCPK:CDRL)
REV Group, Inc. (NYSE:REVG)
Revance Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RVNC)
Reve Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:BSSP)
Revere Bank (OTCPK:REVB)
Reviv3 Procare Company (OTCPK:RVIV)
Revlon, Inc. (NYSE:REV)
Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:RVLT)
Revolve Group, Inc. (NYSE:RVLV)
REX American Resources Corporation (NYSE:REX)
Rexahn Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:REXN)
Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc. (NYSE:REXR)
Rexnord Corporation (NYSE:RXN)
Rezolute, Inc. (OTCPK:RZLT)
RF Industries, Ltd. (NasdaqGM:RFIL)
RGC Resources, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RGCO)
Rhinebeck Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RBKB)

Rhino Novi, Inc. (OTCPK:RNOV)

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RYTM)
Ribbon Communications Inc. (NasdaqGS:RBBN)
RiceBran Technologies (NasdaqCM:RIBT)
Rich Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:RCHA)
Richardson Electronics, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:RELL)
Richmond Mutual Bancorporation, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RMBI)
Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RIGL)
Right On Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:RTON)
Rightscorp, Inc. (OTCPK:RIHT)
RigNet, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RNET)
Rimini Street, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RMNI)
Rimrock Gold Corp. (OTCPK:RMRK)
Ring Energy, Inc. (AMEX:REI)
RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE:RNG)
Riot Blockchain, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RIOT)
Rising BioSciences, Inc. (OTCPK:RBII)
Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD)
Ritter Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RTTR)
Rival Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:RVTI)
River City Bank (OTCPK:RCBC)
River Hawk Aviation, Inc. (OTCPK:RHWI)
River Valley Community Bancorp (OTCPK:RVCB)
Riverdale Oil and Gas Corporation (OTCPK:RVDO)
Riverview Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RVSB)

Riverview Financial Corporation (NasdaqGM:RIVE)

Rivex Technology Corp. (OTCPK:RIVX)
Riviera Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:RVRA)
RJD Green, Inc. (OTCPK:RJDG)
RLJ Lodging Trust (NYSE:RLJ)
RMG Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:RMG)
Roadrunner Transportation Systems, Inc. (NYSE:RRTS)
Robert Half International Inc. (NYSE:RHI)
Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:RCPI.Q)
Rock Energy Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:RCKE)
Rock Ridge Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:RRRI)
Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RCKT)
Rockford Corporation (OTCPK:ROFO)
Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE:ROK)
Rockwell Medical, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RMTI)
Rocky Brands, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RCKY)
Rocky Mountain Ayre, Inc. (OTCPK:RMTN)
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Inc. (NasdaqGM:RMCF)
Rocky Mountain High Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:RMHB)
Rogers Corporation (NYSE:ROG)
Rokk3r Inc. (OTCPK:ROKK)
Roku, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ROKU)
Rollins, Inc. (NYSE:ROL)
Rooshine, Inc. (OTCPK:RSAU)
root9B Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:RTNB)
Roper Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:ROP)
Rorine International Holding Corporation (OTCPK:RIHC)
Rosehill Resources Inc. (NasdaqCM:ROSE)
Rosetta Stone Inc. (NYSE:RST)
Ross Stores, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ROST)
Rotate Black, Inc. (OTCPK:ROBK)
Rouchon Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:RCHN)
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (NYSE:RCL)
Royal Financial Inc. (OTCPK:RYFL)

Royal Gold, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RGLD)

Royal Mines and Minerals Corp (OTCPK:RYMM)
Royale Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:ROYL)
RPM International Inc. (NYSE:RPM)
RTI Surgical Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RTIX)
RTW Retailwinds, Inc. (NYSE:RTW)
Rubicon Technology, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RBCN)
Rubius Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RUBY)
RumbleON, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RMBL)
Running Fox Resource Corp. (TSXV:RUN.H)
Rush Enterprises, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RUSH.B)
RushNet, Inc. (OTCPK:RSHN)
Ruth's Hospitality Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:RUTH)
Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE:R)
Ryerson Holding Corporation (NYSE:RYI)
Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. (NYSE:RHP)
S&P Global Inc. (NYSE:SPGI)

S&T Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:STBA)

S&W Seed Company (NasdaqCM:SANW)
Sabine Royalty Trust (NYSE:SBR)
Sabra Health Care REIT, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SBRA)
Sabre Corporation (NasdaqGS:SABR)
Sachem Capital Corp. (AMEX:SACH)

Sack Lunch Productions, Inc. (OTCPK:SAKL)

Saddle Ranch Media, Inc. (OTCPK:SRMX)
SAExploration Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SAEX)
Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. (NYSE:SFE)
Safehold Inc. (NYSE:SAFE)
Safer Shot, Inc. (OTCPK:SAFS)
Safetek International, Inc. (OTCPK:SFIN)
Safety Insurance Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SAFT)
Saga Communications, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SGA)
Sage Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SAGE)
Saia, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SAIA)
SailPoint Technologies Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SAIL)
Saker Aviation Services, Inc. (OTCPK:SKAS)
Salarius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SLRX)
Salem Media Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SALM), inc. (NYSE:CRM)
Salisbury Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SAL)
Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SBH)
Salon Media Group, Inc. (OTCPK:SLNM)
Samsara Luggage, Inc. (OTCPK:SAML)
San Juan Basin Royalty Trust (NYSE:SJT)
San Luis Trust Bank FSB (OTCPK:SNLS)
Sanara MedTech Inc. (OTCPK:SMTI)
Sanchez Energy Corporation (OTCPK:SNEC.Q)
Sanderson Farms, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SAFM)
SandRidge Energy, Inc. (NYSE:SD)
SandRidge Mississippian Trust I (OTCPK:SDTT.U)
SandRidge Mississippian Trust II (OTCPK:SDRM.U)
SandRidge Permian Trust (NYSE:PER)
Sandston Corporation (OTCPK:SDON)
Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SASR)
Sandy Steele Unlimited, Inc. (OTCPK:SSTU)
Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SGMO)
Sanmina Corporation (NasdaqGS:SANM)
Santa Cruz County Bank (OTCPK:SCZC)
Santa Fe Gold Corporation (OTCPK:SFEG)
Santa Fe Petroleum, Inc. (OTCPK:SFPI)
Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. (NYSE:SC)

Santeon Group, Inc. (OTCPK:SANT)

Sanwire Corporation (OTCPK:SNWR)
Saratoga Investment Corp. (NYSE:SAR)
Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SRPT)
Sativa Growth International (OTCPK:SAGD)
Satsuma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:STSA)
Saudi American Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:SAHN)
Sauer Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:SENY)
Saul Centers, Inc. (NYSE:BFS)
Savara Inc. (NasdaqGS:SVRA)
Savi Financial Corporation, Inc. (OTCPK:SVVB)
Savoy Energy Corporation (OTCPK:SNVP)
SB Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SBFG)
SB One Bancorp (NasdaqGM:SBBX)
SBA Communications Corporation (NasdaqGS:SBAC)
Scandium International Mining Corp. (TSX:SCY)
ScanSource, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SCSC)
Scepter Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:BRZL)
Scheid Vineyards Inc. (OTCPK:SVIN)
Schimatic Cash Transactions, Inc. (OTCPK:SCTN)
Schlumberger Limited (NYSE:SLB)
Schmitt Industries, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SMIT)
Schneider National, Inc. (NYSE:SNDR)
Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SCHN)
Scholar Rock Holding Corporation (NasdaqGS:SRRK)
Scholastic Corporation (NasdaqGS:SCHL)
School Specialty, Inc. (OTCPK:SCOO)
Schultze Special Purpose Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:SAMA)
Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. (NYSE:SWM)
SCI Engineered Materials, Inc. (OTCPK:SCIA)
Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC)
Scientific Games Corporation (NasdaqGS:SGMS)
Scientific Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:SCND)
Scientific Learning Corporation (OTCPK:SCIL)
SciPlay Corporation (NasdaqGS:SCPL)
Scoobeez Global, Inc. (OTCPK:SCBZ)
Scores Holding Company, Inc. (OTCPK:SCRH)
Scott's Liquid Gold-Inc. (OTCPK:SLGD)
Scout Security Limited (ASX:SCT)
scPharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqGS:SCPH)
ScripsAmerica, Inc. (OTCPK:SCRC.Q)
Sculptor Capital Management, Inc. (NYSE:SCU)
SCWorx Corp. (NasdaqCM:WORX)


Seaboard Corporation (AMEX:SEB)
SeaChange International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SEAC)
Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida (NasdaqGS:SBCF)
Seacoast Commerce Banc Holdings (OTCPK:SCBH)
SEACOR Holdings Inc. (NYSE:CKH)
SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc. (NYSE:SMHI)
Seafarer Exploration Corp. (OTCPK:SFRX)
Sealed Air Corporation (NYSE:SEE)
Searchlight Minerals Corp. (OTCPK:SRCH)
Sears Holdings Corporation (OTCPK:SHLD.Q)
SeaSpine Holdings Corporation (NasdaqGS:SPNE)
Seattle Genetics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SGEN)
Seaway Valley Capital Corporation (OTCPK:SEVA)
SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE:SEAS)
Seawright Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SWRI)
Second Sight Medical Products, Inc. (NasdaqCM:EYES)
Sector 10, Inc. (OTCPK:SECI)
Sector 5, Inc. (OTCPK:SFIV)
SecurCapital Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:CQER)
SecureWorks Corp. (NasdaqGS:SCWX)
Security Devices International, Inc. (OTCPK:SDEV)
Security Federal Corporation (OTCPK:SFDL)
Security National Corporation (OTCPK:SNLC)
Security National Financial Corporation (NasdaqGM:SNFC.A)

Seelos Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SEEL)

Seen On Screen TV, Inc. (OTCPK:SONT)
SEI Investments Company (NasdaqGS:SEIC)
Select Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SLCT)
Select Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE:WTTR)
Select Interior Concepts, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SIC)
Select Medical Holdings Corporation (NYSE:SEM)
Selecta Biosciences, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SELB)
Selective Insurance Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SIGI)
SELLAS Life Sciences Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SLS)
Semler Scientific, Inc. (OTCPK:SMLR)
Sempra Energy (NYSE:SRE)
Semtech Corporation (NasdaqGS:SMTC)
Seneca Biopharma, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SNCA)
Seneca Financial Corp. (OTCPK:SNNF)

Seneca Foods Corporation (NasdaqGS:SENE.A)

Seneca-Cayuga Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:SCAY)

SenesTech, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SNES)

Senior Housing Properties Trust (NasdaqGS:SNH)
Sensata Technologies Holding plc (NYSE:ST)
Sense Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:SNSG.F)
Senseonics Holdings, Inc. (AMEX:SENS)
Sensient Technologies Corporation (NYSE:SXT)
Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SRTS)
Sentisearch, Inc. (OTCPK:SSRC)
Sentry Petroleum Ltd (OTCPK:SPLM)
Sentry Technology Corp. (OTCPK:SKVY)
Sequential Brands Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SQBG)
Seres Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MCRB)
Seritage Growth Properties (NYSE:SRG)
Service Corporation International (NYSE:SCI)
Service Properties Trust (NasdaqGS:SVC)
ServiceMaster Global Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SERV)
ServiceNow, Inc. (NYSE:NOW)
ServiceSource International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SREV)
ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SFBS)
Servotronics, Inc. (AMEX:SVT)
Sesen Bio, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SESN)
SETO Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SETO)
Severn Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SVBI)

Seychelle Environmental Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:SYEV)

SFB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:SFBK)

SG Blocks, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SGBX)

SGD Holdings, Ltd. (OTCPK:SGDH)
Shake Shack Inc. (NYSE:SHAK)
Sharing Services Global Corporation (OTCPK:SHRG)
Sharpe Resources Corporation (OTCPK:SHGP)
Sharps Compliance Corp. (NasdaqCM:SMED)
SharpSpring, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SHSP)
Shenandoah Telecommunications Company (NasdaqGS:SHEN)
Shentang International, Inc. (OTCPK:SHNL)
Shi Corporation (OTCPK:SHCC)
ShiftPixy, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PIXY)
Shiloh Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SHLO)
ShockWave Medical, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SWAV)
Shoe Carnival, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SCVL)
Shore Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SHBI)
ShotSpotter, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SSTI)
Shutterstock, Inc. (NYSE:SSTK)
SI-BONE, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SIBN)
Sibling Group Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SIBE)
Sidney Resources Corp. (OTCPK:SDRC)
Siebert Financial Corp. (NasdaqCM:SIEB)
Sienna Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:SNNA.Q)
Sientra, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SIEN)
Sierra Bancorp (NasdaqGS:BSRR)
SIFCO Industries, Inc. (AMEX:SIF)
SIGA Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SIGA)
Sigma Designs, Inc. (OTCPK:SIGM)
Sigma Labs, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SGLB)
SigmaTron International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SGMA)
Signal Advance, Inc. (OTCPK:SIGL)
Signature Bank (NasdaqGS:SBNY)
Signature Devices, Inc. (OTCPK:SDVI)
Signature Eyewear, Inc. (OTCPK:SEYE)
Signature Leisure, Inc. (OTCPK:SGLS)
Signet International Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SIGN)
Silgan Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGS:SLGN)
Silicon Laboratories Inc. (NasdaqGS:SLAB)
Silicon Laboratories Inc. (NasdaqGS:SLAB)
Silk Road Medical, Inc (NasdaqGM:SILK)
Silver Buckle Mines, Inc. (OTCPK:SBUM)
Silver Predator Corp. (TSXV:SPD)
Silver Predator Corp. (TSXV:SPD)
Silver Scott Mines, Inc. (OTCPK:SILS)
Silver Spike Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:SSPK)
Silver Verde May Mining Co., Inc. (OTCPK:SIVE)
SilverBow Resources, Inc. (NYSE:SBOW)
Silvercrest Asset Management Group Inc. (NasdaqGM:SAMG)
Silvergate Capital Corporation (NYSE:SI)
SilverSun Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SSNT)
Silverton Adventures, Inc. (OTCPK:SVAD)
Simclar, Inc. (OTCPK:SIMC)
Simmons First National Corporation (NasdaqGS:SFNC)
Simon Property Group, Inc. (NYSE:SPG)
Simon Worldwide, Inc. (OTCPK:SWWI)
Simplicity Esports and Gaming Company (OTCPK:WINR)
Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc. (NYSE:SSD)
Sims Metal Management Limited (ASX:SGM)
Simtrol, Inc. (OTCPK:SMRL)
Simulated Environment Concepts, Inc. (OTCPK:SMEV)
Simulations Plus, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SLP)

Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SBGI)

SinglePoint, Inc. (OTCPK:SING)
Sino United Worldwide Consolidated Ltd. (OTCPK:SUIC)
Sino-Global Shipping America, Ltd. (NasdaqCM:SINO)
Sintana Energy Inc. (TSXV:SEI)
Sintx Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SINT)
Sionix Corp. (OTCPK:SINX)
Sipp Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:SIPC)
SIPP International Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:SIPN)
Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGS:SIRI)
SITE Centers Corp. (NYSE:SITC)
SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc. (NYSE:SITE)
SiTime Corporation (NasdaqGM:SITM)
SITO Mobile, Ltd. (NasdaqCM:SITO)
Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX)
Skechers U.S.A., Inc. (NYSE:SKX)
Skinvisible, Inc. (OTCPK:SKVI)
Sky Petroleum, Inc. (OTCPK:SKPI)
Sky440, Inc. (OTCPK:SKYF)
Skye Petroleum, Inc. (OTCPK:SKPO)
Skyline Champion Corporation (NYSE:SKY)
Skytop Lodge Corporation (OTCPK:SKTP)
SkyWest, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SKYW)
Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SWKS)
SL Green Realty Corp. (NYSE:SLG)
Slack Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:WORK)
Sleep Number Corporation (NasdaqGS:SNBR)
SLM Corporation (NasdaqGS:SLM)

SM Energy Company (NYSE:SM)

SMA Alliance, Inc. (OTCPK:SMAA)
Small Business Development Group, Inc. (OTCPK:SBDG)
Smart Cannabis Corp. (OTCPK:SCNA)
Smart Card Marketing Systems Inc. (OTCPK:SMKG)
SMART Global Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SGH)
Smart Sand, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SND)
SmartFinancial, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SMBK)
SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCPK:SMME)
Smartsheet Inc. (NYSE:SMAR)
SMC Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:SMCE)
SMG Industries Inc. (OTCPK:SMGI)
SmileDirectClub, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SDC)
Smith Micro Software, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SMSI)
Smith-Midland Corporation (OTCPK:SMID)
Smoke Cartel, Inc. (OTCPK:SMKC)
Smokefree Innotec, Inc. (OTCPK:SFIO)
Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP)
Snap-on Incorporated (NYSE:SNA)
SNM Global Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SNMN)
Snoogoo Corp. (OTCPK:SGOO)
Social Detention, Inc. (OTCPK:SODE)
Social Life Network, Inc. (OTCPK:WDLF)
Social Media Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:SMVI)
SocialPlay USA, Inc. (OTCPK:SPLY)
Socket Mobile, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SCKT)
SofTech, Inc. (OTCPK:SOFT)
Solanbridge Group, Inc. (OTCPK:SLNX)
Solar Energy Initiatives, Inc. (OTCPK:SNRY)
Solar Enertech Corp. (OTCPK:SOEN)
Solar Gold Ltd. (OTCPK:PLKT)
Solar Integrated Roofing Corporation (OTCPK:SIRC)
Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure, Inc. (NYSE:SOI)
SolarWindow Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:WNDW)
SolarWinds Corporation (NYSE:SWI)
Solei Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:SOLI)
Soleno Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SLNO)
Solera National Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:SLRK)
Solid Biosciences Inc. (NasdaqGS:SLDB)
Soligen Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:SGTN)
Soligenix, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SNGX)
Solitario Zinc Corp. (AMEX:XPL)
Soliton, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SOLY)
Solitron Devices, Inc. (OTCPK:SODI)
Sollensys Corp. (OTCPK:SOLS)
Solvay Bank Corp. (OTCPK:SOBS)
Somatic Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:SMAS)
Somero Enterprises, Inc. (AIM:SOM)
Somerset Trust Holding Company (OTCPK:SOME)
Sonasoft Corp. (OTCPK:SSFT)
Sonic Automotive, Inc. (NYSE:SAH)
Sonic Foundry, Inc. (OTCPK:SOFO)
Sonics & Materials, Inc. (OTCPK:SIMA)
Sonim Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SONM)
Sono-Tek Corporation (OTCPK:SOTK)
Sonoco Products Company (NYSE:SON)
Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SNOA)
Sonos, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SONO)
Sophiris Bio, Inc. (DB:BFF1)
Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SRNE)
Sortis Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SOHI)
Sotherly Hotels Inc. (NasdaqGM:SOHO)
Sound Financial Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SFBC)
Soupman, Inc. (OTCPK:SOUP.Q)
South Atlantic Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:SABK)
South Beach Spirits, Inc. (OTCPK:SBES)
South Dakota Soybean Processors, LLC (OTCPK:SDSY.A)
South Jersey Industries, Inc. (NYSE:SJI)
South Mountain Merger Corp. (NasdaqCM:SMMC)
South Plains Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPFI)
South State Corporation (NasdaqGS:SSB)
SouthCorp Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:STHC)
SouthCrest Financial Group, Inc. (OTCPK:SCSG)
Southeastern Banking Corporation (OTCPK:SEBC)
Southern BancShares (N.C.), Inc. (OTCPK:SBNC)
Southern Community Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:SCBS)
Southern Concepts Restaurant Group, Inc. (OTCPK:RIBS)
Southern Copper Corporation (NYSE:SCCO)
Southern First Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SFST)
Southern Home Medical, Inc. (OTCPK:SHOM)
Southern ITS International, Inc. (OTCPK:SITS)
Southern Michigan Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:SOMC)
Southern Missouri Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SMBC)

Southern National Bancorp of Virginia, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SONA)

Southern Trust Securities Holding Corp. (OTCPK:SOHL)
SouthFirst Bancshares Inc. (OTCPK:SZBI)

SouthPeak Interactive Corporation (OTCPK:SOPK)

SouthPoint Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:SOUB)
Southside Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SBSI)
Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE:LUV)
Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SWX)
Southwest Georgia Financial Corporation (AMEX:SGB)
Southwestern Energy Company (NYSE:SWN)
Southwestern Medical Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:SWNM)
SP Plus Corporation (NasdaqGS:SP)
Space Propulsion Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:SPSY)
Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. (OTCPK:SBSA.A)
SPAR Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SGRP)
Spark Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPKE)
Sparta Commercial Services, Inc. (OTCPK:SRCO)
Spartan Energy Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:SPAQ)
Spartan Motors, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPAR)
SpartanNash Company (NasdaqGS:SPTN)
Spectacular Solar, Inc. (OTCPK:SPSO)
Spectra Systems Corporation (AIM:SPSC)
Spectra7 Microsystems Inc. (TSX:SEV)
Spectral Capital Corporation (OTCPK:FCCN)
Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SPB)
Spectrum Global Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:SGSI)
Spectrum Group International, Inc. (OTCPK:SPGZ)
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPPI)
SpectrumDNA, Inc. (OTCPK:SPXA)
Speed Commerce, Inc. (OTCPK:SPDC)
Speedemissions, Inc. (OTCPK:SPMI)
Speedus Corp. (OTCPK:SPDE)
SpendSmart Networks, Inc. (OTCPK:SSPC)
Spero Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPRO)
Spherix Incorporated (NasdaqCM:SPEX)
Spindle, Inc. (OTCPK:SPDL)
Spindletop Oil & Gas Co. (OTCPK:SPND)
Spine Injury Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:SPIN)
Spire Inc. (NYSE:SR)
Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SPR)
Spirit Airlines, Inc. (NYSE:SAVE)
Spirit of Texas Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:STXB)
Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. (NYSE:SRC)
Splunk Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPLK)
SPO Global Inc. (OTCPK:SPOM)
SPO Networks, Inc. (OTCPK:SPOI)
Spok Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPOK)
SponsorsOne Inc. (CNSX:SPO)
Sports Field Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SFHI)
Sports Venues of Florida, Inc. (OTCPK:BTHR)
Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPWH)
SportsQuest, Inc. (OTCPK:SPQS)
Spotlight Capital Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SLCH)
Spotlight Innovation Inc. (OTCPK:STLT)
Spring Bank Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SBPH)
SpringWorks Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SWTX)
Sprint Corporation (NYSE:S)
Sprout Social, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SPT)
Sprout Tiny Homes, Inc. (OTCPK:STHI)
Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SFM)
SPS Commerce, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SPSC)
SPX Corporation (NYSE:SPXC)
Square Chain Corp. (OTCPK:SQCC)
Square, Inc. (NYSE:SQ)
SRAX, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SRAX)
SRC Energy Inc. (AMEX:SRCI)
SRTI BlockChain Generation, Inc. (OTCPK:SRTI)
SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SSNC)
SSB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:SSBP)
SStartrade Tech, Inc. (OTCPK:SSTT)
St. Joseph, Inc. (OTCPK:STJO)
STAAR Surgical Company (NasdaqGM:STAA)
Stabilis Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:SLNG)
Staffing 360 Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqCM:STAF)
STAG Industrial, Inc. (NYSE:STAG)
Stage Stores, Inc. (NYSE:SSI) Inc. (NasdaqGS:STMP)
Standard AVB Financial Corp. (NasdaqCM:STND)

Standard Diversified Inc. (AMEX:SDI)

Standard Energy Corp. (OTCPK:STDE)
Standard Metals Processing, Inc. (OTCPK:SMPR)
Standard Motor Products, Inc. (NYSE:SMP)
Standex International Corporation (NYSE:SXI)
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. (NYSE:SWK)
Star Buffet, Inc. (OTCPK:STRZ)
Star Gold Corp. (OTCPK:SRGZ)
Star Jets International, Inc. (OTCPK:JETR)
Starbucks Corporation (NasdaqGS:SBUX)
Starco Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:STCB)
Stargaze Entertainment Group Inc. (OTCPK:STGZ)
Starlight Energy Corp. (OTCPK:SAEC)
Starstream Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:SSET)
Start Scientific, Inc. (OTCPK:STSC)
Startech Labs Inc. (OTCPK:LAAB)
StarTek, Inc. (NYSE:SRT)
Starwood Property Trust, Inc. (NYSE:STWD)
State Auto Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:STFC)
State Bank Corp. (OTCPK:SBAZ)
State Street Corporation (NYSE:STT)
StatSure Diagnostic Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:SSUR)
Stealth Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:STTH)
Steel Connect, Inc. (NasdaqGS:STCN)
Steel Dynamics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:STLD)
Steelcase Inc. (NYSE:SCS)
Steele Oceanic Corporation (OTCPK:SELR)
Stein Mart, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SMRT)
Stem Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:STMH)
StemGen, Inc. (OTCPK:SGNI)
Stemline Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:STML)
Stemline Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:STML)
Stemsation International, Inc. (OTCPK:STSN)

Stepan Company (NYSE:SCL)

Stereo Vision Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:SVSN)
Stereotaxis, Inc. (AMEX:STXS)
Stericycle, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SRCL)
Sterling Bancorp (NYSE:STL)
Sterling Bancorp, Inc. (Southfield, MI) (NasdaqCM:SBT)

Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NasdaqGS:STRL)

Sterling Energy Resources Incorporated (OTCPK:SGER)
Steuben Trust Corporation (OTCPK:SBHO)
Steven Madden, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:SHOO)
Stevia Corp. (OTCPK:STEV)
Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC)
STG Group, Inc. (OTCPK:STGG.Q)
Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE:SF)
Stinger Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:STYS)
Stitch Fix, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SFIX)
Stock Yards Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SYBT)
Stoke Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:STOK)
Stoneridge, Inc. (NYSE:SRI)
STORE Capital Corporation (NYSE:STOR)
STR Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:STRI)
Strainsforpains, Inc. (OTCPK:EBYH)
Strasbaugh (OTCPK:STRB)
STRATA Skin Sciences, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SSKN)
Strata-X Energy Ltd. (TSXV:SXE)
Stratasys Ltd. (NasdaqGS:SSYS)
Strategic Acquisitions, Inc. (OTCPK:STQN)
Strategic Asset Leasing Inc. (OTCPK:LEAS)

Strategic Education, Inc. (NasdaqGS:STRA)

Strategic Environmental & Energy Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:SENR)
Strategic Management and Opportunity Corporation (OTCPK:SMPP)
Stratex Oil & Gas Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:STTX)
Strattec Security Corporation (NasdaqGM:STRT)
Stratus Capital Corp. (OTCPK:SRUS)
Stratus Properties Inc. (NasdaqGS:STRS)
Streamline Health Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqCM:STRM)

StrikeForce Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:SFOR)

Strongbridge Biopharma plc (NasdaqGS:SBBP)
Stryker Corporation (NYSE:SYK)
Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:STBI)

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE:RGR)

STWC Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:STWC)
Sub-Urban Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:SUUB)
Sugar Creek Financial Corp. (OTCPK:SUGR)

Sugarmade, Inc. (OTCPK:SGMD)

Summer Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SUME)
Summer Infant, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SUMR)
Summit Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:SMAL)
Summit Bank (OTCPK:SBKO)
Summit Environmental Corporation, Inc. (OTCPK:SEVT)
Summit Financial Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SMMF)
Summit Hotel Properties, Inc. (NYSE:INN)
Summit Materials, Inc. (NYSE:SUM)
Summit State Bank (NasdaqGM:SSBI)
Summit Wireless Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WISA)
Sun BioPharma, Inc. (OTCPK:SNBP)
Sun Communities, Inc. (NYSE:SUI)
Sun Pacific Holding Corp. (OTCPK:SNPW)
Suncast Solar Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:SUNC)
SunCoke Energy, Inc. (NYSE:SXC)
Suncrest Bank (OTCPK:SBKK)
Sundance Energy, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SNDE)
Sundance Strategies, Inc. (OTCPK:SUND)

Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SNSS)

SunLink Health Systems, Inc. (AMEX:SSY)
Sunnova Energy International Inc. (NYSE:NOVA)
Sunnyside Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:SNNY)

SunPower Corporation (NasdaqGS:SPWR)

Sunridge International, Inc. (OTCPK:SNDZ)
Sunrun Inc. (NasdaqGS:RUN)
Sunset Capital Assets, Inc. (OTCPK:SNST)
Sunset Island Group, Inc. (OTCPK:SIGO)
Sunstock, Inc. (OTCPK:SSOK)
Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. (NYSE:SHO)
Sunvalley Solar, Inc. (OTCPK:SSOL)
Sunworks, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SUNW)
Supatcha Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:SAEI)
Super League Gaming, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SLGG)
Super Micro Computer, Inc. (OTCPK:SMCI)
SuperBox, Inc. (OTCPK:SBOX)
Superconductor Technologies Inc. (NasdaqCM:SCON)
Superhero Scramble, Inc. (OTCPK:WNRC)
Superior Drilling Products, Inc. (AMEX:SDPI)
Superior Energy Services, Inc. (NYSE:SPN)
Superior Group of Companies, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SGC)
Superior Industries International, Inc. (NYSE:SUP)
Supernova Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:SPRN)
Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SUPN), Inc. (NasdaqCM:SPRT)
Surface Oncology, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SURF)
Surge Components, Inc. (OTCPK:SPRS)
Surge Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SURG)
Surgery Partners, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SGRY)
Surmodics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SRDX)
Surna Inc. (OTCPK:SRNA)
Surrey Bancorp (OTCPK:SRYB)
Suspect Detection Systems Inc. (OTCPK:SDSS)
Susquehanna Community Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:SQCF)
SUTIMCo International, Inc. (OTCPK:SUTI)
Sutro Biopharma, Inc. (NasdaqGM:STRO)
SVB & T Corporation (OTCPK:SVBT)
SVB Financial Group (NasdaqGS:SIVB)
SVMK Inc. (NasdaqGS:SVMK)
SW Innovative Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:SWHI)
Switch, Inc. (NYSE:SWCH)
SWK Holdings Corporation (OTCPK:SWKH)

Sycamore Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:SYVN)

Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated (NasdaqGS:SYKE)
Sylios Corp (OTCPK:UNGS)
Synacor, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SYNC)
Synalloy Corporation (NasdaqGM:SYNL)
Synaptics Incorporated (NasdaqGS:SYNA)
Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SNCR)
Synchrony Financial (NYSE:SYF)

Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SNDX)

Syneos Health, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SYNH)

Synergy CHC Corp. (OTCPK:SNYR)

Synlogic, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SYBX)
SYNNEX Corporation (NYSE:SNX)
Synopsys, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SNPS)
Synovus Financial Corp. (NYSE:SNV)
Synrgy Corp. (OTCPK:SNGY)
Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SES)
Synthetic Biologics, Inc. (AMEX:SYN)
Synthorx, Inc. (NasdaqGS:THOR)
Syntonic Limited (ASX:SYT)
Syntrol Corp. (OTCPK:SNLP)
Sypris Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SYPR)
Syros Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SYRS)
Sysco Corporation (NYSE:SYY)
Sysorex, Inc. (OTCPK:SYSX)
Systemax Inc. (NYSE:SYX)
T-Mobile US, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TMUS)
T-Rex Oil, Inc. (OTCPK:TRXO)
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TROW)
T2 Biosystems, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TTOO)
Table Trac, Inc. (OTCPK:TBTC)
Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TRHC)

Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TCMD)

Tailored Brands, Inc. (NYSE:TLRD)
Taitron Components Incorporated (NasdaqCM:TAIT)
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TTWO)
Tal-Cap, Inc. (OTCPK:TALC)
Talon International, Inc. (OTCPK:TALN)
Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE:TALO)
Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TNDM)
Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TLF)
Tanger Factory Outlet Centers, Inc. (NYSE:SKT)
Tapestry, Inc. (NYSE:TPR)
Tapinator, Inc. (OTCPK:TAPM)
Targa Resources Corp. (NYSE:TRGP)
Target Corporation (NYSE:TGT)
Target Hospitality Corp. (NasdaqCM:TH)
Taronis Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TRNX)
Tatyana Designs, Inc. (OTCPK:TATD)
Taubman Centers, Inc. (NYSE:TCO)
Tauriga Sciences, Inc. (OTCPK:TAUG)
Tautachrome, Inc. (OTCPK:TTCM)
Taxus Cardium Pharmaceuticals Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CRXM)
Taylor Consulting, Inc. (OTCPK:TAYO)
Taylor Devices, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TAYD)
Taylor Morrison Home Corporation (NYSE:TMHC)
TCF Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:TCF)
TCR2 Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqGS:TCRR)
TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation (NasdaqGS:AMTD)
Team, Inc. (NYSE:TISI)
TearLab Corporation (OTCPK:TEAR)
TEB Bancorp, Inc (OTCPK:TBBA)

Tech Central, Inc. (OTCPK:TCHC)

Tech Data Corporation (NasdaqGS:TECD)
Technical Communications Corporation (NasdaqCM:TCCO)
Technology General Corporation (OTCPK:TCGN)
Technology Solutions Company (OTCPK:TSCC)
TechPrecision Corporation (OTCPK:TPCS)
TechPrecision Corporation (OTCPK:TPCS)
TechTarget, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TTGT)
Tecogen Inc. (NasdaqCM:TGEN)
Tejon Ranch Co. (NYSE:TRC)
Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. (OTCPK:TIKK)
TELA Bio, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TELA)
Teladoc Health, Inc. (NYSE:TDOC)

Telaria, Inc. (NYSE:TLRA)

Telco Cuba, Inc. (OTCPK:QBAN)
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY)
Telefix Communications Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TLFX)
Teleflex Incorporated (NYSE:TFX)
Telenav, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TNAV)
Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. (NYSE:TDS)
Teletouch Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:TLLE.Q)
Teligent, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TLGT)
Telkonet, Inc. (OTCPK:TKOI)
Tellurian Inc. (NasdaqCM:TELL)
Tempur Sealy International, Inc. (NYSE:TPX)
Tempus Applied Solutions Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TMPS)
Tenable Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TENB)
Tenax Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TENX)
Tenet Healthcare Corporation (NYSE:THC)
Tengasco, Inc. (AMEX:TGC)
Tengion, Inc. (OTCPK:TNGN.Q)
Tennant Company (NYSE:TNC)
Tenneco Inc. (NYSE:TEN)
Tennessee Valley Financial Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TVLF)
Tenzing Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:TZAC)
Teradata Corporation (NYSE:TDC)
Teradyne, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TER)
TeraForce Technology Corporation (OTCPK:TERA)
Terex Corporation (NYSE:TEX)
Terme Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:TMEB)

Terra Energy & Resource Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:TEGR)

Terra Energy Resources, Ltd. (OTCPK:TRRE)
Terra Tech Corp. (OTCPK:TRTC)
Terrace Energy Corp. (TSXV:TZR)
Terrace Ventures Inc. (OTCPK:TVER)
TerraForm Power, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TERP)
Terreno Realty Corporation (NYSE:TRNO)
Territorial Bancorp Inc. (NasdaqGS:TBNK)

Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA)

Tesoro Enterprises, Inc. (OTCPK:TSNP)
TESSCO Technologies Incorporated (NasdaqGS:TESS)
Tetra Tech, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TTEK)
TETRA Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TTI)
TetraLogic Pharmaceuticals Corporation (OTCPK:TLOG)
Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TTPH)
Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TCBI)
Texas Gulf Energy, Incorporated (OTCPK:TXGE)
Texas Instruments Incorporated (NasdaqGS:TXN)
Texas Mineral Resources Corp. (OTCPK:TMRC)
Texas Pacific Land Trust (NYSE:TPL)
Texas Roadhouse, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TXRH)
Texas South Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:TXSO)
TexCom, Inc. (OTCPK:TEXC)
Texhoma Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:TXHE)
Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT)
TFF Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TFFP)
TFN Football Network (OTCPK:TFBN)
TFS Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:TFSL)

TG Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TGTX)

TGI Solar Power Group Inc. (OTCPK:TSPG)
TGR Financial, Inc. (OTCPK:TGRF)
That Marketing Solution, Inc. (OTCPK:TSTS)
THC Farmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:CBDG)
THC Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:THCT)
The 4Less Group, Inc. (OTCPK:FLES)
The Adirondack Trust Company (OTCPK:ADKT)
The AES Corporation (NYSE:AES)
The Alkaline Water Company Inc. (NasdaqCM:WTER)
The Allstate Corporation (NYSE:ALL)
The Amacore Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ACGI)
The American Energy Group, Ltd. (OTCPK:AEGG)
The Andersons, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ANDE)
The Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TBBK)
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (NYSE:BK)
The Bank of Princeton (NasdaqGS:BPRN)
The Baraboo Bancorporation, Inc. (OTCPK:BAOB)
The Blackstone Group Inc. (NYSE:BX)
The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA)
The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. (OTCPK:BONT.Q)
The Boston Beer Company, Inc. (NYSE:SAM)
The Brink's Company (NYSE:BCO)
The Buckle, Inc. (NYSE:BKE)
The CannaBusiness Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CBGI)
The Castle Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CAGU)
The Cato Corporation (NYSE:CATO)
The Charles Schwab Corporation (NYSE:SCHW)
The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated (NasdaqGS:CAKE)
The Chefs' Warehouse, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CHEF)
The Chemours Company (NYSE:CC)
The Children's Place, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PLCE)
The Clorox Company (NYSE:CLX)
The Coal Creek Company (OTCPK:CCRK)
The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO)
The Coffeesmiths Collective, Inc. (OTCPK:COFE)
The Community Financial Corporation (NasdaqCM:TCFC)
The Container Store Group, Inc. (NYSE:TCS)
The Cooper Companies, Inc. (NYSE:COO)
The Coretec Group Inc. (OTCPK:CRTG)
The Crypto Company (OTCPK:CRCW)
The Dewey Electronics Corporation (OTCPK:DEWY)
The Dixie Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:DXYN)
The E.W. Scripps Company (NasdaqGS:SSP)
The Eastern Company (NasdaqGM:EML)
The Ensign Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ENSG)
The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. (NYSE:EL)
The Evermedia Group, Inc. (OTCPK:EVRM)
The ExOne Company (NasdaqGS:XONE)
The Farmers Bank of Appomattox (OTCPK:FBPA)
The First Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:FNLC)
The First Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGM:FBMS)
The First of Long Island Corporation (NasdaqCM:FLIC)
The Freedom Bank of Virginia (OTCPK:FDVA)
The Gap, Inc. (NYSE:GPS)
The General Chemical Group Inc. (OTCPK:GNMP)
The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO)
The Goldfield Corporation (AMEX:GV)
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE:GS)
The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc. (OTCPK:GWOX)
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NasdaqGS:GT)
The Gorman-Rupp Company (NYSE:GRC)
The Greater Cannabis Company, Inc. (OTCPK:GCAN)
The Greenbrier Companies, Inc. (NYSE:GBX)
The Guitammer Company (OTCPK:GTMM)
The Habit Restaurants, Inc. (NasdaqGM:HABT)
The Hackett Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HCKT)
The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:HAIN)
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. (NYSE:THG)
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE:HIG)
The Hershey Company (NYSE:HSY)
The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD)
The Howard Hughes Corporation (NYSE:HHC)
The InterGroup Corporation (NasdaqCM:INTG)
The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. (NYSE:IPG)
The J. M. Smucker Company (NYSE:SJM)
The Joint Corp. (NasdaqCM:JYNT)
The Keller Manufacturing Company, Inc. (OTCPK:KMFI)
The Kraft Heinz Company (NasdaqGS:KHC)
The Kroger Co. (NYSE:KR)
The L.S. Starrett Company (NYSE:SCX)
The LGL Group, Inc. (AMEX:LGL)
The Liberty Braves Group (NasdaqGS:BATR.K)
The Liberty SiriusXM Group (NasdaqGS:LSXM.K)
The Lovesac Company (NasdaqGM:LOVE)
The Macerich Company (NYSE:MAC)
The Madison Square Garden Company (NYSE:MSG)
The Manitowoc Company, Inc. (NYSE:MTW)
The Marcus Corporation (NYSE:MCS)
The Marketing Alliance, Inc. (OTCPK:MAAL)
The Marquie Group, Inc. (OTCPK:TMGI)
The McClatchy Company (AMEX:MNI)
The Medicines Company (NasdaqGS:MDCO)
The Meet Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MEET)
The Meet Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MEET)
The Metal Arts Company, Inc. (OTCPK:MTRT)
The Michaels Companies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MIK)
The Middleby Corporation (NasdaqGS:MIDD)
The Monarch Cement Company (OTCPK:MCEM)
The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS)
The Movie Studio, Inc. (OTCPK:MVES)
The National Security Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:NSEC)
The New Home Company Inc. (NYSE:NWHM)
The New York Times Company (NYSE:NYT)
The Now Corporation (OTCPK:NWPN)
The O.T. Mining Corporation (OTCPK:OTMN)
The OLB Group, Inc. (OTCPK:OLBG)
The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. (NasdaqCM:STKS)
The Peck Company Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PECK)
The Pegasus Companies, Incorporated (OTCPK:PEGX)
The Pennant Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PNTG)
The PMI Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PMIR)

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE:PNC)

The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE:PG)
The Progressive Corporation (NYSE:PGR)
The Providence Service Corporation (NasdaqGS:PRSC)
The RealReal, Inc. (NasdaqGS:REAL)
The Reserve Petroleum Company (OTCPK:RSRV)
The RMR Group Inc. (NasdaqCM:RMR)
The Rubicon Project, Inc. (NYSE:RUBI)
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (NYSE:SMG)
The Sherwin-Williams Company (NYSE:SHW)
The Simply Good Foods Company (NasdaqCM:SMPL)
The Singing Machine Company, Inc. (OTCPK:SMDM)
The Southern Banc Company, Inc. (OTCPK:SRNN)
The Southern Company (NYSE:SO)
The St. Joe Company (NYSE:JOE)
The Stephan Co. (OTCPK:SPCO)
The Timken Company (NYSE:TKR)
The Tirex Corporation (OTCPK:TXMC)
The TJX Companies, Inc. (NYSE:TJX)
The Toro Company (NYSE:TTC)
The Trade Desk, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TTD)
The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE:TRV)
The Victory Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:VTYB)
The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS)
The Wendy's Company (NasdaqGS:WEN)
The Western Union Company (NYSE:WU)
The Williams Companies, Inc. (NYSE:WMB)
The York Water Company (NasdaqGS:YORW), inc. (OTCPK:TGLO)
TheMaven, Inc. (OTCPK:MVEN)
Thenablers, Inc. (OTCPK:TNBL)
Therapeutic Solutions International, Inc. (OTCPK:TSOI)
TherapeuticsMD, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TXMD)
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO)

Thermodynetics Inc. (OTCPK:TDYT)

ThermoEnergy Corporation (OTCPK:TMEN)
ThermoGenesis Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:THMO)
Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:THR)
Third Century Bancorp (OTCPK:TDCB)
Thomasville Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:THVB)
Thor Industries, Inc. (NYSE:THO)
Three Shores Bancorporation, Inc. (OTCPK:TSHR)
Thresher Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:THRR)
Thunder Bridge Acquisition II, Ltd. (NasdaqCM:THBR)
Thunder Energies Corporation (OTCPK:TNRG)
Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. (OTCPK:THMG)
Tiberius Acquisition Corporation (NasdaqCM:TIBR)
Tidelands Royalty Trust "B" (OTCPK:TIRT.Z)
Tidewater Inc. (NYSE:TDW)
Tiffany & Co. (NYSE:TIF)
Tiger Oil and Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:TGRO)
Tigrent Inc. (OTCPK:TIGE)
Tile Shop Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TTSH)
Tilly's, Inc. (NYSE:TLYS)
TILT Holdings Inc. (CNSX:TILT)
Timberland Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TSBK)

Timberline Resources Corporation (OTCPK:TLRS)

TimkenSteel Corporation (NYSE:TMST)
Tintri, Inc. (OTCPK:TNTR.Q)
Tiptree Inc. (NasdaqCM:TIPT)
Titan International, Inc. (NYSE:TWI)
Titan Machinery Inc. (NasdaqGS:TITN)
Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TTNP)
Tivity Health, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TVTY)
TiVo Corporation (NasdaqGS:TIVO)
Tix Corporation (OTCPK:TIXC)
Tld3 Entertainment Group, Inc. (OTCPK:TLDE)
TN-K Energy Group Inc. (OTCPK:TNKY)
TNR Technical, Inc. (OTCPK:TNRK)
Tocagen Inc. (NasdaqGS:TOCA)
TOCCA Life Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TLIF)
Tofutti Brands, Inc. (OTCPK:TOFB)
Toga Limited (OTCPK:TOGL)
Toll Brothers, Inc. (NYSE:TOL)
Toll Brothers, Inc. (NYSE:TOL)
Tombstone Exploration Corporation (OTCPK:TMBX.F)
TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:TOMZ)
Tompkins Financial Corporation (AMEX:TMP)
Tongxin International, Ltd. (OTCPK:TXIC)
Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (NasdaqGM:TNXP)
Tonner-One World Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TONR)
Tonogold Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:TNGL)
Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. (NYSE:TR)
Topaz Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:TOPZ)
TopBuild Corp. (NYSE:BLD)
TOR Minerals International, Inc. (OTCPK:TORM)
Torchlight Energy Resources, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TRCH)
Toron, Inc. (OTCPK:TRON)

Torotel, Inc. (OTCPK:TTLO)

Tortoise Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:SHLL)
Total Brain Limited (ASX:TTB)
Touchmark Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:TMAK)
Touchpoint Group Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TGHI)
Touchstone Bank (OTCPK:TSBA)
ToughBuilt Industries, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TBLT)
Towerstream Corporation (OTCPK:TWER)
Town and Country Financial Corporation (OTCPK:TWCF)
Town Center Bank (OTCPK:TCNB)
Town Sports International Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:CLUB)
TowneBank (NasdaqGS:TOWN)
Townsquare Media, Inc. (NYSE:TSQ)
TPG RE Finance Trust, Inc. (NYSE:TRTX)
TPI Composites, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TPIC)
TPT Global Tech, Inc. (OTCPK:TPTW)
Track Data Corporation, Inc. (OTCPK:TRAC)

Track Group, Inc. (OTCPK:TRCK)

TrackX Holdings Inc. (TSXV:TKX)
TRACON Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TCON)
Tractor Supply Company (NasdaqGS:TSCO)
Tradeweb Markets Inc. (NasdaqGS:TW)

Trailblazer Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:TBLZ)

Trans Global Group, Inc. (OTCPK:TGGI)
Trans World Entertainment Corporation (NasdaqCM:TWMC)
Trans-Lux Corporation (OTCPK:TNLX)
Trans-Pacific Aerospace Company, Inc. (OTCPK:TPAC)
TransAct Energy Corp. (OTCPK:TEGY)
TransAct Technologies Incorporated (NasdaqGM:TACT)
TransAtlantic Capital Inc. (OTCPK:TACI)
TransAtlantic Petroleum Ltd. (AMEX:TAT)
TransBiotec, Inc. (OTCPK:IMLE)
Transcat, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TRNS)
TransCoastal Corporation (OTCPK:TCEC)
Transcontinental Realty Investors, Inc. (NYSE:TCI)
TransDigm Group Incorporated (NYSE:TDG)
TransEnterix, Inc. (AMEX:TRXC)
TransGlobal Assets Inc. (OTCPK:TMSH)
Translate Bio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TBIO)
TransMedics Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TMDX)
Transportation and Logistics Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:TLSS)
Transtech Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:TRTI)
TransUnion (NYSE:TRU)
TranSwitch Corporation (OTCPK:TXCC.Q)
TravelCenters of America Inc. (NasdaqGS:TA)
Travelzoo (NasdaqGS:TZOO)
Treasure Island Royalty Trust (OTCPK:TISD.Z)
Trecora Resources (NYSE:TREC)
Tredegar Corporation (NYSE:TG)
TreeCon Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:TCOR)
TreeHouse Foods, Inc. (NYSE:THS)
Tremont Mortgage Trust (NasdaqCM:TRMT)
Trend Exploration, Inc. (OTCPK:TRDX)
Trendsetter Solar Products, Inc. (OTCPK:TSSP)
Trevena, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TRVN)
Trevi Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TRVI)
Trex Acquisition Corp. (OTCPK:TRXA)
Trex Company, Inc. (NYSE:TREX)
Tri City Bankshares Corporation (OTCPK:TRCY)
TRI Pointe Group, Inc. (NYSE:TPH)
Triad Guaranty Inc. (OTCPK:TGIC)

Triad Pro Innovators, Inc. (OTCPK:TPII)

Tribune Publishing Company (NasdaqGM:TPCO)
Tricida, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TCDA)
TriCo Bancshares (NasdaqGS:TCBK)
Trident Acquisitions Corp. (NasdaqCM:TDAC)
Trident Brands Incorporated (OTCPK:TDNT)
Trilogy International Partners Inc. (TSX:TRL)
TriMas Corporation (NasdaqGS:TRS)
Trimax Corporation (OTCPK:TMXN)
Trimble Inc. (NasdaqGS:TRMB)
Trimedyne, Inc. (OTCPK:TMED)
Trimerica Energy Corporation (OTCPK:TECO)
Trine Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:TRNE)
TriNet Group, Inc. (NYSE:TNET)
Trinity Capital Partners, Inc. (OTCPK:TCPP)
Trinity Industries, Inc. (NYSE:TRN)
Trinity Place Holdings Inc. (AMEX:TPHS)
Trinseo S.A. (NYSE:TSE)
Trio-Tech International (AMEX:TRT)
TripAdvisor, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TRIP)
Triple-S Management Corporation (NYSE:GTS)
TriStar Gold, Inc. (TSXV:TSG)
Tristar Wellness Solutions Inc. (OTCPK:TWSI)
TriState Capital Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSC)
Tritent International Agriculture, Inc. (OTCPK:UNMK)
Triton American Energy Corp. (OTCPK:TRAE)
Triumph Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TBK)
Triumph Group, Inc. (NYSE:TGI)
Triumph Oil & Gas Corp. (OTCPK:TROG)
Tronox Holdings plc (NYSE:TROX)
Trophy Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:TRSI)
TrovaGene, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TROV)
Trucept, Inc. (OTCPK:TREP)
True Nature Holding, Inc. (OTCPK:TNTY)
True North Energy Corp. (OTCPK:TNEN)
TrueBlue, Inc. (NYSE:TBI)
TrueCar, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TRUE)
Truett-Hurst, Inc. (OTCPK:THST)
Truist Financial Corporation (NYSE:TFC)
Trulieve Cannabis Corp. (CNSX:TRUL)
Trulite, Inc. (OTCPK:TRUL)
Trupanion, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TRUP)
TrustCo Bank Corp NY (NasdaqGS:TRST)

Trustmark Corporation (NasdaqGS:TRMK)

Trutankless, Inc. (OTCPK:TKLS)
Truxton Corporation (OTCPK:TRUX)
Trxade Group, Inc. (OTCPK:TRXD)
TSR, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TSRI)
TTEC Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TTEC)
TTM Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TTMI)
Tuesday Morning Corporation (NasdaqGS:TUES)
Tupperware Brands Corporation (NYSE:TUP)
Turbodyne Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:TRBD)
Turner Valley Oil & Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:TVOG)
Turning Point Brands, Inc. (NYSE:TPB)
Turning Point Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TPTX)
TurnKey Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:TKCI)
Turtle Beach Corporation (NasdaqGM:HEAR)
Tuscan Holdings Corp. (NasdaqCM:THCB)
Tuscan Holdings Corp. II (NasdaqCM:THCA)
Tutor Perini Corporation (NYSE:TPC)
TVC Telecom, Inc. (OTCPK:TVCE)
Twelve Seas Investment Company
Twilio Inc. (NYSE:TWLO)
Twin Disc, Incorporated (NasdaqGS:TWIN)
Twin River Worldwide Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:TRWH)
Twin Vee PowerCats, Inc. (OTCPK:TVPC)
Twist Bioscience Corporation (NasdaqGS:TWST)
Twitter, Inc. (NYSE:TWTR)
Two Harbors Investment Corp. (NYSE:TWO)
Two River Bancorp (NasdaqGM:TRCB)
Two Rivers Financial Group, Inc. (OTCPK:TRVR)
Two Rivers Water & Farming Company (OTCPK:TURV)
TX Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TXHG)
Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:TYL)
Tyme Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TYME)
Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE:TSN)
Tytan Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:TYTN)
U & I Financial Corp. (OTCPK:UNIF)
U-Swirl, Inc. (OTCPK:SWRL)
U.S. Auto Parts Network, Inc. (NasdaqGS:PRTS)
U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB)
U.S. Concrete, Inc. (NasdaqGS:USCR)
U.S. Energy Corp. (NasdaqCM:USEG)
U.S. Energy Initiatives Corporation Inc. (OTCPK:USEI)
U.S. Global Investors, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GROW)
U.S. Gold Corp. (NasdaqCM:USAU)
U.S. Lithium, Corp. (OTCPK:LITH)
U.S. National Telecom, Inc. (OTCPK:USNL)
U.S. NeuroSurgical Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:USNU)
U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. (NYSE:USPH)
U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SLCA)
U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. (OTCPK:USRM)
U.S. Well Services, Inc. (NasdaqCM:USWS)
U.S. Wind Farming, Inc. (OTCPK:USWF)
U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:USX)
UA Multimedia, Inc. (OTCPK:UAMM)

Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:UBER)

uBid Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:UBID)
Ubiquitech Software Corp. (OTCPK:UBQU)
Ubiquiti Inc. (NYSE:UI)
UBuyHoldings, Inc. (OTCPK:UBYH)
UFP Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:UFPT)
UGE International Ltd. (TSXV:UGE)
UGI Corporation (NYSE:UGI)
Ulta Beauty, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ULTA)
Ultimate Sports, Inc. (OTCPK:USPS)
Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UCTT)
Ultra Petroleum Corp. (OTCPK:UPLC)
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. (NasdaqGS:RARE)
Ultralife Corporation (NasdaqGM:ULBI)
Umami Sustainable Seafood Inc. (OTCPK:UMAM)
UMB Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:UMBF)
Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc. (OTCPK:UATG)
UMH Properties, Inc. (NYSE:UMH)
Umpqua Holdings Corporation (NasdaqGS:UMPQ)
Under Armour, Inc. (NYSE:UAA)
UnderSea Recovery Corporation (OTCPK:UNDR)
Uni-Pixel, Inc. (OTCPK:UNXL.Q)
Unico American Corporation (NasdaqGM:UNAM)
Unifi, Inc. (NYSE:UFI)
UniFirst Corporation (NYSE:UNF)
Union Acquisition Corp. II (NasdaqCM:LATN)
Union Bank (OTCPK:UBNC)
Union Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqGM:UNB)
Union Dental Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:UDHI)
Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP)
Unique Fabricating, Inc. (AMEX:UFAB)
Unique Foods Corporation (OTCPK:UPZS)
Uniroyal Global Engineered Products, Inc. (OTCPK:UNIR)
Unisource Corporate Corporation (OTCPK:USRC)
Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS)
Unit Corporation (NYSE:UNT)
United Airlines Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UAL)
United American Corp, Inc. (OTCPK:UAMA)
United American Healthcare Corporation (OTCPK:UAHC)
United American Petroleum Corp. (OTCPK:UAPC)
United Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:UBCP)
United Bancorporation of Alabama, Inc. (OTCPK:UBAB)
United Bancshares, Inc. (NasdaqGM:UBOH)
United Bankshares, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UBSI)
United Cannabis Corporation (OTCPK:CNAB)
United Communications Partners Inc. (OTCPK:UCPA)
United Community Banks, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UCBI)
United Community Financial Corp. (NasdaqGS:UCFC)

United Development Funding IV (OTCPK:UDFI)

United Energy Corp. (OTCPK:UNRG)
United Fire Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UFCS)
United Health Products, Inc. (OTCPK:UEEC)
United Insurance Holdings Corp. (NasdaqCM:UIHC)
United Natural Foods, Inc. (NYSE:UNFI)
United Parcel Service, Inc. (NYSE:UPS)
United Rail, Inc. (OTCPK:URAL)
United Rentals, Inc. (NYSE:URI)
United Resource Holdings Group, Inc. (OTCPK:URHG)
United Security Bancshares (NasdaqGS:UBFO)
United States Antimony Corporation (AMEX:UAMY)
United States Cellular Corporation (NYSE:USM)
United States Lime & Minerals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:USLM)
United States Steel Corporation (NYSE:X)
United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX)
United Tennessee Bankshares, Inc. (OTCPK:UNTN)

United Therapeutics Corporation (NasdaqGS:UTHR)

United-Guardian, Inc. (NasdaqGM:UG)
UnitedHealth Group Incorporated (NYSE:UNH)
Uniti Group Inc. (NasdaqGS:UNIT)
Unitil Corporation (NYSE:UTL)
Unity Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGM:UNTY)
Unity Biotechnology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UBX)
Univar Solutions Inc. (NYSE:UNVR)
Univec, Inc. (OTCPK:UNVC)
Univercell Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:UVCL)
Universal Apparel & Textile Company (OTCPK:DKGR)
Universal Corporation (NYSE:UVV)
Universal Detection Technology (OTCPK:UNDT)
Universal Display Corporation (NasdaqGS:OLED)
Universal Electronics Inc. (NasdaqGS:UEIC)
Universal Energy Corp. (OTCPK:UVSE)
Universal Forest Products, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UFPI)
Universal Health Realty Income Trust (NYSE:UHT)
Universal Health Services, Inc. (NYSE:UHS)
Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:UVE)
Universal Logistics Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ULH)
Universal Media Group Inc. (OTCPK:UMGP)
Universal Potash Corp. (OTCPK:UPCO)
Universal Power Industry Corporation (OTCPK:UPIN)
Universal Security Instruments, Inc. (AMEX:UUU)
Universal Stainless & Alloy Products, Inc. (NasdaqGS:USAP)
Universal Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:UVSS)
Universal Technical Institute, Inc. (NYSE:UTI)
Universal Tracking Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:UTRK)
University Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:UNIB)
Univest Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:UVSP)
Unum Group (NYSE:UNM)
Unum Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqGS:UMRX)
Upland Software, Inc. (NasdaqGM:UPLD)
Upper Street Marketing Inc. (OTCPK:UPPR)
Uppercut Brands Inc. (OTCPK:UCUT)
Upwork Inc. (NasdaqGS:UPWK)
Ur-Energy Inc. (TSX:URE)
Uranium Energy Corp. (AMEX:UEC)
Urban Edge Properties (NYSE:UE)
Urban One, Inc. (NasdaqCM:UONE.K)
Urban Outfitters, Inc. (NasdaqGS:URBN)
Urban Television Network Corporation (OTCPK:URBT)
urban-gro, Inc. (OTCPK:UGRO)
UroGen Pharma Ltd. (NasdaqGM:URGN)
Urologix, Inc. (OTCPK:ULGX)
Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. (NYSE:UBA)
US Ecology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ECOL)
US Foods Holding Corp. (NYSE:USFD)
US Global Nanospace, Inc. (OTCPK:USGA)
US Lighting Group, Inc. (OTCPK:USLG)
US Metro Bank (OTCPK:USMT)
US Nuclear Corp. (OTCPK:UCLE)
US Wireless Online, Inc. (OTCPK:UWRL)
US-China Biomedical Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:UCBB)
USA Equities Corp. (OTCPK:USAQ)
USA Recycling Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:USRI)
USA Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:USAT)
USA Truck, Inc. (NasdaqGS:USAK)
USA Zhimingde International Group Corporation (OTCPK:ZMDC)
USANA Health Sciences, Inc. (NYSE:USNA)
Usio, Inc. (NasdaqCM:USIO)
Utah Medical Products, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UTMD)
Utilicraft Aerospace Industries Inc. (OTCPK:UITA)
UV Flu Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:UVFT)
Uwharrie Capital Corp (OTCPK:UWHR)
V Group, Inc. (OTCPK:VGID)
V.F. Corporation (NYSE:VFC)
VAALCO Energy, Inc. (NYSE:EGY)
Vaccex Inc (OTCPK:VCEX)
Vaccinex, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VCNX)
Vail Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:MTN)
Valeritas Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VLRX)
Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO)
Valhi, Inc. (NYSE:VHI)
Valley National Bancorp (NasdaqGS:VLY)
Valley Republic Bancorp (OTCPK:VLLX)
Valmie Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:VMRI)
Valmont Industries, Inc. (NYSE:VMI)
Value Line, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VALU)

Valuesetters, Inc. (OTCPK:VSTR)

Valvoline Inc. (NYSE:VVV)
Vancord Capital Inc. (OTCPK:VNCI)
Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqGM:VNDA)
Vantage Drilling Company (OTCPK:VTGD.F)
Vape Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:VAPE)
Vapor Group, Inc. (OTCPK:VPOR)
Vapor Hub International Inc. (OTCPK:VHUB)
VaporBrands International, Inc. (OTCPK:VAPR)
Vapotherm, Inc. (NYSE:VAPO)
Varca Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:VRCV)
Varex Imaging Corporation (NasdaqGS:VREX)
Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (NYSE:VAR)
Varonis Systems, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VRNS)
Vasamed, Inc. (OTCPK:VSMD)
Vaso Corporation (OTCPK:VASO)
Vaxart, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VXRT)
VBI Vaccines Inc. (NasdaqCM:VBIV)
VDO-Ph International (OTCPK:VDPH)
VectoIQ Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:VTIQ)
Vector Group Ltd. (NYSE:VGR)
Vectrus, Inc. (NYSE:VEC)
Veeco Instruments Inc. (NasdaqGS:VECO)
Veeva Systems Inc. (NYSE:VEEV)

Vegalab, Inc. (OTCPK:VEGL)

Velocity Energy Inc. (OTCPK:VCYE)
Velocity Portfolio Group, Inc (OTCPK:VPGI)
Veltex Corporation (OTCPK:VLXC)
Ventas, Inc. (NYSE:VTR)
Ventura Cannabis and Wellness Corp. (CNSX:VCAN)
Vera Bradley, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VRA)
Veracyte, Inc. (NasdaqGM:VCYT)
Verastem, Inc. (NasdaqGM:VSTM)
Verb Technology Company, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VERB)
Verecloud, Inc. (OTCPK:VCLD)
Vericel Corporation (NasdaqCM:VCEL)
Vericity, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VERY)
Verify Smart Corp. (OTCPK:VSMR)
VerifyMe, Inc. (OTCPK:VRME)
Verint Systems Inc. (NasdaqGS:VRNT)
VeriSign, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VRSN)
Verisk Analytics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VRSK)
Veritas Farms, Inc. (OTCPK:VFRM)
Veritec, Inc. (OTCPK:VRTC)
VeriTeQ Corporation (OTCPK:VTEQ)
Veritex Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGM:VBTX)
Veritiv Corporation (NYSE:VRTV)
Veritone, Inc. (NasdaqGM:VERI)
Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ)
Vermillion, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VRML)
Verra Mobility Corporation (NasdaqCM:VRRM)
Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NasdaqGM:VRCA)
Verso Corporation (NYSE:VRS)
Vertex Energy, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VTNR)
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (NasdaqGS:VRTX)
Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:VCSY)
Veru Inc. (NasdaqCM:VERU)
Verus International, Inc. (OTCPK:VRUS)
Vestiage, Inc. (OTCPK:VEST)
Vestin Realty Mortgage I, Inc (OTCPK:VRTA)

Vestin Realty Mortgage II, Inc. (OTCPK:VRTB)

Vet Online Supply, Inc. (OTCPK:VTNL)

VG Life Sciences Inc. (OTCPK:VGLS)
VIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:VIAP)
Viabuilt Ventures Inc. (OTCPK:VBVT)
ViacomCBS Inc. (NasdaqGS:VIAC)
Viad Corp (NYSE:VVI)
ViaDerma, Inc. (OTCPK:VDRM)
Viasat, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VSAT)
Viavi Solutions Inc. (NasdaqGS:VIAV)
VICI Properties Inc. (NYSE:VICI)
Vicor Corporation (NasdaqGS:VICR)
Victory Capital Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VCTR)
Victory Marine Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:VMHG)
Victory Oilfield Tech, Inc. (OTCPK:VYEY)
Vidaroo Corp (OTCPK:VIDA)
Video River Networks, Inc. (OTCPK:NIHK)
Viela Bio, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VIE)
Viemed Healthcare, Inc. (TSX:VMD)
View Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:VSYM), Inc. (OTCPK:VCST)
ViewRay, Inc. (NasdaqGM:VRAY)
Viking Energy Group, Inc. (OTCPK:VKIN)
Viking Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VKTX)
Village Bank and Trust Financial Corp. (NasdaqCM:VBFC)
Village Super Market, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VLGE.A)
Vince Holding Corp. (NYSE:VNCE)
VinCompass Corp. (OTCPK:VCPS)
Vindicator Silver Lead Mining Co. (OTCPK:VINS)
VioQuest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:VOQP)
Vir Biotechnology, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VIR)
Virco Mfg. Corporation (NasdaqGM:VIRC)
Vireo Health International Inc. (CNSX:VREO)
Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SPCE)
Virginia National Bankshares Corporation (OTCPK:VABK)
VirnetX Holding Corp (AMEX:VHC)
Viropro Inc. (OTCPK:VPRO)
VirTra, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VTSI)
Virtu Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VIRT)
Virtual Ed Link, Inc. (OTCPK:VRED)
Virtual Interactive Technologies Corp. (OTCPK:VRVR)
Virtual Medical International, Inc. (OTCPK:QEBR)
VirtualArmour International Inc. (DB:3V3)
Virtus Investment Partners, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VRTS)
Virtusa Corporation (NasdaqGS:VRTU)
Visa Inc. (NYSE:V)
Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE:VSH)
Vishay Precision Group, Inc. (NYSE:VPG)
VisionGlobal Corporation (OTCPK:VIZG)
Visium Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:VISM)
Viskase Companies, Inc. (OTCPK:VKSC)
Vislink Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VISL)
Vista Gold Corp. (AMEX:VGZ)
Vista International Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:VVIT)
Vista Outdoor Inc. (NYSE:VSTO)
VistaGen Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VTGN)
Visteon Corporation (NasdaqGS:VC)
Vistra Energy Corp. (NYSE:VST)
VisualMED Clinical Solutions Corp. (OTCPK:VMCS)

Vita Mobile Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:VMSI)

Vitalibis, Inc. (OTCPK:VCBD)
Vitality Biopharma, Inc. (OTCPK:VBIO)
Vitamin Blue, Inc. (OTCPK:VTMB)
Vitro Diagnostics, Inc. (OTCPK:VODG)
Viva Entertainment Group Inc. (OTCPK:OTTV)
Vivakor, Inc. (OTCPK:VIVK)
Viveve Medical, Inc. (NasdaqCM:VIVE)
Vivic Corp. (OTCPK:VIVC)
Vivint Solar, Inc. (NYSE:VSLR)
Vivos Inc. (OTCPK:RDGL)
VIVUS, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VVUS)
Viyya Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:VYON)
VizConnect, Inc. (OTCPK:VIZC)
VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW)
Vobile Group Limited (SEHK:3738)
VOC Energy Trust (NYSE:VOC)
Vocera Communications, Inc. (NYSE:VCRA)

Voice Assist, Inc. (OTCPK:VSST)

Voip-Pal.Com Inc. (OTCPK:VPLM)
Volt Information Sciences, Inc. (AMEX:VOLT)
Vonage Holdings Corp. (NasdaqGS:VG)
Vornado Realty Trust (NYSE:VNO)
Vortex Brands Co. (OTCPK:VTXB)
VOXX International Corporation (NasdaqGS:VOXX)
Voya Financial, Inc. (NYSE:VOYA)

Voyager Digital (Canada) Ltd. (CNSX:VYGR)

Voyager Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:VYGR)
Voyant International Corp. (OTCPK:VOYT)
VSB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:VSBN)
VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (CNSX:VSBY)
VSE Corporation (NasdaqGS:VSEC)
vTv Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:VTVT)
Vu1 Corporation (OTCPK:VUOC)
Vubotics, Inc. (OTCPK:VBTC)
Vulcan International Corporation (OTCPK:VULC)
Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC)
Vuzix Corporation (NasdaqCM:VUZI)
Vycor Medical, Inc. (OTCPK:VYCO)
Vystar Corporation (OTCPK:VYST)
W. P. Carey Inc. (NYSE:WPC)
W. R. Berkley Corporation (NYSE:WRB)
W. R. Grace & Co. (NYSE:GRA)
W.T.B. Financial Corporation (OTCPK:WTBF.B)
W.W. Grainger, Inc. (NYSE:GWW)
W&E Source Corp. (OTCPK:WESC)
W&T Offshore, Inc. (NYSE:WTI)
Wabash National Corporation (NYSE:WNC)
Wabtec Corporation (NYSE:WAB)
Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR)
Waitr Holdings Inc. (NasdaqGS:WTRH)
Wake Forest Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:WAKE)

Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WBA)

Walker & Dunlop, Inc. (NYSE:WD)

Walker Lane Exploration, Inc. (OTCPK:WKLN)

Wall Street Media Co., Inc. (OTCPK:WSCO)
Walmart Inc. (NYSE:WMT)
Wanderport Corporation (OTCPK:WDRP)
Warrior Girl Corp. (OTCPK:WRGL)
Warrior Met Coal, Inc. (NYSE:HCC)
Washington Business Bank (OTCPK:WBZB)
Washington Federal, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WAFD)

Washington Prime Group Inc. (NYSE:WPG)

Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (NYSE:WRE)
Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WASH)
Waste Connections, Inc. (NYSE:WCN)
Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM)
Water Now, Inc. (OTCPK:WTNW)
Water Technologies International, Inc. (OTCPK:WTII)
WaterPure International, Inc. (OTCPK:WPUR)
Waters Corporation (NYSE:WAT)

Waterside Capital Corporation (OTCPK:WSCC)

Waterstone Financial, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WSBF)

Watsco, Inc. (NYSE:WSO)

Watts Water Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:WTS)
Wave Sync Corp. (OTCPK:WAYS)
Waxman Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:WXMN)
Wayfair Inc. (NYSE:W)
Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:WAYN)

Wayside Technology Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:WSTG)

WCF Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:WCFB)
WD-40 Company (NasdaqGS:WDFC)
Wealthcraft Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:WCCP)
Wearable Health Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:WHSI)
Weatherford International plc (OTCPK:WFT)
Web Blockchain Media Inc. (OTCPK:WEBB)
WebSafety, Inc. (OTCPK:WBSI)
Webster Financial Corporation (NYSE:WBS)
WEC Energy Group, Inc. (NYSE:WEC)
Wee-Cig International Corporation (OTCPK:WCIG)
Wegener Corporation (OTCPK:WGNR)
Weingarten Realty Investors (NYSE:WRI)
Weis Markets, Inc. (NYSE:WMK)
Welbilt, Inc. (NYSE:WBT)
WellCare Health Plans, Inc. (NYSE:WCG)
Wellesley Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WEBK)
Wellness Center USA, Inc. (OTCPK:WCUI)
Wellness Matrix Group, Inc. (OTCPK:WMGR)

WellQuest Medical & Wellness Corporation (OTCPK:WEQL)

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC)
Welltower Inc. (NYSE:WELL)
Werner Enterprises, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WERN)
WesBanco, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WSBC)
Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:WAIR)
WESCO International, Inc. (NYSE:WCC)
West Bancorporation, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WTBA)
West Canyon Energy Corp. (OTCPK:WCYN)
West Coast Ventures Group Corp. (OTCPK:WCVC)
West End Indiana Bancshares, Inc. (OTCPK:WEIN)

West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. (NYSE:WST)

West Suburban Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:WNRP)
West Texas Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:WTXR)
West Town Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:WTWB)
Westamerica Bancorporation (NasdaqGS:WABC)
Westbury Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:WBBW)

Westech Capital Corp. (OTCPK:WTEC.Q)

Westell Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WSTL)
Western Alliance Bancorporation (NYSE:WAL)
Western Asset Mortgage Capital Corporation (NYSE:WMC)
Western Capital Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:WCRS)
Western Digital Corporation (NasdaqGS:WDC)
Western Metals Corporation (OTCPK:WTLC)
Western New England Bancorp, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WNEB)

Western Sierra Resource Corporation (OTCPK:WSRC)

Westlake Chemical Corporation (NYSE:WLK)
Westmoreland Coal Company (OTCPK:WLBA.Q)
WestRock Company (NYSE:WRK)
Westwater Resources, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WWR)
Westwood Holdings Group, Inc. (NYSE:WHG)
Weyco Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WEYS)
Weyerhaeuser Company (NYSE:WY)
Weyland Tech Inc. (OTCPK:WEYL)
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WHLR)
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WHLR)
Where Food Comes From, Inc. (OTCPK:WFCF)
WhereverTV Broadcasting Corporation (OTCPK:TVTV)
Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR)
White Fox Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:AWAW)
Whitestone REIT (NYSE:WSR)
Whiting Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:WLL)
Whiting USA Trust II (OTCPK:WHZT)
Wholehealth Products, Inc. (OTCPK:GWPC)
Wi2Wi Corporation (TSXV:YTY)
Wialan Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:WLAN)
WideOpenWest, Inc. (NYSE:WOW)
WidePoint Corporation (AMEX:WYY)
Wilhelmina International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WHLM)
Willamette Community Bank (OTCPK:WMCB)
Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WVVI)
Willdan Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:WLDN)
William Lyon Homes (NYSE:WLH)
William Penn Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:WMPN)

Williams Industrial Services Group Inc. (OTCPK:WLMS)

Williams Industries, Incorporated (OTCPK:WMSI)
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (NYSE:WSM)
Willis Lease Finance Corporation (NasdaqGM:WLFC)
Williston Holding Company, Inc. (OTCPK:WHCA)
WillScot Corporation (NasdaqCM:WSC)
Windstream Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:WINM.Q)
Windtree Therapeutics, Inc. (OTCPK:WINT)
Wingstop Inc. (NasdaqGS:WING)
Winland Holdings Corporation (OTCPK:WELX)
Winmark Corporation (NasdaqGM:WINA)
Winmill & Co. Incorporated (OTCPK:WNML.A)
Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO)
Wintrust Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:WTFC)
Wireless Data Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:WDSL)
Wireless Telecom Group, Inc. (AMEX:WTT)
Wireless Xcessories Group, Inc. (OTCPK:WIRX)
WisdomTree Investments, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WETF)
Wizard Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:WIZD)
WO Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PAPA)
WOD Retail Solutions Inc. (OTCPK:WODI)
Wolverine World Wide, Inc. (NYSE:WWW)
Woodward, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WWD)
Wordsmith Media, Inc. (OTCPK:WDIS)
Workday, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WDAY)
Workhorse Group Inc. (NasdaqCM:WKHS)
Workiva Inc. (NYSE:WK)
World Acceptance Corporation (NasdaqGS:WRLD)

World Access, Inc. (OTCPK:WAXS)

World Fuel Services Corporation (NYSE:INT)
World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:WHEN)
World Mobile Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:WMHI)
World Of Wireless International Telecom, Inc. (OTCPK:WWII)
World Poker Fund Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:WPFH)
World Wide Stone Corporation (OTCPK:WWST)
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE:WWE)
WorldFlix, Inc. (OTCPK:WRFX)
Worlds Inc. (OTCPK:WDDD)
Worldwide Diversified Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:WNTR)
Worldwide Strategies Incorporated (OTCPK:WWSG)
Worthington Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WOR)
Wowio, Inc. (OTCPK:WWIO)
WPX Energy, Inc. (NYSE:WPX)
Wrap Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqCM:WRTC)
Wright Investors' Service Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:WISH)
WRIT Media Group, Inc. (OTCPK:WRIT)
WSFS Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS:WSFS)


WU BA Superior Products Holding Group Inc. (OTCPK:WBWB.D)
WVS Financial Corp. (NasdaqGM:WVFC)

WW International, Inc. (NasdaqGS:WW)

Wyndham Destinations, Inc. (NYSE:WYND)
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:WH)
Wynn Resorts, Limited (NasdaqGS:WYNN)
X4 Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:XFOR)
Xalles Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:XALL)
XBiotech Inc. (NasdaqGS:XBIT)
Xcel Brands, Inc. (NasdaqGM:XELB)
Xcel Energy Inc. (NasdaqGS:XEL)
XcelMobility, Inc. (OTCPK:XCLL)
Xcorporeal, Inc. (OTCPK:XCRP)
XCPCNL Business Services Corporation (OTCPK:XCPL)
Xencor, Inc. (NasdaqGM:XNCR)
Xenia Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:XHR)
Xeno Transplants Corporation (OTCPK:XENO)
Xenonics Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:XNNH.Q)
Xeris Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS:XERS)
Xerox Holdings Corporation (NYSE:XRX)
Xilinx, Inc. (NasdaqGS:XLNX)
Xinliwang International Holdings Company Ltd. (OTCPK:XLWH)
XOMA Corporation (NasdaqGM:XOMA)
XPEL, Inc. (NasdaqCM:XPEL)
Xperi Corporation (NasdaqGS:XPER)
XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE:XPO)
XpresSpa Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:XSPA)
XR Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:XREG)
XSport Global, Inc. (OTCPK:XSPT)
XsunX, Inc. (OTCPK:XSNX)
XsunX, Inc. (OTCPK:XSNX)
Xtant Medical Holdings, Inc. (AMEX:XTNT)
Xtera Communications, Inc. (OTCPK:XCOM.Q)
XTRA Bitcoin Inc. (OTCPK:CBTC)
Xtra Energy Corp. (OTCPK:XTPT)
Xtraction Services Holdings Corp. (CNSX:XS)
Xuan Wu International Group Holding Company (OTCPK:XNWU)
Xylem Inc. (NYSE:XYL)
Xynergy Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:XYNH)
Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Inc. (NasdaqGS:YMAB)
Yangtze River Port and Logistics Limited (OTCPK:YRIV)
Yappn Corp. (OTCPK:YPPN)
YayYo, Inc. (NasdaqCM:YAYO)
Yelp Inc. (NYSE:YELP)
YETI Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:YETI)
Yew Bio-Pharm Group, Inc. (OTCPK:YEWB)
Yext, Inc. (NYSE:YEXT)
Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. (NasdaqCM:YTEN)
Yippy, Inc. (OTCPK:YIPI)
YogaWorks, Inc. (OTCPK:YOGA)
York Traditions Bank (OTCPK:YRKB)
Youngevity International, Inc. (NasdaqCM:YGYI)
YRC Worldwide Inc. (NasdaqGS:YRCW)
Yulong Eco-Materials Limited (OTCPK:YECO.F)
YUM! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM)
Yuma Energy, Inc. (AMEX:YUMA)
ZA Group Inc. (OTCPK:ZAAG)
Zafgen, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ZFGN)
ZAGG Inc (NasdaqGS:ZAGG)
Zalemark Holding Company Inc. (OTCPK:ZMRK)
Zane Interactive Publishing Inc. (OTCPK:ZNAE)
Zann Corp. (OTCPK:ZNNC)
Zardoya Otis, S.A. (BME:ZOT)
Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZAYO)
Zebra Technologies Corporation (NasdaqGS:ZBRA)
Zedge, Inc. (AMEX:ZDGE)
Zendesk, Inc. (NYSE:ZEN)
Zenergy International, Inc. (OTCPK:ZENG)
Zenovia Digital Exchange Corporation (OTCPK:ZDEC)
Zeons Corporation (OTCPK:ZEON)
Zero Gravity Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:ZGSI)
Zevotek, Inc. (OTCPK:ZVTK)
Zicix Corporation (OTCPK:ZICX)
Zillow Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ZG)
Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:ZBH)
Zion Oil & Gas, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ZN)
Zions Bancorporation, National Association (NasdaqGS:ZION)
ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ZIOP)
ZipLink, Inc. (OTCPK:ZIPL)
Zivo Bioscience, Inc. (OTCPK:ZIVO)
Zix Corporation (NasdaqGS:ZIXI)
Znergy, Inc. (OTCPK:ZNRG)
Zoetis Inc. (NYSE:ZTS)
Zogenix, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ZGNX)
Zomedica Pharmaceuticals Corp. (TSXV:ZOM)
Zoned Properties, Inc. (OTCPK:ZDPY)
Zonzia Media, Inc. (OTCPK:ZONX)
Zoom Telephonics, Inc. (OTCPK:ZMTP)
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ZM)
ZoomAway Travel Inc. (TSXV:ZMA)
Zosano Pharma Corporation (NasdaqCM:ZSAN)
Zovio Inc (NasdaqGS:ZVO)
Zscaler, Inc. (NasdaqGS:ZS)
Zulu-Tek Inc (OTCPK:ZULU)
Zumiez Inc. (NasdaqGS:ZUMZ)
Zunicom, Inc. (OTCPK:ZNCM)
Zuora, Inc. (NYSE:ZUO)
Zurvita Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:ZRVT)
Zyla Life Sciences (OTCPK:ZCOR)
Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ZYNE)
Zynex, Inc. (NasdaqCM:ZYXI)
Zynga Inc. (NasdaqGS:ZNGA)
Zyrox Mining International, Inc. (OTCPK:ZYRX)
o through the entire list (which is alphabetically sorted) or use the lookup function that I have built in.
1st Colonial Bancorp, Inc. (OTCPK:FCOB) Please use the scrolling list to find your compan
Banks (Regional)
United States
United States
United States
ector, use the industry sorted worksheet in this spreadsheet

Exchange:Ticker Industry Group

OTCPK:EEIG Household Products
NasdaqGS:FLWS Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:TXG Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:RETC Software (System & Application)

NasdaqGM:PIH Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGM:TURN Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:EFSH Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:BCOW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:ISOL Software (System & Application)

OTCPK:OPMZ Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:FISB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FCOB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:FCCY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FNRC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:FPWM Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:SRCE Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:TVMD Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:TWOU Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:MRJT Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:DPSM Software (System & Application)
NYSE:DDD Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:THDS Software (Internet)
OTCPK:DDDX Machinery
NYSE:MMM Diversified
OTCPK:FTPM Real Estate (Operations & Services)
CNSX:FFNT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:SSOF Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:EIGH Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RNWR Green & Renewable Energy
NasdaqGM:ETNB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:EGHT Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:AMRK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:AOS Building Materials

NYSE:AHC Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:CTAM Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:AWON Retail (Online)
NYSE:ATEN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:AACH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:AAON Building Materials
OTCPK:AAPJ Machinery
NYSE:AIR Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:AAN Retail (Building Supply)
OTCPK:ABTO Banks (Regional)
NYSE:ABT Healthcare Products
NYSE:ABBV Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ABBY Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:ABCE Computer Services
NasdaqCM:ABEO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:ANF Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:ABMD Healthcare Products
NYSE:ABM Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:AXAS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:ACIA Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:ACCA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:ACTG Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:ACHC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:ACAD Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ACAM Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:ACEL Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:ACNV Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:AXDX Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:ATHC Computer Services

NasdaqGM:XLRN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AWWC Office Equipment & Services
OTCPK:ACCR Retail (Building Supply)
NYSE:ACCO Office Equipment & Services
NasdaqGS:ARAY Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:ACRX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:ACER Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:AKAO.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ACHN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ACIW Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:ACRS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:ACMR Semiconductor Equip
AMEX:ACU Office Equipment & Services
NasdaqCM:ACNB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:ACOR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ACFN Electronics (General)
OTCPK:AQSP Software (System & Application)
CNSX:ACRG.U Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ACBM Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:AMCY Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:ACTT Investments & Asset Management
AMEX:ATNM Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:ATNM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ATVI Entertainment
NYSE:EPAC Machinery
NYSE:AYI Electrical Equipment
NYSE:AYI Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:ACUR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:GOLF Recreation
OTCPK:ACUS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ADAC Machinery
NasdaqGM:ADMS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ADMP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:ADX Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:PEO Investments & Asset Management
AMEX:AE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:AHCO Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:AATV Computer Services
NasdaqGS:ADPT Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:ADTM Advertising
NasdaqGS:ADUS Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGM:AEY Computer Services
NasdaqCM:IOTS Semiconductor
OTCPK:ATRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ADIA Household Products
NasdaqCM:ADIL Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ADNY Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:ADMT Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGM:ADMA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ADBE Software (System & Application)
NYSE:ADT Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:ATGE Education
NasdaqGS:ADTN Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:ADRO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:AAP Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:ABMT Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ADTC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:ADSW Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:WMS Building Materials
NasdaqGM:ADES Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:AEIS Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGS:AMD Semiconductor
OTCPK:AOXY Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:AVOI Software (System & Application)
NYSE:ASIX Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:ASNB Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ADVC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ADGO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ADVT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CHCR Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:ADXS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:ADVM Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ADYX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:ACM Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGS:AEGN Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGM:AGLE Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:AEHR Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGM:AMTX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:AOLS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:AGHC Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGM:AERI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:AERS Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:AKOM Telecom (Wireless)
AMEX:ACY Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:AERO Household Products
NYSE:AJRD Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:AVAV Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:ARPO Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
TSX:AEZS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:AEMD Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:GNMX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AFAP Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:AMG Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:ABVG Food Processing
OTCPK:AFYG Precious Metals
OTCPK:AFFY Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:AFL Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:AFTM Recreation
NYSE:AGCO Farming/Agriculture
AMEX:UAVS Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:AIFS Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:AGEN Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:AGE Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:AGRX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:A Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:AGLY Healthcare Support Services

NasdaqGS:AGYS Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:AGIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
TSX:AJX Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:AGNC R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:AGDY Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:AGSO Machinery
OTCPK:FBER Household Products
OTCPK:AGTK Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:ACMB Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:AGFS Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:AGGL Education
ASX:AHL Retail (Online)
NasdaqCM:ALRN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AEXE Metals & Mining
AMEX:AIM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:AIMT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AIMH Business & Consumer Services
AMEX:AIRI Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:AL Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:APD Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGM:AIRT Transportation
NasdaqGS:ATSG Transportation
OTCPK:ABPR Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:AYR Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:AIRG Electronics (General)
OTCPK:AIRO Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:AJIA Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:AKAM Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:AKCA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:AKBA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:KERN Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:AKRO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:AKER Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:AKRX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:AKTS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:AAII.Q Aerospace/Defense
TSX:ASR Precious Metals
OTCPK:ALME Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:ALG Construction Supplies
OTCPK:ALAN Utility (Water)
OTCPK:HALB Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:ALRM Software (System & Application)
NYSE:ALK Air Transport
NasdaqGS:ALSK Telecom. Services
NYSE:AIN Machinery
NYSE:ALB Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:ACBC.Q Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:ALBO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:AA Metals & Mining
NasdaqCM:ALDX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ALEC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ALRS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
OTCPK:AAWC Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:ALXN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ACNE Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:ALCO Farming/Agriculture
NasdaqGS:ALGN Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ALMC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:ALIM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:ALJJ Information Services
OTCPK:ALKM Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:ALKN Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:AAGC Precious Metals
OTCPK:AAPT Food Processing
OTCPK:AFOM Entertainment
OTCPK:ATPT Real Estate (Development)
OTCPK:AASP Recreation
NasdaqGS:ALLK Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ADGL Software (System & Application)
NYSE:Y Reinsurance
OTCPK:AWRY Transportation (Railroads)
NasdaqGM:ABTX Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:APRO Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:ALGT Air Transport
NasdaqCM:ALGR Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:ALNA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ALLM Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:ACGX Packaging & Container
NYSE:ADS Information Services
OTCPK:ADTR Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:ARVY Machinery
NasdaqGS:LNT Power
OTCPK:AGGI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:AESE Recreation
OTCPK:AFBA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:AHPI Healthcare Products
LSE:ALM Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:AMOT Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:ADSV Office Equipment & Services
NYSE:ALSN Construction Supplies
NasdaqGS:ALLO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MDRX Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:LTMP Chemical (Specialty)

NYSE:ALLY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:ALNY Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqGS:AOSL Semiconductor
OTCPK:APHE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:AHAG Machinery
OTCPK:ALPE Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:GOOG.L Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:ATEC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ALPP Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ALPI.B Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:ALPN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ALRT Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ALSE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AMRQ.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:ALTR Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:AVOZ Entertainment
OTCPK:AEGY Heathcare Information and Technology


OTCPK:ANAS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ALYI Information Services
OTCPK:ALTN Green & Renewable Energy
NYSE:AYX Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ALTX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:ATGN Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGM:ALT Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:AAMC Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:ALTD Recreation
ASX:ALU Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:AIMC Machinery
NYSE:MO Tobacco
NasdaqGM:ALTM Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:AHIX Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:AFPW Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:ALYE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:AMAG Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:AMAL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:AMBS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AMAR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AMAZ Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:AMZN Retail (Online)
OTCPK:AZFL Paper/Forest Products
OTCPK:AMFC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:AMBC Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:AMBA Semiconductor
OTCPK:ABCP Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:AWGI Furn/Home Furnishings
NYSE:AMC Entertainment
NasdaqGS:AMCX Broadcasting
NasdaqCM:AMCI Investments & Asset Management
AMEX:DIT Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:DOX Computer Services
NasdaqGS:AMED Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:AMEN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:AMMX Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:AMTB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:UHAL Trucking
NYSE:AEE Utility (General)
NYSE:AMRC Engineering/Construction
NasdaqCM:AMRH Computer Services
OTCPK:AAGH Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGS:CRMT Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqGS:AAL Air Transport
NYSE:AXL Auto Parts
OTCPK:AMBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ABKB Entertainment
OTCPK:ABML Metals & Mining
OTCPK:ABLT Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:ABMC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ABVC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AMBZ Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:AMMJ Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:GNOW Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:ACNI Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:CRYO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ADFS Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:AEO Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:AMCT Education
OTCPK:AEPT Utility (Water)
NYSE:AEL Insurance (Life)
NYSE:AXP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:AFBG Chemical (Basic)

OTCPK:AMFL Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:AFIN R.E.I.T.
NYSE:AFG Insurance (General)
OTCPK:AGIN Metals & Mining
OTCPK:AMNE Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:ERBB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:AMHV Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:AIG Insurance (General)
OTCPK:AMIH Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:AMIN Diversified
OTCPK:AIVN Precious Metals
OTCPK:AMLH Entertainment
OTCPK:AMLM Metals & Mining
OTCPK:ADLI Healthcare Products
OTCPK:AMGY Machinery
OTCPK:AMRR Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:AMNB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:ANAT Insurance (General)
OTCPK:ARTM Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:AOBC Recreation
OTCPK:APGI Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:APEI Education
OTCPK:AMRA Recreation
NYSE:ARL Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:ARA Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:AREC Coal & Related Energy
NasdaqGS:AMRB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ARBV Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ASFX Healthcare Products
AMEX:AMS Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:AMNP Precious Metals
OTCPK:ASLM Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:AMSW.A Software (System & Application)
NYSE:AWR Utility (Water)
NasdaqGS:AMSC Electrical Equipment
NYSE:AVD Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:AWK Utility (Water)
NasdaqGS:AMWD Building Materials
OTCPK:ADBN Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:ACAN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ATMO Engineering/Construction
NYSE:AMP Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:ABCB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:AMSF Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGM:ASRV Banks (Regional)
NYSE:ABC Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:AMWK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ATVK Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:AMTC.Q Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:AMTY Rubber& Tires
NasdaqCM:ATLO Banks (Regional)
NYSE:AME Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:AXRX Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:AMGN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:FOLD Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AMNC Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGS:AMKR Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:POWW Recreation
NYSE:AMN Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:AMRX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:AMPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:APH Electronics (General)
AMEX:AMPE Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:AMPY Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:AMPG Electronics (General)
NYSE:AXR Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:ASYS Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGS:AMRS Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:ADI Semiconductor
NYSE:PLAN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:ANAB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:AVXL Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AHCP Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:AGCZ Precious Metals
OTCPK:ANDI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ANDC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ANDR Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:ANGI Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:ANGO Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SOAN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AGTT Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:ANIP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:ANIK Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ANIX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:AXE Computer Services
OTCPK:DSPA Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:ACBD Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:ANSS Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:ATRS Healthcare Products
GTSM:6276 Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:ATEX Telecom. Services
NYSE:AM Oil/Gas Distribution
NYSE:AR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:ANTM Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:ANTH Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:EXMT Entertainment
NYSE:APA Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:APLS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:APY Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:APEX Apparel
NasdaqCM:APXT Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:APOG Building Materials
OTCPK:APLO Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:APEN Healthcare Products
NYSE:APO Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:AMEH Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:CBDC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:APPF Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:APPN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:APHD Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:AAPL Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:APRU Beverage (Soft)
GTSM:6598 Healthcare Products
OTCPK:APPB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:APDN Electronics (General)
OTCPK:AERG Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGM:AGTC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:AIT Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:AMAT Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:AMNL Metals & Mining
NasdaqGM:AAOI Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:APLD Machinery
NasdaqGM:APLT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:APVS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:APQT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:AREX.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SWRM Computer Services
OTCPK:APCX Information Services
OTCPK:APYP Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:APRE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:APTY Software (System & Application)
NYSE:ATR Packaging & Container
NasdaqCM:APVO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:APTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
TSX:APS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:APYX Healthcare Products
NYSE:WTR Utility (Water)
NasdaqCM:AQMS Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:AQB Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AQFH Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:AQST Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ARDM.Q Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:ARMK Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:ARAV Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ABUS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:ARC Office Equipment & Services
OTCPK:ARCW Machinery
OTCPK:RLLY Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqCM:ABIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:RKDA Farming/Agriculture
NasdaqGS:ARCB Trucking
NYSE:ARCH Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:ARTH Healthcare Products
OTCPK:AEMC Entertainment
NYSE:ADM Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:ARHN Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:AROC Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:FUV Auto & Truck
OTCPK:ARCS Retail (Online)
NYSE:ARNC Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:ACA Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGM:ARCT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:RCUS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:ARDX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ARNA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:ARES Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:ARET Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:AWEB Software (Internet)
NYSE:AGX Engineering/Construction
TSX:AR Precious Metals
OTCPK:ASNT Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:ARDS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ARST Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:ANET Telecom. Equipment

OTCPK:ASPW Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:ASCC Beverage (Alcoholic)
NasdaqGM:ARKR Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:RKOS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:ARLO Electronics (General)
OTCPK:AMNF Food Processing
AMEX:ARMP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AMCO Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:AFI Building Materials
NYSE:AWI Building Materials
OTCPK:ARNI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:ARQL Drugs (Biotechnology)
GTSM:3664 Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:ARYC Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:ARW Computer Services

NasdaqGS:AROW Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ARWD Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:ARWR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ARTW Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:ACTL Advertising
NasdaqCM:ARTL Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ATMS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:ARTN.A Utility (Water)
NYSE:AJG Insurance (General)
OTCPK:AITX Electronics (General)
NYSE:APAM Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:AVNI Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:ARVN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:ARYA Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:ARYX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ASIN Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:ASA Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:ABG Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqGS:ASNA Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:ASTI Semiconductor
NYSE:ASGN Business & Consumer Services
AMEX:AINC Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:ASH Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:AABB Education
NYSE:ASPN Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:ASPU Education
NasdaqGS:AZPN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:ASMB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ASRT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:AMK Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:ASB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:AC Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:AIZ Insurance (General)
TSXV:IOM Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:ASFI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:ASTE Construction Supplies

OTCPK:ASTO Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:ATRO Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGM:ALOT Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqCM:ASTC Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:ASUR Software (System & Application)
NYSE:HOME Retail (Building Supply)
NYSE:T Telecom. Services
OTCPK:ACRL Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:ATRA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AHNR Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:ATNX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AHRO.Q Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:ATHX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:ATKR Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:AAME Insurance (General)
NasdaqGS:ACBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:AESO Green & Renewable Energy
NasdaqGS:AUB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:AWSL Green & Renewable Energy
NasdaqGS:ATLC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:ATIG Entertainment
OTCPK:ATNP Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:AAWW Transportation
OTCPK:ATLS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:AFH Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:ALSI Food Processing
OTCPK:ATYG Computer Services
NasdaqGS:ATNI Telecom. Services
NasdaqCM:ATOM Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqCM:ATOS Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:BCEL Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:ATRC Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:ATRI Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ATIS Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:AURT Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ATWT Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:LIFE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ABBB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:AUBN Banks (Regional)

NasdaqGM:BOLD Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:AEYE Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:AUSI Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:ARAO Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:ARSN Metals & Mining
OTCPK:AUMC Metals & Mining
OTCPK:ASCK Construction Supplies
NasdaqGS:ADSK Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:ADP Information Services
NYSE:AN Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqCM:AUTO Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:AZO Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:AUTR Machinery
OTCPK:AVLP Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:AVLR Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:AVCO Healthcare Support Services
AMEX:AWX Environmental & Waste Services
KASE:AVN Computer Services
NYSE:AVNS Healthcare Products
NYSE:AVTR Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:AVXT Drugs (Biotechnology)

NYSE:AVYA Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:ATXI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:AVEO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AVRI Computer Services
NYSE:AVY Packaging & Container
NasdaqGS:AVNW Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:CDMO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:AVID Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:AVBH Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ASNH.F Household Products
NasdaqCM:AVGR Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:CAR Trucking
NYSE:AVA Utility (General)
OTCPK:AVSR Telecom. Equipment
ASX:AVH Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AVTI Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:AVT Computer Services
OTCPK:AVOA Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:AVPI Entertainment
OTCPK:AVMR Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:AVRO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AVVH Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:AVX Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:AWRE Software (System & Application)
NYSE:EQH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:AXTA Chemical (Specialty)

NasdaqGS:ACLS Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGM:AXLA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:AXIM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:AXLX Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:AXPW.Q Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:AXPW.Q Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:AXGC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:AXTG Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:AXMP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:AXGN Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:AAXN Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:AXNX Healthcare Products
NYSE:AX Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:AXSM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

NasdaqGS:AXTI Semiconductor Equip
ENXTPA:AXW Software (System & Application)
CNSX:AYR.A Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:AYTU Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:AZIL Diversified
OTCPK:AZLC.Z Food Processing
OTCPK:AZGS.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:AZRH Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqCM:AZRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:AZZ Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:SCDA Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:RILY Brokerage & Investment Banking
NYSE:BRPM Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:BGS Food Processing
OTCPK:BTDG Entertainment
OTCPK:BABB Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:BW Electrical Equipment
NYSE:BMI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:BDVB Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:BBBK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BKR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:BKUH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:BWTX Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:BLNC Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:BCPC Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:BLL Packaging & Container
AMEX:BTN Entertainment
OTCPK:BRSI Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:BANC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BANC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BANF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:BCTF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

AMEX:BKJ Banks (Regional)

NYSE:BXS Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BAND Telecom. Services
OTCPK:BXNG Advertising
OTCPK:BNGI Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:BANJ Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:BFC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BARK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BAC Bank (Money Center)
OTCPK:BORT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:BOCH Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BOH Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:BMRC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BSFO Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BSCA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:BKSC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BCAL Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:BOTJ Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:OZK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BSVN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BFIN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BKGM.F Bank (Money Center)
NYSE:BKU Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:BWFG Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BANR Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BNYN Healthcare Support Services
AMEX:BHB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BRFH Food Processing
NYSE:BBDC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:BCCI Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:BNED Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:B Machinery
AMEX:BRN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BROE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BRLL Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:BBSI Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:BASA Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:BASX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:BSET Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqCM:BXRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:BAX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:BAYK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BCML Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BYIN Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:BAYP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BLIA.Q Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:BBQ Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:BBX Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGM:BCBP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BCND Real Estate (Development)
NasdaqGS:BECN Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:BRCO.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:BBGI Broadcasting
NYSE:BZH Homebuilding
OTCPK:BEBE Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:BBDA Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:BDX Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:BBBY Retail (Building Supply)
OTCPK:BEES Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:BFTI Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGS:BELF.B Electronics (General)
NYSE:BDC Electronics (General)
OTCPK:BLIS Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:BLLB Food Processing
NasdaqCM:BLPH Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:BLCM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:BRBR Household Products
OTCPK:BMXC Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:BFFI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:BMBN Banks (Regional)

NYSE:BHE Electronics (General)
OTCPK:BMRK Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:BFHJ Real Estate (General/Diversified)
NasdaqGM:BNFT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BEOB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BERK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BRK.A Diversified
NYSE:BHLB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BERY Packaging & Container
NasdaqGS:BRY Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BSPK Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:BBY Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:BTHT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:BEMG Advertising
OTCPK:BTTR Food Processing
OTCPK:HOPS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:XAIR Healthcare Products
OTCPK:BYOC Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:BYND Food Processing
NasdaqCM:BYSI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BGMD Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:BGSF Business & Consumer Services

NasdaqGS:BGCP Brokerage & Investment Banking
CNSX:BHNG Household Products
OTCPK:BHPA Real Estate (Development)
NasdaqGS:BGFV Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:BIG Retail (General)
NasdaqCM:BRPA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:BSEG Entertainment
OTCPK:BGFT Entertainment
NYSE:BH.A Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:BSGC Software (System & Application)
NYSE:BILL Software (System & Application)
AIM:BILL Information Services
OTCPK:BLMC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BLTO Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqCM:BKYI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BMSN Software (Internet)
NasdaqCM:BPTH Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:BIO Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:TECH Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:BDPT Household Products

NasdaqCM:BASI Heathcare Information and Technology

TSXV:BTI Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqCM:BCDA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:BIOC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BICX Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:BCRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BICB Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:BDSI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:BIEL Healthcare Products
OTCPK:BOTH Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:BFNH Household Products
NasdaqGS:BIIB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:BHVN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BKIT Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:BHTG Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:BLGO Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqCM:BIOL Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:BLFS Healthcare Products
OTCPK:BMGP Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:BMRN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:BMRA Healthcare Products
OTCPK:BMMX Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:BNET Environmental & Waste Services

NasdaqCM:BNGO Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:BION.Q Chemical (Specialty)

OTCPK:ONOV Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:BIPH Healthcare Products
AMEX:BPMX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:BOPO Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:BIOQ Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:BQST Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

OTCPK:BRTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:DEVV Household Products
OTCPK:BSHF Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:BSGM Healthcare Products
OTCPK:BSRC Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGM:BSTC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BSTG Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BMCS Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:BEAT Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:BTCY Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:BIVI Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqCM:BTAI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BIXT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ARSC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BTGN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BTSC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:BFCH Software (System & Application)

NasdaqGS:BJRI Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:BJ Retail (General)
AMEX:BKTI Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:BKFG Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:BLGI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BDGR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:BKH Utility (General)
NYSE:BKI Information Services
OTCPK:ANFC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:BLKB Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BHWB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BL Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BRTI Software (System & Application)
NYSE:BLK Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:BEGI Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:BCDS Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:BLNK Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:BCII Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

AMEX:BDR Telecom. Equipment

NYSE:BE Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:BLMN Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:BDIC Electronics (General)
OTCPK:BLXX Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:BCOR Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:APRN Retail (Online)
NasdaqGM:BLBD Construction Supplies
OTCPK:BCYP Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BLDV Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:BDCO Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:BEAG Metals & Mining
OTCPK:BERI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BGEM Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:BLPG Business & Consumer Services
AMEX:BRBS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BRRE Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:BWVI Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:BLUE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BLFR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:BFRE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:BXG Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:BLHK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BXC Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:BPMC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BKSD Telecom. Services
OTCPK:BGRP Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:BMCH Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:BNCC Banks (Regional)
TSX:BKX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
TSXV:BWLK Software (System & Application)
ASX:BLY Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:WIFI Telecom (Wireless)
NYSE:BCC Paper/Forest Products
NasdaqGS:BOKF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BOLB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BONL Electronics (General)
NYSE:BCEI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BONZ Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:BKNG Retail (Online)
NYSE:BOOT Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:BAH Computer Services
NYSE:BWA Auto Parts
OTCPK:BSHI Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:BOMN Advertising
NasdaqGS:BPFH Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BSND Construction Supplies
NYSE:BSX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:BTHE Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:EPAY Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BNCM Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:BORK Metals & Mining
AMEX:BWL.A Recreation
OTCPK:BWTL Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:BOX Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:BOXL Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:BOXS Machinery
NasdaqCM:BWMC Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:BYD Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:BYLB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BOZZ Food Wholesalers
NYSE:BPT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BPIG.F Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:BRC Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqCM:BCLI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BRNW Computer Services
OTCPK:BRAV Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:BVTK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BRVO Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:BBI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:BDGE Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BBIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BBGP Entertainment
NasdaqCM:BLIN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:BWB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:BRID Food Processing

NYSE:BGG Machinery
NYSE:MNRL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:BFAM Education
OTCPK:BMTM Advertising
NasdaqGS:BCOV Software (Internet)
OTCPK:BRTE Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGS:BHF Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:BTLN Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:BRGC Precious Metals
NYSE:BSIG Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:BV Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:EAT Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:EAT Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:BNXR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:BNXR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:BMY Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:BMIN Metals & Mining
OTCPK:BSTK Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:BRKK Building Materials
NasdaqGS:AVGO Semiconductor
NYSE:BR Information Services
OTCPK:BRSE Entertainment
NasdaqCM:BVSN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:BYFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:BWEN Electrical Equipment

NYSE:BKD Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:BPR R.E.I.T.
NasdaqGS:BRKL Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BRKS Semiconductor Equip
NYSE:BRO Insurance (General)
NYSE:BF.B Beverage (Alcoholic)
OTCPK:BWMG Recreation
NasdaqGS:BRP Insurance (General)
NasdaqGS:BRKR Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:BRBW Banks (Regional)

NYSE:BC Recreation
NasdaqGS:BMTC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BRYN Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGM:BSQR Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:BTCS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:RIGH Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:BBW Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:BLDR Building Materials
OTCPK:BRCH Telecom. Services
OTCPK:BFGC Metals & Mining
OTCPK:BTGI Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:BG Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:BHRB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BURL Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:BUNM Retail (Online)
OTCPK:BURC.A Building Materials
OTCPK:BZYR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CGLD Recreation
NasdaqGS:BFST Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BUKS Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:BYRG Metals & Mining
OTCPK:BZTG Telecom. Services
OTCPK:BVFL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:BWXT Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:BY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CBNT Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:CHRW Transportation
NasdaqGS:CFFI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CABA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CAPV Furn/Home Furnishings
NYSE:CBT Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGS:CCMP Semiconductor Equip
NYSE:COG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CACH Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:CACI Computer Services
NYSE:WHD Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:CADE Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CDNS Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:CDZI Utility (Water)
OTCPK:CSOC Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:CZR Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:CAFS Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:CAI Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:CDVI.Q Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:CALM Food Processing
NasdaqCM:CLBS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:CAMP Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:CVGW Food Processing
OTCPK:CLCL Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:CAL Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:BUUZ Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:LCDX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:CALB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CBHR Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:CABB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CFNB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CAIB Banks (Regional)
TSXV:CNO Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:CRC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CFPI Farming/Agriculture
NYSE:CWT Utility (Water)
OTCPK:KGET Machinery
OTCPK:CRGP Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:CALA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:CALX Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:CCMN Metals & Mining
NYSE:ELY Recreation
NYSE:CPE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CLWY Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:CTTC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:TYCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CALW Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:CLXT Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:CEI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CBEX Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGM:CMBM Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:CATC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CAC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CPB Food Processing
NYSE:CWH Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:CASG Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:COWP Real Estate (Development)
OTCPK:CNND Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CANB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:CGIX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CNDL Hotel/Gaming
ASX:CLB Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:CNMF Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:CNNA Food Processing
OTCPK:CBMJ Broadcasting
OTCPK:CNCC Software (Internet)
OTCPK:CNBX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
CNSX:CBIS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CBDS Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:NUGS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:LGBI Software (System & Application)
NYSE:CNNE Diversified
OTCPK:CGRW Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:CNLK Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CAPD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:MJTK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CANX Real Estate (Development)
OTCPK:CANL Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:CBIA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
CNSX:TIUM.U Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:CMD Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:CPHC Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGS:CBNK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CCBG Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CETG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CFGX Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:CGHC Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:COF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:LOGG Software (System & Application)

OTCPK:CPTP Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:CSU Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:CSWC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:CFFN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:CAPR Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqGS:CSTR Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CAPC Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:CAPS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CPST Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:CARA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CRRT Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:CRBO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
Software (Internet)
ASX:CG1 Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:CDXI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CDIX Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:CRDE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:CAH Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:CSII Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:CDLX Advertising
NasdaqGS:CATM Information Services
OTCPK:CXCQ Computers/Peripherals
NYSE:CRCM Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGM:CDNA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:CECO Education
OTCPK:CRFU Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:CPYT Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:CTRE R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:CRVW Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:CARG Software (Entertainment)

NYSE:CSL Diversified
NYSE:KMX Retail (Automotive)
NYSE:CCL Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqCM:CARO Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:CART Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CSV Business & Consumer Services
Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CROL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CSBI Auto & Truck
NasdaqGS:TAST Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:CARS Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:CRSM Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:CARE Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CRI Apparel
NYSE:CVNA Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqCM:CARV Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:CASA Telecom. Equipment

OTCPK:CDIV Real Estate (Development)
NasdaqGS:CWST Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:CASY Retail (Grocery and Food)
OTCPK:CCPR Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:CSHX Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:CASI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:CASS Information Services
NasdaqCM:SAVA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:CSTL Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:CSLT Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:CATB Drugs (Biotechnology)

NYSE:CTLT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:CBIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CPRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CATS Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:CAT Construction Supplies
NasdaqGS:CATY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CSKL Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CVCO Homebuilding
OTCPK:CVAT Electronics (General)
OTCPK:CAVR Heathcare Information and Technology
NasdaqGM:CBFV Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CBAI Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:CBBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CBDL Entertainment
OTCPK:CBDD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:EDXC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
AMEX:YCBD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:CBZ Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:CBMB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:CBOF Banks (Regional)

BATS:CBOE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:CBRE Real Estate (Operations & Services)

NasdaqGS:CBTX Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CAWW Household Products
OTCPK:CCFN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CCOM Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:CCUR Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:CDII.Q Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:CDK Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:CDW Computer Services
NasdaqGS:CECE Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:CEOS Heathcare Information and Technology

AMEX:CVM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:CE Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqCM:CELC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CLTY Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CXUS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CMXC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:CLCS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CLDX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CLRB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:CBMG Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CLSN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CELH Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqCM:CETX Electronics (General)
NYSE:CNC Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:CDEV Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CHLE Food Processing
NYSE:CNP Utility (General)
NYSE:CNP Utility (General)
NasdaqGS:CSFL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CBCY.B Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CFDB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:CFBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:CENT Household Products

NYSE:CPF Banks (Regional)
AMEX:CET Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:CVCY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CWIR Engineering/Construction
NasdaqCM:CTRC Apparel
OTCPK:CFCX Banks (Regional)
AMEX:LEU Coal & Related Energy
NasdaqGS:CENX Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:CNBK.A Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:CNTY Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:CCOB Metals & Mining
NYSE:CCS Homebuilding
OTCPK:CYFL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CTUY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:CTL Telecom. Services

OTCPK:CEOA Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:CBBT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CERC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:CRNC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CERP.Q Chemical (Basic)
TSX:CRP Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:CEVE Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:CDAY Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CRMK Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:CERN Heathcare Information and Technology

CNSX:CBP Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:CERS Healthcare Products

OTCPK:CESX Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:CEVA Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:CFFA Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:CF Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:CNFN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CGEI Green & Renewable Energy
OTCPK:CGRA Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:CHMP Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:CHAM Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:CPAI Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:CSBR Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:CHAG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

NasdaqGS:CHNG Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:CHGT Computer Services

NYSE:ECOM Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:BURG Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:CHAP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:CHRA Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:CTHR Apparel
NYSE:CRL Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:CHUC Retail (Distributors)

TSX:CWEB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:GTLS Machinery
NasdaqGS:CHTR Cable TV
AMEX:CCF Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:CPKA Packaging & Container
NasdaqCM:CTAC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:CKPT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:CHGG Education
NasdaqCM:CEMI Healthcare Products
NYSE:CHE Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:CCXI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:CHMG Banks (Regional)
AMEX:LNG Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:CHIT Real Estate (Development)
NYSE:CHK Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CPKF Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CHKR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CHMN Precious Metals
NYSE:CVX Oil/Gas (Integrated)
NYSE:CHWY Retail (Online)
NasdaqCM:CHFS Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:CHMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
AMEX:CVR Machinery
NasdaqGM:CSSE Entertainment
NYSE:CHS Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:CRVH Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:CHNO Metals & Mining
NasdaqGM:CMRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CHGI Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:CHFI Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:CHIF Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:CNHC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:CIIX Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:CCBC Banks (Regional)

NYSE:CMG Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:CHH Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:COFS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CBKC Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqCM:CDXC Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:CHD Household Products

NYSE:CCX Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:CHDN Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGS:CHUY Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:CIBH Bank (Money Center)
OTCPK:CIBY Telecom. Services
OTCPK:CICN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:CDTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:CIEN Telecom. Equipment
NYSE:CI Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGM:CMCT R.E.I.T.
NYSE:XEC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CMXX Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CNNB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
NYSE:CBB Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:CINF Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGM:CIDM Entertainment
NYSE:CNK Entertainment
NasdaqGS:CTAS Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:CLOK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CEXE Recreation
NYSE:CIR Machinery
OTCPK:CRLI Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:CRUS Semiconductor
OTCPK:CIRX Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqGS:CSCO Telecom. Equipment
NYSE:CISN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CNWT Software (System & Application)
NYSE:CIT Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:COIL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CBAF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CTRN Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:C Bank (Money Center)
NasdaqCM:CTXR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:CZNC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CZNB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CZBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CZBT Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CZBS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CCVS Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:CZWI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:CZWI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CIWV Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CFG Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CZFS Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:CIZN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CZNL Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CIA Insurance (Life)
NasdaqGS:CTXS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CTBK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CHCO Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CVEO Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:CIVB Banks (Regional)
AMEX:CKX Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:CLSI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:CLRN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CCYY Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CLAR Recreation
OTCPK:CCTC Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:CLNE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:CPWY Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:CETY Electrical Equipment
NYSE:CLH Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:CLSK.D Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:CLTH Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:CCO Advertising
OTCPK:CLPE Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGM:CLFD Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:CLRO Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGM:CLSD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:CLIR Electronics (General)
AIM:CLSU Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:CLRI Telecom. Equipment
NYSE:CLW Paper/Forest Products
OTCPK:CRGE Green & Renewable Energy
NasdaqCM:CBLI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CLCI Information Services
OTCPK:CLIS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CFTN Metals & Mining
OTCPK:CLKA Air Transport
OTCPK:CLNH Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:CATI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CLWD Software (System & Application)
NYSE:CLDR Software (System & Application)
NYSE:NET Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CDWD Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:CLVS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CLSH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CLHI Computer Services
OTCPK:CMIT Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGS:CME Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:CMGO Advertising
OTCPK:CMEY Software (System & Application)
NYSE:CMS Utility (General)
OTCPK:CBRI Computer Services
OTCPK:CMUV Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CNA Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:CNBN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CNBB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CCNE Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CNO Insurance (Life)
NasdaqCM:CNSP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:CNX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:CODX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:CCAJ Construction Supplies
OTCPK:CCNB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:COSO Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CTCK Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:COKE Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqCM:COCP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:CODA Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:CDXS Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:CVLY Banks (Regional)

NYSE:CDE Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:JVA Food Processing
NasdaqGS:CCOI Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:CGNX Electronics (General)
OTCPK:COGV Advertising
NasdaqGS:CTSH Computer Services
NasdaqCM:CWBR Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:COHN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:CNS Investments & Asset Management

NasdaqGS:COHR Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:CHRS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:COHU Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:CTBG Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:CFX Machinery
NYSE:CL Household Products
NasdaqGM:CLCT Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:COLL Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:CCH Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:CERX Coal & Related Energy
NasdaqGM:CBAN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:COLB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CCHW.F Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:CLBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:COLM Apparel
NasdaqGS:CMCO Machinery
OTCPK:CGUD Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:CMCS.A Cable TV
NYSE:CMA Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:COCM Computer Services
OTCPK:CMFV Software (Internet)
NYSE:FIX Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:CBWA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CBSH Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CGCO Metals & Mining
OTCPK:CWBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CEFC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CNAF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CVGI Construction Supplies
NasdaqGS:COMM Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGM:JCS Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:CFST Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CMTV Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CYSM Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CBYA.A Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CBU Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:ESXB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ALBY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CFGW Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CFOK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:CFBI Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CYH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:CMHF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CTBI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:CWBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CVLT Software (System & Application)
NYSE:CODI Diversified
NYSE:CMP Metals & Mining
OTCPK:CFSU Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:CMPD Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:CPSI Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:CSVI Information Services

NasdaqGS:CTG Computer Services
AMEX:CIX Office Equipment & Services
NasdaqGS:SCOR Advertising
NasdaqCM:CHCI Homebuilding
AMEX:LODE Precious Metals
NYSE:CRK Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:CMTL Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:CBCZ Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CAG Food Processing
NasdaqCM:CNAT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:CNCE Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:CXO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CNCG Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:CLEV Machinery
NasdaqCM:BBCP Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGS:CNDT Information Services
OTCPK:CONC Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:CFMS Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:CNFR Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:CNMD Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:CONN Retail (Special Lines)
ASX:CIO Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:CNOB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CTYX Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:CNXS Food Processing

NYSE:COP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CNRD Construction Supplies
NYSE:CEIX Coal & Related Energy
NasdaqGS:CNSL Telecom. Services
OTCPK:EXSO Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:ED Utility (General)
AMEX:CTO Real Estate (General/Diversified)
OTCPK:CSRH Software (System & Application)
NYSE:STZ Beverage (Alcoholic)
NasdaqGS:CNST Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ROAD Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:CAFI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:CCGN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:CPSS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:CBKM Banks (Regional)

AMEX:MCF Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CTGO Metals & Mining
NYSE:CBPX Building Materials
AMEX:CUO Building Materials
NYSE:CLR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:CFRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:CTRA Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:CVLB Household Products
NasdaqCM:CPAA Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:AWSM Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:CTB Rubber& Tires
NYSE:CPS Auto Parts
NasdaqGS:CPRT Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGM:CRBP Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CORT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CORG Telecom. Services
OTCPK:CORX Metals & Mining
AMEX:CMT Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGS:CORE Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:CLGX Information Services
AIM:CNS Software (System & Application)
AMEX:CRMD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:CNR Building Materials
OTCPK:CRSB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CFIC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CSOD Software (System & Application)
NYSE:GLW Electronics (General)
OTCPK:COWI Computer Services
OTCPK:CRRS.Q Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:COUV Brokerage & Investment Banking
NYSE:CTVA Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:CRTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CLDB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CRVL Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGM:CRVS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:COSM Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:CSGP Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:CSTI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:CSSI Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:COST Retail (General)
NYSE:COTY Household Products
OTCPK:CYHC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:ICBK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:COUP Software (System & Application)
NYSE:CVA Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:CVTI Trucking
NasdaqGS:CVET Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:CVIA Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:CVST Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:COWN Brokerage & Investment Banking
AMEX:CVU Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:PMTS Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqCM:CPSH Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:CRAI Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:CBRL Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:BREW Beverage (Alcoholic)
NYSE:CR Machinery
NYSE:CRD.B Insurance (General)
OTCPK:CRAW.A Electronics (General)
OTCPK:CRZY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CLCN Education
OTCPK:CELZ Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CREX Advertising
OTCPK:CWSS Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:CACC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:CRMZ Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:COHO Software (Internet)

NasdaqGS:CREE Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:CRSA Investments & Asset Management
CNSX:CL Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CXDO Software (Internet)
OTCPK:CWGL Beverage (Alcoholic)
NasdaqGS:CRNX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CSLI Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:CROX Shoe
OTCPK:CHBH Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:XBOR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:CCRN Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:CRT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:CFB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CRSS Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:CWNR Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:CRWG Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:CRWD Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CBCA Diversified
NasdaqCM:CRWS Apparel
NYSE:CCK Packaging & Container
OTCPK:CRMB.Q Retail (Grocery and Food)
OTCPK:CZNI Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:CCEL Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:CRY Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:CYRX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:CYVF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CSBB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CSGS Information Services
NasdaqGM:CSPI Computer Services
NYSE:CSS Household Products
NasdaqGS:CSWI Building Materials
NasdaqGS:CSX Transportation (Railroads)
NasdaqCM:CTIC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CTIB Household Products
NYSE:CTS Electronics (General)
TSXV:KUB Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CUBV Food Processing
NYSE:CUB Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:CUE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CUEN Telecom. Services
NasdaqCM:CUI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:CUSI Food Processing
NYSE:CFR Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CPIX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:CMI Construction Supplies
NasdaqGM:CMLS Broadcasting
OTCPK:CURM Software (Entertainment)
CNSX:CURA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CBDX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:CURR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:CRIS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:CURO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

TSX:CXI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

TSXV:CWRK Information Services

OTCPK:CMOT Auto & Truck
NYSE:CW Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:CWK Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:CSPS Green & Renewable Energy
NYSE:CUBI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:CUTR Healthcare Products
OTCPK:CVSI Household Products
NasdaqGS:CVBF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:CVV Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:CNVT Auto & Truck
NYSE:CVI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:CVS Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:CYAN Household Products
OTCPK:CYAP Retail (Online)
OTCPK:CYBD Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:CYPJ Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CYBF Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CLOQ Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:CYBE Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqCM:CYCC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:CYCN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CTDH Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:OZON Machinery
OTCPK:CYPW Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:CYNS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:CYIO Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:CBAY Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
AMEX:CTEK Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:CY Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:CYRN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:CONE R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:CYDY Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:CYTK Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:CTMX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:CTSO Healthcare Products
OTCPK:CYTR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CYCA Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:DHI Homebuilding
OTCPK:DAAT Recreation
OTCPK:DBIN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:DJCO Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:DLYT.D Machinery
OTCPK:DTRC Precious Metals
OTCPK:DKSC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:DAKT Electronics (General)
OTCPK:DFCO Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:DAN Auto Parts
NYSE:DHR Healthcare Products
OTCPK:DCAC Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:DRI Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqCM:DARE Healthcare Products
OTCPK:DPLS Electronics (General)
NYSE:DAR Farming/Agriculture
NasdaqCM:DZSI Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:DSKE Trucking
OTCPK:DCLT Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:DAIO Electronics (General)
OTCPK:DTST Computer Services
OTCPK:ATDS Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:DDOG Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:DTRK Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:PLAY Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:MDAV Household Products
NYSE:DVA Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:DWSN Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
AMEX:DXR Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SYNJ Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:DBRM Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:DBMG Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:DEEL Retail (Online)
OTCPK:DFOD.Q Food Processing
OTCPK:DRSV Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:DCPH Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:DECN Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:DPSI Computer Services

OTCPK:DMFG Machinery
OTCPK:DPBE Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:DPDW Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:DGWR Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:DVLY Homebuilding
NYSE:DE Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:DTII Electronics (General)
OTCPK:DFTC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:TACO Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:DCTH Healthcare Products
NYSE:DK Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:DWNX Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:DTSL Office Equipment & Services
NYSE:DELL Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:DBCP Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:DMPI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:DLMV Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:DLPX Machinery
NYSE:DAL Air Transport
AMEX:DLA Apparel
OTCPK:DTRO Recreation
NYSE:DLX Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:DMAN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:DEMO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:DENI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:DNLI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:DNR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:DMKB.A Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:DENN Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:XRAY Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:DERM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:DMTK Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:DBI Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:DEST.Q Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:DXLG Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:DEVM Real Estate (Development)
NYSE:DVN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:DEWM Advertising
NasdaqGS:DXCM Healthcare Products
NYSE:DHX Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:DMAC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:DMAC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:DMDD Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:DEAC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:DHIL Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:DO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:DSSI Oil/Gas Distribution
NasdaqGS:FANG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:DHCC Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqCM:DPHC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:DRNA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:DKS Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:DBD Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:DPWW Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqCM:DFFN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:DTGI Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:DGII Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:DGII Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:DMRC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:DIGP Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGM:DRAD Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:DGLY Electronics (General)
OTCPK:DATI Telecom. Services
OTCPK:DBMM Advertising
OTCPK:DGDM Computer Services
OTCPK:DGIF Software (Internet)
OTCPK:DLOC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:APPS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:DUTV Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:DGTW Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:DIGI Information Services
NYSE:DDS Retail (General)
NasdaqGS:DCOM Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:DIMC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:DIN Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:DWIS Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:DIOD Semiconductor
NYSE:DPLO Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:DEQI Entertainment
OTCPK:DIRV Electronics (General)
NYSE:DFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:DENR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

OTCPK:DSCR Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:DISC.A Broadcasting
NasdaqGS:DISH Cable TV
OTCPK:DVCR Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
AIM:DGOC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:DDRI.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:SAUC Restaurant/Dining
CNSX:DIXI.U Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:DLHC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:DLTI Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:BOOM Oilfield Svcs/Equip.

OTCPK:DNAX Beverage (Soft)
AMEX:DSS Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqGS:DOCU Software (System & Application)
NYSE:DLB Electronics (General)
NYSE:DG Retail (General)
NasdaqGS:DLTR Retail (General)
NasdaqCM:DLPN Entertainment
OM:DOME Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:D Utility (General)
OTCPK:DOMR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:DPZ Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:DNRG Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:DOMO Software (System & Application)
NYSE:UFS Paper/Forest Products
NYSE:DCI Machinery
NasdaqGS:DGIC.B Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:DFHL Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:DFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:LPG Oil/Gas Distribution

NasdaqGS:DORM Auto Parts
OTCPK:MYDP Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:PLOW Construction Supplies
OTCPK:DVAR Software (System & Application)
NYSE:DOV Machinery
NYSE:DVD Recreation
NYSE:DOW Chemical (Basic)
AMEX:DPW Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:NOHO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:DREM Homebuilding
NYSE:DRQ Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:DKAM Beverage (Alcoholic)
NYSE:DS Recreation
OTCPK:DRVD Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:DSUS Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:DBX Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:DCAR Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:DSFN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:DSPG Semiconductor
NYSE:DTE Utility (General)
OTCPK:DTHR Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:DCO Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:DLTH Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:DNKN Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:DUUO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:DUOT Software (System & Application)
NYSE:DD Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqCM:DRRX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:DXC Computer Services
NasdaqGS:DXPE Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:DYAI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:DY Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:DGIX Household Products
OTCPK:DYNR Precious Metals
OTCPK:DYSL Electronics (General)
NYSE:DT Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:DYNT Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:DVAX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:DYNE Computer Services
OTCPK:EQUR Healthcare Products
NYSE:ELF Household Products
NasdaqGS:ETFC Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:EACO Computer Services
NasdaqGM:EBMT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:EGBN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:EGLE Shipbuilding & Marine
OTCPK:EFBI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:EFSI Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:ECCE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:EXP Construction Supplies
NasdaqGM:EGRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:EGBB Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:ETST Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ESSE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:EFTI Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:ESTE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:EMHI Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:EWBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:EATR Retail (Online)
OTCPK:EFIN Banks (Regional)
NYSE:EMN Chemical (Diversified)
NYSE:KODK Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqCM:EAST Beverage (Alcoholic)
NYSE:EV Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:EAUI Machinery
NasdaqGS:EBAY Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:EBIX Software (System & Application)
NYSE:ECT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:ECRD Information Services
OTCPK:ECGI Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:ECHO Transportation
OTCPK:ECTE Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:SATS Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:ECDP Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:ECOX Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:ESFS Machinery
OTCPK:ESSI Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:ESES Oilfield Svcs/Equip.

OTCPK:ZEST Software (System & Application)
NYSE:ECL Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:ECOS Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:EXRG Paper/Forest Products
OTCPK:ECMT Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:ECPL Machinery
OTCPK:ECEZ Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:ECDD Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:EDCI Entertainment
NYSE:EPC Household Products
NasdaqCM:EDNT Recreation
NasdaqGS:EDIT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:EDMC.Q Education
NasdaqGM:EDUC Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:EW Healthcare Products
OTCPK:EESH Machinery
NasdaqCM:EGAN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:EFIR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:EHTH Insurance (General)
NasdaqGS:EIDX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:EIGR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:EKSO Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ECPN Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:LOCO Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:ELLH Metals & Mining
OTCPK:ELAM.F Food Processing
NYSE:ELAN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:ESTC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ELCO Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:ERI Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:ELCR Auto & Truck
NasdaqCM:ELSE Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:ECOR Healthcare Products
AMEX:ELMD Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ESRG Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:EA Entertainment
OTCPK:EKCS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ESNR Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ELST Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:ETCI.A Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:ELGL Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:ESI Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:VATE Food Processing
NYSE:ELVT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:LLY Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

OTCPK:EEGI Education
OTCPK:ELIO Auto & Truck
OTCPK:ELTZ Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:ELTP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ELMA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:ESBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:ELOX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

OTCPK:ELRA Hotel/Gaming
AMEX:EMAN Electronics (General)
OTCPK:EMBA Computer Services
OTCPK:EMBR Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:EMYB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:EMBT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:EMCF Banks (Regional)
NYSE:EME Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGM:EMKR Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:EMBI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:EEX Advertising
OTCPK:EMOR Retail (Online)
NYSE:EBS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:EMGC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:EMGE Drugs (Biotechnology)

NYSE:EMR Electrical Equipment
AMEX:MSN Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:EMIS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:EMMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:EMMS Broadcasting
OTCPK:EMPK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MPIR Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:EPGG Recreation
OTCPK:EMPR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:EMPM Entertainment
NYSE:EIG Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
CNSX:CBDT Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:ENAB Retail (Online)
OTCPK:EIPC Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:ENTA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ENBP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ECIA Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ENCC Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:EHC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:ECPG Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:WIRE Electrical Equipment

OTCPK:ENTI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ECSL Heathcare Information and Technology
OTCPK:EDVR Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:ELGX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ENDV.D Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:NDRA Healthcare Products
OTCPK:EXPL Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:EIGI Software (Internet)
TASE:ENDY Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ENCR Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:EENX Electrical Equipment
NYSE:ENR Household Products
NasdaqCM:WATT Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:EGTK Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:EESE Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:EAWD Machinery
NasdaqCM:EFOI Electrical Equipment
TSX:EFR Coal & Related Energy
NasdaqGS:ERII Machinery
OTCPK:ERAO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:ESOA Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:ENKS Green & Renewable Energy
NYSE:ENS Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:ETCK Chemical (Specialty)
KOSDAQ:A950140 Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:ENG Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:ENHT Computer Services
NYSE:ENLC Oil/Gas Distribution
NYSE:EBF Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqCM:ENOB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:ENVA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)


NasdaqGM:ENPH Semiconductor Equip
NYSE:NPO Machinery
AMEX:ENSV Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:ESGI Precious Metals
OTCPK:ESNC Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:ETTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:ENFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:ENTG Semiconductor Equip

NYSE:ETM Broadcasting
NasdaqGS:EBTC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SYTE Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:EFSC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:EFSG Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ETER Software (System & Application)
AIM:EAI Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:EARI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ERGO Household Products
NYSE:EVC Broadcasting
AMEX:ELA Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:ENV Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:EVTN Machinery
OTCPK:EVSV Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:EIHC Machinery
OTCPK:EVSP Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:ETCC Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:ETII Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:EVSI Semiconductor
NYSE:NVST Healthcare Products
OTCPK:EXNT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:ENZ Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:ENZC Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:ENZN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:EESO Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:ENZH Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:EOG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
ASX:E2E Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:EOSI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:EPEG.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:EPAM Computer Services
OTCPK:EPAZ Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:EPOR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:EPRS.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqGS:EPZM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:PLUS Computer Services
OTCPK:EPXY Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:EPSN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:EQLB Household Products
NYSE:EQT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:EFX Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGM:EQ Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:EQIX R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:EQFN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:ETRN Oil/Gas Distribution

NasdaqGS:EQBK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:EQS Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:ERUC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NYSE:ERA Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:ERBA Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ERFB Telecom (Wireless)
OTCPK:ERGN Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:ERHE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:ERIE Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:ERIN.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:EROS Entertainment
OTCPK:ESBS Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:ESCA Recreation
OTCPK:ESMC Healthcare Products
NYSE:ESE Machinery
OTCPK:ESPI.Q Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGM:ESPR Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:ESP Electrical Equipment
NasdaqCM:ESQ Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:ESSA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:ESSA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:ETH Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:GRST Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGM:ETON Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:ETSY Retail (Online)
OTCPK:ERKH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
NasdaqGS:EEFT Information Services
OTCPK:EVUS Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:ESCC Electronics (General)
AMEX:EVBN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:EVCI Education
NasdaqGS:EVLO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:EB Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGM:EVBG Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:EVRC Computers/Peripherals
NYSE:EVR Brokerage & Investment Banking
TSXV:TNA Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:EGRN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:EVRI Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:EVLI Entertainment
OTCPK:EVRN Food Processing
NasdaqGM:EVER Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGM:MRAM Semiconductor
NYSE:EVTC Information Services
AMEX:EVI Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:EVIO Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:EVOP Information Services

NasdaqCM:EVFM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:EVOK Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:EVH Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:EOLS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

AMEX:EPM Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:FNAM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:EVOL Software (System & Application)
NYSE:AQUA Machinery
OTCPK:EWLL Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:EWRC Entertainment
NasdaqCM:EXAS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:EXDI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:XGN Healthcare Support Services
TSX:MIN Metals & Mining
OTCPK:EXSR Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:XELA Information Services
OTCPK:ELED Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:EXEL Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:EXC Power
OTCPK:EXEO Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NasdaqCM:XCUR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:EXHI Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:EXLS Information Services
OTCPK:EXBX Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:EXPI Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGS:EXPE Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:EXPD Transportation
NasdaqGS:EXPO Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:EXPR Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:STAY Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:EXTN Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:XOG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:XTRM Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:EXTR Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:AXXA Real Estate (Development)
NYSE:XOM Oil/Gas (Integrated)
OTCPK:ICTY Metals & Mining
NasdaqCM:EYEG Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:EYEN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:EYPT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:AXCG Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:EZPW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:EZEN Software (System & Application)

OTCPK:FMBM Banks (Regional)
NYSE:FNB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FFIV Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:FBNK Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:FB Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:FDS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:FICO Software (System & Application)

NasdaqCM:FLMN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:FLCN Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:FALC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FLKI Household Products
OTCPK:FMPR Advertising
OTCPK:FMYR Entertainment
OTCPK:FFZY Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:FPAC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:FARM Food Processing
OTCPK:FMCB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FMAO Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FMBN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FMBL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FMFG Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FABP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FBVA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FMNB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FMHS Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:FARO Electronics (General)
KOSDAQ:A150900 Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FLHI Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:FBSE Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:FAST Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:FSLY Software (Internet)
NasdaqCM:FAT Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGM:FATE Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:FBSS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FAVO Metals & Mining
NYSE:FBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FBCD Recreation
OTCPK:FBEC Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:FFG Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:FCIC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FBVI Banks (Regional)

NYSE:AGM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FNMA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:FSS Construction Supplies
NYSE:FII Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:FDX Transportation
NasdaqGM:FNHC Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqCM:FENC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:FETM Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FERN Electrical Equipment
NYSE:FOE Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqCM:FFBW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FFDF Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:FFWC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FBCE Telecom. Equipment

NasdaqGS:FGEN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:FDEI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:FDBC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:FNF Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:FIS Information Services
OTCPK:FPPP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:FRGI Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:FSAM Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:FITB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FGCO Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:FISI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FIND Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:FDIT Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:FNBT Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FNGR Entertainment
NasdaqCM:FNJN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FTGI Brokerage & Investment Banking
NasdaqCM:FTAC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:FEYE Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FRCN Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:FRMA Metals & Mining
OTCPK:FACO Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:FABK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:FAF Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:FBNC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FBPI Banks (Regional)
NYSE:FBP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FIBH Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FBSI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
NasdaqGM:FRBA Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FBTT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:BUSE Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FBIZ Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FCPB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:FCAP Banks (Regional)

NasdaqCM:FCBP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FCHS Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:FCNC.A Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FCIT Banks (Regional)
NYSE:FCF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FCBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FCCO Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FCCT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FDEF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FFMH Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:FFMR Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FFBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FFIN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:THFF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FFNW Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FIFG Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:FFWM Banks (Regional)

NasdaqGM:FGBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FHRT Real Estate (General/Diversified)
NasdaqGS:FHB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:FHN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:INBK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FIBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FKYS Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FRME Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FMIA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:FMBH Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FMBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FBAK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FXNC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FINN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FNBC.Q Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FNFI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FNRN Banks (Regional)

NasdaqGM:FNWB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FOTB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FSRL Banks (Regional)
NYSE:FRC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FRSB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FSFG Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FSEA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:FSLR Semiconductor
OTCPK:FSWA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FUNC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FUSB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:MYFW Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FCFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FTDL Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqGS:FISV Information Services
OTCPK:FSSN Software (System & Application)
NYSE:FIT Electronics (General)
OTCPK:FTLF Household Products
NasdaqGS:FIVE Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:FPH Real Estate (General/Diversified)
NasdaqGS:FPRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:FVE Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGM:FIVN Software (System & Application)
NYSE:FBC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FLMP Chemical (Specialty)

OTCPK:FAME Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:FLRE Chemical (Diversified)
AMEX:BDL Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:FZRO Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:FLT Information Services
OTCPK:FLXI Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:FLXN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:FLXT Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:FPAY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:FLXS Furn/Home Furnishings

NasdaqGS:FLIR Electronics (General)
NYSE:FND Retail (Building Supply)
NYSE:FTK Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:FLO Food Processing
NYSE:FLS Machinery
ASX:FLC Machinery
NasdaqGM:FLNT Advertising
NasdaqGS:FLDM Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:FLR Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:FPMI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:FFIC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FLUX Electrical Equipment
NYSE:FMC Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:FIDS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FNHM Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FNCB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FNCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FDTC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:FOCS Investments & Asset Management

OTCPK:FCCG Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:ETFM Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:FONR Healthcare Products
OTCPK:FONU Entertainment
NYSE:FL Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:FTXP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:FTEG Household Products
OTCPK:FLSS Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:FPVD Retail (Online)
NYSE:F Auto & Truck
OTCPK:FCGY Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FRXX Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:FSCT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FGFH Banks (Regional)
NYSE:FOR Real Estate (Development)
OTCPK:FVRG Food Processing
NasdaqGS:FORM Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGS:FWON.K Entertainment
NasdaqGS:FORR Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:FTCX Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:FRTA Construction Supplies
NasdaqGS:FTNT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FRTD Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:FTV Machinery
OTCPK:FRTN Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:FBIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:FTAI Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:FBHS Building Materials
NasdaqGS:FTSV Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:FET Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:FMCI Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:FWRD Transportation
NasdaqCM:FORD Apparel
NasdaqGS:FOSL Apparel
NYSE:FBM Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:FHAI.D Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:FCNE Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGS:FOXA Broadcasting
NasdaqGS:FOXF Auto Parts
OTCPK:FOYJ Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGS:FRAN Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGM:FRG Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:FC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:FCRM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:FELE Machinery
NYSE:FSB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FRAF Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BEN Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:FKWL Telecom. Equipment
TSXV:TLK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FRED.Q Retail (General)
OTCPK:FMCC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:FCBI Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:FDMF Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:FRLF Household Products
NYSE:FCX Metals & Mining
OTCPK:FSNR Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:FRZT Entertainment
NasdaqGS:RAIL Construction Supplies
OTCPK:FRLI Heathcare Information and Technology

ASX:FPL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

NasdaqGM:FEIM Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:FREQ Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:FRHV Food Processing
NasdaqGM:FRPT Food Processing
OTCPK:FDBL Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:FHLB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FRMO Investments & Asset Management
SEHK:1521 Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:FTDR Business & Consumer Services

NasdaqGS:FTR Telecom. Services
OTCPK:FIEC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FOSI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:FRPH Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:FXLG Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FSBW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:FSBC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:FCN Business & Consumer Services

NYSE:FTSI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:FTEK Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGM:FCEL Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:FULC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:FLGT Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:FAGI Entertainment
NasdaqCM:FLL Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:FMBV Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:FULO Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:FULT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FNKO Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:FUST Advertising
OTCPK:FZMD Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:DROP Household Products
OTCPK:FSNN.Q Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:FUIG Telecom. Services
OTCPK:FSPM Farming/Agriculture
NYSE:FF Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:FUTL Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:FWDG Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:FVCB Banks (Regional)

ASX:GMV Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:GIII Apparel
OTCPK:GSML Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:GTHX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GADS Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:GAIA Entertainment
NYSE:GCAP Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:GCLT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:GANS Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:GLPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
TSXV:GLXY Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:GLXZ Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:GAXY Computer Services
NasdaqCM:GALT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GLFH Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGM:GRTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:GBL Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:GBL Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:GPLA Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:SCFR Information Services
NYSE:GME Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:GLPI R.E.I.T.
NYSE:GCI Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:GARB Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:GDI Machinery
NYSE:IT Computer Services
OTCPK:GASE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:GTES Machinery
NYSE:GATX Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:VINO Real Estate (Development)
OTCPK:GAWK Software (Internet)
OTCPK:GBLX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:GTCH Computer Services
NasdaqGS:GLIB.A Telecom. Services
NYSE:GCP Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:GDET Entertainment
OTCPK:GOSY Electronics (General)
AMEX:JOB Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:GSAC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:GLTC Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:GMNI Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:GEMP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GMZP Semiconductor
OTCPK:GNCC Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:GNK Shipbuilding & Marine
NasdaqGM:GENC Machinery
NasdaqGM:GENC Machinery
OTCPK:GNLK.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:GNRC Electrical Equipment
NYSE:GAM Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:CANN Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:GNRD Telecom. Equipment
NYSE:GD Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:GE Diversified
OTCPK:GEVI Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGM:GFN Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:GIS Food Processing
AMEX:GMO Metals & Mining
NYSE:GM Auto & Truck
OTCPK:GPSI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:GNAL Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:GENH Real Estate (General/Diversified)
OTCPK:VEND Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:GNBT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:GCO Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:GEGI Semiconductor
NYSE:GEN Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:GEIN Metals & Mining
OTCPK:GTHR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:GNUS Recreation
NasdaqGM:GNMK Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:GNCA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GNOL.F Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:GNPX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GTEH Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:GNTX Auto Parts
NasdaqGS:THRM Auto Parts
OTCPK:GFOO Household Products
NYSE:GPC Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:GNW Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:GEOR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:GPLS Metals & Mining
OTCPK:RSKI.A Electronics (General)
OTCPK:GTCP Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:GEOS Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GSPH Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GOVX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GEPC Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:GABC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:GERN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GTRL Entertainment
OTCPK:GFGU Software (System & Application)
ASX:GSW Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:GEVO Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GHHC Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:GHST Advertising
OTCPK:GGLT Diversified
NasdaqGS:ROCK Building Materials
OTCPK:GIFX Advertising
OTCPK:GIGA.D Electronics (General)
NYSE:GIX Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:GIGL Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:GILD Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GLLA Household Products
NasdaqGS:GBCI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:GOOD R.E.I.T.
NasdaqGM:LAND R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:GLAE Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:GKOS Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:GLBZ Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:GLRP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:GAHC Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:GBT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GBBT Shipbuilding & Marine
OTCPK:GLBR Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:GCPL Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:GCEH Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:GCEI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GDSI Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:ENT Entertainment
OTCPK:GLEC Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:GBHL Entertainment
OTCPK:GPTX Computers/Peripherals
NYSE:GPN Information Services
OTCPK:GOHE Information Services
OTCPK:GPGC Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:GLPT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:GBEN Retail (Distributors)

OTCPK:GSFD Food Processing
NasdaqCM:SELF R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:GTII Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:GTLL Telecom. Services
OTCPK:GVHI.B Food Processing
OTCPK:GWSO Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:GWRS Utility (Water)
OTCPK:GWTR Utility (Water)
AMEX:GSB Software (System & Application)
AMEX:GSAT Telecom. Services
OTCPK:GLBH Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:GL Insurance (Life)

OTCPK:GBPT Retail (Online)
OTCPK:GBIM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:GMED Healthcare Products
OTCPK:GLRI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GLOH Food Processing
AMEX:GLOW Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:GLUU Entertainment
OTCPK:GLUC Household Products
NasdaqGM:GLYC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GLYE Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:GMS Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:GNBF Banks (Regional)
NYSE:GNC Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:GNCP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:GOGR Machinery
OTCPK:GSLO Engineering/Construction
NYSE:GDDY Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:GOGO Telecom (Wireless)
OTCPK:GOIG Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:GGSM Precious Metals
OTCPK:GLDT Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:GLDN Precious Metals
OTCPK:GDRZ.F Precious Metals
AMEX:GORO Precious Metals
OTCPK:GRPS Chemical (Basic)
TSXV:GLDX Metals & Mining
OTCPK:DVLP Retail (Online)
NasdaqGM:GDEN Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:GNGT Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:GOGY Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:GMGI Entertainment
AMEX:AUMN Precious Metals
OTCPK:GPTC Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:GPXM Precious Metals
OTCPK:GSPT Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:GSBX Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:GVYB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ZWBC Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:GRMC Precious Metals
OTCPK:GFMH Entertainment
OTCPK:GMER Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:GHMP Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:GTIM Restaurant/Dining
AMEX:GDP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:GOOI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:GSHD Insurance (General)

NasdaqGS:GPRO Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NasdaqCM:GPAQ Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:GRSH Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:GMHI Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:GOSS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GOVB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:GPX Business & Consumer Services

NYSE:GGG Machinery
NYSE:GRAF Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:EAF Electrical Equipment
NYSE:GHM Machinery
NYSE:GHC Education
NasdaqGS:LOPE Education
OTCPK:GRCV Precious Metals
OTCPK:GHAV Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:GPIW Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:GNRV Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:GRRB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:GCFB Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:GVA Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:GFGY Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GSTX Metals & Mining
TSXV:GGG Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:GPK Packaging & Container
OTCPK:GRTD Food Processing
NYSE:GTN Broadcasting
OTCPK:GTPS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:GBSN.Q Healthcare Products

NasdaqGS:GEC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:GLUX Air Transport
NasdaqGS:GLDD Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGS:GSBC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:GWB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:GACR Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqCM:GRBK Homebuilding
OTCPK:GRCU Household Products
NYSE:GDOT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:GYOG Education
OTCPK:GELV Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GRGR Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:GETH Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:GGII Business & Consumer Services
CNSX:GGB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:GRYN Entertainment
OTCPK:GRLF Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:GMND Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:GPRE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GNPG Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:GPDB Retail (Grocery and Food)
OTCPK:GSPI Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:GSFI Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:GTSO Environmental & Waste Services
CNSX:GTII Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:GZIC Computer Services
OTCPK:GRCO Machinery
OTCPK:GRBX Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:INKW Office Equipment & Services
NasdaqCM:GCBC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

TSXV:GNF Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

OTCPK:GRNH Farming/Agriculture
NYSE:GHL Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:GKIT Construction Supplies
NasdaqGM:GNLN Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:WSHE Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:GRNL Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:GRPX Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:GSKY Information Services
OTCPK:GVFF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:GWTI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GWYT Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:GEF Packaging & Container
OTCPK:GRCK Household Products
OTCPK:GYSN Household Products
OTCPK:GLGI Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:GMVP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:GFCI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:GRIF Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:GFF Building Materials
NasdaqGS:GRTS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GRNF Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:GO Retail (Grocery and Food)
OTCPK:GROG Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:GRMM Entertainment
OTCPK:GRVE Household Products
NYSE:GPI Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqGS:GRPN Retail (Online)
OTCPK:GRWC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:GRSO Retail (Building Supply)
NasdaqCM:GRWG Retail (Building Supply)
OTCPK:PHOT Farming/Agriculture
NYSE:GRUB Retail (Online)
OTCPK:GYPH.Q Precious Metals
OTCPK:GRYO Metals & Mining
NYSE:GSAH Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:GVP Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:GSIT Semiconductor
OTCPK:GSRX Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:GSVI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:GTBP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:GTGT Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:GTT Software (Internet)
OTCPK:GTXO Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NasdaqCM:GTYH Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:GNTY Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:GFED Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:GFCJ Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:GRDO Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:GH Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:GHSI Household Products
OTCPK:FTDC.Q Retail (Online)
NYSE:GES Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:GTHP Healthcare Products
NYSE:GWRE Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:GULT.U Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:GIFI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:GLFW Real Estate (Development)
NasdaqGS:GPOR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:GSPE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:GNGR Food Processing
OTCPK:GZCC Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqCM:GWGH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:GXGX Investments & Asset Management

NasdaqCM:GYRO Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:HCYT Healthcare Products
NYSE:FUL Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:HERC Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:HCCC Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:HEES Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:HRB Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:ASPT Machinery
OTCPK:HABC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HAE Healthcare Products
OTCPK:HALC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:HAON Diversified
NasdaqCM:HNRG Coal & Related Energy
NYSE:HAL Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:HALL Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:HALN Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:HALO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:HBB Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqGS:HLNE Investments & Asset Management
TSXV:HTL Healthcare Products
OTCPK:HMLN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:HMMR Telecom. Services
NasdaqCM:HJLI Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:HWC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HBI Apparel
NYSE:HNGR Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:HAFC Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:HHSE Entertainment
OTCPK:HNFS.A Food Processing
OTCPK:HRBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:HRBR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:HONE Banks (Regional)
CNSX:HBOR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:HBTC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
OTCPK:HFBK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HOG Auto & Truck
OTCPK:HARL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:HLIT Telecom. Equipment

NasdaqGS:HARP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:HVCW Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqCM:HROW Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:HSC Machinery
NYSE:HHS Advertising
NasdaqGM:HBIO Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:HARI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:HCBP Banks (Regional)

CNSX:HARV Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:HRST Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:HAS Recreation
OTCPK:HLAB Software (System & Application)
TSXV:KASH Information Services
OTCPK:HKBV Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:HAUP Computers/Peripherals
NYSE:HVT Retail (Building Supply)
NasdaqGS:HA Air Transport
OTCPK:HHGI Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:HWVI Food Processing
OTCPK:HWSY Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:HWKE Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGS:HWKN Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGS:HWBK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:HYAC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:HAYN Steel
NasdaqGS:HBT Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HCHC Engineering/Construction
NYSE:HCA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:HCBN Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HCI Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:HDS Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:HDVW Electronics (General)
OTCPK:HADV Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:HCAT Heathcare Information and Technology
OTCPK:HDVY Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGM:HIIQ Insurance (General)
OTCPK:HRAA Business & Consumer Services
Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:HESG Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:HCLC Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:HCSG Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:VRTY Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:HQY Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:HLYK Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:HEME Healthcare Products

NasdaqGS:HSTM Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:HEWA Retail (Online)

OTCPK:HCEI Food Processing
OTCPK:HLAN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:HTLD Trucking
NasdaqGS:HTLF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:HTBX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:HL Precious Metals
NYSE:HEI Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:HSII Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:HMNY Computer Services
NasdaqGS:HLIO Machinery
NasdaqCM:HSDT Healthcare Products
NYSE:HLX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:HLIX Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:HLXW Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:EXLA Metals & Mining
NYSE:HP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:HLOC Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:HEMA Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:HMGN Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:HMTV Broadcasting
OTCPK:HPMM Household Products
OTCPK:CPOW Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:HEMP Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:HMPQ Household Products
NasdaqCM:HNNA Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:HCAC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:HSIC Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:HEPA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:HHER Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:HLF Household Products
OTCPK:HBRM Household Products
NYSE:HRI Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:HTGC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:HTSC Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGS:HTBK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:HFWA Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:HGBL Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:HRTG Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:HRGG Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:HSBI Banks (Regional)

NasdaqGS:HCCI Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:MLHR Office Equipment & Services
NasdaqCM:HRTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:HTZ Trucking
NasdaqCM:HSKA Healthcare Products
NYSE:HES Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:HESM Oil/Gas Distribution
NYSE:HPE Computers/Peripherals
NYSE:HXL Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:HFFG Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:HFBA Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:STLY Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:HGGG.Q Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:HCR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:HIBB Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:HCBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:HCGS Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:HBSI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:HLND Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HPR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:HIL Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:HRC Healthcare Products
NYSE:HI Machinery
OTCPK:HBIA Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HTH Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HGV Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:HLT Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGM:HIFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:HENI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

NasdaqCM:HQI Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:HIRU Household Products
OTCPK:HKEB Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:HKNI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:HCCH Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:AMHD Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:HMNF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:HMSY Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:HNI Office Equipment & Services

OTCPK:HIHI Real Estate (General/Diversified)
OTCPK:HENC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:MINR Software (System & Application)
NYSE:HFC Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:HWAL Entertainment
OTCPK:HOOB Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGS:HOLX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:HSTG Retail (Online)
OTCPK:HWIS Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:HBCP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:HOMB Banks (Regional)

NasdaqCM:HFBL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:HWEN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:HLFN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:HMLA Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

OTCPK:HSCC Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:HMST Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:HWIN Retail (Grocery and Food)

NasdaqGS:HTBI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FIXX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:HONT Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HON Diversified
NasdaqGS:HOFT Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqGS:HOOK Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:HPNN Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:HOPE Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:HPTO Software (System & Application)
NYSE:HMN Insurance (General)
OTCPK:HRRB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:HBNC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HZN Auto Parts
OTCPK:HZNM Metals & Mining
OTCPK:HZHI Diversified
NYSE:HRL Food Processing
OTCPK:HOSS Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:TWNK Food Processing
NasdaqCM:HOTH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:HMHC Education
NYSE:HLI Brokerage & Investment Banking
AMEX:HUSA Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:HITD Computer Services
NasdaqGS:HWCC Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:HOV Homebuilding
NasdaqCM:HBMD Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HPQ Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:HPIL Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:HQGE Education
OTCPK:HSTC.D Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:HTGM Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:HUBG Transportation
OTCPK:HUBV Software (System & Application)
NYSE:HUBB Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:HBUV Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:HUBS Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:HSON Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:HDSN Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:HGTX.U Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:HMNU Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:HUM Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:TTCS Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:HGEN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:HUMT Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:HUML Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:HBAN Banks (Regional)
NYSE:HII Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:HNTM Metals & Mining
NYSE:HUN Chemical (Diversified)
OTCPK:HCGI Real Estate (General/Diversified)
NasdaqGS:HURC Machinery
NasdaqGS:HURN Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:HVLM Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:HUTN Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:HBP Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:HVBC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:H Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:HCTI Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:HYCT Precious Metals
OTCPK:HYEG Construction Supplies
OTCPK:HYGN Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:HYDI Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:HDYN.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:HYSR Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:HDII Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:HYRE Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:HY Machinery
OTCPK:IWMG Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:IIIV Information Services
NYSE:IAA Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:IAC Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:IAHL Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
CNSX:IAN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
TSXV:IB Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:IBKC Banks (Regional)
AMEX:IBIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IBRC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IBWC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:ICAD Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:ICCH Insurance (Prop/Cas.)

NasdaqGS:ICFI Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:ICHR Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:ICOA Telecom (Wireless)
OTCPK:ICNM Computer Services
OTCPK:ICNB Beverage (Alcoholic)
NasdaqGS:ICON Apparel
OTCPK:ICCT Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:ICTV Retail (Online)

NasdaqGS:ICUI Healthcare Products
OTCPK:IDGC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:IDFB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:IDDR Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:IPWR Electrical Equipment
NasdaqCM:IDEX Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:IDYA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:INVE Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:IDRA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:IEX Machinery
NasdaqGS:IDXX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:IDLM Entertainment
NYSE:IDT Telecom. Services
OTCPK:IDWM Publishing & Newspapers
AMEX:IEC Electronics (General)
OTCPK:IEHC Electronics (General)
OTCPK:IENT Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGM:IESC Engineering/Construction
NasdaqCM:IROQ Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:IFAN Software (System & Application)

NasdaqCM:IFMK Retail (Grocery and Food)
OTCPK:IGEN Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:IGNE Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:IGMS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IGPG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:IGOI Building Materials
NasdaqGS:IHRT Broadcasting
NasdaqGS:IIVI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ITOX Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IJJP Computer Services
NZSE:IKE Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:IKNX Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:ILIM Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:ITW Machinery
NasdaqGS:ILMN Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:IMAC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities

OTCPK:IMGX Entertainment
OTCPK:IMTL Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:ISNS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:IAGX Household Products
OTCPK:IWSY Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IWKS Healthcare Products
OTCPK:IMJX Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:IMTV Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:IGNG Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
ASX:IBX Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:IMBI Retail (Online)
OTCPK:JRVS Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:IMMG Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IMKI Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:IMMR Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqCM:ICCC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IMNP.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IMUN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:IMUX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IMUC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:IMGN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:IMMU Drugs (Biotechnology)
TSXV:IPA Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:IMMB Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqCM:IMVT Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:IMH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:IFUS Retail (Distributors)

OTCPK:IMHC Household Products
OTCPK:IPRC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:PI Semiconductor
OTCPK:ZCOM Paper/Forest Products
OTCPK:INOH Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:IMII Precious Metals
AMEX:IOR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:ICNN Oilfield Svcs/Equip.

NasdaqGS:INCY Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:ICD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:IHC Insurance (Life)
NasdaqGS:INDB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:IBCP Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:IBTX Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:IFLM Entertainment
OTCPK:IXOG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
AMEX:IGC Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:IPUB Entertainment
OTCPK:IRCC Precious Metals
LSE:INDV Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:IDCN Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:INQD Farming/Agriculture
CNSX:INDS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:ILPT R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:INTK Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqCM:IDSA Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:INSO Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:INFN Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:INFX Metals & Mining
OTCPK:INFG Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:IMCI Computer Services
OTCPK:IFNY Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:INFI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:INOW Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IAIC Computer Services
NasdaqGM:III Computer Services
OTCPK:ISHM Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:IEA Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:IDVC Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:IFAM Precious Metals
OTCPK:IFXY Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:INBI Retail (Online)
AMEX:INFU Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:NGVT Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:IMKT.A Retail (Grocery and Food)
NYSE:INGR Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:INTI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:INMB Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:INND Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:INWK Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:INNO Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGM:INOD Information Services
OTCPK:INHC Computer Services
NasdaqGS:IPHS Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:IOSP Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:INNI Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:INNT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:IPIX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IVDN Recreation
OTCPK:IVFH Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:IHAI Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:IPSI Information Services
NasdaqGS:ISSC Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:IVST Building Materials
NasdaqGS:INVA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:INNV Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:INGN Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:INOV Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:INO Drugs (Biotechnology)

NYSE:IPHI Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:INPX Computer Services
OTCPK:INRD Electronics (General)
OTCPK:IRBL Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:IBTN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:INSG Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:NSIT Computer Services
NasdaqCM:ISIG Advertising
NasdaqGS:INSM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:NSP Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:INSP Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:INSE Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:ITCC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:NSPX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:IBP Homebuilding
NasdaqGS:IIIN Building Materials
NYSE:INST Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:PODD Healthcare Products
OTCPK:INSY.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:ITGR Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:IART Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ITKG Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:INVI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:INBP Household Products
OTCPK:IBSS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IGPK Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:IEVM Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:INTP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:INTV Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IHTI Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:INTC Semiconductor
OTCPK:IKMA Retail (Online)
NasdaqGM:NTLA Drugs (Biotechnology)
SEHK:6819 Heathcare Information and Technology

AMEX:IDN Electronics (General)

OTCPK:IHSI Transportation
AMEX:INS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ITLI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:INLX Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:IPAR Household Products
NasdaqGS:IBKR Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:IGRW Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:ICCO Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:ICPT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ICLD Computer Services
NYSE:ICE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:IDCC Telecom. Equipment

OTCPK:ITDN Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:TILE Office Equipment & Services
OTCPK:LINK Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ITRK Hotel/Gaming
TSX:IMP Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:INAP Software (Internet)
OTCPK:IBAL Machinery
NasdaqGS:IBOC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:IBM Computer Services
CNSX:INCB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ICRD Information Services
OTCPK:INCC Advertising
OTCPK:IDND Packaging & Container
OTCPK:IDAD Paper/Forest Products
OTCPK:IDVV Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:IFF Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:INIS Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:ILAL Real Estate (Development)

OTCPK:ITNM Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:IMXI Information Services
NYSE:IP Packaging & Container
NYSE:INSW Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:ISWH Beverage (Alcoholic)
OTCPK:ILST Metals & Mining
OTCPK:ISCO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ITNF Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:IDXG Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:IPLY Entertainment
NasdaqGM:XENT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ITEC Precious Metals
OTCPK:ITUP Brokerage & Investment Banking
AMEX:INTT Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGS:IVAC Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGS:INTL Brokerage & Investment Banking
NasdaqGS:ITCI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:IORG Software (System & Application)
NYSE:IPI Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:XON Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:IIN Healthcare Products
OTCPK:INTZ Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:INTU Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:ISRG Healthcare Products
AMEX:INUV Software (System & Application)
NYSE:IVC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:IDEA Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:INVT Telecom. Equipment
NYSE:IVZ Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:ISTR Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:ISBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:ITIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:INVU Software (System & Application)
NYSE:NVTA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IVRO Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:NVIV Healthcare Products
OTCPK:IVOB Healthcare Products
OTCPK:IYXI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:IO Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
CNSX:IONC Household Products
NasdaqGS:IONS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IOTC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:IOVA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IOFB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:IPGP Electronics (General)
OTCPK:IPIC.Q Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:IDTY Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IPLB Household Products
OTCPK:IQST Telecom. Services
NYSE:IQV Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:IRMD Healthcare Products

NasdaqGS:IRTC Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:IRIX Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:IRDM Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:IRBT Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:IRNC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IRNS Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:IRWD Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ISBA Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ISGN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ISML Household Products
OTCPK:IOMT Electronics (General)
AMEX:ISR Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:ISDR Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:IFBC Beverage (Alcoholic)
OTCPK:IMSU Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ITKH Telecom. Services
OTCPK:INLB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:ITI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ITEX Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:ITMC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ITNS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:ITRI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ITRO Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:ITT Machinery
OTCPK:IVDA Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:ISEE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:IWAL Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NasdaqCM:IZEA Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:IZNN Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:JJSF Food Processing
NYSE:JAX Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:JCP Retail (General)
NasdaqGS:JBHT Trucking
NYSE:JILL Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqCM:MAYS Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGS:JCOM Software (System & Application)
NYSE:JBL Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:JKHY Information Services
NasdaqGS:JACK Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:JKSM Machinery
OTCPK:JACO Computer Services
NYSE:J Engineering/Construction
NYSE:J Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:JADG Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:JAG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:JAGX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:JAKK Recreation
OTCPK:JMTM Shipbuilding & Marine
OTCPK:JAMN Food Processing
NasdaqCM:JAN Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:JASN Machinery
OTCPK:JCDS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:JDVB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:JEF Diversified
OTCPK:JFBC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:JELD Building Materials
NasdaqCM:JRSH Apparel
OTCPK:JMDA Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:JTBK Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:JBLU Air Transport
NasdaqCM:JCTC.F Building Materials
NYSE:JMP Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:JNSH Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:JOEY Household Products
NasdaqGS:JBSS Food Processing
NasdaqGS:JBSS Food Processing
NYSE:JBT Machinery
OTCPK:JMSB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:JW.A Publishing & Newspapers
NYSE:JNJ Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:JOUT Recreation
NYSE:JLL Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:JSDA Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:JNES Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:JNCE Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:JPM Bank (Money Center)
OTCPK:MOPN Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:JPEX Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:JRJR.Q Retail (Online)
OTCPK:JTNB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:JUMT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:JUVF Banks (Regional)
NYSE:JNPR Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:JMIH Recreation
OTCPK:JUSH.F Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ASZP Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:JZZI Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:LRN Education
OTCPK:KANP Real Estate (Development)
NYSE:KAI Machinery
NYSE:KDMN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:KALU Metals & Mining
OTCPK:KGHI Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:KAVL Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:KALA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:KLDO Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:KALY Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:KALV Drugs (Biotechnology)
TSXV:KLY Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:KAMN Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:KLFE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:KCLI Insurance (Life)
NYSE:KSU Transportation (Railroads)
NYSE:KAR Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGM:KRTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:KPTI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:KTHN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:KAYS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:KBH Homebuilding
NYSE:KBR Computer Services
OTCPK:BMMC.F Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:KRNY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:K Food Processing

NasdaqGS:KELY.A Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:KEM Electronics (General)
NYSE:KMPR Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGM:KMPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:KENS Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:KMT Machinery
NYSE:KW Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:KTYB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:KFFB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:KDP Beverage (Soft)

NasdaqGM:KEQU Healthcare Products
OTCPK:KEFI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:KEWL Paper/Forest Products
OTCPK:KCPC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:KEG.X Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:KTCC Electronics (General)
NYSE:KEY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:KYNS Software (System & Application)
NYSE:KEYS Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:KZR Drugs (Biotechnology)
TSXV:KFG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:KFRC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:DLCR Precious Metals
OTCPK:KIDB.Q Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:KDCE Education
OTCPK:KVIL Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:KE Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:KBAL Office Equipment & Services
OTCPK:KPOC Household Products
NYSE:KMB Household Products
OTCPK:KNBA Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:KMI Oil/Gas Distribution
NasdaqCM:KIN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:KRFG Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:KINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:KNSL Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:KEX Shipbuilding & Marine
NasdaqGS:KIRK Retail (Building Supply)
OTCPK:KISB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:KIWB Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:KKR Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:KLAC Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:KLTI Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:KLXE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:KMWE Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:KNX Trucking
NYSE:KNL Office Equipment & Services
OTCPK:KNWN Electronics (General)
NYSE:KN Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:KOD Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:KSS Retail (General)
CNSX:KBEV Household Products
OTCPK:KGKG Household Products
OTCPK:KONA.Q Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:KRED Food Processing
NYSE:KTB Apparel
NasdaqGS:KOPN Semiconductor
NYSE:KOP Chemical (Basic)
NYSE:KFY Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:KOS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:KOSS Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:KBLB Chemical (Basic)
NYSE:KRA Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:KTOS Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:KNOS Machinery
NYSE:KRO Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGM:KRYS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SGTB Computer Services
OTCPK:KULR Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:KNKT Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGS:KURA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:KRUS Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:KSHB Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:KVHI Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:KYNC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:KYZN Chemical (Specialty)

NYSE:LB Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:FSTR Machinery
NYSE:LHX Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:LJPC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:LZB Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:LTNC Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:LH Healthcare Support Services
AMEX:LTS Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:LBRG Computer Services
NasdaqGM:LSBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:LBAI Banks (Regional)

NasdaqGS:LKFN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:LAKE Apparel
NasdaqGS:LRCX Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGS:LAMR R.E.I.T.
NYSE:LW Food Processing
NasdaqGS:LANC Food Processing
OTCPK:LANZ Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:LCA Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:LNDC Food Processing
NasdaqGM:LARK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:LDKB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:LE Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:LSTR Trucking
NYSE:LCI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:LNTH Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:LTRX Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:LRDC Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:LPI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:LVS Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:LVXI Transportation (Railroads)
OTCPK:LSAL Food Processing
OTCPK:LNGT Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:LMTI Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:LATX Recreation
TSXV:LBL Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:LTTC Computer Services
NasdaqGS:LSCC Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:LAUR Education
NasdaqGS:LAWS Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:LAXA.F Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:LAZY Retail (Automotive)

NYSE:LCII Auto Parts
NasdaqCM:LCNB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:LPTC Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:LEIC Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:LEAF Retail (Online)
OTCPK:LBUY Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGM:LPTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:LEA Auto Parts
OTCPK:LTRE Education
OTCPK:LFGP Banks (Regional)
NYSE:LEE Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:LPHM Household Products
OTCPK:LPPI Building Materials
OTCPK:PCPZ Insurance (General)
NYSE:LGC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:LEAI Education
NasdaqGS:LEGH Homebuilding
OTCPK:LTHO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:LEGX Retail (Online)
OTCPK:LOGL Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:LGBS Electrical Equipment
NYSE:LM Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:LEG Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:THLM Office Equipment & Services
NYSE:LDOS Computer Services
NasdaqCM:LACQ Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:LMAT Healthcare Products
NYSE:LC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:TREE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:LEN Homebuilding
NYSE:LII Building Materials
NasdaqGS:LEVL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:LVBX Software (System & Application)
TSXV:LXG Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:LXRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:LFAC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:LFAP Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:LGIH Homebuilding
NasdaqGS:LHCG Healthcare Support Services
AMEX:LBY Household Products
OTCPK:LIBE Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:LSYN Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:LBRD.K Cable TV
TSXV:SCAN Electronics (General)
OTCPK:LBYE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:LILA Cable TV
NYSE:LBRT Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:LBSR Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:LTRP.A Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:LICT Telecom. Services
OTCPK:LCLP Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:LDSI Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:LINS.A Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:LFER Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:LLBO Healthcare Products
OTCPK:LQWC Household Products
OTCPK:LMNK Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:LCUT Household Products
NasdaqCM:LFVN Household Products
NasdaqGM:LWAY Food Processing
OTCPK:LIGA Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGM:LGND Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TLED Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:LGMH Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:LTBR Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:LHGI Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:LSCG Electrical Equipment
NasdaqCM:LPTH Electronics (General)
OTCPK:LWLG Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:LYNS Telecom. Services
AMEX:LLEX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:LMB Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGS:LLNW Software (Internet)
NasdaqCM:LMST Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:LVGI Household Products
NasdaqGS:LMNR Farming/Agriculture
NasdaqGS:LINC Education
NasdaqGS:LECO Machinery
NYSE:LNC Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:LPBC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:LIND Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:LNN Farming/Agriculture
AMEX:LCTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:BOTY Entertainment
NYSE:LGF.A Entertainment
NasdaqCM:LPCN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
ASX:LNG Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:LIQD.Q Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:LQDA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:LQDT Retail (Online)
OTCPK:LQMT Metals & Mining
NYSE:LAD Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:LTUM Metals & Mining
OTCPK:LTHU.Q Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:LFUS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:LTFD Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:LIVC Software (Internet)
OTCPK:LMSC Software (System & Application)
NYSE:LYV Entertainment
NasdaqGS:LOB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:LIVE Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:LICH Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:LTHM Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:LPSN Software (System & Application)
NYSE:RAMP Computer Services
ASX:LVT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:LVVV Household Products
OTCPK:LVWD Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:LIVX Entertainment
NasdaqGS:LVGO Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:LIXT Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:LKAI Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:LKQ Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:LMFA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:LMPX Retail (Automotive)

OTCPK:LOCM.Q Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:LBAS Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NYSE:LMT Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:LSMG Metals & Mining
NYSE:L Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:LGNC Building Materials
OTCPK:LOGN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:LOGC Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:LOGQ Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:LOGM Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:LONE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:LBCC Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:LFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:LPTI Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:LWLW Electronics (General)
OTCPK:LKST Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:LORL Cable TV
OTCPK:LBTD Entertainment
OTCPK:LTEC Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NYSE:LPX Paper/Forest Products
NYSE:LOW Retail (Building Supply)
NasdaqGS:LPLA Brokerage & Investment Banking
NasdaqCM:GNSS Electronics (General)
NYSE:LXU Chemical (Diversified)
OTCPK:LKSD Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqGS:LYTS Electrical Equipment
NYSE:LUB Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:LUDG Broadcasting
NYSE:LL Retail (Building Supply)
NasdaqGS:LITE Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:LMNX Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:LUNA Electronics (General)

NasdaqGS:LBC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:LUVU Furn/Home Furnishings

NYSE:LDL Machinery
NasdaqGS:LYFT Trucking
OTCPK:LYBC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:MDC Homebuilding
NYSE:MHO Homebuilding
OTCPK:MFBP Banks (Regional)
NYSE:MTB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MBCI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MBVX.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MCBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MACE Electronics (General)
ASX:M7T Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:MFNC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:MTSI Semiconductor
NYSE:MIC Air Transport
OTCPK:MRPT Advertising
NasdaqGS:MGNX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:M Retail (General)
OTCPK:MCZA.F Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:KHZM Advertising
OTCPK:MCBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:MDGL Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:MAGE Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:MGLN Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGM:MGTA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MGY Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:MAGP Transportation (Railroads)
NYSE:MAIN Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:MNSB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:MJCO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:MJWL Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:MLFB Entertainment
OTCPK:MLGF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:MBUU Recreation
NasdaqGM:MLVF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MMMB Food Processing
NasdaqGS:TUSK Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:MCAP Real Estate (Development)
NasdaqGS:MANH Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:LOAN R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:MHTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:MNTX Construction Supplies
NasdaqGS:MTEX Household Products
OTCPK:MNKG Engineering/Construction
NYSE:MN Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:MNKD Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MAN Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:MANT Computer Services
OTCPK:MHPC Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:MNZO Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:MRIB Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:MRO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:MARA Information Services
NYSE:MPC Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:MCHX Advertising
NYSE:MMI Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:MMI Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:MCOA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:MRMD Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGM:MRIN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:MARP.S Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:MPX Recreation
NYSE:HZO Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGM:MRNS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:MRZM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MKL Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGM:MRKR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MKTX Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:RVBR Metals & Mining

NasdaqGS:MRLN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:MNAT Banks (Regional)

NasdaqGS:MAR Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:VAC Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqCM:MBII Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:MNBP Banks (Regional)
NYSE:MMC Insurance (General)
NasdaqGS:MRTN Trucking
NYSE:MLM Construction Supplies
NYSE:MAS Building Materials
NasdaqGS:MASI Healthcare Products
NYSE:DOOR Building Materials
OTCPK:MMMW Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:MSRT Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:MTZ Engineering/Construction
AMEX:MHH Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:MSTO Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:MA Information Services
NasdaqGM:MCFT Recreation
OTCPK:MMND Advertising
OTCPK:PEDH Publishing & Newspapers
NYSE:MTDR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:MTCH Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:MCHA Food Processing
OTCPK:MATN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MTRN Metals & Mining
AMEX:MTNB Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MTMW Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:MTRX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:MATX Shipbuilding & Marine
NasdaqGS:MAT Recreation
NasdaqGS:MATW Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:MCHT Banks (Regional)
NYSE:MLP Real Estate (Development)
OTCPK:MKGP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:MVRK Machinery
OTCPK:MAXD Software (System & Application)
NYSE:MAXR Aerospace/Defense
AIM:MXCT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MXIM Semiconductor
OTCPK:MXMG Recreation
NYSE:MMS Information Services
NYSE:MXL Semiconductor
NYSE:MEC Metals & Mining
OTCPK:MBCQ Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:MBI Insurance (Prop/Cas.)

OTCPK:MBKL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MSMY Software (System & Application)
NYSE:MKC Food Processing
NYSE:MDR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:MCD Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:MGRC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:MCIG Engineering/Construction
NYSE:MCK Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:MCTC Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:MDCA Advertising
OTCPK:MDMP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:MDU Utility (General)
OTCPK:MDWK Heathcare Information and Technology
OTCPK:MKTY Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:MDRR R.E.I.T.
NYSE:MDLA Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:MFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:BRST Real Estate (Operations & Services)

OTCPK:MDIN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:MDTC Telecom. Services
OTCPK:MDGC Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:MSHF.Q Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:MEDT Software (System & Application)
ASX:MEB Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:REFG Information Services

OTCPK:MCTH Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:MEDD Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:MIHI Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:MJNA Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:MDCN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:MDCL Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGM:MNOV Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MED Household Products
OTCPK:MFST Healthcare Products
OTCPK:MDMN Metals & Mining
OTCPK:MDIT Healthcare Products
OTCPK:MDXL Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:MZEI.Q Healthcare Products

NYSE:MDLY Investments & Asset Management
CNSX:MMEN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:MD Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:MEDP Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:MDTR Packaging & Container

OTCPK:MEDH Homebuilding
NYSE:MFAC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:MGNT Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:MEIP Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MGTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MLNT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:MLNX Semiconductor
OTCPK:MELR Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:MNLO Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:MNTR Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:MRPI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MBWM Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MNMB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:MBIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:MFGI Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:MNPP Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:MRK Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:MCY Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:MRCY Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:MDP Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:MRGN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:MCMJ Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:EBSB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:VIVO Healthcare Products

NasdaqGS:MRBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MRDH Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:EWLU Household Products
NasdaqGS:MMSI Healthcare Products
NYSE:MTH Homebuilding
OTCPK:MHGU Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:MTOR Construction Supplies
NasdaqGM:MACK Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MERR Brokerage & Investment Banking
NasdaqGS:MRSN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MESA Air Transport
NasdaqGS:MLAB Healthcare Products
NYSE:MTR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:MSSV Retail (Online)
OTCPK:MPIN Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:MCCK Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqGS:CASH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:MTLI Metals & Mining

OTCPK:MTPR Computer Services
OTCPK:MTST Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:MEIL Oilfield Svcs/Equip.

NYSE:MEI Electronics (General)
NYSE:MET Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:MGMA Entertainment
OTCPK:MTRI Computer Services
OTCPK:WOWI Office Equipment & Services
NasdaqGS:MCBS Banks (Regional)
NYSE:MCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MSPC Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:MTD Heathcare Information and Technology

AMEX:MXC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:MXSG Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:MGEE Power
NYSE:MTG Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:MGM Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGS:MGPI Beverage (Alcoholic)
OTCPK:MGTI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:MHHC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:MAJJ Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:MMTC Machinery
NasdaqCM:MBOT Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:MCHP Semiconductor
AMEX:MICR Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:MU Semiconductor
OTCPK:MPAD Electronics (General)
OTCPK:MRPS Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:MSFT Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:MSTR Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:MVIS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:MFCO Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:MFCO Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:MICT Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGM:MPB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MAHN Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:MSVB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:MDCT Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:MDVT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:MBCN Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:MSEX Utility (Water)
OTCPK:MCPH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:MSBI Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:MEEC Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:MDWT Insurance (Life)
NasdaqGS:MOFG Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MKRS Aerospace/Defense
WSE:MMD Healthcare Products
AMEX:MLSS Healthcare Products
OTCPK:MCVT Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:MLND Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MENC Green & Renewable Energy
OTCPK:MHCC Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:MILC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:MLMN Beverage (Alcoholic)
NYSE:MLR Construction Supplies
OTCPK:MLLS Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:MMTR.S Entertainment
OTCPK:MDXG Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RITE Precious Metals
NYSE:MTX Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:MINE Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqGM:NERV Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MNGG Metals & Mining
OTCPK:MRGE Oil/Gas Distribution
NasdaqCM:MGEN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MRTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:MIRM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:MSON Healthcare Products
OTCPK:MSBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MVLY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MILV Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:MG Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:MIND Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:MITK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:MIXX Household Products
OTCPK:MJTV Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:MJHI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:MJNE Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
CNSX:MJAR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:MKSI Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqCM:MMAC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:LUSI Food Processing

OTCPK:MMEX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:MMRF Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:MNBC Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:MPAY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:MINI Business & Consumer Services

OTCPK:MRDY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:MOBL Software (System & Application)

OTCPK:MOST Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:MOBQ Advertising
OTCPK:MFON Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:MODN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:MOCI Entertainment
NasdaqGS:MRNA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MOD Auto Parts
NYSE:MC Brokerage & Investment Banking
NasdaqCM:MWK Furn/Home Furnishings
NYSE:MHK Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:MOJO Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqCM:MTEM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:MBRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MOH Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:TAP Beverage (Alcoholic)
NasdaqGS:MNTA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MMBF Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:MKGI Retail (Online)
OTCPK:BTFL Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:MCRI Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:MAHI Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqGS:MDLZ Food Processing
NasdaqGS:MGI Information Services
OTCPK:MOMT Information Services
NasdaqGM:MDB Software (Internet)
OTCPK:SCTY Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:MNCL Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:MPWR Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:MNPR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MNRO Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:APPZ Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:MNST Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:MR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:MCO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:MOG.A Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:MGPC Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:MGHL Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:MS Brokerage & Investment Banking
NasdaqGS:MORN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:MRCR Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGM:MORF Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MOSC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:MOSY Semiconductor
AIM:MTFB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:MPAA Auto Parts
NYSE:MSI Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:MTLQ.U Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:MOTS Healthcare Products
OTCPK:MCBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MYHI Household Products
OTCPK:MNVW.F Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:MOV Apparel
OTCPK:MVNT Machinery
OTCPK:XDSL Electrical Equipment
NasdaqCM:COOP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:MRC Retail (Distributors)

NasdaqCM:MRIC Healthcare Products
NYSE:MSA Office Equipment & Services
NasdaqGM:MSBF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:MSM Retail (Distributors)

NYSE:MSCI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:BANM Oil/Gas Distribution
NasdaqGM:MTBC Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:MTSC Electronics (General)

NasdaqCM:MUDS Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:MLI Machinery
NYSE:MWA Machinery
OTCPK:MUSS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:MMTS Education
OTCPK:MCET Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MCIC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:MYBF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:MNDP Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:MUR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:MUSA Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:MSLP Household Products
OTCPK:MSTG Metals & Mining
NasdaqGM:MBIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MFDB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:MUTM Information Services

NasdaqGM:MFSF Banks (Regional)
NYSE:MVO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:MVBF Banks (Regional)
AIM:MYX Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:MYE Packaging & Container
OTCPK:MYFT Transportation
OTCPK:MYGG Entertainment
NasdaqGS:MYOK Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
AMEX:MYO Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:MYOS Household Products
NasdaqGS:MYRG Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:MYRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:MYGN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:MYSN Diversified
OTCPK:NACG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:NC Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:NCEN Green & Renewable Energy
OTCPK:NDYN Retail (Online)
OTCPK:CTLE Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:VNTH Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:NNBP Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:OPVS Semiconductor
OTCPK:NNFC Electronics (General)
OTCPK:NNLX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:NANX Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:NNSV Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:NSTG Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:NTEK Entertainment
OTCPK:NTGL Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqCM:NAOV Healthcare Products
AMEX:NNVC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:NH Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:NK Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqGS:NSSC Electronics (General)
OTCPK:NASB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:NBIO Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:NCTW Food Wholesalers
NasdaqGS:NDAQ Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:NHMD Food Processing

NasdaqGS:NTRA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:NATH Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:NAUH Education
OTCPK:REPO Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:NBHC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:NKSH Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FIZZ Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqGS:NCMI Advertising
NasdaqCM:NESR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:NGHC Insurance (General)
AMEX:NHC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:NHLG Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:NHLD Brokerage & Investment Banking
NasdaqGS:NATI Electronics (General)
NYSE:NOV Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:NPK Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:NRC Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:NSYC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:NSMG Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:NSRI Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:EYE Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:NWMH Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGS:NWLI Insurance (Life)
NasdaqGM:NAII Household Products
OTCPK:NTUR Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:NGS Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:NGVC Retail (Grocery and Food)
OTCPK:NHYF Food Processing
OTCPK:SHMP Food Processing
NasdaqCM:NATR Household Products
NasdaqGS:NTUS Healthcare Products
NYSE:NLS Recreation
AMEX:NAVB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:NAVI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:NAV Construction Supplies

NasdaqGS:NBTB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:NCR Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGS:NCSM Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:NDVN Computer Services
NasdaqCM:NEBU Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:NP Paper/Forest Products
OTCPK:NEFB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:NKTR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:NNI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:NMRD Healthcare Products

OTCPK:NMOC Auto & Truck
NasdaqGS:NEOG Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:NEO Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:NLTX Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:NMGC Semiconductor
OTCPK:NBCO Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:NTGN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:NPTN Semiconductor
NasdaqGM:NEOS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:NEPH Furn/Home Furnishings
NYSE:NSCO Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:NETE Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:NMXS Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:NTAP Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqCM:NFIN Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:NFLX Entertainment
NasdaqGS:NTGR Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:NLST Electronics (General)
OTCPK:NTME Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:NTCT Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:NTWK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:NTLK Telecom. Services
OTCPK:NTFL Brokerage & Investment Banking
AMEX:NTIP Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:NBSE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:NTII Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:NBIX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:NEUN Household Products
NasdaqCM:NURO Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:STIM Healthcare Products
OTCPK:NMTC Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:NTRP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:NTRR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:NGLD Metals & Mining
TSX:NCU Metals & Mining
NYSE:NVRO Healthcare Products
OTCPK:NTAH Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:NBEV Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:NECA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

AMEX:GBR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

OTCPK:NESW Utility (Water)
NasdaqGS:NFE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:NFEI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:NGCG Beverage (Alcoholic)
OTCPK:NJMC Metals & Mining
OTCPK:NWPP Banks (Regional)
KOSDAQ:A900100 Rubber& Tires
NasdaqCM:NPA Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:NEWR Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:NWGC Precious Metals
NYSE:NYCB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:BBAL Healthcare Support Services

NasdaqGS:NYMT R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:NWYU Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:NBRY Food Processing
OTCPK:NBGV Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:NWCI Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:NWL Household Products

NasdaqGM:NLNK Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:NMRK Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:NEU Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:NEM Precious Metals
NYSE:NR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:NWSA Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqGM:NEWT Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:NTWN Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:NXNN Healthcare Products
OTCPK:XGEN Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:NXGM Precious Metals
OTCPK:NXEN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:NXSI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:NXTY.Q Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:NXPC Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:NXST Broadcasting
OTCPK:NGMC Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:NXTN Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:NXTC Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:NEXT Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:NXSL Electronics (General)
SEHK:1316 Auto Parts
NasdaqGS:NXGN Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:NEX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.

OTCPK:NXMR Advertising
OTCPK:NEXS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:IBGR Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:NFSE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:NGM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

NasdaqCM:NODK Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:EGOV Information Services
NasdaqGS:NICK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:NCDP Household Products

NasdaqCM:NCBS Banks (Regional)
NYSE:NLSN Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:NGTF Food Processing
NasdaqGS:NIHD Telecom (Wireless)
NYSE:NINE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
TSX:NB Metals & Mining
NYSE:NI Utility (General)
NYSE:NL Office Equipment & Services
NasdaqGS:LASR Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:NMIH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:NNBR Machinery
OTCPK:NBDR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:NOBH Homebuilding
NasdaqGS:NBL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:NROM Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:NCRA Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:NNUP Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:NFTI Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:NIMU Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:NDLS Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:NORN.Q Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:NDSN Machinery
NYSE:JWN Retail (General)
NYSE:NSC Transportation (Railroads)
OTCPK:NRIS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:NSYS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:NAFS Metals & Mining
OTCPK:USMJ Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:NBRI Precious Metals
OTCPK:NODB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:NRT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:NSRS Precious Metals
OTCPK:NORS.A Telecom. Services
NasdaqGM:NBN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:NECB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:NIDB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:NMEX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

AMEX:NOG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:NSBK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:NTIC Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:NTRS Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:NFBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:NPNT.Q Telecom. Services

NasdaqGS:NRIM Banks (Regional)
NYSE:NOC Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:NCAP Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:NEIK Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:NWYF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:NWBI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:NWBO Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:NWIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:NWPX Engineering/Construction
NYSE:NWE Utility (General)
NasdaqGS:NLOK Software (System & Application)
NYSE:NCLH Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGM:NWFL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:NGBL Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:NHLI Machinery
OTCPK:NOUV Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:NVFY Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:NTEI Beverage (Soft)
AMEX:NBY Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:NVGT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:NOVN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

NasdaqGS:NOVT Electronics (General)
OTCPK:NOVC Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:NVAX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:NSTM Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:NVNT Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:NVOS Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:NDEV Insurance (Life)
NasdaqCM:NVUS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:DNOW Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:NSAV Retail (Distributors)
AMEX:NTN Entertainment
NYSE:NUS Household Products
NasdaqGS:NUAN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:NUEC Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:NUGN Household Products
OTCPK:NUGL Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:VGCP.D Precious Metals
OTCPK:AURX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:NLAB Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:NTNX Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:NERG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:NPHC Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:NLBS Household Products
OTCPK:NNRX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:NRPR Household Products
OTCPK:NTRB Household Products
OTCPK:NUTT.Q Food Processing
NasdaqGS:NUVA Healthcare Products
OTCPK:NVTR.Q Healthcare Products
OTCPK:NUVR Telecom. Services
AMEX:NES Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:NUVM Household Products
OTCPK:NUVG Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:NVEE Engineering/Construction
NasdaqCM:NVEC Semiconductor
OTCPK:NVES Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:NVDA Semiconductor
NYSE:NVR Homebuilding
OTCPK:NWTT Metals & Mining
OTCPK:NXGB Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:NXTH Household Products
NasdaqCM:NXTD Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:NYXO Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:NZIH Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:OI Packaging & Container
NasdaqGS:ORLY Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:OTOW Telecom. Services
OTCPK:BKOR Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:OVLY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:OAKV Banks (Regional)
NYSE:OAC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:OAS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:OBLN Healthcare Products
OTCPK:OCBG Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:OXY Oil/Gas (Integrated)
NasdaqCM:OBCI Household Products
NasdaqCM:OPTT Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:OCSM Food Processing
OTCPK:CPWR Green & Renewable Energy
NYSE:OII Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:OCFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:OFED Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:OCGN Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqGM:OCUL Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:OCN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:ODT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

OTCPK:ODYY Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:OMEX Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:ODP Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:OPI R.E.I.T.
NYSE:OFG Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:OVBC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:OIS Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:ODC Household Products
OTCPK:OJSY Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:OKTA Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:ODFL Trucking
NasdaqGS:ONB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:OPOF Banks (Regional)
NYSE:ORI Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:OSBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:OLFC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:OLN Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGM:OLLI Retail (General)
NasdaqGS:ZEUS Steel
OTCPK:OMAG Real Estate (Development)
OTCPK:OOAG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:OFLX Machinery
NasdaqGM:OMER Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:OMBP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:OFSI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:OMHE Retail (Special Lines)
TSXV:OML Machinery
OTCPK:ENDO Household Products
NasdaqGS:OMCL Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:OMC Advertising
OTCPK:OMMH Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:OMQS Computer Services
NYSE:OMN Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:ONDK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:ON Semiconductor
OTCPK:ONCI Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:ONSS Precious Metals
OTCPK:OBMP Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:OCX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ONCX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:OCLG Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:ONPH Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ONTX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:ONCS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:OVIT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ONCT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ONDS Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:ONBI Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:KOSK Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:OSS Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:OWPC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:OWVI Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:OLMM Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:OMF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:OKE Oil/Gas Distribution

NasdaqCM:OSPN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ONVC Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:ONSE Engineering/Construction
NYSE:ONTO Semiconductor Equip
NYSE:OOMA Telecom. Services
NasdaqGM:OPBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:OPGN Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqCM:OPNT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:OPK Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:OPRT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:OPY Brokerage & Investment Banking

OTCPK:OPST Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:OPTI Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:OPXS Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGM:OCC Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:OPGX Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqCM:OPRX Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:OPMC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities

OTCPK:OPTL Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:OPHC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:OPTN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:BIOS Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:OPMG Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:OPB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:ORCL Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:OHAQ Investments & Asset Management
AMEX:OGEN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ORMP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:OCBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ORHK Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:OSUR Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:ORBC Telecom. Services
OTCPK:OBDP Retail (Online)
OTCPK:ORBT Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:OSAT Telecom. Services
CNSX:ORCD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:TISU.Q Household Products
OTCPK:ORBN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:ORPB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:OPHI Chemical (Diversified)
OTCPK:BPSR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ORGO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ONVO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:ORGS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ORGH Retail (Online)
OTCPK:ORHB Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:OBNK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:OCLN Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:OESX Electrical Equipment
NYSE:ORN Engineering/Construction
NasdaqCM:ORSN Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:ORA Green & Renewable Energy
OTCPK:PLFF Real Estate (General/Diversified)
NasdaqCM:ORRF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:OFIX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:OMRX Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:KIDS Healthcare Products
OTCPK:ORYX Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:OEDV.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:OSCI Precious Metals
NYSE:OSK Construction Supplies
NasdaqGS:OSIS Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:OSMT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:SFTW Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:OSKA Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:OTCM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:OTEL Telecom. Services

NasdaqGS:OTIC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:OTTW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
NasdaqGS:OTTR Power
OTCPK:OTFT Electrical Equipment
NasdaqCM:OTLK Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:OSG Oil/Gas Distribution
NasdaqGM:OSTK Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:OVID Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:OMI Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:OC Building Materials
OTCPK:OXBC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:OXM Apparel
NasdaqGS:OXSQ Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:OYST Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:GLT Paper/Forest Products
NasdaqGM:PTSI Trucking
NasdaqGM:PFIN Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:PIOE Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:PCAR Construction Supplies
OTCPK:PMDL Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:PACB Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:PBEC Green & Renewable Energy

NYSE:ROYT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PCHK Metals & Mining
NYSE:PACD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PEMC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:PEIX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:PFLC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PGTK Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:PFHO Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:PMBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PPBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PSBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PVBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PACV Food Processing
OTCPK:PWBO Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PHLI Household Products
NasdaqGS:PCRX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:PKG Packaging & Container
NasdaqGS:PACW Banks (Regional)
NYSE:PD Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:PAYD Software (System & Application)
AMEX:PTN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:PANW Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:PLMR Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:PGLO Green & Renewable Energy
OTCPK:WDKA Beverage (Alcoholic)
NasdaqCM:PANL Shipbuilding & Marine
NYSE:PHX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PAOG Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:PZZA Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:PFMS Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:PARR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.

NYSE:PAR Electronics (General)
OTCPK:PDMI Healthcare Products
OTCPK:PDGO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PGNN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PGNT Computer Services
OTCPK:PRLX Heathcare Information and Technology

AMEX:PZG Precious Metals

NasdaqGM:PRTK Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:PDER Coal & Related Energy
NasdaqCM:TEUM Telecom. Services
ASX:PNL Coal & Related Energy
NYSE:PKE Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:PCYG Software (System & Application)
AMEX:PRK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PKOH Machinery
NasdaqCM:PKBK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:PKD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:PH Machinery
OTCPK:PRKR Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:PRKA Recreation
OTCPK:PKKW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:PE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

NYSE:PSN Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:PBKX Banks (Regional)
NYSE:PRTY Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:PSSR Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:PBHC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PFND Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PASO Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:PPRG Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:PATK Building Materials

OTCPK:PGOL Precious Metals
NasdaqGM:PNBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PTSC Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:PATI Trucking
OTCPK:PTTN Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:PEGI Green & Renewable Energy
NasdaqGS:PDCO Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:PTEN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:MUEL Machinery
NasdaqCM:PAVM Healthcare Products
OTCPK:PYCT Household Products
NasdaqGS:PAYX Information Services
NYSE:PAYC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:PCTY Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:PYPL Information Services
NasdaqCM:PAYS Information Services
OTCPK:PZOO Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:PBBI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:PBNC Banks (Regional)

NYSE:PBF Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:PBHG Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:CNXN Computer Services
OTCPK:PCGR Household Products
NasdaqGS:PCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PCSV Education
NasdaqCM:PCSB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:PCTL Chemical (Specialty)

NasdaqGS:PCTI Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:PDRX Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:PDCE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:PDFS Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGS:PDLI Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:PDLB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:PDSB Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:PDXP Telecom. Services
NYSE:BTU Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:PKPH Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:PGC Banks (Regional)
AMEX:PED Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PTOP Entertainment
OTCPK:LOGX Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:PEER Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:PGUZ Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:PEGA Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:PEIW Building Materials
OTCPK:PKIN Insurance (Life)
NasdaqGS:PTON Recreation
OTCPK:PENC Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:PNGM Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:PENN Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGS:PVAC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PNNX Food Processing
NasdaqGS:PWOD Banks (Regional)
NYSE:PFSI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:WRLS Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:PAG Retail (Automotive)
NYSE:PEN Healthcare Products
OTCPK:PBCO Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PBCT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:PUB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PEBO Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:PEBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PEBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PFBX Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PFIS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PPLL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PPSF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:PLWY Household Products

NasdaqGS:PEP Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqGM:PRCP Electronics (General)
OTCPK:PGID Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqGS:PRFT Computer Services
NYSE:PFGC Food Wholesalers
NasdaqGS:PFMT Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:PKI Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:OOIL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

OTCPK:PERL Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:PESI Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqGM:PPIH Machinery
OTCPK:PERT Machinery
NYSE:PBT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:PVL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:PRT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PFOH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:PRPI Machinery
OTCPK:PSGR Precious Metals
NasdaqGM:PSNL Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:PRSP Computer Services

OTCPK:PVSP Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:PETQ Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:PTLF Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:PETS Retail (Online)
OTCPK:PTRC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
TSXV:VRY Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PTCO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PGAS Oil/Gas Distribution
OTCPK:BBLS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PTRO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PRHR.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PSUD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
TSXV:TAL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PTOG Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
TSXV:PQE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PETV Healthcare Products
AMEX:PFNX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:PFE Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:PFSW Computer Services
NYSE:PGTI Building Materials
OTCPK:PBSV Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:PHMB Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities

OTCPK:PMCB Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PHRX Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:ROTH Household Products
OTCPK:PCHM Healthcare Products
OTCPK:PARS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:PHAS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PZRX.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:PHAT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:PHIL Diversified
NasdaqGM:PAHC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:PM Tobacco
NYSE:PSX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:PHIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PLSI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:PXHI Computer Services
NasdaqGS:PLAB Semiconductor Equip
NYSE:PHR Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:PHSL Real Estate (Operations & Services)

NasdaqCM:PHUN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:PUPS Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqGS:PICO Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:PCBN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PIED Precious Metals
NYSE:PIR Retail (Building Supply)
NasdaqCM:PIRS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:PPC Food Processing
OTCPK:PNPL Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:PLWN Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:PING Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:PCLB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PBNK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PNFP Banks (Regional)
NYSE:PINS Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:PBFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:PNBI Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:PESX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:PXD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:POGS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:PPSI Electrical Equipment
NYSE:PJC Brokerage & Investment Banking
NYSE:PBI Office Equipment & Services
Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:PIC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:PXLW Semiconductor
NYSE:PJT Brokerage & Investment Banking
CNSX:PLTH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:PLNT Recreation
OTCPK:PRRY Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
AIM:PHC Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:PLT Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:PTOI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:PMDP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PDOS Entertainment
NasdaqGS:PLYA Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:AGS Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:PYBX Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:PNTV Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:PROP Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:PLXS Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:PLUG Electrical Equipment
NasdaqCM:PLBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PS Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:PSTV Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:PLXP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:PCNT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:POLA Electrical Equipment
AIM:POLX Healthcare Products
GTSM:6550 Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:PII Recreation
OTCPK:PIHN Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:PTE Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:POL Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:PARD Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:POOL Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:BPOP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:POTG Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:PTMN Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:PTLA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PRSI Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:PRSI Hotel/Gaming
CNSX:PBIT Information Services
NasdaqCM:PPHI Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:PSID Healthcare Products
OTCPK:POSC Healthcare Products
NYSE:POST Food Processing
OTCPK:PSTR.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:PTAM Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:PBPB Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:PCH R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:POTN Household Products
OTCPK:PTBS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PVDG Green & Renewable Energy
NasdaqGS:POWL Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:POWI Semiconductor
OTCPK:PSIX Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:PWFL Electronics (General)
OTCPK:PSFT Electronics (General)
OTCPK:PSTO Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:PWVI Electrical Equipment
NYSE:PPG Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:PPJE Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:PQG Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:PRAA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:PRAH Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:PRRE Real Estate (Operations & Services)

OTCPK:PXYN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:HLTY Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:PRTR Machinery
NasdaqCM:PRPO Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:DTIL Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PEYE Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:POAI Healthcare Products
OTCPK:PRED Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:PFBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PLPC Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:BIEI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PDIV Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:PRXI.Q Recreation
NasdaqGM:PFBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PPCQ Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:PPRW Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:PMPG Household Products
NasdaqGS:PINC Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:PBEV Beverage (Alcoholic)
OTCPK:PMME.F Precious Metals
OTCPK:PBIO Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:PGEC Investments & Asset Management

NYSE:PBH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:PRVL Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PRVU Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:PRGX Information Services
NasdaqGS:PSMT Retail (General)
OTCPK:PMSO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:PMHG Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PCYS Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:PNRG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

NYSE:PRI Insurance (Life)
NasdaqGM:PRMW Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqGS:PRIM Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:PNBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:PFG Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:PSWW Green & Renewable Energy
NasdaqGS:PRNB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:PRTH Information Services
OTCPK:PSWR Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:PRZM Computer Services
OTCPK:PMOZ Computer Services
OTCPK:PBAM Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:PDEX Healthcare Products
NYSE:PRA Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:PBYA Education
OTCPK:PCSA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:PRMK Advertising
OTCPK:PCYN Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:PAAC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:PSIQ Food Processing
NasdaqCM:PFIE Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:PGNX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PGUS Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGS:PRGS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:RXMD Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:PGSC Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqGS:PGNY Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:PRLO Computer Services
OTCPK:PRMO Metals & Mining
OTCPK:PGVI Precious Metals
NasdaqGM:PFPT Software (System & Application)
NYSE:PUMP Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:PRPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:STKR Electronics (General)
NYSE:PRO Software (System & Application)
NYSE:PROS Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:PB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PTIX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:PTGX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PRTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
TSXV:PTQ Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:PRTT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:PCSO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:PTVC.B Insurance (Prop/Cas.)

OTCPK:PRPM Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:PTEO Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:PRTO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PROT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:PTI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TXTM Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PPMD Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:PRLB Machinery
OTCPK:PSCR Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:PCLI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:PKTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PSCO Software (Internet)
OTCPK:PUMD Healthcare Products
OTCPK:PVCT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:PRVB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:PVBC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:PROV Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:PFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:PVHO Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:PRXM Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGM:PBIP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:PRU Insurance (Life)

OTCPK:PSBP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:PSBQ Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:PMD Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:PTAH Transportation
NasdaqGS:PTC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:PTCT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PTSH Transportation
OTCPK:PCMC Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:PEG Utility (General)
OTCPK:PUGE Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:PSSS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:PULM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:PLSE Healthcare Products
OTCPK:PLFX Software (System & Application)
NYSE:PHM Homebuilding
NasdaqGS:PBYI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:PNAT Household Products
OTCPK:PURA Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqCM:PACQ Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:PURE Household Products
NasdaqCM:PCYO Utility (Water)
OTCPK:PHCG Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:PSTG Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:PUBC Metals & Mining
OTCPK:PURY Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:PSRU Electrical Equipment
LSE:PRTC Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:PPBV Beverage (Soft)

NasdaqCM:PRPL Furn/Home Furnishings
NYSE:PVH Apparel
OTCPK:PWCO Green & Renewable Energy
NYSE:PYX Tobacco
NYSE:PZN Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:QBIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:QEPC Furn/Home Furnishings
NYSE:QTWO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:QPWR Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:QADA Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:QCCO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:QCRH Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:QEDN Diversified
OTCPK:QNXC Telecom. Equipment
NYSE:QEP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:QHYG Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:QYBX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:QMIS Recreation
OTCPK:QNBC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:QRVO Semiconductor
OTCPK:QPSF Office Equipment & Services
OTCPK:QRON Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:QSEP Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:MMMM Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:QUAD Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:QDLC Electronics (General)
OTCPK:QNTO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
NYSE:KWR Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:QCOM Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:QBAK Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGS:QLYS Software (System & Application)
NYSE:NX Building Materials
NYSE:PWR Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:QNTA Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:QTRX Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:QTXB Healthcare Products

OTCPK:QTCI Household Products
OTCPK:QUBT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:QMCO Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:QEGY Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:QUAN Electronics (General)
OTCPK:QTMM Semiconductor
OTCPK:DRWN Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:DGX Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:QOIL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:QPRC Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:QRHC Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:QMDT Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqCM:QUIK Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:QDEL Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:QNST Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:QES Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:QUMU Software (System & Application)
NYSE:QHC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:QMCI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:QUOT Retail (Online)

NasdaqGS:QRTE.A Retail (Online)
OTCPK:QUTR Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:RRD Publishing & Newspapers

NasdaqGS:RCM Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:RAGL Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:RMED Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:RARX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RDAR Software (System & Application)
NYSE:RDN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
AMEX:RLGT Transportation
OTCPK:RAIO Entertainment
NasdaqGM:RDUS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:RDNT Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:RDVA Packaging & Container
NYSE:RFL Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:RAFA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:RBCC Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:VCTL Software (Internet)

NYSE:RL Apparel
NasdaqGS:METC Steel
NasdaqGS:RMBS Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:RAND Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:RWWI Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:RNDB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:RRC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

NYSE:RNGR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:PACK Packaging & Container
NasdaqGM:RPD Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:RAPT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:REEM.F Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:RTLR Oil/Gas Distribution
NasdaqCM:RAVE Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:RAVN Diversified
NYSE:RJF Brokerage & Investment Banking
NYSE:RYAM Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:RTN Aerospace/Defense
SEHK:1337 Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGS:RBB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:ROLL Machinery
OTCPK:RBCL Household Products
NasdaqGM:RICK Recreation
NasdaqGM:RCMT Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RGDE.F Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:RMAX Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:REAC Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:RCMH Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:RDI Entertainment
OTCPK:RLAB Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:RLBD Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:RGSE Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:RNWK Software (System & Application)
NYSE:RLGY Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGS:RP Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:RETA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:REPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:RCRT Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RBTI Electronics (General)
OTCPK:RCAT Software (System & Application)
NYSE:RLH Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGS:RRBI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:RRGB Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:RRR Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqCM:RDVT Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RDCO Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqGS:RDFN Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:SNDD Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:RWCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:RDGC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:RDWD Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:RSCI Household Products
OTCPK:REEI Metals & Mining
NasdaqCM:REED Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:RCIT Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:RLTR Entertainment
OTCPK:RSCF Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:RKTE Chemical (Specialty)

OTCPK:RFCS Healthcare Products
NYSE:RBC Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:RWMI Entertainment
OTCPK:RGBO.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RGBP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RAFI Diversified
NasdaqGS:REG R.E.I.T.
NasdaqGS:REGN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RGRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RGIN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RGIN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:RGNX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RGUS Machinery
OTCPK:RGBD Retail (Distributors)
AMEX:RHE Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NYSE:RM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:RF Banks (Regional)

NYSE:RGS Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RGMP Entertainment
OTCPK:RPMT Information Services
NasdaqCM:RGLS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:RGA Reinsurance
OTCPK:NUUU Household Products
NasdaqCM:REKR Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RLBY Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RELI Insurance (General)
ASX:RWC Building Materials
NasdaqCM:RBNC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:RELV Household Products
NasdaqCM:RLMD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:MARK Retail (Online)
OTCPK:RMTD Telecom (Wireless)
OTCPK:RMSL Healthcare Products
TSXV:REN Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:RNST Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:REGI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:RESS Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:RNWF Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:RNVA Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:RCAR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RNVT Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:RCII Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:REOS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:RPAY Information Services
NYSE:RPLA Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:RGEN Heathcare Information and Technology
NasdaqGS:REPL Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:KRMD Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:RBCA.A Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:RBAZ Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:FRBK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:RSG Environmental & Waste Services
NasdaqCM:REFR Electronics (General)
OTCPK:RSSS Computer Services
OTCPK:RSLS.D Healthcare Products
NYSE:REZI Building Materials
NYSE:RMD Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:RESN Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:KOAN Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:REVI Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqGS:RECN Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RGSG Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:RSPI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:RGDX.Q Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:ANCE Investments & Asset Management

NasdaqGS:TORC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:ROIC R.E.I.T.
AMEX:RVP Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:RTRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:CDRL Computers/Peripherals
NYSE:REVG Construction Supplies
NasdaqGM:RVNC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:BSSP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:REVB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:RVIV Household Products
NYSE:REV Household Products
OTCPK:RVLT Electrical Equipment
NYSE:RVLV Retail (Online)
NYSE:REX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:REXN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:RXN Machinery
OTCPK:RZLT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:RFIL Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:RGCO Power
NYSE:RH Retail (Building Supply)
NasdaqCM:RBKB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:RNOV Telecom. Services

NasdaqGM:RYTM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:RBBN Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:RIBT Food Processing
OTCPK:RCHA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:RELL Computer Services
NasdaqCM:RMBI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:RIGL Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:RTON Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:RIHT Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:RNET Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:RMNI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:RMRK Metals & Mining
AMEX:REI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:RNG Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:RIOT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:RBII Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:RAD Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqCM:RTTR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:RVTI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:RCBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:RHWI Air Transport
OTCPK:RVCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:RVDO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:RVSB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:RIVE Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:RIVX Entertainment
OTCPK:RVRA Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:RJDG Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:RLI Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:RMG Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:RRTS Trucking
NYSE:RHI Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:RCPI.Q Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:RCKE Precious Metals
OTCPK:RRRI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:RCKT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ROFO Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NYSE:ROK Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:RMTI Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:RCKY Shoe
OTCPK:RMTN Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGM:RMCF Food Processing
OTCPK:RMHB Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:ROG Electronics (General)
OTCPK:ROKK Computer Services
NasdaqGS:ROKU Entertainment
NYSE:ROL Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:RSAU Beverage (Alcoholic)
OTCPK:RTNB Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:ROP Diversified
OTCPK:RIHC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:ROSE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:RST Entertainment
NasdaqGS:ROST Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:ROBK Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:RCHN Computers/Peripherals
NYSE:RCL Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:RYFL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:RGLD Precious Metals

OTCPK:RYMM Precious Metals
OTCPK:ROYL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:RES Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:RPM Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:RTIX Healthcare Products
NYSE:RTW Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqCM:RBCN Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGS:RUBY Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:RMBL Retail (Online)
TSXV:RUN.H Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:RUSH.B Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:RSHN Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqGS:RUTH Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:R Trucking
NYSE:SPGI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:STBA Banks (Regional)

NasdaqCM:SANW Farming/Agriculture
NYSE:SBR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:SBRA R.E.I.T.
NasdaqGS:SABR Information Services
AMEX:SACH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:SAKL Entertainment
OTCPK:SRMX Entertainment
NasdaqCM:SAEX Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:SFE Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:SAFS Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:SFIN Household Products
NasdaqGS:SAFT Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGM:SGA Broadcasting
NasdaqGM:SAGE Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:SAIA Trucking
NYSE:SAIL Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SKAS Air Transport
NasdaqCM:SLRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:SALM Broadcasting
NYSE:CRM Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:SAL Banks (Regional)
NYSE:SBH Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:SLNM Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:SJT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SNLS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SMTI Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SNEC.Q Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:SAFM Food Processing
NYSE:SD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SDTT.U Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SDRM.U Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:PER Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SDON Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:SASR Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SSTU Diversified
NasdaqGS:SGMO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:SANM Electronics (General)
OTCPK:SCZC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SFEG Precious Metals
OTCPK:SFPI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:SC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:SANT Computer Services

OTCPK:SNWV Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SNWR Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SAR Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:SRPT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SAGD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:STSA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:SAHN Shipbuilding & Marine
OTCPK:SENY Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:SVRA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SVVB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SNVP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:SBFG Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:SBBX Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:SBAC R.E.I.T.
TSX:SCY Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:SCSC Computer Services
OTCPK:BRZL Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:SVIN Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:SCTN Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SLB Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:SMIT Electronics (General)
NYSE:SNDR Trucking
NasdaqGS:SCHN Steel
NasdaqGS:SRRK Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:SCHL Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:SCOO Education
NasdaqCM:SAMA Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:SWM Paper/Forest Products
OTCPK:SCIA Semiconductor Equip
NYSE:SAIC Computer Services
NasdaqGS:SGMS Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:SCND Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SCIL Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:SCPL Entertainment
OTCPK:SCRH Recreation
OTCPK:SLGD Household Products
ASX:SCT Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:SCPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:SCRC.Q Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:SCU Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:WORX Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:SCYX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

AMEX:SEB Food Processing
NasdaqGS:SEAC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:SBCF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SCBH Banks (Regional)
NYSE:CKH Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:SMHI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:SFRX Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:SEE Packaging & Container
OTCPK:SRCH Precious Metals
OTCPK:SHLD.Q Retail (General)
NasdaqGS:SPNE Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:SGEN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SEVA Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:SEAS Recreation
OTCPK:SWRI Beverage (Soft)
NasdaqCM:EYES Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SECI Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:SFIV Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:CQER Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:SCWX Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SDEV Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:SFDL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SNLC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:SNFC.A Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:SEEL Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

OTCPK:SONT Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:SEIC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:SLCT Banks (Regional)
NYSE:WTTR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:SIC Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:SEM Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGM:SELB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:SIGI Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqCM:SLS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SMLR Healthcare Products
NYSE:SRE Utility (General)
NasdaqGS:SMTC Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:SNCA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SNNF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:SENE.A Food Processing

OTCPK:SCAY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:SNES Drugs (Pharmaceutical)

NasdaqGS:SNH R.E.I.T.
NYSE:ST Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:SNSG.F Electronics (General)
AMEX:SENS Healthcare Products
NYSE:SXT Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGM:SRTS Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SSRC Household Products
OTCPK:SPLM Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SKVY Electronics (General)
NasdaqCM:SQBG Apparel
NasdaqGS:MCRB Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:SCI Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:SVC R.E.I.T.
NYSE:SERV Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:NOW Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:SREV Computer Services
NasdaqGS:SFBS Banks (Regional)
AMEX:SVT Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:SESN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SETO Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqCM:SVBI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:SYEV Furn/Home Furnishings

OTCPK:SFBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:SGBX Machinery
OTCPK:SGDH Paper/Forest Products
NYSE:SHAK Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:SHRG Retail (Online)
OTCPK:SHGP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:SMED Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:SHSP Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:SHEN Telecom (Wireless)
OTCPK:SHNL Metals & Mining
OTCPK:SHCC Farming/Agriculture
NasdaqCM:PIXY Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:SHLO Auto Parts
NasdaqGS:SWAV Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:SCVL Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:SHBI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:SSTI Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SSTK Retail (Online)
NasdaqGM:SIBN Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SIBE Education
OTCPK:SDRC Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:SIEB Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:SNNA.Q Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:SIEN Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:BSRR Banks (Regional)
AMEX:SIF Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGM:SIGA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:SIGM Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:SGLB Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:SGMA Electronics (General)
OTCPK:SIGL Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:SBNY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SDVI Entertainment
OTCPK:SGLS Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:SIGN Broadcasting
NasdaqGS:SLGN Packaging & Container
NasdaqGS:SLAB Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:SLAB Semiconductor
NasdaqGM:SILK Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SBUM Investments & Asset Management
TSXV:SPD Metals & Mining
TSXV:SPD Metals & Mining
OTCPK:SILS Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:SSPK Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:SIVE Metals & Mining
NYSE:SBOW Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:SAMG Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:SI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:SSNT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SVAD Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:SIMC Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:SFNC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SWWI Advertising
OTCPK:WINR Recreation
NYSE:SSD Building Materials
OTCPK:SMRL Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SMEV Recreation
NasdaqCM:SLP Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGS:SBGI Broadcasting
OTCPK:SING Information Services
OTCPK:SUIC Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:SINO Shipbuilding & Marine
TSXV:SEI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:SINT Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SINX Utility (Water)
OTCPK:SIPC Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:SIPN Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:SIRI Cable TV
NYSE:SITE Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGM:SITM Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:SITO Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SIX Recreation
NYSE:SJW Utility (Water)
OTCPK:SKVI Household Products
OTCPK:SKPI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SKYF Computer Services
OTCPK:SKPO Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:SKY Homebuilding
OTCPK:SKTP Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGS:SKYW Air Transport
NasdaqGS:SWKS Semiconductor
NYSE:WORK Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:SNBR Retail (Building Supply)
NasdaqGS:SLM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:SM Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)

OTCPK:SMAA Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:SBDG Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:SCNA Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:SMKG Information Services
NasdaqGS:SGH Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:SND Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqCM:SMBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SMME Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SMAR Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SMCE Entertainment
OTCPK:SMGI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:SDC Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:SMSI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SMID Construction Supplies
OTCPK:SMKC Retail (Online)
OTCPK:SFIO Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:SNAP Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:SNA Machinery
OTCPK:SNMN Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:SGOO Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:SODE Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:WDLF Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:SMVI Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:SPLY Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:SCKT Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:SOFT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SHMN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:SLNX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:SNRY Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:SOEN Semiconductor
OTCPK:PLKT Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:SIRC Electrical Equipment
NYSE:SOI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:WNDW Semiconductor
NYSE:SWI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SOLI Household Products
NasdaqCM:SLNO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SLRK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:SLDB Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SGTN Metals & Mining
NasdaqCM:SNGX Drugs (Biotechnology)
AMEX:XPL Metals & Mining
NasdaqCM:SOLY Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SODI Semiconductor
OTCPK:SOLS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:SOBS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SMAS Healthcare Support Services
AIM:SOM Construction Supplies
OTCPK:SOME Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SSFT Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SAH Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:SOFO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SIMA Machinery
NasdaqGM:SONM Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:SOTK Electronics (General)
NYSE:SON Packaging & Container
NasdaqCM:SNOA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:SONO Electronics (Consumer & Office)
DB:BFF1 Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:SRNE Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SOHI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:SOHO R.E.I.T.
NasdaqCM:SFBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SOUP.Q Food Processing
OTCPK:SABK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SBES Beverage (Alcoholic)
OTCPK:SDSY.A Food Processing
NasdaqCM:SMMC Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:SPFI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:SSB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:STHC Homebuilding
OTCPK:SCSG Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SEBC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SBNC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SCBS Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:RIBS Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:SCCO Metals & Mining
NasdaqGM:SFST Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SHOM Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:SITS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:SOMC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:SMBC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:SONA Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:SOHL Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:SZBI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:SOPK Entertainment
OTCPK:SOUB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:SBSI Banks (Regional)
NYSE:LUV Air Transport
AMEX:SGB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:SWN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SWNM Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:SP Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:SPSY Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:SBSA.A Broadcasting
NasdaqCM:SGRP Advertising
NasdaqGS:SPKE Power
OTCPK:SRCO Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SPAQ Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:SPAR Construction Supplies
NasdaqGS:SPTN Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:SPSO Electrical Equipment
AIM:SPSC Electronics (General)
TSX:SEV Semiconductor
OTCPK:FCCN Computer Services
NYSE:SPB Household Products
OTCPK:SGSI Telecom. Services
OTCPK:SPGZ Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:SPPI Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SPXA Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SPDC Computer Services
OTCPK:SPMI Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:SPDE Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SSPC Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:SPRO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:SPEX Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:SPDL Information Services
OTCPK:SPND Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SPIN Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:SPR Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:SAVE Air Transport
NasdaqGS:STXB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:SPLK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SPOM Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:SPOK Telecom (Wireless)
CNSX:SPO Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:SFHI Recreation
OTCPK:BTHR Recreation
NasdaqGS:SPWH Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:SPQS Entertainment
OTCPK:SLCH Air Transport
OTCPK:STLT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:SBPH Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:SWTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:S Telecom (Wireless)
NasdaqCM:SPT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:STHI Homebuilding
NasdaqGS:SFM Retail (Grocery and Food)
NasdaqGS:SPSC Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SPXC Machinery
NYSE:FLOW Machinery
OTCPK:SPYR Entertainment
OTCPK:SQCC Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:SQ Information Services
NasdaqCM:SRAX Advertising
AMEX:SRCI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SRTI Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:SSNC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SSBP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SSTT Precious Metals
OTCPK:STJO Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGM:STAA Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SLNG Oil/Gas Distribution
NasdaqCM:STAF Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:SSI Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:STMP Retail (Online)
NasdaqCM:STND Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

AMEX:SDI Tobacco
OTCPK:STDE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SMPR Precious Metals
NYSE:SMP Auto Parts
NYSE:SXI Machinery
NYSE:SWK Machinery
OTCPK:STRZ Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:SRGZ Precious Metals
OTCPK:JETR Air Transport
NasdaqGS:SBUX Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:STCB Retail (Online)
OTCPK:STGZ Entertainment
OTCPK:SAEC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SSET Entertainment
OTCPK:STSC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:LAAB Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SRT Information Services
NasdaqGS:STFC Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:SBAZ Banks (Regional)
NYSE:STT Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:SSUR Healthcare Products
OTCPK:STTH Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:STCN Information Services
NasdaqGS:STLD Steel
NYSE:SCS Office Equipment & Services
OTCPK:SELR Food Processing
NasdaqGS:SMRT Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:STMH Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:SGNI Entertainment
NasdaqCM:STML Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:STML Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:STSN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:SCL Chemical (Specialty)

OTCPK:SVSN Entertainment
AMEX:STXS Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:SRCL Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:STL Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:SBT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:STRL Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:SGER Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SBHO Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:SHOO Shoe
OTCPK:STEV Farming/Agriculture
NYSE:STC Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:STGG.Q Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:SF Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:STYS Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:SFIX Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:SYBT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:STOK Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:SRI Auto Parts
OTCPK:STRI Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:EBYH Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:STRB Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqCM:SSKN Healthcare Products
TSXV:SXE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:SSYS Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:STQN Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:LEAS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:STRA Education
OTCPK:SENR Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:SMPP Advertising
OTCPK:STTX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:STRT Auto Parts
OTCPK:SRUS Real Estate (Development)
NasdaqGS:STRS Real Estate (Development)
NasdaqCM:STRM Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:SFOR Software (System & Application)

NasdaqGS:SBBP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:SYK Healthcare Products
OTCPK:STBI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:RGR Recreation
OTCPK:STWC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:SUGR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:SGMD Paper/Forest Products

NasdaqCM:SUMR Recreation
OTCPK:SMAL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SBKO Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SEVT Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:SMMF Banks (Regional)
NYSE:SUM Construction Supplies
NasdaqGM:SSBI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:WISA Semiconductor
OTCPK:SNBP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SNPW Semiconductor
OTCPK:SUNC Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:SBKK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:SNDE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:SUND Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:SNSS Drugs (Biotechnology)

AMEX:SSY Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NYSE:NOVA Green & Renewable Energy
OTCPK:SNNY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:SPWR Semiconductor
OTCPK:SNDZ Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:RUN Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:SNST Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:SIGO Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:SSOK Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:SSOL Semiconductor
NasdaqCM:SUNW Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:SAEI Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:SLGG Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:SMCI Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:SBOX Entertainment
NasdaqCM:SCON Electronics (General)
OTCPK:WNRC Broadcasting
AMEX:SDPI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:SPN Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGM:SGC Apparel
NYSE:SUP Auto Parts
OTCPK:SPRN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:SUPN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:SPRT Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:SURF Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SPRS Computer Services
OTCPK:SURG Telecom (Wireless)
NasdaqGS:SGRY Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NasdaqGS:SRDX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:SRNA Building Materials
OTCPK:SRYB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SDSS Electronics (General)
OTCPK:SQCF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SUTI Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:STRO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:SVBT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:SIVB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:SVMK Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SWHI Telecom. Services
NYSE:SWCH Software (Internet)
OTCPK:SWKH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:SYVN Household Products

NasdaqGS:SYKE Information Services
OTCPK:UNGS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:SYNC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:SYNL Steel
NasdaqGS:SYNA Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:SNCR Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SYF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:SNDX Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqGS:SYNH Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:SNYR Household Products

NasdaqGM:SYBX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:SNX Computer Services
NasdaqGS:SNPS Software (System & Application)
NYSE:SNV Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SNGY Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqCM:SES Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
AMEX:SYN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:THOR Drugs (Biotechnology)
ASX:SYT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:SNLP Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:SYPR Auto Parts
NasdaqGS:SYRS Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:SYY Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:SYSX Computer Services
NYSE:SYX Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:TMUS Telecom (Wireless)
OTCPK:TRXO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:TROW Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGM:TTOO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TBTC Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGM:TRHC Heathcare Information and Technology

NasdaqGM:TCMD Healthcare Products

NYSE:TLRD Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqCM:TAIT Computer Services
NasdaqGS:TTWO Entertainment
OTCPK:TALC Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:TALO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGM:TNDM Healthcare Products
NasdaqGM:TLF Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:TPR Apparel
OTCPK:TAPM Entertainment
NYSE:TRGP Oil/Gas Distribution
NYSE:TGT Retail (General)
NasdaqCM:TH Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqCM:TRNX Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:TATD Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:TAUG Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TTCM Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:CRXM Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TAYO Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NasdaqCM:TAYD Machinery
NYSE:TMHC Homebuilding
NasdaqGS:TCF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:TCRR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:AMTD Brokerage & Investment Banking
NYSE:TISI Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:TEAR Healthcare Products
OTCPK:TBBA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:TCHC Entertainment
NasdaqGS:TECD Computer Services
NasdaqCM:TCCO Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:TCGN Machinery
OTCPK:TSCC Computer Services
OTCPK:TPCS Machinery
OTCPK:TPCS Machinery
NasdaqGM:TTGT Advertising
NasdaqCM:TGEN Building Materials
NYSE:TGNA Broadcasting
NYSE:TRC Real Estate (General/Diversified)
OTCPK:TIKK Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGM:TELA Healthcare Products
NYSE:TDOC Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:TLRA Software (System & Application)

OTCPK:QBAN Telecom (Wireless)
NYSE:TDY Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:TLFX Telecom (Wireless)
NYSE:TFX Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:TNAV Software (System & Application)
NYSE:TDS Telecom (Wireless)
OTCPK:TLLE.Q Telecom (Wireless)
NasdaqGS:TLGT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:TKOI Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqCM:TELL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:TPX Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:TMPS Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:TENB Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:TENX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:THC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
AMEX:TGC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:TNGN.Q Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:TNC Machinery
NYSE:TEN Auto Parts
OTCPK:TVLF Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:TZAC Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:TDC Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:TER Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:TERA Computers/Peripherals
NYSE:TEX Construction Supplies
OTCPK:TMEB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:TEGR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.

OTCPK:TRRE Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:TRTC Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
TSXV:TZR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:TVER Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:TERP Green & Renewable Energy
NasdaqGS:TBNK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:TSLA Auto & Truck

OTCPK:TSNP Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:TESS Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:TTEK Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:TTI Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:TLOG Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:TTPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:TCBI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:TXGE Engineering/Construction
NasdaqGS:TXN Semiconductor
OTCPK:TMRC Metals & Mining
NYSE:TPL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:TXRH Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:TXSO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:TEXC Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:TXHE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:TXT Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqCM:TFFP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:TFSL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqCM:TGTX Drugs (Biotechnology)

OTCPK:TSPG Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:TGRF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:TSTS Household Products
OTCPK:CBDG Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:THCT Healthcare Products
OTCPK:FLES Retail (Online)
OTCPK:ADKT Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:WTER Beverage (Soft)
NYSE:ALL Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:ACGI Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:AEGG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:ANDE Food Wholesalers
NasdaqGS:TBBK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BK Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:BPRN Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:BAOB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:BX Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:BA Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:BONT.Q Retail (General)
NYSE:SAM Beverage (Alcoholic)
NYSE:BCO Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:BKE Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:CBGI Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:CAGU Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:CATO Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:SCHW Brokerage & Investment Banking
NasdaqGS:CAKE Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:CHEF Food Wholesalers
NYSE:CC Chemical (Diversified)
NasdaqGS:PLCE Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:CLX Household Products
OTCPK:CCRK Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:KO Beverage (Soft)
OTCPK:COFE Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqCM:TCFC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:TCS Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:COO Healthcare Products
OTCPK:CRTG Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:CRCW Computer Services
OTCPK:DEWY Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:DXYN Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqGS:SSP Broadcasting
NasdaqGM:EML Machinery
NasdaqGS:ENSG Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NYSE:EL Household Products
OTCPK:EVRM Computer Services
NasdaqGS:XONE Machinery
OTCPK:FBPA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:FNLC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:FBMS Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:FLIC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:FDVA Banks (Regional)
NYSE:GPS Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:GNMP Chemical (Basic)
AMEX:GV Engineering/Construction
NYSE:GS Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:GWOX Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqGS:GT Rubber& Tires
NYSE:GRC Machinery
OTCPK:GCAN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:GBX Construction Supplies
OTCPK:GTMM Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NasdaqGM:HABT Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:HCKT Computer Services
NasdaqGS:HAIN Food Processing
NYSE:THG Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:HIG Insurance (General)
NYSE:HSY Food Processing
NYSE:HD Retail (Building Supply)
NYSE:HHC Real Estate (Development)
NasdaqCM:INTG Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:IPG Advertising
NYSE:SJM Food Processing
NasdaqCM:JYNT Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:KMFI Furn/Home Furnishings
NasdaqGS:KHC Food Processing
NYSE:KR Retail (Grocery and Food)
NYSE:SCX Machinery
AMEX:LGL Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:BATR.K Entertainment
NasdaqGS:LSXM.K Cable TV
NasdaqGM:LOVE Furn/Home Furnishings
NYSE:MSG Entertainment
NYSE:MTW Construction Supplies
NYSE:MCS Entertainment
OTCPK:MAAL Insurance (General)
OTCPK:TMGI Broadcasting
AMEX:MNI Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqGS:MDCO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:MEET Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqCM:MEET Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:MTRT Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:MIK Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:MIDD Machinery
OTCPK:MCEM Construction Supplies
NYSE:MOS Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:MVES Entertainment
NasdaqGM:NSEC Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:NWHM Homebuilding
NYSE:NYT Publishing & Newspapers
OTCPK:NWPN Green & Renewable Energy
OTCPK:OTMN Metals & Mining
OTCPK:OLBG Information Services
NasdaqCM:STKS Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqCM:PECK Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:PEGX Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:PNTG Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:PMIR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:PNC Banks (Regional)

NYSE:PG Household Products
NYSE:PGR Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:PRSC Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:REAL Retail (Online)
OTCPK:RSRV Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:RMR Real Estate (General/Diversified)
NYSE:RUBI Retail (Online)
NYSE:SMG Chemical (Specialty)
NYSE:SHW Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqCM:SMPL Food Processing
OTCPK:SMDM Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:SRNN Banks (Regional)
NYSE:JOE Real Estate (General/Diversified)
OTCPK:SPCO Household Products
NYSE:TKR Machinery
OTCPK:TXMC Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:TJX Retail (Special Lines)
NYSE:TTC Farming/Agriculture
NasdaqGM:TTD Software (System & Application)
NYSE:TRV Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:VTYB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:DIS Entertainment
NasdaqGS:WEN Restaurant/Dining
NYSE:WU Information Services
NYSE:WMB Oil/Gas Distribution
NasdaqGS:YORW Utility (Water)
OTCPK:TGLO Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:MVEN Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:TNBL Advertising
OTCPK:TSOI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:TXMD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:TMO Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:TMEN Machinery
NasdaqCM:THMO Healthcare Products
NYSE:THR Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:TDCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:THVB Banks (Regional)
NYSE:THO Auto & Truck
OTCPK:TSHR Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:THRR Metals & Mining
NasdaqCM:THBR Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:TNRG Electronics (General)
OTCPK:THMG Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:TIBR Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:TIRT.Z Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:TDW Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:TIF Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:TGRO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:TIGE Education
OTCPK:TTSH Retail (Building Supply)
NYSE:TLYS Retail (Special Lines)
CNSX:TILT Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:TSBK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:TLRS Precious Metals

OTCPK:TNTR.Q Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:TIPT Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:TWI Farming/Agriculture
NasdaqGS:TITN Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqCM:TTNP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:TVTY Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:TIVO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:TIXC Entertainment
OTCPK:TLDE Entertainment
OTCPK:TMMI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:TNKY Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:TNRK Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:TOCA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TLIF Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
OTCPK:TOFB Food Processing
OTCPK:TOGL Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:TOL Homebuilding
NYSE:TOL Homebuilding
OTCPK:TMBX.F Metals & Mining
OTCPK:TOMZ Environmental & Waste Services
AMEX:TMP Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:TNXP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TONR Recreation
OTCPK:TNGL Precious Metals
NYSE:TR Food Processing
OTCPK:TOPZ Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:BLD Homebuilding
OTCPK:TORM Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqCM:TRCH Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:TRON Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:TTLO Electrical Equipment

NYSE:SHLL Investments & Asset Management
ASX:TTB Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:TMAK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:TGHI Entertainment
OTCPK:TSBA Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:TBLT Apparel
OTCPK:TWER Telecom. Services
OTCPK:TWCF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:TCNB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:CLUB Recreation
NasdaqGS:TOWN Banks (Regional)
NYSE:TSQ Broadcasting
NasdaqGM:TPIC Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:TPTW Telecom. Services
OTCPK:TRAC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:TRCK Electronics (General)

TSXV:TKX Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:TCON Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:TSCO Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:TW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:TBLZ Machinery
OTCPK:TGGI Engineering/Construction
NasdaqCM:TWMC Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:TNLX Electronics (General)
OTCPK:TPAC Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:TEGY Chemical (Basic)
NasdaqGM:TACT Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:TACI Real Estate (General/Diversified)
AMEX:TAT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:IMLE Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:TRNS Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:TCEC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:TCI Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:TDG Aerospace/Defense
AMEX:TRXC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:TMSH Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:TBIO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:TMDX Healthcare Products
OTCPK:TLSS Transportation
OTCPK:TRTI Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:TRU Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:TXCC.Q Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:TA Retail (Automotive)
NasdaqGS:TZOO Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:TISD.Z Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:TREC Chemical (Basic)
NYSE:TG Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:TCOR Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:THS Food Processing
NasdaqCM:TRMT R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:TRDX Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:TSSP Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:TRVN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:TRVI Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:TRXA Computer Services
NYSE:TREX Building Materials
OTCPK:TRCY Banks (Regional)
NYSE:TPH Homebuilding
OTCPK:TGIC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:TPII Green & Renewable Energy

NasdaqGM:TPCO Publishing & Newspapers
NasdaqGS:TCDA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:TCBK Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:TDAC Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:TDNT Household Products
TSX:TRL Telecom (Wireless)
NasdaqGS:TRS Machinery
OTCPK:TMXN Diversified
NasdaqGS:TRMB Electronics (General)
OTCPK:TMED Healthcare Products
OTCPK:TECO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:TRNE Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:TNET Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:TCPP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
NYSE:TRN Construction Supplies
AMEX:TPHS Real Estate (Operations & Services)
NYSE:TSE Chemical (Basic)
AMEX:TRT Semiconductor Equip
NasdaqGS:TRIP Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:GTS Healthcare Support Services
TSXV:TSG Precious Metals
OTCPK:TWSI Household Products
NasdaqGS:TSC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:UNMK Food Processing
OTCPK:TRAE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:TBK Banks (Regional)
NYSE:TGI Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:TROG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:TROX Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:TRSI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:TROV Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TREP Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:TNTY Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:TNEN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:TBI Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:TRUE Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:THST Beverage (Alcoholic)
NYSE:TFC Banks (Regional)
CNSX:TRUL Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:TRUL Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:TRUP Insurance (Life)
NasdaqGS:TRST Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:TRMK Banks (Regional)

OTCPK:TKLS Building Materials
OTCPK:TRUX Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:TRXD Retail (Online)
NasdaqCM:TSRI Computer Services
OTCPK:TSSI Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:TTEC Information Services
NasdaqGS:TTMI Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:TUES Retail (General)
NYSE:TUP Household Products
OTCPK:TVOG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:TPB Tobacco
NasdaqGS:TPTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:TKCI Computer Services
NasdaqGM:HEAR Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NasdaqCM:THCB Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:THCA Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:TPC Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:TVCE Telecom. Services
Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:TWLO Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:TWIN Construction Supplies
NYSE:TRWH Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:TVPC Recreation
NasdaqGS:TWST Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:TWTR Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGM:TRCB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:TRVR Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:TURV Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:TXHG Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:TYL Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:TYME Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:TSN Food Processing
OTCPK:TYTN Farming/Agriculture
OTCPK:UNIF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:SWRL Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqGS:PRTS Retail (Online)
NYSE:USB Bank (Money Center)
NasdaqGS:USCR Construction Supplies
NasdaqCM:USEG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:USEI Construction Supplies
NasdaqCM:GROW Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqCM:USAU Metals & Mining
OTCPK:LITH Metals & Mining
OTCPK:USNL Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:USNU Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NYSE:USPH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NYSE:SLCA Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:USRM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:USWS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:USX Trucking
OTCPK:UAMM Heathcare Information and Technology

NYSE:UBER Trucking
OTCPK:UBID Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:UBQU Software (System & Application)
NYSE:UI Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:UBYH Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:UFPT Packaging & Container
TSXV:UGE Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:ULTA Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:USPS Recreation
NasdaqGS:UCTT Semiconductor Equip
OTCPK:UPLC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:RARE Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:ULBI Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:ULUR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:UMAM Food Processing
OTCPK:UMAX Recreation
NasdaqGS:UMBF Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:UATG Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:UMPQ Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:UNPA Banks (Regional)
NYSE:UAA Apparel
OTCPK:UNDR Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:UNXL.Q Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:UNAM Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:UFI Apparel
NYSE:UNF Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:LATN Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:UBNC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:UNB Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:UDHI Healthcare Support Services
NYSE:UNP Transportation (Railroads)
AMEX:UFAB Auto Parts
OTCPK:UPZS Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:USRC Transportation
NYSE:UIS Computer Services
NYSE:UNT Oil/Gas (Integrated)
NasdaqGS:UAL Air Transport
OTCPK:UAMA Telecom. Services
OTCPK:UAHC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:UAPC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:UBCP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:UBAB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGM:UBOH Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:UBSI Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:CNAB Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:UCPA Advertising
NasdaqGS:UCBI Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:UCFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:UNRG Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:UFCS Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
OTCPK:UEEC Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:UIHC Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:UNFI Food Wholesalers
NYSE:UPS Transportation
OTCPK:URAL Transportation (Railroads)
NYSE:URI Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:URHG Precious Metals
NasdaqGS:UBFO Banks (Regional)
AMEX:UAMY Metals & Mining
NYSE:USM Telecom (Wireless)
NasdaqGS:USLM Construction Supplies
NYSE:X Steel
NYSE:UTX Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:UNTN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:UTHR Drugs (Biotechnology)

NasdaqGM:UG Household Products
NYSE:UNH Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:UNIT R.E.I.T.
NYSE:UTL Utility (General)
NasdaqGM:UNTY Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:UBX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:UNVR Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:UNVC Healthcare Products
OTCPK:UVCL Computer Services
NYSE:UVV Tobacco
OTCPK:UNDT Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:OLED Semiconductor
NasdaqGS:UEIC Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:UVSE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:UFPI Building Materials
NYSE:UHS Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities
NYSE:UVE Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NasdaqGS:ULH Trucking
OTCPK:UMGP Entertainment
OTCPK:UPCO Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:UPIN Computer Services
AMEX:UUU Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:USAP Steel
OTCPK:UVSS Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:UTI Education
OTCPK:UTRK Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:UNIB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:UVSP Banks (Regional)
NYSE:UNM Insurance (Life)
NasdaqGS:UMRX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:UPLD Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:UPPR Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGS:UPWK Business & Consumer Services
TSX:URE Coal & Related Energy
AMEX:UEC Coal & Related Energy
NasdaqCM:UONE.K Broadcasting
NasdaqGS:URBN Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:URBT Broadcasting
OTCPK:UGRO Farming/Agriculture
NasdaqGM:URGN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ULGX Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:ECOL Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:USFD Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:USGA Electronics (General)
OTCPK:USLG Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:USMT Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:UCLE Electronics (General)
OTCPK:UWRL Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:UCBB Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:USAQ Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:USRI Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:USAT Information Services
NasdaqGS:USAK Trucking
OTCPK:ZMDC Advertising
NYSE:USNA Household Products
OTCPK:USCS Precious Metals
NasdaqCM:USIO Information Services
NasdaqGS:UTMD Healthcare Products
OTCPK:UTGN Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:UITA Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:UVFT Machinery
OTCPK:UWHR Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:VGID Computer Services
NYSE:VFC Apparel
NYSE:EGY Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:VCEX Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:VCNX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NYSE:MTN Recreation
NasdaqCM:VLRX Healthcare Products
NYSE:VLO Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NYSE:VHI Chemical (Specialty)
NasdaqGS:VLY Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:VLLX Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:VMRI Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:VMI Engineering/Construction
NasdaqCM:VALU Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:VSTR Computer Services

NYSE:VVV Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:VNCI Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGM:VNDA Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:VTGD.F Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:VAPE Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:VPOR Packaging & Container
NYSE:VAPO Healthcare Products
OTCPK:VRCV Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:VREX Healthcare Products
NYSE:VAR Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:VRNS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VSMD Healthcare Products
OTCPK:VASO Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:VXRT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:VBIV Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:VDPH Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:VTIQ Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:VGR Tobacco
NYSE:VEC Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:VECO Semiconductor Equip
NYSE:VEEV Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:VEGL Business & Consumer Services

OTCPK:VCYE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:VPGI Investments & Asset Management
CNSX:VCAN Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:VRA Apparel
NasdaqGM:VCYT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:VSTM Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:VERB Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VCLD Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:VCEL Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:VERY Insurance (Life)
OTCPK:VSMR Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VRME Electronics (General)
NasdaqGS:VRNT Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:VRSN Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:VRSK Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:VFRM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:VRTC Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:VTEQ Retail (Online)
NasdaqGM:VBTX Banks (Regional)
NYSE:VRTV Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGM:VERI Software (System & Application)
NYSE:VZ Telecom. Services
NasdaqCM:VRML Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:VRRM Information Services
NasdaqGM:VRCA Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:VRS Paper/Forest Products
NasdaqCM:VTNR Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
NasdaqGS:VRTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:VCSY Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:VERU Household Products
OTCPK:VRUS Food Wholesalers
OTCPK:VEST Household Products
OTCPK:VRTA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:VRTB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:VTNL Retail (Online)

OTCPK:VGLS Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:VGTL Entertainment
OTCPK:VIAP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:VBVT Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:VIAC Broadcasting
NYSE:VVI Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:VDRM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGS:VSAT Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:VSPC Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:VIAV Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:VICR Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:VCTR Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:VMHG Retail (Automotive)
OTCPK:VYEY Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:VIDA Entertainment
OTCPK:NIHK Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:VIE Drugs (Biotechnology)
TSX:VMD Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:VSYM Electronics (General)
OTCPK:VCST Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGM:VRAY Healthcare Products
OTCPK:VKIN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:VKTX Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:VBFC Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:VLGE.A Retail (Grocery and Food)
OTCPK:VCPS Retail (Online)
OTCPK:VINS Precious Metals
OTCPK:VOQP Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:VIPV Metals & Mining
NasdaqGS:VIR Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:VIRC Office Equipment & Services
CNSX:VREO Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:SPCE Aerospace/Defense
OTCPK:VABK Banks (Regional)
AMEX:VHC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VPRO Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:VTSI Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:VIRT Brokerage & Investment Banking
OTCPK:VRED Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VRVR Homebuilding
OTCPK:QEBR Software (System & Application)
DB:3V3 Software (Internet)
NasdaqGS:VRTS Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:VRTU Computer Services
NYSE:V Information Services
NYSE:VSH Electronics (General)
NYSE:VPG Electronics (General)
OTCPK:VIZG Telecom. Services
OTCPK:VISM Computer Services
OTCPK:VKSC Packaging & Container
NasdaqCM:VISL Telecom. Equipment
AMEX:VGZ Precious Metals
NYSE:VSTO Recreation
NasdaqCM:VTGN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:VC Auto Parts
OTCPK:VMCS Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:VMSI Software (System & Application)

OTCPK:VCBD Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:VBIO Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:VTMB Recreation
OTCPK:VODG Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:OTTV Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VIVK Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqCM:VIVE Healthcare Products
OTCPK:VIVC Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:VSLR Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:RDGL Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:VVUS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:VYON Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VIZC Advertising
NYSE:VMW Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VNUE Software (System & Application)
SEHK:3738 Software (System & Application)
NYSE:VOC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:VCRA Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:VSST Software (System & Application)

OTCPK:VPLM Telecom. Services
AMEX:VOLT Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:VG Telecom. Services
OTCPK:VTXB Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGS:VOXX Electronics (Consumer & Office)
NYSE:VOYA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

CNSX:VYGR Software (System & Application)

NasdaqGS:VYGR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:VOYT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VSBN Banks (Regional)
CNSX:VSBY Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:VSEC Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqCM:VTVT Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:VUOC Electrical Equipment
OTCPK:VBTC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:VULC Chemical (Basic)
NYSE:VMC Construction Supplies
OTCPK:VUME Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:VUZI Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:VYCO Healthcare Products
OTCPK:VYST Chemical (Basic)
NYSE:WRB Insurance (Prop/Cas.)
NYSE:GRA Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:WTBF.B Banks (Regional)
NYSE:GWW Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:WESC Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:WTI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NYSE:WNC Construction Supplies
NYSE:WAB Construction Supplies
NYSE:WDR Investments & Asset Management
NasdaqGS:WTRH Retail (Online)
OTCPK:WAKE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:WBA Retail (Special Lines)

NYSE:WD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:WKLN Precious Metals

OTCPK:WSCO Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:WMT Retail (General)
OTCPK:WDRP Retail (Online)
OTCPK:WRGL Computer Services
OTCPK:WBZB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:WAFD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:WASH Banks (Regional)
NYSE:WCN Environmental & Waste Services
NYSE:WM Environmental & Waste Services
OTCPK:WTNW Utility (Water)
OTCPK:WTII Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:WPUR Furn/Home Furnishings
NYSE:WAT Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:WSCC Investments & Asset Management

NasdaqGS:WSBF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:WSO Retail (Distributors)

NYSE:WTS Machinery
OTCPK:WAYS Semiconductor
OTCPK:WXMN Building Materials
NYSE:W Retail (Online)
OTCPK:WAYN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGM:WSTG Computer Services

OTCPK:WCFB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)
NasdaqGS:WDFC Household Products
OTCPK:WCCP Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:WHSI Healthcare Products
OTCPK:WFT Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:WEBB Entertainment
OTCPK:WBSI Software (System & Application)
NYSE:WBS Banks (Regional)
NYSE:WEC Utility (General)
OTCPK:BUDZ Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:WGNR Telecom. Equipment
NYSE:WMK Retail (Grocery and Food)
NYSE:WBT Machinery
NYSE:WCG Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqCM:WEBK Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:WCUI Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:WMGR Heathcare Information and Technology

OTCPK:WEQL Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities

NYSE:WFC Bank (Money Center)
NasdaqGS:WERN Trucking
NasdaqGS:WSBC Banks (Regional)
NYSE:WAIR Aerospace/Defense
NYSE:WCC Retail (Distributors)
NasdaqGS:WTBA Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:WCYN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:WCVC Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:WEIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NYSE:WST Healthcare Products

OTCPK:WNRP Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:WTXR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:WTWB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqGS:WABC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:WBBW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:WTEC.Q Brokerage & Investment Banking

NasdaqCM:WSTL Telecom. Equipment
NYSE:WAL Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:WCRS Retail (Special Lines)
NasdaqGS:WDC Computers/Peripherals
OTCPK:WTLC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:WNEB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:WSRC Household Products

NYSE:WLK Chemical (Basic)
OTCPK:WLBA.Q Coal & Related Energy
NYSE:WRK Packaging & Container
NasdaqCM:WWR Coal & Related Energy
NYSE:WHG Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:WEX Information Services
NasdaqGS:WEYS Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:WEYL Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:WHLR R.E.I.T.
NasdaqCM:WHLR R.E.I.T.
OTCPK:WFCF Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:WHR Furn/Home Furnishings
OTCPK:AWAW Education
NYSE:WLL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:WHZT Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:GWPC Healthcare Products
TSXV:YTY Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:WLAN Telecom. Equipment
AMEX:WYY Computer Services
NasdaqCM:WHLM Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:WMCB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:WVVI Beverage (Alcoholic)
NasdaqGM:WLDN Business & Consumer Services
NYSE:WLH Homebuilding
OTCPK:WMPN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:WLMS Engineering/Construction
NYSE:WSM Retail (Building Supply)
NasdaqGM:WLFC Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:WHCA Restaurant/Dining
NasdaqCM:WSC Engineering/Construction
OTCPK:WINM.Q Telecom. Services
OTCPK:WINT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:WING Restaurant/Dining
OTCPK:WELX Electronics (General)
NasdaqGM:WINA Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:WNML.A Investments & Asset Management
NYSE:WGO Auto & Truck
NasdaqGS:WTFC Banks (Regional)
OTCPK:WDSL Telecom. Equipment
AMEX:WTT Electronics (General)
OTCPK:WIRX Computer Services
NasdaqGS:WETF Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:WIZD Advertising
OTCPK:PAPA Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:WODI Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:WWD Machinery
OTCPK:WDIS Advertising
NasdaqGS:WDAY Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:WKHS Auto Parts
NYSE:WK Software (System & Application)
NasdaqGS:WRLD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:WAXS Office Equipment & Services

NYSE:INT Oilfield Svcs/Equip.
OTCPK:WHEN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:WMHI Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:WWII Telecom. Services
OTCPK:WPFH Hotel/Gaming
OTCPK:WWST Construction Supplies
NYSE:WWE Entertainment
OTCPK:WRFX Entertainment
OTCPK:WDDD Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:WNTR Diversified
OTCPK:WWSG Healthcare Support Services
OTCPK:WOWU Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:WWIO Publishing & Newspapers
NYSE:WPX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:WQNI Telecom. Services
NasdaqCM:WRTC Electronics (General)
OTCPK:WISH Investments & Asset Management
OTCPK:WRIT Entertainment
NasdaqGS:WSFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

OTCPK:WSGF Recreation
OTCPK:WBWB.D Software (Entertainment)
NasdaqGM:WVFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)

NasdaqGS:WW Business & Consumer Services

NYSE:WYND Hotel/Gaming
NYSE:WH Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqGS:WYNN Hotel/Gaming
NasdaqCM:XFOR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:XALL Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:XBIT Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGM:XELB Advertising
NasdaqGS:XEL Power
OTCPK:XCLL Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:XCRP Healthcare Products
OTCPK:XCPL Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGM:XNCR Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:XENO Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:XNNH.Q Aerospace/Defense
NasdaqGS:XERS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NYSE:XRX Computers/Peripherals
NasdaqGS:XLNX Semiconductor
OTCPK:XLWH Electrical Equipment
NasdaqGM:XOMA Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqCM:XPEL Auto Parts
NasdaqGS:XPER Semiconductor Equip
NYSE:XPO Transportation
NasdaqCM:XSPA Business & Consumer Services
OTCPK:XREG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:XSPT Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:XSNX Semiconductor
OTCPK:XSNX Semiconductor
AMEX:XTNT Healthcare Products
OTCPK:XCOM.Q Telecom. Equipment
OTCPK:CBTC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:XTPT Precious Metals
CNSX:XS Retail (Distributors)
NYSE:XYL Machinery
OTCPK:XYNH Retail (Online)
NasdaqGS:YMAB Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:YRIV Shipbuilding & Marine
OTCPK:YPPN Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:YAYO Trucking
OTCPK:YBAO Healthcare Products
NYSE:YELP Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:YETI Recreation
OTCPK:YEWB Farming/Agriculture
NYSE:YEXT Software (System & Application)
NasdaqCM:YTEN Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:YIPI Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:YOGA Recreation
OTCPK:YRKB Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:YGYI Household Products
NasdaqGS:YRCW Trucking
OTCPK:YECO.F Construction Supplies
NYSE:YUM Restaurant/Dining
AMEX:YUMA Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
OTCPK:ZAAG Business & Consumer Services
NasdaqGS:ZFGN Drugs (Biotechnology)
NasdaqGS:ZAGG Electronics (Consumer & Office)
OTCPK:ZNAE Entertainment
OTCPK:ZNNC Retail (Grocery and Food)
BME:ZOT Machinery
NYSE:ZAYO Telecom. Services
NasdaqGS:ZBRA Electronics (General)
AMEX:ZDGE Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:ZEN Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ZENG Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:ZDEC Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ZEON Coal & Related Energy
OTCPK:ZGSI Chemical (Specialty)
OTCPK:ZVTK Building Materials
OTCPK:ZICX Healthcare Support Services
NasdaqGS:ZG Software (Entertainment)
NYSE:ZBH Healthcare Products
NasdaqCM:ZN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration)
NasdaqGS:ZION Banks (Regional)
NasdaqCM:ZIOP Drugs (Biotechnology)
OTCPK:ZIPL Telecom. Services
OTCPK:ZIVO Household Products
NasdaqGS:ZIXI Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ZNRG Electrical Equipment
NYSE:ZTS Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:ZGNX Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
TSXV:ZOM Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
OTCPK:ZDPY Real Estate (Operations & Services)
OTCPK:ZONX Software (Entertainment)
OTCPK:ZMTP Telecom. Equipment
NasdaqGS:ZM Software (System & Application)
TSXV:ZMA Retail (Online)
NasdaqCM:ZSAN Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:ZVO Education
NasdaqGS:ZS Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ZULU Advertising
NasdaqGS:ZUMZ Retail (Special Lines)
OTCPK:ZNCM Computer Services
NYSE:ZUO Software (System & Application)
OTCPK:ZRVT Retail (Distributors)
OTCPK:ZCOR Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqGM:ZYNE Drugs (Pharmaceutical)
NasdaqCM:ZYXI Healthcare Products
NasdaqGS:ZNGA Entertainment
OTCPK:ZYRX Chemical (Basic)
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To look up a company, you can either go through the entire list (which is alphabetically sorted) o
Company name
Industry Group =
Country =
Broad Geographical group =
Sub Group =
If you want to find the companies in a sector, use the industry sorted worksheet in this spreadsheet

