Evaluación Nivel de Inglés
Evaluación Nivel de Inglés
Evaluación Nivel de Inglés
xx Requordit MX Fecha: 17/08/2022
Giro de la empresa:
inglés cotidiano
inglés de negocios
programas de conversación nivel avanzado
PRONUNCIATION N 1 2 3 4 5 /60 ABILITY 1_________
FLUENCY T 1 2 3 4 5 WRITTEN ______________ __________________
GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY R 1 2 3 4 5 ORAL ____ _________ ABILITY 2 ______
Marque con una “X” el inciso en donde considere que existe algún error
A X Do he A She is
B study B studying
C English? C English now.
1 11 21 31 41 51
_x_ A Dr. Ray have __ A I met __ A Sam felt __ A He doesn’t __ A She knew __ A Arriving there,
__ B a new __ B Arturo __ B asleep while he __ B like Mozart __ B she will __ B I found my
__ C nurse. __ C on the bus. __ C was studying. _x_ C and either do I. __ C win the prize. __ C cat sleeping.
__ D _x_ D x D __ D __ D __ D
2 12 22 32 42 52
__ A Who __ A When __ A We both enjoy _x_A It’s no use worry __ A You ought do __ A We walked
__ B are __ B did you born, __ B swim very __ B about it. It does __ B your homework __ B to the edge
_x_ C this people? __ C Alice? __ C much. __ C not affect us. __ C every day. __ C of the forest.
__ D _x_ D _x_ D __ D __ D __ D
3 13 23 33 43 53
_x_ A They going __ A My brother __ A Sam lost __ A The thief forced __ A I used to __ A If he had seen
__ B to be married __ B is two years __ B his dog, __ B she to hand __ B dream with __ B the accident,
__ C in Paris. _x_ C old than me. _x_ C wasn’t he? _x_ C over the money. __ C being a pilot. __ C he’d have stop.
__ D __ D __ D __ D __ D __ D
4 14 24 34 44 54
__ A What does __ A The bank __ A It’s their __ A Arthur __ A Tell me __ A He shouldn’t
__ B Marie _x_ B is at __ B problem __ B easily __ B whether or not __ B have been gone
_x_ C does first? __ C Main Avenue. __ C not ours. _x_ C won me at __ C you’re interest. __ C so fast.
__ D __ D _x_ D chess __ D __ D
__ D
5 15 25 45 55
__ A Gloria __ A Studying is __ A I think it was 35 __ A If you arrive __ A It might
_x_ B always is _x_ B best than _x_ B an adequated __ A Can you __ B late, I will __ B have being
__ C working. __ C watching TV. __ C solution. __ B make the dishes __ C be eaten lunch. __ C my sister.
__ D __ D __ D __ C for me? __ D __ D
_x_ D
6 16 26 46 56
__ A You are __ A I never __ A They are 36 __ A We might had __ A If you’ll come
__ B reading __ B drink _x_ B more bad _x_ A I wish I’ve knew __ B taken __ B this way, I’ll
_x_ C mine book. _x_ C the coffee. __ C than you. __ B what to do in __ C her advice. __ C go with you.
__ D __ D __ D __ C that situation. __ D __ D
__ D
7 17 27 47 57
__ A He’s going __ A Carol is __ A We neither 37 __ A The man which __ A If it rains,
__ B to buy _x_ B as tallest as __ B drink __ A He asked her __ B phoned didn’t __ B we’d have to
_x_ C much books. __ C Joan. __ C nor smoke. __ B where was she __ C give his name. __ C cancel the party.
__ D __ D _x_ D __ C from. __ D __ D
_x_ D
8 18 28 48 58
_x_ A Is true __ A I can to __ A The flowers 38 __ A They’d have __ A If he’d slept well,
__ B that you __ B take the car __ B are being __ A He insisted __ B enjoy singing __ B he would not
__ C are married? __ C if necessary. __ C water by her. _x_ B on wait for me __ C last night. __ C fallen asleep.
__ D _x_ D _x_ D __ C after class. __ D __ D
__ D
9 19 29 49 59
__ A My brother __ A He acts __ A My car 39 __ A The letter is __ A If she’d not run,
__ B has a _x_ B according his _x_ B was steal _x_ A It’s a nice house __ B been written __ B she’d have miss
__ C cold. __ C principles. __ C yesterday. __ B but there’s __ C now, isn’t it? __ C her mother.
_x_ D __ D __ D __ C no garden. __ D __ D
__ D
10 20 30 50 60
_x_ A I have __ A Eve has a __ A What did he 40 __ A The class can __ A Had I known,
__ B my camera __ B ten-dollar __ B do when he __ A How could __ B not be hold __ B I’d had told
__ C for six months. __ C purse. _x_ C get home? __ B we make __ C in that room. __ C the truth.
__ D _x_ D __ D _x_ C they listen? __ D __ D
__ D
NOMBRE: Andoney Valdez Daniel FECHA: 17/08/2022
Marque con una X el cuadro que corresponda a su respuesta. NUNCA
9-13 23-27 /RELAJADO 0-8
3. Me gusta escribir nuevos conceptos o tomar notas, para repasarlos visualmente. 3. 3.x 3. 3. 3.
8. Puedo distinguir si los sonidos coinciden cuando se presentan al mismo tiempo. 8. 8. 8. 8.x 8.
9. Recuerdo mejor las cosas cuando las escribo varias veces. 9.x 9. 9. 9. 9.
10. Puedo entender y seguir las instrucciones de un mapa. 10. 10. 10.x 10. 10.
11. Obtengo mejores calificaciones si escucho la lección grabada que si la leo. 11. 11. 11. 11.x 11.
12. Me gusta jugar con las llaves y monedas que llevo en los bolsillos. 12. 12.x 12. 12. 12.
13. Aprendo más rápido una palabra nueva cuando la deletreo en voz alta que cuando la 13. 13. 13.x 13. 13.
14. Entiendo mejor una noticia cuando la leo, que cuando la escucho en 14.x 14. 14. 14. 14.
la radio.
15. Me gusta masticar chicle o comer alguna botana mientras estudio. 15. 15.x 15. 15. 15.
16. Cuando trato de recordar algo lo hago “imaginándolo” mentalmente. 16. 16.x 16. 16. 16.
17. Aprendo a deletrear una palabra nueva señalándola con mi dedo. 17. 17. 17.x 17. 17.
18. Prefiero escuchar una buena clase o conferencia, que leer sobre ese mismo tema. 18. 18.x 18. 18. 18.
19. Soy bueno para resolver rompecabezas y laberintos. 19.x 19. 19. 19. 19.
20. Prefiero repasar el material escrito, que dialogar sobre el tema tratado. 20. 20. 20. 20.x 20.
21. Prefiero escuchar las noticias en la radio, que leerlas en el periódico o en la web. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21.x
22. Me gusta aumentar mis conocimientos sobre temas interesantes por medio de la 22. 22. 22.x 22. 22.
23. Me agrada el contacto con otras personas (saludar de mano). 23. 23. 23.x 23. 23.
24. Sigo mejor las instrucciones orales que las escritas. 24. 24. 24. 24.x 24.