Company Name
"Bank "Saint-Petersburg" Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:BSPB)
1 Production Film Co. (GTSM:8458)
104 Corporation (TSEC:3130)
11 plc (NGSE:MOBIL)
1369 Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:C69)
138 Student Living Jamaica Limited (JMSE:138SL)
1834 Investments Limited (JMSE:1834)
1957 & Co. (Hospitality) Limited (SEHK:8495)
20 Microns Limited (BSE:533022)
2020 Bulkers Ltd (OB:2020)
2GO Group, Inc. (PSE:2GO)
2S Metal Public Company Limited (SET:2S)
360 Ludashi Holdings Limited (SEHK:3601)
360 Security Technology Inc. (SHSE:601360)
361 Degrees International Limited (SEHK:1361)
3Cnergy Limited (Catalist:502)
3i Infotech Limited (BSE:532628)
3M India Limited (BSE:523395)
3P Land Holdings Limited (BSE:516092)
3Power Energy Group, Inc. (OTCPK:PSPW)
3S KOREA Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A060310)
3s Silicon Tech., Inc. (GTSM:5297)
3SBio Inc. (SEHK:1530)
4Sight Holdings Limited (JSE:4SI)
51 Credit Card Inc. (SEHK:2051)
52 Weeks Entertainment Limited (BSE:531925)
5i5j Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000560)
5paisa Capital Limited (BSE:540776)
63 moons technologies limited (BSE:526881)
7-Eleven Malaysia Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SEM)
786 Investment Limited (KASE:786)
7NR Retail Limited (BSE:540615)
7Road Holdings Limited (SEHK:797)
7Seas Entertainment Limited (BSE:540874)
8990 Holdings, Inc. (PSE:HOUSE)
8i Enterprises Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:JFK)
8K Miles Software Services Limited (BSE:512161)
9complex Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A082660)
9Splay Entertainment Technology Co., LTD. (GTSM:8491)
A & M Febcon Limited (BSE:540697)
A & S Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1737)
A and M Jumbo Bags Limited (NSEI:AMJUMBO)
A B Infrabuild Limited (NSEI:ABINFRA)
A Brown Company, Inc. (PSE:BRN)
A Cuong Mineral Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:ACM)
A Infrastructure Limited (BSE:539620)
A Self-Administered Real Estate Investment Trust Inc. (KOSE:A140910)
A-1 Acid Limited (BSE:542012)
A-Jin Industrial Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A013310)
A-Living Services Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3319)
A-One Alform Co., Ltd. (XKON:A234070)
A-Rank Berhad (KLSE:ARANK)
A-Smart Holdings Ltd. (SGX:BQC)
A-Sonic Aerospace Limited (SGX:BTJ)
A-Tech Solution Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A071670)
A-Zenith Home Furnishings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603389)
A. K. Capital Services Limited (BSE:530499)
A. Libental Holdings Ltd. (TASE:LBTL)
A. Luzon Real Estate & Finance Ltd (TASE:LZNR)
A. Soriano Corporation (PSE:ANS)
A.F.W Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A312610)
A.G. Leventis (Nigeria) Plc (NGSE:AGLEVENT)
A.J. Plast Public Company Limited (SET:AJ)
A.K. Spintex Limited (BSE:539300)
A.L.D. Advanced Logistics Developments Ltd. (TASE:ALD)
A'ayan Leasing and Investment Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:AAYAN)
A'ayan Real Estate Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:AAYANRE)
A'Sharqiya Investment Holding Co. (SAOG) (MSM:SIHC)
A2Z Infra Engineering Limited (BSE:533292)
A2Z Technologies Canada Corp. (TSXV:AZ)
A8 New Media Group Limited (SEHK:800)
AA Group Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:5GZ)
AA Industrial Belting (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603580)
AAC Technologies Holdings Inc. (SEHK:2018)
AAEON Technology Inc. (TSEC:6579)
AAG Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:2686)
Aakash Exploration Services Limited (NSEI:AAKASH)
Aamal Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:AHCS)
aamra networks limited (DSE:AAMRANET)
aamra technologies limited (DSE:AAMRATECH)
AAN Digital Services Holding Company K.S.C. Public (KWSE:AAN)
Aanchal Ispat Limited (BSE:538812)
AAPICO Hitech Public Company Limited (SET:AH)
Aar Shyam India Investment Company Limited (BSE:542377)
Aarey Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:524412)
Aarnav Fashions Limited (BSE:539562)
Aaron Industries Limited (NSEI:AARON)
Aartech Solonics Limited (BSE:542580)
Aarti Drugs Limited (BSE:524348)
Aarti Industries Limited (BSE:524208)
Aarvee Denims and Exports Limited (BSE:514274)
Aarvi Encon Limited (NSEI:AARVI)
Aavas Financiers Limited (NSEI:AAVAS)
Aayush Food and Herbs Limited (BSE:539528)
AB Amber Grid (NSEL:AMG1L)
AB Bank Limited (DSE:ABBANK)
AB Builders Group Limited (SEHK:1615)
AB East West Agro (NSEL:EWA1L)
AB Ignitis Gamyba (NSEL:LNR1L)
AB Inter RAO Lietuva (WSE:IRL)
AB International Group Corp. (OTCPK:ABQQ)
AB Kauno Energija (NSEL:KNR1L)
AB Klaipedos nafta (NSEL:KNF1L)
AB Linas Agro Group (NSEL:LNA1L)
AB Panevezio Statybos Trestas (NSEL:PTR1L)
AB Siauliu Bankas (NSEL:SAB1L)
AB Snaige (NSEL:SNG1L)
AB Utenos Trikotazas (NSEL:UTR1L)
AB Vilkyskiu pienine (NSEL:VLP1L)
AB Zemaitijos pienas (NSEL:ZMP1L)
ABA Chemicals Corporation (SZSE:300261)
AbaCore Capital Holdings, Inc. (PSE:ABA)
Aban Offshore Limited (BSE:523204)
Abans Electricals PLC (COSE:ABAN.N0000)
ABans Enterprises Limited (BSE:512165)
Abans Finance PLC (COSE:AFSL.N0000)
ABB India Limited (BSE:500002)
Abbey Mortgage Bank Plc (NGSE:ABBEYBDS)
Abbott India Limited (BSE:500488)
Abbott Laboratories (Pakistan) Limited (KASE:ABOT)
ABC Banking Corporation Ltd (MUSE:ABCB.I0000)
ABC Gas (International) Limited (BSE:513119)
ABC India Limited (BSE:520123)
abc Multiactive Limited (SEHK:8131)
ABC Taiwan Electronics Corp. (GTSM:3236)
AbClon Inc. (KOSDAQ:A174900)
ABCO Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036010)
Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets Company (SASE:4001)
Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati Stationaries Company (SASE:4191)
Abdullah Shah Ghazi Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:AGSML)
Abdulmohsen Al-Hokair Group for Tourism and Development Company (SASE:1820)
Abhinav Leasing and Finance Limited (BSE:538952)
Abhishek Infraventures Limited (BSE:539544)
Abico Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:ABICO)
ABICO NetCom Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:8071)
Ability Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2374)
Ability Inc. (OTCPK:ABIL.F)
Ability Opto-Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3362)
Abion Inc. (XKON:A203400)
Abirami Financial Services (India) Limited (BSE:511756)
ABL Bio Inc. (KOSDAQ:A298380)
Able C&C Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A078520)
Able Engineering Holdings Limited (SEHK:1627)
AbleGroup Berhad (KLSE:ABLEGRP)
Ablerex Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3628)
ABM Fujiya Berhad (KLSE:AFUJIYA)
ABM International Limited (NSEI:ABMINTLTD)
ABM Knowledgeware Limited (BSE:531161)
Abnova (Taiwan) Corporation (TSEC:4133)
AboCom Systems, Inc. (TSEC:2444)
Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. (PSE:AEV)
Aboitiz Power Corporation (PSE:AP)
Abonmax Co., Ltd (TSEC:2429)
ABOV Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A102120)
Abpro Bio Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A195990)
ABR Holdings Limited (SGX:533)
Abra Mining and Industrial Corporation (PSE:AR)
ABS-CBN Corporation (PSE:ABS)
Absa Group Limited (JSE:ABG)
Absolute Clean Energy Public Company Limited (SET:ACE)
Abu Dhabi Aviation (ADX:ADAVIATION)
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC (ADX:ADCB)
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank - Egypt S.A.E. (CASE:ADIB)
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank PJSC (ADX:ADIB)
Abu Dhabi National Company for Building Materials Public Joint Stock (ADX:BILDCO)
Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC (ADX:TAQA)
Abu Dhabi National Hotels Company PJSC (ADX:ADNH)
Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company PJSC (ADX:ADNIC)
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company for Distribution PJSC (ADX:ADNOCDIST)
Abu Qir Fertilizers Company (CASE:ABUK)
Abyaar Real Estate Development Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ABYAAR)
AC Energy Philippines, Inc. (PSE:ACEPH)
Academy Press Plc (NGSE:ACADEMY)
AcBel Polytech Inc. (TSEC:6282)
ACC Binh Duong Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ACC)
ACC Limited (NSEI:ACC)
Accel Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1283)
Accel Limited (BSE:517494)
Accel, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:ACCELSA B)
Accelerate Property Fund Limited (JSE:APF)
Accelink Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002281)
Accelya Solutions India Limited (NSEI:ACCELYA)
Access Bank Plc (NGSE:ACCESS)
Access Engineering PLC (COSE:AEL.N0000)
Accordia Golf Trust (SGX:ADQU)
Accrelist Ltd. (Catalist:QZG)
Accton Technology Corporation (TSEC:2345)
Accuracy Shipping Limited (NSEI:ACCURACY)
Ace Bed Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A003800)
Ace Edulink Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6764)
ACE Edutrend Limited (BSE:530093)
ACE Enexor, Inc. (PSE:ACEX)
Ace Integrated Solutions Limited (NSEI:ACEINTEG)
Ace Pillar Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8374)
Ace Software Exports Limited (BSE:531525)
Ace Technologies corp. (KOSDAQ:A088800)
Acelon Chemicals & Fiber Corporation (TSEC:1466)
Acer Cyber Security Inc. (GTSM:6690)
Acer Incorporated (TSEC:2353)
Acer Synergy Tech Corp. (GTSM:6751)
ACES Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3605)
Acesian Partners Limited (Catalist:5FW)
Acesite (Phils.) Hotel Corporation (PSE:ACE)
Achal Investments Limited (BSE:538570)
Achiko Ltd. (SWX:ACHI)
ACI Formulations Limited (DSE:ACIFORMULA)
ACI Infocom Limited (BSE:517356)
ACICO Industries for Company - K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:ACICO)
Acknit Industries Limited (BSE:530043)
ACL Cables PLC (COSE:ACL.N0000)
ACL Plastics PLC (COSE:APLA.N0000)
Acma Ltd. (SGX:AYV)
Acme Electronics Corporation (GTSM:8121)
ACME Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ACME)
Acme International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1870)
ACME Printing and Packaging PLC (COSE:ACME.N0000)
Acme Resources Limited (BSE:539391)
Acmepoint Energy Services Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6692)
ACON Holding Inc. (GTSM:3710)
Acoustech Berhad (KLSE:ACOSTEC)
Acrel Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300286)
Acrow India Limited (BSE:513149)
Acrow Misr (CASE:ACRO)
Acrysil Limited (BSE:524091)
Acsion Limited (JSE:ACS)
AcSiP Technology Corp. (GTSM:6403)
ACT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A131400)
Acter Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5536)
ACTi Corporation (GTSM:5240)
Action Construction Equipment Limited (BSE:532762)
Action Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3024)
Action Financial Services (India) Limited (BSE:511706)
Action Square CO., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A205500)
Active Clothing Co Limited (BSE:541144)
Active Fine Chemicals Limited (DSE:ACTIVEFINE)
Actoz Soft Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052790)
Actro Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A290740)
Actron Technology Corporation (GTSM:8255)
ACULA Technology Corp. (GTSM:3434)
Ad - Dulayl Industrial Park & Real Estate Company P.L.C. (ASE:IDMC)
AD Plastik d.d. (ZGSE:ADPL)
Ad-Manum Finance Limited (BSE:511359)
Adaiah Distribution, Inc. (OTCPK:ADAD)
Adam Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:ADAMS)
ADAMA Ltd. (SZSE:000553)
Adamant DRI Processing and Minerals Group (OTCPK:ADMG)
Adamas Finance Asia Limited (AIM:ADAM)
Adamjee Insurance Company Limited (KASE:AICL)
Adani Enterprises Limited (BSE:512599)
Adani Gas Limited (NSEI:ADANIGAS)
Adani Green Energy Limited (NSEI:ADANIGREEN)
Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited (NSEI:ADANIPORTS)
Adani Power Limited (NSEI:ADANIPOWER)
Adani Transmissions Limited (BSE:539254)
Adapt IT Holdings Limited (JSE:ADI)
Adaptive Plasma Technology Corp. (KOSDAQ:A089970)
ADATA Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3260)
ADBiotech Co., Ltd. (XKON:A179530)
ADC India Communications Limited (BSE:523411)
Adcock Ingram Holdings Limited (JSE:AIP)
Adcorp Holdings Limited (JSE:ADR)
ADD Industry (Zhejiang) CO., LTD (SHSE:603089)
Add New Energy Investment Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:2623)
Adda Corporation (GTSM:3071)
ADDCN Technology Co., Ltd (GTSM:5287)
Addi Industries Limited (BSE:507852)
Addsino Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000547)
Addvalue Technologies Ltd (SGX:A31)
ADES International Holding PLC (LSE:ADES)
ADF Foods Limited (BSE:519183)
Adgar Investments and Development Ltd (TASE:ADGR)
Adhbhut Infrastructure Limited (BSE:539189)
Adhunik Industries Limited (BSE:538365)
Adika Style Ltd. (TASE:ADKA)
Adimmune Corporation (TSEC:4142)
Adinath Exim Resources Limited (BSE:532056)
Adinath Textiles Limited (BSE:514113)
Aditri Industries Limited (BSE:534707)
Aditya Birla Capital Limited (BSE:540691)
Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited (BSE:535755)
Aditya Birla Money Limited (BSE:532974)
Aditya Consumer Marketing Limited (BSE:540146)
Aditya Ispat Limited (BSE:513513)
Aditya Spinners Limited (BSE:521141)
Aditya Vision Limited (BSE:540205)
Adlabs Entertainment Limited (BSE:539056)
ADLINK Technology, Inc. (TSEC:6166)
Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Capital S.A. (SNSE:AFPCAPITAL)
Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Cuprum S.A. (SNSE:CUPRUM)
Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Habitat S.A. (SNSE:HABITAT)
Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones ProVida S.A. (SNSE:PROVIDA)
ADO Optronics Corporation (GTSM:3516)
Ador Fontech Limited (BSE:530431)
Ador Multiproducts Limited (BSE:523120)
Ador Welding Limited (BSE:517041)
ADOS Pakistan Limited (KASE:ADOS)
ADRIATIC osiguranje d.d. (ZGSE:JDOS)
Adris grupa d. d. (ZGSE:ADRS)
Adroit Infotech Limited (BSE:532172)
ADTechnology Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A200710)
Advagene Biopharma Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6709)
Advance Information Marketing Berhad (KLSE:AIM)
Advance Materials Corporation (GTSM:3585)
Advance Metering Technology Limited (BSE:534612)
Advance Synergy Berhad (KLSE:ASB)
Advance Syntex Limited (BSE:539982)
Advance Terrafund REIT (BUL:6A6)
Advancecon Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ADVCON)
Advanced Analog Technology, Inc. (GTSM:3438)
Advanced Ceramic X Corporation (GTSM:3152)
Advanced Chemical Industries Limited (DSE:ACI)
Advanced Connection Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:ACC)
Advanced Connection Technology Inc. (GTSM:3492)
Advanced Digital Chips Inc. (KOSDAQ:A054630)
Advanced Digital Health Medicina Preventiva S.A. (BOVESPA:ADHM3)
Advanced e-Technologies S.A (BVMT:AETEC)
Advanced Enzyme Technologies Limited (BSE:540025)
Advanced Fiber Resources (Zhuhai), Ltd. (SZSE:300620)
Advanced Health Limited (JSE:AVL)
Advanced Holdings Ltd. (SGX:BLZ)
Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited (SET:ADVANC)
Advanced Information Technology Public Company Limited (SET:AIT)
Advanced International Multitech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8938)
Advanced Lithium Electrochemistry (Cayman) Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5227)
Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. China (SHSE:688012)
Advanced Microelectronic Products Inc. (GTSM:6287)
Advanced Nano Products Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A121600)
Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc. (TSEC:3437)
Advanced Packaging Technology (M) Bhd (KLSE:ADVPKG)
Advanced Petrochemical Company (SASE:2330)
Advanced Power Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8261)
Advanced Process Systems Corp (KOSDAQ:A265520)
Advanced Technology & Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000969)
Advanced Technology Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ATC)
Advanced Wireless Semiconductor Company (GTSM:8086)
Advancer Global Limited (Catalist:43Q)
Advancetek Enterprise Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1442)
Advani Hotels & Resorts (India) Limited (BSE:523269)
Advantech Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2395)
Adveco Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ADVV)
Advent Computer Services Limited (BSE:531429)
Advent Pharma Ltd. (DSE:ADVENT)
Adventa Berhad (KLSE:ADVENTA)
Adventus Holdings Limited (Catalist:5EF)
Advik Capital Limited (BSE:539773)
Advik Laboratories Limited (BSE:531686)
AE Multi Holdings Berhad (KLSE:AEM)
AEC Securities Public Company Limited (SET:AEC)
Aecc Aero Science and Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600391)
Aecc Aero-Engine Control Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000738)
Aecc Aviation Power Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600893)
Aegis Logistics Limited (BSE:500003)
AEI Corporation Ltd. (SGX:AWG)
Aekyung Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A018250)
Aekyung Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A161000)
AEL Zambia Plc (LUSE:AELZ)
AEM Holdings Ltd (SGX:AWX)
Aemulus Holdings Berhad (KLSE:AEMULUS)
Aeolus Tyre Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600469)
Aeon Co. (M) Bhd. (KLSE:AEON)
AEON Credit Service (Asia) Company Limited (SEHK:900)
AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad (KLSE:AEONCR)
Aeon Motor Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1599)
AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited (SEHK:984)
AEON Thana Sinsap (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:AEONTS)
Aero Win Technology Corporation (TSEC:8222)
Aerodrom Nikola Tesla a.d. (BELEX:AERO)
Aerospace CH UAV Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002389)
Aerospace Communications Holdings Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600677)
Aerospace Hi-Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000901)
Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (TSEC:2634)
AeroSpace Technology of Korea Inc. (KOSDAQ:A067390)
Aerosun Corporation (SHSE:600501)
Aeso Holding Limited (SEHK:8341)
AEWIN Technologies Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3564)
AF Enterprises Limited (BSE:538351)
AF Global Limited (SGX:L38)
AFC Agro Biotech Limited (DSE:AFCAGRO)
Afcon Holdings Ltd. (TASE:AFHL)
Affle (India) Limited (NSEI:AFFLE)
Affluent Foundation Holdings Limited (SEHK:1757)
Affluent Partners Holdings Limited (SEHK:1466)
Affordable Robotic & Automation Limited (BSE:541402)
AFI Properties Ltd (TASE:AFPR)
Afluente Transmissão de Energia Elétrica S.A. (BOVESPA:AFLT3)
AfreecaTV Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A067160)
Afric Industries S.A. (CBSE:AFI)
Africa Israel Residences Ltd (TASE:AFRE)
Africa Prudential Plc (NGSE:AFRIPRUD)
African Alliance Insurance Plc (NGSE:AFRINSURE)
African Banking Corporation of Botswana Limited (BSM:ABC)
African Dawn Capital Limited (JSE:ADW)
African Equity Empowerment Investments Limited (JSE:AEE)
African Media Entertainment Limited (JSE:AME)
African Oxygen Limited (JSE:AFX)
African Phoenix Investments Limited (JSE:AXL)
African Rainbow Capital Investments Limited (JSE:AIL)
African Rainbow Minerals Limited (JSE:ARI)
Afrimat Limited (JSE:AFT)
Afriquia Gaz SA (CBSE:GAZ)
AfroCentric Investment Corporation Limited (JSE:ACT)
Aftab Automobiles Limited (DSE:AFTABAUTO)
After You Public Company Limited (SET:AU)
Afya Limited (NasdaqGS:AFYA)
Agabang&Company (KOSDAQ:A013990)
Agalawatte Plantations PLC (COSE:AGAL.N0000)
Agarwal Industrial Corporation Limited (BSE:531921)
AGBA Acquisition Limited (NasdaqCM:AGBA)
AGC Networks Limited (BSE:500463)
Ageson Berhad (KLSE:PSIPTEK)
AGI Infra Limited (BSE:539042)
Agile Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:3383)
Agility Public Warehousing Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:AGLTY)
AGM Group Holdings Inc. (NasdaqCM:AGMH)
Agma S.A. (CBSE:AGM)
Agni Systems Limited (DSE:AGNISYSL)
Agostini's Limited (TTSE:AGL)
AGP Limited (KASE:AGP)
Agra Limited (NMSE:AGR)
Agrani Insurance Company Limited (DSE:AGRANINS)
Agri-tech (India) Limited (BSE:537292)
Agria Group Holding AD (BUL:A72)
Agriauto Industries Limited (KASE:AGIL)
Agribank Securities Corporation (HOSE:AGR)
Agricultural Bank of China Limited (SEHK:1288)
Agricultural Marketing Company Limited (DSE:AMCL(PRAN))
Agriculture Printing and Packaging JSC (HNX:INN)
AgriEuro Corp. (OTCPK:EURI)
AgriNurture, Inc. (PSE:ANI)
Agripure Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:APURE)
Agritech Limited (KASE:AGL)
Agritrade Resources Limited (SEHK:1131)
Agro Phos (India) Limited (NSEI:AGROPHOS)
Agro Tech Foods Limited (BSE:500215)
Agrometal S.A.I. (BASE:AGRO)
AgStar PLC (COSE:AGST.N0000)
AGTech Holdings Limited (SEHK:8279)
Agthia Group PJSC (ADX:AGTHIA)
Aguas Andinas S.A. (SNSE:AGUAS-A)
AGV Group Limited (Catalist:1A4)
AGV Products Corporation (TSEC:1217)
AHB Holdings Berhad (KLSE:AHB)
Ahlada Engineers Limited (NSEI:AHLADA)
Ahli Bank Q.S.C. (DSM:ABQK)
Ahli United Bank B.S.C. (BAX:AUB)
Ahli United Bank K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ALMUTAHED)
Ahliea Insurance Group (PLSE:AIG)
Ahluwalia Contracts (India) Limited (BSE:532811)
Ahmad Zaki Resources Berhad (KLSE:AZRB)
Ahmedabad Steelcraft Limited (BSE:522273)
Ahn-Gook Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A001540)
AhnLab, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A053800)
AHOKU Electronic Company (TSEC:3002)
Ahsay Backup Software Development Company Limited (SEHK:8290)
AI Champdany Industries Limited (BSE:532806)
Ai Conversation Systems Ltd (TASE:AICS)
AI Energy Public Company Limited (SET:AIE)
AIA Engineering Limited (NSEI:AIAENG)
AIA Group Limited (SEHK:1299)
AIBIT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A039230)
AIC Inc. (GTSM:3693)
AID Life Science Holdings Limited (SEHK:8088)
Aida Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:AIDA)
Aidigong Maternal & Child Health Limited (SEHK:286)
Aier Eye Hospital Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300015)
AIICO Insurance Plc (NGSE:AIICO)
Aikchol Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:AHC)
AIM Commercial Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:AIMCG)
AIM Industrial Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:AIMIRT)
Aimco Pesticides Limited (BSE:524288)
AimCore Technology Co., Ltd (GTSM:3615)
AIPTEK International Inc. (TSEC:6225)
Air Asia Company Limited (TSEC:2630)
Air Busan Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A298690)
Air China Limited (SEHK:753)
Air Liquide Côte d'Ivoire S.A (BRVM:SIVC)
Air Liquide Tunisie SA (BVMT:AL)
Air Mauritius Limited (MUSE:AIRM.N0000)
AIRA Capital Public Company Limited (SET:AIRA)
AIRA Factoring Public Company Limited (SET:AF)
Airan Limited (NSEI:AIRAN)
AirAsia Group Berhad (KLSE:AIRASIA)
AirAsia X Berhad (KLSE:AAX)
Airlux Electrical Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4609)
Airmate (Cayman) International Co Limited (TSEC:1626)
Airo Lam Limited (NSEI:AIROLAM)
Airport City Ltd. (TASE:ARPT)
Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (SET:AOT)
AirTAC International Group (TSEC:1590)
Aisha Steel Mills Limited (KASE:ASL)
Aishida Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002403)
Aishwarya Technologies and Telecom Limited (BSE:532975)
Aisino Corporation (SHSE:600271)
Aitken Spence Hotel Holdings PLC (COSE:AHUN.N0000)
Aitken Spence PLC (COSE:SPEN.N0000)
AiXin Life International, Inc. (OTCPK:AIXN)
AJ Advance Technology Public Company Limited (SET:AJA)
AJ Networks Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A095570)
AJ Rent A Car Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A068400)
Ajanta Pharma Limited (NSEI:AJANTPHARM)
Ajanta Soya Limited (BSE:519216)
Ajcon Global Services Limited (BSE:511692)
Ajel Limited (BSE:530713)
Ajial Real Estate Entertainment Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:AREEC)
Ajinextek Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A059120)
Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:AJI)
Ajisen (China) Holdings Limited (SEHK:538)
Ajiya Berhad (KLSE:AJIYA)
Ajmera Realty & Infra India Limited (BSE:513349)
Ajooni Biotech Limited (NSEI:AJOONI)
AJU Capital Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A033660)
AJWA For Food Industries Co. Egypt (CASE:AJWA)
Ajwan Gulf Real Estate Co. (K.P.S.C.) (KWSE:AJWAN)
AK Holdings, Inc. (KOSE:A006840)
AK Medical Holdings Limited (SEHK:1789)
Akar Auto Industries Limited (BSE:530621)
Akash Infra-Projects Limited (NSEI:AKASH)
Akashdeep Metal Industries Limited (BSE:538778)
AKD Capital Limited (KASE:AKDCL)
Aker Technology Co., Ltd (GTSM:6174)
Akg Exim Limited (NSEI:AKG)
Akkhie Prakarn Public Company Limited (SET:AKP)
AKM Industrial Company Limited (SEHK:1639)
Akme Star Housing Finance Limited (BSE:539017)
Aksh Optifibre Limited (NSEI:AKSHOPTFBR)
Akshar Spintex Limited (BSE:541303)
AksharChem (India) Limited (BSE:524598)
Aktiv Properties REIT (BUL:5AX)
Aktobe Metalware Plant Joint Stock Company (KAS:AKZM)
Akzo Nobel India Limited (BSE:500710)
Akzo Nobel Pakistan Limited (KASE:AKZO)
Al - Eqbal Investment Co. (PLC) (ASE:EICO)
AL - Sharq Investment Projects Co. PLC. (ASE:AIPC)
Al - Tajamouat for Touristic Projects, plc. (ASE:TAJM)
Al Abdullatif Industrial Investment Company (SASE:2340)
Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ABK)
Al Ahlia Insurance Company SAOG (MSM:AINS)
Al Ahly for Development & Investment (CASE:AFDI)
Al Alamiya for Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8280)
Al Aman Investment Company - K.P.S.C. (KWSE:ALAMAN)
Al Anwar Ceramic Tiles Company SAOG (MSM:AACT)
Al Anwar Holdings SAOG (MSM:AAIT)
Al Arafa for Investment and Consultancies (S.A.E.) (CASE:AIVC)
Al Argan International Real Estate Company - K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ARGAN)
Al Baraka Bank Egypt(S.A.E) (CASE:SAUD)
Al Baraka Banking Group B.S.C. (BAX:BARKA)
Al Batinah Power Company SAOG (MSM:BATP)
Al Bilad Securities and Investment Company (ASE:BLAD)
Al Dawliyah For Hotels And Malls P.L.C. (ASE:MALL)
Al Dhafra Insurance Company P.S.C. (ADX:DHAFRA)
Al Eid Food Company K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:ALEID)
Al Ezz Ceramics & Porcelain Co. (S.A.E.) (CASE:ECAP)
Al Ezz Dekheila Steel Company - Alexandria S.A.E. (CASE:IRAX)
Al Gassim Investment Holding Co. (SASE:6020)
AL Group Limited (SEHK:8360)
Al Hammadi Company For Development and Investment (SASE:4007)
Al Hassan Engineering Company SAOG (MSM:HECI)
Al Hassan Ghazi Ibrahim Shaker Company (SASE:1214)
Al Imtiaz Investment Group Company - K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:ALIMTIAZ)
Al Ittihad Schools Co. (ASE:ITSC)
Al Jazeera Steel Products Company SAOG (MSM:ATMI)
Al Jazeira Services Company SAOG (MSM:AJSS)
Al Jouf Cement Company (SASE:3091)
Al Kathiri Holding Company (SASE:3008)
Al Khaleej Investment P.J.S.C. (ADX:KICO)
Al Khaleej Takaful Insurance Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:AKHI)
Al Khaleej Training and Education Company (SASE:4290)
Al Khalij Commercial Bank (al khaliji) P.Q.S.C. (DSM:KCBK)
Al Maather Reit Fund (SASE:4334)
Al Madar Finance & Investment Company (K.S.C.P.) (KWSE:MADAR)
Al Madina for Finance and Investment Company - K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ALMADINA)
Al Madina Insurance Company SAOG (MSM:AMAT)
Al Madina Investment Company SAOG (MSM:AMII)
Al Maha Ceramics SAOG (MSM:AMCI)
Al Maha Petroleum Products Marketing Company SAOG (MSM:MHAS)
Al Mal Investment Company - KPSC (KWSE:ALMAL)
Al Manar Financing & Leasing K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ALMANAR)
Al Mashreq Insurance Company PLC (PLSE:MIC)
Al Meera Consumer Goods Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:MERS)
Al Moammar Information Systems Company (SASE:7200)
Al Mudon International Real Estate Company - Kuwaiti Public Shareholding Company (KWSE:ALMUDON)
Al Omaniya Financial Services SAOG (MSM:AOFS)
Al Oula Company SAOG (MSM:DMGI)
Al Qudra Holding PSC (ADX:ALQUDRA)
Al Quds Readymix PLC (ASE:AQRM)
Al Rai Media Group Company K.S.C.P (KWSE:ALRAI)
Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corporation (SASE:1120)
Al Rajhi Company for Cooperative Insurance (SASE:8230)
Al Rajhi REIT Fund (SASE:4340)
Al Ramz Corporation Investment and Development P.J.S.C. (DFM:ALRAMZ)
Al Sagr Cooperative Insurance Co. (SASE:8180)
Al Salam Bank - Sudan (DFM:ALSALAMSUDAN)
Al Salam Bank-Bahrain B.S.C. (BAX:SALAM)
Al Salam Group Holding Company - K.S.C (Public) (KWSE:ALSALAM)
Al Shaheer Corporation Limited (KASE:ASC)
Al Shams Housing and Urbanization SAE (CASE:ELSH)
Al Soor Fuel Marketing Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:SOOR)
Al Sorayai Trading And Industrial Group Company (SASE:1213)
Al Suwadi Power Company SAOG (MSM:SUWP)
AL Tahdeth Real Estate Investments Company Limited Public Contributing (ASE:THDI)
Al Tawfeek Leasing Company (CASE:ATLC)
Al Waha Capital PJSC (ADX:WAHA)
Al-'Aqar Healthcare REIT (KLSE:ALAQAR)
Al-Abbas Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:AABS)
Al-Ahleia Insurance Company S.A.K.P. (KWSE:AINS)
Al-Ahlia Insurance Co. (SASE:8140)
Al-Ahsa Development Company (SASE:2140)
Al-Amin Investment Com. (ASE:AAFI)
Al-Aqariya Trading Investment Company (PLSE:AQARIYA)
Al-Arabiya for Investment Projects Company (ASE:APCT)
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited (DSE:ALARABANK)
Al-Babtain Power and Telecommunication Co. (SASE:2320)
Al-Baha Investment & Development Co. (SASE:4130)
Al-Bilad Medical Services Co. (ASE:ABMS)
Al-Deera Holding Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:ALDEERA)
Al-Enma'a Real Estate Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ERESCO)
Al-Etihad Cooperative Insurance Co. (SASE:8170)
Al-Faris National Company for Investment & Export P.L.C. (ASE:CEBC)
Al-Ghazi Tractors Limited (KASE:AGTL)
Al-Jouf Agricultural Development Co. (SASE:6070)
Al-Manara Insurance Company (PSC) (ASE:ARSI)
Al-Masaken International for Real Estate Development Company - K.S.C.P. (KWSE:MASAKEN)
Al-Massaleh Real Estate Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:MASSALEH)
Al-Mazaya Holding Company - K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:MAZAYA)
Al-Nisr Al-Arabi Insurance Company (ASE:AAIN)
Al-Noor Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:ALNRS)
Al-Omran Industrial Trading Co. (SASE:9502)
Al-Rakaez Investment Company (ASE:RICS)
Al-Salam Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:ALSREIT)
Al-Salbookh Trading Company K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:SALBOOKH)
Al-Samaani Factory For Metal Industries Co. (SASE:9504)
Al-Sanabel International for Islamic Investment (holding) (ASE:SANA)
Al-Tajamouat for Catering & Housing Co. plc. (ASE:JNTH)
Al-Takaful Palestinian Insurance Co. (PLSE:TIC)
Al-Yamamah Steel Industries Company (SASE:1304)
ALAFCO Aviation Lease and Finance Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ALAFCO)
AlAhli Takaful Company (SASE:8130)
Alam Maritim Resources Berhad (KLSE:ALAM)
Alan Scott Industriess Limited (BSE:539115)
Alandalus Property Company (SASE:4320)
Alankit Limited (BSE:531082)
Alaris Holdings Limited (JSE:ALH)
Albaad Massuot Yitzhak Ltd (TASE:ALBA)
Albatron Technology Co., Ltd (GTSM:5386)
Albena AD (BUL:6AB)
Albert David Limited (BSE:524075)
Alberton Acquisition Corporation (NasdaqCM:ALAC)
Alchemist Corporation Limited (BSE:531409)
Alchemist Realty Limited (BSE:532114)
Alchip Technologies, Limited (TSEC:3661)
Alco Holdings Limited (SEHK:328)
Alcom Group Berhad (KLSE:ALCOM)
Alcomet AD (BUL:6AM)
Alcor Micro Corporation (GTSM:8054)
Alcorlink Corp. (GTSM:6594)
Aldar Properties PJSC (ADX:ALDAR)
Aldrees Petroleum and Transport Services Company (SASE:4200)
Aleatica, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:ALEATIC *)
Alembic Limited (BSE:506235)
Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited (NSEI:APLLTD)
Alex New Medical Center (CASE:AMES)
Alexander Forbes Group Holdings Limited (JSE:AFH)
Alexander Marine Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8478)
Alexander Stamps and Coin Limited (BSE:511463)
Alexandria Co. For Pharmaceuticals & Chemical Industries (CASE:AXPH)
Alexandria Container&Cargo Handling Company (CASE:ALCN)
Alexandria Flour Mills (CASE:AFMC)
Alexandria Mineral Oils Company (CASE:AMOC)
Alexandria National Company For Financial Investment SAE (CASE:ANFI)
Alexandria Portland Cement Co. (S.A.E) (CASE:ALEX)
Alexandria Spinning & Weaving Co. (CASE:SPIN)
Alfa Holdings S.A. (BOVESPA:RPAD3)
Alfa Ica (India) Limited (BSE:530973)
Alfa Transformers Limited (BSE:517546)
Alfa-Plam a.d. (BELEX:ALFA)
Alfa, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:ALFA A)
ALFORMER Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4558)
ALFOT Technologies Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4553)
Alfred Herbert (India) Limited (BSE:505216)
Algoltek, Inc (GTSM:6684)
Algomizer Ltd (TASE:ALMO)
Alhaj Textile Mills Limited (DSE:AL-HAJTEX)
ALi Corporation (TSEC:3041)
Alia- The Royal Jordanian Airlines Plc. (ASE:RJAL)
Aliansce Sonae Shopping Centers SA (BOVESPA:ALSO3)
Alibaba Health Information Technology Limited (SEHK:241)
Alibaba Pictures Group Limited (SEHK:1060)
Alicon Castalloy Limited (BSE:531147)
Alicorp S.A.A. (BVL:ALICORC1)
Alif Industries Limited (DSE:AIL)
Alif Manufacturing Company Ltd. (DSE:ALIF)
Alijarah Holding (Q.P.S.C.) (DSM:NLCS)
Alinma Bank (SASE:1150)
Alinma Tokio Marine Company (SASE:8312)
Alios Finance Ivory Coast (BRVM:SAFC)
Alisra For Education & Investment Co. PLC (ASE:AIFE)
Alizz Islamic Bank SAOG (MSM:BKIZ)
Aljazira Mawten REIT Fund (SASE:4331)
Aljazira Takaful Taawuni Company (SASE:8012)
Alka India Limited (BSE:530889)
Alka Securities Limited (BSE:532166)
Alkali Metals Limited (BSE:533029)
Alkem Laboratories Limited (BSE:539523)
Alkhabeer REIT Fund (SASE:4348)
Alkyl Amines Chemicals Limited (BSE:506767)
All Cosmos Bio-Tech Holding Corporation (TSEC:4148)
All Inspire Development Public Company Limited (SET:ALL)
All Ring Tech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6187)
Alla Public Company Limited (SET:ALLA)
Allahabad Bank (BSE:532480)
Allan International Holdings Limited (SEHK:684)
Allawasaya Textile & Finishing Mills Limited (KASE:AWTX)
Allcargo Logistics Limited (BSE:532749)
AllHome Corp. (PSE:HOME)
Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:ABMB)
Alliance Finance Company PLC (COSE:ALLI.N0000)
Alliance Global Group, Inc. (PSE:AGI)
Alliance Integrated Metaliks Limited (BSE:534064)
Alliance Material Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3595)
Alliance Select Foods International, Inc. (PSE:FOOD)
Alliances Developpement Immobilier S.A. (CBSE:ADI)
Allianz Ayudhya Capital Public Company Limited (SET:AYUD)
Allianz Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:ALLIANZ)
Allianz Saudi Fransi Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8040)
Allied Bank Limited (KASE:ABL)
Allied Biotech Corporation (GTSM:1780)
Allied Circuit Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8155)
Allied Cooperative Insurance Group (SASE:8150)
Allied Digital Services Limited (BSE:532875)
Allied Electronics Corporation Limited (JSE:AEL)
Allied Group Limited (SEHK:373)
Allied Industrial Corp., Ltd. (GTSM:4702)
Allied Properties (H.K.) Limited (SEHK:56)
Allied Rental Modaraba (KASE:ARM)
Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited (SEHK:8320)
Allis Electric Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1514)
Allium Medical Solutions Ltd (TASE:ALMD)
Allmed Medical Products Co., Ltd (SZSE:002950)
Allot Ltd. (NasdaqGS:ALLT)
Allsec Technologies Limited (BSE:532633)
Alltek Technology Corporation (TSEC:3209)
Allterco AD (BUL:A4L)
Alltex Industries Limited (DSE:ALLTEX)
Alltop Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3526)
Alltronics Holdings Limited (SEHK:833)
Allwin Telecommunication Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002231)
Allwinnertech Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300458)
Almacenes Éxito S.A. (BVC:EXITO)
Almarai Company (SASE:2280)
Almehanya for Real Estate Investments & Housing Co. P.L.C. (ASE:PROF)
Almondz Global Securities Limited (BSE:531400)
Alok Industries Limited (BSE:521070)
Alon Natural Gas Exploration Ltd. (TASE:ALGS)
Alony-Hetz Properties & Investments Ltd (TASE:ALHE)
Aloys Inc. (KOSDAQ:A297570)
Alpa Laboratories Limited (NSEI:ALPA)
Alper Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros S.A. (BOVESPA:APER3)
Alpha Era International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8406)
Alpha Group (SZSE:002292)
Alpha Holdings, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A117670)
Alpha Microelectronics Corporation (GTSM:8024)
Alpha Networks Inc. (TSEC:3380)
Alpha Professional Holdings Limited (SEHK:948)
Alphacom Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:AHAD)
Alphageo (India) Limited (BSE:526397)
Alphamab Oncology (SEHK:9966)
Alphamin Resources Corp. (TSXV:AFM)
ALPHANAM E&C Joint Stock Company (HNX:AME)
Alpine Housing Development Corporation Limited (BSE:526519)
Alps Industries Limited (BSE:530715)
Alps Motor Finance Limited (BSE:538423)
Alro S.A. (BVB:ALR)
Alrov Properties and Lodgings Ltd. (TASE:ALRPR)
Alsea, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:ALSEA *)
Alshamekha For Realestate and Financial Investments Co.Ltd (ASE:VFED)
Alsons Consolidated Resources, Inc. (PSE:ACR)
ALT Telecom Public Company Limited (SET:ALT)
ALTA Company (HNX:ALT)
Altek Corporation (TSEC:3059)
Alteo Limited (MUSE:ALTG.N0000)
Altern Energy Limited (KASE:ALTN)
Alticast Corporation (KOSDAQ:A085810)
Alton Sports Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A123750)
Altshuler Shaham Provident Funds and Pension Ltd (TASE:ASPF)
Altur S.A. (BVB:ALT)
Altus Holdings Limited (SEHK:8149)
Aluar Aluminio Argentino S.A.I.C. (BASE:ALUA)
Alucon Public Company Limited (SET:ALUCON)
Alufluoride Limited (BSE:524634)
Alujain Corporation (SASE:2170)
Aluko Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001780)
Alumex PLC (COSE:ALUM.N0000)
Alumil Rom Industry S.A. (BVB:ALU)
Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (BAX:ALBH)
Aluminium Du Maroc SA (CBSE:ALM)
Aluminum Corporation of China Limited (SEHK:2600)
Alvarion Ltd. (OTCPK:ALVR.Q)
Alviva Holdings Limited (JSE:AVV)
AM Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1849)
Ama Marine Public Company Limited (SET:AMA)
Amad Investment and Real Estate Development Co (ASE:AMAD)
Amal Ltd (BSE:506597)
Amalgamated Industrial Steel Berhad (KLSE:AISB)
Aman Cotton Fibrous Limited (DSE:ACFL)
Aman Feed Limited (DSE:AMANFEED)
Amãna Bank PLC (COSE:ABL.N0000)
Amana Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8310)
Amãna Takaful Life PLC (COSE:ATLL.N0000)
Amãna Takaful PLC (COSE:ATL.N0000)
Amanah Harta Tanah PNB (KLSE:AHP)
Amanah Leasing Public Company Limited (SET:AMANAH)
AmanahRaya Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:ARREIT)
Amanat Holdings PJSC (DFM:AMANAT)
Amanet Management & Systems Ltd. (TASE:AMAN)
Amar Finance & Leasing Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:AMAR)
Amara Holdings Limited (SGX:A34)
Amara Raja Batteries Limited (BSE:500008)
Amarin Printing and Publishing Public Company Limited (SET:AMARIN)
Amarjothi Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:521097)
Amarnath Securities Limited (BSE:538465)
Amaru, Inc. (OTCPK:AMRU)
Amasse Capital Holdings Limited (SEHK:8168)
Amata Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:AMATA)
Amata Summit Growth Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:AMATAR)
Amata VN Public Company Limited (SET:AMATAV)
Amaya Leisure PLC (COSE:CONN.N0000)
Amaze Entertech Limited (BSE:531112)
Amazing Microelectronic Corp. (GTSM:6411)
Amba Enterprises Limited (BSE:539196)
Ambalal Sarabhai Enterprises Limited (BSE:500009)
Ambee Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (DSE:AMBEEPHA)
Ambeon Capital PLC (COSE:TAP.N0000)
Ambeon Holdings PLC (COSE:GREG.N0000)
Amber Enterprises India Limited (BSE:540902)
Ambika Cotton Mills Limited (BSE:531978)
Ambition Mica Limited (BSE:539223)
Ambuja Cements Limited (BSE:500425)
AmCad BioMed Corporation (GTSM:4188)
Amco India Limited (BSE:530133)
AMCO United Holding Limited (SEHK:630)
Amcorp Properties Berhad (KLSE:AMPROP)
AMD Industries Limited (BSE:532828)
AME Elite Consortium Berhad (KLSE:AME)
Amen Bank Société anonyme (BVMT:AB)
Amer Group Holding Company S.A.E. (CASE:AMER)
América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:AMX L)
American Overseas Group Limited (OTCPK:AORE.F)
American Vietnamese Biotech Incorporation (HNX:AMV)
AmFirst Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:AMFIRST)
Amforge Industries Limited (BSE:513117)
AMG Packaging and Paper Company Limited (JMSE:AMG)
Amiad Water Systems Ltd. (AIM:AFS)
AMICCOM Electronics Corporation (GTSM:5272)
Amicogen, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A092040)
AMIDA Technology, Inc. (GTSM:6735)
Amigo Technology Inc. (GTSM:6241)
Amin Tannery Limited (BSE:541771)
Amines & Plasticizers Limited (BSE:506248)
Aminologics Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A074430)
Amir Marketing and Investments in Agriculture Ltd. (TASE:AMRK)
Amira Nature Foods Ltd. (NYSE:RYCE)
Amit International Limited (BSE:531300)
Amita Technologies Inc. (GTSM:5233)
AMJ Land Holdings Limited (BSE:500343)
Amlak Finance PJSC (DFM:AMLAK)
Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688099)
AMMB Holdings Berhad (KLSE:AMBANK)
Ammoun International Multilateral Investments Co. (ASE:AMON)
Amogreentech Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A125210)
Amorepacific Corporation (KOSE:A090430)
AMOS Group Limited (SGX:RF7)
Amos Luzon Development and Energy Group Ltd (TASE:LUZN)
Amot Investment Ltd (TASE:AMOT)
Amotech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052710)
Amoy Diagnostics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300685)
Ampire Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8049)
Ampla Energia e Serviços S.A. (BOVESPA:CBEE3)
Ample Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4760)
Amplefield Limited (Catalist:AOF)
Ampoc Far-East Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2493)
Amrapali Industries Limited (BSE:526241)
Amraworld Agrico Limited (BSE:531991)
Amreli Steels Limited (KASE:ASTL)
Amrit Corp. Limited (BSE:507525)
Amrutanjan Health Care Limited (BSE:590006)
AMS Public Transport Holdings Limited (SEHK:77)
AMSKY Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300521)
Amtel Holdings Berhad (KLSE:AMTEL)
Amtex Limited (KASE:AMTEX)
AmTRAN Technology Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2489)
Amulaire Thermal Technology, Inc. (GTSM:2241)
Amur Minerals Corporation (AIM:AMC)
Amuse Group Holding Limited (SEHK:8545)
Amverton Berhad (KLSE:AMVERTON)
AMVIG Holdings Limited (SEHK:2300)
Amwal International Investment Company K.S.C.P (KWSE:AMWAL)
Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad (KLSE:AMWAY)
An Duong Thao Dien Real estate Trading Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HAR)
An Giang Import Export Company (HOSE:AGM)
An Hui Wenergy Company Limited (SZSE:000543)
An Pha Petroleum Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ASP)
An Phat Bioplastics Joint Stock Company (HOSE:AAA)
An Phu Irradiation Joint Stock Company (HOSE:APC)
An Tien Industries Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HII)
An Truong An Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ATG)
An-Shin Food Services Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:1259)
Anaam International Holding Group Company (SASE:4061)
Anacle Systems Limited (SEHK:8353)
Analabs Resources Berhad (KLSE:ANALABS)
Analog Integrations Corporation (GTSM:6291)
Analogue Holdings Limited (SEHK:1977)
Analyst I.M.S. Investment Management Services Ltd (TASE:ANLT)
Anam Electronics Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A008700)
AnAn International Limited (SGX:Y35)
Anand Rayons Limited (BSE:542721)
Ananda Development Public Company Limited (SET:ANAN)
Anant Raj Limited (BSE:515055)
Ananti Inc. (KOSDAQ:A025980)
AnaPass Inc. (KOSDAQ:A123860)
Anchor Group Limited (JSE:ACG)
Anchor Land Holdings, Inc. (PSE:ALHI)
Anchor Resources Limited (Catalist:43E)
Anchorstone Holdings Limited (SEHK:1592)
Anchun International Holdings Ltd. (SGX:BTX)
Ancom Berhad (KLSE:ANCOM)
Ancom Logistics Berhad (KLSE:ANCOMLB)
Andatee China Marine Fuel Services Corporation (OTCPK:AMCF)
Anderson Industrial Corporation (TSEC:1528)
Andes Technology Corporation (TSEC:6533)
Andhra Bank (BSE:532418)
Andhra Cements Limited (BSE:532141)
Andina Acquisition Corp. III (NasdaqCM:ANDA)
Andino Investment Holding S.A.A. (BVL:AIHC1)
Andon Health Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002432)
Andrew Yule & Company Limited (BSE:526173)
ANDu Entertainment Co.,Ltd (XKON:A266170)
Aneri Fincap Limited (BSE:531252)
Anfu CE LINK Limited (SZSE:300787)
ANG Lifesciences India Limited (BSE:540694)
Angang Steel Company Limited (SEHK:347)
Angel Fibers Limited (BSE:541006)
Angel Yeast Co., Ltd (SHSE:600298)
Angiang Fisheries Import & Export Joint Stock Company (HOSE:AGF)
Angiolab, Inc. (XKON:A251280)
Anglo American Platinum Limited (JSE:AMS)
Anglo Asian Mining PLC (AIM:AAZ)
Anglo Philippine Holdings Corporation (PSE:APO)
AngloGold Ashanti Limited (JSE:ANG)
Angostura Holdings Limited (TTSE:AHL)
Anhui Andeli Department Store Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603031)
Anhui Ankai Automobile Co., Ltd (SZSE:000868)
Anhui Anke Biotechnology (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300009)
Anhui Anli Material Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300218)
Anhui Annada Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002136)
Anhui Conch Cement Company Limited (SEHK:914)
Anhui Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600502)
Anhui Deli Household Glass Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002571)
Anhui Expressway Company Limited (SEHK:995)
Anhui Fengxing Wear Resistant Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002760)
Anhui Fengyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000153)
Anhui Fuhuang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002743)
Anhui Genuine New Materials Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603429)
Anhui Golden Seed Winery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600199)
Anhui Gourgen Traffic Construction Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603815)
Anhui Great Wall Military Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601606)
Anhui Guangxin Agrochemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603599)
Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000596)
Anhui Guofeng Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000859)
Anhui Guozhen Environment Protection Technology Joint Stock Co., Limited (SZSE:300388)
Anhui Heli Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600761)
Anhui Hengyuan Coal-Electricity Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600971)
Anhui Honglu Steel Construction(Group) CO., LTD (SZSE:002541)
Anhui Huamao Textile Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000850)
Anhui Huangshan Capsule Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002817)
Anhui Huilong Agricultural Means of Production Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002556)
Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp.,Ltd. (SHSE:600418)
Anhui Jiangnan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002226)
Anhui Jinhe Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002597)
Anhui Jiuhuashan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603199)
Anhui Julong Transmission Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300475)
Anhui Korrun Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300577)
Anhui Kouzi Distillery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603589)
Anhui Liuguo Chemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600470)
Anhui Province Natural Gas Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603689)
Anhui Quanchai Engine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600218)
Anhui Shengyun Environment-Protection group Co., Ltd (SZSE:300090)
Anhui Shenjian New Materials Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002361)
Anhui Sierte Fertilizer industry LTD. ,company (SZSE:002538)
Anhui Sinonet & Xinlong Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002298)
Anhui Sun Create Electronics Co., Ltd (SHSE:600990)
Anhui Sunhere Pharmaceutical Excipients Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300452)
Anhui Tongfeng Electronics Company Limited (SHSE:600237)
Anhui Transport Consulting & Design Institute Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603357)
Anhui Truchum Advanced Materials and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002171)
Anhui Wantong Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002331)
Anhui Wanwei Updated High-Tech Material Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600063)
Anhui Xinhua Media Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601801)
Anhui Xinli Finance Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600318)
Anhui Yingjia Distillery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603198)
Anhui Yingliu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603308)
Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000887)
Anhui Zhonghuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300692)
Anhui Zhongyuan New Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603527)
ANI Integrated Services Limited (NSEI:AISL)
ANI Joint Stock Company (HNX:SIC)
Anik Industries Limited (BSE:519383)
Anilana Hotels and Properties PLC (COSE:ALHP.N0000)
Anima Holding S.A. (BOVESPA:ANIM3)
Anisha Impex Limited (BSE:537785)
Anjani Finance Limited (BSE:531878)
Anjani Portland Cement Limited (BSE:518091)
Anjani Synthetics Limited (BSE:531223)
Anji Foodstuff Co., Ltd (SHSE:603696)
Anji Microelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688019)
ANJI Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6477)
Anka India Limited (BSE:531673)
Ankit Metal & Power Limited (BSE:532870)
Anli International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5223)
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited (DSE:ANLIMAYARN)
Anmol India Limited (BSE:542437)
Ann Joo Resources Berhad (KLSE:ANNJOO)
Annica Holdings Limited (Catalist:5AL)
Annil Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002875)
Anpec Electronics Corporation (GTSM:6138)
Anpulo Food, Inc. (OTCPK:ANPF.F)
ANSA Merchant Bank Limited (TTSE:AMBL)
Ansal Buildwell Limited (BSE:523007)
Ansal Housing Limited (BSE:507828)
Ansal Properties & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:500013)
Ansari Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:ANSM)
Anshan Heavy Duty Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002667)
Anshan Hifichem Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300758)
Anshan Senyuan Road and Bridge Co., Ltd (SZSE:300210)
Answer Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3528)
ANT Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3646)
ANTA Sports Products Limited (SEHK:2020)
Antarctica Limited (NSEI:ANTGRAPHIC)
Anterogen.Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065660)
Antibiotice S.A. (BVB:ATB)
Antilia Group, Corp. (OTCPK:AGGG)
Anton Oilfield Services Group (SEHK:3337)
Antong Holdings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600179)
Antz. Co., Ltd (XKON:A267810)
Anuh Pharma Limited (BSE:506260)
Anupam Finserv Limited (BSE:530109)
Anuroop Packaging Limited (BSE:542865)
Anwar Galvanizing Limited (DSE:ANWARGALV)
Anxian Yuan China Holdings Limited (SEHK:922)
Anxin Trust Co., Ltd (SHSE:600816)
Anxo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6677)
AnYang Iron & Steel Inc (SHSE:600569)
Anygen Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A196300)
Anyuan Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600397)
Anzheng Fashion Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603839)
Anzo Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ANZO)
Aofu Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688021)
Aopen Inc. (TSEC:3046)
AoshikangTechnologyCo. ,Ltd (SZSE:002913)
Aotecar New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002239)
Aowei Holding Limited (SEHK:1370)
Aoxin Q & M Dental Group Limited (Catalist:1D4)
Aoxing Pharmaceutical Company, Inc. (OTCPK:AOXG)
Aoyuan Healthy Life Group Company Limited (SEHK:3662)
AP (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:AP)
AP Memory Technology Corporation (TSEC:6531)
AP Oil International Limited (SGX:5AU)
AP Rentals Holdings Limited (SEHK:1496)
APAC Opto Electronics Inc. (GTSM:4908)
APAC Realty Limited (SGX:CLN)
APAC Resources Limited (SEHK:1104)
Apacer Technology Inc. (TSEC:8271)
Apaq Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6449)
Apar Industries Limited (BSE:532259)
Apax Holdings Joint Stock Company (HOSE:IBC)
APB Apranga (NSEL:APG1L)
APB Resources Berhad (KLSE:APB)
APC Group, Inc. (PSE:APC)
APCB Inc. (TSEC:6108)
Apcotex Industries Limited (BSE:523694)
Apeloa Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000739)
Apex Ace Holding Limited (SEHK:6036)
Apex Biotechnology Corp. (TSEC:1733)
Apex Development Public Company Limited (SET:APEX)
Apex Equity Holdings Berhad (KLSE:APEX)
Apex Foods Limited (DSE:APEXFOODS)
Apex Footwear Limited (DSE:APEXFOOT)
Apex Frozen Foods Limited (BSE:540692)
Apex Healthcare Berhad (KLSE:AHEALTH)
Apex International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4927)
Apex International Financial Engineering Res. & Tech. Co., Ltd (GTSM:5210)
Apex Medical Corp. (TSEC:4106)
Apex Mining Co., Inc. (PSE:APX)
Apex Science & Engineering Corp. (TSEC:3052)
Apex Spinning & Knitting Mills Limited (DSE:APEXSPINN)
Apex Tannery Limited (DSE:APEXTANRY)
APG Securities Joint Stock Company (HOSE:APG)
APL Apollo Tubes Limited (BSE:533758)
Aplab Limited (BSE:517096)
Aplaya Creations Limited (BSE:511064)
Aplex Technology Inc. (GTSM:6570)
APM Automotive Holdings Berhad (KLSE:APM)
APM Finvest Limited (BSE:542774)
APM Industries Limited (BSE:523537)
APM Terminals Bahrain B.S.C.(c) (BAX:APMTB)
Apna Microfinance Bank Limited (KASE:AMBL)
Apogee Optocom Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6426)
Apollo Finvest (India) Limited (BSE:512437)
Apollo Food Holdings Berhad (KLSE:APOLLO)
Apollo Global Capital, Inc. (PSE:APL)
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited (NSEI:APOLLOHOSP)
Apollo Micro Systems Limited (BSE:540879)
Apollo Pipes Limited (BSE:531761)
Apollo Power Ltd (TASE:APLP)
Apollo Sindoori Hotels Limited (NSEI:APOLSINHOT)
Apollo TriCoat Tubes Limited (BSE:538566)
Apollo Tyres Limited (NSEI:APOLLOTYRE)
Apoorva Leasing Finance and Investment Company Limited (BSE:539545)
AppAsia Berhad (KLSE:APPASIA)
Apple Finance Limited (BSE:500014)
Apple Flavor & Fragrance Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603020)
Applicad Public Company Limited (SET:APP)
Applied DB Public Company Limited (SET:ADB)
Applied Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:519)
Apply Advanced Mobile Technologies Ltd (TASE:APLY)
Appollo Ispat Complex Limited (DSE:APOLOISPAT)
Appotronics Corporation Limited (SHSE:688007)
Appro Photoelectron Inc. (GTSM:6560)
Appro Technology Inc. (GTSM:8281)
Aprogen Healthcare & Games Inc. (KOSDAQ:A109960)
Aprogen KIC Inc. (KOSE:A007460)
Aprogen pharmaceuticals,Inc. (KOSE:A003060)
APS Holdings Corporation (KOSDAQ:A054620)
APT Satellite Holdings Limited (SEHK:1045)
AptaBio Therapeutics Inc. (KOSDAQ:A293780)
Aptech Limited (BSE:532475)
Aptorum Group Limited (NasdaqGM:APM)
Apures Co., Ltd. (XKON:A149300)
AQ Estate Public Company Limited (SET:AQ)
Aqar Real Estate Investments Company - K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:AQAR)
Aqua Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:AQUA)
AquaVenture Holdings Limited (NYSE:WAAS)
Arab Aluminium Industry Co. Ltd. (ASE:AALU)
Arab Aluminum Company (S.A.E) (CASE:ALUM)
Arab Assurers Insurance Company (ASE:ARAS)
Arab Bank Group (ASE:ARBK)
Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C.) (BAX:ABC)
Arab Banking Corporation (Jordan) (ASE:ABCO)
Arab Co.,for asset management and development (CASE:ACAMD)
Arab Company For Land Reclamation (CASE:EALR)
Arab East for Real Estate Investments Co. (ASE:REAL)
Arab East Investment Company (Ltd.) (ASE:AEIV)
Arab Electrical Industries company PLC (ASE:AEIN)
Arab Engineering Industries (CASE:EEII)
Arab International Hotels PLC. (ASE:AIHO)
Arab Investors Union Co. For Real Estates Developing P.L.C (ASE:UNAI)
Arab Islamic Bank P.L.C. (PLSE:AIB)
Arab Jordan Investment Bank (ASE:AJIB)
Arab Jordanian Insurance Group (ASE:ARGR)
Arab Moltaqa Investments Company (CASE:AMIA)
Arab National Bank (SASE:1080)
Arab Orient Insurance Company (ASE:AOIC)
Arab Phoenix Holding Company (ASE:PHNX)
Arab Potash Company (ASE:APOT)
Arab Real Estate Company (K.S.C.P.) (KWSE:ARABREC)
Arab Real Estate Investment Co. (CASE:RREI)
Arab Sea Information System Co. (SASE:9505)
Arab Tunisian Bank (BVMT:ATB)
Arab Tunisian Lease S.A. (BVMT:ATL)
Arab Union International Insurance PLC (ASE:AIUI)
Arab Valves Company (CASE:ARVA)
Arabi Group Holding K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:AGHC)
Arabia Cotton Ginning Company (CASE:ACGC)
Arabia Insurance Company - Jordan (ASE:AICJ)
Arabia Insurance Cooperative Company (SASE:8160)
Arabia Investments Holding (CASE:AIH)
Arabian Cement Co. (SASE:3010)
Arabian Cement Company (CASE:ARCC)
Arabian Centres Company Limited (SASE:4321)
Arabian Food Industries Company (DOMTY) - S.A.E (CASE:DOMT)
Arabian Pipes Company (SASE:2200)
Arabian Shield Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8070)
Arabian Steel Pipes Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (ASE:ASPMM)
Arabtec Holding PJSC (DFM:ARTC)
Arad Investment & Industrial Development Ltd. (TASE:ARAD)
Arad Ltd. (TASE:ARD)
Aramit Cement Ltd (DSE:ARAMITCEM)
Aramit Limited (DSE:ARAMIT)
Aran Research & Development (1982) Ltd. (TASE:ARAN)
Araneta Properties, Inc. (PSE:ARA)
ARB Holdings Limited (JSE:ARH)
Arbico Plc (NGSE:ARBICO)
ARBOR Technology Corp. (GTSM:3594)
ARC Finance Limited (BSE:540135)
Arc Minerals Limited (AIM:ARCM)
Arca Continental, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:AC *)
Arcadyan Technology Corporation (TSEC:3596)
Arcee Industries Limited (BSE:520121)
ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd (JSE:ACL)
Arch Capital Group Ltd. (NasdaqGS:ACGL)
Archer Limited (OB:ARCHER)
ArcherMind Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300598)
Archidply Industries Limited (BSE:532994)
Archies Limited (BSE:532212)
Archit Organosys Limited (BSE:524640)
Archroma Pakistan Limited (KASE:ARPL)
Arco Platform Limited (NasdaqGS:ARCE)
Arco Vara AS (TLSE:ARC1T)
Arcos Dorados Holdings Inc. (NYSE:ARCO)
Arcotech Limited (BSE:532914)
Arcplus Group PLC (SHSE:600629)
ArcSoft Corporation Limited (SHSE:688088)
Ardentec Corporation (GTSM:3264)
Ardmore Shipping Corporation (NYSE:ASC)
Areeya Property Public Company Limited (SET:A)
Arena Hospitality Group d.d. za turizam i ugostiteljstvo (ZGSE:ARNT)
Arena Star Group Ltd. (TASE:ARNA)
Ares Asia Limited (SEHK:645)
Ares International Corp. (TSEC:2471)
Arex Industries Limited (BSE:526851)
Arezzo Indústria e Comércio S.A. (BOVESPA:ARZZ3)
Arfin India Limited (BSE:539151)
Argent Industrial Limited (JSE:ART)
Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd. (NYSE:ARGO)
Argon Denims Limited (DSE:ARGONDENIM)
Argos Resources Ltd (AIM:ARG)
Argosy Research Inc. (GTSM:3217)
Argus (Shanghai) Textile Chemicals Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603790)
Argus Group Holdings Limited (BER:AGH.BH)
Arich Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4173)
Aries Agro Limited (BSE:532935)
Arif Habib Corporation Limited (KASE:AHCL)
Arif Habib Limited (KASE:AHL)
Arihant Capital Markets Limited (BSE:511605)
Arihant Foundations & Housing Limited (BSE:531381)
Arihant Institute Limited (BSE:541401)
Arihant Superstructures Limited (BSE:506194)
Arima Communications Corp. (TSEC:8101)
Arima Lasers Corporation (GTSM:3627)
Arima Optoelectronics Corp. (TSEC:6289)
Arinsiri Land Public company limited (SET:ARIN)
Arion Entertainment Singapore Limited (Catalist:YYB)
Arion Technology Inc. (KOSDAQ:A058220)
ARIP Public Company Limited (SET:ARIP)
Arkan Al-Kuwait Real Estate Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ARKAN)
Arkan Building Materials Company (ARKAN) PJSC (ADX:ARKAN)
Arko Holdings Ltd. (TASE:ARKO)
Arlitech Electronic Corp. (GTSM:6432)
Arman Financial Services Limited (BSE:531179)
Armatura SA (BVB:ARM)
Arnold Holdings Ltd. (BSE:537069)
Aro Granite Industries Limited (BSE:513729)
Aroma AD (BUL:6AR)
Arpak International Investments Limited (KASE:ARPAK)
Arpico Finance Company PLC (COSE:ARPI.N0000)
Arpico Insurance PLC (COSE:AINS.N0000)
Arriyadh Development Company (SASE:4150)
Arrow Greentech Limited (BSE:516064)
Arrow Syndicate Public Company Limited (SET:ARROW)
Arrow Textiles Limited (BSE:533068)
Arrowhead Properties Limited (JSE:AHA)
Arsagera Asset Management (MISX:ARSA)
Arshad Energy Limited (KASE:AEL)
Arshiya Limited (BSE:506074)
ARSS Infrastructure Projects Limited (BSE:533163)
Art Emperor Technology & Culture Co., Ltd (GTSM:6650)
Art Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:565)
Artech Power & Trading Limited (BSE:517481)
Artefact Projects Limited (BSE:531297)
Artemis Electricals Limited (BSE:542670)
ArtGo Holdings Limited (SEHK:3313)
Arthaland Corporation (PSE:ALCO)
Artificial Life, Inc. (OTCPK:ALIF)
Artini Holdings Limited (SEHK:789)
Artistic Denim Mills Limited (KASE:ADMM)
Artivision Technologies Ltd. (Catalist:5NK)
ARTS Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:603017)
Artson Engineering Limited (BSE:522134)
Aruj Industries Limited (KASE:ARUJ)
Aruna Hotels Limited (BSE:500016)
Arvind Fashions Limited (NSEI:ARVINDFASN)
Arvind Limited (BSE:500101)
Arvind SmartSpaces Limited (BSE:539301)
Aryaman Financial Services Limited (BSE:530245)
Aryavan Enterprise Limited (BSE:539455)
Aryt Industries Ltd. (TASE:ARYT)
Arzan Financial Group for Financing and Investment - KPSC (KWSE:ARZAN)
AS Baltika (TLSE:BLT1T)
AS Ditton Pievadkezu Rupnica (RISE:DPK1R)
AS Ekspress Grupp (TLSE:EEG1T)
AS Grindeks (RISE:GRD1R)
AS Harju Elekter (TLSE:HAE1T)
AS Latvijas balzams (RISE:BAL1R)
AS Latvijas Gaze (RISE:GZE1R)
AS Linda Nektar (TLSE:LINDA)
AS Merko Ehitus (TLSE:MRK1T)
AS Olainfarm (RISE:OLF1R)
AS Pro Kapital Grupp (TLSE:PKG1T)
AS Rigas Juvelierizstradajumu Rupnica (RISE:RJR1R)
AS Rigas kugu buvetava (RISE:RKB1R)
AS Siguldas Ciltslietu Un Maksligas Apseklosanas Stacija (RISE:SCM1R)
AS Silvano Fashion Group (TLSE:SFG1T)
AS Tallink Grupp (TLSE:TAL1T)
AS Tallinna Sadam (TLSE:TSM1T)
AS Tallinna Vesi (TLSE:TVEAT)
AS Trigon Property Development (TLSE:TPD1T)
AS Valmieras stikla skiedra (MUN:W2R)
Asahi India Glass Limited (BSE:515030)
Asahi Songwon Colors Limited (BSE:532853)
Ascencia Limited (MUSE:ASCE.I0000)
Ascendant Group Limited (BER:AGL.BH)
Ascendas India Trust (SGX:CY6U)
Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:A17U)
Ascendis Health Limited (JSE:ASC)
Ascentage Pharma Group International (SEHK:6855)
Ascletis Pharma Inc. (SEHK:1672)
Ascom Leasing & Investments Limited (NSEI:ASCOM)
Ascott Residence Trust (SGX:A68U)
Asdion Berhad (KLSE:ASDION)
ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3711)
ASEC Company for Mining ASCOM, S.A.E (CASE:ASCM)
ASEC International Corporation (GTSM:6113)
Aseer Trading, Tourism and Manufacturing Co. (SASE:4080)
Asefa Public Company Limited (SET:ASEFA)
Asenova Krepost AD (BUL:6AN)
Ash-Sharqiyah Development Co. (SASE:6060)
Ashapura Intimates Fashion Limited (BSE:535467)
Ashapura Minechem Limited (BSE:527001)
Ashapuri Gold Ornament Limited (BSE:542579)
Ashari Agencies Limited (BSE:540024)
Ashfaq Textile Mills Limited (KASE:ASHT)
Ashiana Agro Industries Limited (BSE:519174)
Ashiana Housing Limited (BSE:523716)
Ashiana Ispat Limited (BSE:513401)
Ashika Credit Capital Limited (BSE:590122)
Ashima Limited (NSEI:ASHIMASYN)
Ashirwad Capital Limited (BSE:512247)
Ashirwad Steels & Industries Limited (BSE:526847)
Ashish Polyplast Limited (BSE:530429)
Ashnisha Industries Limited (BSE:541702)
Ashnoor Textile Mills Limited (BSE:507872)
Ashok Alco-Chem Limited (BSE:524594)
Ashok Leyland Limited (NSEI:ASHOKLEY)
Ashoka Buildcon Limited (BSE:533271)
Ashoka Metcast Limited (BSE:540923)
Ashoka Refineries Limited (BSE:526983)
Ashot Ashkelon Industries Ltd. (TASE:ASHO)
Ashram Limited (BSE:526187)
Ashtrom Group Ltd. (TASE:ASHG)
Ashtrom Properties Ltd (TASE:ASPR)
ASI Industries Limited (BSE:502015)
Asia - Pasific Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:API)
Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited (SEHK:711)
Asia Asset Finance PLC (COSE:AAF.N0000)
Asia Aviation Public Company Limited (SET:AAV)
Asia Biomass Public Company Limited (SET:ABM)
Asia Brands Berhad (KLSE:ASIABRN)
ASIA Capital Group Public Company Limited (SET:ACAP)
Asia Capital PLC (COSE:ACAP.N0000)
Asia Carbon Industries, Inc. (OTCPK:ACRB)
Asia Cassava Resources Holdings Limited (SEHK:841)
Asia Cement (China) Holdings Corporation (SEHK:743)
Asia Cement Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A183190)
Asia Cement Corporation (TSEC:1102)
Asia Commercial Holdings Limited (SEHK:104)
Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HNX:ACB)
Asia Cuanon Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603378)
Asia Electronic Material Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4939)
Asia Energy Logistics Group Limited (SEHK:351)
Asia Enterprises Holding Limited (SGX:A55)
Asia Fiber Public Company Limited (SET:AFC)
Asia File Corporation Bhd. (KLSE:ASIAFLE)
Asia Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:662)
Asia Global Crossing Ltd. (OTCPK:ASGX.F)
Asia Green Energy Public Company Limited (SET:AGE)
Asia Grocery Distribution Limited (SEHK:8413)
Asia Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002030)
Asia Hotel Public Company Limited (SET:ASIA)
Asia Insurance Limited (DSE:ASIAINS)
Asia Media Group Berhad (KLSE:AMEDIA)
Asia Metal Industries, inc. (GTSM:6727)
Asia Metal Public Company Limited (SET:AMC)
Asia Mineral Joint Stock Company (HNX:AMC)
Asia Neo Tech Industrial Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:4542)
Asia Optical Co., Inc. (TSEC:3019)
Asia Orient Holdings Limited (SEHK:214)
Asia Pacific General Insurance Company Limited (DSE:ASIAPACINS)
Asia Pacific Satellite Inc. (KOSDAQ:A211270)
Asia Pacific Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:APS)
Asia Pacific Silk Road Investment Company Limited (SEHK:767)
Asia Pacific Telecom Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:3682)
Asia Pacific Wire & Cable Corporation Limited (NasdaqGM:APWC)
Asia Paper Manufacturing.Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A002310)
Asia Pioneer Entertainment Holdings Limited (SEHK:8400)
Asia Plastic Recycling Holding Limited (TSEC:1337)
Asia Plus Group Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:ASP)
Asia Poly Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ASIAPLY)
Asia Polymer Corporation (TSEC:1308)
Asia Precision Public Company Limited (SET:APCS)
Asia Resources Holdings Limited (SEHK:899)
ASIA SEED Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A154030)
Asia Sermkij Leasing Public Company Limited (SET:ASK)
Asia Siyaka Commodities PLC (COSE:ASIY.N0000)
Asia Standard Hotel Group Limited (SEHK:292)
Asia Standard International Group Limited (SEHK:129)
Asia Tech Image Inc. (GTSM:4974)
Asia Technology Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A050860)
Asia Tele-Net and Technology Corporation Limited (SEHK:679)
Asia Television Holdings Limited (SEHK:707)
Asia United Bank Corporation (PSE:AUB)
Asia Vets Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:5RE)
Asia Vital Components Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3017)
Asia-Pac Financial Investment Company Limited (SEHK:8193)
Asiabest Group International, Inc. (PSE:ABG)
Asiainfo Technologies Limited (SEHK:1675)
AsiaMedic Limited (Catalist:505)
Asian Capital Resources (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8025)
Asian Granito India Limited (NSEI:ASIANTILES)
Asian Healthcare Specialists Limited (Catalist:1J3)
Asian Hotels (East) Limited (BSE:533227)
Asian Hotels (North) Limited (BSE:500023)
Asian Hotels (West) Limited (BSE:533221)
Asian Hotels and Properties PLC (COSE:AHPL.N0000)
Asian Insulators Public Company Limited (SET:AI)
Asian Marine Services Public Company Limited (SET:ASIMAR)
Asian Micro Holdings Limited (Catalist:585)
Asian Oilfield Services Limited (BSE:530355)
Asian Pac Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ASIAPAC)
Asian Paints Limited (NSEI:ASIANPAINT)
Asian Pay Television Trust (SGX:S7OU)
Asian Petro Products and Exports Limited (BSE:524434)
Asian Phytoceuticals Public Company Limited (SET:APCO)
Asian Sea Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:ASIAN)
Asian Star Anchor Chain Co., Ltd. Jiangsu (SHSE:601890)
Asian Tea and Exports Ltd. (BSE:519532)
Asian Terminals, Inc. (PSE:ATI)
Asiana Airlines, Inc. (KOSE:A020560)
Asiana IDT, Inc. (KOSE:A267850)
AsiaPhos Limited (Catalist:5WV)
Asiaray Media Group Limited (SEHK:1993)
Asiarim Corporation (OTCPK:ARMC)
Asiasec Properties Limited (SEHK:271)
Asiasoft Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:AS)
Asiatic Group (Holdings) Limited (Catalist:5CR)
Asim Textile Mills Limited (KASE:ASTM)
Asiri Hospital Holdings PLC (COSE:ASIR.N0000)
Asiri Surgical Hospital PLC (COSE:AMSL.N0000)
Asit C. Mehta Financial Services Ltd. (BSE:530723)
ASIX Electronics Corporation (GTSM:3169)
Asiya Capital Investments Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ASIYA)
Askari Bank Limited (KASE:AKBL)
Askari General Insurance Company Limited (KASE:AGIC)
Askari Life Assurance Company Limited (KASE:ALAC)
ASL Industries Limited (NSEI:ASLIND)
ASL Marine Holdings Ltd. (SGX:A04)
ASLAN Pharmaceuticals Limited (GTSM:6497)
ASM Pacific Technology Limited (SEHK:522)
ASM Technologies Limited (BSE:526433)
ASMedia Technology Inc. (TSEC:5269)
ASN Broker Public Company Limited (SET:ASN)
ASolid Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6485)
ASPEED Technology Inc. (GTSM:5274)
Aspen (Group) Holdings Limited (Catalist:1F3)
Aspen Group Ltd. (TASE:ASGR)
Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited (JSE:APN)
Aspial Corporation Limited (SGX:A30)
Aspinwall and Company Limited (NSEI:ASPINWALL)
ASRock Inc. (TSEC:3515)
Assem Technology Co., Ltd (GTSM:6475)
Asset World Corp Public Company Limited (SET:AWC)
Assiut Islamic Trading Co. (CASE:AITG)
Associated Alcohols & Breweries Limited (BSE:507526)
Associated Commercial Company Limited (MUSE:ACC.I0000)
Associated Industries China, Inc. (TSEC:9912)
Associated International Hotels Limited (SEHK:105)
Associated Motor Finance Company PLC (COSE:AMF.N0000)
Assore Limited (JSE:ASR)
Assurances Multirisques Ittihad (BVMT:AMI)
Assured Guaranty Ltd. (NYSE:AGO)
ASTA Corporation (KOSDAQ:A246720)
Astec LifeSciences Limited (NSEI:ASTEC)
Aster DM Healthcare Limited (NSEI:ASTERDM)
ASTI Holdings Limited (SGX:575)
Astino Berhad (KLSE:ASTINO)
ASTORY Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A241840)
Astra Industrial Group Company (SASE:1212)
Astra Microwave Products Limited (BSE:532493)
Astrakhan Power Sale Company Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:ASSB)
Astral Asia Berhad (KLSE:AASIA)
Astral Foods Limited (JSE:ARL)
Astral Poly Technik Limited (BSE:532830)
AstraZeneca Pharma India Limited (BSE:506820)
Astro Corporation (GTSM:3064)
Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ASTRO)
Astro-century Education&Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300654)
Astron Paper & Board Mill Limited (BSE:540824)
Astrum Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:8333)
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. (TSEC:2357)
Asya Infosoft Limited (BSE:511144)
Asymchem Laboratories (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002821)
AT semicon Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A089530)
AT Systematization Berhad (KLSE:AT)
At-Tahur Limited (KASE:PREMA)
Ataa Educational Company (SASE:4292)
Atacadão S.A. (BOVESPA:CRFB3)
ATE Energy International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6179)
Atec Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A045660)
Atec T& Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A224110)
Atech OEM Inc. (GTSM:6109)
Aten International Co., Ltd (TSEC:6277)
Atesco Industrial Cartering Joint Stock Company (HNX:ATS)
Atharv Enterprises Limited (BSE:530187)
Athena Global Technologies Limited (BSE:517429)
Athene Holding Ltd. (NYSE:ATH)
ATIF Holdings Limited (NasdaqCM:ATIF)
Atinum Investment Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A021080)
Atishay Limited (BSE:538713)
Atlan Holdings Bhd (KLSE:ATLAN)
Atlanta Devcon Limited (BSE:526843)
Atlanta Limited (BSE:532759)
Atlantic China Welding Consumables, Inc. (SHSE:600558)
Atlantic Grupa d.d. (ZGSE:ATGR)
Atlantic Navigation Holdings (Singapore) Limited (Catalist:5UL)
Atlantska Plovidba d.d. (ZGSE:ATPL)
Atlas Bangladesh Limited (DSE:ATLASBANG)
Atlas Battery Limited (KASE:ATBA)
Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation (PSE:AT)
Atlas Cycles (Haryana) Limited (BSE:505029)
Atlas for Investment & Food Industries (CASE:ALRA)
Atlas Honda Limited (KASE:ATLH)
Atlas Insurance Limited (KASE:ATIL)
Atlas Jewellery India Limited (BSE:514394)
Atlas Mara Limited (LSE:ATMA)
Atlinks Group Limited (SEHK:8043)
ATN Holdings, Inc. (PSE:ATN)
Atok-Big Wedge Co., Inc. (PSE:AB)
Atom Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:ATOM3)
ATON Inc. (KOSDAQ:A158430)
ATP 30 Public Company Limited (SET:ATP30)
ATrack Technology Inc. (GTSM:6465)
Atreyu Capital Markets Ltd (TASE:ATRY)
Atrium Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:ATRIUM)
Atta Global Group Berhad (KLSE:ATTA)
Attacq Limited (JSE:ATT)
Attijari Leasing S.A. (BVMT:TJL)
Attijariwafa Bank S.A. (CBSE:ATW)
Attis Oil & Gas Ltd (AIM:AOGL)
Attitude Property Ltd. (MUSE:APL.I0000)
Attock Cement Pakistan Limited (KASE:ACPL)
Attock Petroleum Limited (KASE:APL)
Attock Refinery Limited (KASE:ATRL)
Atul Auto Limited (BSE:531795)
Atul Ltd (BSE:500027)
ATV Projects India Limited (BSE:500028)
ATW Technology Inc. (GTSM:8097)
AU Optronics Corp. (TSEC:2409)
AU Small Finance Bank Limited (BSE:540611)
Aucma Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600336)
Auden Techno Corp. (GTSM:3138)
AudioCodes Ltd. (NasdaqGS:AUDC)
Audix Corporation (TSEC:2459)
Auga Group AB (NSEL:AUG1L)
Augwind Energy Tech Storage Ltd (TASE:AUGN.M)
AUK Corp. (KOSE:A017900)
Aura Investments Ltd. (TASE:AURA)
Aura Minerals Inc. (TSX:ORA)
Auras Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3324)
Aurionpro Solutions Limited (BSE:532668)
Auro Laboratories Limited (BSE:530233)
Aurobindo Pharma Limited (NSEI:AUROPHARMA)
Auroma Coke Limited (BSE:531336)
Aurona Industries, Inc. (GTSM:8074)
Aurora Corporation (TSEC:2373)
Aurora Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600666)
Aurora World Corporation (KOSDAQ:A039830)
Aurotek Corporation (TSEC:6215)
Aurum Pacific (China) Group Limited (SEHK:8148)
Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd (SEHK:1717)
Ausom Enterprise Limited (BSE:509009)
Austar Lifesciences Limited (SEHK:6118)
Austem Company Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A031510)
Austin Engineering Company Limited (BSE:522005)
Austral Group S.A.A. (BVL:AUSTRAC1)
Autech Corporation (KOSDAQ:A067170)
Autek China Inc. (SZSE:300595)
Authum Investment & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:539177)
Auto Hall S.A. (CBSE:ATH)
Auto Hrvatska d.d. (ZGSE:AUHR)
Auto Italia Holdings Limited (SEHK:720)
Autobio Diagnostics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603658)
Autocorp Holding Public Company Limited (SET:ACG)
Autoline Industries Limited (BSE:532797)
Autolite (India) Limited (BSE:500029)
Automated Systems Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:ASC)
Automated Systems Holdings Limited (SEHK:771)
Automatic Bank Services Limited (TASE:SHVA)
Automatic Systems Ltd. (MUSE:ASL.N0000)
Automobile & PCB Inc. (KOSE:A015260)
Automobile Corporation of Goa Limited (BSE:505036)
Automobile Réseau Tunisien et Services S.A. (BVMT:ARTES)
Automotive Axles Limited (BSE:505010)
Automotive Stampings and Assemblies Limited (NSEI:ASAL)
Autopistas Del Sol SA (BASE:AUSO)
AUX International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2080)
AV Concept Holdings Limited (SEHK:595)
AV Promotions Holdings Limited (SEHK:8419)
AV TECH Corporation (TSEC:8072)
Avaco Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A083930)
Avadh Sugar & Energy Limited (BSE:540649)
Avalue Technology Inc. (GTSM:3479)
Avance Technologies Limited (BSE:512149)
Avantel Limited (BSE:532406)
Avanti Feeds Limited (BSE:512573)
Avarga Limited (SGX:U09)
Avary Holding (Shenzhen) Co., Limited (SZSE:002938)
Avatec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A149950)
Avation PLC (LSE:AVAP)
AVCON Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300074)
Aveng Limited (JSE:AEG)
Avenir LNG Limited (OTCNO:AVENIR)
Avenue Supermarts Limited (BSE:540376)
AVer Information Inc. (TSEC:3669)
Averbuch Formica Center Ltd. (TASE:AVER)
AverLogic Technologies, Corp. (GTSM:6198)
AVerMedia Technologies, Inc. (TSEC:2417)
Avertronics Inc. (GTSM:3597)
AVG Logistics Limited (NSEI:AVG)
Avgol Industries 1953 Ltd (TASE:AVGL)
AVI Limited (JSE:AVI)
Avi-Tech Electronics Limited (SGX:BKY)
Aviation Links Ltd. (TASE:AVIA)
AVIC AIRCRAFT Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000768)
AVIC Aviation High-Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600862)
AVIC Capital Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600705)
AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002013)
AVIC Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600765)
AVIC International Holding (HK) Limited (SEHK:232)
AVIC International Holdings Limited (SEHK:161)
AVIC Jonhon Optronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002179)
AVIC Joy Holdings (HK) Limited (SEHK:260)
AVIC Sanxin Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002163)
AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Company Limited (SHSE:600760)
AviChina Industry & Technology Company Limited (SEHK:2357)
Avicopter Plc (SHSE:600038)
Avid Electronics Corp. (GTSM:6103)
Avillion Berhad (KLSE:AVI)
Avision Inc. (TSEC:2380)
AVIT Ltd. (SZSE:300264)
AViTA Corporation (GTSM:4735)
Aviv Arlon Ltd. (TASE:AVLN)
Avon Lifesciences Limited (BSE:531541)
Avonmore Capital & Management Services Limited (BSE:511589)
Avra Inc. (OTCPK:AVRN)
Avro India Limited (NSEI:AVROIND)
Avrot Industries Ltd (TASE:AVRT)
AVT Natural Products Limited (BSE:519105)
AVY Precision Technology INC. (GTSM:5392)
Awea Mechantronic Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1530)
AXA Cooperative Insurance Co. (SASE:8250)
AXA Green Crescent Insurance Company PJSC (ADX:AXAGCIC)
AXA Mansard Insurance Plc (NGSE:MANSARD)
Axcen Photonics Corporation (GTSM:6530)
Axel Polymers Limited (BSE:513642)
Axelum Resources Corp. (PSE:AXLM)
Axia Corporation Limited (ZMSE:AXIA)
Axiata Group Berhad (KLSE:AXIATA)
Axiomtek Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3088)
Axis Bank Limited (BSE:532215)
AXIS Capital Holdings Limited (NYSE:AXS)
Axis Corporation (GTSM:6292)
Axis Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:AXREIT)
AXISCADES Engineering Technologies Limited (BSE:532395)
Axita Cotton Limited (BSE:542285)
Axon Ventures Limited (BSE:505506)
Axtel Industries Limited (BSE:523850)
Ayala Corporation (PSE:AC)
Ayala Land, Inc. (PSE:ALI)
AyalaLand Logistics Holdings Corp. (PSE:ALLHC)
Ayalon Holdings Ltd (TASE:AYAL)
AYER Holdings Berhad (KLSE:AYER)
AYM Syntex Limited (BSE:508933)
AYO Technology Solutions Limited (JSE:AYO)
Ayrton Drug Manufacturing Ltd (GHSE:AYRTN)
AYS Ventures Berhad (KLSE:AYS)
Azeus Systems Holdings Ltd. (SGX:BBW)
Azgard Nine Limited (KASE:ANL)
Azion Corporation (GTSM:6148)
Aziz Pipes Limited (DSE:AZIZPIPES)
Azorim-Investment, Development & Construction Co. Ltd (TASE:AZRM)
Azrieli Group Ltd (TASE:AZRG)
AztechWB Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A032080)
Azure Power Global Limited (NYSE:AZRE)
AzureWave Technologies, Inc. (TSEC:3694)
B & D Strategic Holdings Limited (SEHK:1780)
B & S International Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:1705)
B Communications Ltd (TASE:BCOM)
B Investments Holding S.A.E. (CASE:BINV)
B-52 Capital Public Company Limited (SET:B52)
B-Gaming S.A. (BASE:GAMI)
B-SOFT Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300451)
B. Gaon Holdings Ltd. (TASE:GAON)
B. Yair Building Corporation 1988 Ltd (TASE:BYAR)
B.A.G. Films and Media Limited (BSE:532507)
B.C. Power Controls Limited (BSE:537766)
B.G.I. Investments (1961) Ltd (TASE:BGI-M)
B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited (SET:BGRIM)
B.H. Whitestone Group Ltd. (TASE:WTS)
B.I.G. Industries Berhad (KLSE:BIG)
B.L. Kashyap and Sons Limited (BSE:532719)
B.N.Rathi Securities Limited (BSE:523019)
B.O.S. Better Online Solutions Ltd. (NasdaqCM:BOSC)
B.R.R. Guardian Modaraba (KASE:BRR)
B.T. Syndicate Limited (BSE:542206)
B'in Live Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6625)
B&A Limited (BSE:508136)
B&D Life Health Co,.Ltd (XKON:A215050)
B2B Software Technologies Limited (BSE:531268)
B2W - Companhia Digital (BOVESPA:BTOW3)
B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (BOVESPA:B3SA3)
Ba Ria - Vung Tau House Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HDC)
Ba Ria Thermal Power Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BTP)
Baan Rock Garden Public Company Limited (SET:BROCK)
Baazeem Trading Co. (SASE:4051)
Baba Agro Food Limited (NSEI:BABAFOOD)
Baba Arts Limited (BSE:532380)
Baba Farid Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:BAFS)
Babelon Investments Company (P.L.C) (ASE:SALM)
Babri Cotton Mills Limited (KASE:BCML)
Babylon Ltd. (TASE:BBYL)
BabyTree Group (SEHK:1761)
Bac Kan Mineral Joint Stock Corporation (HNX:BKC)
Bac Lieu Fisheries Joint Stock Company (HNX:BLF)
Bacil Pharma Limited (BSE:524516)
Badaro No. 19 Ship Investment Company (KOSE:A155900)
Badel 1862 d.d. (ZGSE:BD62)
Baek Kwang Mineral Products Co., Ltd (KOSE:A014580)
Bafang Electric (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603489)
Bagir Group Ltd. (AIM:BAGR)
Baguio Green Group Limited (SEHK:1397)
Bahema Educação S.A. (BOVESPA:BAHI3)
Bahrain Car Parks Company B.S.C. (BAX:CPARK)
Bahrain Cinema Company B.S.C. (BAX:CINECO)
Bahrain Commercial Facilities Company BSC (BAX:BCFC)
Bahrain Duty Free Shop Complex BSC (BAX:DUTYF)
Bahrain Flour Mills Company B.S.C. (BAX:BFM)
Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company B.S.C. (BAX:BKIC)
Bahrain National Holding Company B.S.C. (BAX:BNH)
Bahrain Telecommunications Company BSC (BAX:BATELCO)
Bahvest Resources Berhad (KLSE:BAHVEST)
Bai Sha Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8401)
BAIC BluePark New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600733)
BAIC Motor Corporation Limited (SEHK:1958)
Baid Leasing and Finance Co. Ltd. (BSE:511724)
Baida Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600865)
BAIKSAN Co,. Ltd (KOSE:A035150)
BAIOO Family Interactive Limited (SEHK:2100)
Bairaha Farms PLC (COSE:BFL.N0000)
Baiyang Investment Group, Inc. (SZSE:002696)
Baiyin Nonferrous Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601212)
Bajaj Auto Limited (NSEI:BAJAJ-AUTO)
Bajaj Consumer Care Limited (BSE:533229)
Bajaj Electricals Limited (BSE:500031)
Bajaj Finance Limited (BSE:500034)
Bajaj Finserv Limited (NSEI:BAJAJFINSV)
Bajaj HealthCare Limited (BSE:539872)
Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Limited (BSE:500032)
Bajaj Holdings & Investment Limited (BSE:500490)
Bajaj Steel Industries Limited (BSE:507944)
Baker Technology Limited (SGX:BTP)
Bakken Energy Corp. (OTCPK:BKEN)
Bal Pharma Limited (BSE:524824)
Baladna Q.P.S.C. (DSM:BLDN)
Balaji Amines Limited (BSE:530999)
Balaji Telefilms Limited (BSE:532382)
Balangoda Plantations PLC (COSE:BALA.N0000)
Balasore Alloys Limited (BSE:513142)
Balaxi Ventures Limited (NSEI:BALAXI)
Balkan and Sea Properties REIT-Varna (BUL:5H4)
Balkrishna Industries Limited (BSE:502355)
Balkrishna Paper Mills Limited (NSEI:BALKRISHNA)
Ballarpur Industries Limited (BSE:500102)
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. (BSE:523319)
Balmer Lawrie Investments Limited (BSE:532485)
Balochistan Glass Limited (KASE:BGL)
Balochistan Particle Board Limited (KASE:BPBL)
Balrampur Chini Mills Limited (BSE:500038)
Baltic Horizon Fund (TLSE:NHCBHFFT)
Baluchistan Wheels Limited (KASE:BWHL)
Balurghat Technologies Limited (BSE:520127)
Balwin Properties Limited (JSE:BWN)
Bambino Agro Industries Limited (BSE:519295)
Bamboo Capital Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BCG)
Bamboos Health Care Holdings Limited (SEHK:2293)
Bamburi Cement Limited (NASE:BAMB)
Bampsl Securities Limited (BSE:531591)
Ban Leong Technologies Limited (SGX:B26)
Ban Loong Holdings Limited (SEHK:30)
Banaras Beads Limited (BSE:526849)
Banas Finance Limited (BSE:509053)
BanBao Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603398)
Banca Transilvania S.A. (BVB:TLV)
Banco Actinver S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero Actinver (BMV:FNOVA 17)
Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. (BASE:BBAR)
Banco BBVA Perú (BVL:BBVAC1)
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Colombia S.A. (BVC:BBVACOL)
Banco BTG Pactual S.A. (BOVESPA:BPAC3)
Banco Comercial AV Villas S.A. (BVC:VILLAS)
Banco da Amazônia S.A. (BOVESPA:BAZA3)
Banco de Bogotá S.A. (BVC:BOGOTA)
Banco de Chile (SNSE:CHILE)
Banco de Crédito del Perú (BVL:CREDITC1)
Banco de Crédito e Inversiones (SNSE:BCI)
Banco de la Producción S.A. Produbanco (GYSE:PRE)
Banco de Venezuela, S.A. Banco Universal (CCSE:BVL)
Banco del Bajío, S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple (BMV:BBAJIO O)
Banco del Caribe, C.A., Banco Universal (CCSE:ABC.A)
Banco do Brasil S.A. (BOVESPA:BBAS3)
Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. (BOVESPA:BNBR3)
Banco Guayaquil S.A. (GYSE:GYL)
Banco Hipotecario S.A. (BASE:BHIP)
Banco Internacional del Perú S.A.A. - Interbank (BVL:INTERBC1)
Banco Invex, S.A. Institución de Banca Múltiple, Invex Grupo Financiero, Fiduciario (BMV:EDUCA 18)
Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior, S.A (NYSE:BLX)
Banco Macro S.A. (BASE:BMA)
Banco Nacional de Crédito, C.A., Banco Universal (CCSE:BNC)
Banco Occidental de Descuento, Banco Universal, C. A. (CCSE:BOU)
Banco Patagonia S.A. (BASE:BPAT)
Banco Popular S.A. (BVC:POPULAR)
Banco Products (India) Limited (BSE:500039)
Banco Provincial, S.A. Banco Universal (CCSE:BPV)
Banco Santander México, S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero Santander México (BMV:BSMX B)
Banco Santander Río S.A. (BASE:BRIO)
Banco Santander-Chile (SNSE:BSANTANDER)
Bancolombia S.A. (BVC:BCOLOMBIA)
Bandhan Bank Limited (NSEI:BANDHANBNK)
Banestes S.A - Banco do Estado do Espírito Santo (BOVESPA:BEES3)
Bang Overseas Limited (BSE:532946)
Bangalore Fort Farms Limited (BSE:539120)
Bangas Limited (DSE:BANGAS)
Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:BCP)
Bangkok Airways Public Company Limited (SET:BA)
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services Public Company Limited (SET:BAFS)
Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited (SET:BBL)
Bangkok Chain Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:BCH)
Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Company Limited (SET:BAM)
Bangkok Commercial Property Fund (SET:BKKCP)
Bangkok Dec-Con Public Company Limited (SET:BKD)
Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited (SET:BDMS)
Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited (SET:BEM)
Bangkok Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:BKI)
Bangkok Land Public Company Limited (SET:BLAND)
Bangkok Life Assurance Public Company Limited (SET:BLA)
Bangkok Post Public Company Limited (SET:POST)
Bangkok Ranch Public Company Limited (SET:BR)
Bangkok Sheet Metal Public Company Limited (SET:BM)
Bangladesh Autocars Limited (DSE:BDAUTOCA)
Bangladesh Building Systems Limited (DSE:BBS)
Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited (DSE:BEXIMCO)
Bangladesh Finance And Investment Company Limited (DSE:BDFINANCE)
Bangladesh General Insurance Company Limited (DSE:BGIC)
Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Limited (DSE:BIFC)
Bangladesh Lamps Limited (DSE:BDLAMPS)
Bangladesh National Insurance Company Limited (DSE:BNICL)
Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (DSE:BSC)
Bangladesh Steel Re-Rolling Mills Limited (DSE:BSRMLTD)
Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited (DSE:BSCCL)
Bangladesh Thai Aluminium Limited (DSE:BDTHAI)
Bangladesh Welding Electrodes Ltd. (DSE:BDWELDING)
Bangsaphan Barmill Public Company Limited (SET:BSBM)
Bank al Etihad (ASE:UBSI)
Bank AL Habib Limited (KASE:BAHL)
Bank Albilad (SASE:1140)
Bank Alfalah Limited (KASE:BAFL)
Bank AlJazira (SASE:1020)
Bank Asia Limited (DSE:BANKASIA)
Bank Dhofar SAOG (MSM:BKDB)
Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam Insurance Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:BIC)
Bank Hapoalim B.M. (TASE:POLI)
Bank Leumi le- Israel B.M. (TASE:LUMI)
bank muscat SAOG (MSM:BKMB)
Bank Nizwa SAOG (MSM:BKNZ)
Bank of Africa - Benin (BRVM:BOAB)
Bank of Africa - Côte D'ivoire (BRVM:BOAC)
Bank of Africa - Niger (BRVM:BOAN)
Bank of Africa - Senegal (BRVM:BOAS)
Bank of Africa MALI SA (BRVM:BOAM)
Bank of Africa-Burkina Faso (BRVM:BOABF)
Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited (SET:BAY)
Bank of Baroda (BSE:532134)
Bank of Baroda (Uganda) Limited (UGSE:BOBU)
Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601169)
Bank of Changsha Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601577)
Bank of Chengdu Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601838)
Bank of China Limited (SEHK:3988)
Bank of Chongqing Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1963)
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3328)
Bank of Gansu Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2139)
Bank of Guiyang Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601997)
Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6199)
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600926)
Bank of India Limited (BSE:532149)
Bank of Jerusalem Ltd. (TASE:JBNK)
Bank of Jiangsu Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600919)
Bank of Jinzhou Co., Ltd. (SEHK:416)
Bank of Jiujiang Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6190)
Bank of Jordan (ASE:BOJX)
Bank of Kaohsiung Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2836)
Bank of Maharashtra (BSE:532525)
Bank of Nanjing Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601009)
Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002142)
Bank of Palestine (PLSE:BOP)
Bank of Qingdao Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3866)
Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601229)
Bank Of Sharjah P.J.S.C. (ADX:BOS)
Bank of Suzhou Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002966)
Bank of the Philippine Islands (PSE:BPI)
Bank of Tianjin Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1578)
Bank of Xi'an Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600928)
Bank of Zhengzhou Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6196)
Banka BioLoo Limited (NSEI:BANKA)
BankIslami Pakistan Limited (KASE:BIPL)
Bannari Amman Spinning Mills Ltd (BSE:532674)
Bannari Amman Sugars Limited (BSE:500041)
Bannu Woollen Mills Limited (KASE:BNWM)
Banpu Power Public Company Limited (SET:BPP)
Banpu Public Company Limited (SET:BANPU)
Banque Attijari de Tunisie Société anonyme (BVMT:TJARI)
Banque Centrale Populaire (CBSE:BCP)
Banque de l'Habitat Société anonyme (BVMT:BH)
Banque de Tunisie Société anonyme (BVMT:BT)
Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie Société anonyme (BVMT:BIAT)
Banque Internationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie de la Côte d'Ivoire, S.A. (BRVM:BICC)
Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur (CBSE:BCE)
Banque Marocaine pour le Commerce et l'Industrie (CBSE:BCI)
Banque Nationale Agricole Société anonyme (BVMT:BNA)
Banque Saudi Fransi (SASE:1050)
Bansal Multiflex Limited (NSEI:BANSAL)
Bansal Roofing Products Limited (BSE:538546)
Bansei Royal Resorts Hikkaduwa PLC (COSE:BRR.N0000)
Banswara Syntex Limited (BSE:503722)
Banvida, S.A. (SNSE:BANVIDA)
Banyan Tree Holdings Limited (SGX:B58)
Bao Minh Insurance Corporation (HOSE:BMI)
Bao Shen Holdings Limited (SEHK:8151)
Bao Thu Development and Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:BII)
Bao Viet Holdings (HOSE:BVH)
Bao Viet Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:BVS)
Baoding Lucky Innovative Materials Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300446)
Baoding Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002552)
Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600550)
Baofeng Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300431)
Baofeng Modern International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1121)
Baoji Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600456)
Baolingbao Biology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002286)
Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600019)
Baosheng Science and Technology Innovation Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600973)
Baota Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000595)
Baotailong New Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601011)
Baotek Industrial Materials Ltd. (GTSM:5340)
Baotou Dongbao Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300239)
Baotou Huazi Industry Co., Ltd (SHSE:600191)
Baotou Tomorrow Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600091)
Baoxiniao Holding Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002154)
Baoye Group Company Limited (SEHK:2355)
Bar Pacific Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8432)
Barak Valley Cements Limited (BSE:532916)
Baraka Power Limited (DSE:BARKAPOWER)
Barakah Offshore Petroleum Berhad (KLSE:BARAKAH)
Baran Group Ltd (TASE:BRAN)
Barclays Bank of Botswana Limited (BSM:BARCLAYS)
Barclays Bank Of Kenya Limited (NASE:BBK)
Barita Investments Limited (JMSE:BIL)
Barloworld Limited (JSE:BAW)
Baroda Extrusion Limited (BSE:513502)
Baron Infotech Limited (BSE:532336)
Barrel Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A267790)
Bartronics India Limited (BSE:532694)
Barun Technology Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A029480)
Barunson Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A018700)
Barunson Entertainment & Arts Corporation (KOSDAQ:A035620)
Barwa Real Estate Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:BRES)
Basant Agro Tech (India) Limited (BSE:524687)
Basetrophy Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8460)
BASF India Limited (BSE:500042)
Bashundhara Paper Mills Limited (DSE:BPML)
Basic Chemical Industries Company (SASE:1210)
Basic Energy Corporation (PSE:BSC)
Basso Industry Corp. (TSEC:1527)
Bat Group, Inc. (NasdaqCM:GLG)
Bata India Limited (BSE:500043)
Bata Pakistan Limited (KASE:BATA)
Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Limited (DSE:BATASHOE)
Batic Investments and Logistics Co. (SASE:4110)
Batliboi Limited (BSE:522004)
BATM Advanced Communications Ltd. (LSE:BVC)
Battistella Administração e Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:BTTL3)
Batu Kawan Berhad (KLSE:BKAWAN)
Bauba Resources Limited (JSE:BAU)
Bauhaus International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:483)
Bawan Company (SASE:1302)
BaWang International (Group) Holding Limited (SEHK:1338)
Bawany Air Products Limited (KASE:BAPL)
Bay Area Gold Group Limited (SEHK:1194)
Bay Leasing & Investment Limited (DSE:BAYLEASING)
Bayan Investment Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:BAYANINV)
Bayer CropScience Limited (BSE:506285)
Bayside Land Corporation Ltd (TASE:BYSD)
BB Fundo De Investimento Imobiliario Progressivo (BOVESPA:BBFI11B)
BB Seguridade Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:BBSE3)
BBI Life Sciences Corporation (SEHK:1035)
BBMG Corporation (SEHK:2009)
BBR Holdings (S) Ltd (SGX:KJ5)
BBVA Sociedad Titulizadora S.A. (BVL:FIBPRIME)
BC Technology Group Limited (SEHK:863)
BCC Fuba India Limited (BSE:517246)
BCI Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8412)
BCL Enterprises Limited (BSE:539621)
BCL Industries Limited (BSE:524332)
BCM Alliance Berhad (KLSE:BCMALL)
BCPG Public Company Limited (SET:BCPG)
BCPL Railway Infrastructure Limited (BSE:542057)
BCWorld Pharm Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A200780)
BDC Vietnam Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:MCO)
BDCOM Online Limited (DSE:BDCOM)
BDH Industries Limited (BSE:524828)
BDI CO., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A148140)
BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. (PSE:BLFI)
BDO Unibank, Inc. (PSE:BDO)
Beach Hatchery Limited (DSE:BEACHHATCH)
Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (DSE:BEACONPHAR)
Bear Electric Appliance Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002959)
Beardsell Limited (NSEI:BEARDSELL)
Beat Holdings Limited (TSE:9399)
Beautiful China Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:706)
Beauty Community Public Company Limited (SET:BEAUTY)
Beaver Group (Holding) Company Limited (SEHK:8275)
BEC World Public Company Limited (SET:BEC)
Becamex Infrastructure Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:IJC)
Becle, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CUERVO *)
Bedding World Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2938)
Bedmutha Industries Limited (BSE:533270)
Beekay Niryat Limited (BSE:539546)
Beekay Steel Industries Limited (BSE:539018)
Beeyu Overseas Limited (BSE:532645)
Befar Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601678)
Begistics Public Company Limited (SET:B)
BEH-Property Co., Ltd (SHSE:600791)
Beibu Gulf Port Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000582)
Beihai Gofar Marine Biological Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600538)
Beijing ABT Networks Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688168)
Beijing Advanced Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300541)
Beijing Aerospace Changfeng Co., Ltd (SHSE:600855)
Beijing Airport High-Tech Park Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600463)
Beijing Andawell Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300719)
Beijing Aosaikang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002755)
Beijing AriTime Intelligent Control Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600560)
Beijing Balance Medical Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688198)
Beijing Baolande Software Corporation (SHSE:688058)
Beijing Bashi Media Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600386)
Beijing BDStar Navigation Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002151)
Beijing Beetech Inc. (SZSE:300667)
Beijing Beida Jade Bird Universal Sci-Tech Company Limited (SEHK:8095)
Beijing Beilu Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300016)
Beijing Bewinner Communications Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002148)
Beijing Bohui Innovation Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300318)
Beijing Capital Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600008)
Beijing Capital Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600376)
Beijing Capital Grand Limited (SEHK:1329)
Beijing Capital International Airport Company Limited (SEHK:694)
Beijing Capital Land Ltd. (SEHK:2868)
Beijing Capital Retailing Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600723)
Beijing Career International Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300662)
Beijing Centergate Technologies (holding) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000931)
Beijing Century Real Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300150)
Beijing Certificate Authority Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300579)
Beijing Changjiu Logistics Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603569)
Beijing Chieftain Control Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300430)
Beijing Chunlizhengda Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1858)
Beijing Cisri-Gaona Materials & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300034)
Beijing Comens New Materials Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300200)
Beijing Compass Technology Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300803)
Beijing ConST Instruments Technology Inc. (SZSE:300445)
Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002350)
Beijing Ctrowell Technology Corporation Limited (SZSE:300455)
Beijing Cuiwei Tower Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603123)
Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002385)
Beijing Dahao Technology Corp.,Ltd (SHSE:603025)
Beijing Dalong Weiye Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600159)
Beijing Digital Telecom Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6188)
Beijing Dinghan Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300011)
Beijing Dynamic Power Co.,LTD (SHSE:600405)
Beijing E-Hualu Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300212)
Beijing E-Techstar Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300513)
Beijing Easpring Material Technology CO.,LTD. (SZSE:300073)
Beijing eGOVA Co,. Ltd (SZSE:300075)
Beijing Electronic Zone Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600658)
Beijing Emerging Eastern Aviation Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002933)
Beijing Enlight Media Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300251)
Beijing Enterprises Clean Energy Group Limited (SEHK:1250)
Beijing Enterprises Environment Group Limited (SEHK:154)
Beijing Enterprises Holdings Limited (SEHK:392)
Beijing Enterprises Medical and Health Industry Group Limited (SEHK:2389)
Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited (SEHK:371)
Beijing Etrol Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300370)
Beijing Forever Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300365)
Beijing Gas Blue Sky Holdings Limited (SEHK:6828)
Beijing Gehua CATV Network Co., LTD. (SHSE:600037)
Beijing GeoEnviron Engineering & Technology, Inc. (SHSE:603588)
Beijing Global Safety Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300523)
Beijing Hanbang Technology Corp. (SZSE:300449)
Beijing Hanjian Heshan Pipeline Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603616)
Beijing Haohua Energy Resource Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601101)
Beijing Hengtong Innovation Luxwood Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300374)
Beijing Hezong Science&Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300477)
Beijing Highlander Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300065)
Beijing Honggao Creative Architectural Design Co., Ltd (SZSE:002504)
Beijing Hotgen Biotech Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688068)
Beijing Hualian Department Store Co., Ltd (SZSE:000882)
Beijing Hualian Hypermarket Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600361)
Beijing HualuBaina Film&Tv Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300291)
Beijing Huaye Capital Holdings Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600240)
Beijing Huayuanyitong Thermal Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002893)
Beijing Interact Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300419)
Beijing Jetsen Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300182)
Beijing Jiaxun Feihong Electrical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300213)
Beijing JIAYU Door, Window and Curtain Wall Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300117)
Beijing Jingcheng Machinery Electric Company Limited (SEHK:187)
Beijing Jingkelong Company Limited (SEHK:814)
Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy Co., Limited (SEHK:579)
Beijing Jingneng Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600578)
Beijing Jingxi Culture & Tourism Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000802)
Beijing Jingyuntong Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:601908)
Beijing Join-Cheer Software Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002279)
Beijing Kaiwen Education Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002659)
Beijing Kingee Culture Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002721)
Beijing Kingsoft Office Software, Inc. (SHSE:688111)
Beijing Konruns Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603590)
Beijing Kunlun Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300418)
Beijing Lanxum Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300010)
Beijing Leadman Biochemistry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300289)
Beijing Lier High-temperature Materials Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002392)
Beijing LongRuan Technologies Inc. (SHSE:688078)
Beijing Media Corporation Limited (SEHK:1000)
Beijing New Building Materials Public Limited Company (SZSE:000786)
Beijing New Universal Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300472)
Beijing North Star Company Limited (SEHK:588)
Beijing Orient Landscape & Environment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002310)
Beijing Oriental Jicheng Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002819)
Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002271)
Beijing Originwater Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300070)
Beijing Philisense Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300287)
Beijing PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688066)
Beijing Properties (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:925)
Beijing Qianjing Landscape Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603778)
Beijing Sanfo Outdoor Products Co., Ltd (SZSE:002780)
Beijing Sanju Environmental Protection & New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300072)
Beijing Sanlian Hope Shin-Gosen Technical Service Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300384)
Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600429)
Beijing Science Sun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300485)
Beijing SDL Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002658)
BeiJing Seeyon Internet Software Corp. (SHSE:688369)
Beijing Shengtong Printing Co., Ltd (SZSE:002599)
Beijing Shiji Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002153)
Beijing Shougang Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000959)
Beijing Shouhang Resources Saving Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002665)
Beijing Shunxin Agriculture Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000860)
Beijing Shuzhi Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300038)
Beijing Si-Tech Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300608)
Beijing Sifang Automation Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601126)
Beijing Sinnet Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300383)
Beijing SL Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002038)
Beijing SOJO Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300444)
Beijing SPC Environment Protection Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002573)
Beijing Sports and Entertainment Industry Group Limited (SEHK:1803)
Beijing StarNeto Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002829)
Beijing Strong Biotechnologies, Inc. (SZSE:300406)
Beijing Teamsun Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600410)
Beijing Tensyn Digital Marketing Technology Joint Stock Company (SZSE:300392)
Beijing Thunisoft Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300271)
Beijing Tianli Mobile Service Integration, Inc. (SZSE:300399)
Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600161)
Beijing Tianyishangjia New Material Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:688033)
Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited (SEHK:3613)
Beijing Tongrentang Co., Ltd (SHSE:600085)
Beijing Tongtech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300379)
Beijing Transtrue Technology Inc. (SZSE:002771)
Beijing Tricolor Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:603516)
Beijing Trust&Far Technology CO.,LTD (SZSE:300231)
Beijing Ultrapower Software Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300002)
Beijing Unistrong Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002383)
Beijing United Information Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603613)
Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development Group Co., Limited (SEHK:1599)
Beijing Urban Construction Investment & Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600266)
Beijing Urban-Rural Commercial (Group) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600861)
Beijing Vantone Real Estate Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600246)
Beijing Vastdata Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603138)
Beijing VRV Software Corporation Limited (SZSE:300352)
Beijing Wandong Medical Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600055)
Beijing Wanji Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300552)
Beijing Water Business Doctor Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300055)
Beijing Watertek Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300324)
Beijing WKW Automotive Parts Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002662)
Beijing Worldia Diamond Tools Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688028)
Beijing XIAOCHENG Technology Stock Co., Ltd (SZSE:300139)
Beijing Xinwei Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600485)
Beijing Yanjing Brewery Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000729)
Beijing Yuanliu Hongyuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603267)
Beijing Yuanlong Yato Culture Dissemination Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002878)
Beijing Zhidemai Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300785)
Beijing Zhong Ke San Huan High-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000970)
Beijing Zodi Investment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000609)
Beijing Zuojiang Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300799)
BeijingWest Industries International Limited (SEHK:2339)
Beingmate Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002570)
Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600166)
Bekem Metals, Inc. (OTCPK:BKMM)
Beken Corporation (SHSE:603068)
Bell Equipment Limited (JSE:BEL)
Bella Casa Fashion & Retail Limited (BSE:539399)
Belle Corporation (PSE:BEL)
Belon Joint Stock Company (MISX:BLNG)
Beltone Financial Holding SAE (CASE:BTFH)
Beluga Group Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:BELU)
Bemco Hydraulics Limited (BSE:522650)
BEML Limited (BSE:500048)
Ben Thanh Rubber Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BRC)
Ben Thanh Trading & Service Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BTT)
Ben Thanh Water Supply Joint Stock Company (HNX:BTW)
Ben Tre Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (HNX:DBT)
Benalec Holdings Berhad (KLSE:BENALEC)
Benara Bearings and Pistons Limited (BSE:541178)
Benares Hotels Limited (BSE:509438)
Beng Kuang Marine Limited (SGX:BEZ)
Beng Soon Machinery Holdings Limited (SEHK:1987)
Bengal & Assam Company Limited (BSE:533095)
Bengal Tea & Fabrics Limited (BSE:532230)
Bengal Windsor Thermoplastics Limited (DSE:BENGALWTL)
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200761)
Benguet Corporation (PSE:BC)
BenQ Materials Corporation (TSEC:8215)
BenQ Medical Technology Corporation (GTSM:4116)
Benso Oil Palm Plantation Limited (GHSE:BOPP)
Bentre Aquaproduct Import and Export Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ABT)
Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited (DSE:BERGERPBL)
Berger Paints India Limited (BSE:509480)
Berger Paints Jamaica Limited (JMSE:BRG)
Berger Paints Nigeria Plc (NGSE:BERGER)
Berger Paints Pakistan Limited (KASE:BERG)
Berjaya Assets Berhad (KLSE:BJASSET)
Berjaya Corporation Berhad (KLSE:BJCORP)
Berjaya Food Berhad (KLSE:BJFOOD)
Berjaya Land Berhad (KLSE:BJLAND)
Berjaya Philippines Inc. (PSE:BCOR)
Berjaya Sports Toto Berhad (KLSE:BJTOTO)
Berli Jucker Public Company Limited (SET:BJC)
Bermaz Auto Berhad (KLSE:BAUTO)
Bernabe Cote D'ivoire SA (BRVM:BNBC)
Berry Genomics Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000710)
Bertam Alliance Berhad (KLSE:BERTAM)
Beruwala Resorts PLC (COSE:BERU.N0000)
Bervin Investment and Leasing Limited (BSE:531340)
Beryl Drugs Limited (BSE:524606)
Beryl Securities Limited (BSE:531582)
BES Engineering Corporation (TSEC:2515)
Best Agrolife Limited (BSE:539660)
Best Eastern Hotels Limited (BSE:508664)
Best Food Holding Company Limited (SEHK:1488)
Best Friend Technology Co., Ltd (GTSM:5321)
Best Lease SA (BVMT:BL)
Best Linking Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8617)
Best Mart 360 Holdings Limited (SEHK:2360)
Best Pacific International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2111)
Bestec Power Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3308)
Bestsun Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600681)
Besttone Holding Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600640)
Bestway Cement Limited (KASE:BWCL)
Bestway Global Holding Inc. (SEHK:3358)
Bestway Marine & Energy Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300008)
Besunyen Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:926)
Bet Shemesh Engines Holdings (1997) Ltd (TASE:BSEN)
Beta Drugs Limited (NSEI:BETA)
Beta Glass Plc (NGSE:BETAGLAS)
Betex India Limited (BSE:512477)
Bethel Automotive Safety Systems Co., Ltd (SHSE:603596)
Betta Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300558)
Better Life Commercial Chain Share Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002251)
Better Life Group Co., LTD. (TSEC:1805)
Better World Green Public Company Limited (SET:BWG)
BExcellent Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1775)
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited (DSE:BXPHARMA)
Beximco Synthetics Limited (DSE:BXSYNTH)
Beyondsoft Corporation (SZSE:002649)
Bezeq The Israel Telecommunication Corporation Limited (TASE:BEZQ)
BF Investment Limited (BSE:533303)
BF Utilities Limited (BSE:532430)
BF&M Limited (BER:BFM.BH)
Bflysoft., Ltd (XKON:A148780)
BG Container Glass Public Company Limited (SET:BGC)
BG T&A Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A046310)
BGF Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A027410)
BGF retail CO., LTD. (KOSE:A282330)
BGI Genomics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300676)
BGIL Films & Technologies Limited (BSE:511664)
BGMC International Limited (SEHK:1693)
BGR Energy Systems Limited (BSE:532930)
BGRIMM Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600980)
BGT Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:BGT)
BH Assurance (BVMT:BHASS)
BH Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A090460)
BH Global Corporation Limited (SGX:BQN)
Bhagawati Oxygen Limited (BSE:509449)
Bhageria Industries Limited (BSE:530803)
Bhagiradha Chemicals & Industries Limited (BSE:531719)
Bhagyanagar India Limited (BSE:512296)
Bhagyanagar Properties Limited (BSE:540621)
Bhakti Gems and Jewellery Limited (BSE:540545)
Bhandari Hosiery Exports Limited (BSE:512608)
Bhansali Engineering Polymers Limited (BSE:500052)
Bharat Agri Fert and Realty Limited (BSE:531862)
Bharat Bhushan Finance & Commodity Brokers Limited (BSE:511501)
Bharat Bijlee Limited (BSE:503960)
Bharat Dynamics Limited (NSEI:BDL)
Bharat Electronics Limited (BSE:500049)
Bharat Forge Limited (BSE:500493)
Bharat Gears Limited (NSEI:BHARATGEAR)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BSE:500103)
Bharat Immunologicals & Biologicals Corporation Limited (BSE:524663)
Bharat Parenterals Limited (BSE:541096)
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (NSEI:BPCL)
Bharat Rasayan Limited (NSEI:BHARATRAS)
Bharat Road Network Limited (BSE:540700)
Bharat Seats Limited (BSE:523229)
Bharat Wire Ropes Limited (BSE:539799)
Bharatiya Global Infomedia Limited (BSE:533499)
Bharti Airtel Limited (BSE:532454)
Bharti Infratel Limited (NSEI:INFRATEL)
Bhartiya International Limited (BSE:526666)
Bhaskar Agrochemicals Limited (BSE:524534)
Bhatia Communications & Retail (India) Limited (BSE:540956)
BHCC Holding Limited (SEHK:1552)
BHI Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A083650)
Bhilwara Spinners Limited (BSE:514272)
Bhilwara Technical Textiles Limited (BSE:533108)
Bhiraj Office Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:BOFFICE)
Bhoruka Aluminium Limited (BSE:506027)
Biafo Industries Limited (KASE:BIFO)
Bianor Holding AD (BUL:5BI)
Bibica Corporation (HOSE:BBC)
Bichamp Cutting Technology (Hunan) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002843)
Bicicletas Monark S.A. (BOVESPA:BMKS3)
Bid Corporation Limited (JSE:BID)
BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BSI)
BIEM.L.FDLKK Garment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002832)
Bien Hoa Packaging Company (HOSE:SVI)
BIFIDO Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A238200)
Big Camera Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:BIG)
BIG Shopping Centers Ltd (TASE:BIG)
Bigbloc Construction Limited (BSE:540061)
Bihar Sponge Iron Limited (BSE:500058)
BII Railway Transportation Technology Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1522)
Bil Energy Systems Limited (BSE:533321)
Bilal Fibres Limited (KASE:BILF)
Bilcare Limited (BSE:526853)
Billboard AD (BUL:5BP)
Billion Electric Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3027)
Billion Industrial Holdings Limited (SEHK:2299)
Billionton Systems Inc. (TSEC:6172)
BIMB Holdings Berhad (KLSE:BIMB)
Bimetal Bearings Limited (BSE:505681)
Bimputh Finance PLC (COSE:BLI.N0000)
Bin Chuan Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1569)
Bina Darulaman Berhad (KLSE:BDB)
Bina Puri Holdings Bhd (KLSE:BPURI)
Binani Industries Limited (BSE:500059)
Binasat Communications Berhad (KLSE:BINACOM)
Binayak Tex Processors Limited (BSE:523054)
Bindar Trading and Investment Company (ASE:BIND)
BINEX Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053030)
Binggrae Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005180)
Bingo Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8220)
Binh Dien Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BFC)
Binh Dinh Minerals Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BMC)
Binh Duong Construction and Civil Engineering Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BCE)
Binh Duong Mineral and Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:KSB)
Binh Duong Trade and Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TDC)
Binh Duong Water - Environment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BWE)
Binh Minh Plastics Joint Stock Company (HOSE:BMP)
Binh Thanh Import Export Production and Trade Joint Stock Company (HOSE:GIL)
Binhai Investment Company Limited (SEHK:2886)
BinhDinh Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Join Stock Company (HOSE:DBD)
Binjiang Services Group Co. Ltd. (SEHK:3316)
Binny Limited (BSE:514215)
Binny Mills Limited (BSE:535620)
Bintai Kinden Corporation Berhad (KLSE:BINTAI)
Bintulu Port Holdings Berhad (KLSE:BIPORT)
Bio Green Papers Limited (BSE:534535)
Bio Pappel, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:PAPPEL *)
Bio Protech Inc. (XKON:A199290)
Bio-Synectics, Inc. (XKON:A281310)
Bioalpha Holdings Berhad (KLSE:BIOHLDG)
Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp. (AMEX:BIOX)
Biocon Limited (NSEI:BIOCON)
Biocore Co., Ltd. (XKON:A216400)
Biofarm S.A. (BVB:BIO)
Biofil Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:524396)
BioGend Therapeutics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6733)
BioGenetics CO.,LTD. (KOSDAQ:A044480)
BioLASCO Taiwan Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6662)
Bioleaders Corporation (KOSDAQ:A142760)
Biolidics Limited (Catalist:8YY)
BioLight Life Sciences Ltd. (TASE:BOLT)
BioLineRx Ltd. (TASE:BLRX)
Biolog Device Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A208710)
BiomX Inc. (AMEX:PHGE)
Bioneer Corporation (KOSDAQ:A064550)
BIONET Corp. (GTSM:1784)
Bionime Corporation (TSEC:4737)
Bionovate Technologies Corp. (OTCPK:BIIO)
Biopac India Corporation Limited (BSE:532330)
Bioptik Technology Incorporation (GTSM:4161)
Bioptro Inc. (XKON:A222160)
Biosino Bio-Technology and Science Incorporation (SEHK:8247)
BioSmart Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038460)
Biosolution Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A086820)
Biostar Microtech International Corp. (TSEC:2399)
Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:BSPM)
Bioteque Corporation (GTSM:4107)
Biotika a.s. (BSSE:1BSL01AE)
Biotoxtech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A086040)
BioView Ltd. (TASE:BIOV)
BIPL Securities Limited (KASE:BIPLS)
BIQI International Holding Corporation (OTCPK:BIQI.F)
Birla Cable Limited (NSEI:BIRLACABLE)
Birla Carbon (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:BCT)
Birla Corporation Limited (BSE:500335)
Birla Cotsyn (India) Limited (BSE:533006)
Birla Precision Technologies Limited (BSE:522105)
Birlasoft Limited (NSEI:BSOFT)
Birman Wood & Hardware Ltd (TASE:BIRM)
Birmingham Sports Holdings Limited (SEHK:2309)
Birzeit Pharmaceuticals Company (PLSE:BPC)
Bison Electronics Inc. (GTSM:3659)
Bison Finance Group Limited (SEHK:888)
Bisu Technology Group International Limited (SEHK:1372)
BIT Computer Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A032850)
Bixolon Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A093190)
BizConf Telecom Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300578)
Bizlink Holding Inc. (TSEC:3665)
BJC Heavy Industries Public Company Limited (SET:BJCHI)
BK Brasil Operação e Assessoria a Restaurantes S.A. (BOVESPA:BKBR3)
BKM Industries Limited (BSE:539043)
BKV Industries Limited (BSE:519500)
Black Peony (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600510)
Black Rose Industries Limited (BSE:514183)
BlackGold Natural Resources Limited (Catalist:41H)
Blanco y Negro S.A. (SNSE:COLO COLO)
Blantyre Hotels Limited (MAL:BHL)
BLD Plantation Bhd. (KLSE:BLDPLNT)
Blessed Textiles Limited (KASE:BTL)
Bliss GVS Pharma Limited (BSE:506197)
Blockchain Holdings Ltd. (CNSX:BCX)
Bloomage BioTechnology Corporation Limited (SHSE:688363)
Bloomberry Resorts Corporation (PSE:BLOOM)
Blossom M&C Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A263920)
BLS Infotech Ltd. (BSE:531175)
BLS International Services Limited (NSEI:BLS)
Blue Blends (India) Limited (BSE:502761)
Blue Capital Reinsurance Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:BCRH)
Blue Chip India Limited (NSEI:BLUECHIP)
Blue Chip Tex Industries Limited (BSE:506981)
Blue Coast Hotels Limited (BSE:531495)
Blue Dart Express Limited (BSE:526612)
Blue Diamonds Jewellery Worldwide PLC (COSE:BLUE.N0000)
Blue Label Telecoms Limited (JSE:BLU)
Blue Power Group Limited (JMSE:BPOW)
Blue Sail Medical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002382)
Blue Square Real Estate Ltd. (TASE:BLSR)
Blue Star Limited (BSE:500067)
Blueberries Medical Corp. (CNSX:BBM)
Bluebird Merchant Ventures Limited (LSE:BMV)
Bluecom Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033560)
Bluedon Information Security Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300297)
BlueFocus Intelligent Communications Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300058)
BlueLife Limited (MUSE:BLL.N0000)
Bluestar Adisseo Company (SHSE:600299)
Blumont Group Ltd. (SGX:A33)
BMB Music & Magnetics Limited (BSE:531420)
BMT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A086670)
BNC Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A256840)
BNK Capital Markets Limited (BSE:500069)
BNK Financial Group Inc. (KOSE:A138930)
BNR Udyog Limited (BSE:530809)
Boai NKY Medical Holdings Ltd. (SZSE:300109)
BoardTek Electronics Corp (GTSM:5349)
BOC Aviation Limited (SEHK:2588)
BOC Gases Nigeria plc (NGSE:BOCGAS)
BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:2388)
BOC Kenya Plc (NASE:BOC)
BOCOM International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:3329)
Bodal Chemicals Limited (BSE:524370)
Bode Energy Equipment Co., Ltd (SZSE:300023)
Bodegas Esmeralda S.A. (BASE:ESME)
Bodhtree Consulting Limited (BSE:539122)
Boditech Med Inc. (KOSDAQ:A206640)
BOE Technology Group Company Limited (SZSE:000725)
BOE Varitronix Limited (SEHK:710)
Boer Power Holdings Limited (SEHK:1685)
Bogala Graphite Lanka PLC (COSE:BOGA.N0000)
Bogawantalawa Tea Estates PLC (COSE:BOPL.N0000)
Bogo-Medellin Milling Co., Inc. (PSE:BMM)
Bohae Brewery Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000890)
Bohai Automotive Systems CO., LTD. (SHSE:600960)
Bohai Ferry Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603167)
Bohai Leasing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000415)
Bohai Water Industry Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000605)
Bohra Industries Limited (NSEI:BOHRA)
Boilermech Holdings Berhad (KLSE:BOILERM)
Boill Healthcare Holdings Limited (SEHK:1246)
Bojun Education Company Limited (SEHK:1758)
Bokwang Industry Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A225530)
Bolak Company Limited (KOSE:A002760)
Bolan Castings Limited (KASE:BCL)
Boldt S.A. (BASE:BOLT)
Boldtek Holdings Limited (Catalist:5VI)
Bolloré Transport & Logistics (BRVM:SDSC)
Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago, Bolsa de Valores (SNSE:BOLSASTGO)
Bolsa de Valores de Caracas, C.A. (CCSE:BVCC)
Bolsa de Valores de Colombia S.A. (BVC:BVC)
Bolsa de Valores de Lima S.A.A. (BVL:BVLAC1)
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:BOLSA A)
Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos S.A. (BASE:BYMA)
Boltek Holdings Limited (SEHK:8601)
Bombay Cycle & Motor Agency Limited (BSE:501430)
Bombay Oxygen Investments Limited (BSE:509470)
Bombay Rayon Fashions Limited (BSE:532678)
Bombay Super Hybrid Seeds Limited (NSEI:BSHSL)
BOMESC Offshore Engineering Company Limited (SHSE:603727)
Bomin Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603936)
Bon Fame Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8433)
Bonei Hatichon Civil Engineering & Infrastructures Ltd. (TASE:BOTI-L)
Bonia Corporation Berhad (KLSE:BONIA)
Bonjour Holdings Limited (SEHK:653)
Bonne Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A226340)
Bonny International Holding Limited (SEHK:1906)
Bonny Worldwide Limited (TSEC:8467)
Bonso Electronics International Inc. (NasdaqCM:BNSO)
Bonus BioGroup Ltd. (TASE:BONS)
Bonvests Holdings Limited (SGX:B28)
Book and Educational Equipment Joint Stock Company (HNX:STC)
BOOKOOK Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001270)
Bookook Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A026940)
Boomsense Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300312)
Booster Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A008470)
Bora Pharmaceuticals Co., LTD. (GTSM:6472)
BORATR CO., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A250000)
Borneo Oil Berhad (KLSE:BORNOIL)
Borneo Resource Investments Ltd. (OTCPK:BRNE)
Borosil Glass Works Limited (BSE:502219)
Borr Drilling Limited (OB:BDRILL)
Bortex Global Limited (SEHK:8118)
Boryung Medience Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A014100)
Boryung Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003850)
BOS Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:ART)
BOSA Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:8140)
Bosch Limited (BSE:500530)
Bosideng International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3998)
Bossdom Digiinnovation Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6622)
Bossini International Holdings Limited (SEHK:592)
Boston Leasing and Finance Limited (BSE:539274)
Bosun Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002282)
Bosung Power Technology Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A006910)
Botswana Insurance Holdings Limited (BSM:BIHL)
Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited (BSM:BTCL)
Boubyan Bank K.S.C.P. (KWSE:BOUBYAN)
Boubyan Petrochemical Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:BPCC)
Bougainville Copper Limited (ASX:BOC)
Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad (KLSE:BHIC)
Boustead Holdings Berhad (KLSE:BSTEAD)
Boustead Plantations Berhad (KLSE:BPLANT)
Boustead Projects Limited (SGX:AVM)
Boustead Singapore Limited (SGX:F9D)
Boutique Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:BC)
Bowler Metcalf Limited (JSE:BCF)
Box-Pak (Malaysia) Bhd. (KLSE:BOXPAK)
Boya Bio-pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300294)
Boyaa Interactive International Limited (SEHK:434)
Boyuan Construction Group, Inc. (TSX:BOY)
BP Plastics Holding Bhd (KLSE:BPPLAS)
BPL Limited (BSE:500074)
BPPL Holdings PLC (COSE:BPPL.N0000)
BR Malls Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:BRML3)
BR Properties S.A. (BOVESPA:BRPR3)
Bradespar S.A. (BOVESPA:BRAP3)
Brady & Morris Engineering Company Limited (BSE:505690)
Brahim's Holdings Berhad (KLSE:BRAHIMS)
Brahmaputra Infrastructure Limited (BSE:535693)
Brain Contents CO., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A066980)
Brainhole Technology Limited (SEHK:2203)
Brainsway Ltd. (TASE:BWAY)
Bram Industries Ltd. (TASE:BRAM)
Brand Concepts Limited (NSEI:BCONCEPTS)
Brand Industries Ltd. (TASE:BRND)
Brand Realty Services Limited (BSE:531203)
Brasil Brokers Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:BBRK3)
BrasilAgro - Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas (BOVESPA:AGRO3)
Brave C&H Supply Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6538)
Bravo Property Fund REIT (BUL:BPY)
Bravura Holdings Limited (NMSE:CMB)
Brawn Biotech Limited (BSE:530207)
Brazil Minerals, Inc. (OTCPK:BMIX)
BRC Asia Limited (SGX:BEC)
BRD - Groupe Société Générale S.A. (BVB:BRD)
BreadTalk Group Limited (SGX:CTN)
Breezer Ventures Inc (OTCPK:BRZV)
Breezer Ventures Inc (OTCPK:BRZV)
Brem Holding Berhad (KLSE:BREM)
Brenmiller Energy Ltd (TASE:BNRG)
Bridge Biotherapeutics, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A288330)
Bridge Securities Limited (BSE:530249)
Brigade Enterprises Limited (BSE:532929)
Bright Brothers Limited (BSE:526731)
Bright Dairy & Food Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600597)
Bright Kindle Resources & Investments, Inc. (PSE:BKR)
Bright LED Electronics Corp. (TSEC:3031)
Bright Oceans Inter-Telecom Corporation (SHSE:600289)
Bright Packaging Industry Berhad (KLSE:BRIGHT)
Bright Real Estate Group Co., Limited (SHSE:600708)
Bright Sheland International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4556)
Bright Smart Securities & Commodities Group Limited (SEHK:1428)
Bright Solar Limited (NSEI:BRIGHT)
Brightcom Group Limited (BSE:532368)
Brightek Optoelectronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5244)
Brighten Optix Corporation (GTSM:6747)
BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688166)
Brighton-Best International (Taiwan) Inc. (GTSM:8415)
Brijlaxmi Leasing & Finance Limited (BSE:532113)
Brill Shoe Industries Ltd. (TASE:BRIL)
Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Limited (SEHK:1114)
Brilliance Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300542)
Brilliant Circle Holdings International Limited (SEHK:1008)
Brilliant Portfolios Limited (BSE:539434)
Brimag Digital Age Ltd. (TASE:BRMG)
Brimstone Investment Corporation Limited (JSE:BRT)
Bringspring Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300290)
Brinno Incorporated (GTSM:7402)
Britam Holdings Plc (NASE:BRIT)
Britannia Industries Limited (NSEI:BRITANNIA)
Brite-Tech Berhad (KLSE:BTECH)
British American Tobacco (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:BAT)
British American Tobacco Bangladesh Company Limited (DSE:BATBC)
British American Tobacco Kenya plc (NASE:BAT)
Broadex Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300548)
Broadway Industrial Group Limited (SGX:B69)
Brockman Mining Limited (SEHK:159)
Brodogradiliste Viktor Lenac d.d. (ZGSE:VLEN)
Brogent Technologies Inc. (GTSM:5263)
Bronze Infra-Tech Limited (BSE:534731)
Brook Crompton Holdings Ltd. (SGX:AWC)
Brookmount Explorations Inc. (OTCPK:BMXI)
Brooks Laboratories Limited (BSE:533543)
Bros Eastern Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601339)
Brother Enterprises Holding Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002562)
Browave Corporation (GTSM:3163)
Brown and Company PLC (COSE:BRWN.N0000)
Browns Beach Hotels PLC (COSE:BBH.N0000)
Browns Investments PLC (COSE:BIL.N0000)
BSE Limited (NSEI:BSE)
BSEL Infrastructure Realty Limited (BSE:532123)
BSL Corporation Berhad (KLSE:BSLCORP)
BSL Limited (BSE:514045)
BT Wealth Industries Public Company Limited (SET:BTW)
BTG Hotels (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600258)
BTM Resources Berhad (KLSE:BTM)
BTONE CO.,Ltd (KOSE:A101140)
BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:BTS)
Bualuang K.E.Retail Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:BKER)
Bualuang Office Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:B-WORK)
Bubang Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A014470)
Bucket Studio Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066410)
Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited (SEHK:1876)
Buffalo Coal Corp. (TSXV:BUF)
Build King Holdings Limited (SEHK:240)
BuilderSmart Public Company Limited (SET:BSM)
Buima Group Inc. (GTSM:5543)
Bukit Darah PLC (COSE:BUKI.N0000)
Bukit Sembawang Estates Limited (SGX:B61)
Bukwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003000)
Bulgar Czech Invest Holding-Smolyan (BUL:6B6)
Bulgarian Holding Company AD (BUL:5BA)
Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT (BUL:5BU)
Bulgarian River Shipping J.S.Co. (BUL:5BR)
Bulgarian Rose Plc (BUL:4BH)
Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD (BUL:BSO)
Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD (BUL:5BN)
Bull Will Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6259)
Bumi Armada Berhad (KLSE:ARMADA)
Bumitama Agri Ltd. (SGX:P8Z)
Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:BH)
Bumyang Construction Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A002410)
Bund Center Investment Ltd (SGX:BTE)
Bupa Arabia for Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8210)
Burgan Bank K.P.S.C. (KWSE:BURG)
Burgan Company for Well Drilling, Trading and Maintenance K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:ABAR)
Buriram Sugar Public Company Limited (SET:BRR)
Burnpur Cement Limited (BSE:532931)
Bursa de Valori Bucuresti SA (BVB:BVB)
Bursa Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:BURSA)
Burshane LPG (Pakistan) Limited (KASE:BPL)
Buruj Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8270)
Bus Online Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002188)
Busan City Gas. Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A015350)
Busan Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A011390)
Bushveld Minerals Limited (AIM:BMN)
Business Alignment Public Company Limited (SET:BIZ)
Business Online Public Company Limited (SET:BOL)
Business-intelligence of Oriental Nations Corporation Ltd. (SZSE:300166)
BusinessOn Communication Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A138580)
But'one Information Corporation,Xi'an (SHSE:600455)
Butterfly Gandhimathi Appliances Limited (BSE:517421)
Buxly Paints Limited (KASE:BUXL)
BW Offshore Limited (OB:BWO)
By-health Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300146)
BYBON Group Company Limited (SZSE:300736)
BYC Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001460)
Byco Petroleum Pakistan Limited (KASE:BYCO)
BYD Company Limited (SEHK:1211)
BYD Electronic (International) Company Limited (SEHK:285)
Byleasing Holdings Limited (SEHK:8525)
BYON Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A032980)
Byucksan Corporation (KOSE:A007210)
C & A Textiles Limited (DSE:CNATEX)
C & C Constructions Limited (BSE:532813)
C & I Leasing Plc (NGSE:CILEASING)
C C Land Holdings Limited (SEHK:1224)
C M Holdings PLC (COSE:COLO.N0000)
C Sun Mfg. Ltd. (TSEC:2467)
C T Holdings plc (COSE:CTHR.N0000)
C-Media Electronics Inc. (GTSM:6237)
C-MER Eye Care Holdings Limited (SEHK:3309)
C-Tech United Corp. (GTSM:3625)
C-TRI Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A047920)
C. Mer Industries Ltd. (TASE:CMER)
C. W. Mackie PLC (COSE:CWM.N0000)
C.A. Fábrica Nacional de Cementos S.A.C.A. (CCSE:FNC)
C.A. Inmuebles Y Valores Caracas (CCSE:IVC)
C.banner International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1028)
C.C.P. Contact Probes Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6217)
C.E.O Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:CEO)
C.I. Group Public Company Limited (SET:CIG)
C.I. Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CIHLDG)
C.J. Gelatine Products Limited (BSE:507515)
C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica S.A. (BVB:TEL)
C.P. Pokphand Co. Ltd. (SEHK:43)
C.P. Tower Growth Leasehold Property Fund (SET:CPTGF)
C.Q. Pharmaceutical Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000950)
C.T.I. Traffic Industries Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2230)
C&D International Investment Group Limited (SEHK:1908)
C&G Hi Tech Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A264660)
C&N Holdings Limited (SEHK:8430)
C&S Paper Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002511)
Ca Mau Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CMX)
Ca Mau Trading Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CMV)
CAA Resources Limited (SEHK:2112)
CAB Cakaran Corporation Berhad (KLSE:CAB)
Cabbeen Fashion Limited (SEHK:2030)
CABIO Biotech(Wuhan) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688089)
Cablevisión Holding S.A. (BASE:CVH)
Cabnet Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CABNET)
CAC 2000 Limited (JMSE:CAC)
Cache Logistics Trust (SGX:K2LU)
Cachet Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002462)
Cadbury Nigeria Plc (NGSE:CADBURY)
Cadila Healthcare Limited (NSEI:CADILAHC)
Cadogan Petroleum plc (LSE:CAD)
Cadsys (India) Limited (NSEI:CADSYS)
Caely Holdings Bhd (KLSE:CAELY)
Caesarstone Ltd. (NasdaqGS:CSTE)
Café de Coral Holdings Limited (SEHK:341)
Cafe24 Corp. (KOSDAQ:A042000)
Cahya Mata Sarawak Berhad (KLSE:CMSB)
Caihong Display Devices Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600707)
Cairo Amman Bank (ASE:CABK)
Cairo Educational Services SAE (CASE:CAED)
Cairo for Investment & Real Estate Development S.A.E. (CASE:CIRA)
Cairo Oil & Soap Company (CASE:COSG)
Cairo Poultry Company S.A.E. (CASE:POUL)
Caissa Tosun Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000796)
Caitong Securities Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601108)
Cakovecki mlinovi d.d. (ZGSE:CKML)
CAL Bank Limited (GHSE:CAL)
Cal-Comp Electronics (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:CCET)
Calcom Vision Limited (BSE:517236)
Calgro M3 Holdings Limited (JSE:CGR)
California Software Company Limited (NSEI:CALSOFT)
Calin Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4976)
Calitech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6532)
Cam Ranh International Airport Services Joint-Stock Company (HNX:CIA)
CAM Resources Berhad (KLSE:CAMRES)
Cambridge Technology Enterprises Limited (BSE:532801)
Camel Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601311)
Camellia Metal Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2064)
Cameo Communications, Inc. (TSEC:6142)
Camex Limited (BSE:524440)
Camil Alimentos S.A. (BOVESPA:CAML3)
Camlin Fine Sciences Limited (BSE:532834)
CammSys Corp. (KOSDAQ:A050110)
Camson Bio Technologies Limited (BSE:538858)
Camson Seeds Limited (BSE:540071)
Camtek Ltd. (NasdaqGM:CAMT)
Camus Engineering & Construction Inc. (KOSE:A013700)
Camuzzi Gas Pampeana S.A. (BASE:CGPA2)
Can Don Hydro Power Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SJD)
Can Fin Homes Limited (BSE:511196)
Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd. (TASE:CANF)
Can-One Berhad (KLSE:CANONE)
Canal Shipping Agencies Company (CASE:CSAG)
Canara Bank (BSE:532483)
Canature Health Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300272)
Cangzhou Dahua Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600230)
Cangzhou Mingzhu Plastic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002108)
Cannassure Therapeutics Ltd (TASE:CSURE)
Cannbit Pharmaceuticals Ltd (TASE:CNBT)
Cannomed Medical Cannabis Industries LTD (TASE:CNMD-M)
Canny Elevator Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002367)
CanSino Biologics Inc. (SEHK:6185)
Cantabil Retail India Limited (NSEI:CANTABIL)
Cantho Pesticides Joint-Stock Company (HNX:CPC)
Canvest Environmental Protection Group Company Limited (SEHK:1381)
Canzon Israel Ltd (TASE:CNZN)
Capacit'e Infraprojects Limited (BSE:540710)
Cape Industries Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A064820)
Capex S.A. (BASE:CAPX)
Capfin India Limited (BSE:539198)
Capinfo Company Limited (SEHK:1075)
Capital Appreciation Limited (JSE:CTA)
Capital Bank of Jordan (ASE:EXFB)
Capital Concept Limited JSC (BUL:WCO)
Capital Drilling Limited (LSE:CAPD)
Capital Engineering Network Public Company Limited (SET:CEN)
Capital Environment Holdings Limited (SEHK:3989)
Capital Estate Limited (SEHK:193)
Capital Finance Holdings Limited (SEHK:8239)
Capital Futures Corporation (TSEC:6024)
Capital Hotels PLC (NGSE:CAPHOTEL)
Capital India Finance Limited (BSE:530879)
Capital Management SPV (BUL:5CQ)
Capital Nomura Securities Public Company Limited (SET:CNS)
Capital Oil Plc (NGSE:CAPOIL)
Capital Point Ltd. (TASE:CPTP)
Capital Securities Corporation (TSEC:6005)
Capital Trade Links Limited (BSE:538476)
Capital Trust Limited (BSE:511505)
Capital VC Limited (SEHK:2324)
Capital World Limited (Catalist:1D5)
CapitaLand Commercial Trust (SGX:C61U)
CapitaLand Limited (SGX:C31)
CapitaLand Malaysia Mall Trust (KLSE:CMMT)
CapitaLand Mall Trust (SGX:C38U)
CapitaLand Retail China Trust (SGX:AU8U)
Capitec Bank Holdings Limited (JSE:CPI)
Caplin Point Laboratories Limited (BSE:524742)
Capman Green Energy Fund AD (BUL:C4P)
Capri Global Capital Limited (BSE:531595)
Capricorn Investment Group Limited (NMSE:CGP)
Capricorn Systems Global Solutions Limited (BSE:512169)
Caprihans India Limited (BSE:509486)
Capro Corporation (KOSE:A006380)
Caprolactam Chemicals Limited (BSE:507486)
Capstone Technologies Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CATG)
Captain Pipes Limited (BSE:538817)
Captain Polyplast Limited (BSE:536974)
Captain Technocast Limited (BSE:540652)
Captii Limited (SGX:AWV)
Capxon International Electronic Company Limited (SEHK:469)
Car & General (Kenya) Plc (NASE:CGEN)
CAR Inc. (SEHK:699)
Carabao Group Public Company Limited (SET:CBG)
Carasso Motors Ltd. (TASE:CRSO)
Carbacid Investments plc (NASE:CARB)
Carboclor S.A. (BASE:CARC)
Carborundum Universal Limited (BSE:513375)
Career Point Limited (NSEI:CAREERP)
Career Technology (Mfg.) Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6153)
Carelabs Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A263700)
Careplus Group Berhad (KLSE:CAREPLS)
Cargills (Ceylon) PLC (COSE:CARG.N0000)
Cargo Boat Development Company PLC (COSE:CABO.N0000)
Cargo Handlers Limited (JMSE:CHL)
Caribbean Cement Company Limited (JMSE:CCC)
Caribbean Cream Limited (JMSE:KREMI)
Caribbean Flavours and Fragrances Limited (JMSE:CFF)
Caribbean Investment Holdings Limited (AIM:CIHL)
Caribbean Producers (Jamaica) Limited (JMSE:CPJ)
Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (TSX:CUP.U)
Carimin Petroleum Berhad (KLSE:CARIMIN)
Caring Pharmacy Group Berhad (KLSE:CARING)
Carlos Casado S.A. (BASE:CADO)
Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:CARLSBG)
Carmit Candy Industries Ltd. (TASE:CRMT)
Carnation Industries Limited (BSE:530609)
Carnival Group International Holdings Limited (SEHK:996)
Carnival Industrial Corporation (TSEC:1417)
Carpenter Tan Holdings Limited (SEHK:837)
Carreras Limited (JMSE:CAR)
Carrianna Group Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:126)
Carriesoft Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A317530)
Carry Wealth Holdings Limited (SEHK:643)
Carson Cumberbatch PLC (COSE:CARS.N0000)
Cartavio S.A.A. (BVL:CARTAVC1)
Carthage Cement SA (BVMT:CC)
Cartier Saada SA (CBSE:CRS)
Cartrack Holdings Limited (JSE:CTK)
CAS Corporation (KOSDAQ:A016920)
Casa de Bucovina - Club de Munte S.A. (BVB:BCM)
Casa Grande S.A.A. (BVL:CASAGRC1)
Casa Holdings Limited (SGX:C04)
Casablanca Group Limited (SEHK:2223)
Casetek Holdings Limited (TSEC:5264)
CASH Financial Services Group Limited (SEHK:510)
Cashbox Partyworld Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8359)
Cashbuild Limited (JSE:CSB)
Cashway Fintech Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603106)
CASIN Real Estate Development Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000838)
Casing Macron Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3325)
Caspian Services, Inc. (OTCPK:CSSV)
Cassava SmarTech Zimbabwe Limited (ZMSE:CSZL)
Castec Korea Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A071850)
CASTECH Inc. (SZSE:002222)
Castelbajac Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A308100)
Castex Technologies Limited (BSE:532282)
Castle Peak Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:CPH)
CastleNet Technology Inc. (GTSM:8059)
Castles Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5258)
Castro Model Ltd. (TASE:CAST)
Castrol India Limited (BSE:500870)
CASwell Inc. (TSEC:6416)
Cat Lai Port Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CLL)
Cat Loi Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CLC)
CAT9 Group Inc. (OTCPK:CATN)
Catcher Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2474)
Cathay Chemical Works Inc. (TSEC:1713)
Cathay Consolidated, Inc. (GTSM:1342)
Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2882)
Cathay International Holdings Limited (LSE:CTI)
Cathay No.1 REIT (TSEC:01002T)
Cathay No.2 REIT (TSEC:01007T)
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (SEHK:293)
Cathay Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:2501)
Catvision Limited (BSE:531158)
Caudan Development Limited (MUSE:CAUD.N0000)
Cavali S.A. I.C.L.V. (BVL:CAVALIC1)
Caverton Offshore Support Group Plc (NGSE:CAVERTON)
Caxton and CTP Publishers and Printers Limited (JSE:CAT)
Cayenne Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4946)
Cayenne's Ark Mobile Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6611)
Cayman Engley Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2239)
Cayman Golden Century Wheel Group Limited (KOSDAQ:A900280)
Cayman Tung Ling Co., Limited (GTSM:2924)
CAZ (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:CAZ)
CB Industrial Product Holding Berhad (KLSE:CBIP)
CBA Asset Management AD (BUL:C81)
CBAK Energy Technology, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CBAT)
CBK Holdings Limited (SEHK:8428)
CCB Real Estate Fund REIT (BUL:5CK)
CCCG Real Estate Corporation Limited (SZSE:000736)
CCID Consulting Company Limited (SEHK:8235)
CCK Consolidated Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CCK)
CCL International Limited (BSE:531900)
CCL Products (India) Limited (BSE:519600)
Ccoop Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:000564)
CCS Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600180)
CCT Fortis Holdings Limited (SEHK:138)
CCX Carvão da Colômbia S.A. (BOVESPA:CCXC3)
CDW Holding Limited (SGX:BXE)
CE Technology Berhad (KLSE:CETECH)
CEAT Limited (BSE:500878)
Cebu Air, Inc. (PSE:CEB)
Cebu Holdings, Inc. (PSE:CHI)
Cebu Landmasters, Inc. (PSE:CLI)
CEC Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300172)
CEC International Holdings Limited (SEHK:759)
CECEP Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300140)
CECEP Solar Energy Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000591)
CECEP Wind-power Corporation Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601016)
Ceejay Finance Limited (BSE:530789)
Ceenik Exports (India) Limited (BSE:531119)
Ceepower Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300062)
Ceeta Industries Ltd. (BSE:514171)
CEFC Hong Kong Financial Investment Company Limited (SEHK:1520)
CEI Limited (SGX:AVV)
Ceinsys Tech Limited (BSE:538734)
Celebrity Fashions Limited (BSE:532695)
Celestial Asia Securities Holdings Limited (SEHK:1049)
Celestial Biolabs Limited (BSE:532871)
Cell Biotech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A049960)
Cell Kinetics Ltd. (OTCPK:CKNT.F)
Cella Space Limited (BSE:532701)
Cellcom Israel Ltd. (TASE:CEL)
Cellcom Société Anonyme (BVMT:CELL)
CELLGENTEK Co., Ltd. (XKON:A258250)
Cellid, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A299660)
Cellivery Therapeutics, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A268600)
Celltrion Healthcare Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A091990)
Celltrion Pharm, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A068760)
Celltrion, Inc. (KOSE:A068270)
Celulosa Argentina S.A. (BASE:CELU)
Celulose Irani S.A. (BOVESPA:RANI3)
Celxpert Energy Corporation (GTSM:3323)
Cement Company of Northern Nigeria Plc (NGSE:CCNN)
Cemento Polpaico S.A. (SNSE:POLPAICO)
Cementos Argos S.A. (BVC:CEMARGOS)
Cementos Bio Bio S.A. (SNSE:CEMENTOS)
Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. (BVL:CPACASC1)
CEMEX Holdings Philippines, Inc. (PSE:CHP)
Cen Link Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5254)
Cencosud Shopping S.A. (SNSE:CENCOSHOPP)
Cendes Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300492)
Cenit Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A037760)
Cenlub Industries Limited (BSE:522251)
CENOTEC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A222420)
Censof Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CENSOF)
Centara Hotels and Resorts Leasehold Property Fund (SET:CTARAF)
Centenary United Holdings Limited (SEHK:1959)
Centenial Surgical Suture Limited (BSE:531380)
Center International Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603098)
Center Laboratories, Inc. (GTSM:4123)
Centerac Technologies Limited (BSE:531621)
Central Azucarera de Tarlac, Inc. (PSE:CAT)
Central Bank of India (BSE:532885)
Central china land media CO.,LTD (SZSE:000719)
Central China Real Estate Limited (SEHK:832)
Central China Securities Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1375)
Central Cooperative Bank AD (BUL:4CF)
Central Depository Services (India) Limited (NSEI:CDSL)
Central Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:475)
Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. (NasdaqGS:CETV)
Central Finance Company PLC (COSE:CFIN.N0000)
Central Holding Group Co. Ltd. (SEHK:1735)
Central Hydropower Joint Stock Company (HNX:CHP)
Central Industries PLC (COSE:CIND.N0000)
Central Insurance Company Limited (DSE:CENTRALINS)
Central Pattana Public Company Limited (SET:CPN)
Central Petrovietnam Fertilizer And Chemicals Joint Stock Company (HNX:PCE)
Central Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company No. 3 (HNX:DP3)
Central Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (DSE:CENTRALPHL)
Central Plains Environment Protection Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000544)
Central Plaza Hotel Public Company Limited (SET:CENTEL)
Central Puerto S.A. (BASE:CEPU)
Central Reinsurance Corporation (TSEC:2851)
Central Telegraph Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:CNTL)
Central Wealth Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:139)
CentralBio Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A051980)
Centre Testing International Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300012)
Centro de Imagem Diagnósticos S.A. (BOVESPA:AALR3)
Centro Escolar University (PSE:CEU)
Centrum Capital Limited (BSE:501150)
Centum Electronics Limited (BSE:517544)
Centum Investment Company Limited (NASE:CTUM)
Centurion Corporation Limited (SGX:OU8)
Century City International Holdings Limited (SEHK:355)
Century Enka Limited (BSE:500280)
Century Entertainment International Holdings Limited (SEHK:959)
Century Extrusions Limited (BSE:500083)
Century Ginwa Retail Holdings Limited (SEHK:162)
Century Global Commodities Corporation (TSX:CNT)
Century Group International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2113)
Century Insurance Company Limited (KASE:CENI)
Century Investment Group (ASE:CEIG)
Century Iron and Steel Industrial Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:9958)
Century Land Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CRE)
Century Legend (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:79)
Century Pacific Food, Inc. (PSE:CNPF)
Century Paper & Board Mills Limited (KASE:CEPB)
Century Peak Holdings Corporation (PSE:CPM)
Century Petroleum Corp. (OTCPK:CYPE)
Century Plyboards (India) Limited (BSE:532548)
Century Properties Group, Inc. (PSE:CPG)
Century Sage Scientific Holdings Limited (SEHK:1450)
Century Sunshine Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:509)
Century Synthetic Fiber Corporation (HOSE:STK)
Century Textiles and Industries Limited (BSE:500040)
Cepatwawasan Group Berhad (KLSE:CEPAT)
Cera Sanitaryware Limited (BSE:532443)
Ceragon Networks Ltd. (NasdaqGS:CRNT)
Cerealis SA (BVMT:CREAL)
Cerebra Integrated Technologies Limited (BSE:532413)
Cerveceria Nacional, CN S.A. (GYSE:CNC)
CESC Ventures Limited (BSE:542333)
CETC Energy Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600877)
Ceylinco Insurance PLC (COSE:CINS.N0000)
Ceylon Beverage Holdings PLC (COSE:BREW.N0000)
Ceylon Cold Stores PLC (COSE:CCS.N0000)
Ceylon Grain Elevators PLC (COSE:GRAN.N0000)
Ceylon Guardian Investment Trust PLC (COSE:GUAR.N0000)
Ceylon Hospitals PLC (COSE:CHL.X0000)
Ceylon Hotels Corporation PLC (COSE:CHOT.N0000)
Ceylon Investment PLC (COSE:CINV.N0000)
Ceylon Tea Brokers PLC (COSE:CTBL.N0000)
Ceylon Tobacco Company PLC (COSE:CTC.N0000)
CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD (BUL:3CZ)
CEZ Electro Bulgaria AD (BUL:1CZ)
CFAO Motors Cote d'Ivoire SA (BRVM:CFAC)
CFS Investment and Import Export Trading Joint Stock Company (HNX:KLF)
CG Power and Industrial Solutions Limited (BSE:500093)
CG-VAK Software and Exports Limited (BSE:531489)
CGE Gas Natural S.A. (SNSE:CGEGAS)
CGN Mining Company Limited (SEHK:1164)
CGN New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1811)
CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000881)
CGN Power Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1816)
CGS International Inc. (GTSM:5310)
CH Biotech R&D Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6534)
CH Offshore Ltd (SGX:C13)
CH. Karnchang Public Company Limited (SET:CK)
CHA Biotech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A085660)
Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited (AIM:CGH)
Chacha Food Company, Limited (SZSE:002557)
Chaheng Precision Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4546)
Chahua Modern Housewares Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603615)
Chai Watana Tannery Group Public Company Limited (SET:CWT)
Chailease Holding Company Limited (TSEC:5871)
Chain Chon Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5014)
Chainqui Construction Development Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2509)
Chaintech Technology Corporation (TSEC:2425)
Chakwal Spinning Mills Limited (KASE:CWSM)
Chalet Hotels Limited (NSEI:CHALET)
Chalkis Health Industry Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000972)
Challenger Technologies Limited (SGX:573)
Cham Foods (Israel) Ltd (TASE:CHAM)
Chaman Lal Setia Exports Ltd. (BSE:530307)
Chambal Breweries & Distilleries Limited (BSE:512301)
Chambal Fertilisers and Chemicals Limited (BSE:500085)
Champion Alliance International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1629)
Champion Breweries Plc (NGSE:CHAMPION)
Champion Building Materials Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1806)
Champion Microelectronic Corporation (TSEC:3257)
Champion Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:2778)
Champion Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:92)
Chams Plc (NGSE:CHAMS)
Chander Electronics Corp. (GTSM:8068)
Chandni Machines Limited (BSE:542627)
Chandni Textiles Engineering Industries Ltd (BSE:522292)
Chandra Prabhu International Ltd. (BSE:530309)
Chang Chun Eurasia Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600697)
Chang Hwa Commercial Bank, Ltd. (TSEC:2801)
Chang Jia M&E Engineering Corp. (GTSM:4550)
Chang Jiang Shipping Group Phoenix Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000520)
Chang Lan Electric Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002879)
CHANG TYPE Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1541)
Chang Wah Electromaterials Inc. (TSEC:8070)
Chang Wah Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6548)
Chang-Ho Fibre Corporation (TSEC:1468)
Changan Minsheng APLL Logistics Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1292)
Changbai Mountain Tourism Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603099)
Changchai Company, Limited (SZSE:000570)
Changchun FAWAY Automobile Components Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600742)
Changchun Gas Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600333)
Changchun High & New Technology Industry (Group) Inc. (SZSE:000661)
Changchun jingkai Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:600215)
Changchun Sinoenergy Corporation (SHSE:600856)
Changchun UP Optotech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002338)
Changchun Yidong Clutch CO.,LTD (SHSE:600148)
Changgao Electric Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002452)
Changhae Ethanol Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A004650)
Changhong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000404)
Changhong Jiahua Holdings Limited (SEHK:8016)
Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200521)
Changjiang & Jinggong Steel Building (Group) Co., Ltd (SHSE:600496)
Changjiang Publishing & Media Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600757)
Changjiang Runfa Health Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002435)
Changjiang Securities Company Limited (SZSE:000783)
Changmao Biochemical Engineering Company Limited (SEHK:954)
Changmao Biochemical Engineering Company Limited (SEHK:954)
Changming Industrial Management Group Holding (OTCPK:CMIM)
Changqing Machinery Company Limited (SHSE:603768)
Changs Ascending Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8038)
Changsha Broad Homes Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2163)
Changsha DIALINE New Material Sci.&Tech. Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300700)
Changsha Jingjia Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300474)
Changsha Kaiyuan Instruments Co., Ltd (SZSE:300338)
Changsha Tongcheng Holdings Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000419)
Changshouhua Food Company Limited (SEHK:1006)
Changshu Automotive Trim Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603035)
Changshu Fengfan Power Equipment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601700)
Changshu Ruite Electric Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300600)
Changshu Tianyin Electromechanical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300342)
Changying Xinzhi Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002664)
Changyuan Group Ltd. (SHSE:600525)
Changzheng Engineering Co.,LTD (SHSE:603698)
Changzhou Almaden Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002623)
Changzhou Langbo Sealing Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603655)
Changzhou Nrb Corporation (SZSE:002708)
Changzhou Qianhong Biopharma CO.,LTD (SZSE:002550)
Changzhou Shenli Electrical Machine Incorporated Company (SHSE:603819)
Changzhou Tenglong AutoPartsCo.,Ltd. (SHSE:603158)
Changzhou Tiansheng New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300169)
Changzhou Tronly New Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300429)
Changzhou Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601799)
Chanhigh Holdings Limited (SEHK:2017)
Chanjet Information Technology Company Limited (SEHK:1588)
Channel Well Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3078)
Chant Sincere Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6205)
Chaoda Modern Agriculture (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:682)
Chaoprayamahanakorn Public Company Limited (SET:CMC)
Chaowei Power Holdings Limited (SEHK:951)
Chaozhou Three-Circle (Group) Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300408)
Charan Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:CHARAN)
Charm Engineering Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A009310)
Charmacy Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2289)
Charn Issara Development Public Company Limited (SET:CI)
Charoen Pokphand Enterprise(Taiwan) Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1215)
Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (SET:CPF)
Charoong Thai Wire & Cable Public Company Limited (SET:CTW)
Chartered Logistics Limited (BSE:531977)
Chasen Holdings Limited (SGX:5NV)
Chashma Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:CHAS)
CHASYS Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A033250)
Chateau International Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2722)
Chaun-Choung Technology Corp. (TSEC:6230)
Chayo Group Public Company Limited (SET:CHAYO)
CHC Healthcare Group (TSEC:4164)
CHC Resources Corporation (TSEC:9930)
Chd Chemicals Limited (BSE:539800)
CHD Developers Limited (BSE:526917)
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (NasdaqGS:CHKP)
Check-Cap Ltd. (NasdaqCM:CHEK)
Cheer Time Enterprise Co Ltd. (TSEC:3229)
Cheetah Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CHEETAH)
Cheil Grinding Wheel Ind. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001560)
Cheil Worldwide Inc. (KOSE:A030000)
Cheilbio Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052670)
Chellarams Plc (NGSE:CHELLARAM)
Chelsea Logistics and Infrastructure Holdings Corp. (PSE:C)
Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant, Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:CHKZ)
Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant PAO (MISX:CHMK)
Chemanex PLC (COSE:CHMX.N0000)
Chembond Chemicals Limited (BSE:530871)
Chemcrux Enterprises Limited (BSE:540395)
Chememan Public Company Limited (SET:CMAN)
Chemfab Alkalis Limited (BSE:541269)
Chemical and Allied Products plc (NGSE:CAP)
Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:CCM)
Chemical Industries (Far East) Limited (SGX:C05)
Chemical Industries of the Philippines, Inc. (PSE:CIP)
Chemo Pharma Laboratories Limited (BSE:506365)
ChemOn Inc. (KOSDAQ:A217600)
Chemtros Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A220260)
Chen Hsong Holdings Limited (SEHK:57)
Chen Lin Education Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1593)
Chen Nan Iron Wire Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2071)
Chen Xing Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:2286)
Chenbro Micom Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8210)
ChenFull International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8383)
Cheng Fwa Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5426)
Cheng Loong Corporation (TSEC:1904)
Cheng Mei Materials Technology Corporation (TSEC:4960)
Cheng Shin Rubber Ind. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2105)
Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2392)
Chengbang Eco-Environment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603316)
Chengdu ALD Aviation Manufacturing Corporation (SZSE:300696)
Chengdu B-ray Media Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600880)
Chengdu CORPRO Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300101)
Chengdu Expressway Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1785)
Chengdu Fusen Noble-House Industrial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002818)
Chengdu Galaxy Magnets Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300127)
Chengdu Gas Group Corporation Ltd. (SHSE:603053)
Chengdu Guibao Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300019)
Chengdu Haoneng Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603809)
ChengDu Hi-Tech Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000628)
Chengdu Hongqi Chain Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002697)
Chengdu Information Technology of The Chinese Academy of Sciences Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300678)
Chengdu Jiafaantai Education Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300559)
Chengdu Kanghong Pharmaceuticals Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:002773)
Chengdu Leejun Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002651)
Chengdu PUTIAN Telecommunications Cable Company Limited (SEHK:1202)
Chengdu Road & Bridge Engineering CO.,LTD (SZSE:002628)
ChengDu Santai Holding Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002312)
Chengdu Shenleng Liquefaction Plant Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300540)
Chengdu Spaceon Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002935)
Chengdu Taihe Health Technology Group Inc., Ltd. (SZSE:000790)
Chengdu Tangyuan Electric Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300789)
Chengdu Techcent Environment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300362)
Chengdu Wintrue Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002539)
Chengdu Xiling Power Science & Technology Incorporated Company (SZSE:300733)
Chengdu Xingrong Environment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000598)
Chengdu Xinzhu Road&Bridge Machinery Co.,LTD (SZSE:002480)
Chengdu Xuguang Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600353)
Chengdu Yunda Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300440)
Chengtun Mining Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600711)
ChenGuang Biotech Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300138)
Chengzhi Shareholding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000990)
Chenming Mold Ind. Corp. (TSEC:3013)
Chennai Ferrous Industries Limited (BSE:539011)
Chennai Meenakshi Multispeciality Hospital Limited (BSE:523489)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (BSE:500110)
Chenzhou City Jingui Silver Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002716)
Cheongbo Industrial. Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A013720)
Cherat Cement Company Limited (KASE:CHCC)
Cherat Packaging Limited (KASE:CPPL)
Chernan Metal Industrial Corp. (GTSM:3631)
Cherng Tay Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4767)
Cherrybro co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A066360)
Cheryong Electric Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033100)
Cheryong Industrial Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A147830)
Cheuk Nang (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:131)
Cheung Woh Technologies Ltd (SGX:C50)
Chevalier International Holdings Limited (SEHK:25)
Cheviot Company Limited (BSE:526817)
Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC (COSE:LLUB.N0000)
Chewathai Public Company Limited (SET:CHEWA)
Chi Cheng Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3095)
Chi Ho Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:8423)
Chi Hua Fitness Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1593)
Chi Sheng Pharma & Biotech Co., Ltd (GTSM:4111)
Chia Chang Co., Ltd (TSEC:4942)
Chia Her Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1449)
Chia Hsin Cement Corporation (TSEC:1103)
Chia Ta World Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2033)
Chia Tai Enterprises International Limited (SEHK:3839)
Chia Yi Steel Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2067)
Chialin Precision Industrial Co., Ltd (GTSM:3310)
Chian Hsing Forging Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4528)
Chiang Mai Ram Medical Business Public Company Limited (SET:CMR)
Chiangmai Frozen Foods Public Company Limited (SET:CM)
Chiangmai Rimdoi Public Company Limited (SET:CRD)
Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2385)
Chicony Power Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6412)
Chief Telecom Inc. (GTSM:6561)
Chieftek Precision Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1597)
Chien Kuo Construction Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5515)
Chien Shing Harbour Service Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:8367)
Chien Shing Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2025)
Chien Wei Precise Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8092)
Chifeng Jilong Gold Mining Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600988)
Chigo Holding Limited (SEHK:449)
Chih Lien Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2024)
Chiho Environmental Group Limited (SEHK:976)
Chilisin Electronics Corp. (TSEC:2456)
Chime Ball Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:1595)
Chimimport AD (BUL:6C4)
Chimin Health Management Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603222)
Chin Hin Group Berhad (KLSE:CHINHIN)
Chin Hin Group Property Berhad (KLSE:CHGP)
Chin Teck Plantations Berhad (KLSE:CHINTEK)
Chin Well Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CHINWEL)
Chin Yang Industry Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003780)
Chin-Poon Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2355)
China 21st Century Education Group Limited (SEHK:1598)
China 33 Media Group Limited (SEHK:8087)
China Aerospace International Holdings Limited (SEHK:31)
China Aerospace Times Electronics CO., LTD. (SHSE:600879)
China Agri-Business, Inc. (OTCPK:CHBU)
China Agri-Industries Holdings Limited (SEHK:606)
China Agri-Products Exchange Limited (SEHK:149)
China Agroforestry Low-Carbon Holdings Limited (SEHK:1069)
China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1848)
China Airlines, Ltd. (TSEC:2610)
China All Access (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:633)
China Aluminum Cans Holdings Limited (SEHK:6898)
China Aluminum International Engineering Corporation Limited (SHSE:601068)
China Animal Husbandry Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600195)
China Animation Characters Company Limited (SEHK:1566)
China Aoyuan Group Limited (SEHK:3883)
China Art Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:1572)
China Auto Logistics Inc. (OTCPK:CALI)
China Automobile New Retail (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:526)
China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601965)
China Automotive Interior Decoration Holdings Limited (SEHK:48)
China Automotive Systems, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CAAS)
China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd (SGX:G92)
China Avionics Systems Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600372)
China Banking Corporation (PSE:CHIB)
China Baoan Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000009)
China Baofeng (International) Limited (SEHK:3966)
China BCT Pharmacy Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CNBI)
China Beidahuang Industry Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:39)
China Best Group Holding Limited (SEHK:370)
China Bester Group Telecom Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603220)
China Beststudy Education Group (SEHK:3978)
China Billion Resources Limited (SEHK:274)
China Bills Finance Corporation (TSEC:2820)
China Binary New Fintech Group (SEHK:8255)
China Biologic Products Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqGS:CBPO)
China Biotech Services Holdings Limited (SEHK:8037)
China BlueChemical Ltd. (SEHK:3983)
China Boqi Environmental (Holding) Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2377)
China Brilliant Global Limited (SEHK:8026)
China Building Material Test & Certification Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603060)
China Calxon Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000918)
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002051)
China CBM Group Company Limited (SEHK:8270)
China Ceramics Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM:CCCL)
China CGame, Inc. (OTCPK:CCGM)
China Changjiang Mining & New Energy Company, Ltd. (OTCPK:CHJI)
China Chemical & Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1701)
China Chemical Corp. (OTCPK:CHCC)
China Chengtong Development Group Limited (SEHK:217)
China Chuanglian Education Financial Group Limited (SEHK:2371)
China CIFCO Investment Co., Ltd (SZSE:000996)
China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1359)
China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited (SEHK:998)
China City Infrastructure Group Limited (SEHK:2349)
China Clean Energy Inc. (OTCPK:CCGY)
China Cloud Copper Company Limited (SEHK:33)
China Coal Energy Company Limited (SEHK:1898)
China Coal Xinji Energy Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601918)
China Communications Construction Company Limited (SEHK:1800)
China Communications Media Group Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6404)
China Communications Services Corporation Limited (SEHK:552)
China Conch Venture Holdings Limited (SEHK:586)
China Construction Bank Corporation (SEHK:939)
China Container Terminal Corporation (TSEC:2613)
China Creative Digital Entertainment Limited (SEHK:8078)
China Creative Global Holdings Limited (SEHK:1678)
China Crystal New Material Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A900250)
China CSSC Holdings Limited (SHSE:600150)
China Customer Relations Centers, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CCRC)
China Cyts Tours Holding Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600138)
China Dasheng Biotechnology Co. (OTCPK:CDBT)
China Datang Corporation Renewable Power Co., Limited (SEHK:1798)
China Daye Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Limited (SEHK:661)
China Demeter Financial Investments Limited (SEHK:8120)
China Design Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603018)
China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1606)
China Development Bank International Investment Limited (SEHK:1062)
China Development Financial Holding Corporation (TSEC:2883)
China Digital Culture (Group) Limited (SEHK:8175)
China Digital Video Holdings Limited (SEHK:8280)
China Dili Group (SEHK:1387)
China Display Optoelectronics Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:334)
China Dive Company Limited (SZSE:300526)
China Dongsheng International, Inc. (OTCPK:CDSG)
China Dongxiang (Group) Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3818)
China Dredging Environment Protection Holdings Limited (SEHK:871)
China Dynamics (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:476)
China E-Information Technology Group Limited (SEHK:8055)
China e-Wallet Payment Group Limited (SEHK:802)
China East Education Holdings Limited (SEHK:667)
China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (SHSE:600115)
China Eco-Farming Limited (SEHK:8166)
China Ecotek Corporation (TSEC:1535)
China Education Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:839)
China Electric Mfg. Corporation (TSEC:1611)
China Electronics Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CEHD)
China Electronics Huada Technology Company Limited (SEHK:85)
China Electronics Optics Valley Union Holding Company Limited (SEHK:798)
China Energine International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1185)
China Energy Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:228)
China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited (SEHK:3996)
China Energy Recovery, Inc. (OTCPK:CGYV)
China Enterprise Company Limited (SHSE:600675)
China Enterprises Limited (OTCPK:CSHE.F)
China Environmental Energy Investment Limited (SEHK:986)
China Environmental Resources Group Limited (SEHK:1130)
China Environmental Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:646)
China Environmental Technology and Bioenergy Holdings Limited (SEHK:1237)
China Ever Grand Financial Leasing Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:379)
China Everbright Bank Company Limited (SHSE:601818)
China Everbright Greentech Limited (SEHK:1257)
China Everbright International Limited (SEHK:257)
China Everbright Limited (SEHK:165)
China Everbright Water Limited (SGX:U9E)
China Evergrande Group (SEHK:3333)
China Express Airlines Co.,LTD (SZSE:002928)
China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200055)
China Feihe Limited (SEHK:6186)
China Film Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600977)
China Finance Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:875)
China Financial International Investments Limited (SEHK:721)
China Financial Services Holdings Limited (SEHK:605)
China Fineblanking Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:1586)
China First Capital Group Limited (SEHK:1269)
China First Heavy Industries (SHSE:601106)
China Flavors and Fragrances Company Limited (SEHK:3318)
China Foods Limited (SEHK:506)
China Fordoo Holdings Limited (SEHK:2399)
China Fortune Financial Group Limited (SEHK:290)
China Fortune Holdings Limited (SEHK:110)
China Fortune Land Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600340)
China Futex Holdings Limited (SEHK:8506)
China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6881)
China Gas Holdings Limited (SEHK:384)
China Gem Holdings Limited (SEHK:1191)
China General Plastics Corporation (TSEC:1305)
China Gengsheng Minerals, Inc. (OTCPK:CHGS)
China Gengsheng Minerals, Inc. (OTCPK:CHGS)
China Geothermal Industry Development Group Limited (SEHK:8128)
China Gezhouba Group Company Limited (SHSE:600068)
China Gingko Education Group Company Limited (SEHK:1851)
China Glass Holdings Limited (SEHK:3300)
China Glaze Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1809)
China Golden Classic Group Limited (SEHK:8281)
China Grand Automotive Services Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600297)
China Grand Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Holdings Limited (SEHK:512)
China Graphene Group Limited (SEHK:63)
China Great Wall Securities Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002939)
China Greatwall Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000066)
China Green (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:904)
China Green Agriculture, Inc. (NYSE:CGA)
China Greenfresh Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6183)
China Greenland Broad Greenstate Group Company Limited (SEHK:1253)
China Haida Ltd. (SGX:C92)
China Hainan Rubber Industry Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:601118)
China Haisheng Juice Holdings Co., Ltd (SEHK:359)
China Haisum Engineering Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002116)
China Hanking Holdings Limited (SEHK:3788)
China Harmony New Energy Auto Holding Limited (SEHK:3836)
China Harzone Industry Corp., Ltd (SZSE:300527)
China Health Group Inc. (SEHK:8225)
China Health Group Limited (SEHK:673)
China Healthwise Holdings Limited (SEHK:348)
China HGS Real Estate Inc. (NasdaqCM:HGSH)
China Hi-Tech Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600730)
China High Speed Transmission Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:658)
China High-Speed Railway Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000008)
China Hongqiao Group Limited (SEHK:1378)
China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2799)
China Huarong Energy Company Limited (SEHK:1101)
China Huirong Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:1290)
China Industrial Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CIND)
China Industrial Securities International Financial Group Limited (SEHK:6058)
China Industrial Waste Management, Inc. (OTCPK:CIWT)
China Information Technology Development Limited (SEHK:8178)
China Infrastructure & Logistics Group Ltd. (SEHK:1719)
China Infrastructure Investment Limited (SEHK:600)
China Innovation Investment Limited (SEHK:1217)
China Intelligence Information Systems, Inc. (OTCPK:IICN)
China International Capital Corporation Limited (SEHK:3908)
China International Development Corporation Limited (SEHK:264)
China International Holdings Limited (SGX:BEH)
China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000039)
China International Travel Service Corporation Limited (SHSE:601888)
China Internet Nationwide Financial Services Inc. (NasdaqGM:CIFS)
China Investments Holdings Limited (SEHK:132)
China Isotope & Radiation Corporation (SEHK:1763)
China ITS (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1900)
China Jicheng Holdings Limited (SEHK:1027)
China Jinmao Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:817)
China Jishan Holdings Limited (SGX:J18)
China Jo-Jo Drugstores, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CJJD)
China Jushi Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600176)
China Kepei Education Group Limited (SEHK:1890)
China Kings Resources Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603505)
China Kingstone Mining Holdings Limited (SEHK:1380)
China Kunda Technology Holdings Limited (Catalist:GU5)
China Lending Corporation (OTCPK:CLDO.F)
China Leon Inspection Holding Limited (SEHK:1586)
China Lesso Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2128)
China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2823)
China Life Insurance Company Limited (SEHK:2628)
China Lilang Limited (SEHK:1234)
China Literature Limited (SEHK:772)
China LNG Group Limited (SEHK:931)
China Logistics Property Holdings Co., Ltd (SEHK:1589)
China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited (SEHK:916)
China LotSynergy Holdings Limited (SEHK:1371)
China Ludao Technology Company Limited (SEHK:2023)
China Machinery Engineering Corporation (SEHK:1829)
China Man-Made Fiber Corporation (TSEC:1718)
China Maple Leaf Educational Systems Limited (SEHK:1317)
China Marine Food Group Limited (OTCPK:CMFO)
China Marine Information Electronics Company Limited (SHSE:600764)
China Master Logistics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603967)
China Media Inc. (OTCPK:CHND)
China Medical & HealthCare Group Limited (SEHK:383)
China Medical System Holdings Limited (SEHK:867)
China Medicine Corporation (OTCPK:CHME)
China Meheco Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600056)
China MeiDong Auto Holdings Limited (SEHK:1268)
China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited (SEHK:2319)
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600036)
China Merchants Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:1503)
China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601872)
China Merchants Expressway Network & Technology Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:001965)
China Merchants Land Limited (SEHK:978)
China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:201872)
China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:144)
China Merchants Property Operation and Service Co., Ltd. (SZSE:001914)
China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600999)
China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:001979)
China Metal Products Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1532)
China Metal Resources Utilization Limited (SEHK:1636)
China Minmetals Rare Earth Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000831)
China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:600016)
China Minsheng Financial Holding Corporation Limited (SEHK:245)
China Mobile Limited (SEHK:941)
China Modern Agricultural Information, Inc. (OTCPK:CMCI)
China Modern Dairy Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:1117)
China Molybdenum Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3993)
China Motor Bus Company, Limited (SEHK:26)
China Motor Corporation (TSEC:2204)
China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. (SZSE:000028)
China National Building Material Company Limited (SEHK:3323)
China National Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd (SHSE:601117)
China National Complete Plant Import & Export Corporation Limited (SZSE:000151)
China National Culture Group Limited (SEHK:745)
China National Electric Apparatus Research Institute Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688128)
China National Medicines Corporation Ltd. (SHSE:600511)
China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601985)
China National Software & Service Company Limited (SHSE:600536)
China Natural Gas, Inc. (OTCPK:CHNG.Q)
China Natural Resources, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CHNR)
China Netcom Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:8071)
China Networks International Holdings, Ltd. (OTCPK:CNWH.F)
China New City Commercial Development Limited (SEHK:1321)
China New Energy Group Co. (OTCPK:CNER)
China New Energy Limited (AIM:CNEL)
China New Higher Education Group Limited (SEHK:2001)
China New Town Development Company Limited (SEHK:1278)
China Nonferrous Gold Limited (AIM:CNG)
China Nonferrous Metal Industry's Foreign Engineering and Construction Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000758)
China Nonferrous Mining Corporation Limited (SEHK:1258)
China Northern Rare Earth (Group) High-Tech Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600111)
China NT Pharma Group Company Limited (SEHK:1011)
China Nuclear Energy Technology Corporation Limited (SEHK:611)
China Nuclear Engineering Corporation Limited (SHSE:601611)
China Ocean Fishing Holdings Limited (SEHK:8047)
China Ocean Industry Group Limited (SEHK:651)
China Oceanwide Holdings Limited (SEHK:715)
China Oil And Gas Group Limited (SEHK:603)
China Oil HBP Science & Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002554)
China Oilfield Services Limited (SEHK:2883)
China Oriental Group Company Limited (SEHK:581)
China Oriented International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1871)
China Ouhua Winery Holdings Limited (KLSE:CNOUHUA)
China Outfitters Holdings Limited (SEHK:1146)
China Overseas Grand Oceans Group Limited (SEHK:81)
China Overseas Land & Investment Limited (SEHK:688)
China Overseas Nuoxin International Holdings Limited (SEHK:464)
China Overseas Property Holdings Limited (SEHK:2669)
China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601601)
China Parenting Network Holdings Limited (SEHK:1736)
China Partytime Culture Holdings Limited (SEHK:1532)
China PengFei Group Limited (SEHK:3348)
China Petrochemical Development Corporation (TSEC:1314)
China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SEHK:386)
China Petroleum Engineering Corporation (SHSE:600339)
China Pharma Holdings, Inc. (AMEX:CPHI)
China Pioneer Pharma Holdings Limited (SEHK:1345)
China Power International Development Limited (SEHK:2380)
China Primary Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:8117)
China Properties Group Limited (SEHK:1838)
China Properties Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:736)
China Public Procurement Limited (SEHK:1094)
China Publishing & Media Holdings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601949)
China Putian Food Holding Limited (SEHK:1699)
China Qinfa Group Limited (SEHK:866)
China Quanjude(Group) Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002186)
China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (SHSE:601186)
China Railway Group Limited (SHSE:601390)
China Railway Hi-tech Industry Corporation Limited (SHSE:600528)
China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation Limited (SEHK:3969)
China Railway Tielong Container Logistics Co., Ltd (SHSE:600125)
China Rare Earth Holdings Limited (SEHK:769)
China Real Estate Grp Ltd. (Catalist:5RA)
China Recycling Energy Corporation (NasdaqCM:CREG)
China Reform Culture Holdings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600636)
China Reform Health Management and Services Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000503)
China Regenerative Medicine International Limited (SEHK:8158)
China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation (SEHK:1508)
China Renaissance Holdings Limited (SEHK:1911)
China Renewable Energy Investment Limited (SEHK:987)
China Resources and Environment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600217)
China Resources and Transportation Group Limited (SEHK:269)
China Resources Beer (Holdings) Company Limited (SEHK:291)
China Resources Cement Holdings Limited (SEHK:1313)
China Resources Double-Crane Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600062)
China Resources Gas Group Limited (SEHK:1193)
China Resources Land Limited (SEHK:1109)
China Resources Medical Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1515)
China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Limited (SEHK:3320)
China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:836)
China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000999)
China Risun Group Limited (SEHK:1907)
China Rongzhong Financial Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:3963)
China Ruifeng Renewable Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:527)
China Rundong Auto Group Limited (SEHK:1365)
China Runji Cement Inc. (OTCPK:CRJI)
China Saite Group Company Limited (SEHK:153)
China Sandi Holdings Limited (SEHK:910)
China Sanjiang Fine Chemicals Company Limited (SEHK:2198)
China Satellite Communications Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601698)
China SCE Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1966)
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (SHSE:601858)
China Security Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600654)
China Shandong Hi-Speed Financial Group Limited (SEHK:412)
China Shanshui Cement Group Limited (SEHK:691)
China Shenghai Food Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1676)
China Shengmu Organic Milk Limited (SEHK:1432)
China Shenhua Energy Company Limited (SEHK:1088)
China SheSays Medical Cosmetology Inc. (OTCPK:CSAY)
China Shineway Pharmaceutical Group Limited (SEHK:2877)
China Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited (SHSE:601989)
China Shipbuilding Industry Group Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600482)
China Shoe Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:CHSH)
China Shouguan Investment Holding Group Corporation (OTCPK:CHSO)
China Shun Ke Long Holdings Limited (SEHK:974)
China Silver Group Limited (SEHK:815)
China Singyes New Materials Holdings Limited (SEHK:8073)
China Singyes Solar Technologies Holdings Limited (SEHK:750)
China Sinostar Group Company Limited (SEHK:485)
China Smarter Energy Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1004)
China Smartpay Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8325)
China Solar & Clean Energy Solutions, Inc. (OTCPK:CSOL)
China South City Holdings Limited (SEHK:1668)
China South Publishing & Media Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:601098)
China Southern Airlines Company Limited (SHSE:600029)
China Spacesat Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600118)
China Sports Industry Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600158)
China Star Entertainment Limited (SEHK:326)
China Star Food Group Limited (Catalist:42W)
China Starch Holdings Limited (SEHK:3838)
China State Construction Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:830)
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (SHSE:601668)
China State Construction International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3311)
China Steel Chemical Corporation (TSEC:1723)
China Steel Corporation (TSEC:2002)
China Steel Structure Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2013)
China Strategic Holdings Limited (SEHK:235)
China Success Finance Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:3623)
China Sun Group High-Tech Co. (OTCPK:CSGH)
China Sunshine Paper Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:2002)
China Sunsine Chemical Holdings Ltd. (SGX:QES)
China Suntien Green Energy Corporation Limited (SEHK:956)
China SXT Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqCM:SXTC)
China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:966)
China Tangshang Holdings Limited (SEHK:674)
China Technology Solar Power Holdings Limited (SEHK:8111)
China Telecom Corporation Limited (SEHK:728)
China Teletech Holding, Inc. (OTCPK:CNCT)
China Television Company, Ltd. (TSEC:9928)
China Television Media, Ltd. (SHSE:600088)
China Tian Lun Gas Holdings Limited (SEHK:1600)
China Tian Yuan Healthcare Group Limited (SEHK:557)
China Tianbao Group Development Company Limited (SEHK:1427)
China Tianrui Automotive Interiors Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6162)
China Tianrui Group Cement Company Limited (SEHK:1252)
China Tianying Inc. (SZSE:000035)
China Times Publishing Co. (GTSM:8923)
China Ting Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:3398)
China Titans Energy Technology Group Co., Limited (SEHK:2188)
China TMK Battery Systems Inc. (OTCPK:DFEL)
China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited (SEHK:6055)
China Tonghai International Financial Limited (SEHK:952)
China Tontine Wines Group Limited (SEHK:389)
China Touyun Tech Group Limited (SEHK:1332)
China Tower Corporation Limited (SEHK:788)
China Traditional Chinese Medicine Holdings Co. Limited (SEHK:570)
China Transinfo Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002373)
China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Limited (SEHK:308)
China Trends Holdings Limited (SEHK:8171)
China Trustful Group Limited (SEHK:8265)
China Tungsten and Hightech Materials Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000657)
China U-Ton Holdings Limited (SEHK:6168)
China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited (SEHK:762)
China Union Holdings Ltd. (SZSE:000036)
China United Network Communications Limited (SHSE:600050)
China United Travel Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600358)
China Uptown Group Company Limited (SEHK:2330)
China Vanadium Titano-Magnetite Mining Company Limited (SEHK:893)
China Vanke Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000002)
China VAST Industrial Urban Development Company Limited (SEHK:6166)
China Wafer Level CSP Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603005)
China Wan Tong Yuan (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:6966)
China Water Affairs Group Limited (SEHK:855)
China Water Industry Group Limited (SEHK:1129)
China Weaving Materials Holdings Limited (SEHK:3778)
China West Construction Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:002302)
China Western Power Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002630)
China Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1603)
China Wood Optimization (Holding) Limited (SEHK:1885)
China World Trade Center Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600007)
China Wuyi Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000797)
China XD Electric Co., Ltd (SHSE:601179)
China XD Plastics Company Limited (NasdaqGM:CXDC)
China Xiangtai Food Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM:PLIN)
China Xinhua Education Group Limited (SEHK:2779)
China XLX Fertiliser Ltd. (SEHK:1866)
China Yangtze Power Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600900)
China YiBai United Guarantee International Holding, Inc. (OTCPK:CBGH)
China Yongda Automobiles Services Holdings Limited (SEHK:3669)
China Youzan Limited (SEHK:8083)
China Yuanbang Property Holdings Limited (SGX:BCD)
China Yuchai International Limited (NYSE:CYD)
China YuHua Education Corporation Limited (SEHK:6169)
China Yurun Food Group Limited (SEHK:1068)
China ZhengTong Auto Services Holdings Limited (SEHK:1728)
China Zhenhua (Group) Science & Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:000733)
China Zheshang Bank Co., Ltd (SEHK:2016)
China ZhongDi Dairy Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1492)
China Zhonghua Geotechnical Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002542)
China Zhongwang Holdings Limited (SEHK:1333)
China-Hongkong Photo Products Holdings Limited (SEHK:1123)
China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Development Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601512)
ChinaLin Securities Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002945)
ChinaNet Online Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:CNET)
Chinasoft International Limited (SEHK:354) Inc. (OTCPK:CHWE)
Chinese Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:8009)
Chinese Estates Holdings Limited (SEHK:127)
Chinese Food and Beverage Group Limited (SEHK:8272)
Chinese Gamer International Corporation (GTSM:3083)
Chinese Maritime Transport Ltd. (TSEC:2612)
Chinese People Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:681)
Chinese Strategic Holdings Limited (SEHK:8089)
Chinese Universe Publishing and Media Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600373)
Ching Chan Optical Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2070)
Ching Feng Home Fashions Co.,Ltd (TSEC:9935)
Ching Lee Holdings Limited (SEHK:3728)
ChinHung International, Inc. (KOSE:A002780)
Chinlink International Holdings Limited (SEHK:997)
Chinney Alliance Group Limited (SEHK:385)
Chinney Investments, Limited (SEHK:216)
Chinney Kin Wing Holdings Limited (SEHK:1556)
Chinyang Chemical Corporation (KOSE:A051630)
Chinyang Holdings Corp. (KOSE:A100250)
Chinyang Poly Urethane Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A010640)
Chip Eng Seng Corporation Ltd (SGX:C29)
Chip Hope Co., Ltd (GTSM:8084)
Chipbond Technology Corporation (GTSM:6147)
Chips&Media, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A094360)
Chiron Refineries Ltd (TASE:CHR)
Chison Medical Technologies Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688358)
Chitec Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3430)
Chitradurga Spintex Limited (BSE:521244)
Chiu Ting Machinery Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1539)
CHL Limited (BSE:532992)
Chlitina Holding Limited (TSEC:4137)
CHO Pharma, Inc. (GTSM:6586)
Cho Thavee Public Company Limited (SET:CHO)
ChoA Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A034940)
Chobe Holdings Limited (BSM:CHOBE)
Chobi Company Limited (KOSE:A001550)
Choheung Corporation (KOSE:A002600)
Choice Development, Inc. (TSEC:9929)
Choice International Limited (BSE:531358)
Choil Aluminum Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A018470)
Choksi Imaging Limited (BSE:530427)
Choksi Laboratories Limited (BSE:526546)
Chokwang Leather Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A004700)
Chokwang Paint Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004910)
Cholamandalam Financial Holdings Limited (BSE:504973)
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Limited (BSE:511243)
Cholon Real Estate Joint Stock Company (HNX:RCL)
Cholon Water Supply Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CLW)
Chonbang Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000950)
Chonburi Concrete Product Public Company Limited (SET:CCP)
Chong Hing Bank Limited (SEHK:1111)
Chong Hong Construction Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5534)
Chong Kin Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1609)
Chong Kun Dang Holdings Corp. (KOSE:A001630)
Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Corp. (KOSE:A185750)
Chongqing Brewery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600132)
Chongqing Changan Automobile Company Limited (SZSE:200625)
Chongqing Chuanyi Automation Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603100)
Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Corporation Limited (SHSE:600939)
Chongqing Department Store Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600729)
Chongqing Fuling Electric Power Industrial Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600452)
Chongqing Fuling Zhacai Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002507)
Chongqing Gangjiu Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600279)
Chongqing Gas Group Corporation Ltd. (SHSE:600917)
Chongqing Iron & Steel Company Limited (SEHK:1053)
Chongqing Jianshe Vehicle System Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200054)
Chongqing Landai Powertrain Corp., Ltd. (SZSE:002765)
Chongqing Lummy Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300006)
Chongqing Machinery & Electric Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2722)
Chongqing Mas Sci.&Tech. Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300275)
Chongqing New Dazheng Property Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002968)
Chongqing Pharscin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002907)
Chongqing Qin'an M&E PLC. (SHSE:603758)
Chongqing road & bridge co.,ltd (SHSE:600106)
Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3618)
Chongqing Sansheng Industrial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002742)
Chongqing Sanxia Paints Co., Ltd (SZSE:000565)
Chongqing Sokon Industry Group Stock Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601127)
Chongqing Taiji Industry(Group) Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600129)
Chongqing Three Gorges Water Conservancy and Electric Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600116)
Chongqing Wanli New Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600847)
Chongqing Water Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601158)
Chongqing Yukaifa Co., Ltd (SZSE:000514)
Chongqing Zaisheng Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603601)
ChongQing Zhengchuan Pharmaceutical Packaging Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603976)
Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300122)
Chongqing Zongshen Power Machinery Co.,Ltd (SZSE:001696)
Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002378)
Choo Bee Metal Industries Berhad (KLSE:CHOOBEE)
Choong Ang Vaccine Laboratory Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A072020)
ChoongAng Ocean Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A054180)
Chordia Food Products Limited (BSE:519475)
Chorokbaem Media Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A047820)
Chosun Refractories Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A000480)
Chothani Foods Limited (BSE:540681)
Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Limited (SEHK:116)
Chow Steel Industries Public Company Limited (SET:CHOW)
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (SEHK:1929)
Chow Tai Seng Jewellery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002867)
Chowgule Steamships Limited (BSE:501833)
Christiani & Nielsen (Thai) Public Company Limited (SET:CNT)
Christine International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1210)
Chroma ATE Inc. (TSEC:2360)
Chromatic India Limited (BSE:530191)
CHTC Fong's International Company Limited (SEHK:641)
CHTC Helon Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000677)
Chu Kong Petroleum and Natural Gas Steel Pipe Holdings Limited (SEHK:1938)
Chu Kong Shipping Enterprises (Group) Company Limited (SEHK:560)
Chuan Holdings Limited (SEHK:1420)
Chuan Huat Resources Berhad (KLSE:CHUAN)
Chuan Hup Holdings Limited (SGX:C33)
Chuang Yi Biotech co., ltd. (GTSM:6566)
Chuang's China Investments Limited (SEHK:298)
Chuang's Consortium International Limited (SEHK:367)
Chubb Arabia Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8240)
Chukai Public Company Limited (SET:CRANE)
Chularat Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:CHG)
Chumporn Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited (SET:CPI)
Chumpower Machinery Corp. (GTSM:4575)
Chun Yu Works & Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2012)
Chun Yuan Steel Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2010)
Chun Zu Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4544)
Chunbo Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A278280)
Chung Fu Tex-International Corporation (TSEC:1435)
Chung Hung Steel Corporation (TSEC:2014)
Chung Hwa Chemical Industrial Works, Ltd. (TSEC:1727)
Chung Hwa Food Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4205)
Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation (TSEC:1905)
Chung Lien Transportation Co., Ltd (GTSM:5604)
Chung-Hsin Electric & Machinery Mfg. Corp. (TSEC:1513)
CHUNGDAHM Learning, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A096240)
Chungho ComNet Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A012600)
Chunghsin Technology Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:603996)
Chunghwa Chemical Synthesis & Biotech Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1762)
Chunghwa Precision Test Tech. Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6510)
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2412)
Chungkwang Construction Co., Ltd. (XKON:A140290)
Chunil Express Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000650)
ChunLab, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A311690)
Chuong Duong Beverages Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SCD)
Chuong Duong Corp. (HOSE:CDC)
Chuwa Wool Industry Co., (Taiwan) Ltd. (TSEC:1439)
Chyang Sheng Dyeing & Finishing Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1463)
CI Capital Holding for Financial Investments (CASE:CICH)
CI Systems (Israel) Ltd. (TASE:CISY)
Cia. Hering (BOVESPA:HGTX3)
CIAAT Co., Ltd. (XKON:A103660)
CIAN Agro Industries & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:519477)
Cian Healthcare Limited (BSE:542678)
Ciboney Group Limited (JMSE:CBNY)
CIC Holdings PLC (COSE:CIC.N0000)
CIC Insurance Group Limited (NASE:CIC)
CIEL Limited (MUSE:CIEL.N0000)
CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. (SEHK:884)
CIG ShangHai Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603083)
Cigniti Technologies Limited (BSE:534758)
CII Bridges and Roads Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LGC)
CII Engineering and Construction JSC (HOSE:CEE)
CIL Holdings Limited (SEHK:479)
CIL Nova Petrochemicals Limited (BSE:533407)
CIL Securities Limited (BSE:530829)
CIM Financial Services Ltd (MUSE:CIM.N0000)
CIMB Group Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CIMB)
CIMB Thai Bank Public Company Limited (SET:CIMBT)
CIMC Enric Holdings Limited (SEHK:3899)
CIMC Vehicle (Group) Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1839)
CIMC-TianDa Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:445)
Ciments du Maroc Société Anonyme (CBSE:CMA)
Cimmco Limited (BSE:505230)
Cincon Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3332)
Cinda International Holdings Limited (SEHK:111)
Cinda Real Estate Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600657)
Cindrella Hotels Limited (BSE:526373)
Cineline India Limited (BSE:532807)
CinemaONE Limited (TTSE:CINE1)
Cinerad Communications Limited (BSE:530457)
Cinevista Limited (BSE:532324)
Cinkarna Celje, d. d. (LJSE:CICG)
Cipherlab Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6160)
Cipla Limited (NSEI:CIPLA)
Cipla Quality Chemical Industries Limited (UGSE:CQCIL)
CircuTech International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8051)
Cirtek Holdings Philippines Corporation (PSE:TECH)
Cisen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603367)
Cistro Telelink Limited (BSE:531775)
Citadel Realty and Developers Limited (BSE:502445)
CITECH Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004920)
CITIC Dameng Holdings Limited (SEHK:1091)
CITIC Envirotech Ltd. (SGX:CEE)
CITIC Guoan Information Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000839)
Citic Guoan Wine CO.,LTD (SHSE:600084)
CITIC Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601608)
CITIC Limited (SEHK:267)
CITIC Offshore Helicopter Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000099)
Citic Pacific Special Steel Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000708)
Citic Press Corporation (SZSE:300788)
CITIC Resources Holdings Limited (SEHK:1205)
CITIC Securities Company Limited (SHSE:600030)
CITIC Telecom International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1883)
Citicode Ltd. (SGX:5FH)
Citiport Financial Services Limited (BSE:531235)
Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (COSE:CDB.N0000)
Citrus Leisure PLC (COSE:REEF.N0000)
City & Land Developers, Incorporated (PSE:LAND)
City Auto Corporation (HOSE:CTF)
City Cars (BVMT:CITY)
City Cement Company (SASE:3003)
City Developments Limited (SGX:C09)
City General Insurance Company Limited (DSE:CITYGENINS)
City Lodge Hotels Limited (JSE:CLH)
City Online Services Limited (BSE:538674)
City Pulse Multiplex Limited (BSE:542727)
City Service SE (WSE:CTS)
City Steel Public Company Limited (SET:CITY)
City Union Bank Ltd. (BSE:532210)
Citychamp Dartong Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600067)
Citychamp Watch & Jewellery Group Limited (SEHK:256)
Cityland Development Corporation (PSE:CDC)
Citystate Savings Bank, Inc. (PSE:CSB)
Ciwen Media Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002343)
CJ Century Logistics Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CJCEN)
CJ CGV Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A079160)
CJ Cheiljedang Corporation (KOSE:A097950)
CJ Corporation (KOSE:A001040)
CJ ENM CO., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A035760)
CJ Freshway Corporation (KOSDAQ:A051500)
CJ Hello Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A037560)
CJ Logistics Corporation (KOSE:A000120)
CJ Seafood Corporation (KOSE:A011150)
CJW International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5301)
CK Asset Holdings Limited (SEHK:1113)
CK Hutchison Holdings Limited (SEHK:1)
CK Infrastructure Holdings Limited (SEHK:1038)
CK Life Sciences Int'l., (Holdings) Inc. (SEHK:775)
CK Power Public Company Limited (SET:CKP)
CKD Bio Corp. (KOSE:A063160)
CKH Food & Health Limited (KOSDAQ:A900120)
CKM Applied Materials Corp. (GTSM:8930)
CL Educate Limited (BSE:540403)
CL Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8098)
Clal Biotechnology Industries Ltd. (TASE:CBI)
Clal Industries And Beverages Ltd (TASE:CLBV)
Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings Ltd. (TASE:CLIS)
Clariant Chemicals (India) Limited (BSE:506390)
Classic Global Finance and Capital Limited (BSE:538433)
Classic Scenic Berhad (KLSE:CSCENIC)
Classified Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8232)
CLC Industries Limited (BSE:521082)
Clean & Science Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A045520)
Cleanaway Company Limited (TSEC:8422)
Clear Media Limited (SEHK:100)
Clearbridge Health Limited (Catalist:1H3)
Clenergy (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603628)
Cleopatra Hospital Group S.A.E. (CASE:CLHO)
Clevo Co. (TSEC:2362)
Clicks Group Limited (JSE:CLS)
Client Service International, Inc. (SZSE:300663)
Clientèle Limited (JSE:CLI)
Clientron Corp. (GTSM:8119)
Clifford Modern Living Holdings Limited (SEHK:3686)
Clínica Las Condes S.A. (SNSE:LAS CONDES)
CLIO Cosmetics Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A237880)
Clio Infotech Limited (BSE:530839)
Cloud Live Technology Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002306)
Clover Pakistan Limited (KASE:CLOV)
CLP Holdings Limited (SEHK:2)
CLPS Incorporation (NasdaqGM:CLPS)
CLSA Premium Limited (SEHK:6877)
Club de Polo y Equitación San Cristóbal S.A. (SNSE:POLO)
CMBC Capital Holdings Limited (SEHK:1141)
CMC Corporation (HOSE:CMG)
CMC Investment JSC (HNX:CMC)
CMC Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CVT)
CMC Magnetics Corporation (TSEC:2323)
CME Group Berhad (KLSE:CME)
CMG Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A058820)
CMGE Technology Group Limited (SEHK:302)
CMI FPE Limited (BSE:500147)
CMI Limited (BSE:517330)
CMIC Ocean En-Tech Holding Co., Ltd. (SEHK:206)
CMM Infraprojects Limited (NSEI:CMMIPL)
CMMB Vision Holdings Limited (SEHK:471)
CMO Public Company Limited (SET:CMO)
CMON Limited (SEHK:1792)
CMR, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CMR B)
CMS Edu Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A225330)
CMST Development Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600787)
CMVIETNAM Joint Stock Company (HNX:CMS)
CN Asia Corporation Bhd (KLSE:CNASIA)
CNC Capital Viet Nam Joint Stock Company (HNX:KSQ)
CNC Holdings Limited (SEHK:8356)
CNFC Overseas Fisheries Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000798)
CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CNG)
CNH Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A023460)
CNHTC Jinan Truck Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000951)
CNI Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CNI)
Cni Research Limited (BSE:512018)
Cnlight Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002076)
CNMC Goldmine Holdings Limited (Catalist:5TP)
CNNC Hua Yuan Titanium Dioxide Co., Ltd (SZSE:002145)
CNNC International Limited (SEHK:2302)
CNNC SUFA Technology Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000777)
CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Limited (SHSE:600968)
CNOOC Limited (SEHK:883)
CNPC Capital Company Limited (SZSE:000617)
CNQC International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1240)
CNSLINK Co,. Ltd (XKON:A245450)
CNT Group Limited (SEHK:701)
Co-Tech Development Corporation (GTSM:8358)
Coal Asia Holdings Incorporated (PSE:COAL)
Coal India Limited (NSEI:COALINDIA)
CoAsia Corporation (KOSDAQ:A045970)
CoAsia Electronics Corp. (GTSM:8096)
Coast Investment & Development Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:COAST)
Coastal Caribbean Oils & Minerals, Ltd. (OTCPK:COCB.F)
Coastal Contracts Bhd (KLSE:COASTAL)
Coastal Corporation Limited (BSE:501831)
Coastal Greenland Limited (SEHK:1124)
Coaster International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2936)
Cochin Minerals and Rutile Limited (BSE:513353)
Cochin Shipyard Limited (BSE:540678)
Cocoaland Holdings Berhad (KLSE:COCOLND)
Cocoon Holdings Limited (SEHK:428)
Code Agriculture (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8153)
Codes Combine Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A047770)
CODI-M Co., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A224060)
COFCO Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000930)
COFCO Capital Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002423)
COFCO Meat Holdings Limited (SEHK:1610)
Cofco Tunhe Sugar CO,. Ltd (SHSE:600737)
Coffee Day Enterprises Limited (BSE:539436)
Cofix Group Ltd (TASE:CFX)
Cogna Educação S.A. (BOVESPA:COGN3)
Cognition Holdings Limited (JSE:CGN)
Cogobuy Group (SEHK:400)
Cohen Development & Industrial Buildings Ltd. (TASE:CDEV)
COKYVINA Joint Stock Company (HNX:CKV)
COL Digital Publishing Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300364)
COL Financial Group, Inc. (PSE:COL)
COL Public Company Limited (SET:COL)
Coland Holdings Limited (TSEC:4144)
Colex Holdings Limited (Catalist:567)
Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited (BSE:500830)
Colgate-Palmolive (Pakistan) Limited (KASE:COLG)
Colinz Laboratories Limited (BSE:531210)
Collins Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2906)
Colombo City Holdings PLC (COSE:PHAR.N0000)
Colombo Dockyard PLC (COSE:DOCK.N0000)
Colombo Fort Investments PLC (COSE:CFI.N0000)
Colombo Investment Trust PLC (COSE:CIT.N0000)
Colombo Land and Development Company PLC (COSE:CLND.N0000)
Colony Textile Mills Limited (KASE:CTM)
Colorado S.A. (CBSE:COL)
Coloray International Investment Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A900310)
Colorchips New Media Limited (BSE:540023)
Colour Life Services Group Co., Limited (SEHK:1778)
Coltejer S.A. (BVC:COLTEJER)
Com2uS Corporation (KOSDAQ:A078340)
Com7 Public Company Limited (SET:COM7)
Coma 18 Joint stock Company (HOSE:CIG)
Comair Limited (JSE:COM)
Comanche International Public Company Limited (SET:COMAN)
Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Limited (SEHK:2342)
Combat Drugs Limited (BSE:524752)
Combine Will International Holdings Limited (SGX:N0Z)
Combined Group Contracting Company - K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:CGC)
Combined Motor Holdings Limited (JSE:CMH)
Come Sure Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:794)
Come True Biomedical Inc. (GTSM:6236)
Comefly Outdoor Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603908)
Comfort Commotrade Limited (BSE:534691)
Comfort Fincap Limited (BSE:535267)
Comfort Gloves Berhad (KLSE:COMFORT)
Comfort Intech Limited (BSE:531216)
ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited (SGX:C52)
Comintel Corporation Bhd (KLSE:COMCORP)
Comjoyful International Company (OTCPK:KJFI)
COMMAX Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036690)
Commercial Bank International P.S.C. (ADX:CBI)
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC (COSE:COMB.N0000)
Commercial Bank of Dubai PSC (DFM:CBD)
Commercial Bank of Kuwait K.P.S.C. (KWSE:CBK)
Commercial Credit and Finance PLC (COSE:COCR.N0000)
Commercial Development Company PLC (COSE:COMD.N0000)
Commercial Engineers & Body Builders Co Limited (BSE:533272)
Commercial Facilities Company S.A.K.P. (KWSE:FACIL)
Commercial International Bank -Egypt S.A.E (CASE:COMI)
Commercial Leasing & Finance PLC (COSE:CLC.N0000)
Commercial Syn Bags Limited (BSE:539986)
Commex Technology Limited (BSE:532342)
Communication & System Solution Public Company Limited (SET:CSS)
Compagnie d'Assurances et de Réassurance ATLANTA (CBSE:ATL)
Compagnie d'Assurances et de Réassurances ASTREE (BVMT:AST)
Compagnie de Transports au Maroc Société Anonyme (CBSE:CTM)
Compagnie Des Villages De Vacances De L'Isle De France Limitée (MUSE:COVI.I0000)
Compagnie Internationale de Leasing S.A. (BVMT:CIL)
Compagnie Ivoirienne d'Electricité, S.A. (BRVM:CIEC)
Compagnie Minière de Touissit S.A. (CBSE:CMT)
Compal Broadband Networks, Inc. (TSEC:6674)
Compal Electronics, Inc. (TSEC:2324)
Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo - SABESP (BOVESPA:SBSP3)
Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais (BOVESPA:CSMG3)
Companhia Distribuidora de Gás do Rio de Janeiro - CEG (BOVESPA:CEGR3)
Companhia Energética do Rio Grande do Norte - COSERN (BOVESPA:CSRN3)
Companhia Estadual de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica (BOVESPA:CEED3)
Companhia Estadual de Geração e Transmissão de Energia Elétrica - CEEE-GT (BOVESPA:EEEL3)
Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (BOVESPA:CSNA3)
Companhiade Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia - COELBA (BOVESPA:CEEB3)
Compañía Anónima Nacional Teléfonos de Venezuela (CCSE:TDV.D)
Compañía Cervecerías Unidas S.A. (SNSE:CCU)
Compañía Chilena de Fósforos S.A. (SNSE:FOSFOROS)
Compañía de Transporte de Energía Eléctrica en Alta Tensión Transener S.A. (BASE:TRAN)
Compania Energopetrol S.A. (BVB:ENP)
Compañía General de Electricidad S.A. (SNSE:CGE)
Compañía Industrial El Volcán S.A. (SNSE:VOLCAN)
Compañía Introductora de Buenos Aires S.A. (BASE:INTR)
Compañía Minera Autlán, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:AUTLAN B)
Compañía Minera Poderosa S.A. (BVL:PODERC1)
Compañía Minera San Ignacio de Morococha S.A.A. (BVL:MOROCOI1)
Compañía Pesquera Camanchaca S.A. (SNSE:CAMANCHACA)
Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores S.A. (SNSE:VAPORES)
Compañía Universal Textil S.A. (BVL:UNITEXI1)
Company K Partners Limited (KOSDAQ:A307930)
Compeq Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2313)
Competent Automobiles Company Limited (BSE:531041)
Complete Logistic Services Berhad (KLSE:COMPLET)
Comprehensive Land Development and Investment Company (P.L.C) (ASE:ATTA)
Compuage Infocom Limited (BSE:532456)
Compucase Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3032)
Compucom Software Limited (BSE:532339)
Compugates Holdings Berhad (KLSE:COMPUGT)
Compugen Ltd. (NasdaqGM:CGEN)
Computer And Technologies Holdings Limited (SEHK:46)
Computer Direct Group Ltd. (TASE:CMDR)
Computer Point Ltd. (BSE:507833)
Computime Group Limited (SEHK:320)
Comtec Solar Systems Group Limited (SEHK:712)
Comtec Systems Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A031820)
Comtrend Corporation (GTSM:8089)
Conart Engineers Limited (BSE:522231)
Conbuzz Co., Ltd (KOSE:A109070)
Concepcion Industrial Corporation (PSE:CIC)
Concord Drugs Limited (BSE:538965)
Concord International Securities Co., Ltd (GTSM:5864)
Concord Medical Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6518)
Concord New Energy Group Limited (SEHK:182)
Concord Securities Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6016)
Concraft Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4943)
Concrete Aggregates Corporation (PSE:CA)
Concrete Credit Limited (BSE:539266)
Concrete Engineering Products Berhad (KLSE:CEPCO)
Conduit Capital Limited (JSE:CND)
Confidence Cement Limited (DSE:CONFIDCEM)
Confidence Finance and Trading Limited (BSE:504340)
Confidence Intelligence Holdings Limited (SEHK:1967)
Confidence Petroleum India Limited (BSE:526829)
ConnectCounty Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CONNECT)
Connection Technology Systems Inc. (GTSM:3672)
Conoil Plc (NGSE:CONOIL)
Consolidated Finvest & Holdings Limited (NSEI:CONSOFINVT)
Consolidated Hallmark Insurance Plc (NGSE:CHIPLC)
Consolidated Infrastructure Group Limited (JSE:CIL)
Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NasdaqGS:CWCO)
Consorcio ARA, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:ARA *)
Constronics Infra Limited (BSE:523844)
Construcciones El Condor S.A. (BVC:ELCONDOR)
Construction and Investment Stock Company No 18 (HNX:L18)
Construction Investment Corporation 3-2 (HOSE:C32)
Construction Joint Stock Company No 9 (HNX:VC9)
Construction Joint Stock Company No. 1 (HNX:VC1)
Construction Joint Stock Company No. 3 (HNX:VC3)
Construction Materials Industries SAOG (MSM:CMII)
Constructora Conconcreto S.A. (BVC:CONCONCRET)
Construtora Tenda S.A. (BOVESPA:TEND3)
Consultatio S.A. (BASE:CTIO)
Consun Pharmaceutical Group Limited (SEHK:1681)
Container Corporation of India Limited (NSEI:CONCOR)
Containerway International Limited (BSE:540597)
Contel Technology Company Limited (SEHK:1912)
Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (SZSE:300750)
Contempro For Housing Projects P.L.C. (ASE:COHO)
Contil India Limited (BSE:531067)
Continental Chemicals Limited (BSE:506935)
Continental Holdings Corporation (TSEC:3703)
Continental Holdings Limited (SEHK:513)
Continental Insurance Limited (DSE:CONTININS)
Continental Petroleums Limited (BSE:523232)
Continental Securities Limited (BSE:538868)
Continental Seeds and Chemicals Limited (NSEI:CONTI)
Contrel Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8064)
Control Print Limited (BSE:522295)
Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:VOLAR A)
Controlnet International, Inc. (GTSM:3377)
Convenience Foods (Lanka) PLC (COSE:SOY.N0000)
Convenience Retail Asia Limited (SEHK:831)
Cool Link (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8491)
Coolpad Group Limited (OTCPK:CHWT.F)
Copa Holdings, S.A. (NYSE:CPA)
Copartner Technology Corporation (TSEC:3550)
Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc (LUSE:CEC)
Coppertech Industries Ltd. (DSE:COPPERTECH)
Copperwired Public Company Limited (SET:CPW)
Cora Gold Limited (AIM:CORA)
Coral India Finance and Housing Limited (BSE:531556)
Coral Laboratories Limited (BSE:524506)
Coral Newsprints Ltd (BSE:530755)
Cordlife Group Limited (SGX:P8A)
Cords Cable Industries Limited (BSE:532941)
Core Economy Investment Group Limited (SEHK:339)
Coreana Cosmetics Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027050)
Coremax Corporation (TSEC:4739)
Corestem, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A166480)
Coretek Opto Corporation (GTSM:3601)
Coretronic Corporation (GTSM:5371)
Corimon C.A. (CCSE:CRM.A)
Coris Bank International SA (BRVM:CBIBF)
Cornerstone Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:8112)
Cornerstone Insurance Plc (NGSE:CORNERST)
Cornerstone Networks Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033110)
Coro Mining Corp. (TSX:COP)
Coromandel Engineering Company Limited (BSE:533167)
Coromandel International Limited (NSEI:COROMANDEL)
Coronation Fund Managers Limited (JSE:CML)
Corp. Industrial de Energia C.A. SACA (CCSE:CIE)
Corporacion Aceros Arequipa S.A. (BVL:CORAREI1)
Corporación Actinver S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:ACTINVR B)
Corporación Cervesur S.A.A. (BVL:COCESUC1)
Corporación Favorita C.A. (GYSE:SLU)
Corporación Financiera Colombiana S.A. (BVC:CORFICOLCF)
Corporación Grupo Químico, C.A. (CCSE:CGQ)
Corporación Inmobiliaria Vesta S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:VESTA *)
Corporación Interamericana de Entretenimiento, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CIE B)
Corporación Moctezuma, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CMOCTEZ *)
Corporate Courier and Cargo Limited (BSE:526737)
Corporation Bank (BSE:532179)
Corporativo Fragua, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:FRAGUA B)
Corporativo GBM, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GBM O)
Corpovael, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CADU A)
Cortina Holdings Limited (SGX:C41)
Cosan Limited (NYSE:CZZ)
Cosan Logística S.A. (BOVESPA:RLOG3)
Cosco (India) Limited (BSE:530545)
Cosco Capital, Inc. (PSE:COSCO)
COSCO SHIPPING Development Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2866)
COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1138)
COSCO SHIPPING Holdings Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1919)
COSCO SHIPPING International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (SEHK:517)
COSCO Shipping International (Singapore) Co., Ltd. (SGX:F83)
COSCO SHIPPING Ports Limited (SEHK:1199)
COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carriers Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600428)
COSCO SHIPPING Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002401)
Coset Inc. (XKON:A189350)
Coslight Technology International Group Limited (SEHK:1043)
Cosmax BTI, Inc. (KOSE:A044820)
Cosmax Nbt, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A222040)
Cosmax, Inc. (KOSE:A192820)
Cosmecca Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A241710)
Cosmo Advanced Materials & Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005070)
Cosmo Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005420)
Cosmo Electronics Corporation (TSEC:2466)
Cosmo Ferrites Limited (BSE:523100)
Cosmo Films Limited (BSE:508814)
Cosmo Lady (China) Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:2298)
Cosmopolitan International Holdings Limited (SEHK:120)
Cosmos Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002133)
Cosmos Machinery Enterprises Limited (SEHK:118)
CosmoSteel Holdings Limited (SGX:B9S)
COSON Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A069110)
Cosonic Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300793)
Costar Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002189)
Cosumar SA (CBSE:CSR)
Cosyn Limited (BSE:538922)
Cotana Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:CSC)
Cotec Investment and Land-house Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CLG)
Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CTD)
Country Club Hospitality & Holidays Limited (BSE:526550)
Country Condo's Limited (NSEI:COUNCODOS)
Country Garden Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:2007)
Country Garden Services Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:6098)
Country Group Development Public Company Limited (SET:CGD)
Country Group Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:CGH)
Country Heights Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CHHB)
Country View Berhad (KLSE:CVIEW)
Courage Investment Group Limited (SEHK:1145)
Courteville Business Solutions Plc (NGSE:COURTVILLE)
Coventry Coil-O-Matic (Haryana) Limited (BSE:523415)
Covidh Technologies Limited (BSE:534920)
Cowealth Medical Holding Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4745)
Coweaver Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A056360)
Cowell e Holdings Inc. (SEHK:1415)
Cox & Kings Financial Service Limited (NSEI:CKFSL)
Cox & Kings Limited (NSEI:COX&KINGS)
Coxon Precise Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3607)
CP ALL Public Company Limited (SET:CPALL)
CPFL Energias Renováveis S.A. (BOVESPA:CPRE3)
CPH Ltd. (Catalist:539)
CPL Group Public Company Limited (SET:CPL)
CPM Group Limited (SEHK:1932)
CPMC Holdings Limited (SEHK:906)
CPN Commercial Growth Leasehold Property Fund (SET:CPNCG)
CPN Retail Growth Leasehold REIT (SET:CPNREIT)
CPR Gomu Industrial Public Company Limited (SET:CPR)
CPT Drives and Power Public Company Limited (SET:CPT)
CPT Technology (Group) Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000536)
CQV Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A101240)
CR Construction Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1582)
CR2 Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. (BOVESPA:CRDE3)
Crane Infrastructure Limited (BSE:538770)
Cranes Software International Limited (BSE:512093)
Cranex Limited (BSE:522001)
Cravatex Limited (BSE:509472)
CRCC High-Tech Equipment Corporation Limited (SEHK:1786)
Cre8 Direct (NingBo) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300703)
Creas F&C Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A110790)
Create Capital Vietnam Joint Stock Company Limited (HOSE:CRC)
Create Technology & Science Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000551)
Creative & Innovative System Corporation (KOSDAQ:A222080)
Creative Castings Limited (BSE:539527)
Creative China Holdings Limited (SEHK:8368)
Creative Enterprise Holdings Limited (SEHK:3992)
Creative Eye Limited (NSEI:CREATIVEYE)
Creative Peripherals and Distribution Limited (NSEI:CREATIVE)
Creative Sensor Inc. (TSEC:8249)
Creative Technology Ltd (SGX:C76)
Cred Holding Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600890)
Credicorp Capital Peru S.A.A. (BVL:CRECAPC1)
Credicorp Ltd. (NYSE:BAP)
Credit Agricole - Egypt Bank (S.A.E.) (CASE:CIEB)
Credit Bank of Moscow (public joint-stock company) (MISX:CBOM)
Crédit du Maroc S.A. (CBSE:CDM)
Crédit Immobilier et Hôtelier (CBSE:CIH)
Credit Intelligence Limited (ASX:CI1)
Credit Rating & Collection Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:TAHSSILAT)
CreditAccess Grameen Limited (NSEI:CREDITACC)
Creditex S.A.A. (BVL:CRETEXI1)
Crédito Real, S.A.B. de C.V., Sociedad Financiera de Objeto Múltiple, Entidad No Regulada (BMV:CREAL *)
Crescendo Corporation Berhad (KLSE:CRESNDO)
Crescent Cotton Mills Limited (KASE:CCM)
Crescent Fibres Limited (KASE:CFL)
Crescent Leasing Limited (BSE:539131)
Crescent Star Insurance Limited (KASE:CSIL)
Crescent Steel and Allied Products Limited (KASE:CSAP)
Cressanda Solutions Limited (BSE:512379)
Crest Builder Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CRESBLD)
Crest Ventures Limited (BSE:511413)
Cresta Marakanelo Limited (BSM:CRESTA)
Crestchem Limited (BSE:526269)
Cresud Sociedad Anónima Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria (BASE:CRES)
CRG Incorporated Berhad (KLSE:CRG)
Cristalerías de Chile S.A. (SNSE:CRISTALES)
Croatia Airlines d.d. (ZGSE:CRAL)
Croatia osiguranje d.d. (ZGSE:CROS)
Crocodile Garments Limited (SEHK:122)
Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Limited (NSEI:CROMPTON)
Cromwell European Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:CNNU)
Cronex Co., Ltd. (XKON:A215570)
Crookes Brothers Limited (JSE:CKS)
Crosstec Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:3893)
Crowell Development Corp. (TSEC:2528)
Crown Asia Chemicals Corporation (PSE:CROWN)
Crown Confectionery Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A264900)
Crown Equities, Inc. (PSE:CEI)
Crown International Corporation Limited (SEHK:727)
Crown Lifters Limited (NSEI:CROWN)
Crown Paints Kenya plc (NASE:CRWN)
Crown Point Energy Inc. (TSXV:CWV)
Crown Seal Public Company Limited (SET:CSC)
Crown Tours Limited (BSE:538521)
CROWNHAITAI Holdings Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005740)
CRP Risk Management Limited (BSE:540903)
CRRC Corporation Limited (SHSE:601766)
Crucialtec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A114120)
Cryomax Cooling System Corp. (TSEC:1587)
Crystal International Group Limited (SEHK:2232)
CrystalGenomics, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A083790)
Crystalvue Medical Corporation (GTSM:6527)
Crystalwise Technology Inc. (GTSM:4944)
CS BEARING Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A297090)
CS Corporation (KOSDAQ:A065770)
CS Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000590)
CS Wind Corporation (KOSE:A112610)
CSBC Corporation (TSEC:2208)
CSC Financial Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6066)
CSC Holdings Limited (SGX:C06)
CSC Steel Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CSCSTEL)
Cscec Scimee Sci. and Tech. Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300425)
CSD Water Service Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603903)
CSE Global Limited (SGX:544)
CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200012)
CSG Holdings Limited (JSE:CSG)
CSG Smart Science&Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300222)
CSI Properties Limited (SEHK:497)
CSL Finance Limited (BSE:530067)
CSMall Group Limited (SEHK:1815)
CSP Steel Center Public Company Limited (SET:CSP)
CSPC Innovation Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300765)
CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Limited (SEHK:1093)
CSSC (Hong Kong) Shipping Company Limited (SEHK:3877)
CSSC Offshore & Marine Engineering (Group) Company Limited (SEHK:317)
CSSC Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600072)
CST Group Limited (SEHK:985)
CStone Pharmaceuticals (SEHK:2616)
CSU Cardsystem S.A. (BOVESPA:CARD3)
CT Land Development PLC (COSE:CTLD.N0000)
CT Vision (International) Holdings Limited (SEHK:994)
CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2891)
CTCBIO Inc. (KOSDAQ:A060590)
CTCI Advanced Systems Inc. (GTSM:5209)
CTCI Corporation (TSEC:9933)
CTGen Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036170)
CTK Cosmetics Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A260930)
ctnetworks Company Limited (XKON:A189540)
CTS International Logistics Corporation Limited (SHSE:603128)
CU Medical Systems, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A115480)
Cub Elecparts Inc. (TSEC:2231)
Cube Entertainment Inc. (KOSDAQ:A182360)
Cube&Company Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043090)
Cubex Tubings Limited (BSE:526027)
Cubic Korea Inc. (KOSDAQ:A021650)
Cubical Financial Services Limited (BSE:511710)
Cuchi Commercial and Industrial Developing Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CCI)
Cuckoo Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A192400)
CUCKOO Homesys Co., Ltd (KOSE:A284740)
Cultural Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600715)
Culturecom Holdings Limited (SEHK:343)
Cummins India Limited (BSE:500480)
Cuong Thuan Idico Development Investment Corporation (HOSE:CTI)
Cupid Limited (BSE:530843)
Curexo Inc. (KOSDAQ:A060280)
Curo Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A015590)
CUROCOM Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A040350)
Curro Holdings Limited (JSE:COH)
Cuscapi Berhad (KLSE:CUSCAPI)
Custodian Investment Plc (NGSE:CUSTODIAN)
Cutix Plc (NGSE:CUTIX)
Cuu Long Fish Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ACL)
Cuu Long Petro Urban Development and Investment Corporation (HOSE:CCL)
Cuu Long Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DCL)
CVC Brasil Operadora e Agência de Viagens S.A. (BOVESPA:CVCB3)
CVC Technologies Inc. (GTSM:4744)
CviLux Corporation (TSEC:8103)
CVO Petrochemical Refinery Limited (DSE:CVOPRL)
CWG Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CWG)
CWX Global Limited (Catalist:594)
CX Network Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CXKJ)
CX Technology Corporation (TSEC:2415)
Cyan Limited (KASE:CYAN)
Cybele Industries Ltd (BSE:531472)
Cyber Bay Corporation (PSE:CYBR)
CyberArk Software Ltd. (NasdaqGS:CYBR)
CyberLink Corp. (TSEC:5203)
Cybermate Infotek Limited (BSE:532271)
Cybernaut International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1020)
CyberPower Systems, Inc. (TSEC:3617)
CyberTAN Technology, Inc. (TSEC:3062)
CyberTech Systems and Software Limited (BSE:532173)
Cybrdi, Inc. (OTCPK:CYDI)
Cycle & Carriage Bintang Berhad (KLSE:CCB)
Cydsa, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CYDSASA A)
Cyient Limited (BSE:532175)
CYL Corporation Berhad (KLSE:CYL)
Cymao Holdings Berhad (KLSE:CYMAO)
Cypark Resources Berhad (KLSE:CYPARK)
Cypress Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3541)
Cyrela Brazil Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações (BOVESPA:CYRE3)
Cyrela Commercial Properties S.A. (BOVESPA:CCPR3)
Cystech Electronics Corp. (GTSM:6651)
Cytogen, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A217330)
D & H India Limited (BSE:517514)
D & O Green Technologies Berhad (KLSE:D&O)
D B Realty Limited (BSE:533160)
D-Link (India) Limited (BSE:533146)
D-Link Corporation (TSEC:2332)
D. B. Corp Limited (BSE:533151)
D. P. Abhushan Limited (NSEI:DPABHUSHAN)
D.B.E. Gurney Resources Berhad (KLSE:DBE)
D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited (KASE:DGKC)
D.I Corporation (KOSE:A003160)
D.M. Wenceslao & Associates, Incorporated (PSE:DMW)
D.N.A Biomedical Solutions Ltd. (TASE:DNA)
D.P. Wires Limited (NSEI:DPWIRES)
D.S. Industries Limited (KASE:DSIL)
D'nonce Technology Bhd. (KLSE:DNONCE)
D&C Media Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A263720)
D&G Technology Holding Company Limited (SEHK:1301)
D&L Industries, Inc. (PSE:DNL)
D&O Home Collection Co.,LTD (SZSE:002798)
Da An Gene Co., Ltd. of Sun Yat-Sen University (SZSE:002030)
Da Hui Limited (GTSM:5276)
Da Lue International Holding Company Limited (GTSM:4804)
Da Ming International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1090)
Da Nang Construction Building Materials VICEM Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DXV)
Da Sen Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:1580)
DA Technology Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A196490)
Da Yu Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:1073)
Da-Cin Construction Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:2535)
Da-Li Development Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:6177)
Daar Communications Plc (NGSE:DAARCOMM)
Dabaco Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DBC)
DaBomb Protein Corp. (GTSM:6578)
Dabur India Limited (NSEI:DABUR)
DaChan Food (Asia) Limited (SEHK:3999)
Dacome International Ltd. (GTSM:9960)
Dadex Eternit Limited (KASE:DADX)
Dadi Early-Childhood Education Group Limited (GTSM:8437)
Dadi Education Holdings Limited (SEHK:8417)
Dadi International Group Limited (SEHK:8130)
DAE HWA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A067080)
Dae Won Sanup Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A005710)
DAE YOUNG Packaging.Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A014160)
DAE-IL Corporation (KOSE:A092200)
DAEA TI Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A045390)
Daebo Magnetic Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A290670)
Daebongls.Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A078140)
Daechang Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A012800)
Daechang Forging Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A015230)
DaeChang Solution Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A096350)
DaeChang Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A140520)
Daedong Gear Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A008830)
Daedong Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000490)
Daedong Korea Ginseng Co., Ltd. (XKON:A178600)
Daedong Metals Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A020400)
Daedong Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A048470)
Daeduck Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A008060)
Daegu Department Store Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006370)
Daehan Flour Mills Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A001130)
Daehan New Pharm Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A054670)
Daehan Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A084010)
Daehan Synthetic Fiber Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003830)
Daeho Al Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A069460)
Daeho P&C Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A021040)
Daehyun Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A016090)
Daejoo Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A078600)
DAEJOO ENT Co., Ltd. (XKON:A114920)
Daejoo Inc. (KOSDAQ:A003310)
Daejung Chemicals & Metals Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A120240)
Daekyo Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A019680)
Daelim B&Co Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005750)
Daelim C&S Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A004440)
Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000210)
Daelim Paper Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A017650)
Daelim Trading Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006570)
daemo engineering co.,ltd. (KOSDAQ:A317850)
Daemyung Corporation Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A007720)
Daeryuk Can Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A004780)
Daesang Corporation (KOSE:A001680)
Daesang Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A084690)
Daesung Eltec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A025440)
Daesung Energy Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A117580)
Daesung Finetec Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A104040)
Daesung Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A016710)
Daesung Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A128820)
Daesung Microbiological Labs. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036480)
Daesung Private Equity, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A027830)
Daewon Cable. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006340)
DAEWON Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A024890)
Daewon Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A007680)
Daewon Kang Up Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000430)
Daewon Media Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A048910)
Daewon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003220)
Daewoo Electronic Components Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009320)
Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A047040)
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A042660)
Daewoong Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003090)
Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A069620)
Daeyang Paper Mfg. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A006580)
Daeyu Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A290380)
DaFa Properties Group Limited (SEHK:6111)
Dafeng Port Heshun Technology Company Limited (SEHK:8310)
Dafeng TV Ltd. (TSEC:6184)
Daffodil Computers Limited (DSE:DAFODILCOM)
Dafy Holdings Limited (SEHK:1826)
Dagang Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300103)
Dagang NeXchange Berhad (KLSE:DNEX)
Dagestan Energy Supply Company, Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:DASB)
Dah Chong Hong Holdings Limited (SEHK:1828)
Dah San Electric Wire & Cable Corp. (TSEC:1615)
Dah Sing Banking Group Limited (SEHK:2356)
Dah Sing Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:440)
Daheng New Epoch Technology Inc. (SHSE:600288)
Dahu Aquaculture Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600257)
Dahua Group Dalian Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:900951)
Dai Thien Loc Corporation (HOSE:DTL)
Dai-ichi Karkaria Limited (BSE:526821)
Daibochi Berhad (KLSE:DAIBOCI)
Daido Group Limited (SEHK:544)
Daidong Electronics Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A008110)
Daihan Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A023910)
DAIHAN Scientific Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A131220)
Daikaffil Chemicals India Limited (BSE:530825)
Daily Polymer Corp. (GTSM:4716)
Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited (SGX:D01)
Daishin Balance No.6 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A307750)
Daishin Balance No.7 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A332290)
Daishin Balance No.8 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A336570)
Daishin Information & Communications Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A020180)
Daishin Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003540)
Daisho Microline Holdings Limited (SEHK:567)
Daito Me Holdings Co., Ltd (GTSM:8455)
Daiyang Metal Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009190)
Dajin Heavy Industry Corporation (SZSE:002487)
Dalal Street Investments Limited (BSE:501148)
Dalekovod D.D. (ZGSE:DLKV)
Dali Foods Group Company Limited (SEHK:3799)
Dali Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (SHSE:603963)
Dalian BIO-CHEM Company Limited (SHSE:603360)
Dalian East New Energy Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300125)
Dalian Energas Gas-System Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603318)
Dalian Friendship (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000679)
Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group Co., LTD. (SZSE:002204)
Dalian Insulator Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:002606)
Dalian Morningstar Network Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002447)
Dalian My Gym Education Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002621)
Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited (SEHK:2880)
Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited (SZSE:200530)
Dalian Sunasia Tourism Holding CO.,LTD (SHSE:600593)
Dalian Thermal Power Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600719)
Dalian Tianbao Green Foods Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002220)
Dalian Zeus Entertainment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002354)
Dalian Zhiyun Automation Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300097)
Dalipal Holdings Limited (SEHK:1921)
Dallah Healthcare Company (SASE:4004)
Dalmia Bharat Limited (NSEI:DALBHARAT)
Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited (BSE:500097)
Dam Phu My Packaging Joint Stock Company (HNX:PMP)
Dam Sen Water Park Corporation (HOSE:DSN)
Damac Properties Dubai Co. PJSC (DFM:DAMAC)
Damansara Realty Berhad (KLSE:DBHD)
Damodar Industries Limited (BSE:521220)
Damsan Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ADS)
Dan Hotels Ltd (TASE:DANH)
Dana Resources (OTCPK:DANR)
DANA-Y Steel Joint Stock Company (HNX:DNY)
Danah Al Safat Foodstuff Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:DANAH)
Danal Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A064260)
DANAMECO Medical Joint Stock Corporation (HNX:DNM)
Danang Airport Service Joint-Stock Company (HNX:MAS)
Danang Education Development & Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:DAD)
Danang Housing Development Joint Stock Company (HNX:NDX)
Danang Housing Investment Development Joint Stock Company (HNX:NDN)
Danang Plastic Joint Stock Company (HNX:DPC)
Danang Port Joint Stock Company (HNX:CDN)
Danang Rubber Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DRC)
Danawa Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A119860)
Dancomech Holdings Berhad (KLSE:DANCO)
Dandot Cement Company Limited (KASE:DNCC)
Danel (Adir Yeoshua) Ltd (TASE:DANE)
Danen Technology Corporation (TSEC:3686)
Dangee Dums Limited (NSEI:DANGEE)
Dangote Cement Plc (NGSE:DANGCEM)
Dangote Sugar Refinery Plc (NGSE:DANGSUGAR)
Danhua Chemical Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600844)
Dankotuwa Porcelain PLC (COSE:DPL.N0000)
Danlaw Technologies India Limited (BSE:532329)
Danube Industries Limited (BSE:540361)
Daodaoquan Grain and Oil Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002852)
Daohe Global Group Limited (SEHK:915)
Daoming Optics&Chemical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002632)
Daou Data Corp. (KOSDAQ:A032190)
Daou Tech, Inc. (KOSE:A023590)
DAP Corporation (KOSDAQ:A066900)
Daphne International Holdings Limited (SEHK:210)
Daqian Ecology&Environment Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603955)
Daqin Railway Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601006)
Daqing Huake Company Limited (SZSE:000985)
Dar Al Arkan Real Estate Development Company (SASE:4300)
Dar Al Dawa Development and Investment Co. Ltd. (ASE:DADI)
Dar Al-Thuraya Real Estate Co. K.P.S.C. (KWSE:THURAYA)
Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange PLC (DAR:DSE)
Dar Es Salaam Textile Mills Limited (KASE:DSML)
Darat Jordan Holdings Company (ASE:DARA)
Darco Water Technologies Limited (SGX:BLR)
Dare Power Dekor Home Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000910)
Darfon Electronics Corp. (TSEC:8163)
DarioHealth Corp. (NasdaqCM:DRIO)
Darjeeling Ropeway Company Limited (BSE:539770)
Dark Horse Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300688)
Darshan Orna Limited (BSE:539884)
Darwin Precisions Corporation (TSEC:6120)
Das Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6648)
DASAN Networks, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A039560)
Dashang Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600694)
Dasheng Times Cultural Investment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600892)
DaShenLin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603233)
Dat Phuong Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DPG)
Dat Xanh Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DXG)
Data Agro Limited (KASE:DAAG)
Data International Co., Ltd (GTSM:5432)
Data Streams Corp. (XKON:A199150)
DataImage, Inc. (GTSM:3168)
Datamatics Global Services Limited (BSE:532528)
Datang Environment Industry Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1272)
DaTang HuaYin Electric Power CO., LTD (SHSE:600744)
Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. (SEHK:991)
Datang Telecom Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600198)
Dataprep Holdings Bhd (KLSE:DATAPRP)
Datapulse Technology Limited (SGX:BKW)
Datasea Inc. (NasdaqCM:DTSS)
Datasoft Application Software (India) Limited (BSE:526443)
Datasolution, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A263800)
Datasonic Group Berhad (KLSE:DSONIC)
Datatec Limited (JSE:DTC)
DataVan International Corporation (GTSM:3521)
DaTong Coal Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601001)
Datronix Holdings Limited (SEHK:889)
Daulat Securities Limited (BSE:530171)
Davicom Semiconductor, Inc. (TSEC:3094)
Dawning Information Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603019)
Dawnrays Pharmaceutical (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:2348)
Dawonsys Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A068240)
Dawood Equities Limited (KASE:DEL)
Dawood Hercules Corporation Limited (KASE:DAWH)
Dawood Lawrencepur Limited (KASE:DLL)
Daxin Materials Corporation (TSEC:5234)
Daya Materials Berhad (KLSE:DAYA)
Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd (KLSE:DAYANG)
DAYLI BlockChain Co.,LTD. (KOSDAQ:A139050)
Dayou A-Tech Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A002880)
Dayou AP Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A290120)
Dayou Plus Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A000300)
Dayou Winia Co., Limited (KOSDAQ:A071460)
Dayu Water-saving Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:300021)
Dazhong Transportation (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900903)
Dazzle Fashion Co., Ltd (SHSE:603587)
DB (International) Stock Brokers Limited (BSE:530393)
DB Finance No.6 Special Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A306620)
DB Finance No.7 Special Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A322780)
DB Financial Investment Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A016610)
DB Hitek Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000990)
DB Inc. (KOSE:A012030)
DB Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005830)
DBAPPSecurity Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688023)
DBG Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300735)
DBS Group Holdings Ltd (SGX:D05)
DBTEL Incorporated (GTSM:5304)
DC Infotech and Communication Limited (NSEI:DCI)
DCB Commercial Bank Plc (DAR:DCB)
DCB Holdings Limited (SEHK:8040)
DCM Corp. (KOSE:A024090)
DCM Financial Services Limited (BSE:511611)
DCM Limited (BSE:502820)
DCM Nouvelle Limited (NSEI:DCMNVL)
DCM Shriram Industries Limited (BSE:523369)
DCM Shriram Limited (BSE:523367)
Dcon Products Public Company Limited (SET:DCON)
DCW Limited (NSEI:DCW)
DD3 Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:DDMX)
De Licacy Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1464)
De Nora India Limited (BSE:590031)
De Poan Pneumatic Corp (GTSM:1570)
De Tam Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DTA)
DE&T Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A079810)
DEAP Capital Management & Trust Plc (NGSE:DEAPCAP)
Debao Property Development Ltd. (SGX:BTF)
Debock Sales and Marketing Limited (NSEI:DSML)
Decama Capital Ltd (TASE:DCMA)
Deccan Cements Limited (BSE:502137)
Deccan Gold Mines Limited (BSE:512068)
Deccan Health Care Limited (BSE:542248)
Deccan Polypacks Limited (BSE:531989)
Decotex AD (BUL:4DE)
Dee Van Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8115)
Deep Diamond India Limited (BSE:539559)
Deep Industries Limited (BSE:532760)
Deep Polymers Limited (BSE:541778)
Deepak Fertilisers And Petrochemicals Corporation Limited (BSE:500645)
Deepak Nitrite Limited (BSE:506401)
Deepak Spinners Limited (BSE:514030)
Deepjoy Picture Corporation (GTSM:6688)
Deer Consumer Products, Inc. (OTCPK:DEER)
Deera Investment & Real Estate Development Co. (ASE:DERA)
DeGem Berhad (KLSE:DEGEM)
DeHua TB New Decoration Material Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002043)
Del Monte Pacific Limited (SGX:D03)
Delattre Levivier Maroc S.A. (CBSE:DLM)
Delek Automotive Systems Ltd. (TASE:DLEA)
Delek Drilling - Limited Partnership (TASE:DEDR.L)
Delek Group Ltd. (TASE:DLEKG)
Delek Royalties (2012) Ltd (TASE:DLRL)
Deleum Berhad (KLSE:DELEUM)
Delfi Limited (SGX:P34)
Délice Holding SA (BVMT:DH)
Delixi Xinjiang Transportation Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603032)
Delo Prodaja, d.d. (LJSE:DPRG)
Delpha Construction Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:2530)
Delta Asia International Corporation (GTSM:6762)
Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Limited (DSE:DBH)
DELTA Co for Construction & Rebuilding (CASE:DCRC)
Delta Co. For Printing & Packaging S.A.E (CASE:DTPP)
Delta Corp Limited (BSE:532848)
Delta Electronics (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:DELTA)
Delta Electronics, Inc. (TSEC:2308)
Delta Galil Industries Ltd. (TASE:DELT)
delta holding S.A. (CBSE:DHO)
Delta Industrial Resources Limited (BSE:539596)
Delta Life Insurance Company Limited (DSE:DELTALIFE)
Delta Magnets Limited (BSE:504286)
Delta Property Fund Limited (JSE:DLT)
Delta Spinners Limited (DSE:DELTASPINN)
Delta Sugar Company (CASE:SUGR)
Deltamac(Taiwan) Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6144)
Delton Cables Limited (BSE:504240)
Deluxe Family Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600503)
Demco Public Company Limited (SET:DEMCO)
Demeter Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:DCORP)
DEN Networks Limited (NSEI:DEN)
Deneb Investments Limited (JSE:DNB)
Denis Chem Lab Limited (BSE:537536)
Denox Environmental & Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1452)
Dental Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:D)
Dentium CO., LTD (KOSE:A145720)
Depo Auto Parts Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6605)
Der Future Science and Technology Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002631)
Derkwoo Electronics Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A263600)
Derrimon Trading Company Limited (JMSE:DTL)
Desarrolladora Homex, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:HOMEX *)
Descon Oxychem Limited (KASE:DOL)
Desh Garments Limited (DSE:DSHGARME)
Deshbandhu Polymer Limited (DSE:DESHBANDHU)
Design Capital Limited (SEHK:1545)
Design Co.Ltd (KOSDAQ:A227100)
Deson Construction International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8268)
Deson Development International Holdings Limited (SEHK:262), Corp. (NYSE:DESP)
Destini Berhad (KLSE:DESTINI)
Deswell Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGM:DSWL)
DeTai New Energy Group Limited (SEHK:559)
Deutsch Motors Inc. (KOSDAQ:A067990)
Dev Information Technology Limited (NSEI:DEVIT)
Development & Engineering Consultants (CASE:DAPH)
Development Advance Solution Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A058730)
Development Investment Construction Hoi An Joint Stock Company (HNX:DIH)
Development Investment Construction Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:DIG)
Development Investment Construction Number 2 Joint Stock Company (HNX:DC2)
Development Works Food Co. Ltd (SASE:9501)
Devhari Exports (India) Limited (BSE:539197)
DeviceENG.CO.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A187870)
Devine Impex Limited (BSE:531585)
Devki Leasing and Finance Limited (BSE:530765)
Devsisters corporation (KOSDAQ:A194480)
Dewan Cement Limited (KASE:DCL)
Dewan Farooque Motors Limited (KASE:DFML)
Dewan Farooque Spinning Mills Limited (KASE:DFSM)
Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Limited (NSEI:DHFL)
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:DWSM)
Dewan Textile Mills Limited (KASE:DWTM)
Dexin China Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:2019)
Dexin Corporation (GTSM:3349)
Dexter Studios Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A206560)
Deyaar Development PJSC (DFM:DEYAAR)
Dezhan Healthcare Company Limited (SZSE:000813)
dfcu Limited (UGSE:DFCU)
DFI Inc. (TSEC:2397)
DFM Foods Limited (BSE:519588)
DGB Asia Berhad (KLSE:DGB)
DGB Financial Group Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A139130)
Dgenx Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A113810)
Dhabriya Polywood Limited (BSE:538715)
Dhaka Bank Limited (DSE:DHAKABANK)
Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DSE:DESCO)
Dhaka Insurance Limited (DSE:DHAKAINS)
Dhampur Sugar Mills Limited (BSE:500119)
Dhampure Speciality Sugars Limited (BSE:531923)
Dhanada Corporation Limited (BSE:531198)
Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners Limited (BSE:521216)
Dhanlaxmi Bank Limited (BSE:532180)
Dhanlaxmi Fabrics Limited (BSE:521151)
Dhanuka Agritech Limited (BSE:507717)
Dhanvantri Jeevan Rekha Limited (BSE:531043)
Dhanvarsha Finvest Limited (BSE:540268)
Dharani Finance Limited (BSE:511451)
Dharani Sugars and Chemicals Limited (BSE:507442)
DHC Software Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002065)
DHG Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DHG)
Dhipaya Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:TIP)
Dhofar Cattle Feed Company SAOG (MSM:DCFI)
Dhofar Generating Company SAOG (MSM:DGEN)
Dhofar International Development and Investment Holding Company S.A.O.G (MSM:DIDI)
Dhoot Industrial Finance Limited (BSE:526971)
DHP India Limited (BSE:531306)
DHP Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A131030)
Dhruv Consultancy Services Limited (BSE:541302)
Dhruv Wellness Limited (BSE:540695)
DHT Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DHT)
Dhunseri Investments Limited (BSE:533336)
Dhunseri Tea & Industries Limited (BSE:538902)
Dhunseri Ventures Limited (BSE:523736)
Di Dong Il Corporation (KOSE:A001530)
Diagnósticos da América S.A. (BOVESPA:DASA3)
Dialog Axiata PLC (COSE:DIAL.N0000)
Dialog Finance PLC (COSE:CALF.N0000)
Dialog Group Berhad (KLSE:DIALOG)
Diamant Infrastructure Limited (BSE:508860)
Diamines and Chemicals Limited (BSE:500120)
Diamond Building Products Public Company Limited (SET:DRT)
Diamond Fields Resources Inc. (TSXV:DFR)
Diamond Power Infrastructure Limited (BSE:522163)
Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Limited (NASE:DTK)
Dian Diagnostics Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300244)
Diana Tea Company Limited (BSE:530959)
Dianguang Explosion-Proof Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002730)
DIC India Limited (BSE:500089)
DIC Investment and Trading Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DIC)
DIC No. 4 Joint Stock Company (HNX:DC4)
Dice Sport & Casual Wear (CASE:DSCW)
Dickson Concepts (International) Limited (SEHK:113)
Didim Inc. (KOSDAQ:A217620)
Dien Quang Lamp Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DQC)
Diesel & Motor Engineering PLC (COSE:DIMO.N0000)
Differ Group Holding Company Limited (SEHK:6878)
Digi Communications N.V. (BVB:DIGI)
Digi.Com Berhad (KLSE:DIGI)
DigiCAP Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A197140)
Digicontent Limited (NSEI:DGCONTENT)
DiGiSPICE Technologies Limited (BSE:517214)
Digistar Corporation Berhad (KLSE:DIGISTA)
Digital China Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000034)
Digital China Holdings Limited (SEHK:861)
Digital China Information Service Company Ltd. (SZSE:000555)
Digital Daesung Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A068930)
Digital Domain Holdings Limited (SEHK:547)
Digital Graphics Incorporation (KOSDAQ:A043360)
Digital Hollywood Interactive Limited (SEHK:2022)
Digital Imaging Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A110990)
Digital Multimedia Technology Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A134580)
Digital Optics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A106520)
Digital Power Communications Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A026890)
Digiwin Software Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300378)
Digiworld Corporation (HOSE:DGW)
Digjam Limited (NSEI:DIGJAMLTD)
Diguang International Development Co., Ltd. (OTCPK:DGNG)
Diksat Transworld Limited (BSE:540151)
Diligent Media Corporation Limited (BSE:540789)
Dilip Buildcon Limited (BSE:540047)
Dilli Illustrate Inc. (KOSDAQ:A131180)
Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC (COSE:CTEA.N0000)
DIMA HOLDINGS Co. ,Ltd. (SHSE:600565)
Dimension Computer Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6140)
Dimerco Data System Corporation (GTSM:5403)
Dimerco Express Corporation (GTSM:5609)
Dimet (Siam) Public Company Limited (SET:DIMET)
Din Textile Mills Limited (KASE:DINT)
Dinara a.d. (BELEX:DINR)
Dingli Corp., Ltd. (SZSE:300050)
Dingyi Group Investment Limited (SEHK:508)
DingZing Advanced Materials Inc. (GTSM:6585)
Dinh Vu Port Development and Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DVP)
DiNonA Inc. (XKON:A086080)
DIO Corporation (KOSDAQ:A039840)
DIOD Maker of Eco-Friendly Equipment and Nutrition Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:DIOD)
Diogene Co., Ltd. (XKON:A271850)
Dionics, Inc. (OTCPK:DION)
Dipped Products PLC (COSE:DIPD.N0000)
Dipula Income Fund Limited
DIRE Ciptadana Properti Ritel Indonesia (IDX:XCIS)
Direcional Engenharia S.A. (BOVESPA:DIRR3)
Directel Holdings Limited (SEHK:8337)
Dirui Industrial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300396)
Dis-Chem Pharmacies Limited (JSE:DCP)
Disa India Limited (BSE:500068)
DISA Limited (Catalist:532)
Discount Investment Corporation Ltd. (TASE:DISI)
Discovery Limited (JSE:DSY)
Discovery World Corporation (PSE:DWC)
Dish TV India Limited (NSEI:DISHTV)
Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited (BSE:540701)
Display Tech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066670)
Distell Group Holdings Limited (JSE:DGH)
Distilleries Company of Sri Lanka PLC (COSE:DIST.N0000)
Distribuidora de Gas Cuyana S.A. (BASE:DGCU2)
Disway S.A. (CBSE:DWY)
DIT Group Limited (SEHK:726)
DIVA Laboratories, Ltd. (GTSM:4153)
Diversified Gateway Solutions Berhad (KLSE:DGSB)
Divi's Laboratories Limited (NSEI:DIVISLAB)
Divinus Fabrics Limited (BSE:538432)
Divyashakti Granites Limited (BSE:526315)
Dixon Technologies (India) Limited (BSE:540699)
Dizon Copper-Silver Mines, Inc. (PSE:DIZ)
DK D&I Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033310)
Dk Tech Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A290550)
DK-Lok Corporation (KOSDAQ:A105740)
DK&D Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A263020)
DKG Capital, Inc. (OTCPK:DKGH)
DKLS Industries Berhad (KLSE:DKLS)
DKSH Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:DKSH)
Dlala Brokerage and Investment Holding Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:DBIS)
DLC Asia Limited (SEHK:8210)
DLF Limited (NSEI:DLF)
DMCI Holdings, Inc. (PSE:DMC)
DMS Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A068790)
DNA Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:KSD)
DNA Link, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A127120)
DNF Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A092070)
Do Day Dream Public Company Limited (SET:DDD)
Do Thanh Technology Corporation (HOSE:DTT)
Do-Fluoride Chemicals Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002407)
Doan Xa Port Joint Stock Company (HNX:DXP)
Doctorglasses Chain Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300622)
DOD Biotech Public Company Limited (SET:DOD)
Dogness (International) Corporation (NasdaqGM:DOGZ)
Doha Bank Q.P.S.C. (DSM:DHBK)
Doha Insurance Group Q.P.S.C. (DSM:DOHI)
Dohia Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002761)
Dohome Public Company Limited (SET:DOHOME)
Dohwa Engineering Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002150)
Dolat Investments Limited (BSE:505526)
Dollar Industries Limited (NSEI:DOLLAR)
Dolmen City REIT (KASE:DCR)
Dolomite Corporation Berhad (KLSE:DOLMITE)
Dolomite Holdings Ltd (TASE:DLMT-M)
Dolphin Cove Limited (JMSE:DCOVE)
Dolphin Hotels PLC (COSE:STAF.N0000)
Dolphin International Berhad (KLSE:DOLPHIN)
Dolphin Medical Services Limited (BSE:526504)
Dolphin Offshore Enterprises (India) Limited (BSE:522261)
DOMEC Compañía de Artefactos Domésticos S.A.I.C.y F. (BASE:DOME)
Domesco Medical Import - Export Joint-Stock Corporation (HOSE:DMC)
Dominant Enterprise Berhad (KLSE:DOMINAN)
Dominate Group Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8537)
Domínguez & Cía., S.A. (CCSE:DOM)
Domo Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário - FII (BOVESPA:DOMC11)
Donear Industries Limited (BSE:512519)
Dong A Eltek Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A088130)
Dong A Hotel Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DAH)
Dong A Paint Joint Stock Company (HNX:HDA)
Dong A Plastic Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DAG)
Dong Hai Joint Stock Company of Ben Tre (HOSE:DHC)
Dong Nai Port JSC (HOSE:PDN)
Dong Phu Rubber Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DPR)
Dong Suh Companies Inc. (KOSE:A026960)
Dong Sung Bio Pharm.Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A002210)
Dong Won Fisheries Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A030720)
Dong Yang Piston Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A092780)
Dong Yang Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A008970)
Dong Yi Ri Sheng Home Decoration Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002713)
Dong-A Hwa Sung Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041930)
Dong-A Socio Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000640)
Dong-A ST Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A170900)
Dong-Ah Geological Engineering Company Ltd. (KOSE:A028100)
Dong-E-E-Jiao Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000423)
DONGBANG AGRO Corporation (KOSE:A007590)
Dongbang Ship Machinery Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A099410)
Dongbang Transport Logistics Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004140)
Dongbu 5th Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A281740)
Dongbu Corporation (KOSE:A005960)
Dongbu Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A016380)
Dongfang Electric Corporation Limited (SEHK:1072)
Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000682)
DongFeng Automobile Co. LTD (SHSE:600006)
Dongfeng Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600081)
Dongfeng Motor Group Company Limited (SEHK:489)
Dongfeng Sci-Tech Group CO., LTD. (SZSE:200160)
Dongguan Chitwing Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002855)
Dongguan Development (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000828)
Dongguan Eontec Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300328)
Dongguan Golden Sun Abrasives Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300606)
Dongguan Huali Industries Co.,LTD. (SHSE:603038)
Dongguan Kingsun Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002638)
Dongguan Mentech Optical & Magnetic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002902)
DongGuan Winnerway Industry Zone LTD. (SZSE:000573)
DongGuan YuTong Optical Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300790)
Dongguang Chemical Limited (SEHK:1702)
Dongil Industries Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A004890)
Dongil Metal Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A109860)
Dongil Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A023790)
Dongil Steel Mfg. Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A002690)
Dongil Technology, Ltd (KOSDAQ:A032960)
Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited (SEHK:895)
Dongjin Semichem Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A005290)
DongKoo Bio&Pharma Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A006620)
DongKook Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A086450)
Dongkuk Industries Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A005160)
Dongkuk Refractories & Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A075970)
Dongkuk Steel Mill Company Limited (KOSE:A001230)
Dongkuk Structures & Construction Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A100130)
DongNai Plastic Construction Joint-stock Company (HNX:DNP)
Dongnam Chemical Co., LTD. (KOSE:A023450)
Dongsin Engineering & Construction (KOSDAQ:A025950)
Dongsung Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005190)
DongSung Corporation (KOSE:A102260)
Dongsung FineTec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033500)
Dongwha Enterprise Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A025900)
Dongwha Pharm.Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A000020)
DongWon Development Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A013120)
Dongwon F&B Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A049770)
Dongwon Industries Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006040)
Dongwon Metal Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A018500)
Dongwon Systems Corporation (KOSE:A014820)
Dongwoo Farm To Table Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A088910)
Dongwoon Anatech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A094170)
Dongwu Cement International Limited (SEHK:695)
DONGXING SECURITIES Company Limited (SHSE:601198)
Dongyang E&P Inc. (KOSDAQ:A079960)
Dongyang Express Corp. (KOSE:A084670)
DongYang P&F Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A104460)
Dongyang S.Tec Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A060380)
Dongyue Group Limited (SEHK:189)
Dongzhu Ecological Environment Protection Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603359)
Donlinks International Investment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000893)
Donpon Precision Inc. (GTSM:3290)
Doosan Bobcat Inc. (KOSE:A241560)
Doosan Corporation (KOSE:A000150)
Doosan Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A011160)
Doosan Fuel Cell Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A336260)
Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A034020)
Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A042670)
Doosan Solus Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A336370)
Doowon Stone Co.,Ltd (XKON:A270020)
Dor Alon Energy In Israel (1988) Ltd. (TASE:DRAL)
Doreen Power Generations and Systems Limited (DSE:DOREENPWR)
Dorsel (B.A.Z.) Ltd (TASE:DRSL)
Dost Steels Limited (KASE:DSL)
Dotz Nano Limited (ASX:DTZ)
Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4764)
Double Medical Technology Inc. (SZSE:002901)
DoubleDragon Properties Corp. (PSE:DD)
DoubleUGames Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A192080)
Douja Promotion Groupe Addoha S.A. (CBSE:ADH)
Doumob (SEHK:1917)
Douzone Bizon Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A012510)
Doverie United Holding AD (BUL:5DOV)
Dowway Holdings Limited (SEHK:8403)
Doyen International Holdings Limited (SEHK:668)
DPECO Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A163430)
DPI Holdings Berhad (KLSE:DPIH)
DPS Resources Berhad (KLSE:DPS)
DQ Entertainment (International) Limited (BSE:533176)
Dr Lalchandani Labs Limited (BSE:541299)
Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital Limited (BSE:526783)
Dr. Lal PathLabs Limited (BSE:539524)
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited (BSE:500124)
Dr. Wu Skincare Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6523)
DR.Chip Biotechnology Incorporation (GTSM:4131)
Dr.Peng Telecom&Media Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600804)
DRA Consultants Limited (BSE:540144)
Dragon Capital Group, Corp. (OTCPK:DRGV)
Dragon Crown Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:935)
Dragon Jade International Limited (OTCPK:DGJI)
Dragon King Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8493)
Dragon Rise Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:6829)
Dragon Sweater & Spinning Limited (DSE:DSSL)
Dragon Victory International Limited (NasdaqCM:LYL)
Dragonfly GF Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A030350)
DrayTek Corporation (TSEC:6216)
DRB Holding Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004840)
DRB Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A163560)
Dream International Limited (SEHK:1126)
Dream Security co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A203650)
DreamEast Group Limited (SEHK:593)
DREAMTECH Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A192650)
Dreamus Company (KOSDAQ:A060570)
Dredging Corporation of India Limited (BSE:523618)
Drekkar Kingsway Limited (KASE:DKL)
Drewloong Precision, Inc. (TSEC:4572)
DRGEM Corporation (KOSDAQ:A263690)
DRH Holdings Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DRH)
Drilling Mud Corporation (HNX:PVC)
Dropsuite Limited (ASX:DSE)
DRS Dilip Roadlines Limited (NSEI:DRSDILIP)
DRTECH Corporation (KOSDAQ:A214680)
Druha strategicka as (BSSE:1DRS001E)
Dry Cell And Storage Battery Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PAC)
DSC Investment Inc. (KOSDAQ:A241520)
DSK Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A109740)
DSR Corp (KOSE:A155660)
DSR Wire Corp (KOSE:A069730)
DST Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033430)
DT Capital Limited (SEHK:356)
DT&C.Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A187220)
DTCOM - Direct to Company S.A. (BOVESPA:DTCY3)
DTR Automotive Corporation (KOSE:A007340)
DTXS Silk Road Investment Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:620)
DUAL Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A016740)
DUAL Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A078590)
Dubai Financial Market (DFM) P.J.S.C (DFM:DFM)
Dubai Investments PJSC (DFM:DIC)
Dubai Islamic Bank P.J.S.C. (DFM:DIB)
Dubai Islamic Insurance & Reinsurance Co. (Aman) (P.J.S.C) (DFM:AMAN)
Dubai Refreshment (P.J.S.C.) (DFM:DRC)
Duc Giang Chemicals Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:DGC)
Duc Long Gia Lai Group JSC (HOSE:DLG)
Duc Quan Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:FTM)
Duc Thanh Wood Processing Joint Stock Company (HOSE:GDT)
DuChemBIO Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A176750)
Duckshin Housing Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A090410)
Duckyang Ind. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A024900)
Duclong Gialai Investment & Development of Public Project Service JSC (HNX:DL1)
Ducon Infratechnolgies Limited (BSE:534674)
Dufu Technology Corp. Berhad (KLSE:DUFU)
Duiba Group Limited (SEHK:1753)
Dukang Distillers Holdings Limited (SGX:BKV)
DUKAT mlijecna industrija dionicko drustvo (ZGSE:LURA)
Duke Offshore Limited (BSE:531471)
Duksan Hi Metal Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A077360)
DukSan Neolux Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A213420)
Duksung Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004830)
Dulamia Cotton Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:DULAMIACOT)
Duncan Engineering Limited (BSE:504908)
Duniec Bros. Ltd. (TASE:DUNI)
Duoback Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A073190)
DuoLun Technology Corporation Ltd. (SHSE:603528)
Duong Hieu Trading and Mining Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DHM)
Duopharma Biotech Berhad (KLSE:DPHARMA)
Dur Hospitality Company (SASE:4010)
Duratex S.A. (BOVESPA:DTEX3)
Ðuro Ðakovic Grupa d.d. (ZGSE:DDJH)
Duropack Limited (BSE:526355)
Duroply Industries Limited (BSE:516003)
Dusit Thani Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:DREIT)
Dusit Thani Public Company Limited (SET:DTC)
DutaLand Berhad (KLSE:DUTALND)
Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad (KLSE:DLADY)
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DSE:DUTCHBANGL)
Dutech Holdings Limited (SGX:CZ4)
Dutron Polymers Limited (BSE:517437)
Duty Free International Limited (SGX:5SO)
Duyen Hai Multi Modal Transport Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TCO)
DuZhe Publish&Media Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603999)
Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Limited (BSE:532610)
Dwitiya Trading Limited (BSE:538608)
DWL Resources Berhad (KLSE:DWL)
DXB Entertainments PJSC (DFM:DXBE)
DY Corporation (KOSE:A013570)
DY Power Corporation (KOSE:A210540)
Dyaco International Inc. (TSEC:1598)
DYCASA Sociedad Anónima (BASE:DYCA)
Dymatic Chemicals,Inc. (SZSE:002054)
Dyna-Mac Holdings Ltd. (SGX:NO4)
Dynaciate Group Berhad (KLSE:DYNACIA)
DynaColor, Inc. (GTSM:5489)
Dynacons Systems & Solutions Limited (BSE:532365)
Dynagreen Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1330)
Dynamatic Technologies Limited (BSE:505242)
Dynamic Cables Limited (BSE:540795)
Dynamic Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6251)
Dynamic Holdings Limited (SEHK:29)
Dynamic Industries Limited (BSE:524818)
Dynamic Medical Technologies Inc. (GTSM:4138)
Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Limited (BSE:530779)
Dynamic Precision Industry Corporation (GTSM:8928)
Dynapack International Technology Corporation (GTSM:3211)
Dynasty Ceramic Public Company Limited (SET:DCC)
Dynasty Fine Wines Group Limited (SEHK:828)
Dynavision Limited (BSE:517238)
Dynea Pakistan Limited (KASE:DYNO)
Dynemic Products Limited (BSE:532707)
Dzi An Manufacturing Public Limited Company (HNX:DZM)
E & M Computing Ltd. (TASE:EMCO)
E Com Infotech (India) Limited (BSE:531533)
E for L Aim Public Company Limited (SET:EFORL)
E Ink Holdings Inc. (GTSM:8069)
E Investment&Development Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A093230)
E Kocref Cr-Reit (KOSE:A088260)
E Lighting Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8222)
E-Commodities Holdings Limited (SEHK:1733)
e-Credible Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A092130)
e-future.Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A134060)
E-House (China) Enterprise Holdings Limited (SEHK:2048)
E-Land Apparel Limited (BSE:532820)
E-Lead Electronic Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2497)
E-Life Mall Corporation (TSEC:6281)
e-LITECOM CO., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041520)
E-MART Inc. (KOSE:A139480)
E-Starco. Co. Ltd (KOSE:A015020)
E-Ton Solar Tech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3452)
E-Tron Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A096040)
E-world co.Ltd. (KOSE:A084680)
E. Bon Holdings Limited (SEHK:599)
E. Schnapp & Co. Works Ltd (TASE:SHNP)
E.A. Technique (M) Berhad (KLSE:EATECH)
E.B. Creasy & Company PLC (COSE:EBCR.N0000)
E.I.D.- Parry (India) Limited (BSE:500125)
E.N. Shoham Business Ltd (TASE:SHOM)
E.SUN Financial Holding Company, Ltd. (TSEC:2884)
E&D Co., Ltd. (XKON:A101360)
E&E Recycling,Inc. (GTSM:8440)
E&H Co., Ltd. (XKON:A341310)
E&R Engineering Corporation (GTSM:8027)
E1 Corporation (KOSE:A017940)
E2E Networks Limited (NSEI:E2E)
EA Holdings Berhad (KLSE:EAH)
Eaagads Limited (NASE:EGAD)
Eagle Cement Corporation (PSE:EAGLE)
Eagle Cold Storage Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8905)
Eagle Health Holdings Limited (ASX:EHH)
Eagle Insurance Limited (MUSE:MEI.N0000)
Eagle Legend Asia Limited (SEHK:936)
Eagle Nice (International) Holdings Limited (SEHK:2368)
Eagle Ride Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:901)
Eagle Veterinary Technology Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A044960)
Eaglerise Electric & Electronic (China) Co., Ltd (SZSE:002922)
Eagon Holdings Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A039020)
Eagon Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A008250)
Earn-A-Car, Inc. (OTCPK:EACR)
Earthasia International Holdings Limited (SEHK:6128)
Earum Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:542724)
Eason Paint Public Company Limited (SET:EASON)
Easson Telecom Limited (ENXTPA:MLEAS)
East African Breweries Limited (NASE:EABL)
East African Cables PLC (NASE:CABL)
East African Portland Cement Company Limited (NASE:PORT)
East China Engineering Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002140)
East Coast Furnitech Public Company Limited (SET:ECF)
East Delta Flour Mills (CASE:EDFM)
East Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300376)
East India Securities Limited (BSE:541053)
East Money Information Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300059)
East Tender Optoelectronics Corporation (GTSM:6588)
East West Banking Corporation (PSE:EW)
East West Holdings Limited (BSE:540006)
East West Properties PLC (COSE:EAST.N0000)
Eastcompeace Technology Co.,ltd (SZSE:002017)
Eastech Holding Limited (TSEC:5225)
Eastern & Oriental Berhad (KLSE:E&O)
Eastern Bank Limited (DSE:EBL)
Eastern Cables Limited (DSE:ECABLES)
Eastern Commercial Leasing Public Company Limited (SET:ECL)
Eastern Communications Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600776)
Eastern Company S. A. E. (CASE:EAST)
Eastern Gold Jade Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600086)
Eastern Housing Limited (DSE:EHL)
Eastern Insurance Company Limited (DSE:EASTERNINS)
Eastern Lubricants Blenders Limited (DSE:EASTRNLUB)
Eastern Media International Corporation (TSEC:2614)
Eastern Merchants PLC (COSE:EMER.N0000)
Eastern Pioneer Driving School Co., Ltd (SHSE:603377)
Eastern Polymer Group Public Company Limited (SET:EPG)
Eastern Printing Public Company Limited (SET:EPCO)
Eastern Silk Industries Limited (BSE:590022)
Eastern Star Real Estate Public Company Limited (SET:ESTAR)
Eastern Technical Engineering Public Company Limited (SET:ETE)
Eastern Treads Limited (BSE:531346)
Eastern Water Resources Development and Management Public Company Limited (SET:EASTW)
Eastland Equity Bhd. (KLSE:EASTLND)
Eastland Insurance Company Limited (DSE:EASTLAND)
Eastone Century Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300310)
Easun Reyrolle Limited (BSE:532751)
EASY BIO, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A035810)
Easy Field Corporation (GTSM:6425)
Easy One Financial Group Limited (SEHK:221)
Easy Repay Finance & Investment Limited (SEHK:8079)
Easy Visible Supply Chain Management Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600093)
Easycall Communications Philippines, Inc. (PSE:ECP)
Easyknit International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1218)
Easylink Solutions Corp. (OTCPK:ESYL)
Easywell Biomedicals, Inc. (GTSM:1799)
EB Tech Co., Ltd. (XKON:A208850)
Ebest Ian Special Purpose Acquisition 1 Company (KOSDAQ:A323210)
EBEST Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A078020)
EBM Technologies Incorporated (GTSM:8409)
eBroker Group Limited (SEHK:8036)
eBullion, Inc. (OTCPK:EBML)
EC World Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:BWCU)
eChannelling PLC (COSE:ECL.N0000)
Echeverría Izquierdo S.A. (SNSE:EISA)
Echo International Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:8218)
Echomarketing Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A230360)
ECI Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:8013)
Eclat Forever Machinery Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3485)
Eclat Textile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1476)
eClerx Services Limited (NSEI:ECLERX)
eCloudvalley Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6689)
ECM Libra Group Berhad (KLSE:ECM)
Eco Energy Tech Asia, Ltd. (OTCPK:EYTH)
Eco Recycling Limited (BSE:530643)
Eco World Development Group Berhad (KLSE:ECOWLD)
Eco World International Berhad (KLSE:EWINT)
Eco-Tek Holdings Limited (SEHK:8169)
Eco-Tek Holdings Limited (SEHK:8169)
Ecobank Côte d'Ivoire (BRVM:ECOC)
Ecobank Ghana Limited (GHSE:EGH)
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (NGSE:ETI)
EcoBio Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038870)
Ecoboard Industries Limited (BSE:523732)
Ecobuilt Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ECOHLDS)
Ecocab Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A128540)
Ecocera Optronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6597)
Ecofirst Consolidated Bhd (KLSE:ECOFIRS)
EcoGreen International Group Limited (SEHK:2341)
Ecomaister Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A064510)
Econo Trade (India) Limited (BSE:538708)
Econpile Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ECONBHD)
EcoPack Limited (KASE:ECOP)
Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC:ECOPETROL)
Ecoplast Limited (BSE:526703)
Ecoplastic Corporation (KOSDAQ:A038110)
Ecopro BM. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A247540)
Ecopro Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A086520)
EcoRodovias Infraestrutura e Logística S.A. (BOVESPA:ECOR3)
Ecovacs Robotics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603486)
ECOVE Environment Corp. (GTSM:6803)
ecoWise Holdings Limited (Catalist:5CT)
Ecsponent Limited (JSE:ECS)
Edan Instruments, Inc. (SZSE:300206)
Edaran Berhad (KLSE:EDARAN)
Edelweiss Financial Services Limited (NSEI:EDELWEISS)
Eden Hotel Lanka PLC (COSE:EDEN.N0000)
Eden Inc. Berhad (KLSE:EDEN)
EDICO Holdings Limited (SEHK:8450)
Edifier Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002351)
EDIMAX Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3047)
Edison Opto Corporation (TSEC:3591)
Edita Food Industries Company (S.A.E) (CASE:EFID)
Edition Ltd. (Catalist:5HG)
EDOM Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3048)
EDP - Energias do Brasil S.A. (BOVESPA:ENBR3)
Edri-El Israel Assets Ltd. (TASE:EDRL)
Educational Book JSC in Da Nang City (HNX:DAE)
Educational Book JSC in Hanoi City (HNX:EBS)
Educational Book JSC. in Ho Chi Minh City (HNX:SGD)
Educational Holding Group K.S.C.P. (KWSE:EDU)
Educomp Solutions Limited (BSE:532696)
Edupartner. Co., Ltd. (XKON:A208890)
Eduspec Holdings Berhad (KLSE:EDUSPEC)
Edvance International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1410)
Edvantage Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:382)
eDynamics Solutions Limited (BSE:535694)
EE-HWA Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A001840)
EEI Corporation (PSE:EEI)
EEKA Fashion Holdings Limited (SEHK:3709)
Efficient E-Solutions Berhad (KLSE:EFFICEN)
Efficient Group Limited (JSE:EFG)
EFG Hermes Pakistan Limited (KASE:EFGH)
EFG-Hermes Holding S.A.E (CASE:HRHO)
Efora Energy Limited (JSE:EEL)
eForce Holdings Limited (SEHK:943)
EFT Solutions Holdings Limited (SEHK:8062)
EFU General Insurance Limited (KASE:EFUG)
EFU Life Assurance Limited (KASE:EFUL)
EFUN Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3523)
EG Corporation (KOSDAQ:A037370)
EG Industries Berhad (KLSE:EG)
eGalax_eMPIA Technology Inc. (GTSM:3556)
Eggriculture Foods Ltd. (SEHK:8609)
EGing Photovoltaic Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600537)
Egis Technology Inc. (GTSM:6462)
EGL Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:6882)
EGLS Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002619)
Egypt Aluminum (CASE:EGAL)
Egypt for Poultry (CASE:EPCO)
Egypt Free Shops Co. (CASE:MFSC)
egypt gas company -sae (CASE:EGAS)
Egypt Kuwait Holding Company (S.A.E.) (CASE:EKHO)
Egyptian Arabian Company (Themar) for securities Brokerage EAC (CASE:EASB)
Egyptian Chemical Industries S.A.E (CASE:EGCH)
Egyptian Financial and Industrial SAE (CASE:EFIC)
Egyptian Gulf Bank (S.A.E) (CASE:EGBE)
Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Company (CASE:PHAR)
Egyptian International Tourism Projects Company (CASE:EITP)
Egyptian Iron and Steel Company (CASE:IRON)
Egyptian Media Production City (CASE:MPRC)
Egyptian Resorts Company S.A.E. (CASE:EGTS)
Egyptian Tourah Portland Cement Company (S.A.E.) (CASE:TORA)
Egyptian Transport and Commercial Services Company S.A.E. (CASE:ETRS)
Egyptians for Housing & Development Co. (CASE:EHDR)
Egyptians For Investment & Urban Development (CASE:EIUD)
EHWA Technologies Information Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A024810)
Eicher Motors Limited (BSE:505200)
EIH Associated Hotels Limited (BSE:523127)
EIH Limited (BSE:500840)
Eimco Elecon (India) Limited (BSE:523708)
EirGenix Inc. (GTSM:6589)
EISO Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5291)
EITA Resources Berhad (KLSE:EITA)
EJE (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited (SEHK:8101)
Ejecta Marketing Limited (BSE:538653)
EKA Noodles Berhad (KLSE:EKA)
Ekachai Medical Care Public Company Limited (SET:EKH)
Ekam Leasing and Finance Co. Ltd. (BSE:530581)
Ekarat Engineering Public Company Limited (SET:AKR)
Ekip-98 Holding AD (BUL:5EK)
Ekovest Berhad (KLSE:EKOVEST)
Eksons Corporation Berhad (KLSE:EKSONS)
Ekttitab Holding Company K.S.C. - Public (KWSE:EKTTITAB)
El Ahram Co. For Printing And Packaging SAE (CASE:EPPK)
El Al Israel Airlines Ltd (TASE:ELAL)
El Kahera El Watania Investment (CASE:KWIN)
El Kahera Housing (CASE:ELKA)
El Nasr Manufacturing Agricultural Crops S.A.E (CASE:ELNA)
El Puerto de Liverpool, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:LIVEPOL C-1)
El Sewedy Electric Company (CASE:SWDY)
El Wadi Company for Touristic Investment SAE (CASE:ELWA)
El-Ebour Co. for Real Estate Investment S.A.E. (CASE:OBRI)
El-Mor Electric Installation & Services (1986) Ltd. (TASE:ELMR)
El-Nasr Clothing & Textiles Co. (KABO) (CASE:KABO)
ELAN Microelectronics Corporation (TSEC:2458)
ELANA Agrocredit AD (BUL:0EA)
Elango Industries Limited (BSE:513452)
ELANTAS Beck India Limited (BSE:500123)
Elate Holdings Limited (SEHK:76)
ELB Group Limited (JSE:ELR)
Elbit Imaging Ltd. (TASE:EMITF)
Elbit Medical Technologies Ltd (TASE:EMTC)
Elbit Systems Ltd. (TASE:ESLT)
Elco Ltd. (TASE:ELCO)
Elcomtec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A037950)
Eldav Investments Ltd. (TASE:ELDAV)
Eldeco Housing and Industries Limited (BSE:523329)
Elec & Eltek International Company Limited (SGX:E16)
Elec-Tech International Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002005)
Elecon Engineering Company Limited (BSE:505700)
Electra Consumer Products (1970) Ltd (TASE:ECP)
Electra Limited (TASE:ELTR)
Electra Real Estate Ltd. (TASE:ELCRE)
Electreon Wireless Ltd (TASE:ELWS)
Electric Connector Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300679)
Electric Power Technology Limited (GTSM:4529)
Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:THI)
Electrical Industries Company (SASE:1303)
Electricity Generating Public Company Limited (SET:EGCO)
Electro Cable Egypt (CASE:ELEC)
Electrolux de Chile S.A. (SNSE:ELUXSA)
Electromagnetica S.A. (BVB:ELMA)
Electronics Communications Technology Investment Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ELC)
Electronics Industry Public Company Limited (SET:EIC)
Electrostar (BVMT:LSTR)
Electrosteel Castings Limited (BSE:500128)
Electrotherm (India) Limited (BSE:526608)
Electrozink Open Joint-Stock Company (MISX:ELTZ)
EleFirst Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300356)
Elegance Commercial and Financial Printing Group Limited (SEHK:8391)
Elegance Optical International Holdings Limited (SEHK:907)
Elegant Marbles and Grani Industries Limited (BSE:526705)
Elektro Maribor d.d. (LJSE:EMAG)
Elementia, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:ELEMENT *)
Elensys co.,ltd (KOSDAQ:A264850)
Elentec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A054210)
Eletrobras Participações S.A. - Eletropar (BOVESPA:LIPR3)
ELGI Equipments Limited (BSE:522074)
Elgi Rubber Company Limited (NSEI:ELGIRUBCO)
Elhim-Iskra JSC (BUL:52E)
Elife Holdings Limited (SEHK:223)
Elion Energy Company Limited (SHSE:600277)
Elite Advanced Laser Corporation (TSEC:3450)
Elite Diagnostic Limited (JMSE:ELITE)
Elite Material Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2383)
Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. (TSEC:3006)
Elitegroup Computer Systems Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:2331)
Elivision Co., Ltd. (XKON:A276240)
Elixir Capital Limited (BSE:531278)
ELK-Desa Resources Berhad (KLSE:ELKDESA)
ELL Environmental Holdings Limited (SEHK:1395)
Ellies Holdings Limited (JSE:ELI)
Ellipsiz Ltd (SGX:BIX)
Ellomay Capital Ltd. (AMEX:ELLO)
Elnet Technologies Limited (BSE:517477)
ELP Corporation (KOSDAQ:A063760)
Elpitiya Plantations PLC (COSE:ELPL.N0000)
Elpro International Limited (BSE:504000)
Elron Electronic Industries Ltd. (OTCPK:ELRN.F)
Elsaeed Contracting and Real Estate Investment Company SCCD (CASE:UEGC)
Elsight Limited (ASX:ELS)
Elsoft Research Berhad (KLSE:ELSOFT)
Elspec Engineering Ltd. (TASE:ELSPC)
ELTA Technology Co., Ltd (GTSM:8487)
Eltek Ltd. (NasdaqCM:ELTK)
ELUON Corporation (KOSDAQ:A065440)
ELZAY Ready Wear Manufacturing Co. (ASE:ELZA)
EM-Tech.CO., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A091120)
Ema India Limited (BSE:522027)
Emaar Development PJSC (DFM:EMAARDEV)
Emaar Misr for Development Company (S.A.E.) (CASE:EMFD)
Emaar Properties PJSC (DFM:EMAAR)
Emaar The Economic City (SASE:4220)
Emami Limited (BSE:531162)
Emami Paper Mills Limited (BSE:533208)
Emami Realty Limited (BSE:533218)
Embassy Office Parks REIT (NSEI:EMBASSY)
EmbedWay Technologies (Shanghai) Corporation (SHSE:603496)
Embraer S.A. (BOVESPA:EMBR3)
Embry Holdings Limited (SEHK:1388)
EMC Public Company Limited (SET:EMC)
EMCO Limited (BSE:504008)
eMedia Holdings Limited (JSE:EMH)
Emei Shan Tourism Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000888)
eMemory Technology Inc. (GTSM:3529)
Emerald Leasing Finance And Investment Company Limited (BSE:538882)
Emerald Leisures Limited (BSE:507265)
Emerald Oil Industries Limited (DSE:EMERALDOIL)
Emerald Plantation Holdings Limited (OTCPK:EMEX.F)
Emerging Display Technologies Corp. (TSEC:3038)
Emerging Towns & Cities Singapore Ltd. (Catalist:1C0)
Emerging World Pharma, Inc. (OTCPK:EWPI)
Emico Holdings Berhad (KLSE:EMICO)
Emilia Development (O.F.G) Ltd. (TASE:EMDV)
Eminence Enterprise Limited (SEHK:616)
Eminent Luggage Corporation (GTSM:9950)
Emira Property Fund Limited (JSE:EMI)
Emirates Driving Company PJSC (ADX:DRIVE)
Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC (DFM:DU)
Emirates REIT (CEIC) Limited (DIFX:REIT)
Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC (ADX:ETISALAT)
Emkay Global Financial Services Limited (BSE:532737)
Emkay Taps and Cutting Tools Limited (NSEI:EMKAYTOOLS)
Emmar Real Estate Development & Investment Co. (ASE:EMAR)
Emmbi Industries Limited (BSE:533161)
Emmessar Biotech & Nutrition Limited (BSE:524768)
Emmsons International Limited (BSE:532038)
eMnet Inc. (KOSDAQ:A123570)
Emo Capital Corp. (OTCPK:NUVI)
Empee Distilleries Limited (BSE:532920)
Empee Sugars & Chemicals Limited (BSE:500132)
Emperador Inc. (PSE:EMP)
Emperor Capital Group Limited (SEHK:717)
Emperor Culture Group Limited (SEHK:491)
Emperor Entertainment Hotel Limited (SEHK:296)
Emperor International Holdings Limited (SEHK:163)
Emperor Watch & Jewellery Limited (SEHK:887)
Empire East Land Holdings, Inc. (PSE:ELI)
Empire Industries Limited (BSE:509525)
Empower India Limited (BSE:504351)
Empresa Agroindustrial Pomalca S.A.A. (BVL:POMALCC1)
Empresa Constructora Moller y Pérez Cotapos S.A. (SNSE:MOLLER)
Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá S.A. E.S.P. (BVC:ETB)
Empresa Distribuidora Electrica Regional, S.A. (BASE:EMDE)
Empresa Distribuidora y Comercializadora Norte Sociedad Anónima (BASE:EDN)
Empresa Eléctrica Pehuenche S.A. (SNSE:PEHUENCHE)
Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A. (SNSE:ENTEL)
Empresa Pesquera Eperva S.A. (SNSE:EPERVA)
Empresa Regional de Servicio Público de Electricidad Electro Norte Medio S.A. (BVL:HIDRA2C1)
Empresa Siderúrgica del Perú S.A.A. (BVL:SIDERC1)
Empresas CMPC S.A. (SNSE:CMPC)
Empresas Copec S.A. (SNSE:COPEC)
Empresas Gasco S.A. (SNSE:GASCO)
Empresas Hites S.A. (SNSE:HITES)
Empresas Iansa S.A. (SNSE:IANSA)
Empresas La Polar S.A. (SNSE:NUEVAPOLAR)
Empresas Lipigas S.A. (SNSE:LIPIGAS)
Empresas Tricot S.A. (SNSE:TRICOT)
EMRO. Incorporated (XKON:A058970)
Enabling Asia, Inc. (OTCPK:EAIN)
Enauta Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:ENAT3)
ENC Digital Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:603869)
Encorp Berhad (KLSE:ENCORP)
Endurance Technologies Limited (BSE:540153)
Ene Technology Inc. (TSEC:6243)
Eneco Energy Limited (SGX:R14)
Enel Américas S.A. (SNSE:ENELAM)
Enel Distribución Perú S.A.A. (BVL:ENDISPC1)
Enel Generación Chile S.A. (SNSE:ENELGXCH)
Enel Generación Costanera S.A. (BASE:CECO2)
Enel Generación Peru S.A.A. (BVL:ENGEPEC1)
Energenesis Biomedical CO.,LTD. (GTSM:6657)
Energía Latina S.A. (SNSE:ENLASA)
Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB (NSEL:ESO1L)
Energisa S.A. (BOVESPA:ENGI3)
Energix - Renewable Energies Ltd (TASE:ENRG)
Energoprojekt Holding a.d. (BELEX:ENHL)
Energy Absolute Public Company Limited (SET:EA)
Energy Development Company Limited (BSE:532219)
Energy Finders, Inc. (OTCPK:EGYF)
Energy International Investments Holdings Limited (SEHK:353)
Energy Material Technology Co., Ltd. (XKON:A232530)
Enermax Technology Corporation (GTSM:8093)
Enertork Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A019990)
Enex Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A011090)
ENF Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A102710)
ENG Electric Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8287)
Engage Mobility, Inc. (OTCPK:ENGA)
Engen Botswana Limited (BSM:ENGEN)
Engie Brasil Energia S.A. (BOVESPA:EGIE3)
Engie Energia Chile S.A. (SNSE:ECL)
Engie Energía Perú S.A. (BVL:ENGIEC1)
Engineers India Limited (NSEI:ENGINERSIN)
EnGIS Technologies, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A208860)
Engro Corporation Limited (KASE:ENGRO)
EnGro Corporation Limited (SGX:S44)
Engro Fertilizers Limited (KASE:EFERT)
Engro Polymer and Chemicals Limited (KASE:EPCL)
Engro Powergen Qadirpur Limited (KASE:EPQL)
Engtex Group Berhad (KLSE:ENGTEX)
Enimmune corporation (GTSM:6564)
Enjoyor Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300020)
Enka de Colombia S.A. (BVC:ENKA)
Enkei Wheels (India) Limited (BSE:533477)
ENL Limited (MUSE:ENLG.N0000)
Enlight Corporation (TSEC:2438)
Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd (TASE:ENLT)
Enlivex Therapeutics Ltd. (NasdaqCM:ENLV)
ENM Holdings Limited (SEHK:128)
ENN Ecological Holdings Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600803)
ENN Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:2688)
Ennakl Automobiles S.A. (BVMT:NAKL)
Ennoconn Corporation (TSEC:6414)
ENRA Group Berhad (KLSE:ENRA)
Ensol Biosciences Inc. (XKON:A140610)
Enstar Group Limited (NasdaqGS:ESGR)
Ensure Global Corp., Ltd. (GTSM:4419)
Entera Bio Ltd. (NasdaqCM:ENTX)
Enterex International Limited (TSEC:1592)
Entermate Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A206400)
Enterprise Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:1808)
Enterprise Group Limited (GHSE:EGL)
Entertainment Network (India) Limited (BSE:532700)
Entery Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1333)
Entest Group, Inc. (OTCPK:ETNI)
EnTie Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2849)
Entkaeya for Investment and Real Estate Development Company (P.L.C.) (ASE:ENTK)
Envair Electrodyne Limited (BSE:500246)
Envases del Pacifico S.A. (SNSE:EDELPA)
Envases Venezolanos, S.A. (CCSE:ENV)
Envictus International Holdings Limited (SGX:BQD)
Enviro Energy International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1102)
Envoy Textiles Limited (DSE:ENVOYTEX)
enX Group Limited (JSE:ENX)
Enzychem Lifesciences Corporation (KOSDAQ:A183490)
EO Technics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A039030)
EOH Holdings Limited (JSE:EOH)
EOMJIHOUSE Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A224810)
Eon Electric Limited (BSE:532658)
Eone Diagnomics Genome Center Co.Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A245620)
Eonmetall Group Berhad (KLSE:EMETALL)
Eoptolink Technology Inc., Ltd. (SZSE:300502)
EP Manufacturing Bhd (KLSE:EPMB)
EPE Capital Partners Ltd (JSE:EPE)
EPI (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:689)
Epic Energy Limited (BSE:530407)
Epic Gas Ltd. (OB:EPIC-ME)
Epileds Technologies, Inc. (TSEC:4956)
Episil Holding Inc. (GTSM:3707)
Episil-Precision Inc. (TSEC:3016)
EPISTAR Corporation (TSEC:2448)
Epoch Chemtronics Corp. (GTSM:3633)
Epoxy Base Electronic Material Corporation Limited (SHSE:603002)
Eppley Limited (JMSE:EPLY)
eprint Group Limited (SEHK:1884)
EPS Bio Technology Corp. (GTSM:4183)
Equatorial Energia S.A. (BOVESPA:EQTL3)
Equatorial Pará Distribuidora de Energia S.A. (BOVESPA:CELP3)
Equipment Holding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:EQUIPMENT)
Equital Ltd. (TASE:EQTL)
Equitas Holdings Limited (BSE:539844)
Equites Property Fund Limited (JSE:EQU)
Equity Group Holdings Plc (NASE:EQTY)
Equity Two PLC (COSE:ETWO.N0000)
Erawan Hotel Growth Property Fund (SET:ERWPF)
Erech Finance Cahalacha Ltd (TASE:EFNC)
Erection Electromechanics Testing Joint Stock Company (HNX:LCD)
Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. (ZGSE:ERNT)
Eris Lifesciences Limited (BSE:540596)
Eris Technology Corporation (GTSM:3675)
Ernest Borel Holdings Limited (SEHK:1856)
Eros International Media Limited (NSEI:EROSMEDIA)
ES Ceramics Technology Berhad (KLSE:ESCERAM)
ESA Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052190)
Esaar (India) Limited (BSE:531502)
ESAB India Limited (BSE:500133)
eSang Networks Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A080010)
Escorts Finance Limited (BSE:511716)
Escorts Investment Bank Limited (KASE:ESBL)
Escorts Limited (NSEI:ESCORTS)
Esha Media Research Limited (BSE:531259)
Eshraq Investments PJSC (ADX:ESHRAQ)
Eskay K'n'IT (India) Limited (BSE:514118)
Esmo Corporation (KOSDAQ:A073070)
ESMO Materials Corporation (KOSDAQ:A087730)
Eson Precision Ind. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5243)
Espressif Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688018)
Esquire Knit Composite Limited (DSE:ESQUIRENIT)
ESR Cayman Limited (SEHK:1821)
Ess Dee Aluminium Limited (BSE:532787)
Essar Securities Limited (BSE:533149)
Essar Shipping Limited (BSE:533704)
Essel Propack Limited (BSE:500135)
Essen Tech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043340)
Essent Group Ltd. (NYSE:ESNT)
Essex Bio-Technology Limited (SEHK:1061)
Esso (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:ESSO)
Essoukna (BVMT:SOKNA)
Est Global Apparel Co.,Ltd (GTSM:4413)
EST Tools Co., Ltd (SZSE:300488)
Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. (NasdaqCM:ESTA)
Estácio Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:YDUQ3)
ESTec Corporation (KOSDAQ:A069510)
EstechPharma Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041910)
Ester Industries Limited (BSE:500136)
Esterad Investment Company BSC (BAX:ESTERAD)
Esthetics International Group Berhad (KLSE:EIG)
Estre Ambiental, Inc. (NasdaqGM:ESTR)
ESTsoft Corp. (KOSDAQ:A047560)
Estun Automation Co., Ltd (SZSE:002747)
eSun Holdings Limited (SEHK:571)
ESV Inc. (KOSDAQ:A223310)
eTEC E&C Limited (KOSDAQ:A016250)
Eterna Plc (NGSE:ETERNA)
Eternal Asia Supply Chain Management Ltd. (SZSE:002183)
Eternal Materials Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1717)
Eternit S.A. (BOVESPA:ETER3)
Eternity Healthcare, Inc. (OTCPK:ETAH)
Eternity Investment Limited (SEHK:764)
Eternity Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1725)
Ethernity Networks Ltd. (AIM:ENET)
Etihad Etisalat Company (SASE:7020)
Etion Limited (JSE:ETO)
eTranzact International Plc (NGSE:ETRANZACT)
ETREND Hightech Corp. (GTSM:3567)
Etron Technology, Inc. (GTSM:5351)
Etropal AD (BUL:5EO)
ETS Group Limited (SEHK:8031)
ETT Limited (BSE:537707)
EuBiologics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A206650)
Eugene Corporation (KOSDAQ:A023410)
Eugene Investment & Securities Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A001200)
Eugene Special Purpose Acquisition 4 Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A321260)
Eugene Special Purpose Acquisition 5 Company (KOSDAQ:A331380)
Eugene Technology Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A084370)
Eupe Corporation Berhad (KLSE:EUPE)
Eurasia Energy Limited (OTCPK:EUEN.F)
Eureka Design Public Company Limited (SET:UREKA)
Euro Arab Insurance Group Plc. (ASE:AMMI)
Euro Asia Exports Limited (BSE:530929)
Euro Asia Premier Real Estate Company Limited (MUN:JT9)
Euro Holdings Berhad (KLSE:EURO)
Euro India Fresh Foods Limited (NSEI:EIFFL)
Euro Multivision Limited (BSE:533109)
Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited (NasdaqCM:CLWT)
Euro-Cycles S.A (BVMT:ECYCL)
Euro-Med Laboratories Phil., Inc. (PSE:EURO)
Eurocharm Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5288)
Eurocrane (China) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603966)
EuroEyes International Eye Clinic Limited (SEHK:1846)
Eurohold Bulgaria AD (BUL:4EH)
Euromax Resources Ltd. (TSX:EOX)
European Eltech Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:EELT)
Europol Intelligent Network Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002711)
Eurospan Holdings Berhad (KLSE:EUROSP)
EuroSports Global Limited (Catalist:5G1)
Eurotex Industries and Exports Limited (NSEI:EUROTEXIND)
Eusol Biotech Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6652)
Eusu Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000700)
Eutilex Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A263050)
EVA Airways Corp. (TSEC:2618)
EVA Precision Industrial Holdings Limited (SEHK:838)
Evans Electric Limited (BSE:542668)
EVE Energy Co., Ltd (SZSE:300014)
Even Construtora e Incorporadora S.A. (BOVESPA:EVEN3)
Ever Harvest Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1549)
Ever Reach Group (Holdings) Company Limited (SEHK:3616)
Ever Sunshine Lifestyle Services Group Limited (SEHK:1995)
Ever Supreme Bio Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6712)
Ever-Clear Environmental Eng. Corp. (GTSM:6624)
Ever-Glory International Group, Inc. (NasdaqGM:EVK)
Ever-Gotesco Resources and Holdings, Inc. (PSE:EVER)
Everarc Holdings Ltd. (LSE:EVRA)
Everbright Grand China Assets Limited (SEHK:3699)
Everbright JiabaoCo.,Ltd. (SHSE:600622)
Everbright Securities Company Limited (SHSE:601788)
EverChina Int'l Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:202)
Eveready East Africa PLC (NASE:EVRD)
Eveready Industries India Limited (BSE:531508)
Everest Industries Limited (BSE:508906)
Everest Kanto Cylinder Limited (BSE:532684)
Everest Organics Limited (BSE:524790)
Everest Re Group, Ltd. (NYSE:RE)
Everest Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:EVS)
Everest Textile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1460)
EverFocus Electronics Corporation (TSEC:5484)
Evergrande Health Industry Group Limited (SEHK:708)
Evergreen Fibreboard Berhad (KLSE:EVERGRN)
Evergreen International Corp. (OTCPK:EVGI)
Evergreen International Holdings Limited (SEHK:238)
Evergreen International Storage & Transport Corporation (TSEC:2607)
Evergreen Marine Corporation (Taiwan) Ltd. (TSEC:2603)
Evergreen Products Group Limited (SEHK:1962)
Everjoy Health Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002162)
Everlance Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8934)
Everland Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:EVG)
Everland Public Company Limited (SET:EVER)
Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation (TSEC:1711)
Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2393)
Everlon Synthetics Limited (BSE:514358)
Evermore Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1735)
Everpia Joint Stock Company (HOSE:EVE)
Eversafe Rubber Berhad (KLSE:ESAFE)
Eversendai Corporation Berhad (KLSE:SENDAI)
Evershine Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8022)
Everspring Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2390)
evertex fabrinology limited (TSEC:1470)
Evertop Wire Cable Corporation (TSEC:1616)
Everybot Inc. (XKON:A270660)
Everyday Network Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300295)
Everything Fresh Limited (JMSE:EFRESH)
Evince Textiles Limited (DSE:ETL)
EVN Land Central JSC (HOSE:LEC)
EVOC Intelligent Technology Company Limited (SEHK:2308)
Evogene Ltd. (TASE:EVGN)
Ewein Berhad (KLSE:EWEIN)
EWK Inc. (KOSDAQ:A258610)
Ewon Comfortech Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A088290)
EXA E&C Inc. (KOSDAQ:A054940)
Exalenz Bioscience Ltd (TASE:EXEN)
exax Inc. (KOSDAQ:A060230)
Excalibur Global Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:8350)
Exceed Company Ltd. (OTCPK:EDSF.F)
Excel Cell Electronic Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2483)
Excel Force MSC Berhad (KLSE:EFORCE)
Excel Industries Limited (BSE:500650)
Excel Realty N Infra Limited (BSE:533090)
Excellence Optoelectronics Inc. (TSEC:6288)
Excelliance MOS Corporation (GTSM:5299)
Excelpoint Technology Ltd. (SGX:BDF)
Excelsa nekretnine d.d.
Excelsior Biopharma Inc. (GTSM:6496)
Excelsior Medical Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4104)
Excelsior United Development Companies Limited (MUSE:EUDC.I0000)
Exclusive Property REIT-Sofia (BUL:5EX)
EXEM Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A205100)
Exemplar REITail Limited (JSE:EXP)
Exicon Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A092870)
Exide Industries Limited (BSE:500086)
Exide Pakistan Limited (KASE:EXIDE)
Exotic Food Public Company Limited (SET:XO)
Expat Beta Reit - Sofia (BUL:E7P)
Expert Systems Holdings Limited (SEHK:8319)
Expleo Solutions Limited (NSEI:EXPLEOSOL)
Expo Gas Containers Ltd (BSE:526614)
Expolanka Holdings PLC (COSE:EXPO.N0000)
Export Development Bank of Egypt (S.A.E.) (CASE:EXPA)
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited (DSE:EXIMBANK)
Export Investment Co. Ltd. (TASE:EXPO)
Express Catering Limited (JMSE:ECL)
Express Kenya Limited (NASE:XPRS)
EXT Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A226360)
Extracted Oil & Derivatives Co. (CASE:ZEOT)
Extrawell Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (SEHK:858)
Exxaro Resources Limited (JSE:EXX)
EyeGene Inc. (KOSDAQ:A185490)
Eyesvision Corp. (KOSDAQ:A031310)
ezCaretech Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A099750)
EZconn Corporation (TSEC:6442)
Ezdan Holding Group Q.P.S.C. (DSM:ERES)
Ezfly International Travel Agent Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2734)
EZTEC Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:EZTC3)
Ezwelfare Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A090850)
Ezy Cloud Holding Inc. (OTCPK:EZCL)
Ezz Steel Company (CASE:ESRS)
F & J Prince Holdings Corporation (PSE:FJP)
F J Benjamin Holdings Ltd (SGX:F10)
F.I.B.I. Holdings Ltd (TASE:FIBIH)
F.I.T Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:FIT)
F.V.I. Fondo de Valores Inmobiliarios, S.A.C.A. (CCSE:FVI.B)
F&F Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007700)
F8 Enterprises (Holdings) Group Limited (SEHK:8347)
Fabrica Nacional de Acumuladores ETNA S.A. (BVL:ETNAI1)
Fábrica Peruana Eternit S.A. (BVL:ETERNII1)
Fabricato S.A. (BVC:FABRICATO)
Fabrinet (NYSE:FN)
FACB Industries Incorporated Berhad (KLSE:FACBIND)
Facor Alloys Limited (BSE:532656)
Fairchem Speciality Limited (BSE:530117)
Fairplay Properties REIT (BUL:6F3)
Fairvest Property Holdings Limited (JSE:FVT)
Fairwood Holdings Limited (SEHK:52)
Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt (CASE:FAITA)
Fajarbaru Builder Group Bhd. (KLSE:FAJAR)
Falcon Machine Tools Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4513)
Falcon Power Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1516)
Fameglow Holdings Limited (SEHK:8603)
Familytex (BD) Limited (DSE:FAMILYTEX)
Famous Brands Limited (JSE:FBR)
Fan Milk Limited (GHSE:FML)
Fancy Wood Industries Public Company Limited (SET:FANCY)
Fangda Carbon New Material Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600516)
Fangda Special Steel Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600507)
Fantagio Corp. (KOSDAQ:A032800)
Fantasia Holdings Group Co., Limited (SEHK:1777)
Fantasy Network Ltd (TASE:FNTS)
FAR Chemical Industries Limited (DSE:FARCHEM)
Far East Consortium International Limited (SEHK:35)
Far East Group Limited (Catalist:5TJ)
Far East Holdings Berhad (KLSE:FAREAST)
Far East Holdings International Limited (SEHK:36)
Far East Horizon Limited (SEHK:3360)
Far East Hotels and Entertainment Limited (SEHK:37)
Far East Knitting & Dyeing Industries Limited (DSE:FEKDIL)
Far East Orchard Limited (SGX:O10)
Far East Smarter Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600869)
Far East Wind Power Corp. (OTCPK:FEWP)
Far Eastern Department Stores, Ltd. (TSEC:2903)
Far Eastern International Bank Ltd. (TSEC:2845)
Far Eastern New Century Corporation (TSEC:1402)
Far EasTone Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4904)
Far-Eastern Shipping Company PLC. (MISX:FESH)
Faraday Technology Corporation (TSEC:3035)
Faran Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:FRSM)
Farcent Enterprise Co., Ltd (TSEC:1730)
Fareast Finance & Investment Limited (DSE:FAREASTFIN)
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited (DSE:FAREASTLIF)
Farglory Free Trade Zone Investment Holding Co., Ltd (TSEC:5607)
FarGlory Hotel Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2712)
Farglory Land Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5522)
Farglory Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5859)
Farlim Group (Malaysia) Bhd. (KLSE:FARLIM)
Farmaceutica REMEDIA S.A. (BVB:RMAH)
Farmacias Benavides, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:BEVIDES B)
Farmmi, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FAMI)
Farmsco (KOSE:A036580)
FarmStory Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027710)
FAS Finance & Investment Limited (DSE:FASFIN)
Fashion Platform Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A225590)
Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited (KASE:FATIMA)
Fattal Holdings (1998) Ltd (TASE:FTAL)
Fauji Cement Company Limited (KASE:FCCL)
Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited (KASE:FFBL)
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited (KASE:FFC)
Fauji Foods Limited (KASE:FFL)
Favelle Favco Berhad (KLSE:FAVCO)
Favite, Inc. (TSEC:3535)
Faw Car Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000800)
Fawaz Abdulaziz AlHokair & Co. (SASE:4240)
FAWER Automotive Parts Limited Company (SZSE:200030)
Fawry for Banking Technology and Electronic Payments S.A.E. (CASE:FWRY)
Faysal Bank Limited (KASE:FABL)
Fazal Cloth Mills Limited (KASE:FZCM)
Faze Three Autofab Limited (BSE:532459)
Faze Three Limited (BSE:530079)
Fazerles AD (BUL:4F6)
FBN Holdings Plc (NGSE:FBNH)
FCS Software Solutions Limited (NSEI:FCSSOFT)
FCW Holdings Berhad (KLSE:FCW)
FDC International Hotels Corporation (TSEC:2748)
FDC Limited (BSE:531599)
FDG Electric Vehicles Limited (SEHK:729)
FDG Kinetic Limited (SEHK:378)
Feature Integration Technology Inc. (GTSM:4951)
FECON Corporation (HOSE:FCN)
FECON Mining Joint Stock Company (HOSE:FCM)
Fecto Cement Limited (KASE:FECTC)
Federal Corporation (TSEC:2102)
Federal Insurance Company Limited (DSE:FEDERALINS)
Federal International (2000) Ltd (SGX:BDU)
Federal International Holdings Berhad (KLSE:FIHB)
Federal-Mogul Goetze (India) Limited (BSE:505744)
Feedback Technology Corp. (GTSM:8091)
Feei Cherng Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3313)
Feelingk Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A064800)
Feelux Co., Ltd (KOSE:A033180)
Feilong Auto Components Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002536)
Feishang Anthracite Resources Limited (SEHK:1738)
Feitian Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300386)
Feiyang International Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:1901)
Feiyu Technology International Company Ltd. (SEHK:1022)
Felix Industries Limited (NSEI:FELIX)
Fellazo Inc. (NasdaqCM:FLLC)
Femco Steel Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6731)
Femtobiomed Inc. (XKON:A327610)
Feng Chi Biotech Corp. (GTSM:6744)
Feng Ching Metal Corporation (GTSM:2061)
Feng Hsin Steel Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2015)
Feng Tay Enterprises Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9910)
Fenie Brossette S.A. (CBSE:FBR)
Fenoplast Limited (BSE:526689)
Fermenta Biotech Limited (BSE:506414)
Feroze1888 Mills Limited (KASE:FML)
Ferozsons Laboratories Limited (KASE:FEROZ)
Ferreycorp S.A.A. (BVL:FERREYC1)
Ferro Alloys Corporation Limited (BSE:500141)
Ferronoux Holdings, Inc. (PSE:FERRO)
Ferrum Sociedad Anonima de Ceramica y Metalurgia (BASE:FERR)
Fertilizantes Heringer S.A. (BOVESPA:FHER3)
Fervent Synergies Limited (BSE:533896)
FGL Holdings (NYSE:FG)
FGP Limited (BSE:500142)
FGV Holdings Berhad (KLSE:FGV)
Fiamma Holdings Berhad (KLSE:FIAMMA)
Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600498)
Fiberweb (India) Limited (BSE:507910)
Fibocom Wireless Inc. (SZSE:300638)
Fibon Berhad (KLSE:FIBON)
Fibra Danhos (BMV:DANHOS 13)
Fibra Inn (BMV:FINN 13)
FIBRA Macquarie México (BMV:FIBRAMQ 12)
Fibra Mty, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (BMV:FMTY 14)
Fibra Plus (BMV:FPLUS 16)
Fibra Shop (BMV:FSHOP 13)
Fibra Terrafina (BMV:TERRA 13)
Fibra UNO (BMV:FUNO 11)
FibraHotel (BMV:FIHO 12)
FIC Global, Inc. (TSEC:3701)
Fideicomiso Irrevocable F/2061 FHipo (BMV:FHIPO 14)
Fideicomiso Irrevocable No. F/1523 (BMV:FIBRAHD 15)
Fidelity Bank Plc (NGSE:FIDELITYBK)
Fidelix Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A032580)
Fidson Healthcare Plc (NGSE:FIDSON)
Fiem Industries Limited (BSE:532768)
Figtree Holdings Limited (Catalist:5F4)
FIH Mobile Limited (SEHK:2038)
Fila Korea Ltd. (KOSE:A081660)
Filatex Fashions Limited (BSE:532022)
Filatex India Limited (BSE:526227)
Filinvest Development Corporation (PSE:FDC)
Filinvest Land, Inc. (PSE:FLI)
Filling and Packing Materials Manufacturing Company (SASE:2180)
Filter Vision Public Company Limited (SET:FVC)
Filtisac S.A. (BRVM:FTSC)
Fima Corporation Berhad (KLSE:FIMACOR)
Finablr PLC (LSE:FIN)
Financeira Alfa S.A. - Crédito, Financiamento e Investimentos (BOVESPA:CRIV3)
Financial Services Company SAOG (MSM:FSCI)
Financial Street Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000402)
Finansa Public Company Limited (SET:FNS)
Finansia Syrus Securities Public Company Limited (SET:FSS)
Finbond Group Limited (JSE:FGL)
Fincera Inc. (OTCPK:YUAN.F)
Fincorp Investment Ltd. (MUSE:FINC.N0000)
Fine Besteel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A133820)
Fine Blanking & Tool Co., Ltd (GTSM:4535)
Fine DNC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A049120)
Fine Foods Limited (DSE:FINEFOODS)
Fine Organic Industries Limited (NSEI:FINEORG)
Fine Semitech Corp. (KOSDAQ:A036810)
Fine-Line Circuits Limited (BSE:517264)
Fineland Real Estate Services Group Limited (SEHK:8376)
FineMat Applied Materials Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6698)
Fineotex Chemical Limited (NSEI:FCL)
Finet Group Limited (SEHK:8317)
Finetechnix. Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A106240)
FineTek Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4549)
FINETEK Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A131760)
FingerTango Inc. (SEHK:6860)
Finkurve Financial Services Limited (BSE:508954)
Finolex Cables Limited (NSEI:FINCABLES)
Finolex Industries Limited (BSE:500940)
Finotek Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A150440)
Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:8018)
Fintec Global Berhad (KLSE:FINTEC)
Fintel Energija a.d. (BELEX:FINT)
Fiplasto S.A. (BASE:FIPL)
Fire Rock Holdings Limited (SEHK:1909)
Firetrade Engineering Public Company Limited (SET:FTE)
Firich Enterprises Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8076)
First Abacus Financial Holdings Corporation (PSE:FAF)
First Abu Dhabi Bank P.J.S.C. (ADX:FAB)
First Capital Holdings PLC (COSE:CFVF.N0000)
First Capital Securities Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002797)
First Capital Securities Corporation Limited (KASE:FCSC)
First Citizens Bank Limited (TTSE:FIRST)
First Copper Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2009)
First Credit and Investment Bank Limited (KASE:FCIBL)
First Dawood Investment Bank Limited (KASE:FDIBL)
First Dubai Real Estate Development Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:FIRSTDUBAI)
First Elite Capital Modaraba (KASE:FECM)
First Fidelity Leasing Modaraba (KASE:FFLM)
First Finance Company (ASE:FFCO)
First Finance Limited (DSE:FIRSTFIN)
First Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2892)
First Gen Corporation (PSE:FGEN)
First Habib Modaraba (KASE:FHAM)
First Hi-tec Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5439)
First Hotel Company Ltd. (TSEC:2706)
First IBL Modaraba (KASE:FIBLM)
First Imrooz Modaraba (KASE:FIMM)
First Insurance Company (ASE:FINS)
First International Bank of Israel Ltd (TASE:FIBI)
First Investment Bank AD (BUL:5F4)
First Investment Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ALOLA)
First Jordan Investment Company (ASE:FRST)
First National Bank of Botswana Limited (BSM:FNBB)
First Pacific Company Limited (SEHK:142)
First Pak Modaraba (KASE:PAKMI)
First Paramount Modaraba (KASE:FPRM)
First Philippine Holdings Corporation (PSE:FPH)
First Prudential Modaraba (KASE:PMI)
First Punjab Modaraba (KASE:FPJM)
First Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:AW9U)
First Real Joint Stock Company (HOSE:FIR)
First Resources Limited (SGX:EB5)
First Security Islami Bank Limited (DSE:FIRSTSBANK)
First Shanghai Investments Limited (SEHK:227)
First Ship Lease Trust (SGX:D8DU)
First Sponsor Group Limited (SGX:ADN)
First Steamship Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2601)
First Takaful Insurance Company - KPSC (KWSE:FTI)
First Tractor Company Limited (SEHK:38)
First Treet Manufacturing Modaraba (KASE:FTMM)
FirstCaribbean International Bank Limited (TTSE:FCI)
FIRSTEC Co., Ltd (KOSE:A010820)
Firstobject Technologies Limited (BSE:532379)
FirstRand Limited (JSE:FSR)
FirstRand Namibia Limited (NMSE:FNB)
Firstsource Solutions Limited (BSE:532809)
FIT Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3712)
FIT Hon Teng Limited (SEHK:6088)
Fitaihi Holding Group (SASE:4180)
Fitipower Integrated Technology Inc. (TSEC:4961)
Fittech Co.,Ltd (TSEC:6706)
FITTERS Diversified Berhad (KLSE:FITTERS)
Five Core Exim Limited (BSE:530885)
Five X Tradecom Limited (BSE:536751)
Fiverr International Ltd. (NYSE:FVRR)
Fiyta Holdings Ltd. (SZSE:200026)
Flat Glass Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6865)
Flavor Full Foods Inc. (GTSM:1260)
FLC FAROS Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ROS)
FLC Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:FLC)
FLC Stone Mining and Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:AMD)
Flex Foods Limited (BSE:523672)
Flex LNG Ltd. (OB:FLNG)
Flex Ltd. (NasdaqGS:FLEX)
Flexiroam Limited (ASX:FRX)
Flexituff Ventures International Limited (NSEI:FLEXITUFF)
Flexium Interconnect, Inc. (TSEC:6269)
Flitto Inc. (KOSDAQ:A300080)
Flour Mills of Nigeria PLC (NGSE:FLOURMILL)
Flower King Eco-Engineering Inc. (SHSE:603007)
Floyd Public Company Limited (SET:FLOYD)
Fluidomat Limited (BSE:522017)
Fluxtek International Corp. (GTSM:7443)
Flying Cement Company Limited (KASE:FLYNG)
Flying Financial Service Holdings Limited (SEHK:8030)
Flying Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603488)
Flytech Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6206)
FMS Enterprises Migun Ltd. (TASE:FBRT)
FN Factory Outlet Public Company Limited (SET:FN)
FnGuide Inc. (XKON:A064850)
FNS TECH. Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A083500)
Foamix Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (NasdaqGM:FOMX)
FocalTech Systems Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3545)
FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc. (GTSM:3363)
Focus Dynamics Group Berhad (KLSE:FOCUS)
Focus Industrial Resources Limited (BSE:534757)
Focus Lighting and Fixtures Limited (NSEI:FOCUS)
Focus Lightings Tech CO.,LTD (SZSE:300708)
Focus Lumber Berhad (KLSE:FLBHD)
Focus Media Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002027)
Focus Point Holdings Berhad (KLSE:FOCUSP)
Focus Suites Solutions & Services Limited (BSE:540945)
Focus Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002315)
Focused Photonics (Hangzhou), Inc. (SZSE:300203)
Fomento Resorts and Hotels Limited (BSE:503831)
Fondul Proprietatea SA (BVB:FP)
Fong-Chien Construction Co.,LTD. (GTSM:5523)
Fontana Limited (JMSE:FTNA)
Food and Drinks Public Company Limited (SET:F&D)
Food Empire Holdings Limited (SGX:F03)
Food Idea Holdings Limited (SEHK:8179)
Foodnamoo., Inc. (KOSDAQ:A290720)
Foods and Inns Limited (BSE:507552)
FOODWELL Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A005670)
Foosung Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A093370)
Forbes & Company Limited (BSE:502865)
Force Motors Limited (BSE:500033)
Force-MOS Technology Co., LTD. (GTSM:4923)
Forcecon Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3483)
FORCS Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A189690)
Forebase International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2310)
Foreign Trade Development & Investment Corporation of Ho Chi Minh City (HOSE:FDC)
Foresee Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6576)
Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. (TASE:FRSX)
Forest Water Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8473)
FORESTING BlockChain Inc (XKON:A227420)
Forgame Holdings Limited (SEHK:484)
Forges Tardieu Ltd (MUSE:FORT.I0000)
Forise International Limited (SGX:I5H)
Formetal Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A119500)
Formosa Advanced Technologies Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8131)
Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation (TSEC:1326)
Formosa Electronic Industries Inc. (GTSM:8171)
Formosa International Hotels Corporation (TSEC:2707)
Formosa Laboratories, Inc. (TSEC:4746)
Formosa Oilseed Processing Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1225)
Formosa Optical Technology Co. Ltd. (GTSM:5312)
Formosa Petrochemical Corporation (TSEC:6505)
Formosa Plastics Corporation (TSEC:1301)
Formosa Prosonic Industries Berhad (KLSE:FPI)
Formosa Sumco Technology Corporation (TSEC:3532)
Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1434)
Formosan Rubber Group Inc. (TSEC:2107)
Formosan Union Chemical Corp. (TSEC:1709)
Formula Systems (1985) Ltd. (TASE:FORTY)
Forte Oil Plc (NGSE:FO)
Forth Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:FORTH)
Forth Smart Service Public Company Limited (SET:FSMART)
Fortis Healthcare Limited (BSE:532843)
Fortis Malar Hospitals Limited (BSE:523696)
Fortis, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A141020)
Fortress Minerals Limited (Catalist:OAJ)
Fortress REIT Limited (JSE:FFA)
Fortune Electric Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1519)
Fortune Information Systems Corp (TSEC:2468)
Fortune International Limited (BSE:530213)
Fortune Ng Fung Food (Hebei) Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600965)
Fortune Oriental Company Limited (TSEC:2491)
Fortune Parts Industry Public Company Limited (SET:FPI)
Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:778)
Fortune Shoes Limited (DSE:FORTUNE)
Fortune Sun (China) Holdings Limited (SEHK:352)
Fortunet e-Commerce Group Limited (SEHK:1039)
Forum Pacific, Inc. (PSE:FPI)
Forward Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8085)
Forward Graphic Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8906)
Foryou Corporation (SZSE:002906)
Foseco India Limited (BSE:500150)
Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000541)
Foshan Gas Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002911)
Foshan Golden Milky Way Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300619)
Foshan Haitian Flavouring and Food Company Ltd. (SHSE:603288)
Foshan Huaxin Packaging Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200986)
Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002449)
FosRich Company Limited (JMSE:FOSRICH)
Fosun International Limited (SEHK:656)
Fosun Tourism Group (SEHK:1992)
Founder Holdings Limited (SEHK:418)
Founder Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601901)
Founder Technology Group Corp. (SHSE:600601)
Founding Construction & Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5533)
FoundPac Group Berhad (KLSE:FPGROUP)
Foundry Fuel Products Limited (BSE:513579)
Fountain Set (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:420)
Fourth Dimension Solutions Limited (NSEI:FOURTHDIM)
Fourth Generation Information Systems Limited (BSE:532403)
Fox-Wizel Ltd. (TASE:FOX)
Foxconn Industrial Internet Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601138)
Foxconn Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2354)
Foxsemicon Integrated Technology Inc. (TSEC:3413)
FPT Corporation (HOSE:FPT)
FPT Digital Retail Joint Stock Company (HOSE:FRT)
FPT Securities Joint Stock Company (HOSE:FTS)
Fragrance Group Limited (SGX:F31)
Franbo Lines Corp. (GTSM:2641)
Franklin Leasing and Finance Limited (BSE:539839)
Fras-le S.A. (BOVESPA:FRAS3)
Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd (KLSE:F&N)
Fraser and Company Limited (BSE:539032)
Fraser and Neave, Limited (SGX:F99)
Frasers Centrepoint Trust (SGX:J69U)
Frasers Commercial Trust (SGX:ND8U)
Frasers Logistics & Industrial Trust (SGX:BUOU)
Frasers Property (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:FPT)
Frasers Property Limited (SGX:TQ5)
Fredun Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:539730)
Freedom Holding Corp. (NasdaqCM:FRHC)
FreeMs Corporation (KOSDAQ:A053160)
Freetech Road Recycling Technology (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:6888)
Freight Management Holdings Bhd (KLSE:FREIGHT)
Frencken Group Limited (SGX:E28)
Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP)
Fresh Express Delivery Holdings Group Co., Limited (SEHK:1175)
Freshmarket Ltd. (TASE:FRSM)
Freshtrop Fruits Limited (BSE:530077)
Fresnillo Plc (LSE:FRES)
Fridenson Logistic Services Ltd (TASE:FRDN)
FriendTimes Inc. (SEHK:6820)
Frieslandcampina Engro Pakistan Limited (KASE:FCEPL)
Froch Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2030)
Frontier Ceramics Limited (KASE:FRCL)
Frontier Digital Ventures Limited (ASX:FDV)
Frontier Services Group Limited (SEHK:500)
Frontier Springs Limited (BSE:522195)
Frontken Corporation Berhad (KLSE:FRONTKN)
Frontline Corporation Limited (BSE:532042)
Frontline Ltd. (NYSE:FRO)
Frontline Securities Limited (BSE:533213)
Frtek Co.Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A073540)
Fruitas Holdings, Inc. (PSE:FRUIT)
Frutícola Viconto S.A. (SNSE:VICONTO)
FSE Services Group Limited (SEHK:331)
FSM Holdings Limited (SEHK:1721)
FSP Technology Inc. (TSEC:3015)
FSPG Hi-Tech CO., Ltd. (SZSE:000973)
FTB Turizam d.d. (ZGSE:LRHC)
FTG Holdings Ltd (NASE:FTGH)
Fu Burg Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8929)
Fu Chian Tire Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:5102)
Fu Chun Shin Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6603)
Fu Shou Yuan International Group Limited (SEHK:1448)
Fu Ta Material Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4402)
Fu Yu Corporation Limited (SGX:F13)
Fu Yu Property Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4907)
Fu-Wang Ceramic Industry Limited (DSE:FUWANGCER)
Fu-Wang Foods Limited (DSE:FUWANGFOOD)
Fuan Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300194)
Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2881)
Fubon No.2 Real Estate Investment Trust (TSEC:01004T)
Fuchun Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300299)
Fuda Alloy Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603045)
Fufeng Group Limited (SEHK:546)
Fujairah Cement Industries P.J.S.C. (KWSE:FCEM)
Fujian Acetron New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300706)
Fujian Anjoy Foods Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603345)
Fujian Aonong Biological Technology Group Incorporation Limited (SHSE:603363)
Fujian Apex Software Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603383)
Fujian Blue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology Ltd. (NasdaqCM:BHAT)
Fujian Boss Software Corp. (SZSE:300525)
Fujian Cement Inc. (SHSE:600802)
Fujian Cosunter Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300436)
Fujian Dongbai (Group) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600693)
Fujian Expressway Development Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600033)
Fujian Forecam Optics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688010)
Fujian Funeng Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600483)
Fujian Furi Electronics Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600203)
Fujian Fynex Textile Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600493)
Fujian Green Pine Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300132)
Fujian Haixia Environmental Protection Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603817)
Fujian Haiyuan Composites Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002529)
Fujian Holdings Limited (SEHK:181)
Fujian Ideal Jewellery Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002740)
Fujian Jinsen Forestry Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002679)
Fujian Kuncai Material Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603826)
Fujian Longking Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600388)
Fujian Longma Environmental Sanitation Equipment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603686)
Fujian Longxi Bearing (Group) Co., Ltd (SHSE:600592)
Fujian Mindong Electric Power Limited Company (SZSE:000993)
Fujian Minfa Aluminium Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002578)
Fujian Nanping Sun Cable Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002300)
Fujian Nebula Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300648)
Fujian Oriental Silver Star Investment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600753)
Fujian Qingshan Paper Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600103)
Fujian Raynen Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603933)
Fujian Rongji Software Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002474)
Fujian Sanmu Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000632)
Fujian SBS Zipper Science&Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002098)
Fujian Septwolves Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002029)
Fujian Snowman Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002639)
Fujian Star-net Communication Co., LTD. (SZSE:002396)
Fujian Start Group Co.Ltd (SHSE:600734)
Fujian Sunner Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002299)
Fujian Superpipe Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300198)
Fujian Tianma Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:603668)
Fujian Torch Electron Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603678)
FuJian YanJing HuiQuan Brewery Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600573)
Fujian Yongan Forestry (Group) Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000663)
Fujian Yongfu Power Engineering Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300712)
Fujian Yuanli Active Carbon Co., Ltd (SZSE:300174)
Fujian Zhangzhou Development Co., Ltd (SZSE:000753)
Fujikon Industrial Holdings Limited (SEHK:927)
Fulgent Sun International (Holding) Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9802)
Fulin Plastic Industry (Cayman) Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1341)
Fuling Global Inc. (NasdaqCM:FORK)
Full Wang International Development Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6219)
Fullerton Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6136)
Fullshare Holdings Limited (SEHK:607)
Fullsun International Holdings Group Co., Limited (SEHK:627)
Fulltech Fiber Glass Corp. (GTSM:1815)
Fullwealth Construction Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1034)
Fulum Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1443)
Fun Yours Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6482)
Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário - FII BTG Pactual Corporate Office Fund (BOVESPA:BRCR11)
Fundo de Investimento Imobiliario - FII Edificio Galeria (BOVESPA:EDGA11)
Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário - FII TB Office (BOVESPA:TBOF11)
Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário Edifício Ourinvest (BOVESPA:EDFO11B)
Fundviser Capital (India) Limited (BSE:530197)
Funny Software Limited (BSE:539169)
FUREN Group Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600781)
Furniweb Holdings Limited (SEHK:8480)
Fursys Inc. (KOSE:A016800)
Furukawa Metal (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:FMT)
Fusen Pharmaceutical Company Limited (SEHK:1652)
Fusheng Precision Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6670)
Fushun Special Steel Co.,LTD. (SHSE:600399)
Fusion Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A195440)
Futura Consorcio Inmobiliario S.A. (BVL:FUTURAI1)
Future Arab Investment Company (ASE:FUTR)
Future Bright Holdings Limited (SEHK:703)
Future Bright Mining Holdings Limited (SEHK:2212)
Future Consumer Limited (BSE:533400)
Future Data Group Limited (SEHK:8229)
Future Enterprises Limited (BSE:523574)
Future FinTech Group Inc. (NasdaqCM:FTFT)
Future Kid Entertainment and Real Estate Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:FUTUREKID)
Future Lifestyle Fashions Limited (BSE:536507)
Future Market Networks Limited (BSE:533296)
Future Park Leasehold Property Fund (SET:FUTUREPF)
Future Retail Limited (NSEI:FRETAIL)
Future Science Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:FUTS)
Future Supply Chain Solutions Limited (BSE:540798)
Future World Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:572)
FutureChem Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A220100)
Futures Capital Ad-Sofia (BUL:5FC)
Futurestream Networks Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A214270)
Futuristic Solutions Limited (BSE:534063)
Fuwei Films (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM:FFHL)
Fuxin Dare Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300473)
Fuxing China Group Limited (SGX:AWK)
Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600660)
Fuzetec Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6642)
Fwusow Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1219)
FX Hotels Group Inc. (GTSM:2724)
FY Financial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (SEHK:8452)
G & M Holdings Limited (SEHK:6038)
G Capital Public Company Limited (SET:GCAP)
G G Engineering Limited (BSE:540614)
G J Steel Public Company Limited (SET:GJS)
G N A Axles Limited (BSE:540124)
G Neptune Berhad (KLSE:GNB)
G-bits Network Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603444)
G-Resources Group Limited (SEHK:1051)
G-SHANK Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2476)
G-Smatt Global Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A114570)
G-Tech Info-Training Limited (BSE:532139)
G-TECH Optoelectronics Corporation (TSEC:3149)
G-treeBNT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A115450)
G-Vision International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:657)
G. G. Dandekar Machine Works Limited (BSE:505250)
G. K. Goh Holdings Limited (SGX:G41)
G. K. P. Printing & Packaging Limited (BSE:542666)
G. Willi-Food International Ltd. (NasdaqCM:WILC)
G.A. Holdings Limited (SEHK:8126)
G.F.C Green Fields Capital Ltd. (TASE:GFC-L)
G.K. Consultants Limited (BSE:531758)
G.M.Breweries Limited (NSEI:GMBREW)
G.P. Global Power Ltd (TASE:GPGB)
G.S. Auto International Limited (BSE:513059)
G&E Healthcare Co., Ltd. (XKON:A299480)
G&E Herbal Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4911)
G1 Secure Solutions Ltd (TASE:GOSS)
G3 Exploration Limited (LSE:G3E)
G3 Global Berhad (KLSE:G3)
Gabay Rental and Development Ltd (TASE:GBPR)
GABIA, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A079940)
Gabriel India Limited (BSE:505714)
Gabungan AQRS Berhad (KLSE:GBGAQRS)
Gadang Holdings Berhad (KLSE:GADANG)
Gadoon Textile Mills Limited (KASE:GADT)
GaeaSoft Corp. (KOSDAQ:A051160)
Gagan Polycot India Limited (BSE:531196)
Gagasan Nadi Cergas Berhad (KLSE:NADIBHD)
GAIA Infrastructure Capital Limited (JSE:GAI)
GAIL (India) Limited (NSEI:GAIL)
Gain Plus Holdings Limited (SEHK:9900)
Gajra Bevel Gears Limited (BSE:505711)
Gala Global Products Limited (BSE:539228)
Galactico Corporate Services Limited (BSE:542802)
Galada Power and Telecommunication Limited (BSE:504697)
Galadari Hotels (Lanka) Plc (COSE:GHLL.N0000)
Galata Investment Company AD (BUL:GTH)
Galaxia Communications Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A094480)
Galaxia SM, Inc. (KOSE:A011420)
Galaxy Bearings Limited (BSE:526073)
Galaxy Biomedical Investment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000806)
Galaxy Cloud Kitchens Limited (BSE:506186)
Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited (SEHK:27)
Galaxy Surfactants Limited (BSE:540935)
Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG (MSM:GECS)
Galileo Tech Ltd (TASE:GLTC)
Gallant Micro. Machining Co., LTD. (GTSM:6640)
Gallant Precision Machining Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5443)
Gallant Venture Ltd. (SGX:5IG)
Gallantt Ispat Limited (BSE:533265)
Gallantt Metal Limited (BSE:532726)
Gallops Enterprise Limited (BSE:531902)
Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (NasdaqCM:GLMD)
Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6180)
Gameone Holdings Limited (SEHK:8282)
Gamida Cell Ltd. (NasdaqGM:GMDA)
Gamma-Civic Ltd (MUSE:GCL.N0000)
Gammon Infrastructure Projects Limited (BSE:532959)
Gammon Pakistan Limited (KASE:GAMON)
Gamuda Berhad (KLSE:GAMUDA)
Gan Shmuel Foods Ltd. (TASE:GSFI)
Gandhi Special Tubes Limited (BSE:513108)
Ganesh Benzoplast Limited (BSE:500153)
Ganesh Films India Limited (BSE:541703)
Ganesh Housing Corporation Limited (BSE:526367)
Ganesha Ecosphere Limited (BSE:514167)
Ganfeng Lithium Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002460)
Ganga Papers India Limited (BSE:531813)
Ganga Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:539680)
Ganges Securities Limited (BSE:540647)
Ganso Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603886)
Gansu Dunhuang Seed Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600354)
Gansu Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000779)
Gansu Gangtai Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600687)
Gansu Guofang Industry & Trade (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601086)
Gansu Jingyuan Coal Industry & Electricity Power Co., Ltd (SZSE:000552)
Gansu Jiu Steel Group Hongxing Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600307)
Gansu Longshenrongfa Pharmaceutical Industry Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300534)
Gansu Mogao Industrial Development CO.,LTD. (SHSE:600543)
Gansu Qilianshan Cement Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600720)
Gansu Ronghua Industry Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600311)
Gansu Shangfeng Cement Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000672)
Gansu Yasheng Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600108)
GAON CABLE Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000500)
Gaon Group Ltd. (TASE:GAGR)
Garbi Finvest Limited (BSE:539492)
Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (NSEI:GRSE)
Garden Silk Mills Limited (BSE:500155)
Garmex Saigon Corporation (HOSE:GMC)
Garnet Construction Limited (BSE:526727)
Garnet International Limited (BSE:512493)
Garovaglio y Zorraquín S.A. (BASE:GARO)
Garv Industries Limited (BSE:541276)
Garware Marine Industries Limited (BSE:509563)
Garware Polyester Limited (BSE:500655)
Garware Synthetics Limited (BSE:514400)
Garware Technical Fibres Limited (BSE:509557)
Gas Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:GASMSIA)
Gateway Distriparks Limited (NSEI:GDL)
Gati Limited (BSE:532345)
Gatron (Industries) Limited (KASE:GATI)
Gaurav Mercantiles Limited (BSE:539515)
Gautam Exim Limited (BSE:540613)
Gayatri BioOrganics Limited (BSE:524564)
Gayatri Highways Limited (NSEI:GAYAHWS)
Gayatri Projects Limited (BSE:532767)
Gayatri Sugars Limited (BSE:532183)
Gazit Globe Ltd (TASE:GZT)
GB Auto (S.A.E.) (CASE:AUTO)
GB Global Limited (BSE:533204)
GBB Power Limited (DSE:GBBPOWER)
GBL Industries Limited (BSE:539009)
GCB Bank Limited (GHSE:GCB)
GCCP Resources Limited (Catalist:41T)
GCI Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002544)
GCL Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002015)
GCL New Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:451)
GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002506)
GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:3800)
GCM Commodity & Derivatives Limited (BSE:535917)
GCS Holdings, Inc. (GTSM:4991)
GD Express Carrier Bhd (KLSE:GDEX)
GD Power Development Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600795)
GDB Holdings Berhad (KLSE:GDB)
GDS Global Limited (Catalist:5VP)
GE Power India Limited (BSE:532309)
GE T&D India Limited (BSE:522275)
GE-Shen Corporation Berhad (KLSE:GESHEN)
GEE Limited (BSE:504028)
GeeCee Ventures Limited (BSE:532764)
Geekay Wires Limited (NSEI:GEEKAYWIRE)
Geely Automobile Holdings Limited (SEHK:175)
Geetanjali Credit and Capital Limited (BSE:539486)
GEM Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002340)
GEM Services, Inc. (TSEC:6525)
GEM Terminal Industry Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:2460)
Gem-Year Industrial Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601002)
Gemadept Corporation (HOSE:GMD)
Gemdale Corporation (SHSE:600383)
Gemdale Properties and Investment Corporation Limited (SEHK:535)
Gemilang International Limited (SEHK:6163)
Gemini Investments (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:174)
Gemini Sea Food Limited (DSE:GEMINISEA)
Gemstone Investments Limited (BSE:531137)
Gemtek Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4906)
GemVax&KAEL Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A082270)
Gemvaxzio Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041590)
Gencurix Inc. (XKON:A229000)
Genebiotech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A086060)
GeneFerm Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1796)
GeneMatrix Inc. (KOSDAQ:A109820)
GeneOne Life Science, Inc. (KOSE:A011000)
Genera Agri Corp Limited (BSE:541999)
General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited (JMSE:GENAC)
General Aviation Import Export JSC (HNX:ARM)
General Biologicals Corporation (GTSM:4117)
General Co. For Silos & Storage (CASE:GSSC)
General Company For Land Reclamation, Development & Reconstruction (CASE:AALR)
General Engineering Public Company Limited (SET:GEL)
General Environmental Conservation Public Company Limited (SET:GENCO)
General Insurance Corporation of India (BSE:540755)
General Interface Solution (GIS) Holding Limited (TSEC:6456)
General Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6128)
General Shopping e Outlets do Brasil S.A. (BOVESPA:GSHP3)
General Silicones Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4730)
General Steel Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:GSIH)
Generalplus Technology Inc. (TSEC:4952)
Generation Capital Ltd (TASE:GNRS)
Generation Next Fashions Limited (DSE:GENNEXT)
GeneReach Biotechnology Corp. (GTSM:4171)
Generic Engineering Construction and Projects Limited (BSE:539407)
Generic Pharmasec Limited (BSE:531592)
Genertec Universal Medical Group Company Limited (SEHK:2666)
Genes Tech Group Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8257)
Genesem Inc. (KOSDAQ:A217190)
Genesis IBRC India Limited (BSE:514336)
Genesis Photonics Inc. (TSEC:3383)
Genesis Technology, Inc. (GTSM:6221)
Genesis Transport Holdings Limited (JSE:GTH)
Genesys International Corporation Limited (BSE:506109)
Genesys Logic, Inc. (GTSM:6104)
Genetec Technology Berhad (KLSE:GENETEC)
Genetics Generation Advancement Corp. (GTSM:4160)
Genex Infosys Limited (DSE:GENEXIL)
Genex Pharmaceutical, Inc. (OTCPK:GENX)
Genexine, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A095700)
Genians, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A263860)
Genic Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A123330)
Genie Music Corporation (KOSDAQ:A043610)
Genie Networks Limited (GTSM:8298)
Genimous Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000676)
Genius Electronic Optical Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3406)
GenMont Biotech Incorporation (TSEC:3164)
GenNBio Inc. (KOSDAQ:A072520)
Gennex Laboratories Limited (BSE:531739)
GenoFocus, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A187420)
Genolution Inc. (XKON:A225220)
Genome & Company (XKON:A314130)
Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:4195)
Genomictree Inc. (KOSDAQ:A228760)
Genomma Lab Internacional, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:LAB B)
Genoray Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A122310)
Genotech Corporation (XKON:A066830)
Genovate Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4130)
Genpact Limited (NYSE:G)
Genscript Biotech Corporation (SEHK:1548)
Gensol Engineering Limited (BSE:542851)
Gentera, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GENTERA *)
Genting Berhad (KLSE:GENTING)
Genting Hong Kong Limited (SEHK:678)
Genting Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:GENM)
Genting Plantations Berhad (KLSE:GENP)
Genting Singapore Limited (SGX:G13)
Genus Paper & Boards Limited (BSE:538961)
Genus Power Infrastructures Limited (BSE:530343)
Geo Energy Resources Limited (SGX:RE4)
Geo-Jade Petroleum Corporation (SHSE:600759)
GEOGRACE Resources Philippines, Inc. (PSE:GEO)
Geojit Financial Services Limited (BSE:532285)
GeoPark Limited (NYSE:GPRK)
George Kent (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:GKENT)
GEOSAT Aerospace & Technology Inc. (GTSM:8495)
Geosonda - Fundiranje a.d. (BELEX:GSFD)
Geotech Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:1707)
GeoVision Inc. (TSEC:3356)
GEPIC Energy Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000791)
Geron Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002722)
Gestetner of Ceylon PLC (COSE:GEST.N0000)
GET Holdings Limited (SEHK:8100)
Get Nice Financial Group Limited (SEHK:1469)
Get Nice Holdings Limited (SEHK:64)
Getabec Public Company Limited (SET:GTB)
Getac Technology Corporation (TSEC:3005)
GetBucks Microfinance Bank Limited (ZMSE:GBZW)
Getein Biotech, Inc (SHSE:603387)
GETS Global Berhad (KLSE:GETS)
Gettop Acoustic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002655)
Geumhwa Plant Service & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036190)
GeumVit Corp (KOSDAQ:A045890)
GF Securities Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000776)
GFH Financial Group BSC (KWSE:GFH)
GFM Services Berhad (KLSE:GFM)
GFPT Public Company Limited (SET:GFPT)
GFun Industrial Corporation (GTSM:4429)
GH Advanced Materials Inc. (KOSDAQ:A130500)
Ghana Oil Company Limited (GHSE:GOIL)
Ghandhara Industries Limited (KASE:GHNI)
Ghandhara Nissan Limited (KASE:GHNL)
Ghani Automobile Industries Limited (KASE:GAIL)
Ghani Glass Limited (KASE:GHGL)
Ghani Global Glass Limited (KASE:GGGL)
Ghani Global Holdings Limited (KASE:GGL)
Ghani Value Glass Limited (KASE:GVGL)
Gharbia Islamic Housing Development Company (CASE:GIHD)
Gharibwal Cement Limited (KASE:GWLC)
Ghazi Fabrics International Limited (KASE:GFIL)
GHL Systems Berhad (KLSE:GHLSYS)
GHT Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300711)
GI Engineering Solutions Limited (BSE:533048)
GI Technologies Group Co., LTD. (SZSE:300309)
Gia Lai Electricity Joint Stock Company (HOSE:GEG)
Gia-Tzoong Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5355)
Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9921)
Giant Network Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002558)
Giantec Semiconductor Corporation (SHSE:688123)
Giantplus Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8105)
Gibui Holdings Ltd (TASE:GIBUI)
GIC Housing Finance Limited (BSE:511676)
Gifore Agricultural Science & Technology Service Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300022)
Giga Diamond Materials Corporation (GTSM:6682)
Giga Solar Materials Corp. (GTSM:3691)
Giga-Byte Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2376)
GigaDevice Semiconductor (Beijing) Inc. (SHSE:603986)
GIGALANE Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A049080)
GigaMedia Limited (NasdaqCM:GIGM)
Gigastone Corporation (GTSM:5262)
Gigastorage Corporation (TSEC:2406)
GIIR Inc. (KOSE:A035000)
Gilada Finance & Investments Limited (BSE:538788)
Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. (NasdaqGS:GILT)
Gillanders Arbuthnot and Company Limited (BSE:532716)
Gillette India Limited (BSE:507815)
Gillette Pakistan Limited (KASE:GLPL)
Ginar Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6151)
Ginebra San Miguel Inc. (PSE:GSMI)
Ginegar Plastic Products Ltd. (TASE:GNGR)
Gini Silk Mills Limited (BSE:531744)
Ginko International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8406)
Ginni Filaments Limited (BSE:590025)
Ginwa Enterprise (Group) Inc. (SHSE:600080)
Giordano International Limited (SEHK:709)
Giriraj Civil Developers Limited (NSEI:GIRIRAJ)
Gish International Co., Ltd (GTSM:8067)
Giti Tire Corporation (SHSE:600182)
Givot Olam Oil Exploration - Limited Partnership (1993) (TASE:GIVO.L)
Giza General - Contracting and Real Estate Investment S.A.E (CASE:GGCC)
GKB Ophthalmics Limited (BSE:533212)
GKE Corporation Limited (Catalist:595)
GL Limited (SGX:B16)
GL Pharm Tech Corp. (KOSDAQ:A204840)
GL Tech Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300480)
GLAND Office Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:GLANDRT)
Glarun Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600562)
GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh Limited (DSE:GLAXOSMITH)
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited (BSE:500676)
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Pakistan Limited (KASE:GSKCH)
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria Plc (NGSE:GLAXOSMITH)
GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited (KASE:GLAXO)
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:500660)
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited (NSEI:GLENMARK)
Glittek Granites Limited (BSE:513528)
Global Asset Business Joint Stock Company (HOSE:GAB)
Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited (SEHK:809)
Global Brands Group Holding Limited (SEHK:787)
Global Brands Manufacture Ltd. (TSEC:6191)
Global Capital Markets Limited (BSE:530263)
Global Connections Public Company Limited (SET:GC)
Global Consumer Public Company Limited (SET:GLOCON)
Global Cord Blood Corporation (NYSE:CO)
Global Digital Creations Holdings Limited (SEHK:8271)
Global Education Limited (NSEI:GLOBAL)
Global Electrical Technology Corp. (HNX:GLT)
Global Environmental Energy Corp. (OTCPK:GEEC.F)
Global Ferronickel Holdings, Inc. (PSE:FNI)
Global Financial Investments Holding SAOG (MSM:GFIC)
Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited (SET:GGC)
Global Heavy Chemicals Limited (DSE:GHCL)
Global House Holdings Ltd. (OTCPK:GHHH)
Global Indemnity Limited (NasdaqGS:GBLI)
Global Infotech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300465)
Global Insurance Limited (DSE:GLOBALINS)
Global International Credit Group Limited (SEHK:1669)
Global Invacom Group Limited (SGX:QS9)
Global Knafaim Leasing Ltd (TASE:GKL)
Global Land Masters Corporation Limited (BSE:531479)
Global Lighting Technologies Inc. (TSEC:4935)
Global Link Communications Holdings Limited (SEHK:8060)
Global Mastermind Capital Limited (SEHK:905)
Global Mastermind Holdings Limited (SEHK:8063)
Global Mixed-Mode Technology Inc. (TSEC:8081)
Global Offshore Services Limited (BSE:501848)
Global Oriental Berhad (KLSE:GOB)
Global Palm Resources Holdings Limited (SGX:BLW)
Global PMX Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4551)
Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (SET:GPSC)
Global Quest Ltd. (OTCPK:GLBB)
Global Seed Corporation (OTCPK:GLBD)
Global Service Center Public Company Limited (SET:GSC)
Global SM Tech Limited (KOSDAQ:A900070)
Global Spectrum Energy Services Plc (NGSE:GSPECPLC)
Global Standard Technology Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A083450)
Global Strategic Group Limited (SEHK:8007)
Global Sweeteners Holdings Limited (SEHK:3889)
Global Tax Free Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A204620)
Global Testing Corporation Limited (SGX:AYN)
Global Top E-Commerce Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002640)
Global Unichip Corp. (TSEC:3443)
Global United Insurance Company (PLSE:GUI)
Global Vectra Helicorp Limited (BSE:532773)
Global View Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3040)
Global-Estate Resorts, Inc. (PSE:GERI)
GlobalSat WorldCom Corporation (GTSM:3499)
GlobalSpace Technologies Limited (BSE:540654)
Globaltec Formation Berhad (KLSE:GLOTEC)
GlobalWafers Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6488)
Globe Commercials Limited (BSE:540266)
Globe Exploration (Y.C.D.) Limited Partnership (TASE:GLEX.L)
Globe Industries Corporation (TSEC:1324)
Globe Net Wireless Corp. (OTCPK:GNTW)
Globe Telecom, Inc. (PSE:GLO)
Globe Union Industrial Corp. (TSEC:9934)
Globetronics Technology Bhd (KLSE:GTRONIC)
Globlex Holding Management Public Company Limited (SET:GBX)
Globon Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A019660)
Globrands Ltd. (TASE:GLRS)
Globus Corpooration Limited (BSE:531904)
Globus Spirits Limited (NSEI:GLOBUSSPR)
Glodon Company Limited (SZSE:002410)
Glomac Berhad (KLSE:GLOMAC)
Gloria Material Technology Corp. (GTSM:5009)
Glorious Property Holdings Limited (SEHK:845)
Glorious Sun Enterprises Limited (SEHK:393)
Glory Flame Holdings Limited (SEHK:8059)
Glory Mark Hi-Tech (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8159)
Glory Sun Financial Group Limited (SEHK:1282)
Glory Sun Land Group Limited (SEHK:299)
Glosfer Labs, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A032860)
Gloster Limited (BSE:542351)
Glotech Industrial Corp. (GTSM:5475)
GlycoNex Incorporation (GTSM:4168)
GMA Network, Inc. (PSE:GMA7)
GMB Korea Corporation (KOSE:A013870)
GMC Group For Industrial Commercial & Financial Investments (CASE:GMCI)
GME Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8188)
GME Innotainment, Inc. (OTCPK:GMEV)
GMéxico Transportes, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GMXT *)
GMI Technology Inc. (TSEC:3312)
GMM Grammy Public Company Limited (SET:GRAMMY)
GMM Pfaudler Limited (BSE:505255)
GMR Infrastructure Limited (NSEI:GMRINFRA)
Gmt Global Inc. (GTSM:4573)
GnCenergy Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A119850)
GNCO Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065060)
Go Life International Limited (MUSE:GOLI.N0000)
GO.D.M Investments Ltd. (TASE:GODM-M)
Goa Carbon Limited (BSE:509567)
Goal Forward Holdings Limited (SEHK:1854)
Goal Rise Logistics (China) Holdings Limited (SEHK:1529)
Goblin India Limited (BSE:542850)
GOC (Pak) Limited (KASE:GOC)
GOC Co., Ltd. (XKON:A135160)
GOCL Corporation Limited (BSE:506480)
Godavari Drugs Limited (BSE:530317)
Godawari Power & Ispat Limited (BSE:532734)
Godex International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4987)
Godfrey Phillips India Limited (BSE:500163)
Godha Cabcon & Insulation Limited (NSEI:GODHA)
Godrej Agrovet Limited (BSE:540743)
Godrej Consumer Products Limited (NSEI:GODREJCP)
Godrej Industries Limited (BSE:500164)
Godrej Properties Limited (NSEI:GODREJPROP)
Goenka Business & Finance Limited (BSE:538787)
Goenka Diamond and Jewels Limited (BSE:533189)
Goertek Inc. (SZSE:002241)
Goff, Corp. (OTCPK:GOFF)
Gohigh Data Networks Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:000851)
Gokak Textiles Limited (BSE:532957)
Gokaldas Exports Limited (BSE:532630)
Gokul Agro Resources Limited (BSE:539725)
Gokul Refoils & Solvent Ltd (BSE:532980)
Golan Plastic Products Ltd. (TASE:GLPL)
Golar LNG Limited (NasdaqGS:GLNG)
Gold Circuit Electronics Ltd. (TSEC:2368)
Gold cup Electric Apparatus Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002533)
Gold Fields Limited (JSE:GFI)
Gold Line International Finvest Limited (BSE:538180)
Gold Pacific Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038530)
Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:40)
Gold Rain Enterprises Corp. (GTSM:4503)
Goldcard Smart Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300349)
GoldCoin Health Foods Limited (BSE:538542)
Goldcrest Corporation Limited (BSE:505576)
Golden Agri-Resources Ltd (SGX:E5H)
Golden Biotechnology Corporation (GTSM:4132)
Golden Bria Holdings, Inc. (PSE:HVN)
Golden Bridge Electech Inc. (TSEC:6133)
Golden Carpets Limited (BSE:531928)
Golden Coast Company (CASE:GOCO)
Golden Eagle Retail Group Limited (SEHK:3308)
Golden Energy and Resources Limited (SGX:AUE)
Golden Faith Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2863)
Golden Friends Corporation (GTSM:4506)
Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited (DSE:GHAIL)
Golden Horse Technology Entertainment Corporation Limited (SZSE:300756)
Golden House Ltd (TASE:GOHO)
Golden Insurance Brokers Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6028)
Golden Land Berhad (KLSE:GLBHD)
Golden Land Property Development Public Company Limited (SET:GOLD)
Golden Lime Public Company Limited (SET:SUTHA)
Golden Long Teng Development Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3188)
Golden Meditech Holdings Limited (SEHK:801)
Golden Ocean Group Limited (NasdaqGS:GOGL)
Golden Pharos Berhad (KLSE:GPHAROS)
Golden Ponder Holdings Limited (SEHK:1783)
Golden Power Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:3919)
Golden Resources Development International Limited (SEHK:677)
Golden Rock Global Plc (LSE:GCG)
Golden Son Limited (DSE:GOLDENSON)
Golden Textiles & Clothes Wool (CASE:GTWL)
Golden Throat Holdings Group Company Limited (SEHK:6896)
Golden Tobacco Limited (BSE:500151)
Golden Ventures Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:GVREIT)
Golden Wheat Mills P.L.C (PLSE:GMC)
Golden Wheel Tiandi Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1232)
Goldenmax International Technology Ltd. (SZSE:002636)
Goldiam International Limited (BSE:526729)
Goldin Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:530)
Goldlion Holdings Limited (SEHK:533)
Goldlok Holdings(Guangdong) Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002348)
Goldpac Group Limited (SEHK:3315)
Goldsands Development Company (OTCPK:GSDC)
Goldstar Power Limited (NSEI:GOLDSTAR)
Goldstone Technologies Limited (BSE:531439)
Goldstream Investment Limited (SEHK:1328)
Goldsun Building Materials Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2504)
Goldtek Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6638)
Goldway Education Group Limited (SEHK:8160)
Golechha Global Finance Limited (BSE:531360)
Golf & Co Group Ltd (TASE:GOLF)
GolfzonDeca Inc. (XKON:A183410)
Golik Holdings Limited (SEHK:1118)
Golkunda Diamonds & Jewellery Limited (BSE:523676)
GOMAJI Corp., LTD (GTSM:8472)
GoMax Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6512)
Gome Finance Technology Co., Ltd. (SEHK:628)
GOME Retail Holdings Limited (SEHK:493)
Gome Telecom Equipment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600898)
Gongin Precision Ind. Co., Ltd (GTSM:3178)
Gongwin Biopharm Holdings Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6617)
Good Fellow Healthcare Holdings Limited (SEHK:8143)
Good Friend International Holdings Inc. (SEHK:2398)
Good Hope PLC (COSE:GOOD.N0000)
Good Life China Corporation (OTCPK:GLCC)
Good Resources Holdings Limited (SEHK:109)
Good Way Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3272)
Good Will Instrument Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2423)
Goodbaby International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1086)
Goodcen Co., Ltd. (XKON:A243870)
Goodland Group Limited (SGX:5PC)
Goodluck India Limited (BSE:530655)
Goodricke Group Limited (BSE:500166)
Goodway Integrated Industries Berhad (KLSE:GOODWAY)
Goodway Machine Corp. (TSEC:1583)
Goody Science&Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002694)
Goodyear (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:GYT)
Goodyear India Limited (BSE:500168)
GOOSE & HOME Co., Ltd (XKON:A329050)
Gopala Polyplast Limited (BSE:526717)
Gopeng Berhad (KLSE:GOPENG)
Gorani Industries Limited (BSE:531608)
Gordon Auto Body Parts Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1524)
Gosa Fom a.d. (BELEX:GFOM)
Gosa montaza a.d. (BELEX:GMON)
Gospell Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002848)
Gosun Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000971)
Gosuncn Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300098)
Gourmet Master Co. Ltd. (TSEC:2723)
Govind Rubber Limited (BSE:509148)
Gowra Leasing and Finance Limited (BSE:530709)
Goyal Associates Limited (BSE:530663)
Goyourlife Inc. (GTSM:6529)
GP Industries Limited (SGX:G20)
GP Petroleums Limited (BSE:532543)
GPA Holdings Berhad (KLSE:GPA)
GPC Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:GPCP3)
GPH Ispat Limited (DSE:GPHISPAT)
Gpro Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000545)
GPT Infraprojects Limited (BSE:533761)
GQ Ball Pen Industries Ltd. (DSE:GQBALLPEN)
GR Properties Limited (SEHK:108)
Grace Fabric Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603256)
Grace Wine Holdings Limited (SEHK:8146)
GraceKennedy Limited (JMSE:GK)
Gradus AD (BUL:GR6)
Grameenphone Ltd. (DSE:GP)
Graña y Montero S.A.A. (BVL:GRAMONC1)
Grand Banks Yachts Limited (SGX:G50)
Grand Baoxin Auto Group Limited (SEHK:1293)
Grand Brilliance Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8372)
Grand Canal Land Public Company Limited (SET:GLAND)
Grand Capital for Financial Investments (CASE:GRCA)
Grand Central Enterprises Bhd. (KLSE:GCE)
Grand Field Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:115)
Grand Fortune Securities Co.,Ltd (GTSM:6026)
Grand Foundry Ltd. (BSE:513343)
Grand Green Energy Co., LTD. (GTSM:6639)
Grand Hall Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8941)
Grand Hoover Berhad (KLSE:HOOVER)
Grand Industrial Holding Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000626)
Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A114090)
Grand Ming Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1271)
Grand Ocean Advanced Resources Company Limited (SEHK:65)
Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. (TSEC:5907)
Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corporation (TSEC:1312)
Grand Parade Investments Limited (JSE:GPL)
Grand Peace Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8108)
Grand Plaza Hotel Corporation (PSE:GPH)
Grand Prix International Public Company Limited (SET:GPI)
Grand Process Technology Corporation (GTSM:3131)
Grand T G Gold Holdings Limited (SEHK:8299)
Grand Talents Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8516)
Grand Venture Technology Limited (Catalist:JLB)
Grand-Flo Berhad (KLSE:GRANFLO)
Grand-Tek Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3684)
Grandblue Environment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600323)
Grande Asset Hotels and Property Public Company Limited (SET:GRAND)
Grande Hospitality Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:GAHREIT)
Grandeur Products Limited (BSE:539235)
Grandjoy Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000031)
Grandshores Technology Group Limited (SEHK:1647)
GrandTech C.G. Systems Inc. (GTSM:6123)
Granules India Limited (BSE:532482)
Grape King Bio Ltd (TSEC:1707)
Graphene NanoChem plc (OTCPK:GRPE.F)
Graphite India Limited (BSE:509488)
Grasim Industries Limited (NSEI:GRASIM)
Gratitude Infinite Public Company Limited (SET:GIFT)
Grauer & Weil (India) Limited (BSE:505710)
Graviss Hospitality Limited (BSE:509546)
Gravita India Limited (BSE:533282)
Gravity (India) Limited (BSE:532015)
Gravity Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3629)
Grays Leasing Limited (KASE:GRYL)
Great China Metal Ind. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9905)
Great Chinasoft Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002453)
Great Computer Corp. (GTSM:8047)
Great Eagle Holdings Limited (SEHK:41)
Great Eastern Holdings Limited (SGX:G07)
Great Harvest Maeta Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:3683)
Great Rich Technologies Limited (KOSDAQ:A900290)
Great Tree Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6469)
Great Wall Belt & Road Holdings Limited (SEHK:524)
Great Wall Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1210)
Great Wall International ACG Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000835)
Great Wall Motor Company Limited (SEHK:2333)
Great Wall Movie and Television Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002071)
Great Wall Pan Asia Holdings Limited (SEHK:583)
Great Water Holdings Limited (SEHK:8196)
Great World Company Holdings Ltd (SEHK:8003)
Great-Sun Foods Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603336)
Greatech Technology Berhad (KLSE:GREATEC)
Greatek Electronics Inc. (TSEC:2441)
Greater Bay Area Investments Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:261)
Greater China Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:431)
Greatime International Holdings Limited (SEHK:844)
Greatoo Intelligent Equipment Inc. (SZSE:002031)
Greattown Holdings Ltd. (SHSE:900940)
Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company Limited (SEHK:468)
Greatwalle Inc. (SEHK:8315)
Greaves Cotton Limited (BSE:501455)
Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai (SZSE:000651)
Gree Real Estate Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600185)
Green & Smart Holdings plc (AIM:GSH)
Green Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A083420)
Green Cross Cell Corporation (KOSDAQ:A031390)
Green Cross Corporation (KOSE:A006280)
Green Cross Holdings Corporation (KOSE:A005250)
Green Cross Lab Cell Corporation (KOSDAQ:A144510)
Green Cross Medical Science Corporation (KOSDAQ:A142280)
GREEN CROSS WellBeing Corporation (KOSDAQ:A234690)
Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (DSE:GREENDELT)
Green Energy Group Limited (SEHK:979)
Green Future Food Hydrocolloid Marine Science Company Limited (SEHK:1084)
Green International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2700)
Green Leader Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:61)
Green Ocean Corporation Berhad (KLSE:GOCEAN)
Green Packet Berhad (KLSE:GPACKET)
Green Plus Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A186230)
Green Resources Public Company Limited (SET:GREEN)
Green River Holding Co. Ltd. (GTSM:8444)
Green World Hotels Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8077)
Greencrest Financial Services Limited (BSE:531737)
Greenergy Holdings Incorporated (PSE:GREEN)
Greenheart Group Limited (SEHK:94)
Greenlam Industries Limited (BSE:538979)
Greenland Holdings Corporation Limited (SHSE:600606)
Greenland Hong Kong Holdings Limited (SEHK:337)
Greenland Technologies Holding Corporation (NasdaqCM:GTEC)
Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:GLRE)
Greenpanel Industries Limited (NSEI:GREENPANEL)
Greenply Industries Limited (BSE:526797)
Greenpro Capital Corp. (NasdaqCM:GRNQ)
Greensmart Corporation (OTCPK:GREN)
Greentech Technology International Limited (SEHK:195)
Greentown China Holdings Limited (SEHK:3900)
Greentown Service Group Co. Ltd. (SEHK:2869)
Greenvision Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:GRNV)
Greenway Mining Group Limited (SEHK:2133)
Greenyield Berhad (KLSE:GREENYB)
Grendene S.A. (BOVESPA:GRND3)
Greycells Education Limited (BSE:508918)
GRG Banking Equipment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002152)
Grigeo AB (NSEL:GRG1L)
Grimoldi S.A. (BASE:GRIM)
Grindrod Limited (JSE:GND)
Grindrod Shipping Holdings Ltd. (NasdaqGS:GRIN)
Grindwell Norton Limited (BSE:506076)
Grinm Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600206)
Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited (JSE:GTR)
GRITEE, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A204020)
GRM Overseas Limited (BSE:531449)
Gromo Trade & Consultancy Limited (BSE:501314)
Gromutual Berhad (KLSE:GMUTUAL)
Ground International Development Limited (SEHK:989)
Group Lease Public Company Limited (SET:GL)
Group Up Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6664)
Groupe Athena Inc. (OTCPK:GATA)
Grovy India Limited (BSE:539522)
Grown Up Group Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:1842)
Growthpoint Properties Limited (JSE:GRT)
Growww Media Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8497)
GRP Limited (BSE:509152)
GRP Limited (SGX:BLU)
Gruma, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GRUMA B)
Grupe, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CIDMEGA *)
Grupo Aeroméxico, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:AEROMEX *)
Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:OMA B)
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GAP B)
Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:ASUR B)
Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A. (BVC:GRUPOAVAL)
Grupo Bafar, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:BAFAR B)
Grupo Bimbo, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:BIMBO A)
Grupo Bolívar S.A. (BVC:GRUBOLIVAR)
Grupo Carso, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GCARSO A1)
Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GCC *)
Grupo Clarín S.A. (BASE:GCLA)
Grupo Comercial Chedraui, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CHDRAUI B)
Grupo Concesionario del Oeste S.A. (BASE:OEST)
Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana S.A. (BVC:GRUPOSURA)
Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:ELEKTRA *)
Grupo Empresas Navieras S.A. (SNSE:NAVIERA)
Grupo Energía Bogotá S.A. E.S.P. (BVC:GEB)
Grupo Famsa, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GFAMSA A)
Grupo Financiero Banorte, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GFNORTE O)
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (BASE:GGAL)
Grupo Financiero Inbursa, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GFINBUR O)
Grupo Financiero Valores S.A. (BASE:VALO)
Grupo Gicsa, S.A. de C.V. (BMV:GICSA B)
Grupo Gigante, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:GIGANTE *)
Grupo Herdez, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:HERDEZ *)
Grupo Hotelero Santa Fe, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:HOTEL *)
Grupo Industrial Saltillo, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GISSA A)
Grupo KUO, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:KUO B)
Grupo Lala, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:LALA B)
Grupo Lamosa, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:LAMOSA *)
Grupo Mexicano de Desarrollo, S.A.B. (BMV:GMD *)
Grupo México, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GMEXICO B)
Grupo Nutresa S. A. (BVC:NUTRESA)
Grupo Palacio de Hierro, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GPH 1)
Grupo Pochteca, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:POCHTEC B)
Grupo Posadas, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:POSADAS A)
Grupo Profuturo, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GPROFUT *)
Grupo Radio Centro, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:RCENTRO A)
Grupo Rotoplas S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:AGUA *)
Grupo Sanborns, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:GSANBOR B-1)
Grupo Security S.A. (SNSE:SECURITY)
Grupo Sports World, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:SPORT S)
Grupo Supervielle S.A. (BASE:SUPV)
Grupo Traxión, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:TRAXION A)
Grupo Zuliano, C.A. (CCSE:GZL)
GS Engineering & Construction Corporation (KOSE:A006360)
GS Global Corp. (KOSE:A001250)
GS Holdings Corp. (KOSE:A078930)
GS Holdings Limited (Catalist:43A)
GS Home Shopping Inc. (KOSDAQ:A028150)
GSB Finance Limited (BSE:511543)
GSD Technologies Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6641)
GSE Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053050)
Gseven Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2937)
GSH Corporation Limited (SGX:BDX)
GSL Securities Limited (BSE:530469)
GSP Finance Company (Bangladesh) Limited (DSE:GSPFINANCE)
GSRetail Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007070)
GSS Energy Limited (Catalist:41F)
GSS Infotech Limited (BSE:532951)
GT Capital Holdings, Inc. (PSE:GTCAP)
GT Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:263)
GT Steel Construction Group Limited (SEHK:8402)
GTG Wellness CO.,LTD (KOSDAQ:A219750)
GTI Holdings Limited (SEHK:3344)
GTL Infrastructure Limited (BSE:532775)
GTL Limited (BSE:500160)
GTM Holdings Corporation (TSEC:1437)
GTN Industries Limited (BSE:500170)
GTN Textiles Limited (BSE:532744)
GTNFOODS Joint Stock Company (HOSE:GTN)
GTPL Hathway Limited (BSE:540602)
GTV Engineering Limited (BSE:539479)
Guan Chao Holdings Limited (SEHK:1872)
Guan Chong Berhad (KLSE:GCB)
Guanfu Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002102)
Guang Dong Sitong Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603838)
Guang Zhou GRG Metrology & Test Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002967)
Guangbo Group Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002103)
Guangdong Advertising Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002400)
Guangdong Adway Construction (Group) Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:6189)
Guangdong Anjubao Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300155)
Guangdong Aofei Data Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300738)
Guangdong Baolihua New Energy Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000690)
Guangdong Biolight Meditech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300246)
Guangdong Bobaolon Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002776)
Guangdong Brandmax Marketing Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300805)
Guangdong Champion Asia Electronics Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603386)
Guangdong Chant Group Inc. (SZSE:002616)
Guangdong Chaohua Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002288)
Guangdong DaZhi Environmental Protection Technology Incorporated Company (SZSE:300530)
Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company (SHSE:603335)
Guangdong Delian Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002666)
Guangdong Dongfang Precision Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002611)
Guangdong Dowstone Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300409)
Guangdong DP Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300808)
Guangdong Dynavolt Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002684)
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200539)
Guangdong Ellington Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603328)
Guangdong Enpack Packaging Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002846)
Guangdong Failong Crystal Technology Co.,LTD. (SZSE:300460)
Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000636)
GuangDong GenSho Logistics Co.,LTD (SHSE:603813)
Guangdong Golden Dragon Development Inc. (SZSE:000712)
Guangdong Golden Glass Technologies Limited (SZSE:300093)
Guangdong Goworld Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000823)
Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002930)
Guangdong Guanghong Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000529)
Guangdong Guanghua Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002741)
Guangdong Guangzhou Daily Media Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002181)
Guangdong Guanhao High-Tech Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600433)
Guangdong Guoli Sci&Tech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300716)
Guangdong Haid Group Co., Limited (SZSE:002311)
Guangdong Hec Technologyholding Co., Ltd (SHSE:600673)
Guangdong High Dream Intellectualized Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300720)
Guangdong Highsun Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000861)
Guangdong Homa Appliances Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002668)
Guangdong Hongda Blasting Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002683)
Guangdong Hongtu Technology (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002101)
Guangdong Hoshion Aluminium Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002824)
Guangdong Hotata Technology Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603848)
Guangdong Huafeng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002806)
Guangdong Huate Gas Co., Ltd (SHSE:688268)
Guangdong Huatie Tongda High-speed Railway Equipment Corporation (SZSE:000976)
Guangdong Hybribio Biotech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300639)
Guangdong Insight Brand Marketing Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300781)
Guangdong Investment Limited (SEHK:270)
Guangdong Jadiete Holdings Group Company Limited (SZSE:200168)
Guangdong JANUS Intelligent Group Corporation Limited (SZSE:300083)
Guangdong Jia Yuan Technology Shares Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688388)
Guangdong Jialong Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002495)
Guangdong Jiaying Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (SZSE:002198)
Guangdong Jingyi Metal Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002295)
Guangdong Jinming Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300281)
Guangdong Join-Share Financing Guarantee Investment Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1543)
Guangdong Kanghua Healthcare Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3689)
Guangdong KinLong Hardware Products Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002791)
Guangdong Land Holdings Limited (SEHK:124)
Guangdong Liantai Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603797)
Guangdong Lingxiao Pump Industry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002884)
Guangdong Marubi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603983)
Guangdong Meiyan Jixiang Hydropower Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600868)
Guangdong Mingzhu Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600382)
Guangdong New Grand Long Packing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002836)
Guangdong No.2 Hydropower Engineering Company, Ltd. (SZSE:002060)
Guangdong Orient Zirconic Ind Sci & Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002167)
GuangDong PaiSheng Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300176)
Guangdong PAK Corporation Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300625)
Guangdong Piano Customized Furniture Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002853)
Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200429)
Guangdong Qunxing Toys Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002575)
Guangdong Redwall New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002809)
GuangDong Rifeng Electric Cable Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002953)
Guangdong Rongtai Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600589)
Guangdong SACA Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300464)
Guangdong Senssun Weighing Apparatus Group Ltd. (SZSE:002870)
Guangdong Shaoneng Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000601)
Guangdong Shenglu Telecommunication Tech. Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002446)
Guangdong Shirongzhaoye Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002016)
Guangdong Shunna Electric Co., Ltd (SZSE:000533)
Guangdong Silver Age Sci & Tech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300221)
Guangdong Sky Dragon Printing Ink Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300063)
Guangdong Songfa Ceramics Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603268)
GuangDong SongYang Recycle Resources CO.,LTD (SHSE:603863)
Guangdong South New Media Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300770)
Guangdong Sunwill Precising Plastic Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002676)
Guangdong Taiantang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002433)
Guangdong Tannery Limited (SEHK:1058)
Guangdong Tapai Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002233)
Guangdong Tecsun Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002908)
Guangdong Tianan New Material Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603725)
Guangdong Tonze Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002759)
Guangdong Topstar Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300607)
Guangdong Topstrong Living Innovation and Integration Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300749)
Guangdong Transtek Medical Electronics Co., Ltd (SZSE:300562)
Guangdong Vanward New Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002543)
Guangdong VTR Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300381)
Guangdong Wanlima Industry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300591)
Guangdong Weihua Corporation (SZSE:002240)
Guangdong Wencan Die Casting Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603348)
Guangdong Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002842)
Guangdong Xinbao Electrical Appliances Holdings Co., Ltd (SZSE:002705)
Guangdong Xinhui Meida Nylon Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000782)
Guangdong Xiongsu Technology Group.,Ltd (SZSE:300599)
Guangdong Yantang Dairy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002732)
Guangdong Yizumi Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300415)
Guangdong Yueyun Transportation Company Limited (SEHK:3399)
Guangdong Zhengye Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300410)
Guangdong Zhongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002317)
Guanghe Landscape Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600234)
Guanghui Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600256)
Guanghui Logistics Co.Ltd (SHSE:600603)
Guangnan (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1203)
Guangshen Railway Company Limited (SEHK:525)
Guangxi Bossco Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300422)
Guangxi Fenglin Wood Industry Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601996)
Guangxi Fortune Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600556)
Guangxi Guidong Electric Power Co., LTD. (SHSE:600310)
Guangxi Guiguan Electric PowerCo.,Ltd. (SHSE:600236)
Guangxi Hechi Chemical Co., Ltd (SZSE:000953)
Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000528)
Guangxi Liuzhou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603368)
Guangxi Nanning Waterworks Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601368)
Guangxi Radio and Television Information Network Corporation Limited (SHSE:600936)
Guangxi Wuzhou Communications Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600368)
Guangxi Wuzhou Zhongheng Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600252)
Guangxi Yuegui Guangye Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000833)
GuangYuYuan Chinese Herbal Medicine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600771)
Guangzheng Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002524)
Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2238)
Guangzhou Baiyun Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603861)
Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600004)
Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:874)
Guangzhou Boji Medical & Biotechnological Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300404)
Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated (SHSE:600098)
Guangzhou Devotion Thermal Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300335)
Guangzhou Echom Sci.&Tech.Co,.Ltd (SZSE:002420)
Guangzhou Fang Bang Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688020)
Guangzhou Goaland Energy Conservation Tech. Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300499)
Guangzhou Grandbuy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002187)
Guangzhou Great Power Energy and Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300438)
Guangzhou Guangri Stock Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600894)
Guangzhou Haige Communications Group Incorporated Company (SZSE:002465)
Guangzhou Hangxin Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300424)
Guangzhou Haozhi Industrial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300503)
Guangzhou Hengyun Enterprises Holding Ltd (SZSE:000531)
Guangzhou Holike Creative Home Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603898)
Guangzhou Improve Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300030)
Guangzhou Jiacheng International Logistics Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603535)
Guangzhou Jinyi Media Corporation (SZSE:002905)
Guangzhou Jointas Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002909)
Guangzhou KDT Machinery Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002833)
Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603882)
Guangzhou Kingteller Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002177)
Guangzhou Lingnan Group Holdings Company Limited (SZSE:000524)
Guangzhou Pearl River Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600684)
Guangzhou Pearl River Piano Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002678)
Guangzhou Port Company Limited (SHSE:601228)
Guangzhou R&F Properties Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2777)
Guangzhou Restaurant Group Company Limited (SHSE:603043)
Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1551)
Guangzhou Seagull Kitchen and Bath Products Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002084)
Guangzhou Shangpin Home Collection Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300616)
Guangzhou Shiyuan Electronic Technology Company Limited (SZSE:002841)
Guangzhou Sie Consulting Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300687)
Guangzhou Tech-Long Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002209)
Guangzhou Tinci Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002709)
Guangzhou Tongda Auto Electric Co., LTD (SHSE:603390)
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300482)
Guangzhou Yuetai Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600393)
Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000987)
Guangzhou Zhiguang Electric Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002169)
Guangzhou Zhujiang Brewery Co., Ltd (SZSE:002461)
Guanhao Biotech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300238)
Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (NGSE:GUARANTY)
Guararapes Confecções S.A. (BOVESPA:GUAR3)
Guardian Capital Partners PLC (COSE:WAPO.N0000)
Guardian Holdings Limited (TTSE:GHL)
Guardian Media Limited (TTSE:GML)
Gudeng Precision Industrial Co., Ltd (GTSM:3680)
Gudou Holdings Limited (SEHK:8308)
Gufic Biosciences Limited (BSE:509079)
GUH Holdings Berhad (KLSE:GUH)
GUILIN FUDA Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603166)
Guilin Layn Natural Ingredients Corp. (SZSE:002166)
Guilin Sanjin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002275)
Guilin Seamild Foods Co., Ltd (SZSE:002956)
Guilin Tourism Corporation Limited (SZSE:000978)
Guinea Insurance Plc (NGSE:GUINEAINS)
Guinness Nigeria Plc (NGSE:GUINNESS)
Guirenniao Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603555)
Guiyang Xintian Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002873)
Guizhou Bailing Group Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002424)
Guizhou BC&TV Information Network CO.,LTD (SHSE:600996)
Guizhou Changzheng Tiancheng Holding Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600112)
Guizhou Chanhen Chemical Corporation (SZSE:002895)
Guizhou Gas Group Corporation Ltd. (SHSE:600903)
Guizhou Guihang Automotive Components Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600523)
Guizhou Jiulian Industrial Explosive Material Development Co., Ltd (SZSE:002037)
Guizhou Panjiang Refined Coal Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600395)
GuiZhou QianYuan Power Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002039)
Guizhou RedStar Developing Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600367)
Guizhou Salvage Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600227)
Guizhou Space Appliance Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002025)
Guizhou Taiyong-Changzheng Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002927)
Guizhou Transportation Planning Survey&Design Academe Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603458)
Guizhou Tyre Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000589)
Guizhou Wire Rope Incorporated Company (SHSE:600992)
Guizhou Xinbang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002390)
Guizhou Yibai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600594)
GuiZhou YongJi Printing CO.,LTD (SHSE:603058)
Gujarat Lease Financing Limited (BSE:500174)
Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited (BSE:530001)
Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited (BSE:524226)
Gujarat Apollo Industries Limited (BSE:522217)
Gujarat Borosil Limited (BSE:523768)
Gujarat Craft Industries Limited (BSE:526965)
Gujarat Credit Corporation Limited (BSE:511441)
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (NSEI:FLUOROCHEM)
Gujarat Gas Limited (NSEI:GUJGASLTD)
Gujarat Hotels Limited (BSE:507960)
Gujarat Hy-Spin Limited (BSE:540938)
Gujarat Industries Power Company Limited (BSE:517300)
Gujarat Intrux Limited (BSE:517372)
Gujarat Metallic Coal & Coke Limited (BSE:531881)
Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Limited (BSE:532181)
Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (BSE:500670)
Gujarat Natural Resources Limited (BSE:513536)
Gujarat Petrosynthese Limited (BSE:506858)
Gujarat Pipavav Port Limited (NSEI:GPPL)
Gujarat Poly Electronics Limited (BSE:517288)
Gujarat Raffia Industries Limited (BSE:523836)
Gujarat Sidhee Cement Limited (BSE:518029)
Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (BSE:500690)
Gujarat State Financial Corporation (BSE:532160)
Gujarat State Petronet Limited (NSEI:GSPL)
Gujarat Terce Laboratories Limited (BSE:524314)
Gujarat Themis Biosyn Limited (BSE:506879)
Gujchem Distillers India Limited (BSE:506640)
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited (KASE:GATM)
Gulf Bank K.S.C.P. (KWSE:GBK)
Gulf Cable and Electrical Industries Company - KPSC (KWSE:CABLE)
Gulf Canadian Company for Arab Real Estate Investment (CASE:CCRS)
Gulf Cement Company P.S.C. (KWSE:GCEM)
Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited (SET:GULF)
Gulf General Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8260)
Gulf Hotels (Oman) Company Limited SAOG (MSM:GHOS)
Gulf Hotels Group B.S.C. (BAX:GHG)
Gulf Insurance Group K.S.C.P. (KWSE:GINS)
Gulf International Chemicals SAOG (MSM:GICI)
Gulf International Services Q.P.S.C. (DSM:GISS)
Gulf Investment House K.S.C.P. (KWSE:GIH)
Gulf Investment Services Holding Company SAOG (MSM:GISI)
Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited (LSE:GKP)
Gulf Marine Services PLC (LSE:GMS)
Gulf Medical Projects Company (PJSC) (ADX:GMPC)
Gulf Navigation Holding PJSC (DFM:GULFNAV)
Gulf North Africa Holding Company - KPSC (KWSE:GNAHC)
Gulf Oil Lubricants India Limited (BSE:538567)
Gulf Petroleum Investment Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:GPI)
Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries P.S.C. (ADX:JULPHAR)
Gulf Resources, Inc. (NasdaqGS:GURE)
Gulf Union Cooperative Insurance Co. (SASE:8120)
Gulf Warehousing Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:GWCS)
Gulshan Polyols Limited (BSE:532457)
Gunkul Engineering Public Company Limited (SET:GUNKUL)
Gunung Capital Berhad (KLSE:GUNUNG)
Guoan International Limited (SEHK:143)
Guoan International Limited (SEHK:143)
GuoCheng Mining CO.,LTD (SZSE:000688)
GuoChuang Software Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300520)
Guoco Group Limited (SEHK:53)
GuocoLand (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:GUOCO)
GuocoLand Limited (SGX:F17)
Guodian Changyuan Electric Power Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000966)
Guodian Nanjing Automation Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600268)
Guodian Technology & Environment Group Corporation Limited (SEHK:1296)
Guoguang Electric Company Limited (SZSE:002045)
Guolian Securities Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1456)
Guomai Technologies, Inc. (SZSE:002093)
Guorui Properties Limited (SEHK:2329)
Guosen Securities Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002736)
Guosheng Financial Holding Inc. (SZSE:002670)
Guotai Junan International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1788)
Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601211)
Guoxuan High-tech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002074)
Guoyuan Securities Company Limited (SZSE:000728)
Guru Online (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8121)
Guyoung Technology Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A053270)
GV Films Limited (BSE:523277)
GVK Power & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:532708)
Gwanak Construction and Equipment Service Co., Ltd. (XKON:A076340)
Gwangju Shinsegae Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A037710)
Gyeongnam Steel Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A039240)
GYP Properties Limited (SGX:AWS)
Gyscoal Alloys Limited (BSE:533275)
H P Cotton Textile Mills Limited (BSE:502873)
H S India Limited (BSE:532145)
H.G. Infra Engineering Limited (NSEI:HGINFRA)
H.R. Textile Mills Limited (DSE:HRTEX)
H&R Century Union Corporation (SZSE:000892)
H&S Hightech Corp. (XKON:A044990)
Ha Do Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HDG)
Ha Giang Mineral Mechanics Joint Stock Company (HNX:HGM)
Ha Long Canned Food Joint Stock Corporation (HNX:CAN)
Ha Noi - Hai Duong Beer Joint Stock Company (HNX:HAD)
Ha Noi South Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HNX:NHA)
Ha Tay Pharmaceutical JSC (HNX:DHT)
Ha Tay Trading Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HTT)
Ha Tien 1 Cement Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HT1)
Ha Tien Transport Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HTV)
Ha Tinh Book and Equipment Education Joint Stock Company (HNX:HBE)
Ha U Dong Chun Co., Ltd. (XKON:A233990)
Haad Thip Public Company Limited (SET:HTC)
Haatz Inc. (KOSDAQ:A066130)
Habib Bank Limited (KASE:HBL)
Habib Insurance Company Limited (KASE:HICL)
Habib Metro Modaraba (KASE:HMM)
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited (KASE:HMB)
Habib Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:HABSM)
HACISCO Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HAS)
Hadasit Bio-Holdings Ltd (TASE:HDST)
Hadera Paper Ltd. (TASE:HAP)
Haein Corporation (KOSE:A003010)
HAESUNG DS Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A195870)
Haesung Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A034810)
Haesung Optics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A076610)
Hafnia Limited (OB:HAFNIA)
Hagag Group Real Estate Entrepreneurship Ltd (TASE:HGG)
HAI Agrochem Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HAI)
Hai An Transport And Stevedoring Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HAH)
Hai Duong Pump Manufacturing Joint Stock Company (HNX:CTB)
Hai Kwang Enterprise Corporation (TSEC:2038)
Hai Leck Holdings Limited (SGX:BLH)
Hai Phat Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HPX)
Hai Phong Hoang Ha Paper Joint Stock Company (HNX:HHP)
Hai Phong Petrolimex Transportation and Services Joint Stock Company (HNX:PTS)
Hai-O Enterprise Berhad (KLSE:HAIO)
Haibo Heavy Engineering Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300517)
Haichang Ocean Park Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:2255)
Haidilao International Holding Ltd. (SEHK:6862)
Haier Electronics Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1169)
Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600690)
HaiHa Confectionery Joint - Stock Company (HNX:HHC)
Hail Cement Company (SASE:3001)
Hailan Holdings Limited (SEHK:2278)
Hailiang International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2336)
Hailir Pesticides and Chemicals Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603639)
Hailun Piano Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300329)
Haima Automobile Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000572)
Haimarrow Food Service Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A220630)
Haiminh Corporation (HNX:HMH)
Haimo Technologies Group Corp. (SZSE:300084)
Hainan Airlines Holding Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:900945)
Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000613)
Hainan Drinda Automotive Trim Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002865)
Hainan Expressway Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000886)
Hainan Haide Industry Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000567)
Hainan Haiqi Transportation Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603069)
Hainan Haiyao Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000566)
Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000505)
Hainan Meilan International Airport Company Limited (SEHK:357)
Hainan Mining Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601969)
Hainan Poly Pharm. Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300630)
Hainan RuiZe New Building Material Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002596)
Hainan Shennong Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300189)
Hainan Shuangcheng Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002693)
Hainan Strait Shipping Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002320)
Hainan Yatai Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000691)
HaiNan Yedao (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600238)
Haining China Leather Market Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002344)
Haiphong Electricity Water Machine Assembly Joint Stock Company (HNX:DNC)
Haiphong Packing VICEM Joint Stock Company (HNX:BXH)
Haisco Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002653)
Haitai Confectionery&Foods Co.,ltd. (KOSE:A101530)
Haitian International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1882)
Haitong International Securities Group Limited (SEHK:665)
Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600837)
Haitong UniTrust International Leasing Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1905)
Haiwan International Development Co., Ltd (GTSM:3252)
Haixin Foods Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002702)
Hakers Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4432)
Hakim Unique Internet Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300300)
Hakkani Pulp & Paper Mills Limited (DSE:HAKKANIPUL)
Hala Enterprises Limited (KASE:HAEL)
Halcom VietNam Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HID)
Halcyon Agri Corporation Limited (SGX:5VJ)
Halcyon Technology Public Company Limited (SET:HTECH)
Halder Venture Limited (BSE:539854)
Haldyn Glass Limited (BSE:515147)
Halla Corporation (KOSE:A014790)
Halla Holdings Corp. (KOSE:A060980)
Halman Aldubi Investment House Ltd (TASE:HAIN)
Halwani Bros. Co. Ltd. (SASE:6001)
Ham-Let (Israel-Canada) Ltd (TASE:HAML)
Hamama Meir Trading (1996) Ltd. (TASE:HMAM)
Hamashbir 365 Ltd (TASE:MSBI)
Hamat Group Ltd. (TASE:HAMAT)
Hamaton Automotive Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300643)
Hamid Fabrics Limited (DSE:HFL)
Han Kook Capital Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A023760)
Han's Laser Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002008)
Hana Financial Fourteen Special Purpose Acquisition Company Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A332710)
Hana Financial Group Inc. (KOSE:A086790)
Hana Financial tenth Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A270520)
Hana Financial Thirteen Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A320000)
Hana Materials Inc. (KOSDAQ:A166090)
Hana Microelectronics Public Company Limited (SET:HANA)
HANA Micron Inc. (KOSDAQ:A067310)
Hana Must Sixth Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A307160)
Hana Pharm Co., Ltd (KOSE:A293480)
Hana Ubs Ambatovy Nickel Overseas 1 (KOSE:A099340)
Hana Ubs Ambatovy Nickel Overseas 2 (KOSE:A099350)
Hanall Biopharma Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A009420)
Hanan Mor Group - Holdings Ltd. (TASE:HNMR)
Hanatour Service Inc. (KOSE:A039130)
Hanchang Corporation (KOSE:A005110)
Hanchang Ind.Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A079170)
Hanchang Paper Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009460)
Hancom GMD Inc. (KOSDAQ:A077280)
Hancom Inc. (KOSDAQ:A030520)
Hancom MDS Inc. (KOSDAQ:A086960)
Hancom Secure Inc. (KOSDAQ:A054920)
HAND Enterprise Solutions Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300170)
Handa Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (GTSM:6620)
Handal Energy Berhad (KLSE:HANDAL)
Handeni Gold Inc. (OTCPK:HNDI)
Handok Clean Tech Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A256150)
Handok, Inc. (KOSE:A002390)
Hands Corporation Ltd. (KOSE:A143210)
Hands Form Holdings Limited (SEHK:1920)
HANDSOME Corp. (KOSE:A020000)
Hanexpress.Co., Ltd (KOSE:A014130)
Hang Chi Holdings Limited (SEHK:8405)
Hang Lung Group Limited (SEHK:10)
Hang Lung Properties Limited (SEHK:101)
Hang Pin Living Technology Company Limited (SEHK:1682)
Hang Sang (Siu Po) International Holding Company Limited (SEHK:3626)
Hang Seng Bank Limited (SEHK:11)
Hang Tai Yue Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8081)
Hang Xanh Motors Service Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HAX)
Hang Xiao Steel Structure Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600477)
Hang Yick Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1894)
Hang Zhou Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600126)
Hangcha Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:603298)
Hangji Global Limited (CSE:HANGJI)
Hangjin Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000818)
HangKan Group Limited (SEHK:8331)
Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601177)
Hangzhou Anysoft Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300571)
Hangzhou Arcvideo Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688039)
Hangzhou Binjiang Real Estate Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002244)
Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002534)
Hangzhou Cable Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603618)
Hangzhou Century Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300078)
Hangzhou Changchuan Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300604)
Hangzhou CNCR-IT Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300250)
Hangzhou DPtech Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300768)
Hangzhou Electronic Soul Network Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603258)
HangZhou Everfine Photo-e-info Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300306)
Hangzhou First Applied Material Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603806)
Hangzhou Freely Communication Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603602)
Hangzhou Gaoxin Rubber & Plastic Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300478)
Hangzhou Great Star Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002444)
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002415)
Hangzhou Hopechart IoT Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688288)
Hangzhou Huaxing Chuangye Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300025)
Hangzhou Huning Elevator Parts Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300669)
Hangzhou Innover Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002767)
Hangzhou Jiebai Group Co.,Limited. (SHSE:600814)
Hangzhou Jizhi Mechatronic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300553)
Hangzhou Landscape Architecture Design Institute Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300649)
Hangzhou Lianluo Interactive Information Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002280)
HangZhou Nbond Nonwovens Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603238)
Hangzhou Onechance Tech Crop. (SZSE:300792)
Hangzhou Oxygen Plant Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002430)
Hangzhou Prevail Optoelectronic Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300710)
HangZhou Radical Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300652)
Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002508)
Hangzhou Shunwang Technology Co,Ltd (SZSE:300113)
Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd (SHSE:600460)
Hangzhou Star Shuaier Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002860)
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200771)
Hangzhou TianMuShan Pharmaceutical Enterprise Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600671)
Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300347)
Hangzhou Todaytec Digital Co., Ltd (SZSE:300743)
Hangzhou Weiguang Electronic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002801)
Hangzhou XZB Tech Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603040)
Hangzhou Youngsun Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603901)
Hangzhou Zhongheng Electric Co., Ltd (SZSE:002364)
Hangzhou Zhongtai Cryogenic Technology Corporation (SZSE:300435)
Hangzhou Zhongya Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300512)
Hanhua Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3903)
Hanil Cement Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A300720)
Hanil Chemical Ind. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A007770)
Hanil Feed Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A005860)
Hanil Forging Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A024740)
Hanil Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003300)
Hanil Hyundai Cement Co., Ltd (KOSE:A006390)
Hanil Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002220)
Hanil Networks Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A046110)
Hanil Vacuum Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A123840)
Hanison Construction Holdings Limited (SEHK:896)
Hanjia Design Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300746)
Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A097230)
Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003480)
Hanjin Kal Corp. (KOSE:A180640)
Hanjin Transportation Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002320)
HanJung Natural Connectivity,Ltd (XKON:A107640)
Hankook Atlasbx Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A023890)
HANKOOK Corporation Inc. (KOSDAQ:A050540)
Hankook Cosmetics Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A123690)
Hankook Cosmetics Manufacturing Co., Ltd (KOSE:A003350)
Hankook Furniture Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A004590)
Hankook Shell Oil Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A002960)
Hankook Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A025890)
Hankook Technology Group Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000240)
HANKOOK Technology Inc. (KOSDAQ:A053590)
Hankook Tire & Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A161390)
Hankuk Carbon Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A017960)
Hankuk Paper Mfg. Co., Ltd (KOSE:A002300)
Hankuk Steel Wire Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A025550)
Hankukpackage Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A037230)
Hanla IMS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A092460)
Hanmi Pharm. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A128940)
Hanmi Science Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A008930)
HANMI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A042700)
HanmiGlobal Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A053690)
Hannet Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052600)
Hannibal Lease SA (BVMT:HL)
Hannong Chemicals Inc. (KOSE:A011500)
HannStar Board Corp. (TSEC:5469)
HannStar Display Corporation (TSEC:6116)
HannsTouch Solution Incorporated (TSEC:3049)
Hanoi Beer Alcohol and Beverage Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:BHN)
Hanoi Beer Trading Joint Stock Company (HNX:HAT)
Hanoi Education Development and Investment JSC (HNX:EID)
Hanoi Investment General Corporation (HNX:SHN)
Hanoi Plastics Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NHH)
Hanoi-Kinhbac Agriculture and food Joint Stock Company (HNX:HKB)
Hanon Systems (KOSE:A018880)
Hanp Inc. (KOSDAQ:A066110)
Hanpin Electron Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2488)
Hanryu A.I. Center Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A222810)
Hans Energy Company Limited (SEHK:554)
Hansae Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A105630)
Hansae Yes24 Holdings Co., Ltd (KOSE:A016450)
Hansaemk Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A069640)
HansaMatrix, SA (RISE:HMX1R)
HansBiomed Corporation (KOSDAQ:A042520)
HANSHIN Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004960)
Hanshin Machinery Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A011700)
Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Company Limited (SEHK:3692)
Hansol Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A014680)
Hansol CNP Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A221610)
Hansol Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004150)
Hansol Inticube Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A070590)
Hansol Logistics Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009180)
Hansol Paper Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A213500)
Hansol PNS Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A010420)
Hansol Secure Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A070300)
Hansol Technics Co., LTD. (KOSE:A004710)
HansolHomeDeco.Co.Ltd. (KOSE:A025750)
Hansongneotech Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A226440)
Hanssem Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009240)
Hansung Enterprise Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A003680)
Hantop Inc. (KOSDAQ:A002680)
Hanvey Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8219)
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002362)
Hanwei Electronics Group Corporation (SZSE:300007)
Hanwell Holdings Limited (SGX:DM0)
Hanwha Ace Special Purpose Acquisition 4th CO., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A279410)
Hanwha Aerospace Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A012450)
Hanwha Chemical Corporation (KOSE:A009830)
Hanwha Corporation (KOSE:A000880)
Hanwha Galleria Timeworld Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A027390)
Hanwha General Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000370)
Hanwha Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003530)
Hanwha Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A088350)
Hanwha Plus No 1 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A340440)
Hanwha Sbi Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A317320)
Hanwha Susung Special Purpose Acquisition CO., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A265920)
Hanwha Systems Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A272210)
Hanyang Digitech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A078350)
Hanyang ENG Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A045100)
Hanyang Securities Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A001750)
Hanyu Group Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300403)
Hao Bai International (Cayman) Limited (SEHK:8431)
Hao Tian Development Group Limited (SEHK:474)
Hao Tian International Construction Investment Group Limited (SEHK:1341)
Hao Wen Holdings Limited (SEHK:8019)
Haohua Chemical Science & Technology Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:600378)
Haoxiangni Health Food Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002582)
Haoyun Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300448)
Hap Seng Consolidated Berhad (KLSE:HAPSENG)
Hap Seng Plantations Holdings Berhad (KLSE:HSPLANT)
Hapaco Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HAP)
Happiness Biotech Group Limited (NasdaqCM:HAPP)
Hapugastenne Plantations PLC (COSE:HAPU.N0000)
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A. (BOVESPA:HAPV3)
Harbin Air Conditioning Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600202)
Harbin Bank Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6138)
Harbin Boshi Automation Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002698)
Harbin Churin Group Jointstock Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600891)
Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600178)
Harbin Electric Company Limited (SEHK:1133)
Harbin Electric Corporation Jiamusi Electric Machine CO.,Ltd (SZSE:000922)
Harbin Gloria Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd (SZSE:002437)
Harbin Gong Da High-Tech Enterprise Development Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600701)
Harbin Hatou Investment Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600864)
Harbin High-Tech (Group) Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600095)
Harbin Jiuzhou Electrical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300040)
Harbin Medisan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002900)
Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600664)
Harbin VITI Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603023)
Harbin Xinguang Optic-Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688011)
Harbin ZhongFei New Technology CO.,LTD. (SZSE:300489)
Harbor Star Shipping Services, Inc. (PSE:TUGS)
Harbour Centre Development Limited (SEHK:51)
Harbour-Link Group Berhad (KLSE:HARBOUR)
Hard to Treat Diseases Inc. (OTCPK:HTDS)
Hardcastle and Waud Manufacturing Company Limited (BSE:509597)
Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd (TASE:HARL)
Haria Apparels Limited (BSE:538081)
Haria Exports Limited (BSE:512604)
HARIM Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A136480)
Harim Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A003380)
Harischandra Mills PLC (COSE:HARI.N0000)
Harita Seating Systems Limited (BSE:590043)
Hariyana Ship Breakers Limited (BSE:526931)
Harmony Electronics Co. Ltd (GTSM:8182)
Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (JSE:HAR)
Harn Engineering Solutions Public Company Limited (SET:HARN)
Harn Len Corporation Bhd (KLSE:HARNLEN)
Harrisons Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:HARISON)
Harrisons Malayalam Limited (BSE:500467)
Harson Trading (China) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603958)
Hartalega Holdings Berhad (KLSE:HARTA)
Harvatek Corporation (TSEC:6168)
Haryana Capfin Limited (BSE:532855)
Haryana Leather Chemicals Limited (BSE:524080)
Hascol Petroleum Limited (KASE:HASCOL)
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:HWQS)
Hathway Bhawani Cabletel & Datacom Limited (BSE:509073)
Hathway Cable and Datacom Limited (BSE:533162)
Hatsun Agro Product Limited (BSE:531531)
Hatten Land Limited (Catalist:PH0)
Hatton National Bank PLC (COSE:HNB.N0000)
Hatton Plantations PLC (COSE:HPL.N0000)
Hauman Technologies Corp. (GTSM:6218)
Havanna Holding S.A. (BASE:HAVA)
Havells India Limited (NSEI:HAVELLS)
Haw Par Corporation Limited (SGX:H02)
Hawa Engineers Limited (BSE:539176)
Hawkins Cookers Limited (BSE:508486)
Hayat Communications Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:HAYATCOMM)
Hayat Pharmaceutical Industries Co. PLC (ASE:HPIC)
Haycarb PLC (COSE:HAYC.N0000)
Hayleys Fabric PLC (COSE:MGT.N0000)
Hayleys Fibre PLC (COSE:HEXP.N0000)
Hayleys PLC (COSE:HAYL.N0000)
Hazoor Multi Projects Limited (BSE:532467)
HB Estate Developers Limited (BSE:532334)
HB Global Limited (KLSE:HBGLOB)
HB Leasing and Finance Company Limited (BSE:508956)
HB Portfolio Limited (BSE:532333)
HB Stockholdings Limited (BSE:532216)
HB Technology CO.,LTD. (KOSDAQ:A078150)
Hbis Company Limited (SZSE:000709)
HBIS Resources Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000923)
HBL Power Systems Limited (BSE:517271)
HC Group Inc. (SEHK:2280)
HC SemiTek Corporation (SZSE:300323)
HC Surgical Specialists Limited (Catalist:1B1)
HCD Investment Producing and Trading Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HCD)
HCK Capital Group Berhad (KLSE:HCK)
HCL Infosystems Limited (BSE:500179)
HCL Technologies Limited (NSEI:HCLTECH)
HCT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A072990)
HDC Hyundai Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A089470)
HDC I-Controls Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A039570)
HDFC Asset Management Company Limited (NSEI:HDFCAMC)
HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited (BSE:540777)
He Bei Cheng De Lolo Company Limited (SZSE:000848)
Headway Advanced Materials Inc. (TSEC:1776)
Health & Life Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1781)
Health and Happiness (H&H) International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1112)
HealthBank Holdings Limited (Catalist:40B)
Healthcare Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603313)
HealthCare Global Enterprises Limited (BSE:539787)
Healthconn Corp. (GTSM:6665)
Healthway Medical Corporation Limited (Catalist:5NG)
Heatec Jietong Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:5OR)
Heavy Engineering Industries and Shipbuilding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:SHIP)
Hebei Changshan Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300255)
Hebei Construction Group Corporation Limited (SEHK:1727)
Hebei Hengshui Laobaigan Liquor Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600559)
Hebei Huijin Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300368)
Hebei Jianxin Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300107)
HeBei Jinniu Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600722)
Hebei Sailhero Environmental Protection High-tech Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300137)
Hebei Sitong New Metal Material Co., Ltd (SZSE:300428)
Hebei Yangyuan ZhiHui Beverage Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603156)
Hebei Yichen Industrial Group Corporation Limited (SEHK:1596)
Hebron Technology Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM:HEBT)
Heerim Architects & Planners Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A037440)
Heeton Holdings Limited (SGX:5DP)
Hefei Department Store Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000417)
Hefei Fengle Seed Co., Ltd (SZSE:000713)
Hefei Metalforming Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603011)
Hefei Meyer Optoelectronic Technology Inc. (SZSE:002690)
Hefei Taihe Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603656)
Hefei Urban Construction Development Co., Ltd (SZSE:002208)
HEG Limited (BSE:509631)
HeidelbergCement Bangladesh Limited (DSE:HEIDELBCEM)
HeidelbergCement India Limited (BSE:500292)
Heilongjiang Agriculture Company Limited (SHSE:600598)
Heilongjiang Interchina Water Treatment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600187)
Heilongjiang Transport Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601188)
Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603567)
Heineken Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:HEIM)
HeiTech Padu Berhad (KLSE:HTPADU)
Hektar Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:HEKTAR)
Helbor Empreendimentos S.A. (BOVESPA:HBOR3)
Helen of Troy Limited (NasdaqGS:HELE)
Heliopolis Co. for Housing & Development (CASE:HELI)
Helios Towers PLC (LSE:HTWS)
Helixmith Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A084990)
Hemaraj Industrial Property and Leasehold Fund (SET:HPF)
Hemaraj Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:HREIT)
Hemas Holdings PLC (COSE:HHL.N0000)
Henan Ancai Hi-Tech Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600207)
Henan City Development Environment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000885)
Henan Dayou Energy Co., Ltd (SHSE:600403)
Henan Hengxing Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002132)
Henan Huanghe Whirlwind Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600172)
Henan Huaying Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002321)
Henan Jinma Energy Company Limited (SEHK:6885)
Henan Kedi Dairy Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002770)
Henan Lingrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600285)
Henan Mingtai Al.Industrial Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601677)
Henan Pinggao Electric Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600312)
Henan Provincial Communications Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300732)
Henan Qingshuiyuan Technology CO.,Ltd (SZSE:300437)
Henan Rebecca Hair Products Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600439)
Henan Senyuan Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002358)
Henan Shenhuo Coal & Power Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000933)
Henan Shuanghui Investment & Development Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000895)
HeNan Splendor Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002296)
Henan Taloph Pharmaceutical Stock Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600222)
Henan Thinker Automatic Equipment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603508)
Henan Tong-Da Cable Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002560)
Henan Xinye Textile Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002087)
Henan Yicheng New Energy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300080)
Henan Yinge Industrial Investment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600069)
Henan Yuguang Gold&Lead Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600531)
Henan Yuneng Holdings Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:001896)
Henan Zhongfu Industrial Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600595)
Henan Zhongyuan Expressway Company Limited (SHSE:600020)
Henderson Investment Limited (SEHK:97)
Henderson Land Development Company Limited (SEHK:12)
Heng Huat Resources Group Berhad (KLSE:HHGROUP)
Heng Hup Holdings Limited (SEHK:1891)
Heng Sheng Holding Group Limited (KOSDAQ:A900270)
Heng Tai Consumables Group Limited (SEHK:197)
Hengan International Group Company Limited (SEHK:1044)
Hengbao Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002104)
Hengdeli Holdings Limited (SEHK:3389)
Hengdian Entertainment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603103)
Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002056)
Hengdian Group Tospo Lighting Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603303)
Hengfeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300605)
Hengkang Medical Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002219)
Hengli Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000622)
Hengli Petrochemical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600346)
Hengs Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4582)
Hengtai Securities Co., Ltd (SEHK:1476)
HengTen Networks Group Limited (SEHK:136)
Hengtong Logistics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603223)
Hengtong Optic-Electric Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600487)
Hengxin Shambala Culture Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300081)
Hengxin Technology Ltd. (SEHK:1085)
Hengxing Gold Holding Company Limited (SEHK:2303)
Hengyi Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000703)
Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad (KLSE:HENGYUAN)
HEP Tech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3609)
Her Chee Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8937)
Herald Holdings Limited (SEHK:114)
Heran Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5283)
Hercules Hoists Limited (BSE:505720)
Heren Health Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300550)
Herfy Food Services Company (SASE:6002)
Heritage Foods Limited (NSEI:HERITGFOOD)
Hermes Transportes Blindados S.A. (BVL:HERMESC1)
Hero MotoCorp Limited (BSE:500182)
HES Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002963)
Hester Biosciences Limited (BSE:524669)
Heung-A Shipping Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003280)
Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000540)
Heungkuk Metaltech Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A010240)
HeveaBoard Berhad (KLSE:HEVEA)
Hevol Services Group Co. Limited (SEHK:6093)
Hexa Tradex Limited (NSEI:HEXATRADEX)
Hexaware Technologies Limited (NSEI:HEXAWARE)
Hexing Electrical Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603556)
Hextar Global Berhad (KLSE:HEXTAR)
Hexza Corporation Berhad (KLSE:HEXZA)
Hey-Song Corporation (TSEC:1234)
Heyu Biological Technology Corporation (OTCPK:HYBT)
HF Group Plc (NASE:HFCK)
HFCL Limited (BSE:500183)
HFR, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A230240)
HG Metal Manufacturing Limited (SGX:BTG)
hh leasing & financial corporation (GTSM:8913)
Hi Gold Ocean Kmarin No.12 Ship Investment Company (KOSE:A172580)
Hi Sharp Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3128)
Hi Special Purpose Acquisition Company IV (KOSDAQ:A317240)
Hi Special Purpose Acquisition Company V (KOSDAQ:A340120)
Hi Sun Technology (China) Limited (SEHK:818)
Hi-Clearance Inc. (GTSM:1788)
Hi-Lai Foods Co., Ltd (GTSM:1268)
Hi-Level Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:8113)
Hi-Light Tek Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3522)
Hi-P International Limited (SGX:H17)
Hi-Target Navigation Tech Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300177)
Hi-Tech Lubricants Limited (KASE:HTL)
Hi-Tech Pipes Limited (NSEI:HITECH)
Hi-Tech Winding Systems Limited (BSE:541627)
Hiap Hoe Limited (SGX:5JK)
Hiap Huat Holdings Berhad (KLSE:HHHCORP)
Hiap Teck Venture Berhad (KLSE:HIAPTEK)
Hiap Tong Corporation Ltd. (Catalist:5PO)
Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad (KLSE:HIBISCS)
Hiconics Eco-energy Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300048)
Hidili Industry International Development Limited (SEHK:1393)
Hiecise Precision Equipment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300809)
Hiep Khanh Tea Joint Stock Company (HNX:HKT)
Hifood Group Holdings Co., Limited (SEHK:442)
Higgstec Inc. (GTSM:5220)
High Energy Batteries (India) Limited (BSE:504176)
High Ground Enterprise Ltd. (BSE:517080)
High Performance Real Estate Investments Co.,P.L.C. (ASE:HIPR)
High Power Lighting Corp (GTSM:6559)
High Tech Pharm Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A106190)
High-Tek Harness Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3202)
Higher Way Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3268)
Highland Gold Mining Limited (AIM:HGM)
Highlight Tech Corp. (GTSM:6208)
Highnoon Laboratories Limited (KASE:HINOON)
Hightech Payment Systems S.A. (CBSE:HPS)
Highway Holdings Limited (NasdaqCM:HIHO)
Highwealth Construction Corp. (TSEC:2542)
Hikal Limited (BSE:524735)
Hikkaduwa Beach Resort PLC (COSE:CITH.N0000)
Hil Industries Berhad (KLSE:HIL)
HIL Limited (BSE:509675)
Hilal Cement Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:HCC)
Hilan Ltd. (TASE:HLAN)
Hillstone Networks Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688030)
Hilong Holding Limited (SEHK:1623)
Hilton Metal Forging Limited (BSE:532847)
HIM International Music Inc. (GTSM:8446)
Him Teknoforge Limited (BSE:505712)
Himachal Fibres Limited (BSE:514010)
Himadri Speciality Chemical Limited (BSE:500184)
Himalaya Food International Limited (BSE:526899)
Himalaya Granites Limited (BSE:513723)
Himatsingka Seide Limited (BSE:514043)
Himile Mechanical Science and Technology (Shandong) Co., Ltd (SZSE:002595)
HIMS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A238490)
Himsnab Bulgaria AD (BUL:58E)
Hin Sang Group (International) Holding Co. Ltd. (SEHK:6893)
Hind Aluminium Industries Limited (BSE:531979)
Hind Rectifiers Limited (BSE:504036)
Hind Securities & Credits Limited (BSE:539114)
Hind Syntex Limited (BSE:503881)
Hindalco Industries Limited (BSE:500440)
Hindcon Chemicals Limited (NSEI:HINDCON)
Hindoostan Mills Limited (BSE:509895)
Hinduja Global Solutions Limited (BSE:532859)
Hindustan Adhesives Limited (BSE:514428)
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (NSEI:HAL)
Hindustan Bio Sciences Limited (BSE:532041)
Hindustan Composites Limited (NSEI:HINDCOMPOS)
Hindustan Construction Company Limited (BSE:500185)
Hindustan Copper Limited (BSE:513599)
Hindustan Everest Tools Limited (BSE:505725)
Hindustan Fluorocarbons Limited (BSE:524013)
Hindustan Foods Limited (BSE:519126)
Hindustan Hardy Limited (BSE:505893)
Hindustan Media Ventures Limited (BSE:533217)
Hindustan Motors Limited (BSE:500500)
Hindustan Oil Exploration Company Limited (BSE:500186)
Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited (BSE:500449)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (NSEI:HINDPETRO)
Hindustan Tin Works Limited (BSE:530315)
Hindustan Unilever Limited (BSE:500696)
Hindustan Zinc Limited (BSE:500188)
Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Limited (BSE:515145)
Hindusthan Urban Infrastructure Limited (BSE:539984)
Hing Lee (HK) Holdings Limited (SEHK:396)
Hing Ming Holdings Limited (SEHK:8425)
Hingtex Holdings Limited (SEHK:1968)
Hinopak Motors Limited (KASE:HINO)
Hipolin Limited (BSE:530853)
Hira Textile Mills Limited (KASE:HIRAT)
Hiroca Holdings Ltd. (TSEC:1338)
Hiron-Trade Investments & Industrial Buildings Ltd (TASE:HRON)
Hironic Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A149980)
Hisar Metal Industries Limited (BSE:590018)
Hisar Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:521068)
Hiscox Ltd (LSE:HSX)
Hisem Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A200470)
Hisense Home Appliances Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000921)
Hisense Visual Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600060)
Histeel Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A071090)
Hit Kit Global Solutions Limited (BSE:532359)
Hitech Corporation Limited (BSE:526217)
HITEJINRO Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000080)
Hitejinro Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000140)
Hitevision Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002955)
Hithink RoyalFlush Information Network Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300033)
HiTi Digital, Inc. (TSEC:3494)
Hitron Systems Inc. (KOSE:A019490)
Hitron Technologies Inc. (TSEC:2419)
HiVi Acoustics Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002888)
Hiwin Mikrosystem Corp. (TSEC:4576)
Hiwin Technologies Corp. (TSEC:2049)
Hiyes International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2348)
Hizeaero Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A221840)
HJ Capital (International) Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:982)
HK Asia Holdings Limited (SEHK:1723)
HK Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A044780)
HKBN Ltd. (SEHK:1310)
HKBridge Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:2323)
HKC (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:190)
HKC International Holdings Limited (SEHK:248)
HKE Holdings Limited (SEHK:1726)
HKG Limited (BSE:539097)
HKR International Limited (SEHK:480)
HL Corp (Shenzhen) (SZSE:002105)
HL Global Enterprises Limited (SGX:AVX)
HLA CORP., Ltd. (SHSE:600398)
HLB Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A028300)
HLB Life Science Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A067630)
HLB Power Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043220)
HLE Glascoat Limited (BSE:522215)
HLJ Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3688)
HLscience Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A239610)
HLT Global Berhad (KLSE:HLT)
HM International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8416)
HMT (Xiamen) New Technical Materials Co., Ltd (SHSE:603306)
HMT Limited (BSE:500191)
hmvod Limited (SEHK:8103)
HNA Infrastructure Investment Group Co.,LTD (SHSE:600515)
HNA Innovation Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900955)
HNA Investment Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000616)
HNA Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600751)
HNA Technology Investments Holdings Limited (SEHK:2086)
HNAC Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300490)
HNB Assurance PLC (COSE:HASU.N0000)
HNK Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A101680)
HNT Electronics Company Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A176440)
Ho Bee Land Limited (SGX:H13)
Ho Chi Minh City Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank (HOSE:HDB)
Ho Chi Minh City Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CII)
Ho Chi Minh City Securities Corporation (HOSE:HCM)
Ho Hup Construction Company Berhad (KLSE:HOHUP)
Ho Tung Chemical Corp. (TSEC:1714)
Ho Wah Genting Berhad (KLSE:HWGB)
Hoa An Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DHA)
Hoa Binh Construction Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HBC)
Hoa Binh Rubber Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HRC)
Hoa Binh Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:HBS)
Hoa Phat Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HPG)
Hoa Sen Group (HOSE:HSG)
Hoang Anh Gia Lai Agricultural Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HNG)
Hoang Anh Gia Lai Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HAG)
Hoang Ha Joint Stock Company (HNX:HHG)
Hoang Huy Investment Financial Services Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TCH)
Hoang Huy Investment Services Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HHS)
Hoang Minh Finance Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:KPF)
Hoang Phuc Mineral Trading and Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:HPM)
Hoang Quan Consulting Trading Service Real Estate Corporation (HOSE:HQC)
Hocheng Corporation (TSEC:1810)
Hock Heng Stone Industries Bhd (KLSE:HOKHENG)
Hock Lian Seng Holdings Limited (SGX:J2T)
Hock Seng Lee Berhad (KLSE:HSL)
HocMon Trade Joint Stock Company (HNX:HTC)
Hod Assaf Industries Ltd. (TASE:HOD)
Höegh LNG Holdings Ltd. (OB:HLNG)
Hojeon Limited (KOSE:A111110)
Holcim (Argentina) S.A. (BASE:HARG)
Holcim Ecuador S.A. (GYSE:HLE)
Holcim Philippines, Inc. (PSE:HLCM)
Hold Jinn Electronics Co., Ltd (GTSM:3191)
Hold-Key Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd (TSEC:1618)
Holding Center AD (BUL:6C8)
Holding Nov Vek AD (BUL:6N3)
Holding Sveta Sofia AD (BUL:4HS)
Holding Varna PLC (BUL:5V2)
Holiday Entertainment Co.,Ltd (TSEC:9943)
Holistic Asset Finance Group Co., Ltd. (OTCPK:LEGE.D)
Holitech Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002217)
Holly Futures Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3678)
Hollyland (China) Electronics Technology Corporation Limited (SZSE:002729)
Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd. (NasdaqGS:HOLI)
Holmes Place International Ltd. (TASE:HLMS)
Holsin Engineering Consulting Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603909)
Holtek Semiconductor Inc. (TSEC:6202)
Holy Stone Enterprise Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:3026)
Holy Stone Healthcare Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4194)
Home Afrika Limited (NASE:HAFR)
Home Center Holdings Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A060560)
Home Control International Limited (SEHK:1747)
Home Pottery Public Company Limited (SET:HPT)
Home Product Center Public Company Limited (SET:HMPRO)
Homecast Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A064240)
Homeland Interactive Technology Ltd. (SEHK:3798)
Homenema Technology Incorporation (GTSM:8087)
Homeritz Corporation Berhad (KLSE:HOMERIZ)
Hon Corporation Limited (SEHK:8259)
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2317)
Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited (SEHK:160)
Honbridge Holdings Limited (SEHK:8137)
Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited (KASE:HCAR)
Honda Siel Power Products Limited (BSE:522064)
Honey Bun (1982) Limited (JMSE:HONBUN)
Honey Hope Honesty Enterprise Co.,Ltd (GTSM:8043)
Honeywell Automation India Limited (BSE:517174)
Honeywell Flour Mills Plc (NGSE:HONYFLOUR)
Hong Fok Corporation Limited (SGX:H30)
Hong Ha Son La Processing Agricultural Product Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HSL)
Hong Ho Precision Textile Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1446)
Hong Kong ChaoShang Group Limited (SEHK:2322)
Hong Kong Economic Times Holdings Limited (SEHK:423)
Hong Kong Education (Int'l) Investments Limited (SEHK:1082)
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (SEHK:388)
Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Company Limited (SEHK:50)
Hong Kong Finance Group Limited (SEHK:1273)
Hong Kong Finance Investment Holding Group Limited (SEHK:7)
Hong Kong Food Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:60)
Hong Kong Johnson Holdings Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1955)
Hong Kong Shanghai Alliance Holdings Limited (SEHK:1001)
Hong Kong Television Network Limited (SEHK:1137)
Hong Kong Winalite Group, Inc. (OTCPK:HKWO)
Hong Lai Huat Group Limited (SGX:CTO)
Hong Leong Asia Ltd. (SGX:H22)
Hong Leong Bank Berhad (KLSE:HLBANK)
Hong Leong Finance Limited (SGX:S41)
Hong Leong Financial Group Berhad (KLSE:HLFG)
Hong Leong Industries Berhad (KLSE:HLIND)
Hong Pu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2536)
Hong Tai Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1612)
Hong Wei (Asia) Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8191)
Hong Yi Fiber Ind. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1452)
Hong-Wei Electrical Industry & Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4565)
Hongbaoli Group Corporation, Ltd. (SZSE:002165)
Hongbo Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002229)
HongDa Financial Holding Limited (SEHK:1822)
Hongda High-Tech Holding Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002144)
Hongda Xingye Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002002)
Hongfa Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600885)
HongGuang Lighting Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:6908)
Honghua Group Limited (SEHK:196)
Hongkong Chinese Limited (SEHK:655)
Hongkong Land Holdings Limited (SGX:H78)
Hongli Clean Energy Technologies Corp. (OTCPK:HGLI)
Hongli Zhihui Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300219)
Hongrun Construction Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002062)
Hongta Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601236)
Honmyue Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1474)
Honworld Group Limited (SEHK:2226)
Honyi International Company Limited (GTSM:4530)
Honyu Wear-Resistant New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300345)
Honz Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300086)
Hop Fung Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2320)
Hop Hing Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:47)
Hope Education Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1765)
Hope Life International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1683)
Hopefluent Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:733)
Hopson Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:754)
Hor Kew Corporation Limited (SGX:BBP)
Horana Plantations PLC (COSE:HOPL.N0000)
Horizon Securities Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6015)
Horng Tong Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5271)
Hortifrut S.A. (SNSE:HF)
Hosen Group Ltd. (Catalist:5EV)
Hoshine Silicon Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603260)
Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited (JSE:HCI)
Hospitality Property Fund Limited (JSE:HPB)
Hota Industrial Mfg. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1536)
Hotai Finance Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6592)
Hotai Motor Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:2207)
Hotel Grand Central Limited (SGX:H18)
Hotel Holiday Garden (TSEC:2702)
Hotel Leelaventure Limited (BSE:500193)
Hotel Orchard Park CO., LTD. (GTSM:2750)
Hotel Properties Limited (SGX:H15)
Hotel Royal Chihpen (GTSM:5704)
Hotel Royal Limited (SGX:H12)
Hotel Rugby Limited (BSE:526683)
Hotel Shilla Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A008770)
Hotel Sigiriya PLC (COSE:HSIG.N0000)
Hoteles City Express, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:HCITY *)
Hoteli Brela d.d. (ZGSE:HBRL)
Hoteli Haludovo Malinska d.d. (ZGSE:HHLD)
Hoteli Tucepi d.d. (ZGSE:HTCP)
Hoteli Zivogosce d.d. (ZGSE:HZVG)
Hoteli Zlatni Rat d.d. (ZGSE:HZLA)
Hotron Precision Electronic Industrial Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3092)
Hotung Investment Holdings Limited (SGX:BLS)
Houpu Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300471)
House of Investments, Inc. (PSE:HI)
Housing and Development Bank- Egypt (S.A.E) (CASE:HDBK)
Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (BSE:540530)
Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited (NSEI:HDIL)
Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank of Sri Lanka (COSE:HDFC.N0000)
Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (BSE:500010)
HOV Services Limited (BSE:532761)
Howard Hotels Limited (BSE:526761)
Howteh Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3114)
Hoya Resort Hotel Group (GTSM:2736)
HP Viet Nam Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:KDM)
HPC Holdings Limited (SEHK:1742)
HPF Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300350)
HPGC Renmintongtai Pharmaceutical Corporation (SHSE:600829)
HPL Electric & Power Limited (BSE:540136)
HPMT Holdings Berhad (KLSE:HPMT)
Hram holding, financna druzba, d.d. (LJSE:ST1R)
HRnetGroup Limited (SGX:CHZ)
HRS Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A036640)
Hrvatska postanska banka d.d. (ZGSE:HPB)
Hrvatski Telekom d.d. (ZGSE:HT)
HS Valve Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A039610)
HSBC Bank Oman S.A.O.G. (MSM:HBMO)
HSD Engine Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A082740)
HSIL Limited (BSE:500187)
Hsin Ba Ba Corporation (TSEC:9906)
Hsin Kao Gas Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:9931)
Hsin Kuang Steel Company Limited (TSEC:2031)
Hsin Sin Textile Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4406)
Hsin Tai Gas Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8917)
Hsin Yung Chien Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2114)
Hsing Ta Cement Company Limited (TSEC:1109)
HsinLi Chemical Industrial Corp. (GTSM:4303)
HSS Engineers Berhad (KLSE:HSSEB)
HT Media Limited (BSE:532662)
HTC Corporation (TSEC:2498)
HTINVEST Joint Stock Company (HNX:HTP)
HTM International Holding Ltd. (GTSM:4924)
Hu Lane Associate Inc. (GTSM:6279)
Hua Eng Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1608)
Hua Hong Semiconductor Limited (SEHK:1347)
Hua Jung Components Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:5328)
Hua Lien International (Holding) Company Limited (SEHK:969)
Hua Medicine (Shanghai) Ltd. (SEHK:2552)
Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2880)
Hua Xia Bank Co., Limited (SHSE:600015)
Hua Yang Berhad (KLSE:HUAYANG)
Hua Yu Lien Development Co., Ltd (TSEC:1436)
Huaan Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600909)
Huabang Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:3638)
Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300741)
Huabao International Holdings Limited (SEHK:336)
Huachangda Intelligent Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300278)
Huada Automotive Technology Corp.,Ltd (SHSE:603358)
Huadian Energy Company Limited (SHSE:900937)
Huadian Fuxin Energy Corporation Limited (SEHK:816)
Huadian Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601226)
Huadian Power International Corporation Limited (SEHK:1071)
Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd (SZSE:000963)
Huafa Industrial Co.,Ltd.Zhuhai (SHSE:600325)
Huafang Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600448)
Huafon Microfibre (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300180)
Huafu Fashion Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002042)
Huagong Tech Company Limited (SZSE:000988)
Huaibei Mining Holdings Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600985)
Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600575)
Huaiji Dengyun Auto-parts (Holding) Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002715)
Huajin International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2738)
Huajun International Group Limited (SEHK:377)
Huakang Biomedical Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8622)
Huaku Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2548)
Hualan Biological Engineering Inc. (SZSE:002007)
Huali University Group Limited (SEHK:1756)
Hualing Xingma Automobile (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600375)
Huaming Power Equipment Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002270)
Huan Yue Interactive Holdings Limited (SEHK:505)
Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Inc. (SHSE:600025)
Huaneng Power International, Inc. (SEHK:902)
Huaneng Renewables Corporation Limited (SEHK:958)
Huang Hsiang Construction Corporation (TSEC:2545)
Huang Long Development Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3512)
Huangshan Novel Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002014)
Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900942)
Huangshi Dongbei Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900956)
Huanxi Media Group Limited (SEHK:1003)
Huapont Life Sciences Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002004)
Huarchi Global Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2296)
Huaren Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300110)
Huarong International Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:993)
Huarong Investment Stock Corporation Limited (SEHK:2277)
Huarui Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300626)
Huasi Holding Company Limited (SZSE:002494)
Huasu Holdings Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000509)
Huatai Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601688)
Huatian Hotel Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000428)
Huationg Global Limited (Catalist:41B)
Huawei Culture Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002502)
Huawen Media Group (SZSE:000793)
Huaxi Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1689)
HUAXI Securities Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002926)
Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600801)
Huaxun Fangzhou Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000687)
Huayi Brothers Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A204630)
Huayi Brothers Media Corporation (SZSE:300027)
Huayi Electric Company Limited (SHSE:600290)
Huayi Tencent Entertainment Company Limited (SEHK:419)
HUAYU Automotive Systems Company Limited (SHSE:600741)
Huayu Expressway Group Limited (SEHK:1823)
Huayuan Property Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600743)
Huazhang Technology Holding Limited (SEHK:1673)
Huazhong In-Vehicle Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:6830)
Hubei Biocause Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000627)
Hubei Century Network Technology Inc. (SZSE:300494)
Hubei Chutian Smart Communication Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600035)
Hubei Dinglong CO.,Ltd. (SZSE:300054)
Hubei Energy Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000883)
Hubei Feilihua Quartz Glass Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300395)
Hubei Forbon Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300387)
Hubei Fuxing Science and Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000926)
Hubei Guangji Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000952)
Hubei Guochuang Hi-tech Material Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002377)
Hubei Huitian New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300041)
Hubei Jiuzhiyang Infrared System Co., Ltd (SZSE:300516)
Hubei Jumpcan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600566)
Hubei Kailong Chemical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002783)
Hubei Mailyard Share Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600107)
Hubei Radio & Television Information Network Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000665)
Hubei Sanxia New Building Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600293)
Hubei Shuanghuan Science and Technology Stock Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000707)
Hubei W-olf Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002962)
Hubei Wuchangyu Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600275)
Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600141)
Hubei Yangfan Holding Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600421)
Hubei Yichang Transportation Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002627)
Hubei Yihua Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000422)
Hubei Zhenhua Chemical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603067)
Hubline Berhad (KLSE:HUBLINE)
Hubtown Limited (BSE:532799)
Huchems Fine Chemical Corporation (KOSE:A069260)
HUD1 Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HU1)
HUD3 Investment and construction joint stock company (HOSE:HU3)
Hudaco Industries Limited (JSE:HDC)
Hudland Real Estate Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (HNX:HLD)
Huffaz Seamless Pipe Industries Limited (KASE:HSPI)
Huge Group Limited (JSE:HUG)
Hugel, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A145020)
Huhtamaki PPL Limited (BSE:509820)
Hui Xian Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:87001)
Huida Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603385)
Huifu Payment Limited (SEHK:1806)
Huikwang Corporation (GTSM:6508)
Huishang Bank Corporation Limited (SEHK:3698)
Huisheng International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1340)
Huitao Technology Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM:HHT)
Huiyin Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:1178)
Huiyin Smart Community Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1280)
Huizhong Instrumentation Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300371)
Huizhou China Eagle Electronic Technology Inc. (SZSE:002579)
Huizhou Desay SV Automotive Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002920)
Huizhou Speed Wireless Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300322)
Hulamin Limited (JSE:HLM)
Hulisani Limited (JSE:HUL)
Huludao Zinc Industry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000751)
Hum Network Limited (KASE:HUMNL)
Human Health Holdings Limited (SEHK:1419)
Human Stem Cells Institute PJSC (MISX:ISKJ)
Humanica Public Company Limited (SET:HUMAN)
Humansoft Holding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:HUMANSOFT)
Humanwell Healthcare (Group) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600079)
Humasis Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A205470)
Humax Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A115160)
Humax Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A028080)
Hume Industries Berhad (KLSE:HUMEIND)
Humedix Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A200670)
Hunan Aihua Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:603989)
Hunan Baili Engineering Sci&Tech Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603959)
Hunan Boyun New Materials Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002297)
Hunan Chendian International Developmentco.,ltd (SHSE:600969)
Hunan Copote Science Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600476)
Hunan Corun New Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600478)
Hunan Creator Information Technologies CO., LTD. (SZSE:300730)
Hunan Dakang International Food & Agriculture Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002505)
Hunan Development Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000722)
Hunan Er-Kang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (SZSE:300267)
Hunan Fangsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603998)
Hunan Friendship&Apollo Commercial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002277)
Hunan Goke Microelectronics Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300672)
Hunan Gold Corporation Limited (SZSE:002155)
Hunan Haili Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600731)
Hunan Hansen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002412)
Hunan Huakai Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300592)
Hunan Huasheng Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600156)
Hunan Investment Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000548)
Hunan Jingfeng Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000908)
Hunan Jiudian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300705)
Hunan Kaimeite Gases Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002549)
Hunan Mendale Hometextile Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002397)
Hunan Nanling Industrial Explosive Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002096)
Hunan New Wellful Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600975)
Hunan Oil Pump Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603319)
Hunan Salt Industry Co., Ltd (SHSE:600929)
Hunan Sundy Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300515)
Hunan Tianrun Digital Entertainment &Cultural Media Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002113)
Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000917)
Hunan Tyen Machinery Co., Ltd (SHSE:900946)
Hunan Valin Steel Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000932)
Hunan Yujing Machinery Co., Ltd (SZSE:002943)
Hunan Zhenghong Science and Technology Develop Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000702)
Hunan Zhongke Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300035)
Hunas Falls Hotels PLC (COSE:HUNA.N0000)
Hundsun Technologies Inc. (SHSE:600570)
Huneed Technologies (KOSE:A005870)
Hunesion Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A290270)
Hung -Gu Oil Ltd (KOSDAQ:A024060)
Hung Ching Development & Construction Co. Ltd. (TSEC:2527)
Hung Chou Fiber Ind. Co., Ltd (TSEC:1413)
Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1446)
Hung Hau Agricultural Corporation (HNX:SJ1)
Hung Hing Printing Group Limited (SEHK:450)
Hung Sheng Construction Ltd. (TSEC:2534)
Hung Thinh Incons Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HTN)
Hung Vuong Corporation (HOSE:HVG)
Hunt Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3297)
Hunter & Company PLC (COSE:HUNT.N0000)
Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp. (OTCPK:HUNT.F)
Hunya Foods Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1236)
Huobi Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1611)
Huolinhe Opencut Coal Industry Corporation Limited of Inner Mongolia (SZSE:002128)
Huons Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A243070)
Huons Global Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A084110)
Hup Seng Industries Berhad (KLSE:HUPSENG)
Hurum Co., Ltd. (XKON:A284420)
Huscoke Holdings Limited (SEHK:704)
Husein Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:HSM)
Husteel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005010)
Hutchison China MediTech Limited (AIM:HCM)
Hutchison Port Holdings Trust (SGX:NS8U)
Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited (SEHK:215)
Huvis Corporation (KOSE:A079980)
Huvitz Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065510)
Huxen Corporation (TSEC:2433)
HVA Foods PLC (COSE:HVA.N0000)
HVC Investment and Technology Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HVH)
Hwa Create Corporation (SZSE:300045)
Hwa Fong Rubber (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:HFT)
Hwa Fong Rubber Ind. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2109)
Hwa Hong Corporation Limited (SGX:H19)
Hwa Tai Industries Berhad (KLSE:HWATAI)
Hwa Well Textiles (BD) Limited (DSE:HWAWELLTEX)
Hwacheon Machine Tool Co. Ltd (KOSE:A000850)
Hwacheon Machinery Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010660)
HwaCom Systems Inc. (GTSM:6163)
Hwail Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A061250)
Hwang Chang General Contractor Co., Ltd (TSEC:2543)
Hwang Kum Steel & Technology Co., Ltd (KOSE:A032560)
Hwaseung Enterprise Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A241590)
HWASEUNG Industries Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A006060)
Hwaseung R&A Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A013520)
HWASHIN CO.,Ltd (KOSE:A010690)
Hwashin Precision Engineering Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A126640)
Hwashin Tech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A086250)
Hwasung Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002460)
HY Electronic (Cayman) Limited (TSEC:6573)
HY Energy Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600387)
Hy-Lok Corporation ,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A013030)
Hybio Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300199)
Hybrid Kinetic Group Limited (SEHK:1188)
Hycon Technology Corporation (GTSM:6457)
Hydoo International Holding Limited (SEHK:1396)
Hydraulic Elements and Systems AD (BUL:4HE)
Hydro Power Joint Stock Company - Power No. 3 (HOSE:DRL)
Hydrotek Public Company Limited (SET:HYDRO)
Hyflux Ltd (OTCPK:HYFX.F)
Hyfusin Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8512)
Hylink Digital Solution Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603825)
Hyosung Advanced Materials Corporation (KOSE:A298050)
Hyosung Chemical Corporation (KOSE:A298000)
Hyosung Corporation (KOSE:A004800)
Hyosung Heavy Industries Corporation (KOSE:A298040)
Hyosung ITX Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A094280)
Hyosung TNC Corporation (KOSE:A298020)
HyosungONBCo.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A097870)
Hypebeast Limited (SEHK:150)
HyperSoft Technologies Limited (BSE:539724)
Hyphens Pharma International Limited (Catalist:1J5)
Hyprop Investments Limited (JSE:HYP)
Hysan Development Company Limited (SEHK:14)
Hytera Communications Corporation Limited (SZSE:002583)
Hyulim ROBOT Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A090710)
Hyundai Autoever Corporation (KOSE:A307950)
Hyundai Bioscience Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A048410)
Hyundai Bng Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004560)
Hyundai Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A267270)
Hyundai Corporation (KOSE:A011760)
Hyundai Department Store Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A069960)
Hyundai Development Company (KOSE:A294870)
Hyundai Electric & Energy Systems Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A267260)
Hyundai Elevator Co., Ltd (KOSE:A017800)
Hyundai Energy Solutions Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A322000)
Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000720)
Hyundai Glovis Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A086280)
Hyundai Green Food Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005440)
Hyundai HCN Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A126560)
Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A267250)
Hyundai Home Shopping Network Corporation (KOSE:A057050)
Hyundai Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A170030)
Hyundai Livart Furniture Company Limited (KOSE:A079430)
Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001450)
Hyundai Merchant Marine Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A011200)
Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010620)
Hyundai Mobis Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A012330)
Hyundai Motor Company (KOSE:A005380)
Hyundai Motor Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001500)
Hyundai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004310)
Hyundai Rotem Company (KOSE:A064350)
Hyundai Steel Company (KOSE:A004020)
Hyundai Telecommunication.Co.Ltd (KOSDAQ:A039010)
HYUNDAI WIA Corporation (KOSE:A011210)
Hyung Kuk F&B Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A189980)
hyungji Elite Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A093240)
HYUNGJI Innovation and Creative Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A011080)
HyUnion Holding Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002537)
Hyunjin Materials co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053660)
Hyunwoo Industrial Co., LTD (KOSDAQ:A092300)
HyVision System. Inc (KOSDAQ:A126700)
Hyweb Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5212)
I G Petrochemicals Limited (BSE:500199)
I Jang Industrial Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:8342)
i Power Solutions India Limited (BSE:512405)
I Yuan Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2235)
I-Berhad (KLSE:IBHD)
i-CABLE Communications Limited (SEHK:1097)
I-Chiun Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2486)
i-Components Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A059100)
i-Control Holdings Limited (SEHK:1402)
I-HWA Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1456)
I-ON Digital Corp. (OTCPK:IONI)
I-Remit, Inc. (PSE:I)
I-Scream Edu Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A289010)
i-SENS, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A099190)
I-Sheng Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6115)
i-Stone Group Berhad (KLSE:ISTONE)
I.B.I Investment House Ltd. (TASE:IBI)
I.C.C. International Public Company Limited (SET:ICC)
I.C.P. Israel Citrus Plantations Ltd. (TASE:CTPL5)
i.century Holding Limited (SEHK:8507)
I.D.I International Development and Investment Corporation (HOSE:IDI)
I.D.I. Insurance Company Ltd. (TASE:IDIN)
I.E.S Holdings Ltd (TASE:IES)
I.T Limited (SEHK:999)
I&C Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052860)
I&M Holdings PLC (NASE:IMH)
i3system Inc. (KOSDAQ:A214430)
iA Networks Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A123010)
iA, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A038880)
IAG Holdings Limited (SEHK:8513)
IB Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:VIX)
Ibase Gaming Inc. (GTSM:6441)
IBASE Technology Inc. (GTSM:8050)
IBF Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2889)
IBI Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1547)
IBKS No.10 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A299170)
IBKS No.11 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A335890)
IBKS No.12 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A335870)
IBKS No.7 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A276920)
IBL HealthCare Limited (KASE:IBLHL)
IBL Ltd. (MUSE:IBLL.N0000)
Ibn Sina Pharma (S.A.E) (CASE:ISPH)
Ibn-Alhaytham Hospital Co (P.S.C) (ASE:IBNH)
IBO Technology Company Limited (SEHK:2708)
Ibraco Berhad (KLSE:IBRACO)
Ibrahim Fibres Limited (KASE:IBFL)
IC Plus Corp. (GTSM:8040)
iCar Asia Limited (ASX:ICQ)
ICARES Medicus, Inc. (GTSM:6612)
iCatch Technology, Inc. (GTSM:6695)
ICB Islamic Bank Limited (DSE:ICBIBANK)
ICD Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A040910)
Ice Make Refrigeration Limited (NSEI:ICEMAKE)
IceCure Medical Ltd (TASE:ICCM)
Ichia Technologies, Inc. (TSEC:2402)
Ichitan Group Public Company Limited (SET:ICHI)
Ichor Coal N.V. (DB:IO0)
ICI Pakistan Limited (KASE:ICI)
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited (BSE:540716)
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited (BSE:540133)
ICICI Securities Limited (NSEI:ISEC)
Icicle Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8429)
ICK Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A068940)
ICO Group Limited (SEHK:1460)
Icon Offshore Berhad (KLSE:ICON)
ICON Properties plc (MAL:ICON)
Iconic Worldwide Berhad (KLSE:ICONIC)
ICP Das Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3577)
ICP Ltd. (Catalist:5I4)
ICRA Limited (BSE:532835)
iCRAFT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052460)
iCreate Limited (JMSE:ICREATE)
ICSA (India) Limited (BSE:531524)
Icure Pharm. Inc. (KOSDAQ:A175250)
ID Info Business Services Limited (BSE:511260)
IDBI Bank Limited (BSE:500116)
Ideal Bike Corporation (GTSM:8933)
Ideal United Bintang International Berhad (KLSE:IDEAL)
Ideiasnet S.A. (BOVESPA:IDNT3)
IDenta Corp. (OTCPK:IDTA)
IDFC First Bank Limited (BSE:539437)
IDFC Limited (BSE:532659)
IDG Energy Investment Limited (SEHK:650)
IDICO Corporation - JSC (HNX:IDC)
IDICO Infrastructure Development Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HTI)
IDICO Urban and House Development Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:UIC)
iDimension Consolidated Bhd. (KLSE:IDMENSN)
IDIS Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A054800)
IDJ Vietnam Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:IDJ)
IDLC Finance Limited (DSE:IDLC)
iDreamSky Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1119)
Idrees Textile Mills Limited (KASE:IDRT)
IDT International Limited (SEHK:167)
IEI Integration Corp. (TSEC:3022)
IEL Limited (BSE:524614)
IEV Holdings Limited (Catalist:5TN)
IFA Hotels and Resorts - KPSC (KWSE:IFAHR)
iFAST Corporation Ltd. (SGX:AIY)
IFB Agro Industries Limited (NSEI:IFBAGRO)
IFB Industries Limited (NSEI:IFBIND)
IFCI Limited (BSE:500106)
IFE Elevators Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002774)
IFGL Refractories Limited (NSEI:IFGLEXPOR)
IFS Capital (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:IFS)
IFS Capital Limited (SGX:I49)
Igarashi Motors India Limited (BSE:517380)
IGB Eletronica S.A. (BOVESPA:IGBR3)
IGB Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:IGBREIT)
IGG Inc (SEHK:799)
IGI Holdings Limited (KASE:IGIHL)
IGI Life Insurance Limited (KASE:IGIL)
IGS Capital Group Limited (OTCPK:IGSC)
Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers S.A. (BOVESPA:IGTA3)
IHH Healthcare Berhad (KLSE:IHH)
IHQ Inc. (KOSE:A003560)
IIFL Finance Limited (NSEI:IIFL)
IIFL Securities Limited (NSEI:IIFLSEC)
IIFL Wealth Management Limited (NSEI:IIFLWAM)
IITL Projects Limited (BSE:531968)
IJM Corporation Berhad (KLSE:IJM)
IJM Plantations Berhad (KLSE:IJMPLNT)
IK Semicon Co.,Ltd (XKON:A149010)
Ikab Securities & Investment Limited (BSE:514238)
IKD Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600933)
Ikhmas Jaya Group Berhad (KLSE:IKHMAS)
Ikwezi Mining Limited (ASX:IKW)
IL Jeong Industrial Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A008500)
IL&FS Engineering and Construction Company Limited (BSE:532907)
IL&FS Investment Managers Limited (BSE:511208)
IL&FS Transportation Networks Limited (BSE:533177)
Ildong Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000230)
Ildong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A249420)
Ilex Medical Ltd (TASE:ILX)
Ilirija d.d. (ZGSE:ILRA)
Ilji Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A019540)
Iljin Diamond Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A081000)
Iljin Display Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A020760)
Iljin Electric Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A103590)
ILJIN Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A015860)
ILJIN Materials Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A020150)
Iljin Power Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A094820)
Ilshin Spinning Co., Ltd (KOSE:A003200)
ilShinbiobase Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A068330)
Ilshinstone.Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A007110)
Ilsung Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A013360)
Ilsung Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003120)
ILYA Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A058450)
Ilyang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A007570)
IM Cannabis Corp. (CNSX:IMCC)
IM Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A101390)
IM Tech Inc. (KOSDAQ:A226350)
IM+ Capitals Limited (BSE:511628)
Imagi International Holdings Limited (SEHK:585)
IMAGIS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A115610)
Imam Button Industries Limited (DSE:IMAMBUTTON)
iMarketKorea Inc. (KOSE:A122900)
Imaspro Corporation Berhad (KLSE:IMASPRO)
IMAX China Holding, Inc. (SEHK:1970)
Imbalie Beauty Limited (JSE:ILE)
iMBC Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052220)
IMCO Industries Ltd. (TASE:IMCO)
IMEC Services Limited (BSE:513295)
Imexpharm Corporation (HOSE:IMP)
Immorente Invest S.A. (CBSE:IMO)
Immovable Properties Sofia REIT Sofia (BUL:RSS)
IMP Powers Limited (BSE:517571)
Impact Developer & Contractor S.A. (BVB:IMP)
Impact Growth Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:IMPACT)
Impala Platinum Holdings Limited (JSE:IMP)
Imperial d.d. (ZGSE:HIMR)
Imperial Logistics Limited (JSE:IPL)
Imperial Pacific International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1076)
Imperial Sugar Limited (KASE:IMSL)
Imperium Crown Limited (Catalist:5HT)
Imperium Group Global Holdings Limited (SEHK:776)
Impex Ferro Tech Limited (BSE:532614)
Impiana Hotels Berhad (KLSE:IMPIANA)
IMPOL SEVAL Valjaonica Aluminijuma a.d. (BELEX:IMPL)
Impro Precision Industries Limited (SEHK:1286)
Impulse (Qingdao) Health Tech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002899)
Impulsora del Desarrollo y el Empleo en América Latina, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:IDEAL B-1)
IMS Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8136)
In Construction Holdings Limited (SEHK:1500)
In Technical Productions Holdings Limited (SEHK:8446)
In the F Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A014990)
In Win Development Inc. (TSEC:6117)
INA-Industrija nafte, d.d. (ZGSE:INA)
Inalways Corporation (GTSM:5398)
Inani Marbles and Industries Limited (BSE:531129)
Inani Securities Limited (BSE:531672)
Inari Amertron Berhad (KLSE:INARI)
Inbar Group Finance Ltd (TASE:INBR)
InBody Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041830)
Incap Limited (BSE:517370)
Inceptum Enterprises Limited (BSE:538541)
Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber Public Limited Company (KLSE:INCKEN)
Incheon City Gas Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A034590)
Incon Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A083640)
Incon Engineers Limited (BSE:531594)
Incredible Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:1F4)
Incross Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A216050)
Ind Bank Housing Limited (BSE:523465)
Ind Renewable Energy Limited (BSE:536709)
Ind-Swift Laboratories Limited (BSE:532305)
Ind-Swift Limited (BSE:524652)
Indag Rubber Limited (BSE:509162)
Indbank Merchant Banking Services Limited (BSE:511473)
Independent Petroleum Group K.S.C.P. (KWSE:IPG)
Independent Tankers Corporation Limited (OTCNO:ITCL)
Indequity Group Limited (JSE:IDQ)
Index Living Mall Public Company Limited (SET:ILM)
India Cements Capital Limited (BSE:511355)
India Finsec Limited (BSE:535667)
India Gelatine & Chemicals Limited (BSE:531253)
India Glycols Limited (BSE:500201)
India Grid Trust (BSE:540565)
India Home Loan Limited (BSE:530979)
India Infraspace Limited (BSE:531343)
India Lease Development Limited (BSE:500202)
India Motor Parts and Accessories Limited (BSE:590065)
India Nippon Electricals Limited (NSEI:INDNIPPON)
India Power Corporation Limited (NSEI:DPSCLTD)
India Steel Works Limited (BSE:513361)
India Tourism Development Corporation Limited (BSE:532189)
Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited (BSE:535789)
Indiabulls Integrated Services Limited (BSE:533520)
Indiabulls Real Estate Limited (NSEI:IBREALEST)
Indiabulls Ventures Limited (BSE:532960)
Indian Acrylics Limited (BSE:514165)
Indian Bank (BSE:532814)
Indian Energy Exchange Limited (BSE:540750)
Indian Infotech and Software Limited (BSE:509051)
Indian Metals and Ferro Alloys Limited (BSE:533047)
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (NSEI:IOC)
Indian Overseas Bank (BSE:532388)
Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Limited (NSEI:IRCTC)
Indian Sucrose Limited (BSE:500319)
Indian Terrain Fashions Limited (BSE:533329)
Indian Toners & Developers Limited (BSE:523586)
IndiaNivesh Limited (BSE:501700)
Indies Pharma Jamaica Limited (JMSE:INDIES)
Indigo Star Holdings Limited (SEHK:8373)
Inditrade Capital Limited (BSE:532745)
Indluplace Properties Limited (JSE:ILU)
Indo Amines Limited (BSE:524648)
Indo Borax & Chemicals Limited (BSE:524342)
Indo Count Industries Limited (BSE:521016)
Indo Global Exchange(s) PTE, Ltd. (OTCPK:IGEX)
Indo National Limited (BSE:504058)
Indo Rama Synthetics (India) Limited (BSE:500207)
Indo Tech Transformers Limited (BSE:532717)
Indo Thai Securities Ltd. (BSE:533676)
Indo Us Bio-Tech Limited (BSE:541304)
Indo-Bangla Pharmaceuticals Limited (DSE:IBP)
Indo-City Infotech Limited (BSE:532100)
Indo-Malay PLC (COSE:INDO.N0000)
Indochine Import Export Industrial Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:DDG)
Indoco Remedies Limited (BSE:532612)
Indofood Agri Resources Ltd. (SGX:5JS)
Indokem Limited (BSE:504092)
Indonesia Energy Corporation Limited (AMEX:INDO)
Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (SET:IVL)
Indosolar Limited (BSE:533257)
IndoStar Capital Finance Limited (NSEI:INDOSTAR)
Indowind Energy Limited (BSE:532894)
Indra Industries Limited (BSE:539175)
Indraprastha Gas Limited (BSE:532514)
Indraprastha Medical Corporation Limited (NSEI:INDRAMEDCO)
Indrayani Biotech Limited (BSE:526445)
Indsil Hydro Power and Manganese Limited (BSE:522165)
Inducto Steels Limited (BSE:532001)
Indus Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited (KASE:IDYM)
Indus Finance Limited (BSE:531841)
Indus Motor Company Limited (KASE:INDU)
IndusInd Bank Limited (BSE:532187)
Industria Textil Piura S.A. (BVL:PIURAC1)
Industrial & Prudential Investment Company Limited (BSE:501298)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (SEHK:1398)
Industrial Asphalts (Ceylon) PLC (COSE:ASPH.N0000)
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601166)
Industrial Bank of Korea (KOSE:A024110)
Industrial Buildings Corporation Ltd. (TASE:IBLD)
Industrial Capital Holding AD (BUL:4I8)
Industrial Commercial & Agricultural Public Limited Co. (ASE:ICAG)
Industrial Engineering Company for Construction and Development (CASE:ENGC)
Industrial Holding Bulgaria AD (BUL:4ID)
Industrial Investment Trust Limited (BSE:501295)
Industrial Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601377)
Industrias CH, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:ICH B)
Industrias del Cobre Sociedad Anónima (BVL:INDECOI1)
Industrias del Envase S.A. (BVL:ENVASEI1)
Industrias Peñoles, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:PE&OLES *)
Indústrias Romi S.A. (BOVESPA:ROMI3)
Industries Chimiques du Fluor (BVMT:ICF)
Industries Qatar Q.P.S.C. (DSM:IQCD)
Industronics Berhad (KLSE:ITRONIC)
Industry Development Holding AD (BUL:6R1)
INEOS Styrolution India Limited (BSE:506222)
Inergy Technology Inc. (GTSM:6693)
INESA Intelligent Tech Inc. (SHSE:600602)
INFAC Corporation (KOSE:A023810)
Infibeam Avenues Limited (BSE:539807)
Infimer Ltd (TASE:INFR)
INFINITT Healthcare Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A071200)
Infinity Development Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:640)
Infinity Trust Mortgage Bank Plc (NGSE:INFINITY)
Inflame Appliances Limited (BSE:541083)
Info Edge (India) Limited (NSEI:NAUKRI)
Info-Tek Corporation (GTSM:8183)
Infobank Corporation (KOSDAQ:A039290)
InfoBeans Technologies Limited (NSEI:INFOBEAN)
Infomark Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A175140)
Infomedia Press Limited (BSE:509069)
Infore Environment Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000967)
Informatics Education Ltd (SGX:BOU)
Information and Communication Networks Public Company Limited (SET:ICN)
Information Services Network Limited (DSE:ISNLTD)
Information Technology Consultants Limited (DSE:ITC)
Information Technology Total Services Co., Ltd (GTSM:6697)
Informed Technologies India Limited (BSE:504810)
Infortrend Technology Inc. (TSEC:2495)
Infosys Limited (NSEI:INFY)
Infotmic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000670),Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A115310)
Infra Industries Limited (BSE:530777)
Infraestructura Energética Nova, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:IENOVA *)
Infraset Public Company Limited (SET:INSET)
Infraware, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A041020)
Infund Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002141)
Ingenic Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300223)
Ingentec Corporation (GTSM:4768)
Ingersoll-Rand (India) Limited (BSE:500210)
Ingress Industrial (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:INGRS)
Inhwa Precision Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A101930)
INITECH Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053350)
Inix Technologies Holdings Berhad (KLSE:INIX)
Injaz for Development and Projects Company P.L.C (ASE:ATCO)
Injazzat Real Estate Development Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:INJAZZAT)
Inke Limited (SEHK:3700)
INKON Life Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300143)
InkTec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A049550)
Inland Waterway Management Joint Stock Company No 3 (HNX:DS3)
Inly Media Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603598)
Inma Arabian Development & Investment Trading Co (ASE:INMA)
Inmax Holding Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1591)
Inmobiliaria IDE S.A. (BVL:IIDEI1)
Inmobiliaria Manquehue S.A. (SNSE:MANQUEHUE)
Inmobiliaria San Patricio S.A. (SNSE:ISANPA)
InMode Ltd. (NasdaqGS:INMD)
Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Union Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600010)
Inner Mongolia Eerduosi Resources Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:900936)
Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600967)
Inner Mongolia Furui Medical Science Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300049)
Inner Mongolia Junzheng Energy & Chemical Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601216)
Inner Mongolia Lantai Industrial Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600328)
Inner Mongolia M-Grass Ecology And Environment (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300355)
Inner Mongolia MengDian HuaNeng Thermal Power Corporation Limited (SHSE:600863)
Inner Mongolia North Hauler Joint Stock Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600262)
Inner Mongolia PingZhuang Energy Resources Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000780)
Inner Mongolia TianShou Technology&development, CO., LTD. (SZSE:000611)
Inner Mongolia Xingye Mining Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000426)
Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600887)
Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:900948)
Inner Mongolia Yuan Xing Energy Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000683)
Innity Corporation Berhad (KLSE:INNITY)
INNO Instrument Inc. (KOSDAQ:A215790)
Inno-Tech Holdings Limited (SEHK:8202)
InnoCan Pharma Corporation (CNSX:INNO)
Innocean Worldwide Inc. (KOSE:A214320)
Innocorp Limited (BSE:531929)
Innodis Ltd (MUSE:HWF.N0000)
Innodisk Corporation (GTSM:5289)
Innolux Corporation (TSEC:3481)
Innometry Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A302430)
InnoPharmax Inc. (GTSM:4172)
Innoprise Plantations Berhad (KLSE:INNO)
InnoTek Limited (SGX:M14)
InnoTherapy, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A246960)
Innovana Thinklabs Limited (NSEI:INNOVANA)
Innovassynth Investments Limited (BSE:533315)
Innovation Medical Management Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002173)
Innovative Pharmaceutical Biotech Limited (SEHK:399)
Innovative Tech Pack Limited (BSE:523840)
Innovative Technology Development Corporation (HOSE:ITD)
Innovative Tyres & Tubes Limited (NSEI:INNOVATIVE)
Innovators Façade Systems Limited (BSE:541353)
Innovax Holdings Limited (SEHK:2680)
Innovent Biologics, Inc. (SEHK:1801)
INNOVEX Company Limited (XKON:A279060)
Innovision FlexTech Corporation (GTSM:6673)
InnoVision Labs, Inc. (OTCPK:INVS)
Innowireless Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A073490)
INNOX Advanced Materials Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A272290)
Innox Corporation (KOSDAQ:A088390)
Innuovo Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000795)
Inoue Rubber (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:IRC)
INOX Leisure Limited (BSE:532706)
Inox Wind Limited (NSEI:INOXWIND)
INPAQ Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6284)
InRetail Perú Corp. (BVL:INRETC1)
Inrom Construction Industries Ltd (TASE:INRM)
INSAN Inc. (KOSDAQ:A277410)
Insas Berhad (KLSE:INSAS)
Inscobee., Inc. (KOSE:A006490)
Insecticides (India) Limited (BSE:532851)
Insigma Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600797)
Insilco Limited (BSE:500211)
Insimbi Industrial Holdings Limited (JSE:ISB)
InspireMD, Inc. (AMEX:NSPR)
Inspirisys Solutions Limited (BSE:532774)
Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000977)
Inspur International Limited (SEHK:596)
Inspur Software Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600756)
Institut IGH d.d. (ZGSE:IGH)
Institute of Biomedical Research Corp. (OTCPK:MRES)
Instituto de Diagnóstico S.A. (SNSE:INDISA)
Instituto Hermes Pardini S.A. (BOVESPA:PARD3)
Instituto Rosenbusch S.A. (BASE:ROSE)
Insumos Agroquímicos S.A. (BASE:INAG)
INSUN Environmental New Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A060150)
Insung Information Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A033230)
Insyde Software Corp. (GTSM:6231)
Int Tech Co., Ltd (GTSM:6724)
Inta Bina Group Berhad (KLSE:INTA)
INTAI Technology Corporation (GTSM:4163)
Intec Capital Limited (BSE:526871)
Intec Pharma Ltd. (NasdaqCM:NTEC)
Intech Biopharm Corporation (GTSM:6461)
Intech Limited (DSE:INTECH)
Integra Engineering India Limited (BSE:505358)
Integra Garments and Textiles Limited (BSE:535958)
Integra Telecommunication & Software Limited (BSE:536868)
Integrated Capital Services Limited (BSE:539149)
Integrated Electronic Systems Lab Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002339)
Integrated Financial Services Limited (BSE:500212)
Integrated Holding Company K.S.C.C. (KWSE:INTEGRATED)
Integrated Logistics Berhad (KLSE:ILB)
Integrated Media Technology Limited (NasdaqCM:IMTE)
Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc. (PSE:IMI)
Integrated Service Technology, Inc. (GTSM:3289)
Integrated Technologies Ltd (BSE:531889)
Integrated Waste Solutions Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:923)
Integrity Applications, Inc. (OTCPK:IGAP)
INTEKPLUS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A064290)
Intelicanna Ltd (TASE:INTL)
Intellect Design Arena Limited (BSE:538835)
Intellian Technologies, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A189300)
IntelliEPI Inc. (Cayman) (GTSM:4971)
Intelligent Digital Integrated Security Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A143160)
Intellivate Capital Advisors Limited (BSE:534732)
Intellivate Capital Ventures Limited (BSE:506134)
Intense Technologies Limited (BSE:532326)
Inter Gamma Investment Company Ltd (TASE:INTR)
Inter Globe Finance Limited (BSE:511391)
Inter Industries Ltd. (TASE:ININ)
Inter State Oil Carrier Limited (BSE:530259)
Inter-M Corporation (KOSDAQ:A017250)
Interactive Digital Technologies Inc. (GTSM:6486)
Interactive Financial Services Limited (BSE:539692)
Intercapital Property Development ADSIC (BUL:4IC)
Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. (BVC:ISA)
Intercorp Financial Services Inc. (BVL:IFS)
InterCure Ltd. (TASE:INCR)
Intereuropa - logisticke usluge a.d. (BELEX:INEU)
InterEuropa d.d. (LJSE:IEKG)
Interflex Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A051370)
Intergis Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A129260)
InterGlobe Aviation Limited (NSEI:INDIGO)
Interhides Public Company Limited (SET:IHL)
Interkos Co., Ltd. (XKON:A240340)
Interlink Communication Public Company Limited (SET:ILINK)
Interlink Telecom Public Company Limited (SET:ITEL)
Interloop Limited (KASE:ILP)
Intermediate Petrochemicals Industries Co. Ltd (ASE:IPCH)
International Alliance Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1563)
International Breweries Plc (NGSE:INTBREW)
International brokerage and financial markets Public Shareholding Company (ASE:IBFM)
International Business Settlement Holdings Limited (SEHK:147)
INternational CArbide Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4754)
International Cards Company (ASE:CARD)
International Cement Group Ltd. (SGX:KUO)
International Co. For Investment & Development (CASE:ICID)
International Combustion (India) Limited (BSE:505737)
International Company for Agricultural Crops (CASE:IFAP)
International Company for Medical Investments P.L.C (ASE:ICMI)
International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (PSE:ICT)
International Conveyors Limited (BSE:509709)
International CSRC Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2104)
International Entertainment Corporation (SEHK:1009)
International Finance Investment and Commerce Bank Limited (DSE:IFIC)
International Financial Advisors Holding - KPSC (KWSE:IFA)
International Games System Co., LTD (GTSM:3293)
International Gas Product Shipping Joint Stock Company (HOSE:GSP)
International Holdings Company PJSC (ADX:IHC)
International Housewares Retail Company Limited (SEHK:1373)
International Industries Limited (KASE:INIL)
International Knitwear Limited (KASE:INKL)
International Leasing and Financial Services Limited (DSE:ILFSL)
International Meal Company Alimentação S.A. (BOVESPA:MEAL3)
International Medical Center of Biomaterials Processing and Cryostorage Public Joint-stock company (MISX:GEMA)
International Paper APPM Limited (BSE:502330)
International Press Softcom Limited (Catalist:571)
International Research Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:IRCP)
International Resorts Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:IRC)
International Standard Resources Holdings Limited (SEHK:91)
International Steels Limited (KASE:ISL)
International Travel House Limited (BSE:500213)
Internet Gold - Golden Lines Ltd. (OTCPK:IGLD.F)
Internet Research Institute Ltd (TASE:IRI)
Internet Thailand Public Company Limited (SET:INET)
Interojo Inc. (KOSDAQ:A119610)
Interpark Corporation (KOSDAQ:A108790)
Interpark Holdings Corporation (KOSDAQ:A035080)
Interpharma Public Company Limited (SET:IP)
Interra Resources Limited (SGX:5GI)
Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Center and Volga Region, Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:MRKP)
Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre, Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:MRKC)
Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Northern Caucasus, Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:MRKK)
Interregional Distribution Grid Company of South Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:MRKY)
Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals, Joint Stock Company (MISX:MRKU)
InterServ International Inc. (GTSM:6169)
Interworld Digital Limited (BSE:532072)
Intimex - Hoa Cam Concrete Joint Stock Company (HNX:HCC)
Intops Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A049070)
Intouch Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:INTUCH)
Intraco Limited (SGX:I06)
Intraco Refueling Station Limited (DSE:INTRACO)
IntraSoft Technologies Limited (BSE:533181)
IntroMedic Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A150840)
iNtRON Biotechnology, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A048530)
Intron Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1760)
Invech Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:IVHI)
Invengo Information Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002161)
INVENIA Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A079950)
Inventec Besta Co.,Ltd (TSEC:8201)
Inventec Corporation (TSEC:2356)
Inventronics (Hangzhou), Inc. (SZSE:300582)
Inventure Growth & Securities Limited (NSEI:INVENTURE)
Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas S.A. (SNSE:IAM)
Inversiones en Turismo S.A. (BVL:INVERTC1)
Inversiones La Construcción S.A. (SNSE:ILC)
Inversiones Siemel S.A. (SNSE:SIEMEL)
Inversora Juramento S.A. (BASE:INVJ)
Invest Bank (ASE:INVB)
Invest bank P.S.C. (ADX:INVESTB)
Invest Capital Investment Bank Limited (KASE:ICIBL)
Investcorp Bank B.S.C. (BAX:INVCORP)
Investec Group Limited (JSE:INL)
Investec Property Fund Limited (JSE:IPF)
InvesTech Holdings Limited (SEHK:1087)
Investment & Precision Castings Limited (BSE:504786)
Investment and Trading of Real Estate Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ITC)
Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (DSE:ICB)
Investment Friends Capital SE (WSE:IFC)
Investment Friends SE (WSE:IFR)
Investment Holding Group Q.S.C. (DSM:IGRD)
Investors Holding Group Company (K.S.C.P.) (KWSE:INVESTORS)
INVEX Controladora, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:INVEX A)
Invicta Holdings Limited (JSE:IVT)
INVL Baltic Farmland, AB (NSEL:INL1L)
INZI Controls Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A023800)
Inzi Display Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A037330)
Inzone Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600858)
Iochpe-Maxion S.A. (BOVESPA:MYPK3)
IOI Corporation Berhad (KLSE:IOICORP)
IOI Properties Group Berhad (KLSE:IOIPG)
IokCompany Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A078860)
IOL Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:524164)
Ion Exchange (India) Limited (BSE:500214)
Iones Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A114810)
Ionics, Inc. (PSE:ION)
Ionix Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:IINX)
IP Rings Limited (BSE:523638)
IPC Corporation Ltd (SGX:AZA)
Ipca Laboratories Limited (BSE:524494)
IPDC Finance Limited (DSE:IPDC)
IPE Group Limited (SEHK:929)
iPeople, inc. (PSE:IPO)
IPM Holdings, Inc. (PSE:IPM)
Ipmuda Berhad (KLSE:IPMUDA)
IPS Securex Holdings Limited (Catalist:42N)
IQ Group Holdings Berhad (KLSE:IQGROUP)
Iqzan Holding Berhad (KLSE:IRETEX)
IR Resources Limited (SEHK:8186)
IRB Infrastructure Developers Limited (NSEI:IRB)
IRB-Brasil Resseguros S.A. (BOVESPA:IRBR3)
Irbid District Electricity Co. Ltd. (ASE:IREL)
IRC Limited (SEHK:1029)
Ircon International Limited (NSEI:IRCON)
IReader Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603533)
Ireka Corporation Berhad (KLSE:IREKA)
IRICO Group New Energy Company Limited (SEHK:438)
IRIS Business Services Limited (BSE:540735)
Iris Clothings Limited (NSEI:IRISDOREME)
IRIS Corporation Berhad (KLSE:IRIS)
Iritel a.d (BELEX:IRTL)
Irkut Corporation (MISX:IRKT)
Irkutsk Public Joint Stock Company of Energetics and Electrification (MISX:IRGZ)
iROC Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3555)
Iron Force Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2228)
Ironrock Insurance Company Limited (JMSE:ROC)
IRPC Public Company Limited (SET:IRPC)
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima (BASE:IRSA)
IRSA Propiedades Comerciales S.A. (BASE:IRCP)
IS DongSeo Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010780)
ISA Holdings Limited (JSE:ISA)
ISC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A095340)
ISDN Holdings Limited (SGX:I07)
ISE Commerce Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A069920)
ISEC Healthcare Ltd. (Catalist:40T)
Isetan (Singapore) Limited (SGX:I15)
ISF Limited (BSE:526859)
Isgec Heavy Engineering Limited (BSE:533033)
Ishaan Infrastructures and Shelters Limited (BSE:540134)
Ishan Dyes & Chemicals Limited (BSE:531109)
Ishita Drugs & Industries Limited (BSE:524400)
Iskandar Waterfront City Berhad (KLSE:IWCITY)
ISL Consulting Limited (BSE:511609)
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (DSE:ISLAMIBANK)
Islami Insurance Bangladesh Limited (DSE:ISLAMIINS)
Islamic Arab Insurance Co. (Salama) PJSC (DFM:SALAMA)
Islamic Finance and Investment Limited (DSE:ISLAMICFIN)
Islamic Holding Group (Q.P.S.C) (DSM:IHGS)
Island Information & Technology, Inc. (PSE:IS)
Island Textile Mills Limited (KASE:ILTM)
ISM Communications Corporation (PSE:ISM)
Ismail Industries Limited (KASE:ISIL)
Ismailia / Misr Poultry Company S.A.E (CASE:ISMA)
Ismailia Development and Real Estate Co (CASE:IDRE)
Ismailia National Company for Food Industries (FOODICO) S.A.E. (CASE:INFI)
isMedia Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A181340)
ISMT Limited (BSE:532479)
ISOTeam Ltd. (Catalist:5WF)
ISP Global Limited (SEHK:8487)
Isracard Ltd. (TASE:ISCD)
Israel Canada (T.R) Ltd (TASE:ISCN)
Israel Chemicals Ltd. (TASE:ICL)
Israel China Biotechnology (ICB) Ltd (TASE:ICB)
Israel Corporation Ltd. (TASE:ILCO)
Israel Discount Bank Limited (TASE:DSCT)
Israel Land Development - Urban Renewal Ltd. (TASE:ILDR)
Israel Opportunity - Energy Resources, Limited Partnership (TASE:ISOP.L)
Israel Petrochemical Enterprises Ltd. (TASE:PTCH)
Isramco Negev 2 Limited Partnership (TASE:ISRA.L)
Isras Investment Company Ltd (TASE:ISRS)
Isrotel Ltd. (TASE:ISRO)
Issta Lines Ltd. (TASE:ISTA)
IST Limited (BSE:508807)
iStreet Network Limited (BSE:524622)
ISU Abxis Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A086890)
ISU Chemical Co., Ltd (KOSE:A005950)
ISU Petasys Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007660)
IT City Public Company Limited (SET:IT)
IT Tech Packaging, Inc. (AMEX:ITP)
It'S Hanbul Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A226320)
Itafos (TSXV:IFOS)
Italian-Thai Development Public Company Limited (SET:ITD)
Italpinas Development Corporation (PSE:IDC)
Italtile Limited (JSE:ITE)
Itamar Medical Ltd. (TASE:ITMR)
Itaú CorpBanca (SNSE:ITAUCORP)
ITC Limited (NSEI:ITC)
ITC Properties Group Limited (SEHK:199)
Itcen Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A124500)
ITD Cementation India Limited (BSE:509496)
ITE (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8092)
ITE Tech. Inc (TSEC:3014)
ITEK, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A119830)
ITEQ Corporation (TSEC:6213)
Ithmaar Holding B.S.C. (BAX:ITHMR)
ITI Limited (BSE:523610)
Itissalat Al-Maghrib (IAM) S.A. (CBSE:IAM)
ITL Industries Limited (BSE:522183)
ITM Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A084850)
Ittefaq Iron Industries Limited (KASE:ITTEFAQ)
Ittehad Chemicals Limited (KASE:ICL)
Ituran Location and Control Ltd. (NasdaqGS:ITRN)
ITX-M2M Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A099520)
IVD Medical Holding Limited (SEHK:1931)
Ivory Properties Group Berhad (KLSE:IVORY)
IVP Limited (NSEI:IVP)
IWS Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8441)
iX Biopharma Ltd. (Catalist:42C)
iXensor Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6734)
Iykot Hitech Toolroom Limited (BSE:522245)
IZMO Limited (BSE:532341)
J J Exporters Ltd. (BSE:530049)
J way Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A058420)
J. A. Textile Mills Limited (KASE:JATM)
J. B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:506943)
J. Kumar Infraprojects Limited (BSE:532940)
J. L. Morison (India) Limited (BSE:506522)
J. R. Foods Limited (BSE:530915)
J. Stephen Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A096690)
J. Taparia Projects Limited (BSE:538539)
J.ESTINA Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A026040)
J.J. Finance Corporation Limited (BSE:523062)
J.K. Cement Limited (BSE:532644)
J.S. Corrugating Machinery Co., Ltd (SZSE:000821)
J.S.P. Property Public Company Limited (SET:JSP)
JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002459)
Jabal Omar Development Company (SASE:4250)
Jack Chia Industries (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:JCT)
Jack Sewing Machine Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603337)
Jackson Investments Limited (BSE:538422)
Jackspeed Corporation Limited (SGX:J17)
Jackstones, Inc. (PSE:JAS)
Jacobson Pharma Corporation Limited (SEHK:2633)
Jadason Enterprises Ltd (SGX:J03)
Jade Art Group Inc. (OTCPK:JADA)
Jade Bird Fire Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002960)
Jadestone Energy Inc. (TSXV:JSE)
Jadi Imaging Holdings Berhad (KLSE:JADI)
Jadran d.d. (ZGSE:JDRN)
Jadran Tvornica Carapa d.d. (ZGSE:JDTC)
Jadranski naftovod d.d. (ZGSE:JNAF)
Jadroagent d.d. (ZGSE:JDGT)
Jadroplov d.d. (ZGSE:JDPL)
Jadwa REIT Al Haramain Fund (SASE:4332)
Jaeyoung Solutec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A049630)
Jafron Biomedical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300529)
Jagan Lamps Limited (BSE:530711)
Jagatjit Industries Limited (BSE:507155)
Jagjanani Textiles Limited (BSE:532825)
Jagran Prakashan Limited (BSE:532705)
Jagson Airlines Limited (BSE:520139)
Jagsonpal Finance & Leasing Ltd. (BSE:530601)
Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Limited (NSEI:JAGSNPHARM)
Jahangir Siddiqui & Co. Ltd. (KASE:JSCL)
Jahwa Electronics. Co., Ltd (KOSE:A033240)
Jai Balaji Industries Limited (BSE:532976)
Jai Corp Limited (BSE:512237)
Jai Mata Glass Limited (BSE:523467)
Jaihind Projects Limited (BSE:531339)
Jaihind Synthetics Limited (BSE:514312)
Jain Irrigation Systems Limited (BSE:500219)
Jain Studios Limited (NSEI:JAINSTUDIO)
Jainco Projects (India) Limited (BSE:526865)
Jaipan Industries Limited (BSE:505840)
Jaiprakash Associates Limited (BSE:532532)
Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited (BSE:532627)
Jakharia Fabric Limited (NSEI:JAKHARIA)
JAKS Resources Berhad (KLSE:JAKS)
Jalan Transolutions (India) Limited (NSEI:JALAN)
Jamaica Broilers Group Limited (JMSE:JBG)
Jamaica Producers Group Limited (JMSE:JP)
Jamaican Teas Limited (JMSE:JAMT)
James River Group Holdings, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:JRVR)
James Warren Tea Limited (BSE:538564)
Jamna Auto Industries Limited (BSE:520051)
Jamshri Realty Limited (BSE:502901)
Jamuna Bank Limited (DSE:JAMUNABANK)
Jamuna Oil Company Limited (DSE:JAMUNAOIL)
Janana De Malucho Textile Mills Limited (KASE:JDMT)
Janashakthi Insurance PLC (COSE:JINS.N0000)
Janata Insurance Company Limited (DSE:JANATAINS)
Janco Holdings Limited (SEHK:8035)
Janfusun Fancyworld Corp. (GTSM:5701)
Jangho Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601886)
JangWonTech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A174880)
Japan Foods Holding Ltd. (Catalist:5OI)
Japan Vietnam Medical Instrument Joint Stock Company (HOSE:JVC)
Japaul Oil & Maritime Services Plc (NGSE:JAPAULOIL)
Japfa Ltd. (SGX:UD2)
Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited (SGX:C07)
Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited (SGX:J36)
Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited (SGX:J37)
Jarir Marketing Company (SASE:4190)
Jarllytec Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3548)
JAS Asset Public Company Limited (SET:J)
Jasa Kita Berhad (KLSE:JASKITA)
Jasch Industries Limited (BSE:500220)
Jasco Electronics Holdings Limited (JSE:JSC)
Jash Engineering Limited (NSEI:JASH)
Jasmine International Public Company Limited (SET:JAS)
Jasmine Telecom Systems Public Company Limited (SET:JTS)
Jason Furniture (Hangzhou) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603816)
Jason Marine Group Limited (Catalist:5PF)
Jason's Entertainment Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6583)
Jasper Investments Limited (SGX:FQ7)
JASTECH, Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A090470)
Jatalia Global Ventures Limited (BSE:519319)
Jattashankar Industries Limited (BSE:514318)
Jauharabad Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:JSML)
Jauss Polymers Limited (BSE:526001)
Javedan Corporation Limited (KASE:JVDC)
Jay Bharat Maruti Limited (BSE:520066)
Jay Mart Public Company Limited (SET:JMART)
Jay Shree Tea & Industries Limited (BSE:509715)
Jay Ushin Limited (BSE:513252)
Jaya Tiasa Holdings Berhad (KLSE:JTIASA)
Jayabharat Credit Limited (BSE:501311)
Jayant Agro-Organics Limited (NSEI:JAYAGROGN)
Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited (BSE:522285)
Jaycorp Berhad (KLSE:JAYCORP)
Jayjun Cosmetic Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A025620)
Jaykay Enterprises Limited (BSE:500306)
Jaypee Infratech Limited (BSE:533207)
Jayshree Chemicals Limited (BSE:506520)
Jaysynth Dyestuff (India) Limited (BSE:506910)
Jazan Energy and Development Co. (SASE:6090)
Jazeera Airways K.S.C.P. (KWSE:JAZEERA)
Jazz Hipster Corporation (GTSM:6247)
JB Financial Group Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A175330)
JB Foods Limited (SGX:BEW)
JB&ZJMY Holding Company, Inc. (OTCPK:JBZY)
JBB Builders International Limited (SEHK:1903)
JBF Industries Limited (BSE:514034)
JBM Auto Limited (BSE:532605)
JC Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A137950)
JC Finance&Tax Interconnect Holdings Ltd. (SZSE:002530)
JcbNext Berhad (KLSE:JCBNEXT)
JCET Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600584)
JCG Investment Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:VFP)
JCH Systems, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A033320)
JCHX Mining Management Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603979)
JCK Hospitality Public Company Limited (SET:JCKH)
JCK International Public Company Limited (SET:JCK)
Jcontentree corp. (KOSE:A036420)
JCT Limited (BSE:500223)
JCY International Berhad (KLSE:JCY)
JD Orgochem Limited (BSE:524592)
JDM JingDaMachine(Ningbo)Co.Ltd (SHSE:603088)
JDW Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:JDWS)
Jean Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2442)
Jeevan Scientific Technology Limited (BSE:538837)
Jeil Pharma Holdings Inc (KOSE:A002620)
Jeil Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A271980)
Jeil Steel Mfg Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A023440)
Jeil Technos Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A038010)
Jeju Air Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A089590)
Jeju Bank (KOSE:A006220)
Jeju Semiconductor Corp. (KOSDAQ:A080220)
Jenax Inc. (KOSDAQ:A065620)
Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:524731)
Jenn Feng New Energy Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1538)
Jentech Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3653)
Jeong Moon Information. Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A033050)
Jeongsan Aikang Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A022220)
Jeonjinbio Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A110020)
JEP Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:1J4)
Jerasia Capital Berhad (KLSE:JERASIA)
Jereissati Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:JPSA3)
Jerusalem Cigarette Co. Ltd. (PLSE:JCC)
Jerusalem Insurance Co. (L.T.D) (ASE:JERY)
Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. (PLSE:JPH)
Jess-link Products Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6197)
Jet Airways (India) Limited (BSE:532617)
Jet Contractors (CBSE:JET)
Jet Freight Logistics Limited (NSEI:JETFREIGHT)
Jetbest Corporation (GTSM:4741)
Jetcon Corporation Limited (JMSE:JETCON)
Jete Power Holdings Limited (SEHK:8133)
JETEMA, Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A216080)
Jetking Infotrain Limited (BSE:517063)
Jetvox Acoustic Corporation (GTSM:5294)
Jetway Information Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6161)
Jetwell Computer Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3147)
Jetwing Symphony PLC (COSE:JETS.N0000)
JF Technology Berhad (KLSE:JFTECH)
JG Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6723)
JG Summit Holdings, Inc. (PSE:JGS)
JH Educational Technology INC. (SEHK:1935)
Jhandewalas Foods Limited (BSE:540850)
Jhaveri Credits and Capital Limited (BSE:531550)
Jhen Vei Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3520)
JHM Consolidation Berhad (KLSE:JHM)
JHS Svendgaard Laboratories Limited (BSE:532771)
JHSF Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:JHSF3)
Ji Yao Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300108)
Ji-Haw Industrial Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:3011)
Jia Group Holdings limited (SEHK:8519)
Jia Jie Biomedical Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4109)
Jia Wei Lifestyle, Inc. (TSEC:3557)
Jiahua Stores Holdings Limited (SEHK:602)
Jiajia Food Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002650)
Jiajiayue Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603708)
Jiamei Food Packaging (Chuzhou) Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002969)
Jian Sin Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4502)
Jiande International Holdings Limited (SEHK:865)
Jiang Su Suyan Jingshen Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603299)
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (SZSE:000550)
Jianglong Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300589)
Jiangmen Kanhoo Industry Co., Ltd (SZSE:300340)
Jiangmen Sugarcane Chemical Factory (Group) Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000576)
Jiangnan Group Limited (SEHK:1366)
Jiangnan Mould & Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000700)
Jiangshan Oupai Door Industry Co., Ltd (SHSE:603208)
Jiangsu Akcome Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002610)
Jiangsu Alcha Aluminium Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002160)
Jiangsu Ankura Smart Transmission Engineering Technology Co.Ltd (SZSE:300617)
Jiangsu Aoyang Health Industry (SZSE:002172)
Jiangsu Apon Medical Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300753)
Jiangsu Asia-Pacific Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002540)
Jiangsu Aucksun Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002245)
Jiangsu Baichuan High-Tech New Materials Co., Ltd (SZSE:002455)
Jiangsu Baoli International Investment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300135)
Jiangsu Beiren Robot System Co., Ltd (SHSE:688218)
Jiangsu Bioperfectus Technologies Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688399)
Jiangsu Boxin Investing&Holdings Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600083)
Jiangsu Broadcasting Cable Information Network Corporation Limited (SHSE:600959)
Jiangsu Canlon Building Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300715)
Jiangsu Changbao Steeltube Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002478)
Jiangsu Changhai Composite Materials Co., Ltd (SZSE:300196)
Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002391)
Jiangsu Changshu Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601128)
Jiangsu ChengXing Phosph-Chemicals Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600078)
Jiangsu chunlan refrigerating equipment stock co.,ltd. (SHSE:600854)
Jiangsu Cnano Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688116)
Jiangsu Dagang Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002077)
Jiangsu Daybright Intelligent Electric Co.,LTD. (SZSE:300670)
Jiangsu Dewei Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300325)
Jiangsu Dingsheng New Material Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603876)
Jiangsu DongHua Testing Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300354)
Jiangsu Eastern Shenghong Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000301)
Jiangsu Eazytec Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688258)
Jiangsu Etern Company Limited (SHSE:600105)
Jiangsu Expressway Company Limited (SEHK:177)
Jiangsu Fasten Company Limited (SZSE:000890)
Jiangsu Feiliks International Logistics Inc. (SZSE:300240)
Jiangsu Fengshan Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603810)
Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600901)
Jiangsu Flag Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300575)
Jiangsu Gaoke Petrochemical Co., Ltd (SZSE:002778)
Jiangsu General Science Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601500)
Jiangsu Gian Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300709)
Jiangsu Guomao Reducer Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603915)
Jiangsu Guotai International Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002091)
Jiangsu Guoxin Corp. Ltd. (SZSE:002608)
Jiangsu Hagong Intelligent Robot Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000584)
Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601100)
Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600276)
Jiangsu Hengshun Vinegar-Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600305)
Jiangsu High Hope International Group Corporation (SHSE:600981)
Jiangsu Holly Corporation (SHSE:600128)
Jiangsu Hongdou Industrial Co., Ltd (SHSE:600400)
Jiangsu Hongtu High Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600122)
Jiangsu Hoperun Software Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300339)
Jiangsu Huachang Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002274)
Jiangsu Huahong Technology Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002645)
Jiangsu Huasheng Tianlong Photoelectric Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300029)
Jiangsu Huaxicun Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000936)
Jiangsu Huaxin New Material Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300717)
Jiangsu Huifeng Bio Agriculture Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002496)
Jiangsu Innovative Ecological New Materials Limited (SEHK:2116)
Jiangsu Jiangnan High Polymer Fiber Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600527)
Jiangsu Jiangnan Water Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601199)
Jiangsu Jiangyin Rural Commercial Bank Co.,LTD. (SZSE:002807)
Jiangsu JieJie Microelectronics Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300623)
JiangSu Jinji Industrial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300798)
Jiangsu Jinling Sports Equipment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300651)
Jiangsu Jiuding New Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002201)
JiangSu JiuWu Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300631)
Jiangsu JIXIN Wind Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601218)
Jiangsu Kanion Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600557)
Jiangsu King's Luck Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603369)
Jiangsu Kuangshun Photosensitivity New-Material Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300537)
Jiangsu Lanfeng Bio-chemical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002513)
Jiangsu Leike Defense Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002413)
Jiangsu Leili Motor Co., Ltd (SZSE:300660)
Jiangsu Lettall Electronic Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603629)
Jiangsu Lianfa Textile Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002394)
Jiangsu Lianhuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600513)
Jiangsu Lianyungang Port Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601008)
Jiangsu Liba Enterprise Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603519)
Jiangsu Lidao New Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603937)
Jiangsu Lihua Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300761)
Jiangsu Linyang Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601222)
Jiangsu LiXing General Steel Ball Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300421)
Jiangsu Lugang Culture Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601599)
Jiangsu Luokai Mechanical &Electrical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603829)
Jiangsu Maysta Chemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603041)
Jiangsu NandaSoft Technology Company Limited (SEHK:8045)
Jiangsu Nanfang Bearing Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002553)
Jiangsu Nanfang Medical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603880)
Jiangsu Nata Opto-electronic Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300346)
Jiangsu New Energy Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603693)
Jiangsu Newamstar Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300509)
Jiangsu Nhwa Pharmaceutical Co., LTD (SZSE:002262)
Jiangsu Nonghua Intelligent Agriculture Technology (SZSE:000816)
Jiangsu Olive Sensors High-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300507)
Jiangsu Pacific Precision Forging Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300258)
Jiangsu Pacific Quartz Co., Ltd (SHSE:603688)
Jiangsu Phoenix Property Investment Company Limited (SHSE:600716)
Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing & Media Corporation Limited (SHSE:601928)
Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural Reclamation and Development Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601952)
Jiangsu Rainbow Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002483)
Jiangsu Riying Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603286)
Jiangsu Rutong Petro-Machinery Co., Ltd (SHSE:603036)
Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603028)
Jiangsu Sainty Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:600287)
Jiangsu Sanfangxiang Industry Co., Ltd (SHSE:600370)
Jiangsu Seagull Cooling Tower Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603269)
Jiangsu Shagang Co. Ltd. (SZSE:002075)
Jiangsu Shemar Electric Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603530)
Jiangsu Shentong Valve Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002438)
Jiangsu Shuangxing Color Plastic New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002585)
Jiangsu Sidike New Materials Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300806)
Jiangsu Sihuan Bioengineering Co., Ltd (SZSE:000518)
Jiangsu Skyray Instrument Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300165)
Jiangsu SOPO Chemical Co. Ltd. (SHSE:600746)
Jiangsu Sunshine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600220)
Jiangsu Suzhou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd (SHSE:603323)
Jiangsu Tianmu Lake Tourism Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603136)
Jiangsu Tongda Power Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002576)
Jiangsu Tongguang Electronic Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300265)
Jiangsu Tongrun Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002150)
Jiangsu Transimage Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002866)
Jiangsu Wanlin Modern Logistics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603117)
Jiangsu Wujin Stainless Steel Pipe Group CO.,LTD. (SHSE:603878)
Jiangsu Wuyang Parking Industry Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300420)
Jiangsu Wuzhong Industrial Co., Ltd (SHSE:600200)
Jiangsu Xinning Modern Logistics Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300013)
Jiangsu Xinquan Automotive Trim Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603179)
Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603787)
Jiangsu Xiuqiang Glasswork Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300160)
JiangSu Yabaite Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002323)
Jiangsu Yabang Dyestuff Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603188)
Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002304)
Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600486)
Jiangsu Yawei Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002559)
Jiangsu Yida Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300721)
Jiangsu Yinhe Electronics Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002519)
Jiangsu Yitong High-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300211)
Jiangsu Yoke Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002409)
Jiangsu Yueda Investment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600805)
Jiangsu Yulong Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601028)
Jiangsu Yunyi Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300304)
Jiangsu Yuxing Film Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300305)
Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Equipment & Supply Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002223)
Jiangsu Zhangjiagang Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002839)
Jiangsu Zhengdan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300641)
JiangSu Zhenjiang New Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603507)
Jiangsu Zhongchao Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002471)
Jiangsu Zhongli Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002309)
Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000961)
Jiangsu Zhongshe Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002883)
Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600522)
Jiangsu Zijin Rural Commercial Bank Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601860)
Jiangsu Zitian Media Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300280)
Jiangsu Zongyi Co.,LTD (SHSE:600770)
Jiangxi Bank Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1916)
Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Inc.,Ltd (SZSE:002068)
JiangXi ChangJiu Biochemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600228)
Jiangxi Changyun Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600561)
Jiangxi Copper Company Limited (SEHK:358)
Jiangxi Fushine Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300497)
Jiangxi Ganneng Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000899)
Jiangxi Ganyue Expressway CO.,LTD. (SHSE:600269)
Jiangxi Guotai Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603977)
Jiangxi Hengda Hi-Tech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002591)
Jiangxi Hongcheng Waterworks Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600461)
Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600316)
Jiangxi Huangshanghuang Group Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002695)
Jiangxi Huawu Brake Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300095)
Jiangxi Sanxin Medtec Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300453)
Jiangxi Selon Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002748)
Jiangxi Special Electric Motor Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002176)
Jiangxi Synergy Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300636)
Jiangxi Wannianqing Cement Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000789)
Jiangxi Xinyu Guoke Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300722)
Jiangxi Zhengbang Technology Co.Ltd. (SZSE:002157)
Jiangyin Electrical Alloy Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300697)
Jiangyin Haida Rubber And Plastic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300320)
Jiangyin Hengrun Heavy Industries Co., Ltd (SHSE:603985)
Jiangyin Jianghua Microelectronics Materials Co., Ltd (SHSE:603078)
Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (SHSE:600750)
Jiankun International Berhad (KLSE:JIANKUN)
Jianmin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600976)
Jianxi Lianchuang Opto-Electronic Science & Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:600363)
JiaoZuo WanFang Aluminum Manufacturing Co., Ltd (SZSE:000612)
Jiashili Group Limited (SEHK:1285)
Jiawei Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300317)
Jiayou International Logistics Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603871)
Jiayuan International Group Limited (SEHK:2768)
JICO co., Ltd (KOSE:A010580)
Jigar Cables Limited (BSE:540651)
Jih Lin Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5285)
Jih Sun Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5820)
Jihua Group Corporation Limited (SHSE:601718)
Jiin Ming Industry Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3230)
Jiin Yeeh Ding Enterprises Corp. (GTSM:8390)
JIK Industries Limited (BSE:511618)
Jikai Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002691)
Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000623)
Jilin Chemical Fibre Stock Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000420)
Jilin Chengcheng Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600247)
Jilin Electric Power Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000875)
Jilin Expressway Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601518)
Jilin Forest Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600189)
Jilin Jian Yisheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002566)
Jilin Jinguan Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300510)
Jilin Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank Corporation Limited (SEHK:6122)
Jilin Jlu Communication Design Institute Co., Ltd (SZSE:300597)
Jilin Liyuan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002501)
Jilin Province Chuncheng Heating Company Limited (SEHK:1853)
Jilin Province Huinan Changlong Bio-pharmacy Company Limited (SEHK:8049)
Jilin Sino-Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600360)
Jilin Yatai (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600881)
Jilin Zixin Pharmaceutical Industrial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002118)
Jimu Group Limited (SEHK:8187)
Jin Air Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A272450)
Jin Tong Ling Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300091)
Jin Yang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A007370)
Jinaam's Dress Limited (BSE:542653)
Jinan Acetate Chemical Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4763)
Jinchuan Group International Resources Co. Ltd (SEHK:2362)
Jincostech Co., Ltd. (XKON:A250030)
Jindal Capital Limited (BSE:530405)
Jindal Cotex Limited (NSEI:JINDCOT)
Jindal Drilling & Industries Limited (BSE:511034)
Jindal Hotels Limited (BSE:507981)
Jindal Photo Limited (BSE:532624)
Jindal Poly Films Limited (BSE:500227)
Jindal Poly Investment and Finance Company Limited (BSE:536773)
Jindal Saw Limited (BSE:500378)
Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited (BSE:539597)
Jindal Stainless Limited (BSE:532508)
Jindal Steel & Power Limited (NSEI:JINDALSTEL)
Jindal Worldwide Limited (BSE:531543)
Jindo.Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A088790)
Jinduicheng Molybdenum Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601958)
Jinfa Labi Maternity & Baby Articles Co., Ltd (SZSE:002762)
Jing-Jan Retail Business Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2942)
Jingjin Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603279)
Jingrui Holdings Limited (SEHK:1862)
Jingwei Textile Machinery Company Limited (SZSE:000666)
Jinhai International Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2225)
Jinhe Biotechnology CO., LTD. (SZSE:002688)
Jinhong Fashion Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603518)
Jinhong Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000669)
Jinhua Chunguang Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603657)
Jinhui Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:137)
JINHUI LIQUOR Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603919)
Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited (OB:JIN)
Jinjian Cereals Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600127)
Jinke Property Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000656)
Jinlei Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300443)
Jinli Group Holdings Limited (TSEC:8429)
Jinling Hotel Corporation, Ltd. (SHSE:601007)
Jinling Pharmaceutical Company Limited (SZSE:000919)
Jinlong Machinery & Electronic Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300032)
Jinlongyu Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002882)
Jinmao (China) Hotel Investments and Management Limited (SEHK:6139)
Jinneng Science&Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:603113)
Jinro Distillers Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A018120)
Jinshang Bank Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2558)
JINSUNG T.E.C., Inc. (KOSDAQ:A036890)
Jinxi Axle Company Limited (SHSE:600495)
Jinxin Fertility Group Limited (SEHK:1951)
Jinyu Bio-technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600201)
Jinyuan EP Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000546)
Jinzhou Cihang Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000587)
Jinzhou Jixiang Molybdenum Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603399)
Jinzhou Port Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900952)
Jinzi Ham Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002515)
Jiransecurity Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A208350)
JiShi Media Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601929)
JITF Infralogistics Limited (NSEI:JITFINFRA)
Jiu Rong Holdings Limited (SEHK:2358)
Jiugui Liquor Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000799)
Jiutian Chemical Group Limited (Catalist:C8R)
Jiuzhitang Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000989)
Jiya Eco-Products Limited (BSE:539225)
Jiyad Holding Company - K.S.C (Public) (KWSE:JIYAD)
Jiyi Household International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1495)
Jiyuan Packaging Holdings Limited (TSEC:8488)
Jizhong Energy Resources Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000937)
JK Agri Genetics Limited (BSE:536493)
JK Lakshmi Cement Limited (BSE:500380)
JK Paper Limited (BSE:532162)
JK Tyre & Industries Limited (BSE:530007)
JKN Global Media Public Company Limited (SET:JKN)
JL Mag Rare-Earth Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300748)
JLA Infraville Shoppers Limited (BSE:538765)
JLogo Holdings Limited (SEHK:8527)
JLS Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A040420)
JM Financial Limited (BSE:523405)
JMC Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6552)
JMC Projects (India) Limited (BSE:522263)
JMD Ventures Limited (BSE:511092)
JMG Corporation Limited (BSE:523712)
JMI Syringes & Medical Devices Limited (DSE:JMISMDL)
JMicron Technology Corp. (GTSM:4925)
JMMB Group Limited (JMSE:JMMBGL)
JMT Auto Limited (BSE:513691)
JMT Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A094970)
JMT Network Services Public Company Limited (SET:JMT)
JNBY Design Limited (SEHK:3306)
JNK Heaters Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A126880)
João Fortes Engenharia S.A. (BOVESPA:JFEN3)
Jochu Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3543)
Jocil Limited (NSEI:JOCIL)
Joeone Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601566)
Johan Holdings Berhad (KLSE:JOHAN)
John Keells Holdings PLC (COSE:JKH.N0000)
John Keells Hotels PLC (COSE:KHL.N0000)
John Keells PLC (COSE:JKL.N0000)
Johnson Chemical Pharmaceutical Works Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4747)
Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited (BSE:523398)
Johnson Electric Holdings Limited (SEHK:179)
Johnson Health Tech. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1736)
Johore Tin Berhad (KLSE:JOHOTIN)
Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600380)
Joindre Capital Services Limited (BSE:531861)
Joinn Laboratories (China) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603127)
Joinsoon Electronics Manufacturing CO., LTD. (GTSM:3322)
Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (HOSE:VCB)
Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (HOSE:BID)
joint stock company "National atomic company "Kazatomprom" (KAS:KZAP)
Joint Stock Company "Raiffeisen Bank Aval" (UKR:BAVL)
Joint Stock Company "World Trade Center Moscow" (MISX:WTCM)
Joint Stock Company Bank CenterCredit (KAS:CCBN)
Joint-Stock Company " Gas To Liquid " (MISX:GTLC)
Joint-Stock Company Krasnyj Octyabr (MISX:KROT)
Joint-Stock Company Ryazanenergosbyt (MISX:RZSB)
Joint-stock company Slavneft-Megionneftegas (MISX:MFGS)
Jointeca Education Solutions Ltd. (BSE:534659)
Jointo Energy Investment Co., ltd. Hebei. (SZSE:000600)
Jointown Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600998)
Jokwang ILI Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A044060)
Jolimark Holdings Limited (SEHK:2028)
Jollibee Foods Corporation (PSE:JFC)
Jolliville Holdings Corporation (PSE:JOH)
Jolywood (Suzhou) Sunwatt Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300393)
Jones Tech PLC (SZSE:300684)
Jonjee Hi-tech Industrial & Commercial Holding Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600872)
Joong Ang Enervis Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A000440)
Joonktollee Tea & Industries Limited (BSE:538092)
Jordan Ahli Bank (ASE:AHLI)
Jordan Commercial Bank (ASE:JCBK)
Jordan Dairy Company Ltd. (ASE:JODA)
Jordan Decapolis Properties (ASE:JDPC)
Jordan Express Tourist Transport Co. Ltd (ASE:JETT)
Jordan French Insurance Co. (P.L.C.) (ASE:JOFR)
Jordan Industrial Resources Company Ltd. (ASE:JOIR)
Jordan International Insurance Company (ASE:JIJC)
Jordan International Trading Center Co.Ltd. (ASE:JITC)
Jordan Investment & Tourism Transport Co. (ASE:ALFA)
Jordan Investment Trust P.L.C (ASE:JOIT)
Jordan Islamic Bank (ASE:JOIB)
Jordan Kuwait Bank (ASE:JOKB)
Jordan Loan Guarantee Corp. (ASE:JLGC)
Jordan Masaken for Land and Industrial Development Group (ASE:MSKN)
Jordan National Shipping Lines P.L.C. (ASE:SHIP)
Jordan Petroleum Refinery Co. Ltd. (ASE:JOPT)
Jordan Phosphate Mines Co. Plc (ASE:JOPH)
Jordan Poultry Processing & Marketing Co. Ltd (ASE:JPPC)
Jordan Press Foundation (ASE:PRES)
Jordan Steel P.L.C. (ASE:JOST)
Jordan Telecommunications Company (ASE:JTEL)
Jordan Trade Facilities Company P.S.C (ASE:JOTF)
Jordan Vegetable Oil Industries Co. Ltd. (ASE:JVOI)
Jordan Wood Industries Company (ASE:WOOD)
Jordanian Duty Free Shops (ASE:JDFS)
Jordanian Expatriates Investment Holding Company (PSC) (ASE:JEIH)
Jordanian for Management & Consultancy (ASE:JOMC)
Jordanian Real Estate Company for Development (ASE:JRCD)
Jorjin Technologies Inc. (GTSM:4980)
Jost's Engineering Company Limited (BSE:505750)
Jouder Precision Industry (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300549)
Jourdeness Group Limited (TSEC:4190)
Joway Health Industries Group Inc. (OTCPK:GTVI)
Joy City Property Limited (SEHK:207)
Joy Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4559)
Joyce Boutique Group Limited (SEHK:647)
JOYCITY Corporation (KOSDAQ:A067000)
JOYMAX Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A101730)
Joyoung Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002242)
Joyvio Agriculture Development Co., Ltd (SZSE:300268)
Joyware Electronics Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300270)
JP Nelson Holdings Pte Ltd. (GTSM:8418)
JPP Holding Company Limited (TSEC:5284)
JPT Securities Limited (BSE:530985)
JS Bank Limited (KASE:JSBL)
JS Beauty Land Network Technology Inc. (OTCPK:JSBL)
JS Corporation (KOSE:A194370)
JS Global Capital Limited (KASE:JSGCL)
JS Global Lifestyle Company Limited (SEHK:1691)
JS Investments Limited (KASE:JSIL)
JSC Bayan Sulu (KAS:BSUL)
JSE Limited (JSE:JSE)
JSL Construction & Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2540)
JSTI Group (SZSE:300284)
JSW Energy Limited (BSE:533148)
JSW Holdings Limited (BSE:532642)
JSW Pacific Corporation (GTSM:5251)
JSW Steel Limited (BSE:500228)
JT Corporation (KOSDAQ:A089790)
JTEKT India Limited (BSE:520057)
JTF International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8479)
JTL Infra Limited (BSE:534600)
Ju Teng International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3336)
Ju-Kao Engineering Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1594)
Jubilant Flame International, Ltd. (OTCPK:JFIL)
Jubilant FoodWorks Limited (NSEI:JUBLFOOD)
Jubilant Industries Limited (BSE:533320)
Jubilant Life Sciences Limited (BSE:530019)
Jubilee Enterprise Public Company Limited (SET:JUBILE)
Jubilee General Insurance Company Limited (KASE:JGICL)
Jubilee Holdings Limited (NASE:JUB)
Jubilee Industries Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:NHD)
Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited (KASE:JLICL)
Jubilee Spinning & Weaving Mills Limited (KASE:JUBS)
Juewei Food Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603517)
Juhayna Food Industries S.A.E. (CASE:JUFO)
Jui Li Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1512)
Juic International Corporation (GTSM:6114)
Jujiang Construction Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1459)
Juli Sling Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002342)
Julien's International Entertainment Group (GTSM:6595)
Julius Berger Nigeria Plc (NGSE:JBERGER)
Jullundur Motor Agency (Delhi) Limited (NSEI:JMA)
Julong Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300202)
Jumbo Bag Limited (BSE:516078)
Jumbo Group Limited (Catalist:42R)
Jump Networks Limited (BSE:531337)
Junction Fabrics and Apparels Limited (BSE:539216)
Juneyao Airlines Co., Ltd (SHSE:603885)
Jung Shing Wire Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1617)
JUNGDAWN Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A208140)
Junhe Pumps Holding Co., Ltd (SHSE:603617)
JunTai International Co. Ltd. (TSEC:6131)
Jupiter Gold Corporation (OTCPK:JUPG.F)
Jupiter Infomedia Limited (BSE:534623)
Jushri Technologies, Inc (SZSE:300762)
Just Dial Limited (NSEI:JUSTDIAL)
Justin Allen Holdings Limited (SEHK:1425)
Jutal Offshore Oil Services Limited (SEHK:3303)
Jute Spinners Limited (DSE:JUTESPINN)
Jutha Maritime Public Company Limited (SET:JUTHA)
Jutze Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300802)
JVL Agro Industries Limited (BSE:519248)
Jvm Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A054950)
JW Holdings Corporation (KOSE:A096760)
JW Life Science Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A234080)
JW Pharmaceutical Corporation (KOSE:A001060)
JW Shinyak Corporation (KOSDAQ:A067290)
JWD InfoLogistics Public Company Limited (SET:JWD)
JY Grandmark Holdings Limited (SEHK:2231)
Jye Tai Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6165)
Jyothy Labs Limited (BSE:532926)
Jyoti Limited (BSE:504076)
Jyoti Resins and Adhesives Limited (BSE:514448)
JYP Entertainment Corporation (KOSDAQ:A035900)
K & P International Holdings Limited (SEHK:675)
K G Denim Limited (BSE:500239)
K Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8475)
K I C Metaliks Limited (BSE:513693)
K Laser Technology Inc. (TSEC:2461)
K W Nelson Interior Design and Contracting Group Limited (SEHK:8411)
K WAY Information Corporation (GTSM:5201)
K Z Leasing and Finance Limited (BSE:511728)
K-Electric Limited (KASE:KEL)
K-Lifestyle and Industries Limited (BSE:514221)
K-One Technology Berhad (KLSE:K1)
K-Star Sports Limited (KLSE:KSTAR)
K-TOP Reits Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A145270)
K. H. Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1557)
K. Seng Seng Corporation Berhad (KLSE:KSSC)
K. W. Metal Work Public Company Limited (SET:KWM)
K. Wah International Holdings Limited (SEHK:173)
K.C. Metalsheet Public Company Limited (SET:KCM)
K.C.P. Sugar and Industries Corporation Limited (BSE:533192)
K.L.E. Group Limited (JMSE:KLE)
K.M. Sugar Mills Limited (BSE:532673)
K.P. Energy Limited (BSE:539686)
K.P.I. Global Infrastructure Limited (BSE:542323)
K.P.R. Mill Limited (BSE:532889)
K.S. Terminals Inc. (TSEC:3003)
K2 F&B Holdings Limited (SEHK:2108)
Ka Shui International Holdings Limited (SEHK:822)
Kaap Agri Limited (JSE:KAL)
Kabra Commercial Limited (BSE:539393)
Kabra Drugs Limited (BSE:524322)
Kabra Extrusiontechnik Limited (BSE:524109)
Kabsons Industries Limited (BSE:524675)
Kachchh Minerals Limited (BSE:531778)
Kader Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:180)
Kadimastem Ltd (TASE:KDST)
Kading Companies, S.A. (OTCPK:KDNG)
Kafaa For Financial & Economical Investments Co.P.L.C (ASE:KAFA)
Kafr El Zayat Pesticides and Chemicals Co. (CASE:KZPC)
Kafrit Industries (1993) Ltd (TASE:KAFR)
Kahira Pharmaceuticals & Chemical Industries Company (CASE:CPCI)
Kai Chieh International Investment Ltd. (GTSM:2721)
Kai Yuan Holdings Limited (SEHK:1215)
Kaibo Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3073)
Kaile Science and Technology Co;Ltd.Hubei (SHSE:600260)
Kailuan Energy Chemical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600997)
Kaira Can Company Limited (BSE:504840)
Kairuide Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002072)
Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:1638)
Kaisa Health Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:876)
KAISA Jiayun Technology Inc. (SZSE:300242)
Kaisa Prosperity Holdings Limited (SEHK:2168)
Kaiser (China) Culture Co., LTD (SZSE:002425)
Kaison Green Energy Technology Co., LTD (GTSM:2246)
Kaisun Holdings Limited (SEHK:8203)
Kaixin Auto Holdings (NasdaqCM:KXIN)
Kajaria Ceramics Limited (BSE:500233)
Kakao Corp. (KOSE:A035720)
Kakatiya Cement Sugar and Industries Limited (NSEI:KAKATCEM)
Kakuzi Plc (NASE:KUKZ)
KAL Energy, Inc. (OTCPK:KALG)
Kallam Textiles Limited (BSE:530201)
Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited (BSE:522287)
Kaluga Power Sale Company Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:KLSB)
Kalyani Forge Limited (BSE:513509)
Kalyani Investment Company Limited (BSE:533302)
Kalyani Steels Limited (BSE:500235)
Kam Hing International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2307)
KAMA Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:900953)
KAMA Holdings Limited (BSE:532468)
Kamada Ltd. (TASE:KMDA)
Kamadgiri Fashion Limited (BSE:514322)
Kamanwala Housing Construction Limited (BSE:511131)
Kamat Hotels (India) Limited (BSE:526668)
KAMAZ Publicly Traded Company (MISX:KMAZ)
KAMCO Investment Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KAMCO)
Kamdar Group (M) Berhad (KLSE:KAMDAR)
Kamdhenu Limited (BSE:532741)
Kanani Industries Limited (BSE:506184)
Kanchi Karpooram Limited (BSE:538896)
Kanco Tea & Industries Limited (BSE:541005)
Kandagiri Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:521242)
Kandi Technologies Group, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KNDI)
Kanel Industries Limited (BSE:500236)
Kang Stem Biotech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A217730)
Kang Yong Electric Public Company Limited (SET:KYE)
Kangda International Environmental Company Limited (SEHK:6136)
Kanger International Berhad (KLSE:KANGER)
KangLi International Holdings Limited (SEHK:6890)
KANGLIM Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A014200)
Kangmei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600518)
Kangnam Jevisco Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000860)
Kangwon Land, Inc. (KOSE:A035250)
Kangxin New Materials Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600076)
Kangyue Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300391)
Kanishk Steel Industries Limited (BSE:513456)
Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited (NSEI:KANORICHEM)
Kanpai Co., Ltd (GTSM:1269)
Kanpur Plastipack Limited (BSE:507779)
Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited (BSE:500165)
Kantone Holdings Limited (SEHK:1059)
Kao Fong Machinery Co., Ltd (GTSM:4510)
Kao Hsing Chang Iron & Steel Corp. (TSEC:2008)
Kaonmedia Co, Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A078890)
Kaori Heat Treatment Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8996)
KAP Industrial Holdings Limited (JSE:KAP)
Kapashi Commercial Ltd. (BSE:512399)
Kapchorua Tea Kenya Plc (NASE:KAPC)
Kapil Raj Finance Limited (BSE:539679)
Karda Constructions Limited (NSEI:KARDA)
Kardan Israel Ltd (TASE:KRDI)
Kardan Real Estate Enterprise and Development Ltd. (TASE:KARE)
Karex Berhad (KLSE:KAREX)
Karin Technology Holdings Limited (SGX:K29)
Karma Energy Limited (BSE:533451)
Karmarts Public Company Limited (SET:KAMART)
Karnaphuli Insurance Company Limited (DSE:KARNAPHULI)
Karnavati Finance Limited (BSE:538928)
Karrie International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1050)
Karuturi Global Limited (BSE:531687)
Karyon Industries Berhad (KLSE:KARYON)
Kasati Joint Stock Company (HNX:KST)
Kasen International Holdings Limited (SEHK:496)
Kaset Thai International Sugar Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:KTIS)
Kasikornbank Public Company Limited (SET:KBANK)
Katare Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:502933)
Kato (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited (SEHK:2189)
Katrina Group Ltd. (Catalist:1A0)
Kattali Textile Limited (DSE:KTL)
Kaulin Mfg. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1531)
Kaushalya Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NSEI:KAUSHALYA)
Kaveri Seed Company Limited (BSE:532899)
Kavit Industries Limited (BSE:524444)
Kavita Fabrics Limited (BSE:535136)
Kawan Food Berhad (KLSE:KAWAN)
Kay & Que (Bangladesh) Limited (DSE:KAY&QUE)
Kay Power And Paper Limited (BSE:530255)
Kaya Limited (BSE:539276)
Kaycee Industries Limited (BSE:504084)
Kayee International Group Co., Ltd (TSEC:2939)
Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company JSC (KAS:KEGC)
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange Joint-Stock Company (KAS:KASE)
Kazakhtelecom JSC (KAS:KZTK)
Kazan Public Joint Stock Company Organichesky sintez (MISX:KZOS)
KazTransOil JSC (KAS:KZTO)
KB Autosys Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A024120)
KB Financial Group Inc. (KOSE:A105560)
KB No.11 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A258790)
KB No.17 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A317030)
KB No.18 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A323940)
KB No.19 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A330990)
Kbi Dongkook Ind. Co., Ltd (KOSE:A001620)
Kbi Metal Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A024840)
KBS Fashion Group Limited (NasdaqCM:KBSF)
KC Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A029460)
KC Cottrell Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A119650)
KC Feed Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A025880)
KC Green Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009440)
KC Industry Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A112190)
KCC Corporation (KOSE:A002380)
KCC Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A021320)
KCD Industries India Limited (BSE:540696)
KCE Electronics Public Company Limited (SET:KCE)
KCI Limited (KOSDAQ:A036670)
KCL Infra Projects Limited (BSE:531784)
KCTC Co. Ltd (KOSE:A009070)
Kctech Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A281820)
KD Chem Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A221980)
KD Group, financna druzba, d. d. (LJSE:KDHR)
KD, financna druzba, d. d. (LJSE:SKDR)
KDDL Limited (BSE:532054)
KDS Accessories Limited (DSE:KDSALTD)
Keboda Technology Corp. (SHSE:603786)
Kec Corporation (KOSE:A092220)
KEC Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006200)
KEC International Limited (BSE:532714)
Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:KSENG)
Keck Seng Investments (Hong Kong) Limited (SEHK:184)
Keda Clean Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600499)
Keda Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600986)
Kedge Construction Co. Ltd. (TSEC:2546)
Keding Enterprises Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6655)
KEE Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:2011)
Kee Song Bio-Technology Holdings Limited (GTSM:1258)
Kee Tai Properties Co. Ltd. (TSEC:2538)
Keells Food Products PLC (COSE:KFP.N0000)
Keen Ocean International Holding Limited (SEHK:8070)
Keerthi Industries Limited (BSE:518011)
Keeson Technology Corporation Limited (SHSE:603610)
Kegalle Plantations PLC (COSE:KGAL.N0000)
Kehua Hengsheng Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002335)
Kehua Holdings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603161)
KEI Industries Limited (BSE:517569)
Kein Hing International Berhad (KLSE:KEINHIN)
Kejuruteraan Asastera Berhad (KLSE:KAB)
Kelani Cables PLC (COSE:KCAB.N0000)
Kelani Tyres PLC (COSE:TYRE.N0000)
Kelani Valley Plantations PLC (COSE:KVAL.N0000)
Kelfred Holdings Limited (SEHK:1134)
Keli Motor Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002892)
Keli Sensing Technology (Ningbo) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603662)
Kelin Environmental Protection Equipment, Inc. (SZSE:002499)
Kelinda (OTCPK:KLDA)
Kelington Group Berhad (KLSE:KGB)
Kellton Tech Solutions Limited (BSE:519602)
Kelsey Developments PLC (COSE:KDL.N0000)
Keltech Energies Limited (BSE:506528)
Kemen Noodle Manufacturing Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002661)
Kemistar Corporation Limited (BSE:531163)
Ken Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300126)
Ken Holdings Berhad (KLSE:KEN)
Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad (KLSE:KENANGA)
Kencana Agri Limited (SGX:BNE)
Kenda Rubber Industrial Co. Ltd. (TSEC:2106)
Kenergy Scientific, Inc. (OTCPK:KNSC)
Kenly Precision Industrial Co., LTD. (GTSM:5383)
Kenmec Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6125)
Kennametal India Limited (BSE:505890)
Kennede Electronics MFG. CO., LTD. (SZSE:002723)
Kenon Holdings Ltd. (TASE:KEN)
Kenturn Nano. Tec. Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4561)
Kenya Airways Plc (NASE:KQ)
Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (NASE:KEGN)
Kenya Reinsurance Corporation Limited (NASE:KNRE)
Keong Hong Holdings Limited (SGX:5TT)
KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc. (KOSE:A052690)
KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A051600)
Kepler Weber S.A. (BOVESPA:KEPL3)
Keppel Corporation Limited (SGX:BN4)
Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)
Keppel Pacific Oak US REIT (SGX:CMOU)
Keppel Philippines Holdings, Inc. (PSE:KPHB)
Keppel REIT (SGX:K71U)
Kepwealth Property Phils., Inc. (PSE:KPPI)
Kerala Ayurveda Limited (BSE:530163)
Kerjaya Prospek Group Berhad (KLSE:KERJAYA)
Kerjaya Prospek Property Berhad (KLSE:GSB)
Kernel Holding S.A. (WSE:KER)
Kernex Microsystems (India) Limited (BSE:532686)
Kerry Logistics Network Limited (SEHK:636)
Kerry Properties Limited (SEHK:683)
Kerry TJ Logistics Company Limited (TSEC:2608)
Kerur Holdings Ltd. (TASE:KRUR)
Kesar Enterprises Limited (BSE:507180)
Kesar Petroproducts Limited (BSE:524174)
Kesar Terminals & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:533289)
Keshun Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300737)
KESM Industries Berhad (KLSE:KESM)
Kesoram Industries Limited (BSE:502937)
Keum Kang Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053260)
Kewal Kiran Clothing Limited (BSE:532732)
Key Alliance Group Berhad (KLSE:KGROUP)
Key Corp Limited (BSE:507948)
Key Insurance Company Limited (JMSE:KEY)
Key Ware Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5498)
Keya Cosmetics Limited (DSE:KEYACOSMET)
Keyang Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A012200)
Keyeast Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A054780)
Keynote Financial Services Limited (BSE:512597)
Keysheen (Cayman) Holdings Co., Limited (TSEC:8427)
Keystone Microtech Corporation (GTSM:6683)
KFM Kingdom Holdings Limited (SEHK:3816)
KG Chemical Corporation (KOSE:A001390)
KG Eco Technology Services Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A151860)
KG Mobilians Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A046440)
KG Petrochem Limited (BSE:531609)
KGI Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:KGI)
Kginicis Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A035600)
KGL Logistics Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:LOGISTICS)
Khadim India Limited (BSE:540775)
Khaitan (India) Limited (BSE:590068)
Khaitan Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (BSE:507794)
Khan Brothers PP Woven Bag Industries Ltd (DSE:KBPPWBIL)
Khandwala Securities Limited (NSEI:KHANDSE)
Khang Dien House Trading and Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:KDH)
Khang Minh Brick Joint Stock Company (HNX:GKM)
Khanh Hoa Power Joint Stock Company (HOSE:KHP)
Khee San Berhad (KLSE:KHEESAN)
Khemani Distributors & Marketing Limited (BSE:539788)
KHFM Hospitality and Facility Management Services Limited (NSEI:KHFM)
Khgears International Limited (TSEC:4571)
Khind Holdings Berhad (KLSE:KHIND)
Khoday India Limited (BSE:507435)
Khon Kaen Sugar Industry Public Company Limited (SET:KSL)
Khonburi Sugar Public Company Limited (SET:KBS)
Khong Guan Limited (SGX:K03)
Khoobsurat Limited (BSE:535730)
Khoon Group Limited (SEHK:924)
Khulna Power Company Ltd. (DSE:KPCL)
Khulna Printing & Packaging Ltd. (DSE:KPPL)
Khurshid Spinning Mills Limited (KASE:KHSM)
KHVATEC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A060720)
Khyati Multimedia Entertainment Limited (BSE:531692)
Khyber Tobacco Company Limited (KASE:KHTC)
Kia Lim Berhad (KLSE:KIALIM)
Kia Motors Corporation (KOSE:A000270)
Kian Shen Corporation (TSEC:1525)
Kiang Huat Sea Gull Trading Frozen Food Public Company Limited (SET:CHOTI)
Kiatnakin Bank Public Company Limited (SET:KKP)
Kiattana Transport Public Company Limited (SET:KIAT)
KidariStudio, Inc. (KOSE:A020120)
Kiddieland International Limited (SEHK:3830)
KIDO Group Corporation (HOSE:KDC)
Kidoz Inc. (OTCPK:KDOZ.F)
Kidsland International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2122)
Kien Hung Joint Stock Company (HNX:KHS)
KIFS Financial Services Limited (BSE:535566)
Kilburn Chemicals Limited (BSE:524699)
Kilburn Engineering Limited (BSE:522101)
Kilburn Office Automation Limited (BSE:523218)
Kilitch Drugs (India) Limited (BSE:524500)
Kilpest India Limited (BSE:532067)
Kim Forest Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6645)
Kim Heng Offshore & Marine Holdings Limited (Catalist:5G2)
Kim Hin Industry Berhad (KLSE:KIMHIN)
Kim Hin Joo (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:KHJB)
Kim Loong Resources Berhad (KLSE:KMLOONG)
Kim Teck Cheong Consolidated Berhad (KLSE:KTC)
Kim Vi Inox Import Export Production Joint Stock Company (HNX:KVC)
Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:KIMBER A)
Kimia Biosciences Limited (BSE:530313)
Kimlun Corporation Berhad (KLSE:KIMLUN)
Kimly Limited (Catalist:1D0)
Kimou Environmental Holding Limited (SEHK:6805)
Kin Pang Holdings Limited (SEHK:1722)
Kin Shing Holdings Limited (SEHK:1630)
Kin Yat Holdings Limited (SEHK:638)
Kina Securities Limited (ASX:KSL)
Kindom Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2520)
KineMaster Corporation (KOSDAQ:A139670)
Kinergy Corporation Ltd. (SEHK:3302)
KinerjaPay Corp. (OTCPK:KPAY)
Kinetic Engineering Limited (BSE:500240)
Kinetic Mines and Energy Limited (SEHK:1277)
Kinetix Systems Holdings Limited (SEHK:8606)
King Chou Marine Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4417)
King Core Electronics Inc. (TSEC:6155)
King Fook Holdings Limited (SEHK:280)
King Polytechnic Engineering Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6122)
King Slide Works Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2059)
King Stone Energy Group Limited (SEHK:663)
King Wai Group (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:KWG)
King Wan Corporation Limited (SGX:554)
King-Strong New Material Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300629)
King¡¦s Town Millerful No.1 Real Estate Investment Trust (TSEC:01010T)
King's Flair International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:6822)
King's Town Bank (TSEC:2809)
King's Town Construction Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2524)
Kingbo Strike Limited (SEHK:1421)
Kingboard Holdings Limited (SEHK:148)
Kingboard Laminates Holdings Limited (SEHK:1888)
Kingcan Holdings Limited (TSEC:8411)
Kingclean Electric Co.Ltd (SHSE:603355)
Kingdee International Software Group Company Limited (SEHK:268)
Kingdom Holding Company (SASE:4280)
Kingdom Holdings Limited (SEHK:528)
Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002470)
Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600143)
Kingfa Science & Technology (India) Limited (BSE:524019)
Kinghand Industrial Investment Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000615)
Kingkey Financial International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1468)
Kingland Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1751)
Kingland Property Corporation Ltd. (GTSM:6264)
Kingland Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000711)
Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Limited (SEHK:1170)
Kingnet Network Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002517)
Kingold Jewelry, Inc. (NasdaqCM:KGJI)
Kingpak Technology Inc. (GTSM:6238)
Kings Infra Ventures Limited (BSE:530215)
KINGSEMI Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688037)
Kingsignal Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300252)
Kingsley Edugroup Limited (SEHK:8105)
Kingsmen C.M.T.I. Public Company Limited (SET:K)
Kingsmen Creatives Ltd. (SGX:5MZ)
Kingsoft Corporation Limited (SEHK:3888)
Kingstate Electronics Corp. (GTSM:3206)
Kingston Financial Group Limited (SEHK:1031)
Kingston Properties Limited (JMSE:KPREIT)
Kingston Wharves Limited (JMSE:KW)
Kingswood Enterprise Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600255)
Kingwaytek Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6516)
Kingwell Group Limited (SEHK:1195)
Kingworld Medicines Group Limited (SEHK:1110)
KinhBac City Development Holding Corporation (HOSE:KBC)
Kinik Company (TSEC:1560)
Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:KNSA)
Kinko Optical Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6209)
Kino Biotech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4154)
Kinpo Electronics, Inc. (TSEC:2312)
Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp. (TSEC:3189)
Kintech Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6210)
Kintech Renewables Limited (BSE:512329)
KINX, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A093320)
KIP Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:KIPREIT)
Kiran Print-Pack Limited (BSE:531413)
Kiran Vyapar Limited (BSE:537750)
Kiri Industries Limited (BSE:532967)
Kirin Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8109)
Kirloskar Brothers Limited (BSE:500241)
Kirloskar Electric Company Limited (BSE:533193)
Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Limited (BSE:500245)
Kirloskar Industries Limited (BSE:500243)
Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited (BSE:533293)
Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited (BSE:505283)
Kisan Mouldings Limited (BSE:530145)
Kisan Telecom Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A035460)
KISCO Corp. (KOSE:A104700)
KISCO Holdings Corp. (KOSE:A001940)
Kishin Corporation (KOSE:A092440)
KisWire Ltd. (KOSE:A002240)
Kitex Garments Limited (BSE:521248)
Kitov Pharma Ltd (TASE:KTOV)
Kiu Hung International Holdings Limited (SEHK:381)
Kiwa Bio-Tech Products Group Corporation (OTCPK:KWBT)
Kiwi Technology Inc. (GTSM:6699)
Kiwoom No.5 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A311270)
Kiwoom Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A039490)
KJMC Corporate Advisors (India) Limited (BSE:532304)
KJMC Financial Services Limited (BSE:530235)
KK Culture Holdings Limited (SEHK:550)
Kkalpana Industries (India) Limited (BSE:526409)
KKB Engineering Berhad (KLSE:KKB)
KL-Net Corp. (KOSDAQ:A039420)
KleanNara Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004540)
KLG Capital Services Limited (BSE:530771)
Klil Industries Ltd (TASE:KLIL)
Klingon Aerospace Inc. (TSEC:1529)
Kluang Rubber Company (Malaya) Berhad (KLSE:KLUANG)
KLW Holdings Limited (Catalist:504)
KM Corporation (KOSDAQ:A083550)
KMC (Kuei Meng) International Inc. (GTSM:5306)
KMC Speciality Hospitals (India) Limited (BSE:524520)
KMF Builders & Developers Limited (BSE:531578)
KMH Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A122450)
KMH Hitech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052900)
KML Technology Group Limited (SEHK:8065)
Kmw Inc. (KOSDAQ:A032500)
Knafaim Holdings Ltd (TASE:KNFM)
KNH Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9919)
KNJ Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A272110)
KNK Holdings Limited (SEHK:8039)
KNM Group Berhad (KLSE:KNM)
KNOTUS Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A278650)
Knowledge Economic City (SASE:4310)
KNR Constructions Limited (BSE:532942)
KNT Holdings Limited (SEHK:1025)
Knusford Berhad (KLSE:KNUSFOR)
Knutsford Express Services Limited (JMSE:KEX)
KNW Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A105330)
Ko Ja (Cayman) Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5215)
Ko Yo Chemical (Group) Limited (SEHK:827)
Koal Software Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603232)
KOALA Financial Group Limited (SEHK:8226)
Koan Hao Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8354)
KOAS Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A071950)
Kobay Technology Bhd. (KLSE:KOBAY)
Kocom Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A015710)
Koda Ltd (SGX:BJZ)
Koge Micro Tech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4568)
Koh Brothers Eco Engineering Limited (Catalist:5HV)
Koh Brothers Group Limited (SGX:K75)
Koh Young Technology Inc. (KOSDAQ:A098460)
Kohat Cement Company Limited (KASE:KOHC)
Kohinoor Chemical Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. (DSE:KOHINOOR)
Kohinoor Energy Limited (KASE:KOHE)
Kohinoor Foods Ltd. (BSE:512559)
Kohinoor Industries Limited (KASE:KOIL)
Kohinoor Mills Limited (KASE:KML)
Kohinoor Power Company Limited (KASE:KOHP)
Kohinoor Spinning Mills Limited (KASE:KOSM)
Kohinoor Textile Mills Limited (KASE:KTML)
Koka d.d. (ZGSE:KOKA)
Kokuyo Camlin Limited (BSE:523207)
Kolen Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A078650)
Kolmar Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A161890)
Kolmar Korea Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A024720)
KolmarBNH Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A200130)
Kolon Corporation (KOSE:A002020)
Kolon Global Corporation (KOSE:A003070)
Kolon Industries, Inc. (KOSE:A120110)
Kolon Life Science Inc. (KOSDAQ:A102940)
Kolon Materials, Inc. (KOSE:A144620)
Kolon Plastics, Inc. (KOSE:A138490)
Kolos Cement Ltd (MUSE:KLOS.I0000)
Kolte-Patil Developers Limited (BSE:532924)
Komarkcorp Berhad (KLSE:KOMARK)
Kome-on Communication Limited (BSE:539910)
Komelon Corporation (KOSDAQ:A049430)
Komercijalna banka a.d. (BELEX:KMBN)
KoMiCo Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A183300)
Komipharm International Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041960)
Kompanija Dunav Osiguranje a.d.o. (BELEX:DNOS)
Kon Tum Sugar Joint Stock Company (HNX:KTS)
Kona I Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052400)
Koncar - distributivni i specijalni transformatori d.d. (ZGSE:KODT)
Koncar - Elektroindustrija d.d. (ZGSE:KOEI)
Konfoong Materials International Co., Ltd (SZSE:300666)
Kong Sun Holdings Limited (SEHK:295)
Konka Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000016)
Konndor Industries Limited (BSE:532397)
Konsortium Transnasional Berhad (KLSE:KTB)
Kook Soon Dang.Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043650)
Koolearn Technology Holding Limited (SEHK:1797)
KOP Limited (Catalist:5I1)
Kopaonik a.d. (BELEX:KOPB)
Kopla Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A126600)
Kopran Limited (BSE:524280)
Korado Bulgaria AD (BUL:4KX)
Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. (KOSE:A047810)
Korea Airport Service Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005430)
Korea Alcohol Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A017890)
Korea Arlico Pharm Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A260660)
Korea Asset In Trust Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A123890)
Korea Asset Investment Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A190650)
Korea Auto Glass Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A152330)
Korea Bio-Gen Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A318000)
Korea Business News Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A039340)
Korea Cast Iron Pipe Ind. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000970)
KOREA CEMENT co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A198440)
Korea Circuit Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007810)
Korea Computer & Systems Inc. (KOSDAQ:A115500)
Korea Computer Inc. (KOSDAQ:A054040)
Korea Computer Terminal Inc. (KOSDAQ:A089150)
Korea Development Corporation (KOSE:A004200)
Korea District Heating Corp. (KOSE:A071320)
Korea Electric Power Corporation (KOSE:A015760)
Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd (KOSE:A130660)
Korea Electric Terminal Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A025540)
Korea Electronic Certification Authority, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A041460)
Korea Engineering Consultants Corp. (KOSE:A023350)
Korea Environment Technology Co., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A029960)
Korea Export Packaging Industrial Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A002200)
Korea Flange Co., Ltd (KOSE:A010100)
Korea Fuel-Tech Corporation (KOSDAQ:A123410)
Korea Gas Corporation (KOSE:A036460)
Korea Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002140)
Korea Information & Communications Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A025770)
Korea Information Engineering Services Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A039740)
Korea Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A071050)
Korea Line Corporation (KOSE:A005880)
Korea Materials & Analysis Corp. (KOSDAQ:A043290)
Korea New Network Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A058400)
Korea No.5 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A271740)
Korea No.6 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A281410)
Korea No.7 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A291210)
Korea No.8 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A310870)
Korea Parts & Fasteners Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A024880)
Korea Petrochemical Ind. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006650)
Korea Petroleum Industries Company (KOSE:A004090)
Korea Plasma Technology U Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A054410)
Korea Ratings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A034950)
Korea Refractories Co., Ltd (KOSE:A010040)
Korea Renewable Power & Energy Corporation (KOSDAQ:A060900)
Korea SE Corp. (KOSDAQ:A101670)
Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A009540)
Korea Steel Shapes Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007280)
Korea United Pharm Inc. (KOSE:A033270)
Korea Zinc Company, Ltd. (KOSE:A010130)
Koreacenter Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A290510)
Korean Air Lines Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A003490)
Korean Drug Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A014570)
Korean Reinsurance Company (KOSE:A003690)
Kori Holdings Limited (Catalist:5VC)
Kornic Glory Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A094860)
Kornit Digital Ltd. (NasdaqGS:KRNT)
Korshynov Mining Plant Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:KOGK)
Kortek Corporation (KOSDAQ:A052330)
Koryo Credit Information Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A049720)
Koryo Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8032)
KOS International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8042)
KOSES Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A089890)
Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd (KLSE:KOSSAN)
KOSSEN Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A009730)
Kosun Bio Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A204990)
KOSY Joint Stock Company (HOSE:KOS)
Kot Addu Power Company Limited (KASE:KAPCO)
Kotagala Plantations PLC (COSE:KOTA.N0000)
Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited (BSE:500247)
Kothari Fermentation and Biochem Limited (BSE:507474)
Kothari Petrochemicals Limited (NSEI:KOTHARIPET)
Kothari Products Limited (BSE:530299)
Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Limited (NSEI:KOTARISUG)
Kothari World Finance Limited (BSE:511138)
Kotia Enterprises Limited (BSE:539599)
Kotmale Holdings PLC (COSE:LAMB.N0000)
Kotra Industries Berhad (KLSE:KOTRA)
Koufu Group Limited (SGX:VL6)
Kovai Medical Center and Hospital Limited (BSE:523323)
Kovilpatti Lakshmi Roller Flour Mills Limited (BSE:507598)
Kowloon Development Company Limited (SEHK:34)
KOYJ Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A121850)
Koyo International Limited (Catalist:5OC)
KPa-BM Holdings Limited (SEHK:2663)
KPC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (SHSE:600422)
KPIT Technologies Limited (NSEI:KPITTECH)
KPJ Healthcare Berhad (KLSE:KPJ)
KPM Holding Limited (SEHK:8027)
KPM TECH Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A042040)
KPN Property Fund (SET:KPNPF)
KPS Consortium Berhad (KLSE:KPSCB)
KPS Corporation (KOSDAQ:A256940)
KPT Industries Limited (BSE:505299)
KPX Chemical Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A025000)
KPX Holdings Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A092230)
KPX Life Science Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A114450)
KR Motors Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000040)
Kranti Industries Limited (BSE:542459)
Kras d.d. (ZGSE:KRAS)
KraussMaffei Company Limited (SHSE:600579)
Krebs Biochemicals & Industries Limited (BSE:524518)
Kreido Biofuels, Inc. (OTCPK:KRBF)
Kretam Holdings Berhad (KLSE:KRETAM)
Kretto Syscon Limited (BSE:531328)
Kridhan Infra Limited (BSE:533482)
Krishana Phoschem Limited (NSEI:KRISHANA)
Krishna Capital & Securities Limited (BSE:539384)
Krishna Ventures Limited (BSE:504392)
Kriti Industries (India) Limited (BSE:526423)
Kriti Nutrients Limited (BSE:533210)
Kritika Wires Limited (NSEI:KRITIKA)
Krka, d. d. (LJSE:KRKG)
Kronologi Asia Berhad (KLSE:KRONO)
KRTnet Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065530)
Krung Thai Bank Public Company Limited (SET:KTB)
Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Limited (SET:KWC)
Krungthai Car Rent and Lease Public Company Limited (SET:KCAR)
Krungthai Card Public Company Limited (SET:KTC)
Krypton Industries Limited (BSE:523550)
KS Energy Limited (SGX:578)
KS International Holdings Corporation (OTCPK:KSIH)
KS NALOZBE financne nalozbe d.d. (LJSE:KSFR)
KSB Limited (BSE:500249)
KSB Pumps Company Limited (KASE:KSBP)
KSE Limited (BSE:519421)
KSH Holdings Limited (SGX:ER0)
Kshitij Polyline Limited (NSEI:KSHITIJPOL)
KSIGN Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A192250)
KSK Energy Ventures Limited (BSE:532997)
KSL Holdings Berhad (KLSE:KSL)
KSP Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A073010)
KSS Limited (BSE:532081)
KSS Line Ltd. (KOSE:A044450)
KT Corporation (KOSE:A030200)
KT Hitel Corporation., Limited (KOSDAQ:A036030)
KT Skylife Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A053210)
KT Submarine Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A060370)
KT&G Corporation (KOSE:A033780)
KTB Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A030210)
ktcs corporation (KOSE:A058850)
KTIS Corporation (KOSE:A058860)
KTK Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603680)
KTL Global Limited (SGX:EB7)
KTMG Limited (Catalist:XCF)
Kuaijishan Shaoxing Rice Wine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601579)
Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLSE:KLK)
Kuang Hong Arts Management Incorporation (GTSM:6596)
Kuang-Chi Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002625)
KuangChi Science Limited (SEHK:439)
Kuangda Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002516)
Kuangli Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6431)
Kuantum Papers Limited (BSE:532937)
KUB Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:KUB)
Kuban power and electrification public joint stock company (MISX:KUBE)
Kuber Udyog Limited (BSE:539408)
Kuchai Development Berhad (KLSE:KUCHAI)
Kuen Chaang Uppertech Corp. (GTSM:6265)
Kuen Ling Machinery Refrigerating Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4527)
Kuk Young G&M Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A006050)
Kuk-Il Paper Mfg Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A078130)
Kukbo Design Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066620)
KUKBO Logistics Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A001140)
Kukdo Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007690)
Kukdong Corporation (KOSE:A005320)
Kukdong Oil & Chemicals Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A014530)
Kukil Metal Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A060480)
Kukje Pharma Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002720)
Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. (NasdaqGS:KLIC)
Kulthorn Kirby Public Company Limited (SET:KKC)
Kumba Iron Ore Limited (JSE:KIO)
Kumbi Corporation (KOSE:A008870)
Kumho Electric, Inc. (KOSE:A001210)
Kumho HT, Inc. (KOSE:A214330)
Kumho Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002990)
Kumho Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A011780)
Kumho Tire Co., Inc. (KOSE:A073240)
Kumkang Kind Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A014280)
Kumpulan Fima Berhad (KLSE:KFIMA)
Kumpulan H & L High-Tech Berhad (KLSE:HIGHTEC)
Kumpulan Jetson Berhad (KLSE:JETSON)
Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (KLSE:KPS)
Kumpulan Powernet Berhad (KLSE:KPOWER)
Kumwell Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:KUMWEL)
Kumyang Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001570)
Kung Long Batteries Industrial Co.,Ltd (TSEC:1537)
Kung Sing Engineering Corporation (TSEC:5521)
Kunlun Energy Company Limited (SEHK:135)
Kunming Chuan Jin Nuo Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300505)
Kunming Dianchi Water Treatment Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3768)
Kunming Longjin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002750)
Kunming Yunnei Power Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000903)
Kunshan Kersen Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603626)
Kunshan Kinglai Hygienic Materials Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300260)
Kunststoffe Industries Limited (BSE:523594)
Kunwu Jiuding Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600053)
Kunyue Development Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5206)
Kuo Toong International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8936)
Kuo Yang Construction Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2505)
Kuobrothers Corp. (GTSM:8477)
Kura Sushi Asia Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2754)
Kushal Limited (BSE:536170)
Kutjevo d.d. (ZGSE:KTJV)
Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:KGL)
Kuwait and Middle East Financial Investment Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KMEFIC)
Kuwait Business Town Real Estate Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KBT)
Kuwait Cable Vision Company - KPSC (KWSE:CABLETV)
Kuwait Cement Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:KCEM)
Kuwait Finance and Investment Company K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:KFIC)
Kuwait Finance House K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KFH)
Kuwait Financial Centre - K.P.S.C (KWSE:MARKAZ)
Kuwait Foundry Company - K.P.S.C. (KWSE:KFOUC)
Kuwait Insurance Company S.A.K.P. (KWSE:KINS)
Kuwait International Bank K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KIB)
Kuwait Investment Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KINV)
Kuwait National Cinema Company (K.P.S.C) (KWSE:KCIN)
Kuwait Portland Cement Co. K.P.S.C. (KWSE:PCEM)
Kuwait Projects Company Holding K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KPROJ)
Kuwait Real Estate Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:KRE)
Kuwait Real Estate Holding Company K.P.S.C (Holding) (KWSE:ALAQARIA)
Kuwait Remal Real Estate Co. K.P.S.C. (KWSE:REMAL)
Kuwait Resorts Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:MUNTAZAHAT)
Kuwait Syrian Holding Co. K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KSHC)
Kuwait Telecommunications Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:VIVA)
Kuwer Industries Limited (BSE:530421)
Kuznetsky Bank Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:KUZB)
Kwality Credit & Leasing Limited (BSE:531206)
Kwality Limited (BSE:531882)
Kwality Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:539997)
Kwan On Holdings Limited (SEHK:1559)
Kwan's International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6101)
Kwang Dong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009290)
Kwang Jin Ind. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A026910)
Kwang Jin Wintec Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A090150)
Kwang Ming Silk Mill Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4420)
Kwang Myung Electric Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A017040)
Kwantas Corporation Berhad (KLSE:KWANTAS)
Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600519)
KWG Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1813)
Kwong Fong Industries Corporation (TSEC:1416)
Kwong Lung Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8916)
Kwong Man Kee Group Limited (SEHK:8023)
Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Limited (SEHK:306)
Kworld Computer Co.,Ltd (GTSM:3287)
KYE Systems Corp. (TSEC:2365)
Kyeryong Construction Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A013580)
Kyland Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300353)
KYM Holdings Bhd (KLSE:KYM)
Kyobo 7 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A267320)
Kyobo 8 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A307280)
Kyobo 9 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A331520)
Kyobo Securities Co ., Ltd (KOSE:A030610)
Kyongbo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (KOSE:A214390)
Kyung Chang Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A024910)
Kyung Dong Navien Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009450)
Kyung Dong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A011040)
Kyung Nam Pharm Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053950)
Kyung Nong Corporation (KOSE:A002100)
Kyungbang Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A000050)
Kyungdong City Gas Co., Ltd (KOSE:A267290)
Kyungdong Invest Co., Ltd (KOSE:A012320)
Kyungin Electronics Co., Ltd (KOSE:A009140)
Kyungin Synthetic Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A012610)
L & A International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8195)
L.G. Balakrishnan & Bros Limited (BSE:500250)
L.J. Williams Limited (TTSE:LJWB)
L.K. Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:558)
L.P.N. Development Public Company Limited (SET:LPN)
L'Accumulateur Tunisien Assad SA (BVMT:ASSAD)
L'azurde Company for Jewelry (SASE:4011)
L&C BIO Co., Ltd (KOSE:A290650)
L&F Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066970)
L&K Engineering (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603929)
L&K Engineering Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6139)
L&T Finance Holdings Limited (BSE:533519)
L&T Technology Services Limited (NSEI:LTTS)
La Comer, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:LACOMER UBC)
La Forestière Equatoriale SA (ENXTPA:FORE)
La Kaffa International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2732)
La Opala RG Limited (BSE:526947)
La Société de Transport des Hydrocarbures par Pipelines SOTRAPIL SA (BVMT:STPIL)
La Tim Metal & Industries Limited (BSE:505693)
Labat Africa Limited (JSE:LAB)
Label Vie S.A. (CBSE:LBV)
LabGenomics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A084650)
Labixiaoxin Snacks Group Limited (SEHK:1262)
Laboratorios Richmond S.A.C.I.F. (BASE:RICH)
Lachish Industries Ltd (TASE:LHIS)
Lactose (India) Limited (BSE:524202)
Ladam Affordable Housing Limited (BSE:540026)
Ladderup Finance Limited (BSE:530577)
Ladprao General Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:LPH)
Lafang China Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603630)
Lafarge Africa Plc (NGSE:WAPCO)
Lafarge Zambia PLC (LUSE:LAFARGE)
LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Limited (DSE:LHBL)
LafargeHolcim Maroc (CBSE:LHM)
Laffans Petrochemicals Limited (BSE:524522)
Lagis Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6730)
Lagnam Spintex Limited (NSEI:LAGNAM)
Laguna Resorts & Hotels Public Company Limited (SET:LRH)
Lahav LR Real Estate Ltd (TASE:LAHAV)
Lahoti Overseas Limited (BSE:531842)
Lai Fung Holdings Limited (SEHK:1125)
Lai Group Holding Company Limited (SEHK:8455)
Lai Si Enterprise Holding Limited (SEHK:2266)
Lai Sun Development Company Limited (SEHK:488)
Lai Sun Garment (International) Limited (SEHK:191)
Lajin Entertainment Network Group Limited (SEHK:8172)
Lakala Payment Corporation (SZSE:300773)
Lake House Printers and Publishers PLC (COSE:LPRT.N0000)
Lakhotia Polyesters (India) Limited (BSE:535387)
Lakshmi Automatic Loom Works Limited (BSE:505302)
Lakshmi Electrical Control Systems Limited (BSE:504258)
Lakshmi Finance & Industrial Corporation Limited (NSEI:LFIC)
Lakshmi Machine Works Limited (BSE:500252)
Lakshmi Precision Screws Limited (BSE:506079)
Lalin Property Public Company Limited (SET:LALIN)
Lalpir Power Limited (KASE:LPL)
Lam Dong Investment Hydraulic Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:LHC)
Lam Dong Minerals and Building Materials Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LBM)
Lam Son Sugar Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:LSS)
Lam Soon (Hong Kong) Limited (SEHK:411)
Lam Soon (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:LST)
Lam Thao Fertilizers & Chemicals Joint Stock Company (HNX:LAS)
Lambo Group Berhad (KLSE:LAMBO)
Lambodhara Textiles Limited (BSE:590075)
Lamdong Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (HNX:LDP)
Lamprell plc (LSE:LAM)
Lamtex Holdings Limited (SEHK:1041)
Lan Fa Textile Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1459)
Lancashire Holdings Limited (LSE:LRE)
Lancer Container Lines Limited (BSE:539841)
Lancor Holdings Limited (BSE:509048)
Lancy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002612)
Land & General Berhad (KLSE:L&G)
Land and Houses Freehold and Leasehold Property Fund (SET:LHPF)
Land and Houses Public Company Limited (SET:LH)
Land'Or Société Anonyme (BVMT:LNDOR)
Lander Sports Development Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000558)
Landing International Development Limited (SEHK:582)
Landmarc Leisure Corporation Limited (BSE:532275)
Landmark Holding Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LMH)
LandMark Optoelectronics Corporation (GTSM:3081)
Landmark Property Development Company Limited (BSE:533012)
Landmark Spinning Industries Limited (KASE:LMSM)
Landmarks Berhad (KLSE:LANDMRK)
LandOcean Energy Services Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300157)
Landsea Green Properties Co., Ltd. (SEHK:106)
Langfang Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600149)
Langold Real Estate Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002305)
Lanhai Medical Investment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600896)
Lanka Aluminium Industries PLC (COSE:LALU.N0000)
Lanka Ashok Leyland PLC (COSE:ASHO.N0000)
Lanka Ceramic PLC (COSE:CERA.N0000)
Lanka Milk Foods (CWE) PLC (COSE:LMF.N0000)
Lanka Realty Investments PLC (COSE:ASCO.N0000)
Lanka Tiles PLC (COSE:TILE.N0000)
Lanka Ventures PLC (COSE:LVEN.N0000)
Lanka Walltiles PLC (COSE:LWL.N0000)
LankaBangla Finance Limited (DSE:LANKABAFIN)
Lankem Ceylon PLC (COSE:LCEY.N0000)
Lankem Developments PLC (COSE:LDEV.N0000)
Lanna Resources Public Company Limited (SET:LANNA)
Lanner Electronics Inc. (GTSM:6245)
Lanpec Technologies Limited (SHSE:601798)
Lansen Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (SEHK:503)
LanZhou Foci Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002644)
Lanzhou GreatWall Electrical Co., Ltd (SHSE:600192)
Lanzhou Huanghe Enterprise Co., Ltd (SZSE:000929)
Lanzhou LS Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd (SHSE:603169)
Lanzhou Minbaishareholding(Group) Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600738)
Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1533)
Lao Cai Mining and Mineral Processing Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LCM)
Lao Feng Xiang Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600612)
Laobaixing Pharmacy Chain Joint Stock Company (SHSE:603883)
Laon People Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A300120)
Lap Kei Engineering (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1690)
Lapco Holdings Limited (SEHK:8472)
Lapidoth Capital Ltd (TASE:LAPD)
Lapidoth-Heletz Limited Partnership (TASE:LPHL.L)
LARGAN Precision Co.,Ltd (TSEC:3008)
Larry Jewelry International Company Limited (SEHK:8351)
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited (NSEI:LTI)
Larsen & Toubro Limited (BSE:500510)
Lasa Supergenerics Limited (BSE:540702)
Lasco Distributors Limited (JMSE:LASD)
Lasco Financial Services Limited (JMSE:LASF)
Lasco Manufacturing Limited (JMSE:LASM)
Laser Tek Taiwan Co.,Ltd (GTSM:6207)
Lasta a.d. (BELEX:LSTA)
Laster Tech Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3346)
LAT Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A311060)
LATAM Airlines Group S.A. (SNSE:LTM)
LatAm Autos Limited (ASX:LAA)
Latitude Tree Holdings Berhad (KLSE:LATITUD)
Latteys Industries Limited (NSEI:LATTEYS)
Laugfs Gas PLC (COSE:LGL.X0000)
LAUGFS Power Limited (COSE:LPL.N0000)
Launch Tech Company Limited (SEHK:2488)
Launch Technologies Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8420)
Laurus Labs Limited (BSE:540222)
Lavastone Ltd (MUSE:LAVA.I0000)
Lavena AD (BUL:4L4)
Law Union and Rock Insurance Plc (NGSE:LAWUNION)
Lawton Development Co., Ltd (SHSE:600209)
Laxapana Batteries PLC (COSE:LITE.N0000)
Lay Hong Berhad (KLSE:LAYHONG)
Lazard Ltd (NYSE:LAZ)
LB Aluminium Berhad (KLSE:LBALUM)
LB Finance PLC (COSE:LFIN.N0000)
LB Semicon Inc. (KOSDAQ:A061970)
LBC Express Holdings, Inc. (PSE:LBC)
LBI Capital Berhad (KLSE:LBICAP)
LBS Bina Group Berhad (KLSE:LBS)
LCT Holdings Limited (SGX:BJL)
LDC Dental Public Company Limited (SET:LDC)
LDG Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LDG)
LDT Inc. (KOSDAQ:A096870)
Le Saunda Holdings Limited (SEHK:738)
Le Young Construction Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2599)
Lead Data Inc. (TSEC:2443)
Lead Eastern Investment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000673)
Leader Capital Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:LCHD)
Leader Electronics Inc. (TSEC:3058)
Leader Environmental Technologies Limited (SGX:LS9)
Leader Holdings & Investments Ltd (TASE:LDER)
Leader Steel Holdings Berhad (KLSE:LSTEEL)
Leaders Cosmetics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A016100)
Leaders Technology Investment Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A019570)
Leading Leasing Finance And Investment Company Limited (BSE:540360)
Leadtek Research Inc. (TSEC:2465)
Leadtrend Technology Corporation (TSEC:3588)
Leaf Clean Energy Company (AIM:LEAF)
Lealea Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1444)
Lealea Hotels & Resorts Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5364)
LEAP Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:1499)
Learn Africa Plc (NGSE:LEARNAFRCA)
Lease IT Public Company Limited (SET:LIT)
LEATEC Fine Ceramics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6127)
Leather Up Limited (KASE:LEUL)
Leatt Corporation (OTCPK:LEAT)
Lebtech Berhad (KLSE:LEBTECH)
Lecico Egypt (S.A.E.) (CASE:LCSW)
Lecron Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300343)
Ledesma Sociedad Anónima Agrícola Industrial (BASE:LEDE)
Ledlink Optics, Inc. (GTSM:5230)
Ledman Optoelectronic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300162)
Ledtech Electronics Corp. (TSEC:6164)
Lee & Man Chemical Company Limited (SEHK:746)
Lee & Nee Softwares (Exports) Ltd. (BSE:517415)
Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Limited (SEHK:2314)
Lee Feed Mill Public Company Limited (SET:LEE)
Lee Hedges PLC (COSE:SHAW.N0000)
Lee Kee Holdings Limited (SEHK:637)
Lee Swee Kiat Group Berhad (KLSE:LEESK)
Lee's Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (SEHK:950)
Leechi Machinery Industry Ltd. Co. (TSEC:1517)
Leejam Sports Company (SASE:1830)
Leeku Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A025820)
LEEL Electricals Limited (BSE:517518)
LEENO Industrial Inc. (KOSDAQ:A058470)
Leenos Corp. (KOSDAQ:A039980)
Leeport (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:387)
Left Field Printing Group Limited (SEHK:1540)
Legacy Footwear Limited (DSE:LEGACYFOOT)
Legend Holdings Corporation (SEHK:3396)
Legend Strategy International Holdings Group Company Limited (SEHK:1355)
LegoChem Biosciences, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A141080)
Lehar Footwears Limited (BSE:532829)
Leisure & Resorts World Corporation (PSE:LR)
LeKing Wellness Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300247)
Lekoil Limited (AIM:LEK)
Lelon Electronics Corp. (TSEC:2472)
Lemon Tree Hotels Limited (NSEI:LEMONTREE)
Lemtech Holdings Co., Limited (TSEC:4912)
Lena Gold-Mining Public Joint Stock Company Lenzoloto (MISX:LNZL)
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT (SGX:JYEU)
Lenovo Group Limited (SEHK:992)
Lens Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300433)
Leo Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002131)
Leo Systems, Inc. (GTSM:5410)
Leoch International Technology Limited (SEHK:842)
Leofoo Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2705)
Leon Fuat Berhad (KLSE:LEONFB)
Leon Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300603)
Leong Hup International Berhad (KLSE:LHI)
Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company (PSE:LCB)
Lepu Medical Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300003)
Lerthai Finance Limited (BSE:502250)
Lerthai Group Limited (SEHK:112)
Les Ateliers Mecaniques Du Sahel (BVMT:AMS)
Les Ciments de Bizerte (BVMT:SCB)
Les Enphants Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2911)
Lesha Industries Limited (BSE:533602)
Leshan Electric Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600644)
Lesico Ltd. (TASE:LSCO)
Lesieur Cristal S.A. (CBSE:LES)
Letong Chemical Co.,LTD (SZSE:002319)
Lets Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002398)
Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Limited (NMSE:LHN)
Letshego Holdings Limited (BSM:LETSHEGO)
Level Biotechnology Inc. (GTSM:3118)
Levenhuk JSC (MISX:LVHK)
Lever Style Corporation (SEHK:1346)
Levinstein Properties Ltd (TASE:LVPR)
Leweko Resources Berhad (KLSE:LEWEKO)
Lewinsky-Ofer Ltd. (TASE:LEOF)
Lewis Group Limited (JSE:LEW)
Lextar Electronics Corporation (TSEC:3698)
Lexus Granito (India) Limited (NSEI:LEXUS)
Ley Choon Group Holdings Limited (Catalist:Q0X)
Leyard Optoelectronic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300296)
Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited (SEHK:1089)
Leysen Jewellery Inc. (SHSE:603900)
LF Corp. (KOSE:A093050)
LFE Corporation Berhad (KLSE:LFECORP)
LFG Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:3938)
LG Chem, Ltd. (KOSE:A051910)
LG Corp. (KOSE:A003550)
LG Display Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A034220)
LG Electronics Inc. (KOSE:A066570)
LG Hausys, Ltd. (KOSE:A108670)
LG Household & Health Care Ltd. (KOSE:A051900)
LG Innotek Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A011070)
LG International Corp. (KOSE:A001120)
LG Uplus Corp. (KOSE:A032640)
LH Financial Group Public Company Limited (SET:LHFG)
LH Group Limited (SEHK:1978)
LH Hotel Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:LHHOTEL)
LH Shopping Centers Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:LHSC)
LHN Limited (Catalist:41O)
LHT Holdings Limited (SGX:BEI)
Li & Fung Limited (SEHK:494)
Li Bao Ge Group Limited (SEHK:1869)
Li Cheng Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4426)
Li Kang Biomedical Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6242)
Li Ming Development Construction Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6212)
Li Ning Company Limited (SEHK:2331)
Li Peng Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1447)
Lian Beng Group Ltd (SGX:L03)
Lian Hwa Foods Corporation (TSEC:1231)
LianChuang Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002036)
Lianhe Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002250)
Lianhua Supermarket Holdings Co., Ltd. (SEHK:980)
Lianluo Smart Limited (NasdaqCM:LLIT)
Liaoning Cheng Da Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600739)
Liaoning Fu-An Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603315)
Liaoning Hongyang Energy Resource Invest Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600758)
Liaoning Kelong Fine Chemical,Inc. (SZSE:300405)
Liaoning Oxiranchem,Inc. (SZSE:300082)
Liaoning SG Automotive Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600303)
Liaoning Shidai Wanheng Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600241)
Liaoning Wellhope Agri-Tech Joint Stock Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603609)
Libas Designs Limited (NSEI:LIBAS)
Liberty Flour Mills, Inc. (PSE:LFM)
Liberty Holdings Limited (JSE:LBH)
Liberty Kenya Holdings Plc (NASE:LBTY)
Liberty Shoes Limited (BSE:526596)
Liberty Two Degrees Limited (JSE:L2D)
Libra Infusions Limited (DSE:LIBRAINFU)
Libstar Holdings Limited (JSE:LBR)
Liburnia Riviera Hoteli d.d. (ZGSE:LRH)
LIC Housing Finance Limited (NSEI:LICHSGFIN)
Licogi 13 Joint Stock Company (HNX:LIG)
Licogi 14 Joint Stock Company (HNX:L14)
Licogi 16 Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LCG)
Lida Holdings Limited (TSEC:4552)
Lien Chang Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd (TSEC:2431)
Lien Hwa Industrial Holdings Corporation (TSEC:1229)
Lier Chemical Co.,LTD. (SZSE:002258)
Lifan Industry (Group) Co., Ltd (SHSE:601777)
Life Concepts Holdings Limited (SEHK:8056)
Life Healthcare Group Holdings Limited (JSE:LHC)
Life Healthcare Group Limited (SEHK:928)
Life Science Technology Inc. (XKON:A285770)
Life Travel & Tourist Service Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2745)
LifeBrandz Ltd. (Catalist:1D3)
Lifecome Biochemistry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002868)
Lifestyle China Group Limited (SEHK:2136)
Lifestyle Global Enterprise Inc. (GTSM:8066)
Lifestyle International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1212)
LifeTech Scientific Corporation (SEHK:1302)
LIG Nex1 Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A079550)
Ligeance Aerospace Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000697)
Lighting and Equipment Public Company Limited (SET:L&E)
Lightscape Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:LTSC)
Ligitek Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8111)
Lih Tai Construction Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5520)
Lihe Technology (Hunan) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300800)
Lii Hen Industries Bhd (KLSE:LIIHEN)
LiJiang YuLong Tourism Co., LTD. (SZSE:002033)
Likhami Consulting Limited (BSE:539927)
LILAMA 10 Joint Stock Company (HOSE:L10)
Lilama 5 Joint Stock Company (HNX:LO5)
Lilama 69-1 Joint Stock Company (HNX:L61)
Lilama 7 Joint Stock Company (HNX:LM7)
Lilama Erection Mechanical Joint Stock Company (HNX:L35)
Lily Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603823)
Lily Textile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1443)
Lime Chemicals Limited (BSE:507759)
Limin Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002734)
Lin BioScience, Inc. (GTSM:6696)
Lin Horn Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5464)
Linaks Microelectronics Ltd (BSE:517463)
Linc Pen & Plastics Limited (BSE:531241)
Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:531633)
Linde Bangladesh Limited (DSE:LINDEBD)
Linde India Limited (BSE:523457)
Lindeman Asia Investment Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A277070)
Linekong Interactive Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:8267)
Linewell Software Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603636)
Ling Yui Holdings Limited (SEHK:784)
Ling Yun Industrial Corporation Limited (SHSE:600480)
Lingbao Gold Group Company Ltd. (SEHK:3330)
Lingkaran Trans Kota Holdings Berhad (KLSE:LITRAK)
LingNan Eco&Culture-Tourism Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002717)
Lingsen Precision Industries, Ltd. (TSEC:2369)
Lingyi iTech (Guangdong) Company (SZSE:002600)
Lingyuan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600231)
Linhai Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600099)
LiNiu Technology Group (OTCPK:LINU.F)
Link Holdings Limited (SEHK:8237)
Link Pharma Chem Limited (BSE:524748)
Link Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:823)
Link-Asia International Co. Ltd. (SEHK:1143)
Linkage Assurance Plc (NGSE:LINKASSURE)
Linkgenesis Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A219420)
Linocraft Holdings Limited (SEHK:8383)
Lintes Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6715)
Linzhou Heavy Machinery Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:002535)
Lion Asiapac Limited (SGX:BAZ)
Lion Brewery (Ceylon) PLC (COSE:LION.N0000)
Lion Chemtech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A171120)
Lion Industries Corporation Berhad (KLSE:LIONIND)
Lion Posim Berhad (KLSE:LIONFIB)
Lion Rock Group Limited (SEHK:1127)
Lion Travel Service Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2731)
Lionco Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603669)
LionGold Corp Ltd (Catalist:A78)
Lipetsk Power Sale Company Open Joint-Stock Company (MISX:LPSB)
Lippi Systems Limited (BSE:526604)
Lippo China Resources Limited (SEHK:156)
Lippo Limited (SEHK:226)
Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust (SGX:D5IU)
Liq Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:LIQO3)
Liqun Commercial Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601366)
LIS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A138690)
Lite-On Semiconductor Corp. (TSEC:5305)
Lite-On Technology Corporation (TSEC:2301)
Litemax Electronics Inc. (GTSM:4995)
Litgrid AB (NSEL:LGD1L)
Lithium & Boron Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:LBTI)
Liton Technology Corp. (GTSM:6175)
Liu Chong Hing Investment Limited (SEHK:194)
Liuzhou Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600423)
Liuzhou Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601003)
Liuzhou Liangmianzhen Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600249)
Liveplex Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A050120)
Livermore Investments Group Limited (AIM:LIV)
Livestock Feed Limited (MUSE:LFL.I0000)
Livestock Feeds Plc (NGSE:LIVESTOCK)
Livestock Transport and Trading Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:CATTL)
Living 3D Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:LTDH)
Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc. (SZSE:000513)
Liwanli Innovation Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3054)
Lix Detergent Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LIX)
LKL International Berhad (KLSE:LKL)
LKP Finance Limited (BSE:507912)
LKP Securities Limited (BSE:540192)
LKS Holding Group Limited (SEHK:1867)
Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited (BSE:512455)
Lloyds Steels Industries Limited (BSE:539992)
LMG Chemicals Corporation (PSE:LMG)
LMS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A073110)
Loads Limited (KASE:LOADS)
Localiza Rent a Car S.A. (BOVESPA:RENT3)
Lock&Lock Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A115390)
Loco Hong Kong Holdings Limited (SEHK:8162)
Loctek Ergonomic Technology Corp. (SZSE:300729)
Lodestar Investment Holdings Corporation (PSE:LIHC)
Lodzia Rotex Investment Ltd. (TASE:LODZ)
LOG Commercial Properties e Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:LOGG3)
Log-In Logística Intermodal S.A. (BOVESPA:LOGN3)
Logah Technology Corp. (TSEC:3593)
Logan Property Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:3380)
Logisys Inc. (KOSDAQ:A067730)
Logos Biosystems, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A238120)
Lohakit Metal Public Company Limited (SET:LHK)
Lojas Renner S.A. (BOVESPA:LREN3)
Lokesh Machines Limited (BSE:532740)
LOLC Development Finance PLC (COSE:NIFL.N0000)
LOLC Finance PLC (COSE:LOFC.N0000)
LOLC Holdings PLC (COSE:LOLC.N0000)
LOM Financial Limited (BER:LOM.BH)
Lomon Billions Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:002601)
Lomsko Pivo AD (BUL:6L1)
Loncin Motor Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603766)
London Biscuits Berhad (KLSE:LONBISC)
Long An Food Processing Export Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LAF)
Long Bon International Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2514)
Long Giang Investment and Urban Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:LGL)
Long Hau Corporation (HOSE:LHG)
Long Time Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6555)
Long Yuan Construction Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600491)
Long4life Limited (JSE:L4L)
Longchen Paper & Packaging Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1909)
LongDa Construction & Development Corporation (TSEC:5519)
Longevity Acquisition Corporation (NasdaqCM:LOAC)
Longfor Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:960)
Longhorn Publishers Plc (NASE:LKL)
Longhua Technology Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300263)
Longhui International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1007)
LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601012)
LongiTech Smart Energy Holding Limited (SEHK:1281)
Longjian Road&Bridge Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600853)
Longmaster Information & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300288)
Longshine Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300682)
Longvie S.A. (BASE:LONG)
Longview Tea Company Limited (BSE:526568)
Longwell Company (GTSM:6290)
Longxing Chemical Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002442)
Longyan Zhuoyue New Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688196)
Longzhou Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002682)
Lonkey Industrial Co.,Ltd.Guangzhou (SZSE:000523)
Lonking Holdings Limited (SEHK:3339)
Lontrue Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300175)
Loop Telecommunication International, Inc. (TSEC:3025)
Lootom Telcovideo Network (wuxi) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300555)
Lopez Holdings Corporation (PSE:LPZ)
Lords Chloro Alkali Limited (BSE:500284)
Lorenzini Apparels Limited (BSE:540952)
Lorenzo Shipping Corporation (PSE:LSC)
Losinjska Plovidba Holding d.d. (ZGSE:LPLH)
LOT VACUUM Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A083310)
Lotes Co., Ltd (TSEC:3533)
Loto Interactive Limited (SEHK:8198)
Lotte Chemical Corporation (KOSE:A011170)
Lotte Chemical Pakistan Limited (KASE:LOTCHEM)
Lotte Chemical Titan Holding Berhad (KLSE:LCTITAN)
Lotte Chilsung Beverage Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A005300)
Lotte Confectionery Co., Ltd (KOSE:A280360)
LOTTE Corporation (KOSE:A004990)
Lotte Data Communication Company (KOSE:A286940)
LOTTE Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004000)
Lotte Food Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A002270)
LOTTE Himart Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A071840)
Lotte Non - Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000400)
LOTTE REIT Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A330590)
Lotte Shopping Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A023530)
Lotte Tour Development Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A032350)
Lottotech Ltd (MUSE:LOTO.N0000)
Lotus Chocolate Company Limited (BSE:523475)
Lotus Eye Hospital and Institute Limited (BSE:532998)
Lotus Health Group Company (SHSE:600186)
Lotus Hydro Power PLC (COSE:HPFL.N0000)
Lotus KFM Berhad (KLSE:KFM)
Lotus Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1795)
Lotus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCPK:LTUS)
Lovable Lingerie Limited (BSE:533343)
Low Keng Huat (Singapore) Limited (SGX:F1E)
Loxley Public Company Limited (SET:LOXLEY)
Loyal Equipments Limited (BSE:539227)
Loyal Textile Mills Limited (BSE:514036)
Loyalty Founder Enterprise Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:5465)
LPI Capital Bhd (KLSE:LPI)
LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imóveis S.A. (BOVESPA:LPSB3)
LS Cable & System Asia Ltd. (KOSE:A229640)
LS Corp. (KOSE:A006260)
LS Networks Corporation Limited (KOSE:A000680)
LSIS Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010120)
LT Foods Limited (BSE:532783)
LT Group, Inc. (PSE:LTG)
LTC Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A170920)
Lu Thai Textile Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200726)
Luca, Inc. (OTCPK:LUCC)
Lucic Prigrevica a.d. (BELEX:SJPR)
Lucky Cement Corporation (TSEC:1108)
Lucky Cement Limited (KASE:LUCK)
Lucky Film Company,Limited (SHSE:600135)
Lucky Harvest Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002965)
Ludan Engineering Co. Ltd. (TASE:LUDN)
Ludlow Jute & Specialities Limited (BSE:526179)
Luen Thai Holdings Limited (SEHK:311)
Luen Wong Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8217)
Luenmei Quantum Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600167)
Luhai Holding Corp. (TSEC:2115)
Luharuka Media & Infra Limited (BSE:512048)
Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (SEHK:590)
Luk Hing Entertainment Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8052)
Luka Koper d.d. (LJSE:LKPG)
Luka Ploce d.d. (ZGSE:LKPC)
Luka Rijeka d.d. (ZGSE:LKRI)
LUKEN Technologies Co., Ltd. (XKON:A162120)
Luks Group (Vietnam Holdings) Company Limited (SEHK:366)
Lum Chang Holdings Limited (SGX:L19)
Lumax Auto Technologies Limited (NSEI:LUMAXTECH)
Lumax Industries Limited (BSE:517206)
Lumax International Corp., Ltd. (TSEC:6192)
Lumens Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038060)
Lumimicro Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A082800)
Lumina Group Limited (SEHK:8470)
Luminescence Technology Corp. (GTSM:6729)
Lumosa Therapeutics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6535)
Lung Hwa Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2424)
Lung Kee (Bermuda) Holdings Limited (SEHK:255)
Lung Pien Vacuum Industry Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5267)
Lungyen Life Service Corporation (GTSM:5530)
Luo Lih-Fen Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6666)
Luokung Technology Corp. (NasdaqCM:LKCO)
Luolai Lifestyle Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002293)
LUONG TAI Investment And Construction Corporation (HNX:LUT)
Luoniushan Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000735)
Luoyang Bearing Science & Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002046)
Luoyang Glass Company Limited (SEHK:1108)
Luoyang Jianlong Micro-nano New Material Co., Ltd (SHSE:688357)
Luoyang Northglass Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002613)
Lupatech S.A. (BOVESPA:LUPA3)
Lupin Limited (BSE:500257)
Lushang Health Industry Development Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600223)
Luster Industries Bhd (KLSE:LUSTER)
Lutronic Corporation (KOSDAQ:A085370)
Lux Industries Limited (NSEI:LUXIND)
Lux Island Resorts Ltd (MUSE:NRL.N0000)
Luxchem Corporation Berhad (KLSE:LUXCHEM)
Luxey International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8041)
Luxi Chemical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000830)
Luxin Venture Capital Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600783)
Luxl Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033600)
LuxNet Corporation (GTSM:4979)
Luxpia Co., Ltd. (XKON:A092590)
Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002475)
Luxury Real Estate Investment Fund (SET:LUXF)
Luxxu Group Limited (SEHK:1327)
Luyan Pharma Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002788)
Luyang Energy-Saving Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002088)
Luye Pharma Group Ltd. (SEHK:2186)
Luyin Investment Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600784)
Luz del Sur S.A.A. (BVL:LUSURC1)
LUZHENG FUTURES Company Limited (SEHK:1461)
Luzhou Bank Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1983)
Luzhou Laojiao Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000568)
Luzhou Xinglu Water (Group) Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2281)
LVGEM (China) Real Estate Investment Company Limited (SEHK:95)
Lvjing Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000502)
LVL Energy Fund PLC (COSE:LVEF.N0000)
LVMC Holdings (KOSE:A900140)
LWS Knitwear Limited (BSE:531402)
LY Corporation Limited (Catalist:1H8)
LYC Healthcare Berhad (KLSE:LYC)
Lydec S.A. (CBSE:LYD)
Lyka Labs Limited (BSE:500259)
Lykis Limited (BSE:530689)
Lynas Corporation Limited (ASX:LYC)
Lypsa Gems & Jewellery Limited (BSE:534532)
Lysaght Galvanized Steel Berhad (KLSE:LYSAGHT)
M K Land Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MKLAND)
M M Forgings Limited (BSE:522241)
M M Rubber Company Limited (BSE:509196)
M N C Wireless Berhad (KLSE:MNC)
M P Agro Industries Limited (BSE:506543)
M Pictures Entertainment Public Company Limited (SET:MPIC)
M Vision Public Company Limited (SET:MVP)
M. B. Parikh Finstocks Limited (BSE:526935)
M. Dias Branco S.A. Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos (BOVESPA:MDIA3)
M. I. Cement Factory Limited (DSE:MICEMENT)
M. L. Dyeing Limited (DSE:MLDYEING)
M.C.S. Steel Public Company Limited (SET:MCS)
M.I.TECH Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A179290)
M.J. International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8466)
M.K. Exim (India) Limited (BSE:538890)
M.K. Real Estate Development Public Company Limited (SET:MK)
M.T.I Wireless Edge Ltd. (AIM:MWE)
M.Yochananof and Sons (1988) Ltd (TASE:YHNF)
M&C Life Science Co., Ltd. (XKON:A225860)
M&L Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:8152)
M+S Hydraulic AD (BUL:5MH)
M2M Group SA (CBSE:M2M)
M3 Technologies (Asia) Berhad (KLSE:M3TECH)
M31 Technology Corporation (GTSM:6643)
Ma Kuang Healthcare Holding Limited (GTSM:4139)
MAA Group Berhad (KLSE:MAA)
Maan Aluminium Limited (BSE:532906)
Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Limited (SEHK:323)
Mabanee Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:MABANEE)
Mabpharm Limited (SEHK:2181)
Mabuhay Holdings Corporation (PSE:MHC)
Mabuhay Vinyl Corporation (PSE:MVC)
Mac Charles (India) Limited (BSE:507836)
Mac Hotels Limited (BSE:541973)
Macau Legend Development Limited (SEHK:1680)
Macauto Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:9951)
Macay Holdings, Inc. (PSE:MACAY)
Maccura Biotechnology Co.Ltd (SZSE:300463)
Machino Plastics Limited (BSE:523248)
Machvision Inc. (TSEC:3563)
Mackwoods Energy PLC (COSE:MEL.N0000)
Macnica Galaxy Inc. (GTSM:6227)
Macpac Films Limited (KASE:MACFL)
Macpie Berhad (KLSE:MACPIE)
Macpower CNC Machines Limited (NSEI:MACPOWER)
MacroAsia Corporation (PSE:MAC)
Macroblock, Inc. (GTSM:3527)
Macrogen, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A038290)
Macrolink Capital Holdings Limited (SEHK:758)
Macrolink Culturaltainment Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000620)
Macronix International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2337)
MacroWell OMG Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3687)
Macter International Limited (KASE:MACTER)
Madhav Copper Limited (NSEI:MCL)
Madhav Infra Projects Limited (BSE:539894)
Madhav Marbles and Granites Limited (BSE:515093)
Madhucon Projects Limited (BSE:531497)
Madhur Industries Limited (BSE:519279)
Madhusudan Industries Limited (BSE:515059)
Madhuveer Com 18 Network Limited (BSE:531910)
Madhya Bharat Agro Products Limited (NSEI:MBAPL)
Madhya Pradesh Today Media Limited (NSEI:MPTODAY)
Madinet Nasr for Housing & Development S.A.E. (CASE:MNHD)
Madison Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:8057)
Madras Fertilizers Limited (NSEI:MADRASFERT)
Madulsima Plantations PLC (COSE:MADU.N0000)
Maeil Dairies Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A267980)
Maeil Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A005990)
Maestros Electronics & Telecommunications Systems Limited (BSE:538401)
Mafatlal Industries Limited (BSE:500264)
Magadh Sugar & Energy Limited (BSE:540650)
Magal Security Systems Ltd. (NasdaqGM:MAGS)
Magazine Luiza S.A. (BOVESPA:MGLU3)
Magellanic Cloud Limited (BSE:538891)
Maghreb International Publicite SA (BVMT:MIP)
Maghreb Oxygène S.A. (CBSE:MOX)
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. (NasdaqGS:MGIC)
Magicmicro Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A127160)
Magicstem Group Corp. (OTCPK:MGGI)
Magma d.d. (ZGSE:MGMA)
Magma Fincorp Limited (NSEI:MAGMA)
Magna Electro Castings Limited (BSE:517449)
Magna Prima Berhad (KLSE:MAGNA)
Magnate Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4541)
Magni-Tech Industries Berhad (KLSE:MAGNI)
Magnificent Hotel Investments Limited (SEHK:201)
Magnum Berhad (KLSE:MAGNUM)
Magnum Ventures Limited (BSE:532896)
Magnus Concordia Group Limited (SEHK:1172)
Mah Sing Group Berhad (KLSE:MAHSING)
Maha Rashtra Apex Corporation Limited (BSE:523384)
Mahaan Foods Limited (BSE:519612)
Mahachai Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:M-CHAI)
Mahalaxmi Rubtech Limited (BSE:514450)
Mahalaxmi Seamless Limited (BSE:513460)
Mahamaya Steel Industries Limited (BSE:513554)
Mahan Industries Limited (BSE:531515)
Mahanagar Gas Limited (BSE:539957)
Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (BSE:500108)
Maharah for Human Resources Company (SASE:1831)
Maharashtra Corporation Limited (BSE:505523)
Maharashtra Scooters Ltd. (BSE:500266)
Maharashtra Seamless Limited (BSE:500265)
Mahavir Industries Limited (BSE:531648)
Mahaweli Coconut Plantations PLC (COSE:MCPL.N0000)
Mahaweli Reach Hotels PLC (COSE:MRH.N0000)
Mahesh Developers Limited (BSE:542677)
Maheshwari Logistics Limited (NSEI:MAHESHWARI)
Mahickra Chemicals Limited (NSEI:MAHICKRA)
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited (NSEI:M&MFIN)
Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (NSEI:M&M)
Mahindra CIE Automotive Limited (BSE:532756)
Mahindra EPC Irrigation Limited (BSE:523754)
Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited (NSEI:MHRIL)
Mahindra Lifespace Developers Limited (BSE:532313)
Mahindra Logistics Limited (BSE:540768)
Mahip Industries Limited (BSE:542503)
Mahle Metal Leve S.A. (BOVESPA:LEVE3)
Mahmood Textile Mills Limited (KASE:MEHT)
Maiden Holdings, Ltd. (NasdaqCM:MHLD)
Maider Medical Industry Equipment Co. Ltd. (SHSE:688310)
Maike Tube Industry Holdings Limited (SEHK:1553)
Mailpac Group Limited (JMSE:MAILPAC)
Main Event Entertainment Group Limited (JMSE:MEEG)
Mainland Headwear Holdings Limited (SEHK:1100)
Maiquer Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002719)
Maistra d.d. (ZGSE:MAIS)
Maithan Alloys Limited (BSE:590078)
Majan College (University College) SAOG (MSM:BACS)
Majesco Limited (BSE:539289)
Majestic Auto Limited (BSE:500267)
Majestic Research Services and Solutions Limited (BSE:539229)
Major Cineplex Group Public Company Limited (SET:MAJOR)
Major Cineplex Lifestyle Leasehold Property Fund. (SET:MJLF)
Major Development Public Company Limited (SET:MJD)
Major Holdings Limited (SEHK:1389)
Major Power Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6720)
Majuperak Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MJPERAK)
Makalot Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1477)
Makati Finance Corporation (PSE:MFIN)
MakeMyTrip Limited (NasdaqGS:MMYT)
Makers Laboratories Limited (BSE:506919)
Makkah Construction & Development Company (SASE:4100)
Maksons Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:MAKSONSPIN)
MAKUS, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A093520)
Malakoff Corporation Berhad (KLSE:MALAKOF)
Malam - Team Ltd (TASE:MLTM)
Malath Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8020)
Malayan Banking Berhad (KLSE:MAYBANK)
Malayan Cement Berhad (KLSE:MCEMENT)
Malayan Flour Mills Berhad (KLSE:MFLOUR)
Malayan United Industries Berhad (KLSE:MUIIND)
Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (KLSE:AIRPORT)
Malaysia Building Society Berhad (KLSE:MBSB)
Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MHB)
Malaysia Pacific Corporation Berhad (KLSE:MPCORP)
Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad (KLSE:MSC)
Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd. (KLSE:MASTEEL)
Malaysian Bulk Carriers Berhad (KLSE:MAYBULK)
Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad (KLSE:MGRC)
Malaysian Pacific Industries Berhad (KLSE:MPI)
Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad (KLSE:MRCB)
Malee Group Public Company Limited (SET:MALEE)
Malek Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:MALEKSPIN)
Malion New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300586)
Mallcom (India) Limited (BSE:539400)
Malpac Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MALPAC)
Malton Berhad (KLSE:MALTON)
Malu Paper Mills Limited (BSE:532728)
Malvern International plc (AIM:MLVN)
Malwatte Valley Plantations PLC (COSE:MAL.N0000)
Maman-Cargo Terminals & Handling Ltd. (TASE:MMAN)
Man Industries (India) Limited (BSE:513269)
Man Infraconstruction Limited (BSE:533169)
Man King Holdings Limited (SEHK:2193)
Man Sang International Limited (SEHK:938)
Man Shing Agricultural Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:MSAH)
Man Shing Global Holdings Limited (SEHK:8309)
Man Shun Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1746)
Man Wah Holdings Limited (SEHK:1999)
Man Yue Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:894)
Man Zai Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4543)
Managem S.A. (CBSE:MNG)
ManagePay Systems Berhad (KLSE:MPAY)
Manaksia Aluminium Company Limited (BSE:539045)
Manaksia Coated Metals & Industries Limited (BSE:539046)
Manaksia Limited (BSE:532932)
Manaksia Steels Limited (BSE:539044)
Manali Petrochemicals Limited (BSE:500268)
Manappuram Finance Limited (BSE:531213)
Manazel Holding Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:MANAZEL)
Manazel Real Estate PJSC (ADX:MANAZEL)
Mandarin Oriental International Limited (SGX:M04)
Mando Corporation (KOSE:A204320)
Mangal Credit and Fincorp Limited (BSE:505850)
Mangalam Cement Limited (BSE:502157)
Mangalam Drugs & Organics Limited (BSE:532637)
Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited (NSEI:MGEL)
Mangalam Industrial Finance Limited (BSE:537800)
Mangalam Organics Limited (BSE:514418)
Mangalam Seeds Limited (BSE:539275)
Mangalam Timber Products Limited (BSE:516007)
Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (BSE:530011)
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (BSE:500109)
Mangalya Soft Tech limited (BSE:530243)
Mangazeya Mining Ltd. (TSXV:MGZ.H)
Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300413)
Manhattan Resources Limited (SGX:L02)
Manho Rope & Wire Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001080)
Maniker F&G Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A195500)
Maniker.Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A027740)
Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation (PSE:MB)
Manila Electric Company (PSE:MER)
Manila Jockey Club, Inc. (PSE:MJC)
Manila Mining Corporation (PSE:MA)
Manila Water Company, Inc. (PSE:MWC)
Manjeera Constructions Limited (BSE:533078)
Mannai Corporation Q.P.S.C. (DSM:MCCS)
Manomay Tex India Limited (BSE:540396)
Manorama Industries Limited (BSE:541974)
Manpasand Beverages Limited (BSE:539207)
ManpowerGroup Greater China Limited (SEHK:2180)
Mansfelder Metals Ltd. (OTCPK:MNSF)
Mansi Finance (Chennai) Limited (BSE:511758)
Mansion International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8456)
Mansoura Poultry co.S.A.E. (CASE:MPCO)
Manufacture De Panneaux Bois Du Sud (BVMT:MPBS)
Manufacturing Integration Technology Ltd (SGX:M11)
Manugraph India Limited (BSE:505324)
Manulife Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MANULFE)
Manulife US Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:BTOU)
Mao Bao Inc. (TSEC:1732)
Maoming Petro-Chemical Shihua Co., Ltd (SZSE:000637)
Maoyan Entertainment (SEHK:1896)
Maoye Commercial Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600828)
Maoye International Holdings Limited (SEHK:848)
Mapfre Perú Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. (BVL:MAPFREC1)
Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited (KASE:MLCF)
Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX:N2IU)
Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX:ME8U)
Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX:M44U)
Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust (SGX:RW0U)
Maral Overseas Limited (BSE:521018)
Marathon Nextgen Realty Limited (BSE:503101)
Marawila Resorts PLC (COSE:MARA.N0000)
Marco Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MARCO)
Marco Polo Marine Ltd (SGX:5LY)
Marcventures Holdings, Inc. (PSE:MARC)
Marfrig Global Foods S.A. (BOVESPA:MRFG3)
MARG Limited (BSE:530543)
Margaritaville (Turks) Ltd (JMSE:MTL)
Margo Finance Limited (BSE:500206)
Mari Petroleum Company Limited (KASE:MARI)
Marico Bangladesh Limited (DSE:MARICO)
Marico Limited (BSE:531642)
Maridive and Oil Services S.A.E. (CASE:MOIL)
Marine & General Berhad (KLSE:M&G)
Marine Electricals (India) Limited (NSEI:MARINE)
Marine Supply and Engineering Service Joint Stock Company (HNX:MAC)
Maris Spinners Limited (BSE:531503)
Marisa Lojas S.A. (BOVESPA:AMAR3)
Marketech International Corp. (TSEC:6196)
Markor International Home Furnishings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600337)
Marksans Pharma Limited (BSE:524404)
Maroc Leasing S.A. (CBSE:MLE)
Marsa Marsa Alam For Tourism Development SAE (CASE:MMAT)
Marshall Machines Limited (NSEI:MARSHALL)
MARTAS Precide Slide Co.,Ltd (GTSM:6705)
Martin Burn Limited (BSE:523566)
Maruti Infrastructure Limited (BSE:531540)
Maruti Securities Limited (BSE:531319)
Maruti Suzuki India Limited (NSEI:MARUTI)
Marvel Decor Limited (NSEI:MDL)
Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (NasdaqGS:MRVL)
MAS Financial Services Limited (BSE:540749)
Masafat for Specialised Transport Company (ASE:MSFT)
Masan Group Corporation (HOSE:MSN)
Mashaer Holding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:MASHAER)
Mashreqbank PSC (DFM:MASQ)
Mask Investments Limited (NSEI:MASKINVEST)
Maskeliya Plantations PLC (COSE:MASK.N0000)
Maslavi Construction Company Ltd (TASE:MSLA)
Mason Capital Corporation (KOSDAQ:A021880)
Mason Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:273)
Masood Textile Mills Limited (KASE:MSOT)
Masraf Al Rayan (Q.P.S.C.) (DSM:MARK)
Massmart Holdings Limited (JSE:MSM)
Massy Holdings Ltd. (TTSE:MASSY)
Mastek Limited (BSE:523704)
Master Ad Public Company Limited (SET:MACO)
Master Drilling Group Limited (JSE:MDI)
Master Trust Limited (BSE:511768)
Master-Pack Group Berhad (KLSE:MASTER)
Masterkool International Public Company Limited (SET:KOOL)
Masterwork Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300195)
Matang Berhad (KLSE:MATANG)
Matching Maximize Solution Public Company Limited (SET:MATCH)
Matco Foods Limited (KASE:MFL)
Materials Analysis Technology Inc. (GTSM:3587)
Materials-Petroleum Joint Stock Company (HOSE:COM)
Matex International Limited (Catalist:M15)
Mathew Easow Research Securities Limited (BSE:511688)
Matichon Public Company Limited (SET:MATI)
Matin Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:MATINSPINN)
Matomy Media Group Ltd. (LSE:MTMY) Limited (BSE:540704)
Matrix Concepts Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MATRIX)
Matrix Holdings Limited (SEHK:1005)
Matrix IT Ltd. (TASE:MTRX)
Mauria Udyog Limited (BSE:539219)
Mauritius Oil Refineries Limited (MUSE:MOR.N0000)
Mawana Sugars Limited (BSE:523371)
Max Alert Systems Limited (BSE:534563)
Max Echo Technology Corp. (GTSM:5228)
Max Financial Services Limited (NSEI:MFSL)
Max Heights Infrastructure Limited (BSE:534338)
Max India Limited (BSE:539981)
Max Metal Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:MAX)
Max Sight Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8483)
Max Ventures and Industries Limited (BSE:539940)
Max Zipper Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8932)
Max's Group, Inc. (PSE:MAXS)
Maxcom Telecomunicaciones S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:MAXCOM A)
Maxgrow India Limited (BSE:521167)
Maxi-Cash Financial Services Corporation Ltd. (Catalist:5UF)
Maxicity Holdings Limited (SEHK:8216)
Maxigen Biotech Inc. (TSEC:1783)
Maximaa Systems Limited (BSE:526538)
Maximus International Limited (BSE:540401)
Maxis Berhad (KLSE:MAXIS)
Maxnerva Technology Services Limited (SEHK:1037)
MAXROTEC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A141070)
Maxscend Microelectronics Company Limited (SZSE:300782)
May & Baker Nigeria plc (NGSE:MAYBAKER)
Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:MBKET)
Mayberry Investments Limited (JMSE:MIL)
Mayberry Jamaican Equities Limited (JMSE:MJE)
Mayer Holdings Limited (SEHK:1116)
Mayer Steel Pipe Corporation (TSEC:2020)
Mayinglong Pharmaceutical Group Co., LTD. (SHSE:600993)
MAYO Human Capital Inc. (GTSM:6738)
Maytronics Ltd. (TASE:MTRN)
Mayukh Dealtrade Limited (BSE:539519)
Mayur Leather Products Limited (BSE:531680)
Mayur Uniquoters Limited (BSE:522249)
Maywufa Company Ltd. (TSEC:1731)
Mazaya Real Estate Development Q.P.S.C. (DSM:MRDS)
Mazda Limited (BSE:523792)
MB Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:MBS)
MB World Group Berhad (KLSE:MBWORLD)
MBG Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:MBG)
MBK Public Company Limited (SET:MBK)
MBL Infrastructures Limited (BSE:533152)
MBM Resources Berhad (KLSE:MBMR)
MC Group Public Company Limited (SET:MC)
MCB Bank Limited (KASE:MCB)
MCB Group Limited (MUSE:MCBG.N0000)
MCB-Arif Habib Savings and Investments Limited (KASE:MCBAH)
MCC Meili Cloud Computing Industry Investment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000815)
McDowell Holdings Limited (BSE:532852)
MCE Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MCEHLDG)
MClean Technologies Berhad (KLSE:MCLEAN)
McLeod Russel India Limited (BSE:532654)
McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited (BSE:532629)
MCNEX Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A097520)
Mcnulty Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A222980)
MCOT Public Company Limited (SET:MCOT)
MD Biomedical, Inc. (GTSM:6445)
MDJM Ltd. (NasdaqCM:MDJH)
mDR Limited (SGX:A27)
MDX Public Company Limited (SET:MDX)
ME Renewable Power Corporation (OTCPK:MEPW)
Me2on Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A201490)
Mecanica Fina SA (BVB:MECE)
Mecaro Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A241770)
Mechanics Construction and Foodstuff Joint Stock Company (HNX:MCF)
Mechema Chemicals International Corp. (GTSM:4721)
MECOM Power and Construction Limited (SEHK:1183)
Med Life S.A. (BVB:M)
Med Paper S.A. (CBSE:MDP)
Medco Holdings, Inc. (PSE:MED)
Medcolcanna Organics Inc. (TSXV:MCCN)
Medeon Biodesign, Inc. (GTSM:6499)
MedFirst Healthcare Services, Inc. (GTSM:4175)
Medi-Caps Limited (BSE:523144)
Media Asia Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8075)
Media Chinese International Limited (SEHK:685)
Media Matrix Worldwide Limited (BSE:512267)
Media Prima Berhad (KLSE:MEDIA)
Media Times Limited (KASE:MDTL)
Medialink Group Limited (SEHK:2230)
Median Diagnostics Inc. (XKON:A233250)
Median Group Inc. (OTCPK:CHMD)
Mediana Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041920)
MediaTek Inc. (TSEC:2454)
MediaZen, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A279600)
Médica Sur, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:MEDICA B)
Medical Care Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:MDCE)
Medical Disposables & Supplies Limited (JMSE:MDS)
Medical Imaging Corporation (GTSM:6637)
Medical Packaging Company (CASE:MEPA)
Medical Supply International USA, Inc. (OTCPK:MSIU)
Medicalsystem Biotechnology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300439)
Medicamen Biotech Limited (BSE:531146)
Medicare Group Q.P.S.C. (DSM:MCGS)
Mediclinic International plc (LSE:MDC)
Medico Intercontinental Limited (BSE:539938)
Medico Remedies Limited (BSE:540937)
Medicskin Holdings Limited (SEHK:8307)
Medifron DBT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065650)
Medigen Biotechnology Corp. (GTSM:3176)
Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corporation (GTSM:6547)
Medigus Ltd. (TASE:MDGS)
Medika d.d. (ZGSE:MDKA)
Medine Limited (MUSE:MSE.N0000)
MediNet Group Limited (SEHK:8161)
Medinex Limited (Catalist:OTX)
Medinova Diagnostic Services Limited (BSE:526301)
Medipartner Biotechnology. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A015540)
MEDIPOST Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A078160)
Medisun Precision Medicine Ltd. (OTCPK:MPME)
Mediterranean Tourism Investment Company (ASE:MDTR)
Mediterranean Towers Ltd. (TASE:MDTR)
MediWound Ltd. (NasdaqGM:MDWD)
MedPacto, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A235980)
Medtechnica Ltd. (TASE:MEDI)
Medtecs International Corporation Limited (Catalist:546)
Medy-Tox Inc. (KOSDAQ:A086900)
MEDYSSEY Co.,Ltd (XKON:A200580)
Meenakshi Enterprises Limited (BSE:538834)
Meera Industries Limited (BSE:540519)
meerecompany Incorporated (KOSDAQ:A049950)
Meezan Bank Limited (KASE:MEBL)
Mega Corporation Limited (BSE:531417)
Mega Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2886)
Mega First Corporation Berhad (KLSE:MFCB)
Mega Lifesciences Public Company Limited (SET:MEGA)
Mega Or Holdings Ltd (TASE:MGOR)
Mega Sun City Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MEGASUN)
Megachem (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:MGT)
Megachem Limited (Catalist:5DS)
Megaforce Company Limited (GTSM:3294)
MegaMD Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A133750)
Megasoft Limited (BSE:532408)
Megastar Foods Limited (BSE:541352)
Megastudy Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A072870)
MegaStudyEdu Co. Ltd (KOSDAQ:A215200)
Megawide Construction Corporation (PSE:MWIDE)
Megawin Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3122)
Megaworld Corporation (PSE:MEG)
Meghmani Organics Limited (BSE:532865)
Meghna Cement Mills Limited (DSE:MEGHNACEM)
Meghna Condensed Milk Industries Limited (DSE:MEGCONMILK)
Meghna Life Insurance Company Limited (DSE:MEGHNALIFE)
Meghna PET Industries Limited (DSE:MEGHNAPET)
Meghna Petroleum Limited (DSE:MPETROLEUM)
MeGroup Ltd. (Catalist:SJY)
Megureit Israel Ltd (TASE:MGRT)
Mehadrin Ltd. (TASE:MEDN)
Mehai Technology Limited (BSE:540730)
Mehran Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:MRNS)
Mehta Housing Finance Limited (BSE:511740)
Mei Ah Entertainment Group Limited (SEHK:391)
MeiDu Energy Corporation (SHSE:600175)
MeiG Smart Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002881)
MEIGU Technology Holding Group Limited (SEHK:8349)
MeiHua Holdings Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600873)
Meilleure Health International Industry Group Limited (SEHK:2327)
Meiloon Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2477)
Meinian Onehealth Healthcare Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002044)
Meisheng Cultural & Creative Corp., Ltd. (SZSE:002699)
Meitav DASH Investments Ltd (TASE:MTDS)
Meitu, Inc. (SEHK:1357)
Meituan Dianping (SEHK:3690)
MEKICS CO., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A058110)
Mekong Fisheries Joint Stock Company (HOSE:AAM)
Melati Ehsan Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MELATI)
Melbourne Enterprises Limited (SEHK:158)
Melco International Development Limited (SEHK:200)
Melewar Industrial Group Berhad (KLSE:MELEWAR)
MELFAS Inc. (KOSDAQ:A096640)
Melisron Ltd. (TASE:MLSR)
Melstacorp PLC (COSE:MELS.N0000)
Melstar Information Technologies Limited (BSE:532307)
Memphis Pharmaceuticals & Chemical Industries (CASE:MPCI)
Mena for Touristic & Real Estate Investment (CASE:MENA)
Mena Mani Industries Limited (BSE:531127)
MENA Real Estate Company - KPSC (KWSE:MENA)
Menang Corporation (M) Berhad (KLSE:MENANG)
Mencast Holdings Ltd. (SGX:5NF)
Mendelson Infrastructures & Industries Ltd. (TASE:MNIN)
Menivim - The New Reit Ltd (TASE:MNRT)
Menon Bearings Limited (BSE:523828)
Menon Pistons Limited (BSE:531727)
Menora Mivtachim Holdings Ltd (TASE:MMHD)
Mentiga Corporation Berhad (KLSE:MENTIGA)
MEP Infrastructure Developers Limited (BSE:539126)
Mer Telemanagement Solutions Ltd. (NasdaqCM:MTSL)
Merafe Resources Limited (JSE:MRF)
MercadoLibre, Inc. (NasdaqGS:MELI)
Mercantil Servicios Financieros, C.A. (CCSE:MVZ.B)
Mercantile Bank Limited (DSE:MERCANBANK)
Mercantile Insurance Company Limited (DSE:MERCINS)
Mercantile Shipping Company PLC (COSE:MSL.N0000)
Mercantile Ventures Limited (BSE:538942)
Mercator Limited (BSE:526235)
Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka & Finance PLC (COSE:MBSL.N0000)
Merchant House International Limited (ASX:MHI)
Merchavia Holdings and Investments Ltd. (TASE:MRHL)
Mercuries & Associates Holding, Ltd. (TSEC:2905)
Mercuries Data Systems Ltd. (TSEC:2427)
Mercuries Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2867)
Mercurius Capital Investment Limited (Catalist:5RF)
Mercury Corporation (KOSDAQ:A100590)
Mercury Industries Berhad (KLSE:MERCURY)
Mercury Laboratories Limited (BSE:538964)
Mercury Metals Limited (BSE:531357)
Merdeka Financial Group Limited (SEHK:8163)
Merida Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9914)
Meridian Berhad (KLSE:MERIDIAN)
Merit Packaging Limited (KASE:MERIT)
Meritz Financial Group Inc. (KOSE:A138040)
Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000060)
Meritz Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A008560)
Mermaid Maritime Public Company Limited (SGX:DU4)
Mermeren Kombinat AD (ATSE:MERKO)
Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2439)
Mesaieed Petrochemical Holding Company Q.S.C. (DSM:MPHC)
Meshulam Levinstein Contracting & Engineering Ltd. (TASE:LEVI)
Mesiniaga Berhad (KLSE:MSNIAGA)
Mesnac Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002073)
Messer Tehnogas AD (BELEX:TGAS)
Mestron Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MESTRON)
Meta Biomed Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A059210)
Meta Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:META)
Metair Investments Limited (JSE:MTA)
Metal and Recycling Company K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:MRC)
Metal Coatings (India) Limited (BSE:531810)
Metal Component Engineering Limited (Catalist:5DX)
Metal-Life Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A327260)
Metalabs Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A090370)
Metalac a.d., Gornji Milanovac (BELEX:MTLC)
Metalfrio Solutions S.A. (BOVESPA:FRIO3)
Metalink Ltd. (OTCPK:MTLK)
Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd. (SEHK:1618)
Metalyst Forgings Limited (BSE:513335)
MetaTech (AP) Inc. (GTSM:3224)
Metech International Limited (Catalist:V3M)
Methanol Chemicals Company (SASE:2001)
Methaq Real Estate Investment Company P.S.C. (ASE:MEET)
Methaq Takaful Insurance Company PSC (ADX:METHAQ)
Metizi J.S.Co. (BUL:5MZ)
Metkore Alloys & Industries Limited (BSE:532990)
MetLife, American International Group and Arab National Bank Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8011)
Metro Alliance Holdings & Equities Corp. (PSE:MAH)
Metro Healthcare Berhad (KLSE:MHCARE)
Metro Holdings Limited (SGX:M01)
Metro Land Corporation Ltd. (SHSE:600683)
Metro Pacific Investments Corporation (PSE:MPI)
Metro Retail Stores Group, Inc. (PSE:MRSGI)
Metro Spinning Limited (DSE:METROSPIN)
Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:MSC)
Metrod Holdings Berhad (KLSE:METROD)
Metrofile Holdings Limited (JSE:MFL)
Metroglobal Limited (BSE:500159)
Metronic Global Berhad (KLSE:MTRONIC)
Metropolis Capital Holdings Limited (SEHK:8621)
Metropolis Healthcare Limited (NSEI:METROPOLIS)
Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (PSE:MBT)
Metropolitan Steel Corporation Limited (KASE:MSCL)
Mettle Investments Limited (JSE:MLE)
Mewah International Inc. (SGX:MV4)
Mexan Limited (SEHK:22)
Meyer Apparel Limited (BSE:531613)
Meyer Plc (NGSE:MEYER)
Mezzan Holding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:MEZZAN)
Mezzion Pharma Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A140410)
MFC Asset Management Public Company Limited (SET:MFC)
MFC Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:MIT)
MFC Multi-National Residence Fund (SET:MNRF)
MFC Patong Heritage Property Fund (SET:M-PAT)
Mfc-Nichada Thani Property Fund (SET:MNIT)
MFC-Strategic Storage Fund (SET:M-STOR)
MFD Group Limited (MUSE:MFDG.I0000)
MFEC Public Company Limited (SET:MFEC)
MFL India Limited (BSE:526622)
Mfm Korea Co., Ltd. (XKON:A251960)
Mgame Corp. (KOSDAQ:A058630)
MGM China Holdings Limited (SEHK:2282)
MH Ethanol Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A023150)
MHC Joint Stock Company (HOSE:MHC)
MHC Plantations Bhd (KLSE:MHC)
Mi Ming Mart Holdings Limited (SEHK:8473)
Mi Technovation Berhad (KLSE:MI)
Mian Textile Industries Limited (KASE:MTIL)
Mianyang Fulin Precision Machining Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300432)
MIC Electronics Limited (BSE:532850)
Michang Oil Ind .Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A003650)
MiCo BioMed Co., Ltd. (XKON:A214610)
MiCo Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A059090)
Micro Contact Solution Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A098120)
Micro-Mechanics (Holdings) Ltd. (SGX:5DD)
Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2377)
Micro-Tech (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688029)
MicroBase Technology Corp. (GTSM:3184)
Microbio Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4128)
Microcosm Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3354)
Microdata S.A. (CBSE:MIC)
MicroDigital Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A305090)
Microelectronics Technology Inc. (TSEC:2314)
Microfriend Inc. (KOSDAQ:A147760)
Microlink Solutions Berhad (KLSE:MICROLN)
Micromedic Technologies Ltd (TASE:MCTC)
Micronet Ltd (TASE:MCRNT)
MicroPort Scientific Corporation (SEHK:853)
Microtech Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A227950)
Microtek International, Inc. (TSEC:2305)
Microtips Technology Inc. (GTSM:3285)
Microware Group Limited (SEHK:1985)
Mid East Portfolio Management Limited (BSE:526251)
Mid India Industries Limited (BSE:500277)
Mida Assets Public Company Limited (SET:MIDA)
Mida Leasing Public Company Limited (SET:ML)
MIDAS Financing Limited (DSE:MIDASFIN)
Middle & West Delta Flour Mills Co. (CASE:WCDF)
Middle East Company for Manufacturing and Producing Paper (SASE:1202)
Middle East Financial Investment Company (SASE:4346)
Middle East Healthcare Company (SASE:4009)
Middle East Specialized Cables Company (SASE:2370)
Middle Egypt Flour Mills (CASE:CEFM)
Midea Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000333)
Midea Real Estate Holding Limited (SEHK:3990)
Mideast Integrated Steels Limited (BSE:540744)
Midland Holdings Limited (SEHK:1200)
Midland IC&I Limited (SEHK:459)
Midong & Cinema Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A161570)
Midvalley Entertainment Limited (BSE:533310)
Midwest Gold Limited (BSE:526570)
MIE Holdings Corporation (SEHK:1555)
Mieco Chipboard Berhad (KLSE:MIECO)
Mien Dong Joint Stock Company (HOSE:MDG)
Mien Trung Power Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (HNX:SEB)
Miev Co., Ltd. (XKON:A225850)
Mig Media Neurons Limited (NSEI:MMNL)
Migdal Insurance and Financial Holdings Ltd. (TASE:MGDL)
Miji International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1715)
Miko International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1247)
Mikobeaute International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6574)
Milae Bioresources Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A218150)
Milan Station Holdings Limited (SEHK:1150)
Mildef Crete Inc. (GTSM:3213)
Mildex Optical Inc. (GTSM:4729)
Milestone Builder Holdings Limited (SEHK:1667)
Milestone Furniture Limited (BSE:541337)
Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HOSE:MBB)
Milkfood Limited (BSE:507621)
Milkiland N.V. (WSE:MLK)
Milkyway Chemical Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd (SHSE:603713)
Millat Tractors Limited (KASE:MTL)
Millcon Steel Public Company Limited (SET:MILL)
Millennium Global Holdings, Inc. (PSE:MG)
Millennium Housing Developers PLC (COSE:MHDL.N0000)
Millennium Online Solutions (India) Limited (BSE:511187)
Millennium Pacific Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8147)
Million Cities Holdings Limited (SEHK:2892)
Million Hope Industries Holdings Limited (SEHK:1897)
Million Stars Holdings Limited (SEHK:8093)
Mills Estruturas e Serviços de Engenharia S.A. (BOVESPA:MILS3)
Milton Industries Limited (NSEI:MILTON)
Min Aik Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4545)
Min Aik Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3060)
Min Div a.d. (BELEX:SVRL)
Min Hagoren Development Ltd. (TASE:MNGN)
Min Xin Holdings Limited (SEHK:222)
Minaxi Textiles Limited (BSE:531456)
MIND C.T.I. Ltd (NasdaqGM:MNDO)
Minda Corporation Limited (NSEI:MINDACORP)
Minda Global Berhad (KLSE:MINDA)
Minda Industries Limited (BSE:532539)
MindChamps PreSchool Limited (SGX:CNE)
Mindpool Technologies Limited (NSEI:MINDPOOL)
Minds + Machines Group Limited (AIM:MMX)
Mindteck (India) Limited (BSE:517344)
Mindtell Technology Limited (SEHK:8611)
Mindtree Limited (NSEI:MINDTREE)
Minera Frisco, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:MFRISCO A-1)
Minera IRL Limited (BVL:MIRL)
Minera Valparaiso S.A. (SNSE:MINERA)
Mineral & Financial Investments Limited (AIM:MAFL)
Minergy Limited (BSM:MINERGY)
Mineros S.A. (BVC:MINEROS)
Minerva S.A. (BOVESPA:BEEF3)
Minetech Resources Berhad (KLSE:MINETEC)
Minfeng Special Paper Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600235)
Ming Fai International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3828)
Ming Lam Holdings Limited (SEHK:1106)
Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Limited (SHSE:601615)
Mingchen Health Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002919)
Minho (M) Berhad (KLSE:MINHO)
Mini Diamonds (India) Limited (BSE:523373)
Minmetals Capital Company Limited (SHSE:600390)
Minmetals Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600058)
Minmetals Land Limited (SEHK:230)
Minolta Finance Limited (BSE:532164)
Minor International Public Company Limited (SET:MINT)
Minrav Holdings Ltd. (TASE:MNRV)
Minrav Projects Ltd. (TASE:MNPR)
Minshang Creative Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1632)
Minsheng Education Group Company Limited (SEHK:1569)
Minsheng Holdings Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000416)
Minsur S.A. (BVL:MINSURI1)
Minth Group Limited (SEHK:425)
Mintye Berhad (KLSE:MBG)
Minupar Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:MNPR3)
Minwise Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A214180)
Mirach Energy Limited (SGX:AWO)
Miracle Automation Engineering Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002009)
Miracle Industries Limited (DSE:MIRACLEIND)
Mirae Asset Asia Pacific Real Estate 1 Investment Company (KOSE:A094800)
Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006800)
Mirae Asset Daewoo Special Purpose Acquisition 1 Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A265480)
Mirae Asset Daewoo Special Purpose Acquisition 2 Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A310200)
Mirae Asset Daewoo Special Purpose Acquisition 3 Company (KOSDAQ:A328380)
Mirae Asset Daewoo Special Purpose Acquisition 4 Company (KOSDAQ:A333430)
Mirae Asset Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A085620)
Mirae Asset Venture Investment Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A100790)
Mirae Corporation (KOSE:A025560)
Mirae Joint Stock Company (HOSE:KMR)
Mirae Sci Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A028040)
Mirae Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A213090)
MiraeING.Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A007120)
Miramar Hospitality Co.,Ltd (GTSM:2730)
Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited (SEHK:71)
MIRC Electronics Limited (BSE:500279)
Mirgor Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Industrial, Financiera, Inmobiliaria y Agropecuaria (BASE:MIRG)
Miricor Enterprises Holdings Limited (SEHK:1827)
Mirle Automation Corporation (TSEC:2464)
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:MIRKS)
Mirza International Limited (NSEI:MIRZAINT)
Misho Ecology & Landscape Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300495)
Mishorim Real Estate Investments Ltd (TASE:MSHR)
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (NSEI:MIDHANI)
Mishtann Foods Limited (BSE:539594)
Misquita Engineering Limited (BSE:542801)
Misr Beni Suef Cement Co. S.A.E (CASE:MBSC)
Misr Cement Co. (QENA) (CASE:MCQE)
Misr Chemical Industries Co. (CASE:MICH)
Misr Fertilizer Production Company (CASE:MFPC)
Misr Hotels Company (CASE:MHOT)
Misr National Steel - Ataqa (CASE:ATQA)
Misr Oil & Soap (CASE:MOSC)
MiTAC Holdings Corporation (TSEC:3706)
Mitake Information Corporation (GTSM:8284)
Mitchell's Fruit Farms Limited (KASE:MFFL)
MITCON Consultancy & Engineering Services Limited (NSEI:MITCON)
Mithun knitting and Dyeing (CEPZ) Ltd. (DSE:MITHUNKNIT)
Mitrajaya Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MITRA)
Mitshi India Limited (BSE:523782)
Mitsib Leasing Public Company Limited (SET:MITSIB)
Mitsu Chem Plast Limited (BSE:540078)
Mittal Life Style Limited (NSEI:MITTAL)
Mivtach Shamir Holdings Ltd (TASE:MISH)
Miwon Chemicals Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A134380)
Miwon Commercial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002840)
Miwon Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A107590)
Miwon Specialty Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A268280)
MiX Telematics Limited (JSE:MIX)
Miyoshi Limited (Catalist:M03)
Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd. (TASE:MZTF)
MJL Bangladesh Limited (DSE:MJLBD)
MK Electron Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033160)
MK Restaurant Group Public Company Limited (SET:M)
Mlabs Systems Berhad (KLSE:MLAB)
MLS Co., Ltd (SZSE:002745)
MM Group for Industry and International Trade S.A.E. (CASE:MTIE)
mm2 Asia Ltd. (SGX:1B0)
MMag Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MMAG)
MMC Corporation Berhad (KLSE:MMCCORP)
MMP Industries Limited (NSEI:MMP)
MMP Resources Limited (SGX:F3V)
MMS Ventures Berhad (KLSE:MMSV)
MMTC Limited (BSE:513377)
Mmtec, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MTC)
MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A. (BOVESPA:MMXM3)
MNRB Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MNRB)
MNtech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A095500)
Moatech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A033200)
MOBASE Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A101330)
Mobase Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A012860)
MOBI Development Co., Ltd. (SEHK:947)
Mobiis Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A250060)
Mobile Appliance, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A087260)
Mobile Internet (China) Holdings Limited (SEHK:1439)
Mobile Max Technologies Ltd (TASE:MBMX-M)
Mobile Telecommunications Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ZAIN)
Mobile Telecommunications Company Saudi Arabia (SASE:7030)
Mobile World Investment Corporation (HOSE:MWG)
Mobileleader Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A100030)
Mobiletron Electronics Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1533)
Mobix Corporation (GTSM:6740)
Mobvista Inc. (SEHK:1860)
Moda-InnoChips Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A080420)
Modaraba Al-Mali (KASE:MODAM)
MODE TOUR Real Estate Investment Trust Incorporated (KOSE:A204210)
Modern Avenue Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002656)
Modern Beauty Salon Holdings Limited (SEHK:919)
Modern Dairies Limited (BSE:519287)
Modern Dental Group Limited (SEHK:3600)
Modern India Limited (BSE:503015)
Modern Land (China) Co., Limited (SEHK:1107)
Modern Leasing SA (BVMT:ML)
Modern Living Investments Holdings Limited (SEHK:8426)
Modern Media Holdings Limited (SEHK:72)
Modern Shorouk Printing & Packaging (CASE:SMPP)
Modern Waterproofing Company S.A.E. (CASE:WATP)
Modernform Group Public Company Limited (SET:MODERN)
Modex International Securities Limited (BSE:537092)
Modi Naturals Limited (BSE:519003)
Modi Rubber Limited (BSE:500890)
Modiin Energy-Limited Partnership (TASE:MDIN.L)
Modipon Limited (BSE:503776)
Modison Metals Limited (BSE:506261)
Modulex Construction Technologies Limited (BSE:504273)
Mohandes Insurance Company (CASE:MOIN)
Mohenz.Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A006920)
Mohini Health & Hygiene Limited (NSEI:MHHL)
Mohit Industries Limited (BSE:531453)
Mohit Paper Mills Limited (BSE:530169)
Mohite Industries Limited (BSE:532140)
Mohota Industries Limited (BSE:530047)
MOIL Limited (BSE:533286)
Moiselle International Holdings Limited (SEHK:130)
Moksh Ornaments Limited (NSEI:MOKSH)
Mold-Tek Packaging Limited (BSE:533080)
Mold-Tek Technologies Limited (BSE:526263)
Molibdenos y Metales S.A. (SNSE:MOLYMET)
Molinos Agro S.A. (BASE:MOLA)
Molinos Juan Semino S.A. (BASE:SEMI)
Molinos Rio de la Plata S.A. (BASE:MOLI)
Momentum Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:1152)
Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited (JSE:MTM) Inc. (TSEC:8454)
Monalisa Co., Ltd (KOSE:A012690)
Monalisa Group CO.,Ltd (SZSE:002918)
Monami Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005360)
Monarch Networth Capital Limited (BSE:511551)
Monbat AD (BUL:5MB)
Monex, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:MONEX B)
Moneyboxx Finance Limited (BSE:538446)
MoneyMax Financial Services Ltd. (Catalist:5WJ)
Mongolia Energy Corporation Limited (SEHK:276)
Mongolian Mining Corporation (SEHK:975)
Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited (BSE:513446)
Monno Ceramic Industries Limited (DSE:MONNOCERA)
Monno Jute Stafllers Limited (DSE:MONNOSTAF)
Mono Technology Public Company Limited (SET:MONO)
Monotype India Limited (BSE:505343)
Montage Technology Group Limited (SHSE:688008)
Montauk Holdings Limited (JSE:MNK)
Monte Carlo Fashions Limited (BSE:538836)
Monteiro Aranha S.A. (BOVESPA:MOAR3)
Montnets Rongxin Technology Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002123)
Moody Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1400)
Moon Environment Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000811)
MoonBae Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A008420)
Moong Pattana International Public Company Limited (SET:MOONG)
Moongipa Capital Finance Limited (BSE:530167)
Moongipa Securities Limited (BSE:539199)
Moorim P&P Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009580)
Moorim Paper Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009200)
Moorim SP Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A001810)
Morarjee Textiles Limited (BSE:532621)
Morarka Finance Limited (BSE:511549)
Mordechai Aviv Taasiot Beniyah (1973) Ltd. (TASE:AVIV)
Mordovia Energy Retail Company Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:MRSB)
More Return Public Company Limited (SET:MORE)
Morefield Group N.V. (ENXTAM:MORE)
Morepen Laboratories Limited (BSE:500288)
Morgan Ventures Limited (BSE:526237)
Morganite Crucible (India) Limited (BSE:523160)
Morison Industries Plc (NGSE:MORISON)
Morixe Hermanos S.A.C.I. (BASE:MORI)
Morn Sun Feed Mill Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1240)
Morris Holdings Limited (SEHK:1575)
Mortech Corporation (GTSM:7419)
Moryo Industries Limited (BSE:513305)
MOS House Group Limited (SEHK:1653)
Mosa Industrial Corporation (TSEC:4564)
MosChip Technologies Limited (BSE:532407)
Mosel Vitelic Inc. (TSEC:2342)
Moso Power Supply Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002660)
Mospec Semiconductor Corp. (TSEC:2434)
Most Kwai Chung Limited (SEHK:1716)
Mota Ventures Corp. (CNSX:MOTA)
Motech Industries Inc. (GTSM:6244)
Motherson Sumi Systems Limited (BSE:517334)
Motic (Xiamen) Electric Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300341)
Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited (NSEI:MOTILALOFS)
Motonic Corporation (KOSE:A009680)
Motores Diesel Andinos S.A. (BVL:MODIANI1)
Motrex Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A118990)
Motus Holdings Limited (JSE:MTH)
Mount Housing and Infrastructure Limited (BSE:542864)
Mountain China Resorts (Holding) Limited (TSXV:MCG)
Mouwasat Medical Services Company (SASE:4002)
Movida Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:MOVI3)
Moxian, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MOXC)
Moya Holdings Asia Limited (Catalist:5WE)
Mozaffar Hossain Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:MHSML)
MP Hankang CO., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A219550)
Mpact Limited (JSE:MPT)
MPC Caribbean Clean Energy Limited (JMSE:MPCCEL)
MPF Systems Limited (BSE:532470)
MPG Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:MPG)
Mphasis Limited (BSE:526299)
MPHB Capital Berhad (KLSE:MPHBCAP)
MPI Corporation (GTSM:6223)
MPIL Corporation Limited (BSE:500450)
MPL Plastics Limited (BSE:526143)
mPLUS Corp. (KOSDAQ:A259630)
MPP Jedinstvo a.d. (BELEX:JESV)
MPS Infotecnics Limited (NSEI:VISESHINFO)
MPS Limited (BSE:532440)
MQ Technology Berhad (KLSE:MQTECH)
Mr Price Group Limited (JSE:MRP)
Mr. Blue Corporation (KOSDAQ:A207760)
Mr. Onion International Co., Ltd (GTSM:2740)
MRC Allied, Inc. (PSE:MRC)
MRC Exim Limited (BSE:540809)
MRF Limited (BSE:500290)
MRO-TEK Realty Limited (BSE:532376)
MRP Investments Ltd (TASE:MRP)
MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:MRVE3)
MS Autotech Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A123040)
MS Concept Limited (SEHK:8447)
MS Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1451)
MSC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A009780)
MSCM Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MYSCM)
MSM International Limited (Catalist:5QR)
MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MSM)
MSP Steel & Power Limited (BSE:532650)
MSR India Limited (BSE:508922)
MST Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:MST)
Mstns Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A257370)
MT Educare Limited (BSE:534312)
MTAG Group Berhad (KLSE:MTAG)
MTD ACPI Engineering Berhad (KLSE:MTDACPI)
MTN Group Limited (JSE:MTN)
MTN Nigeria Communications PLC (NGSE:MTNN)
MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited (JSE:MTNZ.F)
mTouche Technology Berhad (KLSE:MTOUCHE)
MTQ Corporation Limited (SGX:M05)
MTR Corporation Limited (SEHK:66)
Muang Thai Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:MTI)
Muangthai Capital Public Company Limited (SET:MTC)
Muar Ban Lee Group Berhad (KLSE:MBL)
Mubarrad Transportation Co. K.S.C. - Public (KWSE:MUBARRAD)
Muda Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MUDA)
Mudajaya Group Berhad (KLSE:MUDAJYA)
Mudanjiang Hengfeng Paper Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600356)
Mudman Public Company Limited (SET:MM)
Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited (KASE:MUGHAL)
Muhak Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A033920)
Muhibbah Engineering (M) Bhd. (KLSE:MUHIBAH)
MUI Properties Berhad (KLSE:MUIPROP)
Mukand Engineers Limited (NSEI:MUKANDENGG)
Mukand Limited (BSE:500460)
Mukesh Babu Financial Services Limited (BSE:530341)
Mukta Agriculture Limited (BSE:535204)
Mukta Arts Limited (BSE:532357)
Muller & Phipps (Ceylon) PLC (COSE:MULL.N0000)
Muller & Phipps (India) Limited (BSE:501477)
Mulpha International Bhd (KLSE:MULPHA)
Mulsanne Group Holding Limited (SEHK:1817)
Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (NSEI:MCX)
Multi Finance PLC (COSE:MFL.N0000)
Multi-Chem Limited (SGX:AWZ)
Multi-Usage Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MUH)
Multibase India Limited (BSE:526169)
Multibax Public Company Limited (SET:MBAX)
Multicampus Corporation (KOSDAQ:A067280)
Multichoice Group Limited (JSE:MCG)
Multiexport Foods S.A. (SNSE:MULTIFOODS)
Multifield International Holdings Limited (SEHK:898)
Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. (BOVESPA:MULT3)
Multiverse Mining and Exploration Plc (NGSE:MULTIVERSE)
Mun Siong Engineering Limited (SGX:MF6)
Mundial S.A. - Produtos de Consumo (BOVESPA:MNDL3)
Munjal Auto Industries Limited (BSE:520059)
Munjal Showa Limited (BSE:520043)
Munshaat Real Estate Projects Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:MUNSHAAT)
Munsin Garment Corporation (GTSM:2916)
Muramoto Electron (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:METCO)
Murray & Roberts Holdings Limited (JSE:MUR)
Murree Brewery Company Limited (KASE:MUREB)
Murudeshwar Ceramics Ltd. (BSE:515037)
Musandam Power Company SAOG (MSM:MSPW)
Muscat Capital - Al Masha'ar REIT Fund (SASE:4337)
Muscat City Desalination Company S.A.O.C. (MSM:MCDE)
Muscat Finance SAOG (MSM:MFCI)
Muscat Gases Company SAOG (MSM:MGMC)
Musharaka REIT Fund (SASE:4335)
Music Broadcast Limited (BSE:540366)
Mustang Industrial Corp. (GTSM:5460)
Mustek Limited (JSE:MST)
Mutandis SCA (CBSE:MUT)
Muthoot Capital Services Limited (BSE:511766)
Muthoot Finance Limited (NSEI:MUTHOOTFIN)
Mutto Optronics Corporation (GTSM:4950)
Mutual Benefits Assurance Plc (NGSE:MBENEFIT)
Mutual Trust Bank Limited (DSE:MTB)
Mutual-Tek Industries Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6407)
Muyuan Foods Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002714)
MVL Limited (NSEI:MVL)
My Chau Printing & Packing Holdings Company (HOSE:MCP)
My E.G. Services Berhad (KLSE:MYEG)
My Heart Bodibra Group Limited (SEHK:8297)
My Humble House Hospitality Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2739)
My Size, Inc. (TASE:MYSZ)
Mycenax Biotech Inc. (GTSM:4726)
Mycron Steel Berhad (KLSE:MYCRON)
Mydas Real Estate Investments Ltd (TASE:MYDS)
Myhome Real Estate Development Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000667)
Mynews Holdings Berhad (KLSE:MYNEWS)
MYP Ltd. (SGX:F86)
MYS Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002303)
Myson Century, Inc. (GTSM:5314)
Mysore Petro Chemicals Limited (BSE:506734)
Mytrex Health Technologies, Inc. (GTSM:4431)
Myungjin holdings.,Corp. (XKON:A267060)
Myungmoon Pharm. Co., LTD. (KOSE:A017180)
N B Footwear Limited (BSE:523242)
N Citron, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A101400)
N G Industries LTD (BSE:530897)
N R Agarwal Industries Limited (BSE:516082)
N. R. International Limited (BSE:532623)
N.B.I. Industrial Finance Company Limited (NSEI:NBIFIN)
N.C. Housing Public Company Limited (SET:NCH)
N.D. Rubber Public Company Limited (SET:NDR)
N.I Steel Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A008260)
N.K Industries Limited (BSE:519494)
N.R. Spuntech Industries Ltd. (TASE:SPNTC)
N2N Connect Berhad (KLSE:N2N)
Nablus Surgical Center Company PLC (PLSE:NSC)
Nabors Industries Ltd. (NYSE:NBR)
Nacity Property Service Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603506)
NACL Industries Limited (BSE:524709)
Nadejda AD (BUL:6N1)
Naeem Holding Company For Investments (S.A.E - Free Zone) (CASE:NAHO)
Nafine Chemical Industry Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000737)
Nafoods Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NAF)
Naftna Industrija Srbije a.d. (BELEX:NIIS)
Naga Dhunseri Group Limited (NSEI:NDGL)
NagaCorp Ltd. (SEHK:3918)
Nagakawa Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:NAG)
Nagarjuna Agri-Tech Limited (BSE:531832)
Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited (BSE:539917)
Nagarjuna Oil Refinery Limited (BSE:534184)
Nagina Cotton Mills Limited (KASE:NAGC)
Nagpur Power and Industries Limited (BSE:532362)
Nagreeka Capital & Infrastructure Ltd. (BSE:532895)
Nagreeka Exports Limited (BSE:521109)
Nahar Capital and Financial Services Limited (BSE:532952)
Nahar Industrial Enterprises Limited (BSE:519136)
Nahar Poly Films Limited (BSE:523391)
Nahar Spinning Mills Ltd (BSE:500296)
Nahee Aluminum Composite Panel Ltd. (DSE:NAHEEACP)
Naim Holdings Berhad (KLSE:NAIM)
Nairobi Business Ventures Limited (NASE:NBV)
Nairobi Securities Exchange Plc (NASE:NSE)
Najran Cement Company (SASE:3002)
NAK Sealing Technologies Corporation (TSEC:9942)
Nalwa Sons Investments Limited (BSE:532256)
Nam Cheong Limited (SGX:N4E)
Nam Dinh Educational Book and Equipment JSC (HNX:DST)
Nam Hwa Construction Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A091590)
Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NKG)
Nam Lee Pressed Metal Industries Limited (SGX:G0I)
Nam Long Investment Corporation (HOSE:NLG)
Nam Mu Hydropower Joint Stock Company (HNX:HJS)
Nam Securities Limited (BSE:538395)
Nam Seng Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:NSI)
Nam Tai Property Inc. (NYSE:NTP)
Nam Viet Corporation (HOSE:ANV)
Nam Viet Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NAV)
NAMA Chemicals Company (SASE:2210)
Namchow Holdings Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1702)
Nameson Holdings Limited (SEHK:1982)
Namhae Chemical Corporation (KOSE:A025860)
Namhwa Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A111710)
Namibia Asset Management Limited (NMSE:NAM)
Namibia Breweries Limited (NMSE:NBS)
Namkwang Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001260)
Nampak Limited (JSE:NPK)
Nampak Zimbabwe Limited (ZMSE:NPKZ)
Namsun Aluminum Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A008350)
Namsung Corp. (KOSE:A004270)
Namu Tech Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A242040)
Namuga Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A190510)
Namunukula Plantations PLC (COSE:NAMU.N0000)
Namyang Dairy Products Co., Ltd (KOSE:A003920)
Namyeung Vivien Corporation (KOSE:A002070)
Namyong Terminal Public Company Limited (SET:NYT)
Nan Hai Corporation Limited (SEHK:680)
Nan Juen International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6584)
Nan Liu Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6504)
Nan Nan Resources Enterprise Limited (SEHK:1229)
Nan Pao Resins Chemical Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4766)
Nan Ren Hu Leisure Amusement Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5905)
Nan Tsan Co., Ltd (GTSM:4712)
Nan Ya Plastics Corporation (TSEC:1303)
Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corporation (TSEC:8046)
Nan Yang Dyeing & Finishing Co.,Ltd (TSEC:1410)
Nancal Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603859)
Nandan Denim Limited (BSE:532641)
Nandani Creation Limited (NSEI:NANDANI)
Nanfang Black Sesame Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000716)
Nanfang Communication Holdings Limited (SEHK:1617)
Nanfang Ventilator Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300004)
Nanfang Zhongjin Environment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300145)
Nang Kuang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1752)
NanHua Bio-medicine Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000504)
Nanhua Futures Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603093)
Nanhua Instruments Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300417)
NanJi E-Commerce Co., Ltd (SZSE:002127)
NanJing AoLian AE&EA Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300585)
Nanjing Baose Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300402)
Nanjing Canatal Data-Centre Environmental Tech Co., Ltd (SHSE:603912)
Nanjing Central Emporium (Group) Stocks Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600280)
Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600889)
Nanjing Chervon Auto Precision Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:603982)
Nanjing Chixia Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600533)
Nanjing Gaoke Company Limited (SHSE:600064)
Nanjing Hanrui Cobalt Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300618)
Nanjing Hicin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300584)
Nanjing Huadong Electronics Information & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000727)
Nanjing Huamai Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603042)
Nanjing Inform Storage Equipment (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603066)
Nanjing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600282)
Nanjing Julong Science&Technology Co.,LTD (SZSE:300644)
Nanjing Kangni Mechanical & Electrical Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603111)
Nanjing King-Friend Biochemical Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (SHSE:603707)
Nanjing OLO Home Furnishing Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603326)
Nanjing Panda Electronics Company Limited (SHSE:600775)
NanJing Pharmaceutical Company Limited (SHSE:600713)
Nanjing Port Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002040)
Nanjing Public Utilities Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000421)
Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200468)
Nanjing Quanxin Cable Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300447)
Nanjing Red Sun Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000525)
Nanjing Sample Technology Company Limited (SEHK:1708)
Nanjing Sanchao Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300554)
Nanjing Sciyon Wisdom Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002380)
Nanjing Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601990)
Nanjing Sinolife United Company Limited (SEHK:3332)
Nanjing Tanker Corporation (SHSE:601975)
Nanjing Textiles Import & Export Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:600250)
Nanjing Well Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603351)
Nanjing Xinjiekou Department Store Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600682)
Nanjing Xinlian Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002546)
Nanjing Yueboo Power System Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300742)
Nanjing Yunhai Special Metals Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002182)
Nankang Rubber Tire Corp.,Ltd. (TSEC:2101)
Nanning Baling Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002592)
Nanning Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600301)
Nanning Department Store Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600712)
Nanning Sugar Industry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000911)
Nano Chem Tech Inc. (KOSDAQ:A091970)
NANO Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A187790)
Nanobrick.Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A286750)
NanoEnTek Inc. (KOSDAQ:A039860)
NANOMEDICS Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A074610)
NANOOMTECH Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A244880)
Nanoplus Ltd. (GTSM:6495)
Nanos Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A151910)
NANTEX Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2108)
Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603968)
Nantong Haixing Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603115)
Nantong Jianghai Capacitor Co. Ltd. (SZSE:002484)
Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600389)
Nantong Jinghua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002349)
Nanxing Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002757)
Nanya Technology Corporation (TSEC:2408)
Nanyang Holdings Limited (SEHK:212)
Nanyang Topsec Technologies Group Inc. (SZSE:002212)
Naphtha Israel Petroleum Corp. Ltd. (TASE:NFTA)
Nara Mold & Die Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A051490)
NARASOFT Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A288490)
Narayana Hrudayalaya Limited (NSEI:NH)
Narayani Steels Limited (BSE:540080)
Narbada Gems and Jewellery Limited (BSE:519455)
Narendra Investments (Delhi) Limited (BSE:540204)
Narendra Properties Limited (BSE:531416)
NARI Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600406)
Narmada Agrobase Limited (NSEI:NARMADA)
Narmada Gelatines Limited (BSE:526739)
Narnia (Hong Kong) Group Company Limited (SEHK:8607)
Nascon Allied Industries Plc (NGSE:NASCON)
Nasmedia Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A089600)
Naspers Limited (JSE:NPN)
Nasr Company for Civil Works (CASE:NCCW)
Nass Corporation BSC (BAX:NASS)
Nat Games Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A225570)
Nath Bio-Genes (India) Limited (BSE:537291)
Nation Broadcasting Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:NBC)
Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited (SET:NINE)
Nation Lanka Finance PLC (COSE:CSF.N0000)
Nation Media Group PLC (NASE:NMG)
National Aerospace Fasteners Corporation (TSEC:3004)
National Aluminium Company Limited (BSE:532234)
National Aluminium Industrial Company (ASE:NATA)
National Aluminum & Profile Company (PLSE:NAPCO)
National Arts Entertainment and Culture Group Limited (SEHK:8228)
National Bank Limited (DSE:NBL)
National Bank of Bahrain BSC (BAX:NBB)
National Bank of Kuwait - Egypt (S.A.E) (CASE:NBKE)
National Bank of Kuwait S.A.K.P. (KWSE:NBK)
National Bank of Malawi plc (MAL:NBM)
National Bank of Oman SAOG (MSM:NBOB)
National Bank of Pakistan (KASE:NBP)
National Bank Of Umm Al-Qaiwain (PSC) (ADX:NBQ)
National Building and Marketing Co. (SASE:9510)
National Cable And Wire Manufacturing Company (ASE:WIRE)
National Cement Company (Public Shareholding Co.) (DFM:NCC)
National Central Cooling Company PJSC (DFM:TABREED)
National Chlorine Industries Co. Ltd. (ASE:NATC)
National Citizen Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HNX:NVB)
National Cleaning Co. (K.S.C.P) (KWSE:CLEANING)
National Company for Housing Professional Syndicates SAE (CASE:NHPS)
National Company for Learning and Education (SASE:4291)
National Consumer Holding Company - K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:NCCI)
National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited (DSE:NCCBANK)
National Development Bank PLC (COSE:NDB.N0000)
National Electronics Holdings Limited (SEHK:213)
National Enterprises Limited (TTSE:NEL)
National Feed Mill Limited (DSE:NFML)
National Fertilizers Limited (BSE:523630)
National Fittings Limited (BSE:531289)
National Flour Mills Limited (TTSE:NFM)
National Foods Limited (KASE:NATF)
National Gas & Industerialization Co. (SASE:2080)
National Gas Company SAOG (MSM:NGCI)
National General Industries Limited (BSE:531651)
National Gypsum Company (SASE:2090)
National Housing Finance and Investments Limited (DSE:NHFIL)
National Industrialization Company (SASE:2060)
National Industries Company - KPSC (KWSE:NICBM)
National Industries Group Holding - KPSC (KWSE:NIND)
National Insurance Company (Palestine) (PLSE:NIC)
National International Holding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:NIH)
National Investment Company Limited (DAR:NICO)
National Investment Trust Ltd (MUSE:NITL.N0000)
National Investments Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:NINV)
National Life and General Insurance Company SAOG (MSM:NLIF)
National Life Insurance Company Limited (DSE:NATLIFEINS)
National Medical Care Company (SASE:4005)
National Metal Manufacturing and Casting Co. (SASE:2220)
National Mobile Telecommunications Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:OOREDOO)
National Oxygen Limited (BSE:507813)
National Peroxide Limited (BSE:500298)
National Petrochemical Company (SASE:2002)
National Petroleum Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9937)
National Petroleum Services Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:NAPESCO)
National Plastic Industries Limited (BSE:526616)
National Plastic Technologies Limited (BSE:531287)
National Plywood Industries Limited (BSE:516062)
National Polymer Industries Limited (DSE:NPOLYMAR)
National Portfolio Securities Company (ASE:MHFZ)
National Poultry Company PLC (ASE:NATP)
National Real Estate Bank For Development (CASE:NRPD)
National Real Estate Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:NRE)
National Refinery Limited (KASE:NRL)
National Reinsurance Corporation of the Philippines (PSE:NRCP)
National Shooting Company K.S.C - Public (KWSE:SHOOTING)
National Standard (India) Limited (BSE:504882)
National Steel and Agro Industries Limited (NSEI:NATNLSTEEL)
National Steel Industry Co. Ltd. (ASE:NAST)
National Takaful Company (Watania) P.J.S.C. (ADX:WATANIA)
National Tea Company Limited (DSE:NTC)
National Tubes Limited (DSE:NTLTUBES)
Nations Technologies Inc. (SZSE:300077)
Nations Trust Bank PLC (COSE:NTB.N0000)
Nationwide Express Holdings Berhad (KLSE:NATWIDE)
Natraj Proteins Limited (BSE:530119)
Natura Cosméticos S.A. (BOVESPA:NTCO3)
Natural Beauty Bio-Technology Limited (SEHK:157)
Natural Capsules Limited (BSE:524654)
Natural Cool Holdings Limited (Catalist:5IF)
Natural F&P Corp. (XKON:A086220)
Natural Food International Holding Limited (SEHK:1837)
Natural Health Farm Holdings Inc. (OTCPK:NHEL)
Natural Health Trends Corp. (NasdaqCM:NHTC)
Naturalendo Tech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A168330)
Nature and Environment Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043910)
Nature Home Holding Company Limited (SEHK:2083)
NatureCell Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A007390)
NatureWise Biotech & Medicals Corporation (GTSM:4732)
Naturgy BAN, S.A. (BASE:GBAN)
Naturite Agro Products Limited (BSE:538926)
NAU IB Capital (KOSDAQ:A293580)
NAURA Technology Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002371)
Nava Bharat Ventures Limited (BSE:513023)
Nava Nakorn Public Company Limited (SET:NNCL)
Navana CNG Limited (DSE:NAVANACNG)
NAVER Corporation (KOSE:A035420)
Navin Fluorine International Limited (BSE:532504)
NavInfo Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002405)
Navitas Petroleum, Limited Partnership (TASE:NVPT.L)
Navkar Builders Limited (BSE:531494)
Navkar Corporation Limited (BSE:539332)
Navketan Merchants Limited (BSE:539525)
Navneet Education Limited (BSE:508989)
Navtech Inc. (SZSE:300456)
Nawaloka Hospitals PLC (COSE:NHL.N0000)
Nawarat Patanakarn Public Company Limited (SET:NWR)
Nawi Brothers Group Ltd (TASE:NAWI)
Naysaa Securities Limited (BSE:538668)
Nazir Cotton Mills Limited (KASE:NCML)
NBB Investment Corporation (HOSE:NBB)
NBCC (India) Limited (BSE:534309)
NBS Bank Plc (MAL:NBS)
NBTM New Materials Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600114)
NCB Financial Group Limited (JMSE:NCBFG)
NCC Limited (BSE:500294)
NCL Industries Limited (BSE:502168)
NCL International Logistics Public Company Limited (SET:NCL)
NCL Research & Financial Services Limited (BSE:530557)
Ncondezi Energy Limited (AIM:NCCL)
NCR (Nigeria) PLC (NGSE:NCR)
NCS Testing Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300797)
Ncsoft Corporation (KOSE:A036570)
NDFOS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A238090)
Nectar Lifesciences Limited (BSE:532649)
Nedbank Group Limited (JSE:NED)
Neelkanth Rockminerals Limited (BSE:531049)
NEFAZ Publicly Traded Company (MISX:NFAZ)
Negotium International Trade Limited (BSE:537838)
Negri Sembilan Oil Palms Berhad (KLSE:NSOP)
Neha International Limited (BSE:519560)
Neil Industries Limited (BSE:539016)
Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc (NGSE:NEIMETH)
Nel Holdings Limited (BSE:533202)
Nelcast Limited (BSE:532864)
Nelco Limited (BSE:504112)
NEM Insurance Plc (NGSE:NEM)
Nemak, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:NEMAK A)
Neo Cremar Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A311390)
Neo Group Limited (Catalist:5UJ)
Neo Infracon Limited (BSE:514332)
Neo London Capital PLC (BUL:178B)
Neo Technical System Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A085910)
Neo Telemedia Limited (SEHK:8167)
Neo-Neon Holdings Limited (SEHK:1868)
Neochim AD (BUL:3NB)
Neoenergia S.A. (BOVESPA:NEOE3)
NEOFECT Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A290660)
Neogem India Limited (BSE:526195)
Neogen Chemicals Limited (NSEI:NEOGEN)
Neoglory prosperity Inc. (SZSE:002147)
NEOOTO Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A212560)
NeoPharm CO., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A092730)
Neosem Inc. (KOSDAQ:A253590)
NEOWIZ HOLDINGS Corporation (KOSDAQ:A042420)
NEP Realty and Industry Public Company Limited (SET:NEP)
Nepes Corporation (KOSDAQ:A033640)
Neptune Company (KOSDAQ:A217270)
Nera Telecommunications Ltd (SGX:N01)
Nesco Limited (BSE:505355)
Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:NESTLE)
Nestle Cote D'Ivoire S.A. (BRVM:NTLC)
Nestlé India Limited (BSE:500790)
Nestlé Lanka PLC (COSE:NEST.N0000)
Nestlé Nigeria Plc (NGSE:NESTLE)
Nestlé Pakistan Limited (KASE:NESTLE)
Net 1 UEPS Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:UEPS)
Net Detergent Joint Stock Company (HNX:NET)
Net Pacific Financial Holdings Limited (Catalist:5QY)
Net Publishing Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6542)
NET263 Ltd. (SZSE:002467)
Netac Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300042)
Netanel Group Ltd. (TASE:NTGR)
Netbay Public Company Limited (SET:NETBAY)
Netcare Limited (JSE:NTC)
NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited (SEHK:777)
Netland Real Estate Joint Stock Company (HNX:NRC)
NetLink NBN Trust (SGX:CJLU)
Netlink Solutions (India) Limited (BSE:509040)
Netmarble Corporation (KOSE:A251270)
Netmarble Joybomb Inc. (GTSM:6468)
Neto M.E Holdings Ltd. (TASE:NTO)
Neto Malinda Trading Ltd. (TASE:NTML)
NetPay International, Inc. (OTCPK:NTPY)
NetPosa Technologies, Ltd. (SZSE:300367)
Netripples Software Limited (BSE:542117)
Netronix, Inc. (GTSM:6143)
Netsol Technologies Limited (KASE:NETSOL)
Nettlinx Limited (BSE:511658)
Network CN Inc. (OTCPK:NWCN)
Network International Holdings plc (LSE:NETW)
Network Limited (BSE:523558)
Network18 Media & Investments Limited (BSE:532798)
NetX Holdings Berhad (KLSE:NETX)
Neueon Towers Limited (BSE:532887)
Neuland Laboratories Limited (BSE:524558)
Neungyule Education, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A053290)
Neuros Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A126870)
Neusoft Corporation (SHSE:600718)
New Advanced Electronics Technologies Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3465)
New Asia Construction & Development Corp. (TSEC:2516)
New Asia Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:NAHD)
New Best Wire Industrial Co.,Ltd (GTSM:5013)
New Body Line Société Anonyme (BVMT:NBL)
New Century Group Hong Kong Limited (SEHK:234)
New Century Healthcare Holding Co. Limited (SEHK:1518)
New Century Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:1275)
New China Life Insurance Company Ltd. (SHSE:601336)
New City Development Group Limited (SEHK:456)
New Concepts Holdings Limited (SEHK:2221)
New Delhi Television Limited (BSE:532529)
New East New Materials Co., Ltd (SHSE:603110)
New Energy Exchange Ltd. (OTCPK:EBOD.F)
New Era Electronics Co., Ltd (GTSM:4909)
New Focus Auto Tech Holdings Limited (SEHK:360)
New Frontier Health Corporation (NYSE:NFH)
New Hoong Fatt Holdings Berhad (KLSE:NHFATT)
New Hope Dairy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002946)
New Hope Liuhe Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000876)
New Horizon Group Ltd. (TASE:NERZ)
New Hua Du Supercenter Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002264)
New Light Apparels Limited (BSE:540243)
New Line Clothings Limited (DSE:NEWLINE)
New Mauritius Hotels Limited (MUSE:NMHL.N0000)
New Oriental Energy & Chemical Corp (OTCPK:NOEC)
New Palace International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8940)
New Plus Knitting Public Company Limited (SET:NPK)
New Power Plasma Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A144960)
New Provenance Everlasting Holdings Limited (SEHK:2326)
New Sea Union Technology Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002089)
New Silkroad Culturaltainment Limited (SEHK:472)
New Silkroutes Group Limited (SGX:BMT)
New Times Energy Corporation Limited (SEHK:166)
New Toyo International Holdings Ltd (SGX:N08)
New Trend International Logis-Tech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300532)
New Universe Environmental Group Limited (SEHK:436)
New Vision Printing and Publishing Company Limited (UGSE:NVL)
New Wave Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:5FX)
New Western Group Limited (SEHK:8242)
New World Department Store China Limited (SEHK:825)
New World Development Company Limited (SEHK:17)
Newater Technology, Inc. (NasdaqCM:NEWA)
Neway Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:55)
Neway Valve (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603699)
Newcapec Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300248)
NewFlex Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A085670)
Newgen Software Technologies Limited (BSE:540900)
Newland Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000997)
Newmax Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3630)
NewOcean Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:342)
Newretail Co., Ltd (GTSM:3085)
News Network Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:NEWS)
News World Wu Company (GTSM:2245)
NewSoft Technology Corporation (GTSM:5202)
Newton Resources Ltd (SEHK:1231)
Newtree Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A270870)
Newtree Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1323)
Nex Point Public Company Limited (SET:NEX)
Nexa Resources Perú S.A.A. (BVL:NEXAPEC1)
Nexans Maroc S.A. (CBSE:NEX)
NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8234)
Nexen Corporation (KOSE:A005720)
Nexen Tire Corporation (KOSE:A002350)
Nexgram Holdings Berhad (KLSE:NEXGRAM)
Nexion Technologies Limited (SEHK:8420)
Nexon GT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041140)
Next Bt Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065170)
Next Capital Limited (KASE:NEXT)
Next Digital Limited (SEHK:282)
Next Entertainment World Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A160550)
Next Mediaworks Limited (BSE:532416)
NEXT SCIENCE Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003580)
NEXTCHIP Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A092600)
Nextcom Ltd. (TASE:NXTM)
NextEye Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A137940)
Nextgen Biomed Ltd (TASE:NXGN-M)
Nextgreen Global Berhad (KLSE:NGGB)
Nextronics Engineering Corp. (GTSM:8147)
Nexturn Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A089140)
Nexus Commodities and Technologies Limited (BSE:538874)
NF Energy Saving Corporation (NasdaqCM:BIMI)
NFC Public Company Limited (SET:NFC)
Ngai Hing Hong Company Limited (SEHK:1047)
Ngan Son Joint Stock Company (HNX:NST)
NGL Fine-Chem Limited (BSE:524774)
NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005940)
NH Special Purpose Acquisition 12 Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A273060)
NH Special Purpose Acquisition 13 Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A310840)
Nh Special Purpose Acquisition 14 Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A319400)
Nh Special Purpose Acquisition 15 Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A339950)
Nha Be Water Supply Joint Stock Company (HNX:NBW)
NHC Foods Limited (BSE:517554)
NHN Bugs Corp. (KOSDAQ:A104200)
NHN Corporation (KOSE:A181710)
NHN KCP Corp. (KOSDAQ:A060250)
NHP Production Import - Export Joint Stock Company (HNX:NHP)
NHPC Limited (BSE:533098)
Ni Hsin Resources Berhad (KLSE:NIHSIN)
NIBEC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A138610)
NIC Holdings Limited (UGSE:NIC)
Nicco Parks & Resorts Limited (BSE:526721)
Nicco Uco Alliance Credit Limited (BSE:523209)
Nice D&B Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A130580)
NICE Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A034310)
Nice Information & Telecommunication, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A036800)
NICE Information Service Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A030190)
NICE Total Cash Management Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A063570)
Niche Capital Emas Holdings Berhad (KLSE:NICE)
Niche-Tech Group Limited (SEHK:8490)
Nichidenbo Corporation (TSEC:3090)
Niching Industrial Corporation (GTSM:3444)
Nickel Asia Corporation (PSE:NIKL)
NICO Holdings plc (MAL:NICO)
Nico Steel Holdings Limited (SGX:5GF)
Nictus Holdings Limited (NMSE:NHL)
Nictus Limited (JSE:NCS)
Nidhi Granites Limited (BSE:512103)
Nien Hsing Textile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1451)
Nien Made Enterprise Co., LTD. (TSEC:8464)
Niger Insurance Plc (NGSE:NIGERINS)
Nigerian Aviation Handling Company Plc (NGSE:NAHCO)
Nigerian Breweries Plc (NGSE:NB)
Nigerian Enamelware Plc (NGSE:ENAMELWA)
NiHAO Mineral Resources International, Inc. (PSE:NI)
Nihar Info Global Limited (BSE:531083)
NIIT Limited (BSE:500304)
NIIT Technologies Limited (NSEI:NIITTECH)
Nikhil Adhesives Limited (BSE:526159)
Nikki Global Finance Limited (BSE:531272)
Niko Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3317)
Nila Infrastructures Limited (BSE:530377)
Nila Spaces Limited (BSE:542231)
Nilachal Refractories Limited (BSE:502294)
Nilam Resources Inc. (OTCPK:NILA)
Nile Limited (BSE:530129)
Nilkamal Limited (BSE:523385)
Nimble Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:186)
Nimbus Foods Industries Limited (BSE:531598)
Nimbus Projects Limited (BSE:511714)
Nimir Industrial Chemicals Limited (KASE:NICL)
Nimir Resins Limited (KASE:NRSL)
Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:2689)
Nine Express Limited (SEHK:9)
Ninestar Corporation (SZSE:002180)
Ning Xia Yin Xing Energy Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000862)
Ningbo BaoSi Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300441)
Ningbo Bird Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600130)
Ningbo Boway Alloy Material Company Limited (SHSE:601137)
Ningbo Cixing Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300307)
Ningbo Construction Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601789)
Ningbo David Medical Device Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300314)
Ningbo Donly Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002164)
Ningbo Exciton Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300566)
Ningbo Fubang Jingye Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600768)
Ningbo Fuda Company Limited (SHSE:600724)
Ningbo Gaofa Automotive Control System Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603788)
Ningbo Ginlong Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300763)
Ningbo GQY Video & Telecom Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300076)
Ningbo Haitian Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601882)
Ningbo Heli Mould Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603917)
Ningbo Henghe Mould Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300539)
Ningbo Huaxiang Electronic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002048)
Ningbo Jifeng Auto Parts Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603997)
Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp. (SHSE:600699)
Ningbo Kangqiang Electronics Co., Ltd (SZSE:002119)
Ningbo Lehui International Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603076)
Ningbo Ligong Environment And Energy Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002322)
Ningbo Marine Company Limited (SHSE:600798)
Ningbo Menovo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603538)
Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603606)
Ningbo Peacebird Fashion Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603877)
Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688005)
Ningbo Runhe High-Tech Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300727)
Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601567)
Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600884)
Ningbo Shenglong Automotive Powertrain System Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603178)
Ningbo Shuanglin Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300100)
Ningbo Solartron Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688299)
Ningbo Sunlight Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002473)
Ningbo Sunrise Elc Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002937)
Ningbo Techmation Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603015)
Ningbo Thermal Power Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600982)
Ningbo Tianlong Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603266)
Ningbo Tuopu Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601689)
Ningbo United Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600051)
Ningbo Water Meter Co., LTD. (SHSE:603700)
Ningbo Xianfeng New Material Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300163)
Ningbo Xusheng Auto Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603305)
Ningbo Yong Xin Optics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603297)
Ningbo Yunsheng Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600366)
Ningbo Zhongbai Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600857)
Ningbo ZhongDa Leader Intelligent Transmission Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002896)
Ningbo Zhoushan Port Company Limited (SHSE:601018)
Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600989)
Ningxia Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600449)
Ningxia Jiaze Renewables Corporation Limited (SHSE:601619)
Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000962)
Ningxia Qinglong Pipes Industry Co.,LTD. (SZSE:002457)
Ningxia Western Venture Industrial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000557)
Ningxia Xinri Hengli Steel Wire Rope Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600165)
Ningxia Yinglite Chemicals Co., Ltd (SZSE:000635)
Ningxia Zhongyin Cashmere Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000982)
Ninh Binh Thermal Power Joint-Stock Company (HNX:NBP)
Ninh Van Bay Travel Real Estate Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NVT)
Nippecraft Limited (Catalist:N32)
Niraj Cement Structurals Limited (BSE:532986)
Nirlon Limited (BSE:500307)
Nirvana Daii Public Company Limited (SET:NVD)
Nishat (Chunian) Limited (KASE:NCL)
Nishat Chunian Power Limited (KASE:NCPL)
Nishat Mills Limited (KASE:NML)
Nishat Power Limited (KASE:NPL)
Nishoku Technology Inc. (TSEC:3679)
Nishtha Finance and Investment (India) Limited (BSE:539311)
Nissan Medical Industries Ltd. (TASE:NISA)
Nissin Foods Company Limited (SEHK:1475)
NITCO Limited (BSE:532722)
Nitin Castings Limited (BSE:508875)
Nitin Fire Protection Industries Limited (BSE:532854)
Nitin Spinners Limited (BSE:532698)
Nitol Insurance Company Limited (DSE:NITOLINS)
Nitratos de Chile S.A. (SNSE:NITRATOS)
Nitta Gelatin India Limited (BSE:506532)
Niveus Investments Limited (JSE:NIV)
Niyogin Fintech Limited (BSE:538772)
NK Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A085310)
NK Mulsan CO., LTD. (KOSE:A009810)
NKMAX CO., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A182400)
NLC India Limited (BSE:513683)
NMB Bank Plc (DAR:NMB)
NMDC Limited (BSE:526371)
NMS Resources Global Limited (BSE:522289)
NNK Group Limited (SEHK:3773)
No Signboard Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:1G6)
No Va Land Investment Group Corporation (HOSE:NVL)
NO. 2 Industrial Urban Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:D2D)
No7 Vietnam Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:VC7)
Noble Development Public Company Limited (SET:NOBLE)
Noble Engineering Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8445)
Noblelift Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603611)
NOCIL Limited (BSE:500730)
Noesis Industries Limited (NSEI:NOESISIND)
Noi Bai Cargo Terminal Services Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NCT)
Noida Toll Bridge Company Limited (BSE:532481)
Nok Airlines Public Company Limited (SET:NOK)
Nomad Technologies Holdings Limited (SEHK:8645)
Nongshim Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004370)
NongShim Holdings Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A072710)
Nongwoobio Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A054050)
Nonthavej Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:NTV)
Noon Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:NONS)
Noor Capital Markets for Diversified Investments (ASE:NCMD)
Noor Financial Investment Company - KPSC (KWSE:NOOR)
Nopar For Trading & Investment Company Ltd (ASE:NOTI)
Norben Tea & Exports Limited (NSEI:NORBTEAEXP)
Nordecon AS (TLSE:NCN1T)
Nordic American Tankers Limited (NYSE:NAT)
Nordic Fibreboard AS (TLSE:SKN1T)
Nordic Group Limited (SGX:MR7)
Nordon Indústrias Metalúrgicas S/A (BOVESPA:NORD3)
Norinco International Cooperation Ltd. (SZSE:000065)
NOROO Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000320)
Norris Medicines Limited (BSE:524414)
Norstar Holdings Inc. (TASE:NSTR)
Norte Grande S.A. (SNSE:NORTEGRAN)
North Asia Strategic Holdings Limited (SEHK:8080)
North Cairo Flour Mills (CASE:MILS)
North China Pharmaceutical Company. Ltd (SHSE:600812)
North East Rubbers Public Company Limited (SET:NER)
North Eastern Carrying Corporation Limited (BSE:534615)
North Electro-Optic Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600184)
North Huajin Chemical Industries Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000059)
North Industries Group Red Arrow Co., Ltd (SZSE:000519)
North Mining Shares Company Limited (SEHK:433)
North Navigation Control Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600435)
North PetroVietnam Fertilizer & Chemicals Joint Stock Company (HNX:PMB)
North-Star International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8927)
Northam Platinum Limited (JSE:NHM)
Northcom Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002359)
Northeast Electric Development Company Limited (SEHK:42)
Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000597)
Northeast Securities Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000686)
Northern Cement Company (ASE:NCCO)
Northern Drilling Ltd. (OB:NODL)
Northern General Insurance Company Limited (DSE:NORTHRNINS)
Northern Jute Manufacturing Company Limited (DSE:NORTHERN)
Northern Nigeria Flour Mills Plc (NGSE:NNFM)
Northern Region Cement Company (SASE:3004)
Northern Spirits Limited (BSE:542628)
Northern United Publishing & Media (Group) Company Limited (SHSE:601999)
Northern Upper Egypt For Development & Agricultural Production Co. (CASE:NEDA)
Notion VTec Berhad (KLSE:NOTION)
Notre Dame Intermédica Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:GNDI3)
Nouritrans Exim Limited (BSE:540698)
Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes-Centre d'Editions et de Diffusion Africaines Société anonyme (BRVM:NEIC)
NOVA Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1360)
Nova Iron & Steel Limited (BSE:513566)
Nova Ljubljanska Banka d.d. (LJSE:NLBR)
Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd. (NasdaqGS:NVMI)
Nova Publications India Limited (BSE:530733)
Nova Technology Corp. (GTSM:6613)
Nova Wellness Group Berhad (KLSE:NOVA)
Novacon Technology Group Limited (SEHK:8635)
NOVAREX Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A194700)
Novartis India Limited (BSE:500672)
NOVATECH Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A285490)
Novatek Microelectronics Corp. (TSEC:3034)
Novateor Research Laboratories Limited (BSE:542771)
Novaturas AB (NSEL:NTU1L)
NovMetaPharma Co., Ltd. (XKON:A229500)
Novolog (Pharm-Up 1966) Ltd (TASE:NVLG)
Novoray Corporation (SHSE:688300)
Novus Holdings Limited (JSE:NVS)
NOW Corporation (PSE:NOW)
Nozha International Hospital (CASE:NINH)
NPC Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004250)
NPC Resources Berhad (KLSE:NPC)
NPF Microfinance Bank Plc (NGSE:NPFMCRFBK)
NPK Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A048830)
NPR Finance Limited (BSE:530127)
NRB Bearings Limited (BSE:530367)
NRB Industrial Bearings Limited (BSE:535458)
NS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A217820)
NS Shopping Co., Ltd (KOSE:A138250)
Nsfocus Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300369)
NSIA Banque Société Anonyme (BRVM:NSBC)
NSL Ltd (SGX:N02)
NSN Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A031860)
ntc industries limited (BSE:526723)
Ntegrator International Ltd. (Catalist:5HC)
nTels Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A069410)
NTPM Holdings Berhad (KLSE:NTPM)
Nu-World Holdings Limited (JSE:NWL)
Nucleus Software Exports Limited (BSE:531209)
Nui Nho Stone Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NNC)
Nuintek Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A012340)
Nuoc Trong Hydro - Power Joint Stock Company (HNX:NTH)
Nuode Investment Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600110)
Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited (DSE:NURANI)
Nuri Telecom Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A040160)
Nuriplan Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A069140)
Nusasiri Public Company Limited (SET:NUSA)
Nutech Global Limited (BSE:531304)
Nutraplus India Limited (BSE:524764)
Nutridar Company (ASE:NDAR)
Nutriplant Indústria e Comércio S/A (BOVESPA:NUTR3)
Nutritional Holdings Limited (JSE:NUT)
NutryFarm International Limited (SGX:AZT)
NUUO Inc. (GTSM:6419)
Nuvotec Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A060260)
Nuvoton Technology Corporation (TSEC:4919)
NVC Lighting Holding Limited (SEHK:2222)
NVest Financial Holdings Limited (JSE:NVE)
NVH Korea Inc. (KOSDAQ:A067570)
NWP Holdings Berhad (KLSE:NWP)
NWS Holdings Limited (SEHK:659)
Nxtdigital Limited (BSE:500189)
Nylex (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:NYLEX)
Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation (NasdaqCM:NYMX)
Nyquest Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6494)
Nyssa Corporation Limited (BSE:504378)
O-Bank Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2897)
O-Bank Number One Real Estate Investment Trust (TSEC:01009T)
O-Net Technologies (Group) Limited (SEHK:877)
O-TA Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8924)
O. P. Chains Limited. (BSE:539116)
O.C.C. Public Company Limited (SET:OCC)
O.R.T. Technologies Ltd (TASE:ORTC)
Oakley Capital Investments Limited (LSE:OCI)
Oasis Securities Limited (BSE:512489)
Oasis Tradelink Limited (BSE:538547)
Oberoi Realty Limited (NSEI:OBEROIRLTY)
OBI Pharma, Inc. (GTSM:4174)
ObjectOne Information Systems Limited (BSE:535657)
Obour Land for Food Industries S.A.E. (CASE:OLFI)
Ocean Agro (India) Limited (BSE:519491)
Ocean Commerce Public Company Limited (SET:OCEAN)
Ocean Glass Public Company Limited (SET:OGC)
Ocean Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:OGC)
Ocean Hospitality & Service Joint Stock Company (HNX:OCH)
Ocean Line Port Development Limited (SEHK:8502)
Ocean One Holding Ltd. (SEHK:8476)
Ocean Outdoor Limited (LSE:OOUT)
Ocean Plastics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1321)
Ocean Sky International Limited (Catalist:1B6)
Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited (LSE:OCN)
Ocean's King Lighting Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002724)
Oceana Group Limited (JSE:OCE)
Oceanaa Biotek Industries Limited (BSE:538019)
Oceanbridge Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A241790)
Oceancash Pacific Berhad (KLSE:OCNCASH)
Oceanic Beverages Co., Inc. (TSEC:1213)
Oceanic Foods Limited (BSE:540405)
Oceanus Group Limited (SGX:579)
Oceanwide Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000046)
OCI Company Ltd (KOSE:A010060)
OCI International Holdings Limited (SEHK:329)
OCK Group Berhad (KLSE:OCK)
OCL Iron and Steel Limited (BSE:533008)
OCR Group Berhad (KLSE:OCR)
Octaware Technologies Limited (BSE:540416)
October Pharma S.A.E (CASE:OCPH)
Octodec Investments Limited (JSE:OCT)
Odel PLC (COSE:ODEL.N0000)
Odessos Shiprepair Yard S.A. (BUL:5ODE)
Odin Investments (CASE:ABRD)
Odontoprev S.A. (BOVESPA:ODPV3)
ODTech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A080520)
Odyssey Technologies Limited (BSE:530175)
OE Solutions Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A138080)
OEL (Holdings) Limited (Catalist:584)
OFCO Industrial Corporation (GTSM:5011)
Offcn Education Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002607)
Office Plast SA (BVMT:PLAST)
Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600583)
Offtec Holding Group Company (P.L.C.) (ASE:OFTC)
OFILM Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002456)
Ogawa Smart Healthcare Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002614)
OHTL Public Company Limited (SET:OHTL)
Oi Wah Pawnshop Credit Holdings Limited (SEHK:1319)
Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (KASE:OGDC)
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production AD (BUL:4O1)
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (NSEI:ONGC)
Oil Country Tubular Limited (BSE:500313)
Oil India Limited (NSEI:OIL)
Oil Refineries Ltd. (TASE:ORL)
Oil Search Limited (ASX:OSH)
Oil Terminal S.A. (BVB:OIL)
Oimex Electrode Limited (DSE:OIMEX)
Oishi Group Public Company Limited (SET:OISHI)
OK Biotech Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4155)
OK Play India Limited (BSE:526415)
OKA Corporation Bhd (KLSE:OKA)
OKH Global Ltd. (SGX:S3N)
Okins Electronics Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A080580)
Okong Corporation (KOSDAQ:A045060)
OKP Holdings Limited (SGX:5CF)
Olam International Limited (SGX:O32)
Old Chang Kee Ltd. (Catalist:5ML)
Old Mutual Limited (JSE:OMU)
Olectra Greentech Limited (BSE:532439)
OLIPASS Corporation (KOSDAQ:A244460)
Olive Tree Estates Limited (Catalist:1H2)
OliX Pharmaceuticals,Inc (KOSDAQ:A226950)
Olympia Capital Corporation Limited (BSM:OLYMPIA)
Olympia Capital Holdings Limited (NASE:OCH)
Olympia Industries Berhad (KLSE:OLYMPIA)
Olympia Industries Limited (BSE:521105)
Olympia Mills Limited (KASE:OML)
Olympic Accessories Limited (DSE:OAL)
Olympic Circuit Technology Co., LTD. (SHSE:603920)
Olympic Industries Limited (DSE:OLYMPIC)
Olympic Oil Industries Limited (BSE:507609)
OM Holdings Limited (ASX:OMH)
Om Metals Infraprojects Limited (BSE:531092)
Oman & Emirates Investment Holding Company SAOG (MSM:OEIO)
Oman Cables Industry SAOG (MSM:OCAI)
Oman Cement Company SAOG (MSM:OCOI)
Oman Chlorine S.A.O.G. (MSM:OCHL)
Oman Fisheries Company SAOG (MSM:OFCI)
Oman Flour Mills Company SAOG (MSM:OFMI)
Oman International Development and Investment Company SAOG (MSM:OMVS)
Oman Investment & Finance Company SAOG (MSM:OIFC)
Oman National Engineering & Investment Company SAOG (MSM:ONES)
Oman Oil Marketing Company SAOG (MSM:OOMS)
Oman Qatar Insurance Company SAOG (MSM:OQIC)
Oman Refreshment Company SAOG (MSM:ORCI)
Oman Telecommunications Company SAOG (MSM:OTEL)
Oman United Insurance Company SAOG (MSM:OUIS)
Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company SAOG (MSM:ORDS)
Omansh Enterprises Limited (BSE:538537)
Omax Autos Limited (BSE:520021)
Omaxe Limited (BSE:532880)
Omega Geração S.A. (BOVESPA:OMGE3)
Omesti Berhad (KLSE:OMESTI)
Omfurn India Limited (NSEI:OMFURN)
Omico Corporation (PSE:OM)
Omkar Overseas Limited (BSE:531496)
Omkar Pharmachem Limited (BSE:532167)
Omkar Speciality Chemicals Limited (BSE:533317)
Omni Ax's Software Limited (BSE:532340)
Omnia Holdings Limited (JSE:OMN)
Omnibridge Holdings Limited (SEHK:8462)
Omnicane Limited (MUSE:MTMD.N0000)
Omnijoi Media Corporation (SZSE:300528)
Omnisystem Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A057540)
Omnitel, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A057680)
Omnitex Industries (India) Limited (BSE:514324)
Omphalos, Corp. (OTCPK:OMPS)
OMV Petrom S.A. (BVB:SNP)
On Real International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8245)
On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTCPK:OTIV.F)
On-Bright Electronics Incorporated (GTSM:4947)
On'ally Holdings PLC (COSE:ONAL.N0000)
Onano Industrial Corp. (TSEC:6405)
One Caribbean Media Limited (TTSE:OCM)
One Communication Technology Corporation (HNX:ONE)
One Communications Ltd. (BER:ONE.BH)
One Media Group Limited (SEHK:426)
One Point One Solutions Limited (NSEI:ONEPOINT)
One Software Technologies Ltd (TASE:ONE)
One Tech Holding S.A. (BVMT:OTH)
One to One Contacts Public Company Limited (SET:OTO)
OneApex Limited (Catalist:5SY)
OneForce Holdings Limited (SEHK:1933)
Onelife Capital Advisors Limited (BSE:533632)
OneLogix Group Limited (JSE:OLG)
Oneness Biotech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4743)
OneSpaWorld Holdings Limited (NasdaqCM:OSW)
Only World Group Holdings Berhad (KLSE:OWG)
OnMobile Global Limited (BSE:532944)
Ontic Finserve Limited (BSE:540386)
Onward Technologies Limited (BSE:517536)
Onyx Healthcare Inc. (GTSM:6569)
OOH Holdings Limited (SEHK:8091)
Ooredoo Q.P.S.C. (DSM:ORDS)
OP Financial Limited (SEHK:1140)
Opal Balance Investments Ltd (TASE:OPAL)
Opal Luxury Time Products Limited (NSEI:OPAL)
OPASNET co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A173130)
OPC Energy Ltd. (TASE:OPCE)
OPC Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (HOSE:OPC)
Opcom Holdings Berhad (KLSE:OPCOM)
Open Joint Stock Company Donskoy Factory of Radiocomponents (MISX:DZRD)
Open Joint Stock Company Interpipe Nizhnedneprovsky Tube Rolling Plant (UKR:NITR)
Open joint stock company Solikamsk magnesium works (MISX:MGNZ)
Openbase, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A049480)
OpenSys (M) Berhad (KLSE:OPENSYS)
Opes Acquisition Corp. (NasdaqCM:OPES)
OPG Power Ventures Plc (AIM:OPG)
Ophectra Real Estate & Investments Ltd (TASE:OPCT)
OPNET Technologies Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8034)
Oppein Home Group Inc. (SHSE:603833)
Opple Lighting Co.,LTD. (SHSE:603515)
Optibase Ltd. (NasdaqGM:OBAS)
Opticis Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A109080)
Optiemus Infracom Limited (BSE:530135)
Optima Automobile Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8418)
Optimax Technology Corporation (TSEC:3051)
Optimus Finance Limited (BSE:531254)
Optipharm.CO.,LTD (KOSDAQ:A153710)
Optivision Technology, Inc. (GTSM:3666)
Opto Circuits (India) Limited (BSE:532391)
Opto Tech Corporation (TSEC:2340)
Optrontec Inc. (KOSDAQ:A082210)
Oracle Credit Limited (BSE:539598)
Oracle Financial Services Software Limited (BSE:532466)
Orad Ltd. (TASE:ORAD)
Oragroup SA (BRVM:ORGT)
Oranco, Inc. (OTCPK:ORNC)
Orange Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4554)
Orange Life Insurance, Ltd. (KOSE:A079440)
Orange Sky Golden Harvest Entertainment (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1132)
Orange Tour Cultural Holding Limited (SEHK:8627)
Orascom Construction PLC (DIFX:OC)
Orascom Development Egypt (S.A.E) (CASE:ORHD)
Orascom Investment Holding S.A.E. (CASE:OIH)
Orbia Advance Corporation, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:ORBIA *)
Orbit Exports Limited (BSE:512626)
Orbit Technologies Ltd (TASE:ORBI)
Orbitech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A046120)
Orca Exploration Group Inc. (TSXV:ORC.B)
ORG Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002701)
Organic Coatings Limited (BSE:531157)
Organic Tea Cosmetics Holdings Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A900300)
Organización Cultiba, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:CULTIBA B)
Organización Soriana, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:SORIANA B)
Organización Terpel S.A. (BVC:TERPEL)
Orian Sh.M. Ltd. (TASE:ORIN)
Oricom Inc. (KOSDAQ:A010470)
Oricon Enterprises Limited (BSE:513121)
Orient Abrasives Limited (BSE:504879)
Orient Bell Limited (BSE:530365)
Orient Beverages Limited (BSE:507690)
ORIENT BIO Inc. (KOSE:A002630)
Orient Cement Limited (BSE:535754)
Orient Electric Limited (BSE:541301)
Orient EuroPharma Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4120)
Orient Finance PLC (COSE:BFN.N0000)
Orient Green Power Company Limited (NSEI:GREENPOWER)
Orient Group Incorporation (SHSE:600811)
Orient International Enterprise, Ltd. (SHSE:600278)
Orient Overseas (International) Limited (SEHK:316)
Orient Paper & Industries Limited (BSE:502420)
Orient Pharma Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4166)
Orient Precision Industries Inc. (KOSDAQ:A065500)
Orient Press Limited (NSEI:ORIENTLTD)
Orient Refractories Limited (BSE:534076)
Orient Rental Modaraba (KASE:ORM)
Orient Securities Company Limited (SHSE:600958)
Orient Securities International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8001)
Orient Semiconductor Electronics,Ltd. (TSEC:2329)
Orient Tradelink Limited (BSE:531512)
Orient Victory Travel Group Company Limited (SEHK:265)
Oriental Aromatics Limited (BSE:500078)
Oriental Bank of Commerce (BSE:500315)
Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Limited (BSE:506579)
Oriental Energy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002221)
Oriental Explorer Holdings Limited (SEHK:430)
Oriental Food Industries Holdings Berhad (KLSE:OFI)
Oriental Holdings Berhad (KLSE:ORIENT)
Oriental Hotels Limited (BSE:500314)
Oriental Payment Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8613)
Oriental Peninsula Resources Group, Inc. (PSE:ORE)
Oriental Petroleum and Minerals Corporation (PSE:OPMB)
Oriental Precision & Engineering Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A014940)
Oriental Press Group Limited (SEHK:18)
Oriental Times Media Corporation (SZSE:002175)
Oriental Trimex Limited (BSE:532817)
Oriental Union Chemical Corporation (TSEC:1710)
Oriental University City Holdings (H.K.) Limited (SEHK:8067)
Oriental Veneer Products Limited (BSE:531859)
Oriental Watch Holdings Limited (SEHK:398)
Oriental Weavers Carpets Company (S.A.E) (CASE:ORWE)
Origin Agritech Limited (NasdaqCM:SEED)
Origin Property Public Company Limited (SET:ORI)
ORION Corp. (KOSE:A271560)
ORION Holdings Corp. (KOSE:A001800)
Orion Infusion Limited (DSE:ORIONINFU)
Orion IXL Berhad (KLSE:ORION)
Orion Pharma Limited (DSE:ORIONPHARM)
Orissa Bengal Carrier Limited (BSE:541206)
ORIX Leasing Pakistan Limited (KASE:OLPL)
Ornapaper Berhad (KLSE:ORNA)
Oron Group Investments & Holdings Ltd (TASE:ORON)
Orosur Mining Inc. (TSX:OMI)
Orsu Metals Corporation (TSXV:OSU)
Orsus Xelent Technologies Inc. (OTCPK:ORSX)
Ortel Communications Limited (BSE:539015)
Ortin Laboratories Limited (BSE:539287)
Osangjaiel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053980)
Oscar Global Limited (BSE:530173)
Oscotec Inc. (KOSDAQ:A039200)
Oshidori International Holdings Limited (SEHK:622)
Osia Hyper Retail Limited (NSEI:OSIAHYPER)
Osiajee Texfab Limited (BSE:540198)
OSK Holdings Berhad (KLSE:OSK)
OSK Ventures International Berhad (KLSE:OSKVI)
OSOS Holding Group Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:OSOS)
Osotspa Public Company Limited (SET:OSP)
Osoul Investment Company K.S.C.P (KWSE:OSOUL)
Ossia International Limited (SGX:O08)
Osstem Implant Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A048260)
Osteonic Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A226400)
Osteopore Limited (ASX:OSX)
Osung Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052420)
Oswal Agro Mills Limited (BSE:500317)
Oswal Greentech Limited (NSEI:BINDALAGRO)
Oswal Yarns Limited (BSE:514460)
OT-Optima Telekom d.d. (ZGSE:OPTE)
Otco International Limited (BSE:523151)
OTP Banka Slovensko, a.s. (BSSE:1OTP005E)
Otsuka Information Technology Corp. (GTSM:3570)
Otsuka Pakistan Limited (KASE:OTSU)
Ottogi Corporation (KOSE:A007310)
OUE Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:TS0U)
OUE Limited (SGX:LJ3)
OUE Lippo Healthcare Limited (Catalist:5WA)
Ouhua Energy Holdings Limited (SGX:AJ2)
Oula Fuel Marketing Company K.S.C.(Public) (KWSE:OULAFUEL)
Ourgame International Holdings Limited (SEHK:6899)
Ouro Fino Saúde Animal Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:OFSA3)
Ourpalm Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300315)
Outin Futures Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A227610)
Oversea Enterprise Berhad (KLSE:OVERSEA)
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (SGX:O39)
Overseas Chinese Town (Asia) Holdings Limited (SEHK:3366)
Overseas Commerce Ltd. (TASE:OVRS)
Overseas Education Limited (SGX:RQ1)
Overseas Realty (Ceylon) PLC (COSE:OSEA.N0000)
Overseas Synthetics Limited (BSE:514330)
Ovobel Foods Limited (BSE:530741)
Ovostar Union Public Company Limited (WSE:OVO)
OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. (OTCPK:OWCP)
Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited (NasdaqCM:OXBR)
Oxley Holdings Limited (SGX:5UX)
Ozner Water International Holding Limited (SEHK:2014)
Ozone World Limited (BSE:539291)
P G Foils Limited (BSE:526747)
P-Duke Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:8109)
P-H-O-E-N-I-X Petroleum Philippines, Inc. (PSE:PNX)
P-Two Industries Inc. (GTSM:6158)
P.A. Resources Berhad (KLSE:PA)
P.C.B. Technologies Ltd (TASE:PCBT)
P.C.S. Machine Group Holding Public Company Limited (SET:PCSGH)
P.H. Capital Limited (BSE:500143)
P.I.E. Industrial Berhad (KLSE:PIE)
P.L.T. Financial Services Ltd (TASE:PLTF)
P.M. Telelinnks Limited (BSE:513403)
P.O.L.I.C.Y. Limited (MUSE:POL.N0000)
P.T. Asuransi Multi Artha Guna Tbk (IDX:AMAG)
P.T. Bank Bumi Arta Tbk (IDX:BNBA)
P.T. Bank Ganesha Tbk (IDX:BGTG)
P.T. Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk (IDX:PNBN)
P.T. Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk (IDX:FASW)
P.T. Metrodata Electronics Tbk (IDX:MTDL)
P.V. Nano Cell Ltd. (OTCPK:PVNN.F)
P&H Tech Co., Ltd. (XKON:A239890)
P5 Capital Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:5AI)
Pa Shun International Holdings Limited (SEHK:574)
PACC Offshore Services Holdings Ltd. (SGX:U6C)
Pace (Pakistan) Limited (KASE:PACE)
Pace Development Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:PACE)
Pacheli Industrial Finance Limited (BSE:523862)
Pacific & Orient Berhad (KLSE:P&O)
Pacific Basin Shipping Limited (SEHK:2343)
Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited (SEHK:432)
Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited (SGX:P15)
Pacific Construction Co., Ltd (TSEC:2506)
Pacific Denims Limited (DSE:PDL)
Pacific Dinco Corporation (HNX:PDB)
Pacific Hospital Supply Co., Ltd (GTSM:4126)
Pacific Image Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6228)
Pacific Industries Limited (BSE:523483)
Pacific Legend Group Limited (SEHK:8547)
Pacific Millennium Packaging Group Corporation (SEHK:1820)
Pacific Online Limited (SEHK:543)
Pacific Online Systems Corporation (PSE:LOTO)
Pacific Pipe Public Company Limited (SET:PAP)
Pacific Star Development Limited (Catalist:1C5)
Pacific Textiles Holdings Limited (SEHK:1382)
Pacifica Holdings, Inc. (PSE:PA)
Packages Limited (KASE:PKGS)
PacRay International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1010)
Pact Industries Limited (BSE:538963)
Padaeng Industry Public Company Limited (SET:PDI)
PADAUK Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6716)
Padenga Holdings Limited (ZMSE:PHL)
Padini Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PADINI)
Padma Islami Life Insurance Limited (DSE:PADMALIFE)
Padma Oil Company Limited (DSE:PADMAOIL)
Padmalaya Telefilms Limited (BSE:532350)
Padmanabh Industries Limited (BSE:526905)
PAE Limited (BSE:517230)
Pagaria Energy Limited (BSE:531396)
Page Industries Limited (NSEI:PAGEIND)
PagSeguro Digital Ltd. (NYSE:PAGS)
Paiho Shih Holdings Corporation (TSEC:8404)
Paik Kwang Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001340)
Paints and Chemical Industries Company Pachin S.A.E. (CASE:PACH)
Paisalo Digital Limited (BSE:532900)
Pak Datacom Limited (KASE:PAKD)
Pak Elektron Limited (KASE:PAEL)
Pak Fah Yeow International Limited (SEHK:239)
Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited (KASE:PSMC)
Pak Tak International Limited (SEHK:2668)
Pak Wing Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8316)
PAKERS.Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065690)
Pakgen Power Limited (KASE:PKGP)
Pakistan Cables Limited (KASE:PCAL)
Pakistan Engineering Company Limited (KASE:PECO)
Pakistan Gum and Chemicals Limited (KASE:PGCL)
Pakistan Hotels Developers Limited (KASE:PHDL)
Pakistan International Airlines Corporation Limited (KASE:PIAA)
Pakistan International Bulk Terminal Limited (KASE:PIBTL)
Pakistan International Container Terminal Limited (KASE:PICT)
Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (KASE:PNSC)
Pakistan Oilfields Limited (KASE:POL)
Pakistan Oxygen Limited (KASE:PAKOXY)
Pakistan Paper Products Limited (KASE:PPP)
Pakistan Petroleum Limited (KASE:PPL)
Pakistan PVC Limited (KASE:PPVC)
Pakistan Refinery Limited (KASE:PRL)
Pakistan Reinsurance Company Limited (KASE:PAKRI)
Pakistan State Oil Company Limited (KASE:PSO)
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (KASE:PSX)
Pakistan Synthetics Limited (KASE:PSYL)
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (KASE:PTC)
Pakistan Tobacco Company Limited (KASE:PAKT)
PAL Holdings, Inc. (PSE:PAL)
Palace Banquet Holdings Limited (SEHK:1703)
Paladin Limited (SEHK:495)
Palash Securities Limited (BSE:540648)
Palestine Development & Investment Co. (PLSE:PADICO)
Palestine Electric Company (PLSE:PEC)
Palestine Industrial Investment Co. Ltd. (PLSE:PIIC)
Palestine Investment Bank P.L.C. (PLSE:PIBC)
Palestine Islamic Bank (PLSE:ISBK)
Palestine Real-Estate Investment Public Shareholding Limited Company (PLSE:PRICO)
Palestine Telecommunications Company P.L.C (PLSE:PALTEL)
Paliburg Holdings Limited (SEHK:617)
Palm Eco-Town Development Co., Ltd (SZSE:002431)
Palm Garden Hotels PLC (COSE:PALM.N0000)
Palm Hills Developments S.A.E. (CASE:PHDC)
Palram Industries (1990) Ltd (TASE:PLRM)
Palred Technologies Limited (BSE:532521)
Palsoft Infosystems Limited (BSE:511597)
Pampa Energía S.A. (BASE:PAMP)
Pan African Resources PLC (AIM:PAF)
Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC (COSE:PABC.N0000)
Pan Asia Chemical Corporation (GTSM:4707)
Pan Asia Data Holdings Inc. (SEHK:1561)
Pan Asia Environmental Protection Group Limited (SEHK:556)
Pan Asia Footwear Public Company Limited (SET:PAF)
Pan Asian Holdings Limited (Catalist:5EW)
Pan Electronics (India) Limited (BSE:517397)
Pan Entertainment Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A068050)
Pan German Universal Motors Ltd. (GTSM:2247)
Pan Hong Holdings Group Limited (SGX:P36)
Pan India Corporation Limited (BSE:511525)
Pan Jit International Inc. (TSEC:2481)
Pan Malaysia Corporation Berhad (KLSE:PMCORP)
Pan Malaysia Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PMHLDG)
Pan Ocean Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A028670)
Pan-International Industrial Corp. (TSEC:2328)
Pan-Pacific Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007980)
Pan-United Corporation Ltd (SGX:P52)
Panacea Biotec Limited (BSE:531349)
Panache Digilife Limited (NSEI:PANACHE)
Panache Innovations Limited (BSE:538742)
Panafic Industrials Limited (BSE:538860)
Panagene Inc. (KOSDAQ:A046210)
Panama Petrochem Limited (BSE:524820)
PanAsialum Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:2078)
Panasian Power PLC (COSE:PAP.N0000)
Panasonic Carbon India Co. Limited (BSE:508941)
Panasonic Energy India Co. Ltd. (BSE:504093)
Panasonic Manufacturing Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:PANAMY)
Panasonic Manufacturing Philippines Corporation (PSE:PMPC)
Panaxia Labs Israel Ltd (TASE:PNAX)
Panchmahal Steel Limited (BSE:513511)
Panchsheel Organics Limited (BSE:531726)
Pancolour Ink Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4765)
Panda Financial Holding Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:600599)
Panda Green Energy Group Limited (SEHK:686)
PANDORA TV Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A202960)
Pang Da Automobile Trade Co., Ltd (SHSE:601258)
Pangang Group Vanadium Titanium & Resources Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000629)
PanGen Biotech Inc. (KOSDAQ:A222110)
Pangrim Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003610)
Panion & Bf Biotech Inc. (TSEC:1760)
PanJam Investment Limited (JMSE:PJAM)
Panjawattana Plastic Public Company Limited (SET:PJW)
Pankaj Piyush Trade and Investment Limited (BSE:506122)
Panorama Studios International Limited (BSE:539469)
Panram International Corp. (GTSM:8088)
Pansar Berhad (KLSE:PANSAR)
Panstar Enterprise Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A054300)
Pantech Group Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PANTECH)
Panth Infinity Limited (BSE:539143)
Pao Long International Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1906)
Paos Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PAOS)
PAOS Industries Limited (BSE:530291)
Papago Inc. (GTSM:3632)
PaperCorea Inc. (KOSE:A001020)
Par Drugs and Chemicals Limited (NSEI:PAR)
Para Light Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6226)
Parab Infra Limited (BSE:513359)
Parabolic Drugs Limited (BSE:533211)
Parade Technologies, Ltd. (GTSM:4966)
Paradise Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A034230)
Paradise Entertainment Limited (SEHK:1180)
Parag Milk Foods Limited (BSE:539889)
Paragon Finance Limited (BSE:531255)
Paragon Globe Berhad (KLSE:PGLOBE)
Paragon Technologies Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3518)
Paragon Union Berhad (KLSE:PARAGON)
Paramone Concepts Limited (BSE:531364)
Paramount Communications Limited (BSE:530555)
Paramount Corporation Berhad (KLSE:PARAMON)
Paramount Cosmetics (India) Limited (BSE:507970)
Paramount Insurance Company Limited (DSE:PARAMOUNT)
Paramount Textile Limited (DSE:PTL)
Paramount Trading (Jamaica) Limited (JMSE:PTL)
Paranapanema S.A. (BOVESPA:PMAM3)
Paratech Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A033540)
Paratus Namibia Holdings Limited (NMSE:PNH)
Parenteral Drugs (India) Limited (BSE:524689)
Parin Furniture Limited (NSEI:PARIN)
Park Systems Corp. (KOSDAQ:A140860)
Parkson Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PARKSON)
Parkson Retail Asia Limited (SGX:O9E)
Parkson Retail Group Limited (SEHK:3368)
Parkway Life Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:C2PU)
Parle Industries Limited (BSE:532911)
Parlo Berhad (KLSE:PARLO)
Parnax Lab Limited (BSE:506128)
Parpro Corporation (TSEC:4916)
Parque Arauco S.A. (SNSE:PARAUCO)
Parsvnath Developers Limited (BSE:532780)
Partner Tech Corp. (GTSM:3097)
Partron Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A091700)
Paru Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A043200)
Pasari Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:521080)
Pasdec Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PASDEC)
Paseco Co. Ltd (KOSDAQ:A037070)
Pashupati Cotspin Limited (NSEI:PASHUPATI)
Pasukhas Group Berhad (KLSE:PASUKGB)
Pasupati Acrylon Limited (BSE:500456)
Pasupati Fincap Limited (BSE:511734)
Pasupati Spinning & Weaving Mills Limited (BSE:503092)
Patdiam Jewellery Limited (BSE:539401)
Patec Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2236)
Patel Engineering Limited (BSE:531120)
Patel Integrated Logistics Limited (BSE:526381)
Patels Airtemp (India) Limited (BSE:517417)
Patidar Buildcon Limited (BSE:524031)
Patkol Public Company Limited (SET:PK)
Pato Chemical Industry Public Company Limited (SET:PATO)
Patria Bank SA (BVB:PBK)
Patspin India Limited (NSEI:PATSPINLTD)
Patum Rice Mill and Granary Public Company Limited (SET:PRG)
Paul Merchants Limited (BSE:539113)
Paushak Limited (BSE:532742)
Pavilion Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:PAVREIT)
Pavillon Holdings Ltd. (SGX:596)
Pavonine Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A177830)
Pawansut Holdings Limited (BSE:535658)
PAX Global Technology Limited (SEHK:327)
PAXNet, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A038160)
Payton Industries Ltd. (TASE:PAYT)
Payton Planar Magnetics Ltd. (ENXTBR:PAY)
Paz Corp S.A. (SNSE:PAZ)
Paz Oil Company Ltd. (TASE:PZOL)
Pazel International Limited (BSE:504335)
PBA Holdings Bhd (KLSE:PBA)
PBM Polytex Limited (BSE:514087)
PBT Group Limited (JSE:PBG)
PC Direct, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A051380)
PC Jeweller Limited (NSEI:PCJEWELLER)
PC Partner Group Limited (SEHK:1263)
PC3 - Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:PIC)
PCCS Group Berhad (KLSE:PCCS)
PCCW Limited (SEHK:8)
PChome Online Inc. (GTSM:8044)
PCI-Suntek Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600728)
PCL Technologies, Inc. (TSEC:4977)
PCL, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A241820)
PCS Technology Limited (BSE:517119)
PD Zajecar a.d. (BELEX:PDZA)
PDG Realty S.A. Empreendimentos e Participações (BOVESPA:PDGR3)
PDS Multinational Fashions Limited (BSE:538730)
PDZ Holdings Bhd (KLSE:PDZ)
Pearl Abyss Corp. (KOSDAQ:A263750)
Pearl Global Industries Limited (BSE:532808)
Pearl Oriental Oil Limited (SEHK:632)
Pearl Polymers Limited (BSE:523260)
PEC Ltd. (SGX:IX2)
Pecca Group Berhad (KLSE:PECCA)
Pee Cee Cosma Sope Limited (BSE:524136)
Peeti Securities Limited (BSE:531352)
Pegasus Heights Berhad (KLSE:PHB)
Pegasus Hotels of Ceylon PLC (COSE:PEG.N0000)
Pegasus International Holdings Limited (SEHK:676)
Pegatron Corporation (TSEC:4938)
Pegavision Corporation (TSEC:6491)
Peiport Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:2885)
Peking University Resources (Holdings) Company Limited (SEHK:618)
Pelangi Publishing Group Bhd (KLSE:PPG)
Pelikan International Corporation Berhad (KLSE:PELIKAN)
Pembury Lifestyle Group Limited (JSE:PEM)
Pengqi Technology Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900907)
Penguin International Limited (SGX:BTM)
Pengxin International Mining Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600490)
Peninsula Group Ltd (TASE:PEN)
Peninsula Land Limited (BSE:503031)
Pennar Industries Limited (BSE:513228)
Penpower Technology LTD. (GTSM:5211)
Pensonic Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PENSONI)
Penta Gold Limited (NSEI:PENTAGOLD)
Pentamaster Corporation Berhad (KLSE:PENTA)
Pentamaster International Limited (SEHK:1665)
Pentamedia Graphics Limited (BSE:500329)
Penyao Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300664)
People & Technology Inc. (KOSDAQ:A137400) CO., LTD (SHSE:603000)
People's Garment Public Company Limited (SET:PG)
People's Insurance PLC (COSE:PINS.N0000)
People's Leasing & Finance PLC (COSE:PLC.N0000)
People's Merchant Finance PLC (COSE:PMB.N0000)
Peoples Insurance Company Limited (DSE:PEOPLESINS)
Pepkor Holdings Limited (JSE:PPH)
Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (PSE:PIP)
Peptron, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A087010)
Perak Corporation Berhad (KLSE:PRKCORP)
Perak Transit Berhad (KLSE:PTRANS)
Perdana Petroleum Berhad (KLSE:PERDANA)
Peregrine Holdings Limited (JSE:PGR)
Perennial Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:2798)
Perennial International Limited (SEHK:725)
Perennial Real Estate Holdings Limited (SGX:40S)
Perfect Group Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:603059)
Perfect Group International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3326)
Perfect Infraengineers Limited (NSEI:PERFECT)
Perfect Medical Industry Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6543)
Perfect Octave Media Projects Limited (BSE:521062)
Perfect Shape Medical Limited (SEHK:1830)
Perfect World Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002624)
Perfectpac Limited (BSE:526435)
Perion Network Ltd. (NasdaqGS:PERI)
Permaju Industries Berhad (KLSE:PERMAJU)
Permanent Magnets Limited (BSE:504132)
Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited (SET:PERM)
Persistent Systems Limited (BSE:533179)
Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (IDX:TLKM)
Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad (KLSE:PERSTIM)
Pervez Ahmed Securities Limited (KASE:PASL)
Pesona Metro Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PESONA)
Pesquera Exalmar S.A.A. (BVL:EXALMC1)
Pestech International Berhad (KLSE:PESTECH)
PeterLabs Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PLABS)
Petpal Pet Nutrition Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300673)
Petra Education Company (PSC) (ASE:PEDC)
Petra Energy Berhad (KLSE:PENERGY)
Petro Capital & Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PTL)
Petro Center Corporation (HOSE:PMG)
Petro Rio S.A. (BOVESPA:PRIO3)
Petro-king Oilfield Services Limited (SEHK:2178)
Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. (BOVESPA:BRDT3)
PetroChina Company Limited (SEHK:857)
PetroEnergy Resources Corporation (PSE:PERC)
Petrokemija d.d. (ZGSE:PTKM)
Petrol AD (BUL:5PET)
Petrol d.d. (LJSE:PETG)
Petroleum Equipment Assembly & Metal Structure Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PXS)
Petroleum General Distribution Services Joint Stock Company (HNX:PSD)
Petroleum Industrial and Civil Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PXI)
Petroleum Mechanical Stock Company (HNX:PMS)
Petroleum Phuongdong Tourism Joinst-Stock Company (HNX:PDC)
Petroleum Pipeline & Tank Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PXT)
Petrolimex Gas Corporation JSC (HOSE:PGC)
Petrolimex Information Technology and Telecommunication Joint Stock Company (HNX:PIA)
Petrolimex Insurance Corporation (HOSE:PGI)
Petrolimex International Trading Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PIT)
Petrolimex Joint Stock Tanker Company (HOSE:PJT)
Petrolimex Petrochemical Corporation - Joint Stock Company (HNX:PLC)
Petron Corporation (PSE:PCOR)
Petron Engineering Construction Limited (BSE:530381)
Petron Malaysia Refining & Marketing Bhd (KLSE:PETRONM)
PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad (KLSE:PCHEM)
Petronet LNG Limited (NSEI:PETRONET)
Petrotx - Limited Partnership (TASE:PTX)
Petrovietnam Camau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (HOSE:DCM)
PetroVietnam Coating Joint Stock Company (HNX:PVB)
PetroVietnam Construction Joint Stock Corporation (HNX:PVX)
Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Corporation (HOSE:PVD)
PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (HOSE:DPM)
Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:GAS)
Petrovietnam General Services Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PET)
PetroVietNam Low Pressure Gas Distribution Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PGD)
PetroVietnam Northern Gas Joint Stock Company (HNX:PVG)
Petrovietnam Oil Phu Yen Joint Stock Company (HNX:PPY)
PetroVietnam Packaging Joint Stock Company (HNX:PBP)
PetroVietnam Power Corporation - JSC (HOSE:POW)
PetroVietnam Power Land Joint Stock Company (HNX:PVL)
PetroVietnam Power NhonTrach 2 Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NT2)
Petrovietnam Power Services Joint Stock Company (HNX:PPS)
Petrovietnam Securities Incorporated (HNX:PSI)
PetroVietnam Technical Services Corporation (HNX:PVS)
PetroVietnam Transportation Corporation (HOSE:PVT)
PF Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8221)
PFC Device Inc. (SEHK:8231)
Pfizer Limited (BSE:500680)
PFL Infotech Limited (BSE:531769)
PG Electroplast Limited (BSE:533581)
PH Resorts Group Holdings, Inc. (PSE:PHR)
Pha Lai Thermal Power Joint-Stock Company (HOSE:PPC)
Pha Le Plastics Manufacturing and Technology Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PLP)
Phaarmasia Limited (BSE:523620)
Pharma Aids Limited (DSE:PHARMAID)
Pharma Research Products Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A214450)
PharmAbcine, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A208340)
PharmaBlock Sciences (Nanjing), Inc. (SZSE:300725)
PharmaCore Biotech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6713)
Pharmadax Inc. (GTSM:4191)
PharmaEngine, Inc. (GTSM:4162)
PharmaEssentia Corporation (GTSM:6446)
Pharmally International Holding Company Limited (TSEC:6452)
Pharmaniaga Berhad (KLSE:PHARMA)
Pharmaron Beijing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300759)
Pharmedic Pharmaceutical Medicinal Joint Stock Company (HNX:PMC)
Pharmicell Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005690)
Pharmocann Global Ltd (TASE:PMCN)
Pharmsville Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A318010)
Phat Dat Real Estate Development Corporation (HOSE:PDR)
Phatra Leasing Public Company Limited (SET:PL)
Phenix Optical Company Limited (SHSE:600071)
Phihong Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2457)
Philadelphia Insurance Co (P.S.C) (ASE:PHIN)
Philadelphia Int'l Educational Investment Company (PLC) (ASE:PIEC)
Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals PLC (ASE:PHIL)
Philex Mining Corporation (PSE:PX)
Philip Morris (Pakistan) Limited (KASE:PMPK)
Philippine Bank of Communications (PSE:PBC)
Philippine Business Bank, Inc. (PSE:PBB)
Philippine Estates Corporation (PSE:PHES)
Philippine Infradev Holdings Inc. (PSE:IRC)
Philippine National Bank (PSE:PNB)
Philippine Racing Club, Inc. (PSE:PRC)
Philippine Realty and Holdings Corporation (PSE:RLT)
Philippine Savings Bank (PSE:PSB)
Philippine Seven Corporation (PSE:SEVN)
Philippine Trust Company (PSE:PTC)
Phillips Carbon Black Limited (BSE:506590)
Philoptics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A161580)
Philosys Healthcare Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A057880)
PhilWeb Corporation (PSE:WEB)
PHINMA Corporation (PSE:PHN)
Phison Electronics Corp. (GTSM:8299)
Phoenitron Holdings Limited (SEHK:8066)
Phoenix Beverages Limited (MUSE:MBL.N0000)
Phoenix Copper Limited (AIM:PXC)
Phoenix Finance & Investments Limited (DSE:PHOENIXFIN)
Phoenix Insurance Company Limited (DSE:PHENIXINS)
Phoenix International Limited (BSE:526481)
Phoenix Media Investment (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:2008)
Phoenix Power Company SAOG (MSM:PHPC)
Phoenix Silicon International Corporation (TSEC:8028)
Phoenix Tours International, Inc. (TSEC:5706)
Phoenix Township Limited (BSE:537839)
Phol Dhanya Public Company Limited (SET:PHOL)
Phong Phu Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (HNX:PPP)
Phonic Corporation (GTSM:3067)
Photoquip India Limited (BSE:526588)
Phu Nhuan Jewelry Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PNJ)
Phu Tai Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PTB)
Phu Thanh Garment Joint Stock Company (HNX:MPT)
Phuc Hung Holdings Construction JSC (HOSE:PHC)
Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Limited (JSE:PHM)
Phuoc Hoa Rubber Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PHR)
Phuong Nam Cultural Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:PNC)
Phuong Nam Education Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (HNX:SED)
Phyto Chem (India) Limited (BSE:524808)
PhytoHealth Corporation (TSEC:4108)
PI Industries Limited (BSE:523642)
PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited (SEHK:2328)
Piccadily Agro Industries Limited (BSE:530305)
Piccadily Sugar & Allied Industries Limited (BSE:507498)
PICIC Insurance Limited (KASE:PIL)
Pick n Pay Stores Limited (JSE:PIK)
Pico (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:PICO)
Pico Far East Holdings Limited (SEHK:752)
Picturehouse Media Limited (BSE:532355)
Pidilite Industries Limited (BSE:500331)
Pieno Zvaigzdes, AB (NSEL:PZV1L)
PIK Group Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:PIKK)
Pil Italica Lifestyle Limited (BSE:500327)
Pilani Investment and Industries Corporation Limited (NSEI:PILANIINVS)
Pili International Multimedia Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:8450)
Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation (PSE:SHLPH)
Pimpinan Ehsan Berhad (KLSE:PEB)
Pine Care Group Limited (SEHK:1989)
PINE Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1079)
Pineapple Resources Berhad (KLSE:PINEAPP)
Pinehill Pacific Berhad (KLSE:PINEPAC)
Pinestone Capital Limited (SEHK:804)
Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000001)
Ping An Healthcare and Technology Company Limited (SEHK:1833)
Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. (SEHK:2318)
Ping An Securities Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:231)
Pingdingshan Tianan Coal. Mining Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601666)
Pingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd. (NasdaqCM:PME)
Pintaras Jaya Berhad (KLSE:PTARAS)
Pinthong Industrial Park Property Fund (SET:PPF)
Piolink, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A170790)
Pioneer Agro Extracts Limited (BSE:519439)
Pioneer Cement Limited (KASE:PIOC)
Pioneer Distilleries Limited (BSE:531879)
Pioneer Embroideries Limited (BSE:514300)
Pioneer Food Group Ltd (JSE:PFG)
Pioneer Global Group Limited (SEHK:224)
Pioneer Insurance Company Limited (DSE:PIONEERINS)
Pioneer Investcorp Limited (BSE:507864)
Pioneer Motor Public Company Limited (SET:PIMO)
Pioneers Holding Co. (CASE:PIOH)
Pipeline Engineering Holding Limited (SEHK:1865)
Piramal Enterprises Limited (BSE:500302)
Piramal Glass Ceylon PLC (COSE:GLAS.N0000)
Pitti Engineering Limited (BSE:513519)
Pix Transmissions Limited (BSE:500333)
PixArt Imaging Inc. (GTSM:3227)
Pixelplus. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A087600)
Pixon Technologies Corporation (GTSM:5248)
Pizu Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8053)
PJ Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A006140)
PJ Metal Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A128660)
PJSC Nizhnekamskshina (MISX:NKSH)
PJSC Russian Aquaculture (MISX:AQUA)
PJSC Ukrnafta (UKR:UNAF)
PKU HealthCare Corp.,Ltd. (SZSE:000788)
Plan B Media Public Company Limited (SET:PLANB)
Planet Communications Asia Public Company Limited (SET:PLANET)
Planet Green Holdings Corp. (AMEX:PLAG)
Planet Technology Corporation (GTSM:6263)
Planetree International Development Limited (SEHK:613)
Plantynet Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A075130)
Planum GP a.d. (BELEX:PLNM)
Plascar Participações Industriais S.A. (BOVESPA:PLAS3)
Plasmeq Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:PLSM)
Plasson Industries Ltd (TASE:PLSN)
Plastec Technologies, Ltd. (OTCPK:PLTY.F)
Plastiblends India Limited (BSE:523648)
Plastic Additives Joint Stock Company (HNX:PGN)
Plastic Industry (Mauritius) Ltd. (MUSE:PIM.N0000)
Plasto-Cargal Group Ltd (TASE:PLCR)
Plastrade Technology Berhad (KLSE:PTB)
Plastron Precision Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6185)
Plato Capital Limited (Catalist:5PI)
Platt Nera International Limited (SEHK:1949)
Plava laguna d.d. (ZGSE:PLAG)
Playmates Holdings Limited (SEHK:635)
Playmates Toys Limited (SEHK:869)
PLB Engineering Berhad (KLSE:PLB)
Pleasant Hotels International Inc. (GTSM:2718)
Plenitude Berhad (KLSE:PLENITU)
PlexBio Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6572)
Plotech Co.,Ltd (TSEC:6141)
Plover Bay Technologies Limited (SEHK:1523)
PLS Plantations Berhad (KLSE:PLS)
PlumbFast Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A035200)
Plumbline Life Sciences, Inc. (XKON:A222670)
Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. (NasdaqCM:PSTI)
Plus500 Ltd. (LSE:PLUS)
PM Thoresen Asia Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:PMTA)
PMB Technology Berhad (KLSE:PMBTECH)
PMC Fincorp Limited (BSE:534060)
PMG Pharmascience Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A073570)
PN Poong Nyun Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A024940)
PNB Gilts Ltd. (BSE:532366)
PNB Housing Finance Limited (BSE:540173)
PNC Infratech Limited (BSE:539150)
PNC Process Systems Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603690)
PNC Technologies co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A237750)
PNE Industries Ltd (SGX:BDA)
PNE Solution Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A131390)
PNIcompany.Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A242350)
Poalim I.B.I.-Managing & Underwriting Ltd (TASE:PIU)
POCL Enterprises Limited (BSE:539195)
POCO Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300811)
Podak Co., LTD. (GTSM:3537)
Poddar Housing and Development Limited (BSE:523628)
Poddar Pigments Limited (BSE:524570)
Podravka d.d. (ZGSE:PODR)
Poh Huat Resources Holdings Berhad (KLSE:POHUAT)
Poh Kong Holdings Berhad (KLSE:POHKONG)
Poindus Systems Corp. (GTSM:6599)
Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation Limited (TTSE:PLD)
Pokarna Limited (BSE:532486)
Pokfulam Development Company Limited (SEHK:225)
Polarcus Limited (OB:PLCS)
Polaris Bay Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600155)
Polaris Ltd. (Catalist:5BI)
Politika A.D. (BELEX:PLTK)
Polledo Sociedad Anonima, Industrial, Constructora y Financiera (BASE:POLL)
Pollux Properties Ltd. (Catalist:5AE)
Polo Hotels Limited (BSE:526687)
Polo Resources Limited (AIM:POL)
Polson Limited (BSE:507645)
Poly Culture Group Corporation Limited (SEHK:3636)
Poly Developments and Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600048)
Poly Glass Fibre (M) Bhd. (KLSE:POLY)
Poly Medicure Limited (BSE:531768)
Poly Property Development Co.,Ltd. (SEHK:6049)
Poly Property Group Co., Limited (SEHK:119)
Polycab India Limited (NSEI:POLYCAB)
Polychem Limited (BSE:506605)
Polycon International Ltd. (BSE:531397)
Polyfair Holdings Limited (SEHK:8532)
Polygenta Technologies Limited (BSE:514486)
Polygon Real Estate Ltd (TASE:POLY)
Polygreen Resources Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8423)
Polylink Polymers (India) Limited (BSE:531454)
Polylite Taiwan Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1813)
Polymechplast Machines Limited (BSE:526043)
Polyplex (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:PTL)
Polyplex Corporation Limited (BSE:524051)
Polyspin Exports Limited (BSE:539354)
Polytec Asset Holdings Limited (SEHK:208)
Polytronics Technology Corporation (TSEC:6224)
Pomifrutas S/A (BOVESPA:FRTA3)
Pomina Steel Corporation (HOSE:POM)
Pondy Oxides And Chemicals Limited (BSE:532626)
Ponni Sugars (Erode) Limited (BSE:532460)
Pontex Polyblend Co.,Ltd (GTSM:8935)
Poojawestern Metaliks Limited (BSE:540727)
Poona Dal and Oil Industries Limited (BSE:519359)
Poongsan Corporation (KOSE:A103140)
Poongsan Holdings Corporation (KOSE:A005810)
Popular Estate Management Limited (BSE:531870)
Popular Islamic Modaraba (KASE:PIM)
Popular Life Insurance Company Limited (DSE:POPULARLIF)
Porn Prom Metal Public Company Limited (SET:PPM)
Port Flot Burgas Ad (BUL:P2B)
Port of Hai Phong Joint Stock Company (HNX:PHP)
Porter Holding International, Inc. (OTCPK:ULNV)
Portland JSX Limited (JMSE:PJX)
Portland Paints and Products Nigeria Plc (NGSE:PORTPAINT)
Porto Group Holding SAE (CASE:PORT)
Porto Seguro S.A. (BOVESPA:PSSA3)
Porton Pharma Solutions Ltd. (SZSE:300363)
Portuaria Cabo Froward S.A. (SNSE:FROWARD)
Porwal Auto Components Limited (BSE:532933)
Pos Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:POS)
POSCO (KOSE:A005490)
Posco Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003670)
Posco ICT Company Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A022100)
Posco International Corporation (KOSE:A047050)
POSCO M-TECH Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A009520)
POSCO-Thainox Public Company Limited (SET:INOX)
Posiflex Technology, Inc. (TSEC:8114)
Positivo Tecnologia S.A. (BOVESPA:POSI3)
Poslovni sistem Mercator, d.d. (LJSE:MELR)
Post and Telecommunication Equipment Joint Stock Company (HNX:POT)
Post and Telecommunication Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PTC)
Post and Telecommunication Joint Stock Insurance Corporation (HNX:PTI)
Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1658)
Poten Environment Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603603)
Pou Chen Corporation (TSEC:9904)
Pou Sheng International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:3813)
Poulina Group Holding S.A. (BVMT:PGH)
Power Assets Holdings Limited (SEHK:6)
Power Cement Limited (KASE:POWER)
Power Construction Corporation of China, Ltd (SHSE:601669)
Power Construction Joint Stock Company No.1 (HOSE:PC1)
Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2 (HOSE:TV2)
Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 3 (HNX:TV3)
Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 4 (HNX:TV4)
Power Finance Corporation Limited (NSEI:PFC)
Power Financial Group Limited (SEHK:397)
Power Fulx Co., Ltd. (XKON:A266870)
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (DSE:POWERGRID)
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (BSE:532898)
Power Line Engineering Public Company Limited (SET:PLE)
Power Mech Projects Limited (BSE:539302)
Power Root Berhad (KLSE:PWROOT)
Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited (SET:PSTC)
Power Wind Health Industry Incorporated (TSEC:8462)
Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM:PBTS)
Powercom Co., Ltd (TSEC:3043)
Powerful Technologies Limited (NSEI:POWERFUL)
Powerleader Science & Technology Group Limited (SEHK:8236)
Powerlogics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A047310)
Powerlong Real Estate Holdings Limited (SEHK:1238)
Powermatic Data Systems Limited (SGX:BCY)
Powernet Technologies Corporation (KOSDAQ:A037030)
Powertech Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3296)
Powertech Technology Inc. (TSEC:6239)
Powertip Image Corp (GTSM:6498)
Powertip Technology Corporation (GTSM:6167)
POYA International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5904)
Pozavarovalnica Sava, d.d. (LJSE:POSR)
PP PRIME Public Company Limited (SET:PPPM)
PPAP Automotive Limited (BSE:532934)
PPB Group Berhad (KLSE:PPB)
PPI Inc. (KOSDAQ:A062970)
PPS International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8201)
Prabhat Dairy Limited (NSEI:PRABHAT)
Prabhat Technologies (India) Limited (BSE:540027)
Pradeep Metals Limited (BSE:513532)
Prag Bosimi Synthetics Limited (BSE:500192)
Pragati Insurance Limited (DSE:PRAGATIINS)
Pragati Life Insurance Limited (DSE:PRAGATILIF)
Praj Industries Limited (BSE:522205)
Prajay Engineers Syndicate Limited (BSE:531746)
Prakash Industries Limited (BSE:506022)
Prakash Pipes Limited (NSEI:PPL)
Prakash Steelage Limited (NSEI:PRAKASHSTL)
Prakash Woollen & Synthetic Mills Limited (BSE:531437)
Prakit Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:PRAKIT)
Pranavaditya Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:531172)
Pranda Jewelry Public Company Limited (SET:PDJ)
Praram 9 Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:PR9)
Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd. (TASE:PRSK)
Prataap Snacks Limited (BSE:540724)
Pratik Panels Limited (BSE:526490)
Pratiksha Chemicals Limited (BSE:531257)
Praxis Home Retail Limited (BSE:540901)
Pre-Built Public Company Limited (SET:PREB)
Precious Dragon Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:1861)
Precious Shipping Public Company Limited (SET:PSL)
Precision Camshafts Limited (BSE:539636)
Precision Containeurs Limited (BSE:523874)
Precision Electronics Limited (BSE:517258)
Precision Tsugami (China) Corporation Limited (SEHK:1651)
Precision Wires India Ltd. (BSE:523539)
Precot Meridian Limited (NSEI:PRECOT)
Preduzece za puteve Valjevo a.d. (BELEX:PPVA)
Preecha Group Public Company Limited (SET:PRECHA)
Premco Global Limited (BSE:530331)
Premier African Minerals Limited (AIM:PREM)
Premier Business and Projects Co. (ASE:ACDT)
Premier Cement Mills Limited (DSE:PREMIERCEM)
Premier Enterprise Public Company Limited (SET:PE)
Premier Explosives Limited (BSE:526247)
Premier Fishing and Brands Limited (JSE:PFB)
Premier Fund REIT (BUL:4PR)
Premier Insurance Limited (KASE:PINL)
Premier Leasing & Finance Limited (DSE:PREMIERLEA)
Premier Limited (BSE:500540)
Premier Marketing Public Company Limited (SET:PM)
Premier Polyfilm Ltd. (BSE:514354)
Premier Products Public Company Limited (SET:PPP)
Premier Synthetics Limited (BSE:509835)
Premier Technology Public Company Limited (SET:PT)
Premiere Horizon Alliance Corporation (PSE:PHA)
Premium Leisure Corp. (PSE:PLC)
Prerna Infrabuild Limited (BSE:531802)
Presco Plc (NGSE:PRESCO)
President Bakery Public Company Limited (SET:PB)
President Chain Store Corporation (TSEC:2912)
President Securities Corporation (TSEC:2855)
Press Corporation plc (MAL:PCL)
Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PMETAL)
Pressman Advertising Limited (BSE:509077)
Prestar Resources Berhad (KLSE:PRESTAR)
Prestariang Berhad (KLSE:PRESBHD)
Prestige Assurance Plc (NGSE:PRESTIGE)
Prestige Estates Projects Limited (BSE:533274)
Prestige Holdings Limited (TTSE:PHL)
PRG Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PRG)
Priceworth International Berhad (KLSE:PWORTH)
Pricol Limited (BSE:540293)
Prima Agro Limited (BSE:519262)
Prima Industries Limited (BSE:531246)
Prima Marine Public Company Limited (SET:PRM)
Prima Plastics Limited (BSE:530589)
Primax Electronics Ltd. (TSEC:4915)
Prime Acquisition Corp. (OTCPK:PACQ.F)
Prime Bank Limited (DSE:PRIMEBANK)
Prime Customer Services Limited (BSE:540404)
Prime Electronics & Satellitics Inc. (TSEC:6152)
Prime Finance & Investment Limited (DSE:PRIMEFIN)
Prime Finance PLC (COSE:GSF.N0000)
Prime Focus Limited (BSE:532748)
Prime Global Capital Group Incorporated (OTCPK:PGCG)
Prime Holding For Financial Investments S.A.E. (CASE:PRMH)
Prime Industries Ltd. (BSE:519299)
Prime Insurance Company Limited (DSE:PRIMEINSUR)
Prime Intelligence Solutions Group Limited (SEHK:8379)
Prime Islami Life Insurance Limited (DSE:PRIMELIFE)
Prime Media Holdings, Inc. (PSE:PRIM)
Prime Office Leasehold Property Fund (SET:POPF)
Prime Oil Chemical Service Corporation (TSEC:2904)
Prime Property Development Corporation Limited (BSE:530695)
Prime Road Power Public Company Limited (SET:PRIME)
Prime Securities Limited (BSE:500337)
Prime Textile Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:PRIMETEX)
Prime Urban Development India Limited (BSE:521149)
Primeline Energy Holdings Inc. (TSXV:PEH)
Primeserv Group Limited (JSE:PMV)
Primeton Information Technologies, Inc. (SHSE:688118)
Primex Corporation (PSE:PRMX)
Primus Guaranty, Ltd.
Primuss Pipes & Tubes Limited (BSE:513291)
Prince Housing & Development Corp. (TSEC:2511)
Prince Pipes and Fittings Limited (NSEI:PRINCEPIPE)
Princeton Technology Corporation (GTSM:6129)
Principal Capital Public Company Limited (SET:PRINC)
Prinsiri Public Company Limited (SET:PRIN)
Printcare PLC (COSE:CARE.N0000)
Prinx Chengshan (Cayman) Holding Limited (SEHK:1809)
Priortech Ltd (TASE:PRTC)
Prism Finance Limited (BSE:531735)
Prism Johnson Limited (BSE:500338)
Prism Medico and Pharmacy Limited (BSE:512217)
Prithvi Exchange (India) Limited (BSE:531688)
Pritika Auto Industries Limited (BSE:539359)
Pritish Nandy Communications Ltd (BSE:532387)
Privasia Technology Berhad (KLSE:PRIVA)
Privatization Holding Company - K.P.S.C. (KWSE:KPPC)
Privredna banka Zagreb dd (ZGSE:PBZ)
Priya Limited (BSE:524580)
Pro Fin Capital Services Ltd. (BSE:511557)
Pro-Hawk Corporation (GTSM:8083)
Proagro C.A. (CCSE:PGR)
Proaim Enterprises Limited (BSE:512105)
Procal Electronics India Limited (BSE:526009)
Procter & Gamble Health Limited (BSE:500126)
Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Limited (BSE:500459)
Procurri Corporation Limited (SGX:BVQ)
Prodigy Public Company Limited (SET:PDG)
Productos EFE S.A. (CCSE:EFE)
Profarma Distribuidora de Produtos Farmacêuticos S.A. (BOVESPA:PFRM3)
Professional Computer Technology Limited (GTSM:6270)
Profit Cultural and Creative Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300640)
Progen Holdings Ltd (Catalist:583)
Progressive Impact Corporation Berhad (KLSE:PICORP)
Progressive Life Insurance Company Limited (DSE:PROGRESLIF)
Progressive Path Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1581)
Progrex Ventures Limited (BSE:531265)
Project Planning Service Public Company Limited (SET:PPS)
Prolexus Berhad (KLSE:PRLEXUS)
Prolife Industries Limited (NSEI:PROLIFE)
Prolific Technology Inc. (GTSM:6233)
ProLight Opto Technology Corporation (GTSM:5277)
Prolink Microsystems Corporation (GTSM:5450)
Promact Impex Limited (BSE:526494)
Promaster Technology Corp. (GTSM:3429)
Promate Electronic Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:6189)
Promate Solutions Corporation (GTSM:6577)
Promigas S.A. E.S.P. (BVC:PROMIGAS)
Promise Technology, Inc. (TSEC:3057)
Promotion and Development Ltd (MUSE:PAD.N0000)
Promotora Ambiental, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:PASA B)
Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura, S. A. B. de C. V. (BMV:PINFRA *)
Property and Building Corp. Ltd (TASE:PTBL)
Property Development PLC (COSE:PDL.N0000)
Property Perfect Public Company Limited (SET:PF)
Proplastics Limited (ZMSE:PROL)
PropNex Limited (SGX:OYY)
Proseed India Limited (BSE:590057)
Prosper Construction Holdings Limited (SEHK:6816)
Prosper One International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1470)
Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6173)
Prosperity International Holdings (H.K.) Limited (SEHK:803)
Prosperity Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:310)
Prosperity Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:808)
Prosperity Weaving Mills Limited (KASE:PRWM)
Prosperous Future Holdings Limited (SEHK:1259)
Prosperous Industrial (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1731)
Prosperous Printing Company Limited (SEHK:8385)
Prostemics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A203690)
Protalix BioTherapeutics, Inc. (AMEX:PLX)
Protasco Berhad (KLSE:PRTASCO)
Protec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053610)
ProteomeTech Inc. (XKON:A303360)
Protinal C.A. (CCSE:PTN)
Proud Real Estate Public Company Limited (SET:PROUD)
Provati Insurance Company Limited (DSE:PROVATIINS)
Proven Investments Limited (JMSE:PROVEN)
Provestment Services Limited (BSE:540703)
Provision Information Co.,LTD (GTSM:6590)
Proya Cosmetics Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603605)
Prozone Intu Properties Limited (BSE:534675)
Pruksa Holding Public Company Limited (SET:PSH)
Prvá strategická, a.s. (BSSE:1PRV001E)
Pryce Corporation (PSE:PPC)
PS Tec. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A002230)
PSG Group Limited (JSE:PSG)
PSG Konsult Limited (JSE:KST)
PSK Inc. (KOSDAQ:A319660)
PSL Holdings Limited (SGX:BLL)
PSL Limited (BSE:526801)
PSMC CO., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A024850)
PSP Projects Limited (BSE:540544)
PSV Holdings Limited (JSE:PSV)
PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk (IDX:PANS)
PT ABM Investama Tbk (IDX:ABMM)
PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk (IDX:ACES)
PT Acset Indonusa Tbk (IDX:ACST)
PT Adaro Energy Tbk (IDX:ADRO)
PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (IDX:ADHI)
PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (IDX:ASSA)
PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk (IDX:ADMF)
PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk (IDX:APLN)
PT Akasha Wira International Tbk (IDX:ADES)
PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (IDX:AKRA)
PT Aksara Global Development Tbk (IDX:GAMA)
PT Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (IDX:ALKA)
PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk (IDX:ASRI)
PT Alfa Energi Investama Tbk (IDX:FIRE)
PT Alkindo Naratama Tbk (IDX:ALDO)
PT Alumindo Light Metal Industry Tbk (IDX:ALMI)
PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk (IDX:ATIC)
PT Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk (IDX:OKAS)
PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk (IDX:AGII)
PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (IDX:ANTM)
PT Anugerah Kagum Karya Utama Tbk (IDX:AKKU)
PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (IDX:APEX)
PT Argha Karya Prima Industry Tbk (IDX:AKPI)
PT Arita Prima Indonesia Tbk (IDX:APII)
PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk (IDX:DIGI)
PT Arkha Jayanti Persada Tbk (IDX:ARKA)
PT Armada Berjaya Trans Tbk (IDX:JAYA)
PT Arthavest Tbk (IDX:ARTA)
PT Arwana Citramulia Tbk (IDX:ARNA)
PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk (IDX:AMFG)
PT Asia Pacific Fibers Tbk (IDX:POLY)
PT Asia Sejahtera Mina Tbk (IDX:AGAR)
PT Asiaplast Industries Tbk. (IDX:APLI)
PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (IDX:AALI)
PT Astra Graphia Tbk (IDX:ASGR)
PT Astra International Tbk (IDX:ASII)
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (IDX:AUTO)
PT Astrindo Nusantara Infrastruktur Tbk (IDX:BIPI)
PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk (IDX:ASBI)
PT Asuransi Dayin Mitra Tbk (IDX:ASDM)
PT Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk (IDX:AHAP)
PT Asuransi Jasa Tania Tbk (IDX:ASJT)
PT Asuransi Jiwa Sinarmas MSIG (IDX:LIFE)
PT Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Jasa Mitra Abadi Tbk (IDX:JMAS)
PT Asuransi Kresna Mitra Tbk (IDX:ASMI)
PT Asuransi Ramayana Tbk (IDX:ASRM)
PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia, Tbk (IDX:TUGU)
PT Ateliers Mecaniques D'Indonesie Tbk (IDX:AMIN)
PT Atlas Resources Tbk (IDX:ARII)
PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk (IDX:ANJT)
PT Ayana Land International Tbk (IDX:NASA)
PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk (IDX:UNSP)
PT Bali Bintang Sejahtera Tbk (IDX:BOLA)
PT Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk (IDX:BALI)
PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk (IDX:INPC)
PT Bank Artos Indonesia, Tbk (IDX:ARTO)
PT Bank BRIsyariah Tbk (IDX:BRIS)
PT Bank Bukopin Tbk (IDX:BBKP)
PT Bank Capital Indonesia Tbk (IDX:BACA)
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (IDX:BBCA)
PT Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia Tbk (IDX:MCOR)
PT Bank Harda Internasional Tbk (IDX:BBHI)
PT Bank IBK Indonesia Tbk (IDX:AGRS)
PT Bank Ina Perdana Tbk (IDX:BINA)
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (IDX:BMRI)
PT Bank Maspion Indonesia Tbk (IDX:BMAS)
PT Bank Mega Tbk (IDX:MEGA)
PT Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk (IDX:BBMD)
PT Bank MNC Internasional Tbk (IDX:BABP)
PT Bank Nationalnobu Tbk (IDX:NOBU)
PT Bank Oke Indonesia Tbk (IDX:DNAR)
PT Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Tbk (IDX:PNBS)
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk (IDX:BJBR)
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (IDX:BJTM)
PT Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk (IDX:BKSW)
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX:BBRI)
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga Tbk (IDX:AGRO)
PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk (IDX:BSIM)
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (IDX:BBTN)
PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Syariah Tbk (IDX:BTPS)
PT Bank Victoria International Tbk (IDX:BVIC)
PT Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk (IDX:SDRA)
PT Bank Yudha Bhakti Tbk (IDX:BBYB)
PT Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk (IDX:BSSR)
PT Barito Pacific Tbk (IDX:BRPT)
PT Batavia Prosperindo Finance Tbk (IDX:BPFI)
PT Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk (IDX:BPTR)
PT Bayan Resources Tbk (IDX:BYAN)
PT Bayu Buana Tbk (IDX:BAYU)
PT Bekasi Asri Pemula Tbk (IDX:BAPA)
PT Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Tbk (IDX:BEST)
PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk (IDX:RMBA)
PT Berkah Prima Perkasa Tbk (IDX:BLUE)
PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (IDX:BLTA)
PT Berlina Tbk (IDX:BRNA)
PT Betonjaya Manunggal Tbk (IDX:BTON)
PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (IDX:BFIN)
PT Bhakti Agung Propertindo Tbk (IDX:BAPI)
PT Bhuwanatala Indah Permai Tbk (IDX:BIPP)
PT Bima Sakti Pertiwi Tbk (IDX:PAMG)
PT Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk (IDX:BIKA)
PT Bintang Mitra Semestaraya Tbk (IDX:BMSR)
PT Bintang Oto Global Tbk (IDX:BOGA)
PT BISI International Tbk (IDX:BISI)
PT Bliss Properti Indonesia Tbk (IDX:POSA)
PT Blue Bird Tbk (IDX:BIRD)
PT Buana Artha Anugerah Tbk (IDX:STAR)
PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (IDX:BULL)
PT Budi Starch & Sweetener Tbk (IDX:BUDI)
PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk (IDX:BUKK)
PT Bukit Asam Tbk (IDX:PTBA)
PT Bukit Darmo Property Tbk (IDX:BKDP)
PT Bukit Uluwatu Villa Tbk (IDX:BUVA)
PT Bumi Citra Permai Tbk (IDX:BCIP)
PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (IDX:BRMS)
PT Bumi Resources Tbk (IDX:BUMI)
PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (IDX:BSDE)
PT Bumi Teknokultura Unggul Tbk (IDX:BTEK)
PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (IDX:HOKI)
PT Cahayaputra Asa Keramik Tbk (IDX:CAKK)
PT Cahayasakti Investindo Sukses Tbk (IDX:CSIS)
PT Campina Ice Cream Industry, Tbk. (IDX:CAMP)
PT Capital Financial Indonesia Tbk (IDX:CASA)
PT Capitol Nusantara Indonesia Tbk (IDX:CANI)
PT Capri Nusa Satu Properti Tbk (IDX:CPRI)
PT Cardig Aero Services Tbk (IDX:CASS)
PT Catur Sentosa Adiprana Tbk (IDX:CSAP)
PT Central Omega Resources Tbk (IDX:DKFT)
PT Central Proteina Prima Tbk (IDX:CPRO)
PT Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (IDX:CENT)
PT Champion Pacific Indonesia Tbk (IDX:IGAR)
PT Charnic Capital Tbk (IDX:NICK)
PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk (IDX:CPIN)
PT Chitose Internasional Tbk (IDX:CINT)
PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk (IDX:POWR)
PT Ciputra Development Tbk (IDX:CTRA)
PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk (IDX:CITA)
PT Citatah Tbk (IDX:CTTH)
PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk (IDX:CMNP)
PT Citra Putra Realty Tbk (IDX:CLAY)
PT City Retail Developments Tbk (IDX:NIRO)
PT Colorpak Indonesia Tbk (IDX:CLPI)
PT Communication Cable Systems Indonesia Tbk (IDX:CCSI)
PT Cottonindo Ariesta Tbk (IDX:KPAS)
PT Cowell Development Tbk (IDX:COWL)
PT Dafam Property Indonesia Tbk (IDX:DFAM)
PT Dana Brata Luhur (IDX:TEBE)
PT Danasupra Erapacific Tbk (IDX:DEFI)
PT Darma Henwa Tbk (IDX:DEWA)
PT Darmi Bersaudara Tbk (IDX:KAYU)
PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk (IDX:DVLA)
PT Delta Djakarta Tbk (IDX:DLTA)
PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (IDX:DOID)
PT Destinasi Tirta Nusantara Tbk (IDX:PDES)
PT Dewata Freightinternational Tbk (IDX:DEAL)
PT Dharma Samudera Fishing Industries Tbk (IDX:DSFI)
PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk (IDX:DSNG)
PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (IDX:DSSA)
PT Digital Mediatama Maxima Tbk (IDX:DMMX)
PT Distribusi Voucher Nusantara Tbk (IDX:DIVA)
PT DMS Propertindo Tbk (IDX:KOTA)
PT Dua Putra Utama Makmur Tbk (IDX:DPUM)
PT Duta Anggada Realty Tbk. (IDX:DART)
PT Duta Intidaya Tbk (IDX:DAYA)
PT Duta Pertiwi Nusantara Tbk (IDX:DPNS)
PT Duta Pertiwi Tbk (IDX:DUTI)
PT Dwi Guna Laksana Tbk (IDX:DWGL)
PT Dyandra Media International Tbk (IDX:DYAN)
PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk (IDX:BWPT)
PT Eastparc Hotel Tbk (IDX:EAST)
PT Eka Sari Lorena Transport Tbk (IDX:LRNA)
PT Ekadharma International Tbk (IDX:EKAD)
PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (IDX:EMTK)
PT Electronic City Indonesia Tbk (IDX:ECII)
PT Elnusa Tbk (IDX:ELSA)
PT Emdeki Utama Tbk (IDX:MDKI)
PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (IDX:ENRG)
PT Enseval Putera Megatrading Tbk (IDX:EPMT)
PT Envy Technologies Indonesia Tbk (IDX:ENVY)
PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk (IDX:ERAA)
PT Eratex Djaja Tbk (IDX:ERTX)
PT Estika Tata Tiara Tbk (IDX:BEEF)
PT Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk (IDX:ETWA)
PT Ever Shine Tex Tbk (IDX:ESTI)
PT Exploitasi Energi Indonesia Tbk (IDX:CNKO)
PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk (IDX:TAXI)
PT Fast Food Indonesia Tbk (IDX:FAST)
PT First Media Tbk (IDX:KBLV)
PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk (IDX:FISH)
PT Fortune Indonesia Tbk (IDX:FORU)
PT Fortune Mate Indonesia Tbk (IDX:FMII)
PT Forza Land Indonesia Tbk (IDX:FORZ)
PT Fuji Finance Indonesia Tbk (IDX:FUJI)
PT Galva Technologies Tbk (IDX:GLVA)
PT Garda Tujuh Buana Tbk (IDX:GTBO)
PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk (IDX:GMFI)
PT Garuda Metalindo Tbk (IDX:BOLT)
PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk (IDX:GOOD)
PT Gaya Abadi Sempurna Tbk (IDX:SLIS)
PT Gema Grahasarana Tbk (IDX:GEMA)
PT Gihon Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (IDX:GHON)
PT Ginting Jaya Energi Tbk (IDX:WOWS)
PT Global Teleshop Tbk (IDX:GLOB)
PT Golden Eagle Energy Tbk (IDX:SMMT)
PT Golden Flower, Tbk (IDX:POLU)
PT Gowa Makassar Tourism Development Tbk (IDX:GMTD)
PT Gozco Plantations Tbk (IDX:GZCO)
PT Graha Andrasentra Propertindo Tbk. (IDX:JGLE)
PT Grand Kartech Tbk (IDX:KRAH)
PT Greenwood Sejahtera Tbk (IDX:GWSA)
PT Gudang Garam Tbk (IDX:GGRM)
PT Guna Timur Raya Tbk (IDX:TRUK)
PT Gunawan Dianjaya Steel Tbk (IDX:GDST)
PT Gunung Raja Paksi Tbk (IDX:GGRP)
PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk (IDX:HMSP)
PT Hartadinata Abadi Tbk (IDX:HRTA)
PT Hensel Davest Indonesia Tbk (IDX:HDIT)
PT Hero Supermarket Tbk (IDX:HERO)
PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk (IDX:HEXA)
PT Himalaya Energi Perkasa Tbk (IDX:HADE)
PT HK Metals Utama Tbk (IDX:HKMU)
PT Hotel Fitra International Tbk (IDX:FITT)
PT Hotel Mandarine Regency Tbk (IDX:HOME)
PT Hotel Sahid Jaya International Tbk (IDX:SHID)
PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. (IDX:HITS)
PT ICTSI Jasa Prima Tbk (IDX:KARW)
PT Impack Pratama Industri Tbk (IDX:IMPC)
PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (IDX:INKP)
PT Indal Aluminium Industry Tbk (IDX:INAI)
PT Indo Acidatama Tbk (IDX:SRSN)
PT Indo Straits Tbk (IDX:PTIS)
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (IDX:ITMG)
PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (IDX:INTP)
PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk (IDX:INAF)
PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk (IDX:ICBP)
PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (IDX:INDF)
PT Indomobil Multi Jasa Tbk (IDX:IMJS)
PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk (IDX:IMAS)
PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IDX:IPCC)
PT Indonesia Pondasi Raya Tbk (IDX:IDPR)
PT Indonesia Transport & Infrastructure Tbk (IDX:IATA)
PT Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk (IDX:INPP)
PT Indonesian Tobacco Tbk (IDX:ITIC)
PT Indopoly Swakarsa Industry Tbk (IDX:IPOL)
PT Indoritel Makmur Internasional Tbk. (IDX:DNET)
PT Indosat Tbk (IDX:ISAT)
PT Indospring Tbk (IDX:INDS)
PT Industri dan Perdagangan Bintraco Dharma Tbk (IDX:CARS)
PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk (IDX:SIDO)
PT Inocycle Technology Group Tbk (IDX:INOV)
PT Intan Baruprana Finance Tbk (IDX:IBFN)
PT Intanwijaya Internasional Tbk (IDX:INCI)
PT Integra Indocabinet Tbk (IDX:WOOD)
PT Inter Delta Tbk (IDX:INTD)
PT Intermedia Capital Tbk (IDX:MDIA)
PT International Development Corporation Limited (SEHK:372)
PT Intikeramik Alamasri Industri Tbk (IDX:IKAI)
PT Intiland Development Tbk (IDX:DILD)
PT Intraco Penta Tbk (IDX:INTA)
PT Island Concepts Indonesia Tbk (IDX:ICON)
PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk (IDX:IRRA)
PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk (IDX:PSAB)
PT Jakarta International Hotels & Development Tbk (IDX:JIHD)
PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk (IDX:JSPT)
PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (IDX:JPFA)
PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IDX:IPCM)
PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (IDX:JSMR)
PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa Tbk (IDX:JTPE)
PT Jaya Agra Wattie Tbk (IDX:JAWA)
PT Jaya Bersama Indo Tbk (IDX:DUCK)
PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk (IDX:JKON)
PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk. (IDX:JRPT)
PT Jaya Sukses Makmur Sentosa Tbk (IDX:RISE)
PT Jaya Trishindo Tbk (IDX:HELI)
PT Jembo Cable Company Tbk (IDX:JECC)
PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk (IDX:KBLM)
PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (IDX:KLBF)
PT Kapuas Prima Coal Tbk (IDX:ZINC)
PT Kedaung Indah Can Tbk (IDX:KICI)
PT Kedawung Setia Industrial Tbk (IDX:KDSI)
PT Kencana Energi Lestari Tbk (IDX:KEEN)
PT Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk (IDX:KIAS)
PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk (IDX:KAEF)
PT Kino Indonesia Tbk (IDX:KINO)
PT Kioson Komersial Indonesia Tbk (IDX:KIOS)
PT Kirana Megatara Tbk (IDX:KMTR)
PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk (IDX:KBLI)
PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk (IDX:KOBX)
PT Kokoh Inti Arebama Tbk (IDX:KOIN)
PT Kota Satu Properti Tbk (IDX:SATU)
PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk (IDX:KRAS)
PT Kresna Graha Investama Tbk (IDX:KREN)
PT Krida Jaringan Nusantara Tbk (IDX:KJEN)
PT Langgeng Makmur Industri Tbk (IDX:LMPI)
PT Lautan Luas Tbk (IDX:LTLS)
PT LCK Global Kedaton Tbk (IDX:LCKM)
PT Leyand International Tbk (IDX:LAPD)
PT Limas Indonesia Makmur Tbk (IDX:LMAS)
PT Link Net Tbk (IDX:LINK)
PT Lion Metal Works Tbk (IDX:LION)
PT Lionmesh Prima Tbk (IDX:LMSH)
PT Lippo Cikarang Tbk (IDX:LPCK)
PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (IDX:LPKR)
PT Lippo Securities Tbk (IDX:LPPS)
PT Logindo Samudramakmur Tbk. (IDX:LEAD)
PT Lotte Chemical Titan Tbk (IDX:FPNI)
PT M Cash Integrasi Tbk (IDX:MCAS)
PT Madusari Murni Indah Tbk (IDX:MOLI)
PT Magna Investama Mandiri Tbk (IDX:MGNA)
PT Maha Properti Indonesia Tbk (IDX:MPRO)
PT Mahaka Media Tbk (IDX:ABBA)
PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk (IDX:MARI)
PT Mahkota Group Tbk (IDX:MGRO)
PT Majapahit Inti Corpora Tbk (IDX:AKSI)
PT Malacca Trust Wuwungan Insurance Tbk (IDX:MTWI)
PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk (IDX:MAIN)
Pt Mandala Multifinance Tbk (IDX:MFIN)
PT Map Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk (IDX:MAPA)
PT Marga Abhinaya Abadi Tbk (IDX:MABA)
PT Mark Dynamics Indonesia Tbk (IDX:MARK)
PT Martina Berto Tbk (IDX:MBTO)
PT Mas Murni Indonesia, Tbk (IDX:MAMI)
PT Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk (IDX:MREI)
PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (IDX:MPPA)
PT Mayora Indah Tbk (IDX:MYOR)
PT MD Pictures Tbk (IDX:FILM)
PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk (IDX:MEDC)
PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (IDX:HEAL)
PT Mega Manunggal Property Tbk (IDX:MMLP)
PT Mega Perintis Tbk (IDX:ZONE)
PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk (IDX:EMDE)
PT Megapower Makmur Tbk (IDX:MPOW)
PT Menteng Heritage Realty Tbk (IDX:HRME)
PT Merck Tbk (IDX:MERK)
PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (IDX:MDKA)
PT Meta Epsi Tbk. (IDX:MTPS)
PT Metro Realty Tbk (IDX:MTSM)
PT Metropolitan Land Tbk (IDX:MTLA)
PT Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk (IDX:MIDI)
PT Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk (IDX:SDPC)
PT Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas Tbk (IDX:PADI)
PT Mitra Energi Persada Tbk (IDX:KOPI)
PT Mitra International Resources Tbk (IDX:MIRA)
PT Mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Tbk (IDX:MIKA)
PT Mitra Komunikasi Nusantara Tbk (IDX:MKNT)
PT Mitra Pemuda Tbk (IDX:MTRA)
PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk (IDX:MPMX)
PT Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk (IDX:MBSS)
PT Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk (IDX:MBAP)
PT MNC Investama Tbk (IDX:BHIT)
PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (IDX:BCAP)
PT MNC Sky Vision Tbk (IDX:MSKY)
PT MNC Vision Networks Tbk (IDX:IPTV)
PT Modern Internasional Tbk (IDX:MDRN)
PT Modernland Realty Tbk (IDX:MDLN)
PT Mulia Boga Raya Tbk (IDX:KEJU)
PT Mulia Industrindo Tbk (IDX:MLIA)
PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk (IDX:MAGP)
PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk (IDX:MLBI)
PT Multi Indocitra Tbk (IDX:MICE)
PT Multi Prima Sejahtera Tbk (IDX:LPIN)
PT Multifiling Mitra Indonesia Tbk (IDX:MFMI)
PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (IDX:MLPT)
PT Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk (IDX:MASA)
PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (IDX:MRAT)
PT Natura City Developments Tbk (IDX:CITY)
PT NFC Indonesia Tbk (IDX:NFCX)
PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk (IDX:ROTI)
PT Northcliff Citranusa Indonesia Tbk (IDX:SKYB)
PT Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Tbk (IDX:DGIK)
PT Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk (IDX:NRCA)
PT Nusantara Almazia, Tbk. (IDX:NZIA)
PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk (IDX:META)
PT Nusantara Properti Internasional Tbk (IDX:NATO)
PT Onix Capital Tbk (IDX:OCAP)
PT Optima Prima Metal Sinergi Tbk (IDX:OPMS)
PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk (IDX:TKIM)
PT Pacific Strategic Financial Tbk (IDX:APIC)
PT Pakuwon Jati Tbk (IDX:PWON)
PT Palma Serasih Tbk (IDX:PSGO)
PT Pan Brothers Tbk (IDX:PBRX)
PT Panca Budi Idaman Tbk (IDX:PBID)
PT Panca Global Kapital Tbk (IDX:PEGE)
PT Panin Financial Tbk (IDX:PNLF)
PT Paninvest Tbk (IDX:PNIN)
PT Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk (IDX:PANR)
PT Paramita Bangun Sarana Tbk (IDX:PBSA)
PT Pelangi Indah Canindo Tbk (IDX:PICO)
PT Pelat Timah Nusantara Tbk (IDX:NIKL)
PT Pelayaran Nasional Bina Buana Raya Tbk (IDX:BBRM)
PT Pelayaran Nelly Dwi Putri Tbk (IDX:NELY)
PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk (IDX:TAMU)
PT Pelita Samudera Shipping Tbk (IDX:PSSI)
PT Pembangunan Graha Lestari Indah Tbk (IDX:PGLI)
PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk (IDX:PJAA)
PT Pembangunan Perumahan Properti Tbk (IDX:PPRO)
PT Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk (IDX:KONI)
PT Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk (IDX:GPRA)
PT Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk (IDX:PKPK)
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (IDX:PGAS)
PT Perusahaan Perkebunan London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (IDX:LSIP)
PT Petrosea Tbk (IDX:PTRO)
PT Phapros, Tbk (IDX:PEHA)
PT Pikko Land Development Tbk (IDX:RODA)
PT Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk (IDX:PLIN)
PT Pollux Investasi Internasional, Tbk (IDX:POLI)
PT Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk (IDX:POLL)
PT Pool Advista Finance Tbk (IDX:POLA)
PT PP (Persero) Tbk (IDX:PTPP)
PT PP Presisi Tbk (IDX:PPRE)
PT Prasidha Aneka Niaga Tbk (IDX:PSDN)
PT Pratama Abadi Nusa Industri Tbk (IDX:PANI)
PT Prima Cakrawala Abadi Tbk (IDX:PCAR)
PT Primarindo Asia Infrastructure Tbk. (IDX:BIMA)
PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk (IDX:PRDA)
PT Protech Mitra Perkasa Tbk (IDX:OASA)
PT Provident Agro Tbk (IDX:PALM)
PT Pudjiadi Prestige Tbk (IDX:PUDP)
PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk (IDX:DMAS)
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk (IDX:PYFA)
PT Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk (IDX:HDFA)
PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk (IDX:RUIS)
PT Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk (IDX:RALS)
PT Red Planet Indonesia Tbk (IDX:PSKT)
PT Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (IDX:RELI)
PT Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk (IDX:KKGI)
PT Ricky Putra Globalindo Tbk (IDX:RICY)
PT Rig Tenders Indonesia Tbk (IDX:RIGS)
PT Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati Tbk (IDX:RBMS)
PT Roda Vivatex Tbk (IDX:RDTX)
PT Royal Prima Tbk (IDX:PRIM)
PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (IDX:RAJA)
PT Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk (IDX:SIMP)
PT Samindo Resources Tbk (IDX:MYOH)
PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk (IDX:SGRO)
PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk (IDX:SMDR)
PT Sanurhasta Mitra Tbk (IDX:MINA)
PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan Tbk (IDX:SAME)
PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk (IDX:TOWR)
PT Saranacentral Bajatama Tbk (IDX:BAJA)
PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Tbk (IDX:SRTG)
PT Sariguna Primatirta Tbk (IDX:CLEO)
PT Sarimelati Kencana Tbk. (IDX:PZZA)
PT Sat Nusapersada Tbk (IDX:PTSN)
PT Satria Mega Kencana Tbk. (IDX:SOTS)
PT Satyamitra Kemas Lestari Tbk (IDX:SMKL)
PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. (IDX:SSMS)
PT Sejahteraraya Anugrahjaya Tbk (IDX:SRAJ)
PT Sekar Bumi Tbk (IDX:SKBM)
PT Sekar Laut Tbk (IDX:SKLT)
PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk (IDX:SMSM)
PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk (IDX:SMBR)
PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX:SMGR)
PT Sentra Food Indonesia Tbk (IDX:FOOD)
PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk (IDX:LUCK)
PT Sepatu Bata Tbk. (IDX:BATA)
PT Shield on Service Tbk (IDX:SOSS)
PT Siantar Top Tbk (IDX:STTP)
PT Sidomulyo Selaras Tbk (IDX:SDMU)
PT Sierad Produce Tbk (IDX:SIPD)
PT Sillo Maritime Perdana Tbk (IDX:SHIP)
PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk (IDX:SILO)
PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk (IDX:SMAR)
PT Sinar Mas Multiartha Tbk (IDX:SMMA)
PT Sinergi Inti Plastindo Tbk (IDX:ESIP)
PT Sinergi Megah Internusa Tbk (IDX:NUSA)
PT Sitara Propertindo Tbk (IDX:TARA)
PT Siwani Makmur Tbk (IDX:SIMA)
PT Sky Energy Indonesia Tbk (IDX:JSKY)
PT SLJ Global Tbk (IDX:SULI)
PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk (IDX:FREN)
PT Soechi Lines Tbk (IDX:SOCI)
PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (IDX:SMCB)
PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk (IDX:SUPR)
PT Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk (IDX:SONA)
PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (IDX:SRIL)
PT Sriwahana Adityakarta Tbk (IDX:SWAT)
PT Star Pacific Tbk (IDX:LPLI)
PT Steady Safe Tbk (IDX:SAFE)
PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (IDX:ISSP)
PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (IDX:AMRT)
PT Sumber Energi Andalan Tbk (IDX:ITMA)
PT Sumi Indo Kabel Tbk (IDX:IKBI)
PT Summarecon Agung Tbk (IDX:SMRA)
PT Sunson Textile Manufacturer Tbk (IDX:SSTM)
PT Suparma Tbk (IDX:SPMA)
PT Super Energy Tbk (IDX:SURE)
PT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk (IDX:SKRN)
PT Supra Boga Lestari Tbk (IDX:RANC)
PT Supreme Cable Manufacturing & Commerce Tbk (IDX:SCCO)
PT Surya Citra Media Tbk (IDX:SCMA)
PT Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk (IDX:ESSA)
PT Surya Fajar Capital Tbk (IDX:SFAN)
PT Surya Pertiwi Tbk (IDX:SPTO)
PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (IDX:SSIA)
PT Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk (IDX:TOTO)
PT Suryamas Dutamakmur Tbk (IDX:SMDM)
PT Telefast Indonesia Tbk (IDX:TFAS)
PT Temas Tbk. (IDX:TMAS)
PT Tembaga Mulia Semanan Tbk (IDX:TBMS)
PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk (IDX:TMPO)
PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk (IDX:TSPC)
PT Tifa Finance Tbk (IDX:TIFA)
PT Tifico Fiber Indonesia Tbk (IDX:TFCO)
PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk (IDX:TGKA)
PT Tiphone Mobile Indonesia Tbk (IDX:TELE)
PT Tira Austenite Tbk (IDX:TIRA)
PT Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk (IDX:TIRT)
PT Toba Bara Sejahtra Tbk (IDX:TOBA)
PT Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk (IDX:INRU)
PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk (IDX:TOTL)
PT Totalindo Eka Persada Tbk (IDX:TOPS)
PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (IDX:TBIG)
PT Trada Alam Minera Tbk (IDX:TRAM)
PT Trans Power Marine Tbk (IDX:TPMA)
PT Transcoal Pacific Tbk (IDX:TCPI)
PT Tri Banyan Tirta Tbk (IDX:ALTO)
PT Trias Sentosa Tbk (IDX:TRST)
PT Tridomain Performance Materials Tbk (IDX:TDPM)
PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (IDX:TRIM)
PT Trimitra Propertindo Tbk (IDX:LAND)
PT Trimuda Nuansa Citra Tbk (IDX:TNCA)
PT Trinitan Metals and Minerals Tbk (IDX:PURE)
PT Trisula International Tbk (IDX:TRIS)
PT Trisula Textile Industries Tbk (IDX:BELL)
PT Tunas Alfin Tbk (IDX:TALF)
PT Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk (IDX:TBLA)
PT Tunas Ridean Tbk (IDX:TURI)
PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk. (IDX:ULTJ)
PT Unggul Indah Cahaya Tbk (IDX:UNIC)
PT Uni-Charm Indonesia Tbk (IDX:UCID)
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (IDX:UNVR)
PT United Tractors Tbk (IDX:UNTR)
PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo Tbk (IDX:URBN)
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (IDX:INCO)
PT Victoria Insurance Tbk (IDX:VINS)
PT Victoria Investama Tbk (IDX:VICO)
PT Visi Media Asia Tbk (IDX:VIVA)
PT Visi Telekomunikasi Infrastruktur Tbk (IDX:GOLD)
PT Voksel Electric Tbk (IDX:VOKS)
PT Wahana Interfood Nusantara Tbk (IDX:COCO)
PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk (IDX:WOMF)
PT Wahana Pronatural Tbk (IDX:WAPO)
PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (IDX:WSBP)
PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk (IDX:WSKT)
PT WEHA Transportasi Indonesia Tbk (IDX:WEHA)
Pt Wicaksana Overseas International Tbk (IDX:WICO)
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. (IDX:WIKA)
PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung Tbk. (IDX:WEGE)
PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (IDX:WTON)
PT Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia Tbk. (IDX:CEKA)
PT Wilton Makmur indonesia Tbk (IDX:SQMI)
PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk (IDX:WINS)
PT Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk (IDX:WIIM)
PT XL Axiata Tbk (IDX:EXCL)
PT Yelooo Integra Datanet Tbk (IDX:YELO)
PT Yulie Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (IDX:YULE)
PT. Andira Agro, Tbk (IDX:ANDI)
PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Banten, Tbk (IDX:BEKS)
PT. Borneo Olah Sarana Sukses Tbk (IDX:BOSS)
PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (IDX:TPIA)
PT. Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk (IDX:CFIN)
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk (IDX:GJTL)
PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX:GIAA)
PT. Global Mediacom Tbk (IDX:BMTR)
PT. Harum Energy Tbk (IDX:HRUM)
PT. Indah Prakasa Sentosa Tbk (IDX:INPS)
PT. Indika Energy Tbk (IDX:INDY)
PT. Indo Kordsa Tbk (IDX:BRAM)
PT. Indo-Rama Synthetics Tbk (IDX:INDR)
PT. Jasnita Telekomindo Tbk (IDX:JAST)
PT. Mandom Indonesia Tbk (IDX:TCID)
PT. Map Boga Adiperkasa Tbk (IDX:MAPB)
PT. Media Nusantara Citra Tbk (IDX:MNCN)
PT. Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk (IDX:MAPI)
PT. MNC Studios International Tbk. (IDX:MSIN)
PT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk (IDX:ADMG)
PT. Pool Advista Indonesia Tbk (IDX:POOL)
PT. Prima Alloy Steel Universal Tbk. (IDX:PRAS)
PT. Saraswati Griya Lestari Tbk (IDX:HOTL)
PT. Steadfast Marine Tbk (IDX:KPAL)
PT. Terregra Asia Energy Tbk (IDX:TGRA)
PT. Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk (IDX:TRUS)
PT. Verena Multi Finance Tbk (IDX:VRNA)
PTC India Financial Services Limited (BSE:533344)
PTC India Limited (BSE:532524)
PTC Industries Limited (BSE:539006)
PTFC Redevelopment Corporation (PSE:TFC)
PTG Energy Public Company Limited (SET:PTG)
PTL Enterprises Limited (BSE:509220)
PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (SET:PTTEP)
PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (SET:PTTGC)
PTT Public Company Limited (SET:PTT)
Pubali Bank Limited (DSE:PUBALIBANK)
Pubang Landscape Architecture Co., Ltd (SZSE:002663)
Public Bank Berhad (KLSE:PBBANK)
Public Company Joint-stock Bank "Pivdennyi" (UKR:BPVD)
Public Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:626)
Public Joint - Stock Company INVL Baltic Real Estate (NSEL:INR1L)
Public Joint - Stock Company Ruspolymet (MISX:RUSP)
Public Joint Stock Company "Ashinskiy metallurgical works" (MISX:AMEZ)
Public Joint Stock Company "Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant" (MISX:CHEP)
Public joint stock company "Chelyabinsk plant of the profiled steel decking" (MISX:PRFN)
Public Joint Stock Company "Cherkizovo Group" (MISX:GCHE)
Public Joint Stock Company "City Innovative Technologies" (MISX:GRNT)
Public Joint Stock Company "INGRAD" (MISX:OPIN)
Public Joint Stock Company "Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company" (MISX:KBTK)
Public Joint Stock Company "Rollman Group" (MISX:RLMN)
Public Joint Stock Company "SAFMAR Financial investments" (MISX:SFIN)
Public Joint Stock Company "Sakhalinenergo" (MISX:SLEN)
Public Joint Stock Company "TNS energo Kuban" (MISX:KBSB)
Public Joint Stock Company Abrau-Durso (MISX:ABRD)
Public Joint Stock Company Acron (MISX:AKRN)
Public Joint Stock Company Aeroflot - Russian Airlines (MISX:AFLT)
Public Joint Stock Company ALROSA (MISX:ALRS)
Public Joint Stock Company ALROSA-Nurba (MISX:ALNU)
Public joint stock company BANK URALSIB (MISX:USBN)
Public Joint Stock Company Best Efforts Bank (MISX:ALBK)
Public Joint Stock Company Buryatzoloto (MISX:BRZL)
Public Joint Stock Company Detsky Mir (MISX:DSKY)
Public Joint Stock Company Donbasenergo (UKR:DOEN)
Public joint stock company FAR-EASTERN ENERGY COMPANY (MISX:DVEC)
Public Joint Stock Company Financial Group FUTURE (MISX:FTRE)
Public Joint Stock Company GAZ (MISX:GAZA)
Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom (MISX:GAZP)
Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Rostov-na-Donu (MISX:RTGZ)
Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom Neft (MISX:SIBN)
Public Joint Stock Company Globaltruck Management (MISX:GTRK)
Public Joint Stock Company Group of Companies TNS energo (MISX:TNSE)
Public Joint Stock Company HALS-Development (MISX:HALS)
Public Joint Stock Company Inter RAO UES (MISX:IRAO)
Public Joint Stock Company Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Siberia (MISX:MRKS)
Public Joint Stock Company Kamchatskenergo (MISX:KCHE)
Public Joint Stock Company Kostroma Power Sale Company (MISX:KTSB)
Public Joint Stock Company Kovrov Mechanical Plant (MISX:KMEZ)
Public Joint Stock Company Krasnoyarskenergosbyt (MISX:KRSB)
Public Joint Stock Company KuibyshevAzot (MISX:KAZT)
Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:MVID)
Public Joint Stock Company Magadanenergo (MISX:MAGE)
Public Joint Stock Company Magnit (MISX:MGNT)
Public Joint Stock Company Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MISX:MAGN)
Public joint stock company Moscovskiy Oblastnoi Bank (MISX:MOBB)
Public Joint Stock Company Moscow City Telephone Network (MISX:MGTS)
Public Joint Stock Company Mosenergo (MISX:MSNG)
Public Joint Stock Company Mostotrest (MISX:MSTT)
Public Joint Stock Company Multisistema (MISX:MSST)
Public Joint Stock Company Nauka-Telecom (MISX:NSVZ)
Public Joint Stock Company Nizhnekamskneftekhim (MISX:NKNC)
Public Joint Stock Company Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (MISX:NMTP)
Public Joint Stock Company Novorossyisk Grain Plant (MISX:NKHP)
Public joint stock company NPO Nauka (MISX:NAUK)
Public Joint Stock Company Pavlovo Bus (MISX:PAZA)
Public Joint Stock Company Perm Energy Supplying Company (MISX:PMSB)
Public Joint Stock Company Polyus (MISX:PLZL)
Public Joint Stock Company Quadra - Power Generation (MISX:TGKD)
Public Joint Stock Company Raspadskaya (MISX:RASP)
Public Joint Stock Company RBC (MISX:RBCM)
Public Joint Stock Company Research and Production Corporation United Wagon Company (MISX:UWGN)
Public Joint Stock Company RN-Western Siberia (MISX:CHGZ)
Public joint stock company ROSBANK (MISX:ROSB)
Public Joint Stock Company Rosinter Restaurants Holding (MISX:ROST)
Public Joint Stock Company Rostelecom (MISX:RTKM)
Public Joint Stock Company Rusolovo (MISX:ROLO)
Public Joint Stock Company RussNeft (MISX:RNFT)
Public Joint Stock Company Saratov Oil Refinery (MISX:KRKN)
Public Joint Stock Company Saratovenergo (MISX:SARE)
Public Joint Stock Company Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteorgsintez (MISX:JNOS)
Public Joint Stock Company Tambov power supply company (MISX:TASB)
Public Joint Stock Company Territorial Generating Company No. 1 (MISX:TGKA)
Public Joint Stock Company Territorial Generation Company No. 14 (MISX:TGKN)
Public Joint Stock Company TNS Energo Yaroslavl (MISX:YRSB)
Public Joint Stock Company United Aircraft Corporation (MISX:UNAC)
Public Joint Stock Company United Credit Systems (MISX:UCSS)
Public Joint Stock Company Varyoganneftegaz (MISX:VJGZ)
Public Joint Stock Company Vladimir Chemical Plant (MISX:VLHZ)
Public Joint Stock Company Vladimir Power Sale Company (MISX:VDSB)
Public Joint Stock Company Yakutsk Fuel and Energy Company (MISX:YAKG)
Public joint stock company Yakutskenergo (MISX:YKEN)
Public Joint Stock Company Zvezda (MISX:ZVEZ)
Public Joint Stock Oil Company Bashneft (MISX:BANE)
Public joint-stock commercial bank Primorye (MISX:PRMB)
Public Joint-Stock Company "Pharmsynthez" (MISX:LIFE)
Public Joint-Stock Company "Second Generating Company of the Electric Power Wholesale Market" (MISX:OGKB)
Public Joint-stock Company "TNS energo Voronezh" (MISX:VRSB)
Public joint-stock company Asko-Strakhovanie (MISX:ACKO)
Public Joint-Stock Company Enel Russia (MISX:ENRU)
Public Joint-Stock Company Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System (MISX:FEES)
Public Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-Generating Company - RusHydro (MISX:HYDR)
Public Joint-Stock Company Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the North-West (MISX:MRKZ)
Public Joint-Stock Company Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Volga (MISX:MRKV)
Public Joint-Stock Company Investment Company IC Russ-Invest (MISX:RUSI)
Public Joint-Stock Company Lenenergo (MISX:LSNG)
Public Joint-Stock Company Mediaholding (MISX:ODVA)
Public Joint-Stock Company Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS (MISX:MOEX)
Public Joint-Stock Company Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MISX:MSRS)
Public Joint-Stock Company OR (MISX:OBUV)
Public Joint-Stock Company Pharmacy Chain 36.6 (MISX:APTK)
Public Joint-Stock Company PROTEK (MISX:PRTK)
Public Joint-Stock Company Rusgrain Holding (MISX:RUGR)
Public Joint-Stock Company Seligdar (MISX:SELG)
Public Joint-Stock Company Territorial Generation Company No.2 (MISX:TGKB)
Public Joint-Stock Company The Likhachov Plant (MISX:ZILL)
Public Joint-stock Company TNS energo Mari El (MISX:MISB)
Public Joint-Stock Company TNS energo Nizhny Novgorod (MISX:NNSB)
Public Joint-Stock Company TNS energo Rostov-on-Don (MISX:RTSB)
Public Joint-Stock Company Unipro (MISX:UPRO)
Public Joint-Stock Company UTair Aviation (MISX:UTAR)
Public joint-stock company Vyborg Shipyard (MISX:VSYD)
Public Joint-Stock Energy and Electrification Company Samaraenergo (MISX:SAGO)
Public Joint-Stock North-Western Shipping Company (MISX:SZPR)
Public Packages Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PPHB)
public stock company VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation (MISX:VSMO)
Pudumjee Paper Products Limited (BSE:539785)
Puerto Ventanas S.A. (SNSE:VENTANAS)
Puhui Wealth Investment Management Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM:PHCF)
Pujiang International Group Limited (SEHK:2060)
Pulike Biological Engineering, Inc. (SHSE:603566)
Pulmuone Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A017810)
Puloon Technology Inc. (KOSDAQ:A094940)
Pulse Investments Limited (JMSE:PULS)
Pulz Electronics Limited (NSEI:PULZ)
Pumtech Korea Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A251970)
Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad (KLSE:PUNCAK)
Pungguk Ethanol Industrial Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A023900)
Pungkang Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A093380)
Punj Lloyd Limited (BSE:532693)
Punjab & Sind Bank (BSE:533295)
Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Limited (BSE:506852)
Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Limited (BSE:506618)
Punjab Communications Limited (BSE:500346)
Punjab National Bank (BSE:532461)
Punjab Oil Mills Limited (KASE:POML)
Purabi General Insurance Company Limited (DSE:PURABIGEN)
PuraPharm Corporation Limited (SEHK:1498)
Puravankara Limited (BSE:532891)
Puregold Price Club, Inc. (PSE:PGOLD)
Pureun Mutual Savings Bank Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A007330)
Purohit Construction Limited (BSE:538993)
Purple Group Limited (JSE:PPE)
Pusan Cast Iron Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005030)
Putian Communication Group Limited (SEHK:1720)
Putprop Limited (JSE:PPR)
Puxing Clean Energy Limited (SEHK:90)
Puyang Huicheng Electronic Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300481)
Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002225)
PV2 Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:PV2)
PVI Holdings (HNX:PVI)
PVR Limited (NSEI:PVR)
PVV Infra Limited (BSE:536659)
PW Medtech Group Limited (SEHK:1358)
PWF Corporation Bhd. (KLSE:PWF)
PXP Energy Corporation (PSE:PXP)
Pyeong Hwa Automotive Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043370)
PYI Corporation Limited (SEHK:498)
Pylon Public Company Limited (SET:PYLON)
Pymepharco Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PME)
Pyramisa Hotels & Resorts (CASE:PHTV)
Pyung Hwa Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010770)
Pyung Hwa Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A090080)
PZ Cussons Ghana Limited (GHSE:PZC)
PZ Cussons Nigeria Plc (NGSE:PZ)
Q & M Dental Group (Singapore) Limited (SGX:QC7)
Q Capital Partners Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A016600)
Q Technology (Group) Company Limited (SEHK:1478)
QAF Limited (SGX:Q01)
Qalaa Holdings S.A.E. (CASE:CCAP)
Qassim Cement Company (SASE:3040)
Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:QAMC)
Qatar Cinema and Film Distribution Company - Q.S.C (DSM:QCFS)
Qatar Electricity & Water Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:QEWS)
Qatar First Bank L.L.C (Public) (DSM:QFBQ)
Qatar Fuel Company Q.P.S.C.("WOQOD") (DSM:QFLS)
Qatar Gas Transport Company Limited (Nakilat) (QPSC) (DSM:QGTS)
Qatar General Insurance & Reinsurance Company QPSC (DSM:QGRI)
Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:QIMD)
Qatar Insurance Company Q.S.P.C. (DSM:QATI)
Qatar International Islamic Bank (Q.P.S.C) (DSM:QIIK)
Qatar Islamic Bank (Q.P.S.C.) (DSM:QIBK)
Qatar Islamic Insurance Group Q.P.S.C. (DSM:QISI)
Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C.) (DSM:QNBK)
Qatar National Cement Company (Q.P.S.C.) (DSM:QNCD)
Qatar Navigation Q.P.S.C. (DSM:QNNS)
Qatar Oman Investment Company Q.S.C. (DSM:QOIS)
Qatari German Company for Medical Devices Q.P.S.C. (DSM:QGMD)
Qatari Investors Group Q.S.C. (DSM:QIGD)
Qeeka Home (Cayman) Inc. (SEHK:1739)
QES Group Berhad (KLSE:QES)
QGO Finance Limited (BSE:538646)
Qian Hu Corporation Limited (SGX:BCV)
Qian Jiang Water Resources Development Co;Ltd (SHSE:600283)
Qianhai Health Holdings Limited (SEHK:911)
Qianhe Condiment and Food Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603027)
Qianjiang Yongan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002365)
Qibu Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603557)
Qifeng New Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002521)
Qijing Machinery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603677)
Qilu Expressway Company Limited (SEHK:1576)
Qiming Information Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002232)
Qinchuan Machine Tool & Tool Group Share Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000837)
Qingdao Citymedia Co,. Ltd. (SHSE:600229)
Qingdao Copton Technology Company Limited (SHSE:603798)
Qingdao Doublestar Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000599)
Qingdao East Steel Tower Stock Co.Ltd (SZSE:002545)
Qingdao Eastsoft Communication Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300183)
Qingdao Footwear, Inc. (OTCPK:QING)
Qingdao Gon Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002768)
Qingdao Guolin Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300786)
Qingdao Haier Biomedical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688139)
Qingdao Hanhe Cable Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002498)
Qingdao Hiron Commercial Cold Chain Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603187)
Qingdao Holdings International Limited (SEHK:499)
Qingdao Huicheng Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300779)
Qingdao Huijintong Power Equipment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603577)
Qingdao Kingking Applied Chemistry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002094)
Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6198)
Qingdao Richen Foods Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603755)
Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank Corporation (SZSE:002958)
Qingdao TGOOD Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300001)
Qingdao Tianneng Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300569)
Qingdao Topscomm Communication INC. (SHSE:603421)
Qingdao Vland Biotech INC. (SHSE:603739)
Qingdao Weflo Valve Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002871)
Qingdao Zhongzi Zhongcheng Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300208)
Qinghai Huzhu Barley Wine Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002646)
Qinghai Jinrui Mineral Development Co., Ltd (SHSE:600714)
Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000792)
Qinghai Spring Medicinal Resources Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600381)
QingHaiHuaDing Industrial CO.,LTD. (SHSE:600243)
Qingling Motors Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1122)
Qinhuangdao Port Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3369)
Qinqin Foodstuffs Group (Cayman) Company Limited (SEHK:1583)
Qisda Corporation (TSEC:2352)
QKL Stores Inc. (OTCPK:QKLS)
QL Resources Berhad (KLSE:QL)
QMC Co., Ltd. (XKON:A136660)
QPL International Holdings Limited (SEHK:243)
QST International Corp. (GTSM:8349)
QT Vascular Ltd. (Catalist:5I0)
QTC Energy Public Company Limited (SET:QTC)
Qtone Education Group (Guangdong) Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300359)
Qu Mei Home Furnishings Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603818)
Quadrant Televentures Limited (BSE:511116)
QuakeSafe Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300767)
Quali-Smart Holdings Limited (SEHK:1348)
Qualicorp Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros S.A. (BOVESPA:QUAL3)
Qualipoly Chemical Corporation (TSEC:4722)
Qualis Innovations, Inc. (OTCPK:QLIS)
Quálitas Controladora, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:Q *)
Qualitau Ltd (TASE:QLTU)
Qualitech Public Company Limited (SET:QLT)
Quality Beverages Limited (MUSE:QBL.I0000)
Quality Concrete Holdings Berhad (KLSE:QUALITY)
Quality Construction Products Public Company Limited (SET:Q-CON)
Quality Houses Hotel and Residence Freehold and Leasehold Property Fund (SET:QHHR)
Quality Houses Leasehold Property Fund (SET:QHPF)
Quality Houses Public Company Limited (SET:QH)
Quang Binh Import And Export Joint Stock Company (HOSE:QBS)
Quang Ninh Construction and Cement Joint Stock Company (HNX:QNC)
Quang Viet Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4438)
Quanta Computer Inc. (TSEC:2382)
Quanta Storage Inc. (GTSM:6188)
Quantum Build-Tech Limited (BSE:538596)
Quantum Foods Holdings Ltd (JSE:QFH)
Quantum Hi-Tech (China) Biological Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300149)
Quantum Semiconductor International Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066310)
Quantum Thinking Limited (SEHK:8050)
Quanzhou Huixin Micro-Credit Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1577)
Quasar India Limited (BSE:538452)
Quasem Industries Limited (DSE:QUASEMIND)
Quaser Machine Tools, Inc. (GTSM:4563)
Quds Bank (PLSE:QUDS)
Queclink Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300590)
Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd (SHSE:603236)
Queen South Textile Mills Limited (DSE:QUEENSOUTH)
Quess Corp Limited (BSE:539978)
Quest Financial Services Limited (BSE:539962)
Quest Management Inc. (OTCPK:QSMG)
Quest Softech (India) Limited (BSE:535719)
Quetta Textile Mills Limited (KASE:QUET)
Quice Food Industries Limited (KASE:QUICE)
Quick Heal Technologies Limited (BSE:539678)
Quick Intelligent Equipment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603203)
Quickfood S.A. (BASE:PATY)
Quintain Steel Co., LTD. (TSEC:2017)
Quoc Cuong Gia Lai Joint Stock Company (HOSE:QCG)
Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ALQURAIN)
Qurient Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A115180)
QWI Investments Limited (JMSE:QWI)
R & B Denims Limited (BSE:538119)
R I L Property PLC (COSE:RIL.N0000)
R M Drip and Sprinklers Systems Limited (NSEI:RMDRIP)
R S Software (India) Limited (BSE:517447)
R Systems International Limited (BSE:532735)
R.N. Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:RNSPIN)
R.P.P. Infra Projects Limited (BSE:533284)
R.T. Briscoe (Nigeria) PLC (NGSE:RTBRISCOE)
R&B Food Supply Public Company Limited (SET:RBF)
RA International Group PLC (AIM:RAI)
Raasi Refractories Limited (BSE:502271)
Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company (SASE:2380)
RAC Electric Vehicles Inc. (GTSM:2237)
RACL Geartech Limited (BSE:520073)
RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. (NasdaqCM:RADA)
Radaan Mediaworks India Limited (NSEI:RADAAN)
Radha Madhav Corporation Limited (BSE:532692)
Radhe Developers (India) Limited (BSE:531273)
Radhey Trade Holding Limited (BSE:539814)
Radhika Jeweltech Limited (BSE:540125)
Radiant Gems International PLC (COSE:RGEM.N0000)
Radiant Globaltech Berhad (KLSE:RGTECH)
Radiant Innovation Inc. (GTSM:3373)
Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation (TSEC:6176)
Radiation Technology, Inc. (GTSM:6514)
Radico Khaitan Limited (BSE:532497)
Radio Jamaica Limited (JMSE:RJR)
Radium Life Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2547)
Radix Industries (India) Limited (BSE:531412)
RadView Software Ltd. (OTCPK:RDVW.F)
Radware Ltd. (NasdaqGS:RDWR)
RaemongRaein Co., Ltd. (XKON:A200350)
Rafael Microelectronics, Inc. (GTSM:6568)
Raffles Education Corporation Limited (SGX:NR7)
Raffles Infrastructure Holdings Limited (SGX:LUY)
Raffles Medical Group Ltd (SGX:BSL)
Rafhan Maize Product Company Limited (KASE:RMPL)
Raghav Productivity Enhancers Limited (BSE:539837)
Raghunath International Limited (BSE:526813)
Raghuvansh Agrofarms Limited (BSE:538921)
Raghuvir Synthetics Limited (BSE:514316)
Rahim Textile Mills Limited (DSE:RAHIMTEXT)
Raia Drogasil S.A. (BOVESPA:RADL3)
Raigam Wayamba Salterns PLC (COSE:RWSL.N0000)
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (NSEI:RVNL)
Raimon Land Public Company Limited (SET:RML)
Rain Forest International, Inc. (OTCPK:RFII)
Rain Industries Limited (BSE:500339)
Rainbow Denim Limited (BSE:532441)
Rainbow Department Store Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002419)
Rainbow Foundations Limited (BSE:531694)
Raj Packaging Industries Limited (BSE:530111)
Raj Rayon Industries Limited (BSE:530699)
Raj Television Network Limited (BSE:532826)
Raja Bahadur International Limited (BSE:503127)
Raja Ferry Port Public Company Limited (SET:RP)
Rajapalayam Mills Limited (BSE:532503)
Rajasthan Cylinders and Containers Ltd. (BSE:538707)
Rajasthan Gases Limited (BSE:526873)
Rajasthan Tube Manufacturing Company Limited (BSE:530253)
Rajdarshan Industries Limited (BSE:526662)
Rajesh Exports Limited (NSEI:RAJESHEXPO)
Rajkamal Synthetics Limited (BSE:514028)
Rajkumar Forge Limited (BSE:513369)
Rajoo Engineers Limited (BSE:522257)
Rajputana Investment & Finance Limited (BSE:539090)
Rajratan Global Wire Limited (BSE:517522)
Rajshree Polypack Limited (NSEI:RPPL)
Rajshree Sugars and Chemicals Limited (BSE:500354)
Rajthanee Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:RJH)
RAK Ceramics (Bangladesh) Limited (DSE:RAKCERAMIC)
RAK Properties P.J.S.C. (ADX:RAKPROP)
Rakta Paper Manufacturing Company (CASE:RAKT)
Ralco Agencies Ltd. (TASE:RLCO)
Rallis India Limited (BSE:500355)
Ram Minerals and Chemicals Limited (BSE:534734)
Ram Ratna Wires Limited (BSE:522281)
Ram Technology Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A171010)
Ram-On Investments and Holdings (1999) Ltd (TASE:RMN)
Rama Paper Mills Limited (BSE:500357)
Rama Phosphates Limited (BSE:524037)
Rama Steel Tubes Limited (NSEI:RAMASTEEL)
Rama Vision Limited (BSE:523289)
Ramallah Summer Resorts Co. Ltd (PLSE:RSR)
Ramasigns Industries Limited (BSE:515127)
Ramboda Falls PLC (COSE:RFL.N0000)
Ramchandra Leasing and Finance Limited (BSE:538540)
Ramco Industries Limited (NSEI:RAMCOIND)
Ramco Systems Limited (NSEI:RAMCOSYS)
Ramgopal Polytex Limited (BSE:514223)
Rami Levi Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing 2006 Ltd (TASE:RMLI)
Raminfo Limited (BSE:530951)
Ramkhamhaeng Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:RAM)
Ramkrishna Forgings Limited (BSE:532527)
Ramky Infrastructure Limited (BSE:533262)
Ramsarup Industries Limited (BSE:532690)
Rana Sugars Limited (BSE:507490)
Rand Merchant Investment Holdings Limited (JSE:RMI)
Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings Ltd (AIM:RQIH)
Randgold & Exploration Company Limited (JSE:RNG)
Rane (Madras) Limited (BSE:532661)
Rane Brake Lining Limited (BSE:532987)
Rane Engine Valve Limited (BSE:532988)
Rane Holdings Limited (BSE:505800)
Rang Dong Light Source & Vacuum Flask Joint Stock Company (HOSE:RAL)
Rang Dong Plastic Joint-Stock Company (HOSE:RDP)
Rangpur Dairy & Food Products Limited (DSE:RDFOOD)
Rangpur Foundry Limited (DSE:RANFOUNDRY)
Ranhill Holdings Berhad (KLSE:RANHILL)
Rani Zim Shopping Centers Ltd (TASE:RANI)
Ranix INC. (KOSDAQ:A317120)
Ranjeet Mechatronics Limited (BSE:541945)
Raonsecure Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A042510)
Raontec Inc. (XKON:A232680)
Rap Media Limited (BSE:531583)
Rapac Communication & Infrastructure Ltd. (TASE:RPAC)
Raphas Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A214260)
Rapicut Carbides Limited (BSE:500360)
Rapid Synergy Berhad (KLSE:RAPID)
Rare Earth Magnesium Technology Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:601)
Ras Al Khaimah Cement Company P.S.C. (ADX:RAKCC)
Ras Al Khaimah Co. for White Cement & Construction Materials P.S.C. (ADX:RAKWCT)
Ras Resorts and Apart Hotels Limited (BSE:507966)
Rasandik Engineering Industries India Limited (BSE:522207)
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (BSE:524230)
Rasi Electrodes Limited (BSE:531233)
Rastar Group (SZSE:300043)
Ratanpur Steel Re-Rolling Mills Limited (DSE:RSRMSTEEL)
Ratch Group Public Company Limited (SET:RATCH)
Ratchaphruek Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:RPH)
Ratchthani Leasing Public Company Limited (SET:THANI)
Rathi Bars Limited (BSE:532918)
Ratio Oil Exploration (1992) Limited Partnership (TASE:RATI.L)
Ratio Petroleum Energy - Limited Partnership (TASE:RTPT.L)
Ratko Mitrovic a.d. (BELEX:RMBG)
Ratnabhumi Developers Limited (BSE:540796)
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Limited (BSE:520111)
RattanIndia Infrastructure Limited (BSE:534597)
RattanIndia Power Limited (BSE:533122)
Raubex Group Limited (JSE:RBX)
Raunaq EPC International Limited (BSE:537840)
Ravad Ltd (TASE:RAVD)
Raval ACS Ltd. (TASE:RVL)
Ravi Kumar Distilleries Limited (BSE:533294)
Ravi Textile Mills Limited (KASE:RAVT)
Ravileela Granites Limited (BSE:526095)
Ravindra Energy Limited (BSE:504341)
Raw Edge Industrial Solutions Limited (BSE:541634)
Ray Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A228670)
Raya Contact Center (S.A.E) (CASE:RACC)
Raya Holding Company for Financial Investments (S.A.E) (CASE:RAYA)
Raydan Food Co. (SASE:6012)
Raydium Semiconductor Corporation (GTSM:3592)
Rayence Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A228850)
Raymed Labs Limited (BSE:531207)
Raymond Industrial Limited (SEHK:229)
Raymond Limited (BSE:500330)
Rayong Wire Industries Public Company Limited (SET:RWI)
Raysut Cement Company SAOG (MSM:RCCI)
Raytron Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688002)
RBL Bank Limited (BSE:540065)
RCE Capital Berhad (KLSE:RCECAP)
RCI Industries & Technologies Limited (BSE:537254)
RCL Foods Limited (JSE:RCL)
RDB Rasayans Limited (BSE:533608)
RDB Realty & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:533285)
RDC Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3228)
RE&S Holdings Ltd (Catalist:1G1)
Reacap Financial Investments Co. (CASE:REAC)
Reach Energy Berhad (KLSE:REACH)
Reach New Holdings Limited (SEHK:8471)
Ready Mix Concrete and Construction Supplies (ASE:RMCC)
Real Eco-Energy Limited (BSE:530053)
Real Estate & Investment Portfolio Co. (ASE:AQAR)
Real Estate 11 JSC (HNX:D11)
Real Estate Asset Management Company (REAM) - KPSC (KWSE:REAM)
Real Estate Development Company PLC (ASE:REDV)
Real Estate Egyptian Consortium S.A.E. (CASE:AREH)
Real Estate Investments Zambia PLC (LUSE:REIZ)
Real Strips Limited (BSE:513558)
Real Touch Finance Limited (BSE:538611)
Real-Estate Trade Centers Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:MARAKEZ)
Realcan Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002589)
Realord Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1196)
Realtek Semiconductor Corp. (TSEC:2379)
ReaLy Development & Construction Corp. (GTSM:2596)
Rebel Group, Inc. (OTCPK:REBL)
Rebosis Property Fund Limited (JSE:REB)
Rechi Precision Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4532)
Reckitt Benckiser (Bangladesh) Limited (DSE:RECKITTBEN)
Reclaims Global Limited (Catalist:NEX)
Recon Technology, Ltd. (NasdaqCM:RCON)
Rectron Limited (TSEC:2302)
Red Avenue New Materials Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603650)
Red phase INC. (SZSE:300427)
Red Sea International Company (SASE:4230)
Red Star Express Plc (NGSE:REDSTAREX)
Red Star Macalline Group Corporation Ltd. (SEHK:1528)
RedcapTour Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038390)
Redco Properties Group Limited (SEHK:1622)
Redco Textiles Limited (KASE:REDCO)
Rede Energia Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:REDE3)
Redefine Properties Limited (JSE:RDF)
Redex Protech Limited (BSE:523650)
RedHill Biopharma Ltd. (TASE:RDHL)
Redhorse Group Co.Ltd. (GTSM:2928)
Redington (India) Limited (NSEI:REDINGTON)
Redsun Properties Group Limited (SEHK:1996)
REDtone International Berhad (KLSE:REDTONE)
Redwood Group Ltd (GTSM:8426)
Reebonz Holding Limited (NasdaqGM:RBZ)
Reenova Investment Holding Limited (SGX:5EC)
REF Holdings Limited (SEHK:1631)
Refex Industries Limited (BSE:532884)
Refinaria de Petróleos de Manguinhos S.A. (BOVESPA:RPMG3)
Refinería La Pampilla S.A.A. (BVL:RELAPAC1)
Refnol Resins and Chemicals Limited (BSE:530815)
Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation (HOSE:REE)
Regal Entertainment and Consultants Limited (BSE:531033)
Regal Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4807)
Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited (SEHK:78)
Regal International Group Ltd. (SGX:UV1)
Regal Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:1881)
Regala Invest AD (BUL:RGL)
Regency Alliance Insurance Plc (NGSE:REGALINS)
Regency Ceramics Limited (NSEI:REGENCERAM)
Regency Investments Limited (BSE:540175)
Regent Enterprises Limited (BSE:512624)
Regent Pacific Group Limited (SEHK:575)
Regent Textile Mills Limited (DSE:REGENTTEX)
Regina Miracle International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:2199)
Regional Container Lines Public Company Limited (SET:RCL)
Regional S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:R A)
Regnis (Lanka) PLC (COSE:REG.N0000)
Reit 1 Ltd (TASE:RIT1)
Rekah Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd. (TASE:REKA)
Rekvina Laboratories Limited (BSE:526075)
Relaxo Footwears Limited (BSE:530517)
Reliable Data Services Limited (NSEI:RELIABLE)
Reliable Ventures India Limited (BSE:532124)
Reliance Capital Limited (NSEI:RELCAPITAL)
Reliance Chemotex Industries Limited (BSE:503162)
Reliance Communications Limited (NSEI:RCOM)
Reliance Cotton Spinning Mills Limited (KASE:RCML)
Reliance Home Finance Limited (BSE:540709)
Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited (NSEI:RIIL)
Reliance Industries Limited (NSEI:RELIANCE)
Reliance Infrastructure Limited (BSE:500390)
Reliance Insurance Company Limited (KASE:RICL)
Reliance Insurance Limited (DSE:RELIANCINS)
Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited (BSE:533107)
Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Limited (NSEI:RNAM)
Reliance Power Limited (BSE:532939)
Reliance Securities Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6027)
Reliance Weaving Mills Limited (KASE:REWM)
Religare Enterprises Limited (BSE:532915)
REM Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1750)
Remco Tourism Villages Construction (CASE:RTVC)
Remed Co,.Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A302550)
Remgro Limited (JSE:REM)
Remi Edelstahl Tubulars Limited (BSE:513043)
Remotek Corporation (GTSM:3391)
Remsons Industries Limited (BSE:530919)
Renaissance Global Limited (BSE:532923)
Renaissance Services SAOG (MSM:RNSS)
Renaissance United Limited (SGX:I11)
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:RNR)
Renata Limited (DSE:RENATA)
Rendong Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002647)
Renergen Limited (JSE:REN)
Renewable Energy Platform Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A131100)
Renhe Pharmacy Co., Ltd (SZSE:000650)
Renjie Oldsichuan Catering Management Consultant Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2741)
Renrenle Commercial Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002336)
Renrui Human Resources Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:6919)
Rentian Technology Holdings Limited (SEHK:885)
Renuka Agri Foods PLC (COSE:RAL.N0000)
Renuka Capital PLC (COSE:KZOO.N0000)
Renuka City Hotels PLC (COSE:RENU.N0000)
Renuka Foods PLC (COSE:COCO.N0000)
Renuka Holdings PLC (COSE:RHL.N0000)
Renuka Hotels PLC (COSE:RCH.N0000)
Renwick, Jajneswar & Co. (BD) Ltd. (DSE:RENWICKJA)
Repco Home Finance Limited (NSEI:REPCOHOME)
Repro India Limited (BSE:532687)
Republic Bank (Ghana) Limited (GHSE:RBGH)
Republic Financial Holdings Limited (TTSE:RFHL)
Republic Glass Holdings Corporation (PSE:REG)
Republic Healthcare Limited (SEHK:8357)
Republic Insurance Company Limited (DSE:REPUBLIC)
Repure Unimax Inc. (KOSDAQ:A215090)
Résidences Dar Saada S.A (CBSE:RDS)
Resilient REIT Limited (JSE:RES)
Resintech Berhad (KLSE:RESINTC)
Resonance Specialties Limited (BSE:524218)
Resort Savers, Inc. (OTCPK:RSSV)
Resource Generation Limited (ASX:RES)
Response Informatics Limited (BSE:538273)
Responsive Industries Limited (BSE:505509)
Restile Ceramics Limited (BSE:515085)
Restoque Comércio e Confecções de Roupas S.A. (BOVESPA:LLIS3)
Resus Energy PLC (COSE:HPWR.N0000)
Retail Holdings N.V. (OTCPK:RHDG.F)
ReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc. (NasdaqCM:RETO)
Retro Green Revolution Limited (BSE:519191)
Reunert Limited (JSE:RLO)
Rev Asia Berhad (KLSE:REV)
Revathi Equipment Limited (BSE:505368)
Revenue Group Berhad (KLSE:REVENUE)
ReWalk Robotics Ltd. (NasdaqCM:RWLK)
Reward Wool Industry Corporation (TSEC:1423)
Rex Industry Berhad (KLSE:REX)
Rex International Holding Limited (Catalist:5WH)
Rex Trueform Group Limited (JSE:RTN)
Rexit Berhad (KLSE:REXIT)
Rexnord Electronics and Controls Limited (BSE:531888)
Rexon Industrial Corp.,Ltd (TSEC:1515)
REYON Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A102460)
RFHIC Corporation (KOSDAQ:A218410)
RFM Corporation (PSE:RFM)
RFsemi Technologies, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A096610)
RFTech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A061040)
RGB International Bhd. (KLSE:RGB)
RH Bophelo Limited (JSE:RHB)
RH PetroGas Limited (SGX:T13)
Rhodes Food Group Holdings Limited (JSE:RFG)
Rhom Bho Property Public Company Limited (SET:TITLE)
Rhone Ma Holdings Berhad (KLSE:RHONEMA)
Ri Ying Holdings Limited (SEHK:1741)
Rianlon Corporation (SZSE:300596)
Riba Textiles Limited (BSE:531952)
Ribo Fashion Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603196)
Rich Development Inc. (GTSM:5512)
Rich Goldman Holdings Limited (SEHK:70)
Rich Honour International Designs Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6754)
Rich Sport Public Company Limited (SET:RSP)
Richa Industries Limited (BSE:532766)
Richard Pieris and Company PLC (COSE:RICH.N0000)
Richard Pieris Exports PLC (COSE:REXP.N0000)
Richfield Financial Services Limited (BSE:539435)
Richinfo Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300634)
Richirich Inventures Limited (BSE:519230)
Richland Resources Ltd (AIM:RLD)
Richly Field China Development Limited (SEHK:313)
Richmond International Travel & Tours Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2743)
RichWave Technology Corporation (TSEC:4968)
Richy Place 2002 Public Company Limited (SET:RICHY)
Rici Healthcare Holdings Limited (SEHK:1526)
Rico Auto Industries Limited (BSE:520008)
Riddhi Corporate Services Limited (BSE:540590)
Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols Limited (BSE:524480)
Ridings Consulting Engineers India Limited (BSE:541151)
Rifa Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A000760)
Riga Sugar Company Limited (BSE:507508)
Right Way Industrial Co., Ltd (TSEC:1506)
Rightway Holdings Co.,ltd. (SHSE:600321)
Rigidtech Microelectronics Corp. (GTSM:5256)
Rigolleau S.A. (BASE:RIGO)
RIMAC Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. (BVL:RIMSEGC1)
Rimbunan Sawit Berhad (KLSE:RSAWIT)
Rimoni Industries Ltd. (TASE:RIMO)
Ring Shine Textiles Limited (DSE:RINGSHINE)
RingNet Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A042500)
RINO International Corporation (OTCPK:RINO)
Rio Paranapanema Energia S.A. (BOVESPA:GEPA3)
Ripley Corp S.A. (SNSE:RIPLEY)
Risa International Limited (BSE:530251)
Risecomm Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1679)
Risen Energy Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300118)
RiseSun Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002146)
Rishabh Digha Steel And Allied Products Limited (BSE:531539)
Rishi Laser Limited (BSE:526861)
Rishi Techtex Limited (BSE:523021)
Rishiroop Limited (BSE:526492)
Rising Nonferrous Metals Share Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600259)
Risma (CBSE:RIS)
RiT Technologies Ltd. (OTCPK:RITT)
Ritco Logistics Limited (BSE:542383)
RiTdisplay Corporation (TSEC:8104)
RITEK Corporation (TSEC:2349)
Ritesh International Ltd (BSE:519097)
Ritesh Properties and Industries Ltd (BSE:526407)
Rithwik Facility Management Services Limited (BSE:540843)
Rito Group Corp. (OTCPK:RTTO)
Rivera (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:281)
Riverstone Holdings Limited (SGX:AP4)
Riverview Rubber Estates, Berhad (KLSE:RVIEW)
Riyad Bank (SASE:1010)
Riyad REIT Fund (SASE:4330)
Riyue Heavy Industry Co,Ltd (SHSE:603218)
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (PSE:RCB)
Rizhao Port Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600017)
Rizhao Port Jurong Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6117)
RKEC Projects Limited (NSEI:RKEC)
RMB Holdings Limited (JSE:RMH)
RMD Entertainment Group, Inc. (OTCPK:RMDM)
RMH Holdings Limited (SEHK:8437)
RN2 Technologies Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A148250)
RNI Negócios Imobiliários S.A. (BOVESPA:RDNI3)
Road King Infrastructure Limited (SEHK:1098)
RoadMainT Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603860)
Robinson Public Company Limited (SET:ROBINS)
Robinsons Land Corporation (PSE:RLC)
Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc. (PSE:RRHI)
Robo3 Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A238500)
RoboGroup T.E.K. Ltd. (TASE:ROBO)
RoboRobo Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A215100)
Robostar Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A090360)
RoboTechnik Intelligent Technology Co., LTD (SZSE:300757)
Robotis Co,.Ltd (KOSDAQ:A108490)
Rockon Enterprises Limited (BSE:531447)
Rockwell Land Corporation (PSE:ROCK)
Rodex Fasteners Corp. (GTSM:5015)
Rodium Realty Limited (BSE:531822)
Rogers and Company Limited (MUSE:ROGE.N0000)
Rohas Tecnic Berhad (KLSE:ROHAS)
Rohit Ferro-Tech Limited (BSE:532731)
Rojana Industrial Park Public Company Limited (SET:ROJNA)
Rokiskio Suris AB (NSEL:RSU1L)
Rolfes Holdings Limited (JSE:RLF)
Rollatainers Limited (BSE:502448)
Rolta India Limited (BSE:500366)
Roma Group Limited (SEHK:8072)
Rompetrol Rafinare S.A. (BVB:RRC)
RomReal Limited (OB:ROM)
Ron Santa Teresa (CCSE:RST)
Rongan Property Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000517)
Rongfeng Holding Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000668)
Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002493)
Rongyu Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002622)
Roni Households Limited (BSE:542145)
Ronshine China Holdings Limited (SEHK:3301)
Roo Hsing Co., Ltd (TSEC:4414)
Roopa Industries Limited (BSE:530991)
Rorze Systems Corporation (KOSDAQ:A071280)
Rosan Resources Holdings Limited (SEHK:578)
Rosedale Hotel Holdings Limited (SEHK:1189)
Rosetta Genomics Ltd. (OTCPK:ROSG.Q)
Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company (Public Joint Stock Company) (MISX:RGSS)
Roshan Packages Limited (KASE:RPL)
Roshow Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002617)
Rossell India Limited (BSE:533168)
Rosseti, Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:RSTI)
Rossi Residencial S.A. (BOVESPA:RSID3)
Rossmax International Ltd. (GTSM:4121)
Rotam Global AgroSciences Limited (TSEC:4141)
Rotem Energy Mineral (REM) - Limited Partnership (TASE:RTEN.L)
Rothwell International Co., Limited (KOSDAQ:A900260)
Roto Pumps Limited (BSE:517500)
Rotshtein Realestate Ltd (TASE:ROTS)
Roundtop Machinery Industries Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1540)
Routon Electronic Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600355)
Rowad Tourism Company (CASE:ROTO)
Roxas and Company, Inc. (PSE:RCI)
Roxas Holdings, Inc. (PSE:ROX)
Roxy Exports Limited (BSE:539561)
Roxy-Pacific Holdings Limited (SGX:E8Z)
Royal Bafokeng Platinum Limited (JSE:RBP)
Royal Catering Group Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8300)
Royal Century Resources Holdings Limited (SEHK:8125)
Royal Ceramics Lanka PLC (COSE:RCL.N0000)
Royal Cushion Vinyl Products Limited (BSE:526193)
Royal Deluxe Holdings Limited (SEHK:3789)
Royal Exchange Plc (NGSE:ROYALEX)
Royal Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002329)
Royal India Corporation Limited (BSE:512047)
Royal International Corporation (HOSE:RIC)
Royal Orchid Hotel (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:ROH)
Royal Orchid Hotels Limited (BSE:532699)
Royal Palms Beach Hotels PLC (COSE:RPBH.N0000)
Royale Furniture Holdings Limited (SEHK:1198)
Royale Manor Hotels and Industries Limited (BSE:526640)
RoyalTek Company Ltd. (GTSM:3306)
RPCG Public Company Limited (SET:RPC)
RPG Life Sciences Limited (BSE:532983)
RR Financial Consultants Limited (BSE:511626)
RR Metalmakers India Limited (BSE:531667)
RS Automation Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A140670)
RS Public Company Limited (SET:RS)
RSD Finance Limited (BSE:539875)
RSL Electronics Ltd. (TASE:RSEL)
RSUPPORT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A131370)
RSWM Limited (BSE:500350)
RTC Luka Leget ad (BELEX:LKLG)
RTCL Limited (BSE:531552)
RTS Power Corporation Limited (BSE:531215)
Rubberex Corporation (M) Berhad (KLSE:RUBEREX)
Rubex International for Plastic and Acrylic Manufacturing (CASE:RUBX)
Rubfila International Limited (BSE:500367)
Rubra Medicaments Limited (BSE:531099)
Ruby Tech Corporation (GTSM:8048)
Ruby Textile Mills Limited (KASE:RUBY)
Ruchi Infrastructure Limited (NSEI:RUCHINFRA)
Ruchira Papers Limited (BSE:532785)
Rudra Global Infra Products Limited (BSE:539226)
Rudrabhishek Enterprises Limited (NSEI:REPL)
Ruentex Development Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:9945)
Ruentex Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2597)
Ruentex Industries Limited (TSEC:2915)
Ruentex Materials Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:8463)
Ruicheng (China) Media Group Limited (SEHK:1640)
Ruida Futures Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002961)
Ruifeng Power Group Company Limited (SEHK:2025)
Ruitai Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002066)
Ruixin International Holdings Limited (SEHK:724)
Rum Group for Transportation & Tourism Investment P.S.C. (ASE:RUMM)
Run Long Construction Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1808)
Rungta Irrigation Limited (BSE:530449)
Runjian Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002929)
Runner Automobiles Limited (DSE:RUNNERAUTO)
Rupa & Company Limited (BSE:533552)
Rupali Bank Limited (DSE:RUPALIBANK)
Rupali Insurance Company Limited (DSE:RUPALIINS)
Rupali Life Insurance Company Limited (DSE:RUPALILIFE)
Rushil Décor Limited (BSE:533470)
Russell Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A217500)
Ruttonsha International Rectifier Ltd. (BSE:517035)
Rykadan Capital Limited (SEHK:2288)
RYUK-IL C&S., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A191410)
S & J International Enterprises Public Company Limited (SET:S & J)
S 11 Group Public Company Limited (SET:S11)
S and T Corporation Limited (BSE:514197)
S Chand and Company Limited (BSE:540497)
S Connect Co., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A096630)
S E A Holdings Limited (SEHK:251)
S H Kelkar and Company Limited (BSE:539450)
S Hotels and Resorts Public Company Limited (SET:SHR)
S K S Textiles Limited (NSEI:SKSTEXTILE)
S Kumars Online Limited (BSE:532316)
S P Setia Berhad (KLSE:SPSETIA)
S Prime Growth Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:SPRIME)
S R K Industries Limited (BSE:531307)
S V Global Mill Limited (BSE:535621)
S-1 Corporation (KOSE:A012750)
S-Energy Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A095910)
S-Enjoy Service Group Co., Limited (SEHK:1755)
S-Fuelcell Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A288620)
S-MAC CO., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A097780)
S-Oil Corporation (KOSE:A010950)
S-Tech Corp. (GTSM:1584)
S. Alam Cold Rolled Steels Limited (DSE:SALAMCRST)
S. Culture International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1255)
S. E. Power Limited (BSE:534598)
S. Khonkaen Foods Public Company Limited (SET:SORKON)
S. Pack & Print Public Company Limited (SET:SPACK)
S. S. Steel Limited (DSE:SSSTEEL)
S.A. San Miguel A.G.I.C.I. y F. (BASE:SAMI)
S.A.I Leisure Group Company Limited (SEHK:1832)
S.A.L. Steel Limited (BSE:532604)
S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Limited (SEHK:1184)
S.C New Energy Technology Corporation (SZSE:300724)
S.C. Aages S.A. (BVB:AAG)
S.C. Aerostar S.A. (BVB:ARS)
S.C. Artego S.A. (BVB:ARTE)
S.C. Bermas S.A. (BVB:BRM)
S.C. Comcm S.A. (BVB:CMCM)
S.C. Compa SA (BVB:CMP)
S.C. Condmag S.A. (BVB:COMI)
S.C. Dafora S.A. (BVB:DAFR)
S.C. Electroarges S.A. (BVB:ELGS)
S.C. Electroputere S.A. (BVB:EPT)
S.C. Prebet Aiud S.A. (BVB:PREB)
S.C. Prefab S.A. (BVB:PREH)
S.C. Prodplast S.A. (BVB:PPL)
S.C. Romcarbon S.A. (BVB:ROCE)
S.C. Rompetrol Well Services S.A. (BVB:PTR)
S.C. Ropharma S.A. (BVB:RPH)
S.C. Santierul Naval Orsova S.A. (BVB:SNO)
S.C. Sinteza S.A. (BVB:STZ)
S.C. Transilvania Constructii S.A. (BVB:COTR)
S.C. Turism Felix S.A. (BVB:TUFE)
S.F. Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002352)
S.I.F. Transilvania S.A. (BVB:SIF3)
S.Kijchai Enterprise Public Company Limited (SET:SKN)
S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A. (BVB:SNN)
S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A. (BVB:TGN)
S.P. Apparels Limited (BSE:540048)
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia Open Joint Stock Company (MISX:RKKE)
S.R. Accord Ltd. (TASE:SRAC)
S.R. Industries Limited (BSE:513515)
S.S. Infrastructure Development Consultants Limited (NSEI:SSINFRA)
S.S. Oil Mills Limited (KASE:SSOM)
S&C Engine Group Limited (KOSDAQ:A900080)
S&D Co., Ltd (XKON:A260970)
S&K Polytec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A091340)
S&P International Holding Limited (SEHK:1695)
S&P Syndicate Public Company Limited (SET:SNP)
S&S TECH Corporation (KOSDAQ:A101490)
S&T Corporation (KOSE:A100840)
S&T Dynamics Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A003570)
S&T Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A036530)
S&T Holdings Limited (SEHK:3928)
S&T Motiv Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A064960)
S&W Corporation (KOSDAQ:A103230)
SA Corporate Real Estate Limited (JSE:SAC)
Sa Giang Import Export Corporation (HNX:SGC)
Sa Sa International Holdings Limited (SEHK:178)
SAAM Energy Development Public Company Limited (SET:SAAM)
SAB Industries Limited (BSE:539112)
Saba'ek Invest Company PLC (ASE:SABK)
Sabaa International Company for Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry (CASE:SIPC)
Sabana Shari'ah Compliant Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:M1GU)
SABB Takaful Company (SASE:8080)
Sabina Public Company Limited (SET:SABINA)
Saboo Sodium Chloro Limited (BSE:530461)
Sabvest Limited (JSE:SBV)
Sacheon Aerospace Manufacturing Ind. Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A263540)
Sacheta Metals Limited (BSE:531869)
Sadbhav Engineering Limited (NSEI:SADBHAV)
Sadbhav Infrastructure Project Limited (BSE:539346)
Sadhana Nitro Chem Limited (BSE:506642)
Sadhna Broadcast Limited (BSE:540821)
Sae Dong Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053060)
Saeron Automotive Corp. (KOSE:A075180)
SAF Tehnika A/S (RISE:SAF1R)
Safal Herbs Limited (BSE:532034)
Safari Industries (India) Limited (BSE:523025)
Safari Investments RSA Limited (JSE:SAR)
Safaricom PLC (NASE:SCOM)
SafBon Water Service (Holding) Inc.,Shanghai (SZSE:300262)
Safe Mix Concrete Limited (KASE:SMCPL)
Safe-T Group Ltd (TASE:SFET)
Safety Godown Company, Limited (SEHK:237)
Saffron Industries Limited (BSE:531436)
Safko Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:SAFKOSPINN)
Safoco Foodstuff Joint Stock Company (HNX:SAF)
Safwa Islamic Bank (ASE:SIBK)
Sagar Cements Limited (BSE:502090)
Sagar Diamonds Limited (BSE:540715)
Sagar Productions Limited (BSE:532092)
Sagardeep Alloys Limited (NSEI:SAGARDEEP)
Sagarsoft (India) Limited (BSE:540143)
Sage International Group Limited (SEHK:8082)
Sagicor Financial Company Ltd. (TSX:SFC)
Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited (JMSE:SJ)
Sagicor Select Funds Limited (JMSE:SELECTF)
Sagittarius Life Science Corp (GTSM:3205)
Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Public Company Limited (SET:SPI)
Saha Pathanapibul Public Company Limited (SET:SPC)
Saha-Union Public Company Limited (SET:SUC)
Sahacogen (Chonburi) Public Company Limited (SET:SCG)
Sahakol Equipment Public Company Limited (SET:SQ)
SAHAM Assurance S.A. (CBSE:SAH)
Sahamit Machinery Public Company Limited (SET:SMIT)
Sahamitr Pressure Container Public Company Limited (SET:SMPC)
Sahara Hospitality Company SAOG (MSM:SAHS)
Sahara Housingfina Corporation Limited (BSE:511533)
Sahara International Petrochemical Company (SASE:2310)
Sahara One Media and Entertainment Limited (BSE:503691)
Sahathai Terminal Public Company Limited (SET:PORT)
Sahyadri Industries Limited (BSE:532841)
Sai Baba Investment And Commercial Enterprises Limited (BSE:538557)
Sai Capital Ltd. (BSE:531931)
Sai Gon - Mien Trung Beer Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SMB)
Sai Gon Thuong Tin Real Estate Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SCR)
Sai Gon Vien Dong Technology Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SVT)
SAIC Motor Corporation Limited (SHSE:600104)
Saif Power Limited (KASE:SPWL)
Saif Powertec Limited (DSE:SAIFPOWER)
Saif Textile Mills Limited (KASE:SAIF)
Saigon - Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HNX:SHB)
Saigon - Hanoi Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:SHS)
Saigon Beer - Alcohol - Beverage Corporation (HOSE:SAB)
Saigon Cargo Service Corporation (HOSE:SCS)
Saigon Fuel Joint-Stock Company (HOSE:SFC)
Saigon General Service Corporation (HOSE:SVC)
Saigon Ground Services Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SGN)
Saigon Hotel Corporation (HNX:SGH)
Saigon Machinery Spare Parts Joint stock Company (HOSE:SMA)
Saigon Plastic Packaging Joint Stock Company (HNX:SPP)
Saigon Real Estate Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SGR)
Saigon Telecommunication & Technologies Corporation (HOSE:SGT)
Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HOSE:STB)
Saigon Water Infrastructure Corporation (HOSE:SII)
Saiham Cotton Mills Ltd. (DSE:SAIHAMCOT)
Saiham Textile Mills Limited (DSE:SAIHAMTEX)
Sailfish Royalty Corp. (TSXV:FISH)
Sailun Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601058)
Saimo Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300466)
Sainik Finance & Industries Limited (BSE:530265)
Saint-Gobain Sekurit India Limited (BSE:515043)
Sajjad Textile Mills Limited (KASE:SJTM)
Sajo Industries Company Limited (KOSE:A007160)
Sajo Oyang Corporation (KOSE:A006090)
Sajo Seafood Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A014710)
Sajodaerim Corporation (KOSE:A003960)
Sajodongaone Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A008040)
Sakae Holdings Ltd. (SGX:5DO)
Sakar Healthcare Limited (NSEI:SAKAR)
Saketh Exim Limited (NSEI:SAKETH)
Sakol Energy Public Company Limited (SET:SKE)
Sakrand Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:SKRS)
Saksoft Limited (NSEI:SAKSOFT)
Sakthi Finance Limited (BSE:511066)
Sakthi Sugars Limited (BSE:507315)
Sakuma Exports Limited (BSE:532713)
Sakura Development Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2539)
Sal Automotive Limited (BSE:539353)
Sala @ Sathorn Property Fund (SET:SSPF)
Salada Foods Jamaica Limited (JMSE:SALF)
Salafin S.A. (CBSE:SLF)
Salalah Mills Company SAOG (MSM:SFMI)
Salam International Investment Limited Q.P.S.C. (DSM:SIIS)
Salam International Transport and Trading Company (ASE:SITT)
Salama Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8050)
Salasar Exteriors And Contour Limited (NSEI:SECL)
Salasar Techno Engineering Limited (BSE:540642)
Salcon Berhad (KLSE:SALCON)
Salee Colour Public Company Limited (SET:COLOR)
Salee Industry Public Company Limited (SET:SALEE)
Salee Printing Public Company Limited (SET:SLP)
Salfi Textile Mills Limited (KASE:SALT)
Salhia Real Estate Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:SRE)
Sally Textile Mills Limited (KASE:SLYT)
Salmones Camanchaca S.A. (SNSE:SALMOCAM)
Salomon A. Angel Ltd. (TASE:ANGL)
Salona Cotspin Limited (BSE:590056)
Salora International Limited (BSE:500370)
Salutica Berhad (KLSE:SALUTE)
Salvo Chemical Industry Limited (DSE:SALVOCHEM)
Salzer Electronics Limited (BSE:517059)
Sam Chun Dang Pharm. Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A000250)
SAM Engineering & Equipment (M) Berhad (KLSE:SAM)
Sam Holdings Corporation (HOSE:SAM)
Sam Industries Limited (BSE:532005)
Sam Kwang Glass Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005090)
Sam Woo Construction Group Limited (SEHK:3822)
Sam-A Aluminium Company, Limited (KOSE:A006110)
Sam-A Pharm. Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A009300)
Samart Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:SAMART)
Samart Digital Public Company Limited (SET:SDC)
Samart Telcoms Public Company Limited (SET:SAMTEL)
Samata Leather Complex Ltd. (DSE:SAMATALETH)
Samba Bank Limited (KASE:SBL)
Samba Financial Group (SASE:1090)
Sambandam Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:521240)
Sambhaav Media Limited (BSE:511630)
Sambo Corrugated Board Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A023600)
Sambo Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A009620)
Sambo Motors Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A053700)
Sambon Electronics Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A111870)
Sambu Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (KOSE:A001470)
Samchai Steel Industries Public Company Limited (SET:SAM)
Samchem Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SAMCHEM)
Samchully Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A004690)
Samchuly Bicycle Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A024950)
Samebest Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8489)
Sameer Africa Plc (NASE:SMER)
Samho Development Co., LTD (KOSE:A010960)
Samho International Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001880)
Samhwa Crown & Closure Co., Ltd (KOSE:A004450)
Samhwa Networks Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A046390)
Samhwa Paints Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000390)
Samhyun Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A017480)
Samick Musical Instruments Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002450)
Samick THK Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004380)
Samil Co.Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A032280)
Samil Enterprise Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A002290)
Samil Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A000520)
Samin Textiles Limited (KASE:SMTM)
Samitivej Public Company Limited (SET:SVH)
Samji Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A037460)
SAMJIN Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A032750)
Samjin LND Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A054090)
Samjin Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005500)
Samjung Pulp Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009770)
Samkang M&T Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A100090)
Samkee Automotive Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A122350)
Samkrg Pistons and Rings Limited (BSE:520075)
Sammakorn Public Company Limited (SET:SAMCO)
Sammok S-Form Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A018310)
Samorita Hospital Limited (DSE:SAMORITA)
Sampath Bank PLC (COSE:SAMP.N0000)
Sampo Corporation (TSEC:1604)
Sampre Nutritions Limited (BSE:530617)
SAMPYO Cement Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038500)
Samrat Pharmachem Limited (BSE:530125)
Samson Holding Ltd. (SEHK:531)
Samson International PLC (COSE:SIL.N0000)
Samson Paper Holdings Limited (SEHK:731)
Samsung Biologics Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A207940)
Samsung C&T Corporation (KOSE:A028260)
Samsung Card Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A029780)
Samsung Climate Control Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006660)
Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009150)
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005930)
Samsung Engineering Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A028050)
Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A000810)
Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010140)
Samsung Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A032830)
Samsung Must Special Purpose Acquisition 3 Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A309930)
Samsung Publishing Co., Ltd (KOSE:A068290)
Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006400)
Samsung SDS Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A018260)
Samsung Securities Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A016360)
Samsung Special Purpose Acquisition 2 Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A291230)
SAMT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A031330)
Samtex Fashions Limited (BSE:521206)
Samudera Shipping Line Ltd (SGX:S56)
Samui Airport Property Fund (Leasehold) (SET:SPF)
Samui Buri Property Fund (SET:SBPF)
Samurai 2K Aerosol Limited (Catalist:1C3)
Samwha Electric Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A009470)
Samwha Electronics Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A011230)
Samwon Tech Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A073640)
Samwonsteel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A023000)
Samyak International Limited (BSE:530025)
Samyang Corporation (KOSE:A145990)
Samyang Foods Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003230)
Samyang Holdings Corporation (KOSE:A000070)
Samyang Optics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A225190)
Samyang Packaging Corporation (KOSE:A272550)
Samyang Tongsang Co., Ltd (KOSE:A002170)
SamYoung Chemical Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A003720)
Samyoung Electronics Co., Ltd (KOSE:A005680)
SAMYOUNG M-Tek Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A054540)
SAMYUNG ENC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065570)
Samyung Trading Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002810)
San Fang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1307)
San Far Property Limited (TSEC:9946)
San Fu Chemical Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4755)
San Lien Technology Corp. (GTSM:5493)
San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Limited (SEHK:236)
San Miguel Corporation (PSE:SMC)
San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. (PSE:FB)
San Neng Group Holdings Co., LTD. (TSEC:6671)
San Shing Fastech Corp. (TSEC:5007)
Sanad Construction Resources PLC (PLSE:SANAD)
Sanai Health Industry Group Company Limited (SEHK:1889)
Sanam Real Estate Company - K.S.C. Public (KWSE:SANAM)
Sanan Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600703)
SANASA Development Bank PLC (COSE:SDB.N0000)
Sanathnagar Enterprises Limited (BSE:509423)
Sanbase Corporation Limited (SEHK:8501)
Sanblue Corporation Limited (BSE:521222)
Sanchuan Wisdom Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300066)
Sanco Industries Limited (NSEI:SANCO)
Sanco Trans Limited (BSE:523116)
Sand Nisko Capital Berhad (KLSE:SNC)
Sandhani Life Insurance Company Limited (DSE:SANDHANINS)
Sandhar Technologies Limited (NSEI:SANDHAR)
Sandmartin International Holdings Limited (SEHK:482)
Sands China Ltd. (SEHK:1928)
Sandu Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:524703)
SanFeng Intelligent Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300276)
Sang-A Frontec Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A089980)
Sangal Papers Limited (BSE:516096)
Sangam (India) Limited (BSE:514234)
Sangam Renewables Limited (BSE:534618)
SANGBO Corp. (KOSDAQ:A027580)
Sangfor Technologies Inc. (SZSE:300454)
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:SANSM)
Sanghi Industries Limited (BSE:526521)
Sanghvi Brands Limited (BSE:540782)
Sanghvi Forging & Engineering Limited (BSE:533411)
Sanghvi Movers Limited (BSE:530073)
Sanginita Chemicals Limited (NSEI:SANGINITA)
Sangji Caelum, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A042940)
Sangsangin Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038540)
Sangsangin Ian No.1 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A307870)
Sangsangin Ian No.2 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A329560)
Sangsangin Industry Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A101000)
Sangsangin Investment & Securities Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A001290)
Sangshin Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A263810)
Sangsin Brake Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A041650)
Sangsin Energy Display Precision Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A091580)
Sanguine Media Limited (BSE:531898)
Sanichi Technology Berhad (KLSE:SANICHI)
Sanitar Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1817)
Sanjiang Shopping Club Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601116)
Sankhya Infotech Limited (BSE:532972)
Sanko Diecasting (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:SANKO)
Sanlam Kenya Plc (NASE:SLAM)
Sanlam Limited (JSE:SLM)
Sanli Environmental Limited (Catalist:1E3)
Sanlux Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002224)
Sanmit Infra Limited (BSE:532435)
Sano Bruno's Enterprises Ltd (TASE:SANO1)
Sanofi India Limited (BSE:500674)
sanofi-aventis Pakistan Limited (KASE:SAPL)
Sanquan Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002216)
Sansheng Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. (SEHK:2183)
Sansheng Intellectual Education Technology CO.,LTD. (SZSE:300282)
Sansiri Public Company Limited (SET:SIRI)
Sansteel MinGuang Co.,Ltd.,Fujian (SZSE:002110)
Santam Ltd (JSE:SNT)
Santander Agências Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário - FII (BOVESPA:SAAG11)
Santaro Interactive Entertainment Company (OTCPK:STIE)
Santos Brasil Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:STBP3)
Santosh Fine Fab Limited (BSE:530035)
Santova Limited (JSE:SNV)
Sanwaria Consumer Limited (BSE:519260)
Sanxiang Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603663)
Sanxiang Impression Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000863)
Sany Heavy Equipment International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:631)
Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd (SHSE:600031)
Sanyang Motor Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2206)
São Carlos Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:SCAR3)
Sao Mai Group Corporation (HOSE:ASM)
São Martinho S.A. (BOVESPA:SMTO3)
São Paulo Turismo S.A. (BOVESPA:AHEB3)
Sao Ta Foods Joint Stock Company (HOSE:FMC)
Sao Vang Rubber Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SRC)
Sapiens International Corporation N.V. (NasdaqCM:SPNS)
Sapir Corp Ltd (TASE:SPIR)
Saponia d.d. (ZGSE:SAPN)
Sappe Public Company Limited (SET:SAPPE)
Sapphire Corporation Limited (SGX:BRD)
Sapphire Fibres Limited (KASE:SFL)
Sapphire Textile Mills Limited (KASE:SAPT)
Sappi Limited (JSE:SAP)
Saptak Chem and Business Limited (BSE:506906)
Sapura Energy Berhad (KLSE:SAPNRG)
Sapura Industrial Berhad (KLSE:SAPIND)
Sapura Resources Berhad (KLSE:SAPRES)
SAR Auto Products Limited (BSE:538992)
SARA Vietnam Joint Stock Company (HNX:SRA)
SaraminHR Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A143240)
Saraswati Commercial (India) Limited (BSE:512020)
Sarawak Cable Berhad (KLSE:SCABLE)
Sarawak Consolidated Industries Berhad (KLSE:SCIB)
Sarawak Oil Palms Berhad (KLSE:SOP)
Sarawak Plantation Berhad (KLSE:SWKPLNT)
Sarda Energy & Minerals Limited (BSE:504614)
Sardar Chemical Industries Limited (KASE:SARC)
Saregama India Limited (BSE:532163)
Sarine Technologies Ltd. (SGX:U77)
Saritow Spinning Mills Limited (KASE:SSML)
Sarla Performance Fibers Limited (BSE:526885)
Sarthak Industries Limited (BSE:531930)
Sarthak Metals Limited (BSE:540393)
Sarup Industries Limited (BSE:514412)
Sarveshwar Foods Limited (NSEI:SARVESHWAR)
Sarwa Capital Holding for Financial Investments (S.A.E) (CASE:SRWA)
Sasbadi Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SASBADI)
Sasfin Holdings Limited (JSE:SFN)
Sasken Technologies Limited (BSE:532663)
Sasol Limited (JSE:SOL)
Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:CRPU)
Sastasundar Ventures Limited (BSE:533259)
Sat Industries Limited (BSE:511076)
Satcom Systems, Ltd. (TASE:STCM)
Sathavahana Ispat Limited (BSE:526093)
Sathosa Motors PLC (COSE:SMOT.N0000)
Satia Industries Limited (BSE:539201)
Satin Creditcare Network Limited (NSEI:SATIN)
Satkar Finlease Limited (BSE:536592)
Satra Properties (India) Limited (BSE:508996)
Satrec Initiative Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A099320)
SATS Ltd. (SGX:S58)
Satu Holdings Limited (SEHK:8392)
Saturday Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002291)
Sau San Tong Holdings Limited (SEHK:8200)
Saudee Group Berhad (KLSE:SAUDEE)
Saudi Advanced Industries Company (SASE:2120)
Saudi Airlines Catering Company (SASE:6004)
Saudi Arabia Refineries Co. (SASE:2030)
Saudi Arabian Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8100)
Saudi Arabian Fertilizers Company (SASE:2020)
Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) (SASE:1211)
Saudi Arabian Oil Company (SASE:2222)
Saudi Automotive Services Company (SASE:4050)
Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SASE:2010)
Saudi Cable Company (SASE:2110)
Saudi Cement Company (SASE:3030)
Saudi Ceramic Company (SASE:2040)
Saudi Chemical Company (SASE:2230)
Saudi Company for Hardware (SASE:4008)
Saudi Egyptian Investment & Finance Co. S.A.E (CASE:SEIG)
Saudi Electricity Company (SASE:5110)
Saudi Enaya Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8311)
Saudi Fisheries Company (SASE:6050)
Saudi Ground Services Company (SASE:4031)
Saudi Industrial Development Co. (SASE:2130)
Saudi Industrial Export Company (SASE:4140)
Saudi Industrial Investment Group (SASE:2250)
Saudi Industrial Services Company (SASE:2190)
Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company (SASE:2350)
Saudi Marketing Company (SASE:4006)
Saudi Pak Leasing Company Limited (KASE:SPLC)
Saudi Paper Manufacturing Company (SASE:2300)
Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries & Medical Appliances Corporation (SASE:2070)
Saudi Printing and Packaging Company (SASE:4270)
Saudi Public Transport Company (SASE:4040)
Saudi Re for Cooperative Reinsurance Company (SASE:8200)
Saudi Real Estate Company (SASE:4020)
Saudi Research and Marketing Group (SASE:4210)
Saudi Steel Pipes Company (SASE:1320)
Saudi Telecom Company (SASE:7010)
Saudi Vitrified Clay Pipe co. (SASE:2360)
Saudia Dairy & Foodstuff Company (SASE:2270)
Saurashtra Cement Limited (BSE:502175)
Saurer Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600545)
Savar Refractories Limited (DSE:SAVAREFR)
Saven Technologies Limited (BSE:532404)
Savera Industries Limited (BSE:512634)
Savezone I&C Corporation (KOSE:A067830)
Savimex Corporation (HOSE:SAV)
Savior Lifetec Corporation (GTSM:4167)
Savita Oil Technologies Limited (BSE:524667)
Savola Group Company (SASE:2050)
Sawaca Business Machines Limited (BSE:531893)
Sawang Export Public Company Limited (SET:SAWANG)
Sayaji Hotels Limited (BSE:523710)
Sayaji Industries Limited (BSE:540728)
Sazgar Engineering Works Limited (KASE:SAZEW)
SBC Corporation Berhad (KLSE:SBCCORP)
SBC Exports Limited (BSE:542725)
SBEC Sugar Limited (BSE:532102)
Sberbank of Russia (MISX:SBER)
SBI Investment Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A019550)
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited (BSE:540719)
SBM Holdings Ltd (MUSE:SBMH.N0000)
SBN Holdings Limited (NMSE:SNO)
SBS Contents Hub Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A046140)
SBS Media Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A101060)
SBS Philippines Corporation (PSE:SBS)
SBS Transit Ltd (SGX:S61)
SBW, Inc. (KOSE:A102280)
SC Agrotech Limited (BSE:526081)
SC Asset Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:SC)
SC Cemacon SA (BVB:CEON)
SC Comelf SA (BVB:CMF)
SC Engineering Co., Ltd (KOSE:A023960)
SC Estate Builder Berhad (KLSE:SCBUILD)
SC Health Corporation (NYSE:SCPE)
SC Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:SCNG)
SC Retrasib SA (BVB:RTRA)
SC Uztel S.A. (BVB:UZT)
Scan Inter Public Company Limited (SET:SCN)
Scan Steels Limited (BSE:511672)
Scan-D Corporation (GTSM:6195)
Scancom Plc (GHSE:MTNGH)
Scandent Imaging Limited (BSE:516110)
Scanpoint Geomatics Limited (BSE:526544)
Scanwolf Corporation Berhad (KLSE:SCNWOLF)
SCC Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SCC)
SCD Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A042110)
SCG Ceramics Public Company Limited (SET:COTTO)
SCH Group Berhad (KLSE:SCH)
Schablona India Limited (BSE:507894)
Schaeffler India Limited (BSE:505790)
Schneider Electric Infrastructure Limited (BSE:534139)
Scholar Education Group (SEHK:1769)
Schwager Energy S.A. (SNSE:SCHWAGER)
SCI E&C Joint Stock Company (HNX:SCI)
SCI Electric Public Company Limited (SET:SCI)
SCI Information Service Inc. (KOSDAQ:A036120)
SCI Joint Stock Co. (HNX:S99)
SCI Pharmtech, Inc. (TSEC:4119)
Scicom (MSC) Berhad (KLSE:SCICOM)
Science to Consumers, Inc. (OTCPK:BEUT)
Scientech Corporation (TSEC:3583)
Scientex Berhad (KLSE:SCIENTX)
ScinoPharm Taiwan, Ltd. (TSEC:1789)
SciVision Biotech Inc. (TSEC:1786)
Scomi Energy Services Bhd (KLSE:SCOMIES)
Scomi Group Bhd (KLSE:SCOMI)
Scooters India Limited (BSE:505141)
Scope Industries Berhad (KLSE:SCOPE)
Scope Metals Group Ltd. (TASE:SCOP)
Scotia Group Jamaica Limited (JMSE:SGJ)
Scotiabank Perú S.A.A. (BVL:SCOTIAC1)
Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Limited (TTSE:SBTT)
SCUD Group Limited (SEHK:1399)
Scully Royalty Ltd. (NYSE:SRL)
SD Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A217480)
SD System Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A121890)
SDI Corporation (TSEC:2351)
SDIC Capital Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600061)
SDIC Power Holdings CO., LTD. (SHSE:600886)
SDIC Zhonglu Fruit Juice Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600962)
SDM Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8363)
SDN Company., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A099220)
SDS Group Berhad (KLSE:SDS)
Se Gyung Hi Tech Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A148150)
SE-Education Public Company Limited (SET:SE-ED)
Sea & Air Freight International (HOSE:SFI)
Sea & Land Integrated Corp. (GTSM:5603)
Sea Harvest Group Limited (JSE:SHG)
Sea Mild Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:7516)
Sea Oil Public Company Limited (SET:SEAOIL)
Sea Pearl Beach Resort & Spa Limited (DSE:SEAPEARL)
Sea Sonic Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6203)
Sea TV Network Limited (BSE:533268)
Seacera Group Berhad (KLSE:SEACERA)
Seach Medical Group Ltd. (TASE:SEMG)
Seadrill Limited (NYSE:SDRL)
Seafco Public Company Limited (SET:SEAFCO)
Seafood Joint Stock Company No.4 (HOSE:TS4)
Seafresh Industry Public Company Limited (SET:CFRESH)
SeAH Besteel Corporation (KOSE:A001430)
SeAH Holdings Corporation (KOSE:A058650)
SeAH Special Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A019440)
SeAH Steel Corporation (KOSE:A306200)
SeAH Steel Holdings Corporation (KOSE:A003030)
Seal Incorporated Berhad (KLSE:SEAL)
Sealand Capital Galaxy Limited (LSE:SCGL)
Sealand Securities Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000750)
Sealink International Berhad (KLSE:SEALINK)
Seamec Limited (BSE:526807)
Seamico Securities Public Company Limited (SET:ZMICO)
Seamless Green China (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8150)
Seaprodex Refrigeration Industry Corporation (HOSE:SRF)
Season Pacific Holdings Limited (SEHK:1709)
Seasons Furnishings Limited (BSE:521182)
Seasons Textiles Limited (BSE:514264)
Seaspan Corporation (NYSE:SSW)
Seazen Group Limited (SEHK:1030)
Seazen Holdings Co., Ltd (SHSE:601155)
Sebang Co., Ltd (KOSE:A004360)
Sebang Global Battery Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004490)
Sebata Holdings Limited (JSE:SEB)
Sebo Manufacturing, Engineering & Construction Corp. (KOSDAQ:A011560)
SEC Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603988)
Sechaba Brewery Holdings Limited (BSM:SECHABA)
Second Chance Properties Ltd (SGX:528)
Secucen Co., Ltd. (XKON:A232830)
SecUR Credentials Limited (NSEI:SECURCRED)
Secura Group Limited (Catalist:43B)
Securemetric Berhad (KLSE:SMETRIC)
Securitag Assembly Group Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6417)
Security and Intelligence Services (India) Limited (BSE:540673)
Security Bank Corporation (PSE:SECB)
Security Investment Bank Limited (KASE:SIBL)
Security Papers Limited (KASE:SEPL)
Secuve Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A131090)
Sedania Innovator Berhad (KLSE:SEDANIA)
SEDCO Capital REIT Fund (SASE:4344)
SEEC Media Group Limited (SEHK:205)
Seed Co International Limited (ZMSE:SCIL)
Seedo Corp. (OTCPK:SEDO)
Seef Properties B.S.C. (BAX:SEEF)
Seegene, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A096530)
Seera Group Holding (SASE:1810)
Sefalana Holding Company Limited (BSM:SEFALANA)
SEG International Bhd (KLSE:SEG)
seha corporation (KOSE:A027970)
Sejal Glass Limited (BSE:532993)
Sejin Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A075580)
Sejin T.S Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A067770)
Sejong Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A033530)
Sejong Medical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A258830)
Sejong Telecom, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A036630)
Sejoong Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A039310)
SEKONIX Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A053450)
SEL Manufacturing Company Limited (NSEI:SELMCL)
Selan Exploration Technology Limited (BSE:530075)
Selangor Dredging Berhad (KLSE:SDRED)
Selic Corp Public Company Limited (SET:SELIC)
Selinsing PLC (COSE:SELI.N0000)
Sella Capital Real Estate Ltd. (TASE:SLARL)
SELVAS Healthcare, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A208370)
Semaris Ltd (MUSE:SEMA.I0000)
Sembcorp Industries Ltd (SGX:U96)
Sembcorp Marine Ltd (SGX:S51)
Sembcorp Salalah Power & Water Company SAOG (MSM:SSPW)
Semicon Light Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A214310)
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SEHK:981)
SemiLEDs Corporation (NasdaqCM:LEDS)
Semirara Mining and Power Corporation (PSE:SCC)
Semisysco Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A136510)
Sempio Company (KOSE:A007540)
Sempio Foods Company (KOSE:A248170)
Semyung Electric Machinery Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A017510)
Sen Yue Holdings Limited (Catalist:5BS)
Sena Development Public Company Limited (SET:SENA)
Senao International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2450)
Senao Networks, Inc. (GTSM:3558)
Senba Sensing Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300701)
Senergy Holding Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:SENERGY)
Senhwa Biosciences, Inc. (GTSM:6492)
Senmiao Technology Limited (NasdaqCM:AIHS)
Sensortek Technology Corp. (GTSM:6732)
Sentaida Tire Company Limited (OTCPK:SDTC)
Sentelic Corporation (GTSM:4945)
Senthil Infotek Limited (BSE:531980)
Sentien Printing Factory Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8410)
Sentoria Group Berhad (KLSE:SNTORIA)
Sentronic International Corp. (GTSM:3232)
Seoam Machinery Industry Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A100660)
Seobu T&D Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A006730)
SEOHAN Const. &,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A011370)
Seohee Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A035890)
Seoho Electric Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A065710)
Seojin Automotive Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A122690)
Seojin System Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A178320)
Seondo Electric Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007610)
SEONGAN CO., Ltd. (KOSE:A011300)
Seosan Corporation (KOSDAQ:A079650)
Seoul Auction Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A063170)
Seoul Broadcasting System (KOSE:A034120)
Seoul City Gas Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A017390)
Seoul Electronics & Telecom Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A027040)
Seoul Food Industrial.Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A004410)
Seoul Pharma Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A018680)
Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A046890)
Seouleaguer Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043710)
Seoulin Bioscience Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038070)
Seowon Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A021050)
Seoyeon Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A007860)
Seoyon E-Hwa Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A200880)
Seoyon Topmetal Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A019770)
Sephaku Holdings Limited (JSE:SEP)
Seplat Petroleum Development Company Plc (LSE:SEPL)
Seprod Limited (JMSE:SEP)
Sequent Scientific Limited (BSE:512529)
Ser Educacional S.A. (BOVESPA:SEER3)
Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SERBADK)
Sercomm Corporation (TSEC:5388)
Seremban Engineering Berhad (KLSE:SEB)
Serendib Engineering Group PLC (COSE:IDL.N0000)
Serendib Hotels PLC (COSE:SHOT.N0000)
Serendib Land PLC (COSE:SLND.N0000)
Serial System Ltd (SGX:S69)
Sermsang Power Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:SSP)
Sermsuk Public Company Limited (SET:SSC)
Sern Kou Resources Berhad (KLSE:SERNKOU)
Seroja Investments Limited (SGX:IW5)
Seronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A042600)
Sersol Berhad (KLSE:SERSOL)
Servair Abidjan S.A. (BRVM:ABJC)
Service & Quality Group Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3219)
Service Fabrics Limited (KASE:SERF)
Service Industries Limited (KASE:SRVI)
Service Industries Textiles Limited (KASE:SERT)
Servicios Corporativos Javer, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:JAVER *)
Servicom S.A. (BVMT:SERVI)
Servotech Power Systems Limited (NSEI:SERVOTECH)
Sesan4A Hydropower Joint Stock Company (HOSE:S4A)
Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited (NSEI:SESHAPAPER)
Sesoda Corporation (TSEC:1708)
Setco Automotive Limited (BSE:505075)
Settlebank, INC. (KOSDAQ:A234340)
Setubandhan Infrastructure Limited (BSE:533605)
Seung Il Corporation (KOSDAQ:A049830)
Seven Hill Industries Limited (BSE:511760)
Seven Utilities and Power Public Company Limited (SET:7UP)
Severcoop Gamza Holding AD (BUL:6S4)
Sewha P&C INC. (KOSDAQ:A252500)
Sewoo Global Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A013000)
Sewoon Medical Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A100700)
Seya Industries Limited (BSE:524324)
Seylan Bank PLC (COSE:SEYB.N0000)
Seylan Developments PLC (COSE:CSD.N0000)
SF Diamond Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300179)
SFA Engineering Corporation (KOSDAQ:A056190)
SFA Semicon Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036540)
SFA Semicon Philippines Corporation (PSE:SSP)
SFK Construction Holdings Limited (SEHK:1447)
SFL Corporation Ltd. (NYSE:SFL)
SFund International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1367)
SG Choongbang Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A001380)
SG Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A255220)
SG Corporation (KOSE:A004060)
SG Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8442)
SG Micro Corp (SZSE:300661)
SG&G Corporation (KOSDAQ:A040610)
SGA Co,. Ltd (KOSDAQ:A049470)
SGA Solutions Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A184230)
SGF Capital Public Company Limited (SET:SGF)
SGIS Songshan Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000717)
SGOCO Group, Ltd. (NasdaqCM:SGOC)
SGSG Science&Technology Co., Ltd. Zhuhai (SZSE:300561)
SH Energy & Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002360)
SH Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1637)
Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600343)
Shaanxi Baoguang Vacuum Electric Device Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600379)
Shaanxi Broadcast & TV Network Intermediary (Group) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600831)
Shaanxi Coal Industry Company Limited (SHSE:601225)
Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600984)
Shaanxi Fenghuo Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000561)
Shaanxi Heimao Coking Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601015)
Shaanxi International Trust Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000563)
Shaanxi J&R Optimum Energy Co., Ltd (SZSE:300116)
Shaanxi Jinye Science Technology and Education Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000812)
Shaanxi Kanghui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603139)
Shaanxi Panlong Pharmaceutical Group Limited By Share Ltd (SZSE:002864)
Shaanxi Provincial Natural Gas Co.Ltd (SZSE:002267)
Shaanxi Xinghua Chemistry Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002109)
Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600248)
Shabbir Tiles and Ceramics Limited (KASE:STCL)
Shadab Textile Mills Limited (KASE:SHDT)
Shagrir Group Vehicle Services Ltd (TASE:SHGR)
Shah Alloys Limited (BSE:513436)
Shah Foods Limited (BSE:519031)
Shahe Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000014)
Shaheen Insurance Company Limited (KASE:SHNI)
Shahi Shipping Limited (BSE:526508)
Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (DSE:SHAHJABANK)
Shahjibazar Power Company Limited (DSE:SPCL)
Shahlon Silk Industries Limited (BSE:542862)
Shahmurad Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:SHSML)
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:SHJS)
Shahtaj Textile Limited (KASE:STJT)
Shailja Commercial Trade Frenzy Limited (BSE:539520)
Shaily Engineering Plastics Limited (BSE:501423)
Shakarganj Limited (KASE:SML)
Shakey's Pizza Asia Ventures, Inc. (PSE:PIZZA)
Shakti Pumps (India) Limited (BSE:531431)
Shalag Industries Ltd (TASE:SALG)
Shalby Limited (BSE:540797)
Shalibhadra Finance Limited (BSE:511754)
Shalimar (Malay) PLC (COSE:SHAL.N0000)
Shalimar Paints Limited (BSE:509874)
Shalimar Wires Industries Limited (BSE:532455)
Shan-Loong Transportation Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2616)
Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200152)
Shandong Bohui Paper Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600966)
Shandong Buchang Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603858)
Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited (SZSE:200488)
ShanDong Cynda Chemical Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603086)
Shandong Dawn Polymer Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002838)
Shandong Daye Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603278)
Shandong Delisi Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002330)
Shandong Donghong Pipe Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603856)
Shandong Fengyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002805)
ShanDong Geo-Mineral Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000409)
Shandong Gold Mining Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600547)
Shandong Gold Phoenix Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603586)
Shandong Haihua Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000822)
Shandong Head Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002810)
Shandong Hi-speed Company Limited (SHSE:600350)
Shandong Hi-Speed Road&Bridge Co., LTD. (SZSE:000498)
Shandong Hiking International Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600735)
Shandong Homey Aquatic Development Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600467)
Shandong Hongchuang Aluminum Industry Holding Company Limited (SZSE:002379)
Shandong Hongyu Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002890)
Shandong Hualu-Hengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600426)
Shandong Huapeng Glass Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603021)
Shandong Huatai Paper Industry Shareholding Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600308)
Shandong Huifa Foodstuff Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603536)
Shandong Humon Smelting Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002237)
Shandong Intco Medical Products Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300677)
Shandong International Trust Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1697)
Shandong Iron and Steel Company Ltd. (SHSE:600022)
Shandong Jiangquan Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600212)
Shandong Jincheng Pharmaceutical Group Co. LTD (SZSE:300233)
Shandong Jinjing Science and Technology Stock Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600586)
Shandong Jinling Mining Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000655)
Shandong Jintai Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600385)
Shandong Liancheng Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd (SZSE:002921)
Shandong Linglong Tyre Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601966)
Shandong Lipeng Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002374)
Shandong Longda Meat Foodstuff Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002726)
Shandong Longertek Technology Co., LTD (SZSE:300594)
Shandong Longji Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002363)
Shandong Longquan Pipeline Engineering Co.,LTD (SZSE:002671)
Shandong Lubei Chemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600727)
Shandong Lukang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600789)
Shandong Luyitong Intelligent Electric Plc. (SZSE:300423)
Shandong Meichen Ecology & Environment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300237)
Shandong Minhe Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002234)
Shandong Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:002526)
Shandong Molong Petroleum Machinery Company Limited (SEHK:568)
Shandong Nanshan Aluminium Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600219)
Shandong New Beiyang Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002376)
Shandong Oriental Ocean Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002086)
Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd (SHSE:600529)
Shandong Polymer Biochemicals Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002476)
Shandong Publishing&Media Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601019)
Shandong Rike Chemical Co.,LTD. (SZSE:300214)
Shandong Ruifeng Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300243)
Shandong Ruyi Woolen Garment Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002193)
Shandong Sacred Sun Power Sources Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002580)
Shandong Shanda Wit Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000915)
Shandong Shengli Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000407)
Shandong Shida Shenghua Chemical Group Company Limited (SHSE:603026)
Shandong Shuangyi Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300690)
Shandong Sinobioway Biomedicine Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002581)
Shandong Sinocera Functional Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300285)
Shandong Sito Bio-technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300583)
Shandong Sunpaper Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002078)
Shandong Sunway Petrochemical Engineering Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002469)
Shandong Swan CottonIndustrial Machinery Stock Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603029)
Shandong Taihe Water Treatment Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300801)
Shandong Tongda Island New Materials Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300321)
Shandong Tyan Home Co., Ltd (SHSE:600807)
Shandong Weida Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002026)
Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Company Limited (SEHK:1066)
Shandong Wohua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002107)
Shandong Xiantan Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002746)
Shandong Xinchao Energy Corporation Limited (SHSE:600777)
Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Company Limited (SEHK:719)
Shandong Xinneng Taishan Power Generation Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000720)
Shandong Yanggu Huatai Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300121)
Shandong Yisheng Livestock & Poultry Breeding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002458)
Shandong Yuanli Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603217)
Shandong Zhangqiu Blower Co., Ltd (SZSE:002598)
Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic Fisheries Company Limited (SZSE:200992)
ShanDongDenghai Seeds Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002041)
Shane Global Holding Inc. (TSEC:8482)
Shang Gong Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900924)
Shang Hai Ya Tong Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600692)
Shang Properties, Inc. (PSE:SHNG)
Shangar Décor Limited (BSE:540259)
Shanghai 2345 Network Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002195)
Shanghai Ace Investment & Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603329)
Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600151)
Shanghai Aiko Solar Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600732)
Shanghai Aiyingshi Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603214)
Shanghai Aj Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600643)
Shanghai Amarsoft Information & Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300380)
Shanghai Anoky Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300067)
Shanghai AtHub Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603881)
Shanghai Bailian (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600827)
Shanghai Bairun Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002568)
Shanghai Baolong Automotive Corporation (SHSE:603197)
Shanghai Baosight Software Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600845)
Shanghai Baosteel Packaging Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601968)
Shanghai Beite Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603009)
Shanghai Belling Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600171)
Shanghai Bright Power Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688368)
Shanghai Broadband Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600608)
Shanghai Carthane Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603037)
Shanghai Challenge Textile Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002486)
Shanghai Chengdi Construction Corporation LTD (SHSE:603887)
Shanghai Chinafortune Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600621)
Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900908)
Shanghai Chuangli Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603012)
Shanghai Conant Macroflag Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300061)
Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600170)
Shanghai Cooltech Power Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300153)
Shanghai Daimay Automotive Interior Co., Ltd (SHSE:603730)
Shanghai Dasheng Agriculture Finance Technology Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1103)
Shanghai Datun Energy Resources Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600508)
Shanghai Dazhong Public Utilities(Group) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600635)
Shanghai Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900920)
Shanghai Dongzheng Automotive Finance Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2718)
Shanghai Dragon Corporation (SHSE:600630)
Shanghai DragonNet Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300245)
Shanghai DZH Limited (SHSE:601519)
Shanghai East-China Computer Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600850)
Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited (SEHK:2727)
Shanghai Electric Power Company Limited (SHSE:600021)
Shanghai Emperor of Cleaning Hi-Tech Co., Ltd (SHSE:603200)
Shanghai Environment Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:601200)
Shanghai Feilo Acoustics Co., Ltd (SHSE:600651)
Shanghai Fenghwa Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:600615)
Shanghai Fengyuzhu Exhibition Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603466)
Shanghai Film Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601595)
Shanghai Flyco Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603868)
Shanghai Fortune Techgroup Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300493)
Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600196)
Shanghai Friendess Electronic Technology Corporation Limited (SHSE:688188)
Shanghai Fudan Forward S&T Co., Ltd (SHSE:600624)
Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Company Limited (SEHK:1385)
Shanghai Fudan-Zhangjiang Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1349)
Shanghai Fukong Interactive Entertainment Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600634)
Shanghai Fullhan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300613)
Shanghai Ganglian E-Commerce Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300226)
Shanghai Golden Bridge Info Tech Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603918)
Shanghai Greencourt Investment Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900919)
Shanghai Guangdian Electric Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601616)
Shanghai Guao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300551)
Shanghai Guijiu Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600696)
Shanghai Haishun New Pharmaceutical Packaging Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300501)
Shanghai Haixin Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900917)
Shanghai Hanbell Precise Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002158)
Shanghai Haohai Biological Technology Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6826)
Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc. (SEHK:2696)
Shanghai Hi-Tech Control System Co., Ltd (SZSE:002184)
Shanghai Highly (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900910)
Shanghai Hile Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603718)
Shanghai Hongda Mining Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600532)
Shanghai Hongda New Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002211)
Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology Ltd (SZSE:300627)
ShangHai Huahong Jitong Smart System Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300330)
Shanghai Huaming Intelligent Terminal Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300462)
Shanghai Huayi Group Corporation Limited (SHSE:600623)
Shanghai Hugong Electric Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603131)
Shanghai Huide Science & Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603192)
Shanghai Huili Building Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900939)
Shanghai Huitong Energy Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600605)
Shanghai Industrial Development Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600748)
Shanghai Industrial Holdings Limited (SEHK:363)
Shanghai Industrial Urban Development Group Limited (SEHK:563)
Shanghai International Airport Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600009)
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600018)
Shanghai Jahwa United Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600315)
Shanghai Jiao Yun Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600676)
Shanghai Jiaoda Onlly Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600530)
Shanghai Jielong Industry Group Corporation Limited (SHSE:600836)
Shanghai Jin Jiang Capital Company Limited (SEHK:2006)
Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900934)
Shanghai Jinfeng Wine Company Limited (SHSE:600616)
Shanghai JinJiang International Industrial Investment Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:900914)
Shanghai Jinjiang International Travel Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900929)
Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900911)
Shanghai Join Buy Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600838)
Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1877)
Shanghai Kai Kai Industry Company Limited (SHSE:900943)
Shanghai Kaibao Pharmaceutical CO.,Ltd (SZSE:300039)
Shanghai Kaichuang Marine International Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600097)
Shanghai Kangda New Materials Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002669)
Shanghai Kehua Bio-Engineering Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002022)
Shanghai Kelai Mechatronics Engineering Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603960)
Shanghai Kindly Enterprise Development Group Co.,LTD. (SHSE:603987)
Shanghai Kindly Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1501)
Shanghai Kinetic Medical Co., Ltd (SZSE:300326)
Shanghai Kinlita Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300225)
Shanghai La Chapelle Fashion Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6116)
Shanghai Laimu Electronics Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603633)
Shanghai Laiyifen Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603777)
Shanghai Lansheng Corporation (SHSE:600826)
Shanghai Liangxin Electrical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002706)
Shanghai Lianming Machinery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603006)
Shanghai Lingang Holdings Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:900928)
Shanghai Lingyun Industries Development Co., Ltd (SHSE:900957)
Shanghai Lisheng Racing Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002858)
Shanghai LongYun Media Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603729)
Shanghai Lonyer Fuels Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603003)
Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600663)
Shanghai M&G Stationery Inc. (SHSE:603899)
Shanghai Maling Aquarius Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600073)
Shanghai Material Trading Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900927)
Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600835)
Shanghai Medicilon Inc. (SHSE:688202)
Shanghai Metersbonwe Fashion and Accessories Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002269)
Shanghai MicroPort Endovascular MedTech Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688016)
Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co., Ltd (SHSE:600882)
Shanghai MOONS' Electric Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603728)
Shanghai Morn Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002451)
Shanghai NAR Industrial Co., Ltd (SZSE:002825)
Shanghai New Culture Media Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300336)
Shanghai New Huang Pu Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600638)
Shanghai New World Co., Ltd (SHSE:600628)
Shanghai No.1 Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600833)
Shanghai Oriental Pearl Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600637)
Shanghai Original Advanced Compounds Co., Ltd (SHSE:603991)
Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co., Ltd (SHSE:601607)
Shanghai Phichem Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300398)
Shanghai Phoenix Enterprise (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900916)
Shanghai Precise Packaging Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300442)
Shanghai Pret Composites Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002324)
Shanghai Prime Machinery Company Limited (SEHK:2345)
Shanghai Prosolar Resources Development Co., Ltd (SHSE:600193)
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600000)
Shanghai Pudong Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600284)
Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603659)
Shanghai Qiangsheng Holding Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600662)
Shanghai RAAS Blood Products Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002252)
Shanghai Realway Capital Assets Management Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1835)
Shanghai Rongtai Health Technology Corporation Limited (SHSE:603579)
Shanghai Runda Medical Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603108)
Shanghai Sanmao Enterprise (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900922)
Shanghai Shen Lian Biomedical Corporation (SHSE:688098)
Shanghai Shenda Co., Ltd (SHSE:600626)
Shanghai Shenhua Holdings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600653)
Shanghai Shenqi Pharmaceutical Investment Management Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:900904)
Shanghai Shentong Metro Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600834)
Shanghai Shibei Hi-Tech Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:900902)
Shanghai Shimao Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600823)
Shanghai Shine-Link International Logistics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603648)
Shanghai Shuixing Home Textile Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603365)
Shanghai Shunho New Materials Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002565)
Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600420)
Shanghai Sinotec Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603121)
Shanghai Sinyang Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300236)
Shanghai SK Petroleum & Chemical Equipment Corporation Ltd. (SZSE:002278)
Shanghai SMI Holding Co., Ltd (SHSE:600649)
Shanghai Smith Adhesive New Material Co., Ltd (SHSE:603683)
Shanghai STEP Electric Corporation (SZSE:002527)
Shanghai Sunglow Packaging Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603499)
Shanghai Taisheng Wind Power Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300129)
Shanghai Tianchen Co., Ltd (SHSE:600620)
Shanghai Tianyang Hot Melt Adhesives Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603330)
Shanghai Tianyong Engineering Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603895)
Shanghai Tofflon Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300171)
Shanghai Tongda Venture Capital Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600647)
Shanghai Tongji Science & Technology Industrial Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600846)
Shanghai Trendzone Construction Decoration Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603030)
Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600820)
Shanghai U9 Game Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600652)
Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900912)
Shanghai Wanye Enterprises Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600641)
Shanghai Weaver Network Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603039)
Shanghai Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300508)
Shanghai Welltech Automation Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002058)
Shanghai Wondertek Software Co., Ltd (SHSE:603189)
Shanghai Worth Garden Products Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300483)
Shanghai Xinhua Media Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600825)
Shanghai Xinnanyang Only Education & Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600661)
Shanghai Xinpeng Industry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002328)
Shanghai Xintonglian Packaging Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603022)
Shanghai Xuerong Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300511)
Shanghai Xujiahui Commercial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002561)
Shanghai Yahong Moulding Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603159)
Shanghai Yanhua Smartech Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002178)
Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900918)
Shanghai Yaoji Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002605)
Shanghai Yimin Commercial Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600824)
Shanghai Yongguan Adhesive Products Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:603681)
Shanghai YongLi Belting Co., Ltd (SZSE:300230)
Shanghai Zendai Property Limited (SEHK:755)
Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600895)
Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (SHSE:900947)
Shanghai Zhezhong Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002346)
Shanghai Zhixin Electric Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600517)
Shanghai Zijiang Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600210)
Shangri-La Asia Limited (SEHK:69)
Shangri-La Hotel Public Company Limited (SET:SHANG)
Shangri-La Hotels (Malaysia) Berhad (KLSE:SHANG)
Shangying Global Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600146)
Shaniv Paper Industry Ltd (TASE:SHAN)
Shankara Building Products Limited (BSE:540425)
Shanshan Brand Management Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1749)
Shantai Industries Limited (BSE:512297)
Shanthi Gears Limited (BSE:522034)
Shanti Educational Initiatives Limited (BSE:539921)
Shanti Overseas (India) Limited (NSEI:SHANTI)
Shantou Dongfeng Printing Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601515)
Shantou Wanshun New Material Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300057)
Shantui Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000680)
Shanxi Antai Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600408)
Shanxi Blue Flame Holding Company Limited (SZSE:000968)
ShanXi C&Y Pharmaceutical Group Co., LTD. (SZSE:300254)
Shanxi Changcheng Microlight Equipment Co. Ltd. (SEHK:8286)
Shanxi Coal International Energy Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600546)
Shanxi Coking Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600740)
Shanxi Guoxin Energy Corporation Limited (SHSE:600617)
Shanxi Lanhua Sci-Tech Venture Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600123)
Shanxi Lu'an Environmental Energy Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601699)
Shanxi Meijin Energy Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000723)
Shanxi Oriental Material Handling Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300486)
Shanxi Road & Bridge Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000755)
Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002500)
Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000825)
Shanxi Tond Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002360)
Shanxi Xinghuacun Fen Wine Factory Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600809)
Shanxi Xishan Coal and Electricity Power Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000983)
Shanxi Yongdong Chemistry Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002753)
Shanxi Zhangze Electric Power Co., LTD. (SZSE:000767)
Shanxi Zhendong Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300158)
Shanying International Holdings Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600567)
Shanyuan Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4416)
Shaoxing BSM Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300796)
Shapir Engineering and Industry Ltd (TASE:SPEN)
Sharanam Infraproject And Trading Limited (BSE:539584)
Sharat Industries Limited (BSE:519397)
Sharda Cropchem Limited (BSE:538666)
Sharda Ispat Limited (BSE:513548)
Sharda Motor Industries Limited (BSE:535602)
Shardul Securities Limited (BSE:512393)
Share India Securities Limited (BSE:540725)
ShareHope Medicine Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8403)
Sharika Enterprises Limited (BSE:540786)
Sharing Economy International Inc. (OTCPK:SEII)
Sharjah Cement and Industrial Development Co. (PJSC) (KWSE:SCEM)
Sharjah Islamic Bank PJSC (ADX:SIB)
Sharkia National Company for Food Security (CASE:SNFC)
Sharm Dreams Co. for Touristic Investment S.A.E. (CASE:SDTI)
Sharp India Limited (BSE:523449)
Sharp Investments Limited (BSE:538212)
Sharqiyah Desalination Company SAOG (MSM:SHRQ)
Shasha Denims Limited (DSE:SHASHADNIM)
Shashijit Infraprojects Limited (BSE:540147)
Shaw Brothers Holdings Limited (SEHK:953)
Shaympur Sugar Mills Ltd. (DSE:SHYAMPSUG)
Shede Spirits Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600702)
Sheela Foam Limited (BSE:540203)
Sheen Tai Holdings Group Company Limited (SEHK:1335)
Sheetal Cool Products Limited (BSE:540757)
Sheetal Diamonds Limited (BSE:530525)
Shefa Yamim Ltd (TASE:SEFA)
Sheh Fung Screws Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2065)
Sheh Kai Precision Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2063)
Shekel Brainweigh Ltd. (ASX:SBW)
Shekhawati Poly-Yarn Limited (BSE:533301)
Shelf Drilling, Ltd. (OB:SHLF)
Shell Oman Marketing Company SAOG (MSM:SOMS)
Shell Pakistan Limited (KASE:SHEL)
Shelter Infra Projects Limited (BSE:526839)
Shemaroo Entertainment Limited (BSE:538685)
Shemen Industries Ltd. (TASE:SMNIN)
Shemen Oil And Gas Resources Ltd (TASE:SOG-M)
Shen You Holdings Limited (SEHK:8377)
Shen Zhen Mindata Holding Co., Ltd (SZSE:002137)
Shen Zhen Shengxunda Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300518)
Shen's Art Printing Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8921)
Shenergy Company Limited (SHSE:600642)
Sheng Siong Group Ltd (SGX:OV8)
Sheng Ye Capital Limited (SEHK:6069)
Sheng Yi Development Co.,Ltd (GTSM:5455)
Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2029)
Sheng Yuan Holdings Limited (SEHK:851)
Shengda Mining Co.Ltd. (SZSE:000603)
Shenghe Resources Holding Co., Ltd (SHSE:600392)
Shenghua Entertainment Communication Co. Ltd. (GTSM:4806)
Shenghua Lande Scitech Limited (SEHK:8106)
Shengjing Bank Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2066)
Shengkai Innovations, Inc. (OTCPK:VALV)
Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe Holdings Limited (SEHK:1080)
Shenglong Splendecor International Limited (SEHK:8481)
Shengtai Pharmaceutical, Inc. (OTCPK:SGTI)
Shenguan Holdings (Group) Limited (SEHK:829)
Shengyi Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600183)
Shenke Slide Bearing Corporation (SZSE:002633)
Shenma Industrial Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600810)
Shenmao Technology Inc (TSEC:3305)
Shennan Circuit Company Limited (SZSE:002916)
Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited (SEHK:8206)
Shenwan Hongyuan (H.K.) Limited (SEHK:218)
Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000166)
Shenwu Energy Saving Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000820)
Shenwu Environmental Technology CO.,LTD (SZSE:300156)
Shenyang Blue Silver Industry Automatic Equipment Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300293)
Shenyang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000698)
Shenyang Commercial City Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600306)
Shenyang Cuihua Gold and Silver Jewelry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002731)
Shenyang Huitian Thermal Power Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000692)
Shenyang Jinbei Automotive Company Limited (SHSE:600609)
Shenyang Jinshan Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600396)
Shenyang Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000410)
Shenyang Public Utility Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:747)
Shenyang Xingqi Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300573)
Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002689)
Shenyu Communication Technology Inc. (SZSE:300563)
Shenzhen Absen Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300389)
Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000061)
Shenzhen Airport Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000089)
Shenzhen Aisidi CO.,LTD. (SZSE:002416)
Shenzhen Anche Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300572)
Shenzhen AOTO Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002587)
Shenzhen Asia Link Technology Development Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002316)
Shenzhen Asiantime International Construction Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002811)
Shenzhen Auto Electric Power Plant Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002227)
Shenzhen Batian Ecotypic Engineering Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002170)
Shenzhen Bauing Construction Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002047)
Shenzhen Beauty Star Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002243)
Shenzhen Bingchuan Network Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300533)
Shenzhen Capchem Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300037)
Shenzhen Capol International & Associates Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002949)
Shenzhen Capstone Industrial Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000038)
Shenzhen Cau Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:000004)
Shenzhen CDL Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300686)
Shenzhen Center Power Tech. Co., Ltd (SZSE:002733)
Shenzhen Centralcon Investment Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000042)
Shenzhen Cereals Holdings Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000019)
Shenzhen Changfang Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300301)
Shenzhen Changhong Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300151)
Shenzhen Chengtian Weiye Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300689)
Shenzhen China Bicycle Company (Holdings) Limited (SZSE:200017)
Shenzhen Chipscreen Biosciences Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688321)
Shenzhen Click Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002782)
Shenzhen Clou Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002121)
Shenzhen Colibri Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002957)
Shenzhen Comix Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002301)
Shenzhen Coship Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002052)
Shenzhen Cotran New Material Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300731)
Shenzhen Danbond Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002618)
Shenzhen Das Intellitech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002421)
Shenzhen Deren Electronic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002055)
Shenzhen Desay Battery Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000049)
Shenzhen Dvision Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300167)
Shenzhen Dynanonic Co., Ltd (SZSE:300769)
Shenzhen Easttop Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002889)
Shenzhen Ecobeauty Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000010)
Shenzhen Ellassay Fashion Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603808)
Shenzhen Emperor Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300546)
Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000027)
Shenzhen Envicool Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002837)
Shenzhen ESUN Display Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002751)
Shenzhen Everwin Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300115)
Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited (SEHK:548)
Shenzhen Fastprint Circuit Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002436)
Shenzhen Feima International Supply Chain Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002210)
Shenzhen Fenda Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002681)
Shenzhen Fine Made Electronics Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300671)
Shenzhen Fluence Technology PLC. (SZSE:300647)
Shenzhen Forms Syntron Information Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300468)
Shenzhen Fountain Corporation (SZSE:000005)
Shenzhen FRD Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300602)
Shenzhen Friendcom Technology Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300514)
Shenzhen Fuanna Bedding and Furnishing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002327)
Shenzhen Gas Corporation Ltd. (SHSE:601139)
Shenzhen Genvict Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002869)
Shenzhen Geoway Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600462)
Shenzhen Glory Medical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002551)
Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603118)
Shenzhen Goodix Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603160)
Shenzhen Grandland Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002482)
Shenzhen Guangju Energy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000096)
Shenzhen H&T Intelligent Control Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002402)
Shenzhen HEKEDA Precision Cleaning Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002816)
Shenzhen Hemei Group Co.,LTD. (SZSE:002356)
Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002399)
Shenzhen HeungKong Holding Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600162)
Shenzhen Hifuture Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002168)
Shenzhen Hirisun Technology Incorporated (SZSE:300277)
Shenzhen Hongtao Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002325)
Shenzhen Hopewind Electric Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603063)
Shenzhen Huakong Seg Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000068)
Shenzhen Huaqiang Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000062)
Shenzhen Huijie Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002763)
Shenzhen Increase Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300713)
Shenzhen Infinova Limited (SZSE:002528)
Shenzhen InfoGem Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300085)
Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300124)
Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300675)
Shenzhen International Holdings Limited (SEHK:152)
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Bay Area Development Company Limited (SEHK:737)
Shenzhen Investment Limited (SEHK:604)
Shenzhen INVT Electric Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002334)
Shenzhen Jasic Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300193)
Shenzhen Jiang&Associates Creative Design Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300668)
Shenzhen Jianyi Decoration Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002789)
Shenzhen Jieshun Science and Technology Industry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002609)
Shenzhen JingQuanHua Electronics Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002885)
Shenzhen Jinjia Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002191)
Shenzhen JPT Opto-Electronics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688025)
Shenzhen JT Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300400)
Shenzhen Jufei Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300303)
Shenzhen Kaifa Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000021)
Shenzhen Kaizhong Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002823)
Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300601)
Shenzhen keanda electronic technology co.,ltd (SZSE:002972)
Shenzhen Kedali Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002850)
Shenzhen Kexin Communication Technologies Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300565)
Shenzhen King Explorer Science and Technology Corporation (SZSE:002917)
Shenzhen Kingdom Sci-Tech Co., Ltd (SHSE:600446)
Shenzhen Kingsino Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002548)
Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300235)
Shenzhen Kinwong Electronic Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603228)
Shenzhen Kondarl (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000048)
Shenzhen KSTAR Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002518)
Shenzhen Laibao Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002106)
Shenzhen Liande Automation Equipment co.,ltd. (SZSE:300545)
Shenzhen Liantronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300269)
Shenzhen Lifotronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688389)
Shenzhen Longli Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300752)
Shenzhen Longood Intelligent Electric Co.,LTD (SZSE:300543)
Shenzhen Magic Design & Decoration Engineering Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002856)
Shenzhen Mason Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002654)
Shenzhen Maxonic Automation Control Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300112)
Shenzhen Megmeet Electrical Co., LTD (SZSE:002851)
Shenzhen Microgate Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300319)
Shenzhen MinDe Electronics Technology Ltd. (SZSE:300656)
Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300760)
Shenzhen Mingdiao Decoration Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002830)
Shenzhen Mingwah Aohan High Technology Corporation Limited (SEHK:8301)
Shenzhen Minkave Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300506)
Shenzhen MTC Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002429)
Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200037)
Shenzhen Neptunus Bioengineering Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000078)
Shenzhen Neptunus Interlong Bio-technique Company Limited (SEHK:8329)
Shenzhen New Land Tool Planning & Architectural Design Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300778)
Shenzhen New Nanshan Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002314)
Shenzhen Noposion Agrochemicals Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002215)
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000069)
Shenzhen Prince New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002735)
Shenzhen Prolto Supply Chain Management Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002769)
Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd. (SZSE:000011)
Shenzhen Qingyi Photomask Limited (SHSE:688138)
Shenzhen Qixin Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002781)
Shenzhen Quanxinhao Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000007)
Shenzhen Rapoo Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002577)
Shenzhen Refond Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300241)
Shenzhen Riland Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300154)
ShenZhen RoadRover Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002813)
Shenzhen RongDa Photosensitive Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300576)
Shenzhen Ruihe Construction Decoration Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002620)
Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002294)
Shenzhen SDG Information Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000070)
Shenzhen SED Industry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000032)
Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200058)
Shenzhen Selen Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002341)
Shenzhen Senior Technology Material Co., LTD (SZSE:300568)
Shenzhen Silver Basis Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002786)
Shenzhen Sinexcel Electric Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300693)
Shenzhen Sinovatio Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002912)
Shenzhen Soling Industrial Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002766)
Shenzhen Success Electronics Co., Ltd (SZSE:002289)
Shenzhen Sunline Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300348)
Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002138)
Shenzhen Sunnypol Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002876)
Shenzhen Sunrise New Energy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002256)
Shenzhen Sunshine Laser & Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300227)
Shenzhen Sunway Communication Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300136)
Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300044)
Shenzhen SunXing Light Alloys Materials Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603978)
Shenzhen Sunyes Electronic Manufacturing Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002388)
Shenzhen Tagen Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000090)
Shenzhen Tatfook Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300134)
Shenzhen Techand Ecology & Environment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300197)
Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000025)
Shenzhen Terca Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002213)
Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000045)
Shenzhen Tianyuan DIC Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300047)
Shenzhen Tongyi Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300538)
Shenzhen Topband Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002139)
Shenzhen Topway Video Communication Co., Ltd (SZSE:002238)
Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688036)
Shenzhen TVT Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002835)
Shenzhen TXD Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002845)
Shenzhen Universe Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000023)
Shenzhen V&T Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300484)
Shenzhen Weiguang Biological Products Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002880)
ShenZhen WeiYe Decoration Group Co.,LTD (SZSE:300621)
Shenzhen Wenke Landscape Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002775)
ShenZhen Woer Heat-Shrinkable Material Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002130)
Shenzhen Wongtee International Enterprise Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200056)
Shenzhen Worldunion Group Incorporated (SZSE:002285)
Shenzhen WOTE Advanced Materials Co., Ltd (SZSE:002886)
Shenzhen Yan Tian Port Holdings Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000088)
Shenzhen Yinghe Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300457)
Shenzhen Yitoa Intelligent Control Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300131)
Shenzhen Ysstech Info-Tech Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300377)
ShenZhen YUTO Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002831)
Shenzhen Zhenye (Group) Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000006)
Shenzhen Zhilai Sci and Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300771)
Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200020)
Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co. Ltd. (SZSE:000060)
Shenzhen Zhongzhuang Construction Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002822)
Shenzhen Zowee Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002369)
Shenzhou International Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2313)
Shepherd Industries Limited (DSE:SHEPHERD)
Shervani Industrial Syndicate Limited (BSE:526117)
Sherwood Corporation (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:SWC)
Shetron Limited (BSE:526137)
Sheung Moon Holdings Limited (SEHK:8523)
Sheung Yue Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1633)
Shezan International Limited (KASE:SHEZ)
SHH Resources Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SHH)
Shi Shi Services Limited (SEHK:8181)
Shian Yih Electronic Industry Co.,Ltd (GTSM:3531)
Shieh Yih Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4533)
Shield Corporation Limited (KASE:SCL)
Shifa International Hospitals Limited (KASE:SHFA)
ShiFang Holding Limited (SEHK:1831)
Shifeng Cultural Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002862)
Shih Her Technologies Inc. (GTSM:3551)
Shih Wei Navigation Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5608)
Shih-Kuen Plastics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4305)
Shihlin Development Company Limited (GTSM:5324)
Shihlin Electric & Engineering Corporation (TSEC:1503)
Shihlin Paper Corporation (TSEC:1903)
Shijiazhuang ChangShan BeiMing Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:000158)
Shijiazhuang Kelin Electric Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603050)
Shijiazhuang Tonhe Electronics Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300491)
Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002603)
Shikun & Binui Ltd. (TASE:SKBN)
Shilchar Technologies Limited (BSE:531201)
Shilp Gravures Limited (BSE:513709)
Shilpa Medicare Limited (BSE:530549)
Shimao Property Holdings Limited (SEHK:813)
Shimge Pump Industry Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002532)
Shin Foong Specialty and Applied Materials Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6582)
Shin Hai Gas Corporation (TSEC:9926)
Shin Heung Energy & Electronics Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A243840)
Shin Hwa Silup Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A001770)
Shin Kong Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2888)
Shin Kong No. 1 REIT (TSEC:01003T)
Shin Poong Pharm.Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A019170)
Shin Ruenn development Co., LTD (GTSM:6186)
Shin Shin Co Ltd. (TSEC:2901)
Shin Shin Natural Gas Company Limited (TSEC:9918)
Shin Tai Industry Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1235)
Shin Yang Shipping Corporation Berhad (KLSE:SYSCORP)
Shin Zu Shing Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3376)
Shindaeyang Paper Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A016590)
Shineco, Inc. (NasdaqCM:TYHT)
Shinelong Automotive Lightweight Application Limited (SEHK:1930)
ShineMore Technology Materials Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8291)
Shinepukur Ceramics Limited (DSE:SPCERAMICS)
Shiner International, Inc. (OTCPK:UECN)
Shineroad International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1587)
Shinhan 4th Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A277480)
Shinhan 5th Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A323230)
Shinhan 6th Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A333050)
Shinhan Alpha REIT Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A293940)
Shinhan Financial Group Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A055550)
ShinHsiung Natural Gas Inc. (GTSM:8908)
Shinhung Co., Ltd (KOSE:A004080)
Shinhwa Contech Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A187270)
Shinih Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9944)
Shinil Industrial Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A002700)
Shining Building Business Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:5531)
Shining Victory Motor Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2248)
Shinjin Sm Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A138070)
Shinkong Insurance Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2850)
Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corporation (TSEC:1409)
Shinkong Textile Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1419)
Shinpoong Paper Mfg. Co., Ltd (KOSE:A002870)
Shinry Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300745)
Shinsegae Engineering & Construction Inc. (KOSE:A034300)
Shinsegae Inc. (KOSE:A004170)
SHINSEGAE Information & Communication Co., LTD (KOSE:A035510)
Shinsegae International Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A031430)
Shinsung Delta Tech Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065350)
Shinsung E&G Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A011930)
Shinsung Tongsang Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005390)
Shinva Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600587)
Shinvest Holding Ltd. (SGX:BJW)
Shinwha Intertek Corp. (KOSDAQ:A056700)
SHINWON Construction co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A017000)
ShinWon Corporation (KOSE:A009270)
Shiny Brands Group Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6703)
Shiny Chemical Industrial Company Limited (TSEC:1773)
Shinyoung HappyTomorrow No.4 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A307180)
Shinyoung HappyTomorrow No.5 Special Purpose Acquisition Company (KOSDAQ:A323280)
Shinyoung Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001720)
Shinyoungwacoal,Inc. (KOSE:A005800)
Shira Real Estate Development & Investments Company (P.L.C) (ASE:SHRA)
Shirble Department Store Holdings (China) Limited (SEHK:312)
Shirpur Gold Refinery Limited (BSE:512289)
Shish Industries Limited (BSE:540693)
Shiv Aum Steels Limited (NSEI:SHIVAUM)
Shiva Cement Limited (BSE:532323)
Shiva Global Agro Industries Limited (BSE:530433)
Shiva Mills Limited (NSEI:SHIVAMILLS)
Shiva Texyarn Limited (BSE:511108)
Shivalik Bimetal Controls Limited (BSE:513097)
Shivalik Rasayan Limited (BSE:539148)
Shivam Autotech Limited (BSE:532776)
Shivansh Finserve Limited (BSE:539593)
SHK Hong Kong Industries Limited (SEHK:666)
SHL Consolidated Bhd. (KLSE:SHL)
SHL Telemedicine Ltd. (SWX:SHLTN)
Shoppers Stop Limited (BSE:532638)
Shoprite Holdings Limited (JSE:SHP)
Shougang Concord Century Holdings Limited (SEHK:103)
Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited (SEHK:730)
Shougang Concord International Enterprises Company Limited (SEHK:697)
Shougang Fushan Resources Group Limited (SEHK:639)
Showbox Corp. (KOSDAQ:A086980)
Shradha Infraprojects Limited (NSEI:SHRADHA)
Shree Ajit Pulp and Paper Limited (BSE:538795)
Shree Bhavya Fabrics Limited (BSE:521131)
Shree Cement Limited (NSEI:SHREECEM)
Shree Digvijay Cement Company Limited (BSE:502180)
Shree Ganesh Bio-Tech (India) Limited (BSE:539470)
Shree Ganesh Remedies Limited (BSE:540737)
Shree Global Tradefin Limited (BSE:512463)
Shree Hari Chemicals Export Limited (BSE:524336)
Shree Karthik Papers Limited (BSE:516106)
Shree Krishna Paper Mills & Industries Limited (BSE:500388)
Shree Metalloys Limited (BSE:531962)
Shree Nidhi Trading Co. Limited (BSE:540253)
Shree Pushkar Chemicals & Fertilisers Limited (NSEI:SHREEPUSHK)
Shree Rajasthan Syntex Limited (BSE:503837)
Shree Rajeshwaranand Paper Mills Limited (BSE:516086)
Shree Rama Multi-Tech Limited (BSE:532310)
Shree Rama Newsprint Limited (NSEI:RAMANEWS)
Shree Renuka Sugars Limited (BSE:532670)
Shree Salasar Investments Limited (BSE:503635)
Shree Steel Wire Ropes Limited (BSE:513488)
Shree Tirupati Balajee FIBC Limited (NSEI:TIRUPATI)
Shree Vasu Logistics Limited (NSEI:SVLL)
Shreeji Translogistics Limited (BSE:540738)
ShreeOswal Seeds and Chemicals Limited (NSEI:OSWALSEEDS)
Shreevatsaa Finance and Leasing Limited (BSE:532007)
Shrenik Limited (NSEI:SHRENIK)
Shreyans Industries Limited (NSEI:SHREYANIND)
Shreyas Shipping and Logistics Limited (BSE:520151)
Shri Bajrang Alliance Limited (BSE:526981)
Shri Dinesh Mills Limited (BSE:503804)
Shri Jagdamba Polymers Limited (BSE:512453)
Shri Keshav Cements and Infra Limited (BSE:530977)
Shri Krishna Devcon Limited (BSE:531080)
Shriram Asset Management Company Limited (BSE:531359)
Shriram City Union Finance Limited (BSE:532498)
Shriram EPC Limited (BSE:532945)
Shriram Pistons & Rings Limited (NSEI:SHRIPISTON)
Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited (BSE:511218)
Shristi Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (BSE:511411)
SHS Holdings Ltd. (SGX:566)
Shuang Yun Holdings Limited (SEHK:1706)
Shuang-Bang Industrial Corp. (GTSM:6506)
Shuanghua Holdings Limited (SEHK:1241)
Shuangliang Eco-Energy Systems Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600481)
Shubhlaxmi Jewel Art Limited (NSEI:SHUBHLAXMI)
Shufersal Ltd. (TASE:SAE)
Shui On Land Limited (SEHK:272)
Shui-Mu International Company Limited (TSEC:8443)
Shukra Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:524632)
Shun Ho Holdings Limited (SEHK:253)
Shun Ho Property Investments Limited (SEHK:219)
Shun On Electronic Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6283)
Shun Tak Holdings Limited (SEHK:242)
Shun Wo Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1591)
Shunfa Hengye Corporation (SZSE:000631)
Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited (SEHK:1165)
Shunliban Information Service Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000606)
ShunSin Technology Holdings Limited (TSEC:6451)
Shunten International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:932)
Shunya International Martech (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300612)
Shurwid Industries Limited (DSE:SHURWID)
Shuttle Inc. (TSEC:2405)
Shuz Tung Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4537)
Shyam Century Ferrous Limited (NSEI:SHYAMCENT)
Shyam Telecom Limited (BSE:517411)
SIA Engineering Company Limited (SGX:S59)
Siam Brothers Vietnam Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SBV)
Siam City Cement Public Company Limited (SET:SCCC)
Siam Food Products Public Company Limited (SET:SFP)
Siam Future Development Public Company Limited (SET:SF)
Siam Global House Public Company Limited (SET:GLOBAL)
Siam Makro Public Company Limited (SET:MAKRO)
Siam Sport Syndicate Public Company Limited (SET:SPORT)
Siam Steel International Public Company Limited (SET:SIAM)
Siam Steel Service Center Public Company Limited (SET:SSSC)
Siam Wellness Group Public Company Limited (SET:SPA)
SiamEast Solutions Public Company Limited (SET:SE)
Siamgas and Petrochemicals Public Company Limited (SET:SGP)
Siamraj Public Company Limited (SET:SR)
Siasun Robot&Automation Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300024)
Sibanye Gold Limited (JSE:SGL)
Sibar Auto Parts Limited (BSE:520141)
Siberian Mining Group Company Limited (SEHK:1142)
SIC Insurance Company Limited (GHSE:SIC)
SICABLE - Société Ivoirienne De Cables S.A. (BRVM:CABC)
Sicagen India Limited (BSE:533014)
Sical Logistics Limited (BSE:520086)
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600839)
Sichuan Chengfei Integration Technology Corp.Ltd (SZSE:002190)
Sichuan Chuanhuan Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300547)
Sichuan Chuantou Energy Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600674)
Sichuan Crun Co., Ltd (SZSE:002272)
Sichuan Datong Gas Development Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000593)
Sichuan Dawn Precision Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300780)
Sichuan Dowell Science and Technology Inc. (SZSE:300535)
Sichuan Em Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601208)
Sichuan Energy Investment Development Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1713)
Sichuan Expressway Company Limited (SEHK:107)
Sichuan Fulin Transportation Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002357)
Sichuan Furong Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603327)
Sichuan Golden Summit (group) Joint-Stock Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600678)
Sichuan Goldstone Asia Pharmaceutical Inc. (SZSE:300434)
Sichuan Guangan AAAPublic Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600979)
Sichuan Guoguang Agrochemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002749)
Sichuan Haite High-tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002023)
Sichuan Haowu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000757)
Sichuan Hongda Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600331)
Sichuan Huati Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603679)
Sichuan Huiyuan Optical Communication Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000586)
Sichuan Jinshi Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002951)
Sichuan Jinyu Automobile City (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000803)
Sichuan Jiuyuan Yinhai Software Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002777)
Sichuan Jiuzhou Electronic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000801)
Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002422)
Sichuan Kexin Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300092)
Sichuan Langsha Holding Ltd. (SHSE:600137)
Sichuan Languang Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600466)
Sichuan Languang Justbon Services Group Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2606)
Sichuan Lutianhua Company Limited (SZSE:000912)
Sichuan Meifeng Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000731)
Sichuan Mingxing Electric Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600101)
Sichuan Minjiang Hydropower Co., Ltd.
Sichuan New Energy Power Company Limited (SZSE:000155)
Sichuan Nitrocell Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002246)
Sichuan Road & Bridge Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600039)
Sichuan Shengda Forestry Industry Co., Ltd (SZSE:002259)
Sichuan Swellfun Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600779)
Sichuan Teway Food Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603317)
Sichuan Tianyi Comheart Telecom Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300504)
Sichuan Western Resources Holding Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600139)
Sichuan Xichang Electric Power Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600505)
Sichuan Xinjinlu Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000510)
Sichuan Xunyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300467)
Sichuan Yahua Industrial Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002497)
Sichuan Zhenjing Corporation Limited (SHSE:603477)
Sichuan Zhongguang Lightning Protection Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300414)
SichuanHebang Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603077)
Siddiqsons Tin Plate Limited (KASE:STPL)
Siderúrgica Venezolana "Sivensa", S.A. (CCSE:SVS)
Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals Co. (CASE:SKPC)
Sidiz.Inc. (KOSE:A134790)
Siel Financial Services Limited (BSE:532217)
Siem Industries Inc. (OTCPK:SEMU.F)
Siemens (Pakistan) Engineering Co. Ltd. (KASE:SIEM)
Siemens Limited (NSEI:SIEMENS)
Sierra Cables PLC (COSE:SIRA.N0000)
Sieu Thanh Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:ST8)
Sieyuan Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002028)
SIF Banat-Crisana (BVB:SIF1)
SIF Hoteluri S.A. (BVB:CAOR)
SIF Oltenia (BVB:SIF5)
SIG Gases Berhad (KLSE:SIGGAS)
Sigdo Koppers S.A. (SNSE:SK)
Sigiriya Village Hotels PLC (COSE:SIGV.N0000)
Sigma Lithium Resources Corporation (TSXV:SGMA)
Signature International Berhad (KLSE:SIGN)
Signet Ev Inc. (XKON:A260870)
Signet Industries Limited (BSE:512131)
Signet Jewelers Limited (NYSE:SIG)
Signetics Corporation (KOSDAQ:A033170)
Sigong Tech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A020710)
Sigurd Microelectronics Corporation (TSEC:6257)
Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd. (SEHK:460)
SIIC Environment Holdings Ltd. (SGX:BHK)
Sika Interplant Systems Limited (BSE:523606)
Sikarin Public Company Limited (SET:SKR)
Sikko Industries Limited (NSEI:SIKKO)
Sikozy Realtors Limited (BSE:524642)
SIL Investments Limited (BSE:521194)
Sila Holding AD (BUL:6S5)
Silco Pharmaceuticals Limited (DSE:SILCOPHL)
Silergy Corp. (TSEC:6415)
Silicom Ltd. (NasdaqGS:SILC)
Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. (TSEC:2363)
Silicon Optronics, Inc. (TSEC:3530)
Silicon Power Computer & Communications Inc. (GTSM:4973)
Silicon Touch Technology Inc. (GTSM:3288)
Silicon Works Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A108320)
Silitech Technology Corporation (TSEC:3311)
Silk Road Energy Services Group Limited (SEHK:8250)
Silk Road Logistics Holdings Limited (SEHK:988)
Silkbank Limited (KASE:SILK)
Silkroad Nickel Ltd. (Catalist:STP)
Silkroad Visual Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300556)
Silla Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A004970)
Silla Sg Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A025870)
Silla Textile Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A001000)
SillaJen, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A215600)
Silly Monks Entertainment Limited (NSEI:SILLYMONKS)
Silva Pharmaceuticals Limited (DSE:SILVAPHL)
Silver Base Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:886)
Silver Grant International Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:171)
Silver Oak (India) Limited (BSE:531635)
Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd. (KLSE:SRIDGE)
Silver Tide Holdings Limited (SEHK:1943)
Silver Touch Technologies Limited (NSEI:SILVERTUC)
Silverlake Axis Ltd (SGX:5CP)
Silveroak Commercials Limited (BSE:512197)
Silverstar Holdings Ltd. (OTCPK:SSTR.F)
Sim Leisure Group Ltd. (Catalist:URR)
SIM Technology Group Limited (SEHK:2000)
Simat Technologies Public Company Limited (SET:SIMAT)
Simbhaoli Sugars Limited (BSE:539742)
Simbisa Brands Limited (ZMSE:SIM)
Sime Darby Berhad (KLSE:SIME)
Sime Darby Plantation Berhad (KLSE:SIMEPLT)
Sime Darby Property Berhad (KLSE:SIMEPROP)
Simei Media Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002712)
SimiGon Ltd. (AIM:SIM)
Simmonds Marshall Limited (BSE:507998)
SimmTech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A222800)
Simmtech Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036710)
SIMPAC Inc. (KOSE:A009160)
Simple Mart Retail Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2945)
Simplex Castings Limited (BSE:513472)
Simplex Infrastructures Limited (BSE:523838)
Simplex Papers Limited (BSE:533019)
Simplex Realty Limited (BSE:503229)
Simplicity Holding Limited (SEHK:8367)
Simplo Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6121)
Simran Farms Limited (BSE:519566)
Simtex Industries Limited (DSE:SIMTEX)
Simula Technology Inc. (GTSM:3511)
Sin Ghee Huat Corporation Ltd. (SGX:B7K)
Sin Heng Chan (Malaya) Berhad (KLSE:SHCHAN)
Sin Heng Heavy Machinery Limited (SGX:BKA)
SINA Corporation (NasdaqGS:SINA)
Sinai Cement Co. (S.A.E) (CASE:SCEM)
Sinarmas Land Limited (SGX:A26)
SINBON Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3023)
Sincap Group Limited (Catalist:5UN)
Sincere Navigation Corporation (TSEC:2605)
Sincere Security Co. Ltd. (GTSM:6721)
Sincere Watch (Hong Kong) Limited (SEHK:444)
Sincetimes Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A056000)
Sinclairs Hotels Limited (BSE:523023)
Sinco Pharmaceuticals Holdings Limited (SEHK:6833)
Sindh Abadgar's Sugar Mills Limited (KASE:SASML)
Sindh Modaraba (KASE:SINDM)
Sindhu Trade Links Limited (BSE:532029)
sindoh Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A029530)
Sindu Valley Technologies Ltd. (BSE:505504)
Sinew Pharma Inc. (GTSM:6634)
Sing Holdings Limited (SGX:5IC)
Sing Investments & Finance Limited (SGX:S35)
Sing Lee Software (Group) Limited (SEHK:8076)
Sing Tao News Corporation Limited (SEHK:1105)
Singamas Container Holdings Limited (SEHK:716)
Singapore Airlines Limited (SGX:C6L)
Singapore eDevelopment Limited (Catalist:40V)
Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX:S68)
Singapore Medical Group Limited (Catalist:5OT)
Singapore Myanmar Investco Limited (SGX:Y45)
Singapore O&G Ltd. (Catalist:1D8)
Singapore Post Limited (SGX:S08)
Singapore Press Holdings Limited (SGX:T39)
Singapore Reinsurance Corporation Limited (SGX:S49)
Singapore Shipping Corporation Limited (SGX:S19)
Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (SGX:S63)
Singapore Telecommunications Limited (SGX:Z74)
Singapura Finance Ltd. (SGX:S23)
SingAsia Holdings Limited (SEHK:8293)
Singatron Enterprise Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6126)
Singer (Sri Lanka) PLC (COSE:SINS.N0000)
Singer Bangladesh (DSE:SINGERBD)
Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC (COSE:SFIN.N0000)
Singer India Limited (BSE:505729)
Singer Industries (Ceylon) PLC (COSE:SINI.N0000)
Singer Thailand Public Company Limited (SET:SINGER)
Singha Estate Public Company Limited (SET:S)
SingHaiyi Group Ltd. (SGX:5H0)
Singhe Hospitals PLC (COSE:SINH.N0000)
Single Well Industrial Corporation (GTSM:3490)
Singsong Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006880)
Singtex Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4433)
Sinhaputhra Finance PLC (COSE:SFL.N0000)
Sinher Technology Inc. (TSEC:4999)
Sinic Holdings (Group) Company Limited (SEHK:2103)
Sinil Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A012790)
Siniora Food Industries P.L.C (ASE:SNRA)
Sinjia Land Limited (Catalist:5HH)
Sinkang Industries Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2032)
Sinmag Equipment Corporation (GTSM:1580)
Sinmah Capital Berhad (KLSE:SMCAP)
Sino Agro Food, Inc. (OTCPK:SIAF)
Sino Assurance, Inc. (OTCPK:SNAS)
Sino Bioenergy Corp. (OTCPK:SFBE)
Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited (SEHK:1177)
Sino Energy International Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:1096)
Sino Geophysical Co., Ltd (SZSE:300191)
Sino Golf Holdings Limited (SEHK:361)
Sino Grandness Food Industry Group Limited (SGX:T4B)
Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200018)
Sino Green Land Corporation (OTCPK:SGLA)
Sino Harbour Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:1663)
Sino Horizon Holdings Limited (TSEC:2923)
Sino Hotels (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:1221)
Sino Hua-An International Berhad (KLSE:HUAAN)
Sino ICT Holdings Limited (SEHK:365)
Sino Land Company Limited (SEHK:83)
Sino Medical Sciences Technology Inc. (SHSE:688108)
Sino Oil and Gas Holdings Limited (SEHK:702)
Sino Prosper (Group) Holdings Limited (SEHK:766)
Sino Splendid Holdings Limited (SEHK:8006)
Sino Tactful Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5481)
Sino Vision Worldwide Holdings Limited (SEHK:8086)
Sino Wealth Electronic Ltd. (SZSE:300327)
Sino-Agri Leading Biosciences Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603970)
Sino-American Silicon Products Inc. (GTSM:5483)
Sino-i Technology Limited (SEHK:250)
Sino-Life Group Limited (SEHK:8296)
Sino-Ocean Group Holding Limited (SEHK:3377)
Sino-Platinum Metals Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600459)
Sino-Thai Engineering and Construction Public Company Limited (SET:STEC)
Sinobangla Industries Limited (DSE:SINOBANGLA)
Sinocare Inc. (SZSE:300298)
Sinochem International Corporation (SHSE:600500)
SinoDaan Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300635)
Sinodata Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002657)
Sinoer Men's Wear Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002485)
Sinofert Holdings Limited (SEHK:297)
Sinofibers Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300777)
Sinofortune Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:8123)
Sinolink Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600109)
Sinolink Worldwide Holdings Limited (SEHK:1168)
Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd. (SHSE:603126)
Sinoma International Engineering Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600970)
Sinoma Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002080)
SinoMab BioScience Limited (SEHK:3681)
Sinomach Automobile Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600335)
Sinomach General Machinery Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600444)
SinoMedia Holding Limited (SEHK:623)
Sinomine Resource Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002738)
Sinon Corporation (TSEC:1712)
SinoPac Financial Holdings Company Limited (TSEC:2890)
SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2386)
Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited (SEHK:934)
Sinopec Oilfield Equipment Corporation (SZSE:000852)
Sinopec Oilfield Service Corporation (SEHK:1033)
SINOPEC Shandong Taishan Pectroleum Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000554)
Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited (SEHK:338)
Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. (SEHK:1099)
Sinopharm Tech Holdings Limited (SEHK:8156)
Sinopower Semiconductor, Inc. (GTSM:6435)
Sinoseal Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300470)
Sinosoft Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603927)
Sinosoft Technology Group Limited (SEHK:1297)
Sinostar PEC Holdings Limited (SGX:C9Q)
Sinosteel Anhui Tianyuan Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002057)
Sinosteel Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000928)
SinoSun Technology Co. Ltd. (SZSE:300333)
Sinotop Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SINOTOP)
Sinotrans Limited (SEHK:598)
Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Limited (SEHK:3808)
Sinovel Wind Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601558)
Sinphar Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1734)
Sinsin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A002800)
Sintercom India Limited (NSEI:SINTERCOM)
Sintex Industries Limited (BSE:502742)
Sintex Plastics Technology Limited (NSEI:SPTL)
Sintrones Technology Corp. (GTSM:6680)
Sintronic Technology Inc. (TSEC:3536)
Sinyi Realty Inc. (TSEC:9940)
SIP Industries Limited (BSE:523164)
Sir Shadi Lal Enterprises Limited (BSE:532879)
Sirca Paints India Limited (NSEI:SIRCA)
Sirio Pharma Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300791)
Sirius International Insurance Group, Ltd. (NasdaqGS:SG)
Sirius Real Estate Limited (LSE:SRE)
Sirma Group Holding AD (BUL:SKK)
Sirtec International Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:5356)
SiS Distribution (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:SIS)
SiS International Holdings Limited (SEHK:529)
SISB Public Company Limited (SET:SISB)
Sisram Medical Ltd (SEHK:1696)
Sistema Public Joint Stock Financial Corporation (MISX:AFKS)
Sita Enterprises Limited (BSE:512589)
Sitara Chemical Industries Limited (KASE:SITC)
Sitara Energy Limited (KASE:SEL)
Sitara Peroxide Limited (KASE:SPL)
SITC International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1308)
SITI Networks Limited (BSE:532795)
Sitoy Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1023)
Sitronix Technology Corporation (TSEC:8016)
Siward Crystal Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2484)
Sixth of October for Development and Investment Company "SODIC" (S.A.E.) (CASE:OCDI)
Siyaram Silk Mills Limited (BSE:503811)
SJ Group Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A306040)
SJ-CHEM Co., Ltd. (XKON:A217910)
SJK Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A080440)
SJM Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A123700)
SJM Holdings Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A025530)
SJM Holdings Limited (SEHK:880)
Sk Acpc No.4 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A307070)
SK Chemicals Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A285130)
SK D&D Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A210980)
SK Discovery Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006120)
SK Gas Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A018670)
SK Holdings Co., Ltd (KOSE:A034730)
SK hynix, Inc. (KOSE:A000660)
SK Innovation Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A096770)
SK Jewellery Group Limited (Catalist:42G)
SK Materials Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036490)
SK Networks Company Limited (KOSE:A001740)
Sk No.5 Special Purpose Acqusition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A337450)
SK Securities Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001510)
SK Target Group Limited (SEHK:8427)
SK Telecom Co.,Ltd (KOSE:A017670)
SK Trims & Industries Ltd. (DSE:SKTRIMS)
Skardin Industrial Corporation (GTSM:3466)
SKB Shutters Corporation Berhad (KLSE:SKBSHUT)
SKbioland Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052260)
SKC Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A011790)
SKC solmics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A057500)
SKCS Co., Ltd. (XKON:A224020)
SKF India Limited (BSE:500472)
SKIL Infrastructure Limited (NSEI:SKIL)
Skin n Skin Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A159910)
Skipper Limited (BSE:538562)
SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited (NSEI:SKMEGGPROD)
SKP Resources Bhd (KLSE:SKPRES)
SKP Securities Limited (BSE:531169)
SKSHU Paint Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603737)
Sky Century Investment, Inc. (OTCPK:SKYI)
Sky Chinafortune Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:141)
Sky ICT Public Company Limited (SET:SKY)
Sky Industries Limited (BSE:526479)
Sky Light Holdings Limited (SEHK:3882)
Skyfame Realty (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:59)
Skyline Millars Limited (BSE:505650)
Skyline Ventures India Limited (BSE:538919)
Skymoons technology, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A033790)
Skyway Aviation Handling Company PLC (NGSE:SKYAVN)
Skyworth Digital Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000810)
Skyworth Group Limited (SEHK:751)
SL Corporation (KOSE:A005850)
Slanchev Bryag AD (BUL:3JL)
Slantse Stara Zagora Tabac AD (BUL:3JO)
Slatinska Banka d.d. (ZGSE:SNBA)
SLB Development Ltd. (Catalist:1J0)
Sling Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8285)
SLP Resources Berhad (KLSE:SLP)
SLS BIO Co., Ltd (XKON:A246250)
SM Culture & Contents Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A048550)
SM Entertainment Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041510)
SM Investments Corporation (PSE:SM)
SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (PSE:SMPH)
SM VINA Co., Ltd. (XKON:A299670)
Smart Concrete Public Company Limited (SET:SMART)
Smart Finsec Limited (BSE:539494)
Smart Globe Holdings Limited (SEHK:8485)
Smart-Core Holdings Limited (SEHK:2166)
Smartac Group China Holdings Limited (SEHK:395)
SmartDisplayer Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6717)
Smartlink Holdings Limited (NSEI:SMARTLINK)
SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited (SEHK:315)
SMB Leasing PLC (COSE:SEMB.N0000)
SMC Trading Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SMC)
SMCore.Inc (KOSDAQ:A007820)
SME Leasing Limited (KASE:SLL)
Smec Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A099440)
SMI Culture & Travel Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2366)
SMIFS Capital Markets Limited (BSE:508905)
Smile-Link Healthcare Global Berhad (KLSE:SMILE)
Smiles Fidelidade S.A. (BOVESPA:SMLS3)
SMIS Corporation Berhad (KLSE:SMISCOR)
SMIT Holdings Limited (SEHK:2239)
Smiths & Founders (India) Limited (BSE:513418)
SML Isuzu Limited (BSE:505192)
SMN Power Holding SAOG (MSM:SMNP)
SMRT Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SMRT)
Smruthi Organics Limited (BSE:540686)
SMS Electric Co.,Ltd.Zhengzhou (SZSE:002857)
SMS Lifesciences India Limited (NSEI:SMSLIFE)
SMS Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:532815)
SMVD Poly Pack Limited (NSEI:SMVD)
Snack Empire Holdings Limited (SEHK:1843)
SNC Former Public Company Limited (SET:SNC)
Snet systems Inc (KOSDAQ:A038680)
SNL Bearings Limited (BSE:505827)
Snowman Logistics Limited (BSE:538635)
SNP Genetics Inc. (XKON:A086460)
SNSplus, Inc. (GTSM:6473)
Sntekbm Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A160600)
SNU Precision Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A080000)
So-Cayenne Mobile Entertainment Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6736)
Soaring Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6222)
Sobha Limited (BSE:532784)
Sobute New Materials Co., Ltd (SHSE:603916)
Soc Son Development Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:DPS)
SOCAM Development Limited (SEHK:983)
Social Islami Bank Limited (DSE:SIBL)
Sociedad Anónima Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia (BASE:PATA)
Sociedad Comercial del Plata S.A. (BASE:COME)
Sociedad de Inversiones Campos Chilenos S.A. (SNSE:CAMPOS)
Sociedad de Inversiones Oro Blanco S.A. (SNSE:ORO BLANCO)
Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera, S.A. (SNSE:CALICHERAA)
Sociedad Matriz SAAM S.A. (SNSE:SMSAAM)
Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. (BVL:CVERDEC1)
Sociedad Minera Corona, SA (BVL:MINCORI1)
Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A. (BVL:BROCALC1)
Sociedad Pesquera Coloso S.A. (SNSE:COLOSO)
Sociedad Punta del Cobre S.A. (SNSE:PUCOBRE)
Societatea Conpet S.A. (BVB:COTE)
Societatea de Constructii Napoca S.A. (BVB:NAPO)
Societatea de Investitii Financiare Moldova S.A. (BVB:SIF2)
Societatea Energetica Electrica S.A. (BVB:EL)
Societe Africaine des Plantations d'Heveas SA (BRVM:SPHC)
Societe Anonyme des Brasseries du Cameroun (ENXTPA:BCAM)
Société Atelier du Meuble Intérieurs SA (BVMT:SAM)
Société Chimique ALKIMIA S.A. (BVMT:ALKIM)
Societe d Etudes et de Travaux pour l Afrique de l Ouest (BRVM:STAC)
Société d'Articles Hygiéniques Société Anonyme (BVMT:SAH)
Societe d'Equipement Domestique et Menager (EQDOM) S.A (CBSE:EQD)
Société d'Exploitation des Ports (CBSE:MSA)
Société de Distribution d'Eau de la Côte d'Ivoire, S.A. (BRVM:SDCC)
Societe de Limonaderies et Brasseries d'Afrique SA (BRVM:SLBC)
Societe de Placement et de Developpement Industriel et Touristique (BVMT:SPDIT)
Societe de Promotion Pharmaceutique du Maghreb S.A. (CBSE:PRO)
Société de Réalisations Mécaniques S.A. (CBSE:SRM)
Societe de Therapeutique Marocaine S.A. (CBSE:SOT)
Societe des Boissons du Maroc (CBSE:SBM)
Société des Caoutchoucs de Grand-Béréby S.A. (BRVM:SOGC)
Société des Industries Pharmaceutiques de Tunisie - S.A. (BVMT:SIPHA)
Société Frigorifique et Brasserie de Tunis S.A. (BVMT:SFBT)
Société Générale Côte d'Ivoire - Société Anonyme (BRVM:SGBC)
Societe Generale Ghana Limited (GHSE:SOGEGH)
Societe Generale Industrielle de Filtration S.A. (BVMT:GIF)
Société Immobilière et de participations (BVMT:SIMPAR)
Société Immobilière Tunisio Saoudienne (BVMT:SITS)
Société Industrielle d'Appareillage et de Matériels Electriques (BVMT:SIAME)
Société Ivoirienne de Banque S.A. (BRVM:SIBC)
Societe Ivoirienne de Coco Rape SA (BRVM:SICC)
Societe Ivoirienne Des Tabacs S A (BRVM:STBC)
Societe Magasin General S.A. (BVMT:MAG)
Société Maghrebine de Crédit-bail (CBSE:MAB)
Société Maghrébine de Monétique (CBSE:S2M)
Societe Metallurgique d'Imiter S.A. (CBSE:SMI)
Société Moderne de Céramique (BVMT:SOMOC)
Société Multinationale de Bitumes Société Anonyme (BRVM:SMBC)
Société Nationale d'Electrolyse et de Pétrochimie S.A. (CBSE:SNP)
Société Nouvelle Maison de la Ville de Tunis (BVMT:MNP)
Societe Rebab Company S.A. Ltd. (CBSE:REB)
Société Tunisie Profilé Aluminium (BVMT:TPR)
Société Tunisienne d'Assurances et de Réassurances, STAR S.A. (BVMT:STAR)
Société Tunisienne d'Email S.A. (BVMT:SOTEM)
Société Tunisienne d'Entreprises de Télécommunications S.A. (BVMT:SOTET)
Société Tunisienne de Banque Société anonyme (BVMT:STB)
Société Tunisienne de l'Air S.A. (BVMT:TAIR)
Société Tunisienne de Réassurance Tunis Re Société anonyme (BVMT:TRE)
Societe Tunisienne de Verreries (BVMT:SOTUV)
Société Tunisienne des Industries de Pneumatiques SA (BVMT:STIP)
Société Tunisienne des Marchés de Gros S.A. (BVMT:MGR)
Société Tunisienne Industrielle du Papier et du Carton (BVMT:STPAP)
SOCResources, Inc. (PSE:SOC)
Sofia Commerce Pawn Brokerage AD (BUL:6SOA)
Sofiva Genomics Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6615)
Soft-World International Corporation (GTSM:5478)
Softcen Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A032680)
Softlogic Capital PLC (COSE:SCAP.N0000)
Softlogic Finance PLC (COSE:CRL.N0000)
Softlogic Holdings PLC (COSE:SHL.N0000)
Softlogic Life Insurance PLC (COSE:AAIC.N0000)
Softpower International Limited (SEHK:380)
SoftSol India Limited (BSE:532344)
Softstar Entertainment Inc. (GTSM:6111)
SoftTech Engineers Limited (NSEI:SOFTTECH)
Sogotec Precision Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4578)
Sohar International Bank S.A.O.G. (MSM:BKSB)
SOHO China Limited (SEHK:410)
Soilbuild Business Space REIT (SGX:SV3U)
Sokouk Holding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:SOKOUK)
Sol-Gel Technologies Ltd. (NasdaqGM:SLGL)
Solar Applied Materials Technology Corporation (GTSM:1785)
Solar Industries India Limited (BSE:532725)
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Limited (NSEI:SOLARA)
Solareast Holdings Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603366)
SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NasdaqGS:SEDG)
Solargiga Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:757)
Solaris d.d. (ZGSE:SLRS)
Solartech International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1166)
Solartron Public Company Limited (SET:SOLAR)
Solarvest Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SOLAR)
Solborn, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A035610)
Solco Biomedical Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043100)
Solegreen Ltd (TASE:SLGN)
Solex Energy Limited (NSEI:SOLEX)
Solid Automotive Berhad (KLSE:SOLID)
Solid Carbide Tools Limited (BSE:500394)
Solid Containers Limited (BSE:502460)
Solid Group Inc. (PSE:SGI)
Solid State System Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3259)
Solid Stone Company Limited (BSE:513699)
Solid Year Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6737)
SOLiD, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A050890)
Solidarity Bahrain B.S.C. (BAX:SOLID)
Solidarity Saudi Takaful Company (SASE:8290)
Solidwizard Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8416)
Solis Holdings Limited (SEHK:2227)
Solis Marketing Limited (BSE:538575)
Solitaire Machine Tools Limited (BSE:522152)
Sollers Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:SVAV)
Solomon Systech (International) Limited (SEHK:2878)
Solomon Technology Corporation (TSEC:2359)
Solteam Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3484)
Soltrest Inc. (OTCPK:SOLQ)
Soltworks Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A230980)
Solueta Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A154040)
Solution Group Berhad (KLSE:SOLUTN)
Solytech Enterprise Corporation (TSEC:1471)
Som Datt Finance Corporation Limited (BSE:511571)
Som Distilleries & Breweries Limited (BSE:507514)
Soma Textiles & Industries Limited (BSE:521034)
Somany Ceramics Limited (BSE:531548)
Somany Home Innovation Limited (NSEI:SHIL)
Somboon Advance Technology Public Company Limited (SET:SAT)
Somi Conveyor Beltings Limited (BSE:533001)
Somnics, Inc. (GTSM:6633)
Somoto Ltd. (TASE:SMTO)
Son Ha Development of Renewable Energy Joint Stock Company (HNX:SHE)
Son Ha International Corporation (HOSE:SHI)
Son Ha Sai Gon Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SHA)
Son La Sugar Joint Stock Company (HNX:SLS)
Sona Hi Sona Jewellers (Gujarat) Limited (NSEI:SONAHISONA)
Sonadezi Chau Duc Shareholding Company (HOSE:SZC)
Sonadezi Long Thanh Shareholding Company (HOSE:SZL)
Sonal Mercantile Limited (BSE:538943)
Sonali Aansh Industries Limited (DSE:SONALIANSH)
Sonam Clock Limited (NSEI:SONAMCLOCK)
Sonar Bangla Insurance Limited (DSE:SONARBAINS)
Sonargaon Textiles Limited (DSE:SONARGAON)
Sonata Software Limited (BSE:532221)
Sonatel SA (BRVM:SNTS)
Soneri Bank Limited (KASE:SNBL)
Song Ba Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SBA)
Song Da 1.01 Joint Stock Company (HNX:SJC)
Song Da 4 Joint Stock Company (HNX:SD4)
Song Da 505 JSC (HNX:S55)
Song Da 6 Joint Stock Company (HNX:SD6)
Song Da 7.04 Joint stock company (HNX:S74)
Song Da 9 Joint Stock Company (HNX:SD9)
Song Da Cao Cuong Joint Stock Company (HNX:SCL)
Song Da Industry Trade Joint Stock Company (HNX:STP)
Song Da Mechanical - Assembling Joint Stock Company (HNX:MEC)
Song Da No 10 Joint Stock Company (HNX:SDT)
Song Da No 2 JSC (HNX:SD2)
Song Da No 5 JSC (HNX:SD5)
Song Da No. 11 Joint Stock Company (HNX:SJE)
Song Da Urban & Industrial zone Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SJS)
Song Ho Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5016)
Song Hong Aluminium Joint Stock Company (HNX:NSH)
Song Hong Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:ICG)
Song Hong Garment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:MSH)
Song Shang Electronics Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6156)
Songcheng Performance Development Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300144)
Songwon Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004430)
Songz Automobile Air Conditioning Co., Ltd (SZSE:002454)
Soni Soya Products Limited (NSEI:SONISOYA)
Sonic Interfreight Public Company Limited (SET:SONIC)
Sonix Technology Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:5471)
SONOKONG Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066910)
SonoScape Medical Corp. (SZSE:300633)
Soochow Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601555)
Soon Lian Holdings Limited (Catalist:5MD)
Soonest Express Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2643)
Soosan Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A017550)
SOOSAN INT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A050960)
Soosung .Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A084180)
Sopharma AD (BUL:3JR)
Sopharma Properties REIT (BUL:6S6)
Sopharma Trading AD (BUL:SO5)
Soprocal, Calerías e Industrias S.A. (SNSE:SOPROCAL)
Soquimich Comercial S.A. (SNSE:SOQUICOM)
Soribada Inc. (KOSDAQ:A053110)
SORIL Infra Resources Limited (BSE:532679)
SORL Auto Parts, Inc. (NasdaqGM:SORL)
Sotech Smarter Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300173)
Soulbrain Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036830)
Soundwill Holdings Limited (SEHK:878)
Soup Restaurant Group Limited (SGX:5KI)
Source Industries (India) Limited (BSE:521036)
Source Natural Foods and Herbal Supplements Limited (BSE:531398)
South Basic Chemicals Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CSV)
South Books & Educational Equipment Joint Stock Company (HNX:SMN)
South Cairo and Giza Flour Mills and Bakeries Company (CASE:SCFM)
South China Assets Holdings Limited (SEHK:8155)
South China Financial Holdings Limited (SEHK:619)
South China Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:413)
South Electronics Co. P.L.C. (ASE:SECO)
South Huiton Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000920)
South Logistics Joint Stock Company (HOSE:STG)
South Malaysia Industries Berhad (KLSE:SMI)
South Ocean Holdings Limited (JSE:SOH)
South Shore Holdings Limited (SEHK:577)
South Valley Cement Company (CASE:SVCE)
South West Pinnacle Exploration Limited (NSEI:SOUTHWEST)
South-East PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Joint Stock Company (HNX:PSE)
Southeast Asia Properties & Finance Limited (SEHK:252)
Southeast Bank Limited (DSE:SOUTHEASTB)
Southeast Cement Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1110)
Southern Acids (M) Berhad (KLSE:SAB)
Southern Concrete Pile Public Company Limited (SET:SCP)
Southern Energy Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:1573)
Southern Gas Trading Joint Stock Company (HNX:PGS)
Southern Hydropower Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SHP)
Southern Infosys Limited (BSE:540174)
Southern Kuzbass Coal company Public joint-stock company (MISX:UKUZ)
Southern Magnesium and Chemicals Limited (BSE:513498)
Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Limited (BSE:590030)
Southern Province Cement Company (SASE:3050)
Southern Publishing and Media Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601900)
Southern Seed Corporation (HOSE:SSC)
Southern Shuanglin Bio-pharmacy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000403)
Southern Steel Berhad (KLSE:SSTEEL)
Southern Urals Nickel Plant PJSC (MISX:UNKL)
SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (TSX:SGQ)
Southwest Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600369)
Southwest Securities International Securities Limited (SEHK:812)
Souyute Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002503)
Sovereign Diamonds Limited (BSE:523826)
Sovereign Trust Insurance Plc (NGSE:SOVRENINS)
Soyea Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000909)
SP Corporation Limited (SGX:AWE)
SP Systems Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A317830)
Space Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2448)
Space Incubatrics Technologies Limited (BSE:541890)
Space Shuttle Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2440)
Space-Communication Ltd (TASE:SCC)
Spacenet Enterprises India Limited (NSEI:SPCENET)
Spackman Entertainment Group Limited (Catalist:40E)
Span Divergent Limited (BSE:524727)
Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited (NSEI:SPANDANA)
Spanjaard Limited (JSE:SPA)
Sparc Systems Limited (BSE:531370)
Sparkle Roll Group Limited (SEHK:970)
Sparkling (India) Finshares Limited (BSE:540211)
SPC Power Corporation (PSE:SPC)
SPC Samlip Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A005610)
SPCG Public Company Limited (SET:SPCG)
Spear Reit Limited (JSE:SEA)
Spearhead Integrated Marketing Communication Group (SZSE:300071)
Specialities Group Holding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:SPEC)
Speciality Restaurants Limited (BSE:534425)
Specialized Investment Compounds Co. plc. (ASE:SPIC)
Specialized Jordanian Investments Co. (Plc) (ASE:SIJC)
SPECO Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A013810)
Spectra Industries Limited (BSE:513687)
Spectrum Foods Ltd. (BSE:531982)
Speed Apparel Holding Limited (SEHK:3860)
Speed Tech Corp. (GTSM:5457)
Speedy Global Holdings Limited (SEHK:540)
Speedy JSC (BUL:0SP)
SPEL Semiconductor Limited (BSE:517166)
Spencer's Retail Limited (NSEI:SPENCERS)
Spenta International Limited (BSE:526161)
SPG Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A058610)
Sphera Franchise Group S.A. (BVB:SFG)
SPI Energy Co., Ltd. (NasdaqGS:SPI)
Spic Dongfang Energy Corporation (SZSE:000958)
Spic Yuanda Environmental-Protection Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600292)
Spice Islands Apparels Limited (BSE:526827)
SpiceJet Limited (BSE:500285)
Spigen Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A192440)
Spindex Industries Limited (SGX:564)
Spirox Corporation (TSEC:3055)
SPL Industries Limited (BSE:532651)
Splendid Metal Products Limited (BSE:513414)
Splitit Payments Ltd (ASX:SPT)
SPM Corporation (HOSE:SPM)
SPML Infra Limited (BSE:500402)
Spolytech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A050760)
Sportking India Limited (BSE:539221)
Sporton International Inc. (GTSM:6146)
Spring Airlines Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601021)
Spring Art Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SPRING)
Spring Pharmaceutical Group, Inc. (OTCPK:CYIG)
Spring Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:1426)
Spring Ventures Ltd (TASE:SPRG)
Springland International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1700)
Springs Global Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:SGPS3)
Spritzer Bhd (KLSE:SPRITZER)
Sprocomm Intelligence Limited (SEHK:1401)
SPS International Limited (BSE:530177)
SPT Energy Group Inc. (SEHK:1251)
Spur Corporation Limited (JSE:SUR)
SPVI Public Company Limited (SET:SPVI)
Square Four Projects India Limited (BSE:526532)
Square Pharmaceuticals Limited (DSE:SQURPHARMA)
Square Technology Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603339)
Square Textiles Limited (DSE:SQUARETEXT)
SR biotek Inc. (XKON:A270210)
SRE Group Limited (SEHK:1207)
Sree Rayalaseema Hi-Strength Hypo Limited (BSE:532842)
Sreechem Resins Limited (BSE:514248)
Sreeleathers Limited (BSE:535601)
Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited (BSE:523756)
Sremput a.d. (BELEX:SPRU)
Srestha Finvest Limited (BSE:539217)
SRF Limited (BSE:503806)
SRG Housing Finance Limited (BSE:534680)
Sri Adhikari Brothers Television Network Limited (BSE:530943)
Sri Havisha Hospitality and Infrastructure Limited (BSE:531322)
Sri KPR Industries Limited (BSE:514442)
Sri Krishna Constructions (India) Limited (BSE:539363)
Sri Lakshmi Saraswathi Textiles (Arni) Limited (BSE:521161)
Sri Lanka Telecom PLC (COSE:SLTL.N0000)
Sri Nachammai Cotton Mills Limited (BSE:521234)
Sri panwa Hospitality Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:SRIPANWA)
Sri Ramakrishna Mills (Coimbatore) Limited (BSE:521178)
Sri Trang Agro-Industry Public Company Limited (SET:STA)
Srikalahasthi Pipes Limited (BSE:513605)
Sriracha Construction Public Company Limited (SET:SRICHA)
Srisawad Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:SAWAD)
Srisawad Finance Public Company Limited (SET:BFIT)
Srithai Superware Public Company Limited (SET:SITHAI)
Srivichaivejvivat Public Company Limited (SET:VIH)
SRM Energy Limited (BSE:523222)
Ssangyong Cement Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003410)
Ssangyong Information & Communications Corp. (KOSDAQ:A010280)
Ssangyong Motor Company (KOSE:A003620)
SSI Group, Inc. (PSE:SSI)
SSI Securities Corporation (HOSE:SSI)
Ssial Food Inc (XKON:A236030)
SSIF BRK Financial Group S.A. (BVB:BRK)
SSL Venture Capital Jamaica Limited (JMSE:SSLVC) Limited (OTCPK:YGTY.F)
SSPDL Limited (BSE:530821)
SSPN Finance Limited (BSE:539026)
SSR Inc. (KOSDAQ:A275630)
SSY Group Limited (SEHK:2005)
ST International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8521)
ST Pharm Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A237690)
St. Augustine Gold and Copper Limited (TSX:SAU)
St.Shine Optical Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:1565)
Sta. Lucia Land, Inc. (PSE:SLI)
Stadio Holdings Limited (JSE:SDO)
Staidson (Beijing) BioPharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300204)
Stamford Land Corporation Ltd (SGX:H07)
Stamford Tyres Corporation Limited (SGX:S29)
Stampede Capital Limited (BSE:531723)
Stanbic Bank Holdings Limited (UGSE:SBU)
Stanbic Holdings Plc (NASE:SBIC)
Stanbic IBTC Holdings PLC (NGSE:STANBIC)
Standard Bank Group Limited (JSE:SBK)
Standard Bank Limited (DSE:STANDBANKL)
Standard Bank Limited (MAL:STANDARD)
Standard Capital Markets Limited (BSE:511700)
Standard Ceramic Industries Ltd. (DSE:STANCERAM)
Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited (KASE:SCBPL)
Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Limited (GHSE:SCB)
Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited (NASE:SCBK)
Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Plc (LUSE:SCZ)
Standard Chem & Pharm CO., LTD. (TSEC:1720)
Standard Foods Corporation (TSEC:1227)
Standard Industries Limited (BSE:530017)
Standard Insurance Limited (DSE:STANDARINS)
Stanley Agriculture Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002588)
Stanley Motta Limited (JMSE:SML)
Stanpacks (India) Limited (BSE:530931)
Stanrose Mafatlal Investments and Finance Limited (BSE:506105)
Star Cement Limited (BSE:540575)
Star Comgistic Capital Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4930)
Star Delta Transformers Limited (BSE:539255)
Star Lake Bioscience Co., Inc.Zhaoqing Guangdong (SHSE:600866)
Star Media Group Berhad (KLSE:STAR)
Star Mobility Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A158310)
Star Paper Mills Limited (NSEI:STARPAPER)
Star Petroleum Refining Public Company Limited (SET:SPRC)
Star Properties Group (Cayman Islands) Limited (SEHK:1560)
Star Travel Corp. (GTSM:2719)
Star Universal Network Public Company Limited (SET:STAR)
Star8 Corp. (OTCPK:STRH)
Stara Planina Hold Plc (BUL:5SR)
Starburst Holdings Limited (Catalist:40D)
Starcom Information Technology Limited (BSE:531616)
STARFLEX Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A115570)
Starflex Public Company Limited (SET:SFLEX)
StarGlory Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8213)
Starhill Global Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:P40U)
StarHub Ltd (SGX:CC3)
STARK Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:STARK)
Stark Technology, Inc. (TSEC:2480)
Starland Holdings Limited (Catalist:5UA)
Starlight Culture Entertainment Group Limited (SEHK:1159)
Starline Precious Stone Limited (BSE:540492)
Starlit Power Systems Limited (BSE:538733)
Starlite Components Limited (BSE:517548)
Starlite Holdings Limited (SEHK:403)
Starlog Enterprises Limited (BSE:520155)
Starrise Media Holdings Limited (SEHK:1616)
Stars Microelectronics (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:SMT)
Starteck Finance Limited (BSE:512381)
Starwin Products Company Limited (GHSE:SPL)
State Bank of India (NSEI:SBIN)
Stationery and Office Supplies Limited (JMSE:SOS)
Stavropolenergosbyt Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:STSB)
STC Concrete Product Public Company Limited (SET:STC)
STCube, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A052020)
Steamships Trading Company Limited (ASX:SST)
Steed Oriental (Holdings) Company Limited (SEHK:8277)
Steel Authority of India Limited (BSE:500113)
Steel City Securities Limited (NSEI:STEELCITY)
Steel Exchange India Limited (BSE:534748)
Steel Strips Wheels Limited (BSE:513262)
Steelcast Limited (BSE:513517)
Steelco Gujarat Limited (BSE:500399)
Stefanutti Stocks Holdings Limited (JSE:SSK)
Steinhoff International Holdings N.V. (JSE:SNH)
STEL Holdings Limited (BSE:533316)
Stella Holdings Berhad (KLSE:STELLA)
Stella International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1836)
Stellar Capital Partners Limited (JSE:SCP)
Stellar Capital Services Limited (BSE:536738)
Stelux Holdings International Limited (SEHK:84)
StemLab Inc. (XKON:A258540)
Step Two Corporation Limited (BSE:531509)
Stephanotis Finance Limited (BSE:512215)
Steppe Cement Ltd. (AIM:STCM)
Steppe Gold Ltd. (TSX:STGO)
Sterling and Wilson Solar Limited (NSEI:SWSOLAR)
Sterling Bank plc (NGSE:STERLNBANK)
Sterling Greenwoods Limited (BSE:526500)
Sterling Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1825)
Sterling Investments Limited (JMSE:SIL)
Sterling Tools Limited (BSE:530759)
Sterlite Technologies Limited (BSE:532374)
Steve Leung Design Group Limited (SEHK:2262)
Steyr Motors Corp. (SZSE:000760)
STG International Ltd. (TASE:STG)
STI Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A039440)
STI Education Systems Holdings, Inc. (PSE:STI)
STI India Limited (BSE:513151)
STL Global Limited (NSEI:SGL)
STL Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4931)
STO Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A098660)
STO Express Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002468)
Stokvis Nord Afrique S.A. (CBSE:SNA)
Stone Company Spilit Joint Stock Company (HNX:SPI)
StoneCo Ltd. (NasdaqGS:STNE)
Stonehenge Inter Public Company Limited (SET:STI)
Stor-Age Property REIT Limited (JSE:SSS)
Stovec Industries Limited (BSE:504959)
STP&I Public Company Limited (SET:STPI)
Straco Corporation Limited (SGX:S85)
sTraffic co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A234300)
Straits Inter Logistics Berhad (KLSE:STRAITS)
Strategic Hospitality Extendable Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:SHREIT)
Strauss Group Ltd. (TASE:STRS)
Stream Ideas Group Limited (SEHK:8401)
Streamax Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002970)
Strength Master Fitness Tech Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:4151)
Strides Pharma Science Limited (NSEI:STAR)
Stroc Industrie S.A. (CBSE:STR)
Strong H Machinery Technology (Cayman) Inc. (TSEC:4560)
Strong Petrochemical Holdings Limited (SEHK:852)
StrongLED Lighting Systems (Cayman) Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5281)
Studio Dragon Corporation (KOSDAQ:A253450)
Studio Press Nigeria Plc (NGSE:STUDPRESS)
Sturdy Industries Limited (BSE:530611)
STX Corporation (KOSE:A011810)
STX Engine Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A077970)
STX Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A071970)
Stylam Industries Limited (BSE:526951)
Styland Holdings Limited (SEHK:211)
Stylecraft Limited (DSE:STYLECRAFT)
Sub Sri Thai Property Fund (SET:SSTPF)
Sub Sri Thai Public Company Limited (SET:SST)
Subex Limited (BSE:532348)
Subros Limited (BSE:517168)
Subtron Technology Co., Ltd (GTSM:8179)
Subur Tiasa Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SUBUR)
Success Dragon International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1182)
Success Prime Corporation (TSEC:2496)
Success Transformer Corporation Berhad (KLSE:SUCCESS)
Success Universe Group Limited (SEHK:487)
Suchitra Finance & Trading Company Limited (BSE:538714)
Suchuang Gas Corporation Limited (SEHK:1430)
Sucrivoire SA (BRVM:SCRC)
Sudarshan Chemical Industries Limited (BSE:506655)
Sudatel Telecom Group Limited (ADX:SUDATEL)
Suditi Industries Limited (BSE:521113)
Suez Canal Bank (S.A.E) (CASE:CANA)
Suez Canal Company for Technology Settling (S.A.E) (CASE:SCTS)
Suez Cement Company SAE (CASE:SUCE)
Suga International Holdings Limited (SEHK:912)
Sugal & Damani Share Brokers Limited (BSE:511654)
Sugentech Inc. (KOSDAQ:A253840)
Suheung Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A008490)
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (KASE:SNGP)
Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (KASE:SSGC)
Suich Industries Limited (BSE:542683)
Sujana Universal Industries Limited (BSE:517224)
Sulabh Engineers & Services Limited (BSE:508969)
Suli Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603585)
Sultan Center Food Products Company - K.S.C. (Public) (KWSE:SULTAN)
Sumagh High Tech Corporation (TSEC:1475)
Sumavision Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300079)
Sumec Corporation Limited (SHSE:600710)
Sumedha Fiscal Services Limited (BSE:530419)
Sumeeko Industries Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2066)
Sumeet Industries Limited (BSE:514211)
Sumeru Industries Limited (BSE:530445)
Sumit Woods Limited (NSEI:SUMIT)
Summi (Group) Holdings Limited (SEHK:756)
Summit Alliance Port Limited (DSE:SAPORTL)
Summit Ascent Holdings Limited (SEHK:102)
Summit Bank Limited (KASE:SMBL)
Summit Power Limited (DSE:SUMITPOWER)
Summit Real Estate Holdings Ltd. (TASE:SMT)
Summit Securities Limited (BSE:533306)
Sumuka Agro Industries Limited (BSE:532070)
Sun And Shine Worldwide Limited (BSE:532154)
Sun Art Retail Group Limited (SEHK:6808)
Sun Brothers Development Co., Limited (GTSM:3489)
Sun Cheong Creative Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:1781)
Sun Fon Construction Co. Ltd. (GTSM:5514)
Sun Hing Printing Holdings Limited (SEHK:1975)
Sun Hing Vision Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:125)
Sun Hung Kai & Co. Limited (SEHK:86)
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited (SEHK:16)
Sun International Group Limited (SEHK:8029)
Sun International Limited (JSE:SUI)
Sun Kong Holdings Limited (SEHK:8631)
Sun Limited (MUSE:SUN.N0000)
Sun Machinery Co., LTD (XKON:A116100)
Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Limited (NSEI:SPARC)
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (NSEI:SUNPHARMA)
Sun Race Sturmey-Archer Inc. (TSEC:1526)
Sun Retail Limited (BSE:542025)
Sun Source (India) Limited (BSE:517403)
Sun Techno Overseas Limited (BSE:531752)
Sun TV Network Limited (BSE:532733)
Sun Yad Construction Co.,Ltd (TSEC:1316)
Sun-Sea Construction Corporation (GTSM:5516)
Sun.King Power Electronics Group Limited (SEHK:580)
SUNA Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002417)
Sunac China Holdings Limited (SEHK:1918)
SunBio,Inc. (XKON:A067370)
Suncare Traders Limited (BSE:539526)
Sunchang Corporation (KOSE:A002820)
Suncity Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1383)
Suncorp Technologies Limited (SEHK:1063)
Sundaram Brake Linings Limited (NSEI:SUNDRMBRAK)
Sundaram Finance Holdings Limited (NSEI:SUNDARMHLD)
Sundaram Finance Limited (NSEI:SUNDARMFIN)
Sundaram Multi Pap Limited (BSE:533166)
Sundaram-Clayton Limited (BSE:520056)
Sundart Holdings Limited (SEHK:1568)
SundayToz Corp. (KOSDAQ:A123420)
Sundiro Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000571)
Sundram Fasteners Limited (NSEI:SUNDRMFAST)
Sundy Land Investment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600077)
SUNeVision Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:1686)
Sunf Pu Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5488)
Sunfar Computer Co., Ltd (GTSM:6154)
Sunflag Iron and Steel Company Limited (BSE:500404)
Sunflex Tech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3390)
Sunflower Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002737)
Sunflower Sustainable Investments Ltd (TASE:SNFL)
Sunfonda Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1771)
Sunfun Info Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5278)
Sung Bo Chemicals Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A003080)
Sung Gang Asset Management Corp.Limited (GTSM:6240)
Sung Kwang Bend Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A014620)
Sungchang Autotech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A080470)
Sungchang Enterprise Holdings Limited (KOSE:A000180)
Sungdo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A037350)
Sungei Bagan Rubber Company (Malaya) Berhad (KLSE:SBAGAN)
Sungho Electronics Corp. (KOSDAQ:A043260)
Sungmoon Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A014910)
Sungold Capital Limited (BSE:531433)
Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300274)
Sungshin Cement Co., Ltd (KOSE:A004980)
Sungwoo Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A081580)
Sungwoo Hitech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A015750)
Sungwoo Techron Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A045300)
Sunil Agro Foods Limited (BSE:530953)
Sunil Healthcare Limited (BSE:537253)
Sunil Industries Limited (BSE:521232)
Suning Universal Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000718) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002024)
Sunjin Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A136490)
Sunjuice Holdings Co., Limited (TSEC:1256)
Sunko Ink Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1721)
Sunlife Insurance Company Limited (DSE:SUNLIFEINS)
Sunlight (1977) Holdings Limited (SEHK:8451)
Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:435)
Sunmax Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4728)
Sunmoon Food Company Limited (SGX:AAJ)
Sunnic Technology & Merchandise Inc (GTSM:3360)
Sunningdale Tech Ltd (SGX:BHQ)
Sunny Electronics Corp. (KOSE:A004770)
Sunny Friend Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8341)
Sunny Loan Top Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600830)
Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited (SEHK:2382)
Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry Company Limited (TSEC:2421)
Sunplus Technology Company Limited (TSEC:2401)
Sunpower Group Ltd. (SGX:5GD)
Sunrays Textile Mills Limited (KASE:SUTM)
Sunresin New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300487)
Sunrex Technology Corporation (TSEC:2387)
Sunright Limited (SGX:S71)
Sunrise Group Company Limited (SZSE:002752)
Sunrise Real Estate Group, Inc. (OTCPK:SRRE)
Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300360)
Sunsea AIoT Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002313)
Sunshield Chemicals Limited (BSE:530845)
Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd (SEHK:2608)
Sunshine Global Circuits Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300739)
Sunshine Holdings PLC (COSE:SUN.N0000)
Sunspring Metal Corporation (TSEC:2062)
Sunstar Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SJF)
Sunstone Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603612)
Sunsuria Berhad (KLSE:SUNSURIA)
Sunsweet Public Company Limited (SET:SUN)
Suntak Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002815)
Suntar Eco-City Limited (SGX:BKZ)
Suntar Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688101)
Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust (SGX:T82U)
Sunteck Realty Limited (BSE:512179)
Suntront Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300259)
Suntrust Home Developers, Inc. (PSE:SUN)
Sunty Development Co., LTD (TSEC:3266)
Sunu Assurances Nigeria Plc (NGSE:SUNUASSUR)
SunVic Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4304)
Sunvim Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002083)
Sunwah Kingsway Capital Holdings Limited (SEHK:188)
Sunward Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002097)
Sunwave Communications Co.Ltd (SZSE:002115)
Sunway Berhad (KLSE:SUNWAY)
Sunway Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603333)
Sunway Construction Group Berhad (KLSE:SUNCON)
Sunway Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:SUNREIT)
Sunwin Stevia International, Inc. (OTCPK:SUWN)
Sunwoda Electronic Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300207)
Suny Cellular Communication Ltd (TASE:SNCM)
Suny Electronic Inc. Ltd.
Sunyard System Engineering Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600571)
Sunzen Biotech Berhad (KLSE:SUNZEN)
Suofeiya Home Collection Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002572)
Suoxinda Holdings Limited (SEHK:3680)
Supalai Public Company Limited (SET:SPALI)
Super Bakers (India) Limited (BSE:530735)
Super Borovets Property Fund REIT (BUL:6SB)
Super Crop Safe Limited (BSE:530883)
Super Dragon Technology Co., Ltd (TSEC:9955)
Super Energy Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:SUPER)
Super Group Limited (JSE:SPG)
Super Sales India Limited (BSE:512527)
Super Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:521180)
Super Tannery Limited (BSE:523842)
Super Telecom Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603322)
Superactive Group Company Limited (SEHK:176)
SuperAlloy Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1563)
SuperCom Ltd. (NasdaqCM:SPCB)
Supercomnet Technologies Berhad (KLSE:SCOMNET)
Superdong Fast Ferry Kien Giang Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SKG)
Superhouse Limited (BSE:523283)
Superior Finlease Limited (BSE:539835)
Superior Plating Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8431)
Superlon Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SUPERLN)
SuperMap Software Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300036)
Supermax Corporation Berhad (KLSE:SUPERMX)
Supershakti Metaliks Limited (BSE:541701)
Supertex Industries Limited (BSE:526133)
Supexbnp Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A058530)
Suplet Power Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300593)
Suppro Co., Ltd. (XKON:A185190)
Supra Pacific Management Consultancy Limited (BSE:540168)
Suprajit Engineering Limited (BSE:532509)
Suprema HQ Inc. (KOSDAQ:A094840)
Suprema ID Inc. (KOSDAQ:A317770)
Suprema Inc. (KOSDAQ:A236200)
Supreme Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8112)
Supreme Engineering Limited (NSEI:SUPREMEENG)
Supreme Holdings & Hospitality (India) Limited (BSE:530677)
Supreme Infrastructure India Limited (BSE:532904)
Supreme Petrochem Limited (BSE:500405)
Supreme Ventures Limited (JMSE:SVL)
Sura Development and Investment Company (P.L.C) (ASE:SURA)
Suraj Cotton Mills Limited (KASE:SURC)
Suraj Limited (BSE:531638)
Suraj Products Limited (BSE:518075)
Surana Solar Limited (BSE:533298)
Surana Telecom and Power Limited (BSE:517530)
Surani Steel Tubes Limited (NSEI:SURANI)
Surat Textile Mills Limited (BSE:530185)
Surfilter Network Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300311)
Surgutneftegas Public Joint Stock Company (MISX:SNGS)
Suria Capital Holdings Berhad (KLSE:SURIA)
SurplusGLOBAL, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A140070)
Surya Roshni Limited (NSEI:SURYAROSNI)
Suryaamba Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:533101)
Suryachakra Power Corporation Limited (BSE:532874)
Suryalakshmi Cotton Mills Limited (BSE:521200)
Suryalata Spinning Mills Limited (BSE:514138)
Suryo Foods & Industries Limited (BSE:519604)
Susco Public Company Limited (SET:SUSCO)
SUTL Enterprise Limited (SGX:BHU)
Sutlej Textiles and Industries Limited (BSE:532782)
Suumaya Lifestyle Limited (NSEI:SUULD)
Suven Life Sciences Limited (BSE:530239)
Suyog Telematics Limited (BSE:537259)
Suzhou Anjie Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002635)
Suzhou Boamax Technologies Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002514)
Suzhou China Create Special Material Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002290)
Suzhou Chunqiu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:603890)
Suzhou Chunxing Precision Mechanical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002547)
Suzhou Crystal Clear Chemical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300655)
Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002384)
Suzhou Douson Drilling & Production Equipment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603800)
Suzhou Electrical Apparatus Science Academy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300215)
Suzhou Etron Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603380)
Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002081)
Suzhou Goldengreen Technologies Ltd. (SZSE:002808)
Suzhou Good-Ark Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002079)
Suzhou Hailu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002255)
Suzhou Harmontronics Automation Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:688022)
Suzhou Hengmingda Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002947)
Suzhou HYC Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688001)
Suzhou Hycan Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002787)
Suzhou Industrial Park Heshun Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300141)
Suzhou Institute of Building Science Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603183)
Suzhou Jin Hong Shun Auto Parts Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603922)
Suzhou Jinfu Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300128)
Suzhou Keda Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:603660)
Suzhou Kelida Building& Decoration Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603828)
Suzhou Kingswood Printing Ink Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300192)
Suzhou Longjie Special Fiber Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603332)
Suzhou Lopsking Aluminum Co., Ltd (SZSE:002333)
Suzhou Maxwell Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300751)
Suzhou MedicalSystem Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603990)
Suzhou New District Hi-Tech Industrial Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600736)
Suzhou Secote Precision Electronic Co.,LTD (SHSE:603283)
Suzhou Shijia Science & Technology Inc. (SZSE:002796)
Suzhou SLAC Precision Equipment CO.,Ltd. (SZSE:300382)
Suzhou Sunmun Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300522)
Suzhou Sushi Testing Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300416)
Suzhou TA&A Ultra Clean Technology Co.,LTD. (SZSE:300390)
Suzhou TFC Optical Communication Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300394)
SuZhou THVOW Technology. Co. ,Ltd (SZSE:002564)
Suzhou TZTEK Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688003)
Suzhou Victory Precision Manufacture Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002426)
Suzhou Xingye Materials Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603928)
Suzhou Yangtze New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002652)
Suzlon Energy Limited (NSEI:SUZLON)
SV Investment Corp. (KOSDAQ:A289080)
Svam Software Limited (BSE:523722)
Svaraj Trading and Agencies Limited (BSE:503624)
SVC Industries Limited (BSE:524488)
SVC Resources Limited (BSE:512449)
SVG Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300331)
SVI Public Company Limited (SET:SVI)
SVOA Public Company Limited (SET:SVOA)
SVP Global Ventures Limited (BSE:505590)
SVP Housing Limited (BSE:539041)
Swadeshi Industries & Leasing Limited (BSE:506863)
Swadeshi Polytex Limited (BSE:503816)
Swagruha Infrastructure Limited (BSE:531909)
Swan Energy Limited (BSE:503310)
Swan General Ltd (MUSE:SWAN.N0000)
Swan Life Ltd (MUSE:ANGM.I0000)
Swancor Holding Co., LTD. (TSEC:3708)
Swaraj Engines Limited (BSE:500407)
Swarnsarita Gems Limited (BSE:526365)
Swasti Vinayaka Art and Heritage Corporation Limited (BSE:512257)
Swasti Vinayaka Synthetics Limited (BSE:510245)
Swastika Investmart Limited (BSE:530585)
Sweeten Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:5525)
Swelect Energy Systems Limited (BSE:532051)
Swift Foods, Inc. (PSE:SFI)
Swire Pacific Limited (SEHK:19)
Swire Properties Limited (SEHK:1972)
Swissray Global Healthcare Holding Ltd. (GTSM:4198)
Swisstek (Ceylon) PLC (COSE:PARQ.N0000)
Switching Technologies Gunther Limited (BSE:517201)
Sword and Shield Pharma Limited (BSE:531637)
Sword-Edge Commercials Limited (BSE:512359)
SWS Capital Berhad (KLSE:SWSCAP)
Sy Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A109610)
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad (KLSE:TAKAFUL)
Sybly Industries Limited (BSE:531499)
Sycal Ventures Berhad (KLSE:SYCAL)
SYF Resources Berhad (KLSE:SYF)
Sygnia Limited (JSE:SYG)
Sygnus Credit Investments Limited (JMSE:SCIJMD)
Sylvania Platinum Limited (AIM:SLP)
Symbiox Investment & Trading Co Ltd (BSE:539278)
Symphony Communication Public Company Limited (SET:SYMC)
Symphony Holdings Limited (SEHK:1223)
Symphony International Holdings Limited (LSE:SIHL)
Symphony Life Berhad (KLSE:SYMLIFE)
Symphony Limited (BSE:517385)
Symtek Automation Asia Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6438)
Syn Mun Kong Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:SMK)
SYN-TECH Chem. & Pharm. Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1777)
Synagie Corporation Ltd. (Catalist:V2Y)
Sync Power Corp. (GTSM:6545)
Syncmold Enterprise Corp. (TSEC:1582)
Syncom Formulations (India) Limited (BSE:524470)
Syncom Healthcare Limited (NSEI:SYNCOM)
Syncomm Technology Corp. (GTSM:3150)
Syncora Holdings Ltd. (OTCPK:SYCR.F)
SynCore Biotechnology Co.,Ltd (GTSM:4192)
Syndicate Bank (BSE:532276)
Synel M.L.L Payway Ltd (TASE:SNEL)
Synergetic Auto Performance Public Company Limited (SET:ASAP)
Synergis Holdings Limited (SEHK:2340)
Synergon Holding AD (BUL:6S7)
Synergy Green Industries Limited (BSE:541929)
Synergy Grid & Development Phils., Inc. (PSE:SGP)
Synergy Group Holdings International Limited (SEHK:1539)
Synergy Innovation Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A048870)
SYNergy ScienTech Corp. (TSEC:6558)
Synertone Communication Corporation (SEHK:1613)
SyneuRx International (Taiwan) Corp. (GTSM:6575)
Syngen Biotech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8279)
Syngene International Limited (BSE:539268)
Synmosa Biopharma Corporation (GTSM:4114)
Synnex (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:SYNEX)
Synnex Technology International Corporation (TSEC:2347)
Synopex Inc. (KOSDAQ:A025320)
Syntec Construction Public Company Limited (SET:SYNTEC)
Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5302)
SyntekaBio, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A226330)
Synthesis Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300479)
Synthetic Products Enterprises Limited (KASE:SPEL)
Synthiko Foils Limited (BSE:513307)
SYSAGE Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6112)
Syschem (India) Limited (BSE:531173)
Syscom Computer Engineering Co. (TSEC:2453)
Sysgration Ltd. (GTSM:5309)
SysJust Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3158)
Sysma Holdings Limited (Catalist:5UO)
Systech Bhd (KLSE:SYSTECH)
System and Application Technologies Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A060540)
Systematix Corporate Services Limited (BSE:526506)
Systems & Technology Corp (GTSM:3674)
Systems Limited (KASE:SYS)
Systex Corporation (TSEC:6214)
Syswork Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A269620)
SZZT Electronics CO.,LTD (SZSE:002197)
T & I Global Limited (BSE:522294)
T Engineering Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:T)
T S Flour Mill Public Company Limited (SET:TMILL)
T T J Holdings Limited (SGX:K1Q)
T-Flex Techvest PCB Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3276)
T-Robotics.Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A117730)
T. Spiritual World Limited (BSE:532444)
T.A.C. Consumer Public Company Limited (SET:TACC)
T.C.J. Asia Public Company Limited (SET:TCJ)
T.K.S. Technologies Public Company Limited (SET:TKS)
T.Krungthai Industries Public Company Limited (SET:TKT)
T.M.C. Industrial Public Company Limited (SET:TMC)
T.N.C. Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1724)
T.S. Investment Corporation (KOSDAQ:A246690)
T.T. Limited (BSE:514142)
T.U. Dome Residential Complex Leasehold Property Fund (SET:TU-PF)
T.V. Today Network Limited (BSE:532515)
T'Way Air Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A091810)
T&R Biofab Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A246710)
T&S Communications Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300570)
T3EX Global Holdings Corp. (TSEC:2636)
T4F Entretenimento S.A. (BOVESPA:SHOW3)
T7 Global Berhad (KLSE:T7GLOBAL)
Ta Ann Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TAANN)
Ta Chen Stainless Pipe Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2027)
Ta Ching Securities Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6021)
TA Corporation Ltd (SGX:PA3)
TA Enterprise Berhad (KLSE:TA)
TA Global Berhad (KLSE:TAGB)
Ta Jiang Co., Ltd (TSEC:1453)
Ta Win Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TAWIN)
Ta Ya Electric Wire & Cable (TSEC:1609)
Ta Yang Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1991)
Ta Yih Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1521)
TA-I Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2478)
Ta-Yuan Cogeneration Company Ltd. (GTSM:8931)
Taageer Finance Company SAOG (MSM:TFCI)
TAAL Enterprises Limited (BSE:539956)
Taameer Real Estate Investment Company - K.S.C.P. (KWSE:TAAMEER)
Tabuk Agricultural Development Company (SASE:6040)
Tabuk Cement Company (SASE:3090)
TacBright Optronics Corp. (GTSM:6434)
TaChan Securities Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6020)
Tachia Yung Ho Machine Industry Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2221)
Tactical Services, Inc. (OTCPK:TTSI)
Tadir-Gan (Precision Products) 1993 Ltd. (TASE:TDGN)
Tadiran Holdings Ltd (TASE:TDRN)
Tadmax Resources Berhad (KLSE:TADMAX)
Tadvest Limited (NMSE:TAD)
Tae Kwang Corporation (KOSDAQ:A023160)
Tae Won Mulsan Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001420)
Taegu Broadcasting Corporation (KOSDAQ:A033830)
Taekwang Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003240)
Taekyung Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006890)
Taekyung Ind. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A015890)
Taewoong Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A044490)
Taewoong Logistics Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A124560)
TAEYANG Corporation (KOSDAQ:A053620)
Taeyang Metal Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A004100)
Taeyoung Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A009410)
TAFI Industries Berhad (KLSE:TAFI)
Tah Hsin Industrial Corporation (TSEC:1315)
Tah Kong Chemical Industrial Corporation (GTSM:4706)
Tah Tong Textile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1441)
Tahoe Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000732)
Tai Cheung Holdings Limited (SEHK:88)
Tai Hing Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:6811)
Tai Industries Limited (BSE:519483)
Tai Kam Holdings Limited (SEHK:8321)
Tai Nguyen Corporation (HOSE:TNT)
Tai Ping Carpets International Limited (SEHK:146)
Tai Roun Products Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1220)
Tai Sang Land Development Limited (SEHK:89)
Tai Shing Electronics Components Corporation (GTSM:3426)
Tai Sin Electric Limited (SGX:500)
Tai Tung Communication Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8011)
Tai Twun Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3432)
Tai United Holdings Limited (SEHK:718)
Tai-Saw Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3221)
TAI-TECH Advanced Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3357)
Taiba Investments Co. (SASE:4090)
Taicera Enterprise Company (HOSE:TCR)
Taichung Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2812)
TaiDoc Technology Corporation (GTSM:4736)
Taier Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002347)
Taiflex Scientific Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8039)
TaiGen Biopharmaceuticals Holdings Limited (GTSM:4157)
Taihai Manoir Nuclear Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002366)
Taihan Electric Wire Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001440)
Taihan Fiber Optics Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A010170)
Taihan Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1336)
Taihan Textile Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A001070)
Taiji Computer Corporation Limited (SZSE:002368)
Taikong Intelligent Construction Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300344)
Tailam Tech Construction Holdings Limited (SEHK:6193)
Tailim Packaging Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A011280)
Tailyn Technologies, Inc. (GTSM:5353)
TaiMed Biologics Inc. (GTSM:4147)
Taimide Tech. Inc. (TSEC:3645)
Taiming Assurance Broker Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5878)
Tainan Enterprise (Cayman) Co., Limited (TSEC:5906)
Tainan Enterprises Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1473)
Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1440)
Tainergy Tech Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4934)
Tainet Communication System Corp. (GTSM:4905)
Tainwala Chemicals and Plastics (India) Limited (BSE:507785)
Taipei Star Bank (GTSM:5863)
TaiRx, Inc. (GTSM:6580)
Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2887)
TaiSol Electronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3338)
Taisun Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1218)
Taisun Int'l (Holding) Corporation (TSEC:8480)
Tait Marketing & Distribution Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5902)
Taita Chemical Company, Limited (TSEC:1309)
Taitien Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8289)
Taiwan Advance Bio-Pharmaceutical Inc. (GTSM:4186)
Taiwan Allied Container Terminal Corp. (GTSM:5601)
Taiwan Alpha Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6204)
Taiwan Aries Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6171)
Taiwan Benefit Company (GTSM:3379)
Taiwan Biomaterial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6649)
Taiwan Business Bank,Ltd. (TSEC:2834)
Taiwan Calsonic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4523)
Taiwan Cement Corp. (TSEC:1101)
Taiwan Chelic Corp. Ltd. (TSEC:4555)
Taiwan Chinsan Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8042)
Taiwan Cogeneration Corporation (TSEC:8926)
Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5880)
Taiwan Environment Scientific Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8476)
Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5903)
Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1722)
Taiwan Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2832)
Taiwan Fructose Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4207)
Taiwan Fu Hsing Industrial Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:9924)
Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp. (TSEC:1802)
Taiwan Green Environment Technology Inc. (GTSM:5205)
Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (TSEC:2633)
Taiwan Hon Chuan Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9939)
Taiwan Hopax Chems.Mfg.Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6509)
Taiwan IC Packaging Corporation (GTSM:3372)
Taiwan Kong King Co.,Ltd (GTSM:3093)
Taiwan Land Development Corporation (TSEC:2841)
Taiwan Leader Biotech Corp. (GTSM:8490)
Taiwan Line Tek Electronic Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2462)
Taiwan Liposome Company, Ltd. (GTSM:4152)
Taiwan Mask Corporation (TSEC:2338)
Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3045)
Taiwan Name Plate Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6593)
Taiwan Navigation Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2617)
Taiwan Oasis Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3066)
Taiwan Optical Platform Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6464)
Taiwan Paiho Limited (TSEC:9938)
Taiwan Pcb Techvest Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8213)
Taiwan Pelican Express Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2642)
Taiwan Prosperity Chemical Corporation (TSEC:4725)
Taiwan Pulp & Paper Corporation (TSEC:1902)
Taiwan Sakura Corporation (TSEC:9911)
Taiwan Sanyo Electric Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1614)
Taiwan Secom Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9917)
Taiwan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5425)
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSEC:2330)
Taiwan Shin Kong Security Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:9925)
Taiwan Steel Union Co., Ltd (TSEC:6581)
Taiwan Styrene Monomer Corporation (TSEC:1310)
Taiwan Surface Mounting Technology Corp. (TSEC:6278)
Taiwan Taffeta Fabric Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1454)
Taiwan TAKISAWA Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6609)
Taiwan Taomee Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6428)
Taiwan Taxi Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2640)
Taiwan Tea Corporation (TSEC:2913)
Taiwan Television Enterprise Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:8329)
Taiwan Thick-Film Ind. Corp (GTSM:6246)
Taiwan Union Technology Corporation (GTSM:6274)
Taiwan Wax Company,Ltd. (GTSM:1742)
TaiwanJ Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6549)
Taiyen Biotech Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1737)
Taiyuan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600281)
Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600169)
Taiyuan Lionhead Cement Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600539)
TAJGVK Hotels & Resorts Limited (BSE:532390)
Tak Lee Machinery Holdings Limited (SEHK:8142)
Takaful Emarat - Insurance (PSC) (DFM:TAKAFUL-EM)
Takaful Islami Insurance Limited (DSE:TAKAFULINS)
Takbo Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8436)
TAKE Solutions Limited (BSE:532890)
Takung Art Co., Ltd. (AMEX:TKAT)
Takuni Group Public Company Limited (SET:TAKUNI)
Takween Advanced Industries (SASE:1201)
Tal Lanka Hotels PLC (COSE:TAJ.N0000)
Talaad Thai Leasehold Property Fund (SET:TTLPF)
Talaat Mostafa Group Holding Company TMG Holding (S.A.E) (CASE:TMGH)
Talam Transform Berhad (KLSE:TALAMT)
Talawakelle Tea Estates PLC (COSE:TPL.N0000)
Talbros Automotive Components Limited (BSE:505160)
Talbros Engineering Limited (BSE:538987)
Taldor Computer Systems (1986) Ltd (TASE:TALD)
Taleem REIT Fund (SASE:4333)
Talent Property Group Limited (SEHK:760)
Taliang Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3167)
Taliworks Corporation Berhad (KLSE:TALIWRK)
TalkMed Group Limited (Catalist:5G3)
Talkweb Information System Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002261)
Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp AS (TLSE:TKM1T)
Tallu Spinning Mills Limited (DSE:TALLUSPIN)
Talon Metals Corp. (TSX:TLO)
Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited (BSE:533200)
Talwalkars Healthclubs Limited (NSEI:TALWGYM)
Tamar Petroleum Ltd (TASE:TMRP)
Tamboli Capital Limited (BSE:533170)
Tambun Indah Land Berhad (KLSE:TAMBUN)
Tamdeen Investment Company - KSCP (KWSE:TAMINV)
Tamdeen Real Estate Company - KPSC (KWSE:TAM)
Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (BSE:531426)
Tamilnadu Petroproducts Limited (BSE:500777)
Tamilnadu Steel Tubes Limited (BSE:513540)
Tamilnadu Telecommunications Limited (BSE:523419)
Tamino Minerals Inc. (OTCPK:TINO)
Tamul Multimedia Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A093640)
Tan Binh Import Export Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TIX)
Tan Cang - Long Binh ICD Joint Stock Company (HOSE:ILB)
Tan Cang Logistics and Stevedoring Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TCL)
Tan Chong International Limited (SEHK:693)
Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TCHONG)
Tan Dai Hung Plastic Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TPC)
Tan Ky Construction Real Estate Trading Corporation (HNX:TKC)
Tan Phu Plastic Joint Stock Company (HNX:TPP)
Tan Tao Investment And Industry Corporation (HOSE:ITA)
Tan Thanh Dat Development Investment Jsc (HNX:DTD)
Tanac Automation Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300461)
Tanco Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TANCO)
Tande Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600665)
Taneja Aerospace and Aviation Limited (BSE:522229)
TANFAC Industries Limited (BSE:506854)
Tang Eng Iron Works Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2035)
Tang Palace (China) Holdings Limited (SEHK:1181)
Tangel Publishing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300148)
Tangerine Beach Hotels PLC (COSE:TANG.N0000)
Tangrenshen Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:002567)
Tangshan Jidong Cement Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000401)
Tangshan Jidong Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000856)
TangShan Port Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601000)
Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Industries Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600409)
Tangshan Sunfar Silicon Industries Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603938)
Tankerska Next Generation d.d. (ZGSE:TPNG)
Tanla Solutions Limited (BSE:532790)
TANSH Global Food Group Co., Ltd (SEHK:3666)
Tantal Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:TANL)
Tantech Holdings Ltd (NasdaqCM:TANH)
Tantia Constructions Limited (BSE:532738)
Tanvex BioPharma, Inc. (TSEC:6541)
Tanyuan Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603133)
Tanzania Breweries Limited (DAR:TBL)
Tanzania Cigarette Public Limited Company (DAR:TCC)
Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited (DAR:TPCC)
Tao Heung Holdings Limited (SEHK:573)
Taokaenoi Food & Marketing Public Company Limited (SET:TKN)
Taoping Inc. (NasdaqCM:TAOP)
Tapaco Public Company Limited (SET:TAPAC)
Tapex Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A055490)
TAQA Morocco S.A. (CBSE:TQM)
Tara Chand Logistic Solutions Limited (NSEI:TARACHAND)
Tarai Foods Limited (BSE:519285)
Tarapur Transformers Limited (BSE:533203)
Target Insurance (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:6161)
Tariq Glass Industries Limited (KASE:TGL)
Tarmat Limited (BSE:532869)
Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE:TARO)
Taroko Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1432)
TAS Offshore Berhad (KLSE:TAS)
Tasco Joint Stock Company (HNX:HUT)
Taseco Air Services Joint Stock Company (HOSE:AST)
Tasek Corporation Berhad (KLSE:TASEK)
Tashin Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TASHIN)
Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:600535)
Taste Gourmet Group Limited (SEHK:8371)
Taste Holdings Limited (JSE:TAS)
Tasty Bite Eatables Limited (BSE:519091)
Tasty Concepts Holding Limited (SEHK:8096)
Tasty Dairy Specialities Limited (BSE:540955)
Tat Seng Packaging Group Ltd (SGX:T12)
TAT Technologies Ltd. (NasdaqGM:TATT)
Tata Chemicals Limited (BSE:500770)
Tata Coffee Limited (BSE:532301)
Tata Communications Limited (NSEI:TATACOMM)
Tata Consultancy Services Limited (NSEI:TCS)
Tata Elxsi Limited (BSE:500408)
Tata Global Beverages Limited (NSEI:TATAGLOBAL)
Tata Investment Corporation Limited (BSE:501301)
Tata Metaliks Limited (BSE:513434)
Tata Motors Limited (BSE:500570)
Tata Steel (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:TSTH)
Tata Steel BSL Limited (BSE:500055)
Tata Steel Limited (BSE:500470)
Tata Steel Long Products Limited (BSE:513010)
Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited (BSE:532371)
Tata Textile Mills Limited (KASE:TATM)
Tatia Global Vennture Limited (BSE:521228)
Tatry mountain resorts, a.s. (BSSE:1TMR001E)
Tattelecom Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:TTLK)
Tatung Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2371)
Tatung Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4738)
Tatung System Technologies Inc. (GTSM:8099)
Tatwah Smartech Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002512)
Taung Gold International Limited (SEHK:621)
Tavernier Resources Limited (BSE:531190)
Tawasol Group Holding SA (BVMT:TGH)
Tay Ninh Cable Car Tour Joint-stock Company (HOSE:TCT)
Tay Ninh Rubber Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TRC)
Taya Investment Co., Ltd. (TASE:TAYA)
Taya Viet Nam Electric Wire and Cable Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TYA)
Tayih Kenmos Auto parts Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8107)
Taylormade Renewables Limited (BSE:541228)
Tayo Rolls Limited (BSE:504961)
TBEA Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600089)
TBH Global Co., Ltd (KOSE:A084870)
Tbi Motion Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4540)
TBK & Sons Holdings Limited (SEHK:1960)
TBSP Public Company Limited (SET:TBSP)
TC Orient Lighting Holdings Limited (SEHK:515)
TCC Steel Corp. (KOSE:A002710)
TCFC Finance Limited (BSE:532284)
Tchaikapharma High Quality Medicines AD (BUL:7TH)
TCI Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8436)
TCI Developers Limited (BSE:533393)
TCI Express Limited (NSEI:TCIEXP)
TCI Industries Limited (BSE:532262)
TCL Corporation (SZSE:000100)
TCL Electronics Holdings Limited (SEHK:1070)
TCM Biosciences Inc. (XKON:A228180)
TCM Biotech International Corp. (GTSM:4169)
TCM Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:TCMC)
TCM Limited (BSE:524156)
TCNS Clothing Co. Limited (NSEI:TCNSBRANDS)
TCPL Packaging Limited (BSE:523301)
TD Power Systems Limited (BSE:533553)
TDG Holding Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600330)
TDH Holdings, Inc. (NasdaqCM:PETZ)
TDT Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (HNX:TDT)
Te Chang Construction Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5511)
Tea Smallholder Factories PLC (COSE:TSML.N0000)
TEAM Consulting Engineering and Management Public Company Limited (SET:TEAMG)
Team Group Inc. (TSEC:4967)
Team Precision Public Company Limited (SET:TEAM)
Team Tankers International Ltd. (OB:TEAM)
Team Young Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:5345)
Teamax Smart City Technology Corporation Limited (SZSE:000662)
TeamLease Services Limited (BSE:539658)
Teamway International Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1239)
Teapo Electronic Corporation (TSEC:2375)
Tech Mahindra Limited (NSEI:TECHM)
Tech Trans co., Ltd (XKON:A258050)
Tech-Bank Food Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002124)
Tech-Top Engineering CO., LTD (GTSM:6750)
Tech-Vina Joint Stock Company (HNX:CET)
Techbond Group Berhad (KLSE:TECHBND)
TechCare Corp. (OTCPK:TECR)
Techcential International Ltd (GTSM:6616)
Techcom Vietnam REIT Fund (HOSE:FUCVREIT)
TECHEN Co.,Ltd (XKON:A308700)
Techfast Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TECFAST)
TechFinancials, Inc. (AIM:TECH)
Techindia Nirman Limited (BSE:526576)
Techno - Agricultural Supplying Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TSC)
Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited (NSEI:TECHNOE)
Techno Medical Public Company Limited (SET:TM)
Technocraft Industries (India) Limited (BSE:532804)
TechnoDex Berhad (KLSE:TDEX)
Technofab Engineering Limited (BSE:533216)
TechnoPlus Ventures Ltd. (TASE:TNPV)
Technos S.A. (BOVESPA:TECN3)
Technovator International Limited (SEHK:1206)
Techtronic Industries Company Limited (SEHK:669)
Techwing, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A089030)
Teck Guan Perdana Berhad (KLSE:TECGUAN)
Teckwah Industrial Corporation Ltd (SGX:561)
Tecnisa S.A. (BOVESPA:TCSA3)
Tecnoglass Inc. (NasdaqCM:TGLS)
Tecnon (Fujian) Commercial Lighting Co., Ltd (SZSE:300650)
TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1504)
Teco Image Systems Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:5438)
Tecom Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2321)
Tecstar Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3117)
Tedea Technological Development and Automation Ltd. (TASE:TEDE)
Tederic Machinery Co., LTD (SHSE:603289)
TEE International Limited (SGX:M1Z)
TEE Land Limited (SGX:S9B)
Teejay Lanka PLC (COSE:TJL.N0000)
Teekay Corporation (NYSE:TK)
Teera-Mongkol Industry Public Company Limited (SET:TMI)
Tegma Gestão Logística S.A. (BOVESPA:TGMA3)
TegoScience Inc. (KOSDAQ:A191420)
Tehmag Foods Corporation (GTSM:1264)
Tehnika D.d (ZGSE:THNK)
Tehnohemija a.d. (BELEX:THHM)
TEHO International Inc Ltd. (Catalist:5OQ)
Tejas Networks Limited (BSE:540595)
Tejnaksh Healthcare Limited (BSE:539428)
Tek Seng Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TEKSENG)
Tekcore Co., Ltd (GTSM:3339)
Tekho Marine Biotech Co., Ltd (GTSM:8465)
Tekom Technologies, Inc (GTSM:6294)
Tekstilpromet d.d. (ZGSE:TKPR)
Telares de Palo Grande C.A. (CCSE:TPG)
Telcoware Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A078000)
Telecard Limited (KASE:TELE)
Telechips Inc. (KOSDAQ:A054450)
Telechoice International Limited (SGX:T41)
Telecom Argentina S.A. (BASE:TECO2)
Telecom Digital Holdings Limited (SEHK:6033)
Telecom Egypt Company S.A.E. (CASE:ETEL)
Telecom Service One Holdings Limited (SEHK:3997)
Telecommunication Technical Service Joint Stock Company (HNX:TST)
Telefield Inc. (KOSDAQ:A091440)
Telefónica Chile S.A. (SNSE:CTC)
Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. (BVL:TELEFBC1)
Telefonkabl a.d. (BELEX:TLKB)
Teléfonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. (OTCPK:TMXL.F)
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:TM)
Telekom Networks Malawi plc (MAL:TNM)
Telekom Slovenije, d.d. (LJSE:TLSG)
TeleMasters Holdings Limited (JSE:TLM)
Telesites, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:SITES B-1)
Television Broadcasts Limited (SEHK:511)
Telia Lietuva, AB (NSEL:TEL1L)
Telidyne Inc. (OTCPK:TLDN)
Telkom SA SOC Limited (JSE:TKG)
Tellgen Corporation (SZSE:300642)
Tellhow Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600590)
Telling Telecommunication Holding Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000829)
Telnet Holding SA (BVMT:TLNET)
Telrad Networks Ltd. (TASE:TLRD)
Telsys Ltd. (TASE:TLSY)
TEM Holdings Limited (SEHK:8346)
Tempus Global Business Service Group Holding Ltd. (SZSE:300178)
Tempus Holdings Limited (SEHK:6880)
Ten Pao Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1979)
Ten Ren Tea Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1233)
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (KLSE:TENAGA)
Tencent Holdings Limited (SEHK:700)
Tenfu (Cayman) Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:6868)
Tengda Construction Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600512)
Tenth of Ramadan for Pharmaceutical Industries and Diagnostic Reagents (Rameda) S.A.E. (CASE:RMDA)
Teo Guan Lee Corporation Berhad (KLSE:TGL)
Teo Seng Capital Berhad (KLSE:TEOSENG)
Tera Autotech Corporation (GTSM:6234)
Tera Software Limited (BSE:533982)
Terai Tea Company Limited (BSE:530533)
Teraplast S.A. (BVB:TRP)
Termbray Industries International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:93)
Terme Catez, d.d. (LJSE:TCRG)
Termika-Beograd A.D (BELEX:TRBG)
Ternium Argentina S.A. (BASE:TXAR)
Terra Mauricia Ltd (MUSE:TERA.N0000)
Terra Santa Agro S.A. (BOVESPA:TESA3)
TERRASEM Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A182690)
TES Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A095610)
Tesco Lotus Retail Growth Freehold and Leasehold Property Fund (SET:TLGF)
Tesna Inc. (KOSDAQ:A131970)
Tess Agro PLC (COSE:TESS.N0000)
Tesson Holdings Limited (SEHK:1201)
Test Research, Inc. (TSEC:3030)
Test-Rite International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2908)
Tethys Petroleum Limited (TSXV:TPL.H)
Tex Cycle Technology (M) Berhad (KLSE:TEXCYCL)
Tex Year Industries Inc. (TSEC:4720)
Tex-Ray Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1467)
Texchem Resources Bhd (KLSE:TEXCHEM)
Texhong Textile Group Limited (SEHK:2678)
Texmaco Infrastructure & Holdings Limited (BSE:505400)
Texmaco Rail & Engineering Limited (BSE:533326)
Texmo Pipes and Products Limited (BSE:533164)
Textainer Group Holdings Limited (NYSE:TGH)
Textile Prestige Public Company Limited (SET:TPCORP)
Texwinca Holdings Limited (SEHK:321)
Teyi Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002728)
TFG International Group Limited (SEHK:542)
TFP Solutions Berhad (KLSE:TFP)
TGB Banquets and Hotels Limited (BSE:532845)
TGV SRAAC Limited (BSE:507753)
TH Heavy Engineering Berhad (KLSE:THHEAVY)
TH Plantations Berhad (KLSE:THPLANT)
Thac Ba Hydropower Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TBC)
Thac Mo Hydro Power Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TMP)
Thai Agro Energy Public Company Limited (SET:TAE)
Thai Airways International Public Company Limited (SET:THAI)
Thai Beverage Public Company Limited (SGX:Y92)
Thai Binh Cement Joint Stock Company (HNX:TBX)
Thai Capital Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:TCC)
Thai Central Chemical Public Company Limited (SET:TCCC)
Thai Duong Petrol Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TDG)
Thai Enger Holding Public Company Limited (SET:TIGER)
Thai Film Industries Public Company Limited (SET:TFI)
Thai Group Holdings Public Company Limited (SET:SEG)
Thai Ha Public Company Limited (SET:KASET)
Thai Kin Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6629)
Thai Metal Drum Manufacturing Public Company Limited (SET:TMD)
Thai Mitsuwa Public Company Limited (SET:TMW)
Thai Nakarin Hospital Public Company Limited (SET:TNH)
Thai Nam Plastic Public Company Limited (SET:TNPC)
Thai Nippon Rubber Industry Public Co., Ltd. (SET:TNR)
Thai Nondestructive Testing Public Company Limited (SET:TNDT)
Thai O.P.P. Public Company Limited (SET:TOPP)
Thai Oil Public Company Limited (SET:TOP)
Thai Optical Group Public Company Limited (SET:TOG)
Thai Packaging & Printing Public Company Limited (SET:TPP)
Thai Plaspac Public Company Limited (SET:TPAC)
Thai Plastic Industrial (1994) Public Company Limited (SET:TPLAS)
Thai Poly Acrylic Public Company Limited (SET:TPA)
Thai Polycons Public Company Limited (SET:TPOLY)
Thai President Foods Public Company Limited (SET:TFMAMA)
Thai Rayon Public Company Limited (SET:TR)
Thai Reinsurance Public Company Limited (SET:THRE)
Thai Rubber Latex Group Public Company Limited (SET:TRUBB)
Thai Rung Union Car Public Company Limited (SET:TRU)
Thai Solar Energy Public Company Limited (SET:TSE)
Thai Stanley Electric Public Company Limited (SET:STANLY)
Thai Steel Cable Public Company Limited (SET:TSC)
Thai Sugar Terminal Public Company Limited (SET:TSTE)
Thai Union Group Public Company Limited (SET:TU)
Thai Vegetable Oil Public Company Limited (SET:TVO)
Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited (SET:WACOAL)
Thai Wah Public Company Limited (SET:TWPC)
Thai Wire Products Public Company Limited (SET:TWP)
Thai-German Products Public Company Limited (SET:TGPRO)
Thaicom Public Company Limited (SET:THCOM)
Thaifoods Group Public Company Limited (SET:TFG)
Thailand Hospitality Property Fund (SET:TLHPF)
Thailand Prime Property Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:TPRIME)
ThaiMui Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:THMUI)
Thaire Life Assurance Public Company Limited (SET:THREL)
Thaitheparos Public Company Limited (SET:SAUCE)
Thaivivat Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:TVI)
Thakkers Developers Limited (BSE:526654)
Thakral Corporation Ltd (SGX:AWI)
Thal Limited (KASE:THALL)
Thalassa Holdings Limited (LSE:THAL)
Thalys Medical Technology Inc. (SHSE:603716)
Thanachart Capital Public Company Limited (SET:TCAP)
Thanapiriya Public Company Limited (SET:TNP)
Thanasiri Group Public Company Limited (SET:THANA)
Thang Long Investment Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:TIG)
Thang Long Joint Stock Corporation (HNX:TTL)
Thang Long Urban Development and Construction Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TLD)
Thang Long Wine Joint Stock Company (HNX:VTL)
Thangamayil Jewellery Limited (NSEI:THANGAMAYL)
Thanh An 96 Installation And Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:TA9)
Thanh Cong Textile Garment Investment Trading Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TCM)
Thanh Hoa Beer Joint Stock Company (HNX:THB)
Thanh Nam Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TNI)
Thanh Thanh Cong - Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SBT)
Thanh Thanh Cong Tourist Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VNG)
Thanh Thanh Joint Stock Company (HNX:TTC)
Thantawan Industry Public Company Limited (SET:THIP)
Thatta Cement Company Limited (KASE:THCCL)
The 47 Construction Joint-Stock Company (HOSE:C47)
The ACME Laboratories Ltd. (DSE:ACMELAB)
The Ambassador Hotel,Ltd. (TSEC:2704)
The Andhra Petrochemicals Limited (BSE:500012)
The Andhra Sugars Limited (NSEI:ANDHRSUGAR)
The Anup Engineering Limited (NSEI:ANUP)
The Arab Ceramic Co. (CASE:CERA)
The Arab Dairy Products Co. (CASE:ADPC)
The Arab Drug Company (CASE:ADCI)
The Arab Palestinian Investment Company (PLSE:APIC)
The Arab Pesticides & Veterinary Drugs Mfg. PLC (ASE:MBED)
The Asia Business Daily Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A127710)
The Autodrome PLC (COSE:AUTO.N0000)
The Bank of East Asia, Limited (SEHK:23)
The Bank of Khyber (KASE:BOK)
The Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Limited (NYSE:NTB)
The Bank of Punjab (KASE:BOP)
The Bee Equity Partners Ltd (MUSE:FIDE.I0000)
The Bidvest Group Limited (JSE:BVT)
The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Limited (BSE:501425)
The Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited (BSE:500020)
The Brooker Group Public Company Limited (SET:BROOK)
The Byke Hospitality Limited (BSE:531373)
The Central Provinces Railways Company Limited (BSE:501827)
The Century Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002420)
The City Bank Limited (DSE:CITYBANK)
The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited (NASE:COOP)
The Colombo Fort Land & Building PLC (COSE:CFLB.N0000)
The Commercial Bank (P.S.Q.C.) (DSM:CBQK)
The Commercial Real Estate Company K.P.S.C. (KWSE:ALTIJARIA)
The Company for Cooperative Insurance (SASE:8010)
The Consulting & Investment Co. Group. Ltd. (ASE:CICO)
The Crescent Textile Mills Limited (KASE:CRTM)
The Cross-Harbour (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:32)
The Dacca Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited (DSE:DACCADYE)
The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co. Ltd. (BSE:506405)
The E&M Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A089230)
The Eastern Province Cement Company (SASE:3080)
The egyptian company for construction development (CASE:EDBM)
The Egyptian Satellite Company Nilesat (CASE:EGSA)
The Egyptian Starch and Glucose Company (CASE:ESGI)
The Energy House Holding Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:ENERGYH)
The Erawan Group Public Company Limited (SET:ERW)
The Eslite Spectrum Corporation (GTSM:2926)
The Far Eastern University, Incorporated (PSE:FEU)
The Far Property Company Limited (BSM:FPC)
The Federal Bank Limited (NSEI:FEDERALBNK)
The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited (NSEI:FACT)
The Financial Corporation Company SAOG (MSM:FINC)
The First Custodian Fund (I) Ltd. (BSE:511122)
The First Insurance Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2852)
The Fortress Resorts PLC (COSE:RHTL.N0000)
The Foschini Group Limited (JSE:TFG)
The General Company for Ceramic and Porcelain Products (CASE:PRCL)
The General Tyre and Rubber Company of Pakistan Limited (KASE:GTYR)
The Gold Bond Group Ltd. (TASE:GOLD)
The Great Eastern Shipping Company Limited (BSE:500620)
The Great Taipei Gas Corporation (TSEC:9908)
The Great Wall Of Culture Group Holding Co., Ltd. Guangdong (SZSE:300089)
The Grob Tea Company Limited (NSEI:GROBTEA)
The Hi-Tech Gears Limited (BSE:522073)
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (SEHK:3)
The Hong Kong Building And Loan Agency Limited (SEHK:145)
The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited (SEHK:45)
The Hour Glass Limited (SGX:AGS)
The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance (ASE:THBK)
The Hub Power Company Limited (KASE:HUBC)
The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd. (DSE:IBNSINA)
The India Cements Limited (NSEI:INDIACEM)
The Indian Card Clothing Company Limited (NSEI:INDIANCARD)
The Indian Hotels Company Limited (BSE:500850)
The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited (NSEI:INDIANHUME)
The Indian Link Chain Manufactures Limited (BSE:504746)
The Indian Wood Products Company Limited (BSE:540954)
The Initiates Plc (NGSE:INITSPLC)
The Investment Trust of India Limited (BSE:530023)
The Islamic Insurance Co. Plc. (ASE:TIIC)
The Israel Land Development Company Ltd. (TASE:ILDC)
The Jammu and Kashmir Bank Limited (BSE:532209)
The Jordan Pipes Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (ASE:JOPI)
The Jordan Worsted Mills Co. Ltd. (ASE:JOWM)
The Jordanian Electric Power Company Limited (ASE:JOEP)
The Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co. PLC (ASE:JPHM)
The Kandy Hotels Co. (1938) PLC (COSE:KHC.N0000)
The Karnataka Bank Limited (NSEI:KTKBANK)
The Karur Vysya Bank Limited (NSEI:KARURVYSYA)
The KCP Limited (NSEI:KCP)
The Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited (NASE:KPLC)
The Kingsbury PLC (COSE:SERV.N0000)
The Kuwait Company For Process Plant Construction and Contracting K.S.C.P. (KWSE:KCPC)
The Lakshmi Mills Company Limited (BSE:502958)
The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited (BSE:534690)
The Landis Taipei Hotel Co., Ltd (GTSM:5703)
The Lanka Hospitals Corporation PLC (COSE:LHCL.N0000)
The LEADCORP, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A012700)
The Lebanese Company for the Development and Reconstruction of Beirut Central District S.A.L. (BDB:SOLA)
The Lighthouse Hotel PLC (COSE:LHL.N0000)
The Mandhana Retail Ventures Limited (NSEI:TMRVL)
The Mauritius Chemical and Fertilizer Industry Limited (MUSE:MCFI.N0000)
The Mauritius Development Investment Trust Company Limited (MUSE:MDIT.N0000)
The Medical and Surgical Centre Limited (MUSE:MASC.I0000)
The Mediterranean and Gulf Cooperative Insurance and Reinsurance Company (SASE:8030)
The Motor & General Finance Limited (NSEI:MOTOGENFIN)
The National Agricultural Development Company (SASE:6010)
The National Bank (PLSE:TNB)
The National Bank of Ras Al-Khaimah (P.S.C.) (ADX:RAKBANK)
The National Commercial Bank (SASE:1180)
The National Company for Glass Industries (SASE:2150)
The National Investor Pr. J.S.C. (ADX:TNI)
The National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia (SASE:4030)
The National Silk & Rayon Mills Limited (KASE:NSRM)
The Navakij Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:NKI)
The New India Assurance Company Limited (BSE:540769)
The Nile Co. for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries (CASE:NIPH)
The Nuwara Eliya Hotels Company PLC (COSE:NEH.N0000)
The Okomu Oil Palm Company Plc (NGSE:OKOMUOIL)
The Orissa Minerals Development Company Limited (BSE:590086)
The Pacific Securities Co., Ltd (SHSE:601099)
The Pakistan General Insurance Company Limited (KASE:PKGI)
The PAN Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:PAN)
The Peninsula Chittagong Limited (DSE:PENINSULA)
The People's Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited (SEHK:1339)
The Peria Karamalai Tea and Produce Company Limited (NSEI:PKTEA)
The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE:PSE)
The Philodrill Corporation (PSE:OV)
The Phoenix Holdings Ltd (TASE:PHOE)
The Phoenix Mills Limited (BSE:503100)
The Place Holdings Limited (SGX:E27)
The Platinum Group Public Company Limited (SET:PLAT)
The Practical Solution Public Company Limited (SET:TPS)
The Premier Bank Limited (DSE:PREMIERBAN)
The Premier Sugar Mills & Distillery Company Limited (KASE:PMRS)
The Ramco Cements Limited (NSEI:RAMCOCEM)
The Ravalgaon Sugar Farm Limited (BSE:507300)
The Royal Ceramic Industry Public Company Limited (SET:RCI)
The Ruby Mills Limited (BSE:503169)
The Russian Public Joint-Stock Commercial Roads Bank (Public joint-stock company) (MISX:RDRB)
The Sandesh Limited (BSE:526725)
The Sandur Manganese & Iron Ores Limited (BSE:504918)
The Saudi Arabian Amiantit Company (SASE:2160)
The Saudi British Bank (SASE:1060)
The Saudi Investment Bank (SASE:1030)
The Searle Company Limited (KASE:SEARL)
The Securities House K.S.C.P. (KWSE:SECH)
The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd. (TSEC:5876)
The Shipping Corporation of India Limited (BSE:523598)
The Siam Cement Public Company Limited (SET:SCC)
The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited (SET:SCB)
The Sincere Company, Limited (SEHK:244)
The South India Paper Mills Limited (BSE:516108)
The South Indian Bank Limited (BSE:532218)
The Southern Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (HOSE:SFG)
The Southern Rubber Industry Joint Stock Company (HOSE:CSM)
The SPAR Group Ltd (JSE:SPP)
The Standard Batteries Limited (BSE:504180)
The Standard Group Limited (NASE:SGL)
The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. (BSE:512531)
The Steel Public Company Limited (SET:THE)
The Straits Trading Company Limited (SGX:S20)
The Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Limited (BSE:524542)
The Supreme Industries Limited (NSEI:SUPREMEIND)
The Swadeshi Industrial Works PLC (COSE:SWAD.N0000)
The Tata Power Company Limited (BSE:500400)
The Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd. (TASE:TASE)
The Thai Setakij Insurance Public Company Limited (SET:TSI)
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited (KASE:TICL)
The Tinplate Company Of India Limited (BSE:504966)
The Trendlines Group Ltd. (Catalist:42T)
The Ugar Sugar Works Limited (BSE:530363)
The Union Mosaic Industry Public Company Limited (SET:UMI)
The United Arab Stevedoring Co. (CASE:UASG)
The United Basalt Products Limited (MUSE:UBP.N0000)
The United Insurance co.Ltd (ASE:UNIN)
The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited (KASE:UNIC)
The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3933)
The United Nilgiri Tea Estates Company Limited (NSEI:UNITEDTEA)
The Universal Insurance Company Limited (KASE:UVIC)
The Van Cargoes and Foreign Trade Logistics Joint Stock Company (HNX:VNT)
The Vegetable Oil Industries Co. Ltd. (PLSE:VOIC)
The Vegetexco Port Joint Stock Company (HNX:VGP)
The Victoria Mills Limited (BSE:503349)
The Waterbase Limited (BSE:523660)
The West Indian Tobacco Company Limited (TTSE:WCO)
The Western India Plywoods Limited (NSEI:WIPL)
The Willbes & CO., Ltd. (KOSE:A008600)
The Yamuna Syndicate Limited (BSE:540980)
Thejo Engineering Limited (NSEI:THEJO)
Thelloy Development Group Limited (SEHK:1546)
Theme International Holdings Limited (SEHK:990)
Themis Medicare Limited (BSE:530199)
Theragen Etex Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066700)
Theravance Biopharma, Inc. (NasdaqGM:TBPH)
Thermaltake Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3540)
Thermax Limited (NSEI:THERMAX)
Theta Edge Berhad (KLSE:THETA)
Thien Long Group Corporation (HOSE:TLG)
Thien Nam Trading - Import Export Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TNA)
Thien Quang Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:ITQ)
Thien Viet Securities Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TVS)
Thiensurat Public Company Limited (SET:TSR)
ThinFlex Corporation (GTSM:3144)
Thing On Enterprise Limited (SEHK:2292)
Think Ink Studio Limited (BSE:539310)
Thinker Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603789)
Thinking Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2428)
Thinkingdom Media Group Ltd. (SHSE:603096)
THINKWARE Corporation (KOSDAQ:A084730)
ThinTech Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3663)
Thirani Projects Limited (BSE:538464)
Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. (NYSE:TPRE)
Thiru Arooran Sugars Limited (NSEI:THIRUSUGAR)
Thirumalai Chemicals Limited (BSE:500412)
Thitikorn Public Company Limited (SET:TK)
Thn Corporation (KOSE:A019180)
Thob Al Aseel Co. (SASE:4012)
Thomas Cook (India) Limited (BSE:500413)
Thomas Scott (India) Limited (BSE:533941)
Thomson Medical Group Limited (SGX:A50)
Thonburi Healthcare Group Public Company Limited (SET:THG)
Thonburi Medical Centre Public Company Limited (SET:KDH)
Thong Guan Industries Berhad (KLSE:TGUAN)
Thong Nhat Joint Stock Company (HNX:BAX)
Thong Nhat Rubber Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TNC)
Thoresen Thai Agencies Public Company Limited (SET:TTA)
Three Acre Farms PLC (COSE:TAFL.N0000)
Three Squirrels Inc. (SZSE: 300783)
Three-A Resources Berhad (KLSE:3A)
Thriven Global Berhad (KLSE:THRIVEN)
ThroughTek Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6565)
THT Heat Transfer Technology, Inc. (OTCPK:THTI)
Thu Dau Mot Water Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TDM)
Thu Duc Electro Mechanical Joint Stock Company (HOSE:EMC)
Thu Duc Trading and Import-Export Joint Stock Company (HNX:TMC)
Thu Duc Water Supply Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TDW)
Thua Thien Hue Construction Joint-Stock Corporation (HOSE:HUB)
Thuan An Wood Processing Joint Stock Company (HOSE:GTA)
Thuduc Housing Development Corporation (HOSE:TDH)
Thumbage Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A208640)
Thunder Software Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300496)
Thunder Tiger Corp. (TSEC:8033)
Thunderbird Resorts, Inc. (OTCPK:THRS.F)
Thuong Phu Coffee Joint Stock Company (HNX:CTP)
Thye Ming Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9927)
Thyrocare Technologies Limited (BSE:539871)
Tiaan Ayurvedic & Herbs Limited (BSE:540108)
Tian An China Investments Company Limited (SEHK:28)
Tian Chang Group Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:2182)
Tian Ge Interactive Holdings Limited (SEHK:1980)
Tian Shan Development (Holding) Limited (SEHK:2118)
Tian Teck Land Limited (SEHK:266)
Tian Yuan Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:6119)
Tian Zheng International Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6654)
Tian'an Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (OTCPK:TNPH)
Tianci International, Inc. (OTCPK:CIIT)
Tianda Pharmaceuticals Limited (SEHK:455)
Tiande Chemical Holdings Limited (SEHK:609)
Tiandi Science & Technology Co.Ltd (SHSE:600582)
Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601162)
Tiangong International Company Limited (SEHK:826)
TianGuang ZhongMao Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002509)
TianJin 712 Communication & Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603712)
Tianjin Benefo Tejing Electric Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600468)
Tianjin Binhai Energy & Development Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000695)
Tianjin Binhai TEDA Logistics (Group) Corporation Limited (SEHK:8348)
Tianjin Capital Environmental Protection Group Company Limited (SHSE:600874)
Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300026)
Tianjin Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:882)
Tianjin Faw Xiali Automobile Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000927)
Tianjin Global Magnetic Card Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600800)
Tianjin Guangyu Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000537)
Tianjin Guifaxiang 18th Street Mahua Food Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002820)
Tianjin Hi-Tech Development Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600082)
Tianjin Jinbin Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000897)
Tianjin Jingwei Huikai Optoelectronic Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300120)
Tianjin Jinran Public Utilities Company Limited (SEHK:1265)
Tianjin Jiuri New Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688199)
Tianjin Keyvia Electric Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300407)
Tianjin Lisheng Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002393)
Tianjin LVYIN Landscape and Ecology Construction Co., Ltd (SZSE:002887)
Tianjin MOTIMO Membrane Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300334)
Tianjin Motor Dies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002510)
Tianjin Pengling Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:300375)
Tianjin Port Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600717)
Tianjin Port Development Holdings Limited (SEHK:3382)
Tianjin Printronics Circuit Corporation (SZSE:002134)
Tianjin Quanyechang (Group) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600821)
Tianjin Realty Development (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600322)
Tianjin Ringpu Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300119)
Tianjin Saixiang Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002337)
Tianjin Songjiang Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600225)
Tianjin Teda Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000652)
Tianjin Tianbao Energy Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1671)
Tianjin Tianbao Infrastructure Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000965)
Tianjin Tianyao Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600488)
Tianjin Zhong Xin Pharmaceutical Group Corporation Limited (SGX:T14)
Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002129)
Tianli Education International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1773)
Tianli Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:117)
Tianma Bearing Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002122)
Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000050)
Tianneng Power International Limited (SEHK:819)
Tianqi Lithium Corporation (SZSE:002466)
Tianrun Crankshaft Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002283)
Tiansheng Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002872)
Tianshui Huatian Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002185)
Tianshui Zhongxing Bio-technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002772)
TianYu Eco-Environment Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603717)
Tianyun International Holdings Limited (SEHK:6836)
Tibet AIM Pharm. Inc. (SZSE:002826)
Tibet Cheezheng Tibetan Medicine Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002287)
Tibet Galaxy Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000752)
Tibet GaoZheng Explosive Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002827)
Tibet Huayu Mining Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601020)
Tibet Mineral Development Co., LTD (SZSE:000762)
Tibet Rhodiola Pharmaceutical Holding Co. (SHSE:600211)
Tibet Summit Resources Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600338)
Tibet Tianlu Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600326)
Tibet Tourism Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600749)
Tibet Urban Development and Investment Co.,LTD (SHSE:600773)
Tibet Water Resources Ltd. (SEHK:1115)
Tibet Weixinkang Medicine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603676)
Tiburon International Trading Corp. (OTCPK:TNCP)
Ticon Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:FTREIT)
Tide Water Oil Co. (India) Limited (BSE:590005)
Tidehold Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:9902)
Tieling Newcity Investment Holding (Group) Limited (SZSE:000809)
Tien Bo Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TTB)
Tien Giang Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:THG)
Tien Liang BioTech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4127)
Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HOSE:TPB)
Tien Phong Plastic Joint Stock Company (HNX:NTP)
Tien Thanh Service and Trading Joint Stock Company (HNX:TTH)
Tien Trung Investment Construction And Technology Joint Stock Company (HNX:TTZ)
Tien Wah Press Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TIENWAH)
TienLen Steel Corporation Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TLH)
TienPin United Enterprise CO., LTD. (GTSM:6199)
Tiga Gaming Inc (GTSM:6536)
Tigar a.d. (BELEX:TIGR)
Tigbur - Temporary Professional Personnel Ltd. (TASE:TIGBUR)
Tiger Brands Limited (JSE:TBS)
Tiger Logistics (India) Limited (BSE:536264)
Tiger Reef, Inc. (OTCPK:TGRR)
Tiger Synergy Berhad (KLSE:TIGER)
Tigerair Taiwan Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6757)
TigerElec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A219130)
TIH Limited (SGX:T55)
Tihama Advertising and Public Relations Co. (SASE:4070)
Tijara & Real Estate Investment Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:TIJARA)
Tijaria Polypipes Limited (BSE:533629)
Tikcro Technologies Ltd. (OTCPK:TIKR.F)
TIL Enviro Limited (SEHK:1790)
TIL Limited (BSE:505196)
Tilak Ventures Limited (BSE:503663)
Tilaknagar Industries Ltd. (BSE:507205)
Till Capital Corporation (TSXV:TIL)
TILON Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A217880)
TIM Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:TIMP3)
Timberwell Berhad (KLSE:TIMWELL)
Time Interconnect Technology Limited (SEHK:1729)
Time Publishing and Media Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600551)
Time Technoplast Limited (BSE:532856)
Time Watch Investments Limited (SEHK:2033)
Timeless Software Limited (SEHK:8028)
Times China Holdings Limited (SEHK:1233)
Times Guaranty Limited (BSE:511559)
Times Neighborhood Holdings Limited (SEHK:9928)
Timex Group India Limited (BSE:500414)
Timken India Limited (BSE:522113)
Tin Nghia Industrial Park Development Joint-Stock Company (HOSE:TIP)
Ting Sin Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2358)
Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. (SEHK:322)
Tinna Rubber and Infrastructure Limited (BSE:530475)
Tinna Trade Limited (BSE:541741)
Tiong Nam Logistics Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TNLOGIS)
Tiong Seng Holdings Limited (SGX:BFI)
Tiong Woon Corporation Holding Ltd (SGX:BQM)
Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited (SET:TASCO)
Tipco Foods Public Company Limited (SET:TIPCO)
Tips Industries Limited (NSEI:TIPSINDLTD)
Tirathai Public Company Limited (SET:TRT)
Tirupati Foam Limited (BSE:540904)
Tirupati Forge Limited (NSEI:TIRUPATIFL)
Tirupati Sarjan Limited (BSE:531814)
Tirupati Starch and Chemicals Limited (BSE:524582)
Tirupati Tyres Limited (BSE:539040)
TISCO Financial Group Public Company Limited (SET:TISCO)
Titagarh Wagons Limited (NSEI:TWL)
Titan Biotech Limited (BSE:524717)
Titan Company Limited (BSE:500114)
Titan Petrochemicals Group Limited (SEHK:1192)
Titan Securities Limited (BSE:530045)
Titan Wind Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002531)
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited (DSE:TITASGAS)
Titijaya Land Berhad (KLSE:TITIJYA)
Tittot Company Limited (GTSM:9949)
TiumBio Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A321550)
Tiv Taam Holdings 1 Ltd. (TASE:TTAM)
TIZA Information Industry Corporation INC. (SZSE:300209)
TJ media Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A032540)
TK Chemical Corporation (KOSDAQ:A104480)
TK Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:2283)
TKC Co., Ltd. (XKON:A191600)
TKC Metals Corporation (PSE:T)
TKD Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603738)
TKK Symphony Acquisition Corporation (NasdaqCM:TKKS)
TL Natural Gas Holdings Limited (SEHK:8536)
TLI Inc. (KOSDAQ:A062860)
TLV Holdings Limited (Catalist:42L)
TM Technology, Inc. (GTSM:5468)
TMB Bank Public Company Limited (SET:TMB)
TMC Life Sciences Berhad (KLSE:TMCLIFE)
TMK-Artrom S.A. (BVB:ART)
TMP Steel Corporation (GTSM:6248)
TMSR Holding Company Limited (NasdaqCM:TMSR)
TMT Motor Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TMT)
TMT Steel Public Company Limited (SET:TMT)
TNG Investment and Trading Joint Stock Company (HNX:TNG)
Tns Holdings Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TN1)
TOA Paint (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:TOA)
TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A079970)
Todos Medical Ltd. (OTCPK:TOMD.F)
Tofu Restaurant Co., Ltd (GTSM:2752)
Together Pharma Ltd (TASE:TGTR)
Tokai Carbon Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A064760)
Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka) PLC (COSE:TKYO.N0000)
Tokyo Finance Limited (BSE:531644)
Tokyo Plast International Limited (NSEI:TOKYOPLAST)
Toly Bread Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603866)
TOM Group Limited (SEHK:2383)
Tomei Consolidated Berhad (KLSE:TOMEI)
TOMO Holdings Limited (SEHK:6928)
Tomsk Distribution Company (MISX:TORS)
Tomson Group Limited (SEHK:258)
Tomypak Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TOMYPAK)
Ton Yi Industrial Corp. (TSEC:9907)
Tong Herr Resources Berhad (KLSE:TONGHER)
Tong Hsing Electronic Industries, Ltd. (TSEC:6271)
Tong Hua Holding Public Company Limited (SET:TH)
Tong Kee (Holding) Limited (SEHK:8305)
Tong Ming Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:5538)
Tong Petrotech Corp. (SZSE:300164)
Tong Ren Tang Technologies Co. Ltd. (SEHK:1666)
Tong Yang Industry Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1319)
Tong Yang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A082640)
Tong Yang Moolsan Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002900)
Tong-Hwa Synthetic Fiber Company Limited (TSEC:1418)
Tongcheng-Elong Holdings Limited (SEHK:780)
Tongda Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:698)
Tongda Hong Tai Holdings Limited (SEHK:2363)
Tongding Interconnection Information Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002491)
Tongfang Kontafarma Holdings Limited (SEHK:1312)
Tongfu Microelectronics Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002156)
Tongguan Gold Group Limited (SEHK:340)
Tonghua Dongbao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600867)
Tonghua Golden-Horse Pharmaceutical Industry Co,Ltd (SZSE:000766)
Tonghua Grape Wine Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600365)
Tongkun Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601233)
Tongling Jingda Special Magnet Wire Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600577)
Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000630)
Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4526)
Tongwei Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600438)
Tongyang Inc. (KOSE:A001520)
TONGYANG Networks Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A030790)
Tongyang Pile Inc. (KOSDAQ:A228340)
Tongyu Communication Inc. (SZSE:002792)
Tongyu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300185)
Tonking New Energy Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8326)
Tonlin Department Store Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:2910)
Tonly Electronics Holdings Limited (SEHK:1249)
Tons Lightology Inc. (GTSM:4972)
Tontek Design Technology Ltd. (GTSM:5487)
Tonymoly Co., Ltd (KOSE:A214420)
ToolGen Incorporated (XKON:A199800)
Top Bright Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8499)
Top Energy Company Ltd.Shanxi (SHSE:600780)
TOP Engineering Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A065130)
Top Form International Limited (SEHK:333)
Top Frontier Investment Holdings, Inc. (PSE:TFHI)
Top Global Limited (SGX:BHO)
Top Glove Corporation Bhd. (KLSE:TOPGLOV)
Top High Image Corp. (GTSM:3284)
Top Ramdor Systems & Computers Co. (1990) Ltd (TASE:TOPS)
Top Resource Conservation & Environment Corp. (SZSE:300332)
Top Spring International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3688)
Top Standard Corporation (SEHK:8510)
Top Union Electronics Corp. (GTSM:6266)
Topbi International Holdings Limited (TSEC:2929)
Topchoice Medical Corporation (SHSE:600763)
Topco Scientific Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:5434)
Topco Technologies Corp. (GTSM:3388)
TopGreen Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:1585)
Topkey Corporation (TSEC:4536)
Toplivo AD (BUL:3TV)
Topoint Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8021)
Topower Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3226)
Topscore Fashion Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603608)
Topsports International Holdings Limited (SEHK:6110)
Topsun co., Ltd (XKON:A180060)
TOPTEC Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A108230)
Topview Optronics Corporation (GTSM:6556)
Toray Textiles (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:TTT)
Toread Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300005)
Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:500420)
Torrent Power Limited (NSEI:TORNTPOWER)
Tosrifa Industries Limited (DSE:TOSRIFA)
TOT BIOPHARM International Company Limited (SEHK:1875)
Total Access Communication Public Company Limited (SET:DTAC)
Total Cote d'Ivoire S.A. (BRVM:TTLC)
Total Gabon (ENXTPA:EC)
Total Kenya Limited (NASE:TOTL)
Total Maroc S.A. (CBSE:TMA)
Total Petroleum Ghana Limited (GHSE:TOTAL)
Total Sénégal S.A. (BRVM:TTLS)
Total Soft Bank Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A045340)
Total Transport Systems Limited (NSEI:TOTAL)
Tottenham Acquisition I Limited (NasdaqCM:TOTA)
Touchwood Entertainment Limited (NSEI:TOUCHWOOD)
Toung Loong Textile MFG. Co., LTD. (GTSM:4401)
Tourism Enterprises Co. (SASE:4170)
Tourism Finance Corporation of India Limited (BSE:526650)
TOVIS Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A051360)
Towellers Limited (KASE:TOWL)
Tower Property Fund Limited (JSE:TWR)
Tower Real Estate Investment Trust (KLSE:TWRREIT)
Tower Semiconductor Ltd. (NasdaqGS:TSEM)
Town Ray Holdings Limited (SEHK:1692)
Towngas China Company Limited (SEHK:1083)
Toyam Industries Limited (BSE:538607)
Toyo Ink Group Berhad (KLSE:TOYOINK)
Toyou Feiji Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300302)
TPBI Public Company Limited (SET:TPBI)
TPC Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A130740)
TPC Mechatronics Corporation (KOSDAQ:A048770)
TPC Plus Berhad (KLSE:TPC)
TPC Power Holding Public Company Limited (SET:TPCH)
TPI Polene Power Public Company Limited (SET:TPIPP)
TPI Polene Public Company Limited (SET:TPIPL)
TPK Holding Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3673)
TPL Corp Limited (KASE:TPL)
TPL Insurance Limited (KASE:TPLI)
TPL Plastech Limited (BSE:526582)
TPL Properties Limited (KASE:TPLP)
Tplex Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A081150)
TPS Eastern Africa Plc (NASE:TPSE)
TQM Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:TQM)
Trace Group Hold PLC (BUL:T57)
Tractafric Motors Côte d'Ivoire S A (BRVM:PRSC)
Trade Finance & Investments PLC (COSE:TFIL.N0000)
Trade-Van Information Services Co. (TSEC:6183)
TradeGo FinTech Limited (SEHK:8017)
Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited (SEHK:536)
Tradetool Auto Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3685)
Traffic Control Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688015)
Trang Corporation (HNX:TFC)
Trans Asia Hotels PLC (COSE:TRAN.N0000)
Trans Oceans Tours (CASE:TRTO)
Trans-Nationwide Express Plc (NGSE:TRANSEXPR)
Transaction Capital Limited (JSE:TCP)
Transart Graphics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:8481)
Transcend Information, Inc. (TSEC:2451)
Transcend Residential Property Fund Limited (JSE:TPF)
TransCentury PLC (NASE:TCL)
Transchem Limited (BSE:500422)
Transcom, Inc. (GTSM:5222)
Transcorp Hotels Plc (NGSE:TRANSCOHOT)
Transcorp International Limited (BSE:532410)
Transfar Zhilian Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002010)
Transformers & Rectifiers (India) Limited (BSE:532928)
Transgene Biotek Limited (BSE:526139)
Transilvania Broker de Asigurare S.A. (BVB:TBK)
Transimex Corporation (HOSE:TMS)
Transit-Mixed Concrete Ltd (SGX:570)
Transmit Entertainment Limited (SEHK:1326)
Transmit Entertainment Limited (SEHK:1326)
Transnational Corporation of Nigeria Plc (NGSE:TRANSCORP)
Transocean Holdings Berhad (KLSE:TOCEAN)
Transpacific Broadband Group International, Inc. (PSE:TBGI)
Transpaco Limited (JSE:TPC)
Transpek Industry Limited (BSE:506687)
Transport & Investment Barter Company (ASE:NAQL)
Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TCD)
Transport Corporation of India Limited (BSE:532349)
Transport International Holdings Limited (SEHK:62)
Transportadora de Gas del Norte S.A. (BASE:TGNO4)
Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. (BASE:TGSU2)
Transportation and Trading Services Joint Stock Company (HNX:TJC)
Transstroy-Burgas AD-Burgas (BUL:3TU)
Transtouch Technology Inc. (GTSM:3623)
Transwarranty Finance Limited (BSE:532812)
Transwind Infrastructures Limited (NSEI:TRANSWIND)
TranSystem, Inc. (GTSM:5348)
Traphaco Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TRA)
Traqer Corp. (OTCPK:TAQR)
Travel Expert (Asia) Enterprises Limited (SEHK:1235)
Travel Investment and Seafood Development Corporation (HOSE:DAT)
Travelite Holdings Ltd. (SGX:BCZ)
TravelSky Technology Limited (SEHK:696)
Travertine Company PLC (ASE:TRAV)
TRC Construction Public Company Limited (SET:TRC)
TRC Synergy Berhad (KLSE:TRC)
Tree Holdings Limited (SEHK:8395)
Tree House Education & Accessories Limited (BSE:533540)
Treet Corporation Limited (KASE:TREET)
Trejhara Solutions Limited (NSEI:TREJHARA)
Trek 2000 International Ltd (SGX:5AB)
Trellidor Holdings Limited (JSE:TRL)
Trematon Capital Investments Limited (JSE:TMT)
Tremor International Ltd (AIM:TRMR)
Trencor Limited (JSE:TRE)
Trendline Information and Communication Services Ltd. (TASE:TREN)
Trent Limited (BSE:500251)
Trescon Limited (BSE:532159)
TRF Limited (BSE:505854)
TRG Pakistan Limited (KASE:TRG)
Trgopromet A.D. (BELEX:TRGOM)
Tri Ocean Textile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1472)
Tri Viet Asset Management Corporation Joint Stock Company (HNX:TVC)
Tri Viet Securities Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:TVB)
Tri-Mode System (M) Berhad (KLSE:TRIMODE)
Tri-Pack Films Limited (KASE:TRIPF)
Tri-Star Polyester Limited (KASE:TRPOL)
Tri-Star Power Limited (KASE:TSPL)
Triangle Tyre Co., Ltd (SHSE:601163)
Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Limited (BSE:534369)
TrickleStar Limited (Catalist:CYW)
Tricom Fruit Products Limited (BSE:531716)
Trident Limited (BSE:521064)
Trident Texofab Limited (BSE:540726)
Tridev Infraestates Limited (BSE:531568)
Trigiant Group Limited (SEHK:1300)
Trigold Holdings Limited (GTSM:3709)
Trigyn Technologies Limited (BSE:517562)
Trimurthi Limited (BSE:536565)
Trinidad and Tobago NGL Limited (TTSE:NGL)
Trinidad Cement Limited (TTSE:TCL)
Trinity Freehold and Leasehold Property Fund (SET:TNPF)
Trinity League India Limited (BSE:531846)
Trinity Limited (SEHK:891)
Trinity Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4534)
Trinity Watthana Public Company Limited (SET:TNITY)
Trio Industrial Electronics Group Limited (SEHK:1710)
Trio Mercantile & Trading Limited (BSE:534755)
Triple i Logistics Public Company Limited (SET:III)
Tripod Technology Corporation (TSEC:3044)
Tripple Gee & Company Plc (NGSE:TRIPPLEG)
Tristate Holdings Limited (SEHK:458)
Tritech Group Limited (Catalist:5G9)
Triton Corp Limited (BSE:523387)
Triton Holding Public Company Limited (SET:TRITN)
Triton International Limited (NYSE:TRTN)
Triton Valves Limited (BSE:505978)
Triumph Science & Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600552)
Triunfo Participações e Investimentos S.A. (BOVESPA:TPIS3)
Trive Property Group Berhad (KLSE:TRIVE)
Triveni Engineering & Industries Limited (BSE:532356)
Triveni Glass Limited (BSE:502281)
Triveni Turbine Limited (BSE:533655)
Tropical Canning (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:TC)
Tropical Paradise Company Limited (MUSE:TPL.I0000)
Tropicana Corporation Berhad (KLSE:TROP)
Troy Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300366)
TRS Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300229)
True Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:TRUE)
TrueLight Corporation (GTSM:3234)
Truking Technology Limited (SZSE:300358)
Truly International Holdings Limited (SEHK:732)
Trung An Hi - Tech Farming Joint Stock Company (HNX:TAR)
Truong Giang Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TGG)
Truong Long Engineering and Auto Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HTL)
Truong Thanh Furniture Corporation (HOSE:TTF)
Truong Thanh Real Estate and Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TEG)
Truong Thinh Energy Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TTE)
Trust Bank Limited (DSE:TRUSTBANK)
Trust International Insurance P.L.C (PLSE:TRUST)
Trust Securities & Brokerage Limited (KASE:TSBL)
Trust-Search Corp.,Ltd. (GTSM:3115)
Trustco Group Holdings Limited (NMSE:TUC)
Trusval Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6667)
Truwin Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A105550)
Truworths International Limited (JSE:TRU)
TS Corporation (KOSE:A001790)
TS Trillion Co., Ltd. (XKON:A284610)
TS Wonders Holding Limited (SEHK:1767)
Tsaker Chemical Group Limited (SEHK:1986)
Tsang Yow Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1568)
Tsann Kuen Enterprise Co.,Ltd (TSEC:2430)
TsannKuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200512)
TSC Auto ID Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3611)
TSE Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A131290)
Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (International) Limited (SEHK:417)
TSEC Corporation (TSEC:6443)
TSH Biopharm Corporation Limited (GTSM:8432)
TSH Corporation Limited (Catalist:KUH)
TSH Resources Berhad (KLSE:TSH)
TSI Co., Ltd. (XKON:A277880)
Tsinghua Tongfang Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600100)
Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited (SEHK:168)
Tsit Wing International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2119)
Tsogo Sun Gaming Limited (JSE:TSG)
Tsogo Sun Hotels Limited (JSE:TGO)
TSR Capital Berhad (KLSE:TSRCAP)
TSRC Corporation (TSEC:2103)
TST Group Holding Ltd. (TSEC:4439)
Tsui Wah Holdings Limited (SEHK:1314)
Ttbio Corp. (GTSM:6493)
TTC Defence, INC. (XKON:A309900)
TTCL Public Company Limited (SET:TTCL)
tTech Limited (JMSE:TTECH)
TTET Union Corporation (TSEC:1232)
TTFB Company Limited (GTSM:2729)
TTI Enterprise Limited (BSE:538597)
TTK Healthcare Limited (BSE:507747)
TTK Prestige Limited (BSE:517506)
TTW Public Company Limited (SET:TTW)
TTY Biopharm Company Limited (GTSM:4105)
Tu Liem Urban Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NTL)
Tu Yi Holding Company Limited (SEHK:1701)
Tuan Sing Holdings Limited (SGX:T24)
Tube Investments of India Limited (BSE:540762)
Tuchkovskiy complex of construction materials (MISX:TUCH)
Tuff Group AG (XTRA:TUF)
Tufin Software Technologies Ltd. (NYSE:TUFN)
Tuhama Investments Company (ASE:THMA)
Tuimazinskiy Zavod Avtobetonovozov Publicly Traded Company (MISX:TUZA)
Tuksu Engineering & Construction,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A026150)
TUL Corporation (GTSM:6150)
Tulasee Bio-Ethanol Limited (BSE:524514)
Tulip Star Hotels Limited (BSE:531088)
Tune Protect Group Berhad (KLSE:TUNEPRO)
Tung Hai Knitting and Dyeing Limited (DSE:TUNGHAI)
Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corporation (TSEC:2006)
Tung Ho Textile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1414)
Tung Kai Technology Engineering Co., LTD. (TSEC:3018)
Tung Lok Restaurants (2000) Ltd (Catalist:540)
Tung Thih Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3552)
Tunghsu Azure Renewable Energy Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000040)
Tunghsu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200413)
Tungkong Inc. (SZSE:002117)
TungKuang Industrial Joint Stock Company (HNX:TKU)
Tungtex (Holdings) Company Limited (SEHK:518)
Tuni Textile Mills Limited (BSE:531411)
Tunisie Leasing & Factoring (BVMT:TLS)
Tunisie Valeurs SA (BVMT:TVAL)
Tuong An Vegetable Oil Joint Stock Company (HOSE:TAC)
Turbo-Mech Berhad (KLSE:TURBO)
Turbomecanica SA (BVB:TBM)
Turism, Hoteluri, Restaurante Marea Neagra S.A. (BVB:EFO)
Turisthotel d.d. (ZGSE:TUHO)
Turiya Berhad (KLSE:TURIYA)
TURVO International Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2233)
TUS International Limited (SEHK:872)
Tus-Design Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300500)
Tus-Guhan Group Corp.,Ltd. (SZSE:000590)
Tuticorin Alkali Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (BSE:506808)
TV Direct Public Company Limited (SET:TVD)
TV Thunder Public Company Limited (SET:TVT)
TV Vision Limited (NSEI:TVVISION)
TV18 Broadcast Limited (BSE:532800)
TVS Electronics Limited (NSEI:TVSELECT)
TVS Motor Company Limited (BSE:532343)
TVS Srichakra Limited (BSE:509243)
TVZone Media Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603721)
Tway Holdings Incorporation (KOSE:A004870)
Twentyfirst Century Management Services Limited (BSE:526921)
TWi Biotechnology, Inc. (GTSM:6610)
Twinhead International Corp. (TSEC:2364)
Twinstar Industries Limited (BSE:531917)
Twintek Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:6182)
TWOWAY Communications, Inc. (GTSM:8045)
TWR Entertainment, Inc. (GTSM:8492)
TWZ Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:TWZ)
TXC Corporation (TSEC:3042)
TYC Brother Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1522)
Tyche Industries Limited (BSE:532384)
Tycoons Group Enterprise Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:2022)
Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:TYCN)
Tye Soon Limited (SGX:BFU)
Tynsolar Corporation (GTSM:3562)
Tyntek Corporation (TSEC:2426)
Tyroon Tea Company Limited (BSE:526945)
Tysan Holdings Limited (SEHK:687)
Tze Shin International Co. Ltd. (TSEC:2611)
U Banquet Group Holding Limited (SEHK:1483)
U City Public Company Limited (SET:U)
U-Best Innovative Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4714)
U-MEDIA Communications, Inc. (GTSM:6470)
U-Ming Marine Transport Corporation (TSEC:2606)
U-Tech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A178780)
U-Tech Media Corporation (TSEC:3050)
U. Y. Fincorp Limited (BSE:530579)
U.D.Electronic Corp. (GTSM:3689)
U.I.Display Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A069330)
U&I Corporation (KOSDAQ:A056090)
U2Bio CO. LTD. (XKON:A221800)
Ua Withya Public Company Limited (SET:UWC)
UAC Global Public Company Limited (SET:UAC)
UAC of Nigeria PLC (NGSE:UACN)
UACN Property Development Company Plc (NGSE:UAC-PROP)
UANGEL Corporation (KOSE:A072130)
UBA Investments Limited (SEHK:768)
UBCare Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A032620)
UBI Blockchain Internet, Ltd. (OTCPK:UBIA)
Ubion Co.Ltd. (XKON:A084440)
Ubiquoss Holdings Inc. (KOSDAQ:A078070)
Ubiquoss Inc. (KOSDAQ:A264450)
Ubis (Asia) Public Company Limited (SET:UBIS)
UbiVelox Inc. (KOSDAQ:A089850)
Ubright Optronics Corporation (GTSM:4933)
UC&GN International Corp. (GTSM:3603)
Ucal Fuel Systems Limited (BSE:500464)
Uchi Technologies Berhad (KLSE:UCHITEC)
Uchumi Supermarkets Limited (NASE:UCHM)
UCI Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A038340)
UCO Bank (BSE:532505)
UCrest Berhad (KLSE:UCREST)
Udaipur Cement Works Limited (BSE:530131)
Udapussellawa Plantations PLC (COSE:UDPL.N0000)
Uday Jewellery Industries Limited (BSE:539518)
UDL Modaraba Management (Private) Limited (KASE:FUDLM)
UE Furniture Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603600)
UEC Group Ltd. (SZSE:002642)
UEM Edgenta Berhad (KLSE:EDGENTA)
UEM Sunrise Berhad (KLSE:UEMS)
Uflex Limited (BSE:500148)
UFO Moviez India Limited (BSE:539141)
UG Healthcare Corporation Limited (Catalist:41A)
Uganda Clays Limited (UGSE:UCL)
Ugro Capital Limited (BSE:511742)
UHF Logistics Group, Inc. (OTCPK:RGLG)
UHT Unitech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6618)
UIB Group Limited (OTCPK:UIBG.F)
UIL Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A049520)
Ujaas Energy Limited (BSE:533644)
Ujjivan Financial Services Limited (BSE:539874)
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited (NSEI:UJJIVANSFB)
UJU Electronics Co. Ltd (KOSDAQ:A065680)
Ulferts International Limited (SEHK:1711)
Uljanik Plovidba D.D. (ZGSE:ULPL)
Ultra Wiring Connectivity System Limited (NSEI:UWCSL)
Ultracab (India) Limited (BSE:538706)
UltraChip Inc. (GTSM:3141)
Ultramarine & Pigments Limited (BSE:506685)
Ultrapar Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:UGPA3)
Ultrapetrol (Bahamas) Limited (OTCPK:ULTR.F)
UltraTech Cement Limited (NSEI:ULTRACEMCO)
Umang Dairies Limited (BSE:500231)
Umeme Limited (UGSE:UMEM)
UMeWorld Limited (OTCPK:UMEW.F)
Umiya Tubes Limited (BSE:539798)
Umm Al Qaiwain General Investments Company P.S.C. (KWSE:QIC)
Umm Al-Qura Cement Company (SASE:3005)
UMP Healthcare Holdings Limited (SEHK:722)
UMS Holdings Berhad (KLSE:UMS)
UMS Holdings Limited (SGX:558)
UMS-Neiken Group Berhad (KLSE:UMSNGB)
UMW Holdings Berhad (KLSE:UMW)
Unet Credit Finance Services Ltd (TASE:UNCR-M)
Unga Group Plc (NASE:UNGA)
Uni Abex Alloy Products Limited (BSE:504605)
Uni Wall APS Holdings Berhad (KLSE:UNIWALL)
Uni-Asia Group Limited (SGX:CHJ)
Uni-Bio Science Group Limited (SEHK:690)
Uni-Chem Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A011330)
Uni-President China Holdings Ltd (SEHK:220)
Uni-President Enterprises Corp. (TSEC:1216)
UNIC Technology Corp. (GTSM:5452)
Unicap Investment and Finance Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:UNICAP)
Unicap Modaraba (KASE:UCAPM)
Unicasa Indústria de Móveis S.A. (BOVESPA:UCAS3)
Unichem Laboratories Limited (BSE:506690)
Unick Corporation (KOSDAQ:A011320)
Unick Fix-A-Form & Printers Ltd. (BSE:541503)
UnicoCell Biomed Co. Ltd. (GTSM:6539)
Unicon Optical Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4150)
Unicorn Capital Partners Limited (JSE:UCP)
UNID Company Ltd. (KOSE:A014830)
Unidas - Todos os direitos reservados (BOVESPA:LCAM3)
Unifin Financiera, S. A. B. de C. V., Sociedad Financiera de Objeto Múltiple, Entidad No Regulada (BMV:UNIFIN A)
Uniflex Technology Inc. (TSEC:3321)
Uniform Industrial Corporation (TSEC:2482)
Unifosa Corp. (GTSM:8277)
Unigroup Guoxin Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002049)
Uniinfo Telecom Services Limited (NSEI:UNIINFO)
Unilever Caribbean Limited (TTSE:UCL)
Unilever Nigeria Plc (NGSE:UNILEVER)
Unilever Pakistan Foods Limited (KASE:UPFL)
Unilumin Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300232)
Unimech Group Berhad (KLSE:UNIMECH)
Unimicron Technology Corporation (TSEC:3037)
Unimit Engineering Public Company Limited (SET:UEC)
Unimode Overseas Limited (BSE:512595)
Unión Andina de Cementos S.A.A. (BVL:UNACEMC1)
Union Asia Enterprise Holdings Limited (SEHK:08173)
Union Assurance PLC (COSE:UAL.N0000)
Union Auction Public Company Limited (SET:AUCT)
Union Bancaire pour le Commerce et L'Industrie SA (BVMT:UBCI)
Union Bank of Colombo PLC (COSE:UBC.N0000)
Union Bank of India (BSE:532477)
Union Bank of Israel Ltd. (TASE:UNON)
Union Bank of Nigeria Plc (NGSE:UBN)
Union Bank of Taiwan (TSEC:2838)
Union Bank of the Philippines (PSE:UBP)
Union Bridge Holdings Limited (OTCPK:UGHL)
Union Capital Limited (DSE:UNIONCAP)
Union Chemicals Lanka Plc (COSE:UCAR.N0000)
Union Community Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A203450)
Union Construction and Investment (PLSE:UCI)
Union Corporation (KOSE:A000910)
Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. (BVL:BACKUSI1)
Union Diagnostic and Clinical Services Plc (NGSE:UNIONDAC)
Union Gas Holdings Limited (Catalist:1F2)
Union Homes Real Estate Investment Trust PLC (NGSE:UHOMREIT)
Union Hoteli d.d. (LJSE:GHUG)
Union Insurance Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2816)
Union Insurance Company P.J.S.C. (ADX:UNION)
Union Internationale de Banques SA (BVMT:UIB)
Union Investment Corp. P.L.C. (ASE:UINV)
Union Korea Pharm Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A080720)
Union Land Development Co. P.L.C (ASE:ULDC)
Union Materials Corp. (KOSE:A047400)
Union Medical Healthcare Limited (SEHK:2138)
Union Optech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300691)
Union Petrochemical Public Company Limited (SET:UKEM)
Union Pioneer Public Company Limited (SET:UPF)
Union Plastic Public Company Limited (SET:UP)
Union Properties Public Joint Stock Company (DFM:UPP)
Union Quality Plastics Limited (BSE:526799)
Union Steel Holdings Limited (SGX:BLA)
Union Textile Industries Public Company Limited (SET:UT)
Union Tobacco & Cigarette Industries Co. (ASE:UTOB)
UNIOR Kovaska industrija d.d. (LJSE:UKIG)
UniPharma Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6621)
Uniphos Enterprises Limited (BSE:500429)
Uniplus Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5381)
Uniply Decor Limited (BSE:526957)
Uniply Industries Limited (BSE:532646)
UNIPOINT Corp. (XKON:A121060)
Unique Engineering and Construction Public Company Limited (SET:UNIQ)
Unique Hotel & Resorts Limited (DSE:UNIQUEHRL)
Unique Mining Services Public Company Limited (SET:UMS)
Unique Optical Industrial Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3441)
Unique Organics Limited (BSE:530997)
Uniquest Corporation (KOSE:A077500)
Unirab Polvara Spinning & Weaving Co. (CASE:APSW)
Uniroyal Industries Limited (BSE:521226)
Uniroyal Marine Exports Limited (BSE:526113)
Unisem (M) Berhad (KLSE:UNISEM)
UNISEM Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036200)
Unishire Urban Infra Limited (BSE:537582)
Unison Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A018000)
Unisplendour Corporation Limited (SZSE:000938)
Unistar Multimedia Limited (BSE:532035)
Unisyst Engineering PLC (COSE:ALUF.N0000)
Unité de Fabrication des Médicaments (BVMT:UMED)
Unitech Computer Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2414)
Unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3652)
Unitech International Limited (BSE:531867)
Unitech Limited (BSE:507878)
Unitech Printed Circuit Board Corp. (TSEC:2367)
United Airways (BD) Limited (DSE:UNITEDAIR)
United Alloy-Tech Company Ltd (GTSM:3162)
United Arab Bank P.J.S.C. (ADX:UAB)
United Bank for Africa Plc (NGSE:UBA)
United Bank Limited (KASE:UBL)
United Bank of India (BSE:533171)
United Brands Limited (KASE:UBDL)
United Breweries Limited (BSE:532478)
United Cable Industries Company PLC (ASE:UCIC)
United Capital Plc (NGSE:UCAP)
United Co. for Housing & Development - S.A.E. (CASE:UNIT)
United Commercial Bank Limited (DSE:UCB)
United Company RUSAL Plc (SEHK:486)
United Cooperative Assurance Company (SASE:8190)
United Credit Limited (BSE:531091)
United Development Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:UDCD)
United Distributors Pakistan Limited (KASE:UDPL)
United Docks Ltd (MUSE:UTDL.N0000)
United Drilling Tools Limited (BSE:522014)
United Electronics Company (SASE:4003)
United Energy Group Limited (SEHK:467)
United Engineers Limited (SGX:U04)
United Fiber Optic Communication Inc. (GTSM:4903)
United Finance Company SAOG (MSM:UFCI)
United Finance Limited (DSE:UNITEDFIN)
United Financial Investments PLC (ASE:UCFI)
United Food Holdings Limited (SGX:AZR)
United Global Limited (Catalist:43P)
United Industrial Corporation Limited (SGX:U06)
United Insurance Company Limited (DSE:UNITEDINS)
United Integrated Services Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2404)
United International Enterprises Limited (CPSE:UIE)
United International Transportation Company (SASE:4260)
United Malacca Berhad (KLSE:UMCCA)
United Microelectronics Corporation (TSEC:2303)
United Motors Lanka PLC (COSE:UML.N0000)
United Orthopedic Corporation (GTSM:4129)
United Overseas Australia Limited (ASX:UOS)
United Overseas Bank Limited (SGX:U11)
United Overseas Insurance Limited (SGX:U13)
United Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited (SET:UPOIC)
United Paper Public Company Limited (SET:UTP)
United Paragon Mining Corporation (PSE:UPM)
United Performance Materials Corporation (GTSM:4752)
United Plantations Berhad (KLSE:UTDPLT)
United Polyfab Gujarat Limited (NSEI:UNITEDPOLY)
United Power Generation & Distribution Company Ltd. (DSE:UPGDCL)
United Power of Asia Public Company Limited (SET:UPA)
United Projects Company For Aviation Services K.S.C.P. (KWSE:UPAC)
United Radiant Technology Corporation (GTSM:5315)
United Real Estate Company S.A.K.P. (KWSE:URC)
United Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3576)
United Royale Holdings Corp. (OTCPK:URYL)
United Spirits Limited (NSEI:MCDOWELL-N)
United Strength Power Holdings Limited (SEHK:2337)
United Textiles Limited (BSE:521188)
United U-LI Corporation Berhad (KLSE:ULICORP)
United Van Der Horst Limited (BSE:522091)
United Wire Factories Company (SASE:1301)
UNITEKNO Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A241690)
Unitel High Technology Corporation (GTSM:3642)
UniTest Incorporation (KOSDAQ:A086390)
Unitronics (1989) (R"G) Ltd (TASE:UNIT)
Unitrontech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A142210)
UniTTEC Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000925)
Unity Bank Plc (NGSE:UNITYBNK)
Unity Foods Limited (KASE:UNITY)
Unity Infraprojects Limited (BSE:532746)
Unity Investments Holdings Limited (SEHK:913)
Unity Opto Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2499)
Univacco Technology Inc. (GTSM:3303)
Univanich Palm Oil Public Company Limited (SET:UVAN)
Univastu India Limited (NSEI:UNIVASTU)
Univentures Public Company Limited (SET:UV)
Universal Arts Limited (BSE:532378)
Universal Auto Distributors Holding (BVMT:UADH)
Universal Cables Limited (BSE:504212)
Universal Cement Corporation (TSEC:1104)
Universal For Paper and Packaging Materials (CASE:UNIP)
Universal Health International Group Holding Limited (SEHK:2211)
Universal Incorporation (TSEC:1325)
Universal Insurance Plc (NGSE:UNIVINSURE)
Universal Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2413)
Universal Microwave Technology, Inc. (GTSM:3491)
Universal Modern Industries Co. For Edible Oil (ASE:UMIC)
Universal Office Automation Limited (BSE:523519)
Universal Prime Aluminium Limited (BSE:504673)
Universal Robina Corporation (PSE:URC)
Universal Scientific Industrial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601231)
Universal Star (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:2346)
Universal Starch-Chem Allied Limited (BSE:524408)
Universal Technologies Holdings Limited (SEHK:1026)
Universal Textile Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1445)
Universal Vision Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3218)
Universe Entertainment and Culture Group Company Limited (SEHK:1046)
Universe Printshop Holdings Limited (SEHK:8448)
University Press PLC (NGSE:UPL)
UniVision Engineering Limited (AIM:UVEL)
Univo Pharmaceuticals Ltd (TASE:UNVO)
Unizyx Holding Corporation (TSEC:3704)
Unjha Formulations Limited (BSE:531762)
UnUsUaL Limited (Catalist:1D1)
UOA Development Bhd (KLSE:UOADEV)
Uoa Real Estate Investment (KLSE:UOAREIT)
UOB Kay Hian Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:UOBKH)
UOB-Kay Hian Holdings Limited (SGX:U10)
UOL Group Limited (SGX:U14)
Uonlive Corporation (OTCPK:UOLI)
Up Young Cornerstone Corp. (GTSM:6728)
UPA Corporation Berhad (KLSE:UPA)
Upasana Finance Limited (BSE:511764)
Upbest Group Limited (SEHK:335)
UPC Technology Corporation (TSEC:1313)
UPDC Real Estate Investment Trust (NGSE:UPDCREIT)
UPL Limited (BSE:512070)
Upper Egypt Mills Company J.S.C (CASE:UEFM)
Upsurge Investment & Finance Ltd. (BSE:531390)
Urals Stampings Plant PAO (MISX:URKZ)
Uravi T and Wedge Lamps Limited (NSEI:URAVI)
Urbaknitt Fabs Limited (BSE:534796)
Urban Development and Construction Corporation (HOSE:UDC)
Urban Tea, Inc. (NasdaqCM:MYT)
Urbana Property Fund (leasehold) (SET:URBNPF)
Urbi, Desarrollos Urbanos, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:URBI *)
Urja Global Limited (BSE:526987)
Uroica Precision Information Engineering Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300099)
Urovo Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300531)
USERJOY Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:3546)
USG Tech Solutions Limited (BSE:532402)
Usha Martin Education & Solutions Limited (NSEI:UMESLTD)
Usha Martin Limited (BSE:517146)
Ushanti Colour Chem Limited (NSEI:UCL)
Ushdev International Limited (BSE:511736)
Ushine Photonics Corporation (GTSM:3678)
USI Corporation (TSEC:1304)
Usmania Glass Sheet Factory Limited (DSE:USMANIAGL)
USP Group Limited (SGX:BRS)
UST Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A263770)
Usun Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3498)
Utechzone Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3455)
UTI Inc. (KOSDAQ:A179900)
UTIB INVL Technology
UTL Industries Limited (BSE:500426)
UTour Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002707)
Utron Ltd (TASE:UTRN)
UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited (SEHK:6113)
UTStarcom Holdings Corp. (NasdaqGS:UTSI)
Uttam Galva Steels Limited (BSE:513216)
Uttam Sugar Mills Limited (BSE:532729)
Uttam Value Steels Limited (BSE:500254)
Uttara Bank Limited (DSE:UTTARABANK)
Uttara Finance and Investments Limited (DSE:UTTARAFIN)
UVAT Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3580)
UXN Co., Ltd. (XKON:A337840)
Uzma Berhad (KLSE:UZMA)
V R Films & Studios Limited (BSE:542654)
V V Food & Beverage Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600300)
V-Guard Industries Limited (BSE:532953)
V-Mart Retail Limited (BSE:534976)
V-One Tech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A251630)
V-TAC Technology Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6229)
V. B. Desai Financial Services Limited (BSE:511110)
V. B. Industries Limited (BSE:539123)
V.L. Enterprise Public Company Limited (SET:VL)
V.S. Industry Berhad (KLSE:VS)
V.S. International Group Limited (SEHK:1002)
V.S.T. Tillers Tractors Limited (BSE:531266)
V1 Group Limited (SEHK:82)
V2 Retail Limited (BSE:532867)
VA Tech Wabag Limited (NSEI:WABAG)
Vadilal Enterprises Limited (BSE:519152)
Vadilal Industries Limited (BSE:519156)
Vadivarhe Speciality Chemicals Limited (NSEI:VSCL)
Vagar a.d. (BELEX:VGAR)
Vaghani Techno-Build Limited (BSE:531676)
Vaibhav Global Limited (BSE:532156)
Vaishali Pharma Limited (NSEI:VAISHALI)
Vakrangee Limited (BSE:511431)
Vaksons Automobiles Limited (BSE:539402)
Valamar Riviera d.d. (ZGSE:RIVP)
Valiant Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002643)
Valiant Communications Limited (BSE:526775)
Valiant Organics Limited (BSE:540145)
Valid Soluções S.A. (BOVESPA:VLID3)
Valjaonica bakra Sevojno a.d. (BELEX:VBSE)
Vallianz Holdings Limited (Catalist:WPC)
Vallibel Finance PLC (COSE:VFIN.N0000)
Vallibel One PLC (COSE:VONE.N0000)
Vallibel Power Erathna PLC (COSE:VPEL.N0000)
Valson Industries Limited (BSE:530459)
Value Added Technology Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A043150)
Value Convergence Holdings Limited (SEHK:821)
Value Exchange International, Inc. (OTCPK:VEII)
Value Group Limited (JSE:VLE)
Value Grupo Financiero SAB de CV (BMV:VALUEGF O)
Value Partners Group Limited (SEHK:806)
Value Valves Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:4580)
ValueMax Group Limited (SGX:T6I)
Valuetronics Holdings Limited (SGX:BN2)
Vama Industries Limited (BSE:512175)
Vamshi Rubber Limited (BSE:530369)
Van Dien Fused Magnesium Phosphate Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VAF)
Van Phat Hung Corporation (HOSE:VPH)
Van Phu - Invest Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VPI)
Van Xuan VT Joint Stock Company (HNX:VAT)
Vanachai Group Public Company Limited (SET:VNG)
Vandana Knitwear Limited (BSE:532090)
Vanfund Urban Investment and Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000638)
Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation (GTSM:5347)
Vanke Overseas Investment Holding Company Limited (SEHK:1036)
Vanta Bioscience Limited (BSE:540729)
Vantage Equities, Inc. (PSE:V)
Vantage International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:15)
Vantage Knowledge Academy Limited (BSE:539761)
Vapi Enterprise Limited (BSE:502589)
Vardhman Acrylics Limited (NSEI:VARDHACRLC)
Vardhman Holdings Limited (BSE:500439)
Vardhman Industries Limited (BSE:513534)
Vardhman Polytex Limited (BSE:514175)
Vardhman Special Steels Limited (BSE:534392)
Vardhman Textiles Limited (BSE:502986)
Variman Global Enterprises Limited (BSE:540570)
Varopakorn Public Company Limited (SET:VARO)
Varroc Engineering Limited (NSEI:VARROC)
Varteks d.d. (ZGSE:VART)
Varun Beverages Limited (BSE:540180)
Vasa Retail and Overseas Limited (NSEI:VASA)
Vascon Engineers Limited (NSEI:VASCONEQ)
Vascular Biogenics Ltd. (NasdaqGM:VBLT)
Vasundhara Rasayans Limited (BSE:538634)
Vaswani Industries Limited (BSE:533576)
Vate Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5344)
VATS Liquor Chain Store Management Joint Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300755)
Vatti Corporation Limited (SZSE:002035)
Vax Housing Finance Corporation Limited (BSE:531650)
VBC Ferro Alloys Limited (BSE:513005)
VBG International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8365)
Vcanbio Cell & Gene Engineering Corp., Ltd (SHSE:600645)
VCK Capital Market Services Limited (BSE:511493)
VCREDIT Holdings Limited (SEHK:2003)
VCU Data Management Limited (BSE:536672)
Ve Wong Corporation (TSEC:1203)
Vectorite Biomedical Inc. (GTSM:4170)
Vedan International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:2317)
Vedanta Limited (NSEI:VEDL)
Vedavaag Systems Limited (BSE:533056)
Veejay Lakshmi Engineering Works Limited (BSE:522267)
Veeko International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1173)
Veer Energy & Infrastructure Limited (BSE:503657)
Veeram Securities Limited (BSE:540252)
Veerhealth Care Limited (BSE:511523)
Vegetable Oil Packing Joint-Stock Company (HOSE:VPK)
Vegetable Products Limited (BSE:539132)
Veken Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600152)
Velan Hotels Limited (BSE:526755)
Velesto Energy Berhad (KLSE:VELESTO)
Velgraf Asset Management AD (BUL:1VX)
Veljan Denison Limited (BSE:505232)
Venky's (India) Limited (BSE:523261)
Venlon Enterprises Limited (BSE:524038)
Ventec International Group Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:6672)
Ventura Textiles Limited (BSE:516098)
Venture Corporation Limited (SGX:V03)
VenueG Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A019010)
Venus Medtech (Hangzhou) Inc. (SEHK:2500)
Venus Remedies Limited (BSE:526953)
Venustech Group Inc. (SZSE:002439)
Vera Synthetic Limited (NSEI:VERA)
Veranda Resort Public Company Limited (SET:VRANDA)
Verde Agritech Plc (TSX:NPK)
Verde Resources, Inc. (OTCPK:VRDR)
Veritas (India) Limited (BSE:512229)
Veritas Kapital Assurance Plc (NGSE:VERITASKAP)
Versatile Creative Berhad (KLSE:VERSATL)
Vertex Securities Limited (BSE:531950)
Vertical International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8375)
Vertice Berhad (KLSE:VERTICE)
Vertoz Advertising Limited (NSEI:VERTOZ)
Very Good Tour Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A094850)
Vespa Inc. (KOSDAQ:A299910)
Vessel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A177350)
Vestate Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1386)
Vesuvius India Limited (BSE:520113)
Veto Switchgears and Cables Limited (NSEI:VETO)
Vexilla Viet Nam Group Joint Stock Company (HNX:SVN)
VFS Thread Dyeing Limited (DSE:VFSTDL)
VGI Public Company Limited (SET:VGI)
VHQ Media Holdings Ltd (GTSM:4803)
Vi Na Ta Ba Trading & Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:VTJ)
VIA Labs, Inc. (GTSM:6756)
VIA Technologies, Inc. (TSEC:2388)
Via Varejo S.A. (BOVESPA:VVAR3)
Viaan Industries Limited (BSE:537524)
Viatron Technologies, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A141000)
Vibhavadi Medical Center Public Company Limited (SET:VIBHA)
Vibrant Global Capital Limited (BSE:538732)
Vibrant Group Limited (SGX:BIP)
VibroPower Corporation Limited (SGX:BJD)
Vicem Bimson Cement Joint Stock Company (HNX:BCC)
Vicem But Son Cement Joint Stock Company (HNX:BTS)
Vicem Gypsum and Cement Joint Stock Company (HNX:TXM)
Vicem HaiVan Cement Joint Stock Company (HOSE:HVX)
Vicem Hoang Mai Cement Joint Stock Company (HNX:HOM)
Vicem Packaging Bim Son Joint Stock Company (HNX:BPC)
Viceroy Hotels Limited (BSE:523796)
Vichitbhan Palmoil Public Company Limited (SET:VPO)
Vico International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1621)
Vicon Holdings Limited (SEHK:3878)
Vicostone Joint Stock Company (HNX:VCS)
Vicplas International Ltd (SGX:569)
Victek Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A065450)
Victoria Mutual Investments Limited (JMSE:VMIL)
Victorias Milling Company, Inc. (PSE:VMC)
Victory City International Holdings Limited (SEHK:539)
Victory Contents Co.,Ltd. (XKON:A210120)
Victory Giant Technology (HuiZhou)Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300476)
Victory New Materials Limited Company (TSEC:1340)
Victory Paper and Boards (India) Limited (BSE:531234)
Victory Securities (Holdings) Company Limited (SEHK:8540)
Victory Supermarket Chain Ltd (TASE:VCTR)
Vidente Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A121800)
Videocon Industries Limited (BSE:511389)
Vidhi Specialty Food Ingredients Limited (BSE:531717)
Vidipha Central Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VDP)
Vidli Restaurants Limited (BSE:539659)
Vidullanka PLC (COSE:VLL.N0000)
Vien Dong Investment Development Trading Corporation (HOSE:VID)
Vien Lien Joint Stock Company (HNX:UNI)
Viet Capital Securities Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VCI)
Viet Dragon Securities Corporation (HOSE:VDS)
Viet Duc Welding Electrode Joint Stock Company (HNX:QHD)
Viet Nam - Italy Steel Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VIS)
Viet Nam Investment Construction and Trading Joint Stock Corporation (HNX:CTX)
Viet Nam Power Development Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VPD)
Viet Phat Import Export Trading Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VPG)
Viet Thang Corporation (HOSE:TVT)
Viet Tien Son Real Estate Holding Company (HNX:AAV)
Viet Tri Chemical Joint Stock Company (HNX:HVT)
VietJet Aviation Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VJC)
Vietnam Container Shipping Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:VSC)
Vietnam Airlines JSC (HOSE:HVN)
Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade Securities JSC (HOSE:CTS)
Vietnam Construction and Import-Export Joint Stock Corporation (HNX:VCG)
Vietnam Construction Joint Stock Company No.12 (HNX:V12)
Vietnam Construction Joint Stock Company No.2 (HNX:VC2)
Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VNM)
Vietnam Electric Cable Corporation (HOSE:CAV)
Vietnam Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:GEX)
Vietnam Electricity Construction Joint Stock Corporation (HOSE:VNE)
Vietnam Enterprise Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (HNX:FID)
Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HOSE:EIB)
Vietnam Fumigation Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VFG)
Vietnam Germany Steel Pipe Joint Stock Company (HNX:VGS)
Vietnam Herbs and Foods Joint Stock Company (HNX:VHE)
Vietnam Industrial & Commercial Securities Corporation (HNX:VIG)
Vietnam Investment Securities Company (HNX:IVS)
Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank For Industry And Trade (HOSE:CTG)
Vietnam Manufacturing and Export Processing (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:422)
Vietnam Mechanization Electrification & Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE:MCG)
Vietnam National Petroleum Group (HOSE:PLX)
Vietnam National Reinsurance Corporation (HNX:VNR)
Vietnam National Seed Group Joint Stock Company (HOSE:NSC)
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Agency Corporation (HNX:VSA)
Vietnam Ocean Shipping Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VOS)
Vietnam Pesticide Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VPS)
Vietnam Petroleum Transport Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VIP)
Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank (HOSE:VPB)
Vietnam Sun Corporation (HOSE:VNS)
Vietnam Tanker Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VTO)
Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HOSE:TCB)
Viettronics Tan Binh Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VTB)
Viewbix Inc. (OTCPK:VBIX)
Vieworks Co. Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A100120)
Viewtran Group, Inc. (OTCPK:VIEW.F)
Viglacera Corporation (HOSE:VGC)
Viglacera Ha Long joint stock company (HNX:VHL)
Viglacera Tien Son JSC (HNX:VIT)
Vigor Kobo Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:2733)
Vijay Solvex Limited (BSE:531069)
Vijay Textiles Limited (BSE:530151)
Viji Finance Limited (BSE:537820)
Vikas EcoTech Limited (BSE:530961)
Vikas Multicorp Limited (BSE:542655)
Vikas Proppant & Granite Limited (BSE:531518)
Vikas WSP Limited (BSE:519307)
Viking Tech Corporation (GTSM:3624)
Vikram Thermo (India) Limited (BSE:530477)
Villar International Ltd. (TASE:VILR)
Vilniaus Baldai AB (NSEL:VBL1L)
Vimal Oil & Foods Limited (BSE:519373)
Vimeco Joint stock company (HNX:VMC)
Vimedimex Medi-Pharma Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VMD)
Vimta Labs Limited (BSE:524394)
Viña Concha y Toro S.A. (SNSE:CONCHATORO)
Viña San Pedro Tarapacá S.A. (SNSE:VSPT)
VinaCafé Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VCF)
Vinacomin - CaoSon Coal JSC (HNX:TCS)
Vinacomin - Coc Sau Coal Joint Stock Company (HNX:TC6)
Vinacomin - Deo Nai Coal Joint Stock Company (HNX:TDN)
Vinacomin - Hatu Coal Joint Stock Company (HNX:THT)
Vinacomin - Vang Danh Coal Joint Stock Company (HNX:TVD)
Vinacomin NuiBeo Coal Joint Stock Company (HNX:NBC)
Vinaconex 25 Joint Stock Company (HNX:VCC)
Vinaconex Investment and Tourism Development Joint-stock Company (HNX:VCR)
Vinacontrol Group Corporation (HNX:VNC)
Vinafreight Joint Stock Company (HNX:VNF)
Vinalink Logistics Corporation (HOSE:VNL)
Vinam Joint Stock Company (HNX:CVN)
VINATech Co., Ltd. (XKON:A126340)
Vinati Organics Limited (BSE:524200)
Vincent Medical Holdings Limited (SEHK:1612)
Vinco Financial Group Limited (SEHK:8340)
Vincom Retail Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VRE)
Vinda International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3331)
Vindhya Telelinks Limited (BSE:517015)
Vingroup Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VIC)
Vinh Hoan Corporation (HOSE:VHC)
Vinh Khanh Cable Plastic Corporation (HNX:VKC)
Vinh Phuc Infrastructure Development Joint Stock Company (HNX:IDV)
Vinh Plastic and Bags Joint Stock Company (HNX:VBC)
Vinh Son - Song Hinh Hydropower Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VSH)
Vinhomes Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VHM)
Vinny Overseas Limited (NSEI:VINNY)
Vintage Securities Limited (BSE:531051)
Vintcom Technology Public Company Limited (SET:VCOM)
Vinte Viviendas Integrales, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:VINTE *)
Vintron Informatics Limited (BSE:517393)
Vinyl Chemicals (India) Limited (BSE:524129)
Vinyoflex Limited (BSE:530401)
Vinythai Public Company Limited (SET:VNT)
VIP Clothing Limited (BSE:532613)
VIP Industries Limited (BSE:507880)
Vipa Holding d.d. (LJSE:VHDR)
Vippy Spinpro Limited (BSE:514302)
Vipul Limited (BSE:511726)
Vipul Organics Limited (BSE:530627)
Virat Crane Industries Limited (BSE:519457)
Virat Industries Limited (BSE:530521)
Virgo Global Limited (BSE:532354)
Virinchi Limited (BSE:532372)
Viro Tvornica Secera d.d. (ZGSE:VIRO)
Virscend Education Company Limited (SEHK:1565)
Virtual Global Education Limited (BSE:534741)
VirtualSoft Systems Limited (BSE:531126)
Virtualtek Corp (KOSDAQ:A036620)
VISA Steel Limited (BSE:532721)
Visagar Polytex Limited (BSE:506146)
Visaka Industries Limited (BSE:509055)
Visang Education Inc (KOSE:A100220)
Visdynamics Holdings Berhad (KLSE:VIS)
Visgeneer Inc. (GTSM:4197)
Vishal Bearings Limited (BSE:539398)
Vishal Fabrics Limited (BSE:538598)
Vishnu Chemicals Limited (BSE:516072)
Vishvprabha Ventures Limited (BSE:512064)
Vishwaraj Sugar Industries Limited (NSEI:VISHWARAJ)
Visicons Construction And Investment Joint Stock Company (HNX:VC6)
Vision Cinemas Limited (BSE:526441)
Vision Corporation Limited (BSE:531668)
Vision Insurance SAOG (MSM:VISN)
Vision International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8107)
Vision Sigma Ltd. (TASE:VISN)
Vision Values Holdings Limited (SEHK:862)
Visionox Technology Inc. (SZSE:002387)
Vissem Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A072950)
Vista Land & Lifescapes, Inc. (PSE:VLL)
Vista Oil & Gas, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:VISTA A)
Vista Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:524711)
Vistamalls, Inc. (PSE:STR)
Vistar Amar Limited (BSE:538565)
Vistar Holdings Limited (SEHK:8535)
Visual China Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000681)
Visual Photonics Epitaxy Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2455)
Vitafoam Nigeria Plc (NGSE:VITAFOAM)
Vital a.d. (BELEX:VITL)
Vital Innovations Holdings Limited (SEHK:6133)
Vitania Ltd. (TASE:VTNA)
Vitarich Corporation (PSE:VITA)
Vitasoy International Holdings Limited (SEHK:345)
Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:VITRO A)
ViTrox Corporation Berhad (KLSE:VITROX)
Vitzro Tech Co. Ltd (KOSDAQ:A042370)
Viva Biotech Holdings (SEHK:1873)
Viva China Holdings Limited (SEHK:8032)
Vivant Corporation (PSE:VVT)
Vivanta Industries Limited (BSE:541735)
Vivanza Biosciences Limited (BSE:530057)
Vivara Participações S.A. (BOVESPA:VIVA3)
Viver Incorporadora e Construtora S.A. (BOVESPA:VIVR3)
Vivid Global Industries Limited (BSE:524576)
Vividthree Holdings Ltd. (Catalist:OMK)
Vivimed Labs Limited (BSE:532660)
Vivo Bio Tech Limited (BSE:511509)
Vivo Energy Cote d'Ivoire SA (BRVM:SHEC)
Vivo Energy Mauritius Limited (MUSE:SHEL.N0000)
Vivocom Intl Holdings Berhad (KLSE:VIVOCOM)
Vivotek Inc (TSEC:3454)
Vixtel Technologies Holdings Limited (SEHK:1782)
Vizione Holdings Berhad (KLSE:VIZIONE)
VJTF Eduservices Limited (BSE:509026)
VKJ Infradevelopers Limited (BSE:536128)
VMV Holidays Limited (BSE:539222)
VNDIRECT Securities Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VND)
VNECO 1 Electricity Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:VE1)
VNECO 3 Electricity Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:VE3)
VNECO 9 Investment & Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:VE9)
VNECO4 Electricity Construction Joint Stock Company (HNX:VE4)
Vnsteel - Ho Chi Minh City Metal Corporation (HOSE:HMC)
Voda Vrnjci a.d. (BELEX:VDAV)
Vodacom Group Limited (JSE:VOD)
Vodafone Idea Limited (NSEI:IDEA)
Vodafone Qatar P.Q.S.C. (DSM:VFQS)
Vodatel Networks Holdings Limited (SEHK:8033)
Vohringer Home Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603226)
Voith Paper Fabrics India Limited (BSE:522122)
Volcan Compañía Minera S.A.A. (BVL:VOLCABC1)
Volgogradenergosbyt Public Joint-Stock Company (MISX:VGSB)
VolitionRx Limited (AMEX:VNRX)
Voltaire Leasing & Finance Limited (BSE:509038)
Voltamp Energy SAOG (MSM:VOES)
Voltamp Transformers Limited (BSE:532757)
Voltas Limited (NSEI:VOLTAS)
Voltronic Power Technology Corp. (TSEC:6409)
Volvik Inc. (XKON:A206950)
Vongroup Limited (SEHK:318)
Vortex Consolidated Berhad (KLSE:VC)
VPower Group International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1608)
Vrancart S.A. (BVB:VNC)
VRC Real Estate and Investment Joint Stock Company (HOSE:VRC)
VRL Logistics Limited (NSEI:VRLLOG)
Vseobecná úverová banka, a. s. (BSSE:1VUB02AE)
Vsolar Group Berhad (KLSE:VSOLAR)
VST Industries Limited (BSE:509966)
VSTECS Holdings Limited (SEHK:856)
VT GMP Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A018290)
VT Industrial Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300707)
VTC Telecommunications Joint Stock Company (HNX:VTC)
Vtech Holdings Limited (SEHK:303)
VTM Limited (BSE:532893)
Vtron Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002308)
Vukile Property Fund Limited (JSE:VKE)
Vulcabras Azaleia S.A. (BOVESPA:VULC3)
Vulcan Industrial & Mining Corporation (PSE:VUL)
Vunani Limited (JSE:VUN)
Vvmi La Hien Cement Joint Stock Company (HNX:CLH)
VXL Instruments Limited (BSE:517399)
Vyapar Industries Limited (BSE:506142)
W Holding Company Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A052300)
W T K Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WTK)
W.H. Brady & Company Limited (BSE:501391)
W.S. Industries (India) Limited (BSE:504220)
Waa Solar Limited (BSE:541445)
WAC Holdings Limited (SEHK:8619)
Wadi Kom Ombo Land Reclamation Co. (CASE:WKOL)
Wafa Assurance SA (CBSE:WAA)
Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited (SZSE:200706)
Wafer Works Corporation (GTSM:6182)
Waffer Technology Corporation (TSEC:6235)
Wafrah for Industry and Development Company (SASE:2100)
Wah Fu Education Group Limited (NasdaqCM:WAFU)
Wah Ha Realty Company Limited (SEHK:278)
Wah Hong Industrial Corp. (GTSM:8240)
Wah Lee Industrial Corp. (TSEC:3010)
Wah Nobel Chemicals Limited (KASE:WAHN)
Wah Seong Corporation Berhad (KLSE:WASEONG)
Wah Sun Handbags International Holdings Limited (SEHK:2683)
Wahat al Zaweya Holding PJSC (ADX:WAZ)
Wai Chi Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1305)
Wai Chun Bio-Technology Limited (SEHK:660)
Wai Chun Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1013)
Wai Hung Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:3321)
Wai Kee Holdings Limited (SEHK:610)
Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Holdings Limited (SEHK:897)
Wal-Mart de México, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:WALMEX *)
Walaa Cooperative Insurance Company (SASE:8060)
Walchand PeopleFirst Limited (BSE:501370)
Walchandnagar Industries Limited (NSEI:WALCHANNAG)
Wall Street Finance Limited (BSE:511147)
Wall Street Securities Joint Stock Company (HNX:WSS)
Wallfort Financial Services Limited (BSE:532053)
Walsin Lihwa Corporation (TSEC:1605)
Walsin Technology Corporation (TSEC:2492)
Walton Advanced Engineering, Inc. (TSEC:8110)
Walvax Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300142)
Wan Cheng Metal Packaging Company Limited (SEHK:8291)
Wan Hai Lines Ltd. (TSEC:2615)
Wan Kei Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1718)
Wan Leader International Limited (SEHK:8482)
Wanbangde New Building Materials Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002082)
Wanbury Limited (BSE:524212)
Wanda Film Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002739)
Wanda Hotel Development Company Limited (SEHK:169)
Wang On Group Limited (SEHK:1222)
Wang On Properties Limited (SEHK:1243)
Wang-Zheng Berhad (KLSE:WANGZNG)
Wangfujing Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600859)
Wangneng Environment Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002034)
Wangsu Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300017)
Wanguo International Mining Group Limited (SEHK:3939)
Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600309)
Wanhwa Enterprise Company (TSEC:2701)
Wanjia Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:401)
Wanka Online Inc. (SEHK:1762)
Wanma Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300698)
Wanshih Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6134)
Want Want China Holdings Limited (SEHK:151)
WanXiang Doneed Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600371)
Wanxiang Qianchao Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000559)
Wapic Insurance Plc (NGSE:WAPIC)
WAPS Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A196700)
Warba Capital Holding Co. (KWSE:WARBACAP)
Warba Insurance Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:WINS)
Warisan TC Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WARISAN)
Warom Technology Incorporated Company (SHSE:603855)
Warren Tea Limited (BSE:508494)
Wasion Holdings Limited (SEHK:3393)
Waskaduwa Beach Resort PLC (COSE:CITW.N0000)
Wasu Media Holding Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000156)
Wata Chemicals Limited (DSE:WATACHEM)
Wataniya Insurance Company (SASE:8300)
Wataniya Palestine Mobile Telecommunication Public Shareholding Company (PLSE:OOREDOO)
Watawala Plantations PLC (COSE:WATA.N0000)
Water Oasis Group Limited (SEHK:1161)
Water Supply & Sewerage Construction and Investment Joint-Stock Company (HOSE:VSI)
Waterfront Philippines, Incorporated (PSE:WPI)
Watford Holdings Ltd. (NasdaqGS:WTRE)
Watos Corea Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A079000)
Watt's S.A. (SNSE:WATTS)
Watta Holding Berhad (KLSE:WATTA)
Wattana Karnpaet Public Company Limited (SET:NEW)
Wattanapat Hospital Trang Public Company Limited (SET:WPH-R)
Watts International Maritime Engineering Limited (SEHK:2258)
Wave Electronics Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A095270)
Wave Entertainment Public Company Limited (SET:WAVE)
Wave Life Sciences Ltd. (NasdaqGM:WVE)
Waves Singer Pakistan Limited (KASE:WAVES)
Wayi International Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3086)
Ways Technical Corp., Ltd. (GTSM:3508)
WCE Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WCEHB)
WCT Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WCT)
WE & WIN Development Co., LTD (TSEC:2537)
We & Win Diversification Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4113)
WE Solutions Limited (SEHK:860)
Wealth Glory Holdings Limited (SEHK:8269)
Wealthbridge Acquisition Limited (NasdaqCM:HHHH)
Wealthy Way Group Limited (SEHK:3848)
WebCash Corporation (KOSDAQ:A053580)
Websol Energy System Limited (BSE:517498)
Webzen Inc. (KOSDAQ:A069080)
Wecon Holdings Limited (SEHK:1793)
Weconnect Tech International Inc. (OTCPK:WECT)
Wedge Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000534)
Wee Hur Holdings Ltd. (SGX:E3B)
WeGames Corporation (GTSM:6626)
Wegmans Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WEGMANS)
Wei Chih Steel Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2028)
Wei Chuan Foods Corporation (TSEC:1201)
Wei Long Grape Wine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603779)
Weichai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000880)
Weichai Power Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2338)
Weifang Yaxing Chemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600319)
Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:200581)
Weigang Environmental Technology Holding Group Limited (SEHK:1845)
Weihai Guangtai Airport Equipment Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002111)
Weihai Guangwei Composites Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300699)
Weihai Huadong Automation Co., Ltd (SZSE:002248)
Weikeng Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3033)
Weimob Inc. (SEHK:2013)
Weiqiao Textile Company Limited (SEHK:2698)
Weizmann Forex Limited (BSE:533452)
Weizmann Limited (NSEI:WEIZMANIND)
Welcast Steels Limited (BSE:504988)
Welcron Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A065950)
Welcron Hantec Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A076080)
Welcron Kangwon Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A114190)
Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited (BSE:524661)
Welgene Biotech Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:6661)
Well Glory Development Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5529)
Well Lead Medical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603309)
Well Shin Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3501)
Wellbiotec Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010600)
Wellcall Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WELLCAL)
Welldone Company (GTSM:6170)
WELLE Environmental Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300190)
Wellex Industries, Incorporated (PSE:WIN)
Wellpool Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8424)
Welltend Technology Corporation (TSEC:3021)
Welspun Corp Limited (BSE:532144)
Welspun Enterprises Limited (BSE:532553)
Welspun India Limited (BSE:514162)
Welspun Investments and Commercials Limited (BSE:533252)
Welspun Specialty Solutions Limited (BSE:500365)
Weltrend Semiconductor, Inc. (TSEC:2436)
Wemade Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A112040)
Wendt (India) Limited (BSE:505412)
Wenfeng Great World Chain Development Corporation (SHSE:601010)
Wens Foodstuff Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300498)
WenYi Trinity Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:600520)
Wenzhou Hongfeng Electrical Alloy Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300283)
Wenzhou Kangning Hospital Co., Ltd. (SEHK:2120)
Wenzhou Yihua Connector Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002897)
WeP Solutions Limited (BSE:532373)
Wescoal Holdings Limited (JSE:WSL)
Wesizwe Platinum Limited (JSE:WEZ)
West China Cement Limited (SEHK:2233)
West Coach Station Joint Stock Company (HNX:WCS)
West Coast Paper Mills Limited (BSE:500444)
Western Marine Shipyard Limited (DSE:WMSHIPYARD)
Western Metal Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002149)
Western Mining Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601168)
Western Region Gold Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601069)
Western Securities Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002673)
Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd. (SHSE:688122)
Westlife Development Limited (BSE:505533)
Westone Information Industry Inc. (SZSE:002268)
Westports Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WPRTS)
Wethaq Takaful Insurance Company K.S.C.P. (KWSE:WETHAQ)
WFE Technology Corp. (GTSM:6474)
WG TECH (Jiang Xi) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603773)
WH Group Limited (SEHK:288)
WHA Business Complex Freehold and Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:WHABT)
WHA Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:WHA)
WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust (SET:WHART)
WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited (SET:WHAUP)
Wha Yu Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3419)
Whan In Pharm Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A016580)
Wharf (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:4)
Wharf Real Estate Investment Company Limited (SEHK:1997)
Wheelock and Company Limited (SEHK:20)
Wheels India Limited (NSEI:WHEELS)
Whirlpool China Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600983)
Whirlpool of India Limited (BSE:500238)
White Group Public Company Limited (SET:WG)
White Horse Berhad (KLSE:WTHORSE)
White Mountains Insurance Group, Ltd. (NYSE:WTM)
White Organic Agro Limited (BSE:513713)
White Organic Retail Limited (BSE:542667)
WhiteSmoke Software Ltd (TASE:WSMK)
Whole Easy Internet Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002464)
Wholetech System Hitech Limited (GTSM:3402)
Wice Logistics Public Company Limited (SET:WICE)
Widad Group Berhad (KLSE:WIDAD)
Widam Food Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:WDAM)
Wieson Technologies Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6272)
Wifack International Bank (BVMT:WIFAK)
Wigton Windfarm Limited (JMSE:WIG)
WIIK Public Company Limited (SET:WIIK)
Wilcon Depot, Inc. (PSE:WLCON)
Will Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603501)
Williamson Financial Services Limited (BSE:519214)
Williamson Magor & Co. Limited (NSEI:WILLAMAGOR)
Williamson Tea Kenya Plc (NASE:WTK)
Willings Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A313760)
Willowglen MSC Berhad (KLSE:WILLOW)
Willy-Food Investments Ltd (TASE:WLFD)
Wilmar International Limited (SGX:F34)
Wilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon Limited (JSE:WBO)
Wilton Resources Corporation Limited (Catalist:5F7)
Wim Plast Limited (BSE:526586)
Win Hanverky Holdings Limited (SEHK:3322)
WIN Semiconductors Corp. (GTSM:3105)
Winall Hi-tech Seed Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300087)
Winas Limited (SGX:5CN)
Winbond Electronics Corporation (TSEC:2344)
WINDMILL Group Limited (SEHK:1850)
Windsor Machines Limited (BSE:522029)
Wine's Link International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8509)
Winfull Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:183)
Wing Chi Holdings Limited (SEHK:6080)
Wing Fung Group Asia Limited (SEHK:8526)
Wing Lee Property Investments Limited (SEHK:864)
Wing On Company International Limited (SEHK:289)
Wing Tai Holdings Limited (SGX:W05)
Wing Tai Properties Limited (SEHK:369)
Wing Yip Food (China) Holdings Group Limited (KOSDAQ:A900340)
Wingtech Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600745)
Winhitech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A192390)
Winix Inc. (KOSDAQ:A044340)
WinMate Inc. (TSEC:3416)
Winner Group Enterprise Public Company Limited (SET:WINNER)
Winner Technology Co., Inc. (SZSE:300609)
Winning Health Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300253)
Winning Tower Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8362)
Winox Holdings Limited (SEHK:6838)
WINPAC Inc. (KOSDAQ:A097800)
WINS Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A136540)
Wins Finance Holdings Inc. (NasdaqCM:WINS)
Winsan (Shanghai) Medical Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600767)
Winsome Breweries Limited (BSE:526471)
Winsome Textile Industries Limited (BSE:514470)
Winson Holdings Hong Kong Limited (SEHK:8421)
WINSON Machinery Co., LTD. (GTSM:4538)
Winstek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3265)
Wintac Limited (BSE:524758)
Wintime Energy Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600157)
Winto Group (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:8238)
WinWay Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6515)
Wipro Limited (BSE:507685)
Wires and Fabriks (S.A.) Limited (BSE:507817)
Wiscom Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A024070)
Wiscom System Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002090)
Wisdom Education International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:6068)
Wisdom Marine Lines Co., Limited (TSEC:2637)
Wisdom Sports Group (SEHK:1661)
WISE iTech Co., Ltd. (XKON:A065370)
Wise Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd (SEHK:6100)
WiseChip Semiconductor Inc. (GTSM:5245)
Wisesoft Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002253)
Wisher Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1465)
WiSoL CO.,LTD. (KOSDAQ:A122990)
Wison Engineering Services Co. Ltd. (SEHK:2236)
Wistron Corporation (TSEC:3231)
Wistron Information Technology & Services Corporation (GTSM:4953)
Wistron NeWeb Corporation (TSEC:6285)
Wisynco Group Limited (JMSE:WISYNCO)
Wiworld Co., Ltd. (XKON:A140660)
Wiwynn Corporation (TSEC:6669) Ltd. (NasdaqGS:WIX)
WIZ CORP, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A038620)
Wiz Soluções e Corretagem de Seguros S.A. (BOVESPA:WIZS3)
Wizcom Technologies Ltd. (DB:WZM)
Wize Pharma, Inc. (OTCPK:WIZP)
WIZIT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036090)
WLS Holdings Limited (SEHK:8021)
WMCH Global Investment Limited (SEHK:8208)
WMG Holdings Bhd. (KLSE:WMG)
Wockhardt Limited (NSEI:WOCKPHARMA)
Wolong Electric Drive Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600580)
Wolong Real Estate Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600173)
Women's Next Loungeries Limited (BSE:538128)
WON TECH Co., Ltd. (XKON:A216280)
Wonbiogen Co., Ltd. (XKON:A278380)
Wonder Fibromats Limited (NSEI:WFL)
Wonderful Hi-tech Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6190)
Wonderful Sky Financial Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1260)
Wonderla Holidays Limited (BSE:538268)
Wonders Information Co., Ltd (SZSE:300168)
Wondershare Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300624)
Wong Engineering Corporation Berhad (KLSE:WONG)
Wong Fong Industries Limited (Catalist:1A1)
Wong's International Holdings Limited (SEHK:99)
Wong's Kong King International (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:532)
Wonhe High-Tech International, Inc. (OTCPK:WHHT)
Wonik Corporation (KOSDAQ:A032940)
Wonik Cube Corp. (KOSDAQ:A014190)
Wonik Holdings Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A030530)
Wonik Ips Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A240810)
WONIK Materials Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A104830)
Wonik QnC Corporation (KOSDAQ:A074600)
Wonil Special Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A012620)
Wonlim Corporation (KOSE:A005820)
Wonpoong Corporation (KOSDAQ:A008370)
Wonpung Mulsan Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A008290)
Woodlandor Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WOODLAN)
WooGene B&G Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A018620)
Woojin I&S Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010400)
Woojin Inc. (KOSE:A105840)
Woojin Plaimm Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A049800)
Woolworths Holdings Limited (JSE:WHL)
Woongjin Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A016880)
Woongjin Coway Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A021240)
Woongjin Thinkbig Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A095720)
Wooree Bio Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A082850)
Wooree E&L Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A153490)
Wooree Lighting Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A037400)
Woori Financial Group Inc. (KOSE:A316140)
Woori Investment Bank Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A010050)
Woori Technology Investment Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A041190)
Woori Technology, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A032820)
Wooridul Huebrain Ltd. (KOSE:A118000)
Wooridul Pharmaceutical Limited (KOSE:A004720)
Woorim Machinery Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A101170)
WooriNet, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A115440)
Wooriro Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A046970)
Woorison F&G Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A073560)
Woory Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A215360)
Woory Industrial Holdings Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A072470)
Wooshin Systems Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A017370)
Woosu AMS Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066590)
Woosung Feed Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A006980)
Woowon Development Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A046940)
Wooyang Co. Ltd (KOSDAQ:A103840)
Workforce Holdings Limited (JSE:WKF)
Workpoint Entertainment Public Company Limited (SET:WORK)
World Class Global Limited (Catalist:1E6)
World Financial Holding Group (OTCPK:WFHG)
World Houseware (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:713)
World Precision Machinery Limited (SGX:B49)
World Super Holdings Limited (SEHK:8612)
World-Link Logistics (Asia) Holding Limited (SEHK:6083)
WorldCall Telecom Limited (KASE:WTL)
Worldex Industry & Trading Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A101160)
Worldgate Global Logistics Ltd (SEHK:8292)
Worldsec Limited (LSE:WSL)
Worldwide Aluminium Limited (BSE:526525)
Worth Investment & Trading Company Limited (BSE:538451)
Worth Peripherals Limited (NSEI:WORTH)
Wowjoint Holdings Limited (OTCPK:BWOW.F)
Wowprime Corp. (TSEC:2727)
WP Energy Public Company Limited (SET:WP)
WPG (Shanghai) Smart Water Public Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603956)
WPG Holdings Limited (TSEC:3702)
WPIL Limited (BSE:505872)
WPP Scangroup Plc (NASE:SCAN)
WT Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8422)
WT Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3036)
Wuchan Zhongda Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600704)
Wuhan DDMC Culture & Sports Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600136)
Wuhan Department Store Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000501)
Wuhan DR Laser Technology Corp.,Ltd (SZSE:300776)
Wuhan East Lake High Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600133)
Wuhan Easy Diagnosis Biomedicine Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002932)
Wuhan Fingu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002194)
Wuhan Golden Laser Co., Ltd (SZSE:300220)
Wuhan Guide Infrared Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002414)
Wuhan Hanshang Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600774)
Wuhan Hiteck Biological Pharma Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300683)
Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300161)
Wuhan Jingce Electronic Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300567)
Wuhan Ligong Guangke Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300557)
Wuhan Nusun Landscape Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300536)
Wuhan P&S Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300184)
Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300747)
Wuhan Sante Cableway Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002159)
Wuhan Sanzhen Industry Holding Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600168)
Wuhan Tianyu Information Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300205)
Wuhan Xianglong Power Industry Co.Ltd (SHSE:600769)
WuHan Yangtze Communication Industry Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600345)
Wuhan Zhongyuan Huadian Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300018)
Wuhu Conch Profiles and Science Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000619)
Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002555)
Wuhu Token Sciences Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300088)
Wuliangye Yibin Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000858)
Wuling Motors Holdings Limited (SEHK:305)
Wus Printed Circuit (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002463)
WUS Printed Circuit Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2316)
Wutong Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300292)
Wuxi Acryl Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603722)
WuXi AppTec Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603259)
Wuxi Best Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300580)
WuXi Biologics (Cayman) Inc. (SEHK:2269)
Wuxi Boton Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300031)
Wuxi Commercial Mansion Grand Orient Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600327)
Wuxi Double Elephant Micro Fibre Material Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002395)
Wuxi Honghui New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002802)
Wuxi Hongsheng Heat Exchanger Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603090)
Wuxi Huadong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002685)
Wuxi Huaguang Boiler Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600475)
Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment CO.,LTD. (SZSE:300450)
Wuxi Lihu Corporation Limited. (SZSE:300694)
Wuxi Longsheng Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300680)
Wuxi New Hongtai Electrical Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603016)
Wuxi Rural Commercial Bank Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600908)
Wuxi Shangji Automation Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603185)
Wuxi Smart Auto-Control Engineering Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002877)
Wuxi Sunlit Science and Technology Company Limited (SEHK:1289)
Wuxi Taiji Industry Company Ltd. (SHSE:600667)
WuXi Xinje Electric Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603416)
Wuxi Xuelang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300385)
WW Holding Inc. (TSEC:8442)
WWPKG Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8069)
Wyeth Pakistan Limited (KASE:WYETH)
Wyncoast Industrial Park Public Company Limited (SET:WIN)
Wynn Macau, Limited (SEHK:1128)
Wysiwyg Studios Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A299900)
WZ Satu Berhad (KLSE:WZSATU)
X-Legend Entertainment Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4994)
XAC Automation Corporation (GTSM:5490)
Xanadu Mines Limited (ASX:XAM)
Xander International Corp. (GTSM:6118)
Xavis Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A254120)
Xchanging Solutions Limited (BSE:532616)
XCMG Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000425)
XD Inc. (SEHK:2400)
XDC Industries (Shenzhen) Limited (SZSE:300615)
Xelpmoc Design and Tech Limited (NSEI:XELPMOC)
Xenia Venture Capital Ltd (TASE:XENA)
Xenous Holdings, Inc. (OTCPK:XITO)
XGD Inc. (SZSE:300130)
Xi S&D Inc. (KOSE:A317400)
Xi'an Bright Laser Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688333)
Xi'an Catering Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000721)
Xi'an ChenXi Aviation Technology Corp., Ltd. (SZSE:300581)
Xi'an Global Printing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002799)
Xi'an Haitian Antenna Technologies Co., Ltd. (SEHK:8227)
Xi'an International Medical Investment Company Limited (SZSE:000516)
Xi'an Qujiang Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600706)
Xi'an Shaangu Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601369)
Xi'an Tianhe Defense Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300397)
Xi'an Tourism Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000610)
Xi'an Triangle Defense Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300775)
Xi'an Typical Industries Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600302)
Xiabuxiabu Catering Management (China) Holdings Co., Ltd. (SEHK:520)
Xiamen 35.Com Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300051)
Xiamen Anne Co.Ltd (SZSE:002235)
Xiamen C&D Inc. (SHSE:600153)
Xiamen Changelight Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300102)
Xiamen Faratronic Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600563)
Xiamen Goldenhome Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603180)
Xiamen Guangpu Electronics Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300632)
Xiamen Hexing Packaging Printing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002228)
XiaMen HongXin Electron-tech Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300657)
Xiamen International Airport Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600897)
Xiamen International Port Co., Ltd (SEHK:3378)
Xiamen Intretech Inc. (SZSE:002925)
Xiamen ITG Group Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:600755)
Xiamen Jihong Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002803)
Xiamen King Long Motor Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600686)
Xiamen Kingdomway Group Company (SZSE:002626)
Xiamen Lutong International Travel Agency Co. Ltd. (OTCPK:LTGJ)
Xiamen Meiya Pico Information Co.,LTD. (SZSE:300188)
Xiamen Overseas Chinese Electronic Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600870)
Xiamen Port Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000905)
Xiamen R&T Plumbing Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002790)
Xiamen Savings Environmental Co., Ltd (SZSE:300056)
Xiamen Solex High-tech Industries Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603992)
Xiamen Sunrise Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002593)
Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600549)
Xiamen Unigroup Xue Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000526)
Xiamen Wanli Stone Stock Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002785)
Xiamen XGMA Machinery Company Limited (SHSE:600815)
Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600057)
Xiamen Xindeco Ltd. (SZSE:000701)
Xiamen Yanjan New Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300658)
Xian Leng Holdings Berhad (KLSE:XIANLNG)
Xiandai Investment Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000900)
XIANGPIAOPIAO Food Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603711)
Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (SHSE:600416)
Xiangtan Electrochemical Scientific Ltd. (SZSE:002125)
Xiangxing International Holding Limited (SEHK:1732)
Xiangxue Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300147)
Xiangyang Automobile Bearing Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000678)
Xianhe Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603733)
Xiaomi Corporation (SEHK:1810)
XiDeLang Holdings Ltd (KLSE:XDL)
Xiezhong International Holdings Limited (SEHK:3663)
XIIlab Co.,Ltd (XKON:A189330)
Xilinmen Furniture Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603008)
Xilong Scientific Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002584)
Xin Chio Global Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3171)
Xin Hwa Holdings Berhad (KLSE:XINHWA)
Xin Point Holdings Limited (SEHK:1571)
Xin Yuan Enterprises Group Limited (SEHK:1748)
Xinchen China Power Holdings Limited (SEHK:1148)
Xinfengming Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603225)
Xingbao International Co. Ltd (GTSM:6130)
Xingda International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1899)
Xingfa Aluminium Holdings Limited (SEHK:98)
XingHe Holdings Berhad (KLSE:XINGHE)
Xinghua Port Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:1990)
Xinglong Holding (Group) Company Ltd. (SZSE:000955)
Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems (Group) Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002355)
Xingye Leather Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002674)
Xingyuan Environment Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300266)
Xinhu Zhongbao Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600208)
Xinhua China Ltd. (OTCPK:XHUA)
Xinhua News Media Holdings Limited (SEHK:309)
Xinhua Winshare Publishing and Media Co., Ltd. (SEHK:811)
Xinhuanet Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603888)
XiNing Special Steel Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600117)
Xinji Shaxi Group Co., Ltd (SEHK:3603)
XinJiang Ba Yi Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600581)
Xinjiang Baihuacun Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600721)
XinJiang Beiken Energy Engineering Co,.Ltd (SZSE:002828)
Xinjiang Beixin Road & Bridge Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:002307)
Xinjiang Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002941)
Xinjiang East Universe (Group) Gas Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603706)
Xinjiang Goldwind Science&Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002202)
Xinjiang Guannong Fruit & Antler Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600251)
XinJiang GuoTong Pipeline CO.,Ltd (SZSE:002205)
Xinjiang Haoyuan Natural Gas Co. ,Ltd. (SZSE:002700)
Xinjiang Hejin Holding Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000633)
Xinjiang International Industry Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000159)
Xinjiang Joinworld Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600888)
XinJiang Korla Pear Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600506)
Xinjiang Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300159)
Xinjiang Qingsong Building Materials and Chemicals (Group) Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600425)
Xinjiang Sailing Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300588)
Xinjiang Sayram Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd (SHSE:600540)
Xinjiang Talimu Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600359)
Xinjiang Tianfu Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600509)
Xinjiang Tianrun Dairy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600419)
Xinjiang Tianshan Animal Husbandry Bio-engineering Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300313)
Xinjiang Tianshan Cement Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000877)
Xinjiang Tianshun Supply Chain Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002800)
Xinjiang Tianye Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600075)
Xinjiang Tianye Water Saving Irrigation System Company Limited (SEHK:840)
Xinjiang Torch Gas Co., Ltd (SHSE:603080)
Xinjiang Western Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd (SZSE:300106)
Xinjiang Winka Times Department Store Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603101)
Xinjiang Xintai Natural Gas Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603393)
Xinjiang Xinxin Mining Industry Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3833)
Xinjiang Xuefeng Sci-Tech (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603227)
Xinjiang Yilite Industry Co. Ltd. (SHSE:600197)
Xinjiang Youhao(Group)Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600778)
Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002092)
Xinjiang Zhundong Petroleum Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002207)
Xinming China Holdings Limited (SEHK:2699)
Xinte Energy Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1799)
Xintec Inc. (GTSM:3374)
Xinxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000949)
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000778)
Xinyang Maojian Group Limited (SEHK:362)
Xinyang Maojian Group Limited (SEHK:362)
Xinyangfeng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000902)
Xinyi Automobile Glass Hong Kong Enterprises Limited (SEHK:8328)
Xinyi Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:3868)
Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited (SEHK:868)
Xinyi Solar Holdings Limited (SEHK:968)
Xinyu Iron & Steel Co., Ltd (SHSE:600782)
Xinyuan Property Management Service (Cayman) Ltd. (SEHK:1895)
Xiongan Kerong Environment Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300152)
Xishui Strong Year Co.,Ltd Inner Mongolia (SHSE:600291)
Xiwang Foodstuffs Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000639)
Xiwang Property Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:2088)
Xiwang Special Steel Company Limited (SEHK:1266)
XJ Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000400)
XL Energy Limited (BSE:532788)
XMH Holdings Ltd. (SGX:BQF)
XP Inc. (NasdaqGS:XP)
XP Power Limited (LSE:XPP)
Xpro India Limited (BSE:590013)
XT Energy Group, Inc. (OTCPK:XTEG)
Xtep International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1368)
XTGlobal Infotech Limited (BSE:531225)
XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. (TASE:XTLB)
Xtra-Gold Resources Corp. (OTCPK:XTGR.F)
Xu Yuan Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8421)
Xuancheng Valin Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603356)
Xuchang Yuandong Drive Shaft Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002406)
Xurpas Inc. (PSE:X)
Xuzhou Handler Special Vehicle Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300201)
Xxentria Technology Materials Co., Ltd. (GTSM:8942)
Y Ventures Group Ltd. (Catalist:1F1)
Y-Entec Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A067900)
Y-Optics Manufacture Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A066430)
Y-S Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6418)
Y. T. Realty Group Limited (SEHK:75)
Y.C.C. Parts Mfg. Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1339)
Y.D. More Investments Ltd (TASE:MRIN)
Y.H. Dimri Construction & Development Ltd (TASE:DIMRI)
Y.S.P. Southeast Asia Holding Berhad (KLSE:YSPSAH)
Y.U.D.Yangtze River Investment Industry Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600119)
Y.Z. Queenco Ltd. (TASE:QNCO)
Y&G Corporation Bhd (KLSE:Y&G)
Ya'acobi Brothers Group (YSB) Ltd (TASE:YAAC)
Yabao Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd (SHSE:600351)
Yadea Group Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:1585)
Yageo Corporation (TSEC:2327)
YaGuang Technology Group Company Limited (SZSE:300123)
YaHorng Electronic Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6201)
Yamama Saudi Cement Company (SASE:3020)
Yamini Investments Company Limited (BSE:511012)
Yan Tat Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1480)
YanAn Bicon Pharmaceutical Listed Company (SZSE:002411)
Yanbu Cement Company (SASE:3060)
Yanbu National Petrochemical Company (SASE:2290)
Yanchang Petroleum International Limited (SEHK:346)
Yang Guang Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000608)
Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation (TSEC:2609)
Yangjisa Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A030960)
Yangmei Chemical Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600691)
Yango Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:000671)
Yangquan Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600348)
Yangtze Optical Fibre And Cable Joint Stock Limited Company (SEHK:6869)
Yangtzekiang Garment Limited (SEHK:294)
Yangzhou Chenhua New Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300610)
Yangzhou Guangling District Taihe Rural Micro-finance Company Limited (SEHK:1915)
Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300373)
Yangzhou Yaxing Motor Coach Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600213)
Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings) Ltd. (SGX:BS6)
YanKer shop Food Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002847)
Yankey Engineering Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6691)
Yanlord Land Group Limited (SGX:Z25)
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Company Limited (SZSE:200869)
Yantai China Pet Foods Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002891)
Yantai Dongcheng Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002675)
Yantai Eddie Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603638)
Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002353)
YanTai LongYuan Power Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300105)
Yantai North Andre Juice Company Limited (SEHK:2218)
Yantai Shuangta Food Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002481)
Yantai Tayho Advanced Materials Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002254)
YanTai Yuancheng Gold Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600766)
Yantai Zhenghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300653)
Yantai Zhenghai Magnetic Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300224)
Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited (SEHK:1171)
Yao I Fabric Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4430)
Yao Sheng Electronic Co., Ltd. (GTSM:3207)
YAPP Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603013)
Yarn Syndicate Limited (BSE:514378)
YAS Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A255440)
Yash Chemex Limited (BSE:539939)
Yash Management & Satellite Ltd. (BSE:511601)
Yash Pakka Limited (BSE:516030)
YaSheng Group (OTCPK:HERB)
Yashili International Holdings Ltd (SEHK:1230)
Yasho Industries Limited (BSE:541167)
Yashraj Containeurs Limited (BSE:530063)
Yat Sing Holdings Limited (SEHK:3708)
Yatra Online, Inc. (NasdaqCM:YTRA)
Yau Lee Holdings Limited (SEHK:406)
YBM Net, Inc. (KOSDAQ:A057030)
Ybox Real Estate Ltd. (TASE:YBOX)
YBS International Berhad (KLSE:YBS)
YC Inox Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2034)
YCIH Green High-Performance Concrete Company Limited (SEHK:1847)
Yeah1 Group Corporation (HOSE:YEG)
Yeakin Polymer Limited (DSE:YPL)
Yealink Network Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300628)
YeaRimDang Publishing Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036000)
YeaShin International Development Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5213)
YeboYethu (RF) Limited (JSE:YYLBEE)
Yechiu Metal Recycling (China) Ltd. (SHSE:601388)
Yee Hop Holdings Limited (SEHK:1662)
Yee Lee Corporation Bhd. (KLSE:YEELEE)
Yeebo (International Holdings) Limited (SEHK:259)
Yeedex Electronic Corporation (GTSM:7556)
Yeh-Chiang Technology Corp. (GTSM:6124)
Yellow Balloon Tour Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A104620)
Yelopay Corporation (XKON:A179720)
Yem Chio Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4306)
Yen Bai Agro-Forestry Products & Foodstuff Corporation (HNX:CAP)
Yen Bai Industry Mineral Joint Stock Company (HOSE:YBM)
Yen Sun Technology Corporation (GTSM:6275)
Yeo Hiap Seng Limited (SGX:Y03)
Yeong Guan Energy Technology Group Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1589)
Yeong Hwa Metal Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A012280)
Yeou Yih Steel Co., Ltd. (GTSM:9962)
Yes Bank Limited (NSEI:YESBANK)
Yes Optoelectronics CO.,LTD. (SZSE:002952)
YES24 Co.,Ltd (KOSDAQ:A053280)
Yesco Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A015360)
YEST Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A122640)
Yestar Healthcare Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:2393)
YeSUN Tech Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A250930)
YFC-Boneagle Electric Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6220)
YFY Inc. (TSEC:1907)
YG Entertainment Inc. (KOSDAQ:A122870)
YG Plus, Inc. (KOSE:A037270)
YG-1 Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A019210)
Ygl Convergence Berhad (KLSE:YGL)
YGM Trading Limited (SEHK:375)
YGSOFT Inc. (SZSE:002063)
YHI International Limited (SGX:BPF)
Yi Hua Holdings Limited (SEHK:2213)
Yi Jinn Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1457)
Yi Shin Textile Industrial Co., Ltd (GTSM:4440)
Yi-Lai Berhad (KLSE:YILAI)
Yibin Paper Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600793)
Yibin Tianyuan Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002386)
YiChang HEC ChangJiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1558)
YIDOBIO Inc. (XKON:A336040)
Yieh Hsing Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2007)
Yieh Phui Enterprise Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2023)
Yieh United Steel Corp. (GTSM:9957)
Yield Go Holdings Ltd. (SEHK:1796)
Yield Microelectronics Corp. (GTSM:6423)
Yifan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002019)
Yifeng Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603939)
Yihai International Holding Ltd. (SEHK:1579)
Yihua Healthcare Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000150)
Yihua Lifestyle Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600978)
Yijiahe Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603666)
YIK Corporation (KOSDAQ:A232140)
Yimikang Tech.Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300249)
Yin He Holdings Limited (SEHK:8260)
Yinbang Clad Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300337)
Yincheng International Holding Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1902)
Yincheng Life Service CO., Ltd. (SEHK:1922)
Yinchuan Xinhua Commercial (Group) Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600785)
Yindu Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd (SHSE:603277)
Ying Hai Group Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:8668)
Ying Han Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:4562)
Ying Kee Tea House Group Limited (SEHK:8241)
Ying Li International Real Estate Limited (SGX:5DM)
Yingkou Jinchen Machinery Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603396)
Yingkou Port Liability Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600317)
YingTong Telecommunication Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002861)
Yinhang Internet Technologies Development, Inc. (OTCPK:YITD)
Yinson Holdings Berhad (KLSE:YINSON)
Yintai Gold Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000975)
Yinyi Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000981)
Yip's Chemical Holdings Limited (SEHK:408)
Yipinhong Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300723)
Yiwu Huading Nylon Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:601113)
Yixin Group Limited (SEHK:2858)
Yixintang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002727)
YJM Games Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A193250)
YKGI Holdings Berhad (KLSE:YKGI)
YLI Holdings Berhad (KLSE:YLI)
YLZ Information Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300096)
Ymc Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A155650)
YMT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A251370)
Yodn Lighting Corp. (GTSM:5216)
Yogi Infra Projects Limited (BSE:522209)
Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. (SGX:Z59)
Yong Pyong Resort Corporation (KOSE:A070960)
Yong Shun Chemical Co., Ltd (GTSM:4711)
Yong Tai Berhad (KLSE:YONGTAI)
Yonggao Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002641)
Yonghui Superstores Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601933)
Yongmao Holdings Limited (SGX:BKX)
Yongnam Holdings Limited (SGX:AXB)
Yongsheng Advanced Materials Company Limited (SEHK:3608)
Yongxing Special Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002756)
Yongyue Science&Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603879)
Yonker Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300187)
Yonwoo Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A115960)
Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600588)
Yonyu Plastics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1323)
Yoong Onn Corporation Berhad (KLSE:YOCB)
Yooshin Engineering Corporation (KOSDAQ:A054930)
Yoosung Enterprise Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A002920)
Yoosung T&S Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A024800)
YOOZOO Games Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002174)
Yorhe Fluid Intelligent Control Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002795)
York Arcade Holdings PLC (COSE:YORK.N0000)
York Exports Limited (BSE:530675)
York Timber Holdings Limited (JSE:YRK)
Yorkey Optical International (Cayman) Ltd. (SEHK:2788)
Yotrio Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002489)
Youcel Inc. (XKON:A252370)
Youlchon Chemical Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A008730)
Young Fast Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3622)
Young Heung Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A012160)
Young in Frontier Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A036180)
Young Optics Inc. (TSEC:3504)
Young Poong Corporation (KOSE:A000670)
Young Poong Paper Mfg Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A006740)
Young Poong Precision Corporation (KOSDAQ:A036560)
Youngbo Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A014440)
Youngone Corporation (KOSE:A111770)
Youngone Holdings Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A009970)
Youngor Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600177)
YoungQin International Co., Ltd. (GTSM:2755)
Youngsin Metal Industrial Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A007530)
Youngtek Electronics Corporation (GTSM:6261)
YoungWoo DSP Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A143540)
YOUNGY Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002192)
Youon Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603776)
Yousaf Weaving Mills Limited (KASE:YOUW)
Youth Champ Financial Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1160)
YouYou Foods Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603697)
YPF Sociedad Anónima (BASE:YPFD)
YTL Corporation Berhad (KLSE:YTL)
YTL Power International Berhad (KLSE:YTLPOWR)
YTN Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A040300)
YTO Express (International) Holdings Limited (SEHK:6123)
YTO Express Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600233)
Yu Foong International Corporation (TSEC:1438)
Yu Tak International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8048)
Yuan Cheng Cable Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002692)
Yuan Heng Gas Holdings Limited (SEHK:332)
Yuan High-Tech Development Co., Ltd. (GTSM:5474)
Yuan Jen Enterprises Co.,Ltd. (TSEC:1725)
Yuan Jiu Inc. (GTSM:3089)
Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000998)
Yuancheng Environment Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603388)
Yuanda China Holdings Limited (SEHK:2789)
YuanShengTai Dairy Farm Limited (SEHK:1431)
Yuanta 6 Special Purpose Acquisition Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A340360)
Yuanta Financial Holding Co., Ltd (TSEC:2885)
Yuanta Futures Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6023)
Yuanta Securities Korea Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003470)
Yuasa Battery (Thailand) Public Company Limited (SET:YUASA)
Yue Da International Holdings Limited (SEHK:629)
Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Limited (SEHK:551)
Yuen Chang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. (TSEC:2069)
Yuexiu Property Company Limited (SEHK:123)
Yuexiu Real Estate Investment Trust (SEHK:405)
Yuexiu Transport Infrastructure Limited (SEHK:1052)
Yueyang Forest & Paper Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600963)
Yueyang Xingchang Petro-Chemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000819)
Yufo Electronics Co., Ltd. (GTSM:6194)
Yug Decor Limited (BSE:540550)
Yuhan Corporation (KOSE:A000100)
Yuhua Energy Holdings Limited (SEHK:2728)
Yuhuan CNC Machine Tool Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002903)
Yuhwa Securities co.,ltd. (KOSE:A003460)
Yujiahui Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300740)
Yujin Robot Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A056080)
Yuk Wing Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:1536)
Yuken India Limited (BSE:522108)
Yulho Co., LTD. (KOSDAQ:A072770)
Yulon Finance Corporation (TSEC:9941)
Yulon Motor Company Ltd. (TSEC:2201)
Yulon Nissan Motor Co., Ltd (TSEC:2227)
Yum China Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:YUMC)
Yummy Town (Cayman) Holdings Corporation (GTSM:2726)
Yun Lee Marine Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:2682)
YUNDA Holding Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002120)
Yunfeng Financial Group Limited (SEHK:376)
Yung Chi Paint & Varnish Mfg.Co.,Ltd (TSEC:1726)
Yung Zip Chemical Ind. Co., Ltd. (GTSM:4102)
Yungjin Pharm. Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A003520)
Yungshin Construction & Development Co.,Ltd. (GTSM:5508)
YungShin Global Holding Corporation (TSEC:3705)
Yungtay Engineering Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1507)
Yunnan Aluminium Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000807)
Yunnan Baiyao Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000538)
Yunnan Bowin Technology Industry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600883)
Yunnan Chihong Zinc & Germanium Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600497)
Yunnan Coal & Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600792)
Yunnan Copper Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000878)
Yunnan Energy Investment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002053)
Yunnan Energy New Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002812)
Yunnan Jinggu Forestry Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600265)
Yunnan Lincang Xinyuan Germanium Industry Co.,LTD (SZSE:002428)
Yunnan luoping Zinc&Electricity Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002114)
Yunnan Metropolitan Real Estate Development Co.Ltd (SHSE:600239)
Yunnan Nantian Electronics Information Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000948)
Yunnan Tin Company Limited (SZSE:000960)
Yunnan Tourism Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002059)
Yunnan Water Investment Co., Limited (SEHK:6839)
Yunnan Wenshan Electric Power Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600995)
Yunnan Xiyi Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002265)
Yunnan Yuntianhua Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600096)
Yunnan Yuntou Ecology and Environment Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002200)
Yunnan Yunwei Company Limited (SHSE:600725)
Yura Tech. Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A048430)
Yuri Gagarin PLC (BUL:4PX)
Yusei Holdings Limited (SEHK:96)
Yusin Holding Corp. (TSEC:4557)
Yusys Technologies Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300674)
Yuvraaj Hygiene Products Limited (BSE:531663)
Yuxing InfoTech Investment Holdings Limited (SEHK:8005)
Yuyang D&U Co.,Ltd. (KOSE:A011690)
Yuyu Pharma, Inc. (KOSE:A000220)
Yuzhou Properties Company Limited (SEHK:1628)
Yw Company Limited (KOSDAQ:A051390)
Z-Com, Inc. (GTSM:8176)
Z.M.H Hammerman Ltd (TASE:ZMH)
ZACD Group Ltd. (SEHK:8313)
Zad Holding Company Q.P.S.C. (DSM:ZHCD)
Zagrebacka banka d.d. (ZGSE:ZABA)
Zagrebacka burza d.d. (ZGSE:ZB)
Zaheen Spinning Limited (DSE:ZAHEENSPIN)
Zahidjee Textile Mills Limited (KASE:ZAHID)
Zahintex Industries Ltd. (DSE:ZAHINTEX)
Zahraa El Maadi Investment and Development Company SAE (CASE:ZMID)
Zahrat Al Waha For Trading Company (SASE:3007)
Zaigle Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A234920)
Zain Bahrain B.S.C. (BAX:ZAINBH)
Zall Smart Commerce Group Ltd. (SEHK:2098)
Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc (LUSE:ZANACO)
Zamil Industrial Investment Company (SASE:2240)
Zanaga Iron Ore Company Limited (AIM:ZIOC)
Zangge Holding Company Limited (SZSE:000408)
Zanlakol Ltd (TASE:ZNKL)
Zanyu Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002637)
Zara Investment Holding Company (ASE:ZARA)
Zarclear Holdings Limited (JSE:ZCL)
Zarka Educational & Investment Co. (ASE:ZEIC)
Zarneni Hrani Bulgaria AD (BUL:T43)
Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. (LJSE:ZVTG)
Zavod za Shlifovachni Mashini AD (BUL:3Z7)
Zbom Home Collection Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603801)
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ENXTPA:MLZAM)
Zeal Aqua Limited (BSE:539963)
Zeal Bangla Sugar Mills Limited (DSE:ZEALBANGLA)
Zecon Berhad (KLSE:ZECON)
Zeder Investments Ltd. (JSE:ZED)
Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (NSEI:ZEEL)
Zee Learn Limited (BSE:533287)
Zee Media Corporation Limited (BSE:532794)
Zelan Berhad (KLSE:ZELAN)
Zellidja S.A. (CBSE:ZDJ)
ZEN Corporation Group Public Company Limited (SET:ZEN)
Zen Technologies Limited (BSE:533339)
Zen Voce Corporation (GTSM:3581)
Zeng Hsing Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1558)
Zengame Technology Holding Limited (SEHK:2660)
Zenit Agroholding AD (BUL:5Z2)
Zenith Birla (India) Limited (BSE:531845)
Zenith Exports Limited (BSE:512553)
Zenith Fibres Limited (BSE:514266)
Zenith Healthcare Limited (BSE:530665)
Zenitron Corporation (TSEC:3028)
Zenlabs Ethica Limited (BSE:530697)
Zenotech Laboratories Limited (BSE:532039)
Zensar Technologies Limited (BSE:504067)
Zensun Enterprises Limited (SEHK:185)
Zentiva S.A. (BVB:SCD)
Zentiva, a.s. (BSSE:1SKF401E)
Zephyr Textiles Limited (KASE:ZTL)
Zero One Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3029)
Zero to Seven Inc. (KOSDAQ:A159580)
Zeta Resources Limited (ASX:ZER)
Zeus Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A079370)
Zeus Holdings, Inc. (PSE:ZHI)
ZF Steering Gear (India) Limited (BSE:505163)
Zhang Jia Jie Tourism Group Co., Ltd (SZSE:000430)
Zhangjiagang Freetrade Science & Technology Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600794)
Zhangjiagang Furui Special Equipment Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300228)
Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pharmaceutical., Ltd (SHSE:600436)
Zhanjiang Guolian Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300094)
Zhaobangji Properties Holdings Limited (SEHK:1660)
Zhaojin Mining Industry Company Limited (SEHK:1818)
Zhe Jiang Dali Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002214)
Zhe Jiang Hai Liang Co., Ltd (SZSE:002203)
Zhe Jiang Kangsheng Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002418)
Zhe Jiang Taihua New Material Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603055)
Zhefu Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002266)
Zhejiang AngLiKang Pharmaceutical CO.,LTD. (SZSE:002940)
Zhejiang Aokang Shoes Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603001)
Zhejiang Asia-Pacific Mechanical & Electronic Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002284)
Zhejiang Ausun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603229)
Zhejiang Baida Precision Manufacturing Corp. (SHSE:603331)
Zhejiang Bangjie Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002634)
Zhejiang Busen Garments Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002569)
Zhejiang Canaan Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300412)
Zhejiang Cangnan Instrument Group Company Limited (SEHK:1743)
Zhejiang Century Huatong Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002602)
Zhejiang Cfmoto Power Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603129)
Zhejiang Chang'an Renheng Technology Co., Ltd. (SEHK:8139)
Zhejiang Changsheng Sliding Bearings Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300718)
Zhejiang Chenfeng Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603685)
Zhejiang Cheng Yi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603811)
Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600415)
Zhejiang China Light&Textile Industrial City Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600790)
Zhejiang Chint Electrics Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601877)
Zhejiang Communications Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002061)
Zhejiang CONBA Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600572)
Zhejiang Crystal-Optech Co., Ltd (SZSE:002273)
Zhejiang Dafeng Industrial Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603081)
Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002236)
Zhejiang Daily Digital Culture Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600633)
Zhejiang Dayuan Pumps Industry Co., Ltd (SHSE:603757)
Zhejiang Dehong Automotive Electronic & Electrical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603701)
Zhejiang Dingli Machinery Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603338)
Zhejiang Dongri Limited Company (SHSE:600113)
Zhejiang Double Arrow Rubber Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002381)
Zhejiang Doyin Pump Industry Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002793)
Zhejiang Dun'an Artificial Environment Co., Ltd (SZSE:002011)
Zhejiang East Crystal Electronic Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002199)
Zhejiang Expressway Co., Ltd. (SEHK:576)
Zhejiang Feida Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600526)
Zhejiang Fenglong Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002931)
Zhejiang Firstar Panel Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300256)
Zhejiang Founder Motor Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002196)
Zhejiang Fuchunjiang Environmental Thermoelectric Co.,LTD. (SZSE:002479)
Zhejiang Furun CO.,LTD (SHSE:600070)
Zhejiang Garden Bio-chemical High-tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300401)
Zhejiang Giuseppe Garment Co., Ltd (SZSE:002687)
Zhejiang Golden Eagle Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600232)
Zhejiang Goldensea Environment Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603311)
Zhejiang grandwall electric science&technology co.,ltd. (SHSE:603897)
Zhejiang Great Shengda Packing Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603687)
Zhejiang Great Southeast Corp.Ltd (SZSE:002263)
Zhejiang Guangsha Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600052)
Zhejiang Guyuelongshan Shaoxing Wine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600059)
ZheJiang Haers Vacuum Containers Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002615)
Zhejiang Hailide New Material Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002206)
Zhejiang HangKe Technology Incorporated Company (SHSE:688006)
Zhejiang Hangmin Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600987)
Zhejiang Henglin Chair Industry CO., LTD. (SHSE:603661)
Zhejiang Hisoar Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002099)
Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600267)
Zhejiang Huace Film & TV Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300133)
Zhejiang Huafeng Spandex Co., Ltd (SZSE:002064)
Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600521)
Zhejiang Huamei Holding CO., LTD. (SZSE:000607)
Zhejiang Huangma Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603181)
Zhejiang Huatie Emergency Equipment Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603300)
Zhejiang Huatong Meat Products Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002840)
Zhejiang Huatong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002758)
Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd (SHSE:603799)
Zhejiang Huazheng New Material Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603186)
Zhejiang Hugeleaf Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600226)
Zhejiang Int'l Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000411)
Zhejiang Jasan Holding Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603558)
Zhejiang Jiaao Enprotech Stock Co., Ltd (SHSE:603822)
Zhejiang Jiahua Energy Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600273)
Zhejiang Jianfeng Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600668)
Zhejiang Jiaxin Silk Corp., Ltd. (SZSE:002404)
Zhejiang Jiecang Linear Motion Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603583)
Zhejiang Jiemei Electronic And Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002859)
Zhejiang Jihua Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603980)
Zhejiang Jindun Fans Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300411)
Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002863)
Zhejiang Jinggong Science & Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:002006)
Zhejiang Jinghua Laser Technology Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603607)
Zhejiang Jingsheng Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300316)
Zhejiang Jingu Company Limited (SZSE:002488)
Zhejiang Jingxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002020)
Zhejiang Jingxing Paper Joint Stock Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002067)
Zhejiang Jinke Culture Industry Co., LTD. (SZSE:300459)
Zhejiang Jinlihua Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300069)
Zhejiang Jiuli Hi-Tech Metals Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002318)
Zhejiang Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (SHSE:603456)
Zhejiang Jolly Pharmaceutical Co.,LTD (SZSE:300181)
Zhejiang Juhua Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600160)
Zhejiang Juli Culture Development Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002247)
Zhejiang Kaier New Materials Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300234)
Zhejiang Kaishan Compressor Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300257)
Zhejiang Kan Specialities Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002012)
ZheJiang KangLongDa Special Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603665)
Zhejiang Kingland Pipeline and Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002443)
Zhejiang Langdi Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603726)
Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600352)
Zhejiang Medicine Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600216)
Zhejiang Meida Industrial Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002677)
Zhejiang Meili High Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300611)
Zhejiang Meilun Elevator Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603321)
Zhejiang Meorient Commerce Exhibition Inc. (SZSE:300795)
Zhejiang Merit Interactive Network Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300766)
Zhejiang Ming Jewelry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002574)
Zhejiang Narada Power Source Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300068)
Zhejiang NetSun Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002095)
Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1158)
Zhejiang NHU Company Ltd. (SZSE:002001)
Zhejiang Orient Financial Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600120)
Zhejiang Qianjiang Biochemical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600796)
Zhejiang Qianjiang Motorcycle Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000913)
Zhejiang Reclaim Construction Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002586)
Zhejiang Red Dragonfly Footwear Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603116)
Zhejiang Renzhi Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002629)
Zhejiang RIFA Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002520)
Zhejiang Rongsheng Environmental Protection PaperCo.,LTD (SHSE:603165)
Zhejiang RuiYuan Intelligent Control Technology Company Limited (SEHK:8249)
Zhejiang Runtu Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002440)
Zhejiang Sanhua Intelligent Controls Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002050)
Zhejiang SANMEI Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603379)
Zhejiang Sanwei Rubber Item Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603033)
Zhejiang Satellite Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002648)
Zhejiang Semir Garment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002563)
Zhejiang Shapuaisi Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603168)
Zhejiang Shengda Bio-Pharm Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603079)
Zhejiang Shengyang Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603703)
Zhejiang Shibao Company Limited (SEHK:1057)
Zhejiang Shouxiangu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603896)
Zhejiang Shuanghuan Driveline Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002472)
Zhejiang Southeast Space Frame Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002135)
Zhejiang Starry Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603520)
Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology Limited Liability Company (SZSE:300111)
Zhejiang Sunoren Solar Technology Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603105)
Zhejiang Sunriver Culture Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600576)
Zhejiang Supor Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002032)
Zhejiang Talent Television and Film Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300426)
Zhejiang Tengy Environmental Technology Co., Ltd (SEHK:1527)
Zhejiang Three Stars New Materials Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603578)
Zhejiang Tiancheng Controls Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603085)
Zhejiang Tiantai Xianghe Industrial Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603500)
Zhejiang Tiantie Industry Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300587)
Zhejiang Tianyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300702)
Zhejiang Tieliu Clutch Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603926)
Zhejiang Tony Electronic Co., Ltd (SHSE:603595)
Zhejiang Tuna Environmental Science & TechnologyCo.,Ltd. (SHSE:603177)
Zhejiang Unifull Industrial Fibre Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002427)
Zhejiang United Investment Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:8366)
Zhejiang VIE Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002590)
Zhejiang Viewshine Intelligent Meter Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002849)
Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002085)
Zhejiang Wanliyang Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002434)
Zhejiang Wanma Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002276)
Zhejiang Wansheng Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603010)
Zhejiang Weiming Environment Protection Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603568)
Zhejiang Weixing Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002003)
Zhejiang Weixing New Building Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002372)
Zhejiang Windey Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300772)
Zhejiang Wolwo Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300357)
Zhejiang XCC Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603667)
Zhejiang Xianju Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002332)
Zhejiang Xiantong Rubber&Plastic Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603239)
Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600596)
Zhejiang Xinao Textiles Inc. (SHSE:603889)
Zhejiang Xinguang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300519)
Zhejiang Xinhua Chemical Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603867)
Zhejiang XinNong Chemical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002942)
Zhejiang Yangfan New Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300637)
Zhejiang Yankon Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600261)
Zhejiang Yasha Decoration Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002375)
Zhejiang Yatai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002370)
Zhejiang Yilida Ventilator Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002686)
Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002126)
Zhejiang Yongan Rongtong Holdings Co., Ltd. (SEHK:8211)
Zhejiang Yonggui Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300351)
Zhejiang Yongjin Metal Technology Co., Ltd (SHSE:603995)
Zhejiang Yongtai Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002326)
Zhejiang Youpon Integrated Ceiling Co. Ltd. (SZSE:002718)
Zhejiang Yueling Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002725)
Zhejiang Zhaofeng Mechanical and Electronic Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300695)
Zhejiang Zheneng Electric Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600023)
Zhejiang Zhengyuan Zhihui Technology Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300645)
Zhejiang Zhenyuan Share Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000705)
Zhejiang Zhongcheng Packing Material Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002522)
Zhejiang Zhongjian Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002779)
Zhejiang Zhongxin Fluoride Materials Co.,Ltd (SZSE:002915)
Zhejiang Zomax Transmission Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603767)
Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited (TSEC:4958)
Zhende Medical Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603301)
Zheneng Jinjiang Environment Holding Company Limited (SGX:BWM)
Zheng Li Holdings Limited (SEHK:8283)
Zhengping Road & Bridge Construction Co., Ltd. (SHSE:603843)
Zhengye International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:3363)
Zhengzhou Coal Industry & Electric Power Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600121)
Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Company Limited (SEHK:564)
Zhengzhou Deheng Hongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600817)
Zhengzhou Sino-Crystal Diamond Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300064)
Zhengzhou Tiamaes Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:300807)
Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600066)
Zhenhai Petrochemical Engineering CO., LTD (SHSE:603637)
Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300217)
Zhenro Properties Group Limited (SEHK:6158)
Zheshang Development Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000906)
Zheshang Securities Co., Ltd. (SHSE:601878)
Zhi Sheng Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:8370)
Zhicheng Technology Group Ltd. (SEHK:8511)
Zhong An Group Limited (SEHK:672)
Zhong Ao Home Group Limited (SEHK:1538)
Zhong Fu Tong Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300560)
Zhong Hua International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1064)
Zhong Yang Technology Co., Ltd. (TSEC:6668)
ZhongAn Online P & C Insurance Co., Ltd. (SEHK:6060)
Zhongbai Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000759)
Zhongchang Big Data Corporation Limited (SHSE:600242)
Zhongchang International Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:859)
Zhongfu Information Inc. (SZSE:300659)
Zhongfu Straits (Pingtan) Development Company Limited (SZSE:000592)
Zhonghang Electronic Measuring Instruments Co., Ltd (SZSE:300114)
Zhonghua Gas Holdings Limited (SEHK:8246)
Zhongji Innolight Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300308)
Zhongjin Gold Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:600489)
Zhongliang Holdings Group Company Limited (SEHK:2772)
Zhonglu.Co.,Ltd (SHSE:900915)
Zhongman Petroleum and Natural Gas Group Corp., Ltd. (SHSE:603619)
Zhongmin Baihui Retail Group Ltd. (SGX:5SR)
Zhongmin Energy Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600163)
Zhongnan Red Culture Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002445)
Zhongnongfa Seed Industry Group Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600313)
Zhongrun Resources Investment Corporation (SZSE:000506)
Zhongshan Broad-Ocean Motor Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002249)
Zhongshan Public Utilities Group Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000685)
Zhongsheng Group Holdings Limited (SEHK:881)
Zhongtian Financial Group Company Limited (SZSE:000540)
Zhongtian International Limited (SEHK:2379)
Zhongtong Bus Holding Co., Ltd (SZSE:000957)
ZhongTongGuoMai Communication Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603559)
Zhongxin Information Development Inc., Ltd. Shanghai (SZSE:300469)
Zhongxing Shenyang Commercial Building Group Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000715)
Zhongyeda Electric Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002441)
Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited (SEHK:3633)
Zhongyuan Bank Co., Ltd. (SEHK:1216)
Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (SEHK:3737)
Zhongzhu Healthcare Holding Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600568)
Zhou Hei Ya International Holdings Company Limited (SEHK:1458)
Zhubo Design Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300564)
Zhuding International Limited (OTCPK:ZHUD)
Zhuguang Holdings Group Company Limited (SEHK:1176)
Zhuhai Enpower Electric Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:300681)
Zhuhai Hokai Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300273)
Zhuhai Holdings Investment Group Limited (SEHK:908)
Zhuhai Huajin Capital Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000532)
Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science & Technology Co.,Ltd (SZSE:300053)
Zhuhai Port Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:000507)
Zhuhai Rundu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002923)
Zhuhai Sailong Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. (SZSE:002898)
Zhuhai Winbase International Chemical Tank Terminal Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002492)
Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprise Co.,Ltd (SZSE:000659)
Zhulian Corporation Berhad (KLSE:ZHULIAN)
Zhuoxin International Holdings Limited (SEHK:8266)
Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd. (SEHK:3898)
Zhuzhou Feilu High-Tech Materials Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300665)
Zhuzhou Hongda Electronics Corp.,Ltd. (SZSE:300726)
Zhuzhou Kibing Group Co.,Ltd (SHSE:601636)
ZhuZhou QianJin Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600479)
Zhuzhou Smelter Group Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:600961)
Zhuzhou Tianqiao Crane Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002523)
Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology Co., Ltd. (SHSE:600458)
Zibo Qixiang Tengda Chemical Co., Ltd (SZSE:002408)
ZICO Holdings Inc. (Catalist:40W)
Zicom Electronic Security Systems Limited (BSE:531404)
Zicom Group Limited (ASX:ZGL)
Zig Sheng Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSEC:1455)
Ziga Innovation Public Company Limited (SET:ZIGA)
Zijin Mining Group Company Limited (SEHK:2899)
ZIL Limited (KASE:ZIL)
Zilltek Technology Corp. (GTSM:6679)
ZIM Laboratories Limited (BSE:541400)
Zimmite Taiwan Ltd. (GTSM:8435)
Zinitix Co., Ltd (KOSDAQ:A303030)
Zinus, Inc (KOSE:A013890)
Zinwell Corporation (TSEC:2485)
Zioncom Holdings Limited (SEHK:8287)
Zippy Technology Corp. (TSEC:2420)
Žitnjak proizvodnja i promet robom d.d. (ZGSE:ZTNJ)
Zitopek a.d. (BELEX:ZTPK)
Ziyuanyuan Holdings Group Limited (SEHK:8223)
ZJBC Information Technology Co., Ltd (SZSE:000889)
ZK International Group Co., Ltd. (NasdaqCM:ZKIN)
Zlatni Piasaci AD (BUL:3ZL)
ZMFY Automobile Glass Services Limited (SEHK:8135)
ZMFY Automobile Glass Services Limited (SEHK:8135)
Zodiac Clothing Company Limited (BSE:521163)
Zodiac Energy Limited (NSEI:ZODIAC)
Zodiac Ventures Limited (BSE:503641)
Zoje Resources Investment Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002021)
Zoltav Resources Inc. (AIM:ZOL)
Zona Franca de Iquique S.A. (SNSE:ZOFRI)
Zoneco Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002069)
ZongTai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (TSEC:3056)
ZOOM Technologies, Inc. (OTCPK:ZOOM)
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:000157)
Zota Health Care Limited (NSEI:ZOTA)
Zotye Automobile Co., Ltd (SZSE:000980)
Zoy Home Furnishing Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:603709)
ZST Digital Networks, Inc. (OTCPK:ZSTN)
ZTE Corporation (SZSE:000063)
Zuari Agro Chemicals Limited (BSE:534742)
Zuari Global Limited (BSE:500780)
ZUM Internet Corp. (KOSDAQ:A239340)
Zungwon En-Sys Inc. (KOSDAQ:A045510)
Zuoli Kechuang Micro-finance Company Limited (SEHK:6866)
Zur Shamir Holdings Ltd (TASE:ZUR)
Zvecevo d.d. (ZGSE:ZVCV)
Zvi Sarfati & Sons Investments & Constructions Ltd. (TASE:SRFT)
Zydus Wellness Limited (BSE:531335)
ZYNP Corporation (SZSE:002448)
ZZ Capital International Limited (SEHK:8295)
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Emerging Markets
Small Asia

Exchange:Ticker Industry Group Country

MISX:BSPB Bank (Money Center) Russia
GTSM:8458 Entertainment Taiwan
TSEC:3130 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
NGSE:MOBIL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
HNX:C69 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
JMSE:138SL Hotel/Gaming Jamaica
JMSE:1834 Investments & Asset Management Jamaica
SEHK:8495 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
BSE:533022 Chemical (Specialty) India
OB:2020 Shipbuilding & Marine Bermuda
PSE:2GO Shipbuilding & Marine Philippines
SET:2S Steel Thailand
SEHK:3601 Software (Entertainment) China
SHSE:601360 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:1361 Apparel China
Catalist:502 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
BSE:532628 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:523395 Diversified India
BSE:516092 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
OTCPK:PSPW Green & Renewable Energy United Arab Emirates
KOSDAQ:A060310 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:5297 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SEHK:1530 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
JSE:4SI Computer Services Mauritius
SEHK:2051 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
BSE:531925 Entertainment India
SZSE:000560 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
BSE:540776 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:526881 Software (System & Application) India
KLSE:SEM Retail (Grocery and Food) Malaysia
KASE:786 Investments & Asset Management Pakistan
BSE:540615 Retail (Special Lines) India
SEHK:797 Entertainment China
BSE:540874 Entertainment India
PSE:HOUSE Real Estate (Development) Philippines
NasdaqCM:JFK Investments & Asset Management Singapore
BSE:512161 Software (System & Application) India
KOSDAQ:A082660 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:8491 Entertainment Taiwan
BSE:540697 Machinery India
SEHK:1737 Transportation Hong Kong
NSEI:AMJUMBO Packaging & Container India
NSEI:ABINFRA Engineering/Construction India
PSE:BRN Real Estate (Development) Philippines
HNX:ACM Metals & Mining Vietnam
BSE:539620 Machinery India
KOSE:A140910 R.E.I.T. South Korea
BSE:542012 Retail (Distributors) India
KOSDAQ:A013310 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:3319 Environmental & Waste Services China
XKON:A234070 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KLSE:ARANK Metals & Mining Malaysia
SGX:BQC Publishing & Newspapers Singapore
SGX:BTJ Transportation Singapore
KOSDAQ:A071670 Machinery South Korea
SHSE:603389 Furn/Home Furnishings China
BSE:530499 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TASE:LBTL Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
TASE:LZNR Hotel/Gaming Israel
PSE:ANS Diversified Philippines
KOSDAQ:A312610 Auto Parts South Korea
NGSE:AGLEVENT Diversified Nigeria
SET:AJ Packaging & Container Thailand
BSE:539300 Apparel India
TASE:ALD Computer Services Israel
KWSE:AAYAN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
KWSE:AAYANRE Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
MSM:SIHC Diversified Oman
BSE:533292 Engineering/Construction India
TSXV:AZ Aerospace/Defense Israel
SEHK:800 Entertainment China
Catalist:5GZ Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SHSE:603580 Machinery China
SEHK:2018 Electronics (General) China
TSEC:6579 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SEHK:2686 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
NSEI:AAKASH Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
DSM:AHCS Diversified Qatar
DSE:AAMRANET Telecom. Services Bangladesh
DSE:AAMRATECH Computer Services Bangladesh
KWSE:AAN Telecom. Services Kuwait
BSE:538812 Steel India
SET:AH Auto Parts Thailand
BSE:542377 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:524412 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:539562 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:AARON Machinery India
BSE:542580 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:524348 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:524208 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:514274 Apparel India
NSEI:AARVI Business & Consumer Services India
NSEI:AAVAS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:539528 Food Wholesalers India
NSEL:AMG1L Power Lithuania
DSE:ABBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
SEHK:1615 Engineering/Construction Macau
NSEL:EWA1L Retail (Distributors) Lithuania
NSEL:LNR1L Power Lithuania
WSE:IRL Power Lithuania
OTCPK:ABQQ Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
NSEL:K2LT Business & Consumer Services Lithuania
NSEL:KNR1L Power Lithuania
NSEL:KNF1L Oil/Gas Distribution Lithuania
NSEL:LNA1L Farming/Agriculture Lithuania
NSEL:PTR1L Engineering/Construction Lithuania
NSEL:SAB1L Bank (Money Center) Lithuania
NSEL:SNG1L Furn/Home Furnishings Lithuania
NSEL:UTR1L Apparel Lithuania
NSEL:VLP1L Food Processing Lithuania
NSEL:ZMP1L Food Processing Lithuania
SZSE:300261 Chemical (Specialty) China
PSE:ABA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
BSE:523204 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) India
COSE:ABAN.N0000 Furn/Home Furnishings Sri Lanka
BSE:512165 Retail (Distributors) India
COSE:AFSL.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
BSE:500002 Electrical Equipment India
NGSE:ABBEYBDS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Nigeria
BSE:500488 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KASE:ABOT Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
MUSE:ABCB.I0000 Bank (Money Center) Mauritius
BSE:513119 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:520123 Transportation India
SEHK:8131 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
GTSM:3236 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NGSE:ABCTRANS Trucking Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A174900 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036010 Electronics (General) South Korea
SASE:4001 Retail (General) Saudi Arabia
SASE:4191 Retail (Special Lines) Saudi Arabia
KASE:AGSML Food Processing Pakistan
SASE:1820 Hotel/Gaming Saudi Arabia
BSE:538952 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:539544 Engineering/Construction India
SET:ABICO Food Processing Thailand
GTSM:8071 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:2374 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
OTCPK:ABIL.F Aerospace/Defense Israel
GTSM:3362 Electronics (General) Taiwan
XKON:A203400 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSE:511756 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A298380 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSE:A078520 Household Products South Korea
SEHK:1627 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KLSE:ABLEGRP Building Materials Malaysia
GTSM:3628 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KLSE:AFUJIYA Auto Parts Malaysia
NSEI:ABMINTLTD Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531161 Software (System & Application) India
TSEC:4133 Heathcare Information and Technology Taiwan
TSEC:2444 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
PSE:AEV Diversified Philippines
PSE:AP Power Philippines
TSEC:2429 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A102120 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A195990 Machinery South Korea
SGX:533 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
PSE:AR Metals & Mining Philippines
PSE:ABS Broadcasting Philippines
JSE:ABG Bank (Money Center) South Africa
SET:ACE Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
ADX:ADAVIATION Transportation United Arab Emirates
ADX:ADCB Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
CASE:ADIB Bank (Money Center) Egypt
ADX:ADIB Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
ADX:BILDCO Construction Supplies United Arab Emirates
ADX:TAQA Utility (General) United Arab Emirates
ADX:ADNH Hotel/Gaming United Arab Emirates
ADX:ADNIC Insurance (General) United Arab Emirates
ADX:ADNOCDIST Retail (Automotive) United Arab Emirates
CASE:ABUK Chemical (Specialty) Egypt
KWSE:ABYAAR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Kuwait
PSE:ACEPH Power Philippines
NGSE:ACADEMY Publishing & Newspapers Nigeria
TSEC:6282 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
HOSE:ACC Construction Supplies Vietnam
NSEI:ACC Construction Supplies India
SEHK:1283 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:517494 Entertainment India
BMV:ACCELSA B Food Processing Mexico
JSE:APF R.E.I.T. South Africa
SZSE:002281 Electronics (General) China
NSEI:ACCELYA Computer Services India
NGSE:ACCESS Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
COSE:AEL.N0000 Engineering/Construction Sri Lanka
SGX:ADQU Recreation Singapore
Catalist:QZG Computer Services Singapore
TSEC:2345 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
NSEI:ACCURACY Transportation India
KOSDAQ:A003800 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
GTSM:6764 Education Taiwan
BSE:530093 Education India
PSE:ACEX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Philippines
NSEI:ACEINTEG Information Services India
TSEC:8374 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
BSE:531525 Computer Services India
KOSDAQ:A088800 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
TSEC:1466 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:6690 Computer Services Taiwan
TSEC:2353 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:6751 Computer Services Taiwan
TSEC:3605 Electronics (General) Taiwan
Catalist:5FW Machinery Singapore
PSE:ACE Hotel/Gaming Philippines
BSE:538570 Investments & Asset Management India
SWX:ACHI Information Services Indonesia
DSE:ACIFORMULA Chemical (Specialty) Bangladesh
BSE:517356 Computer Services India
KWSE:ACICO Construction Supplies Kuwait
BSE:530043 Apparel India
COSE:ACL.N0000 Electrical Equipment Sri Lanka
COSE:APLA.N0000 Chemical (Basic) Sri Lanka
SGX:AYV Machinery Singapore
GTSM:8121 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:ACME Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SEHK:1870 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
COSE:ACME.N0000 Packaging & Container Sri Lanka
BSE:539391 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
GTSM:6692 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
GTSM:3710 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:ACOSTEC Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SZSE:300286 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:513149 Machinery India
CASE:ACRO Engineering/Construction Egypt
BSE:524091 Building Materials India
JSE:ACS Real Estate (Operations & Services) South Africa
GTSM:6403 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A131400 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:5536 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
GTSM:5240 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:532762 Construction Supplies India
TSEC:3024 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
BSE:511706 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSDAQ:A205500 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:541144 Apparel India
DSE:ACTIVEFINE Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A052790 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A290740 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:8255 Auto Parts Taiwan
GTSM:3434 Electronics (General) Taiwan
ASE:IDMC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
ZGSE:ADPL Auto Parts Croatia
BSE:511359 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
OTCPK:ADAD Furn/Home Furnishings Israel
KASE:ADAMS Food Processing Pakistan
SZSE:000553 Chemical (Specialty) China
OTCPK:ADMG Advertising China
AIM:ADAM Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
KASE:AICL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
BSE:512599 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:ADANIGREEN Green & Renewable Energy India
NSEI:ADANIPORTS Shipbuilding & Marine India
BSE:539254 Power India
JSE:ADI Software (System & Application) South Africa
KOSDAQ:A089970 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
GTSM:3260 Semiconductor Taiwan
XKON:A179530 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BSE:523411 Telecom. Equipment India
JSE:AIP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Africa
TSXV:ADCO Software (System & Application) Israel
JSE:ADR Business & Consumer Services South Africa
SHSE:603089 Auto Parts China
SEHK:2623 Steel China
GTSM:3071 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:5287 Software (Entertainment) Taiwan
BSE:507852 Apparel India
SZSE:000547 Telecom. Equipment China
SGX:A31 Telecom. Equipment Singapore
LSE:ADES Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) United Arab Emirates
BSE:519183 Food Processing India
TASE:ADGR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BSE:539189 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:538365 Steel India
TASE:ADKA Retail (Online) Israel
TSEC:4142 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
BSE:532056 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:514113 Apparel India
BSE:534707 Retail (Special Lines) India
BSE:540691 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:535755 Apparel India
BSE:532974 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:540146 Retail (Grocery and Food) India
BSE:513513 Steel India
BSE:521141 Apparel India
BSE:540205 Retail (Special Lines) India
BSE:539056 Recreation India
TSEC:6166 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SNSE:AFPCAPITAL Investments & Asset Management Chile
SNSE:CUPRUM Investments & Asset Management Chile
SNSE:HABITAT Investments & Asset Management Chile
SNSE:PROVIDA Investments & Asset Management Chile
GTSM:3516 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:530431 Machinery India
BSE:523120 Household Products India
BSE:517041 Machinery India
KASE:ADOS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Pakistan
ZGSE:JDOS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Croatia
ZGSE:ADRS Diversified Croatia
BSE:532172 Computer Services India
KOSDAQ:A200710 Semiconductor South Korea
GTSM:6709 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KLSE:AIM Business & Consumer Services Malaysia
GTSM:3585 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:534612 Green & Renewable Energy India
KLSE:ASB Diversified Malaysia
BSE:539982 Chemical (Basic) India
BUL:6A6 R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
KLSE:ADVCON Engineering/Construction Malaysia
GTSM:3438 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3152 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
DSE:ACI Diversified Bangladesh
SET:ACC Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
GTSM:3492 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A054630 Semiconductor South Korea
BOVESPA:ADHM3 Heathcare Information and Technology Brazil
BVMT:AETEC Computer Services Tunisia
BSE:540025 Chemical (Specialty) India
SZSE:300620 Telecom. Equipment China
JSE:AVL Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities South Africa
SGX:BLZ Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
SET:ADVANC Telecom (Wireless) Thailand
SET:AIT Computer Services Thailand
GTSM:8938 Recreation Taiwan
GTSM:5227 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:688012 Semiconductor Equip China
GTSM:6287 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A121600 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
TSEC:3437 Semiconductor Taiwan
KLSE:ADVPKG Packaging & Container Malaysia
SASE:2330 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
TSEC:8261 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A265520 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SZSE:000969 Metals & Mining China
KWSE:ATC Healthcare Support Services Kuwait
GTSM:8086 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
Catalist:43Q Business & Consumer Services Singapore
TSEC:1442 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
BSE:523269 Hotel/Gaming India
TSEC:2395 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
OTCPK:ADVV Farming/Agriculture China
BSE:531429 Software (System & Application) India
DSE:ADVENT Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
KLSE:ADVENTA Healthcare Products Malaysia
Catalist:5EF Hotel/Gaming Singapore
BSE:539773 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:531686 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
JSE:ADH Education South Africa
KLSE:AEM Electronics (General) Malaysia
SET:AEC Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
SHSE:600391 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:000738 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600893 Aerospace/Defense China
JSE:AFE Chemical (Specialty) South Africa
BSE:500003 Oil/Gas Distribution India
SGX:AWG Metals & Mining Singapore
KOSE:A018250 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A161000 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
LUSE:AELZ Chemical (Basic) Zambia
SGX:AWX Semiconductor Equip Singapore
KLSE:AEMULUS Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
SHSE:600469 Rubber& Tires China
KLSE:AEON Retail (General) Malaysia
SEHK:900 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
KLSE:AEONCR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Malaysia
GTSM:1599 Auto & Truck Taiwan
SEHK:984 Retail (General) Hong Kong
SET:AEONTS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
TSEC:8222 Aerospace/Defense Taiwan
BELEX:AERO Air Transport Serbia
SZSE:002389 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600677 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:000901 Auto Parts China
TSEC:2634 Aerospace/Defense Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A067390 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
SHSE:600501 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:8341 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
GTSM:3564 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
BSE:538351 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SGX:L38 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
ASE:MANE Retail (Automotive) Jordan
DSE:AFCAGRO Chemical (Specialty) Bangladesh
TASE:AFHL Engineering/Construction Israel
KLSE:AFFIN Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
NSEI:AFFLE Advertising India
SEHK:1757 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:1466 Apparel Hong Kong
BSE:541402 Software (System & Application) India
TASE:AFPR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BOVESPA:AFLT3 Power Brazil
CBSE:AFM Insurance (General) Morocco
KOSDAQ:A067160 Software (Entertainment) South Korea
CBSE:AFI Building Materials Morocco
TASE:AFRE Real Estate (Development) Israel
NGSE:AFRIPRUD Information Services Nigeria
NGSE:AFRINSURE Insurance (Life) Nigeria
BSM:ABC Bank (Money Center) Botswana
JSE:ADW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
JSE:AEE Investments & Asset Management South Africa
JSE:AME Broadcasting South Africa
JSE:AFX Chemical (Specialty) South Africa
JSE:AXL Insurance (Life) South Africa
JSE:AIL Investments & Asset Management Mauritius
JSE:ARI Metals & Mining South Africa
JSE:AFT Construction Supplies South Africa
CBSE:GAZ Oil/Gas Distribution Morocco
JSE:ACT Diversified South Africa
DSE:AFTABAUTO Auto & Truck Bangladesh
SET:AU Restaurant/Dining Thailand
NasdaqGS:AFYA Education Brazil
KOSDAQ:A013990 Apparel South Korea
COSE:AGAL.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
BSE:531921 Chemical (Basic) India
NasdaqCM:AGBA Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
BSE:500463 Computer Services India
KLSE:PSIPTEK Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:539042 Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:3383 Real Estate (Development) China
KWSE:AGLTY Transportation Kuwait
NasdaqCM:AGMH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
CBSE:AGM Insurance (General) Morocco
DSE:AGNISYSL Telecom. Services Bangladesh
TTSE:AGL Diversified Trinidad & Tobago
KASE:AGP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
NMSE:AGR Retail (Distributors) Namibia
DSE:AGRANINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
BSE:537292 Farming/Agriculture India
BUL:A72 Diversified Bulgaria
KASE:AGIL Auto Parts Pakistan
HOSE:AGR Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
SEHK:1288 Bank (Money Center) China
DSE:AMCL(PRAN) Food Processing Bangladesh
HNX:INN Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
OTCPK:EURI Farming/Agriculture Romania
PSE:ANI Food Wholesalers Philippines
SET:APURE Farming/Agriculture Thailand
KASE:AGL Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
SEHK:1131 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
NSEI:AGROPHOS Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:500215 Food Processing India
BASE:AGRO Farming/Agriculture Argentina
COSE:AGST.N0000 Chemical (Specialty) Sri Lanka
SEHK:8279 Computer Services Hong Kong
ADX:AGTHIA Food Processing United Arab Emirates
SNSE:AGUAS-A Utility (Water) Chile
Catalist:1A4 Steel Singapore
TSEC:1217 Food Processing Taiwan
KLSE:AHB Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
NSEI:AHLADA Building Materials India
DSM:ABQK Bank (Money Center) Qatar
MSM:ABOB Bank (Money Center) Oman
BAX:AUB Bank (Money Center) Bahrain
KWSE:ALMUTAHED Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
PLSE:AIG Insurance (General) Palestinian Authority
BSE:532811 Engineering/Construction India
KLSE:AZRB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:522273 Retail (Distributors) India
KOSDAQ:A001540 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A053800 Software (System & Application) South Korea
TSEC:3002 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:8290 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
BSE:532806 Apparel India
TASE:AICS Software (System & Application) Israel
SET:AIE Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
NSEI:AIAENG Machinery India
SEHK:1299 Insurance (Life) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A039230 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
GTSM:3693 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SEHK:8088 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
OTCPK:AIDA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:286 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SZSE:300015 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
NGSE:AIICO Insurance (Life) Nigeria
SET:AHC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:AIMCG R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:AIMIRT R.E.I.T. Thailand
BSE:524288 Chemical (Specialty) India
GTSM:3615 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SGX:O5RU R.E.I.T. Singapore
TSEC:6225 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
DFM:AIRARABIA Air Transport United Arab Emirates
TSEC:2630 Aerospace/Defense Taiwan
KOSE:A298690 Air Transport South Korea
SEHK:753 Air Transport China
BRVM:SIVC Chemical (Specialty) Ivory Coast
BVMT:AL Chemical (Specialty) Tunisia
MUSE:AIRM.N0000 Air Transport Mauritius
SET:AIRA Investments & Asset Management Thailand
SET:AF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
NSEI:AIRAN Information Services India
KLSE:AIRASIA Air Transport Malaysia
KLSE:AAX Air Transport Malaysia
GTSM:4609 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
TSEC:1626 Furn/Home Furnishings Cayman Islands
NSEI:AIROLAM Paper/Forest Products India
TASE:ARPT Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
SET:AOT Air Transport Thailand
TSEC:1590 Machinery Taiwan
KASE:ASL Steel Pakistan
SZSE:002403 Household Products China
BSE:532975 Telecom. Equipment India
SHSE:600271 Software (System & Application) China
COSE:AHUN.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
COSE:SPEN.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
OTCPK:AIXN Retail (Distributors) China
SET:AJA Retail (Distributors) Thailand
KOSE:A095570 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSE:A068400 Trucking South Korea
NSEI:AJANTPHARM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:519216 Food Processing India
BSE:511692 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:530713 Computer Services India
KWSE:AREEC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
KOSDAQ:A059120 Semiconductor South Korea
KLSE:AJI Food Processing Malaysia
SEHK:538 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
KLSE:AJIYA Building Materials Malaysia
DFM:AJMANBANK Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
BSE:513349 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
NSEI:AJOONI Farming/Agriculture India
KOSE:A033660 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A027360 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
CASE:AJWA Food Processing Egypt
KWSE:AJWAN Real Estate (Development) Kuwait
KOSE:A006840 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
SEHK:1789 Healthcare Products China
BSE:530621 Auto Parts India
NSEI:AKASH Engineering/Construction India
BSE:538778 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KASE:AKDCL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
GTSM:6174 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NSEI:AKG Food Wholesalers India
SET:AKP Environmental & Waste Services Thailand
SEHK:1639 Electronics (General) China
BSE:539017 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:AKSHOPTFBR Telecom. Equipment India
BSE:541303 Apparel India
BSE:524598 Chemical (Specialty) India
BUL:5AX R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
KAS:AKZM Steel Kazakhstan
BSE:500710 Chemical (Specialty) India
KASE:AKZO Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
ASE:EICO Tobacco Jordan
ASE:AIPC Hotel/Gaming Jordan
ASE:TAJM Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
SASE:2340 Furn/Home Furnishings Saudi Arabia
KWSE:ABK Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
MSM:AINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Oman
CASE:AFDI Investments & Asset Management Egypt
SASE:8280 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Saudi Arabia
KWSE:ALAMAN Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
MSM:AACT Building Materials Oman
MSM:AAIT Investments & Asset Management Oman
CASE:AIVC Retail (Special Lines) Egypt
KWSE:ARGAN Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
CASE:SAUD Banks (Regional) Egypt
BAX:BARKA Bank (Money Center) Bahrain
MSM:BATP Power Oman
ASE:BLAD Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
ASE:MALL Hotel/Gaming Jordan
ADX:DHAFRA Insurance (General) United Arab Emirates
KWSE:ALEID Food Wholesalers Kuwait
CASE:ECAP Building Materials Egypt
CASE:IRAX Steel Egypt
SASE:6020 Farming/Agriculture Saudi Arabia
SEHK:8360 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SASE:4007 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Saudi Arabia
MSM:HECI Engineering/Construction Oman
SASE:1214 Retail (Distributors) Saudi Arabia
KWSE:ALIMTIAZ Diversified Kuwait
ASE:ITSC Education Jordan
MSM:ATMI Steel Oman
MSM:AJSS Business & Consumer Services Oman
SASE:3091 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
SASE:3008 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
ADX:KICO Real Estate (Operations & Services) United Arab Emirates
DSM:AKHI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Qatar
SASE:4290 Education Saudi Arabia
DSM:KCBK Bank (Money Center) Qatar
SASE:4334 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
KWSE:MADAR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
KWSE:ALMADINA Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
MSM:AMAT Insurance (General) Oman
MSM:AMII Diversified Oman
MSM:AMCI Building Materials Oman
MSM:MHAS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Oman
KWSE:ALMAL Brokerage & Investment Banking Kuwait
KWSE:ALMANAR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
PLSE:MIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Palestinian Authority
DSM:MERS Retail (General) Qatar
SASE:7200 Computer Services Saudi Arabia
KWSE:ALMUDON Real Estate (Development) Kuwait
MSM:AOFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Oman
MSM:DMGI Construction Supplies Oman
ADX:ALQUDRA Diversified United Arab Emirates
ASE:AQRM Construction Supplies Jordan
KWSE:ALRAI Publishing & Newspapers Kuwait
SASE:1120 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
SASE:8230 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
SASE:4340 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
DFM:ALRAMZ Brokerage & Investment Banking United Arab Emirates
SASE:8180 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
DFM:ALSALAMSUDAN Bank (Money Center) Sudan
BAX:SALAM Bank (Money Center) Bahrain
KWSE:ALSALAM Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
KASE:ASC Food Processing Pakistan
CASE:ELSH Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
KWSE:SOOR Retail (Automotive) Kuwait
SASE:1213 Furn/Home Furnishings Saudi Arabia
MSM:SUWP Power Oman
ASE:THDI Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
CASE:ATLC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Egypt
ADX:WAHA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) United Arab Emirates
KASE:AABS Food Processing Pakistan
KWSE:AINS Insurance (General) Kuwait
SASE:8140 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
SASE:2140 Diversified Saudi Arabia
ASE:AAFI Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
PLSE:AQARIYA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Palestinian Authority
ASE:APCT Real Estate (Development) Jordan
DSE:ALARABANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
SASE:2320 Engineering/Construction Saudi Arabia
SASE:4130 Diversified Saudi Arabia
ASE:ABMS Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Jordan
KWSE:ALDEERA Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
KWSE:ERESCO Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
SASE:8170 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
ASE:CEBC Computer Services Jordan
KASE:AGTL Farming/Agriculture Pakistan
SASE:6070 Farming/Agriculture Saudi Arabia
ASE:ARSI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Jordan
KWSE:MASAKEN Real Estate (Development) Kuwait
KWSE:MASSALEH Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
KWSE:MAZAYA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
ASE:AAIN Insurance (General) Jordan
KASE:ALNRS Food Processing Pakistan
SASE:9502 Building Materials Saudi Arabia
ASE:RICS Hotel/Gaming Jordan
KWSE:SALBOOKH Construction Supplies Kuwait
SASE:9504 Office Equipment & Services Saudi Arabia
ASE:SANA Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
ASE:JNTH Restaurant/Dining Jordan
PLSE:TIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Palestinian Authority
SASE:1304 Steel Saudi Arabia
KWSE:ALAFCO Retail (Distributors) Kuwait
SASE:8130 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
KLSE:ALAM Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
BSE:539115 Entertainment India
SASE:4320 Real Estate (Development) Saudi Arabia
BSE:531082 Information Services India
JSE:ALH Aerospace/Defense South Africa
TASE:ALBA Household Products Israel
GTSM:5386 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BUL:6AB Hotel/Gaming Bulgaria
BSE:524075 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NasdaqCM:ALAC Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
BSE:531409 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:532114 Real Estate (Development) India
TSEC:3661 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:328 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
KLSE:ALCOM Metals & Mining Malaysia
BUL:6AM Metals & Mining Bulgaria
GTSM:8054 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:6594 Semiconductor Taiwan
ADX:ALDAR Real Estate (General/Diversified) United Arab Emirates
SASE:4200 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Saudi Arabia
BMV:ALEATIC * Transportation Mexico
BSE:506235 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NSEI:APLLTD Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
CASE:AMES Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Egypt
JSE:AFH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
TSEC:8478 Recreation Taiwan
BSE:511463 Retail (Distributors) India
CASE:AXPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
CASE:ALCN Shipbuilding & Marine Egypt
CASE:AFMC Food Processing Egypt
CASE:AMOC Chemical (Basic) Egypt
CASE:ANFI Brokerage & Investment Banking Egypt
CASE:ALEX Construction Supplies Egypt
CASE:SPIN Apparel Egypt
BOVESPA:RPAD3 Bank (Money Center) Brazil
BSE:530973 Furn/Home Furnishings India
BSE:517546 Electrical Equipment India
BELEX:ALFA Furn/Home Furnishings Serbia
BMV:ALFA A Diversified Mexico
GTSM:4558 Metals & Mining Taiwan
GTSM:4553 Auto Parts Taiwan
BSE:505216 Machinery India
GTSM:6684 Semiconductor Taiwan
TASE:ALMO Software (System & Application) Israel
DSE:AL-HAJTEX Apparel Bangladesh
TSEC:3041 Semiconductor Taiwan
ASE:RJAL Air Transport Jordan
BOVESPA:ALSO3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
SEHK:241 Heathcare Information and Technology Hong Kong
SEHK:1060 Entertainment Hong Kong
BSE:531147 Auto Parts India
BVL:ALICORC1 Food Processing Peru
DSE:AIL Apparel Bangladesh
DSE:ALIF Apparel Bangladesh
DSM:NLCS Real Estate (Development) Qatar
SASE:1150 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
SASE:8312 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
BRVM:SAFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Ivory Coast
ASE:AIFE Education Jordan
MSM:BKIZ Bank (Money Center) Oman
SASE:4331 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
SASE:8012 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
BSE:530889 Apparel India
BSE:532166 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:533029 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:539523 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SASE:4348 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
BSE:506767 Chemical (Specialty) India
TSEC:4148 Chemical (Specialty) Cayman Islands
SET:ALL Real Estate (Development) Thailand
GTSM:6187 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:ALLA Retail (Distributors) Thailand
BSE:532480 Bank (Money Center) India
SEHK:684 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
KASE:AWTX Apparel Pakistan
BSE:532749 Transportation India
PSE:HOME Retail (Building Supply) Philippines
KLSE:ABMB Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
COSE:ALLI.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
PSE:AGI Diversified Philippines
BSE:534064 Steel India
GTSM:3595 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
PSE:FOOD Food Processing Philippines
CBSE:ADI Real Estate (General/Diversified) Morocco
SET:AYUD Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
KLSE:ALLIANZ Insurance (General) Malaysia
SASE:8040 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
KASE:ABL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
GTSM:1780 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
GTSM:8155 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SASE:8150 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
BSE:532875 Computer Services India
JSE:AEL Diversified South Africa
SEHK:373 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
GTSM:4702 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SEHK:56 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
KASE:ARM Retail (Distributors) Pakistan
SEHK:8320 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
TSEC:1514 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TASE:ALMD Healthcare Products Israel
SZSE:002950 Healthcare Products China
NasdaqGS:ALLT Software (System & Application) Israel
BSE:532633 Office Equipment & Services India
TSEC:3209 Computer Services Taiwan
BUL:A4L Information Services Bulgaria
DSE:ALLTEX Apparel Bangladesh
GTSM:3526 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:833 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
SZSE:002231 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300458 Electronics (General) China
BVC:EXITO Retail (General) Colombia
SASE:2280 Food Processing Saudi Arabia
ASE:PROF Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
SNSE:ALMENDRAL Telecom (Wireless) Chile
BSE:531400 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:521070 Apparel India
TASE:ALGS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TASE:ALHE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KOSDAQ:A297570 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
NSEI:ALPA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BMV:ALPEK A Chemical (Basic) Mexico
BOVESPA:APER3 Insurance (General) Brazil
SEHK:8406 Recreation China
SZSE:002292 Recreation China
KOSDAQ:A117670 Semiconductor South Korea
GTSM:8024 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:3380 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:948 Computer Services Hong Kong
OTCPK:AHAD Precious Metals Dominican Republic
BSE:526397 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
SEHK:9966 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
TSXV:AFM Metals & Mining Mauritius
HNX:AME Engineering/Construction Vietnam
BSE:526519 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:530715 Apparel India
BSE:538423 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BVB:ALR Metals & Mining Romania
TASE:ALRPR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BMV:ALSEA * Restaurant/Dining Mexico
ASE:VFED Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
PSE:ACR Power Philippines
SET:ALT Telecom. Equipment Thailand
HNX:ALT Diversified Vietnam
TSEC:3059 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
MUSE:ALTG.N0000 Food Processing Mauritius
KOSDAQ:A196170 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KASE:ALTN Power Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A085810 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A123750 Recreation South Korea
TASE:ASPF Investments & Asset Management Israel
BVB:ALT Auto Parts Romania
SEHK:8149 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
BASE:ALUA Metals & Mining Argentina
SET:ALUCON Packaging & Container Thailand
BSE:524634 Chemical (Basic) India
SASE:2170 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
KOSE:A001780 Building Materials South Korea
COSE:ALUM.N0000 Metals & Mining Sri Lanka
BVB:ALU Metals & Mining Romania
BAX:ALBH Metals & Mining Bahrain
CBSE:ALM Building Materials Morocco
SEHK:2600 Metals & Mining China
OTCPK:ALVR.Q Telecom. Equipment Israel
JSE:AVV Computer Services South Africa
SEHK:1849 Advertising Singapore
SET:AMA Shipbuilding & Marine Thailand
ASE:AMAD Real Estate (Development) Jordan
BSE:506597 Chemical (Basic) India
KLSE:AISB Steel Malaysia
DSE:ACFL Apparel Bangladesh
DSE:AMANFEED Farming/Agriculture Bangladesh
COSE:ABL.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
SASE:8310 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
COSE:ATLL.N0000 Insurance (Life) Sri Lanka
COSE:ATL.N0000 Insurance (General) Sri Lanka
KLSE:AHP R.E.I.T. Malaysia
SET:AMANAH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
DFM:AMANAT Diversified United Arab Emirates
TASE:AMAN Business & Consumer Services Israel
KWSE:AMAR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
SGX:A34 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
BSE:500008 Electrical Equipment India
SET:AMARIN Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
BSE:521097 Apparel India
BSE:538465 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
OTCPK:AMRU Entertainment Singapore
SEHK:8168 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SET:AMATA Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SET:AMATAR R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:AMATAV Real Estate (Development) Thailand
COSE:CONN.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
BSE:531112 Business & Consumer Services India
GTSM:6411 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:539196 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:500009 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
DSE:AMBEEPHA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
COSE:TAP.N0000 Apparel Sri Lanka
COSE:GREG.N0000 Apparel Sri Lanka
BSE:540902 Furn/Home Furnishings India
BOVESPA:ABEV3 Beverage (Alcoholic) Brazil
BSE:531978 Apparel India
BSE:539223 Building Materials India
BSE:500425 Construction Supplies India
GTSM:4188 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:530133 Chemical (Basic) India
SEHK:630 Chemical (Basic) Hong Kong
KLSE:AMPROP Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
BSE:532828 Packaging & Container India
KLSE:AME Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BVMT:AB Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
CASE:AMER Real Estate (Development) Egypt
BMV:AMX L Telecom (Wireless) Mexico
OTCPK:AORE.F Reinsurance Bermuda
HNX:AMV Healthcare Products Vietnam
BSE:513117 Retail (Distributors) India
JMSE:AMG Packaging & Container Jamaica
AIM:AFS Machinery Israel
GTSM:5272 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A092040 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:6735 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:6241 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:541771 Apparel India
BSE:506248 Chemical (Basic) India
KOSDAQ:A074430 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
TASE:AMRK Retail (Distributors) Israel
NYSE:RYCE Food Processing United Arab Emirates
BSE:531300 Apparel India
GTSM:5233 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BSE:500343 Real Estate (Development) India
DFM:AMLAK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) United Arab Emirates
SHSE:688099 Semiconductor China
KLSE:AMBANK Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
ASE:AMON Investments & Asset Management Jordan
KOSDAQ:A125210 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A090430 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A002790 Household Products South Korea
SGX:RF7 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
TASE:LUZN Engineering/Construction Israel
TASE:AMOT Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KOSDAQ:A052710 Electronics (General) South Korea
SZSE:300685 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
GTSM:8049 Semiconductor Taiwan
BOVESPA:CBEE3 Power Brazil
GTSM:4760 Semiconductor Taiwan
Catalist:AOF Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
TSEC:2493 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:526241 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:531991 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KASE:ASTL Steel Pakistan
BSE:507525 Food Processing India
BSE:590006 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:77 Trucking Hong Kong
SZSE:300521 Machinery China
KLSE:AMTEL Computer Services Malaysia
KASE:AMTEX Apparel Pakistan
TSEC:2489 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
GTSM:2241 Auto Parts Taiwan
AIM:AMC Metals & Mining Russia
SEHK:8545 Recreation Hong Kong
KLSE:AMVERTON Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
SEHK:2300 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
KWSE:AMWAL Brokerage & Investment Banking Kuwait
KLSE:AMWAY Retail (Online) Malaysia
HOSE:HAR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
HOSE:AGM Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
SZSE:000543 Power China
HOSE:ASP Oil/Gas Distribution Vietnam
HOSE:AAA Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
HOSE:APC Business & Consumer Services Vietnam
HOSE:HII Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
HOSE:ATG Metals & Mining Vietnam
GTSM:1259 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
SASE:4061 Food Wholesalers Saudi Arabia
SEHK:8353 Software (System & Application) Singapore
KLSE:ANALABS Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
GTSM:6291 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:1977 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
TASE:ANLT Investments & Asset Management Israel
KOSE:A008700 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
SGX:Y35 Oil/Gas Distribution Singapore
BSE:542721 Apparel India
SET:ANAN Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BSE:515055 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
KOSDAQ:A025980 Recreation South Korea
KOSDAQ:A123860 Semiconductor South Korea
OTCPK:SYUP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
JSE:ACG Investments & Asset Management South Africa
PSE:ALHI Real Estate (Development) Philippines
Catalist:43E Metals & Mining Malaysia
SEHK:1592 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SGX:BTX Machinery China
KLSE:ANCOM Chemical (Diversified) Malaysia
KLSE:ANCOMLB Trucking Malaysia
OTCPK:AMCF Oil/Gas Distribution China
TSEC:1528 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:6533 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:532418 Bank (Money Center) India
BSE:532141 Construction Supplies India
NasdaqCM:ANDA Investments & Asset Management Colombia
BVL:AIHC1 Shipbuilding & Marine Peru
SZSE:002432 Healthcare Products China
BSE:526173 Farming/Agriculture India
XKON:A266170 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:531252 Entertainment India
SZSE:300787 Computers/Peripherals China
BSE:540694 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:347 Steel China
BSE:541006 Apparel India
SHSE:600298 Food Processing China
HOSE:AGF Food Processing Vietnam
XKON:A251280 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
JSE:AMS Precious Metals South Africa
AIM:AAZ Metals & Mining Azerbaijan
PSE:APO Diversified Philippines
JSE:ANG Precious Metals South Africa
TTSE:AHL Beverage (Alcoholic) Trinidad & Tobago
SHSE:603031 Retail (General) China
SZSE:000868 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300009 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300218 Apparel China
SZSE:002136 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:914 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600502 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002571 Household Products China
SEHK:995 Transportation China
SZSE:002760 Steel China
SZSE:000153 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002743 Steel China
SHSE:603429 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:600199 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:603815 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:601606 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:603599 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000596 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:000859 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300388 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:600761 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600971 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:002541 Steel China
SZSE:000850 Apparel China
SZSE:002817 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002556 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600418 Auto & Truck China
SZSE:002226 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002597 Chemical (Diversified) China
SHSE:603199 Hotel/Gaming China
SZSE:300475 Machinery China
SZSE:300577 Apparel China
SHSE:603589 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:600470 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603689 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SHSE:600218 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300090 Machinery China
SZSE:002361 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002538 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002298 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600990 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300452 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600237 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603357 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002171 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002331 Computer Services China
SHSE:600063 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601801 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600318 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SHSE:603198 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:603308 Machinery China
SZSE:000887 Rubber& Tires China
SZSE:300692 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:603527 Electrical Equipment China
NSEI:AISL Business & Consumer Services India
HNX:SIC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
BSE:519383 Retail (Distributors) India
COSE:ALHP.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
BOVESPA:ANIM3 Education Brazil
BSE:537785 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531878 Green & Renewable Energy India
BSE:518091 Construction Supplies India
BSE:531223 Apparel India
SHSE:603696 Food Processing China
SHSE:688019 Semiconductor Equip China
TSEC:6477 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:531673 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:532870 Steel India
GTSM:5223 Machinery Cayman Islands
DSE:ANLIMAYARN Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:542437 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:ANNJOO Steel Malaysia
Catalist:5AL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
SZSE:002875 Apparel China
GTSM:6138 Semiconductor Taiwan
OTCPK:ANPF.F Food Processing China
TTSE:AMCL Diversified Trinidad & Tobago
TTSE:AMBL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Trinidad & Tobago
BSE:523007 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:507828 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:500013 Real Estate (Development) India
KASE:ANSM Food Processing Pakistan
SZSE:002667 Machinery China
SZSE:300758 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300210 Construction Supplies China
TSEC:3528 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:3646 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:2020 Shoe China
SNSE:ANTARCHILE Diversified Chile
NSEI:ANTGRAPHIC Packaging & Container India
KOSDAQ:A065660 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BVB:ATB Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Romania
OTCPK:AGGG Entertainment Dominican Republic
SEHK:3337 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:600179 Shipbuilding & Marine China
XKON:A267810 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
BSE:506260 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:530109 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:542865 Packaging & Container India
DSE:ANWARGALV Steel Bangladesh
SEHK:922 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SHSE:600816 Investments & Asset Management China
GTSM:6677 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
SHSE:600569 Steel China
KOSDAQ:A196300 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SHSE:600397 Coal & Related Energy China
SHSE:603839 Apparel China
KLSE:ANZO Building Materials Malaysia
SHSE:688021 Machinery China
TSEC:3046 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SZSE:002913 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002239 Auto Parts China
SEHK:1370 Steel China
Catalist:1D4 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
OTCPK:AOXG Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:3662 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SET:AP Real Estate (Development) Thailand
TSEC:6531 Semiconductor Taiwan
SGX:5AU Chemical (Basic) Singapore
SEHK:1496 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
GTSM:4908 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SGX:CLN Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SEHK:1104 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:8271 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:6449 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:532259 Diversified India
HOSE:IBC Education Vietnam
NSEL:APG1L Retail (Special Lines) Lithuania
KLSE:APB Machinery Malaysia
PSE:APC Diversified Philippines
TSEC:6108 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:523694 Chemical (Basic) India
SZSE:000739 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:6036 Computer Services Hong Kong
TSEC:1733 Healthcare Products Taiwan
SET:APEX Real Estate (Development) Thailand
KLSE:APEX Brokerage & Investment Banking Malaysia
DSE:APEXFOODS Food Processing Bangladesh
DSE:APEXFOOT Shoe Bangladesh
BSE:540692 Food Processing India
KLSE:AHEALTH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Malaysia
XKON:A207490 Electrical Equipment South Korea
TSEC:4927 Electronics (General) Cayman Islands
GTSM:5210 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
TSEC:4106 Healthcare Products Taiwan
PSE:APX Precious Metals Philippines
TSEC:3052 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
DSE:APEXSPINN Apparel Bangladesh
DSE:APEXTANRY Apparel Bangladesh
KLSE:APFT Education Malaysia
HOSE:APG Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
BSE:533758 Steel India
BSE:517096 Electronics (General) India
BSE:511064 Retail (Distributors) India
GTSM:6570 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:APM Auto Parts Malaysia
BSE:542774 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:523537 Apparel India
BAX:APMTB Shipbuilding & Marine Bahrain
KASE:AMBL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
GTSM:6426 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:512437 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KLSE:APOLLO Food Processing Malaysia
PSE:APL Steel Philippines
NSEI:APOLLOHOSP Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:540879 Aerospace/Defense India
BSE:531761 Building Materials India
TASE:APLP Hotel/Gaming Israel
NSEI:APOLSINHOT Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:538566 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:APOLLOTYRE Rubber& Tires India
BSE:539545 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KLSE:APPASIA Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:500014 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SHSE:603020 Chemical (Specialty) China
SET:APP Computer Services Thailand
SET:ADB Chemical (Specialty) Thailand
SEHK:519 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
TASE:APLY Advertising Israel
DSE:APOLOISPAT Steel Bangladesh
SHSE:688007 Electronics (General) China
GTSM:6560 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:8281 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A109960 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A007460 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A003060 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054620 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:1045 Telecom. Services Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A293780 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSE:532475 Education India
NasdaqGM:APM Drugs (Biotechnology) Hong Kong
XKON:A149300 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SET:AQ Real Estate (Development) Thailand
KWSE:AQAR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
SET:AQUA Advertising Thailand
NYSE:WAAS Utility (Water) British Virgin Islands
ASE:AALU Metals & Mining Jordan
CASE:ALUM Metals & Mining Egypt
ASE:ARAS Insurance (General) Jordan
ASE:ARBK Bank (Money Center) Jordan
BAX:ABC Bank (Money Center) Bahrain
ASE:ABCO Bank (Money Center) Jordan
CASE:ACAMD Real Estate (Development) Egypt
CASE:EALR Real Estate (Development) Egypt
ASE:REAL Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
ASE:AEIV Real Estate (Development) Jordan
ASE:AEIN Electrical Equipment Jordan
CASE:EEII Machinery Egypt
ASE:AIHO Hotel/Gaming Jordan
ASE:UNAI Real Estate (Development) Jordan
PLSE:AIB Banks (Regional) Palestinian Authority
ASE:AJIB Bank (Money Center) Jordan
ASE:ARGR Insurance (General) Jordan
CASE:AMIA Investments & Asset Management Egypt
SASE:1080 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
ASE:AOIC Insurance (General) Jordan
ASE:PHNX Real Estate (Development) Jordan
ASE:APOT Chemical (Specialty) Jordan
KWSE:ARABREC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
CASE:RREI Real Estate (Development) Egypt
SASE:9505 Software (System & Application) Saudi Arabia
BVMT:ATB Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
BVMT:ATL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tunisia
ASE:AIUI Insurance (General) Jordan
CASE:ARVA Machinery Egypt
KWSE:AGHC Diversified Kuwait
CASE:ACGC Apparel Egypt
ASE:AICJ Insurance (General) Jordan
SASE:8160 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
CASE:AIH Investments & Asset Management Egypt
SASE:3010 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
CASE:ARCC Construction Supplies Egypt
SASE:4321 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Saudi Arabia
CASE:DOMT Food Processing Egypt
SASE:2200 Steel Saudi Arabia
SASE:8070 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Saudi Arabia
ASE:ASPMM Steel Jordan
DFM:ARTC Engineering/Construction United Arab Emirates
TASE:ARAD Diversified Israel
TASE:ARD Electronics (General) Israel
DFM:ARMX Transportation United Arab Emirates
DSE:ARAMITCEM Construction Supplies Bangladesh
DSE:ARAMIT Construction Supplies Bangladesh
TASE:ARAN Business & Consumer Services Israel
PSE:ARA Real Estate (Development) Philippines
KLSE:ARBB Computer Services Malaysia
JSE:ARH Retail (Distributors) South Africa
NGSE:ARBICO Engineering/Construction Nigeria
GTSM:3594 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:540135 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
AIM:ARCM Metals & Mining British Virgin Islands
BMV:AC * Beverage (Soft) Mexico
TSEC:3596 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:520121 Building Materials India
JSE:ACL Steel South Africa
NasdaqGS:ACGL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
OB:ARCHER Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Bermuda
SZSE:300598 Software (System & Application) China
BSE:532994 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:532212 Retail (Special Lines) India
BSE:524640 Chemical (Basic) India
KASE:ARPL Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
NasdaqGS:ARCE Education Brazil
TLSE:ARC1T Real Estate (General/Diversified) Estonia
NYSE:ARCO Restaurant/Dining Uruguay
BSE:532914 Metals & Mining India
SHSE:600629 Business & Consumer Services China
SHSE:688088 Software (System & Application) China
GTSM:3264 Semiconductor Taiwan
NYSE:ASC Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
SET:A Real Estate (Development) Thailand
ZGSE:ARNT Hotel/Gaming Croatia
TASE:ARNA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
SEHK:645 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:2471 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:526851 Apparel India
BSE:539151 Metals & Mining India
JSE:ART Building Materials South Africa
NYSE:ARGO Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
DSE:ARGONDENIM Apparel Bangladesh
AIM:ARG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Falkland Islands
GTSM:3217 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SHSE:603790 Chemical (Specialty) China
BER:AGH.BH Insurance (General) Bermuda
GTSM:4173 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
BSE:532935 Chemical (Specialty) India
KASE:AHCL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
KASE:AHL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
BSE:511605 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:531381 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:541401 Education India
BSE:506194 Real Estate (Development) India
TSEC:8101 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:3627 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:6289 Semiconductor Taiwan
SET:ARIN Real Estate (Development) Thailand
Catalist:YYB Publishing & Newspapers Singapore
KOSDAQ:A058220 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
SET:ARIP Advertising Thailand
KWSE:ARKAN Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
ADX:ARKAN Construction Supplies United Arab Emirates
TASE:ARKO Retail (Automotive) Israel
GTSM:6432 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:531179 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BVB:ARM Building Materials Romania
BSE:537069 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:513729 Building Materials India
BUL:6AR Household Products Bulgaria
KASE:ARPAK Investments & Asset Management Pakistan
COSE:ARPI.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
COSE:AINS.N0000 Insurance (Life) Sri Lanka
SASE:4150 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Saudi Arabia
BSE:516064 Packaging & Container India
SET:ARROW Electrical Equipment Thailand
BSE:533068 Apparel India
JSE:AHA R.E.I.T. South Africa
MISX:ARSA Investments & Asset Management Russia
KASE:AEL Power Pakistan
BSE:506074 Transportation India
BSE:533163 Engineering/Construction India
GTSM:6650 Retail (Online) Taiwan
SEHK:565 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
BSE:517481 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531297 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:542670 Electrical Equipment India
SEHK:3313 Retail (Distributors) China
PSE:ALCO Real Estate (Development) Philippines
OTCPK:ALIF Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SEHK:789 Apparel Hong Kong
KASE:ADMM Apparel Pakistan
Catalist:5NK Electronics (General) Singapore
SHSE:603017 Business & Consumer Services China
BSE:522134 Engineering/Construction India
KASE:ARUJ Apparel Pakistan
BSE:500016 Hotel/Gaming India
NSEI:ARVINDFASN Retail (Special Lines) India
BSE:500101 Apparel India
BSE:539301 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:530245 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:539455 Retail (Distributors) India
TASE:ARYT Aerospace/Defense Israel
KWSE:ARZAN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
TLSE:BLT1T Apparel Estonia
RISE:DPK1R Machinery Latvia
TLSE:EEG1T Publishing & Newspapers Estonia
RISE:GRD1R Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Latvia
TLSE:HAE1T Electrical Equipment Estonia
RISE:BAL1R Beverage (Alcoholic) Latvia
RISE:GZE1R Power Latvia
TLSE:LHV1T Bank (Money Center) Estonia
TLSE:LINDA Beverage (Alcoholic) Estonia
RISE:MDARA Household Products Latvia
TLSE:MRK1T Engineering/Construction Estonia
RISE:OLF1R Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Latvia
RISE:SMA1R Paper/Forest Products Latvia
TLSE:PRF1T Food Processing Estonia
TLSE:PKG1T Real Estate (Development) Estonia
RISE:RJR1R Apparel Latvia
RISE:RKB1R Construction Supplies Latvia
RISE:SCM1R Food Processing Latvia
TLSE:SFG1T Retail (Special Lines) Estonia
TLSE:TAL1T Shipbuilding & Marine Estonia
TLSE:TSM1T Shipbuilding & Marine Estonia
TLSE:TVEAT Utility (Water) Estonia
TLSE:TPD1T Real Estate (Operations & Services) Estonia
MUN:W2R Building Materials Latvia
BSE:515030 Auto Parts India
BSE:532853 Chemical (Basic) India
MUSE:ASCE.I0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Mauritius
BER:AGL.BH Power Bermuda
SGX:CY6U Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SGX:A17U R.E.I.T. Singapore
JSE:ASC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Africa
SEHK:6855 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SEHK:1672 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
NSEI:ASCOM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SGX:A68U R.E.I.T. Singapore
KLSE:ASDION Diversified Malaysia
TSEC:3711 Semiconductor Taiwan
CASE:ASCM Metals & Mining Egypt
GTSM:6113 Computer Services Taiwan
SASE:4080 Diversified Saudi Arabia
SET:ASEFA Electrical Equipment Thailand
BUL:6AN Packaging & Container Bulgaria
SASE:6060 Farming/Agriculture Saudi Arabia
BSE:535467 Apparel India
BSE:527001 Metals & Mining India
BSE:542579 Apparel India
BSE:540024 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KASE:ASHT Apparel Pakistan
BSE:519174 Food Processing India
BSE:523716 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:513401 Steel India
BSE:590122 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:512247 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:526847 Steel India
BSE:530429 Building Materials India
BSE:541702 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:507872 Apparel India
BSE:524594 Chemical (Basic) India
NSEI:ASHOKLEY Construction Supplies India
BSE:533271 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:540923 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:526983 Shipbuilding & Marine India
TASE:ASHO Aerospace/Defense Israel
BSE:526187 Engineering/Construction India
TASE:ASHG Engineering/Construction Israel
TASE:ASPR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BSE:502015 Construction Supplies India
HNX:API Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
SEHK:711 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
COSE:AAF.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
SET:AAV Air Transport Thailand
SET:ABM Coal & Related Energy Thailand
KLSE:ASIABRN Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SET:ACAP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
COSE:ACAP.N0000 Brokerage & Investment Banking Sri Lanka
OTCPK:ACRB Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:841 Food Processing Hong Kong
SEHK:743 Construction Supplies China
KOSE:A183190 Construction Supplies South Korea
TSEC:1102 Construction Supplies Taiwan
SEHK:104 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
HNX:ACB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
SHSE:603378 Chemical (Specialty) China
GTSM:4939 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:351 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SGX:A55 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SET:AFC Apparel Thailand
KLSE:ASIAFLE Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
SEHK:662 Insurance (General) Hong Kong
OTCPK:ASGX.F Telecom. Services Bermuda
SET:AGE Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SEHK:8413 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
KOSE:A002030 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
SET:ASIA Hotel/Gaming Thailand
DSE:ASIAINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
KLSE:AMEDIA Advertising Malaysia
GTSM:6727 Machinery Taiwan
SET:AMC Steel Thailand
HNX:AMC Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
GTSM:4542 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:3019 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:214 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
DSE:ASIAPACINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A211270 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
HNX:APS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
SEHK:767 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
TSEC:3682 Telecom. Services Taiwan
NasdaqGM:APWC Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KOSE:A002310 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
SEHK:8400 Retail (Distributors) Macau
TSEC:1337 Chemical (Basic) China
SET:ASP Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
KLSE:ASIAPLY Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
TSEC:1308 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
SET:APCS Machinery Thailand
SEHK:899 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A154030 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
SET:ASK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
COSE:ASIY.N0000 Brokerage & Investment Banking Sri Lanka
SEHK:292 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:129 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
GTSM:4974 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A050860 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
SEHK:679 Machinery Hong Kong
SEHK:707 Apparel Hong Kong
PSE:AUB Banks (Regional) Philippines
Catalist:5RE Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Singapore
TSEC:3017 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SEHK:8193 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
PSE:ABG Metals & Mining Philippines
SEHK:1675 Software (System & Application) China
Catalist:505 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
SEHK:8025 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
NSEI:ASIANTILES Building Materials India
Catalist:1J3 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
BSE:533227 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:500023 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:533221 Hotel/Gaming India
COSE:AHPL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
SET:AI Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
SET:ASIMAR Construction Supplies Thailand
Catalist:585 Environmental & Waste Services Singapore
BSE:530355 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
KLSE:ASIAPAC Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
NSEI:ASIANPAINT Chemical (Specialty) India
SGX:S7OU Cable TV Singapore
BSE:524434 Chemical (Specialty) India
SET:APCO Household Products Thailand
SET:ASIAN Food Processing Thailand
SHSE:601890 Machinery China
BSE:519532 Food Processing India
PSE:ATI Shipbuilding & Marine Philippines
KOSE:A020560 Air Transport South Korea
KOSE:A267850 Computer Services South Korea
Catalist:5WV Metals & Mining Singapore
SEHK:1993 Advertising Hong Kong
OTCPK:ARMC Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
SEHK:271 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SET:AS Entertainment Thailand
Catalist:5CR Power Singapore
KASE:ASTM Apparel Pakistan
COSE:ASIR.N0000 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Sri Lanka
COSE:AMSL.N0000 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Sri Lanka
BSE:530723 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:3169 Semiconductor Taiwan
KWSE:ASIYA Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
KASE:AKBL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
KASE:AGIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
KASE:ALAC Insurance (Life) Pakistan
NSEI:ASLIND Metals & Mining India
SGX:A04 Construction Supplies Singapore
GTSM:6497 Drugs (Biotechnology) Singapore
SEHK:522 Semiconductor Equip Hong Kong
BSE:526433 Computer Services India
TSEC:5269 Semiconductor Taiwan
SET:ASN Insurance (General) Thailand
GTSM:6485 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:5274 Semiconductor Taiwan
Catalist:1F3 Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
TASE:ASGR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
JSE:APN Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Africa
SGX:A30 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
NSEI:ASPINWALL Food Processing India
TSEC:3515 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
ASE:ASAS Construction Supplies Jordan
GTSM:6475 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:AWC Hotel/Gaming Thailand
CASE:AITG Retail (Distributors) Egypt
BSE:507526 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
MUSE:ACC.I0000 Retail (Automotive) Mauritius
TSEC:9912 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SEHK:105 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
COSE:AMF.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
JSE:ASR Metals & Mining South Africa
BVMT:AMI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Tunisia
NYSE:AGO Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
KOSDAQ:A246720 Healthcare Products South Korea
NSEI:ASTEC Chemical (Specialty) India
NSEI:ASTERDM Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities United Arab Emirates
SGX:575 Semiconductor Equip Singapore
KLSE:ASTINO Building Materials Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A241840 Entertainment South Korea
SASE:1212 Diversified Saudi Arabia
BSE:532493 Telecom. Equipment India
MISX:ASSB Power Russia
KLSE:AASIA Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
JSE:ARL Food Processing South Africa
BSE:532830 Building Materials India
BSE:506820 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:3064 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
KLSE:ASTRO Broadcasting Malaysia
SZSE:300654 Publishing & Newspapers China
BSE:540824 Paper/Forest Products India
SEHK:8333 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
TSEC:2357 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:511144 Computer Services India
SZSE:002821 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KOSDAQ:A089530 Semiconductor South Korea
KLSE:AT Machinery Malaysia
KASE:PREMA Food Processing Pakistan
KLSE:ATAIMS Packaging & Container Malaysia
SASE:4292 Education Saudi Arabia
BOVESPA:CRFB3 Retail (General) Brazil
GTSM:6179 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A045660 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSDAQ:A224110 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:6109 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:6277 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
HNX:ATS Restaurant/Dining Vietnam
BSE:530187 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:517429 Computer Services India
NYSE:ATH Insurance (Life) Bermuda
NasdaqCM:ATIF Business & Consumer Services China
KOSDAQ:A021080 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
BSE:538713 Computer Services India
KLSE:ATLAN Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
BSE:526843 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:532759 Engineering/Construction India
SHSE:600558 Machinery China
ZGSE:ATGR Food Processing Croatia
Catalist:5UL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. United Arab Emirates
ZGSE:ATPL Shipbuilding & Marine Croatia
DSE:ATLASBANG Auto & Truck Bangladesh
KASE:ATBA Auto Parts Pakistan
PSE:AT Metals & Mining Philippines
BSE:505029 Recreation India
CASE:ALRA Farming/Agriculture Egypt
KASE:ATLH Auto & Truck Pakistan
KASE:ATIL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
BSE:514394 Apparel India
LSE:ATMA Bank (Money Center) British Virgin Islands
SEHK:8043 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
PSE:ATN Real Estate (General/Diversified) Philippines
PSE:AB Precious Metals Philippines
BOVESPA:ATOM3 Telecom. Services Brazil
KOSDAQ:A158430 Information Services South Korea
SET:ATP30 Trucking Thailand
GTSM:6465 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
TASE:ATRY Brokerage & Investment Banking Israel
KLSE:ATTA Steel Malaysia
JSE:ATT R.E.I.T. South Africa
BVMT:TJL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tunisia
CBSE:ATW Bank (Money Center) Morocco
AIM:AOGL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) British Virgin Islands
MUSE:APL.I0000 Hotel/Gaming Mauritius
KASE:ACPL Construction Supplies Pakistan
KASE:APL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Pakistan
KASE:ATRL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Pakistan
BSE:531795 Auto & Truck India
BSE:500027 Chemical (Diversified) India
BSE:500028 Machinery India
GTSM:8097 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
OTCPK:GRYE.F Precious Metals South Africa
TSEC:2409 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:540611 Banks (Regional) India
SHSE:600336 Furn/Home Furnishings China
GTSM:3138 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
NasdaqGS:AUDC Telecom. Equipment Israel
TSEC:2459 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
NSEL:AUG1L Farming/Agriculture Lithuania
TASE:AUGN.M Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
KOSE:A017900 Semiconductor South Korea
TASE:AURA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
TSX:ORA Precious Metals British Virgin Islands
GTSM:3324 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:532668 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:530233 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NSEI:AUROPHARMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:531336 Steel India
GTSM:8074 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2373 Computer Services Taiwan
SHSE:600666 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A039830 Recreation South Korea
TSEC:6215 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:8148 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SEHK:1717 Food Processing Hong Kong
BSE:509009 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:6118 Heathcare Information and Technology China
KOSDAQ:A031510 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:522005 Machinery India
BVL:AUSTRAC1 Food Processing Peru
KOSDAQ:A067170 Construction Supplies South Korea
SZSE:300595 Healthcare Products China
BSE:539177 Investments & Asset Management India
CBSE:ATH Retail (Distributors) Morocco
ZGSE:AUHR Retail (Automotive) Croatia
SEHK:720 Retail (Automotive) Hong Kong
SHSE:603658 Healthcare Products China
SET:ACG Retail (Automotive) Thailand
BSE:532797 Auto Parts India
BSE:500029 Auto Parts India
KWSE:ASC Computer Services Kuwait
SEHK:771 Computer Services Hong Kong
TASE:SHVA Information Services Israel
MUSE:ASL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Mauritius
KOSE:A015260 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:505036 Construction Supplies India
BVMT:ARTES Retail (Automotive) Tunisia
BSE:505010 Auto Parts India
NSEI:ASAL Auto Parts India
BASE:AUSO Transportation Argentina
SEHK:2080 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SEHK:595 Computer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:8419 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
TSEC:8072 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A083930 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:540649 Food Processing India
GTSM:3479 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:512149 Computer Services India
MISX:AVAN Bank (Money Center) Russia
BSE:532406 Telecom. Equipment India
BSE:512573 Food Processing India
SGX:U09 Paper/Forest Products Singapore
SZSE:002938 Electronics (General) China
KOSDAQ:A149950 Electronics (General) South Korea
LSE:AVAP Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SZSE:300074 Telecom. Equipment China
JSE:AEG Engineering/Construction South Africa
OTCNO:AVENIR Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
BSE:540376 Retail (Grocery and Food) India
TSEC:3669 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TASE:AVER Retail (Distributors) Israel
GTSM:6198 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2417 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
GTSM:3597 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NSEI:AVG Trucking India
TASE:AVGL Apparel Israel
JSE:AVI Food Processing South Africa
SGX:BKY Semiconductor Singapore
TASE:AVIA Hotel/Gaming Israel
SZSE:000768 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600862 Machinery China
SHSE:600705 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:002013 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600765 Machinery China
SEHK:232 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:161 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:002179 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:260 Retail (Automotive) Hong Kong
SZSE:002163 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600760 Aerospace/Defense China
SEHK:2357 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600038 Aerospace/Defense China
GTSM:6103 Semiconductor Taiwan
KLSE:AVI Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
TSEC:2380 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SZSE:300264 Telecom. Equipment China
GTSM:4735 Healthcare Products Taiwan
TASE:AVLN Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
BSE:531541 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:511589 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
OTCPK:AVRN Information Services Dominican Republic
NSEI:AVROIND Furn/Home Furnishings India
TASE:AVRT Business & Consumer Services Israel
BSE:519105 Food Processing India
GTSM:5392 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:AWC Engineering/Construction Malaysia
TSEC:1530 Machinery Taiwan
SASE:8250 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
ADX:AXAGCIC Insurance (Life) United Arab Emirates
NGSE:MANSARD Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
GTSM:6530 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:513642 Chemical (Basic) India
PSE:AXLM Food Processing Philippines
ZMSE:AXIA Business & Consumer Services Zimbabwe
KLSE:AXIATA Telecom (Wireless) Malaysia
GTSM:3088 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:532215 Bank (Money Center) India
NYSE:AXS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
GTSM:6292 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BSE:532395 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:542285 Apparel India
BSE:505506 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:523850 Machinery India
SNSE:AXXION Investments & Asset Management Chile
PSE:AC Diversified Philippines
PSE:ALI Real Estate (General/Diversified) Philippines
PSE:ALLHC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
TASE:AYAL Insurance (General) Israel
KLSE:AYER Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:508933 Apparel India
JSE:AYO Computer Services South Africa
GHSE:AYRTN Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Ghana
KLSE:AYS Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SGX:BBW Computer Services Hong Kong
KASE:ANL Apparel Pakistan
GTSM:6148 Computer Services Taiwan
DSE:AZIZPIPES Building Materials Bangladesh
TASE:AZRM Homebuilding Israel
TASE:AZRG Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KOSDAQ:A032080 Apparel South Korea
SNSE:AZUL AZUL Entertainment Chile
NYSE:AZRE Green & Renewable Energy India
TSEC:3694 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1780 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:1705 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
TASE:BCOM Telecom. Services Israel
CASE:BINV Investments & Asset Management Egypt
SET:B52 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Thailand
BASE:GAMI Computer Services Argentina
SZSE:300451 Heathcare Information and Technology China
TASE:GAON Diversified Israel
TASE:BYAR Homebuilding Israel
BSE:532507 Broadcasting India
BSE:537766 Electrical Equipment India
TASE:BGI-M Food Wholesalers Israel
SET:BGRIM Power Thailand
TASE:WTS Telecom. Equipment Israel
KLSE:BIG Construction Supplies Malaysia
BSE:532719 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:523019 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NasdaqCM:BOSC Telecom. Equipment Israel
KASE:BRR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
BSE:542206 Retail (Distributors) India
TSEC:6625 Entertainment Taiwan
BSE:508136 Food Processing India
XKON:A215050 Household Products South Korea
BSE:531268 Software (System & Application) India
BOVESPA:BTOW3 Retail (Online) Brazil
BOVESPA:B3SA3 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Brazil
HOSE:HDC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
HOSE:BTP Power Vietnam
SET:BROCK Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SASE:4051 Retail (Distributors) Saudi Arabia
NSEI:BABAFOOD Food Processing India
BSE:532380 Entertainment India
KASE:BAFS Food Processing Pakistan
ASE:SALM Investments & Asset Management Jordan
KASE:BCML Apparel Pakistan
TASE:BBYL Software (System & Application) Israel
SEHK:1761 Software (Entertainment) China
HNX:BKC Metals & Mining Vietnam
HNX:BLF Food Processing Vietnam
BSE:524516 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSE:A155900 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
ZGSE:BD62 Beverage (Alcoholic) Croatia
KOSE:A014580 Construction Supplies South Korea
SHSE:603489 Recreation China
AIM:BAGR Apparel Israel
SEHK:1397 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
BOVESPA:BAHI3 Investments & Asset Management Brazil
BAX:CPARK Environmental & Waste Services Bahrain
BAX:CINECO Entertainment Bahrain
BAX:BCFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bahrain
BAX:DUTYF Retail (Special Lines) Bahrain
BAX:BFM Food Processing Bahrain
BAX:BKIC Insurance (General) Bahrain
BAX:BNH Insurance (General) Bahrain
BAX:BATELCO Telecom. Services Bahrain
KLSE:BAHVEST Food Processing Malaysia
GTSM:8401 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
SHSE:600733 Auto & Truck China
SEHK:1958 Auto & Truck China
BSE:511724 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SHSE:600865 Retail (General) China
KOSE:A035150 Apparel South Korea
SEHK:2100 Entertainment China
COSE:BFL.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
SZSE:002696 Food Processing China
SHSE:601212 Metals & Mining China
NSEI:BAJAJ-AUTO Auto & Truck India
BSE:533229 Household Products India
BSE:500031 Furn/Home Furnishings India
BSE:500034 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:BAJAJFINSV Insurance (General) India
BSE:539872 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:500032 Food Processing India
BSE:500490 Diversified India
BSE:507944 Machinery India
SGX:BTP Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
OTCPK:BKEN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Colombia
BSE:524824 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
DSM:BLDN Food Processing Qatar
BSE:530999 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:532382 Entertainment India
COSE:BALA.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
BSE:513142 Steel India
NSEI:BALAXI Healthcare Support Services India
BUL:5H4 R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
BSE:502355 Rubber& Tires India
NSEI:BALKRISHNA Packaging & Container India
BSE:500102 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:523319 Diversified India
BSE:532485 Diversified India
KASE:BGL Packaging & Container Pakistan
KASE:BPBL Real Estate (Operations & Services) Pakistan
BSE:500038 Food Processing India
KASE:BWHL Auto Parts Pakistan
BSE:520127 Trucking India
JSE:BWN Real Estate (Development) South Africa
BSE:519295 Food Processing India
HOSE:BCG Diversified Vietnam
SEHK:2293 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
NASE:BAMB Construction Supplies Kenya
BSE:531591 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SGX:B26 Computer Services Singapore
SEHK:30 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
BSE:526849 Apparel India
BSE:509053 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SHSE:603398 Recreation China
BVB:TLV Bank (Money Center) Romania
BMV:FNOVA 17 Banks (Regional) Mexico
BASE:BBAR Bank (Money Center) Argentina
BVL:BBVAC1 Bank (Money Center) Peru
BVC:BBVACOL Bank (Money Center) Colombia
BOVESPA:BPAC3 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Brazil
BVC:VILLAS Bank (Money Center) Colombia
BOVESPA:BAZA3 Banks (Regional) Brazil
BVC:BOGOTA Bank (Money Center) Colombia
SNSE:CHILE Bank (Money Center) Chile
BVL:CREDITC1 Bank (Money Center) Peru
SNSE:BCI Bank (Money Center) Chile
GYSE:PRE Bank (Money Center) Ecuador
CCSE:BVL Bank (Money Center) Venezuela
BMV:BBAJIO O Bank (Money Center) Mexico
CCSE:ABC.A Bank (Money Center) Venezuela
BOVESPA:BBAS3 Bank (Money Center) Brazil
BOVESPA:BNBR3 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Brazil
GYSE:GYL Bank (Money Center) Ecuador
BASE:BHIP Bank (Money Center) Argentina
BVL:INTERBC1 Banks (Regional) Peru
BMV:EDUCA 18 R.E.I.T. Mexico
NYSE:BLX Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Panama
BASE:BMA Bank (Money Center) Argentina
CCSE:BNC Bank (Money Center) Venezuela
CCSE:BOU Banks (Regional) Venezuela
BASE:BPAT Bank (Money Center) Argentina
BVC:POPULAR Banks (Regional) Colombia
BSE:500039 Auto Parts India
CCSE:BPV Bank (Money Center) Venezuela
BMV:BSMX B Bank (Money Center) Mexico
BASE:BRIO Bank (Money Center) Argentina
SNSE:BSANTANDER Bank (Money Center) Chile
BVC:BCOLOMBIA Bank (Money Center) Colombia
NSEI:BANDHANBNK Banks (Regional) India
BOVESPA:BEES3 Banks (Regional) Brazil
BSE:532946 Apparel India
BSE:539120 Apparel India
DSE:BANGAS Food Processing Bangladesh
SET:BCP Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
SET:BA Air Transport Thailand
SET:BAFS Air Transport Thailand
SET:BBL Bank (Money Center) Thailand
SET:BCH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:BAM Investments & Asset Management Thailand
SET:BKKCP R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:BKD Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
SET:BDMS Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:BEM Transportation Thailand
SET:BKI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
SET:BLAND Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
SET:BLA Insurance (Life) Thailand
SET:POST Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
SET:BR Food Processing Thailand
SET:BM Machinery Thailand
DSE:BDAUTOCA Retail (Automotive) Bangladesh
DSE:BBS Engineering/Construction Bangladesh
DSE:BEXIMCO Diversified Bangladesh
DSE:BDFINANCE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
DSE:BGIC Insurance (General) Bangladesh
DSE:BIFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
DSE:BDLAMPS Electrical Equipment Bangladesh
DSE:BNICL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
DSE:BSC Shipbuilding & Marine Bangladesh
DSE:BSRMLTD Steel Bangladesh
DSE:BSCCL Telecom. Services Bangladesh
DSE:BDTHAI Metals & Mining Bangladesh
DSE:BDWELDING Machinery Bangladesh
SET:BSBM Steel Thailand
ASE:UBSI Bank (Money Center) Jordan
KASE:BAHL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
SASE:1140 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
KASE:BAFL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
SASE:1020 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
DSE:BANKASIA Banks (Regional) Bangladesh
MSM:BKDB Bank (Money Center) Oman
HOSE:BIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Vietnam
TASE:POLI Bank (Money Center) Israel
TASE:LUMI Bank (Money Center) Israel
MSM:BKMB Bank (Money Center) Oman
MSM:BKNZ Banks (Regional) Oman
BRVM:BOAB Bank (Money Center) Benin
BRVM:BOAC Bank (Money Center) Ivory Coast
BRVM:BOAN Bank (Money Center) Niger
BRVM:BOAS Bank (Money Center) Senegal
BRVM:BOAM Bank (Money Center) Mali
BRVM:BOABF Bank (Money Center) Burkina Faso
SET:BAY Bank (Money Center) Thailand
BSE:532134 Bank (Money Center) India
UGSE:BOBU Bank (Money Center) Uganda
SHSE:601169 Bank (Money Center) China
SHSE:601577 Banks (Regional) China
SHSE:601838 Banks (Regional) China
SEHK:3988 Bank (Money Center) China
SEHK:1963 Banks (Regional) China
SEHK:3328 Bank (Money Center) China
SEHK:2139 Banks (Regional) China
SHSE:601997 Banks (Regional) China
SEHK:6199 Banks (Regional) China
SHSE:600926 Banks (Regional) China
BSE:532149 Bank (Money Center) India
TASE:JBNK Bank (Money Center) Israel
SHSE:600919 Banks (Regional) China
SEHK:416 Banks (Regional) China
SEHK:6190 Banks (Regional) China
ASE:BOJX Bank (Money Center) Jordan
TSEC:2836 Banks (Regional) Taiwan
BSE:532525 Bank (Money Center) India
SHSE:601009 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:002142 Banks (Regional) China
PLSE:BOP Bank (Money Center) Palestinian Authority
SEHK:3866 Banks (Regional) China
SHSE:601229 Bank (Money Center) China
ADX:BOS Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
SZSE:002966 Banks (Regional) China
PSE:BPI Bank (Money Center) Philippines
SEHK:1578 Banks (Regional) China
SHSE:600928 Banks (Regional) China
SEHK:6196 Banks (Regional) China
NSEI:BANKA Environmental & Waste Services India
KASE:BIPL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
SNSE:BANMEDICA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Chile
BSE:532674 Apparel India
BSE:500041 Food Processing India
KASE:BNWM Apparel Pakistan
SET:BPP Power Thailand
SET:BANPU Coal & Related Energy Thailand
BVMT:TJARI Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
CBSE:BCP Bank (Money Center) Morocco
BVMT:BH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tunisia
BVMT:BT Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
BVMT:BIAT Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
BRVM:BICC Banks (Regional) Ivory Coast
CBSE:BCE Bank (Money Center) Morocco
CBSE:BCI Bank (Money Center) Morocco
BVMT:BNA Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
SASE:1050 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
NSEI:BANSAL Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:538546 Building Materials India
COSE:BRR.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
BSE:503722 Apparel India
SNSE:BANVIDA Insurance (General) Chile
SGX:B58 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
HOSE:BMI Insurance (General) Vietnam
SEHK:8151 Furn/Home Furnishings China
HNX:BII Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:BVH Insurance (General) Vietnam
HNX:BVS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
SZSE:300446 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002552 Steel China
SHSE:600550 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300431 Entertainment China
SEHK:1121 Shoe China
SHSE:600456 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002286 Food Processing China
SHSE:600019 Steel China
SHSE:600973 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000595 Machinery China
SHSE:601011 Steel China
GTSM:5340 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:300239 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SHSE:600191 Food Processing China
SHSE:600091 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002154 Apparel China
SEHK:2355 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:8432 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
BSE:532916 Construction Supplies India
DSE:BARKAPOWER Power Bangladesh
KLSE:BARAKAH Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
TASE:BRAN Engineering/Construction Israel
BSM:BARCLAYS Bank (Money Center) Botswana
NASE:BBK Bank (Money Center) Kenya
JMSE:BIL Brokerage & Investment Banking Jamaica
JSE:BAW Retail (Distributors) South Africa
BSE:513502 Machinery India
BSE:532336 Software (System & Application) India
KOSDAQ:A267790 Apparel South Korea
BSE:532694 Electronics (General) India
KOSDAQ:A029480 Computer Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A018700 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A035620 Entertainment South Korea
DSM:BRES Real Estate (General/Diversified) Qatar
BSE:524687 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:8460 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:500042 Chemical (Diversified) India
DSE:BPML Paper/Forest Products Bangladesh
SASE:1210 Chemical (Diversified) Saudi Arabia
PSE:BSC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Philippines
TSEC:1527 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
NasdaqCM:GLG Trucking China
BSE:500043 Shoe India
KASE:BATA Shoe Pakistan
DSE:BATASHOE Shoe Bangladesh
SASE:4110 Trucking Saudi Arabia
BSE:522004 Machinery India
LSE:BVC Telecom. Equipment Israel
BOVESPA:BTTL3 Retail (Automotive) Brazil
KLSE:BKAWAN Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
JSE:BAU Precious Metals South Africa
SEHK:483 Apparel Hong Kong
SASE:1302 Building Materials Saudi Arabia
SEHK:1338 Household Products China
KASE:BAPL Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
SEHK:1194 Precious Metals Hong Kong
DSE:BAYLEASING Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
KWSE:BAYANINV Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
BSE:506285 Chemical (Specialty) India
TASE:BYSD Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BOVESPA:BBSE3 Insurance (General) Brazil
SEHK:1035 Heathcare Information and Technology China
BAX:BBK Bank (Money Center) Bahrain
SEHK:2009 Construction Supplies China
SGX:KJ5 Engineering/Construction Singapore
DSE:BBSCABLES Electrical Equipment Bangladesh
BVL:FIBPRIME Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Peru
SEHK:863 Advertising Hong Kong
KLSE:BCB Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:517246 Electronics (General) India
SEHK:8412 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
BSE:539621 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:524332 Food Processing India
KLSE:BCMALL Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SET:BCPG Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
BSE:542057 Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A200780 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
HNX:MCO Engineering/Construction Vietnam
DSE:BDCOM Telecom. Services Bangladesh
BSE:524828 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSDAQ:A148140 Engineering/Construction South Korea
PSE:BLFI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Philippines
PSE:BDO Bank (Money Center) Philippines
DSE:BEACHHATCH Food Processing Bangladesh
DSE:BEACONPHAR Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
SZSE:002959 Furn/Home Furnishings China
NSEI:BEARDSELL Building Materials India
TSE:9399 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SEHK:706 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SET:BEAUTY Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
SEHK:8275 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SET:BEC Broadcasting Thailand
HOSE:IJC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
BMV:CUERVO * Beverage (Alcoholic) Mexico
GTSM:2938 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
BSE:533270 Steel India
BSE:539546 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:539018 Steel India
BSE:532645 Food Processing India
SHSE:601678 Chemical (Basic) China
SET:B Shipbuilding & Marine Thailand
SHSE:600791 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000582 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SHSE:600538 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:688168 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300541 Software (Internet) China
SHSE:600855 Diversified China
SHSE:600463 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300719 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:002755 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600560 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:688198 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:688058 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:600386 Retail (Automotive) China
SZSE:002151 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300667 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:8095 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300016 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002148 Telecom (Wireless) China
SZSE:300318 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600008 Utility (Water) China
SHSE:600376 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1329 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:694 Air Transport China
SEHK:2868 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600723 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300662 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:000931 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300150 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300579 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:603569 Trucking China
SZSE:300430 Machinery China
SEHK:1858 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:300034 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:300200 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300803 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:300445 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002350 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300455 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:603123 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002385 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:603025 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600159 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:6188 Retail (Special Lines) China
SZSE:300011 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600405 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300212 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300513 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300073 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300075 Computer Services China
SHSE:600658 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:002933 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:300251 Entertainment China
SEHK:1250 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:154 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:392 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:2389 Healthcare Products Hong Kong
SEHK:371 Utility (Water) Hong Kong
SZSE:300370 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300365 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:6828 Power Hong Kong
SHSE:600037 Cable TV China
SHSE:603588 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:300523 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300449 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603616 Building Materials China
SHSE:601101 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:300374 Homebuilding China
SZSE:300477 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300065 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002504 Business & Consumer Services China
SHSE:688068 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SZSE:000882 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SHSE:600361 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300291 Entertainment China
SHSE:600240 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002893 Machinery China
SZSE:300419 Computer Services China
SZSE:300182 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300213 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300117 Building Materials China
SEHK:187 Machinery China
SEHK:814 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SEHK:579 Power China
SHSE:600578 Power China
SZSE:000802 Entertainment China
SHSE:601908 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002279 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002659 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002721 Precious Metals China
SHSE:688111 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:603590 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300418 Entertainment China
SZSE:300010 Information Services China
SZSE:300289 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:002392 Steel China
SHSE:688078 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:1000 Advertising China
SZSE:000786 Building Materials China
SZSE:300472 Machinery China
SEHK:588 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002310 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002819 Computer Services China
SZSE:002271 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300070 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:300287 Computer Services China
SHSE:688066 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:925 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SHSE:603778 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002780 Retail (Special Lines) China
SZSE:300072 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300384 Business & Consumer Services China
SHSE:600429 Food Processing China
SZSE:300485 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:002658 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:688369 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002599 Publishing & Newspapers China
SZSE:002153 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:000959 Steel China
SZSE:002665 Building Materials China
SZSE:000860 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:300038 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300608 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:601126 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300383 Software (Internet) China
SZSE:002038 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:300444 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002573 Machinery China
SEHK:1803 Recreation China
SZSE:002829 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300406 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SHSE:600410 Computer Services China
SZSE:300392 Advertising China
SZSE:300271 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300399 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:600161 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SHSE:688033 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:3613 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SHSE:600085 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300379 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002771 Computer Services China
SHSE:603516 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300231 Computer Services China
SZSE:300002 Computer Services China
SZSE:002383 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:603613 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:1599 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SHSE:600266 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600861 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600246 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603138 Computer Services China
SZSE:300352 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:600055 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:300552 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300055 Utility (Water) China
SZSE:300324 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:002662 Auto Parts China
SHSE:688028 Machinery China
SZSE:300139 Semiconductor China
SHSE:600485 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:000729 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:603267 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002878 Advertising China
SZSE:300785 Software (Entertainment) China
SZSE:000970 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000609 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:300799 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:2339 Auto Parts Hong Kong
SZSE:002570 Food Processing China
SHSE:600166 Auto & Truck China
OTCPK:BKMM Metals & Mining Kazakhstan
SHSE:603068 Semiconductor China
JSE:BEL Construction Supplies South Africa
BSE:539399 Apparel India
PSE:BEL Real Estate (Development) Philippines
MISX:BLNG Steel Russia
CASE:BTFH Brokerage & Investment Banking Egypt
MISX:BELU Beverage (Alcoholic) Russia
BSE:522650 Machinery India
BSE:500048 Construction Supplies India
HOSE:BRC Machinery Vietnam
HOSE:BTT Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HNX:BTW Utility (Water) Vietnam
HNX:DBT Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
KLSE:BENALEC Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:541178 Auto Parts India
BSE:509438 Hotel/Gaming India
SGX:BEZ Business & Consumer Services Singapore
SEHK:1987 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BSE:533095 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532230 Apparel India
DSE:BENGALWTL Household Products Bangladesh
SZSE:200761 Steel China
PSE:BC Metals & Mining Philippines
TSEC:8215 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4116 Healthcare Products Taiwan
GHSE:BOPP Farming/Agriculture Ghana
HOSE:ABT Food Processing Vietnam
DSE:BERGERPBL Chemical (Basic) Bangladesh
BSE:509480 Chemical (Basic) India
JMSE:BRG Chemical (Basic) Jamaica
NGSE:BERGER Chemical (Basic) Nigeria
KASE:BERG Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
KLSE:BJASSET Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
KLSE:BJCORP Diversified Malaysia
KLSE:BJFOOD Restaurant/Dining Malaysia
KLSE:BJLAND Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
PSE:BCOR Hotel/Gaming Philippines
KLSE:BJTOTO Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
SET:BJC Retail (General) Thailand
KLSE:BAUTO Retail (Automotive) Malaysia
BRVM:BNBC Retail (Distributors) Ivory Coast
SZSE:000710 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
KLSE:BERTAM Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
COSE:BERU.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
BSE:531340 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:524606 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:531582 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:2515 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SNSE:BESALCO Engineering/Construction Chile
BSE:539660 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:508664 Hotel/Gaming India
SEHK:1488 Apparel Hong Kong
GTSM:5321 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BVMT:BL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tunisia
SEHK:8617 Machinery Hong Kong
SEHK:2360 Retail (Grocery and Food) Hong Kong
SEHK:2111 Apparel China
TSEC:3308 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:600681 Power China
SHSE:600640 Retail (Online) China
KASE:BWCL Construction Supplies Pakistan
SEHK:3358 Recreation China
SZSE:300008 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:926 Food Processing China
TASE:BSEN Aerospace/Defense Israel
NSEI:BETA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NGSE:BETAGLAS Packaging & Container Nigeria
BSE:512477 Apparel India
SHSE:603596 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300558 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002251 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
TSEC:1805 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
SET:BWG Environmental & Waste Services Thailand
SEHK:1775 Education Hong Kong
DSE:BXPHARMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
DSE:BXSYNTH Apparel Bangladesh
SZSE:002649 Computer Services China
TASE:BEZQ Telecom. Services Israel
BSE:533303 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532430 Engineering/Construction India
BER:BFM.BH Insurance (General) Bermuda
XKON:A148780 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
SET:BGC Packaging & Container Thailand
KOSDAQ:A046310 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSE:A027410 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A282330 Retail (Grocery and Food) South Korea
SZSE:300676 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
BUL:BOH Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
BSE:511664 Entertainment India
SEHK:1693 Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:532930 Electrical Equipment India
SHSE:600980 Steel China
SET:BGT Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
BVMT:BHASS Insurance (General) Tunisia
KOSDAQ:A090460 Electronics (General) South Korea
SGX:BQN Electrical Equipment Singapore
BSE:509449 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:530803 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:531719 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:512296 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:540621 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:540545 Apparel India
BSE:512608 Apparel India
BSE:500052 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:531862 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:511501 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:503960 Electrical Equipment India
NSEI:BDL Aerospace/Defense India
BSE:500049 Aerospace/Defense India
BSE:500493 Auto Parts India
BSE:500103 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:524663 Drugs (Biotechnology) India
BSE:541096 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NSEI:BPCL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
NSEI:BHARATRAS Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:540700 Transportation India
BSE:523229 Auto Parts India
BSE:539799 Steel India
BSE:533499 Computer Services India
BSE:532454 Telecom (Wireless) India
NSEI:INFRATEL Telecom. Services India
BSE:526666 Apparel India
BSE:524534 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:540956 Retail (Special Lines) India
SEHK:1552 Engineering/Construction Singapore
SGX:BMGU R.E.I.T. Singapore
KOSDAQ:A083650 Machinery South Korea
BSE:514272 Apparel India
BSE:533108 Apparel India
BSE:506027 Metals & Mining India
KASE:BIFO Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
BUL:5BI Software (System & Application) Bulgaria
HOSE:BBC Food Processing Vietnam
SNSE:BICECORP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Chile
SZSE:002843 Machinery China
BOVESPA:BMKS3 Recreation Brazil
JSE:BID Food Wholesalers South Africa
HOSE:BSI Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
SZSE:002832 Apparel China
HOSE:SVI Packaging & Container Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A238200 Household Products South Korea
SET:BIG Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
TASE:BIG Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BSE:540061 Construction Supplies India
BSE:500058 Steel India
SEHK:1522 Software (System & Application) China
BSE:533321 Machinery India
KASE:BILF Apparel Pakistan
BSE:526853 Heathcare Information and Technology India
BUL:5BP Advertising Bulgaria
TSEC:3027 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:2299 Apparel Hong Kong
TSEC:6172 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:BIMB Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
BSE:505681 Machinery India
COSE:BLI.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
GTSM:1569 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:BDB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:BPURI Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:500059 Construction Supplies India
KLSE:BINACOM Telecom. Services Malaysia
BSE:523054 Apparel India
ASE:BIND Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Jordan
KOSDAQ:A053030 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A005180 Food Processing South Korea
SEHK:8220 Entertainment Hong Kong
HOSE:BFC Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HOSE:BMC Metals & Mining Vietnam
HOSE:BCE Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:KSB Metals & Mining Vietnam
HOSE:TDC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
HOSE:BWE Utility (Water) Vietnam
HOSE:BMP Building Materials Vietnam
HOSE:GIL Apparel Vietnam
SEHK:2886 Power Hong Kong
HOSE:DBD Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
SEHK:3316 Business & Consumer Services China
BSE:514215 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:535620 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:BINTAI Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:BIPORT Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
BSE:534535 Paper/Forest Products India
BMV:PAPPEL * Packaging & Container Mexico
XKON:A199290 Healthcare Products South Korea
XKON:A281310 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KLSE:BIOHLDG Household Products Malaysia
AMEX:BIOX Farming/Agriculture Argentina
NSEI:BIOCON Drugs (Biotechnology) India
XKON:A216400 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
BVB:BIO Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Romania
BSE:524396 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:6733 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A044480 Household Products South Korea
GTSM:6662 Heathcare Information and Technology Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A142760 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
Catalist:8YY Healthcare Products Singapore
TASE:BOLT Heathcare Information and Technology Israel
TASE:BLRX Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
KOSDAQ:A208710 Electronics (General) South Korea
BOVESPA:BIOM3 Drugs (Biotechnology) Brazil
AMEX:PHGE Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
KOSDAQ:A064550 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:1784 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
TSEC:4737 Healthcare Products Taiwan
OTCPK:BIIO Healthcare Products Israel
BSE:532330 Packaging & Container India
GTSM:4161 Healthcare Products Taiwan
XKON:A222160 Electronics (General) South Korea
BOVESPA:BSEV3 Food Processing Brazil
SEHK:8247 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
KOSDAQ:A038460 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSDAQ:A086820 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
TSEC:2399 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
OTCPK:BSPM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
GTSM:4107 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSSE:1BSL01AE Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Slovakia
KOSDAQ:A086040 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
TASE:BIOV Healthcare Products Israel
KASE:BIPLS Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
OTCPK:BIQI.F Food Processing China
NSEI:BIRLACABLE Telecom. Equipment India
SET:BCT Chemical (Basic) Thailand
BSE:500335 Construction Supplies India
BSE:533006 Apparel India
BSE:522105 Machinery India
NSEI:BSOFT Software (System & Application) India
TASE:BIRM Building Materials Israel
SEHK:2309 Entertainment Hong Kong
PLSE:BPC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Palestinian Authority
GTSM:3659 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:888 Advertising Hong Kong
SEHK:1372 Auto Parts Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A032850 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSDAQ:A093190 Electronics (General) South Korea
SZSE:300578 Telecom. Services China
TSEC:3665 Electrical Equipment Cayman Islands
SET:BJCHI Machinery Thailand
BOVESPA:BKBR3 Restaurant/Dining Brazil
BSE:539043 Packaging & Container India
BSE:519500 Food Processing India
SHSE:600510 Engineering/Construction China
BSE:514183 Retail (Distributors) India
Catalist:41H Coal & Related Energy Singapore
SNSE:COLO COLO Entertainment Chile
MAL:BHL Hotel/Gaming Malawi
NSEI:BLBLIMITED Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KLSE:BLDPLNT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KASE:BTL Apparel Pakistan
BSE:506197 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
CNSX:BCX Software (System & Application) British Virgin Islands
SHSE:688363 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
PSE:BLOOM Hotel/Gaming Philippines
KOSDAQ:A263920 Household Products South Korea
BSE:531175 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:BLS Information Services India
BSE:502761 Apparel India
NYSE:BCRH Reinsurance Bermuda
NSEI:BLUECHIP Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:506981 Apparel India
BSE:531495 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:526612 Transportation India
COSE:BLUE.N0000 Apparel Sri Lanka
JSE:BLU Business & Consumer Services South Africa
JMSE:BPOW Household Products Jamaica
SZSE:002382 Healthcare Products China
TASE:BLSR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BSE:500067 Building Materials India
CNSX:BBM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Colombia
LSE:BMV Precious Metals British Virgin Islands
KOSDAQ:A033560 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
SZSE:300297 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300058 Advertising China
MUSE:BLL.N0000 Real Estate (Development) Mauritius
SHSE:600299 Chemical (Basic) China
SNSE:BLUMAR Food Processing Chile
SGX:A33 Business & Consumer Services Singapore
BSE:531420 Entertainment India
BAX:BMMI Retail (Distributors) Bahrain
KOSDAQ:A086670 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A256840 Household Products South Korea
BSE:500069 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSE:A138930 Banks (Regional) South Korea
BSE:530809 Information Services India
SZSE:300109 Chemical (Basic) China
GTSM:5349 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:2588 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
NGSE:BOCGAS Chemical (Specialty) Nigeria
SEHK:2388 Bank (Money Center) Hong Kong
NASE:BOC Chemical (Specialty) Kenya
SEHK:3329 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
BSE:524370 Chemical (Basic) India
SZSE:300023 Electrical Equipment China
BASE:ESME Beverage (Alcoholic) Argentina
BSE:539122 Computer Services India
KOSDAQ:A206640 Healthcare Products South Korea
SZSE:000725 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:710 Semiconductor Hong Kong
SEHK:1685 Electrical Equipment China
COSE:BOGA.N0000 Metals & Mining Sri Lanka
COSE:BOPL.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
PSE:BMM Food Processing Philippines
KOSE:A000890 Beverage (Alcoholic) South Korea
SHSE:600960 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603167 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:000415 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:000605 Utility (Water) China
NSEI:BOHRA Chemical (Specialty) India
KLSE:BOILERM Machinery Malaysia
SEHK:1246 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:1758 Education China
KOSDAQ:A225530 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A002760 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KASE:BCL Steel Pakistan
BASE:BOLT Information Services Argentina
Catalist:5VI Engineering/Construction Singapore
BRVM:SDSC Transportation Ivory Coast
SNSE:BOLSASTGO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Chile
CCSE:BVCC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Venezuela
BVC:BVC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Colombia
BVL:BVLAC1 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Peru
BMV:BOLSA A Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Mexico
BASE:BYMA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Argentina
SEHK:8601 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:501430 Restaurant/Dining India
BSE:509470 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:532678 Apparel India
NSEI:BSHSL Farming/Agriculture India
SHSE:603727 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:603936 Electronics (General) China
GTSM:8433 Apparel Taiwan
TASE:BOTI-L Real Estate (Development) Israel
KLSE:BONIA Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
SEHK:653 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A226340 Household Products South Korea
SEHK:1906 Apparel China
TSEC:8467 Recreation Taiwan
NasdaqCM:BNSO Electronics (General) Hong Kong
TASE:BONS Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
SGX:B28 Diversified Singapore
HNX:STC Office Equipment & Services Vietnam
KOSE:A001270 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSE:A026940 Steel South Korea
SZSE:300312 Telecom. Equipment China
KOSDAQ:A008470 Machinery South Korea
GTSM:6472 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A250000 Food Wholesalers South Korea
KLSE:BORNOIL Restaurant/Dining Malaysia
OTCPK:BRNE Precious Metals Hong Kong
BSE:502219 Household Products India
OB:BDRILL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Bermuda
SEHK:8118 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A014100 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A003850 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
HNX:ART Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
SEHK:8140 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
BSE:500530 Auto Parts India
SEHK:3998 Apparel Hong Kong
GTSM:6622 Entertainment Taiwan
SEHK:592 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
BSE:539274 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SZSE:002282 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A006910 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BSM:BIHL Insurance (General) Botswana
BSM:BTCL Telecom. Services Botswana
KWSE:BOUBYAN Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
KWSE:BPCC Chemical (Basic) Kuwait
ASX:BOC Metals & Mining Papua New Guinea
KLSE:BHIC Construction Supplies Malaysia
KLSE:BSTEAD Diversified Malaysia
KLSE:BPLANT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SGX:AVM Engineering/Construction Singapore
SGX:F9D Engineering/Construction Singapore
SET:BC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
JSE:BCF Chemical (Basic) South Africa
KLSE:BOXPAK Packaging & Container Malaysia
SZSE:300294 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SEHK:434 Entertainment China
TSX:BOY Engineering/Construction China
KLSE:BPPLAS Packaging & Container Malaysia
BSE:500074 Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
COSE:BPPL.N0000 Household Products Sri Lanka
BOVESPA:BRML3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
BOVESPA:BRPR3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
DSE:BRACBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
BOVESPA:BRAP3 Steel Brazil
BSE:505690 Machinery India
KLSE:BRAHIMS Restaurant/Dining Malaysia
BSE:535693 Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A066980 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:2203 Semiconductor Hong Kong
TASE:BWAY Healthcare Products Israel
TASE:BRAM Packaging & Container Israel
NSEI:BCONCEPTS Retail (Special Lines) India
TASE:BRND Engineering/Construction Israel
BSE:531203 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
BOVESPA:BBRK3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
BOVESPA:AGRO3 Farming/Agriculture Brazil
GTSM:6538 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BUL:BPY R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
NMSE:CMB Investments & Asset Management Mauritius
BSE:530207 Healthcare Support Services India
OTCPK:BMIX Precious Metals Brazil
SGX:BEC Building Materials Singapore
BVB:BRD Bank (Money Center) Romania
SGX:CTN Restaurant/Dining Singapore
OTCPK:BRZV Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Panama
OTCPK:BRZV Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Panama
KLSE:BREM Engineering/Construction Malaysia
TASE:BNRG Green & Renewable Energy Israel
BOVESPA:BRFS3 Food Processing Brazil
KOSDAQ:A288330 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BSE:530249 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSDAQ:A064480 Computer Services South Korea
BSE:532929 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
BSE:526731 Chemical (Basic) India
SHSE:600597 Food Processing China
PSE:BKR Investments & Asset Management Philippines
TSEC:3031 Semiconductor Taiwan
SHSE:600289 Computer Services China
KLSE:BRIGHT Packaging & Container Malaysia
SHSE:600708 Real Estate (Development) China
GTSM:4556 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:1428 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
NSEI:BRIGHT Engineering/Construction India
BSE:532368 Software (Entertainment) India
GTSM:5244 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:6747 Healthcare Products Taiwan
SHSE:688166 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
GTSM:8415 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
BSE:532113 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TASE:BRIL Shoe Israel
SEHK:1114 Auto & Truck Hong Kong
SZSE:300542 Computer Services China
SEHK:1008 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
BSE:539434 Investments & Asset Management India
TASE:BRMG Retail (Distributors) Israel
JSE:BRT Food Processing South Africa
SZSE:300290 Computer Services China
GTSM:7402 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
NASE:BRIT Insurance (General) Kenya
NSEI:BRITANNIA Food Processing India
KLSE:BTECH Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
KLSE:BAT Tobacco Malaysia
DSE:BATBC Tobacco Bangladesh
NASE:BAT Tobacco Kenya
SZSE:300548 Electrical Equipment China
SGX:B69 Computers/Peripherals Singapore
SEHK:159 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
ZGSE:VLEN Construction Supplies Croatia
GTSM:5263 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
BSE:534731 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
SGX:AWC Retail (Distributors) Singapore
OTCPK:BMXI Metals & Mining British Virgin Islands
BSE:533543 Heathcare Information and Technology India
SHSE:601339 Apparel China
SZSE:002562 Chemical (Specialty) China
GTSM:3163 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
COSE:BRWN.N0000 Retail (Distributors) Sri Lanka
COSE:BBH.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
COSE:BIL.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
NSEI:BSE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532123 Real Estate (Development) India
KLSE:BSLCORP Metals & Mining Malaysia
BSE:514045 Apparel India
DSE:BSRMSTEEL Steel Bangladesh
SET:BTW Engineering/Construction Thailand
SHSE:600258 Hotel/Gaming China
KLSE:BTM Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
KOSE:A101140 Shoe South Korea
SET:BTS Transportation (Railroads) Thailand
SET:BKER R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:B-WORK R.E.I.T. Thailand
KOSDAQ:A014470 Retail (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A066410 Entertainment South Korea
SEHK:1876 Beverage (Alcoholic) Hong Kong
TSXV:BUF Coal & Related Energy South Africa
SEHK:240 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SET:BSM Retail (Distributors) Thailand
GTSM:5543 Building Materials Cayman Islands
COSE:BUKI.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
SGX:B61 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
KOSE:A003000 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BUL:6B6 Diversified Bulgaria
BUL:5BA Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
BUL:5BU R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
BUL:5BR Shipbuilding & Marine Bulgaria
BUL:4BH Household Products Bulgaria
BUL:BSO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bulgaria
BUL:5BN Bank (Money Center) Bulgaria
GTSM:6259 Computer Services Taiwan
KLSE:ARMADA Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
SGX:P8Z Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
SET:BH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
KOSE:A002410 Engineering/Construction South Korea
SGX:BTE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SASE:8210 Insurance (Life) Saudi Arabia
KWSE:BURG Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
KWSE:ABAR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Kuwait
SET:BRR Food Processing Thailand
BSE:532931 Construction Supplies India
BVB:BVB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Romania
KLSE:BURSA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Malaysia
KASE:BPL Oil/Gas Distribution Pakistan
SASE:8270 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Saudi Arabia
SZSE:002188 Telecom. Equipment China
KOSE:A015350 Power South Korea
KOSE:A011390 Construction Supplies South Korea
AIM:BMN Steel South Africa
SET:BIZ Healthcare Support Services Thailand
SET:BOL Business & Consumer Services Thailand
SZSE:300166 Software (System & Application) China
KOSDAQ:A138580 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SHSE:600455 Education China
BSE:517421 Furn/Home Furnishings India
KASE:BUXL Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
OB:BWLPG Oil/Gas Distribution Singapore
OB:BWO Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Bermuda
SZSE:300146 Household Products China
SZSE:300736 Retail (Special Lines) China
KOSE:A001460 Apparel South Korea
KASE:BYCO Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Pakistan
SEHK:1211 Auto & Truck China
SEHK:285 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:8525 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
KOSDAQ:A032980 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A007210 Building Materials South Korea
DSE:CNATEX Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:532813 Engineering/Construction India
NGSE:CILEASING Retail (Distributors) Nigeria
SEHK:1224 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
COSE:COLO.N0000 Retail (Automotive) Sri Lanka
TSEC:2467 Machinery Taiwan
COSE:CTHR.N0000 Retail (Grocery and Food) Sri Lanka
GTSM:6237 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:3309 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
GTSM:3625 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A047920 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
TASE:CMER Engineering/Construction Israel
COSE:CWM.N0000 Retail (Distributors) Sri Lanka
CCSE:FNC Construction Supplies Venezuela
CCSE:IVC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Venezuela
SEHK:1028 Shoe Hong Kong
GTSM:6217 Electronics (General) Taiwan
HNX:CEO Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
SET:CIG Machinery Thailand
KLSE:CIHLDG Food Processing Malaysia
BSE:507515 Chemical (Specialty) India
BVB:TEL Power Romania
SEHK:43 Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
SET:CPTGF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SZSE:000950 Healthcare Support Services China
GTSM:2230 Auto Parts Taiwan
BOVESPA:CEAB3 Retail (Special Lines) Brazil
SEHK:1908 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A264660 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:8430 Trucking Singapore
SZSE:002511 Household Products China
HOSE:CMX Food Processing Vietnam
HOSE:CMV Retail (Automotive) Vietnam
SEHK:2112 Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KLSE:CAB Food Processing Malaysia
SEHK:2030 Apparel China
SHSE:688089 Chemical (Basic) China
BASE:CVH Cable TV Argentina
KLSE:CABNET Business & Consumer Services Malaysia
JMSE:CAC Machinery Jamaica
SGX:K2LU R.E.I.T. Singapore
SZSE:002462 Healthcare Support Services China
NGSE:CADBURY Food Processing Nigeria
NSEI:CADILAHC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
LSE:CAD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Ukraine
NSEI:CADSYS Business & Consumer Services India
KLSE:CAELY Apparel Malaysia
NasdaqGS:CSTE Building Materials Israel
SEHK:341 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A042000 Software (Internet) South Korea
KLSE:CMSB Construction Supplies Malaysia
SHSE:600707 Electronics (General) China
ASE:CABK Bank (Money Center) Jordan
CASE:CAED Education Egypt
CASE:CIRA Education Egypt
CASE:COSG Food Processing Egypt
CASE:POUL Food Processing Egypt
SZSE:000796 Hotel/Gaming China
SHSE:601108 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
ZGSE:CKML Food Processing Croatia
GHSE:CAL Bank (Money Center) Ghana
SET:CCET Electronics (General) Thailand
BSE:517236 Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
JSE:CGR Real Estate (Development) South Africa
NSEI:CALSOFT Computer Services India
TSEC:4976 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:6532 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
HNX:CIA Air Transport Vietnam
KLSE:CAMRES Household Products Malaysia
BSE:532801 Computer Services India
SHSE:601311 Electrical Equipment China
GTSM:2064 Steel Taiwan
TSEC:6142 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:524440 Chemical (Specialty) India
BOVESPA:CAML3 Food Processing Brazil
BSE:532834 Chemical (Specialty) India
KOSDAQ:A050110 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:538858 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:540071 Farming/Agriculture India
NasdaqGM:CAMT Semiconductor Equip Israel
KOSE:A013700 Engineering/Construction South Korea
BASE:CGPA2 Power Argentina
HOSE:SJD Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
BSE:511196 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TASE:CANF Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
KLSE:CANONE Food Processing Malaysia
CASE:CSAG Shipbuilding & Marine Egypt
BSE:532483 Bank (Money Center) India
SZSE:300272 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:600230 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002108 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
TASE:CSURE Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
TASE:CNBT Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
TASE:CNMD-M Real Estate (Development) Israel
SZSE:002367 Machinery China
SEHK:6185 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
HNX:CPC Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
SEHK:1381 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
TASE:CNZN Software (Entertainment) Israel
SNSE:CAP Steel Chile
BSE:540710 Real Estate (Development) India
KOSDAQ:A064820 Machinery South Korea
BASE:CAPX Power Argentina
BSE:539198 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:1075 Computer Services China
JSE:CTA Information Services South Africa
ASE:EXFB Bank (Money Center) Jordan
BUL:WCO Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
LSE:CAPD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Mauritius
SET:CEN Steel Thailand
SEHK:3989 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:193 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:8239 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
TSEC:6024 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
NGSE:CAPHOTEL Hotel/Gaming Nigeria
BSE:530879 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BUL:5CQ Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
SET:CNS Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
NGSE:CAPOIL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
TASE:CPTP Investments & Asset Management Israel
TSEC:6005 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
BSE:538476 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:511505 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:2324 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
Catalist:1D5 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SGX:C61U R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:C31 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Singapore
KLSE:CMMT R.E.I.T. Malaysia
SGX:C38U R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:AU8U R.E.I.T. Singapore
JSE:CPI Bank (Money Center) South Africa
BSE:524742 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BUL:C4P Green & Renewable Energy Bulgaria
BSE:531595 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NMSE:CGP Bank (Money Center) Namibia
BSE:512169 Computer Services India
BSE:509486 Chemical (Basic) India
KOSE:A006380 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BSE:507486 Chemical (Specialty) India
OTCPK:CATG Education China
BSE:538817 Building Materials India
BSE:536974 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:540652 Construction Supplies India
SGX:AWV Telecom. Equipment Singapore
SEHK:469 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
NASE:CGEN Retail (Automotive) Kenya
SEHK:699 Trucking China
SET:CBG Beverage (Soft) Thailand
TASE:CRSO Retail (Automotive) Israel
NASE:CARB Chemical (Specialty) Kenya
BASE:CARC Shipbuilding & Marine Argentina
BSE:513375 Machinery India
NSEI:CARERATING Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:CAREERP Education India
TSEC:6153 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A263700 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KLSE:CAREPLS Healthcare Products Malaysia
COSE:CARG.N0000 Retail (Grocery and Food) Sri Lanka
COSE:CABO.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
JMSE:CHL Shipbuilding & Marine Jamaica
JMSE:CCC Construction Supplies Jamaica
JMSE:KREMI Food Processing Jamaica
JMSE:CFF Food Processing Jamaica
AIM:CIHL Banks (Regional) Belize
JMSE:CPJ Food Wholesalers Jamaica
TSX:CUP.U Power Cayman Islands
KLSE:CARIMIN Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KLSE:CARING Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
BASE:CADO Farming/Agriculture Argentina
KLSE:CARLSBG Beverage (Alcoholic) Malaysia
TASE:CRMT Food Processing Israel
BSE:530609 Steel India
SEHK:996 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
TSEC:1417 Apparel Taiwan
SNSE:CAROZZI Food Processing Chile
SEHK:837 Apparel China
JMSE:CAR Retail (Distributors) Jamaica
SEHK:126 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A317530 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
SEHK:643 Apparel Hong Kong
COSE:CARS.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
BVL:CARTAVC1 Farming/Agriculture Peru
BVMT:CC Construction Supplies Tunisia
CBSE:CRS Food Processing Morocco
JSE:CTK Software (System & Application) South Africa
KOSDAQ:A016920 Machinery South Korea
BVB:BCM Hotel/Gaming Romania
BVL:CASAGRC1 Food Processing Peru
SGX:C04 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SEHK:2223 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
TSEC:5264 Computers/Peripherals Cayman Islands
SEHK:510 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
GTSM:8359 Entertainment Taiwan
JSE:CSB Retail (Building Supply) South Africa
SHSE:603106 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:000838 Real Estate (Development) China
GTSM:3325 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
OTCPK:CSSV Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Kazakhstan
ZMSE:CSZL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Zimbabwe
KOSDAQ:A071850 Auto Parts South Korea
SZSE:002222 Electronics (General) China
KOSDAQ:A308100 Apparel South Korea
BSE:532282 Auto Parts India
SET:CPH Apparel Thailand
GTSM:8059 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:5258 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TASE:CAST Retail (Special Lines) Israel
BSE:500870 Chemical (Basic) India
TSEC:6416 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
HOSE:CLL Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HOSE:CLC Tobacco Vietnam
OTCPK:CATN Farming/Agriculture China
TSEC:2474 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:1713 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:1342 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:2882 Insurance (Life) Taiwan
LSE:CTI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
TSEC:01002T R.E.I.T. Taiwan
TSEC:01007T R.E.I.T. Taiwan
SEHK:293 Air Transport Hong Kong
TSEC:2501 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
BSE:531158 Telecom. Equipment India
MUSE:CAUD.N0000 Real Estate (Development) Mauritius
BVL:CAVALIC1 Investments & Asset Management Peru
NGSE:CAVERTON Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
JSE:CAT Publishing & Newspapers South Africa
GTSM:4946 Entertainment Taiwan
GTSM:6611 Entertainment Taiwan
TSEC:2239 Auto Parts Cayman Islands
KOSDAQ:A900280 Farming/Agriculture Cayman Islands
GTSM:2924 Apparel Taiwan
SET:CAZ Engineering/Construction Thailand
KLSE:CBIP Machinery Malaysia
BUL:C81 Retail (Grocery and Food) Bulgaria
NasdaqCM:CBAT Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:8428 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
BUL:5CK R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
SZSE:000736 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:8235 Computer Services China
KLSE:CCK Food Processing Malaysia
BSE:531900 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:519600 Food Processing India
SZSE:000564 Retail (General) China
BOVESPA:CCRO3 Transportation Brazil
SHSE:600180 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:138 Diversified Hong Kong
BOVESPA:CCXC3 Coal & Related Energy Brazil
SGX:BXE Semiconductor Hong Kong
KLSE:CETECH Apparel Malaysia
BSE:500878 Rubber& Tires India
PSE:CEB Air Transport Philippines
PSE:CHI Real Estate (General/Diversified) Philippines
PSE:CLI Real Estate (Development) Philippines
SZSE:300172 Environmental & Waste Services China
SEHK:759 Retail (Grocery and Food) Hong Kong
SZSE:300140 Machinery China
SZSE:000591 Green & Renewable Energy China
SHSE:601016 Green & Renewable Energy China
BSE:530789 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:531119 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
SZSE:300062 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:514171 Construction Supplies India
SEHK:1520 Apparel Hong Kong
SGX:AVV Electronics (General) Singapore
BSE:538734 Computer Services India
BSE:532695 Apparel India
SEHK:1049 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
BSE:532871 Heathcare Information and Technology India
KOSDAQ:A049960 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
OTCPK:CKNT.F Heathcare Information and Technology Israel
BSE:532701 Business & Consumer Services India
TASE:CEL Telecom (Wireless) Israel
BVMT:CELL Computers/Peripherals Tunisia
XKON:A258250 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSDAQ:A299660 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A268600 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSDAQ:A091990 Healthcare Support Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A068760 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A068270 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BVC:CELSIA Power Colombia
BASE:CELU Paper/Forest Products Argentina
BOVESPA:RANI3 Paper/Forest Products Brazil
GTSM:3323 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NGSE:CCNN Construction Supplies Nigeria
SNSE:POLPAICO Construction Supplies Chile
BVC:CEMARGOS Construction Supplies Colombia
SNSE:CEMENTOS Construction Supplies Chile
BVL:CPACASC1 Construction Supplies Peru
PSE:CHP Construction Supplies Philippines
BMV:CEMEX CPO Construction Supplies Mexico
GTSM:5254 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SNSE:CENCOSUD Retail (General) Chile
SNSE:CENCOSHOPP Real Estate (Operations & Services) Chile
SZSE:300492 Business & Consumer Services China
KOSDAQ:A037760 Steel South Korea
BSE:522251 Machinery India
KOSDAQ:A222420 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KLSE:CENSOF Software (System & Application) Malaysia
SET:CTARAF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SEHK:1959 Retail (Automotive) China
BSE:531380 Healthcare Products India
SHSE:603098 Engineering/Construction China
GTSM:4123 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
BSE:531621 Computer Services India
PSE:CAT Food Processing Philippines
BSE:532885 Bank (Money Center) India
SZSE:000719 Publishing & Newspapers China
SEHK:832 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1375 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
BUL:4CF Bank (Money Center) Bulgaria
NSEI:CDSL Investments & Asset Management India
SEHK:475 Apparel Hong Kong
NasdaqGS:CETV Broadcasting Bermuda
COSE:CFIN.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
SEHK:1735 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
HNX:CHP Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
COSE:CIND.N0000 Building Materials Sri Lanka
DSE:CENTRALINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
KOSE:A308170 Auto Parts South Korea
SET:CPN Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
HNX:PCE Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HNX:DP3 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
DSE:CENTRALPHL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
SZSE:000544 Environmental & Waste Services China
SET:CENTEL Hotel/Gaming Thailand
BASE:CEPU Power Argentina
TSEC:2851 Reinsurance Taiwan
MISX:CNTL Telecom. Services Russia
SEHK:139 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A051980 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SZSE:300012 Business & Consumer Services China
BOVESPA:AALR3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
PSE:CEU Education Philippines
BSE:501150 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:517544 Electronics (General) India
NASE:CTUM Investments & Asset Management Kenya
SGX:OU8 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SEHK:355 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:500280 Apparel India
SEHK:959 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:500083 Metals & Mining India
SEHK:162 Retail (General) Hong Kong
TSX:CNT Steel Hong Kong
SEHK:2113 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KASE:CENI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
ASE:CEIG Diversified Jordan
TSEC:9958 Steel Taiwan
HOSE:CRE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
SEHK:79 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
PSE:CNPF Food Processing Philippines
KASE:CEPB Packaging & Container Pakistan
PSE:CPM Metals & Mining Philippines
OTCPK:CYPE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Nigeria
BSE:532548 Paper/Forest Products India
PSE:CPG Real Estate (General/Diversified) Philippines
SEHK:1450 Broadcasting China
SEHK:509 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
HOSE:STK Apparel Vietnam
BSE:500040 Paper/Forest Products India
KLSE:CEPAT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
BSE:532443 Building Materials India
NasdaqGS:CRNT Telecom. Equipment Israel
BVMT:CREAL Food Processing Tunisia
BSE:532413 Computer Services India
GYSE:CNC Beverage (Alcoholic) Ecuador
NSEI:CESC Power India
BSE:542333 Information Services India
SHSE:600877 Auto & Truck China
COSE:CINS.N0000 Insurance (General) Sri Lanka
COSE:BREW.N0000 Beverage (Alcoholic) Sri Lanka
COSE:CCS.N0000 Beverage (Soft) Sri Lanka
COSE:GRAN.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
COSE:GUAR.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
COSE:CHL.X0000 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Sri Lanka
COSE:CHOT.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
COSE:CINV.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
COSE:CTBL.N0000 Retail (Distributors) Sri Lanka
COSE:CTC.N0000 Tobacco Sri Lanka
BUL:3CZ Power Bulgaria
BUL:1CZ Power Bulgaria
BRVM:CFAC Retail (Distributors) Ivory Coast
BMV:FCFE 18 Power Mexico
HNX:KLF Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
BSE:500093 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:531489 Software (System & Application) India
SEHK:1164 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:1811 Power Hong Kong
SZSE:000881 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:1816 Power China
GTSM:5310 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:6534 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SGX:C13 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
SET:CK Engineering/Construction Thailand
KOSDAQ:A085660 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities South Korea
AIM:CGH Precious Metals Kyrgyzstan
SZSE:002557 Food Processing China
GTSM:4546 Aerospace/Defense Taiwan
SHSE:603615 Household Products China
SET:CWT Apparel Thailand
TSEC:5871 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Taiwan
GTSM:5014 Steel Taiwan
TSEC:2509 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
TSEC:2425 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KASE:CWSM Apparel Pakistan
NSEI:CHALET Hotel/Gaming India
SZSE:000972 Food Processing China
SGX:573 Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
TASE:CHAM Food Processing Israel
BSE:530307 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:512301 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:500085 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:1629 Packaging & Container China
NGSE:CHAMPION Beverage (Alcoholic) Nigeria
TSEC:1806 Building Materials Taiwan
TSEC:3257 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:2778 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
SEHK:92 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
NGSE:CHAMS Software (System & Application) Nigeria
GTSM:8068 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:542627 Apparel India
BSE:522292 Machinery India
BSE:530309 Retail (Distributors) India
SHSE:600697 Retail (General) China
TSEC:2801 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
GTSM:4550 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SZSE:000520 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:002879 Electrical Equipment China
TSEC:1541 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
TSEC:8070 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:6548 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
TSEC:1468 Apparel Taiwan
SEHK:1292 Transportation Hong Kong
SHSE:603099 Hotel/Gaming China
SZSE:000570 Machinery China
SHSE:600742 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600333 Power China
SZSE:000661 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600215 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600856 Oil/Gas (Integrated) China
SZSE:002338 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600148 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002452 Electrical Equipment China
KOSDAQ:A004650 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SZSE:000404 Machinery China
SEHK:8016 Computer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:200521 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:600496 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600757 Publishing & Newspapers China
SZSE:002435 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000783 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:954 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:954 Chemical (Specialty) China
OTCPK:CMIM Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SHSE:603768 Auto Parts China
GTSM:8038 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:2163 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300700 Machinery China
SZSE:300474 Semiconductor China
SZSE:300338 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000419 Retail (General) China
SEHK:1006 Food Processing Hong Kong
SHSE:603035 Auto Parts China
SHSE:601700 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300600 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300342 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002664 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600525 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603698 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SZSE:002623 Semiconductor China
SHSE:603655 Rubber& Tires China
SZSE:002708 Machinery China
SZSE:002550 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603819 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603158 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300169 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300429 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:601799 Auto Parts China
SEHK:2017 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:1588 Software (System & Application) China
GTSM:3078 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:6205 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:682 Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
SET:CMC Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SEHK:951 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300408 Electronics (General) China
SET:CHARAN Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
KOSE:A009310 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:2289 Healthcare Support Services China
SET:CI Real Estate (Development) Thailand
TSEC:1215 Food Processing Taiwan
SET:CPF Food Processing Thailand
SET:CTW Electrical Equipment Thailand
BSE:531977 Trucking India
SGX:5NV Business & Consumer Services Singapore
KASE:CHAS Food Processing Pakistan
KOSE:A033250 Auto Parts South Korea
TSEC:2722 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
TSEC:6230 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:CHAYO Business & Consumer Services Thailand
TSEC:4164 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
TSEC:9930 Construction Supplies Taiwan
BSE:539800 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:526917 Real Estate (Development) India
NasdaqGS:CHKP Software (System & Application) Israel
NasdaqCM:CHEK Healthcare Products Israel
TSEC:3229 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:CHEETAH Apparel Malaysia
KOSE:A001560 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A030000 Advertising South Korea
KOSDAQ:A052670 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
NGSE:CHELLARAM Diversified Nigeria
PSE:C Shipbuilding & Marine Philippines
MISX:CHKZ Auto Parts Russia
MISX:CHMK Steel Russia
COSE:CHMX.N0000 Chemical (Specialty) Sri Lanka
BSE:530871 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:540395 Chemical (Basic) India
SET:CMAN Chemical (Basic) Thailand
BSE:541269 Chemical (Basic) India
NGSE:CAP Chemical (Specialty) Nigeria
KLSE:CCM Chemical (Diversified) Malaysia
SGX:C05 Chemical (Basic) Singapore
PSE:CIP Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
BSE:506365 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A217600 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSDAQ:A089010 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A220260 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SEHK:57 Machinery Hong Kong
SEHK:1593 Education China
GTSM:2071 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:2286 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:8210 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:8383 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:5426 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:1904 Packaging & Container Taiwan
TSEC:4960 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2105 Rubber& Tires Taiwan
TSEC:2392 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SHSE:603316 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300696 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600880 Publishing & Newspapers China
SZSE:300101 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:1785 Transportation China
SZSE:002818 Retail (Building Supply) China
SZSE:300127 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603053 Power China
SZSE:300019 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603809 Auto Parts China
SZSE:000628 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:002697 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SZSE:300678 Computer Services China
SZSE:300559 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002773 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002651 Machinery China
SEHK:1202 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002628 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002312 Information Services China
SZSE:300540 Machinery China
SZSE:002935 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:000790 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300789 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300362 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002539 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300733 Auto Parts China
SZSE:000598 Utility (Water) China
SZSE:002480 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600353 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300440 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600711 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300138 Food Processing China
SZSE:000990 Chemical (Basic) China
TSEC:3013 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:539011 Steel India
BSE:523489 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:500110 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
SZSE:002716 Metals & Mining China
KOSDAQ:A013720 Auto Parts South Korea
KASE:CHCC Construction Supplies Pakistan
KASE:CPPL Packaging & Container Pakistan
GTSM:3631 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:4767 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A066360 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A033100 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A147830 Electrical Equipment South Korea
SEHK:131 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SGX:C50 Machinery Singapore
SEHK:25 Diversified Hong Kong
BSE:526817 Apparel India
COSE:LLUB.N0000 Chemical (Basic) Sri Lanka
SET:CHEWA Real Estate (Development) Thailand
GTSM:3095 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:8423 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
GTSM:1593 Recreation Taiwan
GTSM:4111 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
TSEC:4942 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:1449 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:1103 Construction Supplies Taiwan
TSEC:2033 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:3839 Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
GTSM:2067 Steel Taiwan
GTSM:3310 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4528 Auto Parts Taiwan
SET:CMR Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:CM Food Processing Thailand
SET:CRD Engineering/Construction Thailand
TSEC:2385 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:6412 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:6561 Telecom. Services Taiwan
GTSM:1597 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:5515 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
TSEC:8367 Transportation Taiwan
TSEC:2025 Steel Taiwan
GTSM:8092 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SHSE:600988 Precious Metals China
SEHK:449 Furn/Home Furnishings China
TSEC:2024 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:976 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
TSEC:2456 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:1595 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
BUL:6C4 Diversified Bulgaria
SHSE:603222 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KLSE:CHINHIN Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KLSE:CHGP Construction Supplies Malaysia
KLSE:CHINTEK Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:CHINWEL Machinery Malaysia
KOSE:A003780 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
TSEC:2355 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1598 Education China
SEHK:8087 Publishing & Newspapers China
SEHK:31 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SHSE:600879 Aerospace/Defense China
OTCPK:CHBU Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:606 Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
SEHK:149 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:1069 Paper/Forest Products China
SEHK:1848 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:2610 Air Transport Taiwan
SEHK:633 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:6898 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:601068 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600195 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1566 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:3883 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1572 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
OTCPK:CALI Retail (Automotive) China
SEHK:526 Household Products Hong Kong
SHSE:601965 Auto & Truck China
SEHK:48 Auto Parts Hong Kong
NasdaqCM:CAAS Auto Parts China
SGX:G92 Oil/Gas Distribution Singapore
SHSE:600372 Aerospace/Defense China
PSE:CHIB Bank (Money Center) Philippines
SZSE:000009 Diversified China
SEHK:3966 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
OTCPK:CNBI Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:39 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:370 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SHSE:603220 Telecom. Services China
SEHK:3978 Education China
SEHK:274 Household Products Hong Kong
TSEC:2820 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
SEHK:8255 Retail (Online) China
NasdaqGS:CBPO Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SEHK:8037 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SEHK:3983 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:2377 Environmental & Waste Services China
SEHK:8026 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SHSE:603060 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:000918 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:002051 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:8270 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
NasdaqCM:CCCL Building Materials China
OTCPK:CCGM Entertainment China
OTCPK:CHJI Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
TSEC:1701 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
OTCPK:CHCC Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:217 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:2371 Education Hong Kong
SZSE:000996 Retail (Automotive) China
SEHK:1359 Investments & Asset Management China
SEHK:998 Bank (Money Center) China
SEHK:2349 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
OTCPK:CCGY Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:33 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:1898 Coal & Related Energy China
SHSE:601918 Coal & Related Energy China
SEHK:1800 Engineering/Construction China
GTSM:6404 Entertainment Taiwan
SEHK:552 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:586 Machinery China
SEHK:939 Bank (Money Center) China
TSEC:2613 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
SEHK:8078 Entertainment Hong Kong
SEHK:1678 Furn/Home Furnishings China
KOSDAQ:A900250 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600150 Construction Supplies China
NasdaqCM:CCRC Office Equipment & Services China
SHSE:600138 Hotel/Gaming China
OTCPK:CDBT Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:1798 Green & Renewable Energy China
SEHK:661 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
SEHK:8120 Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
SHSE:603018 Business & Consumer Services China
SEHK:1606 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SEHK:1062 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
TSEC:2883 Insurance (Life) Taiwan
SEHK:8175 Entertainment Hong Kong
SEHK:8280 Entertainment China
SEHK:1387 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:334 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:300526 Recreation China
OTCPK:CDSG Household Products China
SEHK:3818 Apparel China
SEHK:871 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:476 Auto & Truck Hong Kong
SEHK:8055 Education Hong Kong
SEHK:802 Software (System & Application) Malaysia
SEHK:667 Education China
SHSE:600115 Air Transport China
SEHK:8166 Transportation Hong Kong
TSEC:1535 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SEHK:839 Education Hong Kong
TSEC:1611 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
OTCPK:CEHD Retail (Building Supply) China
SEHK:85 Semiconductor Hong Kong
SEHK:798 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1185 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:228 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
SEHK:3996 Engineering/Construction China
OTCPK:CGYV Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600675 Real Estate (Development) China
OTCPK:CSHE.F Recreation Hong Kong
SEHK:986 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:1130 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:646 Utility (Water) Hong Kong
SEHK:1237 Recreation China
SEHK:379 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SHSE:601818 Bank (Money Center) China
SEHK:1257 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:257 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:165 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SGX:U9E Utility (Water) China
SEHK:3333 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002928 Air Transport China
SZSE:200055 Building Materials China
SEHK:6186 Food Processing China
SHSE:600977 Entertainment China
SEHK:875 Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
SEHK:721 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SEHK:605 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
GTSM:1586 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:1269 Auto Parts Hong Kong
SHSE:601106 Machinery China
SEHK:3318 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
SEHK:506 Food Processing Hong Kong
SEHK:2399 Apparel China
SEHK:290 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SEHK:110 Computer Services Hong Kong
SHSE:600340 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SEHK:8506 Machinery China
SEHK:6881 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:384 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:1191 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
TSEC:1305 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
OTCPK:CHGS Chemical (Diversified) China
OTCPK:CHGS Chemical (Diversified) China
SEHK:8128 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SHSE:600068 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:1851 Education China
SEHK:3300 Building Materials Hong Kong
TSEC:1809 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SEHK:8281 Household Products China
SHSE:600297 Retail (Automotive) China
SEHK:512 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SEHK:63 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SZSE:002939 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:000066 Computers/Peripherals China
SEHK:904 Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
NYSE:CGA Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:6183 Farming/Agriculture China
SEHK:1253 Environmental & Waste Services China
SGX:C92 Building Materials Singapore
SHSE:601118 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:359 Food Processing Hong Kong
SZSE:002116 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:3788 Steel China
SEHK:3836 Retail (Automotive) China
SZSE:300527 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:8225 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SEHK:673 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SEHK:348 Recreation Hong Kong
NasdaqCM:HGSH Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600730 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:658 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SZSE:000008 Transportation (Railroads) China
SEHK:1378 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:2799 Investments & Asset Management China
SEHK:1101 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
SEHK:1290 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
OTCPK:CIND Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:6058 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
OTCPK:CIWT Environmental & Waste Services China
SEHK:8178 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SEHK:1719 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SEHK:600 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:1217 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
OTCPK:IICN Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:3908 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:264 Apparel Hong Kong
SGX:BEH Utility (Water) China
SZSE:000039 Machinery China
SHSE:601888 Hotel/Gaming China
NasdaqGM:CIFS Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:132 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:1763 Healthcare Products China
SEHK:1900 Computer Services China
SEHK:1027 Apparel China
SEHK:817 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SGX:J18 Apparel China
NasdaqCM:CJJD Retail (Special Lines) China
SHSE:600176 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:1890 Education China
SHSE:603505 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1380 Metals & Mining China
Catalist:GU5 Machinery China
OTCPK:CLDO.F Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SEHK:1586 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:2128 Building Materials China
TSEC:2823 Insurance (Life) Taiwan
SEHK:2628 Insurance (Life) China
SEHK:1234 Apparel China
SEHK:772 Publishing & Newspapers China
SEHK:931 Oil/Gas Distribution Hong Kong
SEHK:1589 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SEHK:916 Green & Renewable Energy China
SEHK:1371 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:2023 Household Products China
SEHK:1829 Engineering/Construction China
TSEC:1718 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
SEHK:1317 Education China
OTCPK:CMFO Food Processing China
SHSE:600764 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:603967 Transportation China
OTCPK:CHND Entertainment China
SEHK:383 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Hong Kong
SEHK:867 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
OTCPK:CHME Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600056 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:1268 Retail (Automotive) China
SEHK:2319 Food Processing Hong Kong
SHSE:600036 Bank (Money Center) China
SEHK:1503 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
SHSE:601872 Oil/Gas Distribution Hong Kong
SZSE:001965 Transportation China
SEHK:978 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SZSE:201872 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:144 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SZSE:001914 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:600999 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:001979 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:1532 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:1636 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:000831 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600016 Bank (Money Center) China
SEHK:245 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SEHK:941 Telecom (Wireless) Hong Kong
OTCPK:CMCI Food Processing China
SEHK:1117 Farming/Agriculture China
SEHK:3993 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:26 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
TSEC:2204 Auto & Truck Taiwan
SZSE:000028 Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:3323 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:601117 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:000151 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:745 Entertainment Hong Kong
SHSE:688128 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600511 Healthcare Support Services China
SHSE:601985 Power China
SHSE:600536 Software (System & Application) China
OTCPK:CHNG.Q Power China
NasdaqCM:CHNR Metals & Mining China
SEHK:8071 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
OTCPK:CNWH.F Advertising China
SEHK:1321 Real Estate (Development) China
OTCPK:CNER Power China
AIM:CNEL Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:2001 Education China
SEHK:1278 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
AIM:CNG Precious Metals Cayman Islands
SZSE:000758 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:1258 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600111 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:1011 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:611 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SHSE:601611 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:8047 Transportation Hong Kong
SEHK:651 Construction Supplies Hong Kong
SEHK:715 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:603 Power Hong Kong
SZSE:002554 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:2883 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) China
SEHK:581 Steel Hong Kong
SEHK:1871 Education China
KLSE:CNOUHUA Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SEHK:1146 Apparel China
SEHK:81 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:688 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:464 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
SEHK:2669 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SHSE:601601 Insurance (General) China
SEHK:1736 Software (Entertainment) China
SEHK:1532 Apparel China
SEHK:3348 Machinery China
TSEC:1314 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
SEHK:386 Oil/Gas (Integrated) China
SHSE:600339 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
AMEX:CPHI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1345 Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:2380 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:8117 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:1838 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:736 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:1094 Computer Services Hong Kong
SHSE:601949 Publishing & Newspapers China
SEHK:1699 Food Processing China
SEHK:866 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:002186 Restaurant/Dining China
SHSE:601186 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:601390 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600528 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:3969 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600125 Transportation (Railroads) China
SEHK:769 Metals & Mining China
Catalist:5RA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
NasdaqCM:CREG Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:600636 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000503 Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:8158 Drugs (Biotechnology) Hong Kong
SEHK:1508 Reinsurance China
SEHK:1911 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:987 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
SHSE:600217 Environmental & Waste Services China
SEHK:269 Transportation Hong Kong
SEHK:291 Beverage (Alcoholic) Hong Kong
SEHK:1313 Construction Supplies Hong Kong
SHSE:600062 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1193 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:1109 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:1515 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
SEHK:3320 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SEHK:836 Power Hong Kong
SZSE:000999 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1907 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:3963 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SEHK:527 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:1365 Retail (Automotive) China
OTCPK:CRJI Construction Supplies China
SEHK:153 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:910 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:2198 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601698 Cable TV China
SEHK:1966 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:601858 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:600654 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:412 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:691 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:1676 Food Processing China
SEHK:1432 Farming/Agriculture China
SEHK:1088 Coal & Related Energy China
OTCPK:CSAY Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
SEHK:2877 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:601989 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600482 Auto Parts China
OTCPK:CHSH Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
OTCPK:CHSO Precious Metals China
SEHK:974 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SEHK:815 Precious Metals China
SEHK:8073 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:750 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:485 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
SEHK:1004 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:8325 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
OTCPK:CSOL Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:1668 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SHSE:601098 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:600029 Air Transport China
SHSE:600118 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600158 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:326 Entertainment Hong Kong
Catalist:42W Food Processing Singapore
SEHK:3838 Food Processing Hong Kong
SEHK:830 Building Materials Hong Kong
SHSE:601668 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:3311 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
TSEC:1723 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
TSEC:2002 Steel Taiwan
TSEC:2013 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SEHK:235 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:3623 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
OTCPK:CSGH Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:2002 Packaging & Container China
SGX:QES Chemical (Basic) Singapore
SEHK:956 Oil/Gas Distribution China
NasdaqCM:SXTC Household Products China
SEHK:966 Insurance (Life) Hong Kong
SEHK:674 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:8111 Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
SEHK:728 Telecom. Services Hong Kong
OTCPK:CNCT Electrical Equipment China
TSEC:9928 Broadcasting Taiwan
SHSE:600088 Entertainment China
SEHK:1600 Power China
SEHK:557 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:1427 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:6162 Auto Parts China
SEHK:1252 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:000035 Environmental & Waste Services China
GTSM:8923 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
SEHK:3398 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:2188 Electrical Equipment China
OTCPK:DFEL Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:6055 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:952 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:389 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SEHK:1332 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
SEHK:788 Telecom. Services China
SEHK:570 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002373 Computer Services China
SEHK:308 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:8171 Computer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:8265 Auto & Truck Hong Kong
SZSE:000657 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:6168 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:762 Telecom. Services Hong Kong
SZSE:000036 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:600050 Telecom (Wireless) China
SHSE:600358 Hotel/Gaming China
SEHK:2330 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:893 Steel Hong Kong
SZSE:000002 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:6166 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603005 Semiconductor China
SEHK:6966 Business & Consumer Services China
SEHK:855 Utility (Water) Hong Kong
SEHK:1129 Utility (Water) Hong Kong
SEHK:3778 Apparel China
SZSE:002302 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002630 Machinery China
TSEC:1603 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:1885 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:600007 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:000797 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:601179 Electrical Equipment China
NasdaqGM:CXDC Auto Parts China
NasdaqCM:PLIN Food Processing China
SEHK:2779 Education China
SEHK:1866 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600900 Green & Renewable Energy China
OTCPK:CBGH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SEHK:3669 Retail (Automotive) China
SEHK:8083 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SGX:BCD Real Estate (Development) China
NYSE:CYD Construction Supplies Singapore
SEHK:6169 Education China
SEHK:1068 Food Processing China
SEHK:1728 Retail (Automotive) China
SZSE:000733 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:2016 Bank (Money Center) China
SEHK:1492 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:002542 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:1333 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:1123 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SHSE:601512 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:002945 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
NasdaqCM:CNET Advertising China
SEHK:354 Computer Services China
OTCPK:CHWE Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SEHK:8009 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:127 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:8272 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
GTSM:3083 Entertainment Taiwan
TSEC:2612 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
SEHK:681 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SEHK:8089 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SHSE:600373 Publishing & Newspapers China
GTSM:2070 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:9935 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
SEHK:3728 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSE:A002780 Engineering/Construction South Korea
SEHK:997 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:385 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:216 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:1556 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSE:A051630 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSE:A100250 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A010640 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
SGX:C29 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
GTSM:8084 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:6147 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:8150 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A094360 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
TASE:CHR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
SHSE:688358 Healthcare Products China
GTSM:3430 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
BSE:521244 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
TSEC:1539 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:532992 Hotel/Gaming India
TSEC:4137 Household Products Taiwan
GTSM:6586 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
SET:CHO Construction Supplies Thailand
KOSDAQ:A034940 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BSM:CHOBE Hotel/Gaming Botswana
KOSE:A001550 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSE:A002600 Food Processing South Korea
TSEC:9929 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
BSE:531358 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSE:A018470 Metals & Mining South Korea
BSE:530427 Healthcare Products India
BSE:526546 Business & Consumer Services India
KOSE:A004700 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A004910 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BSE:504973 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) India
BSE:511243 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
HNX:RCL Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
HOSE:CLW Utility (Water) Vietnam
KOSE:A000950 Apparel South Korea
SET:CCP Construction Supplies Thailand
SEHK:1111 Bank (Money Center) Hong Kong
TSEC:5534 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
SEHK:1609 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSE:A001630 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A185750 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SHSE:600132 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:200625 Auto & Truck China
SHSE:603100 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600939 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600729 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600452 Power China
SZSE:002507 Food Processing China
SHSE:600279 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SHSE:600917 Power China
SEHK:1053 Steel China
SZSE:200054 Auto & Truck China
SZSE:002765 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300006 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:2722 Diversified China
SZSE:300275 Machinery China
SZSE:002968 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:002907 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603758 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600106 Transportation China
SEHK:3618 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:002742 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000565 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601127 Auto & Truck China
SHSE:600129 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600116 Power China
SHSE:600847 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:601158 Utility (Water) China
SZSE:000514 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:603601 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603976 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:300122 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:001696 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002378 Metals & Mining China
KLSE:CHOOBEE Steel Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A072020 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054180 Construction Supplies South Korea
BSE:519475 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A047820 Entertainment South Korea
KOSE:A000480 Building Materials South Korea
KOSE:A120030 Steel South Korea
BSE:540681 Food Processing India
SEHK:116 Apparel Hong Kong
SET:CHOW Steel Thailand
SEHK:1929 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SZSE:002867 Apparel China
BSE:501833 Shipbuilding & Marine India
SET:CNT Engineering/Construction Thailand
SEHK:1210 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
TSEC:2360 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:530191 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:641 Machinery Hong Kong
SZSE:000677 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1938 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Hong Kong
SEHK:560 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SEHK:1420 Engineering/Construction Singapore
KLSE:CHUAN Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SGX:C33 Electronics (General) Singapore
GTSM:6566 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
SEHK:298 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:367 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SASE:8240 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
SET:CRANE Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:CHG Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:CPI Food Processing Thailand
GTSM:4575 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:2012 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:2010 Steel Taiwan
GTSM:4544 Machinery Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A278280 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
TSEC:1435 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
TSEC:2014 Steel Taiwan
TSEC:1727 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:4205 Food Processing Taiwan
TSEC:1905 Paper/Forest Products Taiwan
GTSM:5604 Trucking Taiwan
TSEC:1513 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A096240 Education South Korea
KOSE:A012600 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
SHSE:603996 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
TSEC:1762 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
GTSM:6510 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2412 Telecom. Services Taiwan
XKON:A140290 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A000650 Trucking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A311690 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
HOSE:SCD Beverage (Soft) Vietnam
HOSE:CDC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
TSEC:1439 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
TSEC:1463 Apparel Taiwan
CASE:CICH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Egypt
TASE:CISY Semiconductor Equip Israel
BOVESPA:HGTX3 Apparel Brazil
XKON:A103660 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
BSE:519477 Food Processing India
BSE:542678 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
JMSE:CBNY Hotel/Gaming Jamaica
COSE:CIC.N0000 Chemical (Specialty) Sri Lanka
NASE:CIC Insurance (General) Kenya
MUSE:CIEL.N0000 Apparel Mauritius
BOVESPA:CIEL3 Information Services Brazil
SEHK:884 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603083 Telecom. Equipment China
BSE:534758 Computer Services India
HOSE:LGC Transportation Vietnam
HOSE:CEE Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SEHK:479 Computer Services Hong Kong
BSE:533407 Apparel India
BSE:530829 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
MUSE:CIM.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Mauritius
KLSE:CIMB Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
SET:CIMBT Bank (Money Center) Thailand
SEHK:3899 Machinery China
SEHK:1839 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:445 Machinery Hong Kong
CBSE:CMA Construction Supplies Morocco
BSE:505230 Construction Supplies India
GTSM:3332 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:111 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SHSE:600657 Real Estate (Development) China
BSE:526373 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:532807 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
TTSE:CINE1 Entertainment Trinidad & Tobago
BSE:530457 Entertainment India
BSE:532324 Entertainment India
LJSE:CICG Chemical (Basic) Slovenia
GTSM:6160 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
NSEI:CIPLA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
UGSE:CQCIL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Uganda
SEHK:8051 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
PSE:TECH Semiconductor Equip Philippines
SHSE:603367 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
BSE:531775 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:502445 Real Estate (Development) India
KOSE:A004920 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
SEHK:1091 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
SGX:CEE Environmental & Waste Services Singapore
SZSE:000839 Cable TV China
SHSE:600084 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:601608 Machinery China
SEHK:267 Diversified Hong Kong
SZSE:000099 Transportation China
SZSE:000708 Steel China
SZSE:300788 Publishing & Newspapers China
SEHK:1205 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SHSE:600030 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:1883 Telecom. Services Hong Kong
SGX:5FH Retail (Distributors) Singapore
BSE:531235 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
COSE:CDB.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
COSE:REEF.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
PSE:LAND Real Estate (Development) Philippines
HOSE:CTF Retail (Automotive) Vietnam
BVMT:CITY Retail (Automotive) Tunisia
SASE:3003 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
SGX:C09 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Singapore
DSE:CITYGENINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
JSE:CLH Hotel/Gaming South Africa
BSE:538674 Software (Internet) India
BSE:542727 Entertainment India
WSE:CTS Environmental & Waste Services Estonia
SET:CITY Steel Thailand
BSE:532210 Bank (Money Center) India
SHSE:600067 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:256 Apparel Hong Kong
PSE:CDC Real Estate (Development) Philippines
PSE:CSB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Philippines
SZSE:002343 Entertainment China
KLSE:CJCEN Transportation Malaysia
KOSE:A079160 Entertainment South Korea
KOSE:A097950 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A001040 Diversified South Korea
KOSDAQ:A035760 Retail (Online) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A051500 Food Wholesalers South Korea
KOSE:A037560 Cable TV South Korea
KOSE:A000120 Trucking South Korea
KOSE:A011150 Food Processing South Korea
GTSM:5301 Apparel Taiwan
SEHK:1113 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:1 Diversified Hong Kong
SEHK:1038 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:775 Drugs (Biotechnology) Hong Kong
SET:CKP Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
KOSE:A063160 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A900120 Household Products Cayman Islands
GTSM:8930 Building Materials Taiwan
NSEI:CKPLEISURE Restaurant/Dining India
BSE:540403 Education India
SEHK:8098 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
TASE:CBI Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
TASE:CLBV Beverage (Soft) Israel
TASE:CLIS Insurance (General) Israel
BSE:506390 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:538433 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KLSE:CSCENIC Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
SEHK:8232 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A214150 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSE:521082 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A045520 Machinery South Korea
TSEC:8422 Environmental & Waste Services Taiwan
SEHK:100 Advertising Hong Kong
Catalist:1H3 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
SHSE:603628 Electrical Equipment China
CASE:CLHO Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Egypt
TSEC:2362 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
JSE:CLS Retail (Special Lines) South Africa
SZSE:300663 Software (System & Application) China
JSE:CLI Insurance (Life) South Africa
GTSM:8119 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SEHK:3686 Diversified China
SNSE:LAS CONDES Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Chile
KOSDAQ:A237880 Household Products South Korea
BSE:530839 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SZSE:002306 Restaurant/Dining China
KASE:CLOV Retail (Distributors) Pakistan
SEHK:2 Power Hong Kong
NasdaqGM:CLPS Computer Services China
SEHK:6877 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SNSE:POLO Recreation Chile
SEHK:1141 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
HOSE:CMG Computer Services Vietnam
HNX:CMC Construction Supplies Vietnam
HOSE:CVT Construction Supplies Vietnam
TSEC:2323 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:CME Construction Supplies Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A058820 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SEHK:302 Entertainment China
BSE:500147 Machinery India
BSE:517330 Electrical Equipment India
SEHK:206 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Hong Kong
NSEI:CMMIPL Engineering/Construction India
SEHK:471 Broadcasting Hong Kong
SET:CMO Business & Consumer Services Thailand
SEHK:1792 Recreation Singapore
BMV:CMR B Restaurant/Dining Mexico
KOSDAQ:A225330 Education South Korea
SHSE:600787 Transportation China
HNX:CMS Business & Consumer Services Vietnam
KLSE:CNASIA Machinery Malaysia
HNX:KSQ Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
SEHK:8356 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:000798 Food Processing China
HOSE:CNG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A023460 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
SZSE:000951 Construction Supplies China
KLSE:CNI Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
BSE:512018 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SZSE:002076 Electrical Equipment China
Catalist:5TP Precious Metals Singapore
SZSE:002145 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:2302 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SZSE:000777 Machinery China
SHSE:600968 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:883 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
SZSE:000617 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:1240 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
XKON:A245450 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SEHK:701 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
GTSM:8358 Electronics (General) Taiwan
PSE:COAL Coal & Related Energy Philippines
NSEI:COALINDIA Coal & Related Energy India
KOSDAQ:A045970 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:8096 Semiconductor Taiwan
KWSE:COAST Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
OTCPK:COCB.F Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Bermuda
KLSE:COASTAL Construction Supplies Malaysia
BSE:501831 Food Processing India
SEHK:1124 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
TSEC:2936 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
BSE:513353 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:540678 Construction Supplies India
KLSE:COCOLND Food Processing Malaysia
SEHK:428 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SEHK:8153 Cable TV Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A047770 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A224060 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SZSE:000930 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002423 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:1610 Food Processing China
SHSE:600737 Food Processing China
BSE:539436 Restaurant/Dining India
TASE:CFX Restaurant/Dining Israel
BOVESPA:COGN3 Education Brazil
JSE:CGN Telecom. Services South Africa
SEHK:400 Retail (Online) China
TASE:CDEV Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
HNX:CKV Electrical Equipment Vietnam
SZSE:300364 Publishing & Newspapers China
PSE:COL Brokerage & Investment Banking Philippines
SET:COL Retail (Online) Thailand
TSEC:4144 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
Catalist:567 Environmental & Waste Services Singapore
BSE:500830 Household Products India
KASE:COLG Household Products Pakistan
BSE:531210 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:2906 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
COSE:PHAR.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
COSE:DOCK.N0000 Construction Supplies Sri Lanka
COSE:CFI.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
COSE:CIT.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
COSE:CLND.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
KASE:CTM Apparel Pakistan
CBSE:COL Chemical (Basic) Morocco
KOSDAQ:A900310 Chemical (Specialty) China
BSE:540023 Entertainment India
SEHK:1778 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
BVC:COLTEJER Apparel Colombia
KOSDAQ:A078340 Entertainment South Korea
SET:COM7 Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
HOSE:CIG Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
JSE:COM Air Transport South Africa
SET:COMAN Software (System & Application) Thailand
SEHK:2342 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
BSE:524752 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SGX:N0Z Recreation China
KWSE:CGC Engineering/Construction Kuwait
JSE:CMH Retail (Automotive) South Africa
SEHK:794 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
GTSM:6236 Semiconductor Taiwan
SHSE:603908 Recreation China
BSE:534691 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:535267 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KLSE:COMFORT Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
BSE:531216 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SGX:C52 Trucking Singapore
KLSE:COMCORP Electronics (General) Malaysia
OTCPK:KJFI Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
KOSDAQ:A036690 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
ADX:CBI Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
COSE:COMB.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
DFM:CBD Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
KWSE:CBK Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
COSE:COCR.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
COSE:COMD.N0000 Real Estate (Development) Sri Lanka
BSE:533272 Construction Supplies India
KWSE:FACIL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
CASE:COMI Bank (Money Center) Egypt
COSE:CLC.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
BSE:539986 Packaging & Container India
BSE:532342 Software (System & Application) India
SET:CSS Retail (Distributors) Thailand
CBSE:ATL Insurance (General) Morocco
BVMT:AST Insurance (General) Tunisia
CBSE:CTM Trucking Morocco
MUSE:COVI.I0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Mauritius
BVMT:CIL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tunisia
BRVM:CIEC Power Ivory Coast
CBSE:CMT Metals & Mining Morocco
TSEC:6674 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:2324 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BOVESPA:SBSP3 Utility (Water) Brazil
BOVESPA:CSMG3 Utility (Water) Brazil
BOVESPA:CEGR3 Power Brazil
BOVESPA:CSRN3 Power Brazil
BOVESPA:CEED3 Power Brazil
BOVESPA:EEEL3 Power Brazil
BOVESPA:CSNA3 Steel Brazil
BOVESPA:CEEB3 Power Brazil
CCSE:TDV.D Telecom. Services Venezuela
SNSE:CCU Beverage (Alcoholic) Chile
SNSE:FOSFOROS Household Products Chile
BASE:TRAN Power Argentina
BVB:ENP Engineering/Construction Romania
SNSE:CGE Power Chile
SNSE:VOLCAN Construction Supplies Chile
BASE:INTR Food Processing Argentina
BMV:AUTLAN B Steel Mexico
BVL:PODERC1 Precious Metals Peru
BVL:MOROCOI1 Metals & Mining Peru
SNSE:CAMANCHACA Food Processing Chile
SNSE:VAPORES Shipbuilding & Marine Chile
BVL:UNITEXI1 Apparel Peru
KOSDAQ:A307930 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
TSEC:2313 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:531041 Retail (Automotive) India
KLSE:COMPLET Transportation Malaysia
ASE:ATTA Real Estate (Development) Jordan
BSE:532456 Computer Services India
TSEC:3032 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:532339 Education India
KLSE:COMPUGT Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
NasdaqGM:CGEN Heathcare Information and Technology Israel
SEHK:46 Computer Services Hong Kong
TASE:CMDR Computer Services Israel
BSE:507833 Computer Services India
SEHK:320 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:712 Semiconductor China
KOSE:A031820 Computer Services South Korea
GTSM:8089 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:522231 Engineering/Construction India
KOSE:A109070 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
PSE:CIC Building Materials Philippines
BSE:538965 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:5864 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
GTSM:6518 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
SEHK:182 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
GTSM:6016 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
TSEC:4943 Electronics (General) Taiwan
PSE:CA Construction Supplies Philippines
BSE:539266 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:CEPCO Construction Supplies Malaysia
JSE:CND Insurance (General) South Africa
DSE:CONFIDCEM Construction Supplies Bangladesh
BSE:504340 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SEHK:1967 Electronics (General) China
BSE:526829 Machinery India
KLSE:CONNECT Electronics (General) Malaysia
GTSM:3672 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
NGSE:CONOIL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
NSEI:CONSOFINVT Investments & Asset Management India
NGSE:CHIPLC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
JSE:CIL Engineering/Construction South Africa
NasdaqGS:CWCO Utility (Water) Cayman Islands
BMV:ARA * Homebuilding Mexico
BSE:523844 Healthcare Products India
BVC:ELCONDOR Engineering/Construction Colombia
HNX:L18 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:C32 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:VC9 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:VC1 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:VC3 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
MSM:CMII Construction Supplies Oman
BVC:CONCONCRET Engineering/Construction Colombia
BOVESPA:TEND3 Homebuilding Brazil
BASE:CTIO Real Estate (General/Diversified) Argentina
SEHK:1681 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
NSEI:CONCOR Transportation (Railroads) India
BSE:540597 Transportation India
SEHK:1912 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:300750 Electrical Equipment China
ASE:COHO Real Estate (Development) Jordan
BSE:531067 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:506935 Computer Services India
TSEC:3703 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SEHK:513 Apparel Hong Kong
DSE:CONTININS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
BSE:523232 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:538868 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:CONTI Farming/Agriculture India
GTSM:8064 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
BSE:522295 Electronics (General) India
BMV:VOLAR A Air Transport Mexico
GTSM:3377 Computer Services Taiwan
COSE:SOY.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
SEHK:831 Retail (Grocery and Food) Hong Kong
SEHK:8491 Food Wholesalers Singapore
OTCPK:CHWT.F Computers/Peripherals China
TLSE:COOPIPO1 Bank (Money Center) Estonia
NYSE:CPA Air Transport Panama
TSEC:3550 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
LUSE:CEC Power Zambia
DSE:COPPERTECH Metals & Mining Bangladesh
SET:CPW Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
AIM:CORA Precious Metals British Virgin Islands
BSE:531556 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:524506 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:530755 Paper/Forest Products India
SGX:P8A Healthcare Support Services Singapore
BSE:532941 Electrical Equipment India
SEHK:339 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A027050 Household Products South Korea
TSEC:4739 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A166480 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:3601 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:5371 Electronics (General) Taiwan
CCSE:CRM.A Chemical (Specialty) Venezuela
BRVM:CBIBF Bank (Money Center) Burkina Faso
SEHK:8112 Advertising Hong Kong
NGSE:CORNERST Insurance (General) Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A033110 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSX:COP Metals & Mining Chile
BSE:533167 Engineering/Construction India
NSEI:COROMANDEL Chemical (Specialty) India
JSE:CML Investments & Asset Management South Africa
CCSE:CIE Power Venezuela
BMV:ACTINVR B Brokerage & Investment Banking Mexico
BVL:COCESUC1 Apparel Peru
GYSE:SLU Retail (Grocery and Food) Ecuador
BVC:CORFICOLCF Diversified Colombia
CCSE:CGQ Chemical (Basic) Venezuela
BMV:VESTA * Real Estate (Operations & Services) Mexico
BMV:CIE B Entertainment Mexico
BMV:CMOCTEZ * Construction Supplies Mexico
BSE:526737 Transportation India
BSE:532179 Bank (Money Center) India
BMV:FRAGUA B Retail (Special Lines) Mexico
BMV:GBM O Investments & Asset Management Mexico
BMV:CADU A Homebuilding Mexico
SGX:C41 Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
NYSE:CZZ Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Brazil
BOVESPA:RLOG3 Transportation (Railroads) Brazil
BOVESPA:CSAN3 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Brazil
BSE:530545 Recreation India
PSE:COSCO Retail (Grocery and Food) Philippines
SEHK:2866 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:1138 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SEHK:1919 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:517 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SGX:F83 Transportation Singapore
SEHK:1199 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SHSE:600428 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:002401 Computer Services China
XKON:A189350 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:1043 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
KOSE:A044820 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A222040 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A192820 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A241710 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A005070 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSE:A005420 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
TSEC:2466 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:523100 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:508814 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:2298 Apparel China
SEHK:120 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SZSE:002133 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:118 Machinery Hong Kong
SGX:B9S Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
KOSDAQ:A069110 Household Products South Korea
SZSE:300793 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SZSE:002189 Electronics (General) China
CBSE:CSR Food Processing Morocco
BSE:538922 Computer Services India
HNX:CSC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:CLG Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
HOSE:CTD Engineering/Construction Vietnam
BSE:526550 Recreation India
NSEI:COUNCODOS Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:2007 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:6098 Environmental & Waste Services China
SET:CGD Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SET:CGH Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
KLSE:CHHB Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
KLSE:CVIEW Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SEHK:1145 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
NGSE:COURTVILLE Software (System & Application) Nigeria
BSE:523415 Auto Parts India
BSE:534920 Software (System & Application) India
GTSM:4745 Healthcare Support Services China
KOSDAQ:A056360 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SEHK:1415 Electronics (General) China
KOSDAQ:A033290 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A282880 Machinery South Korea
NSEI:CKFSL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:COX&KINGS Hotel/Gaming India
TSEC:3607 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:CPALL Retail (Grocery and Food) Thailand
BOVESPA:CPFE3 Power Brazil
BOVESPA:CPRE3 Green & Renewable Energy Brazil
Catalist:539 Electronics (General) Singapore
SET:CPL Apparel Thailand
SEHK:1932 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
SEHK:906 Packaging & Container China
SET:CPNCG R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:CPR Auto Parts Thailand
SET:CPT Electrical Equipment Thailand
SZSE:000536 Electronics (General) China
KOSDAQ:A101240 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SEHK:1582 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BOVESPA:CRDE3 Real Estate (Development) Brazil
BSE:538770 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
BSE:512093 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:522001 Construction Supplies India
BSE:509472 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:1786 Construction Supplies China
DAR:CRDB Bank (Money Center) Tanzania
SZSE:300703 Paper/Forest Products China
KOSDAQ:A110790 Apparel South Korea
HOSE:CRC Construction Supplies Vietnam
SZSE:000551 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A222080 Machinery South Korea
BSE:539527 Steel India
SEHK:8368 Entertainment China
SEHK:3992 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
NSEI:CREATIVEYE Entertainment India
NSEI:CREATIVE Computer Services India
TSEC:8249 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SGX:C76 Computers/Peripherals Singapore
SHSE:600890 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
BVL:CRECAPC1 Brokerage & Investment Banking Peru
NYSE:BAP Bank (Money Center) Bermuda
CASE:CIEB Bank (Money Center) Egypt
MISX:CBOM Bank (Money Center) Russia
CBSE:CDM Bank (Money Center) Morocco
CBSE:CIH Bank (Money Center) Morocco
ASX:CI1 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
KWSE:TAHSSILAT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
NSEI:CREDITACC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BVL:CRETEXI1 Apparel Peru
BMV:CREAL * Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Mexico
KLSE:CRESNDO Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KASE:CCM Apparel Pakistan
KASE:CFL Apparel Pakistan
BSE:539131 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KASE:CSIL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
KASE:CSAP Steel Pakistan
BSE:512379 Computer Services India
KLSE:CRESBLD Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:511413 Diversified India
BSM:CRESTA Hotel/Gaming Botswana
BSE:526269 Chemical (Specialty) India
BASE:CRES Real Estate (General/Diversified) Argentina
KLSE:CRG Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
NSEI:CRISIL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SNSE:CRISTALES Packaging & Container Chile
ZGSE:CRAL Air Transport Croatia
ZGSE:CROS Insurance (General) Croatia
SEHK:122 Apparel Hong Kong
NSEI:CROMPTON Furn/Home Furnishings India
SGX:CNNU R.E.I.T. Singapore
XKON:A215570 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
JSE:CKS Farming/Agriculture South Africa
SEHK:3893 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
TSEC:2528 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
PSE:CROWN Chemical (Basic) Philippines
KOSE:A264900 Food Processing South Korea
PSE:CEI Real Estate (Development) Philippines
SEHK:727 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
NSEI:CROWN Retail (Distributors) India
NASE:CRWN Chemical (Specialty) Kenya
TSXV:CWV Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Argentina
SET:CSC Packaging & Container Thailand
BRVM:SEMC Packaging & Container Ivory Coast
BSE:538521 Hotel/Gaming India
KOSE:A005740 Food Processing South Korea
BSE:540903 Food Wholesalers India
SHSE:601766 Construction Supplies China
KOSDAQ:A114120 Electronics (General) South Korea
SNSE:CRUZADOS Entertainment Chile
TSEC:1587 Auto Parts Taiwan
SEHK:2232 Apparel Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A083790 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:6527 Healthcare Products Taiwan
GTSM:4944 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A297090 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A065770 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A000590 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A112610 Electrical Equipment South Korea
NSEI:CSBBANK Banks (Regional) India
TSEC:2208 Construction Supplies Taiwan
SEHK:6066 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SGX:C06 Engineering/Construction Singapore
KLSE:CSCSTEL Steel Malaysia
SZSE:300425 Machinery China
SHSE:603903 Environmental & Waste Services China
SGX:544 Computer Services Singapore
SZSE:200012 Construction Supplies China
JSE:CSG Business & Consumer Services South Africa
SZSE:300222 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:497 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
BSE:530067 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:1815 Retail (Special Lines) China
SET:CSP Steel Thailand
SZSE:300765 Food Processing China
SEHK:1093 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:3877 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SEHK:317 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600072 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:985 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
SEHK:2616 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
BOVESPA:CARD3 Information Services Brazil
COSE:CTLD.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
SEHK:994 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
TSEC:2891 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A060590 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
GTSM:5209 Computer Services Taiwan
TSEC:9933 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A036170 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A260930 Household Products South Korea
XKON:A189540 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SHSE:603128 Transportation China
KOSDAQ:A115480 Healthcare Products South Korea
TSEC:2231 Auto Parts Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A182360 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A043090 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
BSE:526027 Metals & Mining India
KOSDAQ:A021650 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
BSE:511710 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
HOSE:CCI Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
KOSE:A192400 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSE:A284740 Retail (Special Lines) South Korea
SHSE:600715 Entertainment China
SEHK:343 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
BSE:500480 Construction Supplies India
HOSE:CTI Construction Supplies Vietnam
BSE:530843 Household Products India
KOSDAQ:A060280 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSE:A015590 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A040350 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A051780 Entertainment South Korea
JSE:COH Education South Africa
KLSE:CUSCAPI Software (System & Application) Malaysia
NGSE:CUSTODIAN Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
NGSE:CUTIX Electrical Equipment Nigeria
HOSE:ACL Food Processing Vietnam
HOSE:CCL Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HOSE:DCL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
BOVESPA:CVCB3 Hotel/Gaming Brazil
GTSM:4744 Healthcare Products Taiwan
TSEC:8103 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
DSE:CVOPRL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Bangladesh
KLSE:CWG Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
NGSE:CWG Computer Services Nigeria
Catalist:594 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Singapore
OTCPK:CXKJ Software (Entertainment) China
TSEC:2415 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KASE:CYAN Investments & Asset Management Pakistan
BSE:531472 Electrical Equipment India
PSE:CYBR Real Estate (Development) Philippines
NasdaqGS:CYBR Software (System & Application) Israel
TSEC:5203 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
BSE:532271 Software (System & Application) India
SEHK:1020 Steel China
TSEC:3617 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:3062 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:532173 Computer Services India
OTCPK:CYDI Drugs (Biotechnology) China
KLSE:CCB Retail (Automotive) Malaysia
BMV:CYDSASA A Chemical (Basic) Mexico
BSE:532175 Software (System & Application) India
KLSE:CYL Packaging & Container Malaysia
KLSE:CYMAO Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A160980 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KLSE:CYPARK Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
GTSM:3541 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BOVESPA:CYRE3 Homebuilding Brazil
BOVESPA:CCPR3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
GTSM:6651 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A217330 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSE:517514 Machinery India
KLSE:D&O Semiconductor Malaysia
BSE:533160 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:533146 Computer Services India
TSEC:2332 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:533151 Publishing & Newspapers India
NSEI:DPABHUSHAN Retail (Special Lines) India
KLSE:DBE Food Processing Malaysia
KASE:DGKC Construction Supplies Pakistan
KOSE:A003160 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
PSE:DMW Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
TASE:DNA Electronics (General) Israel
KASE:DSIL Apparel Pakistan
KLSE:DNONCE Packaging & Container Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A263720 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
SEHK:1301 Construction Supplies Hong Kong
PSE:DNL Chemical (Specialty) Philippines
SZSE:002798 Building Materials China
SZSE:002030 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
GTSM:5276 Auto Parts Taiwan
GTSM:4804 Business & Consumer Services Cayman Islands
SEHK:1090 Steel China
HOSE:DXV Construction Supplies Vietnam
SEHK:1580 Paper/Forest Products China
KOSDAQ:A196490 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:1073 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:2535 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
TSEC:6177 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
NGSE:DAARCOMM Broadcasting Nigeria
HOSE:DBC Food Processing Vietnam
GTSM:6578 Household Products Taiwan
NSEI:DABUR Household Products India
SEHK:3999 Food Processing China
GTSM:9960 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
KASE:DADX Construction Supplies Pakistan
GTSM:8437 Education Cayman Islands
SEHK:8417 Education Hong Kong
SEHK:8130 Advertising Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A067080 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A005710 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A014160 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSE:A092200 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A045390 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A290670 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A078140 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSE:A012800 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSE:A015230 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A096350 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A140520 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A008830 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A000490 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
XKON:A178600 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A020400 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A048470 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A008060 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A006370 Retail (General) South Korea
KOSE:A001130 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054670 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A084010 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A003830 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A069460 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSDAQ:A021040 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A016090 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A078600 Electronics (General) South Korea
XKON:A114920 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A003310 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A120240 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A019680 Education South Korea
KOSE:A005750 Building Materials South Korea
KOSE:A004440 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A000210 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A017650 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSE:A006570 Building Materials South Korea
KOSDAQ:A317850 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A007720 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A004780 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSE:A001680 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A084690 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A025440 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSE:A117580 Power South Korea
KOSDAQ:A104040 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A016710 Power South Korea
KOSE:A128820 Retail (Automotive) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036480 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A027830 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A006340 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A024890 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A007680 Homebuilding South Korea
KOSE:A000430 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A048910 Entertainment South Korea
KOSE:A003220 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A009320 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A047040 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A042660 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A003090 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A069620 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A108380 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A006580 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A290380 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SEHK:6111 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:8310 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:6184 Cable TV Taiwan
DSE:DAFODILCOM Computers/Peripherals Bangladesh
SEHK:1826 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:300103 Construction Supplies China
KLSE:DNEX Computer Services Malaysia
MISX:DASB Power Russia
SEHK:1828 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:1615 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:2356 Bank (Money Center) Hong Kong
SEHK:440 Bank (Money Center) Hong Kong
SHSE:600288 Computer Services China
SHSE:600257 Food Processing China
SHSE:900951 Chemical (Basic) China
HOSE:DTL Steel Vietnam
BSE:526821 Chemical (Specialty) India
KLSE:DAIBOCI Packaging & Container Malaysia
SEHK:544 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
KOSE:A008110 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A023910 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A131220 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:530825 Chemical (Specialty) India
GTSM:4716 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SGX:D01 Retail (Grocery and Food) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A307750 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A332290 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A336570 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A020180 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A003540 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
SEHK:567 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
GTSM:8455 Computer Services Cayman Islands
KOSE:A009190 Steel South Korea
SZSE:002487 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:501148 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
ZGSE:DLKV Engineering/Construction Croatia
SEHK:3799 Food Processing Hong Kong
SHSE:603963 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603360 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300125 Building Materials China
SHSE:603318 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SZSE:000679 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002204 Machinery China
SZSE:002606 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002447 Software (Entertainment) China
SZSE:002621 Machinery China
SEHK:2880 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:200530 Machinery China
SHSE:600593 Recreation China
SHSE:600719 Utility (General) China
SZSE:002220 Food Processing China
SZSE:002354 Entertainment China
SZSE:300097 Machinery China
SEHK:1921 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SASE:4004 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Saudi Arabia
NSEI:DALBHARAT Construction Supplies India
BSE:500097 Food Processing India
HNX:PMP Packaging & Container Vietnam
HOSE:DSN Recreation Vietnam
DFM:DAMAC Real Estate (Development) United Arab Emirates
KLSE:DBHD Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
BSE:521220 Apparel India
HOSE:ADS Apparel Vietnam
TASE:DANH Hotel/Gaming Israel
ADX:DANA Oil/Gas (Integrated) United Arab Emirates
OTCPK:DANR Metals & Mining Peru
HNX:DNY Steel Vietnam
KWSE:DANAH Food Processing Kuwait
KOSDAQ:A064260 Information Services South Korea
HNX:DNM Healthcare Products Vietnam
HNX:MAS Air Transport Vietnam
HNX:DAD Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
HNX:NDX Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:NDN Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:DPC Building Materials Vietnam
HNX:CDN Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HOSE:DRC Rubber& Tires Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A119860 Retail (Online) South Korea
KLSE:DANCO Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KASE:DNCC Construction Supplies Pakistan
TASE:DANE Business & Consumer Services Israel
TSEC:3686 Semiconductor Taiwan
NSEI:DANGEE Food Processing India
NGSE:DANGCEM Construction Supplies Nigeria
NGSE:DANGSUGAR Food Processing Nigeria
SHSE:600844 Chemical (Basic) China
COSE:DPL.N0000 Household Products Sri Lanka
BSE:532329 Computer Services India
BSE:540361 Retail (Distributors) India
SZSE:002852 Farming/Agriculture China
SEHK:915 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SZSE:002632 Chemical (Basic) China
KOSDAQ:A032190 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A023590 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A066900 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:210 Shoe China
SHSE:603955 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:601006 Transportation (Railroads) China
SZSE:000985 Chemical (Basic) China
SASE:4300 Real Estate (Development) Saudi Arabia
ASE:DADI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Jordan
DFM:DARTAKAFUL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) United Arab Emirates
KWSE:THURAYA Real Estate (Development) Kuwait
DAR:DSE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tanzania
KASE:DSML Apparel Pakistan
ASE:DARA Real Estate (Development) Jordan
SGX:BLR Machinery Singapore
SZSE:000910 Building Materials China
TSEC:8163 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
NasdaqCM:DRIO Healthcare Products Israel
BSE:539770 Engineering/Construction India
SZSE:300688 Business & Consumer Services China
BSE:539884 Retail (Distributors) India
TSEC:6120 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:6648 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A039560 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SHSE:600694 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600892 Entertainment China
SHSE:603233 Retail (Special Lines) China
HOSE:DPG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:DXG Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
KASE:DAAG Farming/Agriculture Pakistan
GTSM:5432 Semiconductor Taiwan
XKON:A199150 Software (System & Application) South Korea
GTSM:3168 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:532528 Information Services India
SEHK:1272 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:600744 Power China
SEHK:991 Power China
SHSE:600198 Telecom. Equipment China
KLSE:DATAPRP Computer Services Malaysia
SGX:BKW Household Products Singapore
NasdaqCM:DTSS Software (System & Application) China
BSE:526443 Computer Services India
KOSDAQ:A263800 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KLSE:DSONIC Computer Services Malaysia
JSE:DTC Computer Services South Africa
GTSM:3521 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SHSE:601001 Coal & Related Energy China
SEHK:889 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
BSE:530171 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:3094 Semiconductor Taiwan
SHSE:603019 Computers/Peripherals China
SEHK:2348 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A068240 Machinery South Korea
KASE:DEL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
KASE:DAWH Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
KASE:DLL Green & Renewable Energy Pakistan
TSEC:5234 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
KLSE:DAYA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:DAYANG Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A139050 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A002880 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A290120 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A000300 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A071460 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
SZSE:300021 Machinery China
SHSE:900903 Trucking China
SHSE:603587 Apparel China
BSE:530393 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSDAQ:A306620 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A322780 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A016610 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSE:A000990 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A012030 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A005830 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Korea
SHSE:688023 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300735 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SGX:D05 Bank (Money Center) Singapore
GTSM:5304 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
OTCPK:DBUB Computer Services China
NSEI:DCI Computer Services India
NSEI:DCBBANK Bank (Money Center) India
DAR:DCB Bank (Money Center) Tanzania
SEHK:8040 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSE:A024090 Steel South Korea
BSE:511611 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:502820 Diversified India
NSEI:DCMNVL Apparel India
BSE:523369 Food Processing India
BSE:523367 Chemical (Diversified) India
SET:DCON Construction Supplies Thailand
NSEI:DCW Chemical (Basic) India
NasdaqCM:DDMX Investments & Asset Management Mexico
TSEC:1464 Apparel Taiwan
BSE:590031 Electrical Equipment India
GTSM:1570 Machinery Taiwan
HOSE:DTA Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A079810 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
NGSE:DEAPCAP Investments & Asset Management Nigeria
SGX:BTF Real Estate (Development) China
NSEI:DSML Farming/Agriculture India
TASE:DCMA Real Estate (Development) Israel
BSE:502137 Construction Supplies India
BSE:512068 Precious Metals India
BSE:542248 Household Products India
BSE:531989 Packaging & Container India
BUL:4DE Furn/Home Furnishings Bulgaria
GTSM:8115 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BSE:539559 Apparel India
BSE:532760 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
BSE:541778 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:500645 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:506401 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:514030 Apparel India
GTSM:6688 Entertainment Taiwan
OTCPK:DEER Furn/Home Furnishings China
ASE:DERA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
KLSE:DEGEM Apparel Malaysia
SZSE:002043 Paper/Forest Products China
SGX:D03 Food Processing British Virgin Islands
CBSE:DLM Engineering/Construction Morocco
TASE:DLEA Retail (Automotive) Israel
TASE:DEDR.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TASE:DLEKG Oil/Gas (Integrated) Israel
TASE:DLRL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
KLSE:DELEUM Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
SGX:P34 Food Processing Singapore
BVMT:DH Food Processing Tunisia
SHSE:603032 Trucking China
LJSE:DPRG Retail (Special Lines) Slovenia
TSEC:2530 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
GTSM:6762 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
DSE:DBH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
CASE:DCRC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
CASE:DTPP Packaging & Container Egypt
BSE:532848 Hotel/Gaming India
SET:DELTA Electronics (General) Thailand
TSEC:2308 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TASE:DELT Apparel Israel
CBSE:DHO Engineering/Construction Morocco
BSE:539596 Retail (Distributors) India
DSE:DELTALIFE Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
BSE:504286 Electrical Equipment India
JSE:DLT R.E.I.T. South Africa
DSE:DELTASPINN Apparel Bangladesh
CASE:SUGR Food Processing Egypt
GTSM:6144 Entertainment Taiwan
BSE:504240 Electrical Equipment India
SHSE:600503 Real Estate (Development) China
SET:DEMCO Engineering/Construction Thailand
SET:DCORP Entertainment Thailand
NSEI:DEN Cable TV India
JSE:DNB Diversified South Africa
BSE:537536 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:1452 Machinery China
SET:D Healthcare Support Services Thailand
KOSE:A145720 Healthcare Products South Korea
DIFX:DEPA Business & Consumer Services United Arab Emirates
TSEC:6605 Auto Parts Taiwan
SHSE:603056 Transportation China
SZSE:002631 Building Materials China
KOSDAQ:A263600 Electronics (General) South Korea
JMSE:DTL Retail (Grocery and Food) Jamaica
BMV:HOMEX * Homebuilding Mexico
KASE:DOL Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
DSE:DSHGARME Apparel Bangladesh
DSE:DESHBANDHU Packaging & Container Bangladesh
SEHK:1545 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A227100 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
SEHK:8268 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:262 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
NYSE:DESP Retail (Online) Argentina
KLSE:DESTINI Aerospace/Defense Malaysia
NasdaqGM:DSWL Electronics (General) Macau
SEHK:559 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A067990 Retail (Automotive) South Korea
NSEI:DEVIT Computer Services India
CASE:DAPH Engineering/Construction Egypt
KOSE:A058730 Steel South Korea
HNX:DIH Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:DIG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:DC2 Construction Supplies Vietnam
SASE:9501 Restaurant/Dining Saudi Arabia
BSE:539197 Retail (Distributors) India
KOSDAQ:A187870 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:531585 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:530765 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A194480 Entertainment South Korea
KASE:DCL Construction Supplies Pakistan
KASE:DFML Auto & Truck Pakistan
KASE:DFSM Apparel Pakistan
NSEI:DHFL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KASE:DWSM Food Processing Pakistan
KASE:DWTM Apparel Pakistan
SEHK:2019 Real Estate (Development) China
GTSM:3349 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A206560 Entertainment South Korea
DFM:DEYAAR Real Estate (Development) United Arab Emirates
SZSE:000813 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
COSE:DFCC.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
UGSE:DFCU Banks (Regional) Uganda
TSEC:2397 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:519588 Food Processing India
PSE:DFNN Computer Services Philippines
KLSE:DGB Electronics (General) Malaysia
KOSE:A139130 Banks (Regional) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A113810 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:538715 Building Materials India
DSE:DHAKABANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
DSE:DESCO Power Bangladesh
DSE:DHAKAINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
BSE:500119 Food Processing India
BSE:531923 Food Processing India
BSE:531198 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:521216 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:532180 Banks (Regional) India
BSE:521151 Apparel India
BSE:507717 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:531043 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:540268 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:511451 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:507442 Farming/Agriculture India
SZSE:002065 Computer Services China
HOSE:DHG Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
SET:TIP Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
MSM:DCFI Food Processing Oman
MSM:DGEN Power Oman
MSM:DIDI Diversified Oman
BSE:526971 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531306 Machinery India
KOSDAQ:A131030 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSE:541302 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:540695 Healthcare Support Services India
NYSE:DHT Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
BSE:533336 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:538902 Food Processing India
BSE:523736 Chemical (Basic) India
KOSE:A001530 Apparel South Korea
BOVESPA:DASA3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
COSE:DIAL.N0000 Telecom (Wireless) Sri Lanka
COSE:CALF.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
KLSE:DIALOG Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
BSE:508860 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:500120 Chemical (Basic) India
SET:DRT Construction Supplies Thailand
TSXV:DFR Precious Metals Mauritius
BSE:522163 Electrical Equipment India
NASE:DTK Bank (Money Center) Kenya
SZSE:300244 Healthcare Support Services China
BSE:530959 Food Processing India
SZSE:002730 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:500089 Chemical (Specialty) India
HOSE:DIC Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:DC4 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
CASE:DSCW Apparel Egypt
SEHK:113 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A217620 Restaurant/Dining South Korea
HOSE:DQC Electrical Equipment Vietnam
COSE:DIMO.N0000 Retail (Automotive) Sri Lanka
SEHK:6878 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
BVB:DIGI Telecom. Services Romania
KLSE:DIGI Telecom (Wireless) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A197140 Software (System & Application) South Korea
NSEI:DGCONTENT Software (Entertainment) India
BSE:517214 Software (System & Application) India
KLSE:DIGISTA Computer Services Malaysia
SZSE:000034 Software (Internet) China
SEHK:861 Computer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:000555 Computer Services China
KOSDAQ:A033130 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
KOSDAQ:A068930 Education South Korea
SEHK:547 Entertainment Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A043360 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
SEHK:2022 Entertainment China
KOSDAQ:A110990 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A134580 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A106520 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A026890 Electronics (General) South Korea
SZSE:300378 Software (System & Application) China
HOSE:DGW Computer Services Vietnam
OTCPK:DGNG Electronics (General) China
BSE:540151 Broadcasting India
BSE:540789 Publishing & Newspapers India
BSE:540047 Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A131180 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
COSE:CTEA.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
SHSE:600565 Real Estate (Development) China
GTSM:6140 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:5403 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:5609 Transportation Taiwan
SET:DIMET Chemical (Specialty) Thailand
KASE:DINT Apparel Pakistan
BELEX:DINR Retail (Distributors) Serbia
SZSE:300050 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:508 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
GTSM:6585 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
HOSE:DVP Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
XKON:A086080 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039840 Healthcare Products South Korea
MISX:DIOD Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Russia
XKON:A271850 Diversified South Korea
OTCPK:DION Environmental & Waste Services China
KOSDAQ:A196450 Electronics (General) South Korea
COSE:DIPD.N0000 Chemical (Basic) Sri Lanka
R.E.I.T. South Africa
IDX:XCIS Investments & Asset Management Indonesia
BOVESPA:DIRR3 Homebuilding Brazil
SEHK:8337 Telecom (Wireless) Hong Kong
SZSE:300396 Healthcare Products China
JSE:DCP Retail (Special Lines) South Africa
BSE:500068 Machinery India
Catalist:532 Computer Services Singapore
TASE:DISI Diversified Israel
JSE:DSY Insurance (Life) South Africa
PSE:DWC Hotel/Gaming Philippines
BSE:540701 Heathcare Information and Technology India
KOSDAQ:A066670 Semiconductor South Korea
JSE:DGH Beverage (Alcoholic) South Africa
COSE:DIST.N0000 Beverage (Alcoholic) Sri Lanka
BASE:DGCU2 Power Argentina
CBSE:DWY Computer Services Morocco
SEHK:726 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
GTSM:4153 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:DGSB Computer Services Malaysia
NSEI:DIVISLAB Heathcare Information and Technology India
BSE:538432 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:526315 Construction Supplies India
BSE:540699 Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
PSE:DIZ Metals & Mining Philippines
KOSDAQ:A033310 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A290550 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A105740 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A263020 Apparel South Korea
OTCPK:DKGH Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
KLSE:DKLS Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:DKSH Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
DSM:DBIS Brokerage & Investment Banking Qatar
SEHK:8210 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
NSEI:DLF Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
PSE:DMC Diversified Philippines
KOSDAQ:A068790 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
HNX:KSD Construction Supplies Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A127120 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A092070 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SET:DDD Household Products Thailand
HOSE:DTT Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
SZSE:002407 Chemical (Basic) China
HNX:DXP Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
SZSE:300622 Healthcare Products China
SET:DOD Household Products Thailand
NasdaqGM:DOGZ Apparel China
DSM:DHBK Bank (Money Center) Qatar
DSM:DOHI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Qatar
SZSE:002761 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SET:DOHOME Retail (Building Supply) Thailand
KOSE:A002150 Engineering/Construction South Korea
BSE:505526 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NSEI:DOLLAR Apparel India
KASE:DCR R.E.I.T. Pakistan
KLSE:DOLMITE Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
TASE:DLMT-M Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
JMSE:DCOVE Recreation Jamaica
COSE:STAF.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
KLSE:DOLPHIN Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
BSE:526504 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:522261 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
BASE:DOME Furn/Home Furnishings Argentina
HOSE:DMC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
KLSE:DOMINAN Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
SEHK:8537 Apparel Hong Kong
CCSE:DOM Packaging & Container Venezuela
BSE:512519 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A088130 Electronics (General) South Korea
HOSE:DAH Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
HNX:HDA Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
HOSE:DAG Building Materials Vietnam
KOSE:A282690 Rubber& Tires South Korea
HOSE:DHC Paper/Forest Products Vietnam
HOSE:PDN Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HOSE:DPR Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
KOSE:A026960 Food Wholesalers South Korea
KOSE:A002210 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A030720 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A092780 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A008970 Steel South Korea
SZSE:002713 Business & Consumer Services China
KOSDAQ:A041930 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KOSE:A000640 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A170900 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A028100 Engineering/Construction South Korea
SZSE:000423 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KOSE:A007590 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A099410 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A004140 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
KOSDAQ:A281740 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A005960 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A016380 Steel South Korea
SEHK:1072 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000682 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600006 Auto & Truck China
SHSE:600081 Auto Parts China
SEHK:489 Auto & Truck China
SZSE:200160 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002855 Machinery China
SZSE:000828 Transportation China
SZSE:300328 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300606 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603038 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002638 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002902 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000573 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300790 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:1702 Chemical (Specialty) China
KOSE:A004890 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A109860 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A023790 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A002690 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A032960 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:895 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A005290 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A006620 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A086450 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A005160 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A075970 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A001230 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A100130 Engineering/Construction South Korea
HNX:DNP Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
KOSE:A023450 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A025950 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A005190 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A102260 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A033500 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A025900 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSE:A000020 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A013120 Real Estate (Development) South Korea
KOSE:A049770 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A006040 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A018500 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A014820 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A088910 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A094170 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:695 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:601198 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
KOSDAQ:A079960 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A084670 Trucking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A104460 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A060380 Steel South Korea
SEHK:189 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603359 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:000893 Farming/Agriculture China
GTSM:3290 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSE:A241560 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A000150 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A011160 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A336260 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A034020 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A042670 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A336370 Electronics (General) South Korea
XKON:A270020 Construction Supplies South Korea
TASE:DRAL Retail (Automotive) Israel
DSE:DOREENPWR Power Bangladesh
TASE:DRSL Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KASE:DSL Steel Pakistan
ASX:DTZ Semiconductor Equip Israel
TSEC:4764 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SZSE:002901 Healthcare Products China
PSE:DD Real Estate (Development) Philippines
KOSE:A192080 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
CBSE:ADH Real Estate (Development) Morocco
SEHK:1917 Software (Entertainment) China
KOSE:A012510 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BUL:5DOV Diversified Bulgaria
SEHK:8403 Advertising China
SEHK:668 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
DIFX:DPW Shipbuilding & Marine United Arab Emirates
XKON:A163430 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KLSE:DPIH Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
KLSE:DPS Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
BSE:533176 Entertainment India
BSE:541299 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:526783 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:539524 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:500124 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:6523 Household Products Taiwan
GTSM:4131 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
SHSE:600804 Telecom. Services China
BSE:540144 Engineering/Construction India
OTCPK:DRGV Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:935 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
OTCPK:DGJI Household Products Hong Kong
SEHK:8493 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SEHK:6829 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
DSE:DSSL Apparel Bangladesh
NasdaqCM:LYL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
KOSDAQ:A030350 Entertainment South Korea
TSEC:6216 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KOSE:A004840 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KOSE:A163560 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KLSE:DRBHCOM Auto & Truck Malaysia
SEHK:1126 Recreation Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A203650 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SEHK:593 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
KOSE:A192650 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A060570 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
BSE:523618 Shipbuilding & Marine India
KASE:DKL Investments & Asset Management Pakistan
TSEC:4572 Aerospace/Defense Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A263690 Healthcare Products South Korea
HOSE:DRH Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
HNX:PVC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
ASX:DSE Software (System & Application) Singapore
NSEI:DRSDILIP Trucking India
KOSDAQ:A214680 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSSE:1DRS001E Investments & Asset Management Slovakia
HOSE:PAC Auto Parts Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A241520 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A109740 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSE:A155660 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A069730 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A033430 Metals & Mining South Korea
SEHK:356 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A187220 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
BOVESPA:DTCY3 Business & Consumer Services Brazil
KOSE:A007340 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:620 Construction Supplies Hong Kong
KOSE:A016740 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A078590 Auto Parts South Korea
DFM:DFM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) United Arab Emirates
DFM:DIC Diversified United Arab Emirates
DFM:DIB Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
DFM:AMAN Insurance (Prop/Cas.) United Arab Emirates
DFM:DRC Food Wholesalers United Arab Emirates
HNX:DGC Household Products Vietnam
HOSE:DLG Diversified Vietnam
HOSE:FTM Apparel Vietnam
HOSE:GDT Household Products Vietnam
XKON:A176750 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A090410 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A024900 Auto Parts South Korea
HNX:DL1 Trucking Vietnam
BSE:534674 Software (System & Application) India
KLSE:DUFU Machinery Malaysia
SEHK:1753 Software (Entertainment) China
SGX:BKV Beverage (Alcoholic) China
ZGSE:LURA Food Processing Croatia
BSE:531471 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
KOSDAQ:A077360 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A213420 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A317330 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A004830 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
DSE:DULAMIACOT Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:504908 Auto Parts India
SNSE:DUNCANFOX Food Processing Chile
TASE:DUNI Real Estate (Development) Israel
KOSDAQ:A073190 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
SHSE:603528 Electronics (General) China
HOSE:DHM Metals & Mining Vietnam
KLSE:DPHARMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Malaysia
SASE:4010 Hotel/Gaming Saudi Arabia
BOVESPA:DTEX3 Paper/Forest Products Brazil
ZGSE:DDJH Machinery Croatia
BSE:526355 Packaging & Container India
BSE:516003 Paper/Forest Products India
SET:DREIT R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:DTC Hotel/Gaming Thailand
KLSE:DUTALND Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KLSE:DLADY Food Processing Malaysia
DSE:DUTCHBANGL Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
SGX:CZ4 Office Equipment & Services China
BSE:517437 Building Materials India
SGX:5SO Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
HOSE:TCO Transportation Vietnam
SHSE:603999 Publishing & Newspapers China
BSE:532610 Food Processing India
BSE:538608 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:DWL Household Products Malaysia
DFM:DXBE Recreation United Arab Emirates
KOSE:A013570 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A210540 Construction Supplies South Korea
TSEC:1598 Recreation Taiwan
BASE:DYCA Engineering/Construction Argentina
SZSE:002054 Chemical (Specialty) China
SGX:NO4 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
KLSE:DYNACIA Steel Malaysia
GTSM:5489 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:532365 Computer Services India
SEHK:1330 Environmental & Waste Services China
BSE:505242 Auto Parts India
BSE:540795 Electrical Equipment India
TSEC:6251 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:29 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
BSE:524818 Chemical (Specialty) India
GTSM:4138 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:530779 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
GTSM:8928 Recreation Taiwan
GTSM:3211 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:DCC Building Materials Thailand
SEHK:828 Beverage (Alcoholic) Hong Kong
BSE:517238 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
KASE:DYNO Chemical (Diversified) Pakistan
BSE:532707 Chemical (Specialty) India
HNX:DZM Electrical Equipment Vietnam
TASE:EMCO Computer Services Israel
BSE:531533 Computer Services India
SET:EFORL Healthcare Support Services Thailand
GTSM:8069 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSE:A093230 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSE:A088260 R.E.I.T. South Korea
SEHK:8222 Retail (Building Supply) Hong Kong
SEHK:1733 Steel China
KOSDAQ:A092130 Information Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A134060 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
SEHK:2048 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
BSE:532820 Apparel India
TSEC:2497 Auto Parts Taiwan
TSEC:6281 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A041520 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A139480 Retail (General) South Korea
KOSE:A015020 Real Estate (Operations & Services) South Korea
GTSM:3452 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A096040 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSE:A084680 Recreation South Korea
SEHK:599 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TASE:SHNP Auto Parts Israel
KLSE:EATECH Oil/Gas Distribution Malaysia
COSE:EBCR.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
BSE:500125 Chemical (Specialty) India
TASE:SHOM Investments & Asset Management Israel
TSEC:2884 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
XKON:A101360 Auto Parts South Korea
GTSM:8440 Environmental & Waste Services Taiwan
XKON:A341310 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:8027 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
KOSE:A017940 Oil/Gas Distribution South Korea
NSEI:E2E Software (Internet) India
KLSE:EAH Computer Services Malaysia
NASE:EGAD Food Processing Kenya
PSE:EAGLE Construction Supplies Philippines
GTSM:8905 Food Processing Taiwan
ASX:EHH Household Products China
MUSE:MEI.N0000 Insurance (General) Mauritius
SEHK:936 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:2368 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:901 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A044960 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SZSE:002922 Electrical Equipment China
KOSDAQ:A039020 Building Materials South Korea
KOSE:A008250 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
OTCPK:EACR Trucking South Africa
SEHK:6128 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
BSE:542724 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SET:EASON Chemical (Basic) Thailand
ENXTPA:MLEAS Telecom (Wireless) Hong Kong
NASE:EABL Beverage (Alcoholic) Kenya
NASE:CABL Electrical Equipment Kenya
NASE:PORT Construction Supplies Kenya
SZSE:002140 Engineering/Construction China
SET:ECF Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
CASE:EDFM Food Processing Egypt
SZSE:300376 Electronics (General) China
BSE:541053 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SZSE:300059 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
GTSM:6588 Electronics (General) Taiwan
PSE:EW Bank (Money Center) Philippines
BSE:540006 Transportation India
COSE:EAST.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
SZSE:002017 Computers/Peripherals China
TSEC:5225 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Cayman Islands
KLSE:E&O Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
DSE:EBL Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
DSE:ECABLES Electrical Equipment Bangladesh
SET:ECL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
SHSE:600776 Telecom. Equipment China
CASE:EAST Tobacco Egypt
SHSE:600086 Apparel China
DSE:EHL Real Estate (Development) Bangladesh
DSE:EASTERNINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
DSE:EASTRNLUB Chemical (Basic) Bangladesh
TSEC:2614 Retail (Online) Taiwan
COSE:EMER.N0000 Retail (Distributors) Sri Lanka
SHSE:603377 Business & Consumer Services China
SET:EPG Chemical (Basic) Thailand
SET:EPCO Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
BSE:590022 Apparel India
SET:ESTAR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Thailand
SET:ETE Engineering/Construction Thailand
BSE:531346 Rubber& Tires India
SET:EASTW Utility (Water) Thailand
KLSE:EASTLND Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
DSE:EASTLAND Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SZSE:300310 Computer Services China
BSE:532751 Electrical Equipment India
KOSDAQ:A035810 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
GTSM:6425 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:221 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:8079 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
SHSE:600093 Transportation China
PSE:ECP Telecom. Services Philippines
SEHK:1218 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
OTCPK:ESYL Electronics (Consumer & Office) Israel
GTSM:1799 Healthcare Products Taiwan
XKON:A208850 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A323210 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A078020 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
BME:EBI Green & Renewable Energy Bulgaria
GTSM:8409 Heathcare Information and Technology Taiwan
SEHK:8036 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
OTCPK:EBML Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SGX:BWCU R.E.I.T. Singapore
COSE:ECL.N0000 Heathcare Information and Technology Sri Lanka
SNSE:EISA Engineering/Construction Chile
SEHK:8218 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A230360 Advertising South Korea
SEHK:8013 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
GTSM:3485 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
TSEC:1476 Apparel Taiwan
NSEI:ECLERX Information Services India
GTSM:6689 Software (Internet) Taiwan
KLSE:ECM Investments & Asset Management Malaysia
OTCPK:EYTH Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
BSE:530643 Environmental & Waste Services India
KLSE:ECOWLD Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KLSE:EWINT Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SEHK:8169 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:8169 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
BRVM:ECOC Bank (Money Center) Ivory Coast
GHSE:EGH Bank (Money Center) Ghana
NGSE:ETI Bank (Money Center) Togo
KOSDAQ:A038870 Green & Renewable Energy South Korea
BSE:523732 Paper/Forest Products India
KLSE:ECOHLDS Software (System & Application) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A128540 Auto Parts South Korea
GTSM:6597 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:ECOFIRS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
SEHK:2341 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A064510 Construction Supplies South Korea
BSE:538708 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KLSE:ECONBHD Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KASE:ECOP Packaging & Container Pakistan
BVC:ECOPETROL Oil/Gas (Integrated) Colombia
BSE:526703 Chemical (Basic) India
KOSDAQ:A038110 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A247540 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A086520 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BOVESPA:ECOR3 Transportation Brazil
SHSE:603486 Furn/Home Furnishings China
GTSM:6803 Environmental & Waste Services Taiwan
Catalist:5CT Environmental & Waste Services Singapore
JSE:ECS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
KOSDAQ:A067010 Telecom. Services South Korea
SZSE:300206 Healthcare Products China
KLSE:EDARAN Computer Services Malaysia
NSEI:EDELWEISS Investments & Asset Management India
COSE:EDEN.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
KLSE:EDEN Power Malaysia
SEHK:8450 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SZSE:002351 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
TSEC:3047 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:3591 Semiconductor Taiwan
CASE:EFID Food Processing Egypt
Catalist:5HG Farming/Agriculture Singapore
TSEC:3048 Computer Services Taiwan
BOVESPA:ENBR3 Power Brazil
TASE:EDRL Engineering/Construction Israel
HNX:DAE Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
HNX:EBS Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
HNX:SGD Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
KWSE:EDU Education Kuwait
BSE:532696 Education India
XKON:A208890 Education South Korea
KLSE:EDUSPEC Education Malaysia
SEHK:1410 Computer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:382 Education China
BSE:535694 Retail (Online) India
KOSDAQ:A001840 Engineering/Construction South Korea
PSE:EEI Engineering/Construction Philippines
SEHK:3709 Retail (Special Lines) China
KLSE:EFFICEN Information Services Malaysia
JSE:EFG Investments & Asset Management South Africa
KASE:EFGH Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
CASE:HRHO Brokerage & Investment Banking Egypt
JSE:EEL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) South Africa
SEHK:943 Household Products Hong Kong
SEHK:8062 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
KASE:EFUG Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
KASE:EFUL Insurance (Life) Pakistan
GTSM:3523 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A037370 Steel South Korea
KLSE:EG Electronics (Consumer & Office) Malaysia
GTSM:3556 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:8609 Food Processing Singapore
SHSE:600537 Semiconductor China
GTSM:6462 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:6882 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SZSE:002619 Entertainment China
CASE:EGAL Metals & Mining Egypt
CASE:EPCO Food Processing Egypt
CASE:MFSC Retail (Special Lines) Egypt
CASE:EGAS Power Egypt
CASE:EKHO Chemical (Diversified) Egypt
CASE:EASB Brokerage & Investment Banking Egypt
CASE:EGCH Chemical (Diversified) Egypt
CASE:EFIC Chemical (Specialty) Egypt
CASE:EGBE Banks (Regional) Egypt
CASE:PHAR Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
CASE:EITP Restaurant/Dining Egypt
CASE:IRON Steel Egypt
CASE:MPRC Entertainment Egypt
CASE:EGTS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
CASE:TORA Construction Supplies Egypt
CASE:ETRS Shipbuilding & Marine Egypt
CASE:EHDR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
CASE:EIUD Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
KOSDAQ:A024810 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BSE:505200 Auto & Truck India
BSE:523127 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:500840 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:523708 Construction Supplies India
GTSM:6589 Heathcare Information and Technology Taiwan
GTSM:5291 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:EITA Machinery Malaysia
SEHK:8101 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
BSE:538653 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:EKA Food Processing Malaysia
SET:EKH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
BSE:530581 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SET:AKR Electrical Equipment Thailand
BUL:5EK Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
NGSE:EKOCORP Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Nigeria
KLSE:EKOVEST Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:EKSONS Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
KWSE:EKTTITAB Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
CASE:EPPK Publishing & Newspapers Egypt
TASE:ELAL Air Transport Israel
CASE:KWIN Brokerage & Investment Banking Egypt
CASE:ELKA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
CASE:ELNA Farming/Agriculture Egypt
BMV:LIVEPOL C-1 Retail (General) Mexico
CASE:SWDY Electrical Equipment Egypt
CASE:ELWA Hotel/Gaming Egypt
CASE:OBRI Real Estate (Development) Egypt
TASE:ELMR Engineering/Construction Israel
CASE:KABO Apparel Egypt
TSEC:2458 Semiconductor Taiwan
BUL:0EA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bulgaria
BSE:513452 Power India
BSE:500123 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:76 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
JSE:ELR Retail (Distributors) South Africa
TASE:EMITF Healthcare Products Israel
TASE:EMTC Healthcare Products Israel
TASE:ESLT Aerospace/Defense Israel
TASE:ELCO Engineering/Construction Israel
KOSDAQ:A037950 Electronics (General) South Korea
TASE:ELDAV Investments & Asset Management Israel
BSE:523329 Real Estate (Development) India
SGX:E16 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:002005 Furn/Home Furnishings China
BSE:505700 Electrical Equipment India
TASE:ECP Furn/Home Furnishings Israel
TASE:ELTR Engineering/Construction Israel
TASE:ELCRE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
TASE:ELWS Brokerage & Investment Banking Israel
SZSE:300679 Electronics (General) China
GTSM:4529 Auto & Truck Taiwan
HOSE:THI Electrical Equipment Vietnam
SASE:1303 Electrical Equipment Saudi Arabia
SET:EGCO Power Thailand
CASE:ELEC Electrical Equipment Egypt
SNSE:ELUXSA Furn/Home Furnishings Chile
BVB:ELMA Electronics (General) Romania
HOSE:ELC Computer Services Vietnam
SET:EIC Semiconductor Thailand
BVMT:LSTR Furn/Home Furnishings Tunisia
BSE:500128 Building Materials India
BSE:526608 Steel India
MISX:ELTZ Metals & Mining Russia
SZSE:300356 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:8391 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SEHK:907 Apparel Hong Kong
BSE:526705 Construction Supplies India
LJSE:EMAG Power Slovenia
BMV:ELEMENT * Building Materials Mexico
KOSDAQ:A264850 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054210 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BOVESPA:LIPR3 Power Brazil
BSE:522074 Machinery India
NSEI:ELGIRUBCO Machinery India
BUL:52E Electrical Equipment Bulgaria
SEHK:223 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SHSE:600277 Chemical (Basic) China
TSEC:3450 Semiconductor Taiwan
JMSE:ELITE Healthcare Support Services Jamaica
TSEC:2383 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:3006 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2331 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
XKON:A276240 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:531278 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KLSE:ELKDESA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Malaysia
SEHK:1395 Utility (Water) China
NGSE:ELLAHLAKES Food Processing Nigeria
JSE:ELI Telecom. Equipment South Africa
SGX:BIX Semiconductor Equip Singapore
AMEX:ELLO Green & Renewable Energy Israel
BSE:517477 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
KOSDAQ:A063760 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
COSE:ELPL.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
BSE:504000 Real Estate (Development) India
OTCPK:ELRN.F Diversified Israel
CASE:UEGC Engineering/Construction Egypt
ASX:ELS Electronics (General) Israel
KLSE:ELSOFT Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
TASE:ELSPC Electrical Equipment Israel
GTSM:8487 Broadcasting Taiwan
NasdaqCM:ELTK Electronics (General) Israel
KOSDAQ:A065440 Software (System & Application) South Korea
ASE:ELZA Apparel Jordan
KOSDAQ:A091120 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:522027 Machinery India
DFM:EMAARDEV Real Estate (Development) United Arab Emirates
DFM:EMAARMALLS Real Estate (Operations & Services) United Arab Emirates
CASE:EMFD Real Estate (Development) Egypt
DFM:EMAAR Real Estate (Development) United Arab Emirates
SASE:4220 Real Estate (Development) Saudi Arabia
BSE:531162 Household Products India
BSE:533208 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:533218 Real Estate (Development) India
OTCPK:EMRN Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
SHSE:603496 Telecom. Equipment China
BOVESPA:EMBR3 Aerospace/Defense Brazil
SEHK:1388 Apparel Hong Kong
SET:EMC Engineering/Construction Thailand
BSE:504008 Electrical Equipment India
JSE:EMH Broadcasting South Africa
SZSE:000888 Hotel/Gaming China
GTSM:3529 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:538882 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:507265 Recreation India
DSE:EMERALDOIL Food Processing Bangladesh
OTCPK:EMEX.F Paper/Forest Products Hong Kong
TSEC:3038 Electronics (General) Taiwan
Catalist:1C0 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
OTCPK:EWPI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Ghana
KLSE:EMICO Household Products Malaysia
TASE:EMDV Diversified Israel
SEHK:616 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
GTSM:9950 Apparel Taiwan
JSE:EMI R.E.I.T. South Africa
ADX:DRIVE Education United Arab Emirates
DFM:DU Telecom. Services United Arab Emirates
DFM:EMIRATESNBD Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
DIFX:REIT R.E.I.T. United Arab Emirates
ADX:ETISALAT Telecom. Services United Arab Emirates
BUL:57E Electrical Equipment Bulgaria
BSE:532737 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
ASE:EMAR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
BSE:533161 Packaging & Container India
BSE:524768 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:532038 Food Wholesalers India
KOSDAQ:A123570 Advertising South Korea
OTCPK:NUVI Household Products China
BSE:532920 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
BSE:500132 Food Processing India
PSE:EMP Beverage (Alcoholic) Philippines
SEHK:717 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SEHK:491 Entertainment Hong Kong
SEHK:296 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:163 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:887 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
PSE:ELI Real Estate (Development) Philippines
BSE:509525 Packaging & Container India
BSE:504351 Computer Services India
BVL:POMALCC1 Farming/Agriculture Peru
SNSE:MOLLER Engineering/Construction Chile
BVC:ETB Telecom. Services Colombia
BASE:EMDE Power Argentina
BASE:EDN Power Argentina
SNSE:ENTEL Telecom (Wireless) Chile
SNSE:EPERVA Food Processing Chile
BVL:HIDRA2C1 Power Peru
BVL:SIDERC1 Steel Peru
SNSE:CMPC Paper/Forest Products Chile
SNSE:COPEC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Chile
SNSE:GASCO Power Chile
SNSE:HITES Retail (General) Chile
SNSE:IANSA Food Processing Chile
SNSE:NUEVAPOLAR Retail (General) Chile
SNSE:LIPIGAS Oil/Gas Distribution Chile
SNSE:TRICOT Retail (Special Lines) Chile
XKON:A058970 Software (System & Application) South Korea
OTCPK:EAIN Telecom. Services Malaysia
SNSE:ENAEX Chemical (Basic) Chile
BOVESPA:ENAT3 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Brazil
DIFX:ENBDREIT R.E.I.T. United Arab Emirates
SHSE:603869 Computer Services China
KLSE:ENCORP Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:540153 Auto Parts India
TSEC:6243 Semiconductor Taiwan
SGX:R14 Transportation Singapore
BASE:CECO2 Power Argentina
BVL:ENGEPEC1 Green & Renewable Energy Peru
GTSM:6657 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
NSEL:ESO1L Power Lithuania
BOVESPA:ENGI3 Power Brazil
TASE:ENRG Green & Renewable Energy Israel
BELEX:ENHL Diversified Serbia
SET:EA Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
BSE:532219 Power India
OTCPK:EGYF Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
SEHK:353 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
XKON:A232530 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A095190 Machinery South Korea
GTSM:8093 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A019990 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BOVESPA:ENEV3 Power Brazil
KOSE:A011090 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSDAQ:A102710 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
GTSM:8287 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
OTCPK:ENGA Advertising China
BSM:ENGEN Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Botswana
BOVESPA:EGIE3 Green & Renewable Energy Brazil
SNSE:ECL Power Chile
BVL:ENGIEC1 Power Peru
NSEI:ENGINERSIN Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A208860 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KASE:ENGRO Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
SGX:S44 Construction Supplies Singapore
KASE:EFERT Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
KASE:EPCL Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
KASE:EPQL Power Pakistan
KLSE:ENGTEX Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
GTSM:6564 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
SNSE:ENJOY Hotel/Gaming Chile
SZSE:300020 Computer Services China
BVC:ENKA Chemical (Basic) Colombia
BSE:533477 Auto Parts India
MUSE:ENLG.N0000 Diversified Mauritius
TSEC:2438 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TASE:ENLT Green & Renewable Energy Israel
NasdaqCM:ENLV Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
SEHK:128 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SHSE:600803 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:2688 Power China
BVMT:NAKL Retail (Automotive) Tunisia
TSEC:6414 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:ENRA Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
XKON:A140610 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
NasdaqGS:ESGR Reinsurance Bermuda
GTSM:4419 Apparel Taiwan
NasdaqCM:ENTX Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
TSEC:1592 Auto Parts Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A206400 Entertainment South Korea
SEHK:1808 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
GHSE:EGL Insurance (Life) Ghana
BSE:532700 Broadcasting India
GTSM:1333 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
OTCPK:ETNI Investments & Asset Management China
TSEC:2849 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
ASE:ENTK Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
BSE:500246 Machinery India
SNSE:EDELPA Packaging & Container Chile
CCSE:ENV Packaging & Container Venezuela
SGX:BQD Food Wholesalers Singapore
KOSDAQ:A317870 Construction Supplies South Korea
SEHK:1102 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
DSE:ENVOYTEX Apparel Bangladesh
JSE:ENX Retail (Distributors) South Africa
KOSDAQ:A183490 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039030 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
JSE:EOH Computer Services South Africa
XKON:A224810 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
BSE:532658 Electrical Equipment India
KOSDAQ:A245620 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KLSE:EMETALL Steel Malaysia
SZSE:300502 Electronics (General) China
KLSE:EPMB Auto Parts Malaysia
JSE:EPE Investments & Asset Management Mauritius
SEHK:689 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
BSE:530407 Electrical Equipment India
OB:EPIC-ME Oil/Gas Distribution Singapore
TSEC:4956 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3707 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:3016 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2448 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3633 Semiconductor Taiwan
SHSE:603002 Chemical (Basic) China
JMSE:EPLY Investments & Asset Management Jamaica
SEHK:1884 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
GTSM:4183 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BOVESPA:EQTL3 Power Brazil
BOVESPA:CELP3 Power Brazil
KWSE:EQUIPMENT Engineering/Construction Kuwait
TASE:EQTL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
BSE:539844 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
JSE:EQU R.E.I.T. South Africa
NASE:EQTY Bank (Money Center) Kenya
COSE:ETWO.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
SET:ERWPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
TASE:EFNC Healthcare Products Israel
HNX:LCD Engineering/Construction Vietnam
ZGSE:ERNT Telecom. Equipment Croatia
BSE:540596 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:3675 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:1856 Apparel Hong Kong
NSEI:EROSMEDIA Entertainment India
KLSE:ESCERAM Building Materials Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A052190 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:531502 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:500133 Machinery India
KOSDAQ:A080010 Retail (Online) South Korea
BSE:511716 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KASE:ESBL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
NSEI:ESCORTS Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:531259 Advertising India
ADX:ESHRAQ Real Estate (Development) United Arab Emirates
BSE:514118 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A073070 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A087730 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
TSEC:5243 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SHSE:688018 Semiconductor China
DSE:ESQUIRENIT Apparel Bangladesh
SEHK:1821 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Cayman Islands
SGX:J91U R.E.I.T. Singapore
BSE:532787 Packaging & Container India
BSE:533149 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:533704 Oil/Gas Distribution India
SNSE:ESSBIO-C Utility (Water) Chile
BSE:500135 Packaging & Container India
KOSDAQ:A043340 Machinery South Korea
NYSE:ESNT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bermuda
SEHK:1061 Drugs (Biotechnology) Hong Kong
SET:ESSO Oil/Gas (Integrated) Thailand
BVMT:SOKNA Real Estate (Development) Tunisia
GTSM:4413 Apparel Taiwan
SZSE:300488 Machinery China
NasdaqCM:ESTA Healthcare Products Costa Rica
BOVESPA:YDUQ3 Education Brazil
KOSDAQ:A069510 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A041910 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BSE:500136 Chemical (Basic) India
BAX:ESTERAD Investments & Asset Management Bahrain
KLSE:EIG Business & Consumer Services Malaysia
NasdaqGM:ESTR Environmental & Waste Services Brazil
KOSDAQ:A047560 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SZSE:002747 Machinery China
SEHK:571 Entertainment Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A223310 Electronics (General) South Korea
SNSE:ESVAL-C Utility (Water) Chile
KOSDAQ:A016250 Engineering/Construction South Korea
NGSE:ETERNA Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
SZSE:002183 Business & Consumer Services China
TSEC:1717 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
BOVESPA:ETER3 Construction Supplies Brazil
OTCPK:ETAH Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SEHK:764 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:1725 Electronics (General) China
AIM:ENET Telecom. Equipment Israel
SASE:7020 Telecom (Wireless) Saudi Arabia
JSE:ETO Telecom. Equipment South Africa
NGSE:ETRANZACT Information Services Nigeria
GTSM:3567 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:5351 Semiconductor Taiwan
BUL:5EO Healthcare Products Bulgaria
SEHK:8031 Office Equipment & Services Hong Kong
BSE:537707 Real Estate (Development) India
KOSDAQ:A206650 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSDAQ:A023410 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A001200 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A321260 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A331380 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A084370 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KLSE:EUPE Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
OTCPK:EUEN.F Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Anguilla
SET:UREKA Machinery Thailand
ASE:AMMI Insurance (General) Jordan
BSE:530929 Retail (Distributors) India
MUN:JT9 Real Estate (Development) China
KLSE:EURO Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
NSEI:EIFFL Food Processing India
BSE:533109 Computers/Peripherals India
NasdaqCM:CLWT Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BVMT:ECYCL Recreation Tunisia
PSE:EURO Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Philippines
TSEC:5288 Auto Parts Taiwan
SHSE:603966 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:1846 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
BUL:4EH Insurance (General) Bulgaria
TSX:EOX Metals & Mining Macedonia
MISX:EELT Engineering/Construction Russia
SZSE:002711 Business & Consumer Services China
KLSE:EUROSP Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
Catalist:5G1 Retail (Automotive) Singapore
GTSM:6652 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KOSE:A000700 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
KOSDAQ:A263050 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
TSEC:2618 Air Transport Taiwan
SEHK:838 Machinery Hong Kong
BSE:542668 Business & Consumer Services India
SZSE:300014 Electrical Equipment China
BOVESPA:EVEN3 Homebuilding Brazil
SEHK:1549 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SEHK:3616 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1995 Business & Consumer Services China
GTSM:6712 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
GTSM:6624 Environmental & Waste Services Taiwan
NasdaqGM:EVK Apparel China
PSE:EVER Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
LSE:EVRA Investments & Asset Management British Virgin Islands
SEHK:3699 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SHSE:600622 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:601788 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:202 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A041440 Construction Supplies South Korea
NASE:EVRD Retail (Distributors) Kenya
BSE:531508 Household Products India
BSE:508906 Building Materials India
BSE:532684 Packaging & Container India
BSE:524790 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NYSE:RE Reinsurance Bermuda
HNX:EVS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
TSEC:1460 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:5484 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:708 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
KLSE:EVERGRN Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
OTCPK:EVGI Paper/Forest Products China
SEHK:238 Retail (Special Lines) China
TSEC:2607 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
TSEC:2603 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
SEHK:1962 Household Products Hong Kong
SZSE:002162 Building Materials China
GTSM:8934 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
HOSE:EVG Diversified Vietnam
SET:EVER Real Estate (Development) Thailand
TSEC:1711 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
TSEC:2393 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:514358 Apparel India
TSEC:1735 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
HOSE:EVE Furn/Home Furnishings Vietnam
KLSE:ESAFE Rubber& Tires Malaysia
KLSE:SENDAI Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SEHK:8022 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:2390 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:1470 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:1616 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
XKON:A270660 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
SZSE:300295 Software (Entertainment) China
JMSE:EFRESH Food Wholesalers Jamaica
DSE:ETL Apparel Bangladesh
HOSE:LEC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
SEHK:2308 Computers/Peripherals China
TASE:EVGN Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
LSE:EVR Steel Russia
KLSE:EWEIN Machinery Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A258610 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A088290 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054940 Engineering/Construction South Korea
TASE:EXEN Healthcare Products Israel
KOSDAQ:A060230 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SEHK:8350 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
OTCPK:EDSF.F Apparel Hong Kong
TSEC:2483 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KLSE:EFORCE Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:500650 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:533090 Retail (Distributors) India
TSEC:6288 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:5299 Semiconductor Taiwan
SGX:BDF Computer Services Singapore
Real Estate (Operations & Services) Croatia
GTSM:6496 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
TSEC:4104 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
MUSE:EUDC.I0000 Diversified Mauritius
BUL:5EX R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
KOSDAQ:A205100 Software (System & Application) South Korea
JSE:EXP R.E.I.T. South Africa
KOSDAQ:A092870 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:500086 Auto Parts India
KASE:EXIDE Auto Parts Pakistan
SET:XO Food Processing Thailand
BUL:E7P R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
SEHK:8319 Computer Services Hong Kong
NSEI:EXPLEOSOL Computer Services India
BSE:526614 Machinery India
COSE:EXPO.N0000 Transportation Sri Lanka
CASE:EXPA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Egypt
DSE:EXIMBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
TASE:EXPO Banks (Regional) Israel
JMSE:ECL Restaurant/Dining Jamaica
NASE:XPRS Trucking Kenya
KOSDAQ:A226360 Engineering/Construction South Korea
CASE:ZEOT Food Processing Egypt
SEHK:858 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
JSE:EXX Coal & Related Energy South Africa
KOSDAQ:A185490 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A031310 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A099750 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
TSEC:6442 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
DSM:ERES Real Estate (General/Diversified) Qatar
GTSM:2734 Retail (Online) Taiwan
BOVESPA:EZTC3 Homebuilding Brazil
KOSDAQ:A090850 Software (System & Application) South Korea
OTCPK:EZCL Software (System & Application) Singapore
CASE:ESRS Steel Egypt
PSE:FJP Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
SGX:F10 Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
TASE:FIBIH Bank (Money Center) Israel
HOSE:FIT Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
CCSE:FVI.B Real Estate (General/Diversified) Venezuela
KOSE:A007700 Apparel South Korea
SEHK:8347 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Hong Kong
BVL:ETNAI1 Electrical Equipment Peru
BVL:ETERNII1 Construction Supplies Peru
BVC:FABRICATO Apparel Colombia
NYSE:FN Electronics (General) Cayman Islands
KLSE:FACBIND Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
BSE:532656 Steel India
BSE:530117 Chemical (Basic) India
BUL:6F3 R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
JSE:FVT R.E.I.T. South Africa
SEHK:52 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
CASE:FAITA Bank (Money Center) Egypt
KLSE:FAJAR Engineering/Construction Malaysia
GTSM:4513 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:1516 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:8603 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
DSE:FAMILYTEX Apparel Bangladesh
JSE:FBR Restaurant/Dining South Africa
GHSE:FML Food Processing Ghana
SET:FANCY Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
SHSE:600516 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600507 Steel China
KOSDAQ:A032800 Entertainment South Korea
SEHK:1777 Real Estate (Development) China
TASE:FNTS Entertainment Israel
DSE:FARCHEM Chemical (Specialty) Bangladesh
SEHK:35 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
Catalist:5TJ Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KLSE:FAREAST Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SEHK:36 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:3360 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:37 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
DSE:FEKDIL Apparel Bangladesh
SGX:O10 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Singapore
SHSE:600869 Electrical Equipment China
OTCPK:FEWP Green & Renewable Energy China
TSEC:2903 Retail (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2845 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
TSEC:1402 Diversified Taiwan
TSEC:4904 Telecom (Wireless) Taiwan
MISX:FESH Shipbuilding & Marine Russia
TSEC:3035 Semiconductor Taiwan
KASE:FRSM Food Processing Pakistan
TSEC:1730 Household Products Taiwan
DSE:FAREASTFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
DSE:FAREASTLIF Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
TSEC:5607 Transportation Taiwan
TSEC:2712 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
TSEC:5522 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
GTSM:5859 Insurance (Life) Taiwan
KLSE:FARLIM Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BVB:RMAH Retail (Special Lines) Romania
BMV:BEVIDES B Retail (Special Lines) Mexico
NasdaqCM:FAMI Food Processing China
KOSE:A036580 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
KOSDAQ:A027710 Food Processing South Korea
DSE:FASFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A225590 Apparel South Korea
KASE:FATIMA Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
TASE:FTAL Hotel/Gaming Israel
KASE:FCCL Construction Supplies Pakistan
KASE:FFBL Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
KASE:FFC Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
KASE:FFL Food Processing Pakistan
KLSE:FAVCO Construction Supplies Malaysia
TSEC:3535 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:000800 Auto & Truck China
SASE:4240 Retail (Special Lines) Saudi Arabia
SZSE:200030 Auto Parts China
CASE:FWRY Information Services Egypt
KASE:FABL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
KASE:FZCM Apparel Pakistan
BSE:532459 Auto Parts India
BSE:530079 Furn/Home Furnishings India
BUL:4F6 Paper/Forest Products Bulgaria
NGSE:FBNH Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
NGSE:FCMB Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
NSEI:FCSSOFT Computer Services India
KLSE:FCW Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
TSEC:2748 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
BSE:531599 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:729 Auto & Truck Hong Kong
SEHK:378 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
GTSM:4951 Semiconductor Taiwan
HOSE:FCN Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:FCM Construction Supplies Vietnam
KASE:FECTC Construction Supplies Pakistan
TSEC:2102 Rubber& Tires Taiwan
DSE:FEDERALINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SGX:BDU Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KLSE:FIHB Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
BSE:505744 Auto Parts India
GTSM:8091 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3313 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A064800 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSE:A033180 Electrical Equipment South Korea
SZSE:002536 Auto Parts China
SEHK:1738 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
SZSE:300386 Computers/Peripherals China
SEHK:1901 Hotel/Gaming China
SEHK:1022 Entertainment China
NSEI:FELIX Environmental & Waste Services India
NasdaqCM:FLLC Investments & Asset Management China
GTSM:6731 Steel Taiwan
XKON:A327610 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:6744 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
GTSM:2061 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:2015 Steel Taiwan
TSEC:9910 Shoe Taiwan
CBSE:FBR Retail (Distributors) Morocco
BSE:526689 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:506414 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KASE:FML Apparel Pakistan
KASE:FEROZ Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
BVL:FERREYC1 Retail (Distributors) Peru
BSE:500141 Steel India
PSE:FERRO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Philippines
BASE:FERR Building Materials Argentina
BOVESPA:FHER3 Chemical (Specialty) Brazil
BSE:533896 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NYSE:FG Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Cayman Islands
BSE:500142 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
KLSE:FGV Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:FIAMMA Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SHSE:600498 Telecom. Equipment China
BSE:507910 Apparel India
SZSE:300638 Telecom. Equipment China
KLSE:FIBON Electrical Equipment Malaysia
BMV:DANHOS 13 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FINN 13 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FIBRAMQ 12 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FMTY 14 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FPLUS 16 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FIBRAPL 14 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FSHOP 13 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:TERRA 13 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FUNO 11 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FIHO 12 R.E.I.T. Mexico
TSEC:3701 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BMV:FHIPO 14 R.E.I.T. Mexico
BMV:FIBRAHD 15 R.E.I.T. Mexico
NGSE:FIDELITYBK Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A032580 Semiconductor South Korea
NGSE:FIDSON Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Nigeria
BSE:532768 Auto Parts India
Catalist:5F4 Engineering/Construction Singapore
SEHK:2038 Electronics (General) China
KOSE:A081660 Apparel South Korea
BSE:532022 Apparel India
BSE:526227 Apparel India
PSE:FDC Real Estate (Development) Philippines
PSE:FLI Real Estate (Development) Philippines
SASE:2180 Packaging & Container Saudi Arabia
SET:FVC Machinery Thailand
BRVM:FTSC Packaging & Container Ivory Coast
KLSE:FIMACOR Publishing & Newspapers Malaysia
LSE:FIN Information Services United Arab Emirates
BOVESPA:CRIV3 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Brazil
MSM:FSCI Brokerage & Investment Banking Oman
SZSE:000402 Real Estate (Development) China
SET:FNS Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
SET:FSS Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
JSE:FGL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
OTCPK:YUAN.F Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
MUSE:FINC.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Mauritius
KOSE:A133820 Steel South Korea
GTSM:4535 Auto Parts Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A049120 Electronics (General) South Korea
DSE:FINEFOODS Food Processing Bangladesh
NSEI:FINEORG Chemical (Specialty) India
KOSDAQ:A036810 Semiconductor South Korea
BSE:517264 Electronics (General) India
KOSDAQ:A038950 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SEHK:8376 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
TSEC:6698 Semiconductor Taiwan
NSEI:FCL Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:8317 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A106240 Semiconductor South Korea
GTSM:4549 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A131760 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:6860 Entertainment China
BSE:508954 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:FINCABLES Electrical Equipment India
BSE:500940 Chemical (Basic) India
XKON:A150440 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SEHK:8018 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
KLSE:FINTEC Investments & Asset Management Malaysia
BELEX:FINT Green & Renewable Energy Serbia
BASE:FIPL Paper/Forest Products Argentina
SEHK:1909 Entertainment China
SET:FTE Machinery Thailand
GTSM:8076 Electronics (General) Taiwan
PSE:FAF Brokerage & Investment Banking Philippines
ADX:FAB Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
COSE:CFVF.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
SZSE:002797 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
KASE:FCSC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
TTSE:FIRST Bank (Money Center) Trinidad & Tobago
TSEC:2009 Metals & Mining Taiwan
KASE:FCIBL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
KASE:FDIBL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KWSE:FIRSTDUBAI Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
KASE:FECM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KASE:FFLM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
ASE:FFCO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Jordan
DSE:FIRSTFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
TSEC:2892 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
PSE:FGEN Power Philippines
KASE:FHAM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
GTSM:5439 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2706 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
KASE:FIBLM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KASE:FIMM Business & Consumer Services Pakistan
ASE:FINS Insurance (General) Jordan
TASE:FIBI Bank (Money Center) Israel
BUL:5F4 Bank (Money Center) Bulgaria
KWSE:ALOLA Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
ASE:FRST Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
BSM:FNBB Bank (Money Center) Botswana
SEHK:142 Diversified Hong Kong
KASE:PAKMI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KASE:FPRM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
PSE:FPH Power Philippines
KASE:PMI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KASE:FPJM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
SGX:AW9U R.E.I.T. Singapore
HOSE:FIR Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
SGX:EB5 Farming/Agriculture Singapore
DSE:FIRSTSBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
SEHK:227 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SGX:D8DU Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Singapore
SGX:ADN Real Estate (Development) Singapore
TSEC:2601 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
KWSE:FTI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Kuwait
SEHK:38 Farming/Agriculture China
KASE:FTMM Packaging & Container Pakistan
TTSE:FCI Bank (Money Center) Barbados
KOSE:A010820 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
BSE:532379 Software (System & Application) India
JSE:FSR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
NMSE:FNB Bank (Money Center) Namibia
BSE:532809 Information Services India
TSEC:3712 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:6088 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SASE:4180 Apparel Saudi Arabia
TSEC:4961 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:6706 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
KLSE:FITTERS Machinery Malaysia
BSE:530885 Computer Services India
BSE:536751 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NYSE:FVRR Retail (Online) Israel
SZSE:200026 Apparel China
SEHK:6865 Semiconductor China
GTSM:1260 Food Processing Taiwan
HOSE:ROS Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:FLC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
HOSE:AMD Diversified Vietnam
BOVESPA:FLRY3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
BSE:523672 Food Processing India
OB:FLNG Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
NasdaqGS:FLEX Electronics (General) Singapore
ASX:FRX Telecom. Services Malaysia
NSEI:FLEXITUFF Packaging & Container India
TSEC:6269 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A300080 Software (System & Application) South Korea
NGSE:FLOURMILL Food Processing Nigeria
SHSE:603007 Environmental & Waste Services China
SET:FLOYD Engineering/Construction Thailand
BSE:522017 Machinery India
GTSM:7443 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
KASE:FLYNG Construction Supplies Pakistan
SEHK:8030 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SHSE:603488 Machinery China
TSEC:6206 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TASE:FBRT Aerospace/Defense Israel
SET:FN Retail (General) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A064090 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A063440 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
KOSDAQ:A173940 Entertainment South Korea
XKON:A064850 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A083500 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
NasdaqGM:FOMX Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
TSEC:3545 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3363 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KLSE:FOCUS Retail (Grocery and Food) Malaysia
BSE:534757 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:FOCUS Electrical Equipment India
SZSE:300708 Semiconductor China
KLSE:FLBHD Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
SZSE:002027 Advertising China
KLSE:FOCUSP Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Malaysia
BSE:540945 Advertising India
SZSE:002315 Retail (Online) China
SZSE:300203 Environmental & Waste Services China
BSE:503831 Hotel/Gaming India
WSE:FON Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Estonia
BVB:FP Investments & Asset Management Romania
GTSM:5523 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
JMSE:FTNA Retail (Special Lines) Jamaica
SET:F&D Food Processing Thailand
SGX:F03 Food Processing Singapore
SEHK:8179 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A290720 Food Processing South Korea
BSE:507552 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A005670 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A093370 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BSE:502865 Machinery India
BSE:500033 Construction Supplies India
GTSM:4923 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3483 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A189690 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SEHK:2310 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
HOSE:FDC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
GTSM:6576 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
TASE:FRSX Auto Parts Israel
TSEC:8473 Environmental & Waste Services Taiwan
XKON:A227420 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SEHK:484 Entertainment China
MUSE:FORT.I0000 Engineering/Construction Mauritius
SGX:I5H Investments & Asset Management China
KOSDAQ:A119500 Machinery South Korea
TSEC:8131 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:1326 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:8171 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:2707 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
TSEC:4746 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
TSEC:1225 Food Processing Taiwan
GTSM:5312 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
TSEC:6505 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Taiwan
TSEC:1301 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
KLSE:FPI Electronics (Consumer & Office) Malaysia
TSEC:3532 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:1434 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:2107 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:1709 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TASE:FORTY Computer Services Israel
NGSE:FO Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
SET:FORTH Electronics (General) Thailand
SET:FSMART Information Services Thailand
BSE:532843 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:523696 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
KOSDAQ:A141020 Software (Internet) South Korea
Catalist:OAJ Steel Malaysia
JSE:FFA R.E.I.T. South Africa
TSEC:1519 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:2468 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:530213 Retail (Distributors) India
SHSE:600965 Food Processing China
TSEC:2491 Semiconductor Taiwan
SET:FPI Auto Parts Thailand
SEHK:778 R.E.I.T. Singapore
DSE:FORTUNE Shoe Bangladesh
SEHK:352 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SEHK:1039 Retail (Online) Hong Kong
PSE:FPI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Philippines
GTSM:8085 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:8906 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
SZSE:002906 Auto Parts China
BSE:500150 Chemical (Specialty) India
SZSE:000541 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002911 Power China
SZSE:300619 Machinery China
SHSE:603288 Food Processing China
SZSE:200986 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:002449 Electronics (General) China
JMSE:FOSRICH Retail (Distributors) Jamaica
SEHK:656 Diversified China
SEHK:1992 Hotel/Gaming China
SEHK:418 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SHSE:601901 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SHSE:600601 Computers/Peripherals China
TSEC:5533 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
KLSE:FPGROUP Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
BSE:513579 Coal & Related Energy India
SEHK:420 Apparel Hong Kong
NSEI:FOURTHDIM Computer Services India
BSE:532403 Computer Services India
TASE:FOX Apparel Israel
SHSE:601138 Electronics (General) China
TSEC:2354 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:3413 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
HOSE:FPT Computer Services Vietnam
HOSE:FRT Retail (Special Lines) Vietnam
HOSE:FTS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
SGX:F31 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
GTSM:2641 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
BSE:539839 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BOVESPA:FRAS3 Auto Parts Brazil
KLSE:F&N Beverage (Soft) Malaysia
BSE:539032 Retail (Distributors) India
SGX:F99 Food Processing Singapore
SGX:J69U R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:ND8U R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:BUOU R.E.I.T. Singapore
SET:FPT Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SGX:TQ5 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
BSE:539730 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NasdaqCM:FRHC Brokerage & Investment Banking Kazakhstan
KOSDAQ:A053160 Construction Supplies South Korea
SEHK:6888 Transportation Hong Kong
KLSE:FREIGHT Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
SGX:E28 Machinery Malaysia
NYSE:FDP Farming/Agriculture Cayman Islands
SEHK:1175 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
TASE:FRSM Retail (Grocery and Food) Israel
BSE:530077 Food Wholesalers India
LSE:FRES Precious Metals Mexico
TASE:FRDN Transportation Israel
SEHK:6820 Entertainment China
KASE:FCEPL Food Processing Pakistan
TSEC:2030 Steel Taiwan
KASE:FRCL Building Materials Pakistan
ASX:FDV Software (Entertainment) Malaysia
SEHK:500 Transportation Hong Kong
BSE:522195 Construction Supplies India
KLSE:FRONTKN Business & Consumer Services Malaysia
BSE:532042 Retail (Distributors) India
NYSE:FRO Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
BSE:533213 Investments & Asset Management India
KOSDAQ:A073540 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
PSE:FRUIT Food Processing Philippines
SNSE:VICONTO Farming/Agriculture Chile
SEHK:331 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:1721 Machinery Singapore
TSEC:3015 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SZSE:000973 Chemical (Basic) China
ZGSE:LRHC Hotel/Gaming Croatia
NASE:FTGH Diversified Mauritius
GTSM:8929 Household Products Taiwan
GTSM:5102 Rubber& Tires Taiwan
GTSM:6603 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:1448 Business & Consumer Services China
GTSM:4402 Apparel Taiwan
SGX:F13 Machinery Singapore
GTSM:4907 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
DSE:FUWANGCER Building Materials Bangladesh
DSE:FUWANGFOOD Food Processing Bangladesh
SZSE:300194 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
TSEC:2881 Insurance (Life) Taiwan
TSEC:01004T R.E.I.T. Taiwan
SZSE:300299 Computer Services China
SHSE:603045 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:546 Chemical (Diversified) China
KWSE:FCEM Construction Supplies United Arab Emirates
SZSE:300706 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603345 Food Processing China
SHSE:603363 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:603383 Software (System & Application) China
NasdaqCM:BHAT Entertainment China
SZSE:300525 Computer Services China
SHSE:600802 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300436 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600693 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600033 Transportation China
SHSE:688010 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600483 Power China
SHSE:600203 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600493 Apparel China
SZSE:300132 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603817 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002529 Machinery China
SEHK:181 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SZSE:002740 Apparel China
SZSE:002679 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603826 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600388 Machinery China
SHSE:603686 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600592 Machinery China
SZSE:000993 Power China
SZSE:002578 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002300 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300648 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600753 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600103 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603933 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002474 Computer Services China
SZSE:000632 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002098 Apparel China
SZSE:002029 Apparel China
SZSE:002639 Machinery China
SZSE:002396 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:600734 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:002299 Food Processing China
SZSE:300198 Building Materials China
SHSE:603668 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:603678 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600573 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:000663 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:300712 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:300174 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000753 Retail (Automotive) China
SEHK:927 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
TSEC:9802 Shoe Taiwan
TSEC:1341 Apparel Cayman Islands
NasdaqCM:FORK Household Products China
GTSM:6219 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
TSEC:6136 Telecom. Services Taiwan
SEHK:607 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:627 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
GTSM:1815 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1034 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:1443 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
GTSM:6482 Entertainment Taiwan
BSE:530197 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:539169 Computer Services India
SHSE:600781 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:8480 Apparel Malaysia
KOSE:A016800 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
SET:FMT Machinery Thailand
SEHK:1652 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
TSEC:6670 Recreation Taiwan
SHSE:600399 Steel China
KOSDAQ:A195440 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BVL:FUTURAI1 Real Estate (Development) Peru
ASE:FUTR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Jordan
SEHK:703 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SEHK:2212 Construction Supplies China
BSE:533400 Food Processing India
SEHK:8229 Computer Services South Korea
BSE:523574 Apparel India
NasdaqCM:FTFT Food Processing China
KWSE:FUTUREKID Recreation Kuwait
BSE:536507 Retail (Special Lines) India
BSE:533296 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
NSEI:FRETAIL Retail (General) India
OTCPK:FUTS Metals & Mining Chile
BSE:540798 Transportation India
SEHK:572 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A220100 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
BUL:5FC Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
KOSDAQ:A214270 Advertising South Korea
BSE:534063 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NasdaqCM:FFHL Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300473 Auto Parts China
SGX:AWK Apparel China
SHSE:600660 Auto Parts China
GTSM:6642 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:1219 Food Processing Taiwan
GTSM:2724 Hotel/Gaming Cayman Islands
SEHK:8452 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SEHK:6038 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SET:GCAP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
BSE:540614 Electrical Equipment India
SET:GJS Steel Thailand
BSE:540124 Auto Parts India
KLSE:GNB Software (System & Application) Malaysia
SHSE:603444 Entertainment China
SEHK:1051 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
TSEC:2476 Machinery Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A114570 Semiconductor South Korea
BSE:532139 Computer Services India
TSEC:3149 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A115450 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SEHK:657 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
BSE:505250 Machinery India
SGX:G41 Business & Consumer Services Singapore
BSE:542666 Packaging & Container India
NasdaqCM:WILC Food Wholesalers Israel
SEHK:8126 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
TASE:GFC-L Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
BSE:531758 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NSEI:GMBREW Beverage (Alcoholic) India
TASE:GPGB Power Israel
BSE:513059 Auto Parts India
XKON:A299480 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
GTSM:4911 Household Products Taiwan
TASE:GOSS Business & Consumer Services Israel
LSE:G3E Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) China
KLSE:G3 Apparel Malaysia
TASE:GBPR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
KOSDAQ:A079940 Software (Internet) South Korea
BSE:505714 Auto Parts India
KLSE:GBGAQRS Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:GADANG Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KASE:GADT Apparel Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A051160 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BOVESPA:GFSA3 Homebuilding Brazil
BSE:531196 Chemical (Basic) India
KLSE:NADIBHD Engineering/Construction Malaysia
JSE:GAI Investments & Asset Management South Africa
NSEI:GAIL Power India
SEHK:9900 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:505711 Auto Parts India
BSE:539228 Publishing & Newspapers India
BSE:542802 Beverage (Soft) India
BSE:504697 Electrical Equipment India
COSE:GHLL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
BUL:GTH Real Estate (Development) Bulgaria
KOSDAQ:A094480 Information Services South Korea
KOSE:A011420 Broadcasting South Korea
BSE:526073 Machinery India
SZSE:000806 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:506186 Recreation India
SEHK:27 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:540935 Chemical (Specialty) India
MSM:GECS Engineering/Construction Oman
TASE:GLTC Business & Consumer Services Israel
GTSM:6640 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:5443 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SGX:5IG Retail (Automotive) Singapore
BSE:533265 Steel India
BSE:532726 Steel India
BSE:531902 Engineering/Construction India
NasdaqCM:GLMD Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
GTSM:6180 Entertainment Taiwan
SEHK:8282 Entertainment Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A063080 Entertainment South Korea
NasdaqGM:GMDA Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
MUSE:GCL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Mauritius
BSE:532959 Engineering/Construction India
KASE:GAMON Engineering/Construction Pakistan
KLSE:GAMUDA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
TASE:GSFI Food Processing Israel
BSE:513108 Steel India
BSE:500153 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:541703 Entertainment India
BSE:526367 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:514167 Apparel India
SZSE:002460 Metals & Mining China
BSE:531813 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:539680 Household Products India
BSE:540647 Food Processing India
SHSE:603886 Food Processing China
SHSE:600354 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:000779 Apparel China
SHSE:600687 Apparel China
SHSE:601086 Retail (General) China
SZSE:000552 Coal & Related Energy China
SHSE:600307 Steel China
SZSE:300534 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600543 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:600720 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600311 Precious Metals China
SZSE:000672 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600108 Farming/Agriculture China
KOSE:A000500 Electrical Equipment South Korea
TASE:GAGR Steel Israel
BSE:539492 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:GRSE Aerospace/Defense India
BSE:500155 Apparel India
BSSE:1GRT002E Diversified Slovakia
HOSE:GMC Apparel Vietnam
BSE:526727 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
BSE:512493 Apparel India
BASE:GARO Diversified Argentina
BSE:541276 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:509563 Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:500655 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:514400 Apparel India
BSE:509557 Apparel India
KLSE:GASMSIA Power Malaysia
NSEI:GDL Shipbuilding & Marine India
BSE:532345 Transportation India
KASE:GATI Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
BSE:539515 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:540613 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:524564 Food Processing India
NSEI:GAYAHWS Transportation India
BSE:532767 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:532183 Food Processing India
TASE:GZT Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
CASE:AUTO Auto & Truck Egypt
BSE:533204 Apparel India
DSE:GBBPOWER Power Bangladesh
BSE:539009 Retail (Distributors) India
GHSE:GCB Bank (Money Center) Ghana
Catalist:41T Construction Supplies Malaysia
SZSE:002544 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002015 Green & Renewable Energy China
SEHK:451 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
SZSE:002506 Semiconductor China
SEHK:3800 Semiconductor Equip Hong Kong
BSE:535917 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:4991 Semiconductor Cayman Islands
KLSE:GDEX Transportation Malaysia
SHSE:600795 Power China
KLSE:GDB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
Catalist:5VP Building Materials Singapore
BSE:532309 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:522275 Electrical Equipment India
KLSE:GESHEN Packaging & Container Malaysia
BSE:504028 Machinery India
BSE:532764 Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:175 Auto & Truck Hong Kong
BSE:539486 Investments & Asset Management India
SZSE:002340 Metals & Mining China
TSEC:6525 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2460 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:601002 Machinery China
HOSE:GMD Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
SHSE:600383 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:535 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SEHK:6163 Construction Supplies Malaysia
SEHK:174 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
DSE:GEMINISEA Food Processing Bangladesh
BSE:531137 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:4906 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A082270 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A041590 Semiconductor South Korea
XKON:A229000 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A086060 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:1796 Household Products Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A109820 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSE:A011000 Apparel South Korea
BSE:541999 Farming/Agriculture India
JMSE:GENAC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Jamaica
HNX:ARM Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
GTSM:4117 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
CASE:GSSC Shipbuilding & Marine Egypt
CASE:AALR Engineering/Construction Egypt
SET:GEL Construction Supplies Thailand
SET:GENCO Environmental & Waste Services Thailand
BSE:540755 Reinsurance India
TSEC:6456 Electronics (General) Cayman Islands
TSEC:6128 Office Equipment & Services Taiwan
BOVESPA:GSHP3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
GTSM:4730 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
OTCPK:GSIH Retail (Distributors) China
TSEC:4952 Semiconductor Taiwan
TASE:GNRS Investments & Asset Management Israel
DSE:GENNEXT Apparel Bangladesh
GTSM:4171 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:539407 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:531592 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:2666 Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:8257 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A217190 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:514336 Drugs (Biotechnology) India
TSEC:3383 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:6221 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
JSE:GTH Trucking South Africa
BSE:506109 Information Services India
GTSM:6104 Semiconductor Taiwan
KLSE:GENETEC Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
GTSM:4160 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
DSE:GENEXIL Computer Services Bangladesh
OTCPK:GENX Healthcare Products China
KOSDAQ:A095700 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A263860 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A123330 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A043610 Entertainment South Korea
GTSM:8298 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SZSE:000676 Software (System & Application) China
TSEC:3406 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:3164 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A072520 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:531739 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSDAQ:A187420 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
XKON:A225220 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
XKON:A314130 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:4195 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A228760 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BMV:LAB B Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Mexico
KOSDAQ:A122310 Healthcare Products South Korea
XKON:A066830 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:4130 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
NYSE:G Information Services Bermuda
SEHK:1548 Heathcare Information and Technology China
BSE:542851 Engineering/Construction India
BMV:GENTERA * Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Mexico
KLSE:GENTING Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
SEHK:678 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KLSE:GENM Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
KLSE:GENP Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SGX:G13 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
BSE:538961 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:530343 Electronics (General) India
SGX:RE4 Coal & Related Energy Singapore
SHSE:600759 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) China
PSE:GEO Metals & Mining Philippines
BSE:532285 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NYSE:GPRK Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Chile
KLSE:GKENT Engineering/Construction Malaysia
GTSM:8495 Aerospace/Defense Taiwan
BELEX:GSFD Engineering/Construction Serbia
SEHK:1707 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
TSEC:3356 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:000791 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:002722 Machinery China
COSE:GEST.N0000 Office Equipment & Services Sri Lanka
SEHK:8100 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SEHK:1469 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SEHK:64 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SET:GTB Machinery Thailand
TSEC:3005 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
ZMSE:GBZW Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Zimbabwe
SHSE:603387 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
KLSE:GETS Trucking Malaysia
SZSE:002655 Electronics (General) China
KOSDAQ:A036190 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A045890 Semiconductor South Korea
SZSE:000776 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
KWSE:GFH Brokerage & Investment Banking Bahrain
NSEI:GFLLIMITED Chemical (Specialty) India
KLSE:GFM Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
SET:GFPT Food Processing Thailand
GTSM:4429 Apparel Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A130500 Apparel South Korea
GHSE:GOIL Oil/Gas Distribution Ghana
KASE:GHNI Auto & Truck Pakistan
KASE:GHNL Auto & Truck Pakistan
KASE:GAIL Auto & Truck Pakistan
KASE:GHGL Packaging & Container Pakistan
KASE:GGGL Heathcare Information and Technology Pakistan
KASE:GGL Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
KASE:GVGL Homebuilding Pakistan
CASE:GIHD Real Estate (Development) Egypt
KASE:GWLC Construction Supplies Pakistan
KASE:GFIL Apparel Pakistan
NSEI:GHCL Chemical (Basic) India
KLSE:GHLSYS Information Services Malaysia
SZSE:300711 Telecom. Equipment China
BSE:533048 Engineering/Construction India
SZSE:300309 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
HOSE:GEG Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
GTSM:5355 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:9921 Recreation Taiwan
SZSE:002558 Entertainment China
SHSE:688123 Semiconductor China
TSEC:8105 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TASE:GIBUI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
BSE:511676 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SZSE:300022 Retail (Distributors) China
GTSM:6682 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:3691 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
TSEC:2376 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SHSE:603986 Semiconductor China
KOSDAQ:A049080 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
NasdaqCM:GIGM Entertainment Taiwan
GTSM:5262 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:2406 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSE:A035000 Advertising South Korea
BSE:538788 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NasdaqGS:GILT Telecom. Equipment Israel
BSE:532716 Diversified India
BSE:507815 Household Products India
KASE:GLPL Household Products Pakistan
GTSM:6151 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
PSE:GSMI Beverage (Alcoholic) Philippines
TASE:GNGR Chemical (Basic) Israel
BSE:531744 Apparel India
GTSM:8406 Healthcare Products Cayman Islands
BSE:590025 Apparel India
SHSE:600080 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:709 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
NSEI:GIRIRAJ Engineering/Construction India
GTSM:8067 Computer Services Taiwan
SHSE:600182 Rubber& Tires China
TASE:GIVO.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
CASE:GGCC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
BSE:533212 Healthcare Products India
Catalist:595 Transportation Singapore
NSEI:GKWLIMITED Business & Consumer Services India
SGX:B16 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
KOSDAQ:A204840 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SZSE:300480 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600562 Telecom. Equipment China
DSE:GLAXOSMITH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
BSE:500676 Food Processing India
KASE:GSKCH Household Products Pakistan
NGSE:GLAXOSMITH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Nigeria
KASE:GLAXO Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
BSE:500660 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NSEI:GLENMARK Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:513528 Construction Supplies India
HOSE:GAB Construction Supplies Vietnam
SEHK:809 Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
SEHK:787 Apparel Hong Kong
TSEC:6191 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:530263 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SET:GC Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:GLOCON Packaging & Container Thailand
NYSE:CO Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SEHK:8271 Entertainment Hong Kong
NSEI:GLOBAL Education India
HNX:GLT Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
OTCPK:GEEC.F Environmental & Waste Services Bahamas
PSE:FNI Metals & Mining Philippines
MSM:GFIC Brokerage & Investment Banking Oman
SET:GGC Chemical (Specialty) Thailand
DSE:GHCL Chemical (Basic) Bangladesh
OTCPK:GHHH Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
NasdaqGS:GBLI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Cayman Islands
SZSE:300465 Software (System & Application) China
DSE:GLOBALINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SEHK:1669 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SGX:QS9 Telecom. Equipment Singapore
TASE:GKL Retail (Distributors) Israel
BSE:531479 Real Estate (Development) India
TSEC:4935 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:8060 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SEHK:905 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SEHK:8063 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
TSEC:8081 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:501848 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
KLSE:GOB Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SGX:BLW Farming/Agriculture Singapore
TSEC:4551 Auto Parts Taiwan
SET:GPSC Power Thailand
OTCPK:GLBB Retail (Online) South Korea
OTCPK:GLBD Restaurant/Dining China
SET:GSC Office Equipment & Services Thailand
KOSDAQ:A900070 Machinery South Korea
NGSE:GSPECPLC Oil/Gas Distribution Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A083450 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:8007 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:3889 Food Processing Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A204620 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
TSEC:4566 Auto Parts Taiwan
SGX:AYN Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SZSE:002640 Retail (Online) China
TSEC:3443 Semiconductor Taiwan
PLSE:GUI Insurance (General) Palestinian Authority
BSE:532773 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
TSEC:3040 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
PSE:GERI Real Estate (Development) Philippines
GTSM:3499 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
BSE:540654 Software (System & Application) India
KLSE:GLOTEC Electronics (General) Malaysia
GTSM:6488 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
BSE:540266 Retail (Distributors) India
TASE:GLEX.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TSEC:1324 Office Equipment & Services Taiwan
OTCPK:GNTW Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
PSE:GLO Telecom (Wireless) Philippines
TSEC:9934 Building Materials Taiwan
KLSE:GTRONIC Semiconductor Malaysia
SET:GBX Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
KOSDAQ:A019660 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
TASE:GLRS Retail (Distributors) Israel
BSE:531904 Electrical Equipment India
NSEI:GLOBUSSPR Beverage (Alcoholic) India
SZSE:002410 Software (System & Application) China
KLSE:GLOMAC Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:5009 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:845 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:393 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SEHK:8059 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:8159 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:1282 Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
SEHK:299 Entertainment Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A032860 Steel South Korea
BSE:542351 Apparel India
GTSM:5475 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4168 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
PSE:GMA7 Broadcasting Philippines
KOSE:A013870 Auto Parts South Korea
CASE:GMCI Diversified Egypt
SEHK:8188 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
OTCPK:GMEV Entertainment Hong Kong
BMV:GMXT * Transportation (Railroads) Mexico
TSEC:3312 Computer Services Taiwan
SET:GRAMMY Entertainment Thailand
BSE:505255 Machinery India
NSEI:GMRINFRA Air Transport India
GTSM:4573 Machinery Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A119850 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A065060 Apparel South Korea
MUSE:GOLI.N0000 Retail (Distributors) South Africa
TASE:GODM-M Investments & Asset Management Israel
BSE:509567 Metals & Mining India
SEHK:1854 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
SEHK:1529 Transportation China
BSE:542850 Apparel India
KASE:GOC Recreation Pakistan
XKON:A135160 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
BSE:506480 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:530317 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:532734 Steel India
GTSM:4987 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:500163 Tobacco India
NSEI:GODHA Electrical Equipment India
BSE:540743 Farming/Agriculture India
NSEI:GODREJCP Household Products India
BSE:500164 Diversified India
NSEI:GODREJPROP Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:538787 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:533189 Apparel India
SZSE:002241 Electronics (General) China
OTCPK:GOFF Precious Metals Colombia
SZSE:000851 Telecom. Equipment China
BSE:532957 Apparel India
BSE:532630 Apparel India
BSE:539725 Food Processing India
BSE:532980 Food Processing India
TASE:GLPL Building Materials Israel
NasdaqGS:GLNG Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
TSEC:2368 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:002533 Electrical Equipment China
JSE:GFI Precious Metals South Africa
BSE:538180 Investments & Asset Management India
KOSDAQ:A038530 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:40 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
GTSM:4503 Machinery Taiwan
SZSE:300349 Electronics (General) China
BSE:538542 Food Processing India
BSE:505576 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SGX:E5H Farming/Agriculture Singapore
GTSM:4132 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
PSE:HVN Business & Consumer Services Philippines
TSEC:6133 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BSE:531928 Furn/Home Furnishings India
CASE:GOCO Hotel/Gaming Egypt
SEHK:3308 Retail (General) China
SGX:AUE Coal & Related Energy Singapore
SEHK:2863 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
GTSM:4506 Machinery Taiwan
DSE:GHAIL Food Processing Bangladesh
SZSE:300756 Machinery China
TASE:GOHO Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Israel
GTSM:6028 Insurance (General) Taiwan
KLSE:GLBHD Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SET:GOLD Real Estate (General/Diversified) Thailand
SET:SUTHA Chemical (Basic) Thailand
GTSM:3188 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:801 Healthcare Support Services China
NasdaqGS:GOGL Shipbuilding & Marine Bermuda
KLSE:GPHAROS Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
SEHK:1783 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:3919 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:677 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
LSE:GCG Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
DSE:GOLDENSON Furn/Home Furnishings Bangladesh
CASE:GTWL Apparel Egypt
SEHK:6896 Household Products China
BSE:500151 Tobacco India
SET:GVREIT R.E.I.T. Thailand
PLSE:GMC Food Processing Palestinian Authority
SEHK:1232 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002636 Electronics (General) China
BSE:526729 Apparel India
SEHK:530 Beverage (Alcoholic) Hong Kong
SEHK:533 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SZSE:002348 Recreation Hong Kong
SEHK:3315 Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
OTCPK:GSDC Precious Metals Peru
NSEI:GOLDSTAR Electrical Equipment India
BSE:531439 Computer Services India
SEHK:1328 Office Equipment & Services Hong Kong
TSEC:2504 Construction Supplies Taiwan
GTSM:6638 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:8160 Education Hong Kong
BSE:531360 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TASE:GOLF Retail (Special Lines) Israel
KOSDAQ:A215000 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A121440 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
XKON:A183410 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SEHK:1118 Steel Hong Kong
BSE:523676 Apparel India
GTSM:8472 Retail (Online) Taiwan
GTSM:6512 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:628 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:493 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SHSE:600898 Retail (Special Lines) China
GTSM:3178 Machinery Taiwan
GTSM:6617 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
SEHK:8143 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Hong Kong
SEHK:2398 Machinery China
COSE:GOOD.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
OTCPK:GLCC Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SEHK:109 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
GTSM:3272 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:2423 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1086 Recreation China
XKON:A243870 Computer Services South Korea
SGX:5PC Real Estate (Development) Singapore
BSE:530655 Steel India
KOSDAQ:A033340 Apparel South Korea
BSE:500166 Food Processing India
KLSE:GOODWAY Rubber& Tires Malaysia
TSEC:1583 Machinery Taiwan
SZSE:002694 Chemical (Basic) China
SET:GYT Rubber& Tires Thailand
BSE:500168 Rubber& Tires India
XKON:A329050 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
BSE:526717 Packaging & Container India
KLSE:GOPENG Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
BSE:531608 Furn/Home Furnishings India
TSEC:1524 Auto Parts Taiwan
BELEX:GFOM Machinery Serbia
BELEX:GMON Engineering/Construction Serbia
SZSE:002848 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:000971 Software (Internet) China
SZSE:300098 Telecom. Equipment China
TSEC:2723 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
BSE:509148 Rubber& Tires India
BSE:530709 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:530663 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:6529 Recreation Taiwan
SGX:G20 Electrical Equipment Singapore
BSE:532543 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
KLSE:GPA Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
BOVESPA:GPCP3 Chemical (Basic) Brazil
DSE:GPHISPAT Steel Bangladesh
SZSE:000545 Chemical (Basic) China
BSE:533761 Engineering/Construction India
DSE:GQBALLPEN Office Equipment & Services Bangladesh
SEHK:108 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SHSE:603256 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:8146 Beverage (Alcoholic) Hong Kong
JMSE:GK Food Wholesalers Jamaica
BUL:GR6 Food Processing Bulgaria
DSE:GP Telecom (Wireless) Bangladesh
BVL:GRAMONC1 Engineering/Construction Peru
SGX:G50 Construction Supplies Singapore
SEHK:1293 Retail (Automotive) China
SEHK:8372 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SET:GLAND Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
CASE:GRCA Brokerage & Investment Banking Egypt
KLSE:GCE Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
SEHK:115 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
GTSM:6026 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
BSE:513343 Steel India
GTSM:6639 Green & Renewable Energy Taiwan
GTSM:8941 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
KLSE:HOOVER Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SZSE:000626 Retail (Distributors) China
KOSE:A114090 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
SEHK:1271 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:65 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
TSEC:5907 Retail (General) China
TSEC:1312 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
JSE:GPL Restaurant/Dining South Africa
SEHK:8108 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
PSE:GPH Hotel/Gaming Philippines
SET:GPI Advertising Thailand
GTSM:3131 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SEHK:8299 Precious Metals Hong Kong
SEHK:8516 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
Catalist:JLB Machinery Singapore
KLSE:GRANFLO Information Services Malaysia
GTSM:3684 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:600323 Utility (Water) China
SET:GRAND Hotel/Gaming Thailand
BSE:539235 Farming/Agriculture India
SZSE:000031 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1647 Engineering/Construction Singapore
GTSM:6123 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:532482 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:1707 Household Products Taiwan
OTCPK:GRPE.F Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
BSE:509488 Electrical Equipment India
NSEI:GRASIM Construction Supplies India
SET:GIFT Retail (Distributors) Thailand
BSE:505710 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:509546 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:533282 Metals & Mining India
BSE:532015 Apparel India
GTSM:3629 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KASE:GRYL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
TSEC:9905 Packaging & Container Taiwan
SZSE:002453 Software (System & Application) China
GTSM:8047 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:41 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SGX:G07 Insurance (Life) Singapore
SEHK:3683 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A900290 Chemical (Basic) Hong Kong
GTSM:6469 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
SEHK:524 Telecom. Services Hong Kong
TSEC:1210 Food Processing Taiwan
SZSE:000835 Entertainment China
SEHK:2333 Auto & Truck China
SZSE:002071 Entertainment China
SEHK:583 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:8196 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:8003 Paper/Forest Products Hong Kong
SHSE:603336 Food Processing China
KLSE:GREATEC Semiconductor Malaysia
TSEC:2441 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:261 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:431 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:844 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002031 Auto Parts China
SHSE:900940 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:468 Packaging & Container China
SEHK:8315 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
BSE:501455 Machinery India
SZSE:000651 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:600185 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
AIM:GSH Green & Renewable Energy Malaysia
KOSE:A083420 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A031390 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSE:A006280 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSE:A005250 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A144510 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A142280 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A234690 Household Products South Korea
DSE:GREENDELT Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SEHK:979 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Hong Kong
SEHK:1084 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
SEHK:2700 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:61 Steel Hong Kong
KLSE:GOCEAN Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:GPACKET Telecom. Equipment Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A186230 Metals & Mining South Korea
SET:GREEN Real Estate (Development) Thailand
GTSM:8444 Paper/Forest Products Thailand
GTSM:8077 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
BSE:531737 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
PSE:GREEN Semiconductor Philippines
SEHK:94 Paper/Forest Products Hong Kong
BSE:538979 Building Materials India
SHSE:600606 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:337 Real Estate (Development) China
NasdaqCM:GTEC Machinery China
NasdaqGS:GLRE Reinsurance Cayman Islands
NSEI:GREENPANEL Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:526797 Paper/Forest Products India
NasdaqCM:GRNQ Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
OTCPK:GREN Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
SEHK:195 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
SEHK:3900 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:2869 Business & Consumer Services China
NasdaqCM:GRNV Investments & Asset Management China
SEHK:2133 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
KLSE:GREENYB Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
BSE:508918 Entertainment India
SZSE:002152 Computers/Peripherals China
NSEL:GRG1L Paper/Forest Products Lithuania
BASE:GRIM Shoe Argentina
JSE:GND Shipbuilding & Marine South Africa
NasdaqGS:GRIN Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
BSE:506076 Machinery India
SHSE:600206 Semiconductor China
JSE:GTR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Mauritius
KOSDAQ:A204020 Apparel South Korea
BSE:531449 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:501314 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:GMUTUAL Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
CPSE:GRLA Banks (Regional) Greenland
SEHK:989 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SET:GL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
GTSM:6664 Machinery Taiwan
OTCPK:GATA Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:539522 Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:1842 Apparel Hong Kong
JSE:GRT R.E.I.T. South Africa
TSEC:8497 Advertising Taiwan
BSE:509152 Rubber& Tires India
SGX:BLU Computer Services Singapore
BMV:GRUMA B Food Processing Mexico
BMV:CIDMEGA * Hotel/Gaming Mexico
BMV:AEROMEX * Air Transport Mexico
BMV:OMA B Air Transport Mexico
BMV:GAP B Air Transport Mexico
BMV:ASUR B Air Transport Mexico
BVC:GRUPOARGOS Construction Supplies Colombia
BVC:GRUPOAVAL Bank (Money Center) Colombia
BMV:BAFAR B Food Processing Mexico
BMV:BIMBO A Food Processing Mexico
BVC:GRUBOLIVAR Bank (Money Center) Colombia
BMV:GCARSO A1 Diversified Mexico
BMV:GCC * Construction Supplies Mexico
BASE:GCLA Broadcasting Argentina
BMV:CHDRAUI B Retail (Grocery and Food) Mexico
BASE:OEST Transportation Argentina
BVC:GRUPOSURA Diversified Colombia
BMV:ELEKTRA * Bank (Money Center) Mexico
SNSE:NAVIERA Shipbuilding & Marine Chile
BVC:GEB Power Colombia
BMV:GFAMSA A Retail (General) Mexico
BMV:GFNORTE O Bank (Money Center) Mexico
BASE:GGAL Bank (Money Center) Argentina
BMV:GFINBUR O Bank (Money Center) Mexico
BASE:VALO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Argentina
BMV:GICSA B Real Estate (General/Diversified) Mexico
BMV:GIGANTE * Retail (General) Mexico
BMV:HERDEZ * Food Processing Mexico
BMV:HOTEL * Hotel/Gaming Mexico
BMV:GISSA A Auto Parts Mexico
BMV:KUO B Diversified Mexico
BMV:LALA B Food Processing Mexico
BMV:LAMOSA * Building Materials Mexico
BMV:GMD * Engineering/Construction Mexico
BMV:GMEXICO B Metals & Mining Mexico
BVC:NUTRESA Food Processing Colombia
BMV:GPH 1 Retail (General) Mexico
BMV:POCHTEC B Retail (Distributors) Mexico
BMV:POSADAS A Hotel/Gaming Mexico
BMV:GPROFUT * Investments & Asset Management Mexico
BMV:RCENTRO A Broadcasting Mexico
BMV:AGUA * Building Materials Mexico
BMV:GSANBOR B-1 Retail (General) Mexico
BOVESPA:CNTO3 Retail (Special Lines) Brazil
SNSE:SECURITY Bank (Money Center) Chile
BMV:SPORT S Recreation Mexico
BASE:SUPV Bank (Money Center) Argentina
BMV:TRAXION A Trucking Mexico
CCSE:GZL Chemical (Basic) Venezuela
KOSE:A006360 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A001250 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSE:A078930 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. South Korea
Catalist:43A Business & Consumer Services Singapore
KOSDAQ:A028150 Retail (Online) South Korea
BSE:511543 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:6641 Machinery Cayman Islands
KOSDAQ:A053050 Power South Korea
GTSM:2937 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
SGX:BDX Real Estate (Development) Singapore
BSE:530469 Investments & Asset Management India
DSE:GSPFINANCE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
KOSE:A007070 Retail (Grocery and Food) South Korea
Catalist:41F Electronics (General) Singapore
BSE:532951 Computer Services India
PSE:GTCAP Diversified Philippines
SEHK:263 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SEHK:8402 Engineering/Construction Singapore
KOSDAQ:A219750 Healthcare Products South Korea
SEHK:3344 Apparel Hong Kong
BSE:532775 Telecom. Services India
BSE:500160 Computer Services India
TSEC:1437 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
BSE:500170 Apparel India
BSE:532744 Apparel India
HOSE:GTN Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
BSE:540602 Cable TV India
BSE:539479 Machinery India
SEHK:1872 Retail (Automotive) Singapore
KLSE:GCB Food Processing Malaysia
SZSE:002102 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:603838 Household Products China
SZSE:002967 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002103 Office Equipment & Services China
SZSE:002400 Advertising China
SEHK:6189 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300155 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SZSE:300738 Telecom. Services China
SZSE:000690 Power China
SZSE:300246 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002776 Apparel China
SZSE:300805 Advertising China
SHSE:603386 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002616 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002288 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002345 Apparel China
SZSE:300530 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603335 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002666 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002611 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300409 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300808 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002684 Auto Parts China
SZSE:200539 Power China
SHSE:603328 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002846 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300460 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000636 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603813 Trucking China
SZSE:000712 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:300093 Building Materials China
SZSE:000823 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002930 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:000529 Food Processing China
SZSE:002741 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002181 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:600433 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:300716 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002311 Food Processing China
SHSE:600673 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300720 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000861 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:002668 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002683 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002101 Machinery China
SZSE:002824 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:603848 Household Products China
SZSE:002806 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:688268 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000976 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300639 Drugs (Biotechnology) Hong Kong
SZSE:300781 Advertising China
SEHK:270 Utility (Water) Hong Kong
SZSE:200168 Retail (Special Lines) China
SZSE:300083 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SHSE:688388 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002495 Food Processing China
SZSE:002198 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002295 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300281 Machinery China
SEHK:1543 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SEHK:3689 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
SZSE:002791 Building Materials China
SEHK:124 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SHSE:603797 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002884 Machinery China
SHSE:603983 Household Products China
SHSE:600868 Green & Renewable Energy China
SHSE:600382 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002836 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:002060 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002167 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300176 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300625 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002853 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:200429 Transportation China
SZSE:002575 Recreation China
SZSE:002809 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002953 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600589 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300464 Machinery China
SZSE:002870 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000601 Power China
SZSE:002446 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002016 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000533 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300221 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300063 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603268 Household Products China
SHSE:603863 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:300770 Broadcasting China
SZSE:002676 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002433 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1058 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002233 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002908 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603725 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002759 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300607 Machinery China
SZSE:300749 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300562 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002543 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300381 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:300591 Apparel China
SZSE:002240 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603348 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002842 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002705 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:000782 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300599 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002732 Food Processing China
SZSE:300415 Machinery China
SEHK:3399 Transportation Hong Kong
SZSE:300410 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002317 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600234 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SHSE:600256 Oil/Gas (Integrated) China
SHSE:600603 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SEHK:1203 Steel Hong Kong
SEHK:525 Transportation (Railroads) China
SZSE:300422 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:601996 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:600556 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SHSE:600310 Power China
SHSE:600236 Power China
SZSE:000953 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000528 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:603368 Healthcare Support Services China
SHSE:601368 Utility (Water) China
SHSE:600936 Cable TV China
SHSE:600368 Transportation China
SHSE:600252 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000833 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:600771 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002524 Steel China
SEHK:2238 Auto & Truck China
SHSE:603861 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600004 Air Transport China
SEHK:874 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300404 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SHSE:600098 Power China
SZSE:300335 Power China
SZSE:002420 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:688020 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300499 Machinery China
SZSE:002187 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300438 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600894 Machinery China
SZSE:002465 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300424 Air Transport China
SZSE:300503 Machinery China
SZSE:000531 Power China
SHSE:603898 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300030 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SHSE:603535 Transportation China
SZSE:002905 Entertainment China
SZSE:002909 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002833 Machinery China
SHSE:603882 Healthcare Support Services China
SZSE:002177 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:000524 Hotel/Gaming China
SHSE:600684 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002678 Recreation China
SHSE:601228 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:2777 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603043 Restaurant/Dining China
SEHK:1551 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:002084 Building Materials China
SZSE:300616 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002841 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300687 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002209 Machinery China
SZSE:002709 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603390 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300482 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600393 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000987 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:002169 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002461 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:300238 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
NGSE:GUARANTY Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
BOVESPA:GUAR3 Apparel Brazil
COSE:WAPO.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
TTSE:GHL Insurance (General) Trinidad & Tobago
TTSE:GML Publishing & Newspapers Trinidad & Tobago
GTSM:3680 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SEHK:8308 Hotel/Gaming China
BSE:509079 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KLSE:GUH Electronics (General) Malaysia
SHSE:603166 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002166 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:002275 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002956 Food Processing China
SZSE:000978 Hotel/Gaming China
NGSE:GUINEAINS Insurance (General) Nigeria
NGSE:GUINNESS Beverage (Alcoholic) Nigeria
SHSE:603555 Apparel China
SZSE:002873 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002424 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600996 Cable TV China
SHSE:600112 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002895 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600903 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SHSE:600523 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002037 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600395 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:002039 Green & Renewable Energy China
SHSE:600367 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600227 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002025 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:002927 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603458 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:000589 Rubber& Tires China
SHSE:600992 Steel China
SZSE:002390 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600594 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603058 Publishing & Newspapers China
BSE:500174 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:530001 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:524226 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:522217 Construction Supplies India
BSE:523768 Building Materials India
BSE:526965 Packaging & Container India
BSE:511441 Real Estate (Development) India
NSEI:FLUOROCHEM Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:507960 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:540938 Apparel India
BSE:517300 Power India
BSE:517372 Steel India
BSE:531881 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:532181 Coal & Related Energy India
BSE:500670 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:513536 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) India
BSE:506858 Chemical (Specialty) India
NSEI:GPPL Shipbuilding & Marine India
BSE:517288 Electronics (General) India
BSE:523836 Packaging & Container India
BSE:518029 Construction Supplies India
BSE:500690 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:532160 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:GSPL Power India
BSE:524314 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:506879 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:506640 Chemical (Basic) India
KASE:GATM Apparel Pakistan
KWSE:GBK Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
KWSE:CABLE Electrical Equipment Kuwait
CASE:CCRS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
KWSE:GCEM Construction Supplies United Arab Emirates
SET:GULF Power Thailand
SASE:8260 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
MSM:GHOS Hotel/Gaming Oman
BAX:GHG Hotel/Gaming Bahrain
KWSE:GINS Insurance (General) Kuwait
MSM:GICI Chemical (Specialty) Oman
DSM:GISS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Qatar
KWSE:GIH Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
MSM:GISI Brokerage & Investment Banking Oman
LSE:GKP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Bermuda
LSE:GMS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. United Arab Emirates
ADX:GMPC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities United Arab Emirates
DFM:GULFNAV Shipbuilding & Marine United Arab Emirates
KWSE:GNAHC Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
BSE:538567 Chemical (Basic) India
KWSE:GPI Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Kuwait
ADX:JULPHAR Drugs (Pharmaceutical) United Arab Emirates
NasdaqGS:GURE Chemical (Basic) China
SASE:8120 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
DSM:GWCS Transportation Qatar
BSE:532457 Chemical (Specialty) India
SET:GUNKUL Electrical Equipment Thailand
KLSE:GUNUNG Trucking Malaysia
SEHK:143 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:143 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:000688 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:300520 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:53 Diversified Hong Kong
KLSE:GUOCO Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
SGX:F17 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SZSE:000966 Power China
SHSE:600268 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:1296 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002045 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SEHK:1456 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:002093 Computer Services China
SEHK:2329 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002736 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:002670 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:1788 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SHSE:601211 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:002074 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000728 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:8121 Advertising Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A053270 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:523277 Entertainment India
BSE:532708 Air Transport India
XKON:A076340 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A037710 Retail (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039240 Steel South Korea
SGX:AWS Retail (Grocery and Food) Singapore
BSE:533275 Steel India
BSE:502873 Apparel India
BSE:532145 Hotel/Gaming India
NSEI:HGINFRA Engineering/Construction India
DSE:HRTEX Apparel Bangladesh
SZSE:000892 Entertainment China
XKON:A044990 Electronics (General) South Korea
HOSE:HDG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:HGM Metals & Mining Vietnam
HNX:CAN Food Processing Vietnam
HNX:HAD Beverage (Alcoholic) Vietnam
HNX:NHA Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:DHT Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
HOSE:HTT Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
HOSE:HT1 Construction Supplies Vietnam
HOSE:HTV Transportation Vietnam
HNX:HBE Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
XKON:A233990 Household Products South Korea
SET:HTC Beverage (Soft) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A066130 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KASE:HBL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
KASE:HICL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
KASE:HMM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KASE:HMB Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
KASE:HABSM Food Processing Pakistan
HOSE:HAS Engineering/Construction Vietnam
TASE:HDST Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
TASE:HAP Paper/Forest Products Israel
KOSE:A003010 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSE:A195870 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A034810 Real Estate (Operations & Services) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A076610 Electronics (General) South Korea
OB:HAFNIA Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
TASE:HGG Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
HOSE:HAI Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HOSE:HAH Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HNX:CTB Machinery Vietnam
TSEC:2038 Steel Taiwan
SGX:BLH Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
HOSE:HPX Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HNX:HHP Paper/Forest Products Vietnam
HNX:PTS Oil/Gas Distribution Vietnam
KLSE:HAIO Retail (Online) Malaysia
SZSE:300517 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:2255 Recreation China
SEHK:6862 Restaurant/Dining China
SEHK:1169 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
SHSE:600690 Furn/Home Furnishings China
HNX:HHC Food Processing Vietnam
SASE:3001 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
SEHK:2278 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:2336 Computer Services Hong Kong
SHSE:603639 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300329 Recreation China
SZSE:000572 Auto & Truck China
KOSDAQ:A220630 Restaurant/Dining South Korea
HNX:HMH Trucking Vietnam
SZSE:300084 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:900945 Air Transport China
SZSE:000613 Hotel/Gaming China
SZSE:002865 Auto Parts China
SZSE:000886 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000567 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603069 Trucking China
SZSE:000566 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000505 Food Processing China
SEHK:357 Air Transport China
SHSE:601969 Steel China
SZSE:300630 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002596 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300189 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:002693 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002320 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:000691 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600238 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:002344 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
HNX:DNC Power Vietnam
HNX:BXH Packaging & Container Vietnam
SZSE:002653 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KOSE:A101530 Food Processing South Korea
SEHK:1882 Machinery Hong Kong
SEHK:665 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SHSE:600837 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:1905 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
GTSM:3252 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
SZSE:002702 Food Processing China
GTSM:4432 Apparel Taiwan
SZSE:300300 Computer Services China
DSE:HAKKANIPUL Paper/Forest Products Bangladesh
ENXTAM:HAL Diversified Curaçao
KASE:HAEL Apparel Pakistan
HOSE:HID Diversified Vietnam
SGX:5VJ Business & Consumer Services Singapore
SET:HTECH Machinery Thailand
BSE:539854 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:515147 Packaging & Container India
KOSE:A014790 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A060980 Auto Parts South Korea
TASE:HAIN Investments & Asset Management Israel
SASE:6001 Food Processing Saudi Arabia
TASE:HAML Machinery Israel
TASE:HMAM Food Wholesalers Israel
TASE:MSBI Retail (General) Israel
TASE:HAMAT Building Materials Israel
SZSE:300643 Auto Parts China
DSE:HFL Apparel Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A023760 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
SZSE:002008 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A332710 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A086790 Bank (Money Center) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A270520 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A320000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A166090 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SET:HANA Electronics (General) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A067310 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A307160 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A293480 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A099340 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSE:A099350 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSE:A009420 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
TASE:HNMR Real Estate (Development) Israel
KOSE:A039130 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
KOSDAQ:A047080 Entertainment South Korea
KOSE:A005110 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A079170 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A009460 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A077280 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A030520 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A086960 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054920 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SZSE:300170 Computer Services China
GTSM:6620 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KLSE:HANDAL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
OTCPK:HNDI Precious Metals Tanzania
KOSDAQ:A256150 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSE:A002390 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A143210 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:1920 Homebuilding Hong Kong
KOSE:A020000 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A220180 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSE:A014130 Trucking South Korea
SEHK:8405 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Hong Kong
SEHK:10 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:101 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:1682 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:3626 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
SEHK:11 Bank (Money Center) Hong Kong
SEHK:8081 Computer Services Hong Kong
HOSE:HAX Retail (Automotive) Vietnam
SHSE:600477 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:1894 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SHSE:600126 Steel China
SHSE:603298 Construction Supplies China
CSE:HANGJI Business & Consumer Services British Virgin Islands
SZSE:000818 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:8331 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:601177 Machinery China
SZSE:300571 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:688039 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002244 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002534 Machinery China
SHSE:603618 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300078 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300604 Semiconductor Equip China
SZSE:300250 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300768 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:603258 Entertainment China
SZSE:300306 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603806 Semiconductor Equip China
SHSE:603602 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300478 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002444 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002415 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:688288 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300025 Telecom. Services China
SZSE:300669 Machinery China
SZSE:002767 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600814 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300553 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300649 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002280 Retail (Online) China
SHSE:603238 Apparel China
SZSE:300792 Retail (Online) China
SZSE:002430 Machinery China
SZSE:300710 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300652 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002508 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300113 Entertainment China
SHSE:600460 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002860 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:200771 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600671 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300347 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SZSE:300743 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002801 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603040 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603901 Machinery China
SZSE:002364 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300435 Machinery China
SZSE:300512 Machinery China
SEHK:3903 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
KOSE:A300720 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A007770 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A005860 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A024740 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A003300 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A006390 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A002220 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A046110 Software (Internet) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A123840 Machinery South Korea
SEHK:896 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:300746 Business & Consumer Services China
KOSE:A097230 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A003480 Power South Korea
KOSE:A180640 Air Transport South Korea
KOSE:A002320 Transportation South Korea
XKON:A107640 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A023890 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A050540 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
KOSE:A123690 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A003350 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A004590 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSE:A002960 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. South Korea
KOSE:A025890 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A000240 Diversified South Korea
KOSDAQ:A053590 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A161390 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KOSE:A017960 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A002300 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A025550 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A037230 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A092460 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A128940 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A008930 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A042700 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSE:A053690 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A052600 Information Services South Korea
BVMT:HL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tunisia
KOSE:A011500 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
TSEC:5469 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:6116 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:3049 Electronics (General) Taiwan
HOSE:BHN Beverage (Alcoholic) Vietnam
HNX:HAT Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HNX:EID Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
HNX:SHN Diversified Vietnam
HOSE:NHH Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
HNX:HKB Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
KOSE:A018880 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A066110 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
TSEC:2488 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A222810 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SEHK:554 Oil/Gas Distribution Hong Kong
KOSE:A105630 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A016450 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A069640 Apparel South Korea
RISE:HMX1R Electronics (General) Latvia
KOSDAQ:A042520 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSE:A004960 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A011700 Machinery South Korea
SEHK:3692 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KOSE:A014680 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A221610 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A004150 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A070590 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A009180 Transportation South Korea
KOSE:A213500 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSE:A010420 Information Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A070300 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSE:A004710 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A025750 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A226440 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSE:A009240 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSE:A003680 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A002680 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
SEHK:8219 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002362 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300007 Electronics (General) China
SGX:DM0 Packaging & Container Singapore
KOSDAQ:A279410 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A012450 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
KOSE:A009830 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A000880 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A027390 Retail (General) South Korea
KOSE:A000370 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Korea
KOSE:A003530 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSE:A088350 Insurance (Life) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A340440 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A317320 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A265920 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A272210 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
KOSDAQ:A078350 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A045100 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A001750 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
SZSE:300403 Machinery China
SEHK:8431 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:474 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:1341 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:8019 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SHSE:600378 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002582 Food Processing China
SZSE:300448 Software (System & Application) China
KLSE:HAPSENG Diversified Malaysia
KLSE:HSPLANT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
HOSE:HAP Paper/Forest Products Vietnam
NasdaqCM:HAPP Household Products China
COSE:HAPU.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
BOVESPA:HAPV3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
SHSE:600202 Building Materials China
SEHK:6138 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:002698 Machinery China
SHSE:600891 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600178 Auto Parts China
SEHK:1133 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000922 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002437 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600701 Food Processing China
SHSE:600864 Utility (Water) China
SHSE:600095 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300040 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002900 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600664 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603023 Auto Parts China
SHSE:688011 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300489 Metals & Mining China
PSE:TUGS Shipbuilding & Marine Philippines
SEHK:51 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KLSE:HARBOUR Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
OTCPK:HTDS Healthcare Support Services China
BSE:509597 Chemical (Basic) India
TASE:HARL Insurance (General) Israel
BSE:538081 Apparel India
BSE:512604 Office Equipment & Services India
KOSDAQ:A136480 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A003380 Food Processing South Korea
COSE:HARI.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
BSE:590043 Auto Parts India
BSE:526931 Retail (Distributors) India
GTSM:8182 Electronics (General) Taiwan
JSE:HAR Precious Metals South Africa
SET:HARN Retail (Distributors) Thailand
KLSE:HARNLEN Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:HARISON Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
BSE:500467 Farming/Agriculture India
SHSE:603958 Shoe China
KLSE:HARTA Healthcare Products Malaysia
TSEC:6168 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:532855 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:524080 Chemical (Specialty) India
KASE:HASCOL Retail (Automotive) Pakistan
KASE:HWQS Food Processing Pakistan
BSE:509073 Cable TV India
BSE:533162 Cable TV India
BSE:531531 Food Processing India
Catalist:PH0 Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
COSE:HNB.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
COSE:HPL.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
GTSM:6218 Computer Services Taiwan
BASE:HAVA Restaurant/Dining Argentina
NSEI:HAVELLS Electrical Equipment India
SGX:H02 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Singapore
BSE:539176 Machinery India
BSE:508486 Furn/Home Furnishings India
KWSE:HAYATCOMM Engineering/Construction Kuwait
ASE:HPIC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Jordan
COSE:HAYC.N0000 Chemical (Basic) Sri Lanka
COSE:MGT.N0000 Apparel Sri Lanka
COSE:HEXP.N0000 Apparel Sri Lanka
COSE:HAYL.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
BSE:532467 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:532334 Hotel/Gaming India
KLSE:HBGLOB Food Processing China
BSE:508956 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532333 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532216 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSDAQ:A078150 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SZSE:000709 Steel China
SZSE:000923 Steel China
BSE:517271 Electrical Equipment India
SEHK:2280 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:300323 Semiconductor China
Catalist:1B1 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
HOSE:HCD Diversified Vietnam
KLSE:HCK Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
BSE:500179 Computer Services India
NSEI:HCLTECH Computer Services India
KOSDAQ:A072990 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KOSE:A012630 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A089470 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A039570 Software (System & Application) South Korea
NSEI:HDFCAMC Investments & Asset Management India
NSEI:HDFCBANK Bank (Money Center) India
BSE:540777 Insurance (Life) India
SZSE:000848 Food Processing China
TSEC:1776 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:1781 Healthcare Products Taiwan
SEHK:1112 Food Processing Hong Kong
Catalist:40B Business & Consumer Services Singapore
SHSE:603313 Furn/Home Furnishings China
BSE:539787 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
GTSM:6665 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
Catalist:5NG Healthcare Support Services Singapore
Catalist:5OR Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
KWSE:SHIP Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Kuwait
SZSE:300255 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1727 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600559 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:300368 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300107 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600722 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300137 Machinery China
SZSE:300428 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:603156 Food Processing China
SEHK:1596 Construction Supplies China
NasdaqCM:HEBT Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A037440 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
SGX:5DP Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SZSE:000417 Retail (General) China
SZSE:000713 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:603011 Machinery China
SZSE:002690 Machinery China
SHSE:603656 Machinery China
SZSE:002208 Real Estate (Development) China
BSE:509631 Electrical Equipment India
DSE:HEIDELBCEM Construction Supplies Bangladesh
BSE:500292 Construction Supplies India
SHSE:600598 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:600187 Utility (Water) China
SHSE:601188 Transportation China
SHSE:603567 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KLSE:HEIM Beverage (Alcoholic) Malaysia
KLSE:HTPADU Computer Services Malaysia
BOVESPA:HBOR3 Real Estate (Development) Brazil
NasdaqGS:HELE Furn/Home Furnishings Bermuda
CASE:HELI Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
LSE:HTWS Telecom. Services Mauritius
KOSDAQ:A084990 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SET:HPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:HREIT R.E.I.T. Thailand
COSE:HHL.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
SHSE:600207 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000885 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600403 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:002132 Steel China
SHSE:600172 Machinery China
SZSE:002321 Food Processing China
SEHK:6885 Steel China
SZSE:002770 Food Processing China
SHSE:600285 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:601677 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600312 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300732 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300437 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600439 Household Products China
SZSE:002358 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000933 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:000895 Food Processing China
SZSE:002296 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:600222 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603508 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002560 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002087 Apparel China
SZSE:300080 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600069 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:600531 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:001896 Power China
SHSE:600595 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600020 Transportation China
SEHK:97 Retail (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:12 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
KLSE:HHGROUP Coal & Related Energy Malaysia
SEHK:1891 Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A900270 Recreation Hong Kong
SEHK:197 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
SEHK:1044 Household Products China
SZSE:002104 Computers/Peripherals China
SEHK:3389 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SHSE:603103 Entertainment China
SZSE:002056 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603303 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300605 Computer Services China
SZSE:002219 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
SZSE:000622 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600346 Chemical (Basic) China
GTSM:4582 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:1476 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:136 Retail (Online) Hong Kong
SHSE:603223 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SHSE:600487 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300081 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:1085 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:2303 Precious Metals Hong Kong
SZSE:000703 Chemical (Basic) China
KLSE:HENGYUAN Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
GTSM:3609 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:8937 Auto & Truck Taiwan
SEHK:114 Recreation Hong Kong
TSEC:5283 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:505720 Machinery India
SZSE:300550 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SASE:6002 Restaurant/Dining Saudi Arabia
NSEI:HERITGFOOD Food Processing India
BVL:HERMESC1 Business & Consumer Services Peru
BSE:500182 Auto & Truck India
SZSE:002963 Engineering/Construction China
BSE:524669 Drugs (Biotechnology) India
KOSE:A003280 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
KOSE:A000540 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A010240 Machinery South Korea
KLSE:HEVEA Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
SEHK:6093 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
NSEI:HEXATRADEX Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:HEXAWARE Computer Services India
SHSE:603556 Electronics (General) China
KLSE:HEXTAR Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
KLSE:HEXZA Chemical (Diversified) Malaysia
TSEC:1234 Beverage (Soft) Taiwan
OTCPK:HYBT Software (System & Application) China
NASE:HFCK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kenya
BSE:500183 Telecom. Services India
KOSDAQ:A230240 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SGX:BTG Retail (Distributors) Singapore
GTSM:8913 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
KOSE:A172580 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
GTSM:3128 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A317240 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A340120 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
SEHK:818 Information Services Hong Kong
GTSM:1788 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
GTSM:1268 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
SEHK:8113 Computer Services Hong Kong
GTSM:3522 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SGX:H17 Electronics (General) Singapore
SZSE:300177 Electronics (General) China
KASE:HTL Retail (Distributors) Pakistan
BSE:541627 Packaging & Container India
SGX:5JK Real Estate (Development) Singapore
KLSE:HHHCORP Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
KLSE:HIAPTEK Steel Malaysia
Catalist:5PO Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KLSE:HIBISCS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Malaysia
SZSE:300048 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:1393 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:300809 Machinery China
HNX:HKT Food Processing Vietnam
SEHK:442 Apparel Hong Kong
GTSM:5220 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:504176 Aerospace/Defense India
BSE:517080 Engineering/Construction India
ASE:HIPR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
GTSM:6559 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A106190 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
GTSM:3202 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:3268 Semiconductor Taiwan
AIM:HGM Precious Metals Channel Islands
GTSM:6208 Machinery Taiwan
KASE:HINOON Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
CBSE:HPS Information Services Morocco
NasdaqCM:HIHO Machinery Hong Kong
TSEC:2542 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
BSE:524735 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
COSE:CITH.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
KLSE:HIL Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
BSE:509675 Construction Supplies India
KWSE:HCC Retail (Distributors) Kuwait
TASE:HLAN Software (System & Application) Israel
SHSE:688030 Software (Internet) China
SEHK:1623 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
BSE:532847 Machinery India
GTSM:8446 Entertainment Taiwan
BSE:505712 Auto Parts India
BSE:514010 Apparel India
BSE:500184 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:526899 Food Processing India
BSE:513723 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
BSE:514043 Apparel India
SZSE:002595 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A238490 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BUL:58E Real Estate (Operations & Services) Bulgaria
SEHK:6893 Household Products Hong Kong
BSE:531979 Metals & Mining India
BSE:504036 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:539114 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:503881 Apparel India
BSE:500440 Metals & Mining India
NSEI:HINDCON Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:509895 Apparel India
BSE:532859 Computer Services India
BSE:514428 Packaging & Container India
NSEI:HAL Aerospace/Defense India
BSE:532041 Drugs (Biotechnology) India
BSE:500185 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:513599 Metals & Mining India
BSE:505725 Machinery India
BSE:524013 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:519126 Food Processing India
BSE:505893 Auto Parts India
BSE:533217 Publishing & Newspapers India
BSE:500500 Auto & Truck India
BSE:500186 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) India
BSE:500449 Chemical (Basic) India
NSEI:HINDPETRO Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
BSE:530315 Packaging & Container India
BSE:500696 Household Products India
BSE:500188 Metals & Mining India
BSE:515145 Packaging & Container India
BSE:539984 Electrical Equipment India
SEHK:396 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
SEHK:8425 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:1968 Apparel China
KASE:HINO Construction Supplies Pakistan
BSE:530853 Household Products India
KASE:HIRAT Apparel Pakistan
TSEC:1338 Auto Parts Cayman Islands
TASE:HRON Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KOSDAQ:A149980 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSE:590018 Steel India
BSE:521068 Apparel India
LSE:HSX Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
KOSDAQ:A200470 Semiconductor South Korea
SZSE:000921 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:600060 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
KOSE:A071090 Steel South Korea
BSE:532359 Retail (Grocery and Food) India
BSE:526217 Packaging & Container India
KOSE:A000080 Beverage (Alcoholic) South Korea
KOSE:A000140 Beverage (Alcoholic) South Korea
SZSE:002955 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300033 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
TSEC:3494 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KOSE:A019490 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSEC:2419 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SZSE:002888 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
TSEC:4576 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2049 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:2348 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A221840 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
SEHK:982 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SEHK:1723 Computer Services Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A044780 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:1310 Telecom. Services Hong Kong
SEHK:2323 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:190 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:248 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SEHK:1726 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BSE:539097 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:480 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SZSE:002105 Recreation China
SGX:AVX Hotel/Gaming Singapore
SHSE:600398 Retail (Special Lines) China
KOSDAQ:A028300 Recreation South Korea
KOSDAQ:A067630 Healthcare Support Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A043220 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BSE:522215 Machinery India
GTSM:3688 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A239610 Household Products South Korea
KLSE:HLT Machinery Malaysia
SEHK:8416 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SHSE:603306 Apparel China
BSE:500191 Machinery India
SEHK:8103 Entertainment Hong Kong
SHSE:600515 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:900955 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:000616 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:600751 Computer Services China
SEHK:2086 Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
SZSE:300490 Electrical Equipment China
COSE:HASU.N0000 Insurance (General) Sri Lanka
KOSDAQ:A101680 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A176440 Electronics (General) South Korea
SGX:H13 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
HOSE:HDB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
HOSE:CII Transportation Vietnam
HOSE:HCM Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
KLSE:HOHUP Engineering/Construction Malaysia
TSEC:1714 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
KLSE:HWGB Electrical Equipment Malaysia
HOSE:DHA Construction Supplies Vietnam
HOSE:HBC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:HRC Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
HNX:HBS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
HOSE:HPG Steel Vietnam
HOSE:HSG Steel Vietnam
HOSE:HNG Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
HOSE:HAG Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
HNX:HHG Trucking Vietnam
HOSE:TCH Construction Supplies Vietnam
HOSE:HHS Construction Supplies Vietnam
HOSE:KPF Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:HPM Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HOSE:HQC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
TSEC:1810 Building Materials Taiwan
KLSE:HOKHENG Construction Supplies Malaysia
SGX:J2T Engineering/Construction Singapore
KLSE:HSL Engineering/Construction Malaysia
HNX:HTC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
TASE:HOD Steel Israel
OB:HLNG Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
KOSE:A111110 Apparel South Korea
BASE:HARG Construction Supplies Argentina
GYSE:HLE Construction Supplies Ecuador
PSE:HLCM Construction Supplies Philippines
GTSM:3191 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:1618 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BUL:6C8 Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
BUL:6N3 Diversified Bulgaria
BUL:4HS Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
BUL:5V2 Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
TSEC:9943 Recreation Taiwan
OTCPK:LEGE.D Advertising China
SZSE:002217 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:3678 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:002729 Electronics (General) China
NasdaqGS:HOLI Electronics (General) China
TASE:HLMS Recreation Israel
SHSE:603909 Business & Consumer Services China
TSEC:6202 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:3026 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4194 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
NASE:HAFR Real Estate (Development) Kenya
KOSDAQ:A060560 Construction Supplies South Korea
SEHK:1747 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Singapore
SET:HPT Household Products Thailand
SET:HMPRO Retail (Building Supply) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A064240 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SEHK:3798 Entertainment China
GTSM:8087 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:HOMERIZ Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
SEHK:8259 Engineering/Construction Singapore
TSEC:2317 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:160 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:8137 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
KASE:HCAR Auto & Truck Pakistan
BSE:522064 Machinery India
JMSE:HONBUN Food Processing Jamaica
GTSM:8043 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:517174 Electronics (General) India
NGSE:HONYFLOUR Food Processing Nigeria
SGX:H30 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
HOSE:HSL Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
TSEC:1446 Apparel Taiwan
SEHK:2322 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:423 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SEHK:1082 Education Hong Kong
SEHK:388 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:50 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:1273 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:7 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:60 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
SEHK:1955 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:1001 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:1137 Retail (Online) Hong Kong
OTCPK:HKWO Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SGX:CTO Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SGX:H22 Construction Supplies Singapore
KLSE:HLBANK Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
SGX:S41 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Singapore
KLSE:HLFG Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
KLSE:HLIND Diversified Malaysia
TSEC:2536 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
TSEC:1612 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:8191 Paper/Forest Products Hong Kong
TSEC:1452 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:4565 Machinery Taiwan
SZSE:002165 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002229 Publishing & Newspapers China
SEHK:1822 Computer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:002144 Apparel China
SZSE:002002 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600885 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:6908 Semiconductor China
SEHK:196 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:655 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SGX:H78 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
OTCPK:HGLI Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:300219 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002062 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:601236 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
TSEC:1474 Apparel Taiwan
SEHK:2226 Food Processing China
GTSM:4530 Machinery Taiwan
SZSE:300345 Machinery China
SZSE:300086 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:2320 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
SEHK:47 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SEHK:1765 Education China
SEHK:1683 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:733 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SEHK:754 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SGX:BBP Engineering/Construction Singapore
COSE:HOPL.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
GTSM:6015 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
TSEC:2243 Auto Parts Cayman Islands
GTSM:5271 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SNSE:HF Farming/Agriculture Chile
Catalist:5EV Food Wholesalers Singapore
SHSE:603260 Chemical (Specialty) China
JSE:HCI Diversified South Africa
JSE:HPB R.E.I.T. South Africa
TSEC:1536 Auto Parts Taiwan
TSEC:6592 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Taiwan
TSEC:2207 Retail (Automotive) Taiwan
SGX:H18 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
TSEC:2702 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
BSE:500193 Hotel/Gaming India
GTSM:2750 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
SGX:H15 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
GTSM:5704 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
SGX:H12 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
BSE:526683 Hotel/Gaming India
KOSE:A008770 Retail (Special Lines) South Korea
COSE:HSIG.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
BMV:HCITY * Hotel/Gaming Mexico
ZGSE:HBRL Hotel/Gaming Croatia
ZGSE:HHLD Hotel/Gaming Croatia
ZGSE:HTCP Hotel/Gaming Croatia
ZGSE:HZVG Hotel/Gaming Croatia
ZGSE:HZLA Hotel/Gaming Croatia
GTSM:3092 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SGX:BLS Investments & Asset Management Taiwan
SZSE:300471 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
PSE:HI Engineering/Construction Philippines
CASE:HDBK Bank (Money Center) Egypt
BSE:540530 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:HDIL Real Estate (Development) India
COSE:HDFC.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
BSE:500010 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532761 Information Services India
BSE:526761 Hotel/Gaming India
GTSM:3114 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:2736 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
HNX:KDM Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
SEHK:1742 Engineering/Construction Singapore
SZSE:300350 Transportation China
SHSE:600829 Healthcare Support Services China
BSE:540136 Electrical Equipment India
KLSE:HPMT Machinery Malaysia
LJSE:ST1R Investments & Asset Management Slovenia
SGX:CHZ Business & Consumer Services Singapore
KOSDAQ:A036640 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
ZGSE:HPB Bank (Money Center) Croatia
ZGSE:HT Telecom. Services Croatia
KOSDAQ:A039610 Machinery South Korea
MSM:HBMO Bank (Money Center) Oman
KOSE:A082740 Construction Supplies South Korea
BSE:500187 Building Materials India
TSEC:9906 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
TSEC:9931 Power Taiwan
TSEC:2031 Steel Taiwan
GTSM:4406 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:8917 Power Taiwan
TSEC:2114 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:1109 Construction Supplies Taiwan
GTSM:4303 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
KLSE:HSSEB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:532662 Publishing & Newspapers India
TSEC:2498 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
HNX:HTP Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
GTSM:4924 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:6279 Auto Parts Taiwan
TSEC:1608 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:1347 Semiconductor China
GTSM:5328 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:969 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:2552 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
TSEC:2880 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
SHSE:600015 Bank (Money Center) China
KLSE:HUAYANG Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
TSEC:1436 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
SHSE:600909 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:3638 Computer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:300741 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:336 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
SZSE:300278 Machinery China
SHSE:603358 Auto Parts China
SHSE:900937 Power China
SEHK:816 Power China
SHSE:601226 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:1071 Power China
SZSE:000963 Healthcare Support Services China
SHSE:600325 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600448 Apparel China
SZSE:300180 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002042 Apparel China
SZSE:000988 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600985 Steel China
SHSE:600575 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:002715 Auto Parts China
SEHK:2738 Steel China
SEHK:377 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:8622 Healthcare Products Hong Kong
TSEC:2548 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
SZSE:002007 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SEHK:1756 Education China
SHSE:600375 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002270 Machinery China
SEHK:505 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SHSE:600025 Green & Renewable Energy China
SEHK:902 Power China
SEHK:958 Green & Renewable Energy China
TSEC:2545 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
GTSM:3512 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:002014 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:900942 Hotel/Gaming China
SHSE:900956 Machinery China
SEHK:1003 Entertainment Hong Kong
SZSE:002004 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:2296 Engineering/Construction Macau
SZSE:300110 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:993 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SEHK:2277 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:300626 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002494 Apparel China
SZSE:000509 Building Materials China
SHSE:601688 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:000428 Hotel/Gaming China
Catalist:41B Engineering/Construction Singapore
SZSE:002502 Entertainment China
SZSE:000793 Publishing & Newspapers China
SEHK:1689 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
SZSE:002926 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SHSE:600801 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:000687 Chemical (Basic) China
KOSDAQ:A204630 Entertainment South Korea
SZSE:300027 Entertainment China
SHSE:600290 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:419 Recreation Hong Kong
SHSE:600741 Auto Parts China
SEHK:1823 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600743 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1673 Machinery China
SEHK:6830 Auto Parts China
SZSE:000627 Insurance (Life) China
SZSE:300494 Software (Entertainment) China
SHSE:600035 Transportation China
SZSE:300054 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000883 Power China
SZSE:300395 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:300387 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000926 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000952 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002377 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:300041 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300516 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600566 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002783 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600107 Apparel China
SZSE:000665 Broadcasting China
SHSE:600293 Building Materials China
SZSE:000707 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002962 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600275 Food Processing China
SHSE:600141 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600421 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002627 Trucking China
SZSE:000422 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603067 Chemical (Basic) China
KLSE:HUBLINE Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
BSE:532799 Real Estate (Development) India
KOSE:A069260 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
HOSE:HU1 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:HU3 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
JSE:HDC Retail (Distributors) South Africa
HNX:HLD Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
KASE:HSPI Steel Pakistan
JSE:HUG Telecom. Services South Africa
KOSDAQ:A145020 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSE:509820 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:87001 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
SHSE:603385 Building Materials China
SEHK:1806 Information Services China
GTSM:6508 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SEHK:3698 Banks (Regional) China
SEHK:1340 Food Processing China
NasdaqCM:HHT Construction Supplies China
SEHK:1178 Apparel China
SEHK:1280 Retail (Building Supply) China
SZSE:300371 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002579 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002920 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SZSE:300322 Telecom. Equipment China
JSE:HLM Metals & Mining South Africa
JSE:HUL Investments & Asset Management South Africa
SZSE:000751 Metals & Mining China
KASE:HUMNL Cable TV Pakistan
SEHK:1419 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
MISX:ISKJ Drugs (Biotechnology) Russia
SET:HUMAN Software (System & Application) Thailand
KWSE:HUMANSOFT Education Kuwait
SHSE:600079 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KOSDAQ:A205470 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A115160 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A028080 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KLSE:HUMEIND Construction Supplies Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A200670 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SHSE:603989 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603959 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002297 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600969 Power China
SHSE:600476 Computer Services China
SHSE:600478 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300730 Computer Services China
SZSE:002505 Food Processing China
SZSE:000722 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:300267 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603998 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002277 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300672 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002155 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600731 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002412 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300592 Business & Consumer Services China
SHSE:600156 Apparel China
SZSE:000548 Transportation China
SZSE:000908 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300705 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002549 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002397 Apparel China
SZSE:002096 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600975 Food Processing China
SHSE:603319 Machinery China
SHSE:600929 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300515 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002113 Entertainment China
SZSE:000917 Advertising China
SHSE:900946 Auto Parts China
SZSE:000932 Steel China
SZSE:002943 Machinery China
SZSE:000702 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:300035 Machinery China
COSE:HUNA.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
SHSE:600570 Software (System & Application) China
KOSE:A005870 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A290270 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A024060 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. South Korea
TSEC:2527 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
TSEC:1413 Apparel Taiwan
SEHK:1446 Beverage (Soft) Hong Kong
HNX:SJ1 Food Processing Vietnam
SEHK:450 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
TSEC:2534 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
HOSE:HTN Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HOSE:HVG Food Processing Vietnam
GTSM:3297 Electronics (General) Taiwan
COSE:HUNT.N0000 Retail (Distributors) Sri Lanka
OTCPK:HUNT.F Software (Entertainment) China
TSEC:1236 Food Processing Taiwan
SEHK:1611 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:002128 Coal & Related Energy China
KOSDAQ:A243070 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A084110 Healthcare Products South Korea
KLSE:HUPSENG Food Processing Malaysia
XKON:A284420 Household Products South Korea
SEHK:704 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
KASE:HSM Food Processing Pakistan
KOSE:A005010 Steel South Korea
AIM:HCM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SGX:NS8U Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
SEHK:215 Telecom (Wireless) Hong Kong
KOSE:A079980 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A065510 Healthcare Products South Korea
TSEC:2433 Computer Services Taiwan
COSE:HVA.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
HOSE:HVH Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SZSE:300045 Aerospace/Defense China
SET:HFT Rubber& Tires Thailand
TSEC:2109 Rubber& Tires Taiwan
SGX:H19 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
KLSE:HWATAI Food Processing Malaysia
DSE:HWAWELLTEX Apparel Bangladesh
KOSE:A000850 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A010660 Machinery South Korea
GTSM:6163 Telecom. Services Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A061250 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
TSEC:2543 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
KOSE:A032560 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A241590 Shoe South Korea
KOSE:A006060 Shoe South Korea
KOSE:A013520 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KOSE:A010690 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A126640 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A086250 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A002460 Engineering/Construction South Korea
TSEC:6573 Semiconductor Cayman Islands
SHSE:600387 Oil/Gas Distribution China
KOSDAQ:A013030 Machinery South Korea
SZSE:300199 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1188 Auto & Truck Hong Kong
GTSM:6457 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:1396 Real Estate (Development) China
BUL:4HE Machinery Bulgaria
HOSE:DRL Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
SET:HYDRO Engineering/Construction Thailand
OTCPK:HYFX.F Utility (Water) Singapore
SEHK:8512 Household Products Hong Kong
SHSE:603825 Advertising China
KOSE:A298050 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSE:A298000 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A004800 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A298040 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A094280 Information Services South Korea
KOSE:A298020 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A097870 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SEHK:150 Software (Entertainment) Hong Kong
BOVESPA:HYPE3 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Brazil
BSE:539724 Software (System & Application) India
Catalist:1J5 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Singapore
JSE:HYP R.E.I.T. South Africa
SEHK:14 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SZSE:002583 Telecom. Equipment China
KOSDAQ:A090710 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A307950 Computer Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A048410 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A004560 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A267270 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A011760 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSE:A227840 Food Wholesalers South Korea
KOSE:A069960 Retail (General) South Korea
KOSE:A294870 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A267260 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A017800 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A322000 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A000720 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A016790 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
KOSE:A086280 Transportation South Korea
KOSE:A005440 Food Wholesalers South Korea
KOSE:A126560 Cable TV South Korea
KOSE:A267250 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A057050 Retail (Online) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A170030 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A079430 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSE:A001450 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Korea
KOSE:A011200 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
KOSE:A010620 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A012330 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A005380 Auto & Truck South Korea
KOSE:A001500 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSE:A004310 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A064350 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A004020 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039010 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KOSE:A011210 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A189980 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A093240 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A011080 Apparel South Korea
SZSE:002537 Auto Parts China
KOSDAQ:A053660 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A092300 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A126700 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:5212 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:500199 Chemical (Basic) India
GTSM:8342 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
BSE:512405 Software (Internet) India
GTSM:2235 Auto Parts Taiwan
KLSE:IBHD Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
SEHK:1097 Cable TV Hong Kong
TSEC:2486 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A059100 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:1402 Computer Services Hong Kong
TSEC:1456 Apparel Taiwan
OTCPK:IONI Software (System & Application) South Korea
PSE:I Information Services Philippines
KOSDAQ:A289010 Education South Korea
KOSDAQ:A099190 Healthcare Products South Korea
TSEC:6115 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KLSE:ISTONE Machinery Malaysia
TASE:IBI Brokerage & Investment Banking Israel
SET:ICC Retail (Distributors) Thailand
TASE:CTPL5 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
SEHK:8507 Apparel Hong Kong
HOSE:IDI Food Processing Vietnam
TASE:IDIN Insurance (General) Israel
TASE:IES Real Estate (Development) Israel
SEHK:999 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A052860 Semiconductor South Korea
NASE:IMH Bank (Money Center) Kenya
KOSDAQ:A214430 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A123010 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A038880 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:8513 Healthcare Products Singapore
BVB:IARV Aerospace/Defense Romania
CBSE:IBC Computer Services Morocco
HNX:VIX Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
GTSM:6441 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
GTSM:8050 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:2889 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Taiwan
SEHK:1547 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A299170 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A335890 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A335870 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A276920 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KASE:IBLHL Healthcare Support Services Pakistan
MUSE:IBLL.N0000 Diversified Mauritius
CASE:ISPH Healthcare Support Services Egypt
ASE:IBNH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Jordan
SEHK:2708 Computer Services China
KLSE:IBRACO Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KASE:IBFL Apparel Pakistan
GTSM:8040 Semiconductor Taiwan
ASX:ICQ Retail (Online) Malaysia
GTSM:6612 Healthcare Products Taiwan
GTSM:6695 Semiconductor Taiwan
DSE:ICBIBANK Banks (Regional) Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A040910 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
NSEI:ICEMAKE Machinery India
TASE:ICCM Healthcare Products Israel
TSEC:2402 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:ICHI Food Processing Thailand
DB:IO0 Coal & Related Energy South Africa
KASE:ICI Chemical (Diversified) Pakistan
NSEI:ICICIBANK Bank (Money Center) India
BSE:540716 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) India
BSE:540133 Insurance (Life) India
NSEI:ISEC Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SEHK:8429 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A068940 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
SEHK:1460 Computer Services Hong Kong
KLSE:ICON Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
MAL:ICON Real Estate (Operations & Services) Malawi
KLSE:ICONIC Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
GTSM:3577 Electronics (General) Taiwan
Catalist:5I4 Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
BSE:532835 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A052460 Computer Services South Korea
JMSE:ICREATE Education Jamaica
BSE:531524 Software (System & Application) India
KOSDAQ:A175250 Household Products South Korea
BSE:511260 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:500116 Bank (Money Center) India
GTSM:8933 Recreation Taiwan
KLSE:IDEAL Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BOVESPA:IDNT3 Investments & Asset Management Brazil
OTCPK:IDTA Electronics (General) Israel
BSE:539437 Bank (Money Center) India
BSE:532659 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:650 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
HNX:IDC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:HTI Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:UIC Power Vietnam
KLSE:IDMENSN Software (System & Application) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A054800 Electronics (General) South Korea
HNX:IDJ Investments & Asset Management Vietnam
DSE:IDLC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
SEHK:1119 Entertainment China
KASE:IDRT Apparel Pakistan
SEHK:167 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
TSEC:3022 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:524614 Retail (Distributors) India
Catalist:5TN Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KWSE:IFAHR Hotel/Gaming Kuwait
DSE:IFADAUTOS Retail (Automotive) Bangladesh
SGX:AIY Investments & Asset Management Singapore
NSEI:IFBAGRO Beverage (Alcoholic) India
NSEI:IFBIND Furn/Home Furnishings India
KLSE:IFCAMSC Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:500106 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SZSE:002774 Machinery China
NSEI:IFGLEXPOR Construction Supplies India
SZSE:002230 Software (System & Application) China
SET:IFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
SGX:I49 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Singapore
BSE:517380 Auto Parts India
KLSE:IGBB Diversified Malaysia
BOVESPA:IGBR3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
SEHK:799 Entertainment Singapore
KASE:IGIHL Insurance (Life) Pakistan
KASE:IGIL Insurance (Life) Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A067920 Software (System & Application) South Korea
OTCPK:IGSC Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
BOVESPA:IGTA3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
ASE:IHCO Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
KLSE:IHH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Malaysia
KOSE:A003560 Entertainment South Korea
NSEI:IIFL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:IIFLSEC Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NSEI:IIFLWAM Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:531968 Real Estate (Development) India
KLSE:IJM Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:IJMPLNT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
XKON:A149010 Semiconductor South Korea
BSE:514238 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SHSE:600933 Auto Parts China
NGSE:IKEJAHOTEL Hotel/Gaming Nigeria
KLSE:IKHMAS Engineering/Construction Malaysia
ASX:IKW Coal & Related Energy South Africa
KOSE:A008500 Apparel South Korea
BSE:532907 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:511208 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:533177 Transportation India
KOSE:A000230 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A249420 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
TASE:ILX Healthcare Support Services Israel
ZGSE:ILRA Hotel/Gaming Croatia
KOSDAQ:A019540 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A081000 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A020760 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A103590 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A015860 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A020150 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A094820 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A003200 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A068330 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A007110 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A013360 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A003120 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A058450 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A007570 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
CNSX:IMCC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
KOSDAQ:A101390 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A226350 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:511628 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SEHK:585 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A115610 Semiconductor South Korea
DSE:IMAMBUTTON Apparel Bangladesh
KOSE:A122900 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KLSE:IMASPRO Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
SEHK:1970 Entertainment China
JSE:ILE Household Products South Africa
KOSDAQ:A052220 Broadcasting South Korea
TASE:IMCO Aerospace/Defense Israel
BSE:513295 Business & Consumer Services India
HOSE:IMP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
CBSE:IMO Real Estate (Operations & Services) Morocco
BUL:RSS Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
BSE:517571 Electrical Equipment India
BVB:IMP Real Estate (Development) Romania
SET:IMPACT R.E.I.T. Thailand
JSE:IMP Precious Metals South Africa
ZGSE:HIMR Hotel/Gaming Croatia
JSE:IPL Transportation South Africa
SEHK:1076 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KASE:IMSL Food Processing Pakistan
Catalist:5HT Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SEHK:776 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
BSE:532614 Steel India
KLSE:IMPIANA Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
BELEX:IMPL Metals & Mining Serbia
SEHK:1286 Machinery Hong Kong
SZSE:002899 Recreation China
BMV:IDEAL B-1 Engineering/Construction Mexico
SEHK:8136 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:1500 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:8446 Entertainment Hong Kong
KOSE:A014990 Apparel South Korea
TSEC:6117 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
ZGSE:INA Oil/Gas (Integrated) Croatia
GTSM:5398 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BSE:531129 Construction Supplies India
BSE:531672 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KLSE:INARI Electronics (General) Malaysia
TASE:INBR Brokerage & Investment Banking Israel
KOSDAQ:A041830 Healthcare Products India
BSE:517370 Electronics (General) India
XKON:A211050 Insurance (General) South Korea
BSE:538541 Food Wholesalers India
KLSE:INCKEN Diversified Malaysia
KOSE:A034590 Power South Korea
KOSDAQ:A083640 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:531594 Machinery India
Catalist:1F4 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A216050 Advertising South Korea
BSE:523465 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:536709 Green & Renewable Energy India
BSE:532305 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:524652 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:509162 Rubber& Tires India
BSE:511473 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KWSE:IPG Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Kuwait
OTCNO:ITCL Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
JSE:IDQ Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Africa
SET:ILM Retail (Building Supply) Thailand
BSE:511355 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:535667 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:531253 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:500201 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:540565 Power India
BSE:530979 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:531343 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:500202 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:590065 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:513361 Steel India
BSE:532189 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:535789 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:533520 Business & Consumer Services India
NSEI:IBREALEST Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
BSE:532960 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NSEI:INDIAMART Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:514165 Apparel India
BSE:532814 Bank (Money Center) India
BSE:540750 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:509051 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:533047 Steel India
NSEI:IOC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
BSE:532388 Bank (Money Center) India
NSEI:IRCTC Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:500319 Food Processing India
BSE:533329 Apparel India
BSE:523586 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:501700 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
JMSE:INDIES Healthcare Support Services Jamaica
SEHK:8373 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BSE:532745 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
JSE:ILU R.E.I.T. South Africa
BSE:524648 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:524342 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:521016 Apparel India
OTCPK:IGEX Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
BSE:504058 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:500207 Apparel India
BSE:532717 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:533676 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:541304 Farming/Agriculture India
DSE:IBP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
BSE:532100 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
COSE:INDO.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
HNX:DDG Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
BSE:532612 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SGX:5JS Food Processing Singapore
BSE:504092 Chemical (Specialty) India
AMEX:INDO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Indonesia
SET:IVL Chemical (Basic) Thailand
BSE:533257 Semiconductor India
NSEI:INDOSTAR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532894 Green & Renewable Energy India
BSE:539175 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:532514 Power India
NSEI:INDRAMEDCO Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:526445 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:522165 Steel India
BSE:532001 Environmental & Waste Services India
KASE:IDYM Apparel Pakistan
BSE:531841 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KASE:INDU Auto & Truck Pakistan
BSE:532187 Bank (Money Center) India
BVL:PIURAC1 Apparel Peru
BSE:501298 Investments & Asset Management India
SEHK:1398 Bank (Money Center) China
COSE:ASPH.N0000 Chemical (Basic) Sri Lanka
SHSE:601166 Bank (Money Center) China
KOSE:A024110 Bank (Money Center) South Korea
TASE:IBLD Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BUL:4I8 Diversified Bulgaria
ASE:ICAG Household Products Jordan
CASE:ENGC Steel Egypt
BUL:4ID Construction Supplies Bulgaria
BSE:501295 Investments & Asset Management India
SHSE:601377 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
BMV:ICH B Steel Mexico
BVL:INDECOI1 Electrical Equipment Peru
BVL:ENVASEI1 Packaging & Container Peru
BMV:PE&OLES * Precious Metals Mexico
BOVESPA:ROMI3 Machinery Brazil
BVMT:ICF Chemical (Basic) Tunisia
DSM:IQCD Diversified Qatar
KLSE:ITRONIC Electronics (General) Malaysia
BUL:6R1 Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
BSE:506222 Chemical (Basic) India
GTSM:6693 Semiconductor Taiwan
SHSE:600602 Software (Internet) China
KOSE:A023810 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:539807 Retail (Online) India
TASE:INFR Chemical (Basic) Israel
KOSDAQ:A071200 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
SEHK:640 Chemical (Basic) Macau
NGSE:INFINITY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Nigeria
BSE:541083 Furn/Home Furnishings India
NSEI:NAUKRI Software (Entertainment) India
GTSM:8183 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A039290 Software (System & Application) South Korea
NSEI:INFOBEAN Software (System & Application) India
SNSE:INFODEMA Furn/Home Furnishings Chile
KOSDAQ:A175140 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
BSE:509069 Publishing & Newspapers India
SZSE:000967 Machinery China
SGX:BOU Education Singapore
SET:ICN Computer Services Thailand
DSE:ISNLTD Telecom. Services Bangladesh
DSE:ITC Information Services Bangladesh
GTSM:6697 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
BSE:504810 Information Services India
TSEC:2495 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
NSEI:INFY Computer Services India
SZSE:000670 Semiconductor China
KOSDAQ:A115310 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BSE:530777 Computer Services India
BMV:IENOVA * Power Mexico
SET:INSET Software (Internet) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A041020 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SZSE:002141 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300223 Semiconductor China
GTSM:4768 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
BSE:500210 Machinery India
SNSE:INGEVEC Engineering/Construction Chile
ZGSE:INGR Engineering/Construction Croatia
SET:INGRS Auto Parts Thailand
KOSDAQ:A101930 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A053350 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KLSE:INIX Computer Services Malaysia
ASE:ATCO Real Estate (Development) Jordan
KWSE:INJAZZAT Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
SEHK:3700 Software (Entertainment) China
SZSE:300143 Food Processing China
KOSDAQ:A049550 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
HNX:DS3 Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
SHSE:603598 Advertising China
ASE:INMA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
GTSM:1591 Machinery Cayman Islands
BVL:IIDEI1 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Peru
SNSE:MANQUEHUE Homebuilding Chile
SNSE:ISANPA Real Estate (Development) Chile
NasdaqGS:INMD Healthcare Products Israel
SHSE:600010 Steel China
SHSE:900936 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600967 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300049 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:601216 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600328 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300355 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600863 Power China
SHSE:600262 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:000780 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:000611 Apparel China
SZSE:000426 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600887 Food Processing China
SHSE:900948 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:000683 Chemical (Basic) China
KLSE:INNITY Advertising Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A215790 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SEHK:8202 Advertising Hong Kong
CNSX:INNO Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
KOSE:A214320 Advertising South Korea
BSE:531929 Household Products India
MUSE:HWF.N0000 Food Processing Mauritius
GTSM:5289 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:3481 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A302430 Electronics (General) South Korea
GTSM:4172 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KLSE:INNO Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SGX:M14 Machinery Singapore
KOSDAQ:A246960 Healthcare Products South Korea
NSEI:INNOVANA Software (System & Application) India
BSE:533315 Investments & Asset Management India
SZSE:002173 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
SEHK:399 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:523840 Packaging & Container India
HOSE:ITD Business & Consumer Services Vietnam
NSEI:INNOVATIVE Rubber& Tires India
BSE:541353 Engineering/Construction India
SEHK:2680 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SEHK:1801 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
XKON:A279060 Advertising South Korea
GTSM:6673 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
OTCPK:INVS Heathcare Information and Technology Israel
KOSDAQ:A073490 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A272290 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A088390 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SZSE:000795 Metals & Mining China
SET:IRC Rubber& Tires Thailand
KWSE:INOVEST Real Estate (General/Diversified) Bahrain
BSE:532706 Entertainment India
NSEI:INOXWIND Electrical Equipment India
GTSM:6284 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BVL:INRETC1 Retail (General) Peru
TASE:INRM Building Materials Israel
KOSDAQ:A277410 Household Products South Korea
KLSE:INSAS Brokerage & Investment Banking Malaysia
KOSE:A006490 Telecom. Services South Korea
BSE:532851 Chemical (Specialty) India
SHSE:600797 Computer Services China
BSE:500211 Chemical (Basic) India
JSE:ISB Retail (Distributors) South Africa
AMEX:NSPR Healthcare Products Israel
BSE:532774 Computer Services India
SZSE:000977 Computers/Peripherals China
SEHK:596 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SHSE:600756 Software (System & Application) China
ZGSE:IGH Engineering/Construction Croatia
OTCPK:MRES Heathcare Information and Technology Montenegro
SNSE:INDISA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Chile
BOVESPA:PARD3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
BASE:ROSE Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Argentina
BASE:INAG Retail (Distributors) Argentina
KOSDAQ:A060150 Environmental & Waste Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A033230 Computer Services South Korea
GTSM:6231 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
GTSM:6724 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
KLSE:INTA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
GTSM:4163 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:526871 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NasdaqCM:NTEC Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
GTSM:6461 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
DSE:INTECH Telecom. Services Bangladesh
BSE:505358 Machinery India
BSE:535958 Apparel India
BSE:536868 Computer Services India
BSE:539149 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SZSE:002339 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:500212 Investments & Asset Management India
KWSE:INTEGRATED Retail (Distributors) Kuwait
KLSE:ILB Transportation Malaysia
NasdaqCM:IMTE Electronics (General) Hong Kong
PSE:IMI Electronics (General) Philippines
GTSM:3289 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:531889 Electronics (General) India
SEHK:923 Paper/Forest Products Hong Kong
OTCPK:IGAP Healthcare Products Israel
KOSDAQ:A064290 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
TASE:INTL Business & Consumer Services Israel
BSE:538835 Software (System & Application) India
KOSDAQ:A189300 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
GTSM:4971 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A143160 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:534732 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:506134 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532326 Software (System & Application) India
TASE:INTR Electronics (General) Israel
BSE:511391 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TASE:ININ Electronics (General) Israel
BSE:530259 Trucking India
KOSDAQ:A017250 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
GTSM:6486 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:539692 Software (System & Application) India
BUL:4IC R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
BVC:ISA Power Colombia
BVL:IFS Bank (Money Center) Peru
TASE:INCR Healthcare Products Israel
BELEX:INEU Trucking Serbia
LJSE:IEKG Transportation Slovenia
KOSDAQ:A051370 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A129260 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
NSEI:INDIGO Air Transport India
SET:IHL Auto Parts Thailand
XKON:A240340 Household Products South Korea
SET:ILINK Computer Services Thailand
SET:ITEL Telecom. Services Thailand
KASE:ILP Apparel Pakistan
ASE:IPCH Chemical (Basic) Jordan
SEHK:1563 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
NGSE:INTBREW Beverage (Alcoholic) Nigeria
ASE:IBFM Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
SEHK:147 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
GTSM:4754 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
ASE:CARD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Jordan
SGX:KUO Construction Supplies Singapore
CASE:ICID Investments & Asset Management Egypt
BSE:505737 Construction Supplies India
CASE:IFAP Farming/Agriculture Egypt
ASE:ICMI Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Jordan
PSE:ICT Shipbuilding & Marine Philippines
BSE:509709 Machinery India
TSEC:2104 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
SEHK:1009 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
DSE:IFIC Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
KWSE:IFA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
GTSM:3293 Entertainment Taiwan
HOSE:GSP Oil/Gas Distribution Vietnam
ADX:IHC Food Processing United Arab Emirates
SEHK:1373 Retail (Building Supply) Hong Kong
KASE:INIL Steel Pakistan
KASE:INKL Apparel Pakistan
DSE:ILFSL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
BOVESPA:MEAL3 Restaurant/Dining Brazil
MISX:GEMA Healthcare Support Services Russia
BSE:502330 Paper/Forest Products India
Catalist:571 Computer Services Singapore
SET:IRCP Computer Services Thailand
KWSE:IRC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
SEHK:91 Semiconductor Hong Kong
KASE:ISL Steel Pakistan
BSE:500213 Hotel/Gaming India
OTCPK:IGLD.F Telecom. Services Israel
TASE:IRI Computer Services Israel
SET:INET Software (Internet) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A119610 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A108790 Retail (Online) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A035080 Retail (Online) South Korea
SET:IP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Thailand
SGX:5GI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Singapore
MISX:MRKP Power Russia
MISX:MRKC Power Russia
MISX:MRKK Power Russia
MISX:MRKY Power Russia
MISX:MRKU Power Russia
GTSM:6169 Entertainment Taiwan
BSE:532072 Entertainment India
HNX:HCC Construction Supplies Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A049070 Electronics (General) South Korea
SET:INTUCH Telecom (Wireless) Thailand
SGX:I06 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
DSE:INTRACO Retail (Automotive) Bangladesh
BSE:533181 Retail (Online) India
KOSDAQ:A150840 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A048530 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SEHK:1760 Auto Parts Hong Kong
NSEL:IVL1L Diversified Lithuania
OTCPK:IVHI Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:002161 Electronics (General) China
KOSDAQ:A079950 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
TSEC:8201 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
TSEC:2356 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SZSE:300582 Electrical Equipment China
NSEI:INVENTURE Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SNSE:INVERCAP Diversified Chile
SNSE:IAM Utility (Water) Chile
BVL:INVERTC1 Hotel/Gaming Peru
SNSE:ILC Diversified Chile
SNSE:SIEMEL Farming/Agriculture Chile
BASE:INVJ Food Processing Argentina
ASE:INVB Bank (Money Center) Jordan
ADX:INVESTB Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
KASE:ICIBL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
BAX:INVCORP Investments & Asset Management Bahrain
JSE:INL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
JSE:IPF R.E.I.T. South Africa
SEHK:1087 Telecom. Equipment China
BSE:504786 Auto Parts India
HOSE:ITC Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
DSE:ICB Brokerage & Investment Banking Bangladesh
WSE:IFC Investments & Asset Management Estonia
WSE:IFR Investments & Asset Management Estonia
DSM:IGRD Engineering/Construction Qatar
KWSE:INVESTORS Real Estate (Operations & Services) Kuwait
BMV:INVEX A Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Mexico
JSE:IVT Retail (Distributors) South Africa
NSEL:INL1L Real Estate (Operations & Services) Lithuania
CBSE:INV Software (System & Application) Morocco
KOSE:A023800 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A037330 Electronics (General) South Korea
SHSE:600858 Retail (General) China
BOVESPA:MYPK3 Construction Supplies Brazil
KLSE:IOICORP Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:IOIPG Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A078860 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:524164 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:500214 Environmental & Waste Services India
KOSDAQ:A114810 Semiconductor South Korea
PSE:ION Electronics (General) Philippines
OTCPK:IINX Computers/Peripherals China
BSE:523638 Auto Parts India
SGX:AZA Real Estate (Development) Singapore
BSE:524494 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
DSE:IPDC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
SEHK:929 Machinery Hong Kong
PSE:IPO Education Philippines
PSE:IPM Environmental & Waste Services Philippines
KLSE:IPMUDA Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
Catalist:42N Computer Services Singapore
KLSE:IQGROUP Electronics (General) Malaysia
KLSE:IRETEX Packaging & Container Malaysia
SEHK:8186 Paper/Forest Products Hong Kong
NSEI:IRB Engineering/Construction India
BOVESPA:IRBR3 Reinsurance Brazil
ASE:IREL Power Jordan
SEHK:1029 Steel Hong Kong
NSEI:IRCON Engineering/Construction India
SHSE:603533 Software (System & Application) China
SGX:UD1U R.E.I.T. Singapore
KLSE:IREKA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SEHK:438 Electronics (General) China
BSE:540735 Software (System & Application) India
KLSE:IRIS Computers/Peripherals Malaysia
BELEX:IRTL Telecom. Equipment Serbia
MISX:IRKT Aerospace/Defense Russia
MISX:IRGZ Power Russia
GTSM:3555 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2228 Auto Parts Taiwan
JMSE:ROC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Jamaica
SET:IRPC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
BASE:IRSA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Argentina
BASE:IRCP Real Estate (Operations & Services) Argentina
KOSE:A010780 Building Materials South Korea
JSE:ISA Software (System & Application) South Africa
KOSDAQ:A095340 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SGX:I07 Electrical Equipment Singapore
KOSDAQ:A069920 Retail (Online) South Korea
Catalist:40T Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Singapore
SGX:I15 Retail (General) Singapore
BSE:526859 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:533033 Machinery India
BSE:540134 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531109 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:524400 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KLSE:IWCITY Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:511609 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
DSE:ISLAMIBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
DSE:ISLAMIINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
DFM:SALAMA Insurance (Prop/Cas.) United Arab Emirates
DSE:ISLAMICFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
DSM:IHGS Brokerage & Investment Banking Qatar
PSE:IS Computer Services Philippines
KASE:ILTM Apparel Pakistan
PSE:ISM Telecom. Services Philippines
KASE:ISIL Food Processing Pakistan
CASE:ISMA Food Processing Egypt
CASE:IDRE Real Estate (Development) Egypt
CASE:INFI Food Processing Egypt
KOSDAQ:A181340 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:532479 Steel India
Catalist:5WF Engineering/Construction Singapore
SEHK:8487 Telecom. Equipment Singapore
TASE:ISCD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
TASE:ISCN Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
TASE:ICL Chemical (Specialty) Israel
TASE:ICB Healthcare Products Israel
TASE:ILCO Chemical (Specialty) Israel
TASE:DSCT Bank (Money Center) Israel
TASE:ILDR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TASE:ISOP.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TASE:PTCH Chemical (Basic) Israel
TASE:ISRA.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TASE:ISRS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
TASE:ISRO Hotel/Gaming Israel
TASE:ISTA Hotel/Gaming Israel
BSE:508807 Auto Parts India
BSE:524622 Retail (Online) India
KOSDAQ:A086890 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSE:A005950 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A007660 Electronics (General) South Korea
SET:IT Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
AMEX:ITP Paper/Forest Products China
KOSE:A226320 Household Products South Korea
TSXV:IFOS Chemical (Specialty) Cayman Islands
SET:ITD Engineering/Construction Thailand
PSE:IDC Real Estate (Development) Philippines
JSE:ITE Retail (Building Supply) South Africa
TASE:ITMR Healthcare Products Israel
SNSE:ITAUCORP Bank (Money Center) Chile
NSEI:ITC Tobacco India
SEHK:199 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A124500 Computer Services South Korea
BSE:509496 Engineering/Construction India
SEHK:8092 Computer Services Hong Kong
TSEC:3014 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A119830 Semiconductor South Korea
TSEC:6213 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BAX:ITHMR Bank (Money Center) Bahrain
BSE:523610 Telecom. Equipment India
CBSE:IAM Telecom. Services Morocco
BSE:522183 Machinery India
KOSDAQ:A084850 Semiconductor South Korea
KASE:ITTEFAQ Steel Pakistan
KASE:ICL Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
NasdaqGS:ITRN Telecom. Equipment Israel
KOSDAQ:A099520 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:1931 Healthcare Support Services China
KLSE:IVORY Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
NSEI:IVP Chemical (Basic) India
SEHK:8441 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
Catalist:42C Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Singapore
GTSM:6734 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:522245 Machinery India
MISX:IGST Steel Russia
BSE:532341 Retail (Online) India
BSE:530049 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A058420 Entertainment South Korea
KASE:JATM Apparel Pakistan
BSE:506943 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:532940 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:506522 Household Products India
BSE:530915 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A096690 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
BSE:538539 Business & Consumer Services India
KOSDAQ:A026040 Apparel South Korea
BSE:523062 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532644 Construction Supplies India
SZSE:000821 Machinery China
SET:JSP Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SZSE:002459 Construction Supplies China
SASE:4250 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Saudi Arabia
SET:JCT Household Products Thailand
SHSE:603337 Machinery China
BSE:538422 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SGX:J17 Auto Parts Singapore
PSE:JAS Real Estate (Development) Philippines
SEHK:2633 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SGX:J03 Computer Services Singapore
OTCPK:JADA Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002960 Electronics (General) China
TSXV:JSE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Singapore
KLSE:JADI Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
ZGSE:JDRN Hotel/Gaming Croatia
ZGSE:JDTC Apparel Croatia
ZGSE:JNAF Oil/Gas Distribution Croatia
ZGSE:JDGT Shipbuilding & Marine Croatia
ZGSE:JDPL Shipbuilding & Marine Croatia
SASE:4332 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
KOSDAQ:A049630 Electronics (General) South Korea
SZSE:300529 Healthcare Products China
KLSE:JAG Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
BSE:530711 Auto Parts India
BSE:507155 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
BSE:532825 Apparel India
BSE:532705 Publishing & Newspapers India
BSE:520139 Air Transport India
BSE:530601 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NSEI:JAGSNPHARM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KASE:JSCL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
KOSE:A033240 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:532976 Steel India
BSE:512237 Packaging & Container India
BSE:523467 Household Products India
BSE:531339 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:514312 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:500219 Farming/Agriculture India
NSEI:JAINSTUDIO Broadcasting India
BSE:526865 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:505840 Furn/Home Furnishings India
BSE:532532 Diversified India
BSE:532627 Green & Renewable Energy India
NGSE:JAIZBANK Banks (Regional) Nigeria
KLSE:JAKS Engineering/Construction Malaysia
NSEI:JALAN Trucking India
JMSE:JBG Food Processing Jamaica
JMSE:JP Farming/Agriculture Jamaica
JMSE:JAMT Food Processing Jamaica
NasdaqGS:JRVR Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
BSE:538564 Food Processing India
BSE:520051 Auto Parts India
BSE:502901 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
DSE:JAMUNABANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
DSE:JAMUNAOIL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Bangladesh
KASE:JDMT Apparel Pakistan
COSE:JINS.N0000 Insurance (General) Sri Lanka
DSE:JANATAINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SEHK:8035 Transportation Hong Kong
GTSM:5701 Recreation Taiwan
SHSE:601886 Engineering/Construction China
KOSDAQ:A174880 Electronics (General) South Korea
Catalist:5OI Restaurant/Dining Singapore
HOSE:JVC Healthcare Support Services Vietnam
NGSE:JAPAULOIL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
SGX:UD2 Food Processing Singapore
SGX:C07 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SGX:J36 Diversified Bermuda
SGX:J37 Diversified Bermuda
SASE:4190 Retail (Special Lines) Saudi Arabia
GTSM:3548 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:J Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
KLSE:JASKITA Machinery Malaysia
BSE:500220 Apparel India
JSE:JSC Electrical Equipment South Africa
NSEI:JASH Machinery India
SET:JAS Telecom. Services Thailand
SET:JTS Computer Services Thailand
SHSE:603816 Furn/Home Furnishings China
Catalist:5PF Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
GTSM:6583 Entertainment Taiwan
SGX:FQ7 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
KOSDAQ:A090470 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:519319 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:514318 Apparel India
KASE:JSML Food Processing Pakistan
BSE:526001 Packaging & Container India
KASE:JVDC Real Estate (Development) Pakistan
BSE:520066 Auto Parts India
SET:JMART Computer Services Thailand
BSE:509715 Food Processing India
BSE:513252 Auto Parts India
KLSE:JTIASA Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
BSE:501311 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:JAYAGROGN Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:522285 Steel India
KLSE:JAYCORP Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
KOSE:A025620 Household Products South Korea
BSE:500306 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:533207 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:506520 Green & Renewable Energy India
BSE:506910 Chemical (Specialty) India
SASE:6090 Farming/Agriculture Saudi Arabia
KWSE:JAZEERA Air Transport Kuwait
GTSM:6247 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSE:A175330 Bank (Money Center) South Korea
SGX:BEW Food Processing Malaysia
OTCPK:JBZY Auto & Truck China
SEHK:1903 Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:514034 Apparel India
BSE:532605 Auto Parts India
BOVESPA:JBSS3 Food Processing Brazil
KOSDAQ:A137950 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. South Korea
SZSE:002530 Machinery China
KLSE:JCBNEXT Software (Entertainment) Malaysia
SHSE:600584 Semiconductor China
Catalist:VFP Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A033320 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
SHSE:603979 Metals & Mining China
SET:JCKH Restaurant/Dining Thailand
SET:JCK Real Estate (General/Diversified) Thailand
KOSE:A036420 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:500223 Apparel India
KLSE:JCY Computers/Peripherals Malaysia
BSE:524592 Chemical (Specialty) India
SHSE:603088 Machinery China
KASE:JDWS Food Processing Pakistan
TSEC:2442 Auto Parts Taiwan
BSE:538837 Heathcare Information and Technology India
KOSE:A002620 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A271980 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A023440 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A038010 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A089590 Air Transport South Korea
KOSE:A006220 Banks (Regional) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A080220 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A065620 Steel South Korea
BSE:524731 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:1538 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:3653 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A033050 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A022220 Building Materials South Korea
KOSDAQ:A110020 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
Catalist:1J4 Aerospace/Defense Singapore
KLSE:JERASIA Apparel Malaysia
BOVESPA:JPSA3 Telecom. Services Brazil
PLSE:JCC Tobacco Israel
ASE:JERY Insurance (General) Jordan
PLSE:JPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Palestinian Authority
TSEC:6197 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:532617 Air Transport India
CBSE:JET Engineering/Construction Morocco
NSEI:JETFREIGHT Transportation India
GTSM:4741 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
JMSE:JETCON Retail (Automotive) Jamaica
SEHK:8133 Machinery Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A216080 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSE:517063 Education India
GTSM:5294 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
GTSM:6161 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:3147 Computer Services Taiwan
COSE:JETS.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
KLSE:JFTECH Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
GTSM:6723 Machinery Taiwan
PSE:JGS Diversified Philippines
SEHK:1935 Education China
BSE:540850 Food Processing India
BSE:531550 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:3520 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:JHM Electronics (General) Malaysia
BSE:532771 Household Products India
BOVESPA:JHSF3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
SZSE:300108 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
TSEC:3011 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SEHK:8519 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
GTSM:4109 Household Products Taiwan
TSEC:3557 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:602 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002650 Food Processing China
SHSE:603708 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SZSE:002969 Packaging & Container China
GTSM:4502 Auto Parts Taiwan
SEHK:865 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SHSE:603299 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000550 Auto & Truck China
SZSE:300589 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300340 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000576 Food Wholesalers China
SEHK:1366 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SZSE:000700 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603208 Building Materials China
SZSE:002610 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002160 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300617 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002172 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300753 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002540 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002245 Transportation China
SZSE:002455 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300135 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:688218 Machinery China
SHSE:688399 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600083 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600959 Broadcasting China
SZSE:300715 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002478 Steel China
SZSE:300196 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002391 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:601128 Banks (Regional) China
SHSE:600078 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600854 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:688116 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002077 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:300670 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300325 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603876 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300354 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000301 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:688258 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:600105 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:177 Transportation China
SZSE:000890 Steel China
SZSE:300240 Transportation China
SHSE:603810 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600901 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:300575 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002778 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601500 Rubber& Tires China
SZSE:300709 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603915 Machinery China
SZSE:002091 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002608 Power China
SZSE:000584 Machinery China
SHSE:601100 Machinery China
SHSE:600276 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600305 Food Processing China
SHSE:600981 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600128 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600400 Apparel China
SHSE:600122 Retail (Special Lines) China
SZSE:300339 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002274 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002645 Machinery China
SZSE:300029 Machinery China
SZSE:000936 Apparel China
SZSE:300717 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002496 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:2116 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600527 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601199 Utility (Water) China
SZSE:002807 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:300623 Semiconductor Equip China
SZSE:300798 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300651 Recreation China
SZSE:002201 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300631 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:601218 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600557 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603369 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:300537 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002513 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002413 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:300660 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603629 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002394 Apparel China
SHSE:600513 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:601008 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SHSE:603519 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603937 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300761 Food Processing China
SHSE:601222 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300421 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603906 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601599 Apparel China
SHSE:603829 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603041 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:8045 Computer Services China
SZSE:002553 Machinery China
SHSE:603880 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:300346 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603693 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:300509 Machinery China
SZSE:002262 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000816 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300507 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300258 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603688 Semiconductor Equip China
SHSE:600716 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:601928 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:601952 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:002483 Machinery China
SHSE:603286 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603036 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:603028 Steel China
SHSE:600287 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600370 Apparel China
SHSE:603269 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002075 Steel China
SHSE:603530 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002438 Machinery China
SZSE:002585 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300806 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000518 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:300165 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600746 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600220 Apparel China
SHSE:603323 Banks (Regional) China
SHSE:603136 Hotel/Gaming China
SZSE:002576 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300265 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002150 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002866 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603117 Transportation China
SHSE:603878 Steel China
SZSE:300420 Machinery China
SHSE:600200 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300013 Transportation China
SHSE:603179 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603787 Auto & Truck China
SZSE:300160 Household Products China
SZSE:002323 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603188 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002304 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:600486 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002559 Machinery China
SZSE:300721 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002519 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300211 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002409 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600805 Diversified China
SHSE:601028 Steel China
SZSE:300304 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300305 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002223 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002839 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:300641 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603507 Machinery China
SZSE:002471 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002309 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000961 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002883 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600522 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:601860 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:300280 Machinery China
SHSE:600770 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:1916 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:002068 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600228 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600561 Trucking China
SEHK:358 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300497 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000899 Power China
SHSE:600269 Transportation China
SHSE:603977 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002591 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600461 Utility (Water) China
SHSE:600316 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:002695 Food Processing China
SZSE:300095 Machinery China
SZSE:300453 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002748 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002176 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300636 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000789 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300722 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:002157 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:300697 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300320 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603985 Steel China
SHSE:603078 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600750 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KLSE:JIANKUN Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SHSE:600976 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600363 Semiconductor China
SZSE:000612 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:1285 Food Processing China
SZSE:300317 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603871 Transportation China
SEHK:2768 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KOSE:A010580 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:540651 Electrical Equipment India
TSEC:5285 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:5820 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
SHSE:601718 Business & Consumer Services China
GTSM:3230 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:8390 Metals & Mining Taiwan
BSE:511618 Household Products India
SZSE:002691 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:000623 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000420 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600247 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:000875 Power China
SHSE:601518 Transportation China
SHSE:600189 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:002566 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300510 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:6122 Bank (Money Center) China
SZSE:300597 Computer Services China
SZSE:002501 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:1853 Utility (Water) China
SEHK:8049 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SHSE:600360 Semiconductor China
SHSE:600881 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002118 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:8187 Shoe Hong Kong
KOSE:A272450 Air Transport South Korea
SZSE:300091 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A007370 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BSE:542653 Apparel India
TSEC:4763 Chemical (Basic) Cayman Islands
SEHK:2362 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
XKON:A250030 Household Products South Korea
BSE:530405 Investments & Asset Management India
NSEI:JINDCOT Apparel India
BSE:511034 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) India
BSE:507981 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:532624 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:500227 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:536773 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:500378 Steel India
BSE:539597 Steel India
BSE:532508 Steel India
BSE:531543 Apparel India
KOSE:A088790 Apparel South Korea
SHSE:601958 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002762 Apparel China
GTSM:2942 Retail (General) Taiwan
SHSE:603279 Machinery China
SEHK:1862 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000666 Machinery China
SEHK:2225 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:002688 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603518 Apparel China
SZSE:000669 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SHSE:603657 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SEHK:137 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SHSE:603919 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
OB:JIN Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SHSE:600127 Food Processing China
SZSE:000656 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300443 Electrical Equipment China
TSEC:8429 Shoe Cayman Islands
SHSE:601007 Hotel/Gaming China
SZSE:000919 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300032 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002882 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:6139 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SHSE:603113 Coal & Related Energy China
KOSDAQ:A018120 Beverage (Alcoholic) South Korea
SEHK:2558 Banks (Regional) China
KOSDAQ:A036890 Machinery South Korea
SHSE:600495 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:1951 Healthcare Support Services China
SHSE:600201 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:000546 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:000587 Apparel China
SHSE:603399 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:900952 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:002515 Food Processing China
KOSDAQ:A208350 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SHSE:601929 Cable TV China
NSEI:JITFINFRA Shipbuilding & Marine India
SEHK:2358 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
SZSE:000799 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
Catalist:C8R Chemical (Basic) Singapore
SZSE:000989 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
BSE:539225 Coal & Related Energy India
KWSE:JIYAD Diversified Kuwait
SEHK:1495 Retail (Distributors) China
TSEC:8488 Packaging & Container Cayman Islands
SZSE:000937 Coal & Related Energy China
BSE:536493 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:500380 Construction Supplies India
BSE:532162 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:530007 Rubber& Tires India
KLSE:JKGLAND Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SET:JKN Cable TV Thailand
SZSE:300748 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:538765 Retail (Online) India
KOSDAQ:A322510 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:8527 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
KOSDAQ:A040420 Education South Korea
BSE:523405 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:6552 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:522263 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:511092 Entertainment India
BSE:523712 Business & Consumer Services India
DSE:JMISMDL Healthcare Products Bangladesh
GTSM:4925 Semiconductor Taiwan
JMSE:JMMBGL Brokerage & Investment Banking Jamaica
BSE:513691 Auto Parts India
KOSDAQ:A094970 Electronics (General) South Korea
SET:JMT Business & Consumer Services Thailand
SEHK:3306 Apparel China
KOSDAQ:A126880 Machinery South Korea
BOVESPA:JFEN3 Real Estate (Development) Brazil
GTSM:3543 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NSEI:JOCIL Chemical (Basic) India
SHSE:601566 Apparel China
KLSE:JOHAN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Malaysia
NGSE:JOHNHOLT Diversified Nigeria
COSE:JKH.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
COSE:KHL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
COSE:JKL.N0000 Retail (Distributors) Sri Lanka
GTSM:4747 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
BSE:523398 Furn/Home Furnishings India
SEHK:179 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
TSEC:1736 Recreation Taiwan
KLSE:JOHOTIN Packaging & Container Malaysia
SHSE:600380 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
BSE:531861 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SHSE:603127 Heathcare Information and Technology China
GTSM:3322 Electronics (General) Taiwan
HOSE:VCB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
HOSE:BID Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
KAS:KZAP Coal & Related Energy Kazakhstan
UKR:BAVL Bank (Money Center) Ukraine
MISX:WTCM Real Estate (Operations & Services) Russia
KAS:CCBN Bank (Money Center) Kazakhstan
MISX:GTLC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Russia
MISX:KROT Food Processing Russia
MISX:RZSB Power Russia
MISX:MFGS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Russia
BSE:534659 Software (System & Application) India
SZSE:000600 Power China
SHSE:600998 Healthcare Support Services China
KOSDAQ:A044060 Machinery South Korea
SEHK:2028 Computers/Peripherals China
PSE:JFC Restaurant/Dining Philippines
PSE:JOH Power Philippines
SZSE:300393 Semiconductor China
SZSE:300684 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600872 Food Processing China
KOSDAQ:A000440 Oil/Gas Distribution South Korea
BSE:538092 Food Processing India
KOSE:A044380 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
ASE:AHLI Bank (Money Center) Jordan
ASE:JCBK Bank (Money Center) Jordan
ASE:JODA Food Processing Jordan
ASE:JDPC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
ASE:JETT Trucking Jordan
ASE:JOFR Insurance (General) Jordan
ASE:JOIR Chemical (Basic) Jordan
ASE:JIJC Insurance (General) Jordan
ASE:JITC Retail (Distributors) Jordan
ASE:ALFA Trucking Jordan
ASE:JOIT Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
ASE:JOIB Bank (Money Center) Jordan
ASE:JOKB Bank (Money Center) Jordan
ASE:JLGC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Jordan
ASE:MSKN Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
ASE:SHIP Shipbuilding & Marine Jordan
ASE:JOPT Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Jordan
ASE:JOPH Chemical (Specialty) Jordan
ASE:JPPC Food Processing Jordan
ASE:PRES Publishing & Newspapers Jordan
ASE:JOST Steel Jordan
ASE:JTEL Telecom. Services Jordan
ASE:JOTF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Jordan
ASE:JVOI Food Processing Jordan
ASE:WOOD Building Materials Jordan
ASE:JDFS Retail (Special Lines) Jordan
ASE:JEIH Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
ASE:JOMC Business & Consumer Services Jordan
ASE:JRCD Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
GTSM:4980 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:505750 Machinery India
SZSE:300549 Machinery China
TSEC:4190 Household Products China
OTCPK:GTVI Furn/Home Furnishings China
SEHK:207 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
GTSM:4559 Recreation Taiwan
SEHK:647 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A067000 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A101730 Entertainment South Korea
SZSE:002242 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300268 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:300270 Electronics (General) China
GTSM:8418 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
TSEC:5284 Electronics (General) Cayman Islands
BSE:530985 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KASE:JSBL Banks (Regional) Pakistan
OTCPK:JSBL Retail (Special Lines) China
KOSE:A194370 Apparel South Korea
KASE:JSGCL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
SEHK:1691 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
KASE:JSIL Investments & Asset Management Pakistan
KAS:BAST Metals & Mining Kazakhstan
KAS:BSUL Food Processing Kazakhstan
JSE:JSE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
TSEC:2540 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
BOVESPA:JSLG3 Trucking Brazil
SZSE:300284 Engineering/Construction China
BSE:533148 Power India
BSE:532642 Investments & Asset Management India
GTSM:5251 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:500228 Steel India
KOSDAQ:A089790 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:520057 Auto Parts India
SEHK:8479 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
BSE:534600 Steel India
SEHK:3336 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
GTSM:1594 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
OTCPK:JFIL Retail (Online) China
NSEI:JUBLFOOD Restaurant/Dining India
BSE:533320 Chemical (Diversified) India
BSE:530019 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SET:JUBILE Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
KASE:JGICL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
NASE:JUB Insurance (General) Kenya
Catalist:NHD Computer Services Singapore
KASE:JLICL Insurance (Life) Pakistan
KASE:JUBS Apparel Pakistan
SHSE:603517 Food Processing China
CASE:JUFO Food Processing Egypt
TSEC:1512 Auto Parts Taiwan
GTSM:6114 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1459 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002342 Steel China
GTSM:6595 Recreation Taiwan
NGSE:JBERGER Engineering/Construction Nigeria
NSEI:JMA Retail (Distributors) India
SZSE:300202 Electronics (General) China
BSE:516078 Packaging & Container India
Catalist:42R Restaurant/Dining Singapore
BSE:531337 Broadcasting India
BSE:539216 Apparel India
SHSE:603885 Air Transport China
TSEC:1617 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A208140 Food Processing South Korea
SHSE:603617 Machinery China
TSEC:6131 Electronics (General) Taiwan
OTCPK:JUPG.F Precious Metals Brazil
BSE:534623 Publishing & Newspapers India
SZSE:300762 Telecom. Equipment China
NSEI:JUSTDIAL Software (Entertainment) India
SEHK:1425 Apparel China
KOSDAQ:A036930 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:3303 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
DSE:JUTESPINN Apparel Bangladesh
SET:JUTHA Shipbuilding & Marine Thailand
SZSE:300802 Electronics (General) China
BSE:519248 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A054950 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A096760 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A234080 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A001060 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A067290 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SET:JWD Transportation Thailand
SEHK:2231 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:6165 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:532926 Household Products India
BSE:504076 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:514448 Chemical (Specialty) India
KOSDAQ:A035900 Entertainment South Korea
SEHK:675 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
BSE:500239 Apparel India
SEHK:8475 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
BSE:513693 Steel India
TSEC:2461 Packaging & Container Taiwan
SEHK:8411 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
GTSM:5201 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:511728 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KASE:KEL Power Pakistan
BSE:514221 Apparel India
KLSE:K1 Electronics (General) Malaysia
KOSE:A145270 R.E.I.T. South Korea
SEHK:1557 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KLSE:KSSC Steel Malaysia
SET:KWM Farming/Agriculture Thailand
SEHK:173 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SET:KCM Steel Thailand
BSE:533192 Food Processing India
JMSE:KLE Restaurant/Dining Jamaica
BSE:532673 Food Processing India
BSE:539686 Green & Renewable Energy India
BSE:542323 Green & Renewable Energy India
BSE:532889 Apparel India
TSEC:3003 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:2108 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
SEHK:822 Machinery Hong Kong
JSE:KAL Retail (Grocery and Food) South Africa
BSE:539393 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:524322 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:524109 Machinery India
BSE:524675 Oil/Gas Distribution India
BSE:531778 Metals & Mining India
SEHK:180 Recreation Hong Kong
TASE:KDST Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
OTCPK:KDNG Metals & Mining British Virgin Islands
ASE:KAFA Diversified Jordan
CASE:KZPC Chemical (Specialty) Egypt
TASE:KAFR Chemical (Basic) Israel
CASE:CPCI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
GTSM:2721 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
SEHK:1215 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
GTSM:3073 Semiconductor Taiwan
SHSE:600260 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:600997 Steel China
BSE:504840 Packaging & Container India
SZSE:002072 Apparel China
SEHK:1638 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:876 Healthcare Products Hong Kong
SZSE:300242 Advertising China
SEHK:2168 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:002425 Entertainment China
GTSM:2246 Auto & Truck Taiwan
SEHK:8203 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
NasdaqCM:KXIN Retail (Automotive) China
BSE:500233 Building Materials India
KOSE:A035720 Software (Entertainment) South Korea
NSEI:KAKATCEM Construction Supplies India
NASE:KUKZ Farming/Agriculture Kenya
OTCPK:KALG Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
BSE:530201 Apparel India
BSE:522287 Engineering/Construction India
MISX:KLSB Power Russia
BSE:513509 Auto Parts India
BSE:533302 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:500235 Steel India
SEHK:2307 Apparel Hong Kong
SHSE:900953 Construction Supplies China
BSE:532468 Chemical (Basic) India
TASE:KMDA Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
BSE:514322 Apparel India
BSE:511131 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:526668 Hotel/Gaming India
MISX:KMAZ Construction Supplies Russia
KWSE:KAMCO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
KLSE:KAMDAR Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
BSE:532741 Steel India
BSE:506184 Apparel India
BSE:538896 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:541005 Food Processing India
BSE:521242 Apparel India
NasdaqGS:KNDI Auto Parts China
BSE:500236 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A217730 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SET:KYE Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
SEHK:6136 Utility (Water) China
KLSE:KANGER Paper/Forest Products China
SEHK:6890 Steel China
KOSDAQ:A014200 Construction Supplies South Korea
SHSE:600518 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KOSE:A000860 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A035250 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
SHSE:600076 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:300391 Auto Parts China
BSE:513456 Steel India
NSEI:KANORICHEM Chemical (Basic) India
GTSM:1269 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
BSE:507779 Packaging & Container India
BSE:500165 Chemical (Basic) India
SEHK:1059 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
GTSM:4510 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:2008 Steel Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A078890 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
TSEC:8996 Machinery Taiwan
JSE:KAP Diversified South Africa
BSE:512399 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NASE:KAPC Food Processing Kenya
BSE:539679 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:KARDA Real Estate (Development) India
TASE:KRDI Diversified Israel
TASE:KARE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KLSE:KAREX Household Products Malaysia
SGX:K29 Computer Services Hong Kong
BSE:533451 Green & Renewable Energy India
SET:KAMART Household Products Thailand
DSE:KARNAPHULI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
BSE:538928 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:1050 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
BSE:531687 Farming/Agriculture India
KLSE:KARYON Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
HNX:KST Telecom. Equipment Vietnam
KASE:KASBM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
SEHK:496 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SET:KTIS Food Processing Thailand
SET:KBANK Bank (Money Center) Thailand
BSE:502933 Apparel India
SEHK:2189 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Hong Kong
Catalist:1A0 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
DSE:KTL Apparel Bangladesh
TSEC:1531 Machinery Taiwan
NSEI:KAUSHALYA Engineering/Construction India
BSE:532899 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:524444 Food Processing India
BSE:535136 Apparel India
KLSE:KAWAN Food Processing Malaysia
DSE:KAY&QUE Retail (Automotive) Bangladesh
BSE:530255 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:539276 Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:504084 Electrical Equipment India
TSEC:2939 Retail (Online) Taiwan
KAS:KEGC Power Kazakhstan
KAS:KASE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kazakhstan
KAS:KZTK Telecom. Services Kazakhstan
MISX:KZOS Chemical (Basic) Russia
KAS:KZTO Oil/Gas Distribution Kazakhstan
KOSDAQ:A024120 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A105560 Bank (Money Center) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A258790 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A317030 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A323940 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A330990 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A001620 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A024840 Auto Parts South Korea
NasdaqCM:KBSF Apparel China
KOSE:A029460 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSE:A119650 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A025880 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
KOSE:A009440 Machinery South Korea
XKON:A112190 Construction Supplies South Korea
NASE:KCB Bank (Money Center) Kenya
KOSE:A002380 Building Materials South Korea
KOSDAQ:A021320 Engineering/Construction South Korea
BSE:540696 Retail (Distributors) India
SET:KCE Electronics (General) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A036670 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
BSE:531784 Engineering/Construction India
KOSE:A009070 Transportation South Korea
KOSE:A281820 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A221980 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
LJSE:KDHR Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Slovenia
LJSE:SKDR Investments & Asset Management Slovenia
BSE:532054 Apparel India
DSE:KDSALTD Packaging & Container Bangladesh
SHSE:603786 Auto Parts China
KOSE:A092220 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A006200 Semiconductor South Korea
BSE:532714 Engineering/Construction India
KLSE:KSENG Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SEHK:184 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SHSE:600499 Machinery China
SHSE:600986 Engineering/Construction China
TSEC:2546 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
TSEC:6655 Paper/Forest Products Taiwan
SEHK:2011 Apparel Hong Kong
GTSM:1258 Food Processing Cayman Islands
TSEC:2538 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
COSE:KFP.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
SEHK:8070 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
BSE:518011 Construction Supplies India
SHSE:603610 Furn/Home Furnishings China
COSE:KGAL.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
SZSE:002335 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603161 Auto Parts China
BSE:517569 Electrical Equipment India
KLSE:KEINHIN Machinery Malaysia
KLSE:KAB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
COSE:KCAB.N0000 Electrical Equipment Sri Lanka
COSE:TYRE.N0000 Rubber& Tires Sri Lanka
COSE:KVAL.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
SEHK:1134 Healthcare Products Hong Kong
SZSE:002892 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603662 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002499 Machinery China
OTCPK:KLDA Heathcare Information and Technology Moldova
KLSE:KGB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:519602 Computer Services India
COSE:KDL.N0000 Homebuilding Sri Lanka
BSE:506528 Chemical (Basic) India
SZSE:002661 Food Processing China
BSE:531163 Chemical (Specialty) India
SZSE:300126 Machinery China
KLSE:KEN Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KLSE:KENANGA Brokerage & Investment Banking Malaysia
SGX:BNE Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
TSEC:2106 Rubber& Tires Taiwan
OTCPK:KNSC Advertising China
GTSM:5383 Machinery Taiwan
GTSM:6125 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:505890 Machinery India
SZSE:002723 Electrical Equipment China
TASE:KEN Power Singapore
GTSM:4561 Machinery Taiwan
NASE:KQ Air Transport Kenya
NASE:KEGN Green & Renewable Energy Kenya
NASE:KNRE Reinsurance Kenya
SGX:5TT Engineering/Construction Singapore
KOSE:A052690 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A051600 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
BOVESPA:KEPL3 Machinery Brazil
SGX:BN4 Diversified Singapore
SGX:AJBU R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:A7RU Utility (General) Singapore
SGX:CMOU R.E.I.T. Singapore
PSE:KPHB Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
SGX:K71U R.E.I.T. Singapore
PSE:KPPI Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
BSE:530163 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KLSE:KERJAYA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:GSB Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
WSE:KER Farming/Agriculture Ukraine
BSE:532686 Electronics (General) India
SEHK:636 Transportation Hong Kong
SEHK:683 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
TSEC:2608 Transportation Taiwan
TASE:KRUR Beverage (Soft) Israel
BSE:507180 Food Processing India
BSE:524174 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:533289 Oil/Gas Distribution India
SZSE:300737 Construction Supplies China
KLSE:KESM Semiconductor Malaysia
BSE:502937 Rubber& Tires India
KOSDAQ:A053260 Steel South Korea
BSE:532732 Apparel India
KLSE:KGROUP Computer Services Malaysia
KLSE:KEYASIC Semiconductor Malaysia
BSE:507948 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
JMSE:KEY Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Jamaica
GTSM:5498 Machinery Taiwan
DSE:KEYACOSMET Household Products Bangladesh
KOSE:A012200 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054780 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:512597 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:8427 Furn/Home Furnishings Cayman Islands
GTSM:6683 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:3816 Machinery Hong Kong
KOSE:A001390 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A151860 Power South Korea
KOSDAQ:A046440 Information Services South Korea
BSE:531609 Apparel India
SET:KGI Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
KOSDAQ:A035600 Information Services South Korea
KWSE:LOGISTICS Transportation Kuwait
BSE:540775 Retail (Special Lines) India
BSE:590068 Food Processing India
BSE:507794 Chemical (Specialty) India
DSE:KBPPWBIL Packaging & Container Bangladesh
NSEI:KHANDSE Brokerage & Investment Banking India
HOSE:KDH Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HNX:GKM Construction Supplies Vietnam
HOSE:KHP Power Vietnam
KLSE:KHEESAN Food Processing Malaysia
BSE:539788 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:KHFM Environmental & Waste Services India
TSEC:4571 Machinery Taiwan
KLSE:KHIND Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
BSE:507435 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
SET:KSL Food Processing Thailand
SET:KBS Food Processing Thailand
SGX:K03 Food Wholesalers Singapore
BSE:535730 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:924 Engineering/Construction Singapore
DSE:KPCL Power Bangladesh
DSE:KPPL Packaging & Container Bangladesh
KASE:KHSM Apparel Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A060720 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:531692 Entertainment India
KASE:KHTC Tobacco Pakistan
KLSE:KIALIM Construction Supplies Malaysia
KOSE:A000270 Auto & Truck South Korea
TSEC:1525 Auto Parts Taiwan
SET:CHOTI Food Processing Thailand
SET:KKP Bank (Money Center) Thailand
SET:KIAT Trucking Thailand
KOSE:A020120 Computer Services South Korea
SEHK:3830 Recreation Hong Kong
HOSE:KDC Food Processing Vietnam
OTCPK:KDOZ.F Entertainment Anguilla
SEHK:2122 Retail (Special Lines) China
HNX:KHS Food Processing Vietnam
BSE:535566 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:524699 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:522101 Machinery India
BSE:523218 Computers/Peripherals India
BSE:524500 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:532067 Chemical (Specialty) India
GTSM:6645 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
Catalist:5G2 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
KLSE:KIMHIN Building Materials Malaysia
KLSE:KHJB Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
KLSE:KMLOONG Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:KTC Food Wholesalers Malaysia
HNX:KVC Steel Vietnam
BMV:KIMBER A Household Products Mexico
BSE:530313 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KLSE:KIMLUN Engineering/Construction Malaysia
Catalist:1D0 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
SEHK:6805 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:1722 Engineering/Construction Macau
SEHK:1630 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:638 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
ASX:KSL Bank (Money Center) Papua New Guinea
TSEC:2520 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A139670 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SEHK:3302 Electronics (General) Singapore
OTCPK:KPAY Information Services Indonesia
BSE:500240 Auto Parts India
SEHK:1277 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:8606 Computer Services Hong Kong
GTSM:4417 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:6155 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:280 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
GTSM:6122 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
TSEC:2059 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:663 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
SET:KWG Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SGX:554 Engineering/Construction Singapore
TSEC:2449 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:300629 Building Materials China
TSEC:01010T R.E.I.T. Taiwan
SEHK:6822 Household Products Hong Kong
TSEC:2809 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
TSEC:2524 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
SEHK:1421 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:148 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:1888 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
TSEC:8411 Packaging & Container Cayman Islands
SHSE:603355 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SEHK:268 Software (System & Application) China
SASE:4280 Diversified Saudi Arabia
SEHK:528 Apparel China
SZSE:002470 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600143 Chemical (Basic) China
BSE:524019 Chemical (Basic) India
SZSE:000615 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1468 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:1751 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
GTSM:6264 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SZSE:000711 Utility (Water) China
SEHK:1170 Shoe Hong Kong
SZSE:002517 Entertainment China
NasdaqCM:KGJI Apparel China
GTSM:6238 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:530215 Real Estate (Development) India
SHSE:688037 Semiconductor Equip China
SZSE:300252 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:8105 Education Malaysia
SET:K Business & Consumer Services Thailand
SGX:5MZ Business & Consumer Services Singapore
SEHK:3888 Software (System & Application) China
GTSM:3206 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1031 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
JMSE:KW Shipbuilding & Marine Jamaica
SHSE:600255 Metals & Mining China
GTSM:6516 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
SEHK:1195 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:1110 Healthcare Support Services China
HOSE:KBC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
TSEC:1560 Machinery Taiwan
NasdaqGS:KNSA Drugs (Biotechnology) Bermuda
TSEC:6209 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4154 Beverage (Soft) Cayman Islands
TSEC:2312 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
TSEC:3189 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:6210 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:512329 Power India
KOSDAQ:A093320 Telecom. Services South Korea
NSEI:KIOCL Steel India
BSE:531413 Publishing & Newspapers India
BSE:537750 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:532967 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:8109 Insurance (General) Hong Kong
BSE:500241 Machinery India
BSE:533193 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:500245 Steel India
BSE:500243 Steel India
BSE:533293 Machinery India
BSE:505283 Machinery India
BSE:530145 Building Materials India
KOSDAQ:A035460 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A104700 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A001940 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A092440 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A002240 Steel South Korea
BSE:521248 Apparel India
TASE:KTOV Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
SEHK:381 Recreation Hong Kong
OTCPK:KWBT Drugs (Biotechnology) China
GTSM:6699 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A311270 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A039490 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
BSE:532304 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:530235 Investments & Asset Management India
SEHK:550 Advertising Hong Kong
BSE:526409 Chemical (Basic) India
KLSE:KKB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A039420 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSE:A004540 Household Products South Korea
BSE:530771 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TASE:KLIL Building Materials Israel
TSEC:1529 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KLSE:KLUANG Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
Catalist:504 Building Materials Singapore
KOSDAQ:A083550 Healthcare Products South Korea
GTSM:5306 Recreation Taiwan
BSE:524520 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:531578 Real Estate (Development) India
KOSDAQ:A122450 Broadcasting South Korea
KOSDAQ:A052900 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:8065 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A225430 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A032500 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
TASE:KNFM Air Transport Israel
TSEC:9919 Household Products Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A272110 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:8039 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
KLSE:KNM Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A278650 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
SASE:4310 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Saudi Arabia
BSE:532942 Engineering/Construction India
SEHK:1025 Apparel Hong Kong
KLSE:KNUSFOR Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
JMSE:KEX Trucking Jamaica
KOSDAQ:A105330 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
TSEC:5215 Electronics (General) Cayman Islands
SEHK:827 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
SHSE:603232 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:8226 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
GTSM:8354 Office Equipment & Services Taiwan
KOSE:A071950 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
KLSE:KOBAY Machinery Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A015710 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SGX:BJZ Furn/Home Furnishings Singapore
GTSM:4568 Machinery Taiwan
Catalist:5HV Engineering/Construction Singapore
SGX:K75 Engineering/Construction Singapore
KOSDAQ:A098460 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KASE:KOHC Construction Supplies Pakistan
DSE:KOHINOOR Household Products Bangladesh
KASE:KOHE Power Pakistan
BSE:512559 Food Processing India
KASE:KOIL Real Estate (Operations & Services) Pakistan
KASE:KML Apparel Pakistan
KASE:KOHP Power Pakistan
KASE:KOSM Apparel Pakistan
KASE:KTML Apparel Pakistan
ZGSE:KOKA Food Processing Croatia
BSE:523207 Office Equipment & Services India
KOSDAQ:A078650 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSE:A161890 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A024720 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A200130 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A002020 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A003070 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A120110 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A102940 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A144620 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A138490 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
MUSE:KLOS.I0000 Retail (Distributors) Mauritius
BSE:532924 Real Estate (Development) India
KLSE:KOMARK Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
BSE:539910 Entertainment India
KOSDAQ:A049430 Machinery South Korea
BELEX:KMBN Bank (Money Center) Serbia
KOSDAQ:A183300 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A041960 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BELEX:DNOS Insurance (General) Serbia
HNX:KTS Food Processing Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A052400 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
ZGSE:KODT Electrical Equipment Croatia
ZGSE:KOEI Electrical Equipment Croatia
SZSE:300666 Semiconductor China
SEHK:295 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
SZSE:000016 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
BSE:532397 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:KTB Trucking Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A043650 Beverage (Alcoholic) South Korea
SEHK:1797 Education China
Catalist:5I1 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
BELEX:KOPB Retail (Distributors) Serbia
KOSDAQ:A126600 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BSE:524280 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BUL:4KX Building Materials Bulgaria
KOSE:A047810 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
KOSE:A005430 Air Transport South Korea
KOSDAQ:A017890 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A260660 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A123890 R.E.I.T. South Korea
KOSDAQ:A190650 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSE:A152330 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A318000 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039340 Broadcasting South Korea
KOSE:A000970 Building Materials South Korea
KOSDAQ:A198440 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A007810 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A115500 Computer Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054040 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A089150 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSE:A004200 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A071320 Power South Korea
KOSE:A015760 Power South Korea
KOSE:A130660 Power South Korea
KOSE:A025540 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A041460 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KOSE:A023350 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A029960 Environmental & Waste Services South Korea
KOSE:A002200 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSE:A010100 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A123410 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A036460 Power South Korea
KOSE:A002140 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A025770 Information Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039740 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A071050 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSE:A005880 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
KOSDAQ:A043290 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A058400 Broadcasting South Korea
KOSDAQ:A271740 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A281410 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A291210 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A310870 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A024880 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A006650 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A004090 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054410 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A034950 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A010040 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A060900 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. South Korea
KOSDAQ:A101670 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSE:A009540 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A007280 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A033270 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A010130 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSDAQ:A290510 Retail (Online) South Korea
KOSE:A003490 Air Transport South Korea
KOSDAQ:A014570 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A003690 Reinsurance South Korea
KOSE:A034830 Real Estate (General/Diversified) South Korea
Catalist:5VC Engineering/Construction Singapore
KOSDAQ:A094860 Computer Services South Korea
NasdaqGS:KRNT Machinery Israel
MISX:KOGK Steel Russia
KOSDAQ:A052330 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSDAQ:A049720 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
GTSM:8032 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:8042 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A089890 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KLSE:KOSSAN Healthcare Products Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A009730 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A204990 Household Products South Korea
HOSE:KOS Diversified Vietnam
KASE:KAPCO Power Pakistan
COSE:KOTA.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
BSE:500247 Bank (Money Center) India
BSE:507474 Food Processing India
NSEI:KOTHARIPET Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:530299 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:KOTARISUG Food Processing India
BSE:511138 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:539599 Retail (Distributors) India
COSE:LAMB.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
KLSE:KOTRA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Malaysia
SGX:VL6 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
BSE:523323 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:507598 Food Processing India
SEHK:34 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A121850 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
Catalist:5OC Engineering/Construction Singapore
SEHK:2663 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SHSE:600422 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
NSEI:KPITTECH Software (System & Application) India
KLSE:KPJ Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Malaysia
SEHK:8027 Business & Consumer Services Singapore
KOSDAQ:A042040 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SET:KPNPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
KLSE:KPSCB Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A256940 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:505299 Machinery India
KOSE:A025000 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A092230 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A114450 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSE:A000040 Auto & Truck South Korea
BSE:542459 Auto Parts India
ZGSE:KRAS Food Processing Croatia
SHSE:600579 Machinery China
NSEI:KRBL Food Processing India
BSE:524518 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
OTCPK:KRBF Machinery Hong Kong
KLSE:KRETAM Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
BSE:531328 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:533482 Steel India
NSEI:KRISHANA Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:539384 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:504392 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:526423 Building Materials India
BSE:533210 Food Processing India
LJSE:KRKG Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Slovenia
KLSE:KRONO Software (System & Application) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A065530 Telecom (Wireless) South Korea
SET:KTB Bank (Money Center) Thailand
SET:KWC Business & Consumer Services Thailand
SET:KCAR Trucking Thailand
SET:KTC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
BSE:523550 Rubber& Tires India
SGX:578 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Singapore
OTCPK:KSIH Software (Entertainment) Taiwan
LJSE:KSFR Investments & Asset Management Slovenia
BSE:500249 Machinery India
KASE:KSBP Machinery Pakistan
BSE:519421 Food Processing India
SGX:ER0 Engineering/Construction Singapore
NSEI:KSHITIJPOL Office Equipment & Services India
KOSDAQ:A192250 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BSE:532997 Power India
KLSE:KSL Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A073010 Construction Supplies South Korea
BSE:532081 Entertainment India
KOSE:A044450 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
KOSE:A030200 Telecom. Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036030 Retail (Online) South Korea
KOSE:A053210 Cable TV South Korea
KOSDAQ:A060370 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A033780 Tobacco South Korea
KOSE:A030210 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A058850 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
KOSE:A058860 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
SHSE:603680 Construction Supplies China
SGX:EB7 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
Catalist:XCF Apparel Singapore
SHSE:601579 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
KLSE:KLK Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
GTSM:6596 Advertising Taiwan
SZSE:002625 Auto Parts China
SEHK:439 Aerospace/Defense Hong Kong
SZSE:002516 Apparel China
TSEC:6431 Electronics (General) China
BSE:532937 Paper/Forest Products India
KLSE:KUB Oil/Gas Distribution Malaysia
MISX:KUBE Power Russia
BSE:539408 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:KUCHAI Diversified Malaysia
GTSM:6265 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:4527 Machinery Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A006050 Building Materials South Korea
KOSDAQ:A078130 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A066620 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KOSE:A001140 Trucking South Korea
KOSE:A007690 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A005320 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A014530 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A060480 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSE:A002720 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
NasdaqGS:KLIC Semiconductor Equip Singapore
SET:KKC Machinery Thailand
JSE:KIO Steel South Africa
KOSE:A008870 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSE:A001210 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A214330 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A002990 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A011780 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A073240 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KOSE:A014280 Steel South Korea
KLSE:KFIMA Diversified Malaysia
KLSE:HIGHTEC Machinery Malaysia
KLSE:JETSON Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:KPS Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KLSE:KPOWER Apparel Malaysia
SET:KUMWEL Electrical Equipment Thailand
KOSE:A001570 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
TSEC:1537 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:5521 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SEHK:135 Power Hong Kong
SZSE:300505 Farming/Agriculture China
SEHK:3768 Utility (Water) China
SZSE:002750 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000903 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:603626 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300260 Building Materials China
BSE:523594 Machinery India
SHSE:600053 Investments & Asset Management China
GTSM:5206 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
GTSM:8936 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
TSEC:2505 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
GTSM:8477 Retail (Online) Taiwan
GTSM:2754 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
BSE:536170 Retail (Distributors) India
ZGSE:KTJV Beverage (Alcoholic) Croatia
KWSE:KGL Shipbuilding & Marine Kuwait
KWSE:KMEFIC Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
KWSE:KBT Real Estate (Operations & Services) Kuwait
KWSE:KCEM Construction Supplies Kuwait
KWSE:KFIC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
KWSE:KFH Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
KWSE:MARKAZ Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
KWSE:KFOUC Steel Kuwait
KWSE:KINS Insurance (General) Kuwait
KWSE:KIB Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
KWSE:KINV Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
KWSE:KCIN Entertainment Kuwait
KWSE:PCEM Retail (Distributors) Kuwait
KWSE:KPROJ Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
KWSE:KRE Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
KWSE:ALAQARIA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Kuwait
KWSE:REMAL Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
KWSE:MUNTAZAHAT Hotel/Gaming Kuwait
KWSE:KSHC Diversified Kuwait
KWSE:VIVA Telecom (Wireless) Kuwait
BSE:530421 Chemical (Basic) India
MISX:KUZB Banks (Regional) Russia
BSE:531206 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:531882 Food Processing India
BSE:539997 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:1559 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
GTSM:6101 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSE:A009290 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A026910 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A090150 Auto Parts South Korea
GTSM:4420 Apparel Taiwan
KOSE:A017040 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KLSE:KWANTAS Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SHSE:600519 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SEHK:1813 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:1416 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
GTSM:8916 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
SEHK:8023 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:306 Trucking Hong Kong
GTSM:3287 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:2365 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KOSE:A013580 Engineering/Construction South Korea
SZSE:300353 Telecom. Equipment China
KLSE:KYM Packaging & Container Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A267320 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A307280 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A331520 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A030610 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSE:A214390 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A024910 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A009450 Building Materials South Korea
KOSDAQ:A011040 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A053950 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A002100 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSE:A000050 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A267290 Power South Korea
KOSE:A012320 Coal & Related Energy South Korea
KOSE:A009140 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSE:A012610 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SEHK:8195 Apparel Hong Kong
BSE:500250 Machinery India
TTSE:LJWB Retail (Distributors) Trinidad & Tobago
SEHK:558 Machinery Hong Kong
SET:LPN Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BVMT:ASSAD Electrical Equipment Tunisia
SASE:4011 Apparel Saudi Arabia
KOSE:A290650 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A066970 Electronics (General) South Korea
SHSE:603929 Engineering/Construction China
TSEC:6139 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
BSE:533519 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:LTTS Business & Consumer Services India
BMV:LACOMER UBC Retail (Grocery and Food) Mexico
ENXTPA:FORE Transportation (Railroads) Ivory Coast
GTSM:2732 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
BSE:526947 Household Products India
BVMT:STPIL Oil/Gas Distribution Tunisia
BSE:505693 Steel India
JSE:LAB Semiconductor South Africa
CBSE:LBV Retail (General) Morocco
KOSDAQ:A084650 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SEHK:1262 Food Processing China
BASE:RICH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Argentina
TASE:LHIS Farming/Agriculture Israel
BSE:524202 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:540026 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:530577 Investments & Asset Management India
SET:LPH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SHSE:603630 Household Products China
NGSE:WAPCO Construction Supplies Nigeria
LUSE:LAFARGE Construction Supplies Zambia
DSE:LHBL Construction Supplies Bangladesh
CBSE:LHM Construction Supplies Morocco
BSE:524522 Retail (Distributors) India
GTSM:6730 Healthcare Products Taiwan
NSEI:LAGNAM Apparel India
SET:LRH Hotel/Gaming Thailand
TASE:LAHAV Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BSE:531842 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:1125 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:8455 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:2266 Engineering/Construction Macau
SEHK:488 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:191 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:8172 Entertainment Hong Kong
SZSE:300773 Information Services China
COSE:LPRT.N0000 Publishing & Newspapers Sri Lanka
BSE:535387 Apparel India
BSE:505302 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
BSE:504258 Electrical Equipment India
NSEI:LFIC Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:500252 Machinery India
BSE:506079 Machinery India
SET:LALIN Real Estate (Development) Thailand
KASE:LPL Power Pakistan
HNX:LHC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:LBM Construction Supplies Vietnam
HOSE:LSS Food Processing Vietnam
SEHK:411 Food Processing Hong Kong
SET:LST Food Processing Thailand
HNX:LAS Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
KLSE:LAMBO Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:590075 Apparel India
HNX:LDP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
LSE:LAM Oilfield Svcs/Equip. United Arab Emirates
SEHK:1041 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
TSEC:1459 Apparel Taiwan
LSE:LRE Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
BSE:539841 Shipbuilding & Marine India
BSE:509048 Real Estate (Development) India
SZSE:002612 Apparel China
KLSE:L&G Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SET:LHPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:LH Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BVMT:LNDOR Food Processing Tunisia
SZSE:000558 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:582 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
BSE:532275 Recreation India
HOSE:LMH Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
GTSM:3081 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:533012 Real Estate (Development) India
KASE:LMSM Apparel Pakistan
KLSE:LANDMRK Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
SZSE:300157 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:106 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600149 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002305 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600896 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
COSE:LALU.N0000 Metals & Mining Sri Lanka
COSE:ASHO.N0000 Construction Supplies Sri Lanka
COSE:CERA.N0000 Building Materials Sri Lanka
COSE:LIOC.N0000 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Sri Lanka
COSE:LMF.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
COSE:ASCO.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
COSE:TILE.N0000 Building Materials Sri Lanka
COSE:LVEN.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
COSE:LWL.N0000 Building Materials Sri Lanka
DSE:LANKABAFIN Brokerage & Investment Banking Bangladesh
COSE:LCEY.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
COSE:LDEV.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
SET:LANNA Coal & Related Energy Thailand
GTSM:6245 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:601798 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:503 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002644 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600192 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000929 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:603169 Machinery China
SHSE:600738 Retail (General) China
SEHK:1533 Food Processing China
HOSE:LCM Metals & Mining Vietnam
SHSE:600612 Apparel China
SHSE:603883 Retail (Special Lines) China
KOSDAQ:A300120 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:1690 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:8472 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
TASE:LAPD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TASE:LPHL.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TSEC:3008 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:8351 Apparel Hong Kong
NSEI:LTI Computer Services India
BSE:500510 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:540702 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NGSE:LASACO Insurance (General) Nigeria
JMSE:LASD Food Wholesalers Jamaica
JMSE:LASF Information Services Jamaica
JMSE:LASM Food Processing Jamaica
GTSM:6207 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BELEX:LSTA Trucking Serbia
TSEC:3346 Semiconductor Taiwan
XKON:A311060 Semiconductor South Korea
SNSE:LTM Air Transport Chile
ASX:LAA Software (Entertainment) Ecuador
KLSE:LATITUD Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
NSEI:LATTEYS Machinery India
COSE:LGL.X0000 Oil/Gas Distribution Sri Lanka
COSE:LPL.N0000 Green & Renewable Energy Sri Lanka
SEHK:2488 Auto Parts China
GTSM:8420 Recreation Taiwan
BSE:540222 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
MUSE:LAVA.I0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Mauritius
BUL:4L4 Household Products Bulgaria
NGSE:LAWUNION Insurance (General) Nigeria
SHSE:600209 Engineering/Construction China
COSE:LITE.N0000 Electrical Equipment Sri Lanka
KLSE:LAYHONG Food Processing Malaysia
NYSE:LAZ Brokerage & Investment Banking Bermuda
KLSE:LBALUM Metals & Mining Malaysia
COSE:LFIN.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
KOSDAQ:A061970 Semiconductor South Korea
PSE:LBC Transportation Philippines
KLSE:LBICAP Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KLSE:LBS Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SGX:BJL Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SET:LDC Healthcare Support Services Thailand
HOSE:LDG Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A096870 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:738 Shoe Hong Kong
GTSM:2599 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
TSEC:2443 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SZSE:000673 Entertainment China
OTCPK:LCHD Software (Entertainment) Hong Kong
TSEC:3058 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SGX:LS9 Environmental & Waste Services China
TASE:LDER Investments & Asset Management Israel
KLSE:LSTEEL Steel Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A016100 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A019570 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
BSE:540360 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:2465 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:3588 Semiconductor Taiwan
AIM:LEAF Investments & Asset Management Cayman Islands
TSEC:1444 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:5364 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
SEHK:1499 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
NGSE:LEARNAFRCA Publishing & Newspapers Nigeria
SET:LIT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
GTSM:6127 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KASE:LEUL Apparel Pakistan
OTCPK:LEAT Recreation South Africa
KLSE:LEBTECH Engineering/Construction Malaysia
CASE:LCSW Building Materials Egypt
SZSE:300343 Chemical (Specialty) China
BASE:LEDE Farming/Agriculture Argentina
GTSM:5230 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:300162 Electronics (General) China
TSEC:6164 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:746 Chemical (Basic) Hong Kong
BSE:517415 Software (System & Application) India
SEHK:2314 Paper/Forest Products Hong Kong
SET:LEE Food Processing Thailand
COSE:SHAW.N0000 Real Estate (Development) Sri Lanka
SEHK:637 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KLSE:LEESK Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
SEHK:950 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
TSEC:1517 Recreation Taiwan
SASE:1830 Recreation Saudi Arabia
KOSE:A025820 Metals & Mining South Korea
BSE:517518 Electrical Equipment India
KOSDAQ:A058470 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039980 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SEHK:387 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:1540 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
DSE:LEGACYFOOT Shoe Bangladesh
SEHK:3396 Computers/Peripherals China
SEHK:1355 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A141080 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
BSE:532829 Shoe India
PSE:LR Hotel/Gaming Philippines
SZSE:300247 Recreation China
AIM:LEK Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Nigeria
TSEC:2472 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NSEI:LEMONTREE Hotel/Gaming India
TSEC:4912 Machinery Taiwan
MISX:LNZL Precious Metals Russia
SGX:JYEU R.E.I.T. Singapore
SEHK:992 Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
SZSE:300433 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002131 Advertising China
GTSM:5410 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SEHK:842 Electrical Equipment China
TSEC:2705 Recreation Taiwan
KLSE:LEONFB Steel Malaysia
SZSE:300603 Computer Services China
KLSE:LHI Food Processing Malaysia
PSE:LCB Precious Metals Philippines
SZSE:300003 Healthcare Products China
BSE:502250 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:112 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
BVMT:AMS Household Products Tunisia
BVMT:SCB Construction Supplies Tunisia
TSEC:2911 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
BSE:533602 Retail (Distributors) India
SHSE:600644 Power China
TASE:LSCO Engineering/Construction Israel
CBSE:LES Food Processing Morocco
SZSE:002319 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002398 Construction Supplies China
NMSE:LHN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Namibia
BSM:LETSHEGO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Botswana
GTSM:3118 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
MISX:LVHK Electronics (General) Russia
SEHK:1346 Apparel Hong Kong
TASE:LVPR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KLSE:LEWEKO Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
TASE:LEOF Real Estate (Development) Israel
JSE:LEW Retail (Building Supply) South Africa
TSEC:3698 Semiconductor Taiwan
NSEI:LEXUS Homebuilding India
Catalist:Q0X Engineering/Construction Singapore
SZSE:300296 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:1089 Entertainment Hong Kong
SHSE:603900 Retail (Special Lines) China
KOSE:A093050 Apparel South Korea
KLSE:LFECORP Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SEHK:3938 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
KOSE:A051910 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A003550 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A034220 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A066570 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSE:A108670 Building Materials South Korea
KOSE:A051900 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A011070 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A001120 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSE:A032640 Telecom. Services South Korea
NSEI:LGBFORGE Machinery India
SET:LHFG Bank (Money Center) Thailand
SEHK:1978 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SET:LHSC R.E.I.T. Thailand
Catalist:41O Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SGX:BEI Paper/Forest Products Singapore
SEHK:494 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:1869 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
TSEC:4426 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:6242 Household Products Taiwan
GTSM:6212 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
SEHK:2331 Apparel China
TSEC:1447 Apparel Taiwan
SGX:L03 Engineering/Construction Singapore
TSEC:1231 Food Processing Taiwan
SZSE:002036 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002250 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:980 Retail (General) China
NasdaqCM:LLIT Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600739 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:603315 Steel China
SHSE:600758 Power China
SZSE:300405 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300082 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600303 Auto & Truck China
SHSE:600241 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:603609 Farming/Agriculture China
NSEI:LIBAS Apparel India
PSE:LFM Food Processing Philippines
JSE:LBH Insurance (Life) South Africa
NASE:LBTY Insurance (General) Kenya
BSE:526596 Shoe India
JSE:L2D R.E.I.T. South Africa
DSE:LIBRAINFU Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
JSE:LBR Food Processing South Africa
ZGSE:LRH Hotel/Gaming Croatia
NSEI:LICHSGFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
HNX:LIG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:L14 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:LCG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
TSEC:4552 Machinery China
TSEC:2431 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:1229 Food Processing Taiwan
SZSE:002258 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:601777 Auto & Truck China
SEHK:8056 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
JSE:LHC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities South Africa
SEHK:928 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
XKON:A285770 Healthcare Products South Korea
GTSM:2745 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
Catalist:1D3 Retail (Online) Singapore
SZSE:002868 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SEHK:2136 Retail (General) Hong Kong
GTSM:8066 Retail (Building Supply) Taiwan
SEHK:1212 Retail (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:1302 Healthcare Products China
KOSE:A079550 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
SZSE:000697 Metals & Mining China
BOVESPA:LIGT3 Power Brazil
SET:L&E Electrical Equipment Thailand
OTCPK:LTSC Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
GTSM:8111 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:5520 Construction Supplies Taiwan
SZSE:300800 Electronics (General) China
KLSE:LIIHEN Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
SZSE:002033 Hotel/Gaming China
BSE:539927 Business & Consumer Services India
HOSE:L10 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:LO5 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:L61 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:LM7 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:L35 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SHSE:603823 Chemical (Basic) China
TSEC:1443 Apparel Taiwan
BSE:507759 Chemical (Basic) India
SZSE:002734 Chemical (Specialty) China
GTSM:6696 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
GTSM:5464 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:517463 Electronics (General) India
BSE:531241 Office Equipment & Services India
BSE:531633 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
DSE:LINDEBD Chemical (Specialty) Bangladesh
BSE:523457 Chemical (Specialty) India
KOSDAQ:A277070 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
SEHK:8267 Entertainment China
SHSE:603636 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:784 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SHSE:600480 Auto Parts China
SEHK:3330 Precious Metals Hong Kong
KLSE:LITRAK Transportation Malaysia
SZSE:002717 Engineering/Construction China
TSEC:2369 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:002600 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600231 Steel China
SHSE:600099 Auto & Truck China
OTCPK:LINU.F Hotel/Gaming Macau
SEHK:8237 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:524748 Chemical (Basic) India
SEHK:823 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
SEHK:1143 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
NGSE:LINKASSURE Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A219420 Computer Services South Korea
SEHK:8383 Publishing & Newspapers Malaysia
TSEC:6715 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BOVESPA:LINX3 Software (System & Application) Brazil
SZSE:002535 Machinery China
SGX:BAZ Construction Supplies Singapore
COSE:LION.N0000 Beverage (Alcoholic) Sri Lanka
KOSDAQ:A171120 Building Materials South Korea
KLSE:LIONIND Steel Malaysia
KLSE:LIONFIB Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SEHK:1127 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
TSEC:2731 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
SHSE:603669 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
Catalist:A78 Precious Metals Singapore
MISX:LPSB Power Russia
BSE:526604 Machinery India
SEHK:156 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
SEHK:226 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
SGX:D5IU R.E.I.T. Singapore
BOVESPA:LIQO3 Office Equipment & Services Brazil
SHSE:601366 Retail (General) China
KOSDAQ:A138690 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
TSEC:5305 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2301 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:4995 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NSEL:LGD1L Power Lithuania
OTCPK:LBTI Chemical (Basic) China
GTSM:6175 Metals & Mining Taiwan
SEHK:194 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SHSE:600423 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:601003 Steel China
SHSE:600249 Household Products China
KOSDAQ:A050120 Recreation South Korea
AIM:LIV Investments & Asset Management British Virgin Islands
MUSE:LFL.I0000 Food Processing Mauritius
NGSE:LIVESTOCK Farming/Agriculture Nigeria
KWSE:CATTL Food Wholesalers Kuwait
OTCPK:LTDH Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SZSE:000513 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
TSEC:3054 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
HOSE:LIX Household Products Vietnam
KLSE:LKL Healthcare Products Malaysia
BSE:507912 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:540192 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SEHK:1867 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
BSE:512455 Steel India
BSE:539992 Steel India
PSE:LMG Retail (Distributors) Philippines
KOSDAQ:A073110 Semiconductor South Korea
KASE:LOADS Auto Parts Pakistan
BOVESPA:RENT3 Trucking Brazil
KOSE:A115390 Packaging & Container South Korea
SEHK:8162 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SZSE:300729 Office Equipment & Services China
PSE:LIHC Investments & Asset Management Philippines
TASE:LODZ Real Estate (Development) Israel
BOVESPA:LOGG3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
BOVESPA:LOGN3 Shipbuilding & Marine Brazil
TSEC:3593 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:3380 Real Estate (Development) China
KOSDAQ:A067730 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A238120 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
SET:LHK Steel Thailand
BOVESPA:LREN3 Retail (General) Brazil
BSE:532740 Machinery India
COSE:NIFL.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
COSE:LOFC.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
COSE:LOLC.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
BER:LOM.BH Brokerage & Investment Banking Bermuda
SZSE:002601 Chemical (Basic) China
BUL:6L1 Beverage (Alcoholic) Bulgaria
SHSE:603766 Auto & Truck China
KLSE:LONBISC Food Processing Malaysia
HOSE:LAF Food Processing Vietnam
TSEC:2514 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
HOSE:LGL Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:LHG Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
GTSM:6555 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:600491 Engineering/Construction China
JSE:L4L Investments & Asset Management South Africa
TSEC:1909 Paper/Forest Products Taiwan
TSEC:5519 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
NasdaqCM:LOAC Investments & Asset Management China
SEHK:960 Real Estate (Development) China
NASE:LKL Publishing & Newspapers Kenya
SZSE:300263 Machinery China
SEHK:1007 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SHSE:601012 Semiconductor China
SEHK:1281 Green & Renewable Energy China
SHSE:600853 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300288 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SZSE:300682 Software (System & Application) China
KOSDAQ:A060240 Education South Korea
BASE:LONG Furn/Home Furnishings Argentina
BSE:526568 Food Wholesalers India
GTSM:6290 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SZSE:002442 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:688196 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SZSE:002682 Trucking China
SZSE:000523 Household Products China
SEHK:3339 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300175 Farming/Agriculture China
TSEC:3025 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SZSE:300555 Telecom. Equipment China
PSE:LPZ Power Philippines
BSE:500284 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:540952 Apparel India
PSE:LSC Shipbuilding & Marine Philippines
ZGSE:LPLH Shipbuilding & Marine Croatia
KOSDAQ:A083310 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
TSEC:3533 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:8198 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KOSE:A011170 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KASE:LOTCHEM Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
KLSE:LCTITAN Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
KOSE:A005300 Beverage (Soft) South Korea
KOSE:A280360 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A004990 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A286940 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A004000 Chemical (Diversified) South Korea
KOSE:A002270 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A071840 Retail (Special Lines) South Korea
KOSE:A000400 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Korea
KOSE:A330590 R.E.I.T. South Korea
KOSE:A023530 Retail (General) South Korea
KOSE:A032350 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
MUSE:LOTO.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Mauritius
BSE:523475 Food Processing India
BSE:532998 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
SHSE:600186 Food Processing China
COSE:HPFL.N0000 Green & Renewable Energy Sri Lanka
KLSE:KFM Food Processing Malaysia
TSEC:1795 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
OTCPK:LTUS Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
BSE:533343 Apparel India
SGX:F1E Engineering/Construction Singapore
SET:LOXLEY Electronics (General) Thailand
BSE:539227 Machinery India
BSE:514036 Apparel India
GTSM:5465 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:LPI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Malaysia
BOVESPA:LPSB3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
KOSE:A229640 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A006260 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A000680 Retail (Special Lines) South Korea
KOSE:A010120 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BSE:532783 Food Processing India
PSE:LTG Diversified Philippines
KOSDAQ:A170920 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KLSE:LTKM Food Processing Malaysia
SZSE:200726 Apparel China
OTCPK:LUCC Food Processing China
BELEX:SJPR Farming/Agriculture Serbia
TSEC:1108 Construction Supplies Taiwan
KASE:LUCK Construction Supplies Pakistan
SHSE:600135 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002965 Machinery China
TASE:LUDN Engineering/Construction Israel
BSE:526179 Apparel India
SEHK:311 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:8217 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SHSE:600167 Utility (Water) China
TSEC:2115 Rubber& Tires Taiwan
BSE:512048 Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:590 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SEHK:8052 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
LJSE:LKPG Shipbuilding & Marine Slovenia
ZGSE:LKPC Shipbuilding & Marine Croatia
ZGSE:LKRI Shipbuilding & Marine Croatia
XKON:A162120 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:366 Construction Supplies Hong Kong
SGX:L19 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BSE:517206 Auto Parts India
TSEC:6192 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A038060 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A082800 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:8470 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
GTSM:6729 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
GTSM:6535 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
TSEC:2424 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
SEHK:255 Machinery Hong Kong
GTSM:5267 Machinery Taiwan
GTSM:5530 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
TSEC:6666 Household Products Cayman Islands
NasdaqCM:LKCO Software (Entertainment) China
SZSE:002293 Apparel China
HNX:LUT Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SZSE:000735 Food Processing China
SZSE:002046 Machinery China
SEHK:1108 Building Materials China
SHSE:688357 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002613 Machinery China
BOVESPA:LUPA3 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Brazil
BSE:500257 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SHSE:600223 Real Estate (Development) China
KLSE:LUSTER Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A085370 Healthcare Products South Korea
NSEI:LUXIND Apparel India
MUSE:NRL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Mauritius
KLSE:LUXCHEM Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SEHK:8041 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:000830 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600783 Chemical (Specialty) China
KOSDAQ:A033600 Auto Parts South Korea
GTSM:4979 Electronics (General) Taiwan
XKON:A092590 Electronics (General) South Korea
SZSE:002475 Electronics (General) China
SET:LUXF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SEHK:1327 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002788 Healthcare Support Services China
SZSE:002088 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:2186 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600784 Steel China
BVL:LUSURC1 Power Peru
SEHK:1461 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:1983 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:000568 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SEHK:2281 Utility (Water) China
SEHK:95 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SZSE:000502 Real Estate (Development) China
COSE:LVEF.N0000 Green & Renewable Energy Sri Lanka
KOSE:A900140 Retail (Automotive) Vietnam
BSE:531402 Apparel India
Catalist:1H8 Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
KLSE:LYC Computer Services Malaysia
CBSE:LYD Utility (Water) Morocco
BSE:500259 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:530689 Household Products India
ASX:LYC Metals & Mining Malaysia
BSE:534532 Apparel India
KLSE:LYSAGHT Steel Malaysia
KLSE:MKLAND Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:522241 Steel India
BSE:509196 Furn/Home Furnishings India
KLSE:MNC Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:506543 Chemical (Specialty) India
SET:MPIC Entertainment Thailand
SET:MVP Advertising Thailand
BSE:526935 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BOVESPA:MDIA3 Food Processing Brazil
DSE:MICEMENT Construction Supplies Bangladesh
DSE:MLDYEING Apparel Bangladesh
SET:MCS Steel Thailand
KOSDAQ:A179290 Healthcare Products South Korea
TSEC:8466 Homebuilding Cayman Islands
BSE:538890 Apparel India
SET:MK Real Estate (Development) Thailand
AIM:MWE Telecom. Equipment Israel
TASE:YHNF Retail (Grocery and Food) Israel
XKON:A225860 Household Products South Korea
SEHK:8152 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BUL:5MH Machinery Bulgaria
CBSE:M2M Software (System & Application) Morocco
KLSE:M3TECH Telecom (Wireless) Malaysia
GTSM:6643 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:4139 Healthcare Support Services Cayman Islands
KLSE:MAA Insurance (Life) Malaysia
BSE:532906 Metals & Mining India
SEHK:323 Steel China
KWSE:MABANEE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Kuwait
SEHK:2181 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
PSE:MHC Diversified Philippines
PSE:MVC Chemical (Basic) Philippines
BSE:507836 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:541973 Hotel/Gaming India
SEHK:1680 Hotel/Gaming Macau
GTSM:9951 Auto Parts Taiwan
PSE:MACAY Beverage (Soft) Philippines
SZSE:300463 Heathcare Information and Technology China
BSE:523248 Auto Parts India
TSEC:3563 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
COSE:MEL.N0000 Electrical Equipment Sri Lanka
GTSM:6227 Computer Services Taiwan
KASE:MACFL Packaging & Container Pakistan
KLSE:MACPIE Computer Services Malaysia
NSEI:MACPOWER Machinery India
PSE:MAC Air Transport Philippines
GTSM:3527 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A038290 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
SEHK:758 Construction Supplies Hong Kong
SZSE:000620 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:2337 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3687 Entertainment Taiwan
KASE:MACTER Heathcare Information and Technology Pakistan
NSEI:MCL Metals & Mining India
BSE:539894 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:515093 Building Materials India
BSE:531497 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:519279 Food Processing India
BSE:515059 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
BSE:531910 Entertainment India
NSEI:MBAPL Chemical (Specialty) India
NSEI:MPTODAY Publishing & Newspapers India
CASE:MNHD Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
SEHK:8057 Retail (Grocery and Food) Hong Kong
NSEI:MADRASFERT Chemical (Specialty) India
COSE:MADU.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
KOSDAQ:A267980 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A005990 Food Processing South Korea
BSE:538401 Healthcare Products India
BSE:500264 Apparel India
BSE:540650 Food Processing India
NasdaqGM:MAGS Electronics (General) Israel
BOVESPA:MGLU3 Retail (General) Brazil
BSE:538891 Computer Services India
BVMT:MIP Advertising Tunisia
CBSE:MOX Chemical (Specialty) Morocco
NasdaqGS:MGIC Software (System & Application) Israel
KOSDAQ:A127160 Semiconductor South Korea
OTCPK:MGGI Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
ZGSE:MGMA Retail (Special Lines) Croatia
NSEI:MAGMA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:517449 Steel India
KLSE:MAGNA Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:4541 Aerospace/Defense Taiwan
KLSE:MAGNI Apparel Malaysia
SEHK:201 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KLSE:MAGNUM Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
BSE:532896 Paper/Forest Products India
SEHK:1172 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
KLSE:MAHSING Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:523384 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:519612 Food Processing India
SET:M-CHAI Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
BSE:514450 Apparel India
BSE:513460 Steel India
BSE:513554 Steel India
BSE:531515 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:539957 Power India
BSE:500108 Telecom. Services India
SASE:1831 Business & Consumer Services Saudi Arabia
BSE:505523 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:500266 Auto & Truck India
BSE:500265 Steel India
BSE:531648 Computer Services India
COSE:MCPL.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
COSE:MRH.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
BSE:542677 Real Estate (Development) India
NSEI:MAHESHWARI Transportation India
NSEI:MAHICKRA Chemical (Specialty) India
NSEI:M&MFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:M&M Auto & Truck India
BSE:532756 Auto Parts India
BSE:523754 Machinery India
NSEI:MHRIL Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:532313 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:540768 Transportation India
BSE:542503 Packaging & Container India
BOVESPA:LEVE3 Auto Parts Brazil
KASE:MEHT Apparel Pakistan
NasdaqCM:MHLD Reinsurance Bermuda
SHSE:688310 Healthcare Products China
SEHK:1553 Steel China
JMSE:MAILPAC Transportation Jamaica
JMSE:MEEG Entertainment Jamaica
SEHK:1100 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002719 Food Processing China
ZGSE:MAIS Hotel/Gaming Croatia
BSE:590078 Steel India
MSM:BACS Education Oman
BSE:539289 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:500267 Auto & Truck India
BSE:539229 Advertising India
SET:MAJOR Entertainment Thailand
SET:MJLF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:MJD Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SEHK:1389 Retail (Grocery and Food) Hong Kong
GTSM:6720 Semiconductor Taiwan
KLSE:MJPERAK Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
TSEC:1477 Apparel Taiwan
PSE:MFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Philippines
NasdaqGS:MMYT Retail (Online) India
BSE:506919 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SASE:4100 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Saudi Arabia
DSE:MAKSONSPIN Apparel Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A093520 Computer Services South Korea
KLSE:MALAKOF Power Malaysia
TASE:MLTM Computer Services Israel
SASE:8020 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Saudi Arabia
KLSE:MAYBANK Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
KLSE:MCEMENT Construction Supplies Malaysia
KLSE:MFLOUR Food Processing Malaysia
KLSE:MUIIND Retail (General) Malaysia
KLSE:AIRPORT Air Transport Malaysia
KLSE:MBSB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Malaysia
KLSE:MHB Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KLSE:MPCORP Real Estate (Operations & Services) Malaysia
KLSE:MSC Metals & Mining Malaysia
KLSE:MASTEEL Steel Malaysia
KLSE:MAYBULK Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
KLSE:MGRC Heathcare Information and Technology Malaysia
KLSE:MPI Semiconductor Malaysia
KLSE:MRCB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SET:MALEE Food Processing Thailand
DSE:MALEKSPIN Apparel Bangladesh
SZSE:300586 Chemical (Basic) China
BSE:539400 Office Equipment & Services India
KLSE:MALPAC Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:MALTON Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:532728 Paper/Forest Products India
AIM:MLVN Education Singapore
COSE:MAL.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
TASE:MMAN Air Transport Israel
BSE:513269 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:533169 Engineering/Construction India
SEHK:2193 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:938 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
OTCPK:MSAH Food Processing Hong Kong
SEHK:8309 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:1746 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:1999 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
SEHK:894 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
GTSM:4543 Auto Parts Taiwan
CBSE:MNG Metals & Mining Morocco
KLSE:MPAY Computer Services Malaysia
BSE:539045 Metals & Mining India
BSE:539046 Metals & Mining India
BSE:532932 Metals & Mining India
BSE:539044 Steel India
BSE:500268 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:531213 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KWSE:MANAZEL Real Estate (Development) Kuwait
ADX:MANAZEL Real Estate (Development) United Arab Emirates
SGX:M04 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KOSE:A204320 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:505850 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:502157 Construction Supplies India
BSE:532637 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NSEI:MGEL Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:537800 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:514418 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:539275 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:516007 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:530011 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:500109 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
BSE:530243 Software (System & Application) India
TSXV:MGZ.H Precious Metals British Virgin Islands
SZSE:300413 Entertainment China
SGX:L02 Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
KOSE:A001080 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A195500 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A027740 Food Processing South Korea
PSE:MB Publishing & Newspapers Philippines
PSE:MER Power Philippines
PSE:MJC Hotel/Gaming Philippines
PSE:MA Precious Metals Philippines
PSE:MWC Utility (Water) Philippines
BSE:533078 Real Estate (Development) India
DSM:MCCS Diversified Qatar
BSE:540396 Apparel India
BSE:541974 Food Processing India
BSE:539207 Food Processing India
SEHK:2180 Business & Consumer Services China
OTCPK:MNSF Metals & Mining Hong Kong
BSE:511758 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:8456 Apparel Hong Kong
CASE:MPCO Farming/Agriculture Egypt
BVMT:MPBS Paper/Forest Products Tunisia
SGX:M11 Semiconductor Equip Singapore
BSE:505324 Machinery India
KLSE:MANULFE Insurance (Life) Malaysia
SGX:BTOU R.E.I.T. Singapore
TSEC:1732 Household Products Taiwan
SZSE:000637 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1896 Retail (Online) China
SHSE:600828 Retail (General) China
SEHK:848 Retail (General) China
BVL:MAPFREC1 Insurance (General) Peru
KASE:MLCF Construction Supplies Pakistan
SGX:N2IU R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:ME8U R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:M44U R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:RW0U R.E.I.T. Singapore
BSE:521018 Apparel India
BSE:503101 Real Estate (Development) India
COSE:MARA.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
KLSE:MARCO Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SGX:5LY Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
PSE:MARC Metals & Mining Philippines
BOVESPA:MRFG3 Food Processing Brazil
BSE:530543 Engineering/Construction India
JMSE:MTL Restaurant/Dining Turks & Caicos Islands
BSE:500206 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KASE:MARI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Pakistan
DSE:MARICO Household Products Bangladesh
BSE:531642 Household Products India
CASE:MOIL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Egypt
KLSE:M&G Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
NSEI:MARINE Electrical Equipment India
HNX:MAC Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
BSE:531503 Apparel India
BOVESPA:AMAR3 Retail (General) Brazil
TSEC:6196 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SHSE:600337 Furn/Home Furnishings China
BSE:524404 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
CBSE:MLE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Morocco
CASE:MMAT Hotel/Gaming Egypt
NSEI:MARSHALL Machinery India
GTSM:6705 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:523566 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:531540 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:531319 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NSEI:MARUTI Auto & Truck India
NSEI:MDL Furn/Home Furnishings India
NasdaqGS:MRVL Semiconductor Bermuda
BSE:540749 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
ASE:MSFT Trucking Jordan
HOSE:MSN Food Processing Vietnam
KWSE:MASHAER Real Estate (Operations & Services) Kuwait
DFM:MASQ Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
SNSE:MASISA Paper/Forest Products Chile
NSEI:MASKINVEST Investments & Asset Management India
COSE:MASK.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
TASE:MSLA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
KOSDAQ:A021880 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
SEHK:273 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
KASE:MSOT Apparel Pakistan
DSM:MARK Bank (Money Center) Qatar
JSE:MSM Retail (General) South Africa
TTSE:MASSY Diversified Trinidad & Tobago
BSE:523704 Computer Services India
SET:MACO Advertising Thailand
JSE:MDI Metals & Mining South Africa
BSE:511768 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KLSE:MASTER Packaging & Container Malaysia
SET:KOOL Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
SZSE:300195 Machinery China
KLSE:MATANG Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SET:MATCH Entertainment Thailand
KASE:MFL Food Processing Pakistan
GTSM:3587 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
HOSE:COM Retail (Automotive) Vietnam
Catalist:M15 Chemical (Specialty) Singapore
BSE:511688 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SET:MATI Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
DSE:MATINSPINN Apparel Bangladesh
LSE:MTMY Software (Entertainment) Israel
BSE:540704 Software (Entertainment) India
KLSE:MATRIX Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SEHK:1005 Recreation Hong Kong
TASE:MTRX Computer Services Israel
BSE:539219 Machinery India
MUSE:MOR.N0000 Food Processing Mauritius
BSE:523371 Food Processing India
BSE:534563 Construction Supplies India
GTSM:5228 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NSEI:MFSL Insurance (Life) India
BSE:534338 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:539981 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
SET:MAX Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SEHK:8483 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
BSE:539940 Chemical (Specialty) India
GTSM:8932 Apparel Taiwan
PSE:MAXS Restaurant/Dining Philippines
BMV:MAXCOM A Telecom. Services Mexico
BSE:521167 Retail (Distributors) India
Catalist:5UF Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
SEHK:8216 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
TSEC:1783 Household Products Taiwan
BSE:526538 Office Equipment & Services India
BSE:540401 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:MAXIS Telecom (Wireless) Malaysia
SEHK:1037 Computer Services Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A141070 Machinery South Korea
SZSE:300782 Electronics (General) China
NGSE:MAYBAKER Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Nigeria
SET:MBKET Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
JMSE:MIL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Jamaica
JMSE:MJE Investments & Asset Management Saint Lucia
SEHK:1116 Steel Hong Kong
TSEC:2020 Steel Taiwan
SHSE:600993 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
GTSM:6738 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
TASE:MTRN Furn/Home Furnishings Israel
BSE:539519 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531680 Shoe India
BSE:522249 Chemical (Basic) India
TSEC:1731 Household Products Taiwan
DSM:MRDS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Qatar
BSE:523792 Machinery India
HNX:MBS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
KLSE:MBWORLD Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
HNX:MBG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SET:MBK Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
BSE:533152 Engineering/Construction India
KLSE:MBMR Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SET:MC Apparel Thailand
KASE:MCB Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
MUSE:MCBG.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Mauritius
KASE:MCBAH Investments & Asset Management Pakistan
SZSE:000815 Paper/Forest Products China
BSE:532852 Investments & Asset Management India
KLSE:MCEHLDG Auto Parts Malaysia
KLSE:MCLEAN Business & Consumer Services Singapore
BSE:532654 Food Processing India
BSE:532629 Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A097520 Electronics (General) South Korea
NGSE:MCNICHOLS Food Processing Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A222980 Food Processing South Korea
SET:MCOT Broadcasting Thailand
KLSE:MCT Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:6445 Healthcare Products Taiwan
NasdaqCM:MDJH Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SGX:A27 Computer Services Singapore
SET:MDX Real Estate (General/Diversified) Thailand
OTCPK:MEPW Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A201490 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
BVB:MECE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Romania
KOSDAQ:A241770 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
HNX:MCF Food Processing Vietnam
GTSM:4721 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SEHK:1183 Engineering/Construction Macau
BVB:M Healthcare Support Services Romania
CBSE:MDP Paper/Forest Products Morocco
PSE:MED Brokerage & Investment Banking Philippines
TSXV:MCCN Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Colombia
GTSM:6499 Healthcare Products Taiwan
GTSM:4175 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
BSE:523144 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:8075 Entertainment Hong Kong
SEHK:685 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
BSE:512267 Entertainment India
KLSE:MEDIA Broadcasting Malaysia
KASE:MDTL Publishing & Newspapers Pakistan
SEHK:2230 Software (Entertainment) Hong Kong
XKON:A233250 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
OTCPK:CHMD Telecom (Wireless) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A041920 Healthcare Products South Korea
TSEC:2454 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A279600 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BMV:MEDICA B Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Mexico
OTCPK:MDCE Healthcare Support Services China
JMSE:MDS Healthcare Support Services Jamaica
GTSM:6637 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
CASE:MEPA Packaging & Container Egypt
OTCPK:MSIU Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Hong Kong
SZSE:300439 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
BSE:531146 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
DSM:MCGS Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Qatar
LSE:MDC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities South Africa
BSE:539938 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:540937 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:8307 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A065650 Computer Services South Korea
GTSM:3176 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
GTSM:6547 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
TASE:MDGS Healthcare Products Israel
ZGSE:MDKA Healthcare Support Services Croatia
MUSE:MSE.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Mauritius
SEHK:8161 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
Catalist:OTX Healthcare Support Services Singapore
BSE:526301 Healthcare Support Services India
KOSE:A015540 Advertising South Korea
KOSDAQ:A078160 Healthcare Support Services South Korea
OTCPK:MPME Drugs (Biotechnology) Marshall Islands
ASE:MDTR Hotel/Gaming Jordan
TASE:MDTR Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Israel
NasdaqGM:MDWD Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
XKON:A236340 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSDAQ:A235980 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
TASE:MEDI Healthcare Support Services Israel
Catalist:546 Healthcare Products Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A086900 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
XKON:A200580 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSE:538834 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:540519 Machinery India
KOSDAQ:A049950 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KASE:MEBL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
BSE:531417 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TSEC:2886 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
KLSE:MFCB Power Malaysia
SET:MEGA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Thailand
TASE:MGOR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
KLSE:MEGASUN Business & Consumer Services Malaysia
SET:MGT Retail (Distributors) Thailand
Catalist:5DS Retail (Distributors) Singapore
GTSM:3294 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A133750 Education South Korea
BSE:532408 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:541352 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A072870 Education South Korea
KOSDAQ:A215200 Education South Korea
PSE:MWIDE Engineering/Construction Philippines
GTSM:3122 Semiconductor Taiwan
PSE:MEG Real Estate (Development) Philippines
BSE:532865 Chemical (Basic) India
DSE:MEGHNACEM Construction Supplies Bangladesh
DSE:MEGCONMILK Food Processing Bangladesh
DSE:MEGHNALIFE Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
DSE:MEGHNAPET Food Processing Bangladesh
DSE:MPETROLEUM Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Bangladesh
Catalist:SJY Retail (Automotive) Singapore
TASE:MEDN Farming/Agriculture Israel
BSE:540730 Electrical Equipment India
KASE:MRNS Food Processing Pakistan
BSE:511740 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:391 Entertainment Hong Kong
SHSE:600175 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002881 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:8349 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:600873 Food Processing China
SEHK:2327 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:2477 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
SZSE:002044 Healthcare Support Services China
SZSE:002699 Apparel China
TASE:MTDS Investments & Asset Management Israel
SEHK:1357 Computers/Peripherals China
SEHK:3690 Retail (Online) China
KOSDAQ:A058110 Healthcare Products South Korea
HOSE:AAM Food Processing Vietnam
KLSE:MELATI Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SEHK:158 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:200 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KLSE:MELEWAR Steel Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A096640 Semiconductor South Korea
TASE:MLSR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
SNSE:MELON Construction Supplies Chile
COSE:MELS.N0000 Beverage (Alcoholic) Sri Lanka
BSE:532307 Computer Services India
CASE:MPCI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
CASE:MENA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
BSE:531127 Computer Services India
KWSE:MENA Real Estate (Development) Kuwait
KLSE:MENANG Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SGX:5NF Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
TASE:MNIN Retail (Distributors) Israel
BSE:523828 Auto Parts India
BSE:531727 Auto Parts India
TASE:MMHD Insurance (General) Israel
KLSE:MENTIGA Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
BSE:539126 Transportation India
NasdaqCM:MTSL Software (System & Application) Israel
JSE:MRF Steel South Africa
NasdaqGS:MELI Retail (Online) Argentina
CCSE:MVZ.B Bank (Money Center) Venezuela
DSE:MERCANBANK Banks (Regional) Bangladesh
DSE:MERCINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
COSE:MSL.N0000 Shipbuilding & Marine Sri Lanka
BSE:538942 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
BSE:526235 Shipbuilding & Marine India
COSE:MBSL.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
ASX:MHI Shoe Hong Kong
TASE:MRHL Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
TSEC:2905 Insurance (Life) Taiwan
TSEC:2427 Computer Services Taiwan
TSEC:2867 Insurance (Life) Taiwan
Catalist:5RF Real Estate (Development) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A100590 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KLSE:MERCURY Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:538964 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:531357 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:8163 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
TSEC:9914 Recreation Taiwan
KLSE:MERIDIAN Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KASE:MERIT Packaging & Container Pakistan
KOSE:A138040 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A000060 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Korea
KOSE:A008560 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
SGX:DU4 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
ATSE:MERKO Construction Supplies Macedonia
TSEC:2439 Electronics (General) Taiwan
DSM:MPHC Chemical (Basic) Qatar
KLSE:MESB Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
TASE:LEVI Engineering/Construction Israel
KLSE:MSNIAGA Computer Services Malaysia
SZSE:002073 Machinery China
BELEX:TGAS Chemical (Specialty) Serbia
KLSE:MESTRON Steel Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A059210 Healthcare Products South Korea
SET:META Engineering/Construction Thailand
JSE:MTA Auto Parts South Africa
KWSE:MRC Environmental & Waste Services Kuwait
BSE:531810 Steel India
Catalist:5DX Machinery Singapore
KOSDAQ:A327260 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A090370 Apparel South Korea
BELEX:MTLC Household Products Serbia
BOVESPA:FRIO3 Machinery Brazil
OTCPK:MTLK Semiconductor Israel
SEHK:1618 Engineering/Construction China
BSE:513335 Steel India
GTSM:3224 Computer Services Taiwan
Catalist:V3M Environmental & Waste Services Singapore
SASE:2001 Chemical (Diversified) Saudi Arabia
ASE:MEET Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
ADX:METHAQ Insurance (General) United Arab Emirates
BUL:5MZ Steel Bulgaria
BSE:532990 Steel India
SASE:8011 Insurance (Life) Saudi Arabia
PSE:MAH Transportation Philippines
KLSE:MHCARE Healthcare Support Services Malaysia
SGX:M01 Retail (General) Singapore
SHSE:600683 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
PSE:MPI Diversified Philippines
PSE:MRSGI Retail (General) Philippines
DSE:METROSPIN Apparel Bangladesh
SET:MSC Computer Services Thailand
KLSE:METROD Electrical Equipment Malaysia
JSE:MFL Computer Services South Africa
BASE:METR Power Argentina
BSE:500159 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:MTRONIC Software (System & Application) Malaysia
SEHK:8621 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
NSEI:METROPOLIS Healthcare Support Services India
PSE:MBT Bank (Money Center) Philippines
KASE:MSCL Steel Pakistan
JSE:MLE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
SGX:MV4 Food Processing Singapore
SEHK:22 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:531613 Apparel India
NGSE:MEYER Chemical (Basic) Nigeria
KWSE:MEZZAN Food Processing Kuwait
KOSDAQ:A140410 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SET:MFC Investments & Asset Management Thailand
SET:MIT R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:MNRF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:M-PAT R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:MNIT R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:M-STOR R.E.I.T. Thailand
MUSE:MFDG.I0000 Transportation Mauritius
SET:MFEC Computer Services Thailand
BSE:526622 Transportation India
XKON:A251960 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A058630 Entertainment South Korea
KLSE:MGB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SEHK:2282 Hotel/Gaming Macau
KOSE:A023150 Beverage (Alcoholic) South Korea
HOSE:MHC Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
KLSE:MHC Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SEHK:8473 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
KLSE:MI Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
KASE:MTIL Apparel Pakistan
SZSE:300432 Auto Parts China
BSE:532850 Semiconductor India
KOSE:A003650 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. South Korea
XKON:A214610 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A059090 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A098120 Semiconductor South Korea
SGX:5DD Semiconductor Equip Singapore
TSEC:2377 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SHSE:688029 Healthcare Products China
GTSM:3184 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4128 Household Products Taiwan
GTSM:3354 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
CBSE:MIC Computer Services Morocco
KOSDAQ:A305090 Healthcare Products South Korea
TSEC:2314 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A147760 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KLSE:MICROLN Software (System & Application) Malaysia
TASE:MCTC Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
TASE:MCRNT Telecom. Equipment Israel
SEHK:853 Healthcare Products China
KOSDAQ:A227950 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
TSEC:2305 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:3285 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:1985 Computer Services Hong Kong
BSE:526251 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:500277 Apparel India
SET:MIDA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
SET:ML Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
DSE:MIDASFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
CASE:WCDF Food Processing Egypt
SASE:1202 Paper/Forest Products Saudi Arabia
SASE:4346 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
SASE:4009 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Saudi Arabia
SASE:2370 Electrical Equipment Saudi Arabia
CASE:CEFM Food Processing Egypt
SZSE:000333 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SEHK:3990 Real Estate (Development) China
BSE:540744 Steel India
SEHK:1200 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:459 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A161570 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
BSE:533310 Entertainment India
BSE:526570 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:1555 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
KLSE:MIECO Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
HOSE:MDG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:SEB Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
XKON:A225850 Household Products South Korea
NSEI:MMNL Advertising India
TASE:MGDL Insurance (General) Israel
SEHK:1715 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SEHK:1247 Apparel China
GTSM:6574 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
KLSE:MIKROMB Electronics (General) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A218150 Food Processing South Korea
SEHK:1150 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
GTSM:3213 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:4729 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1667 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:541337 Office Equipment & Services India
HOSE:MBB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
BSE:507621 Food Processing India
WSE:MLK Food Processing Ukraine
SHSE:603713 Transportation China
KASE:MTL Farming/Agriculture Pakistan
SET:MILL Steel Thailand
PSE:MG Food Processing Philippines
COSE:MHDL.N0000 Real Estate (Development) Sri Lanka
BSE:511187 Computer Services India
SEHK:8147 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SEHK:2892 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:1897 Building Materials Hong Kong
SEHK:8093 Advertising Hong Kong
BOVESPA:MILS3 Retail (Distributors) Brazil
NSEI:MILTON Paper/Forest Products India
TSEC:4545 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:3060 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BELEX:SVRL Building Materials Serbia
TASE:MNGN Electrical Equipment Israel
SEHK:222 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:531456 Apparel India
NasdaqGM:MNDO Software (System & Application) Israel
KLSE:MINDA Education Malaysia
BSE:532539 Auto Parts India
SGX:CNE Education Singapore
NSEI:MINDPOOL Computer Services India
AIM:MMX Software (Internet) British Virgin Islands
BSE:517344 Computer Services India
SEHK:8611 Computer Services Malaysia
NSEI:MINDTREE Computer Services India
BMV:MFRISCO A-1 Metals & Mining Mexico
BVL:MIRL Precious Metals Peru
AIM:MAFL Investments & Asset Management Cayman Islands
BSM:MINERGY Coal & Related Energy Botswana
BVC:MINEROS Precious Metals Colombia
BOVESPA:BEEF3 Food Processing Brazil
KLSE:MINETEC Metals & Mining Malaysia
SHSE:600235 Paper/Forest Products China
SEHK:3828 Household Products Hong Kong
SEHK:1106 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
SHSE:601615 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002919 Household Products China
KLSE:MINHO Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
BSE:523373 Apparel India
SHSE:600390 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SHSE:600058 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:230 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
BSE:532164 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SET:MINT Hotel/Gaming Thailand
TASE:MNRV Engineering/Construction Israel
TASE:MNPR Engineering/Construction Israel
SEHK:1632 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SEHK:1569 Education China
SZSE:000416 Retail (General) China
BVL:MINSURI1 Metals & Mining Peru
SEHK:425 Auto Parts China
KLSE:MBG Auto Parts Malaysia
BOVESPA:MNPR3 Food Processing Brazil
KOSDAQ:A214180 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SGX:AWO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Singapore
SZSE:002009 Machinery China
DSE:MIRACLEIND Packaging & Container Bangladesh
KOSE:A094800 R.E.I.T. South Korea
KOSE:A006800 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A265480 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A310200 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A328380 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A333430 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A085620 Insurance (Life) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A100790 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A025560 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
HOSE:KMR Apparel Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A028040 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A213090 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSE:A007120 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
GTSM:2730 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
SEHK:71 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:500279 Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
BASE:MIRG Furn/Home Furnishings Argentina
SEHK:1827 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
TSEC:2464 Machinery Taiwan
KASE:MIRKS Farming/Agriculture Pakistan
KLSE:MISC Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
SZSE:300495 Environmental & Waste Services China
TASE:MSHR Real Estate (Development) Israel
BSE:539594 Food Wholesalers India
BSE:542801 Machinery India
CASE:MBSC Construction Supplies Egypt
CASE:MCQE Construction Supplies Egypt
CASE:MICH Chemical (Basic) Egypt
CASE:MFPC Chemical (Specialty) Egypt
CASE:MHOT Hotel/Gaming Egypt
CASE:ATQA Steel Egypt
CASE:MOSC Household Products Egypt
TSEC:3706 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:8284 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
KASE:MFFL Food Processing Pakistan
NSEI:MITCON Business & Consumer Services India
DSE:MITHUNKNIT Apparel Bangladesh
KLSE:MITRA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:523782 Retail (Online) India
SET:MITSIB Retail (Automotive) Thailand
BSE:540078 Chemical (Basic) India
NSEI:MITTAL Retail (Distributors) India
TASE:MISH Diversified Israel
KOSE:A134380 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSE:A002840 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSE:A107590 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSE:A268280 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
JSE:MIX Software (System & Application) South Africa
Catalist:M03 Machinery Singapore
TASE:MZTF Bank (Money Center) Israel
DSE:MJLBD Chemical (Basic) Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A033160 Semiconductor South Korea
SET:M Restaurant/Dining Thailand
KLSE:MKH Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KLSE:MLAB Telecom. Equipment Malaysia
SZSE:002745 Semiconductor China
CASE:MTIE Retail (Distributors) Egypt
SGX:1B0 Entertainment Singapore
KLSE:MMAG Computer Services Malaysia
KLSE:MMCCORP Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
NSEI:MMP Metals & Mining India
SGX:F3V Engineering/Construction Singapore
KLSE:MMSV Machinery Malaysia
BSE:513377 Retail (Distributors) India
NasdaqCM:MTC Software (System & Application) China
BOVESPA:MMXM3 Steel Brazil
KLSE:MNRB Reinsurance Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A095500 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A033200 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A101330 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSDAQ:A012860 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:947 Telecom. Equipment China
KOSDAQ:A250060 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A087260 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
SEHK:1439 Packaging & Container China
TASE:MBMX-M Software (System & Application) Israel
KWSE:ZAIN Telecom (Wireless) Kuwait
SASE:7030 Telecom (Wireless) Saudi Arabia
HOSE:MWG Retail (Special Lines) Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A100030 Software (System & Application) South Korea
TSEC:1533 Auto Parts Taiwan
GTSM:6740 Retail (Online) Taiwan
SEHK:1860 Advertising China
KOSDAQ:A080420 Electronics (General) South Korea
KASE:MODAM Retail (Automotive) Pakistan
KOSE:A204210 R.E.I.T. South Korea
SZSE:002656 Retail (Special Lines) China
SEHK:919 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
BSE:519287 Food Processing India
SEHK:3600 Healthcare Products Hong Kong
BSE:503015 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:1107 Real Estate (Development) China
BVMT:ML Real Estate (Operations & Services) Tunisia
SEHK:8426 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:72 Advertising Hong Kong
CASE:SMPP Publishing & Newspapers Egypt
CASE:WATP Chemical (Specialty) Egypt
SET:MODERN Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
KOSDAQ:A080160 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
BSE:537092 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:519003 Food Processing India
BSE:500890 Rubber& Tires India
TASE:MDIN.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
BSE:503776 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:506261 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:504273 Engineering/Construction India
CASE:MOIN Insurance (General) Egypt
KOSDAQ:A006920 Construction Supplies South Korea
NSEI:MHHL Healthcare Products India
BSE:531453 Apparel India
BSE:530169 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:532140 Apparel India
BSE:530047 Apparel India
BSE:533286 Steel India
SEHK:130 Apparel Hong Kong
NSEI:MOKSH Apparel India
BSE:533080 Packaging & Container India
BSE:526263 Engineering/Construction India
SNSE:MOLYMET Metals & Mining Chile
BASE:MOLA Farming/Agriculture Argentina
BASE:SEMI Food Processing Argentina
BASE:MOLI Food Processing Argentina
SEHK:1152 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
JSE:MTM Insurance (Life) South Africa
TSEC:8454 Retail (Online) Taiwan
KOSE:A012690 Household Products South Korea
SZSE:002918 Building Materials China
KOSE:A005360 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
BSE:511551 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BUL:5MB Electrical Equipment Bulgaria
BMV:MONEX B Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Mexico
BSE:538446 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
Catalist:5WJ Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
SEHK:276 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:975 Steel Mongolia
BSE:513446 Steel India
DSE:MONNOCERA Household Products Bangladesh
DSE:MONNOSTAF Machinery Bangladesh
SET:MONO Broadcasting Thailand
BSE:505343 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SHSE:688008 Semiconductor China
JSE:MNK Green & Renewable Energy South Africa
BSE:538836 Apparel India
BOVESPA:MOAR3 Diversified Brazil
SZSE:002123 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:1400 Apparel China
SZSE:000811 Machinery China
KOSE:A008420 Steel South Korea
SET:MOONG Retail (Distributors) Thailand
BSE:530167 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:539199 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSE:A009580 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSE:A009200 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A001810 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
BSE:532621 Apparel India
BSE:511549 Investments & Asset Management India
TASE:AVIV Real Estate (Development) Israel
MISX:MRSB Power Russia
SET:MORE Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
ENXTAM:MORE Business & Consumer Services Curaçao
BSE:500288 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:526237 Green & Renewable Energy India
BSE:523160 Machinery India
NGSE:MORISON Household Products Nigeria
BASE:MORI Food Processing Argentina
GTSM:1240 Food Processing Taiwan
SEHK:1575 Furn/Home Furnishings China
GTSM:7419 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
BSE:513305 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SEHK:1653 Retail (Building Supply) Hong Kong
TSEC:4564 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
BSE:532407 Software (System & Application) India
TSEC:2342 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:002660 Electrical Equipment China
TSEC:2434 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:1716 Advertising Hong Kong
CNSX:MOTA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Colombia
GTSM:6244 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:517334 Auto Parts India
SZSE:300341 Electrical Equipment China
NSEI:MOTILALOFS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSE:A009680 Auto Parts South Korea
BVL:MODIANI1 Construction Supplies Peru
KOSDAQ:A118990 Auto Parts South Korea
JSE:MTH Retail (Automotive) South Africa
BSE:542864 Real Estate (Development) India
TSXV:MCG Hotel/Gaming China
SASE:4002 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Saudi Arabia
BOVESPA:MOVI3 Trucking Brazil
NasdaqCM:MOXC Retail (Online) China
Catalist:5WE Environmental & Waste Services Singapore
DSE:MHSML Apparel Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A219550 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
JSE:MPT Packaging & Container South Africa
JMSE:MPCCEL Green & Renewable Energy Barbados
BSE:532470 Electronics (General) India
SET:MPG Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
BSE:526299 Computer Services India
KLSE:MPHBCAP Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Malaysia
GTSM:6223 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
MAL:MPICO Real Estate (Operations & Services) Malawi
BSE:500450 Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:526143 Chemical (Basic) India
KOSDAQ:A259630 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BELEX:JESV Engineering/Construction Serbia
NSEI:VISESHINFO Software (System & Application) India
BSE:532440 Publishing & Newspapers India
KLSE:MQTECH Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
JSE:MRP Retail (Special Lines) South Africa
KOSDAQ:A207760 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
GTSM:2740 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
PSE:MRC Real Estate (Development) Philippines
BSE:540809 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:500290 Rubber& Tires India
BSE:532376 Telecom. Equipment India
TASE:MRP Investments & Asset Management Israel
NGSE:MRS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
BOVESPA:MRVE3 Homebuilding Brazil
KOSDAQ:A123040 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:8447 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SEHK:1451 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A009780 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KLSE:MYSCM Software (Entertainment) Malaysia
Catalist:5QR Machinery Malaysia
KLSE:MSM Food Processing Malaysia
BSE:532650 Steel India
BSE:508922 Food Processing India
HNX:MST Engineering/Construction Vietnam
NSEI:MSTCLTD Retail (Distributors) India
KOSDAQ:A257370 Machinery South Korea
BSE:534312 Education India
KLSE:MTAG Publishing & Newspapers Malaysia
KLSE:MTDACPI Engineering/Construction Malaysia
JSE:MTN Telecom (Wireless) South Africa
NGSE:MTNN Telecom (Wireless) Nigeria
JSE:MTNZ.F Investments & Asset Management South Africa
KLSE:MTOUCHE Telecom (Wireless) Malaysia
SGX:M05 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
SEHK:66 Transportation (Railroads) Hong Kong
MUSE:MUAL.N0000 Insurance (General) Mauritius
SET:MTI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
SET:MTC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
KLSE:MBL Machinery Malaysia
KWSE:MUBARRAD Trucking Kuwait
KLSE:MUDA Packaging & Container Malaysia
KLSE:MUDAJYA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SHSE:600356 Paper/Forest Products China
SET:MM Restaurant/Dining Thailand
KASE:MUGHAL Steel Pakistan
KOSE:A033920 Beverage (Alcoholic) South Korea
KLSE:MUHIBAH Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:MUIPROP Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
NSEI:MUKANDENGG Engineering/Construction India
BSE:500460 Steel India
BSE:530341 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:535204 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:532357 Entertainment India
COSE:MULL.N0000 Healthcare Support Services Sri Lanka
BSE:501477 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:MULPHA Diversified Malaysia
SEHK:1817 Retail (Special Lines) China
NSEI:MCX Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
COSE:MFL.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
SGX:AWZ Computer Services Singapore
KLSE:MUH Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:526169 Chemical (Basic) India
SET:MBAX Chemical (Basic) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A067280 Education South Korea
JSE:MCG Cable TV South Africa
SNSE:MULTIFOODS Food Processing Chile
SEHK:898 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
BOVESPA:MULT3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
NGSE:MULTIVERSE Metals & Mining Nigeria
SGX:MF6 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BOVESPA:MNDL3 Household Products Brazil
BSE:520059 Auto Parts India
BSE:520043 Auto Parts India
KWSE:MUNSHAAT Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
GTSM:2916 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
SET:METCO Electronics (General) Thailand
JSE:MUR Engineering/Construction South Africa
KASE:MUREB Beverage (Alcoholic) Pakistan
BSE:515037 Building Materials India
MSM:MSPW Power Oman
SASE:4337 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
MSM:MCDE Utility (Water) Oman
MSM:MFCI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Oman
MSM:MGMC Oil/Gas (Integrated) Oman
SASE:4335 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
BSE:540366 Broadcasting India
GTSM:5460 Electronics (General) Taiwan
JSE:MST Computers/Peripherals South Africa
CBSE:MUT Food Processing Morocco
BSE:511766 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:MUTHOOTFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
GTSM:4950 Household Products Taiwan
NGSE:MBENEFIT Insurance (General) Nigeria
DSE:MTB Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
GTSM:6407 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:002714 Food Processing China
NSEI:MVL Real Estate (Development) India
HOSE:MCP Packaging & Container Vietnam
KLSE:MYEG Information Services Malaysia
SEHK:8297 Apparel Hong Kong
TSEC:2739 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
TASE:MYSZ Software (System & Application) Israel
GTSM:4726 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
KLSE:MYCRON Steel Malaysia
TASE:MYDS Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
SZSE:000667 Real Estate (Development) China
KLSE:MYNEWS Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
SGX:F86 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SZSE:002303 Packaging & Container China
GTSM:5314 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:506734 Retail (Distributors) India
GTSM:4431 Apparel Taiwan
XKON:A267060 Food Wholesalers South Korea
KOSE:A017180 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BSE:523242 Shoe India
KOSDAQ:A101400 Semiconductor South Korea
BSE:530897 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:516082 Packaging & Container India
BSE:532623 Transportation India
NSEI:NBIFIN Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SET:NCH Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SET:NDR Rubber& Tires Thailand
KOSE:A008260 Steel South Korea
BSE:519494 Food Processing India
TASE:SPNTC Household Products Israel
KLSE:N2N Software (System & Application) Malaysia
PLSE:NSC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Palestinian Authority
NYSE:NBR Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Bermuda
SHSE:603506 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
BSE:524709 Chemical (Specialty) India
BUL:6N1 Apparel Bulgaria
CASE:NAHO Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Egypt
SZSE:000737 Household Products China
HOSE:NAF Food Processing Vietnam
BELEX:NIIS Oil/Gas (Integrated) Serbia
NSEI:NDGL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:3918 Hotel/Gaming Cambodia
HNX:NAG Furn/Home Furnishings Vietnam
BSE:531832 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:539917 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:534184 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
KASE:NAGC Apparel Pakistan
BSE:532362 Electronics (General) India
BSE:532895 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:521109 Apparel India
BSE:532952 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:519136 Apparel India
BSE:523391 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:500296 Apparel India
DSE:NAHEEACP Building Materials Bangladesh
KLSE:NAIM Engineering/Construction Malaysia
NASE:NBV Retail (Special Lines) Kenya
NASE:NSE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kenya
SASE:3002 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
TSEC:9942 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:532256 Investments & Asset Management India
SGX:N4E Construction Supplies Malaysia
HNX:DST Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A091590 Engineering/Construction South Korea
HOSE:NKG Steel Vietnam
SGX:G0I Building Materials Singapore
HOSE:NLG Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HNX:HJS Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
BSE:538395 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SET:NSI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
NYSE:NTP Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
HOSE:ANV Food Processing Vietnam
HOSE:NAV Construction Supplies Vietnam
SASE:2210 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
TSEC:1702 Food Processing Taiwan
SEHK:1982 Apparel Hong Kong
KOSE:A025860 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A111710 Recreation South Korea
NMSE:NAM Investments & Asset Management Namibia
NMSE:NBS Beverage (Alcoholic) Namibia
KOSE:A001260 Engineering/Construction South Korea
JSE:NPK Packaging & Container South Africa
ZMSE:NPKZ Packaging & Container Zimbabwe
KOSE:A008350 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSE:A004270 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A242040 Computer Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A190510 Electronics (General) South Korea
COSE:NAMU.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
KOSE:A003920 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A002070 Apparel South Korea
SET:NYT Shipbuilding & Marine Thailand
SEHK:680 Entertainment China
GTSM:6584 Building Materials Taiwan
TSEC:6504 Apparel Taiwan
SEHK:1229 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
TSEC:4766 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
GTSM:5905 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
GTSM:4712 Food Processing Taiwan
TSEC:1303 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:8046 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:1410 Apparel Taiwan
SHSE:603859 Machinery China
BSE:532641 Apparel India
NSEI:NANDANI Apparel India
SZSE:000716 Food Processing China
SEHK:1617 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300004 Building Materials China
SZSE:300145 Machinery China
GTSM:1752 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
SZSE:000504 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:603093 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:300417 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002127 Advertising China
SZSE:300585 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300402 Machinery China
SHSE:603912 Machinery China
SHSE:600280 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600889 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603982 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600533 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600064 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:300618 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300584 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000727 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603042 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:603066 Machinery China
SHSE:600282 Steel China
SZSE:300644 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603111 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603707 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603326 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:600775 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:600713 Healthcare Support Services China
SZSE:002040 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:000421 Trucking China
SZSE:200468 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300447 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:000525 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:1708 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300554 Semiconductor Equip China
SZSE:002380 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:601990 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:3332 Household Products China
SHSE:601975 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SHSE:600250 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:603351 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600682 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002546 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300742 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002182 Metals & Mining China
TSEC:2101 Rubber& Tires Taiwan
SZSE:002592 Machinery China
SHSE:600301 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600712 Retail (General) China
SZSE:000911 Food Processing China
KOSDAQ:A091970 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A187790 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A286750 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039860 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSE:A074610 Construction Supplies South Korea
XKON:A244880 Healthcare Products South Korea
GTSM:6495 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A151910 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSEC:2108 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SHSE:603968 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603115 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002484 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600389 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002349 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002757 Machinery China
TSEC:2408 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:212 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SZSE:002212 Electrical Equipment China
TASE:NFTA Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
KOSDAQ:A051490 Machinery South Korea
XKON:A288490 Entertainment South Korea
NSEI:NH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:540080 Steel India
BSE:519455 Apparel India
BSE:540204 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:531416 Real Estate (Development) India
SHSE:600406 Electrical Equipment China
NSEI:NARMADA Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:526739 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:8607 Apparel China
NGSE:NASCON Food Processing Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A089600 Advertising South Korea
JSE:NPN Retail (Online) South Africa
CASE:NCCW Engineering/Construction Egypt
BAX:NASS Engineering/Construction Bahrain
KOSDAQ:A225570 Entertainment South Korea
NSEI:NATCOPHARM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:537291 Farming/Agriculture India
SET:NBC Broadcasting Thailand
SET:NINE Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
COSE:CSF.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
NASE:NMG Publishing & Newspapers Kenya
TSEC:3004 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:532234 Metals & Mining India
ASE:NATA Metals & Mining Jordan
PLSE:NAPCO Building Materials Palestinian Authority
SEHK:8228 Entertainment Hong Kong
DSE:NBL Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
BAX:NBB Bank (Money Center) Bahrain
CASE:NBKE Bank (Money Center) Egypt
KWSE:NBK Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
MAL:NBM Bank (Money Center) Malawi
MSM:NBOB Bank (Money Center) Oman
KASE:NBP Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
ADX:NBQ Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
SASE:9510 Retail (Distributors) Saudi Arabia
ASE:WIRE Electrical Equipment Jordan
DFM:NCC Construction Supplies United Arab Emirates
DFM:TABREED Building Materials United Arab Emirates
ASE:NATC Chemical (Basic) Jordan
HNX:NVB Banks (Regional) Vietnam
KWSE:CLEANING Environmental & Waste Services Kuwait
CASE:NHPS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Egypt
SASE:4291 Education Saudi Arabia
KWSE:NCCI Diversified Kuwait
DSE:NCCBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
COSE:NDB.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
SEHK:213 Apparel Hong Kong
TTSE:NEL Diversified Trinidad & Tobago
DSE:NFML Food Processing Bangladesh
BSE:523630 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:531289 Steel India
TTSE:NFM Food Processing Trinidad & Tobago
KASE:NATF Food Processing Pakistan
SASE:2080 Power Saudi Arabia
MSM:NGCI Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Oman
BSE:531651 Steel India
SASE:2090 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
DSE:NHFIL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
SASE:2060 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
KWSE:NICBM Construction Supplies Kuwait
KWSE:NIND Diversified Kuwait
PLSE:NIC Insurance (General) Palestinian Authority
KWSE:NIH Diversified Kuwait
DAR:NICO Investments & Asset Management Tanzania
MUSE:NITL.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Mauritius
KWSE:NINV Diversified Kuwait
MSM:NLIF Insurance (Life) Oman
DSE:NATLIFEINS Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
SASE:4005 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Saudi Arabia
SASE:2220 Steel Saudi Arabia
KWSE:OOREDOO Telecom (Wireless) Kuwait
BSE:507813 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:500298 Chemical (Basic) India
SASE:2002 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
TSEC:9937 Retail (Automotive) Taiwan
KWSE:NAPESCO Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Kuwait
BSE:526616 Furn/Home Furnishings India
BSE:531287 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:516062 Paper/Forest Products India
DSE:NPOLYMAR Chemical (Basic) Bangladesh
ASE:MHFZ Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
ASE:NATP Food Processing Jordan
CASE:NRPD Engineering/Construction Egypt
KWSE:NRE Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
KASE:NRL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Pakistan
PSE:NRCP Reinsurance Philippines
KWSE:SHOOTING Recreation Kuwait
BSE:504882 Real Estate (Development) India
ASE:NAST Steel Jordan
ADX:WATANIA Insurance (General) United Arab Emirates
DSE:NTC Food Processing Bangladesh
DSE:NTLTUBES Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Bangladesh
SZSE:300077 Semiconductor China
COSE:NTB.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
KLSE:NATWIDE Transportation Malaysia
BSE:530119 Food Processing India
BOVESPA:NTCO3 Household Products Brazil
SEHK:157 Household Products Hong Kong
BSE:524654 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
Catalist:5IF Business & Consumer Services Singapore
XKON:A086220 Household Products South Korea
SEHK:1837 Food Processing China
OTCPK:NHEL Heathcare Information and Technology Malaysia
NasdaqCM:NHTC Household Products Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A168330 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A043910 Environmental & Waste Services South Korea
SEHK:2083 Building Materials China
KOSDAQ:A007390 Food Processing South Korea
GTSM:4732 Household Products Taiwan
BASE:GBAN Power Argentina
BSE:538926 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A293580 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
SZSE:002371 Electronics (General) China
BSE:513023 Diversified India
SET:NNCL Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
DSE:NAVANACNG Business & Consumer Services Bangladesh
KOSE:A035420 Software (Entertainment) South Korea
BSE:532504 Chemical (Specialty) India
SZSE:002405 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
TASE:NVPT.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
BSE:531494 Construction Supplies India
BSE:539332 Shipbuilding & Marine India
BSE:539525 Retail (Special Lines) India
BSE:508989 Publishing & Newspapers India
SZSE:300456 Electronics (General) China
COSE:NHL.N0000 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Sri Lanka
SET:NWR Engineering/Construction Thailand
TASE:NAWI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
BSE:538668 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KASE:NCML Apparel Pakistan
HOSE:NBB Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
BSE:534309 Engineering/Construction India
MAL:NBS Bank (Money Center) Malawi
SHSE:600114 Auto Parts China
JMSE:NCBFG Bank (Money Center) Jamaica
NASE:NCBA Bank (Money Center) Kenya
BSE:500294 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:502168 Construction Supplies India
SET:NCL Transportation Thailand
BSE:530557 Investments & Asset Management India
AIM:NCCL Coal & Related Energy British Virgin Islands
NGSE:NCR Computer Services Nigeria
SZSE:300797 Business & Consumer Services China
KOSE:A036570 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A238090 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BSE:532649 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
JSE:NED Bank (Money Center) South Africa
BSE:531049 Construction Supplies India
MISX:NFAZ Construction Supplies Russia
BSE:537838 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:NSOP Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
BSE:519560 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:539016 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NGSE:NEIMETH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Nigeria
BSE:533202 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:532864 Steel India
BSE:504112 Telecom. Equipment India
NGSE:NEM Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
BMV:NEMAK A Auto Parts Mexico
KOSDAQ:A311390 Food Processing South Korea
NSEL:NEOFI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Lithuania
Catalist:5UJ Business & Consumer Services Singapore
BSE:514332 Real Estate (Development) India
BUL:178B Real Estate (Development) Bulgaria
KOSDAQ:A085910 Machinery South Korea
SEHK:8167 Computer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:1868 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
BUL:3NB Chemical (Specialty) Bulgaria
BOVESPA:NEOE3 Power Brazil
KOSDAQ:A290660 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSE:526195 Apparel India
NSEI:NEOGEN Chemical (Specialty) India
SZSE:002147 Real Estate (Development) China
KOSDAQ:A212560 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A092730 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A253590 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A095660 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A042420 Entertainment South Korea
SET:NEP Packaging & Container Thailand
KOSDAQ:A033640 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A217270 Entertainment South Korea
SGX:N01 Telecom. Equipment Singapore
BSE:505355 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
KLSE:NESTLE Food Processing Malaysia
BRVM:NTLC Food Processing Ivory Coast
BSE:500790 Food Processing India
COSE:NEST.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
NGSE:NESTLE Food Processing Nigeria
KASE:NESTLE Food Processing Pakistan
NasdaqGS:UEPS Information Services South Africa
HNX:NET Household Products Vietnam
Catalist:5QY Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Singapore
GTSM:6542 Entertainment Taiwan
SZSE:002467 Telecom. Services China
SZSE:300042 Computers/Peripherals China
TASE:NTGR Homebuilding Israel
SET:NETBAY Software (System & Application) Thailand
JSE:NTC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities South Africa
SEHK:777 Entertainment China
HNX:NRC Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
SGX:CJLU Telecom. Services Singapore
BSE:509040 Computer Services India
KOSE:A251270 Entertainment South Korea
GTSM:6468 Entertainment Taiwan
TASE:NTO Food Processing Israel
TASE:NTML Food Processing Israel
OTCPK:NTPY Household Products Israel
SZSE:300367 Computers/Peripherals China
BSE:542117 Software (System & Application) India
GTSM:6143 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KASE:NETSOL Computer Services Pakistan
BSE:511658 Software (Internet) India
OTCPK:NWCN Advertising Hong Kong
LSE:NETW Information Services United Arab Emirates
BSE:523558 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:532798 Entertainment India
KLSE:NETX Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:532887 Steel India
BSE:524558 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSDAQ:A053290 Education South Korea
KOSDAQ:A126870 Machinery South Korea
SHSE:600718 Software (System & Application) China
GTSM:3465 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:2516 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
OTCPK:NAHD Software (System & Application) Singapore
GTSM:5013 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BVMT:NBL Apparel Tunisia
SEHK:234 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:1518 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
SEHK:1275 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
SHSE:601336 Insurance (Life) China
SEHK:456 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:2221 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:532529 Broadcasting India
SHSE:603110 Chemical (Specialty) China
OTCPK:EBOD.F Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
GTSM:4909 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:360 Auto Parts China
NYSE:NFH Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
KLSE:NHFATT Auto Parts Malaysia
SZSE:002946 Food Processing China
SZSE:000876 Farming/Agriculture China
TASE:NERZ Real Estate (Development) Israel
SZSE:002264 Retail (General) China
BSE:540243 Apparel India
DSE:NEWLINE Apparel Bangladesh
MUSE:NMHL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Mauritius
OTCPK:NOEC Chemical (Specialty) China
TSEC:8940 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
SET:NPK Apparel Thailand
KOSDAQ:A144960 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:2326 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SZSE:002089 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:472 Beverage (Alcoholic) Hong Kong
SGX:BMT Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
SEHK:166 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SGX:N08 Paper/Forest Products Singapore
SZSE:300532 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:436 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
UGSE:NVL Publishing & Newspapers Uganda
Catalist:5FX Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SEHK:8242 Semiconductor Hong Kong
SEHK:825 Retail (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:17 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
NasdaqCM:NEWA Machinery China
SEHK:55 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SHSE:603699 Machinery China
SZSE:300248 Electronics (General) China
KOSDAQ:A085670 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:540900 Software (System & Application) India
KOSDAQ:A214870 Electronics (General) South Korea
SZSE:000997 Software (System & Application) China
GTSM:3630 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:342 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Hong Kong
GTSM:3085 Software (Internet) Taiwan
SET:NEWS Software (System & Application) Thailand
GTSM:2245 Auto Parts Taiwan
GTSM:5202 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
SEHK:1231 Steel Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A270870 Household Products South Korea
SEHK:1323 Diversified Hong Kong
SET:NEX Electronics (General) Thailand
BVL:NEXAPEC1 Metals & Mining Peru
CBSE:NEX Electrical Equipment Morocco
GTSM:8234 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSE:A005720 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KOSE:A002350 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KLSE:NEXGRAM Software (System & Application) Malaysia
SEHK:8420 Information Services Singapore
KOSDAQ:A041140 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A065170 Household Products South Korea
KASE:NEXT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
SEHK:282 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A160550 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:532416 Broadcasting India
KOSE:A003580 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A092600 Semiconductor South Korea
TASE:NXTM Telecom. Services Israel
KOSDAQ:A137940 Electronics (General) South Korea
TASE:NXGN-M Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
KLSE:NGGB Publishing & Newspapers Malaysia
GTSM:8147 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A089140 Machinery South Korea
BSE:538874 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NasdaqCM:BIMI Machinery China
SET:NFC Chemical (Specialty) Thailand
SEHK:1047 Chemical (Basic) Hong Kong
HNX:NST Tobacco Vietnam
BSE:524774 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSE:A005940 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A273060 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A310840 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A319400 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A339950 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
HNX:NBW Utility (Water) Vietnam
BSE:517554 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A104200 Entertainment South Korea
KOSE:A181710 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A060250 Information Services South Korea
HNX:NHP Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
BSE:533098 Green & Renewable Energy India
KLSE:NIHSIN Household Products Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A138610 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
UGSE:NIC Insurance (General) Uganda
BSE:526721 Recreation India
BSE:523209 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A130580 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KOSE:A034310 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036800 Information Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A030190 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
TASE:NICE Software (System & Application) Israel
KOSDAQ:A063570 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KLSE:NICE Apparel Malaysia
SEHK:8490 Semiconductor Hong Kong
TSEC:3090 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:3444 Computer Services Taiwan
PSE:NIKL Metals & Mining Philippines
MAL:NICO Insurance (Life) Malawi
SGX:5GF Electronics (General) Singapore
NMSE:NHL Retail (Automotive) Namibia
JSE:NCS Diversified South Africa
BSE:512103 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:1451 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:8464 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
NGSE:NIGERINS Insurance (General) Nigeria
NGSE:NAHCO Air Transport Nigeria
NGSE:NB Beverage (Alcoholic) Nigeria
NGSE:ENAMELWA Household Products Nigeria
PSE:NI Metals & Mining Philippines
BSE:531083 Retail (Online) India
BSE:500304 Computer Services India
NSEI:NIITTECH Computer Services India
BSE:526159 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:531272 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:3317 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:530377 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:542231 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:502294 Construction Supplies India
OTCPK:NILA Precious Metals Peru
BSE:530129 Metals & Mining India
BSE:523385 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:186 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:531598 Food Processing India
BSE:511714 Real Estate (Development) India
KASE:NICL Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
KASE:NRSL Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
SEHK:2689 Paper/Forest Products China
SEHK:9 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SZSE:002180 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:000862 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:300441 Machinery China
SHSE:600130 Computers/Peripherals China
SHSE:601137 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300307 Machinery China
SHSE:601789 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300314 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002164 Machinery China
SZSE:300566 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600768 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600724 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:603788 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300763 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300076 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:601882 Machinery China
SHSE:603917 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300539 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002048 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603997 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600699 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002119 Semiconductor Equip China
SHSE:603076 Machinery China
SZSE:002322 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600798 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SHSE:603538 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603606 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603877 Apparel China
SHSE:688005 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300727 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601567 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600884 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603178 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300100 Auto Parts China
SHSE:688299 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002473 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002937 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603015 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600982 Utility (General) China
SHSE:603266 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601689 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600051 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:603700 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300163 Apparel China
SHSE:603305 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603297 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600366 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600857 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002896 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:601018 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SHSE:600989 Chemical (Diversified) China
SHSE:600449 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:601619 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:000962 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002457 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:000557 Transportation (Railroads) China
SHSE:600165 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:000635 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000982 Apparel China
HNX:NBP Power Vietnam
HOSE:NVT Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
Catalist:N32 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
BSE:532986 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:500307 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
SET:NVD Real Estate (Development) Thailand
KASE:NCL Apparel Pakistan
KASE:NCPL Power Pakistan
KASE:NML Apparel Pakistan
KASE:NPL Power Pakistan
TSEC:3679 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:539311 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TASE:NISA Healthcare Products Israel
SEHK:1475 Food Processing Hong Kong
BSE:532722 Building Materials India
BSE:508875 Steel India
BSE:532854 Machinery India
BSE:532698 Apparel India
DSE:NITOLINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SNSE:NITRATOS Investments & Asset Management Chile
BSE:506532 Chemical (Specialty) India
JSE:NIV Investments & Asset Management South Africa
BSE:538772 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSE:A085310 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A009810 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A182400 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSE:513683 Power India
DAR:NMB Bank (Money Center) Tanzania
BSE:526371 Steel India
BSE:522289 Food Wholesalers India
SEHK:3773 Retail (Online) China
OTCPK:NNRI Environmental & Waste Services Russia
Catalist:1G6 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
HOSE:NVL Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HOSE:D2D Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HNX:VC7 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SET:NOBLE Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SEHK:8445 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SHSE:603611 Machinery China
BSE:500730 Chemical (Basic) India
NSEI:NOESISIND Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
HOSE:NCT Air Transport Vietnam
BSE:532481 Transportation India
SET:NOK Air Transport Thailand
SEHK:8645 Software (Internet) Hong Kong
KOSE:A004370 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A072710 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054050 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
SET:NTV Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
KASE:NONS Food Processing Pakistan
ASE:NCMD Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
KWSE:NOOR Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
ASE:NOTI Retail (Distributors) Jordan
NSEI:NORBTEAEXP Food Processing India
TLSE:NCN1T Engineering/Construction Estonia
NYSE:NAT Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
TLSE:SKN1T Furn/Home Furnishings Estonia
SGX:MR7 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BOVESPA:NORD3 Machinery Brazil
SZSE:000065 Engineering/Construction China
KOSE:A000320 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A090350 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BSE:524414 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TASE:NSTR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
SNSE:NORTEGRAN Investments & Asset Management Chile
SEHK:8080 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
CASE:MILS Food Processing Egypt
SHSE:600812 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SET:NER Chemical (Basic) Thailand
BSE:534615 Trucking India
SHSE:600184 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:000059 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000519 Machinery China
SEHK:433 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
SHSE:600435 Machinery China
HNX:PMB Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
GTSM:8927 Retail (Automotive) Taiwan
JSE:NHM Precious Metals South Africa
SZSE:002359 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:42 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000597 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000686 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
ASE:NCCO Construction Supplies Jordan
OB:NODL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Bermuda
DSE:NORTHRNINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
DSE:NORTHERN Apparel Bangladesh
NGSE:NNFM Food Processing Nigeria
SASE:3004 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
BSE:542628 Retail (Distributors) India
SHSE:601999 Publishing & Newspapers China
CASE:NEDA Farming/Agriculture Egypt
KLSE:NOTION Electronics (General) Malaysia
BOVESPA:GNDI3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
BSE:540698 Food Wholesalers India
BRVM:NEIC Publishing & Newspapers Ivory Coast
SEHK:1360 Advertising Hong Kong
BSE:513566 Steel India
LJSE:NLBR Bank (Money Center) Slovenia
NasdaqGS:NVMI Semiconductor Equip Israel
KLSE:NOVAMSC Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:530733 Publishing & Newspapers India
GTSM:6613 Machinery Taiwan
KLSE:NOVA Household Products Malaysia
SEHK:8635 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A194700 Household Products South Korea
BSE:500672 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSDAQ:A285490 Electrical Equipment South Korea
TSEC:3034 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:542771 Household Products India
NSEL:NTU1L Hotel/Gaming Lithuania
XKON:A229500 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
TASE:NVLG Healthcare Support Services Israel
SHSE:688300 Chemical (Basic) China
JSE:NVS Publishing & Newspapers South Africa
PSE:NOW Computer Services Philippines
CASE:NINH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Egypt
KOSE:A004250 Packaging & Container South Korea
KLSE:NPC Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
NGSE:NPFMCRFBK Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A048830 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BSE:530127 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:530367 Machinery India
BSE:535458 Machinery India
KOSDAQ:A217820 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A138250 Retail (Online) South Korea
SZSE:300369 Software (System & Application) China
BRVM:NSBC Banks (Regional) Ivory Coast
SGX:N02 Construction Supplies Singapore
KOSDAQ:A031860 Recreation South Korea
BSE:526723 Tobacco India
Catalist:5HC Computer Services Singapore
KOSDAQ:A069410 Software (System & Application) South Korea
NSEI:NTPC Power India
KLSE:NTPM Household Products Malaysia
JSE:NWL Furn/Home Furnishings South Africa
BSE:531209 Software (System & Application) India
HOSE:NNC Construction Supplies Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A012340 Electronics (General) South Korea
HNX:NTH Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
SHSE:600110 Electrical Equipment China
DSE:NURANI Apparel Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A040160 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A069140 Engineering/Construction South Korea
SET:NUSA Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BSE:531304 Apparel India
BSE:524764 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
ASE:NDAR Food Processing Jordan
BOVESPA:NUTR3 Chemical (Specialty) Brazil
JSE:NUT Food Processing South Africa
SGX:AZT Household Products Hong Kong
GTSM:6419 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A060260 Building Materials South Korea
TSEC:4919 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:2222 Household Products China
JSE:NVE Investments & Asset Management South Africa
KOSDAQ:A067570 Auto Parts South Korea
KLSE:NWP Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
SEHK:659 Diversified Hong Kong
BSE:500189 Cable TV India
KLSE:NYLEX Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
NasdaqCM:NYMX Drugs (Biotechnology) Bahamas
GTSM:6494 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:504378 Real Estate (Development) India
TSEC:2897 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
TSEC:01009T R.E.I.T. Taiwan
SEHK:877 Telecom. Equipment China
GTSM:8924 Recreation Taiwan
BSE:539116 Retail (Distributors) India
SET:OCC Retail (Distributors) Thailand
TASE:ORTC Electronics (General) Israel
LSE:OCI Investments & Asset Management Bermuda
NGSE:OANDO Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
BSE:512489 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:538547 Food Processing India
NSEI:OBEROIRLTY Real Estate (Development) India
GTSM:4174 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
BSE:535657 Computer Services India
CASE:OLFI Food Processing Egypt
KLSE:OCB Food Processing Malaysia
BSE:519491 Chemical (Specialty) India
SET:OCEAN Building Materials Thailand
SET:OGC Household Products Thailand
HOSE:OGC Diversified Vietnam
HNX:OCH Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
SEHK:8502 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:8476 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
LSE:OOUT Advertising British Virgin Islands
TSEC:1321 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
Catalist:1B6 Engineering/Construction Singapore
LSE:OCN Shipbuilding & Marine Bermuda
SZSE:002724 Electrical Equipment China
JSE:OCE Food Processing South Africa
BSE:538019 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A241790 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KLSE:OCNCASH Apparel Malaysia
TSEC:1213 Beverage (Soft) Taiwan
BSE:540405 Food Processing India
SGX:579 Food Processing Singapore
SZSE:000046 Real Estate (Development) China
KOSE:A010060 Chemical (Diversified) South Korea
SEHK:329 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KLSE:OCK Telecom. Services Malaysia
BSE:533008 Steel India
KLSE:OCR Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:540416 Software (System & Application) India
CASE:OCPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
JSE:OCT R.E.I.T. South Africa
COSE:ODEL.N0000 Retail (Special Lines) Sri Lanka
BUL:5ODE Shipbuilding & Marine Bulgaria
CASE:ABRD Investments & Asset Management Egypt
BOVESPA:ODPV3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
KOSDAQ:A080520 Semiconductor South Korea
BSE:530175 Software (System & Application) India
KOSDAQ:A138080 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
Catalist:584 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
GTSM:5011 Machinery Taiwan
SZSE:002607 Education China
BVMT:PLAST Office Equipment & Services Tunisia
SHSE:600583 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
ASE:OFTC Computer Services Jordan
SZSE:002456 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002614 Recreation China
SET:OHTL Hotel/Gaming Thailand
SEHK:1319 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
KASE:OGDC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Pakistan
BUL:4O1 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Bulgaria
NSEI:ONGC Oil/Gas (Integrated) India
BSE:500313 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
NSEI:OIL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) India
TASE:ORL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Israel
ASX:OSH Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Papua New Guinea
BVB:OIL Oil/Gas Distribution Romania
DSE:OIMEX Steel Bangladesh
SET:OISHI Restaurant/Dining Thailand
TSEC:4155 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:526415 Machinery India
KLSE:OKA Construction Supplies Malaysia
SGX:S3N Real Estate (Development) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A080580 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A045060 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SGX:5CF Engineering/Construction Singapore
SGX:O32 Food Wholesalers Singapore
Catalist:5ML Food Processing Singapore
JSE:OMU Insurance (Life) South Africa
BSE:532439 Electrical Equipment India
KOSDAQ:A244460 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
Catalist:1H2 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A226950 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSM:OLYMPIA Building Materials Botswana
NASE:OCH Building Materials Kenya
KLSE:OLYMPIA Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
BSE:521105 Retail (Online) India
KASE:OML Apparel Pakistan
DSE:OAL Packaging & Container Bangladesh
SHSE:603920 Electronics (General) China
DSE:OLYMPIC Food Processing Bangladesh
BSE:507609 Food Wholesalers India
ASX:OMH Metals & Mining Singapore
BSE:531092 Engineering/Construction India
MSM:OEIO Diversified Oman
MSM:OCAI Electrical Equipment Oman
MSM:OCOI Construction Supplies Oman
MSM:OCHL Chemical (Basic) Oman
MSM:OFCI Food Processing Oman
MSM:OFMI Food Processing Oman
MSM:OMVS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Oman
MSM:OIFC Business & Consumer Services Oman
MSM:ONES Engineering/Construction Oman
MSM:OOMS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Oman
MSM:OQIC Insurance (General) Oman
MSM:ORCI Beverage (Soft) Oman
MSM:OTEL Telecom. Services Oman
MSM:OUIS Insurance (General) Oman
MSM:ORDS Telecom (Wireless) Oman
BSE:538537 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:520021 Auto Parts India
BSE:532880 Real Estate (Development) India
BOVESPA:OMGE3 Green & Renewable Energy Brazil
KLSE:OMESTI Computer Services Malaysia
NSEI:OMFURN Office Equipment & Services India
PSE:OM Real Estate (Development) Philippines
BSE:531496 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:532167 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:533317 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:532340 Software (System & Application) India
JSE:OMN Chemical (Diversified) South Africa
SEHK:8462 Business & Consumer Services Singapore
MUSE:MTMD.N0000 Power Mauritius
SZSE:300528 Entertainment China
KOSDAQ:A057540 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A057680 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BSE:514324 Retail (Distributors) India
OTCPK:OMPS Electronics (General) Taiwan
BVB:SNP Oil/Gas (Integrated) Romania
SEHK:8245 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
OTCPK:OTIV.F Computers/Peripherals Israel
GTSM:4947 Semiconductor China
COSE:ONAL.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
TSEC:6405 Semiconductor Taiwan
BRVM:ONTBF Telecom. Services Burkina Faso
DSE:ONEBANKLTD Banks (Regional) Bangladesh
TTSE:OCM Broadcasting Trinidad & Tobago
HNX:ONE Computer Services Vietnam
BER:ONE.BH Telecom. Services Bermuda
SEHK:426 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
NSEI:ONEPOINT Information Services India
TASE:ONE Computer Services Israel
BVMT:OTH Electrical Equipment Tunisia
SET:OTO Business & Consumer Services Thailand
Catalist:5SY Food Processing Singapore
SEHK:1933 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
BSE:533632 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
JSE:OLG Transportation South Africa
GTSM:4743 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
NasdaqCM:OSW Business & Consumer Services Bahamas
KLSE:OWG Recreation Malaysia
BSE:532944 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:540386 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:517536 Computer Services India
GTSM:6569 Heathcare Information and Technology Taiwan
SEHK:8091 Advertising Hong Kong
DSM:ORDS Telecom. Services Qatar
SEHK:1140 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
TASE:OPAL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
NSEI:OPAL Furn/Home Furnishings India
KOSDAQ:A173130 Computer Services South Korea
TASE:OPCE Power Israel
HOSE:OPC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
KLSE:OPCOM Telecom. Equipment Malaysia
MISX:DZRD Electronics (General) Russia
UKR:NITR Steel Ukraine
MISX:MGNZ Metals & Mining Russia
KOSDAQ:A049480 Computer Services South Korea
KLSE:OPENSYS Computers/Peripherals Malaysia
NasdaqCM:OPES Investments & Asset Management Mexico
AIM:OPG Power India
TASE:OPCT Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
GTSM:8034 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:603833 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:603515 Household Products China
NasdaqGM:OBAS Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KOSDAQ:A109080 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
BSE:530135 Computer Services India
SEHK:8418 Retail (Automotive) Singapore
TSEC:3051 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:531254 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A153710 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:3666 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:532391 Healthcare Products India
TSEC:2340 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A082210 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:539598 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532466 Software (System & Application) India
TASE:ORAD Electronics (General) Israel
BRVM:ORGT Bank (Money Center) Togo
OTCPK:ORNC Retail (Distributors) China
GTSM:4554 Auto Parts Taiwan
KOSE:A079440 Insurance (Life) South Korea
SEHK:1132 Entertainment Hong Kong
SEHK:8627 Advertising China
DIFX:OC Engineering/Construction United Arab Emirates
CASE:ORHD Hotel/Gaming Egypt
CASE:OIH Telecom (Wireless) Egypt
BMV:ORBIA * Chemical (Basic) Mexico
BSE:512626 Apparel India
TASE:ORBI Aerospace/Defense Israel
KOSDAQ:A046120 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
TSXV:ORC.B Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Tanzania
SZSE:002701 Packaging & Container China
BSE:531157 Chemical (Specialty) India
KOSDAQ:A900300 Household Products China
BMV:CULTIBA B Beverage (Soft) Mexico
BMV:SORIANA B Retail (General) Mexico
BVC:TERPEL Retail (Automotive) Colombia
TASE:ORIN Transportation Israel
KOSDAQ:A010470 Advertising South Korea
BSE:513121 Shipbuilding & Marine India
BSE:504879 Metals & Mining India
BSE:530365 Building Materials India
BSE:507690 Beverage (Soft) India
KOSE:A002630 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
BSE:535754 Construction Supplies India
BSE:541301 Furn/Home Furnishings India
GTSM:4120 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
COSE:BFN.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
NSEI:GREENPOWER Green & Renewable Energy India
SHSE:600811 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600278 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:316 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
BSE:502420 Paper/Forest Products India
GTSM:4166 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A065500 Auto Parts South Korea
NSEI:ORIENTLTD Packaging & Container India
BSE:534076 Construction Supplies India
KASE:ORM Retail (Distributors) Pakistan
SHSE:600958 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:8001 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
TSEC:2329 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:531512 Entertainment India
SEHK:265 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:500078 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:500315 Bank (Money Center) India
BSE:506579 Chemical (Basic) India
SZSE:002221 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SEHK:430 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
KLSE:OFI Food Processing Malaysia
KLSE:ORIENT Auto & Truck Malaysia
BSE:500314 Hotel/Gaming India
SEHK:8613 Information Services Thailand
PSE:ORE Metals & Mining Philippines
PSE:OPMB Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Philippines
KOSDAQ:A014940 Construction Supplies South Korea
SEHK:18 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SZSE:002175 Electronics (General) China
BSE:532817 Construction Supplies India
TSEC:1710 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
SEHK:8067 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
BSE:531859 Construction Supplies India
SEHK:398 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
CASE:ORWE Furn/Home Furnishings Egypt
NasdaqCM:SEED Farming/Agriculture China
SET:ORI Real Estate (Development) Thailand
KOSE:A271560 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A001800 Food Processing South Korea
DSE:ORIONINFU Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
KLSE:ORION Software (System & Application) Malaysia
DSE:ORIONPHARM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
BSE:541206 Trucking India
KASE:OLPL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KASE:ORIXM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KLSE:ORNA Packaging & Container Malaysia
TASE:ORON Engineering/Construction Israel
TSX:OMI Precious Metals Uruguay
TSXV:OSU Precious Metals British Virgin Islands
OTCPK:ORSX Computers/Peripherals China
BSE:539015 Cable TV India
BSE:539287 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSDAQ:A053980 Computer Services South Korea
BSE:530173 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A039200 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SEHK:622 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
NSEI:OSIAHYPER Retail (Grocery and Food) India
BSE:540198 Apparel India
KLSE:OSK Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KLSE:OSKVI Investments & Asset Management Malaysia
KWSE:OSOS Real Estate (Operations & Services) Kuwait
SET:OSP Beverage (Soft) Thailand
KWSE:OSOUL Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
SGX:O08 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A048260 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A226400 Healthcare Products South Korea
ASX:OSX Healthcare Products Singapore
KOSDAQ:A052420 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:500317 Real Estate (Development) India
NSEI:BINDALAGRO Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:514460 Apparel India
BOVESPA:OSXB3 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Brazil
ZGSE:OPTE Telecom. Services Croatia
BSE:523151 Software (System & Application) India
BSSE:1OTP005E Bank (Money Center) Slovakia
GTSM:3570 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
KASE:OTSU Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
KOSE:A007310 Food Processing South Korea
SGX:TS0U R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:LJ3 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Singapore
Catalist:5WA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Singapore
SGX:AJ2 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
KWSE:OULAFUEL Retail (Automotive) Kuwait
SEHK:6899 Entertainment China
BOVESPA:OFSA3 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Brazil
SZSE:300315 Entertainment China
KOSDAQ:A227610 Household Products South Korea
KLSE:OVERSEA Restaurant/Dining Malaysia
SGX:O39 Bank (Money Center) Singapore
SEHK:3366 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
TASE:OVRS Shipbuilding & Marine Israel
SGX:RQ1 Education Singapore
COSE:OSEA.N0000 Real Estate (Development) Sri Lanka
BSE:514330 Apparel India
BSE:530741 Food Processing India
WSE:OVO Food Processing Ukraine
OTCPK:OWCP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
NasdaqCM:OXBR Reinsurance Cayman Islands
SNSE:OXIQUIM Chemical (Basic) Chile
SGX:5UX Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SEHK:2014 Furn/Home Furnishings China
BSE:539291 Food Wholesalers India
BSE:526747 Packaging & Container India
GTSM:8109 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
PSE:PNX Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Philippines
GTSM:6158 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:PA Metals & Mining Malaysia
TASE:PCBT Electronics (General) Israel
SET:PCSGH Auto Parts Thailand
BSE:500143 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KLSE:PIE Electrical Equipment Malaysia
TASE:PLTF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
BSE:513403 Retail (Distributors) India
MUSE:POL.N0000 Diversified Mauritius
IDX:AMAG Insurance (General) Indonesia
IDX:BNBA Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BGTG Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:PNBN Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:FASW Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:MTDL Computer Services Indonesia
OTCPK:PVNN.F Chemical (Specialty) Israel
XKON:A239890 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
Catalist:5AI Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SEHK:574 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SGX:U6C Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
KASE:PACE Real Estate (Development) Pakistan
SET:PACE Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BSE:523862 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KLSE:P&O Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Malaysia
SEHK:2343 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SEHK:432 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SGX:P15 Diversified Singapore
TSEC:2506 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
DSE:PDL Apparel Bangladesh
HNX:PDB Construction Supplies Vietnam
GTSM:4126 Healthcare Products Taiwan
GTSM:6228 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:523483 Construction Supplies India
SEHK:8547 Retail (Building Supply) Hong Kong
SEHK:1820 Packaging & Container China
SEHK:543 Software (Entertainment) China
PSE:LOTO Hotel/Gaming Philippines
SET:PAP Steel Thailand
Catalist:1C5 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SEHK:1382 Apparel Hong Kong
PSE:PA Investments & Asset Management Philippines
KASE:PKGS Paper/Forest Products Pakistan
SEHK:1010 Semiconductor Hong Kong
BSE:538963 Retail (Distributors) India
SET:PDI Metals & Mining Thailand
GTSM:6716 Semiconductor Taiwan
ZMSE:PHL Food Processing Zimbabwe
KLSE:PADINI Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
DSE:PADMALIFE Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
DSE:PADMAOIL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Bangladesh
BSE:532350 Entertainment India
BSE:526905 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:517230 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531396 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:PAGEIND Apparel India
NYSE:PAGS Information Services Brazil
TSEC:8404 Apparel Cayman Islands
KOSE:A001340 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
CASE:PACH Chemical (Basic) Egypt
BSE:532900 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KASE:PAKD Telecom. Services Pakistan
KASE:PAEL Electrical Equipment Pakistan
SEHK:239 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
KASE:PSMC Auto & Truck Pakistan
SEHK:2668 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:8316 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A065690 Electronics (General) South Korea
KASE:PKGP Power Pakistan
KASE:PCAL Electrical Equipment Pakistan
KASE:PECO Machinery Pakistan
KASE:PGCL Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
KASE:PHDL Hotel/Gaming Pakistan
KASE:PIAA Air Transport Pakistan
KASE:PIBTL Shipbuilding & Marine Pakistan
KASE:PICT Shipbuilding & Marine Pakistan
KASE:PNSC Shipbuilding & Marine Pakistan
KASE:POL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Pakistan
KASE:PAKOXY Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
KASE:PPP Paper/Forest Products Pakistan
KASE:PPL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Pakistan
KASE:PPVC Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
KASE:PRL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Pakistan
KASE:PAKRI Reinsurance Pakistan
KASE:PSO Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Pakistan
KASE:PSX Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KASE:PSYL Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
KASE:PTC Telecom. Services Pakistan
KASE:PAKT Tobacco Pakistan
PSE:PAL Air Transport Philippines
SEHK:1703 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SEHK:495 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
BSE:540648 Food Processing India
PLSE:PADICO Diversified Jordan
PLSE:PEC Power Palestinian Authority
PLSE:PIIC Food Processing Palestinian Authority
PLSE:PIBC Bank (Money Center) Palestinian Authority
PLSE:ISBK Bank (Money Center) Palestinian Authority
PLSE:PRICO Real Estate (Development) Palestinian Authority
PLSE:PALTEL Telecom. Services Palestinian Authority
SEHK:617 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SZSE:002431 Engineering/Construction China
COSE:PALM.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
CASE:PHDC Real Estate (Development) Egypt
BRVM:PALC Farming/Agriculture Ivory Coast
TASE:PLRM Chemical (Basic) Israel
BSE:532521 Computer Services India
BSE:511597 Computer Services India
BASE:PAMP Power Argentina
AIM:PAF Precious Metals South Africa
COSE:PABC.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
GTSM:4707 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SEHK:1561 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
SEHK:556 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SET:PAF Shoe Thailand
Catalist:5EW Machinery Singapore
BSE:517397 Chemical (Basic) India
KOSDAQ:A068050 Entertainment South Korea
GTSM:2247 Retail (Automotive) Taiwan
SGX:P36 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
BSE:511525 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TSEC:2481 Semiconductor Taiwan
KLSE:PMCORP Food Processing Malaysia
KLSE:PMHLDG Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
KOSE:A028670 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
TSEC:2328 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSE:A007980 Apparel South Korea
SGX:P52 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
BSE:531349 Drugs (Biotechnology) India
NSEI:PANACHE Computers/Peripherals India
BSE:538742 Computer Services India
BSE:538860 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A046210 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSE:524820 Chemical (Basic) India
SEHK:2078 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
COSE:PAP.N0000 Green & Renewable Energy Sri Lanka
BSE:508941 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:504093 Electrical Equipment India
KLSE:PANAMY Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
PSE:PMPC Furn/Home Furnishings Philippines
TASE:PNAX Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
BSE:513511 Steel India
BSE:531726 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:4765 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
SHSE:600599 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SEHK:686 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
XKON:A202960 Entertainment South Korea
SHSE:601258 Retail (Automotive) China
SZSE:000629 Steel China
KOSDAQ:A222110 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSE:A003610 Apparel South Korea
TSEC:1760 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
JMSE:PJAM Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jamaica
SET:PJW Packaging & Container Thailand
BSE:506122 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:539469 Investments & Asset Management India
GTSM:8088 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:PANSAR Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A054300 Machinery South Korea
KLSE:PANTECH Steel Malaysia
BSE:539143 Retail (Distributors) India
TSEC:1906 Paper/Forest Products Taiwan
KLSE:PAOS Household Products Malaysia
BSE:530291 Food Processing India
GTSM:3632 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
KOSE:A001020 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
NSEI:PAR Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:6226 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:513359 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:533211 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:4966 Semiconductor Cayman Islands
KOSDAQ:A034230 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
SEHK:1180 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:539889 Food Processing India
BSE:531255 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KLSE:PGLOBE Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
TSEC:3518 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:PARAGON Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
BSE:531364 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:530555 Electrical Equipment India
KLSE:PARAMON Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
BSE:507970 Household Products India
DSE:PARAMOUNT Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
DSE:PTL Apparel Bangladesh
JMSE:PTL Retail (Distributors) Jamaica
BOVESPA:PMAM3 Metals & Mining Brazil
KOSDAQ:A033540 Machinery South Korea
NMSE:PNH Telecom (Wireless) Namibia
BSE:524689 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NSEI:PARIN Furn/Home Furnishings India
BUL:4PK R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
KOSDAQ:A140860 Electronics (General) South Korea
KLSE:PARKSON Retail (General) Malaysia
SGX:O9E Retail (General) Singapore
SEHK:3368 Retail (General) China
SGX:C2PU R.E.I.T. Singapore
BSE:532911 Real Estate (Development) India
KLSE:PARLO Telecom. Equipment Malaysia
BSE:506128 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:4916 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
SNSE:PARAUCO Real Estate (Operations & Services) Chile
BSE:532780 Real Estate (Development) India
GTSM:3097 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A091700 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A043200 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BSE:521080 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:PASDEC Auto Parts Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A037070 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KLSE:PASUKGB Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
BSE:500456 Apparel India
BSE:511734 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:503092 Apparel India
BSE:539401 Apparel India
TSEC:2236 Auto Parts Cayman Islands
BSE:531120 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:526381 Transportation India
BSE:517417 Machinery India
BSE:524031 Real Estate (Development) India
SET:PK Machinery Thailand
SET:PATO Chemical (Specialty) Thailand
BVB:PBK Bank (Money Center) Romania
SET:PRG Farming/Agriculture Thailand
BSE:539113 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532742 Chemical (Specialty) India
SGX:596 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
KOSDAQ:A177830 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:535658 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:327 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A038160 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
TASE:PAYT Electrical Equipment Israel
ENXTBR:PAY Electronics (General) Israel
SNSE:PAZ Homebuilding Chile
TASE:PZOL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Israel
BSE:504335 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:PBA Utility (Water) Malaysia
BOVESPA:PTBL3 Building Materials Brazil
BSE:514087 Apparel India
JSE:PBG Computer Services South Africa
KOSDAQ:A051380 Computer Services South Korea
NSEI:PCJEWELLER Retail (Special Lines) India
SEHK:1263 Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
HNX:PIC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
KLSE:PCCS Apparel Malaysia
SEHK:8 Telecom. Services Hong Kong
GTSM:8044 Retail (Online) Taiwan
SHSE:600728 Computer Services China
TSEC:4977 Telecom. Equipment Cayman Islands
KOSDAQ:A241820 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSE:517119 Computers/Peripherals India
BELEX:PDZA Farming/Agriculture Serbia
BOVESPA:PDGR3 Homebuilding Brazil
BSE:538730 Apparel India
KLSE:PDZ Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A263750 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:532808 Apparel India
SEHK:632 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
BSE:523260 Packaging & Container India
SGX:IX2 Engineering/Construction Singapore
KLSE:PECCA Auto Parts Malaysia
BSE:524136 Household Products India
BSE:531352 Apparel India
KLSE:PHB Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
COSE:PEG.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
SEHK:676 Shoe Hong Kong
TSEC:4938 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:6491 Healthcare Products Taiwan
SEHK:2885 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:618 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KLSE:PPG Publishing & Newspapers Malaysia
KLSE:PELIKAN Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
JSE:PEM Education South Africa
SHSE:900907 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SGX:BTM Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
SHSE:600490 Metals & Mining China
TASE:PEN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
BSE:503031 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:513228 Steel India
GTSM:5211 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
KLSE:PENSONI Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
NSEI:PENTAGOLD Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:PENTA Machinery Malaysia
SEHK:1665 Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
BSE:500329 Entertainment India
SZSE:300664 Environmental & Waste Services China
KOSDAQ:A137400 Machinery South Korea
SHSE:603000 Publishing & Newspapers China
SET:PG Apparel Thailand
COSE:PINS.N0000 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Sri Lanka
COSE:PLC.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
COSE:PMB.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
DSE:PEOPLESINS Insurance (General) Bangladesh
JSE:PPH Retail (Special Lines) South Africa
PSE:PIP Beverage (Soft) Philippines
KOSDAQ:A087010 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KLSE:PRKCORP Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
KLSE:PTRANS Trucking Malaysia
KLSE:PERDANA Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
JSE:PGR Investments & Asset Management South Africa
SEHK:2798 Coal & Related Energy China
SEHK:725 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SGX:40S Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
SHSE:603059 Household Products China
SEHK:3326 Apparel Hong Kong
NSEI:PERFECT Machinery India
GTSM:6543 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:521062 Entertainment India
SEHK:1830 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:002624 Entertainment China
BSE:526435 Packaging & Container India
NasdaqGS:PERI Advertising Israel
KLSE:PERMAJU Retail (Automotive) Malaysia
BSE:504132 Steel India
SET:PERM Steel Thailand
BSE:533179 Computer Services India
IDX:TLKM Telecom. Services Indonesia
KLSE:PERSTIM Metals & Mining Malaysia
KASE:PASL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
KLSE:PESONA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BVL:EXALMC1 Food Processing Peru
KLSE:PESTECH Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:PLABS Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Malaysia
SZSE:300673 Food Processing China
ASE:PEDC Education Jordan
KLSE:PENERGY Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
HOSE:PTL Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HOSE:PMG Power Vietnam
BOVESPA:PRIO3 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Brazil
SEHK:2178 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
BOVESPA:BRDT3 Retail (Automotive) Brazil
SEHK:857 Oil/Gas (Integrated) China
PSE:PERC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Philippines
ZGSE:PTKM Chemical (Diversified) Croatia
BUL:5PET Retail (Automotive) Bulgaria
LJSE:PETG Retail (Automotive) Slovenia
HOSE:PXS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
HNX:PSD Computer Services Vietnam
HOSE:PXI Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:PMS Diversified Vietnam
HNX:PDC Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
HOSE:PXT Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
HOSE:PGC Oil/Gas Distribution Vietnam
HNX:PIA Software (System & Application) Vietnam
HOSE:PGI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Vietnam
HOSE:PIT Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HOSE:PJT Oil/Gas Distribution Vietnam
HNX:PLC Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
PSE:PCOR Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Philippines
BSE:530381 Engineering/Construction India
KLSE:PETRONM Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KLSE:PCHEM Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
KLSE:PETDAG Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KLSE:PETGAS Power Malaysia
NSEI:PETRONET Oil/Gas Distribution India
TASE:PTX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
HOSE:DCM Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HNX:PVB Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
HNX:PVX Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:PVD Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Vietnam
HOSE:DPM Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HOSE:GAS Power Vietnam
HOSE:PET Diversified Vietnam
HOSE:PGD Power Vietnam
HNX:PVG Oil/Gas Distribution Vietnam
HNX:PPY Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
HNX:PBP Packaging & Container Vietnam
HOSE:POW Power Vietnam
HNX:PVL Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
HOSE:NT2 Power Vietnam
HNX:PPS Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:PSI Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
HNX:PVS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
HOSE:PVT Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
SEHK:8221 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SEHK:8231 Semiconductor Hong Kong
BSE:500680 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:531769 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:533581 Electronics (General) India
PSE:PHR Hotel/Gaming Philippines
HOSE:PPC Power Vietnam
HOSE:PLP Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
BSE:523620 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
DSE:PHARMAID Packaging & Container Bangladesh
XKON:A217950 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSDAQ:A214450 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A208340 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SZSE:300725 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
GTSM:6713 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
GTSM:4191 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
GTSM:4162 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
GTSM:6446 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
TSEC:6452 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KLSE:PHARMA Healthcare Support Services Malaysia
SZSE:300759 Heathcare Information and Technology China
HNX:PMC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
KOSE:A005690 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
TASE:PMCN Healthcare Products Israel
KOSDAQ:A318010 Food Processing South Korea
HOSE:PDR Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
SET:PL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
SHSE:600071 Electronics (General) China
TSEC:2457 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
ASE:PHIN Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Jordan
ASE:PIEC Education Jordan
ASE:PHIL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Jordan
PSE:PX Metals & Mining Philippines
KASE:PMPK Tobacco Pakistan
PSE:PBC Bank (Money Center) Philippines
PSE:PBB Banks (Regional) Philippines
PSE:PHES Real Estate (General/Diversified) Philippines
PSE:IRC Real Estate (Development) Philippines
PSE:PNB Bank (Money Center) Philippines
PSE:PRC Hotel/Gaming Philippines
PSE:RLT Real Estate (General/Diversified) Philippines
PSE:PSB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Philippines
PSE:SEVN Retail (Grocery and Food) Philippines
PSE:PTC Bank (Money Center) Philippines
BSE:506590 Chemical (Basic) India
KOSDAQ:A161580 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A057880 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
PSE:WEB Hotel/Gaming Philippines
PSE:PHN Steel Philippines
GTSM:8299 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:8066 Retail (Automotive) Hong Kong
MUSE:MBL.N0000 Beverage (Alcoholic) Mauritius
AIM:PXC Metals & Mining British Virgin Islands
DSE:PHOENIXFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
DSE:PHENIXINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
BSE:526481 Shoe India
KOSDAQ:A050090 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:2008 Broadcasting Hong Kong
MSM:PHPC Power Oman
TSEC:8028 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:5706 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
BSE:537839 Hotel/Gaming India
SET:PHOL Retail (Distributors) Thailand
HNX:PPP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
GTSM:3067 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
BSE:526588 Recreation India
HOSE:PNJ Apparel Vietnam
HOSE:PTB Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:MPT Apparel Vietnam
HOSE:PHC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
JSE:PHM Hotel/Gaming South Africa
HOSE:PHR Rubber& Tires Vietnam
HOSE:PNC Diversified Vietnam
HNX:SED Publishing & Newspapers Vietnam
BSE:524808 Chemical (Specialty) India
TSEC:4108 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
BSE:523642 Chemical (Diversified) India
SEHK:2328 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) China
BSE:530305 Food Processing India
BSE:507498 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
KASE:PIL Insurance (General) Pakistan
JSE:PIK Retail (Grocery and Food) South Africa
SET:PICO Advertising Thailand
SEHK:752 Advertising Hong Kong
BSE:532355 Entertainment India
BSE:500331 Chemical (Diversified) India
NSEL:PZV1L Food Processing Lithuania
MISX:PIKK Homebuilding Russia
BSE:500327 Furn/Home Furnishings India
NSEI:PILANIINVS Investments & Asset Management India
GTSM:8450 Entertainment Taiwan
PSE:SHLPH Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Philippines
KLSE:PEB Investments & Asset Management Malaysia
SEHK:1989 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Hong Kong
SEHK:1079 Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
KLSE:PINEAPP Computer Services Malaysia
KLSE:PINEPAC Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SEHK:804 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SZSE:000001 Bank (Money Center) China
SEHK:1833 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SEHK:2318 Insurance (Life) China
SEHK:231 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SHSE:601666 Coal & Related Energy China
NasdaqCM:PME Food Processing China
KLSE:PTARAS Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SET:PPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
KOSDAQ:A170790 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
BSE:519439 Food Processing India
KASE:PIOC Construction Supplies Pakistan
BSE:531879 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
BSE:514300 Apparel India
JSE:PFG Food Processing South Africa
SEHK:224 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
DSE:PIONEERINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
BSE:507864 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SET:PIMO Electrical Equipment Thailand
CASE:PIOH Brokerage & Investment Banking Egypt
SEHK:1865 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BSE:500302 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
COSE:GLAS.N0000 Packaging & Container Sri Lanka
BSE:513519 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:500333 Machinery India
GTSM:3227 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A087600 Semiconductor South Korea
GTSM:5248 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:8053 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A006140 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A128660 Metals & Mining South Korea
KLSE:PJBUMI Engineering/Construction Malaysia
MISX:LKOH Oil/Gas (Integrated) Russia
MISX:NKSH Rubber& Tires Russia
MISX:PHOR Chemical (Specialty) Russia
MISX:AQUA Food Processing Russia
MISX:TATN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Russia
UKR:UNAF Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Ukraine
SZSE:000788 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SET:PLANB Advertising Thailand
SET:PLANET Computer Services Thailand
AMEX:PLAG Food Processing China
GTSM:6263 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:613 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A075130 Software (Internet) South Korea
BELEX:PLNM Engineering/Construction Serbia
BOVESPA:PLAS3 Auto Parts Brazil
MISX:PLSM Machinery Russia
TASE:PLSN Machinery Israel
OTCPK:PLTY.F Chemical (Basic) Hong Kong
BSE:523648 Chemical (Specialty) India
HNX:PGN Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
MUSE:PIM.N0000 Packaging & Container Mauritius
TASE:PLCR Packaging & Container Israel
KLSE:PTB Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
GTSM:6185 Electronics (General) Taiwan
Catalist:5PI Computer Services Malaysia
SEHK:1949 Computer Services Thailand
ZGSE:PLAG Hotel/Gaming Croatia
SEHK:635 Recreation Hong Kong
SEHK:869 Recreation Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A023770 Entertainment South Korea
SNSE:MALLPLAZA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Chile
KLSE:PLB Engineering/Construction Malaysia
PSE:TEL Telecom (Wireless) Philippines
GTSM:2718 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
KLSE:PLENITU Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:6572 Healthcare Products Taiwan
TSEC:6141 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1523 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
KLSE:PLS Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A035200 Building Materials South Korea
XKON:A222670 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
NasdaqCM:PSTI Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
LSE:PLUS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
SET:PMTA Chemical (Specialty) Thailand
KLSE:PMBTECH Metals & Mining Malaysia
BSE:534060 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A073570 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A024940 Household Products South Korea
BSE:532366 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:540173 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:539150 Engineering/Construction India
SHSE:603690 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A237750 Electronics (General) South Korea
SGX:BDA Electronics (General) Singapore
KLSE:PNEPCB Electronics (General) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A131390 Electrical Equipment South Korea
XKON:A242350 Entertainment South Korea
TASE:PIU Brokerage & Investment Banking Israel
KOSDAQ:A016670 Computer Services South Korea
BSE:539195 Chemical (Basic) India
SZSE:300811 Electronics (General) China
GTSM:3537 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
BSE:523628 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:524570 Chemical (Specialty) India
ZGSE:PODR Food Processing Croatia
KLSE:POHUAT Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
KLSE:POHKONG Apparel Malaysia
GTSM:6599 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A256630 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
TTSE:PLD Shipbuilding & Marine Trinidad & Tobago
BSE:532486 Construction Supplies India
SEHK:225 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
OB:PLCS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. United Arab Emirates
SHSE:600155 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
Catalist:5BI Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
BELEX:PLTK Publishing & Newspapers Serbia
BASE:POLL Engineering/Construction Argentina
Catalist:5AE Real Estate (Development) Singapore
BSE:526687 Hotel/Gaming India
AIM:POL Coal & Related Energy South Africa
BSE:507645 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:3636 Entertainment China
SHSE:600048 Real Estate (Development) China
KLSE:POLY Building Materials Malaysia
BSE:531768 Healthcare Products India
SEHK:6049 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SEHK:119 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
NSEI:POLYCAB Electrical Equipment India
BSE:506605 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:531397 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:8532 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:514486 Apparel India
TASE:POLY Real Estate (Development) Israel
GTSM:8423 Environmental & Waste Services Cayman Islands
BSE:531454 Chemical (Basic) India
GTSM:1813 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:526043 Machinery India
SET:PTL Packaging & Container Thailand
BSE:524051 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:539354 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:208 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
TSEC:6224 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BOVESPA:FRTA3 Food Processing Brazil
HOSE:POM Steel Vietnam
BSE:532626 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:532460 Food Processing India
GTSM:8935 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
BSE:540727 Metals & Mining India
BSE:519359 Food Processing India
KOSE:A103140 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSE:A005810 Metals & Mining South Korea
BSE:531870 Engineering/Construction India
KASE:PIM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
DSE:POPULARLIF Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
SET:PPM Retail (Distributors) Thailand
BUL:P2B Shipbuilding & Marine Bulgaria
HNX:PHP Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
OTCPK:ULNV Retail (Online) China
JMSE:PJX Investments & Asset Management Saint Lucia
NGSE:PORTPAINT Chemical (Basic) Nigeria
CASE:PORT Real Estate (Development) Egypt
BOVESPA:PSSA3 Insurance (General) Brazil
SZSE:300363 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SNSE:FROWARD Shipbuilding & Marine Chile
BSE:532933 Auto Parts India
KLSE:POS Transportation Malaysia
KOSE:A005490 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A003670 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A058430 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A022100 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A047050 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A009520 Steel South Korea
SET:INOX Steel Thailand
TSEC:8114 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BOVESPA:POSI3 Computers/Peripherals Brazil
LJSE:MELR Retail (General) Slovenia
HNX:POT Telecom. Equipment Vietnam
HOSE:PTC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:PTI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Vietnam
SEHK:1658 Bank (Money Center) China
SHSE:603603 Environmental & Waste Services China
TSEC:9904 Shoe Taiwan
SEHK:3813 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
BVMT:PGH Diversified Tunisia
SEHK:6 Power Hong Kong
KASE:POWER Construction Supplies Pakistan
SHSE:601669 Engineering/Construction China
HOSE:PC1 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:TV2 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:TV3 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:TV4 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
NSEI:PFC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:397 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
XKON:A266870 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
DSE:POWERGRID Power Bangladesh
BSE:532898 Power India
SET:PLE Engineering/Construction Thailand
BSE:539302 Engineering/Construction India
KLSE:PWROOT Beverage (Soft) Malaysia
SET:PSTC Oil/Gas Distribution Thailand
TSEC:8462 Recreation Taiwan
NasdaqCM:PBTS Software (System & Application) China
TSEC:3043 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
NSEI:POWERFUL Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
SEHK:8236 Computers/Peripherals China
KOSDAQ:A047310 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:1238 Real Estate (Development) China
SGX:BCY Telecom. Equipment Singapore
KOSDAQ:A037030 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSEC:3296 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:6239 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:6498 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:6167 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:5904 Retail (General) Taiwan
LJSE:POSR Reinsurance Slovenia
SET:PPPM Farming/Agriculture Thailand
BSE:532934 Auto Parts India
KLSE:PPB Food Processing Malaysia
JSE:PPC Construction Supplies South Africa
KOSDAQ:A062970 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SEHK:8201 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
NSEI:PRABHAT Food Processing India
BSE:540027 Computers/Peripherals India
BSE:513532 Steel India
BSE:500192 Apparel India
DSE:PRAGATIINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
DSE:PRAGATILIF Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
BSE:522205 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:531746 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:506022 Steel India
NSEI:PPL Building Materials India
BSE:531437 Apparel India
SET:PRAKIT Advertising Thailand
BSE:531172 Apparel India
SET:PDJ Apparel Thailand
SET:PR9 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
TASE:PRSK Real Estate (Development) Israel
BSE:540724 Food Processing India
BSE:526490 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:531257 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:540901 Retail (Building Supply) India
SET:PREB Engineering/Construction Thailand
SEHK:1861 Chemical (Specialty) China
SET:PSL Shipbuilding & Marine Thailand
BSE:539636 Auto Parts India
BSE:523874 Packaging & Container India
BSE:517258 Telecom. Equipment India
SEHK:1651 Machinery China
BSE:523539 Electrical Equipment India
NSEI:PRECOT Apparel India
BELEX:PPVA Engineering/Construction Serbia
SET:PRECHA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Thailand
BSE:530331 Apparel India
AIM:PREM Metals & Mining British Virgin Islands
ASE:ACDT Investments & Asset Management Jordan
DSE:PREMIERCEM Construction Supplies Bangladesh
SET:PE Trucking Thailand
BSE:526247 Chemical (Basic) India
JSE:PFB Food Processing South Africa
BUL:4PR R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
KASE:PINL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
DSE:PREMIERLEA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
BSE:500540 Machinery India
SET:PM Food Wholesalers Thailand
BSE:514354 Furn/Home Furnishings India
SET:PPP Building Materials Thailand
BSE:509835 Apparel India
SET:PT Computer Services Thailand
PSE:PHA Real Estate (Development) Philippines
PSE:PLC Hotel/Gaming Philippines
BSE:531802 Real Estate (Development) India
NGSE:PRESCO Farming/Agriculture Nigeria
SET:PB Food Processing Thailand
TSEC:2912 Retail (Grocery and Food) Taiwan
TSEC:2855 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
MAL:PCL Diversified Malawi
KLSE:PMETAL Metals & Mining Malaysia
BSE:509077 Advertising India
KLSE:PRESTAR Steel Malaysia
KLSE:PRESBHD Education Malaysia
NGSE:PRESTIGE Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
BSE:533274 Real Estate (Development) India
TTSE:PHL Restaurant/Dining Trinidad & Tobago
KLSE:PRG Apparel Malaysia
KLSE:PWORTH Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
BSE:540293 Auto Parts India
BSE:519262 Food Processing India
BSE:531246 Food Processing India
SET:PRM Oil/Gas Distribution Thailand
BSE:530589 Furn/Home Furnishings India
TSEC:4915 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
OTCPK:PACQ.F Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
DSE:PRIMEBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
BSE:540404 Business & Consumer Services India
TSEC:6152 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
DSE:PRIMEFIN Brokerage & Investment Banking Bangladesh
COSE:GSF.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
BSE:532748 Entertainment India
OTCPK:PGCG Real Estate (Operations & Services) Malaysia
CASE:PRMH Brokerage & Investment Banking Egypt
BSE:519299 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
DSE:PRIMEINSUR Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SEHK:8379 Computer Services Hong Kong
DSE:PRIMELIFE Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
PSE:PRIM Banks (Regional) Philippines
SET:POPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
TSEC:2904 Oil/Gas Distribution Taiwan
BSE:530695 Real Estate (Development) India
SET:PRIME Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
BSE:500337 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
DSE:PRIMETEX Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:521149 Real Estate (Development) India
SGX:OXMU R.E.I.T. Singapore
TSXV:PEH Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
JSE:PMV Business & Consumer Services South Africa
SHSE:688118 Software (System & Application) China
PSE:PRMX Real Estate (Development) Philippines
Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bermuda
BSE:513291 Steel India
TSEC:2511 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
NSEI:PRINCEPIPE Building Materials India
GTSM:6129 Semiconductor Taiwan
SET:PRINC Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:PRIN Real Estate (Development) Thailand
COSE:CARE.N0000 Publishing & Newspapers Sri Lanka
SEHK:1809 Rubber& Tires Hong Kong
TASE:PRTC Electronics (General) Israel
BSE:531735 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:500338 Construction Supplies India
BSE:512217 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:531688 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:539359 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:532387 Entertainment India
KLSE:PRIVA Computer Services Malaysia
KWSE:KPPC Diversified Kuwait
ZGSE:PBZ Bank (Money Center) Croatia
BSE:524580 Computer Services India
BSE:511557 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:8083 Machinery Taiwan
CCSE:PGR Food Processing Venezuela
BSE:512105 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:526009 Office Equipment & Services India
BSE:500126 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:500459 Household Products India
SGX:BVQ Computer Services Singapore
SET:PDG Packaging & Container Thailand
CCSE:EFE Food Processing Venezuela
BOVESPA:PFRM3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
GTSM:6270 Computer Services Taiwan
SZSE:300640 Furn/Home Furnishings China
Catalist:583 Engineering/Construction Singapore
KLSE:PICORP Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
DSE:PROGRESLIF Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
SEHK:1581 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:531265 Food Processing India
SET:PPS Engineering/Construction Thailand
KLSE:PRLEXUS Apparel Malaysia
NSEI:PROLIFE Chemical (Specialty) India
GTSM:6233 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:5277 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:5450 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:526494 Farming/Agriculture India
GTSM:3429 Computer Services Taiwan
TSEC:6189 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:6577 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BVC:PROMIGAS Power Colombia
TSEC:3057 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
MUSE:PAD.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Mauritius
BMV:PASA B Environmental & Waste Services Mexico
BMV:PINFRA * Transportation Mexico
TASE:PTBL Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
COSE:PDL.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
SET:PF Real Estate (Development) Thailand
ZMSE:PROL Building Materials Zimbabwe
SGX:OYY Real Estate (Operations & Services) Singapore
BSE:590057 Drugs (Biotechnology) India
SEHK:6816 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:1470 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
GTSM:6173 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:803 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:310 Diversified Hong Kong
SEHK:808 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
KASE:PRWM Apparel Pakistan
SEHK:1259 Household Products China
SEHK:1731 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:8385 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A203690 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
AMEX:PLX Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
KLSE:PRTASCO Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A053610 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
XKON:A303360 Healthcare Products South Korea
CCSE:PTN Food Processing Venezuela
SET:PROUD Engineering/Construction Thailand
DSE:PROVATIINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
JMSE:PROVEN Investments & Asset Management Jamaica
BSE:540703 Business & Consumer Services India
GTSM:6590 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
SHSE:603605 Household Products China
BSE:534675 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
SET:PSH Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BSSE:1PRV001E Chemical (Basic) Slovakia
PSE:PPC Oil/Gas Distribution Philippines
KOSDAQ:A002230 Electronics (General) South Korea
JSE:PSG Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
JSE:KST Investments & Asset Management South Africa
KOSDAQ:A031980 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A319660 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SGX:BLL Engineering/Construction Singapore
BSE:526801 Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A024850 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:540544 Engineering/Construction India
JSE:PSV Machinery South Africa
IDX:PANS Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:ABMM Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:ACES Retail (Building Supply) Indonesia
IDX:ACST Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:ADRO Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:ADHI Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:ASSA Trucking Indonesia
IDX:ADMF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:APLN Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:ADES Beverage (Soft) Indonesia
IDX:AKRA Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:GAMA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:ALKA Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:ASRI Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:FIRE Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:ALDO Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:ALMI Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:ATIC Computer Services Indonesia
IDX:OKAS Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:AGII Chemical (Specialty) Indonesia
IDX:ANTM Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:AKKU Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:APEX Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Indonesia
IDX:AKPI Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:APII Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:DIGI Software (Entertainment) Indonesia
IDX:ARKA Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:JAYA Transportation Indonesia
IDX:ARTA Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:ARNA Building Materials Indonesia
IDX:AMFG Building Materials Indonesia
IDX:POLY Apparel Indonesia
IDX:AGAR Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:APLI Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:AALI Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:ASGR Office Equipment & Services Indonesia
IDX:ASII Auto & Truck Indonesia
IDX:AUTO Auto Parts Indonesia
IDX:BIPI Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Indonesia
IDX:ASBI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Indonesia
IDX:ASDM Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Indonesia
IDX:AHAP Insurance (General) Indonesia
IDX:ASJT Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Indonesia
IDX:LIFE Insurance (Life) Indonesia
IDX:JMAS Insurance (Life) Indonesia
IDX:ASMI Insurance (General) Indonesia
IDX:ASRM Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Indonesia
IDX:TUGU Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Indonesia
IDX:AMIN Machinery Indonesia
IDX:ARII Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:ANJT Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:NASA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:UNSP Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:BOLA Entertainment Indonesia
IDX:BALI Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:INPC Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:ARTO Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BRIS Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BTPN Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BBKP Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BACA Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BBCA Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:MCOR Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BBHI Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:AGRS Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BINA Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BMRI Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BMAS Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:MEGA Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BBMD Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BABP Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:NOBU Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:NISP Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:DNAR Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:PNBS Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BJBR Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BJTM Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:BKSW Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BBRI Bank (Money Center) Indonesia
IDX:AGRO Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BSIM Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BBTN Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BTPS Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BVIC Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:SDRA Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BBYB Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BSSR Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:BRPT Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:BPFI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:BPTR Trucking Indonesia
IDX:BYAN Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:BAYU Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:BAPA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:BEST Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:RMBA Tobacco Indonesia
IDX:BLUE Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:BLTA Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:BRNA Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:BTON Steel Indonesia
IDX:BFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:BAPI Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:BIPP Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:PAMG Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:BIKA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:BMSR Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:BOGA Retail (Automotive) Indonesia
IDX:BISI Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:POSA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:BIRD Trucking Indonesia
IDX:STAR Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:BULL Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:BUDI Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:BUKK Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:PTBA Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:BKDP Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:BUVA Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:BCIP Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:BRMS Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:BUMI Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:BSDE Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:BTEK Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:HOKI Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:CAKK Building Materials Indonesia
IDX:CSIS Office Equipment & Services Indonesia
IDX:CAMP Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:CASA Insurance (Life) Indonesia
IDX:CANI Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:CPRI Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:CASS Air Transport Indonesia
IDX:CSAP Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:DKFT Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:CPRO Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:CENT Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:IGAR Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:NICK Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:CPIN Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:CINT Furn/Home Furnishings Indonesia
IDX:POWR Power Indonesia
IDX:CTRA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:CITA Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:CTTH Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:CMNP Transportation Indonesia
IDX:CLAY Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:NIRO Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:CLPI Chemical (Specialty) Indonesia
IDX:CCSI Telecom. Equipment Indonesia
IDX:KPAS Household Products Indonesia
IDX:COWL Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:DFAM Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:TEBE Trucking Indonesia
IDX:DEFI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:DEWA Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:KAYU Paper/Forest Products Indonesia
IDX:DVLA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Indonesia
IDX:DLTA Beverage (Alcoholic) Indonesia
IDX:DOID Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:PDES Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:DEAL Transportation Indonesia
IDX:DSFI Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:DSNG Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:DSSA Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:DMMX Software (System & Application) Indonesia
IDX:DIVA Software (System & Application) Indonesia
IDX:KOTA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:DPUM Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:DART Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:DAYA Retail (Special Lines) Indonesia
IDX:DPNS Chemical (Specialty) Indonesia
IDX:DUTI Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:DWGL Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:DYAN Advertising Indonesia
IDX:BWPT Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:EAST Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:LRNA Trucking Indonesia
IDX:EKAD Office Equipment & Services Indonesia
IDX:EMTK Broadcasting Indonesia
IDX:ECII Retail (Special Lines) Indonesia
IDX:ELSA Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Indonesia
IDX:MDKI Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:ENRG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Indonesia
IDX:EPMT Healthcare Support Services Indonesia
IDX:ENVY Computer Services Indonesia
IDX:ERAA Computer Services Indonesia
IDX:ERTX Apparel Indonesia
IDX:BEEF Food Wholesalers Indonesia
IDX:ETWA Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Indonesia
IDX:ESTI Apparel Indonesia
IDX:CNKO Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:TAXI Trucking Indonesia
IDX:FAST Restaurant/Dining Indonesia
IDX:KBLV Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:FISH Food Wholesalers Indonesia
IDX:FORU Advertising Indonesia
IDX:FMII Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:FORZ Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:FUJI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:GLVA Computers/Peripherals Indonesia
IDX:GTBO Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:GMFI Aerospace/Defense Indonesia
IDX:BOLT Machinery Indonesia
IDX:GOOD Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:SLIS Auto & Truck Indonesia
IDX:GEMA Furn/Home Furnishings Indonesia
IDX:GHON Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:WOWS Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Indonesia
IDX:GLOB Retail (Special Lines) Indonesia
IDX:SMMT Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:POLU Apparel Indonesia
IDX:GMTD Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:GZCO Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:JGLE Recreation Indonesia
IDX:KRAH Machinery Indonesia
IDX:GWSA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:GGRM Tobacco Indonesia
IDX:TRUK Trucking Indonesia
IDX:GDST Steel Indonesia
IDX:GGRP Steel Indonesia
IDX:HMSP Tobacco Indonesia
IDX:HRTA Apparel Indonesia
IDX:HDIT Software (System & Application) Indonesia
IDX:HERO Retail (Grocery and Food) Indonesia
IDX:HEXA Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:HADE Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:HKMU Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:FITT Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:HOME Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:SHID Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:HITS Oil/Gas Distribution Indonesia
IDX:KARW Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:IMPC Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:INKP Paper/Forest Products Indonesia
IDX:INAI Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:SRSN Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:PTIS Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:ITMG Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:INTP Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:INAF Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Indonesia
IDX:ICBP Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:INDF Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:IMJS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:IMAS Retail (Automotive) Indonesia
IDX:IPCC Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:IDPR Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:IATA Transportation Indonesia
IDX:INPP Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:ITIC Tobacco Indonesia
IDX:IPOL Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:DNET Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:ISAT Telecom (Wireless) Indonesia
IDX:INDS Auto Parts Indonesia
IDX:CARS Retail (Automotive) Indonesia
IDX:SIDO Household Products Indonesia
IDX:INOV Apparel Indonesia
IDX:IBFN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:INCI Chemical (Specialty) Indonesia
IDX:WOOD Furn/Home Furnishings Indonesia
IDX:INTD Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:MDIA Broadcasting Indonesia
SEHK:372 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
IDX:IKAI Building Materials Indonesia
IDX:DILD Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:INTA Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:ICON Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:IRRA Healthcare Support Services Indonesia
IDX:PSAB Precious Metals Indonesia
IDX:JIHD Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:JSPT Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:JPFA Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:IPCM Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:JSMR Transportation Indonesia
IDX:JTPE Publishing & Newspapers Indonesia
IDX:JAWA Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:DUCK Restaurant/Dining Indonesia
IDX:JKON Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:JRPT Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:RISE Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:HELI Air Transport Indonesia
IDX:JECC Electrical Equipment Indonesia
IDX:KBLM Electrical Equipment Indonesia
IDX:KLBF Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Indonesia
IDX:ZINC Steel Indonesia
IDX:KICI Household Products Indonesia
IDX:KDSI Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:KEEN Green & Renewable Energy Indonesia
IDX:KIAS Building Materials Indonesia
IDX:KAEF Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Indonesia
IDX:KINO Household Products Indonesia
IDX:KIOS Software (System & Application) Indonesia
IDX:KMTR Rubber& Tires Indonesia
IDX:KBLI Electrical Equipment Indonesia
IDX:KOBX Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:KOIN Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:SATU Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:KRAS Steel Indonesia
IDX:KREN Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:KJEN Transportation Indonesia
IDX:LMPI Household Products Indonesia
IDX:LTLS Chemical (Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:LCKM Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:LAPD Power Indonesia
IDX:LMAS Software (System & Application) Indonesia
IDX:LINK Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:LION Office Equipment & Services Indonesia
IDX:LMSH Steel Indonesia
IDX:LPCK Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:LPKR Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:LPPS Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:LEAD Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Indonesia
IDX:FPNI Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:MCAS Information Services Indonesia
IDX:MOLI Chemical (Specialty) Indonesia
IDX:MGNA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:MPRO Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:ABBA Publishing & Newspapers Indonesia
IDX:MARI Broadcasting Indonesia
IDX:MGRO Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:AKSI Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:MTWI Insurance (General) Indonesia
IDX:MAIN Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:MFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:MAPA Retail (Special Lines) Indonesia
IDX:MABA Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:MARK Machinery Indonesia
IDX:MBTO Household Products Indonesia
IDX:MAMI Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:MREI Reinsurance Indonesia
IDX:MPPA Retail (General) Indonesia
IDX:MYOR Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:FILM Entertainment Indonesia
IDX:MEDC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Indonesia
IDX:HEAL Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Indonesia
IDX:MMLP Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:ZONE Retail (Special Lines) Indonesia
IDX:EMDE Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:MPOW Power Indonesia
IDX:HRME Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:MERK Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Indonesia
IDX:MDKA Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:MTPS Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:MTSM Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:MTLA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:MIDI Retail (Grocery and Food) Indonesia
IDX:SDPC Healthcare Support Services Indonesia
IDX:PADI Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:KOPI Oil/Gas Distribution Indonesia
IDX:MIRA Trucking Indonesia
IDX:MIKA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Indonesia
IDX:MKNT Computer Services Indonesia
IDX:MTRA Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:MPMX Retail (Automotive) Indonesia
IDX:MBSS Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:MBAP Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:BHIT Broadcasting Indonesia
IDX:BCAP Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:KPIG Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:MSKY Cable TV Indonesia
IDX:IPTV Cable TV Indonesia
IDX:MDRN Healthcare Support Services Indonesia
IDX:MDLN Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:KEJU Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:MLIA Building Materials Indonesia
IDX:MAGP Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:MLBI Beverage (Alcoholic) Indonesia
IDX:MICE Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:LPIN Auto Parts Indonesia
IDX:MFMI Business & Consumer Services Indonesia
IDX:MLPT Computer Services Indonesia
IDX:MASA Rubber& Tires Indonesia
IDX:MRAT Household Products Indonesia
IDX:CITY Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:NFCX Retail (Online) Indonesia
IDX:ROTI Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:SKYB Computers/Peripherals Indonesia
IDX:DGIK Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:NRCA Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:NZIA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:META Transportation Indonesia
IDX:NATO Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:OCAP Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:OPMS Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:TKIM Paper/Forest Products Indonesia
IDX:APIC Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:PWON Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:PSGO Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:PBRX Apparel Indonesia
IDX:PBID Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:PEGE Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:PNLF Insurance (Life) Indonesia
IDX:PNIN Insurance (Life) Indonesia
IDX:PANR Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:PBSA Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:PICO Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:NIKL Steel Indonesia
IDX:BBRM Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:NELY Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:TAMU Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Indonesia
IDX:PSSI Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:PGLI Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:PJAA Recreation Indonesia
IDX:PPRO Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:KONI Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:GPRA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Indonesia
IDX:PKPK Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Indonesia
IDX:PGAS Power Indonesia
IDX:LSIP Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:PTRO Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:PEHA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Indonesia
IDX:RODA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:PLIN Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:POLI Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:POLL Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:POLA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:PTPP Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:PPRE Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:PSDN Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:PANI Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:PCAR Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:BIMA Shoe Indonesia
IDX:PRDA Healthcare Support Services Indonesia
IDX:OASA Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:PALM Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:PUDP Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:DMAS Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:PYFA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Indonesia
IDX:HDFA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:RUIS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Indonesia
IDX:RALS Retail (General) Indonesia
IDX:PSKT Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:RELI Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:KKGI Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:RICY Apparel Indonesia
IDX:RIGS Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:RBMS Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:RDTX Real Estate (Operations & Services) Indonesia
IDX:PRIM Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Indonesia
IDX:RAJA Oil/Gas Distribution Indonesia
IDX:SIMP Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:MYOH Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:SGRO Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:SMDR Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:MINA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:SAME Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Indonesia
IDX:TOWR Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:BAJA Steel Indonesia
IDX:SRTG Investments & Asset Management Indonesia
IDX:CLEO Beverage (Soft) Indonesia
IDX:PZZA Restaurant/Dining Indonesia
IDX:PTSN Electronics (General) Indonesia
IDX:SOTS Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:SMKL Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:SSMS Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:SRAJ Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Indonesia
IDX:SKBM Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:SKLT Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:SMSM Auto Parts Indonesia
IDX:SMBR Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:SMGR Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:FOOD Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:LUCK Computers/Peripherals Indonesia
IDX:BATA Shoe Indonesia
IDX:SOSS Business & Consumer Services Indonesia
IDX:STTP Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:SDMU Trucking Indonesia
IDX:SIPD Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:SHIP Oil/Gas Distribution Indonesia
IDX:SILO Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Indonesia
IDX:SMAR Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:SMMA Insurance (General) Indonesia
IDX:ESIP Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:NUSA Hotel/Gaming Indonesia
IDX:TARA Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:SIMA Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:JSKY Semiconductor Indonesia
IDX:SULI Paper/Forest Products Indonesia
IDX:FREN Telecom (Wireless) Indonesia
IDX:SMRU Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:SOCI Oil/Gas Distribution Indonesia
IDX:SMCB Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:SUPR Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:SONA Retail (Special Lines) Indonesia
IDX:SRIL Apparel Indonesia
IDX:SWAT Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:LPLI Publishing & Newspapers Indonesia
IDX:SAFE Trucking Indonesia
IDX:ISSP Steel Indonesia
IDX:AMRT Retail (Grocery and Food) Indonesia
IDX:ITMA Business & Consumer Services Indonesia
IDX:IKBI Electrical Equipment Indonesia
IDX:SMRA Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:SSTM Apparel Indonesia
IDX:SPMA Paper/Forest Products Indonesia
IDX:SURE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Indonesia
IDX:SKRN Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:RANC Retail (Grocery and Food) Indonesia
IDX:SCCO Electrical Equipment Indonesia
IDX:SCMA Broadcasting Indonesia
IDX:ESSA Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Indonesia
IDX:SFAN Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:SPTO Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:SSIA Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:TOTO Building Materials Indonesia
IDX:SMDM Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:TFAS Software (System & Application) Indonesia
IDX:TMAS Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:TBMS Electrical Equipment Indonesia
IDX:TMPO Publishing & Newspapers Indonesia
IDX:TSPC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Indonesia
IDX:TIFA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:TFCO Apparel Indonesia
IDX:TGKA Food Wholesalers Indonesia
IDX:TINS Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:TELE Retail (Special Lines) Indonesia
IDX:TIRA Retail (Distributors) Indonesia
IDX:TIRT Paper/Forest Products Indonesia
IDX:TOBA Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:INRU Paper/Forest Products Indonesia
IDX:TOTL Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:TOPS Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:TBIG Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:TRAM Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:TPMA Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:TCPI Shipbuilding & Marine Indonesia
IDX:ALTO Beverage (Soft) Indonesia
IDX:TRST Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:TDPM Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:TRIM Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:LAND Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:TNCA Transportation Indonesia
IDX:PURE Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:TRIS Apparel Indonesia
IDX:BELL Apparel Indonesia
IDX:TALF Packaging & Container Indonesia
IDX:TBLA Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:TURI Retail (Automotive) Indonesia
IDX:ULTJ Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:UNIC Chemical (Specialty) Indonesia
IDX:UCID Household Products Indonesia
IDX:UNVR Household Products Indonesia
IDX:UNTR Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:URBN Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:INCO Metals & Mining Indonesia
IDX:VINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Indonesia
IDX:VICO Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:VIVA Broadcasting Indonesia
IDX:GOLD Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:VOKS Electrical Equipment Indonesia
IDX:COCO Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:WOMF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:WAPO Food Wholesalers Indonesia
IDX:WSBP Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:WSKT Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:WEHA Trucking Indonesia
IDX:WICO Food Wholesalers Indonesia
IDX:WIKA Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:WEGE Engineering/Construction Indonesia
IDX:WTON Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:CEKA Food Processing Indonesia
IDX:SQMI Precious Metals Indonesia
IDX:WINS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Indonesia
IDX:WIIM Tobacco Indonesia
IDX:EXCL Telecom (Wireless) Indonesia
IDX:YELO Retail (Special Lines) Indonesia
IDX:YULE Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:ANDI Farming/Agriculture Indonesia
IDX:BEKS Banks (Regional) Indonesia
IDX:BOSS Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:TPIA Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:CFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:GJTL Rubber& Tires Indonesia
IDX:GIAA Air Transport Indonesia
IDX:BMTR Broadcasting Indonesia
IDX:HRUM Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:INPS Transportation Indonesia
IDX:INDY Coal & Related Energy Indonesia
IDX:BRAM Rubber& Tires Indonesia
IDX:INDR Apparel Indonesia
IDX:JAST Telecom. Services Indonesia
IDX:TCID Household Products Indonesia
IDX:MAPB Restaurant/Dining Indonesia
IDX:MNCN Broadcasting Indonesia
IDX:MAPI Retail (General) Indonesia
IDX:MSIN Entertainment Indonesia
IDX:ADMG Chemical (Basic) Indonesia
IDX:POOL Brokerage & Investment Banking Indonesia
IDX:PRAS Auto Parts Indonesia
IDX:HOTL Real Estate (Development) Indonesia
IDX:KPAL Construction Supplies Indonesia
IDX:TGRA Green & Renewable Energy Indonesia
IDX:TRUS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
IDX:VRNA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Indonesia
BSE:533344 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532524 Power India
BSE:539006 Steel India
PSE:TFC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
SET:PTG Retail (Automotive) Thailand
BSE:509220 Business & Consumer Services India
SET:PTTEP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Thailand
SET:PTTGC Chemical (Basic) Thailand
SET:PTT Oil/Gas (Integrated) Thailand
DSE:PUBALIBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
SZSE:002663 Business & Consumer Services China
KLSE:PBBANK Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
UKR:BPVD Bank (Money Center) Ukraine
SEHK:626 Banks (Regional) Hong Kong
NSEL:INR1L Real Estate (Operations & Services) Lithuania
MISX:RUSP Steel Russia
MISX:AMEZ Steel Russia
MISX:CHEP Steel Russia
MISX:PRFN Steel Russia
MISX:GCHE Food Processing Russia
MISX:GRNT Diversified Russia
MISX:OPIN Real Estate (Development) Russia
MISX:KBTK Coal & Related Energy Russia
MISX:RLMN Chemical (Specialty) Russia
MISX:SFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Russia
MISX:SLEN Power Russia
MISX:KBSB Power Russia
MISX:ABRD Beverage (Alcoholic) Russia
MISX:AKRN Chemical (Specialty) Russia
MISX:AFLT Air Transport Russia
MISX:ALRS Precious Metals Russia
MISX:ALNU Precious Metals Russia
MISX:USBN Bank (Money Center) Russia
MISX:ALBK Brokerage & Investment Banking Russia
MISX:BRZL Precious Metals Russia
MISX:DSKY Retail (Special Lines) Russia
UKR:DOEN Power Ukraine
MISX:DVEC Power Russia
MISX:FTRE Investments & Asset Management Russia
MISX:GAZA Auto & Truck Russia
MISX:GAZP Oil/Gas (Integrated) Russia
MISX:RTGZ Power Russia
MISX:SIBN Oil/Gas (Integrated) Russia
MISX:GTRK Trucking Russia
MISX:TNSE Power Russia
MISX:HALS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Russia
MISX:IRAO Power Russia
MISX:MRKS Power Russia
MISX:KCHE Power Russia
MISX:KTSB Power Russia
MISX:KMEZ Machinery Russia
MISX:KRSB Power Russia
MISX:KAZT Chemical (Diversified) Russia
MISX:MVID Retail (Special Lines) Russia
MISX:MAGE Power Russia
MISX:MGNT Retail (Grocery and Food) Russia
MISX:MAGN Steel Russia
MISX:MOBB Bank (Money Center) Russia
MISX:MGTS Telecom. Services Russia
MISX:MSNG Power Russia
MISX:MSTT Engineering/Construction Russia
MISX:MSST Business & Consumer Services Russia
MISX:NSVZ Telecom. Services Russia
MISX:NKNC Chemical (Basic) Russia
MISX:NMTP Shipbuilding & Marine Russia
MISX:NKHP Shipbuilding & Marine Russia
MISX:NAUK Aerospace/Defense Russia
MISX:PAZA Construction Supplies Russia
MISX:PMSB Power Russia
MISX:PLZL Precious Metals Russia
MISX:TGKD Power Russia
MISX:RASP Steel Russia
MISX:RBCM Broadcasting Russia
MISX:UWGN Construction Supplies Russia
MISX:CHGZ Business & Consumer Services Russia
MISX:ROSB Bank (Money Center) Russia
MISX:ROST Restaurant/Dining Russia
MISX:RTKM Telecom. Services Russia
MISX:ROLO Metals & Mining Russia
MISX:RNFT Oil/Gas (Integrated) Russia
MISX:KRKN Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Russia
MISX:SARE Power Russia
MISX:JNOS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Russia
MISX:TASB Power Russia
MISX:TGKA Power Russia
MISX:TGKN Power Russia
MISX:YRSB Power Russia
MISX:UNAC Aerospace/Defense Russia
MISX:UCSS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Russia
MISX:VJGZ Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Russia
MISX:VLHZ Chemical (Basic) Russia
MISX:VDSB Power Russia
MISX:YAKG Oil/Gas (Integrated) Russia
MISX:YKEN Power Russia
MISX:ZVEZ Construction Supplies Russia
MISX:BANE Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Russia
MISX:PRMB Bank (Money Center) Russia
MISX:LIFE Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Russia
MISX:OGKB Power Russia
MISX:VRSB Power Russia
MISX:ACKO Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Russia
MISX:ENRU Power Russia
MISX:FEES Power Russia
MISX:HYDR Power Russia
MISX:MRKZ Power Russia
MISX:MRKV Power Russia
MISX:RUSI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Russia
MISX:LSNG Power Russia
MISX:ODVA Broadcasting Russia
MISX:MOEX Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Russia
MISX:MSRS Power Russia
MISX:OBUV Shoe Russia
MISX:APTK Retail (Special Lines) Russia
MISX:PRTK Healthcare Support Services Russia
MISX:RUGR Food Processing Russia
MISX:SELG Precious Metals Russia
MISX:TGKB Power Russia
MISX:ZILL Auto & Truck Russia
MISX:MISB Power Russia
MISX:NNSB Power Russia
MISX:RTSB Power Russia
MISX:UPRO Power Russia
MISX:UTAR Air Transport Russia
MISX:VSYD Construction Supplies Russia
MISX:SAGO Power Russia
MISX:SZPR Shipbuilding & Marine Russia
KLSE:PPHB Packaging & Container Malaysia
MISX:VSMO Metals & Mining Russia
KLSE:PUC Advertising Malaysia
BSE:539785 Paper/Forest Products India
SNSE:VENTANAS Shipbuilding & Marine Chile
NasdaqCM:PHCF Investments & Asset Management China
SEHK:2060 Machinery China
SHSE:603566 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KOSE:A017810 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A094940 Electronics (General) South Korea
JMSE:PULS Entertainment Jamaica
NSEI:PULZ Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
KOSDAQ:A251970 Packaging & Container South Korea
KLSE:PUNCAK Utility (Water) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A023900 Beverage (Alcoholic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A093380 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:532693 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:533295 Bank (Money Center) India
BSE:506852 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:506618 Chemical (Diversified) India
BSE:500346 Telecom. Equipment India
BSE:532461 Bank (Money Center) India
KASE:POML Food Processing Pakistan
DSE:PURABIGEN Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SEHK:1498 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
BSE:532891 Real Estate (Development) India
PSE:PGOLD Retail (General) Philippines
KOSDAQ:A007330 Banks (Regional) South Korea
BSE:538993 Engineering/Construction India
JSE:PPE Investments & Asset Management South Africa
KOSE:A005030 Auto Parts South Korea
BELEX:PUUE Engineering/Construction Serbia
SEHK:1720 Telecom. Equipment China
JSE:PPR Real Estate (Operations & Services) South Africa
SEHK:90 Power China
SZSE:300481 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002225 Chemical (Basic) China
HNX:PV2 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
HNX:PVI Insurance (General) Vietnam
NSEI:PVR Entertainment India
BSE:536659 Engineering/Construction India
SEHK:1358 Healthcare Products China
KLSE:PWF Food Processing Malaysia
PSE:PXP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Philippines
KOSDAQ:A043370 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:498 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SET:PYLON Engineering/Construction Thailand
HOSE:PME Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
CASE:PHTV Hotel/Gaming Egypt
KOSE:A010770 Rubber& Tires South Korea
KOSE:A090080 Auto Parts South Korea
GHSE:PZC Household Products Ghana
NGSE:PZ Household Products Nigeria
SGX:QC7 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
KOSDAQ:A016600 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
SEHK:1478 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SGX:Q01 Food Processing Singapore
CASE:CCAP Investments & Asset Management Egypt
SASE:3040 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
DSM:QAMC Metals & Mining Qatar
DSM:QCFS Entertainment Qatar
DSM:QEWS Utility (General) Qatar
DSM:QFBQ Banks (Regional) Qatar
DSM:QFLS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Qatar
DSM:QGTS Oil/Gas Distribution Qatar
DSM:QGRI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Qatar
DSM:QIMD Diversified Qatar
DSM:QATI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Qatar
DSM:QIIK Bank (Money Center) Qatar
DSM:QIBK Bank (Money Center) Qatar
DSM:QISI Insurance (General) Qatar
DSM:QNBK Bank (Money Center) Qatar
DSM:QNCD Construction Supplies Qatar
DSM:QNNS Shipbuilding & Marine Qatar
DSM:QOIS Investments & Asset Management Qatar
DSM:QGMD Healthcare Products Qatar
DSM:QIGD Construction Supplies Qatar
SEHK:1739 Business & Consumer Services China
KLSE:QES Electronics (General) Malaysia
BSE:538646 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SGX:BCV Recreation Singapore
SHSE:600283 Utility (Water) China
SEHK:911 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SHSE:603027 Food Processing China
SZSE:002365 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603557 Shoe China
SZSE:002521 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603677 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:1576 Transportation China
SZSE:002232 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:000837 Machinery China
SHSE:600229 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:603798 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000599 Rubber& Tires China
SZSE:002545 Steel China
SZSE:300183 Telecom. Equipment China
OTCPK:QING Retail (Special Lines) China
SZSE:002768 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300786 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:688139 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002498 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603187 Machinery China
SEHK:499 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SZSE:300779 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:603577 Steel China
SZSE:002094 Household Products China
SEHK:6198 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SHSE:603755 Food Processing China
SZSE:002958 Banks (Regional) China
SZSE:300001 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300569 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603421 Semiconductor China
SHSE:603739 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:002871 Machinery China
SZSE:300208 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002646 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:600714 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:000792 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600381 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600243 Machinery China
SEHK:1122 Auto & Truck China
SEHK:3369 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:1583 Food Processing China
TSEC:2352 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
OTCPK:QKLS Retail (Grocery and Food) China
KLSE:QL Food Processing Malaysia
XKON:A136660 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
CASE:QNBA Bank (Money Center) Egypt
SEHK:243 Semiconductor Hong Kong
GTSM:8349 Machinery Taiwan
Catalist:5I0 Healthcare Products Singapore
SET:QTC Electrical Equipment Thailand
SZSE:300359 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:603818 Furn/Home Furnishings China
BSE:511116 Telecom. Services India
SZSE:300767 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:1348 Recreation Hong Kong
BOVESPA:QUAL3 Healthcare Support Services Brazil
TSEC:4722 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
OTCPK:QLIS Retail (Special Lines) China
BMV:Q * Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Mexico
TASE:QLTU Semiconductor Equip Israel
SET:QLT Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
MUSE:QBL.I0000 Beverage (Soft) Mauritius
KLSE:QUALITY Construction Supplies Malaysia
SET:Q-CON Construction Supplies Thailand
SET:QHHR R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:QHPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:QH Real Estate (Development) Thailand
HOSE:QBS Chemical (Diversified) Vietnam
HNX:QNC Construction Supplies Vietnam
TSEC:4438 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:2382 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:6188 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:538596 Real Estate (Development) India
JSE:QFH Food Processing South Africa
SZSE:300149 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
KOSDAQ:A066310 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:8050 Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
SEHK:1577 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
BSE:538452 Retail (Distributors) India
DSE:QUASEMIND Electrical Equipment Bangladesh
GTSM:4563 Machinery Taiwan
PLSE:QUDS Banks (Regional) Palestinian Authority
SZSE:300590 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:603236 Electronics (General) China
DSE:QUEENSOUTH Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:539978 Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:539962 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
OTCPK:QSMG Retail (Distributors) Latvia
BSE:535719 Computer Services India
KASE:QUET Apparel Pakistan
KASE:QUICE Food Processing Pakistan
BSE:539678 Software (System & Application) India
SHSE:603203 Machinery China
BASE:PATY Food Processing Argentina
SNSE:QUINENCO Diversified Chile
TSEC:2017 Steel Taiwan
HOSE:QCG Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
KWSE:ALQURAIN Chemical (Basic) Kuwait
KOSDAQ:A115180 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
JMSE:QWI Investments & Asset Management Jamaica
BSE:538119 Apparel India
COSE:RIL.N0000 Retail (Distributors) Sri Lanka
NSEI:RMDRIP Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:517447 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:532735 Computer Services India
ADX:RAKCEC Building Materials United Arab Emirates
DSE:RNSPIN Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:533284 Engineering/Construction India
NGSE:RTBRISCOE Retail (Automotive) Nigeria
SET:RBF Food Processing Thailand
AIM:RAI Engineering/Construction United Arab Emirates
BSE:502271 Construction Supplies India
SASE:2380 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Saudi Arabia
GTSM:2237 Construction Supplies Taiwan
BSE:520073 Auto Parts India
NasdaqCM:RADA Aerospace/Defense Israel
NSEI:RADAAN Entertainment India
NasdaqCM:RDCM Telecom. Equipment Israel
BSE:532692 Packaging & Container India
BSE:531273 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:539814 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:540125 Retail (Special Lines) India
COSE:RGEM.N0000 Apparel Sri Lanka
KLSE:RGTECH Computer Services Malaysia
GTSM:3373 Healthcare Products Taiwan
TSEC:6176 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:6514 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:532497 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
JMSE:RJR Broadcasting Jamaica
TSEC:2547 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
BSE:531412 Household Products India
OTCPK:RDVW.F Software (System & Application) Israel
NasdaqGS:RDWR Telecom. Equipment Israel
XKON:A200350 Entertainment South Korea
GTSM:6568 Semiconductor Taiwan
SGX:NR7 Education Singapore
SGX:LUY Apparel Singapore
SGX:BSL Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Singapore
KASE:RMPL Food Processing Pakistan
BSE:539837 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:526813 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
BSE:538921 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:514316 Apparel India
DSE:RAHIMTEXT Apparel Bangladesh
BOVESPA:RADL3 Retail (Special Lines) Brazil
COSE:RWSL.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
NSEI:RVNL Engineering/Construction India
SET:RML Real Estate (Development) Thailand
OTCPK:RFII Retail (Distributors) Peru
BSE:500339 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:532441 Apparel India
SZSE:002419 Retail (General) China
BSE:531694 Real Estate (Development) India
SHSE:603803 Telecom. Equipment China
BSE:530111 Packaging & Container India
BSE:530699 Apparel India
BSE:532826 Broadcasting India
BSE:503127 Real Estate (Development) India
SET:RP Shipbuilding & Marine Thailand
BSE:532503 Apparel India
BSE:538707 Machinery India
BSE:526873 Oil/Gas Distribution India
BSE:530253 Steel India
BSE:526662 Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:514028 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:513369 Steel India
BSE:522257 Machinery India
BSE:539090 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:517522 Steel India
NSEI:RPPL Packaging & Container India
BSE:500354 Food Processing India
SET:RJH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
DSE:RAKCERAMIC Building Materials Bangladesh
ADX:RAKPROP Real Estate (Development) United Arab Emirates
CASE:RAKT Packaging & Container Egypt
TASE:RLCO Retail (Distributors) Israel
BSE:500355 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:534734 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:522281 Electrical Equipment India
KOSDAQ:A171010 Semiconductor South Korea
TASE:RMN Chemical (Basic) Israel
BSE:500357 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:524037 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:523289 Retail (Distributors) India
PLSE:RSR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Palestinian Authority
BSE:515127 Publishing & Newspapers India
COSE:RFL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
BSE:538540 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:RAMCOIND Construction Supplies India
NSEI:RAMCOSYS Software (System & Application) India
BSE:514223 Retail (Distributors) India
TASE:RMLI Retail (Grocery and Food) Israel
BSE:530951 Software (System & Application) India
SET:RAM Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
BSE:532527 Steel India
BSE:533262 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:532690 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:507490 Food Processing India
JSE:RMI Insurance (Life) South Africa
AIM:RQIH Insurance (General) Bermuda
JSE:RNG Precious Metals South Africa
BSE:532661 Auto Parts India
BSE:532987 Auto Parts India
BSE:532988 Auto Parts India
BSE:505800 Auto Parts India
HOSE:RAL Electrical Equipment Vietnam
HOSE:RDP Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
DSE:RDFOOD Food Processing Bangladesh
DSE:RANFOUNDRY Steel Bangladesh
KLSE:RANHILL Utility (Water) Malaysia
TASE:RANI Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
KOSDAQ:A317120 Semiconductor South Korea
BSE:541945 Electronics (General) India
KOSDAQ:A042510 Software (System & Application) South Korea
XKON:A232680 Semiconductor South Korea
BSE:531583 Real Estate (Development) India
TASE:RPAC Engineering/Construction Israel
KOSDAQ:A214260 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
BSE:500360 Machinery India
KLSE:RAPID Real Estate (Operations & Services) Malaysia
SEHK:601 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
ADX:RAKCC Construction Supplies United Arab Emirates
ADX:RAKWCT Construction Supplies United Arab Emirates
BSE:507966 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:522207 Auto Parts India
BSE:524230 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:531233 Machinery India
SZSE:300043 Recreation China
DSE:RSRMSTEEL Steel Bangladesh
SET:RATCH Power Thailand
SET:RPH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:THANI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
BSE:532918 Steel India
TASE:RATI.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
TASE:RTPT.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
BELEX:RMBG Engineering/Construction Serbia
BSE:540796 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:520111 Steel India
BSE:534597 Power India
BSE:533122 Power India
JSE:RBX Engineering/Construction South Africa
BSE:537840 Engineering/Construction India
TASE:RAVD Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
TASE:RVL Auto Parts Israel
BSE:533294 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
KASE:RAVT Apparel Pakistan
BSE:526095 Construction Supplies India
BSE:504341 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:541634 Construction Supplies India
KOSDAQ:A228670 Healthcare Products South Korea
CASE:RACC Information Services Egypt
CASE:RAYA Computer Services Egypt
SASE:6012 Restaurant/Dining Saudi Arabia
GTSM:3592 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A228850 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSE:531207 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:229 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
BSE:500330 Apparel India
SET:RWI Steel Thailand
MSM:RCCI Construction Supplies Oman
SHSE:688002 Electronics (General) China
BSE:540065 Bank (Money Center) India
KLSE:RCECAP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Malaysia
BSE:537254 Retail (Distributors) India
JSE:RCL Food Processing South Africa
BSE:533608 Packaging & Container India
BSE:533285 Real Estate (Development) India
GTSM:3228 Semiconductor Taiwan
Catalist:1G1 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
CASE:REAC Investments & Asset Management Egypt
KLSE:REACH Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Malaysia
SEHK:8471 Apparel China
ASE:RMCC Construction Supplies Jordan
BSE:530053 Real Estate (Development) India
ASE:AQAR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
HNX:D11 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
KWSE:REAM Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
ASE:REDV Real Estate (Development) Jordan
CASE:AREH Real Estate (Development) Egypt
LUSE:REIZ Real Estate (Operations & Services) Zambia
BSE:513558 Steel India
BSE:538611 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KWSE:MARAKEZ Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
SZSE:002589 Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:1196 Diversified Hong Kong
TSEC:2379 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:2596 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
OTCPK:REBL Entertainment Singapore
JSE:REB R.E.I.T. South Africa
NSEI:RECLTD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TSEC:4532 Machinery Taiwan
DSE:RECKITTBEN Household Products Bangladesh
Catalist:NEX Environmental & Waste Services Singapore
NasdaqCM:RCON Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
TSEC:2302 Semiconductor Taiwan
SHSE:603650 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300427 Electronics (General) China
SASE:4230 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Saudi Arabia
NGSE:REDSTAREX Transportation Nigeria
SEHK:1528 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
KOSDAQ:A038390 Trucking South Korea
SEHK:1622 Real Estate (Development) China
KASE:REDCO Apparel Pakistan
BOVESPA:REDE3 Power Brazil
JSE:RDF R.E.I.T. South Africa
BSE:523650 Office Equipment & Services India
TASE:RDHL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
GTSM:2928 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
NSEI:REDINGTON Computer Services India
SEHK:1996 Real Estate (Development) China
KLSE:REDTONE Telecom. Services Malaysia
GTSM:8426 Furn/Home Furnishings Cayman Islands
NasdaqGM:RBZ Retail (Online) Singapore
SGX:5EC Investments & Asset Management Singapore
SEHK:1631 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
BSE:532884 Retail (Distributors) India
BOVESPA:RPMG3 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Brazil
BVL:RELAPAC1 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Peru
BSE:530815 Chemical (Specialty) India
HOSE:REE Diversified Vietnam
BSE:531033 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TSEC:4807 Apparel Cayman Islands
SEHK:78 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SGX:UV1 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SEHK:1881 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
BUL:RGL Real Estate (Operations & Services) Bulgaria
NGSE:REGALINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
NSEI:REGENCERAM Building Materials India
BSE:540175 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:512624 Food Wholesalers India
SEHK:575 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
DSE:REGENTTEX Apparel Bangladesh
SEHK:2199 Apparel Hong Kong
SET:RCL Shipbuilding & Marine Thailand
BMV:R A Banks (Regional) Mexico
COSE:REG.N0000 Furn/Home Furnishings Sri Lanka
TASE:RIT1 R.E.I.T. Israel
TASE:REKA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
BSE:526075 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:530517 Shoe India
NSEI:RELIABLE Information Services India
BSE:532124 Hotel/Gaming India
NSEI:RELCAPITAL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:503162 Apparel India
NSEI:RCOM Telecom (Wireless) India
KASE:RCML Apparel Pakistan
BSE:540709 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:RIIL Oil/Gas Distribution India
NSEI:RELIANCE Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
BSE:500390 Power India
KASE:RICL Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
DSE:RELIANCINS Insurance (General) Bangladesh
BSE:533107 Construction Supplies India
NSEI:RNAM Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532939 Power India
GTSM:6027 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
KASE:REWM Apparel Pakistan
BSE:532915 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SEHK:1750 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
CASE:RTVC Hotel/Gaming Egypt
KOSDAQ:A302550 Healthcare Products South Korea
JSE:REM Diversified South Africa
BSE:513043 Steel India
GTSM:3391 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:530919 Auto Parts India
BSE:532923 Apparel India
MSM:RNSS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Oman
SGX:I11 Power Singapore
NYSE:RNR Reinsurance Bermuda
DSE:RENATA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
SZSE:002647 Information Services China
JSE:REN Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) South Africa
KOSDAQ:A131100 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SZSE:000650 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
GTSM:2741 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
SZSE:002336 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SEHK:6919 Business & Consumer Services China
SEHK:885 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
COSE:RAL.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
COSE:KZOO.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
COSE:RENU.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
COSE:COCO.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
COSE:RHL.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
COSE:RCH.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
DSE:RENWICKJA Food Processing Bangladesh
NSEI:REPCOHOME Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532687 Publishing & Newspapers India
GHSE:RBGH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Ghana
TTSE:RFHL Bank (Money Center) Trinidad & Tobago
PSE:REG Diversified Philippines
SEHK:8357 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
DSE:REPUBLIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A215090 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
CBSE:RDS Real Estate (Development) Morocco
JSE:RES R.E.I.T. South Africa
KLSE:RESINTC Machinery Malaysia
BSE:524218 Chemical (Specialty) India
OTCPK:RSSV Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
ASX:RES Coal & Related Energy South Africa
BSE:538273 Computer Services India
BSE:505509 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:515085 Building Materials India
BOVESPA:LLIS3 Apparel Brazil
COSE:HPWR.N0000 Green & Renewable Energy Sri Lanka
OTCPK:RHDG.F Retail (Building Supply) Curaçao
NasdaqCM:RETO Construction Supplies China
BSE:519191 Retail (Distributors) India
JSE:RLO Diversified South Africa
KLSE:REV Software (Entertainment) Malaysia
BSE:505368 Construction Supplies India
KLSE:REVENUE Information Services Malaysia
NasdaqCM:RWLK Healthcare Products Israel
TSEC:1423 Apparel Taiwan
KLSE:REX Food Processing Malaysia
Catalist:5WH Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
JSE:RTN Retail (Special Lines) South Africa
KLSE:REXIT Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:531888 Machinery India
TSEC:1515 Machinery Taiwan
KOSE:A102460 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A218410 Semiconductor South Korea
PSE:RFM Food Processing Philippines
KOSDAQ:A096610 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A061040 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KLSE:RGB Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
KLSE:RGTBHD Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
JSE:RHB Investments & Asset Management South Africa
SGX:T13 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Singapore
KLSE:RHBBANK Bank (Money Center) Malaysia
JSE:RFG Food Processing South Africa
SET:TITLE Real Estate (Development) Thailand
KLSE:RHONEMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Malaysia
SEHK:1741 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:300596 Chemical (Basic) China
BSE:531952 Apparel India
SHSE:603196 Apparel China
GTSM:5512 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SEHK:70 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
GTSM:6754 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
SET:RSP Shoe Thailand
BSE:532766 Engineering/Construction India
COSE:RICH.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
COSE:REXP.N0000 Chemical (Basic) Sri Lanka
BSE:539435 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SZSE:300634 Computer Services China
BSE:519230 Investments & Asset Management India
AIM:RLD Metals & Mining Bermuda
SEHK:313 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
GTSM:2743 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
TSEC:4968 Semiconductor Taiwan
SET:RICHY Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SEHK:1526 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
BSE:520008 Auto Parts India
BSE:540590 Information Services India
BSE:524480 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:541151 Business & Consumer Services India
KOSE:A000760 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
BSE:507508 Food Processing India
TSEC:1506 Auto Parts Taiwan
SHSE:600321 Paper/Forest Products China
GTSM:5256 Semiconductor Taiwan
BASE:RIGO Packaging & Container Argentina
BVL:RIMSEGC1 Insurance (General) Peru
KLSE:RSAWIT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
TASE:RIMO Chemical (Basic) Israel
DSE:RINGSHINE Apparel Bangladesh
KOSDAQ:A042500 Computer Services South Korea
OTCPK:RINO Environmental & Waste Services China
BOVESPA:GEPA3 Power Brazil
SNSE:RIPLEY Retail (General) Chile
BSE:530251 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:1679 Semiconductor China
SZSE:300118 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002146 Real Estate (Development) China
BSE:531539 Steel India
BSE:526861 Machinery India
BSE:523021 Apparel India
BSE:526492 Chemical (Basic) India
SHSE:600259 Metals & Mining China
CBSE:RIS Hotel/Gaming Morocco
OTCPK:RITT Telecom. Equipment Israel
BSE:542383 Trucking India
TSEC:8104 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2349 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
NSEI:RITES Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:519097 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:526407 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:540843 Business & Consumer Services India
OTCPK:RTTO Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:281 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SGX:AP4 Healthcare Products Singapore
KLSE:RVIEW Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SASE:1010 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
SASE:4330 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
SHSE:603218 Machinery China
PSE:RCB Bank (Money Center) Philippines
SHSE:600017 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:6117 Shipbuilding & Marine China
NSEI:RKEC Engineering/Construction India
JSE:RMH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
OTCPK:RMDM Telecom. Services Indonesia
SEHK:8437 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
KOSDAQ:A148250 Electronics (General) South Korea
BOVESPA:RDNI3 Homebuilding Brazil
SEHK:1098 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SHSE:603860 Business & Consumer Services China
SET:ROBINS Retail (General) Thailand
PSE:RLC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Philippines
PSE:RRHI Retail (General) Philippines
XKON:A238500 Machinery South Korea
TASE:ROBO Machinery Israel
KOSDAQ:A215100 Education South Korea
KOSDAQ:A090360 Electronics (General) South Korea
SZSE:300757 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A108490 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:531447 Retail (Distributors) India
PSE:ROCK Real Estate (Development) Philippines
GTSM:5015 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:531822 Real Estate (Development) India
MUSE:ROGE.N0000 Diversified Mauritius
KLSE:ROHAS Engineering/Construction Malaysia
BSE:532731 Steel India
SET:ROJNA Power Thailand
NSEL:RSU1L Food Processing Lithuania
JSE:RLF Chemical (Specialty) South Africa
BSE:502448 Packaging & Container India
BSE:500366 Computer Services India
SEHK:8072 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
BVB:RRC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Romania
OB:ROM Real Estate (Operations & Services) Bermuda
CCSE:RST Beverage (Alcoholic) Venezuela
SZSE:000517 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000668 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:002493 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002622 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:542145 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:3301 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:4414 Apparel Taiwan
BSE:530991 Chemical (Specialty) India
KOSDAQ:A071280 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:578 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:1189 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
OTCPK:ROSG.Q Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
MISX:RGSS Insurance (General) Russia
KASE:RPL Packaging & Container Pakistan
SZSE:002617 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:533168 Food Processing India
MISX:RSTI Power Russia
BOVESPA:RSID3 Homebuilding Brazil
GTSM:4121 Healthcare Products Taiwan
TSEC:4141 Chemical (Specialty) Cayman Islands
TASE:RTEN.L Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
KOSDAQ:A900260 Auto Parts Hong Kong
BSE:517500 Machinery India
TASE:ROTS Real Estate (Development) Israel
TSEC:1540 Machinery Taiwan
SHSE:600355 Computers/Peripherals China
CASE:ROTO Hotel/Gaming Egypt
PSE:RCI Real Estate (Development) Philippines
PSE:ROX Farming/Agriculture Philippines
BSE:539561 Machinery India
SGX:E8Z Real Estate (Development) Singapore
JSE:RBP Precious Metals South Africa
SEHK:8300 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SEHK:8125 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
COSE:RCL.N0000 Building Materials Sri Lanka
BSE:526193 Building Materials India
SEHK:3789 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
NGSE:ROYALEX Insurance (General) Nigeria
SZSE:002329 Food Processing China
BSE:512047 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
HOSE:RIC Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
SET:ROH Hotel/Gaming Thailand
BSE:532699 Hotel/Gaming India
COSE:RPBH.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
SEHK:1198 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
BSE:526640 Hotel/Gaming India
GTSM:3306 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SET:RPC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
BSE:532983 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:511626 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:531667 Food Wholesalers India
KOSDAQ:A140670 Electrical Equipment South Korea
SET:RS Entertainment Thailand
BSE:539875 Investments & Asset Management India
TASE:RSEL Aerospace/Defense Israel
KOSDAQ:A131370 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BSE:500350 Apparel India
BELEX:LKLG Shipbuilding & Marine Serbia
BSE:531552 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:531215 Electrical Equipment India
KLSE:RUBEREX Household Products Malaysia
CASE:RUBX Chemical (Basic) Egypt
BSE:500367 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:531099 Healthcare Support Services India
GTSM:8048 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KASE:RUBY Apparel Pakistan
NSEI:RUCHINFRA Food Wholesalers India
BSE:532785 Paper/Forest Products India
BELEX:RUDO Healthcare Products Serbia
BSE:539226 Steel India
NSEI:REPL Business & Consumer Services India
TSEC:9945 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
TSEC:2597 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
TSEC:2915 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:8463 Construction Supplies Taiwan
SEHK:1640 Advertising China
SZSE:002961 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:2025 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002066 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:724 Semiconductor Hong Kong
ASE:RUMM Trucking Jordan
BOVESPA:RAIL3 Transportation (Railroads) Brazil
TSEC:1808 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
BSE:530449 Farming/Agriculture India
SZSE:002929 Engineering/Construction China
DSE:RUNNERAUTO Auto & Truck Bangladesh
BSE:533552 Apparel India
DSE:RUPALIBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
DSE:RUPALIINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
DSE:RUPALILIFE Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
BSE:533470 Building Materials India
KOSDAQ:A217500 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:517035 Semiconductor India
SEHK:2288 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A191410 Electronics (General) South Korea
SET:S & J Household Products Thailand
SET:S11 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
BSE:514197 Food Processing India
BSE:540497 Publishing & Newspapers India
KOSDAQ:A096630 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
SEHK:251 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
BSE:539450 Chemical (Specialty) India
SET:SHR Hotel/Gaming Thailand
BSE:532316 Computer Services India
KLSE:SPSETIA Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SET:SPRIME R.E.I.T. Thailand
BSE:531307 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:535621 Real Estate (Development) India
KOSE:A012750 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A095910 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:1755 Business & Consumer Services China
KOSDAQ:A288620 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A097780 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A010950 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. South Korea
GTSM:1584 Machinery Taiwan
DSE:SALAMCRST Steel Bangladesh
SEHK:1255 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
BSE:534598 Chemical (Basic) India
SET:SORKON Food Processing Thailand
SET:SPACK Packaging & Container Thailand
DSE:SSSTEEL Steel Bangladesh
BASE:SAMI Food Processing Argentina
SNSE:FALABELLA Retail (General) Chile
SEHK:1832 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:532604 Steel India
SEHK:1184 Computer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:300724 Semiconductor China
BVB:AAG Machinery Romania
BVB:ARS Aerospace/Defense Romania
BVB:ARTE Machinery Romania
BVB:BRM Beverage (Alcoholic) Romania
BVB:CMCM Construction Supplies Romania
BVB:CMP Auto Parts Romania
BVB:COMI Engineering/Construction Romania
BVB:DAFR Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Romania
BVB:ELGS Furn/Home Furnishings Romania
BVB:EPT Electrical Equipment Romania
BVB:PREB Construction Supplies Romania
BVB:PREH Construction Supplies Romania
BVB:PPL Chemical (Basic) Romania
BVB:ROCE Chemical (Basic) Romania
BVB:PTR Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Romania
BVB:RPH Retail (Special Lines) Romania
BVB:SNO Construction Supplies Romania
BVB:STZ Chemical (Specialty) Romania
BVB:COTR Engineering/Construction Romania
BVB:TUFE Hotel/Gaming Romania
BVB:VESY Household Products Romania
SZSE:002352 Transportation China
BVB:SIF3 Investments & Asset Management Romania
SET:SKN Building Materials Thailand
BVB:SNN Power Romania
BVB:TGN Oil/Gas Distribution Romania
BSE:540048 Apparel India
MISX:RKKE Aerospace/Defense Russia
TASE:SRAC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
BSE:513515 Shoe India
NSEI:SSINFRA Engineering/Construction India
KASE:SSOM Food Processing Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A900080 Auto Parts Hong Kong
XKON:A260970 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A091340 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SEHK:1695 Food Processing Malaysia
SET:SNP Restaurant/Dining Thailand
KOSDAQ:A101490 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSE:A100840 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A003570 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
KOSE:A036530 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:3928 Engineering/Construction Singapore
KOSE:A064960 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A103230 Machinery South Korea
JSE:SAC R.E.I.T. South Africa
HNX:SGC Food Processing Vietnam
SEHK:178 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
SET:SAAM Engineering/Construction Thailand
BSE:539112 Engineering/Construction India
ASE:SABK Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
CASE:SIPC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
SGX:M1GU R.E.I.T. Singapore
SASE:8080 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
SET:SABINA Apparel Thailand
BSE:530461 Food Processing India
JSE:SBV Diversified South Africa
KOSDAQ:A263540 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
BSE:531869 Household Products India
NSEI:SADBHAV Engineering/Construction India
BSE:539346 Transportation India
BSE:506642 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:540821 Broadcasting India
KOSDAQ:A053060 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A075180 Auto Parts South Korea
RISE:SAF1R Telecom. Equipment Latvia
BSE:532034 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:523025 Apparel India
JSE:SAR R.E.I.T. South Africa
NASE:SCOM Telecom (Wireless) Kenya
SZSE:300262 Utility (Water) China
KASE:SMCPL Construction Supplies Pakistan
TASE:SFET Software (System & Application) Israel
SEHK:237 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
BSE:531436 Paper/Forest Products India
DSE:SAFKOSPINN Apparel Bangladesh
HNX:SAF Food Processing Vietnam
ASE:SIBK Banks (Regional) Jordan
BSE:502090 Construction Supplies India
BSE:540715 Apparel India
BSE:532092 Entertainment India
NSEI:SAGARDEEP Metals & Mining India
BSE:540143 Software (System & Application) India
SEHK:8082 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
TSX:SFC Insurance (Life) Barbados
JMSE:SJ Insurance (Life) Jamaica
JMSE:SELECTF Investments & Asset Management Jamaica
GTSM:3205 Household Products Taiwan
SET:SPI Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
SET:SPC Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:SUC Diversified Thailand
SET:SCG Power Thailand
SET:SQ Metals & Mining Thailand
CBSE:SAH Insurance (General) Morocco
SET:SMIT Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:SMPC Packaging & Container Thailand
MSM:SAHS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Oman
BSE:511533 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SASE:2310 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
BSE:503691 Entertainment India
SET:PORT Shipbuilding & Marine Thailand
BSE:532841 Construction Supplies India
BSE:538557 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:531931 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
HOSE:SMB Beverage (Alcoholic) Vietnam
HOSE:SCR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
HOSE:SVT Education Vietnam
SHSE:600104 Auto & Truck China
KASE:SPWL Power Pakistan
DSE:SAIFPOWER Business & Consumer Services Bangladesh
KASE:SAIF Apparel Pakistan
HNX:SHB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
HNX:SHS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
HOSE:SAB Beverage (Alcoholic) Vietnam
HOSE:SCS Transportation Vietnam
HOSE:SFC Retail (Automotive) Vietnam
HOSE:SVC Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HOSE:SGN Air Transport Vietnam
HNX:SGH Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
HOSE:SMA Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HNX:SPP Packaging & Container Vietnam
HOSE:SGR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
HOSE:SGT Telecom. Services Vietnam
HOSE:STB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
HOSE:SII Utility (Water) Vietnam
DSE:SAIHAMCOT Apparel Bangladesh
DSE:SAIHAMTEX Apparel Bangladesh
TSXV:FISH Precious Metals British Virgin Islands
SHSE:601058 Rubber& Tires China
SZSE:300466 Machinery China
BSE:530265 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:515043 Auto Parts India
TSXV:SAIS Retail (Online) Singapore
KASE:SJTM Apparel Pakistan
KOSE:A007160 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A006090 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A014710 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A003960 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A008040 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
SGX:5DO Restaurant/Dining Singapore
NSEI:SAKAR Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SET:SKE Oil/Gas Distribution Thailand
KASE:SKRS Food Processing Pakistan
NSEI:SAKSOFT Computer Services India
BSE:511066 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:507315 Food Processing India
BSE:532713 Food Wholesalers India
TSEC:2539 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
BSE:539353 Auto Parts India
SET:SSPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
JMSE:SALF Food Processing Jamaica
CBSE:SLF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Morocco
MSM:SFMI Food Processing Oman
DSM:SIIS Diversified Qatar
ASE:SITT Shipbuilding & Marine Jordan
SASE:8050 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
NSEI:SECL Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:540642 Engineering/Construction India
KLSE:SALCON Utility (Water) Malaysia
SET:COLOR Chemical (Specialty) Thailand
SET:SALEE Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
SET:SLP Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
SNSE:SALFACORP Engineering/Construction Chile
KASE:SALT Apparel Pakistan
KWSE:SRE Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
KASE:SLYT Apparel Pakistan
SNSE:SALMOCAM Food Processing Chile
TASE:ANGL Food Processing Israel
BSE:590056 Apparel India
BSE:500370 Computer Services India
KLSE:SALUTE Electronics (General) Malaysia
DSE:SALVOCHEM Chemical (Basic) Bangladesh
BSE:517059 Electrical Equipment India
KOSDAQ:A000250 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KLSE:SAM Machinery Malaysia
HOSE:SAM Electrical Equipment Vietnam
BSE:532005 Machinery India
KOSE:A005090 Packaging & Container South Korea
SEHK:3822 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSE:A006110 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSDAQ:A009300 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
CASE:SMFR Chemical (Specialty) Egypt
SET:SAMART Computer Services Thailand
SET:SDC Computer Services Thailand
SET:SAMTEL Telecom. Services Thailand
DSE:SAMATALETH Apparel Bangladesh
KASE:SBL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
SASE:1090 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
BSE:521240 Apparel India
BSE:511630 Publishing & Newspapers India
KOSDAQ:A023600 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A009620 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSDAQ:A053700 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A111870 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A001470 Engineering/Construction South Korea
SET:SAM Steel Thailand
KLSE:SAMCHEM Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KOSE:A004690 Power South Korea
KOSDAQ:A024950 Recreation South Korea
GTSM:8489 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
NASE:SMER Rubber& Tires Kenya
KOSE:A010960 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A001880 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A004450 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A046390 Entertainment South Korea
KOSE:A000390 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A017480 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A002450 Recreation South Korea
KOSE:A004380 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A032280 Trucking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A002290 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A000520 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KASE:SMTM Apparel Pakistan
SET:SVH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
KOSDAQ:A037460 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A032750 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054090 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A005500 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A009770 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A100090 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A122350 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:520075 Auto Parts India
SET:SAMCO Real Estate (Development) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A018310 Building Materials South Korea
DSE:SAMORITA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Bangladesh
COSE:SAMP.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
TSEC:1604 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
BSE:530617 Food Processing India
KOSDAQ:A038500 Construction Supplies South Korea
BSE:530125 Chemical (Specialty) India
KOSDAQ:A014970 Packaging & Container South Korea
SEHK:531 Furn/Home Furnishings China
COSE:SIL.N0000 Chemical (Basic) Sri Lanka
SEHK:731 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KOSE:A207940 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSE:A028260 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A029780 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A006660 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A009150 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A005930 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
KOSE:A028050 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A000810 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Korea
KOSE:A010140 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A032830 Insurance (Life) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A309930 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A001360 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A068290 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
KOSE:A006400 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A018260 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A016360 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A291230 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A031330 Computer Services South Korea
BSE:521206 Apparel India
SGX:S56 Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
SET:SPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:SBPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
Catalist:1C3 Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
KOSE:A001820 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A009470 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A011230 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A073640 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A023000 Steel South Korea
BSE:530025 Retail (Distributors) India
KOSE:A145990 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A003230 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A000070 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A225190 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSE:A272550 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSE:A002170 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A003720 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A005680 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A054540 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A065570 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A002810 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
SZSE:002112 Electrical Equipment China
TSEC:1307 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:9946 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
TSEC:4755 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
GTSM:5493 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SEHK:236 Beverage (Alcoholic) Hong Kong
PSE:SMC Diversified Philippines
PSE:FB Food Processing Philippines
TSEC:6671 Household Products Cayman Islands
TSEC:5007 Machinery Taiwan
PLSE:SANAD Construction Supplies Palestinian Authority
SEHK:1889 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
KWSE:SANAM Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
SHSE:600703 Semiconductor China
COSE:SDB.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
BSE:509423 Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:8501 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:521222 Retail (Distributors) India
SZSE:300066 Electronics (General) China
NSEI:SANCO Building Materials India
BSE:523116 Transportation India
KLSE:SNC Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
DSE:SANDHANINS Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
NSEI:SANDHAR Auto Parts India
SEHK:482 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:1928 Hotel/Gaming Macau
BSE:524703 Household Products India
SZSE:300276 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A089980 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:516096 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:514234 Apparel India
BSE:534618 Green & Renewable Energy India
KOSDAQ:A027580 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
SZSE:300454 Software (System & Application) China
KASE:SANSM Food Processing Pakistan
BSE:526521 Construction Supplies India
BSE:540782 Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:533411 Steel India
BSE:530073 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:SANGINITA Chemical (Basic) India
KOSDAQ:A042940 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A038540 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A307870 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A329560 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A101000 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A001290 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A263810 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A041650 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A091580 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BSE:531898 Entertainment India
KLSE:SANICHI Machinery Malaysia
BVMT:SANIMED Building Materials Tunisia
TSEC:1817 Building Materials Taiwan
SHSE:601116 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
BSE:532972 Software (System & Application) India
SET:SANKO Metals & Mining Thailand
NASE:SLAM Insurance (Life) Kenya
JSE:SLM Insurance (Life) South Africa
Catalist:1E3 Engineering/Construction Singapore
SZSE:002224 Machinery China
BSE:532435 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
TASE:SANO1 Household Products Israel
BSE:500674 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KASE:SAPL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
SZSE:002216 Food Processing China
SEHK:2183 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SZSE:300282 Electronics (General) China
SET:SIRI Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SZSE:002110 Steel China
JSE:SNT Insurance (Prop/Cas.) South Africa
OTCPK:STIE Entertainment China
BOVESPA:STBP3 Shipbuilding & Marine Brazil
BSE:530035 Apparel India
JSE:SNV Transportation South Africa
BSE:519260 Food Processing India
SHSE:603663 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000863 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:631 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600031 Construction Supplies China
TSEC:2206 Auto & Truck Taiwan
BOVESPA:SCAR3 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Brazil
HOSE:ASM Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
BOVESPA:SMTO3 Food Processing Brazil
BOVESPA:AHEB3 Recreation Brazil
HOSE:FMC Food Processing Vietnam
HOSE:SRC Rubber& Tires Vietnam
NasdaqCM:SPNS Software (System & Application) Israel
TASE:SPIR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
ENXTPA:ALMER Food Processing Reunion
ZGSE:SAPN Household Products Croatia
SET:SAPPE Food Processing Thailand
SGX:BRD Engineering/Construction Singapore
KASE:SFL Apparel Pakistan
KASE:SAPT Apparel Pakistan
JSE:SAP Paper/Forest Products South Africa
BSE:506906 Food Wholesalers India
KLSE:SAPNRG Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KLSE:SAPIND Auto Parts Malaysia
KLSE:SAPRES Real Estate (Operations & Services) Malaysia
BSE:538992 Auto Parts India
HNX:SRA Computer Services Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A143240 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
BSE:512020 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KLSE:SCABLE Electrical Equipment Malaysia
KLSE:SCIB Building Materials Malaysia
KLSE:SOP Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:SWKPLNT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
BSE:504614 Steel India
KASE:SARC Chemical (Specialty) Pakistan
BSE:532163 Entertainment India
SGX:U77 Machinery Israel
KASE:SSML Apparel Pakistan
BSE:526885 Apparel India
BSE:531930 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:540393 Steel India
BSE:514412 Shoe India
NSEI:SARVESHWAR Food Processing India
CASE:SRWA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Egypt
KLSE:SASBADI Publishing & Newspapers Malaysia
JSE:SFN Bank (Money Center) South Africa
NASE:SASN Food Processing Kenya
BSE:532663 Software (System & Application) India
JSE:SOL Chemical (Diversified) South Africa
SGX:CRPU R.E.I.T. Singapore
BSE:533259 Retail (Online) India
BSE:511076 Retail (Distributors) India
TASE:STCM Telecom. Services Israel
BSE:526093 Steel India
COSE:SMOT.N0000 Retail (Automotive) Sri Lanka
BSE:539201 Paper/Forest Products India
NSEI:SATIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:536592 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:508996 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
KOSDAQ:A099320 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
SGX:S58 Air Transport Singapore
SEHK:8392 Household Products Hong Kong
SZSE:002291 Shoe China
SEHK:8200 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KLSE:SAUDEE Food Processing Malaysia
SASE:2120 Diversified Saudi Arabia
SASE:6004 Restaurant/Dining Saudi Arabia
SASE:2030 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Saudi Arabia
SASE:8100 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
SASE:2020 Chemical (Specialty) Saudi Arabia
SASE:1211 Metals & Mining Saudi Arabia
SASE:2222 Oil/Gas (Integrated) Saudi Arabia
SASE:4050 Retail (Automotive) Saudi Arabia
SASE:2010 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
SASE:2110 Electrical Equipment Saudi Arabia
SASE:3030 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
SASE:2040 Building Materials Saudi Arabia
SASE:2230 Healthcare Support Services Saudi Arabia
SASE:4008 Retail (Building Supply) Saudi Arabia
CASE:SEIG Investments & Asset Management Egypt
SASE:5110 Power Saudi Arabia
SASE:8311 Insurance (Life) Saudi Arabia
SASE:6050 Food Processing Saudi Arabia
SASE:4031 Air Transport Saudi Arabia
SASE:2130 Furn/Home Furnishings Saudi Arabia
SASE:4140 Retail (Distributors) Saudi Arabia
SASE:2250 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
SASE:2190 Shipbuilding & Marine Saudi Arabia
SASE:2350 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
SASE:4006 Retail (Grocery and Food) Saudi Arabia
KASE:SPLC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
SASE:2300 Paper/Forest Products Saudi Arabia
SASE:2070 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Saudi Arabia
SASE:4270 Publishing & Newspapers Saudi Arabia
SASE:4040 Trucking Saudi Arabia
SASE:8200 Reinsurance Saudi Arabia
SASE:4020 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Saudi Arabia
SASE:4210 Publishing & Newspapers Saudi Arabia
SASE:1320 Steel Saudi Arabia
SASE:7010 Telecom. Services Saudi Arabia
SASE:2360 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
SASE:2270 Food Processing Saudi Arabia
BSE:502175 Construction Supplies India
SHSE:600545 Engineering/Construction China
DSE:SAVAREFR Construction Supplies Bangladesh
BSE:532404 Information Services India
BSE:512634 Hotel/Gaming India
KOSE:A067830 Retail (General) South Korea
HOSE:SAV Furn/Home Furnishings Vietnam
GTSM:4167 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
BSE:524667 Chemical (Basic) India
SASE:2050 Food Processing Saudi Arabia
BSE:531893 Retail (Distributors) India
SET:SAWANG Apparel Thailand
BSE:523710 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:540728 Food Processing India
KASE:SAZEW Auto Parts Pakistan
KLSE:SBCCORP Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:542725 Apparel India
BSE:532102 Food Processing India
MISX:SBER Bank (Money Center) Russia
KOSDAQ:A019550 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
BSE:540719 Insurance (Life) India
MUSE:SBMH.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Mauritius
NMSE:SNO Bank (Money Center) Namibia
KOSDAQ:A046140 Software (Entertainment) South Korea
KOSE:A101060 Broadcasting South Korea
PSE:SBS Retail (Distributors) Philippines
SGX:S61 Trucking Singapore
KOSE:A102280 Apparel South Korea
BSE:526081 Farming/Agriculture India
SET:SC Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BVB:CEON Construction Supplies Romania
BVB:CMF Machinery Romania
KOSE:A023960 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KLSE:SCBUILD Engineering/Construction Malaysia
NYSE:SCPE Investments & Asset Management Singapore
OTCPK:SCNG Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Hong Kong
BVB:RTRA Electrical Equipment Romania
BVB:UZT Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Romania
SET:SCN Power Thailand
BSE:511672 Steel India
GTSM:6195 Retail (Building Supply) Taiwan
GHSE:MTNGH Telecom (Wireless) Ghana
BSE:516110 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:526544 Software (System & Application) India
KLSE:SCNWOLF Building Materials Malaysia
KLSE:SCC Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A042110 Electronics (General) South Korea
SET:COTTO Building Materials Thailand
KLSE:SCGM Packaging & Container Malaysia
KLSE:SCH Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
BSE:507894 Building Materials India
BSE:505790 Machinery India
BSE:534139 Electrical Equipment India
SEHK:1769 Education China
SNSE:SCHWAGER Business & Consumer Services Chile
HNX:SCI Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SET:SCI Engineering/Construction Thailand
KOSDAQ:A036120 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
HNX:S99 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
TSEC:4119 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KLSE:SCICOM Information Services Malaysia
OTCPK:BEUT Retail (Distributors) China
TSEC:3583 Computer Services Taiwan
KLSE:SCIENTX Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
TSEC:1789 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
TSEC:1786 Healthcare Products Taiwan
NGSE:SCOA Diversified Nigeria
KLSE:SCOMIES Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KLSE:SCOMI Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
BSE:505141 Auto & Truck India
KLSE:SCOPE Electronics (General) Malaysia
TASE:SCOP Retail (Distributors) Israel
JMSE:SGJ Bank (Money Center) Jamaica
BVL:SCOTIAC1 Bank (Money Center) Peru
TTSE:SBTT Bank (Money Center) Trinidad & Tobago
SEHK:1399 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
NYSE:SRL Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A217480 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A121890 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSEC:2351 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SHSE:600061 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SHSE:600886 Power China
SHSE:600962 Food Processing China
SEHK:8363 Entertainment Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A099220 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KLSE:SDS Food Processing Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A148150 Electronics (General) South Korea
SET:SE-ED Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
HOSE:SFI Transportation Vietnam
GTSM:5603 Trucking Taiwan
JSE:SHG Food Processing South Africa
GTSM:7516 Household Products Taiwan
SET:SEAOIL Oil/Gas Distribution Thailand
DSE:SEAPEARL Hotel/Gaming Bangladesh
GTSM:6203 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:533268 Broadcasting India
KLSE:SEACERA Building Materials Malaysia
TASE:SEMG Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
OTCPK:SEAO.F Shipbuilding & Marine Bermuda
NYSE:SDRL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Bermuda
SET:SEAFCO Engineering/Construction Thailand
HOSE:TS4 Food Processing Vietnam
SET:CFRESH Food Processing Thailand
KOSE:A001430 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A058650 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A019440 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A306200 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A003030 Steel South Korea
KLSE:SEAL Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
LSE:SCGL Information Services Cayman Islands
SZSE:000750 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
KLSE:SEALINK Construction Supplies Malaysia
BSE:526807 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
SET:ZMICO Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
SEHK:8150 Semiconductor Hong Kong
HOSE:SRF Machinery Vietnam
SEHK:1709 Apparel Hong Kong
BSE:521182 Furn/Home Furnishings India
BSE:514264 Apparel India
NYSE:SSW Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SEHK:1030 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:601155 Real Estate (Development) China
KOSE:A004360 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
KOSE:A004490 Auto Parts South Korea
JSE:SEB Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
KOSDAQ:A011560 Engineering/Construction South Korea
SHSE:603988 Electrical Equipment China
BSM:SECHABA Beverage (Alcoholic) Botswana
SGX:528 Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
XKON:A232830 Software (System & Application) South Korea
NSEI:SECURCRED Business & Consumer Services India
Catalist:43B Business & Consumer Services Singapore
KLSE:SMETRIC Software (System & Application) Malaysia
GTSM:6417 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:540673 Business & Consumer Services India
PSE:SECB Bank (Money Center) Philippines
KASE:SIBL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
KASE:SEPL Paper/Forest Products Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A131090 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KLSE:SEDANIA Telecom. Services Malaysia
SASE:4344 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
SEHK:205 Advertising Hong Kong
ZMSE:SCIL Farming/Agriculture Botswana
OTCPK:SEDO Electronics (General) Israel
BAX:SEEF Real Estate (General/Diversified) Bahrain
KOSDAQ:A096530 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SASE:1810 Hotel/Gaming Saudi Arabia
BSM:SEFALANA Retail (General) Botswana
KLSE:SEG Education Malaysia
KOSE:A027970 Packaging & Container South Korea
BSE:532993 Building Materials India
KOSE:A075580 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A067770 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A033530 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A258830 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036630 Telecom. Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A039310 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A053450 Electronics (General) South Korea
NSEI:SELMCL Apparel India
BSE:530075 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) India
KLSE:SDRED Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SET:SELIC Chemical (Basic) Thailand
COSE:SELI.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
TASE:SLARL Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
KOSDAQ:A208370 Healthcare Products South Korea
MUSE:SEMA.I0000 Real Estate (Development) Mauritius
SGX:U96 Diversified Singapore
SGX:S51 Construction Supplies Singapore
MSM:SSPW Power Oman
KOSDAQ:A214310 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:981 Semiconductor China
NasdaqCM:LEDS Semiconductor Taiwan
PSE:SCC Coal & Related Energy Philippines
KOSDAQ:A136510 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSE:A007540 Food Processing South Korea
KOSE:A248170 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A017510 Electrical Equipment South Korea
Catalist:5BS Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SET:SENA Real Estate (Development) Thailand
TSEC:2450 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
GTSM:3558 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SZSE:300701 Electronics (General) China
KWSE:SENERGY Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Kuwait
GTSM:6492 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
NasdaqCM:AIHS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
GTSM:6732 Electronics (General) Taiwan
OTCPK:SDTC Retail (Distributors) China
GTSM:4945 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:531980 Computer Services India
GTSM:8410 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
KLSE:SNTORIA Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:3232 Computer Services Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A100660 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A006730 Retail (Automotive) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A011370 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A035890 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A065710 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A189860 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A122690 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A178320 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A007610 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A011300 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A079650 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A063170 Business & Consumer Services South Korea
KOSE:A034120 Broadcasting South Korea
KOSE:A017390 Power South Korea
KOSDAQ:A027040 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A004410 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A018680 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A046890 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A043710 Healthcare Support Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A038070 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
KOSE:A021050 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSDAQ:A093920 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A007860 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A200880 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A019770 Auto Parts South Korea
JSE:SEP Construction Supplies South Africa
LSE:SEPL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Nigeria
JMSE:SEP Food Processing Jamaica
BSE:512529 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BOVESPA:SEER3 Education Brazil
KLSE:SERBADK Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
TSEC:5388 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KLSE:SEB Machinery Malaysia
COSE:IDL.N0000 Engineering/Construction Sri Lanka
COSE:SHOT.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
COSE:SLND.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
SGX:S69 Computer Services Singapore
SET:SSP Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
SET:SSC Beverage (Soft) Thailand
KLSE:SERNKOU Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
SGX:IW5 Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
KOSDAQ:A042600 Electronics (General) South Korea
KLSE:SERSOL Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
BRVM:ABJC Air Transport Ivory Coast
GTSM:3219 Semiconductor Taiwan
KASE:SERF Apparel Pakistan
KASE:SRVI Shoe Pakistan
KASE:SERT Apparel Pakistan
BMV:JAVER * Homebuilding Mexico
BVMT:SERVI Engineering/Construction Tunisia
NSEI:SERVOTECH Electrical Equipment India
HOSE:S4A Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
NSEI:SESHAPAPER Paper/Forest Products India
TSEC:1708 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
BSE:505075 Auto Parts India
KOSDAQ:A234340 Information Services South Korea
BSE:533605 Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A049830 Packaging & Container South Korea
SGX:BAI Telecom (Wireless) Singapore
BSE:511760 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SET:7UP Power Thailand
BUL:6S4 Diversified Bulgaria
KOSDAQ:A252500 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A091090 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A013000 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A100700 Healthcare Products South Korea
BSE:524324 Chemical (Specialty) India
COSE:SEYB.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
COSE:CSD.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
SZSE:300179 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A056190 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036540 Semiconductor South Korea
PSE:SSP Semiconductor Philippines
SEHK:1447 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
NYSE:SFL Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
SEHK:1367 Apparel Hong Kong
KOSE:A001380 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A255220 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A004060 Apparel South Korea
SEHK:8442 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:300661 Semiconductor China
KOSDAQ:A040610 Transportation South Korea
KOSDAQ:A049470 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A184230 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SET:SGF Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
SZSE:000717 Steel China
NasdaqCM:SGOC Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:300561 Electronics (General) China
KOSE:A002360 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
SEHK:1637 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SHSE:600343 Machinery China
SHSE:600379 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600831 Cable TV China
SHSE:601225 Coal & Related Energy China
SHSE:600984 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:000561 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:601015 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:000563 Investments & Asset Management China
SZSE:300116 Machinery China
SZSE:000812 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:603139 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002864 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002267 Power China
SZSE:002109 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600248 Engineering/Construction China
KASE:STCL Building Materials Pakistan
KASE:SHDT Apparel Pakistan
TASE:SHGR Business & Consumer Services Israel
BSE:513436 Steel India
BSE:519031 Food Processing India
SZSE:000014 Real Estate (Development) China
KASE:SHNI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
BSE:526508 Shipbuilding & Marine India
DSE:SHAHJABANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
DSE:SPCL Power Bangladesh
BSE:542862 Apparel India
KASE:SHSML Food Processing Pakistan
KASE:SHJS Food Processing Pakistan
KASE:STJT Apparel Pakistan
BSE:539520 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:501423 Machinery India
KASE:SML Food Processing Pakistan
PSE:PIZZA Restaurant/Dining Philippines
BSE:531431 Machinery India
TASE:SALG Household Products Israel
BSE:540797 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
BSE:511754 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
COSE:SHAL.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Sri Lanka
BSE:509874 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:532455 Electrical Equipment India
TSEC:2616 Retail (Automotive) Taiwan
SZSE:200152 Air Transport China
SHSE:600966 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603858 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:200488 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603086 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002838 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603278 Steel China
SZSE:002330 Food Processing China
SHSE:603856 Building Materials China
SZSE:002805 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000409 Steel China
SHSE:600547 Precious Metals China
SHSE:603586 Auto Parts China
SZSE:000822 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002810 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600350 Transportation China
SZSE:000498 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600735 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600467 Food Processing China
SZSE:002379 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002890 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:600426 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603021 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:600308 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603536 Food Processing China
SZSE:002237 Precious Metals China
SZSE:300677 Healthcare Products China
SEHK:1697 Investments & Asset Management China
SHSE:600022 Steel China
SHSE:600212 Power China
SZSE:300233 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600586 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:000655 Steel China
SHSE:600385 Apparel China
SZSE:002921 Steel China
SHSE:601966 Rubber& Tires China
SZSE:002374 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002726 Food Processing China
SZSE:300594 Building Materials China
SZSE:002363 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002671 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600727 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600789 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300423 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300237 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002234 Food Processing China
SZSE:002526 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:568 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:600219 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002376 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:002086 Food Processing China
SHSE:600529 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002476 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:601019 Publishing & Newspapers China
SZSE:300214 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300243 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002193 Apparel China
SZSE:002580 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000915 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000407 Power China
SHSE:603026 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300690 Machinery China
SZSE:002581 Chemical (Diversified) China
SZSE:300285 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300583 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002078 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:002469 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:603029 Machinery China
SZSE:300801 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300321 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600807 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002026 Machinery China
SEHK:1066 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002107 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002746 Food Processing China
SHSE:600777 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) China
SEHK:719 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000720 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300121 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002458 Food Processing China
SHSE:603217 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002598 Machinery China
SZSE:200992 Food Processing China
SZSE:002041 Farming/Agriculture China
TSEC:8482 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
SHSE:900924 Machinery China
SHSE:600692 Real Estate (Development) China
PSE:SHNG Real Estate (General/Diversified) Philippines
BSE:540259 Business & Consumer Services India
SZSE:002195 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:603329 Transportation China
SHSE:600151 Semiconductor China
SHSE:600732 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:603214 Retail (Special Lines) China
SHSE:600643 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:300380 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300067 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603881 Software (Internet) China
SHSE:600827 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002568 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:603197 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600845 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:601968 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:603009 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600171 Semiconductor China
SHSE:688368 Semiconductor China
SHSE:600608 Steel China
SHSE:603037 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002486 Apparel China
SHSE:603887 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600621 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SHSE:900908 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603012 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300061 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600170 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300153 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603730 Auto Parts China
SEHK:1103 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600508 Coal & Related Energy China
SHSE:600635 Power China
SHSE:900920 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:2718 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SHSE:600630 Apparel China
SZSE:300245 Computer Services China
SHSE:601519 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SHSE:600850 Computer Services China
SEHK:2727 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600021 Power China
SHSE:603200 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:601200 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:600651 Household Products China
SHSE:600615 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603466 Advertising China
SHSE:601595 Entertainment China
SHSE:603868 Household Products China
SZSE:300493 Semiconductor China
SHSE:600196 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:688188 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600624 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1385 Semiconductor China
SEHK:1349 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600634 Entertainment China
SZSE:300613 Semiconductor China
SZSE:300226 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:603918 Software (System & Application) China
SHSE:900919 Investments & Asset Management China
SHSE:601616 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300551 Office Equipment & Services China
SHSE:600696 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300501 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:900917 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002158 Machinery China
SEHK:6826 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SEHK:2696 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:002184 Computer Services China
SHSE:900910 Machinery China
SHSE:603718 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600532 Steel China
SZSE:002211 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300627 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300330 Computer Services China
SZSE:300462 Machinery China
SHSE:600623 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603131 Machinery China
SHSE:603192 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:900939 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SHSE:600605 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600748 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:363 Diversified Hong Kong
SEHK:563 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SHSE:600009 Air Transport China
SHSE:600018 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SHSE:600315 Household Products China
SHSE:600676 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600530 Household Products China
SHSE:600836 Publishing & Newspapers China
SEHK:2006 Hotel/Gaming China
SHSE:900934 Hotel/Gaming China
SHSE:600616 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:900914 Trucking China
SHSE:900929 Hotel/Gaming China
SHSE:900911 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:600838 Retail (General) China
SEHK:1877 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SHSE:900943 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300039 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600097 Food Processing China
SZSE:002669 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002022 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SHSE:603960 Machinery China
SHSE:603987 Healthcare Products China
SEHK:1501 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:300326 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:300225 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:6116 Retail (Special Lines) China
SHSE:603633 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603777 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SHSE:600826 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002706 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603006 Auto Parts China
SHSE:900928 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:900957 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:002858 Entertainment China
SHSE:603729 Advertising China
SHSE:603003 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:600663 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:603899 Office Equipment & Services China
SHSE:600073 Food Processing China
SHSE:900927 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600835 Machinery China
SHSE:688202 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SZSE:002269 Apparel China
SHSE:688016 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600882 Steel China
SHSE:603728 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002451 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002825 Publishing & Newspapers China
SZSE:300336 Entertainment China
SHSE:600638 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:600628 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600833 Retail (Special Lines) China
SHSE:600637 Cable TV China
SHSE:603991 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:601607 Healthcare Support Services China
SZSE:300398 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:900916 Recreation China
SZSE:300442 Machinery China
SZSE:002324 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:2345 Machinery China
SHSE:600193 Steel China
SHSE:600000 Bank (Money Center) China
SHSE:600284 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:603659 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600662 Trucking China
SZSE:002252 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SEHK:1835 Investments & Asset Management China
SHSE:603579 Recreation China
SHSE:603108 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SHSE:900922 Apparel China
SHSE:688098 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600626 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600653 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:900904 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600834 Transportation (Railroads) China
SHSE:900902 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600823 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603648 Transportation China
SHSE:603365 Apparel China
SZSE:002565 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:600420 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603121 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300236 Semiconductor Equip China
SZSE:002278 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:600649 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603683 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002527 Machinery China
SHSE:603499 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300129 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600620 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603330 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603895 Machinery China
SZSE:300171 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600647 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600846 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:603030 Business & Consumer Services China
SHSE:600820 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600652 Entertainment China
SHSE:900912 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600641 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603039 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300508 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002058 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603189 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300483 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:600825 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:600661 Education China
SZSE:002328 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603022 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300511 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:002561 Retail (General) China
SHSE:603159 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002178 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:900918 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002605 Recreation China
SHSE:600824 Retail (General) China
SHSE:603681 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300230 Machinery China
SHSE:600655 Retail (Special Lines) China
SEHK:755 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SHSE:600895 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:900947 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002346 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600517 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600210 Packaging & Container China
SEHK:69 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SET:SHANG Hotel/Gaming Thailand
KLSE:SHANG Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
SHSE:600146 Chemical (Basic) China
TASE:SHAN Paper/Forest Products Israel
BSE:540425 Retail (Building Supply) India
SEHK:1749 Apparel China
BSE:512297 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:522034 Machinery India
BSE:539921 Education India
NSEI:SHANTI Farming/Agriculture India
SHSE:601515 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300057 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:000680 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600408 Steel China
SZSE:000968 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:300254 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:8286 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600546 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600740 Steel China
SHSE:600617 Oil/Gas (Integrated) China
SHSE:600123 Coal & Related Energy China
SHSE:601699 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:000723 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:300486 Machinery China
SZSE:000755 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002500 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:000825 Steel China
SZSE:002360 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600809 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:000983 Coal & Related Energy China
SZSE:002753 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000767 Power China
SZSE:300158 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600567 Paper/Forest Products China
GTSM:4416 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
SZSE:300796 Chemical (Specialty) China
TASE:SPEN Engineering/Construction Israel
BSE:539584 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:519397 Food Processing India
BSE:538666 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:513548 Steel India
BSE:535602 Auto Parts India
BSE:512393 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:540725 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:8403 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
BSE:540786 Engineering/Construction India
OTCPK:SEII Machinery China
KWSE:SCEM Construction Supplies United Arab Emirates
ADX:SIB Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
CASE:SNFC Farming/Agriculture Egypt
CASE:SDTI Hotel/Gaming Egypt
BSE:523449 Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
BSE:538212 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
MSM:SHRQ Utility (Water) Oman
DSE:SHASHADNIM Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:540147 Engineering/Construction India
SEHK:953 Entertainment Hong Kong
DSE:SHYAMPSUG Food Processing Bangladesh
SHSE:600702 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
BSE:540203 Furn/Home Furnishings India
SEHK:1335 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
BSE:540757 Food Processing India
BSE:530525 Apparel India
TASE:SEFA Precious Metals Israel
GTSM:2065 Machinery Taiwan
GTSM:2063 Machinery Taiwan
ASX:SBW Software (System & Application) Israel
BSE:533301 Apparel India
OB:SHLF Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) United Arab Emirates
MSM:SOMS Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Oman
KASE:SHEL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Pakistan
BSE:526839 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:538685 Entertainment India
TASE:SMNIN Food Processing Israel
TASE:SOG-M Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
SEHK:8377 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002137 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300518 Entertainment China
GTSM:8921 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
SHSE:600642 Power China
SGX:OV8 Retail (Grocery and Food) Singapore
SEHK:6069 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
GTSM:5455 Construction Supplies Taiwan
TSEC:2029 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:851 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SZSE:000603 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600392 Metals & Mining China
GTSM:4806 Entertainment Taiwan
SEHK:8106 Computer Services China
SEHK:2066 Banks (Regional) China
OTCPK:VALV Machinery China
SEHK:1080 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:8481 Publishing & Newspapers China
OTCPK:SGTI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:829 Food Processing Hong Kong
SHSE:600183 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002633 Machinery China
SHSE:600810 Chemical (Basic) China
TSEC:3305 Machinery Taiwan
SZSE:002916 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:8206 Education Hong Kong
SEHK:218 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SZSE:000166 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SZSE:000820 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:300156 Machinery China
SZSE:300293 Machinery China
SZSE:000698 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600306 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002731 Apparel China
SZSE:000692 Utility (Water) China
SHSE:600609 Auto & Truck China
SHSE:600396 Power China
SZSE:000410 Machinery China
SEHK:747 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:300573 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002689 Machinery China
SZSE:300563 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300389 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000061 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SZSE:000089 Air Transport China
SZSE:002416 Computer Services China
SZSE:300572 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002587 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002316 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002811 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002227 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002170 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002047 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002243 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300533 Entertainment China
SZSE:300037 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002949 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:000038 Advertising China
SZSE:000004 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:300686 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002733 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000042 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000019 Food Processing China
SZSE:300301 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300151 Machinery China
SZSE:300689 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:200017 Recreation China
SHSE:688321 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002782 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002121 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002957 Machinery China
SZSE:002301 Office Equipment & Services China
SZSE:002052 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300731 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002618 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002421 Computer Services China
SZSE:002055 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000049 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300167 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300769 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002889 Transportation China
SZSE:000010 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:603808 Apparel China
SZSE:300546 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000027 Power China
SZSE:002837 Machinery China
SZSE:002751 Advertising China
SZSE:300115 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:548 Transportation China
SZSE:002436 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002210 Transportation China
SZSE:002681 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300671 Semiconductor China
SZSE:300647 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:300468 Computer Services China
SZSE:000005 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300602 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300514 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002327 Apparel China
SHSE:601139 Power China
SZSE:002869 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600462 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:002551 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:603118 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:603160 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002482 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:000096 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SZSE:002402 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002816 Machinery China
SZSE:002356 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002399 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600162 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:002168 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300277 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002325 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:603063 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000068 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000062 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:002763 Apparel China
SZSE:300713 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002528 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300085 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300124 Machinery China
SZSE:300675 Business & Consumer Services China
SEHK:152 Transportation Hong Kong
SEHK:737 Transportation Hong Kong
SEHK:604 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SZSE:002334 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300193 Machinery China
SZSE:300668 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002789 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002609 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002885 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002191 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:688025 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300400 Machinery China
SZSE:300303 Semiconductor China
SZSE:000021 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:002823 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300601 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:002972 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002850 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300565 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002917 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600446 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002548 Food Processing China
SZSE:300235 Entertainment China
SHSE:603228 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000048 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:002518 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002106 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300545 Machinery China
SZSE:300269 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:688389 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:300752 Semiconductor China
SZSE:300543 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002856 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002654 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300112 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002851 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300319 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300656 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300760 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002830 Business & Consumer Services China
SEHK:8301 Semiconductor China
SZSE:300506 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002429 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SZSE:200037 Power China
SZSE:000078 Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:8329 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300778 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002314 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002215 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000069 Recreation China
SZSE:002735 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:002769 Transportation China
SZSE:000011 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:688138 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002781 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:000007 Hotel/Gaming China
SZSE:002577 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:300241 Semiconductor China
SZSE:300154 Machinery China
SZSE:002813 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300576 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002620 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002294 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000070 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:000032 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:200058 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:002341 Office Equipment & Services China
SZSE:300568 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002786 Machinery China
SZSE:300693 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002912 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:002766 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SZSE:002289 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300348 Computer Services China
SZSE:002138 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002876 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002256 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300227 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300136 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300044 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603978 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002388 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000090 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300134 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300197 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:000025 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002213 Auto Parts China
SZSE:000045 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300047 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:300538 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002139 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002218 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002238 Cable TV China
SHSE:688036 Computers/Peripherals China
SZSE:002835 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002845 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000023 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300484 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002880 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:300621 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002775 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002130 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:200056 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:002285 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:002886 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000088 Transportation China
SZSE:300457 Machinery China
SZSE:300131 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300377 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002831 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:000006 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300771 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:200020 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000060 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002822 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002369 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300052 Entertainment China
SEHK:2313 Apparel China
DSE:SHEPHERD Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:526117 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
SET:SWC Chemical (Basic) Thailand
BSE:526137 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:8523 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:1633 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KASE:SHEZ Food Processing Pakistan
KLSE:SHH Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
SEHK:8181 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
GTSM:3531 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:4533 Machinery Taiwan
KASE:SCL Household Products Pakistan
KASE:SHFA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Pakistan
SEHK:1831 Advertising China
SZSE:002862 Recreation China
GTSM:3551 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
TSEC:5608 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
GTSM:4305 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:5324 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
TSEC:1503 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:1903 Paper/Forest Products Taiwan
SZSE:000158 Apparel China
SHSE:603050 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300491 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002603 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
TASE:SKBN Engineering/Construction Israel
BSE:531201 Electronics (General) India
BSE:513709 Machinery India
BSE:530549 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:813 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SZSE:002532 Machinery China
TSEC:6582 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:9926 Power Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A243840 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A001770 Steel South Korea
TSEC:2888 Insurance (Life) Taiwan
TSEC:01003T R.E.I.T. Taiwan
KOSE:A019170 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
GTSM:6186 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
TSEC:2901 Retail (General) Taiwan
TSEC:9918 Power Taiwan
TSEC:1235 Farming/Agriculture Taiwan
KLSE:SYSCORP Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
TSEC:3376 Machinery Taiwan
KOSE:A016590 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
NasdaqCM:TYHT Household Products China
SEHK:1930 Auto Parts China
GTSM:8291 Electronics (General) Taiwan
DSE:SPCERAMICS Household Products Bangladesh
OTCPK:UECN Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1587 Food Wholesalers China
KOSDAQ:A277480 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A323230 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A333050 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A293940 R.E.I.T. South Korea
KOSE:A055550 Bank (Money Center) South Korea
GTSM:8908 Power Taiwan
KOSE:A004080 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A187270 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSEC:9944 Apparel Taiwan
KOSE:A002700 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
TSEC:5531 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
GTSM:2248 Auto Parts Cayman Islands
KOSDAQ:A138070 Steel South Korea
TSEC:2850 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Taiwan
TSEC:1409 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:1419 Apparel Taiwan
KOSE:A002870 Packaging & Container South Korea
SZSE:300745 Auto Parts China
KOSE:A034300 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A031440 Restaurant/Dining South Korea
KOSE:A004170 Retail (General) South Korea
KOSE:A035510 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A031430 Retail (Special Lines) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A065350 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A011930 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSE:A005390 Apparel South Korea
SHSE:600587 Healthcare Products China
SGX:BJW Machinery Singapore
KOSDAQ:A056700 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A017000 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A009270 Apparel South Korea
GTSM:6703 Household Products Taiwan
TSEC:1773 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A307180 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A323280 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A001720 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSE:A005800 Apparel South Korea
ASE:SHRA Real Estate (Development) Jordan
SEHK:312 Retail (General) China
BSE:512289 Precious Metals India
BSE:540693 Chemical (Basic) India
NSEI:SHIVAUM Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:532323 Construction Supplies India
BSE:530433 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:511108 Apparel India
BSE:513097 Steel India
BSE:539148 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:532776 Auto Parts India
BSE:539593 Food Wholesalers India
SEHK:666 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
KLSE:SHL Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
SWX:SHLTN Healthcare Support Services Israel
BSE:532638 Retail (General) India
JSE:SHP Retail (Grocery and Food) South Africa
SEHK:103 Steel Hong Kong
SEHK:730 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:697 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:639 Steel Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A086980 Entertainment South Korea
NSEI:SHRADHA Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:538795 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:521131 Apparel India
NSEI:SHREECEM Construction Supplies India
BSE:502180 Construction Supplies India
BSE:539470 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:540737 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:512463 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:524336 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:516106 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:500388 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:531962 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:540253 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:SHREEPUSHK Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:503837 Apparel India
BSE:516086 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:532310 Packaging & Container India
NSEI:RAMANEWS Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:532670 Food Processing India
BSE:503635 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:513488 Steel India
NSEI:TIRUPATI Packaging & Container India
NSEI:SVLL Transportation India
BSE:540738 Trucking India
NSEI:OSWALSEEDS Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:532007 Investments & Asset Management India
NSEI:SHRENIK Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:SHREYANIND Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:520151 Shipbuilding & Marine India
BSE:526981 Steel India
BSE:503804 Apparel India
BSE:512453 Apparel India
BSE:530977 Construction Supplies India
BSE:531080 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:531359 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532498 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532945 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:511218 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:511411 Engineering/Construction India
SGX:566 Engineering/Construction Singapore
DFM:SHUAA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) United Arab Emirates
SEHK:1706 Engineering/Construction Singapore
GTSM:6506 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
SEHK:1241 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600481 Machinery China
NSEI:SHUBHLAXMI Retail (Distributors) India
TASE:SAE Retail (Grocery and Food) Israel
SEHK:272 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:8443 Shoe Taiwan
BSE:524632 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SEHK:253 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SEHK:219 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
TSEC:6283 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:242 Diversified Hong Kong
SEHK:1591 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:000631 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1165 Semiconductor Hong Kong
SZSE:000606 Software (System & Application) China
TSEC:6451 Semiconductor China
SEHK:932 Household Products Hong Kong
SZSE:300612 Advertising China
DSE:SHURWID Packaging & Container Bangladesh
TSEC:2405 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:4537 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:517411 Computer Services India
SGX:S59 Air Transport Singapore
HOSE:SBV Apparel Vietnam
SET:SCCC Construction Supplies Thailand
SET:SFP Food Processing Thailand
SET:SF Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
SET:GLOBAL Retail (Building Supply) Thailand
SET:MAKRO Retail (General) Thailand
SET:SPORT Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
SET:SIAM Office Equipment & Services Thailand
SET:SSSC Steel Thailand
SET:SPA Business & Consumer Services Thailand
SET:SE Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:SGP Oil/Gas Distribution Thailand
SET:SR Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
SZSE:300024 Machinery China
JSE:SGL Precious Metals South Africa
BSE:520141 Auto Parts India
SEHK:1142 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
MISX:SIBG Food Processing Russia
GHSE:SIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Ghana
BRVM:CABC Electrical Equipment Ivory Coast
BSE:533014 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:520086 Shipbuilding & Marine India
SHSE:600839 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SZSE:002190 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300547 Rubber& Tires China
SHSE:600674 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:002272 Machinery China
SZSE:000593 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300780 Machinery China
SZSE:300535 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601208 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1713 Power China
SEHK:107 Transportation China
SZSE:002357 Trucking China
SHSE:603327 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600678 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300434 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600979 Power China
SZSE:002749 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002023 Air Transport China
SZSE:000757 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600331 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:603679 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000586 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002951 Publishing & Newspapers China
SZSE:000803 Machinery China
SZSE:002777 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:000801 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SZSE:002422 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300092 Machinery China
SHSE:600137 Apparel China
SHSE:600466 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:2606 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:000912 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000731 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600101 Power China
Power China
SZSE:000155 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002246 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600039 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002259 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SZSE:000935 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600779 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:603317 Food Processing China
SZSE:300504 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:600139 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SHSE:600505 Power China
SZSE:000510 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300467 Entertainment China
SZSE:002497 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603477 Apparel China
SZSE:300414 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603077 Chemical (Basic) China
KASE:STPL Metals & Mining Pakistan
CCSE:SVS Steel Venezuela
CASE:SKPC Chemical (Basic) Egypt
KOSE:A134790 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
BSE:532217 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
OTCPK:SEMU.F Diversified Cayman Islands
KASE:SIEM Diversified Pakistan
NSEI:SIEMENS Diversified India
COSE:SIRA.N0000 Electrical Equipment Sri Lanka
HOSE:ST8 Office Equipment & Services Vietnam
SZSE:002028 Electrical Equipment China
BVB:SIF1 Investments & Asset Management Romania
BVB:CAOR Hotel/Gaming Romania
BVB:SIF5 Investments & Asset Management Romania
KLSE:SIGGAS Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
SNSE:SK Diversified Chile
COSE:SIGV.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
TSXV:SGMA Metals & Mining Brazil
KLSE:SIGN Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
XKON:A260870 Electrical Equipment South Korea
BSE:512131 Retail (Distributors) India
NYSE:SIG Retail (Special Lines) Bermuda
KOSDAQ:A033170 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A020710 Engineering/Construction South Korea
TSEC:6257 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:460 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SGX:BHK Utility (Water) Singapore
BSE:523606 Aerospace/Defense India
SET:SKR Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
NSEI:SIKKO Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:524642 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:521194 Investments & Asset Management India
BUL:6S5 Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
DSE:SILCOPHL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
TSEC:6415 Semiconductor Cayman Islands
NasdaqGS:SILC Telecom. Equipment Israel
TSEC:2363 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:3530 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4973 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:3288 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A108320 Semiconductor South Korea
TSEC:3311 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:8250 Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
SEHK:988 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KASE:SILK Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
Catalist:STP Metals & Mining Singapore
SZSE:300556 Business & Consumer Services China
KOSE:A004970 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A025870 Food Processing South Korea
KOSDAQ:A001000 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A215600 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
NSEI:SILLYMONKS Entertainment India
DSE:SILVAPHL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
SEHK:886 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:171 Chemical (Basic) Hong Kong
BSE:531635 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
KLSE:SRIDGE Computer Services Malaysia
SEHK:1943 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
NSEI:SILVERTUC Computer Services India
SGX:5CP Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:512197 Electrical Equipment India
OTCPK:SSTR.F Entertainment Bermuda
SHSE:603969 Steel China
Catalist:URR Recreation Malaysia
SEHK:2000 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
SET:SIMAT Computer Services Thailand
BSE:539742 Food Processing India
ZMSE:SIM Restaurant/Dining Zimbabwe
KLSE:SIME Diversified Malaysia
KLSE:SIMEPLT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KLSE:SIMEPROP Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
SZSE:002712 Advertising China
AIM:SIM Software (System & Application) Israel
BSE:507998 Machinery India
KOSDAQ:A222800 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036710 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A009160 Machinery South Korea
GTSM:2945 Retail (General) Taiwan
BSE:513472 Steel India
BSE:523838 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:533019 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:503229 Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:8367 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
GTSM:6121 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:519566 Food Processing India
DSE:SIMTEX Apparel Bangladesh
GTSM:3511 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SGX:B7K Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KLSE:SHCHAN Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
SGX:BKA Retail (Distributors) Singapore
NasdaqGS:SINA Software (Entertainment) China
CASE:SCEM Construction Supplies Egypt
SGX:A26 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
TSEC:3023 Electronics (General) Taiwan
Catalist:5UN Retail (Distributors) Singapore
TSEC:2605 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
GTSM:6721 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
SEHK:444 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A056000 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
BSE:523023 Hotel/Gaming India
SEHK:6833 Healthcare Support Services China
KASE:SASML Food Processing Pakistan
KASE:SINDM Investments & Asset Management Pakistan
BSE:532029 Transportation India
KOSE:A029530 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
BSE:505504 Business & Consumer Services India
GTSM:6634 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
SGX:5IC Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SGX:S35 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Singapore
SEHK:8076 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SEHK:1105 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SEHK:716 Machinery Hong Kong
SGX:C6L Air Transport Singapore
Catalist:40V Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SGX:S68 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Singapore
Catalist:5OT Healthcare Support Services Singapore
SGX:Y45 Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
Catalist:1D8 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Singapore
SGX:S08 Transportation Singapore
SGX:T39 Publishing & Newspapers Singapore
SGX:S49 Reinsurance Singapore
SGX:S19 Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
SGX:S63 Aerospace/Defense Singapore
SGX:Z74 Telecom. Services Singapore
SGX:S23 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Singapore
SEHK:8293 Business & Consumer Services Singapore
GTSM:6126 Electronics (General) Taiwan
COSE:SINS.N0000 Retail (General) Sri Lanka
DSE:SINGERBD Furn/Home Furnishings Bangladesh
COSE:SFIN.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
BSE:505729 Furn/Home Furnishings India
COSE:SINI.N0000 Furn/Home Furnishings Sri Lanka
SET:SINGER Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
SET:S Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SGX:5H0 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
COSE:SINH.N0000 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Sri Lanka
GTSM:3490 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
KOSE:A006880 Food Processing South Korea
GTSM:4433 Apparel Taiwan
COSE:SFL.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
TSEC:4999 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:2103 Real Estate (Development) China
KOSDAQ:A012790 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
ASE:SNRA Food Processing Jordan
Catalist:5HH Hotel/Gaming Singapore
TSEC:2032 Steel Taiwan
GTSM:1580 Machinery Taiwan
KLSE:SMCAP Food Processing Malaysia
OTCPK:SIAF Farming/Agriculture China
OTCPK:SNAS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
OTCPK:SFBE Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:1177 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SEHK:1096 Retail (Automotive) China
SZSE:300191 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:361 Recreation Hong Kong
SGX:T4B Food Processing China
SZSE:200018 Engineering/Construction China
OTCPK:SGLA Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
SEHK:1663 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:2923 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SEHK:1221 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KLSE:HUAAN Steel Malaysia
SEHK:365 Machinery Hong Kong
SEHK:83 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SHSE:688108 Healthcare Products China
SEHK:702 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
SEHK:766 Precious Metals Hong Kong
SEHK:8006 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
GTSM:5481 Education Taiwan
SEHK:8086 Retail (Online) Hong Kong
SZSE:300327 Semiconductor China
SHSE:603970 Chemical (Specialty) China
GTSM:5483 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SEHK:250 Software (Internet) Hong Kong
SEHK:8296 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:3377 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600459 Precious Metals China
SET:STEC Engineering/Construction Thailand
DSE:SINOBANGLA Packaging & Container Bangladesh
SZSE:300298 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600500 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:300635 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002657 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:002485 Apparel China
SEHK:297 Chemical (Specialty) Hong Kong
SZSE:300777 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:8123 Retail (Automotive) Hong Kong
SHSE:600109 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:1168 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SHSE:603126 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:600970 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002080 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:3681 Drugs (Biotechnology) Hong Kong
SHSE:600335 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600444 Building Materials China
SEHK:623 Advertising China
SZSE:002738 Metals & Mining China
TSEC:1712 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
TSEC:2890 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
SEHK:2386 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:934 Oil/Gas Distribution Hong Kong
SZSE:000852 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:1033 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SZSE:000554 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:338 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1099 Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:8156 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
GTSM:6435 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:300470 Machinery China
SHSE:603927 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:1297 Software (System & Application) China
SGX:C9Q Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
SZSE:002057 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000928 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300333 Electronics (General) China
KLSE:SINOTOP Apparel China
SEHK:598 Transportation China
SEHK:3808 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:601558 Electrical Equipment China
TSEC:1734 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
BOVESPA:SQIA3 Software (System & Application) Brazil
KOSDAQ:A002800 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
BSE:502742 Apparel India
NSEI:SPTL Chemical (Basic) India
GTSM:6680 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:3536 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:9940 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
BSE:523164 Farming/Agriculture India
SNSE:SIPSA Diversified Chile
BSE:532879 Food Processing India
NSEI:SIRCA Retail (Distributors) India
SZSE:300791 Household Products China
NasdaqGS:SG Reinsurance Bermuda
LSE:SRE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Channel Islands
BUL:SKK Computer Services Bulgaria
GTSM:5356 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:SIS Computer Services Thailand
SEHK:529 Computer Services Hong Kong
SET:SISB Education Thailand
SEHK:1696 Healthcare Products Israel
MISX:AFKS Telecom (Wireless) Russia
BSE:512589 Investments & Asset Management India
KASE:SITC Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
KASE:SEL Power Pakistan
KASE:SPL Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
SEHK:1308 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
BSE:532795 Cable TV India
SEHK:1023 Apparel Hong Kong
TSEC:8016 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2484 Electronics (General) Taiwan
CASE:OCDI Real Estate (Development) Egypt
BSE:503811 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A306040 Apparel South Korea
XKON:A217910 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A080440 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A123700 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A025530 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:880 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
NSEI:SJVN Power India
KOSDAQ:A307070 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSE:A285130 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A210980 Real Estate (Development) South Korea
KOSE:A006120 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A018670 Oil/Gas Distribution South Korea
KOSE:A034730 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A000660 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A096770 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. South Korea
Catalist:42G Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A036490 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSE:A001740 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A337450 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSE:A001510 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
SEHK:8427 Construction Supplies Malaysia
KOSE:A017670 Telecom (Wireless) South Korea
DSE:SKTRIMS Apparel Bangladesh
GTSM:3466 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KLSE:SKBSHUT Building Materials Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A052260 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A011790 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A057500 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A178920 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
XKON:A224020 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:500472 Machinery India
NSEI:SKIL Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A159910 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
BSE:538562 Engineering/Construction India
NSEI:SKMEGGPROD Food Processing India
KLSE:SKPRES Machinery Malaysia
BSE:531169 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SHSE:603737 Chemical (Basic) China
OTCPK:SKYI Entertainment Hong Kong
SEHK:141 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SET:SKY Computer Services Thailand
BSE:526479 Apparel India
SEHK:3882 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SEHK:59 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
BSE:505650 Construction Supplies India
BSE:538919 Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A033790 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
NGSE:SKYAVN Air Transport Nigeria
SZSE:000810 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:751 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
KOSE:A005850 Auto Parts South Korea
BUL:3JL Hotel/Gaming Bulgaria
BUL:3JO Tobacco Bulgaria
ZGSE:SNBA Banks (Regional) Croatia
Catalist:1J0 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
BOVESPA:SLCE3 Farming/Agriculture Brazil
SEHK:8285 Apparel Hong Kong
KLSE:SLP Packaging & Container Malaysia
XKON:A246250 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
KOSDAQ:A048550 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A041510 Entertainment South Korea
PSE:SM Diversified Philippines
PSE:SMPH Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
XKON:A299670 Apparel South Korea
SET:SMART Construction Supplies Thailand
BSE:539494 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:8485 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SEHK:2166 Computer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:395 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
GTSM:6717 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NSEI:SMARTLINK Telecom. Equipment India
SEHK:315 Telecom (Wireless) Hong Kong
COSE:SEMB.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
HOSE:SMC Steel Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A007820 Machinery South Korea
KASE:SLL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A099440 Machinery South Korea
SEHK:2366 Entertainment Hong Kong
BSE:508905 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KLSE:SMILE Healthcare Support Services Malaysia
BOVESPA:SMLS3 Advertising Brazil
KLSE:SMISCOR Auto Parts Malaysia
SEHK:2239 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
BSE:513418 Steel India
BSE:505192 Construction Supplies India
MSM:SMNP Power Oman
KLSE:SMRT Education Malaysia
BSE:540686 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SZSE:002857 Electronics (General) China
NSEI:SMSLIFE Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:532815 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KLSE:SMTRACK Telecom. Equipment Malaysia
SNSE:SMU Retail (Grocery and Food) Chile
NSEI:SMVD Packaging & Container India
SEHK:1843 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
SET:SNC Machinery Thailand
KOSDAQ:A038680 Computer Services South Korea
BVB:SNG Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Romania
BSE:505827 Machinery India
BSE:538635 Transportation India
XKON:A086460 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:6473 Entertainment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A160600 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A080000 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
GTSM:6736 Entertainment Taiwan
GTSM:6222 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:532784 Real Estate (Development) India
SHSE:603916 Chemical (Specialty) China
HNX:DPS Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
SEHK:983 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BVB:SOCP Shipbuilding & Marine Romania
DSE:SIBL Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
BASE:PATA Retail (Grocery and Food) Argentina
BASE:COME Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Argentina
SNSE:CAMPOS Food Processing Chile
SNSE:ORO BLANCO Investments & Asset Management Chile
SNSE:CALICHERAA Investments & Asset Management Chile
SNSE:SMSAAM Shipbuilding & Marine Chile
BVL:CVERDEC1 Metals & Mining Peru
BVL:MINCORI1 Metals & Mining Peru
BVL:BROCALC1 Metals & Mining Peru
SNSE:COLOSO Food Processing Chile
SNSE:PUCOBRE Metals & Mining Chile
BVB:COTE Oil/Gas Distribution Romania
BVB:NAPO Engineering/Construction Romania
BVB:SIF2 Investments & Asset Management Romania
BVB:EL Power Romania
BVMT:ADWYA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Tunisia
BRVM:SPHC Rubber& Tires Ivory Coast
ENXTPA:BCAM Beverage (Alcoholic) Cameroon
BVMT:SAM Office Equipment & Services Tunisia
BVMT:ALKIM Chemical (Basic) Tunisia
BRVM:STAC Engineering/Construction Ivory Coast
BVMT:SAH Household Products Tunisia
CBSE:EQD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Morocco
CBSE:MSA Shipbuilding & Marine Morocco
BRVM:SDCC Utility (Water) Ivory Coast
BRVM:SLBC Beverage (Alcoholic) Ivory Coast
BVMT:SPDIT Investments & Asset Management Tunisia
CBSE:PRO Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Morocco
CBSE:SRM Retail (Distributors) Morocco
CBSE:SOT Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Morocco
CBSE:SBM Beverage (Alcoholic) Morocco
BRVM:SOGC Farming/Agriculture Ivory Coast
BVMT:SIPHA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Tunisia
BVMT:SFBT Beverage (Soft) Tunisia
BRVM:SGBC Bank (Money Center) Ivory Coast
GHSE:SOGEGH Bank (Money Center) Ghana
BVMT:GIF Auto Parts Tunisia
BVMT:XABYT Telecom. Services Tunisia
BVMT:SIMPAR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Tunisia
BVMT:SITS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Tunisia
BVMT:SIAME Electrical Equipment Tunisia
BRVM:SIBC Bank (Money Center) Ivory Coast
BRVM:SICC Food Processing Ivory Coast
BRVM:STBC Tobacco Ivory Coast
BVMT:MAG Retail (General) Tunisia
CBSE:MAB Real Estate (Operations & Services) Morocco
CBSE:S2M Software (System & Application) Morocco
CBSE:SMI Metals & Mining Morocco
BVMT:SOMOC Building Materials Tunisia
BRVM:SMBC Construction Supplies Ivory Coast
CBSE:SNP Chemical (Basic) Morocco
BVMT:MNP Retail (General) Tunisia
CBSE:REB Metals & Mining Morocco
BVMT:TPR Building Materials Tunisia
BVMT:STAR Insurance (General) Tunisia
BVMT:SOTEM Building Materials Tunisia
BVMT:SOTET Telecom. Services Tunisia
BVMT:STB Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
BVMT:TAIR Air Transport Tunisia
BVMT:TRE Reinsurance Tunisia
BVMT:SOTUV Packaging & Container Tunisia
BVMT:STIP Rubber& Tires Tunisia
BVMT:MGR Food Wholesalers Tunisia
BVMT:STPAP Packaging & Container Tunisia
SNSE:SOCOVESA Homebuilding Chile
PSE:SOC Real Estate (Development) Philippines
BUL:6SOA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bulgaria
GTSM:6615 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
GTSM:5478 Entertainment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A032680 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
COSE:SCAP.N0000 Insurance (Life) Sri Lanka
COSE:CRL.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
COSE:SHL.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
COSE:AAIC.N0000 Insurance (General) Sri Lanka
SEHK:380 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:532344 Software (System & Application) India
GTSM:6111 Entertainment Taiwan
NSEI:SOFTTECH Software (System & Application) India
GTSM:4578 Machinery Taiwan
MSM:BKSB Bank (Money Center) Oman
SEHK:410 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SGX:SV3U R.E.I.T. Singapore
KWSE:SOKOUK Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
NasdaqGM:SLGL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
GTSM:1785 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
BSE:532725 Chemical (Basic) India
NSEI:SOLARA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SHSE:603366 Electrical Equipment China
NasdaqGS:SEDG Semiconductor Equip Israel
SEHK:757 Semiconductor Equip Hong Kong
ZGSE:SLRS Hotel/Gaming Croatia
SEHK:1166 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SET:SOLAR Electrical Equipment Thailand
KLSE:SOLAR Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A035610 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A043100 Healthcare Products South Korea
TASE:SLGN Green & Renewable Energy Israel
NSEI:SOLEX Semiconductor India
KLSE:SOLID Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
BSE:500394 Machinery India
BSE:502460 Packaging & Container India
PSE:SGI Computer Services Philippines
GTSM:3259 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:513699 Building Materials India
GTSM:6737 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A050890 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
BAX:SOLID Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bahrain
SASE:8290 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
GTSM:8416 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
SEHK:2227 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BSE:538575 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:522152 Machinery India
MISX:SVAV Auto & Truck Russia
SEHK:2878 Semiconductor Hong Kong
TSEC:2359 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:3484 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
OTCPK:SOLQ Software (System & Application) China
KOSDAQ:A230980 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
KOSDAQ:A154040 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KLSE:SOLUTN Electronics (General) Malaysia
TSEC:1471 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:511571 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:507514 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
BSE:521034 Apparel India
BSE:531548 Building Materials India
NSEI:SHIL Retail (Distributors) India
SET:SAT Auto Parts Thailand
BSE:533001 Machinery India
GTSM:6633 Healthcare Products Taiwan
TASE:SMTO Software (System & Application) Israel
HNX:SHE Steel Vietnam
HOSE:SHI Building Materials Vietnam
HOSE:SHA Machinery Vietnam
HNX:SLS Food Processing Vietnam
HOSE:SZC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:SZL Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
BSE:538943 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
DSE:SONALIANSH Apparel Bangladesh
NSEI:SONAMCLOCK Furn/Home Furnishings India
DSE:SONARBAINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
DSE:SONARGAON Apparel Bangladesh
CBSE:SID Steel Morocco
BSE:532221 Computer Services India
BRVM:SNTS Telecom. Services Senegal
SNSE:SONDA Computer Services Chile
KASE:SNBL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
HOSE:SBA Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
HNX:SJC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
HNX:SD4 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:S55 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:SD6 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:S74 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:SD9 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:SCL Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:STP Packaging & Container Vietnam
HNX:MEC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:SDT Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:SD2 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:SD5 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:SJE Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:SJS Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
GTSM:5016 Steel Taiwan
HNX:NSH Metals & Mining Vietnam
HNX:ICG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:MSH Apparel Vietnam
GTSM:6156 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:300144 Recreation China
KOSE:A004430 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SZSE:002454 Auto Parts China
NSEI:SONISOYA Food Processing India
SET:SONIC Transportation Thailand
TSEC:5471 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A066910 Recreation South Korea
SZSE:300633 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:601555 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
Catalist:5MD Retail (Distributors) Singapore
GTSM:2643 Transportation Taiwan
KOSE:A017550 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A050960 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A084180 Construction Supplies South Korea
BVMT:SOPAT Food Processing Tunisia
BUL:3JR Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bulgaria
BUL:6S6 R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
BUL:SO5 Healthcare Support Services Bulgaria
SNSE:SOPROCAL Construction Supplies Chile
SNSE:SOQUICOM Chemical (Specialty) Chile
KOSDAQ:A053110 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:532679 Environmental & Waste Services India
NasdaqGM:SORL Auto Parts China
SZSE:300173 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A036830 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SEHK:878 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SGX:5KI Restaurant/Dining Singapore
BSE:521036 Apparel India
BSE:531398 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
HOSE:CSV Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
HNX:SMN Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
CASE:SCFM Food Processing Egypt
SEHK:8155 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:619 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SEHK:413 Recreation Hong Kong
ASE:SECO Computer Services Jordan
SZSE:000920 Construction Supplies China
HOSE:STG Transportation Vietnam
KLSE:SMI Steel Malaysia
JSE:SOH Electrical Equipment South Africa
SEHK:577 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
CASE:SVCE Construction Supplies Egypt
NSEI:SOUTHWEST Metals & Mining India
HNX:PSE Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
SEHK:252 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
DSE:SOUTHEASTB Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
TSEC:1110 Construction Supplies Taiwan
KLSE:SAB Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
SET:SCP Construction Supplies Thailand
SEHK:1573 Coal & Related Energy China
HNX:PGS Oil/Gas Distribution Vietnam
HOSE:SHP Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
BSE:540174 Software (System & Application) India
MISX:UKUZ Coal & Related Energy Russia
BSE:513498 Metals & Mining India
BSE:590030 Chemical (Specialty) India
SASE:3050 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
SHSE:601900 Publishing & Newspapers China
HOSE:SSC Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
SZSE:000403 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
KLSE:SSTEEL Steel Malaysia
MISX:UNKL Metals & Mining Russia
TSX:SGQ Coal & Related Energy Hong Kong
SHSE:600369 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:812 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SZSE:002503 Apparel China
BSE:523826 Apparel India
NGSE:SOVRENINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
SZSE:000909 Real Estate (Development) China
SGX:AWE Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A317830 Machinery South Korea
SEHK:2448 Engineering/Construction Macau
BSE:541890 Software (Entertainment) India
TSEC:2440 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TASE:SCC Telecom. Services Israel
NSEI:SPCENET Retail (Distributors) India
Catalist:40E Entertainment Singapore
BSE:524727 Food Wholesalers India
NSEI:SPANDANA Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
JSE:SPA Chemical (Specialty) South Africa
BSE:531370 Electronics (General) India
SEHK:970 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:540211 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
PSE:SPC Power Philippines
KOSE:A005610 Food Processing South Korea
SET:SPCG Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
JSE:SEA R.E.I.T. South Africa
SZSE:300071 Advertising China
KWSE:SPEC Diversified Kuwait
BSE:534425 Restaurant/Dining India
ASE:SPIC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Jordan
ASE:SIJC Real Estate (Development) Jordan
KOSDAQ:A013810 Engineering/Construction South Korea
BSE:513687 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531982 Food Processing India
SEHK:3860 Apparel Hong Kong
GTSM:5457 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:540 Apparel China
BUL:0SP Transportation Bulgaria
BSE:517166 Semiconductor India
NSEI:SPENCERS Retail (General) India
BSE:526161 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A058610 Electrical Equipment South Korea
SGX:SK6U R.E.I.T. Singapore
BVB:SFG Restaurant/Dining Romania
NasdaqGS:SPI Semiconductor Hong Kong
SZSE:000958 Utility (General) China
SHSE:600292 Environmental & Waste Services China
BSE:526827 Apparel India
BSE:500285 Air Transport India
KOSDAQ:A192440 Computers/Peripherals South Korea
SGX:564 Machinery Singapore
TSEC:3055 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
BSE:532651 Apparel India
BSE:513414 Steel India
ASX:SPT Information Services Israel
HOSE:SPM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
BSE:500402 Engineering/Construction India
KOSDAQ:A050760 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BSE:539221 Apparel India
GTSM:6146 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
SHSE:601021 Air Transport China
KLSE:SPRING Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
OTCPK:CYIG Household Products China
SEHK:1426 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
TASE:SPRG Retail (Online) Israel
SEHK:1700 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
BOVESPA:SGPS3 Furn/Home Furnishings Brazil
KLSE:SPRITZER Beverage (Soft) Malaysia
SEHK:1401 Computers/Peripherals China
BSE:530177 Computer Services India
SEHK:1251 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
JSE:SUR Restaurant/Dining South Africa
SET:SPVI Retail (Special Lines) Thailand
BSE:526532 Real Estate (Development) India
DSE:SQURPHARMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
SHSE:603339 Machinery China
DSE:SQUARETEXT Apparel Bangladesh
XKON:A270210 Household Products South Korea
SEHK:1207 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
BSE:532842 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:514248 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:535601 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:523756 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BELEX:SPRU Engineering/Construction Serbia
BSE:539217 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:503806 Chemical (Diversified) India
BSE:534680 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:530943 Entertainment India
BSE:531322 Oil/Gas Distribution India
BSE:514442 Building Materials India
BSE:539363 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:521161 Apparel India
COSE:SLTL.N0000 Telecom. Services Sri Lanka
BSE:521234 Apparel India
BSE:521178 Apparel India
SET:STA Rubber& Tires Thailand
BSE:513605 Steel India
SET:SRICHA Engineering/Construction Thailand
SET:SAWAD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
SET:BFIT Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
SET:SITHAI Packaging & Container Thailand
SET:VIH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
BSE:523222 Power India
KOSE:A003410 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A010280 Computer Services South Korea
KOSE:A003620 Auto & Truck South Korea
PSE:SSI Retail (Special Lines) Philippines
HOSE:SSI Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
XKON:A236030 Food Processing South Korea
BVB:BRK Brokerage & Investment Banking Romania
JMSE:SSLVC Investments & Asset Management Jamaica
OTCPK:YGTY.F Business & Consumer Services China
BSE:530821 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:539026 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSDAQ:A275630 Computer Services South Korea
SEHK:2005 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SEHK:8521 Apparel Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A237690 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
TSX:SAU Precious Metals Singapore
GTSM:1565 Healthcare Products Taiwan
PSE:SLI Real Estate (Development) Philippines
JSE:SDO Education South Africa
SZSE:300204 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SGX:H07 Hotel/Gaming Singapore
SGX:S29 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
BSE:531723 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
UGSE:SBU Bank (Money Center) Uganda
NASE:SBIC Bank (Money Center) Kenya
NGSE:STANBIC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Nigeria
JSE:SBK Bank (Money Center) South Africa
DSE:STANDBANKL Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
MAL:STANDARD Bank (Money Center) Malawi
BSE:511700 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
DSE:STANCERAM Household Products Bangladesh
KASE:SCBPL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
GHSE:SCB Bank (Money Center) Ghana
NASE:SCBK Bank (Money Center) Kenya
LUSE:SCZ Bank (Money Center) Zambia
TSEC:1720 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
TSEC:1227 Food Processing Taiwan
BSE:530017 Retail (Distributors) India
DSE:STANDARINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SZSE:002588 Chemical (Specialty) China
JMSE:SML Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jamaica
BSE:530931 Packaging & Container India
BSE:506105 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:540575 Construction Supplies India
TSEC:4930 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
BSE:539255 Electrical Equipment India
SHSE:600866 Food Processing China
KLSE:STAR Publishing & Newspapers Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A158310 Machinery South Korea
NSEI:STARPAPER Paper/Forest Products India
SET:SPRC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
SEHK:1560 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
GTSM:2719 Retail (Online) Taiwan
SET:STAR Household Products Thailand
OTCPK:STRH Computers/Peripherals Hong Kong
BUL:5SR Machinery Bulgaria
Catalist:40D Aerospace/Defense Singapore
BSE:531616 Software (System & Application) India
KOSDAQ:A115570 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
SET:SFLEX Packaging & Container Thailand
SEHK:8213 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SGX:P40U R.E.I.T. Singapore
SGX:CC3 Telecom (Wireless) Singapore
SET:STARK Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
TSEC:2480 Computer Services Taiwan
Catalist:5UA Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SEHK:1159 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:540492 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:538733 Metals & Mining India
BSE:517548 Electrical Equipment India
SEHK:403 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
BSE:520155 Shipbuilding & Marine India
SEHK:1616 Apparel China
SET:SMT Electronics (General) Thailand
BSE:512381 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
GHSE:SPL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Ghana
NSEI:SBIN Bank (Money Center) India
JMSE:SOS Office Equipment & Services Jamaica
MISX:STSB Power Russia
SET:STC Construction Supplies Thailand
KOSDAQ:A052020 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
ASX:SST Diversified Papua New Guinea
SEHK:8277 Paper/Forest Products Hong Kong
BSE:500113 Steel India
NSEI:STEELCITY Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:534748 Steel India
BSE:513262 Auto Parts India
BSE:513517 Steel India
BSE:500399 Steel India
JSE:SSK Engineering/Construction South Africa
JSE:SNH Furn/Home Furnishings South Africa
BSE:533316 Investments & Asset Management India
KLSE:STELLA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SEHK:1836 Shoe Hong Kong
JSE:SCP Investments & Asset Management South Africa
BSE:536738 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:84 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
XKON:A258540 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
BSE:531509 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:512215 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
AIM:STCM Construction Supplies Malaysia
TSX:STGO Precious Metals Mongolia
NSEI:SWSOLAR Engineering/Construction India
NGSE:STERLNBANK Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
BSE:526500 Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:1825 Apparel Hong Kong
JMSE:SIL Investments & Asset Management Saint Lucia
BSE:530759 Auto Parts India
BSE:532374 Telecom. Equipment India
SEHK:2262 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:000760 Auto Parts China
TASE:STG Computer Services Israel
KOSDAQ:A039440 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
PSE:STI Education Philippines
BSE:513151 Apparel India
NSEI:SGL Apparel India
GTSM:4931 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A098660 Apparel South Korea
SZSE:002468 Transportation China
CBSE:SNA Retail (Distributors) Morocco
HNX:SPI Construction Supplies Vietnam
NasdaqGS:STNE Information Services Brazil
SET:STI Business & Consumer Services Thailand
JSE:SSS R.E.I.T. South Africa
BSE:504959 Machinery India
SET:STPI Steel Thailand
SGX:S85 Recreation Singapore
KOSDAQ:A234300 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KLSE:STRAITS Oil/Gas Distribution Malaysia
SET:SHREIT R.E.I.T. Thailand
TASE:STRS Food Processing Israel
SEHK:8401 Advertising Hong Kong
SZSE:002970 Electronics (General) China
GTSM:4151 Recreation Taiwan
NSEI:STAR Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
CBSE:STR Engineering/Construction Morocco
TSEC:4560 Machinery China
SEHK:852 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Hong Kong
GTSM:5281 Electrical Equipment Cayman Islands
KOSDAQ:A253450 Entertainment South Korea
NGSE:STUDPRESS Publishing & Newspapers Nigeria
BSE:530611 Building Materials India
KOSE:A011810 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSE:A077970 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A071970 Machinery South Korea
BSE:526951 Building Materials India
SEHK:211 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
DSE:STYLECRAFT Apparel Bangladesh
SET:SSTPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:SST Retail (Grocery and Food) Thailand
BSE:532348 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:517168 Auto Parts India
GTSM:8179 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:SUBUR Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
SEHK:1182 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
TSEC:2496 Education Taiwan
KLSE:SUCCESS Electrical Equipment Malaysia
SEHK:487 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
BSE:538714 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:1430 Power China
BRVM:SCRC Food Processing Ivory Coast
BSE:506655 Chemical (Diversified) India
ADX:SUDATEL Telecom. Services Sudan
BSE:521113 Apparel India
CASE:CANA Bank (Money Center) Egypt
CASE:SCTS Education Egypt
CASE:SUCE Construction Supplies Egypt
SEHK:912 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
BSE:511654 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
KOSDAQ:A253840 Healthcare Products South Korea
KOSE:A008490 Healthcare Products South Korea
KASE:SNGP Power Pakistan
KASE:SSGC Power Pakistan
BSE:542683 Computers/Peripherals India
BSE:517224 Steel India
BSE:508969 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SHSE:603585 Chemical (Specialty) China
KWSE:SULTAN Retail (Grocery and Food) Kuwait
TSEC:1475 Apparel Taiwan
SZSE:300079 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:600710 Retail (Distributors) China
BSE:530419 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:2066 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:514211 Apparel India
BSE:530445 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:SUMIT Real Estate (Development) India
SEHK:756 Food Processing Hong Kong
DSE:SAPORTL Shipbuilding & Marine Bangladesh
SEHK:102 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KASE:SMBL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
DSE:SUMITPOWER Power Bangladesh
TASE:SMT Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
BSE:533306 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:532070 Food Wholesalers India
BSE:532154 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:6808 Retail (General) Hong Kong
GTSM:3489 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SEHK:1781 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
GTSM:5514 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
SEHK:1975 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
SEHK:125 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:86 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:16 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:8029 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
JSE:SUI Hotel/Gaming South Africa
SEHK:8631 Oil/Gas Distribution Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A003100 Shipbuilding & Marine South Korea
MUSE:SUN.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Mauritius
XKON:A116100 Auto Parts South Korea
NSEI:SPARC Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NSEI:SUNPHARMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:1526 Recreation Taiwan
BSE:542025 Food Wholesalers India
BSE:517403 Power India
BSE:531752 Power India
BSE:532733 Broadcasting India
TSEC:1316 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:5516 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SEHK:580 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002417 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:1918 Real Estate (Development) China
XKON:A067370 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
BSE:539526 Retail (Distributors) India
KOSE:A002820 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
SEHK:1383 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1063 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
NSEI:SUNDARMFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:533166 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:520056 Auto Parts India
SEHK:1568 Homebuilding Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A123420 Entertainment South Korea
SZSE:000571 Coal & Related Energy China
SHSE:600077 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1686 Software (Internet) Hong Kong
GTSM:5488 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:6154 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
BSE:500404 Steel India
GTSM:3390 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:002737 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
TASE:SNFL Green & Renewable Energy Israel
SEHK:1771 Retail (Automotive) China
GTSM:5278 Software (Entertainment) Taiwan
KOSE:A003080 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
GTSM:6240 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A014620 Building Materials South Korea
KOSDAQ:A080470 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A000180 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A037350 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KLSE:SBAGAN Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A043260 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A014910 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
BSE:531433 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SZSE:300274 Electrical Equipment China
KOSE:A004980 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSDAQ:A081580 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A015750 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A045300 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A171090 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:530953 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:537253 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:521232 Apparel India
SZSE:000718 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:002024 Retail (Special Lines) China
KOSE:A136490 Food Processing South Korea
TSEC:1256 Food Processing China
TSEC:1721 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
DSE:SUNLIFEINS Insurance (Life) Bangladesh
SEHK:8451 Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SEHK:435 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
GTSM:4728 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
SGX:AAJ Food Wholesalers Singapore
GTSM:3360 Computer Services Taiwan
SGX:BHQ Machinery Singapore
KOSE:A004770 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSEC:8341 Environmental & Waste Services Taiwan
SHSE:600830 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:2382 Electronics (General) China
TSEC:2421 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:2401 Semiconductor Taiwan
SGX:5GD Machinery China
KASE:SUTM Apparel Pakistan
SZSE:300487 Chemical (Basic) China
TSEC:2387 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
SGX:S71 Semiconductor Equip Singapore
SZSE:002752 Packaging & Container China
OTCPK:SRRE Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:300360 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002313 Telecom. Equipment China
BSE:530845 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:2608 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300739 Electronics (General) China
COSE:SUN.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
TSEC:2062 Building Materials Taiwan
HOSE:SJF Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
SHSE:603612 Chemical (Basic) China
KLSE:SUNSURIA Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SET:SUN Food Processing Thailand
SZSE:002815 Electronics (General) China
SGX:BKZ Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Singapore
SHSE:688101 Environmental & Waste Services China
SGX:T82U R.E.I.T. Singapore
BSE:512179 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
SZSE:300259 Electronics (General) China
PSE:SUN Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
TSEC:3266 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
NGSE:SUNUASSUR Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
GTSM:4304 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
SZSE:002083 Apparel China
SEHK:188 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SZSE:002097 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002115 Telecom. Equipment China
KLSE:SUNWAY Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
SHSE:603333 Electrical Equipment China
KLSE:SUNCON Engineering/Construction Malaysia
OTCPK:SUWN Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300207 Electrical Equipment China
TASE:SNCM Computer Services Israel
Retail (Special Lines) Israel
SHSE:600571 Software (System & Application) China
KLSE:SUNZEN Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Malaysia
SZSE:002572 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SEHK:3680 Software (System & Application) China
SET:SPALI Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BSE:530735 Food Processing India
BUL:6SB R.E.I.T. Bulgaria
BSE:530883 Chemical (Specialty) India
TSEC:9955 Precious Metals Taiwan
SET:SUPER Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
JSE:SPG Retail (Automotive) South Africa
BSE:512527 Apparel India
BSE:521180 Apparel India
BSE:523842 Shoe India
SHSE:603322 Telecom. Services China
SEHK:176 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
GTSM:1563 Auto Parts Taiwan
NasdaqCM:SPCB Electronics (General) Israel
KLSE:SCOMNET Electrical Equipment Malaysia
HOSE:SKG Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
BSE:523283 Apparel India
BSE:539835 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
GTSM:8431 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
KLSE:SUPERLN Building Materials Malaysia
SZSE:300036 Software (System & Application) China
KLSE:SUPERMX Healthcare Products Malaysia
BSE:541701 Steel India
BSE:526133 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A058530 Machinery South Korea
SZSE:300593 Electrical Equipment China
XKON:A185190 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
BSE:540168 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:532509 Auto Parts India
KOSDAQ:A094840 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A317770 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A236200 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSEC:8112 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:530677 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:532904 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:500405 Chemical (Specialty) India
JMSE:SVL Hotel/Gaming Jamaica
ASE:SURA Hotel/Gaming Jordan
KASE:SURC Apparel Pakistan
BSE:531638 Steel India
BSE:518075 Steel India
BSE:533298 Semiconductor India
BSE:517530 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:530185 Apparel India
SZSE:300311 Software (System & Application) China
MISX:SNGS Oil/Gas (Integrated) Russia
KLSE:SURIA Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A140070 Computer Services South Korea
BSE:533101 Apparel India
BSE:532874 Power India
BSE:521200 Apparel India
BSE:514138 Apparel India
BSE:519604 Food Processing India
SET:SUSCO Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
SGX:BHU Recreation Singapore
BSE:532782 Apparel India
NSEI:SUULD Apparel India
BSE:530239 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:537259 Engineering/Construction India
BOVESPA:SUZB3 Paper/Forest Products Brazil
SZSE:002635 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002514 Machinery China
SZSE:002290 Steel China
SHSE:603890 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002547 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300655 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002384 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603800 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SZSE:300215 Business & Consumer Services China
SHSE:603380 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002081 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002808 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002079 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002255 Machinery China
SHSE:688022 Machinery China
SZSE:002947 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:688001 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002787 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300141 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603183 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:603922 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300128 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603660 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:603828 Building Materials China
SZSE:300192 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603332 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002333 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:300751 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603990 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SHSE:600736 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:603283 Machinery China
SZSE:002796 Machinery China
SZSE:300382 Machinery China
SZSE:300522 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300416 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300390 Apparel China
SZSE:300394 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:002564 Machinery China
SHSE:688003 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002426 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603928 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002652 Packaging & Container China
NSEI:SUZLON Electrical Equipment India
KOSDAQ:A289080 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
BSE:523722 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:503624 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:524488 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:512449 Steel India
SZSE:300331 Electronics (General) China
SET:SVI Electronics (General) Thailand
SET:SVOA Computer Services Thailand
BSE:505590 Apparel India
BSE:539041 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:506863 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:503816 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:531909 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:503310 Apparel India
MUSE:SWAN.N0000 Insurance (General) Mauritius
MUSE:ANGM.I0000 Insurance (Life) Mauritius
TSEC:3708 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
BSE:500407 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:526365 Apparel India
BSE:512257 Apparel India
BSE:510245 Apparel India
BSE:530585 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
TSEC:5525 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
BSE:532051 Electrical Equipment India
PSE:SFI Food Processing Philippines
SEHK:19 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:1972 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
GTSM:4198 Healthcare Products Taiwan
COSE:PARQ.N0000 Metals & Mining Sri Lanka
BSE:517201 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:531637 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:512359 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:SWSCAP Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A109610 Building Materials South Korea
KLSE:TAKAFUL Insurance (General) Malaysia
BSE:531499 Apparel India
KLSE:SYCAL Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:SYF Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
JSE:SYG Investments & Asset Management South Africa
JMSE:SCIJMD Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Saint Lucia
AIM:SLP Precious Metals Bermuda
BSE:539278 Retail (Distributors) India
SET:SYMC Telecom. Services Thailand
SEHK:1223 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
LSE:SIHL Investments & Asset Management British Virgin Islands
KLSE:SYMLIFE Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:517385 Furn/Home Furnishings India
GTSM:6438 Machinery Taiwan
SET:SMK Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
GTSM:1777 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
Catalist:V2Y Software (System & Application) Singapore
GTSM:6545 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:1582 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:524470 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
NSEI:SYNCOM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:3150 Semiconductor Taiwan
OTCPK:SYCR.F Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
GTSM:4192 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
BSE:532276 Bank (Money Center) India
TASE:SNEL Software (System & Application) Israel
SET:ASAP Trucking Thailand
SEHK:2340 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
BUL:6S7 Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
BSE:541929 Machinery India
PSE:SGP Investments & Asset Management Philippines
SEHK:1539 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A048870 Healthcare Products South Korea
TSEC:6558 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:1613 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
GTSM:6575 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
GTSM:8279 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
BSE:539268 Heathcare Information and Technology India
GTSM:4114 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
SET:SYNEX Computer Services Thailand
TSEC:2347 Computer Services Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A025320 Electronics (General) South Korea
SET:SYNTEC Engineering/Construction Thailand
GTSM:5302 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A226330 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
SZSE:300479 Electronics (General) China
KASE:SPEL Packaging & Container Pakistan
BSE:513307 Metals & Mining India
TSEC:6112 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:531173 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:2453 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:5309 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:3158 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Taiwan
Catalist:5UO Engineering/Construction Singapore
KLSE:SYSTECH Software (System & Application) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A060540 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
BSE:526506 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:3674 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KASE:SYS Computer Services Pakistan
TSEC:6214 Computer Services Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A269620 Electronics (General) South Korea
SZSE:002197 Electronics (General) China
BSE:522294 Machinery India
SET:T Engineering/Construction Thailand
SET:TMILL Food Processing Thailand
SGX:K1Q Engineering/Construction Singapore
GTSM:3276 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A117730 Machinery South Korea
BSE:532444 Business & Consumer Services India
SET:TACC Food Processing Thailand
SET:TCJ Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:TKS Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
SET:TKT Auto Parts Thailand
SET:TMC Machinery Thailand
TSEC:1724 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A246690 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
BSE:514142 Apparel India
SET:TU-PF R.E.I.T. Thailand
BSE:532515 Broadcasting India
KOSE:A091810 Air Transport South Korea
KOSDAQ:A246710 Healthcare Products South Korea
SZSE:300570 Telecom. Equipment China
TSEC:2636 Transportation Taiwan
BOVESPA:SHOW3 Entertainment Brazil
KLSE:T7GLOBAL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KLSE:TAANN Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
TSEC:2027 Steel Taiwan
GTSM:6021 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
SGX:PA3 Engineering/Construction Singapore
KLSE:TA Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
KLSE:TAGB Hotel/Gaming Malaysia
TSEC:1453 Apparel Taiwan
KLSE:TAWIN Electrical Equipment Malaysia
TSEC:1609 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:1991 Electronics (General) China
TSEC:1521 Auto Parts Taiwan
TSEC:2478 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:8931 Power Taiwan
MSM:TFCI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Oman
BSE:539956 Retail (Distributors) India
KWSE:TAAMEER Real Estate (Operations & Services) Kuwait
SASE:6040 Farming/Agriculture Saudi Arabia
SASE:3090 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
GTSM:6434 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:6020 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
GTSM:2221 Machinery Taiwan
OTCPK:TTSI Advertising Dominican Republic
TASE:TDGN Auto Parts Israel
TASE:TDRN Retail (Distributors) Israel
KLSE:TADMAX Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
NMSE:TAD Investments & Asset Management Mauritius
KOSDAQ:A023160 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A001420 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A033830 Broadcasting South Korea
KOSE:A003240 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A006890 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSE:A015890 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A044490 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A124560 Transportation South Korea
KOSDAQ:A053620 Oil/Gas Distribution South Korea
KOSE:A004100 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A009410 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KLSE:TAFI Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
TSEC:1315 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:4706 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:1441 Apparel Taiwan
SZSE:000732 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:88 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:6811 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
BSE:519483 Food Wholesalers India
SEHK:8321 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
HOSE:TNT Metals & Mining Vietnam
SEHK:146 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
TSEC:1220 Food Processing Taiwan
SEHK:89 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
GTSM:3426 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SGX:500 Electrical Equipment Singapore
TSEC:8011 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:3432 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:718 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
GTSM:3221 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:3357 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SASE:4090 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Saudi Arabia
HOSE:TCR Building Materials Vietnam
TSEC:2812 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
GTSM:4736 Healthcare Products Taiwan
SZSE:002347 Machinery China
TSEC:8039 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4157 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
SZSE:002366 Machinery China
KOSE:A001440 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A010170 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
GTSM:1336 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
KOSE:A001070 Apparel South Korea
SZSE:002368 Computer Services China
SZSE:300344 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:6193 Building Materials Hong Kong
KOSE:A011280 Packaging & Container South Korea
GTSM:5353 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:4147 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
TSEC:3645 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:5878 Insurance (General) Taiwan
TSEC:5906 Apparel Cayman Islands
TSEC:1473 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:1440 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:4934 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:4905 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:507785 Chemical (Basic) India
GTSM:5863 Banks (Regional) Taiwan
GTSM:6580 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
TSEC:2887 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
TSEC:3338 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:1218 Food Processing Taiwan
TSEC:8480 Household Products Vietnam
GTSM:5902 Food Wholesalers Taiwan
TSEC:1309 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:8289 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:4186 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
GTSM:5601 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
GTSM:6204 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:6171 Computer Services Taiwan
GTSM:3379 Machinery Taiwan
GTSM:6649 Healthcare Products Taiwan
TSEC:2834 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
GTSM:4523 Auto Parts Taiwan
TSEC:1101 Construction Supplies Taiwan
TSEC:4555 Machinery Taiwan
GTSM:8042 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:8926 Power Taiwan
TSEC:5880 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
GTSM:8476 Environmental & Waste Services Taiwan
GTSM:5903 Retail (Grocery and Food) Taiwan
TSEC:1722 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
TSEC:2832 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Taiwan
GTSM:4207 Food Processing Taiwan
TSEC:9924 Building Materials Taiwan
TSEC:1802 Building Materials Taiwan
GTSM:5205 Computer Services Taiwan
TSEC:2633 Transportation Taiwan
TSEC:9939 Packaging & Container Taiwan
GTSM:6509 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
GTSM:3372 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3093 Computer Services Taiwan
TSEC:2841 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
GTSM:8490 Household Products Taiwan
TSEC:2462 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:4152 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
TSEC:2338 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
TSEC:3045 Telecom (Wireless) Taiwan
GTSM:6593 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
TSEC:2617 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
GTSM:3066 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:6464 Cable TV Taiwan
TSEC:9938 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:8213 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2642 Transportation Taiwan
TSEC:4725 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:1902 Paper/Forest Products Taiwan
TSEC:9911 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
TSEC:1614 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
TSEC:9917 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
GTSM:5425 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2330 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:9925 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
TSEC:6581 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:1310 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:6278 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:1454 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:6609 Machinery Taiwan
GTSM:6428 Entertainment Taiwan
GTSM:2640 Trucking Taiwan
TSEC:2913 Food Wholesalers Taiwan
GTSM:8329 Broadcasting Taiwan
GTSM:6246 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:6274 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:1742 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:6549 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
TSEC:1737 Food Processing Taiwan
SHSE:600281 Chemical (Diversified) China
SHSE:600169 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600539 Construction Supplies China
BSE:532390 Hotel/Gaming India
SEHK:8142 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
DFM:TAKAFUL-EM Insurance (Life) United Arab Emirates
DSE:TAKAFULINS Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bangladesh
SEHK:8436 Household Products Hong Kong
BSE:532890 Heathcare Information and Technology India
AMEX:TKAT Software (Entertainment) Hong Kong
SET:TAKUNI Power Thailand
SASE:1201 Packaging & Container Saudi Arabia
COSE:TAJ.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
SET:TTLPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
CASE:TMGH Real Estate (Development) Egypt
KLSE:TALAMT Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
COSE:TPL.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
BSE:505160 Auto Parts India
BSE:538987 Auto Parts India
TASE:TALD Computer Services Israel
SASE:4333 R.E.I.T. Saudi Arabia
SEHK:760 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
TSEC:3167 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:TALIWRK Utility (Water) Malaysia
Catalist:5G3 Healthcare Support Services Singapore
SZSE:002261 Entertainment China
TLSE:TKM1T Retail (Grocery and Food) Estonia
DSE:TALLUSPIN Apparel Bangladesh
TSX:TLO Metals & Mining British Virgin Islands
BSE:533200 Recreation India
NSEI:TALWGYM Recreation India
TASE:TMRP Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Israel
BSE:533170 Machinery India
KLSE:TAMBUN Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
KWSE:TAMINV Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
KWSE:TAM Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
BSE:531426 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:500777 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:513540 Steel India
BSE:523419 Telecom. Equipment India
OTCPK:TINO Metals & Mining Mexico
KOSDAQ:A093640 Semiconductor South Korea
HOSE:TIX Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HOSE:ILB Business & Consumer Services Vietnam
HOSE:TCL Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
SEHK:693 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
KLSE:TCHONG Auto & Truck Malaysia
HOSE:TPC Packaging & Container Vietnam
HNX:TKC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:TPP Packaging & Container Vietnam
HOSE:ITA Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:DTD Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SZSE:300461 Machinery China
KLSE:TANCO Real Estate (Operations & Services) Malaysia
SHSE:600665 Real Estate (Development) China
BSE:522229 Aerospace/Defense India
BSE:506854 Chemical (Basic) India
GTSM:2035 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:1181 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SZSE:300148 Publishing & Newspapers China
COSE:TANG.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
SZSE:002567 Food Processing China
SZSE:000401 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:000856 Machinery China
SHSE:601000 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SHSE:600409 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603938 Chemical (Basic) China
ZGSE:TPNG Shipbuilding & Marine Croatia
BSE:532790 Software (System & Application) India
SEHK:3666 Restaurant/Dining China
MISX:TANL Aerospace/Defense Russia
NasdaqCM:TANH Chemical (Basic) China
BSE:532738 Engineering/Construction India
TSEC:6541 Drugs (Biotechnology) Cayman Islands
SHSE:603133 Electrical Equipment China
DAR:TBL Beverage (Alcoholic) Tanzania
DAR:TCC Tobacco Tanzania
DAR:TPCC Construction Supplies Tanzania
SEHK:573 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SET:TKN Food Processing Thailand
NasdaqCM:TAOP Computer Services China
SET:TAPAC Machinery Thailand
KOSE:A055490 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
CBSE:TQM Power Morocco
BSE:519285 Food Processing India
BSE:533203 Electrical Equipment India
SEHK:6161 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Hong Kong
KASE:TGL Household Products Pakistan
BSE:532869 Engineering/Construction India
NYSE:TARO Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
TSEC:1432 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
KLSE:TAS Construction Supplies Malaysia
KLSE:TASCO Transportation Malaysia
HNX:HUT Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:AST Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
KLSE:TASEK Construction Supplies Malaysia
KLSE:TASHIN Steel Malaysia
SHSE:600535 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:8371 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
JSE:TAS Restaurant/Dining South Africa
BSE:519091 Food Processing India
SEHK:8096 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
BSE:540955 Food Processing India
SGX:T12 Packaging & Container Singapore
NasdaqGM:TATT Aerospace/Defense Israel
BSE:500770 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:532301 Food Processing India
NSEI:TATACOMM Telecom. Services India
NSEI:TCS Computer Services India
BSE:500408 Software (System & Application) India
NSEI:TATAGLOBAL Food Processing India
BSE:501301 Investments & Asset Management India
BSE:513434 Steel India
BSE:500570 Auto & Truck India
SET:TSTH Steel Thailand
BSE:500055 Steel India
BSE:500470 Steel India
BSE:513010 Steel India
BSE:532371 Telecom (Wireless) India
KASE:TATM Apparel Pakistan
BSE:521228 Apparel India
BSSE:1TMR001E Hotel/Gaming Slovakia
MISX:TTLK Telecom. Services Russia
TSEC:2371 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
GTSM:4738 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
GTSM:8099 Software (Internet) Taiwan
SZSE:002512 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:621 Precious Metals Hong Kong
BSE:531190 Retail (Distributors) India
BVMT:TGH Engineering/Construction Tunisia
HOSE:TCT Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
HOSE:TRC Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
TASE:TAYA Entertainment Israel
HOSE:TYA Electrical Equipment Vietnam
GTSM:8107 Auto Parts Taiwan
BSE:541228 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:504961 Steel India
LSE:TBCG Bank (Money Center) Georgia
SHSE:600089 Electrical Equipment China
KOSE:A084870 Apparel South Korea
TSEC:4540 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:1960 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
SET:TBSP Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
SEHK:515 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
KOSE:A002710 Steel South Korea
BSE:532284 Investments & Asset Management India
BUL:7TH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bulgaria
GTSM:8436 Household Products Taiwan
BSE:533393 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
NSEI:TCIEXP Transportation India
NSEI:TCIFINANCE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:532262 Retail (Distributors) India
SZSE:000100 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SEHK:1070 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
XKON:A228180 Healthcare Products South Korea
GTSM:4169 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
SET:TCMC Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
BSE:524156 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:523301 Packaging & Container India
BSE:533553 Electrical Equipment India
SHSE:600330 Electronics (General) China
NasdaqCM:PETZ Food Processing China
KLSE:TDM Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
HNX:TDT Apparel Vietnam
GTSM:5511 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
COSE:TSML.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
SET:TEAMG Engineering/Construction Thailand
TSEC:4967 Semiconductor Taiwan
SET:TEAM Electronics (General) Thailand
OB:TEAM Shipbuilding & Marine Bermuda
GTSM:5345 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:000662 Software (System & Application) China
BSE:539658 Business & Consumer Services India
SEHK:1239 Packaging & Container Hong Kong
TSEC:2375 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NSEI:TECHM Computer Services India
SZSE:300046 Semiconductor China
XKON:A258050 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
SZSE:002124 Farming/Agriculture China
GTSM:6750 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
HNX:CET Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
KLSE:TECHBND Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
OTCPK:TECR Healthcare Products Israel
GTSM:6616 Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
XKON:A308700 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KLSE:TECFAST Machinery Malaysia
AIM:TECH Software (System & Application) British Virgin Islands
BSE:526576 Real Estate (Development) India
HOSE:TSC Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
NSEI:TECHNOE Engineering/Construction India
SET:TM Healthcare Support Services Thailand
BSE:532804 Machinery India
KLSE:TDEX Computer Services Malaysia
BSE:533216 Engineering/Construction India
TASE:TNPV Investments & Asset Management Israel
BOVESPA:TECN3 Apparel Brazil
SEHK:1206 Electronics (General) Singapore
SEHK:669 Machinery Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A089030 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KLSE:TECGUAN Food Processing Malaysia
SGX:561 Publishing & Newspapers Singapore
BOVESPA:TCSA3 Homebuilding Brazil
NasdaqCM:TGLS Construction Supplies Colombia
SZSE:300650 Electrical Equipment China
TSEC:1504 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:5438 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2321 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SZSE:002100 Farming/Agriculture China
GTSM:3117 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TASE:TEDE Electronics (General) Israel
SHSE:603289 Machinery China
SGX:M1Z Engineering/Construction Singapore
SGX:S9B Real Estate (Development) Singapore
COSE:TJL.N0000 Apparel Sri Lanka
NYSE:TK Oil/Gas Distribution Bermuda
SET:TMI Electrical Equipment Thailand
BOVESPA:TGMA3 Trucking Brazil
KOSDAQ:A191420 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
GTSM:1264 Food Processing Taiwan
ZGSE:THNK Engineering/Construction Croatia
BELEX:THHM Retail (Distributors) Serbia
Catalist:5OQ Retail (Distributors) Singapore
BSE:540595 Telecom. Equipment India
BSE:539428 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities India
KLSE:TEKSENG Chemical (Basic) Malaysia
GTSM:3339 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:8465 Food Processing Taiwan
GTSM:6294 Education Taiwan
ZGSE:TKPR Apparel Croatia
CCSE:TPG Furn/Home Furnishings Venezuela
KOSDAQ:A200230 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A078000 Software (System & Application) South Korea
KASE:TELE Telecom. Services Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A054450 Semiconductor South Korea
SGX:T41 Computer Services Singapore
BASE:TECO2 Telecom. Services Argentina
SEHK:6033 Computer Services Hong Kong
CASE:ETEL Telecom. Services Egypt
SEHK:3997 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
HNX:TST Telecom. Equipment Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A091440 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SNSE:CTC Telecom. Services Chile
BVL:TELEFBC1 Telecom. Services Peru
BELEX:TLKB Engineering/Construction Serbia
OTCPK:TMXL.F Telecom. Services Mexico
KLSE:TM Telecom. Services Malaysia
MAL:TNM Telecom (Wireless) Malawi
LJSE:TLSG Telecom. Services Slovenia
JSE:TLM Telecom. Services South Africa
BMV:SITES B-1 Telecom. Services Mexico
SEHK:511 Broadcasting Hong Kong
NSEL:TEL1L Telecom. Services Lithuania
OTCPK:TLDN Engineering/Construction China
JSE:TKG Telecom. Services South Africa
SZSE:300642 Healthcare Products China
SHSE:600590 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000829 Computer Services China
BVMT:TLNET Information Services Tunisia
TASE:TLRD Telecom. Equipment Israel
TASE:TLSY Computer Services Israel
SEHK:8346 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SZSE:300178 Hotel/Gaming China
SEHK:6880 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:1979 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
TSEC:1233 Food Processing Taiwan
KLSE:TENAGA Power Malaysia
SEHK:700 Software (Entertainment) China
SEHK:6868 Food Processing China
SHSE:600512 Engineering/Construction China
CASE:RMDA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
KLSE:TGL Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
KLSE:TEOSENG Food Processing Malaysia
GTSM:6234 Machinery Taiwan
BSE:533982 Computer Services India
BSE:530533 Food Processing India
BVB:TRP Chemical (Basic) Romania
SEHK:93 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
LJSE:TCRG Hotel/Gaming Slovenia
ZGSE:IPKK Food Processing Croatia
BELEX:TRBG Engineering/Construction Serbia
BASE:TXAR Steel Argentina
MUSE:TERA.N0000 Diversified Mauritius
BOVESPA:TESA3 Farming/Agriculture Brazil
KOSDAQ:A182690 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A095610 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SET:TLGF R.E.I.T. Thailand
KOSDAQ:A131970 Semiconductor South Korea
COSE:TESS.N0000 Food Wholesalers Sri Lanka
SEHK:1201 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
TSEC:3030 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2908 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
TSXV:TPL.H Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Cayman Islands
KLSE:TEXCYCL Environmental & Waste Services Malaysia
TSEC:4720 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
TSEC:1467 Apparel Taiwan
KLSE:TEXCHEM Diversified Malaysia
SEHK:2678 Apparel Hong Kong
BSE:505400 Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
BSE:533326 Construction Supplies India
BSE:533164 Chemical (Basic) India
NYSE:TGH Retail (Distributors) Bermuda
SET:TPCORP Apparel Thailand
SEHK:321 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002728 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:542 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
KLSE:TFP Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:532845 Hotel/Gaming India
BASE:TGLT Homebuilding Argentina
BSE:507753 Chemical (Basic) India
KLSE:THHEAVY Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
KLSE:THPLANT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
HOSE:TBC Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
HOSE:TMP Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
SET:TAE Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
SET:THAI Air Transport Thailand
SGX:Y92 Beverage (Alcoholic) Thailand
HNX:TBX Construction Supplies Vietnam
SET:TCC Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:TCCC Chemical (Specialty) Thailand
HOSE:TDG Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Vietnam
SET:TIGER Engineering/Construction Thailand
SET:TFI Chemical (Basic) Thailand
SET:SEG Insurance (General) Thailand
SET:KASET Food Processing Thailand
GTSM:6629 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
SET:TMD Packaging & Container Thailand
SET:TMW Chemical (Basic) Thailand
SET:TNH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:TNPC Chemical (Basic) Thailand
SET:TNR Household Products Thailand
SET:TNDT Business & Consumer Services Thailand
SET:TOPP Packaging & Container Thailand
SET:TOP Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Thailand
SET:TOG Healthcare Products Thailand
SET:TPP Packaging & Container Thailand
SET:TPAC Packaging & Container Thailand
SET:TPLAS Packaging & Container Thailand
SET:TPA Chemical (Basic) Thailand
SET:TPOLY Engineering/Construction Thailand
SET:TFMAMA Food Processing Thailand
SET:TR Chemical (Basic) Thailand
SET:THRE Reinsurance Thailand
SET:TRUBB Chemical (Basic) Thailand
SET:TRU Auto Parts Thailand
SET:TSE Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
SET:STANLY Auto Parts Thailand
SET:TSC Auto Parts Thailand
SET:TSTE Food Processing Thailand
SET:TU Food Processing Thailand
SET:TVO Food Processing Thailand
SET:WACOAL Apparel Thailand
SET:TWPC Food Processing Thailand
SET:TWP Building Materials Thailand
SET:TGPRO Steel Thailand
SET:THCOM Telecom. Services Thailand
SET:TFG Food Processing Thailand
SET:TLHPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:TPRIME R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:THMUI Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:THREL Reinsurance Thailand
SET:SAUCE Food Processing Thailand
SET:TVI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
BSE:526654 Real Estate (Development) India
SGX:AWI Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KASE:THALL Auto Parts Pakistan
LSE:THAL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. British Virgin Islands
SHSE:603716 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SET:TCAP Bank (Money Center) Thailand
SET:TNP Retail (Grocery and Food) Thailand
SET:THANA Real Estate (Development) Thailand
HNX:TIG Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HNX:TTL Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:TLD Paper/Forest Products Vietnam
HNX:VTL Beverage (Alcoholic) Vietnam
NSEI:THANGAMAYL Retail (Special Lines) India
HNX:TA9 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:TCM Apparel Vietnam
HNX:THB Beverage (Alcoholic) Vietnam
HOSE:TNI Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HOSE:SBT Food Processing Vietnam
HOSE:VNG Hotel/Gaming Vietnam
HNX:TTC Building Materials Vietnam
SET:THIP Packaging & Container Thailand
KASE:THCCL Construction Supplies Pakistan
HOSE:C47 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
DSE:ACMELAB Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
TSEC:2704 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
BSE:500012 Chemical (Basic) India
NSEI:ANDHRSUGAR Chemical (Basic) India
NSEI:ANUP Machinery India
CASE:CERA Building Materials Egypt
CASE:ADPC Food Processing Egypt
CASE:ADCI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
PLSE:APIC Diversified Palestinian Authority
ASE:MBED Chemical (Specialty) Jordan
KOSDAQ:A127710 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
COSE:AUTO.N0000 Retail (Distributors) Sri Lanka
SEHK:23 Bank (Money Center) Hong Kong
KASE:BOK Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
NYSE:NTB Bank (Money Center) Bermuda
KASE:BOP Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
MUSE:FIDE.I0000 Investments & Asset Management Mauritius
JSE:BVT Diversified South Africa
BSE:501425 Food Processing India
BSE:500020 Apparel India
SET:BROOK Business & Consumer Services Thailand
BSE:531373 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:501827 Transportation (Railroads) India
KOSE:A002420 Entertainment South Korea
DSE:CITYBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
NASE:COOP Bank (Money Center) Kenya
COSE:CFLB.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
DSM:CBQK Bank (Money Center) Qatar
KWSE:ALTIJARIA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
SASE:8010 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
ASE:CICO Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Jordan
KASE:CRTM Apparel Pakistan
SEHK:32 Education Hong Kong
DSE:DACCADYE Apparel Bangladesh
BSE:506405 Chemical (Diversified) India
KOSDAQ:A089230 Entertainment South Korea
SASE:3080 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
CASE:EDBM Retail (Distributors) Egypt
CASE:EGSA Telecom. Services Egypt
CASE:ESGI Food Processing Egypt
KWSE:ENERGYH Oil/Gas (Integrated) Kuwait
SET:ERW Hotel/Gaming Thailand
GTSM:2926 Retail (General) Taiwan
PSE:FEU Education Philippines
BSM:FPC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Botswana
NSEI:FEDERALBNK Bank (Money Center) India
NSEI:FACT Chemical (Specialty) India
MSM:FINC Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Oman
BSE:511122 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:2852 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Taiwan
COSE:RHTL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
JSE:TFG Retail (Special Lines) South Africa
CASE:PRCL Household Products Egypt
KASE:GTYR Rubber& Tires Pakistan
TASE:GOLD Shipbuilding & Marine Israel
BSE:500620 Oil/Gas Distribution India
TSEC:9908 Power Taiwan
SZSE:300089 Household Products China
NSEI:GROBTEA Food Processing India
BSE:522073 Auto Parts India
SEHK:3 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:145 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:45 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SGX:AGS Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
ASE:THBK Bank (Money Center) Jordan
KASE:HUBC Power Pakistan
DSE:IBNSINA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Bangladesh
NSEI:INDIACEM Construction Supplies India
BSE:500850 Hotel/Gaming India
NSEI:INDIANHUME Engineering/Construction India
BSE:504746 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:540954 Paper/Forest Products India
NGSE:INITSPLC Environmental & Waste Services Nigeria
BSE:530023 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
ASE:TIIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Jordan
TASE:ILDC Diversified Israel
BSE:532209 Bank (Money Center) India
ASE:JOPI Steel Jordan
ASE:JOWM Apparel Jordan
ASE:JOEP Power Jordan
ASE:JPHM Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Jordan
COSE:KHC.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
NSEI:KTKBANK Bank (Money Center) India
NSEI:KARURVYSYA Bank (Money Center) India
NSEI:KCP Construction Supplies India
NASE:KPLC Power Kenya
COSE:SERV.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
KWSE:KCPC Engineering/Construction Kuwait
BSE:502958 Apparel India
BSE:534690 Bank (Money Center) India
GTSM:5703 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
COSE:LHCL.N0000 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Sri Lanka
KOSDAQ:A012700 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
BDB:SOLA Real Estate (Development) Lebanon
COSE:LHL.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
NSEI:TMRVL Retail (Special Lines) India
MUSE:MCFI.N0000 Chemical (Specialty) Mauritius
MUSE:MDIT.N0000 Investments & Asset Management Mauritius
MUSE:MASC.I0000 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Mauritius
SASE:8030 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
NSEI:MOTOGENFIN Real Estate (Operations & Services) India
SASE:6010 Farming/Agriculture Saudi Arabia
PLSE:TNB Bank (Money Center) Palestinian Authority
ADX:RAKBANK Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
SASE:1180 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
SASE:2150 Packaging & Container Saudi Arabia
ADX:TNI Investments & Asset Management United Arab Emirates
SASE:4030 Oil/Gas Distribution Saudi Arabia
KASE:NSRM Apparel Pakistan
SET:NKI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
BSE:540769 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) India
CASE:NIPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Egypt
COSE:NEH.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
NGSE:OKOMUOIL Farming/Agriculture Nigeria
BSE:590086 Steel India
SHSE:601099 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
KASE:PKGI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
HOSE:PAN Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
DSE:PENINSULA Hotel/Gaming Bangladesh
SEHK:1339 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) China
NSEI:PKTEA Food Processing India
PSE:PSE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Philippines
PSE:OV Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Philippines
TASE:PHOE Insurance (General) Israel
BSE:503100 Real Estate (General/Diversified) India
SGX:E27 Advertising Singapore
SET:PLAT Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
SET:TPS Software (Internet) Thailand
DSE:PREMIERBAN Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
KASE:PMRS Food Processing Pakistan
NSEI:RAMCOCEM Construction Supplies India
BSE:507300 Food Processing India
SET:RCI Building Materials Thailand
BSE:503169 Apparel India
MISX:RDRB Banks (Regional) Russia
BSE:526725 Publishing & Newspapers India
BSE:504918 Steel India
SASE:2160 Machinery Saudi Arabia
SASE:1060 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
SASE:1030 Bank (Money Center) Saudi Arabia
KASE:SEARL Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
KWSE:SECH Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Kuwait
TSEC:5876 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
BSE:523598 Shipbuilding & Marine India
SET:SCC Construction Supplies Thailand
SET:SCB Bank (Money Center) Thailand
SEHK:244 Retail (General) Hong Kong
BSE:516108 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:532218 Bank (Money Center) India
HOSE:SFG Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HOSE:CSM Rubber& Tires Vietnam
JSE:SPP Food Wholesalers South Africa
BSE:504180 Retail (Distributors) India
NASE:SGL Publishing & Newspapers Kenya
BSE:512531 Retail (Distributors) India
SET:THE Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SGX:S20 Metals & Mining Singapore
BSE:524542 Farming/Agriculture India
NSEI:SUPREMEIND Chemical (Basic) India
COSE:SWAD.N0000 Household Products Sri Lanka
BSE:500400 Power India
TASE:TASE Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
SET:TSI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Thailand
KASE:TICL Food Processing Pakistan
BSE:504966 Steel India
Catalist:42T Investments & Asset Management Israel
BSE:530363 Food Processing India
SET:UMI Building Materials Thailand
CASE:UASG Shipbuilding & Marine Egypt
MUSE:UBP.N0000 Construction Supplies Mauritius
ASE:UNIN Insurance (General) Jordan
KASE:UNIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
SEHK:3933 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
NSEI:UNITEDTEA Food Processing India
KASE:UVIC Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
HNX:VNT Transportation Vietnam
PLSE:VOIC Food Processing Palestinian Authority
HNX:VGP Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
BSE:503349 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:523660 Food Processing India
TTSE:WCO Tobacco Trinidad & Tobago
NSEI:WIPL Paper/Forest Products India
KOSE:A008600 Apparel South Korea
BSE:540980 Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:THEJO Machinery India
SEHK:1546 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:990 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:530199 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSDAQ:A066700 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
NasdaqGM:TBPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Cayman Islands
GTSM:3540 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
NSEI:THERMAX Machinery India
KLSE:THETA Computer Services Malaysia
HOSE:TLG Office Equipment & Services Vietnam
HOSE:TNA Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HNX:ITQ Steel Vietnam
HOSE:TVS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
SET:TSR Furn/Home Furnishings Thailand
GTSM:3144 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:2292 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
BSE:539310 Entertainment India
SHSE:603789 Farming/Agriculture China
TSEC:2428 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SHSE:603096 Publishing & Newspapers China
KOSDAQ:A084730 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
GTSM:3663 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A322180 Computer Services South Korea
BSE:538464 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NYSE:TPRE Reinsurance Bermuda
NSEI:THIRUSUGAR Food Processing India
BSE:500412 Chemical (Basic) India
SET:TK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Thailand
KOSE:A019180 Auto Parts South Korea
SASE:4012 Apparel Saudi Arabia
BSE:500413 Hotel/Gaming India
BSE:533941 Retail (Special Lines) India
SGX:A50 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Singapore
SET:THG Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:KDH Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
KLSE:TGUAN Packaging & Container Malaysia
HNX:BAX Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
HOSE:TNC Rubber& Tires Vietnam
SET:TTA Diversified Thailand
COSE:TAFL.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
SZSE: 300783 Food Processing China
KLSE:3A Food Processing Malaysia
KLSE:THRIVEN Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:6565 Software (System & Application) Taiwan
OTCPK:THTI Machinery China
HOSE:TDM Utility (Water) Vietnam
HOSE:EMC Electrical Equipment Vietnam
HNX:TMC Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HOSE:TDW Utility (Water) Vietnam
HOSE:HUB Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:GTA Paper/Forest Products Vietnam
HOSE:TDH Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
KOSDAQ:A208640 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SZSE:300496 Software (System & Application) China
TSEC:8033 Recreation Taiwan
OTCPK:THRS.F Hotel/Gaming Panama
HNX:CTP Food Processing Vietnam
TSEC:9927 Metals & Mining Taiwan
BSE:539871 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:540108 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:28 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:2182 Chemical (Basic) Hong Kong
SEHK:1980 Software (Entertainment) China
SEHK:2118 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:266 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:6119 Shipbuilding & Marine China
GTSM:6654 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
OTCPK:TNPH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
OTCPK:CIIT Software (System & Application) Malaysia
SEHK:455 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
SEHK:609 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600582 Machinery China
SHSE:601162 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:826 Steel China
SZSE:002509 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:603712 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:600468 Machinery China
SZSE:000695 Utility (Water) China
SEHK:8348 Transportation China
SHSE:600874 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:300026 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:882 Utility (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:000927 Auto & Truck China
SZSE:000836 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:600800 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000537 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002820 Food Processing China
SHSE:600082 Computer Services China
SZSE:000897 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300120 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:1265 Power China
SHSE:688199 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300407 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002393 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002887 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300334 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002510 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300375 Rubber& Tires China
SHSE:600717 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:3382 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SZSE:002134 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600821 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600322 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:300119 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002337 Machinery China
SHSE:600225 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000652 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:1671 Power China
SZSE:000965 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:600488 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SGX:T14 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002129 Semiconductor China
SEHK:1773 Education China
SEHK:117 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:002122 Machinery China
SZSE:000050 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:819 Auto Parts Hong Kong
SZSE:002466 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002283 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002872 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002185 Semiconductor China
SZSE:002772 Food Processing China
SHSE:603717 Environmental & Waste Services China
SEHK:6836 Food Processing China
SZSE:002826 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002287 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000752 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:002827 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601020 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:000762 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600211 Healthcare Support Services China
SHSE:600338 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600326 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600749 Recreation China
SHSE:600773 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SEHK:1115 Beverage (Soft) Hong Kong
SHSE:603676 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
OTCPK:TNCP Retail (Distributors) China
SET:FTREIT R.E.I.T. Thailand
BSE:590005 Chemical (Basic) India
TSEC:9902 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
SZSE:000809 Engineering/Construction China
HOSE:TTB Construction Supplies Vietnam
HOSE:THG Construction Supplies Vietnam
GTSM:4127 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
HOSE:TPB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
HNX:NTP Building Materials Vietnam
HNX:TTH Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HNX:TTZ Construction Supplies Vietnam
KLSE:TIENWAH Publishing & Newspapers Malaysia
HOSE:TLH Steel Vietnam
GTSM:6199 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:6536 Hotel/Gaming Taiwan
BELEX:TIGR Rubber& Tires Serbia
TASE:TIGBUR Business & Consumer Services Israel
JSE:TBS Food Processing South Africa
BSE:536264 Transportation India
OTCPK:TGRR Beverage (Alcoholic) Netherlands Antilles
KLSE:TIGER Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:6757 Air Transport Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A219130 Electronics (General) South Korea
SGX:T55 Investments & Asset Management Singapore
SASE:4070 Advertising Saudi Arabia
KWSE:TIJARA Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
BSE:533629 Building Materials India
OTCPK:TIKR.F Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
SEHK:1790 Environmental & Waste Services China
BSE:505196 Construction Supplies India
BSE:503663 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:507205 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
TSXV:TIL Reinsurance Bermuda
XKON:A217880 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BOVESPA:TIMP3 Telecom (Wireless) Brazil
CBSE:TIM Transportation Morocco
KLSE:TIMWELL Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
KLSE:TIMECOM Telecom. Services Malaysia
SEHK:1729 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SHSE:600551 Publishing & Newspapers China
BSE:532856 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:2033 Apparel Hong Kong
SEHK:8028 Precious Metals Hong Kong
SEHK:1233 Real Estate (Development) China
BSE:511559 Investments & Asset Management India
SEHK:9928 Environmental & Waste Services China
BSE:500414 Apparel India
BSE:522113 Machinery India
HOSE:TIP Engineering/Construction Vietnam
TSEC:2358 Metals & Mining Taiwan
SEHK:322 Food Processing China
BSE:530475 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:541741 Food Wholesalers India
KLSE:TNLOGIS Trucking Malaysia
SGX:BFI Engineering/Construction Singapore
SGX:BQM Business & Consumer Services Singapore
SET:TASCO Construction Supplies Thailand
SET:TIPCO Food Processing Thailand
NSEI:TIPSINDLTD Entertainment India
SET:TRT Electrical Equipment Thailand
BSE:540904 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:531814 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:524582 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:539040 Rubber& Tires India
SET:TISCO Bank (Money Center) Thailand
NSEI:TWL Construction Supplies India
BSE:524717 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:500114 Apparel India
SEHK:1192 Oil/Gas Distribution Hong Kong
BSE:530045 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SZSE:002531 Electrical Equipment China
DSE:TITASGAS Oil/Gas Distribution Bangladesh
KLSE:TITIJYA Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:9949 Household Products Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A321550 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
TASE:TTAM Retail (Grocery and Food) Israel
SZSE:300209 Software (System & Application) China
KOSDAQ:A032540 Electronics (Consumer & Office) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A104480 Apparel South Korea
SEHK:2283 Machinery China
XKON:A191600 Electronics (General) South Korea
PSE:T Steel Philippines
SHSE:603738 Electrical Equipment China
NasdaqCM:TKKS Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SEHK:8536 Retail (Automotive) China
KOSDAQ:A062860 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
Catalist:42L Retail (Special Lines) Singapore
GTSM:5468 Semiconductor Taiwan
SET:TMB Bank (Money Center) Thailand
KLSE:TMCLIFE Healthcare Support Services Malaysia
BVB:ART Steel Romania
GTSM:6248 Steel Taiwan
NasdaqCM:TMSR Machinery China
HOSE:TMT Auto & Truck Vietnam
SET:TMT Steel Thailand
HNX:TNG Apparel Vietnam
HOSE:TN1 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
SET:TOA Chemical (Basic) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A079970 Software (System & Application) South Korea
OTCPK:TOMD.F Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
KOSDAQ:A215480 Retail (Special Lines) South Korea
GTSM:2752 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
TASE:TGTR Software (Entertainment) Israel
KOSDAQ:A064760 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
COSE:TKYO.N0000 Construction Supplies Sri Lanka
BSE:531644 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:TOKYOPLAST Household Products India
SHSE:603866 Food Processing China
SEHK:2383 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
KLSE:TOMEI Retail (Special Lines) Malaysia
SEHK:6928 Auto Parts Singapore
MISX:TORS Power Russia
SEHK:258 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KLSE:TOMYPAK Packaging & Container Malaysia
TSEC:9907 Packaging & Container Taiwan
KLSE:TONGHER Machinery Malaysia
TSEC:6271 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:TH Publishing & Newspapers Thailand
SEHK:8305 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
TSEC:5538 Machinery Cayman Islands
SZSE:300164 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:1666 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
TSEC:1319 Auto Parts Taiwan
KOSE:A082640 Insurance (Life) South Korea
KOSE:A002900 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
TSEC:1418 Apparel Taiwan
SEHK:780 Retail (Online) China
SEHK:698 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:2363 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:002491 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:1312 Construction Supplies Hong Kong
SZSE:002156 Semiconductor China
SEHK:340 Precious Metals Hong Kong
SHSE:600867 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000766 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600365 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:601233 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600577 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000630 Metals & Mining China
TSEC:4526 Machinery Taiwan
SHSE:600438 Farming/Agriculture China
KOSE:A001520 Construction Supplies South Korea
KOSE:A030790 Computer Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A228340 Construction Supplies South Korea
SZSE:002792 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300185 Machinery China
SEHK:8326 Green & Renewable Energy Hong Kong
TSEC:2910 Retail (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1249 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
GTSM:4972 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:5487 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSE:A214420 Household Products South Korea
XKON:A199800 Drugs (Biotechnology) South Korea
TSEC:8499 Electronics (General) Cayman Islands
SHSE:600780 Power China
KOSDAQ:A065130 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:333 Apparel Hong Kong
PSE:TFHI Diversified Philippines
SGX:BHO Real Estate (Development) Singapore
KLSE:TOPGLOV Healthcare Products Malaysia
GTSM:3284 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
TASE:TOPS Software (System & Application) Israel
SZSE:300332 Machinery China
SEHK:3688 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:8510 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
GTSM:6266 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2929 Apparel Taiwan
SHSE:600763 Healthcare Support Services China
TSEC:5434 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:3388 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
GTSM:1585 Machinery Taiwan
TSEC:4536 Recreation Taiwan
BUL:3TV Retail (Building Supply) Bulgaria
TSEC:8021 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:3226 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:603608 Shoe China
SEHK:6110 Retail (Special Lines) China
XKON:A180060 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A108230 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
GTSM:6556 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:TTT Apparel Thailand
SZSE:300005 Recreation China
BSE:500420 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
DSE:TOSRIFA Apparel Bangladesh
SEHK:1875 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SET:DTAC Telecom (Wireless) Thailand
BRVM:TTLC Oil/Gas (Integrated) Ivory Coast
ENXTPA:EC Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Gabon
NASE:TOTL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Kenya
CBSE:TMA Retail (Automotive) Morocco
NGSE:TOTAL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Nigeria
GHSE:TOTAL Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Ghana
BRVM:TTLS Retail (Automotive) Senegal
KOSDAQ:A045340 Software (System & Application) South Korea
NSEI:TOTAL Transportation India
NasdaqCM:TOTA Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
BOVESPA:TOTS3 Software (System & Application) Brazil
NSEI:TOUCHWOOD Advertising India
GTSM:4401 Apparel Taiwan
SASE:4170 Hotel/Gaming Saudi Arabia
BSE:526650 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
KOSDAQ:A051360 Electronics (General) South Korea
KASE:TOWL Apparel Pakistan
JSE:TWR R.E.I.T. South Africa
NasdaqGS:TSEM Semiconductor Israel
SEHK:1692 Furn/Home Furnishings Hong Kong
SEHK:1083 Power Hong Kong
BSE:538607 Retail (Distributors) India
KLSE:TOYOINK Chemical (Specialty) Malaysia
SZSE:300302 Software (System & Application) China
SET:TPBI Packaging & Container Thailand
KOSDAQ:A130740 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A048770 Machinery South Korea
KLSE:TPC Food Processing Malaysia
SET:TPCH Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
SET:TPIPP Green & Renewable Energy Thailand
SET:TPIPL Construction Supplies Thailand
TSEC:3673 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KASE:TPL Business & Consumer Services Pakistan
KASE:TPLI Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Pakistan
BSE:526582 Packaging & Container India
KASE:TPLP Real Estate (Operations & Services) Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A081150 Steel South Korea
NASE:TPSE Hotel/Gaming Kenya
SET:TQM Insurance (General) Thailand
BUL:T57 Engineering/Construction Bulgaria
BRVM:PRSC Retail (Distributors) Ivory Coast
COSE:TFIL.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
TSEC:6183 Software (Internet) Taiwan
SEHK:8017 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
SEHK:536 Information Services Hong Kong
GTSM:3685 Semiconductor Taiwan
SHSE:688015 Electronics (General) China
HNX:TFC Food Processing Vietnam
COSE:TRAN.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
CASE:TRTO Hotel/Gaming Egypt
NGSE:TRANSEXPR Transportation Nigeria
JSE:TCP Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
OTCPK:TAKD Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:8481 Publishing & Newspapers Taiwan
TSEC:2451 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
JSE:TPF R.E.I.T. South Africa
NASE:TCL Electrical Equipment Kenya
BSE:500422 Farming/Agriculture India
GTSM:5222 Semiconductor Taiwan
NGSE:TRANSCOHOT Hotel/Gaming Nigeria
BSE:532410 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SZSE:002010 Chemical (Specialty) China
BSE:532928 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:526139 Drugs (Biotechnology) India
BVB:TBK Insurance (General) Romania
HOSE:TMS Transportation Vietnam
SGX:570 Construction Supplies Singapore
SEHK:1326 Entertainment Hong Kong
SEHK:1326 Entertainment Hong Kong
KLSE:TOCEAN Transportation Malaysia
PSE:TBGI Telecom. Services Philippines
JSE:TPC Packaging & Container South Africa
BSE:506687 Chemical (Basic) India
ASE:NAQL Trucking Jordan
HOSE:TCD Engineering/Construction Vietnam
BSE:532349 Transportation India
SEHK:62 Trucking Hong Kong
BASE:TGNO4 Oil/Gas Distribution Argentina
BASE:TGSU2 Oil/Gas Distribution Argentina
HNX:TJC Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
BUL:3TU Engineering/Construction Bulgaria
GTSM:3623 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:532812 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:TRANSWIND Engineering/Construction India
GTSM:5348 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
HOSE:TRA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
OTCPK:TAQR Construction Supplies China
SEHK:1235 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
HOSE:DAT Food Processing Vietnam
SGX:BCZ Apparel Singapore
SEHK:696 Information Services China
ASE:TRAV Building Materials Jordan
SET:TRC Engineering/Construction Thailand
KLSE:TRC Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SEHK:8395 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
BSE:533540 Education India
KASE:TREET Household Products Pakistan
NSEI:TREJHARA Computer Services India
SGX:5AB Computers/Peripherals Singapore
JSE:TRL Building Materials South Africa
JSE:TMT Investments & Asset Management South Africa
AIM:TRMR Advertising Israel
JSE:TRE Retail (Distributors) South Africa
TASE:TREN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
BSE:500251 Retail (General) India
BSE:532159 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:505854 Machinery India
KASE:TRG Office Equipment & Services Pakistan
BELEX:TRGOM Retail (Grocery and Food) Serbia
TSEC:1472 Apparel Taiwan
HNX:TVC Business & Consumer Services Vietnam
HOSE:TVB Investments & Asset Management Vietnam
KLSE:TRIMODE Transportation Malaysia
KASE:TRIPF Chemical (Basic) Pakistan
KASE:TRPOL Apparel Pakistan
KASE:TSPL Power Pakistan
SHSE:601163 Rubber& Tires China
BSE:534369 Retail (Special Lines) India
Catalist:CYW Electronics (General) Malaysia
BSE:531716 Food Processing India
BSE:521064 Apparel India
BSE:540726 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531568 Investments & Asset Management India
SEHK:1300 Telecom. Equipment China
GTSM:3709 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:517562 Computer Services India
BSE:536565 Healthcare Support Services India
TTSE:NGL Oil/Gas Distribution Trinidad & Tobago
TTSE:TCL Construction Supplies Trinidad & Tobago
SET:TNPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
BSE:531846 Investments & Asset Management India
SEHK:891 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
GTSM:4534 Machinery Taiwan
SET:TNITY Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
SEHK:1710 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
BSE:534755 Retail (Distributors) India
SET:III Transportation Thailand
TSEC:3044 Electronics (General) Taiwan
NGSE:TRIPPLEG Publishing & Newspapers Nigeria
SEHK:458 Apparel Hong Kong
BOVESPA:TRIS3 Homebuilding Brazil
Catalist:5G9 Engineering/Construction Singapore
BSE:523387 Computer Services India
SET:TRITN Engineering/Construction Thailand
NYSE:TRTN Retail (Distributors) Bermuda
BSE:505978 Auto Parts India
SHSE:600552 Electronics (General) China
BOVESPA:TPIS3 Transportation Brazil
KLSE:TRIVE Electrical Equipment Malaysia
BSE:532356 Food Processing India
BSE:502281 Building Materials India
BSE:533655 Electrical Equipment India
SET:TC Food Processing Thailand
MUSE:TPL.I0000 Hotel/Gaming Mauritius
KLSE:TROP Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SZSE:300366 Computer Services China
SZSE:300229 Software (System & Application) China
SET:TRUE Telecom. Services Thailand
GTSM:3234 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:300358 Healthcare Products China
SEHK:732 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
HNX:TAR Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
HOSE:TGG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:HTL Retail (Automotive) Vietnam
HOSE:TTF Furn/Home Furnishings Vietnam
HOSE:TEG Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HOSE:TTE Power Vietnam
DSE:TRUSTBANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
PLSE:TRUST Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Palestinian Authority
KASE:TSBL Brokerage & Investment Banking Pakistan
GTSM:3115 Business & Consumer Services Taiwan
NMSE:TUC Diversified Namibia
GTSM:6667 Machinery Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A105550 Auto Parts South Korea
JSE:TRU Retail (Special Lines) South Africa
KOSE:A001790 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
XKON:A284610 Household Products South Korea
SEHK:1767 Food Processing Singapore
SEHK:1986 Chemical (Specialty) China
TSEC:1568 Auto Parts Taiwan
TSEC:2430 Retail (Special Lines) Taiwan
SZSE:200512 Furn/Home Furnishings China
GTSM:3611 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A131290 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:417 Apparel Hong Kong
TSEC:6443 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:8432 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
Catalist:KUH Restaurant/Dining Singapore
KLSE:TSH Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
XKON:A277880 Machinery South Korea
SHSE:600100 Computers/Peripherals China
SEHK:168 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SEHK:2119 Food Processing Hong Kong
JSE:TSG Hotel/Gaming South Africa
JSE:TGO Hotel/Gaming South Africa
KLSE:TSRCAP Engineering/Construction Malaysia
TSEC:2103 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
TSEC:4439 Apparel Cayman Islands
SEHK:1314 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
GTSM:6493 Healthcare Products Taiwan
XKON:A309900 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
SET:TTCL Engineering/Construction Thailand
JMSE:TTECH Computer Services Jamaica
TSEC:1232 Food Processing Taiwan
GTSM:2729 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
BSE:538597 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:507747 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:517506 Furn/Home Furnishings India
SET:TTW Utility (Water) Thailand
GTSM:4105 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
HOSE:NTL Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
SEHK:1701 Hotel/Gaming China
SGX:T24 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
BSE:540762 Auto Parts India
MISX:TUCH Construction Supplies Russia
XTRA:TUF Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
NYSE:TUFN Software (System & Application) Israel
ASE:THMA Investments & Asset Management Jordan
MISX:TUZA Construction Supplies Russia
KOSDAQ:A026150 Engineering/Construction South Korea
GTSM:6150 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:524514 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
BSE:531088 Hotel/Gaming India
KLSE:TUNEPRO Insurance (General) Malaysia
DSE:TUNGHAI Apparel Bangladesh
TSEC:2006 Steel Taiwan
TSEC:1414 Apparel Taiwan
TSEC:3018 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
Catalist:540 Restaurant/Dining Singapore
GTSM:3552 Auto Parts Taiwan
SZSE:000040 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:200413 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002117 Publishing & Newspapers China
HNX:TKU Metals & Mining Vietnam
SEHK:518 Apparel Hong Kong
BSE:531411 Apparel India
BVMT:TLS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tunisia
BVMT:TVAL Brokerage & Investment Banking Tunisia
HOSE:TAC Food Processing Vietnam
BOVESPA:TUPY3 Auto Parts Brazil
KLSE:TURBO Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
BVB:TBM Aerospace/Defense Romania
BVB:EFO Hotel/Gaming Romania
ZGSE:TUHO Hotel/Gaming Croatia
KLSE:TURIYA Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
TSEC:2233 Machinery Taiwan
SZSE:000826 Environmental & Waste Services China
SEHK:872 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300500 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:000590 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
BSE:506808 Chemical (Basic) India
SET:TVD Retail (Online) Thailand
SET:TVT Entertainment Thailand
NSEI:TVVISION Broadcasting India
BSE:532800 Broadcasting India
NSEI:TVSELECT Computers/Peripherals India
BSE:532343 Auto & Truck India
BSE:509243 Rubber& Tires India
SHSE:603721 Entertainment China
KOSE:A004870 Construction Supplies South Korea
BSE:526921 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
GTSM:6610 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
TSEC:2364 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:531917 Retail (Distributors) India
SEHK:6182 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
GTSM:8045 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
GTSM:8492 Entertainment Taiwan
SET:TWZ Computer Services Thailand
TSEC:3042 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:1522 Auto Parts Taiwan
BSE:532384 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:2022 Machinery Taiwan
SET:TYCN Steel Thailand
SGX:BFU Retail (Distributors) Singapore
GTSM:3562 Semiconductor Taiwan
TSEC:2426 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:526945 Food Processing India
SEHK:687 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
TSEC:2611 Trucking Taiwan
SEHK:1483 Restaurant/Dining Hong Kong
SET:U Real Estate (General/Diversified) Thailand
GTSM:4714 Chemical (Specialty) Taiwan
GTSM:6470 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:2606 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A178780 Semiconductor South Korea
TSEC:3050 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:530579 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
GTSM:3689 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A069330 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A056090 Healthcare Products South Korea
XKON:A221800 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
SET:UWC Engineering/Construction Thailand
SET:UAC Retail (Distributors) Thailand
NGSE:UACN Food Processing Nigeria
NGSE:UAC-PROP Real Estate (General/Diversified) Nigeria
KOSE:A072130 Software (Internet) South Korea
SEHK:768 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A032620 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
OTCPK:UBIA Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
XKON:A084440 Education South Korea
KOSDAQ:A078070 Diversified South Korea
KOSDAQ:A264450 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SET:UBIS Chemical (Basic) Thailand
KOSDAQ:A089850 Software (System & Application) South Korea
GTSM:4933 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:3603 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:500464 Auto Parts India
KLSE:UCHITEC Electronics (General) Malaysia
NASE:UCHM Retail (Grocery and Food) Kenya
KOSDAQ:A038340 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:532505 Bank (Money Center) India
KLSE:UCREST Telecom. Equipment Malaysia
BSE:530131 Construction Supplies India
COSE:UDPL.N0000 Food Processing Sri Lanka
BSE:539518 Apparel India
KASE:FUDLM Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Pakistan
SHSE:603600 Office Equipment & Services China
SZSE:002642 Computer Services China
KLSE:EDGENTA Engineering/Construction Malaysia
KLSE:UEMS Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:500148 Packaging & Container India
BSE:539141 Entertainment India
Catalist:41A Healthcare Products Malaysia
UGSE:UCL Construction Supplies Uganda
BSE:511742 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
OTCPK:RGLG Telecom. Equipment China
GTSM:6618 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
OTCPK:UIBG.F Insurance (General) China
KOSDAQ:A049520 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:533644 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:539874 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:UJJIVANSFB Banks (Regional) India
KOSDAQ:A065680 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:1711 Retail (Building Supply) Hong Kong
ZGSE:ULPL Shipbuilding & Marine Croatia
NSEI:UWCSL Auto Parts India
BSE:538706 Electrical Equipment India
GTSM:3141 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:506685 Chemical (Specialty) India
BOVESPA:UGPA3 Oil/Gas Distribution Brazil
OTCPK:ULTR.F Shipbuilding & Marine Bahamas
NSEI:ULTRACEMCO Construction Supplies India
BSE:500231 Food Processing India
UGSE:UMEM Power Uganda
OTCPK:UMEW.F Software (Entertainment) Hong Kong
BSE:539798 Steel India
KWSE:QIC Investments & Asset Management United Arab Emirates
SASE:3005 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
SEHK:722 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Hong Kong
KLSE:UMS Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
SGX:558 Semiconductor Equip Singapore
KLSE:UMSNGB Electrical Equipment Malaysia
KLSE:UMW Auto & Truck Malaysia
TASE:UNCR-M Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Israel
NASE:UNGA Farming/Agriculture Kenya
BSE:504605 Steel India
KLSE:UNIWALL Engineering/Construction Malaysia
SGX:CHJ Investments & Asset Management Singapore
SEHK:690 Drugs (Biotechnology) Hong Kong
KOSE:A011330 Apparel South Korea
SEHK:220 Food Processing China
TSEC:1216 Food Processing Taiwan
GTSM:5452 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
KWSE:UNICAP Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
KASE:UCAPM Investments & Asset Management Pakistan
BOVESPA:UCAS3 Furn/Home Furnishings Brazil
BSE:506690 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
KOSDAQ:A011320 Auto Parts South Korea
BSE:541503 Publishing & Newspapers India
GTSM:6539 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
GTSM:4150 Healthcare Products Taiwan
JSE:UCP Coal & Related Energy South Africa
KOSE:A014830 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
BOVESPA:LCAM3 Trucking Brazil
BMV:UNIFIN A Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Mexico
TSEC:3321 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:2482 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:8277 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:002049 Electronics (General) China
NSEI:UNIINFO Engineering/Construction India
TTSE:UCL Food Processing Trinidad & Tobago
NGSE:UNILEVER Household Products Nigeria
KASE:UPFL Food Processing Pakistan
SZSE:300232 Electronics (General) China
KLSE:UNIMECH Machinery Malaysia
TSEC:3037 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:UEC Machinery Thailand
BSE:512595 Retail (Distributors) India
BVL:UNACEMC1 Construction Supplies Peru
SEHK:08173 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
COSE:UAL.N0000 Insurance (Life) Sri Lanka
SET:AUCT Business & Consumer Services Thailand
BVMT:UBCI Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
COSE:UBC.N0000 Bank (Money Center) Sri Lanka
BSE:532477 Bank (Money Center) India
TASE:UNON Bank (Money Center) Israel
NGSE:UBN Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
TSEC:2838 Bank (Money Center) Taiwan
PSE:UBP Bank (Money Center) Philippines
OTCPK:UGHL Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
DSE:UNIONCAP Brokerage & Investment Banking Bangladesh
COSE:UCAR.N0000 Chemical (Basic) Sri Lanka
KOSDAQ:A203450 Electronics (General) South Korea
PLSE:UCI Real Estate (Development) Palestinian Authority
KOSE:A000910 Construction Supplies South Korea
BVL:BACKUSI1 Beverage (Alcoholic) Peru
NGSE:UNIONDAC Healthcare Support Services Nigeria
Catalist:1F2 Power Singapore
LJSE:GHUG Hotel/Gaming Slovenia
TSEC:2816 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Taiwan
ADX:UNION Insurance (General) United Arab Emirates
BVMT:UIB Bank (Money Center) Tunisia
ASE:UINV Tobacco Jordan
KOSDAQ:A080720 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
ASE:ULDC Real Estate (Operations & Services) Jordan
KOSE:A047400 Auto Parts South Korea
SEHK:2138 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:300691 Electronics (General) China
SET:UKEM Retail (Distributors) Thailand
SET:UPF Apparel Thailand
SET:UP Chemical (Basic) Thailand
DFM:UPP Real Estate (General/Diversified) United Arab Emirates
BSE:526799 Packaging & Container India
SGX:BLA Environmental & Waste Services Singapore
SET:UT Apparel Thailand
ASE:UTOB Tobacco Jordan
LJSE:UKIG Steel Slovenia
GTSM:6621 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
BSE:500429 Retail (Distributors) India
GTSM:5381 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:526957 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:532646 Paper/Forest Products India
XKON:A121060 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SET:UNIQ Engineering/Construction Thailand
DSE:UNIQUEHRL Hotel/Gaming Bangladesh
SET:UMS Retail (Distributors) Thailand
GTSM:3441 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:530997 Food Processing India
KOSE:A077500 Semiconductor South Korea
CASE:APSW Apparel Egypt
BSE:521226 Apparel India
BSE:526113 Food Processing India
KLSE:UNISEM Semiconductor Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A036200 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:537582 Real Estate (Development) India
KOSDAQ:A018000 Electrical Equipment South Korea
SZSE:000938 Computer Services China
BSE:532035 Entertainment India
COSE:ALUF.N0000 Engineering/Construction Sri Lanka
BVMT:UMED Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Tunisia
TSEC:2414 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:3652 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:531867 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:507878 Real Estate (Development) India
TSEC:2367 Electronics (General) Taiwan
DSE:UNITEDAIR Air Transport Bangladesh
GTSM:3162 Metals & Mining Taiwan
ADX:UAB Bank (Money Center) United Arab Emirates
NGSE:UBA Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
KASE:UBL Bank (Money Center) Pakistan
BSE:533171 Bank (Money Center) India
KASE:UBDL Retail (Distributors) Pakistan
BSE:532478 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
ASE:UCIC Electrical Equipment Jordan
NGSE:UCAP Brokerage & Investment Banking Nigeria
CASE:UNIT Real Estate (Development) Egypt
DSE:UCB Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
SEHK:486 Metals & Mining Channel Islands
SASE:8190 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Saudi Arabia
BSE:531091 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
DSM:UDCD Real Estate (Development) Qatar
KASE:UDPL Retail (Distributors) Pakistan
MUSE:UTDL.N0000 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Mauritius
BSE:522014 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. India
SASE:4003 Retail (Special Lines) Saudi Arabia
SEHK:467 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Hong Kong
SGX:U04 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Singapore
GTSM:4903 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
MSM:UFCI Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Oman
DSE:UNITEDFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
ASE:UCFI Brokerage & Investment Banking Jordan
SGX:AZR Food Processing China
Catalist:43P Chemical (Basic) Singapore
SGX:U06 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Singapore
DSE:UNITEDINS Insurance (General) Bangladesh
TSEC:2404 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
CPSE:UIE Farming/Agriculture Bahamas
SASE:4260 Trucking Saudi Arabia
KLSE:UMCCA Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
TSEC:2303 Semiconductor Taiwan
COSE:UML.N0000 Retail (Automotive) Sri Lanka
GTSM:4129 Healthcare Products Taiwan
ASX:UOS Real Estate (General/Diversified) Malaysia
SGX:U11 Bank (Money Center) Singapore
SGX:U13 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Singapore
SET:UPOIC Food Processing Thailand
SET:UTP Packaging & Container Thailand
PSE:UPM Precious Metals Philippines
GTSM:4752 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
KLSE:UTDPLT Farming/Agriculture Malaysia
DSE:UPGDCL Power Bangladesh
SET:UPA Power Thailand
KWSE:UPAC Air Transport Kuwait
GTSM:5315 Semiconductor Taiwan
KWSE:URC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Kuwait
TSEC:3576 Semiconductor Taiwan
OTCPK:URYL Farming/Agriculture Hong Kong
NSEI:MCDOWELL-N Beverage (Alcoholic) India
SEHK:2337 Retail (Automotive) China
BSE:521188 Apparel India
KLSE:ULICORP Building Materials Malaysia
BSE:522091 Machinery India
SASE:1301 Steel Saudi Arabia
KOSDAQ:A241690 Auto Parts South Korea
GTSM:3642 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A086390 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
TASE:UNIT Electronics (General) Israel
KOSDAQ:A142210 Computer Services South Korea
SZSE:000925 Electronics (General) China
NGSE:UNITYBNK Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
KASE:UNITY Food Processing Pakistan
BSE:532746 Engineering/Construction India
SEHK:913 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
TSEC:2499 Semiconductor Taiwan
GTSM:3303 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
SET:UVAN Food Processing Thailand
NSEI:UNIVASTU Engineering/Construction India
SET:UV Real Estate (Development) Thailand
BSE:532378 Entertainment India
BVMT:UADH Retail (Automotive) Tunisia
BSE:504212 Electrical Equipment India
TSEC:1104 Construction Supplies Taiwan
CASE:UNIP Packaging & Container Egypt
SEHK:2211 Healthcare Support Services China
TSEC:1325 Apparel Taiwan
NGSE:UNIVINSURE Insurance (General) Nigeria
TSEC:2413 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:3491 Electronics (General) Taiwan
ASE:UMIC Food Processing Jordan
BSE:523519 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:504673 Packaging & Container India
PSE:URC Food Processing Philippines
SHSE:601231 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:2346 Metals & Mining China
BSE:524408 Food Processing India
SEHK:1026 Utility (Water) Hong Kong
TSEC:1445 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:3218 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
SEHK:1046 Entertainment Hong Kong
SEHK:8448 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
NGSE:UPL Publishing & Newspapers Nigeria
AIM:UVEL Electronics (General) Hong Kong
TASE:UNVO Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
BRVM:UNXC Apparel Ivory Coast
TSEC:3704 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
BSE:531762 Household Products India
KOSDAQ:A114630 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
Catalist:1D1 Entertainment Singapore
KLSE:UOADEV Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SET:UOBKH Brokerage & Investment Banking Thailand
SGX:U10 Brokerage & Investment Banking Singapore
SGX:U14 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Singapore
OTCPK:UOLI Broadcasting China
GTSM:6728 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
KLSE:UPA Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
BSE:511764 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SEHK:335 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
TSEC:1313 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
BSE:512070 Chemical (Specialty) India
CASE:UEFM Food Processing Egypt
BSE:531390 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
MISX:URKZ Steel Russia
NSEI:URAVI Auto Parts India
BSE:534796 Retail (Distributors) India
HOSE:UDC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
NasdaqCM:MYT Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SET:URBNPF R.E.I.T. Thailand
BMV:URBI * Homebuilding Mexico
BSE:526987 Semiconductor India
SZSE:300099 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300531 Electronics (General) China
GTSM:3546 Entertainment Taiwan
BSE:532402 Computer Services India
NSEI:UMESLTD Education India
BSE:517146 Steel India
NSEI:UCL Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:511736 Retail (Distributors) India
GTSM:3678 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:1304 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
DSE:USMANIAGL Building Materials Bangladesh
SGX:BRS Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A263770 Steel South Korea
GTSM:3498 Electronics (General) Taiwan
GTSM:3455 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A179900 Electronics (General) South Korea
Computer Services Lithuania
BSE:500426 Engineering/Construction India
SZSE:002707 Hotel/Gaming China
TASE:UTRN Environmental & Waste Services Israel
SEHK:6113 Office Equipment & Services Malaysia
NasdaqGS:UTSI Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
BSE:513216 Steel India
BSE:532729 Food Processing India
BSE:500254 Steel India
DSE:UTTARABANK Bank (Money Center) Bangladesh
DSE:UTTARAFIN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Bangladesh
GTSM:3580 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
KLSE:UWC Machinery Malaysia
XKON:A337840 Healthcare Products South Korea
KLSE:UZMA Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
BSE:542654 Entertainment India
SHSE:600300 Food Processing China
BSE:532953 Electrical Equipment India
BSE:534976 Retail (General) India
KOSDAQ:A251630 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
GTSM:6229 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:511110 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:539123 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SET:VL Oil/Gas Distribution Thailand
KLSE:VS Electronics (General) Malaysia
SEHK:1002 Machinery Hong Kong
BSE:531266 Farming/Agriculture India
SEHK:82 Software (Entertainment) China
BSE:532867 Retail (General) India
NSEI:WABAG Utility (Water) India
BSE:519152 Food Wholesalers India
BSE:519156 Food Processing India
NSEI:VSCL Chemical (Specialty) India
BELEX:VGAR Electronics (General) Serbia
BSE:531676 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:532156 Apparel India
NSEI:VAISHALI Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:511431 Information Services India
BSE:539402 Retail (Automotive) India
ZGSE:RIVP Hotel/Gaming Croatia
BOVESPA:VALE3 Steel Brazil
SZSE:002643 Chemical (Specialty) China
BSE:526775 Telecom. Equipment India
BSE:540145 Chemical (Basic) India
BOVESPA:VLID3 Publishing & Newspapers Brazil
BELEX:VBSE Metals & Mining Serbia
Catalist:WPC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Singapore
COSE:VFIN.N0000 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Sri Lanka
COSE:VONE.N0000 Diversified Sri Lanka
COSE:VPEL.N0000 Green & Renewable Energy Sri Lanka
BSE:530459 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A043150 Healthcare Products South Korea
SEHK:821 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
OTCPK:VEII Computer Services Hong Kong
JSE:VLE Trucking South Africa
BMV:VALUEGF O Brokerage & Investment Banking Mexico
SEHK:806 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
GTSM:4580 Machinery Taiwan
SGX:T6I Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Singapore
SGX:BN2 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
BSE:512175 Computer Services India
BSE:530369 Chemical (Basic) India
HOSE:VAF Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HOSE:VPH Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HOSE:VPI Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HNX:VAT Engineering/Construction Vietnam
SET:VNG Building Materials Thailand
BSE:532090 Apparel India
SZSE:000638 Retail (Distributors) China
GTSM:5347 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:1036 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
BSE:540729 Heathcare Information and Technology India
PSE:V Diversified Philippines
SEHK:15 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
BSE:539761 Education India
BSE:502589 Paper/Forest Products India
BSE:500439 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:513534 Steel India
BSE:514175 Apparel India
BSE:534392 Steel India
BSE:502986 Apparel India
BSE:540570 Computer Services India
SET:VARO Metals & Mining Thailand
NSEI:VARROC Auto Parts India
ZGSE:VART Apparel Croatia
BSE:540180 Beverage (Soft) India
NSEI:VASA Retail (Distributors) India
NSEI:VASCONEQ Engineering/Construction India
NasdaqGM:VBLT Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
BSE:538634 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:533576 Steel India
GTSM:5344 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:300755 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SZSE:002035 Furn/Home Furnishings China
BSE:531650 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:513005 Steel India
SEHK:8365 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
SHSE:600645 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
BSE:511493 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SEHK:2003 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
BSE:536672 Electronics (General) India
TSEC:1203 Food Processing Taiwan
GTSM:4170 Drugs (Biotechnology) Taiwan
SEHK:2317 Food Processing Hong Kong
NSEI:VEDL Metals & Mining India
BSE:533056 Software (System & Application) India
BSE:522267 Machinery India
SEHK:1173 Retail (Special Lines) Hong Kong
BSE:503657 Green & Renewable Energy India
BSE:540252 Apparel India
BSE:511523 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
HOSE:VPK Packaging & Container Vietnam
BSE:539132 Food Processing India
SHSE:600152 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:526755 Hotel/Gaming India
KLSE:VELESTO Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Malaysia
BUL:1VX Real Estate (Operations & Services) Bulgaria
BSE:505232 Machinery India
BSE:523261 Food Processing India
BSE:524038 Chemical (Basic) India
TSEC:6672 Electronics (General) Cayman Islands
BSE:516098 Apparel India
SGX:V03 Electronics (General) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A019010 Retail (General) South Korea
SEHK:2500 Healthcare Products China
BSE:526953 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SZSE:002439 Software (System & Application) China
NSEI:VERA Apparel India
SET:VRANDA Hotel/Gaming Thailand
TSX:NPK Chemical (Specialty) Brazil
OTCPK:VRDR Precious Metals Hong Kong
BSE:512229 Retail (Distributors) India
NGSE:VERITASKAP Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Nigeria
KLSE:VERSATL Packaging & Container Malaysia
BSE:531950 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
SEHK:8375 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
KLSE:VERTICE Apparel Malaysia
NSEI:VERTOZ Advertising India
KOSDAQ:A094850 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A299910 Entertainment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A177350 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:1386 Shoe Hong Kong
BSE:520113 Machinery India
NSEI:VETO Electrical Equipment India
HNX:SVN Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
DSE:VFSTDL Apparel Bangladesh
SET:VGI Advertising Thailand
GTSM:4803 Entertainment Taiwan
HNX:VTJ Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
GTSM:6756 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:2388 Semiconductor Taiwan
BOVESPA:VVAR3 Retail (Building Supply) Brazil
BSE:537524 Retail (Distributors) India
KOSDAQ:A141000 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SET:VIBHA Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
BSE:538732 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SGX:BIP Transportation Singapore
SGX:BJD Electrical Equipment Singapore
HNX:BCC Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:BTS Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:TXM Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HOSE:HVX Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:HOM Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:BPC Packaging & Container Vietnam
BSE:523796 Hotel/Gaming India
SET:VPO Farming/Agriculture Thailand
SEHK:1621 Oil/Gas Distribution Hong Kong
SGX:V01 Business & Consumer Services Singapore
SEHK:3878 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
HNX:VCS Construction Supplies Vietnam
SGX:569 Healthcare Products Singapore
KOSDAQ:A065450 Aerospace/Defense South Korea
JMSE:VMIL Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Jamaica
PSE:VMC Food Processing Philippines
SEHK:539 Apparel Hong Kong
XKON:A210120 Entertainment South Korea
SZSE:300476 Electronics (General) China
TSEC:1340 Chemical (Specialty) China
BSE:531234 Paper/Forest Products India
SEHK:8540 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
TASE:VCTR Retail (Grocery and Food) Israel
KOSDAQ:A121800 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:511389 Electronics (Consumer & Office) India
BSE:531717 Chemical (Specialty) India
HOSE:VDP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Vietnam
BSE:539659 Restaurant/Dining India
COSE:VLL.N0000 Green & Renewable Energy Sri Lanka
HOSE:VID Paper/Forest Products Vietnam
HNX:UNI Telecom. Equipment Vietnam
HOSE:VCI Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
HOSE:VDS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
HNX:QHD Electrical Equipment Vietnam
HOSE:VIS Steel Vietnam
HNX:CTX Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:VPD Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
HOSE:VPG Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HOSE:TVT Apparel Vietnam
HNX:AAV Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HNX:HVT Chemical (Basic) Vietnam
HOSE:VJC Air Transport Vietnam
HOSE:VSC Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HOSE:HVN Air Transport Vietnam
HOSE:CTS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
HNX:VCG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:V12 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:VC2 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:VNM Food Processing Vietnam
HOSE:CAV Electrical Equipment Vietnam
HOSE:GEX Electrical Equipment Vietnam
HOSE:VNE Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:FID Retail (Distributors) Vietnam
HOSE:EIB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
HOSE:VFG Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HNX:VGS Steel Vietnam
HNX:VHE Food Processing Vietnam
HNX:VIG Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
HNX:IVS Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Vietnam
HOSE:CTG Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
SEHK:422 Auto & Truck Vietnam
HOSE:MCG Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:PLX Oil/Gas Distribution Vietnam
HNX:VNR Reinsurance Vietnam
HOSE:NSC Farming/Agriculture Vietnam
HNX:VSA Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HOSE:VOS Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HOSE:VPS Chemical (Specialty) Vietnam
HOSE:VIP Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HOSE:VPB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
HOSE:VNS Trucking Vietnam
HOSE:VTO Shipbuilding & Marine Vietnam
HOSE:TCB Bank (Money Center) Vietnam
HOSE:VTB Electronics (Consumer & Office) Vietnam
OTCPK:VBIX Software (System & Application) Israel
KOSDAQ:A100120 Healthcare Products South Korea
OTCPK:VIEW.F Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
HOSE:VGC Building Materials Vietnam
HNX:VHL Construction Supplies Vietnam
HNX:VIT Construction Supplies Vietnam
GTSM:2733 Food Processing Taiwan
BSE:531069 Food Processing India
BSE:530151 Apparel India
BSE:537820 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:530961 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:542655 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:531518 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:519307 Chemical (Specialty) India
GTSM:3624 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:530477 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TASE:VILR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
NSEL:VBL1L Furn/Home Furnishings Lithuania
BSE:519373 Food Processing India
HNX:VMC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:VMD Healthcare Support Services Vietnam
BSE:524394 Heathcare Information and Technology India
SNSE:CONCHATORO Beverage (Alcoholic) Chile
SNSE:VSPT Beverage (Alcoholic) Chile
HOSE:VCF Food Processing Vietnam
HNX:TCS Coal & Related Energy Vietnam
HNX:TC6 Coal & Related Energy Vietnam
HNX:TDN Coal & Related Energy Vietnam
HNX:THT Coal & Related Energy Vietnam
HNX:TVD Coal & Related Energy Vietnam
HNX:NBC Coal & Related Energy Vietnam
HNX:VCC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:VCR Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
HNX:VNC Business & Consumer Services Vietnam
HNX:VNF Transportation Vietnam
HOSE:VNL Transportation Vietnam
HNX:CVN Engineering/Construction Vietnam
XKON:A126340 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:524200 Chemical (Specialty) India
SEHK:1612 Healthcare Products Hong Kong
SEHK:8340 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
HOSE:VRE Real Estate (Operations & Services) Vietnam
SEHK:3331 Household Products Hong Kong
BSE:517015 Telecom. Equipment India
HOSE:VIC Real Estate (General/Diversified) Vietnam
HOSE:VHC Food Processing Vietnam
HNX:VKC Electrical Equipment Vietnam
HNX:IDV Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
HNX:VBC Packaging & Container Vietnam
HOSE:VSH Green & Renewable Energy Vietnam
HOSE:VHM Real Estate (Development) Vietnam
NSEI:VINNY Apparel India
BSE:531051 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
SET:VCOM Computer Services Thailand
BMV:VINTE * Homebuilding Mexico
BSE:517393 Electronics (General) India
BSE:524129 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:530401 Chemical (Basic) India
SET:VNT Chemical (Basic) Thailand
BSE:532613 Apparel India
BSE:507880 Apparel India
LJSE:VHDR Brokerage & Investment Banking Slovenia
BSE:514302 Apparel India
BSE:511726 Real Estate (Development) India
BSE:530627 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:519457 Food Processing India
BSE:530521 Apparel India
BSE:532354 Telecom. Services India
BSE:532372 Software (System & Application) India
ZGSE:VIRO Food Processing Croatia
SEHK:1565 Education China
BSE:534741 Education India
BSE:531126 Telecom. Services India
KOSDAQ:A036620 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
BSE:532721 Steel India
BSE:506146 Apparel India
BSE:509055 Construction Supplies India
KOSE:A100220 Education South Korea
KLSE:VIS Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
GTSM:4197 Healthcare Products Taiwan
BSE:539398 Machinery India
BSE:538598 Apparel India
BSE:516072 Chemical (Basic) India
BSE:512064 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
NSEI:VISHWARAJ Food Processing India
HNX:VC6 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
BSE:526441 Entertainment India
BSE:531668 Entertainment India
MSM:VISN Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Oman
SEHK:8107 Apparel Hong Kong
TASE:VISN Investments & Asset Management Israel
SEHK:862 Computer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:002387 Semiconductor China
KOSDAQ:A072950 Semiconductor South Korea
PSE:VLL Real Estate (Development) Philippines
BMV:VISTA A Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Mexico
BSE:524711 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
PSE:STR Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
BSE:538565 Food Wholesalers India
SEHK:8535 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:000681 Retail (Online) China
TSEC:2455 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
NGSE:VITAFOAM Furn/Home Furnishings Nigeria
BELEX:VITL Food Processing Serbia
SEHK:6133 Computers/Peripherals China
TASE:VTNA Real Estate (Operations & Services) Israel
PSE:VITA Food Processing Philippines
SEHK:345 Food Processing Hong Kong
BMV:VITRO A Packaging & Container Mexico
KLSE:VITROX Semiconductor Equip Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A042370 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A082920 Electrical Equipment South Korea
SEHK:1873 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SEHK:8032 Recreation Hong Kong
PSE:VVT Power Philippines
BSE:541735 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:530057 Healthcare Support Services India
BOVESPA:VIVA3 Apparel Brazil
BOVESPA:VIVR3 Homebuilding Brazil
BSE:524576 Chemical (Specialty) India
Catalist:OMK Entertainment Singapore
BSE:532660 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
BSE:511509 Heathcare Information and Technology India
BRVM:SHEC Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Ivory Coast
MUSE:SHEL.N0000 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Mauritius
KLSE:VIVOCOM Engineering/Construction Malaysia
TSEC:3454 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:1782 Computer Services China
KLSE:VIZIONE Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
BSE:509026 Education India
BSE:536128 Engineering/Construction India
NSEI:VLSFINANCE Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:539222 Hotel/Gaming India
HOSE:VND Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
HNX:VE1 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:VE3 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:VE9 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HNX:VE4 Engineering/Construction Vietnam
HOSE:HMC Steel Vietnam
BELEX:VDAV Beverage (Soft) Serbia
JSE:VOD Telecom (Wireless) South Africa
NSEI:IDEA Telecom (Wireless) India
DSM:VFQS Telecom (Wireless) Qatar
SEHK:8033 Telecom. Equipment Macau
SHSE:603226 Paper/Forest Products China
BSE:522122 Apparel India
BVL:VOLCABC1 Metals & Mining Peru
MISX:VGSB Power Russia
AMEX:VNRX Healthcare Products Singapore
BSE:509038 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
MSM:VOES Electrical Equipment Oman
BSE:532757 Electrical Equipment India
NSEI:VOLTAS Engineering/Construction India
TSEC:6409 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
XKON:A206950 Recreation South Korea
SEHK:318 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
KLSE:VC Computer Services Malaysia
SEHK:1608 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
BVB:VNC Packaging & Container Romania
HOSE:VRC Engineering/Construction Vietnam
NSEI:VRLLOG Trucking India
BSSE:1VUB02AE Bank (Money Center) Slovakia
KLSE:VSOLAR Software (System & Application) Malaysia
BSE:509966 Tobacco India
KLSE:VSTECS Computer Services Malaysia
SEHK:856 Computer Services Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A018290 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
SZSE:300707 Auto Parts China
HNX:VTC Telecom. Equipment Vietnam
SEHK:303 Telecom. Equipment Hong Kong
BSE:532893 Apparel India
SZSE:002308 Electronics (General) China
JSE:VKE R.E.I.T. South Africa
PSE:VUL Metals & Mining Philippines
JSE:VUN Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Africa
HNX:CLH Construction Supplies Vietnam
BSE:517399 Computers/Peripherals India
BSE:506142 Apparel India
KOSDAQ:A052300 Trucking South Korea
KLSE:WTK Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
BSE:501391 Machinery India
BSE:504220 Machinery India
BSE:541445 Green & Renewable Energy India
SEHK:8619 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
CASE:WKOL Engineering/Construction Egypt
CBSE:WAA Insurance (General) Morocco
SZSE:200706 Machinery China
GTSM:6182 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
TSEC:6235 Machinery Taiwan
SASE:2100 Food Processing Saudi Arabia
NasdaqCM:WAFU Education China
SEHK:278 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
GTSM:8240 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:3010 Computer Services Taiwan
KASE:WAHN Chemical (Diversified) Pakistan
KLSE:WASEONG Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
SEHK:2683 Apparel Hong Kong
ADX:WAZ Real Estate (Development) United Arab Emirates
SEHK:1305 Semiconductor Hong Kong
SEHK:660 Food Processing Hong Kong
SEHK:1013 Computer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:3321 Business & Consumer Services Macau
SEHK:610 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:897 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Hong Kong
BMV:WALMEX * Retail (General) Mexico
SASE:8060 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
BSE:501370 Business & Consumer Services India
BSE:511147 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
HNX:WSS Brokerage & Investment Banking Vietnam
BSE:532053 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
TSEC:1605 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:2492 Electronics (General) Taiwan
TSEC:8110 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:300142 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SEHK:8291 Packaging & Container China
TSEC:2615 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
SEHK:1718 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:8482 Transportation Hong Kong
SZSE:002082 Metals & Mining China
BSE:524212 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SZSE:002739 Entertainment China
SEHK:169 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:1222 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:1243 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
KLSE:WANGZNG Paper/Forest Products Malaysia
SHSE:600859 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002034 Apparel China
SZSE:300017 Software (Internet) China
SEHK:3939 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600309 Chemical (Specialty) China
TSEC:2701 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
SEHK:401 Healthcare Support Services Hong Kong
SEHK:1762 Software (Entertainment) China
SZSE:300698 Telecom. Equipment China
GTSM:6134 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:151 Food Processing Hong Kong
SHSE:600371 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:000559 Auto Parts China
NGSE:WAPIC Insurance (General) Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A196700 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
KWSE:WARBABANK Bank (Money Center) Kuwait
KWSE:WARBACAP Investments & Asset Management Kuwait
KWSE:WINS Insurance (General) Kuwait
KLSE:WARISAN Diversified Malaysia
SHSE:603855 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:508494 Farming/Agriculture India
SEHK:3393 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
COSE:CITW.N0000 Hotel/Gaming Sri Lanka
SZSE:000156 Cable TV China
DSE:WATACHEM Chemical (Basic) Bangladesh
SASE:8300 Insurance (General) Saudi Arabia
PLSE:OOREDOO Telecom (Wireless) Palestinian Authority
COSE:WATA.N0000 Farming/Agriculture Sri Lanka
SEHK:1161 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
HOSE:VSI Engineering/Construction Vietnam
PSE:WPI Hotel/Gaming Philippines
NasdaqGS:WTRE Insurance (General) Bermuda
KOSDAQ:A079000 Building Materials South Korea
SNSE:WATTS Food Processing Chile
KLSE:WATTA Telecom (Wireless) Malaysia
SET:NEW Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SET:WPH-R Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities Thailand
SEHK:2258 Engineering/Construction China
KOSDAQ:A095270 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
SET:WAVE Entertainment Thailand
NasdaqGM:WVE Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Singapore
KASE:WAVES Furn/Home Furnishings Pakistan
GTSM:3086 Entertainment Taiwan
GTSM:3508 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KLSE:WCEHB Transportation Malaysia
KLSE:WCT Engineering/Construction Malaysia
TSEC:2537 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
GTSM:4113 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
SEHK:860 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:8269 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
NasdaqCM:HHHH Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SEHK:3848 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A053580 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BSE:517498 Semiconductor India
KOSDAQ:A069080 Entertainment South Korea
SEHK:1793 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
OTCPK:WECT Computer Services Malaysia
SZSE:000534 Real Estate (Development) China
SGX:E3B Engineering/Construction Singapore
BOVESPA:WEGE3 Electrical Equipment Brazil
GTSM:6626 Entertainment Taiwan
KLSE:WEGMANS Furn/Home Furnishings Malaysia
TSEC:2028 Steel Taiwan
TSEC:1201 Food Processing Taiwan
SHSE:603779 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:000880 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:2338 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600319 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:200581 Auto Parts China
SEHK:1845 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002111 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300699 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002248 Machinery China
TSEC:3033 Computer Services Taiwan
SEHK:2013 Software (System & Application) China
SEHK:2698 Apparel China
BSE:533452 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
BSE:504988 Steel India
KOSDAQ:A065950 Household Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A076080 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A114190 Machinery South Korea
BSE:524661 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:6661 Heathcare Information and Technology Taiwan
GTSM:5529 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Taiwan
SHSE:603309 Healthcare Products China
TSEC:3501 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KOSE:A010600 Apparel South Korea
KLSE:WELLCAL Machinery Malaysia
GTSM:6170 Telecom. Services Taiwan
SZSE:300190 Machinery China
PSE:WIN Real Estate (Operations & Services) Philippines
GTSM:8424 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
TSEC:3021 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
BSE:532144 Steel India
BSE:532553 Engineering/Construction India
BSE:514162 Apparel India
BSE:533252 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:500365 Steel India
TSEC:2436 Semiconductor Taiwan
NGSE:WEMABANK Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
KOSDAQ:A112040 Entertainment South Korea
BSE:505412 Machinery India
SHSE:601010 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300498 Food Processing China
SHSE:600520 Machinery China
SZSE:300283 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:2120 Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities China
SZSE:002897 Electronics (General) China
BSE:532373 Computer Services India
JSE:WSL Retail (Distributors) South Africa
JSE:WEZ Precious Metals South Africa
SEHK:2233 Construction Supplies China
HNX:WCS Trucking Vietnam
BSE:500444 Paper/Forest Products India
DSE:WMSHIPYARD Construction Supplies Bangladesh
SZSE:002149 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:601168 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:601069 Precious Metals China
SZSE:002673 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SHSE:688122 Steel China
BSE:505533 Restaurant/Dining India
SZSE:002268 Electronics (General) China
KLSE:WPRTS Shipbuilding & Marine Malaysia
KWSE:WETHAQ Insurance (General) Kuwait
GTSM:6474 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SHSE:603773 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:288 Food Processing Hong Kong
SET:WHABT R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:WHA Real Estate (Development) Thailand
SET:WHART R.E.I.T. Thailand
SET:WHAUP Utility (Water) Thailand
TSEC:3419 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
KOSE:A016580 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SEHK:4 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SEHK:1997 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:20 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
NSEI:WHEELS Auto Parts India
SHSE:600983 Furn/Home Furnishings China
BSE:500238 Furn/Home Furnishings India
SET:WG Retail (Distributors) Thailand
KLSE:WTHORSE Building Materials Malaysia
NYSE:WTM Insurance (Prop/Cas.) Bermuda
BSE:513713 Farming/Agriculture India
BSE:542667 Food Processing India
TASE:WSMK Software (System & Application) Israel
SZSE:002464 Retail (Online) China
GTSM:3402 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
SET:WICE Transportation Thailand
KLSE:WIDAD Engineering/Construction Malaysia
DSM:WDAM Food Processing Qatar
GTSM:6272 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BVMT:WIFAK Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Tunisia
JMSE:WIG Green & Renewable Energy Jamaica
SET:WIIK Building Materials Thailand
PSE:WLCON Retail (Building Supply) Philippines
SHSE:603501 Semiconductor China
BSE:519214 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:WILLAMAGOR Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NASE:WTK Food Processing Kenya
KOSDAQ:A313760 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KLSE:WILLOW Software (System & Application) Malaysia
TASE:WLFD Food Wholesalers Israel
SGX:F34 Farming/Agriculture Singapore
JSE:WBO Engineering/Construction South Africa
Catalist:5F7 Precious Metals Singapore
BSE:526586 Furn/Home Furnishings India
SEHK:3322 Apparel Hong Kong
GTSM:3105 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:300087 Farming/Agriculture China
SGX:5CN Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
TSEC:2344 Semiconductor Taiwan
SEHK:1850 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
BSE:522029 Machinery India
SEHK:8509 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:183 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:6080 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:8526 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:864 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
SEHK:289 Retail (General) Hong Kong
SGX:W05 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SEHK:369 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A900340 Food Processing Hong Kong
SHSE:600745 Electronics (General) China
KOSDAQ:A192390 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A044340 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
TSEC:3416 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SET:WINNER Food Wholesalers Thailand
SZSE:300609 Computer Services China
SZSE:300253 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SEHK:8362 Food Wholesalers Hong Kong
SEHK:6838 Apparel Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A097800 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A136540 Computer Services South Korea
NasdaqCM:WINS Investments & Asset Management China
SHSE:600767 Heathcare Information and Technology China
BSE:526471 Beverage (Alcoholic) India
BSE:514470 Apparel India
SEHK:8421 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
GTSM:4538 Steel Taiwan
GTSM:3265 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:524758 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SHSE:600157 Coal & Related Energy China
SEHK:8238 Publishing & Newspapers Hong Kong
GTSM:6515 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
BSE:507685 Computer Services India
BSE:507817 Machinery India
KOSE:A024070 Chemical (Basic) South Korea
SZSE:002090 Computer Services China
SEHK:6068 Education China
TSEC:2637 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
SEHK:1661 Advertising China
XKON:A065370 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SEHK:6100 Software (Entertainment) China
GTSM:5245 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:002253 Software (System & Application) China
TSEC:1465 Apparel Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A122990 Electronics (General) South Korea
SEHK:2236 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
TSEC:3231 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
GTSM:4953 Computer Services Taiwan
TSEC:6285 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
JMSE:WISYNCO Food Processing Jamaica
XKON:A140660 Electronics (General) South Korea
TSEC:6669 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
NasdaqGS:WIX Software (Internet) Israel
KOSDAQ:A038620 Software (System & Application) South Korea
BOVESPA:WIZS3 Insurance (General) Brazil
DB:WZM Electronics (Consumer & Office) Israel
OTCPK:WIZP Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Israel
KOSDAQ:A036090 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:8021 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SEHK:8208 Business & Consumer Services Singapore
KLSE:WMG Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
NSEI:WOCKPHARMA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SHSE:600580 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600173 Real Estate (Development) China
BSE:538128 Apparel India
XKON:A216280 Healthcare Products South Korea
XKON:A278380 Healthcare Products South Korea
NSEI:WFL Electronics (General) India
GTSM:6190 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:1260 Advertising Hong Kong
BSE:538268 Recreation India
SZSE:300168 Computer Services China
SZSE:300624 Software (System & Application) China
KLSE:WONG Machinery Malaysia
Catalist:1A1 Construction Supplies Singapore
SEHK:99 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SEHK:532 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
OTCPK:WHHT Computers/Peripherals China
KOSDAQ:A032940 Healthcare Support Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A014190 Retail (Distributors) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A030530 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A240810 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A104830 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A074600 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
KOSDAQ:A012620 Steel South Korea
KOSE:A005820 Packaging & Container South Korea
KOSDAQ:A008370 Apparel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A008290 Apparel South Korea
KLSE:WOODLAN Building Materials Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A018620 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSE:A010400 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A105840 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A049800 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A215380 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
JSE:WHL Retail (General) South Africa
KOSE:A016880 Diversified South Korea
KOSE:A021240 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
KOSE:A095720 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
KOSDAQ:A082850 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A153490 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSDAQ:A037400 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A316140 Bank (Money Center) South Korea
KOSE:A010050 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
KOSDAQ:A041190 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A032820 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSE:A118000 Healthcare Support Services South Korea
KOSE:A004720 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A101170 Machinery South Korea
KOSDAQ:A115440 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A046970 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
KOSDAQ:A073560 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
KOSDAQ:A215360 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A072470 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A017370 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A066590 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A006980 Farming/Agriculture South Korea
KOSDAQ:A046940 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSDAQ:A103840 Food Processing South Korea
JSE:WKF Business & Consumer Services South Africa
SET:WORK Entertainment Thailand
Catalist:1E6 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
OTCPK:WFHG Investments & Asset Management China
SEHK:713 Building Materials Hong Kong
SGX:B49 Machinery China
SEHK:8612 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:6083 Transportation Hong Kong
KASE:WTL Telecom. Services Pakistan
KOSDAQ:A101160 Semiconductor South Korea
SEHK:8292 Transportation Malaysia
LSE:WSL Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
BSE:526525 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:538451 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) India
NSEI:WORTH Packaging & Container India
OTCPK:BWOW.F Construction Supplies China
TSEC:2727 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
SET:WP Oil/Gas Distribution Thailand
SHSE:603956 Machinery China
TSEC:3702 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:505872 Machinery India
NASE:SCAN Advertising Kenya
SEHK:8422 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
TSEC:3036 Computer Services Taiwan
SHSE:600704 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600136 Entertainment China
SZSE:000501 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300776 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600133 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SZSE:002932 Healthcare Products China
SZSE:002194 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300220 Machinery China
SZSE:002414 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600774 Retail (General) China
SZSE:300683 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:300161 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300567 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300557 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300536 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:300184 Computer Services China
SZSE:300747 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002159 Recreation China
SHSE:600168 Utility (Water) China
SZSE:300205 Computers/Peripherals China
SHSE:600769 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600345 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:300018 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000619 Building Materials China
SZSE:002555 Entertainment China
SZSE:300088 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:000858 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SEHK:305 Auto Parts Hong Kong
SZSE:002463 Electronics (General) China
TSEC:2316 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:300292 Telecom. Equipment China
SHSE:603722 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603259 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SZSE:300580 Auto Parts China
SEHK:2269 Heathcare Information and Technology China
SZSE:300031 Machinery China
SHSE:600327 Retail (Automotive) China
SZSE:002395 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300279 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002802 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603090 Machinery China
SZSE:002685 Machinery China
SHSE:600475 Machinery China
SZSE:300450 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300694 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300680 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603016 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600908 Banks (Regional) China
SHSE:603185 Machinery China
SZSE:002877 Machinery China
SEHK:1289 Machinery China
SHSE:600667 Semiconductor China
SHSE:603416 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300385 Machinery China
TSEC:8442 Apparel Cayman Islands
SEHK:8069 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
KASE:WYETH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Pakistan
SET:WIN Real Estate (Operations & Services) Thailand
SEHK:1128 Hotel/Gaming Macau
KOSDAQ:A299900 Entertainment South Korea
KLSE:WZSATU Steel Malaysia
TSEC:4994 Entertainment Taiwan
GTSM:5490 Electronics (General) Taiwan
ASX:XAM Metals & Mining Mongolia
GTSM:6118 Computer Services Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A254120 Electronics (General) South Korea
BSE:532616 Information Services India
SZSE:000425 Construction Supplies China
SEHK:2400 Entertainment China
SZSE:300615 Electronics (General) China
NSEI:XELPMOC Computer Services India
TASE:XENA Investments & Asset Management Israel
OTCPK:XITO Apparel Malaysia
SZSE:300130 Electronics (General) China
KOSE:A317400 Engineering/Construction South Korea
SHSE:688333 Machinery China
SZSE:000721 Restaurant/Dining China
SZSE:300581 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:002799 Packaging & Container China
SEHK:8227 Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:000516 Retail (General) China
SHSE:600706 Hotel/Gaming China
SHSE:601369 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300397 Aerospace/Defense China
SZSE:000610 Hotel/Gaming China
SZSE:300775 Aerospace/Defense China
SHSE:600302 Machinery China
SEHK:520 Restaurant/Dining China
SZSE:300051 Software (Internet) China
SZSE:002235 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:600153 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:300102 Semiconductor China
SHSE:600563 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603180 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300632 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002228 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300657 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600897 Air Transport China
SEHK:3378 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:002925 Electronics (Consumer & Office) China
SHSE:600755 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002803 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:600686 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002626 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
OTCPK:LTGJ Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:300188 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600870 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:000905 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:002790 Building Materials China
SZSE:300056 Machinery China
SHSE:603992 Building Materials China
SZSE:002593 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600549 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:000526 Education China
SZSE:002785 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600815 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600057 Transportation China
SZSE:000701 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:300658 Apparel China
KLSE:XIANLNG Food Processing Malaysia
SZSE:000900 Transportation China
SHSE:603711 Food Processing China
SHSE:600416 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002125 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1732 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:300147 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000678 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603733 Paper/Forest Products China
SEHK:1810 Computers/Peripherals China
KLSE:XDL Shoe China
SEHK:3663 Auto Parts China
XKON:A189330 Software (System & Application) South Korea
SHSE:603008 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002584 Chemical (Basic) China
GTSM:3171 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
KLSE:XINHWA Trucking Malaysia
SHSE:600090 Healthcare Support Services China
SEHK:1571 Auto Parts China
SEHK:1748 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SEHK:1148 Auto Parts Hong Kong
SHSE:603225 Chemical (Basic) China
GTSM:6130 Healthcare Support Services Taiwan
SEHK:1899 Rubber& Tires China
SEHK:98 Metals & Mining China
KLSE:XINGHE Food Processing China
SEHK:1990 Shipbuilding & Marine Singapore
SZSE:000955 Apparel China
SZSE:002355 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002674 Apparel China
SZSE:300266 Machinery China
SHSE:600208 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
OTCPK:XHUA Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:309 Environmental & Waste Services Hong Kong
SEHK:811 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:603888 Publishing & Newspapers China
SHSE:600117 Steel China
SEHK:3603 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SHSE:600581 Steel China
SHSE:600721 Steel China
SZSE:002828 Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) China
SZSE:002307 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:002941 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:603706 Power China
SZSE:002202 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600251 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:002205 Building Materials China
SZSE:002700 Power China
SZSE:000633 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:000159 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:600888 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600506 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:300159 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:600425 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300588 Computer Services China
SHSE:600540 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:600359 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:600509 Power China
SHSE:600419 Farming/Agriculture China
SZSE:300313 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:000877 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002800 Transportation China
SHSE:600075 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:840 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:603080 Power China
SZSE:300106 Food Processing China
SHSE:603101 Retail (General) China
SHSE:603393 Power China
SEHK:3833 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:603227 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600197 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SHSE:600778 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002092 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002207 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SEHK:2699 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1799 Engineering/Construction China
GTSM:3374 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:000949 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000778 Steel China
SEHK:362 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:362 Power Hong Kong
SZSE:000902 Chemical (Specialty) China
SEHK:8328 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SEHK:3868 Green & Renewable Energy China
SEHK:868 Auto Parts Hong Kong
SEHK:968 Semiconductor Equip China
SHSE:600782 Steel China
SEHK:1895 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:300152 Machinery China
SHSE:600291 Insurance (General) China
SZSE:000639 Food Processing China
SEHK:2088 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1266 Steel China
SZSE:000400 Electrical Equipment China
BSE:532788 Semiconductor India
SGX:BQF Retail (Distributors) Singapore
KLSE:XOX Telecom (Wireless) Malaysia
NasdaqGS:XP Brokerage & Investment Banking Brazil
LSE:XPP Electrical Equipment Singapore
BSE:590013 Chemical (Specialty) India
OTCPK:XTEG Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:1368 Apparel China
BSE:531225 Heathcare Information and Technology India
TASE:XTLB Drugs (Biotechnology) Israel
OTCPK:XTGR.F Precious Metals Bahamas
GTSM:8421 Machinery Taiwan
SHSE:603356 Machinery China
SZSE:002406 Auto Parts China
PSE:X Software (System & Application) Philippines
SZSE:300201 Construction Supplies China
GTSM:8942 Building Materials Taiwan
Catalist:1F1 Retail (Online) Singapore
KOSDAQ:A067900 Environmental & Waste Services South Korea
KOSDAQ:A066430 Entertainment South Korea
GTSM:6418 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SEHK:75 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
TSEC:1339 Auto Parts Taiwan
TASE:MRIN Investments & Asset Management Israel
TASE:DIMRI Real Estate (General/Diversified) Israel
KLSE:YSPSAH Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Malaysia
SHSE:600119 Transportation China
TASE:QNCO Hotel/Gaming Israel
KLSE:Y&G Engineering/Construction Malaysia
TASE:YAAC Engineering/Construction Israel
SHSE:600351 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SEHK:1585 Auto & Truck China
TSEC:2327 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:300123 Recreation China
TSEC:6201 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Taiwan
SASE:3020 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
BSE:511012 Investments & Asset Management India
SEHK:1480 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:002411 Chemical (Diversified) China
SASE:3060 Construction Supplies Saudi Arabia
SASE:2290 Chemical (Basic) Saudi Arabia
SEHK:346 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Hong Kong
SZSE:000608 Real Estate (Development) China
TSEC:2609 Shipbuilding & Marine Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A030960 Office Equipment & Services South Korea
SHSE:600691 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000671 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:600348 Coal & Related Energy China
SEHK:6869 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:294 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:300610 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1915 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:300373 Semiconductor China
SHSE:600213 Construction Supplies China
SGX:BS6 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002847 Food Processing China
GTSM:6691 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SGX:Z25 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SZSE:200869 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:002891 Food Processing China
SZSE:002675 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SHSE:603638 Machinery China
SZSE:002353 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SZSE:300105 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:2218 Food Processing China
SZSE:002481 Food Processing China
SZSE:002254 Apparel China
SHSE:600766 Precious Metals China
SZSE:300653 Drugs (Biotechnology) China
SZSE:300224 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:1171 Coal & Related Energy China
GTSM:4430 Recreation Taiwan
GTSM:3207 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SHSE:603013 Auto Parts China
BSE:514378 Retail (Distributors) India
KOSDAQ:A255440 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
BSE:539939 Retail (Distributors) India
BSE:511601 Brokerage & Investment Banking India
BSE:516030 Paper/Forest Products India
OTCPK:HERB Farming/Agriculture China
SEHK:1230 Food Processing China
BSE:541167 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:530063 Packaging & Container India
SEHK:3708 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
NasdaqCM:YTRA Retail (Online) India
SEHK:406 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KOSDAQ:A057030 Education South Korea
TASE:YBOX Investments & Asset Management Israel
KLSE:YBS Machinery Malaysia
TSEC:2034 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:1847 Construction Supplies China
HOSE:YEG Entertainment Vietnam
DSE:YPL Packaging & Container Bangladesh
SZSE:300628 Telecom. Equipment China
KOSDAQ:A036000 Publishing & Newspapers South Korea
GTSM:5213 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
JSE:YYLBEE Investments & Asset Management South Africa
SHSE:601388 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:1662 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
KLSE:YEELEE Food Processing Malaysia
SEHK:259 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
GTSM:7556 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
GTSM:6124 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A104620 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
XKON:A179720 Software (System & Application) South Korea
TSEC:4306 Packaging & Container Taiwan
HNX:CAP Food Processing Vietnam
HOSE:YBM Construction Supplies Vietnam
GTSM:6275 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
SGX:Y03 Food Processing Singapore
TSEC:1589 Steel China
KOSE:A012280 Auto Parts South Korea
GTSM:9962 Steel Taiwan
NSEI:YESBANK Bank (Money Center) India
SZSE:002952 Computers/Peripherals China
KOSDAQ:A053280 Retail (Online) South Korea
KOSE:A015360 Power South Korea
KOSDAQ:A122640 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SEHK:2393 Healthcare Products China
KOSDAQ:A250930 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
GTSM:6220 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
TSEC:1907 Paper/Forest Products Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A122870 Entertainment South Korea
KOSE:A037270 Advertising South Korea
KOSDAQ:A019210 Machinery South Korea
KLSE:YGL Computer Services Malaysia
SEHK:375 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002063 Software (System & Application) China
SGX:BPF Retail (Distributors) Singapore
SEHK:2213 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
TSEC:1457 Apparel Taiwan
GTSM:4440 Apparel Taiwan
KLSE:YILAI Building Materials Malaysia
SHSE:600793 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:002386 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:1558 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
XKON:A336040 Healthcare Products South Korea
TSEC:2007 Steel Taiwan
TSEC:2023 Steel Taiwan
GTSM:9957 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:1796 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
GTSM:6423 Semiconductor Taiwan
SZSE:002019 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603939 Retail (Special Lines) China
SEHK:1579 Food Processing China
SZSE:000150 Healthcare Support Services China
SHSE:600978 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SHSE:603666 Machinery China
KOSDAQ:A232140 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SZSE:300249 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SEHK:8260 Business & Consumer Services Hong Kong
SZSE:300337 Metals & Mining China
SEHK:1902 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1922 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SHSE:600785 Retail (General) China
SHSE:603277 Machinery China
SEHK:8668 Hotel/Gaming Macau
TSEC:4562 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:8241 Retail (Grocery and Food) Hong Kong
SGX:5DM Real Estate (Development) Singapore
SHSE:603396 Semiconductor Equip China
SHSE:600317 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:002861 Electrical Equipment China
OTCPK:YITD Software (Entertainment) China
KLSE:YINSON Oilfield Svcs/Equip. Malaysia
SZSE:000975 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:000981 Auto Parts China
SEHK:408 Chemical (Basic) Hong Kong
SZSE:300723 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:601113 Chemical (Basic) China
SEHK:2858 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:002727 Retail (Special Lines) China
KOSDAQ:A193250 Electronics (General) South Korea
KLSE:YKGI Steel Malaysia
KLSE:YLI Building Materials Malaysia
SZSE:300096 Software (System & Application) China
KOSDAQ:A155650 Electronics (General) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A251370 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KLSE:YNHPROP Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
GTSM:5216 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
BSE:522209 Engineering/Construction India
SGX:Z59 Real Estate (Development) Singapore
KOSE:A070960 Hotel/Gaming South Korea
GTSM:4711 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
KLSE:YONGTAI Real Estate (Development) Malaysia
SZSE:002641 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:601933 Retail (General) China
SGX:BKX Construction Supplies Singapore
SGX:AXB Engineering/Construction Singapore
SEHK:3608 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:002756 Steel China
SHSE:603879 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300187 Environmental & Waste Services China
KOSDAQ:A115960 Packaging & Container South Korea
SHSE:600588 Software (System & Application) China
TSEC:1323 Packaging & Container Taiwan
KLSE:YOCB Retail (Distributors) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A054930 Engineering/Construction South Korea
KOSE:A002920 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSDAQ:A024800 Trucking South Korea
SZSE:002174 Entertainment China
SZSE:002795 Machinery China
COSE:YORK.N0000 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Sri Lanka
BSE:530675 Apparel India
JSE:YRK Paper/Forest Products South Africa
SEHK:2788 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:002489 Recreation China
XKON:A252370 Household Products South Korea
KOSE:A008730 Packaging & Container South Korea
TSEC:3622 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSE:A012160 Steel South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036180 Heathcare Information and Technology South Korea
TSEC:3504 Electronics (General) Taiwan
KOSE:A000670 Metals & Mining South Korea
KOSE:A006740 Paper/Forest Products South Korea
KOSDAQ:A036560 Machinery South Korea
KOSE:A014440 Chemical (Specialty) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A265560 Auto Parts South Korea
KOSE:A111770 Apparel South Korea
KOSE:A009970 Apparel South Korea
SHSE:600177 Real Estate (Development) China
GTSM:2755 Restaurant/Dining Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A007530 Machinery South Korea
GTSM:6261 Semiconductor Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A143540 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
SZSE:002192 Electrical Equipment China
KOSDAQ:A090740 Electronics (General) South Korea
SHSE:603776 Trucking China
KASE:YOUW Apparel Pakistan
SEHK:1160 Investments & Asset Management Hong Kong
SHSE:603697 Food Processing China
BASE:YPFD Oil/Gas (Integrated) Argentina
KLSE:YTL Utility (General) Malaysia
KLSE:YTLPOWR Utility (General) Malaysia
KOSDAQ:A040300 Broadcasting South Korea
SEHK:6123 Transportation Hong Kong
SHSE:600233 Transportation China
TSEC:1438 Engineering/Construction Taiwan
SEHK:8048 Software (System & Application) Hong Kong
SZSE:002692 Electrical Equipment China
SEHK:332 Oil/Gas Distribution Hong Kong
GTSM:5474 Computers/Peripherals Taiwan
TSEC:1725 Retail (Distributors) Taiwan
GTSM:3089 Electronics (General) Taiwan
SZSE:000998 Farming/Agriculture China
SHSE:603388 Environmental & Waste Services China
SEHK:2789 Building Materials China
SEHK:1431 Farming/Agriculture China
KOSDAQ:A287410 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A313750 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A336060 Investments & Asset Management South Korea
KOSDAQ:A340360 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) South Korea
TSEC:2885 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
GTSM:6023 Brokerage & Investment Banking Taiwan
KOSE:A003470 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
SET:YUASA Auto Parts Thailand
SEHK:629 Metals & Mining Hong Kong
SEHK:551 Shoe Hong Kong
TSEC:2069 Steel Taiwan
SEHK:123 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SEHK:405 R.E.I.T. Hong Kong
SEHK:1052 Transportation Hong Kong
SHSE:600963 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:000819 Chemical (Basic) China
GTSM:6194 Electronics (General) Taiwan
BSE:540550 Chemical (Specialty) India
KOSE:A000100 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SEHK:2728 Oil/Gas Distribution China
SZSE:002903 Machinery China
KOSE:A003460 Brokerage & Investment Banking South Korea
SZSE:300740 Household Products China
KOSDAQ:A056080 Recreation South Korea
SEHK:1536 Construction Supplies Hong Kong
BSE:522108 Machinery India
KOSDAQ:A072770 Software (System & Application) South Korea
TSEC:9941 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) Taiwan
TSEC:2201 Auto & Truck Taiwan
TSEC:2227 Auto & Truck Taiwan
NYSE:YUMC Restaurant/Dining China
GTSM:2726 Restaurant/Dining China
SEHK:2682 Shipbuilding & Marine Hong Kong
SZSE:002120 Transportation China
SEHK:376 Insurance (Life) Hong Kong
TSEC:1726 Chemical (Basic) Taiwan
GTSM:4102 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
KOSE:A003520 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
GTSM:5508 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Taiwan
TSEC:3705 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Taiwan
TSEC:1507 Machinery Taiwan
SZSE:000807 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:000538 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600883 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600497 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600792 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:000878 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002053 Food Processing China
SZSE:002812 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:600265 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:002428 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002114 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:600239 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000948 Computer Services China
SZSE:000960 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002059 Hotel/Gaming China
SEHK:6839 Utility (Water) China
SHSE:600995 Power China
SZSE:002265 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600096 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002200 Environmental & Waste Services China
SHSE:600725 Steel China
KOSDAQ:A048430 Auto Parts South Korea
BUL:4PX Packaging & Container Bulgaria
SEHK:96 Chemical (Basic) China
TSEC:4557 Auto Parts Taiwan
SZSE:300674 Computer Services China
BSE:531663 Household Products India
SEHK:8005 Electronics (Consumer & Office) Hong Kong
KOSE:A011690 Electrical Equipment South Korea
KOSE:A000220 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) South Korea
SEHK:1628 Real Estate (Development) China
KOSDAQ:A051390 Telecom. Equipment South Korea
GTSM:8176 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
TASE:ZMH Real Estate (Development) Israel
SEHK:8313 Investments & Asset Management Singapore
DSM:ZHCD Food Processing Qatar
ZGSE:ZABA Bank (Money Center) Croatia
ZGSE:ZB Brokerage & Investment Banking Croatia
DSE:ZAHEENSPIN Apparel Bangladesh
KASE:ZAHID Apparel Pakistan
DSE:ZAHINTEX Apparel Bangladesh
CASE:ZMID Real Estate (Development) Egypt
SASE:3007 Packaging & Container Saudi Arabia
KOSDAQ:A234920 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
BAX:ZAINBH Telecom (Wireless) Bahrain
SEHK:2098 Real Estate (Development) China
LUSE:ZANACO Bank (Money Center) Zambia
SASE:2240 Steel Saudi Arabia
AIM:ZIOC Steel British Virgin Islands
SZSE:000408 Retail (Distributors) China
TASE:ZNKL Food Processing Israel
SZSE:002637 Chemical (Basic) China
ASE:ZARA Hotel/Gaming Jordan
JSE:ZCL Investments & Asset Management South Africa
ASE:ZEIC Education Jordan
BUL:T43 Farming/Agriculture Bulgaria
LJSE:ZVTG Insurance (General) Slovenia
BUL:3Z7 Machinery Bulgaria
SHSE:603801 Building Materials China
ENXTPA:MLZAM Metals & Mining Zambia
BSE:539963 Food Processing India
DSE:ZEALBANGLA Food Processing Bangladesh
KLSE:ZECON Engineering/Construction Malaysia
JSE:ZED Investments & Asset Management South Africa
NSEI:ZEEL Broadcasting India
BSE:533287 Education India
BSE:532794 Broadcasting India
KLSE:ZELAN Engineering/Construction Malaysia
CBSE:ZDJ Metals & Mining Morocco
SET:ZEN Restaurant/Dining Thailand
BSE:533339 Electronics (General) India
GTSM:3581 Semiconductor Equip Taiwan
TSEC:1558 Furn/Home Furnishings Taiwan
SEHK:2660 Entertainment China
BUL:5Z2 Investments & Asset Management Bulgaria
NGSE:ZENITHBANK Bank (Money Center) Nigeria
BSE:531845 Steel India
BSE:512553 Apparel India
BSE:514266 Apparel India
BSE:530665 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
TSEC:3028 Computer Services Taiwan
BSE:530697 Healthcare Support Services India
BSE:532039 Drugs (Biotechnology) India
BSE:504067 Software (System & Application) India
SEHK:185 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
BVB:SCD Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Romania
BSSE:1SKF401E Drugs (Pharmaceutical) Slovakia
KASE:ZTL Apparel Pakistan
TSEC:3029 Computer Services Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A159580 Apparel South Korea
ASX:ZER Metals & Mining Bermuda
KOSDAQ:A079370 Semiconductor Equip South Korea
PSE:ZHI Construction Supplies Philippines
BSE:505163 Auto Parts India
SZSE:000430 Hotel/Gaming China
SHSE:600794 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:300228 Machinery China
SHSE:600436 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300094 Food Processing China
SEHK:1660 Retail (Distributors) Hong Kong
SEHK:1818 Precious Metals China
SZSE:002214 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002203 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002418 Steel China
SHSE:603055 Apparel China
SZSE:002266 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002940 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603001 Shoe China
SZSE:002284 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603229 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603331 Machinery China
SZSE:002634 Apparel China
SZSE:002569 Apparel China
SZSE:300412 Healthcare Products China
SEHK:1743 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002602 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603129 Recreation China
SEHK:8139 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300718 Machinery China
SHSE:603685 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603811 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600415 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:600790 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:601877 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002061 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:600572 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002273 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603081 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002236 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600633 Entertainment China
SHSE:603757 Machinery China
SHSE:603701 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603320 Machinery China
SHSE:603338 Machinery China
SHSE:600113 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SZSE:002381 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002793 Machinery China
SZSE:002011 Building Materials China
SZSE:002199 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:576 Transportation China
SHSE:600526 Machinery China
SZSE:002931 Machinery China
SZSE:300256 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002196 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002479 Power China
SHSE:600070 Apparel China
SZSE:300401 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002687 Apparel China
SHSE:600232 Apparel China
SHSE:603311 Building Materials China
SHSE:603897 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603687 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:002263 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:600052 Real Estate (General/Diversified) China
SHSE:600059 Beverage (Alcoholic) China
SZSE:002615 Household Products China
SZSE:002206 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:688006 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:600987 Apparel China
SHSE:603661 Office Equipment & Services China
SZSE:002099 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600267 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300133 Entertainment China
SZSE:002064 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600521 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:000607 Advertising China
SHSE:603181 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603300 Retail (Distributors) China
SZSE:002840 Food Processing China
SZSE:002758 Healthcare Support Services China
SHSE:603799 Metals & Mining China
SHSE:603186 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600226 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000411 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603558 Apparel China
SHSE:603822 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600273 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:600668 Diversified China
SZSE:002404 Apparel China
SHSE:603583 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002859 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603980 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300411 Machinery China
SZSE:002863 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002006 Machinery China
SHSE:603607 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:300316 Semiconductor Equip China
SZSE:002488 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002020 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002067 Packaging & Container China
SZSE:300459 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300069 Machinery China
SZSE:002318 Steel China
SHSE:603456 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300181 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600160 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002247 Entertainment China
SZSE:300234 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300257 Machinery China
SZSE:002012 Paper/Forest Products China
SHSE:603665 Apparel China
SZSE:002443 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SHSE:603726 Machinery China
SHSE:600352 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600216 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002677 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:300611 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603321 Machinery China
SZSE:300795 Advertising China
SZSE:300766 Computer Services China
SZSE:002574 Apparel China
SZSE:300068 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002095 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:1158 Hotel/Gaming China
SZSE:002001 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600120 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:600796 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000913 Auto & Truck China
SZSE:002586 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:603116 Shoe China
SZSE:002629 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SZSE:002520 Machinery China
SHSE:603165 Paper/Forest Products China
SEHK:8249 Electronics (General) Hong Kong
SZSE:002440 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002050 Machinery China
SHSE:603379 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603033 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002648 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002563 Apparel China
SHSE:603168 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603079 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603703 Telecom. Equipment China
SEHK:1057 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603896 Household Products China
SZSE:002472 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002135 Engineering/Construction China
SHSE:603520 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:300111 Semiconductor China
SHSE:603105 Semiconductor China
SHSE:600576 Entertainment China
SZSE:002032 Household Products China
SZSE:300426 Entertainment China
SEHK:1527 Machinery China
SHSE:603578 Building Materials China
SHSE:603085 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603500 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:300587 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:300702 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603926 Auto Parts China
SHSE:603595 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603177 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002427 Apparel China
SEHK:8366 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:002590 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002849 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:002085 Auto Parts China
SZSE:002434 Construction Supplies China
SZSE:002276 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603010 Chemical (Basic) China
SHSE:603568 Environmental & Waste Services China
SZSE:002003 Apparel China
SZSE:002372 Building Materials China
SZSE:300772 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:300357 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603667 Machinery China
SZSE:002332 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603239 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600596 Chemical (Diversified) China
SHSE:603889 Apparel China
SZSE:300519 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:603867 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002942 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300637 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:600261 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:002375 Business & Consumer Services China
SZSE:002370 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002686 Building Materials China
SZSE:002126 Auto Parts China
SEHK:8211 Apparel Hong Kong
SZSE:300351 Electrical Equipment China
SHSE:603995 Steel China
SZSE:002326 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:002718 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002725 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300695 Auto Parts China
SHSE:600023 Power China
SZSE:300645 Computer Services China
SZSE:000705 Healthcare Support Services China
SZSE:002522 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002779 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SZSE:002915 Chemical (Specialty) China
SHSE:603767 Auto Parts China
TSEC:4958 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:603301 Healthcare Products China
SGX:BWM Green & Renewable Energy China
SEHK:8283 Business & Consumer Services Singapore
SHSE:603843 Engineering/Construction China
SEHK:3363 Packaging & Container China
SHSE:600121 Coal & Related Energy China
SEHK:564 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600817 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:300064 Precious Metals China
SZSE:300807 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:600066 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:603637 Engineering/Construction China
SZSE:300217 Furn/Home Furnishings China
SEHK:6158 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:000906 Retail (Distributors) China
SHSE:601878 Brokerage & Investment Banking China
SEHK:8370 Office Equipment & Services China
SEHK:8511 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:672 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1538 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:300560 Telecom. Services China
SEHK:1064 Real Estate (Operations & Services) Hong Kong
TSEC:6668 Machinery Taiwan
SEHK:6060 Insurance (Prop/Cas.) China
SZSE:000759 Retail (Grocery and Food) China
SHSE:600242 Computer Services China
SEHK:859 Real Estate (General/Diversified) Hong Kong
SZSE:300659 Software (System & Application) China
SZSE:000592 Paper/Forest Products China
SZSE:300114 Electronics (General) China
SEHK:8246 Engineering/Construction Hong Kong
SZSE:300308 Machinery China
SHSE:600489 Precious Metals China
SEHK:2772 Real Estate (Development) China
SHSE:900915 Recreation China
SHSE:603619 Oilfield Svcs/Equip. China
SGX:5SR Retail (General) Singapore
SHSE:600163 Green & Renewable Energy China
SZSE:002445 Entertainment China
SHSE:600313 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:000506 Real Estate (Development) China
SZSE:002249 Electrical Equipment China
SZSE:000685 Utility (Water) China
SEHK:881 Retail (Automotive) China
SZSE:000540 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:2379 Real Estate (Operations & Services) China
SZSE:000957 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:603559 Computer Services China
SZSE:300469 Computer Services China
SZSE:000715 Retail (General) China
SZSE:002441 Retail (Distributors) China
SEHK:3633 Power Hong Kong
SEHK:1216 Banks (Regional) China
SEHK:3737 Household Products China
SHSE:600568 Real Estate (Development) China
SEHK:1458 Food Processing China
SZSE:300564 Business & Consumer Services China
OTCPK:ZHUD Building Materials China
SEHK:1176 Real Estate (Development) Hong Kong
SZSE:300681 Auto Parts China
SZSE:300273 Healthcare Products China
SEHK:908 Hotel/Gaming Hong Kong
SZSE:000532 Electronics (General) China
SZSE:300053 Semiconductor China
SZSE:000507 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:002923 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002898 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SZSE:002492 Shipbuilding & Marine China
SZSE:000659 Packaging & Container China
KLSE:ZHULIAN Apparel Malaysia
SEHK:8266 Computer Services Hong Kong
SEHK:3898 Electrical Equipment Hong Kong
SZSE:300665 Chemical (Specialty) China
SZSE:300726 Electronics (General) China
SHSE:601636 Building Materials China
SHSE:600479 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) China
SHSE:600961 Metals & Mining China
SZSE:002523 Construction Supplies China
SHSE:600458 Chemical (Basic) China
SZSE:002408 Chemical (Specialty) China
Catalist:40W Business & Consumer Services Singapore
BSE:531404 Electronics (General) India
ASX:ZGL Machinery Singapore
TSEC:1455 Apparel Taiwan
SET:ZIGA Steel Thailand
SEHK:2899 Precious Metals China
KASE:ZIL Household Products Pakistan
GTSM:6679 Semiconductor Taiwan
BSE:541400 Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
GTSM:8435 Utility (Water) Taiwan
KOSDAQ:A303030 Semiconductor South Korea
KOSE:A013890 Furn/Home Furnishings South Korea
TSEC:2485 Telecom. Equipment Taiwan
SEHK:8287 Telecom. Equipment China
TSEC:2420 Electrical Equipment Taiwan
ZGSE:ZTNJ Farming/Agriculture Croatia
BELEX:ZTPK Food Processing Serbia
SEHK:8223 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
SZSE:000889 Computer Services China
NasdaqCM:ZKIN Steel China
BUL:3ZL Hotel/Gaming Bulgaria
SEHK:8135 Retail (Automotive) China
SEHK:8135 Retail (Automotive) China
BSE:521163 Apparel India
NSEI:ZODIAC Electrical Equipment India
BSE:503641 Real Estate (Development) India
SZSE:002021 Machinery China
AIM:ZOL Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) Cayman Islands
SNSE:ZOFRI Real Estate (Operations & Services) Chile
SZSE:002069 Food Processing China
TSEC:3056 Real Estate (Development) Taiwan
OTCPK:ZOOM Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:000157 Construction Supplies China
NSEI:ZOTA Drugs (Pharmaceutical) India
SZSE:000980 Auto & Truck China
SHSE:603709 Furn/Home Furnishings China
OTCPK:ZSTN Telecom. Equipment China
SZSE:000063 Telecom. Equipment China
BSE:534742 Chemical (Specialty) India
BSE:500780 Diversified India
KOSDAQ:A239340 Software (Entertainment) South Korea
KOSDAQ:A045510 Computer Services South Korea
SEHK:6866 Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) China
TASE:ZUR Insurance (General) Israel
ZGSE:ZVCV Food Processing Croatia
TASE:SRFT Real Estate (Development) Israel
BSE:531335 Food Processing India
SZSE:002448 Auto Parts China
SEHK:8295 Brokerage & Investment Banking Hong Kong
Broad Group Sub Group
Emerging Markets Eastern Europe & Russia
Emerging Markets Small Asia
Emerging Markets Small Asia
Emerging Markets Africa and Middle East
Emerging Markets Small Asia
Emerging Markets Latin America & Caribbean
Emerging Markets Latin America & Caribbean
Emerging Markets China
Emerging Markets India
Emerging Markets Latin America & Caribbean
Emerging Markets Small Asia
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Emerging Markets China
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Emerging Markets Small Asia
Emerging Markets India
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Emerging Markets Africa and Middle East
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Emerging Markets China
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Emerging Markets Africa and Middle East
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Global Companies Betas by Sector January 2016

Date updated: 5-Jan-20 YouTube Video explaining estimation choices and process. Notes
Created by: Aswath Damodaran, [email protected] if you are looking for a pure-play beta, i.e., a beta for a bu
What is this data? Beta, Unlevered beta and other risk measures US companies unlevered beta corrected for cash is your best bet. Since e
can move over time, I have also reported the average of th
Home Page: beta across time in the last column. This number, for obvio
Data website: less likely to be volatile over time.
Companies in each industry:
Variable definitions:
Do you want to use marginal or effective tax rates in unlevering betas? Marginal
If marginal tax rate, enter the marginal tax rate to use 25.00%

Effective Tax
Industry Name Number of firms Beta D/E Ratio rate Unlevered beta Cash/Firm value Unlevered beta corrected for cash HiLo Risk
Engineering/Construction 54 1.60 39.27% 9.44% 1.23 6.88% 1.33 0.5105
Global Companies Betas by Sector January 2016

if you are looking for a pure-play beta, i.e., a beta for a business, the
unlevered beta corrected for cash is your best bet. Since even sector betas
can move over time, I have also reported the average of the this sector
beta across time in the last column. This number, for obvious reasons, is
less likely to be volatile over time.

Unlevered beta corrected for cash - Over time

Standard deviation in
operating income (last Average
Standard deviation of equity 10 years) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (2015-20)
33.19% 14.79% 1.19 1.07 1.01 1.13 0.81 1.09
Date updated: 5-Jan-20
Created by: Aswath Damodaran, [email protected]
What is this data? Debt breakdown with book interest rate
Home Page:
Data website:
Companies in each industry:
Variable definitions:

Lease Debt (My

Industry Name Number of firms Estimate)
Engineering/Construction 54 $8,200.21
rate US


Conventional Debt Total Debt with leases Interest expense

$19,197.11 $27,397.32 $1,233.09
Short term Debt as Lease Debt
Book interest rate % of Total Debt (Accounting)
6.42% 2.72% $ 19,901.98

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