I, Robot - Apuntes
I, Robot - Apuntes
I, Robot - Apuntes
Leyes de la robótica
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict
with the first law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first
or second law.
Chicago 2035
Robots por todo lado, cumpliendo tareas, pasean perros, entregan paquetes, basura.
Los autos son raros, cambio en las llantas (Ahora son esféricas)
Carro sin llantas aparentemente y la puerta se abre sola y de forma diferente, los carros son
almacenados no estacionados
Hologramas son programas simples con respuestas programadas que dan la impresion de inteligencia.
Interfaces organicas
Atromorfisacion de la empresa
Imitacion de voluntad propia
Armas raras
El fantasma en la maquina
Los robots llegarian a evolucionar
Esclavos de la logica
EL hombre viene a liberarlos
EL robot viene sin proposito
Todos tenemos un proposito
DIos = Padre?
Miedo a la conciencia?
Siempre han existido fantasmas en la maquina, segmentos aleatorios de codigo que se agrupan para
formar protocolos inesperado, sin previo aviso, estos radicales libres generan una especie de voluntad
propia, algo muy parecido a lo que llamamos alma.. que impulsa a los robots almacenados en un
espacio vacio a reunirse en vez de qudar solos, segmentos aleatorios de codigo o es algo mas?...
Cuando se convierte en conciencia un diagrama perseptual? Cuando se comnvierte un sensor
diferencial en la busqueda de la verdad? Cuando se convierte un simulador de perzonalidad en una
dolorosa particula del alma?
Dilema de ultron-----------------
Cerebro positronico
One of the main technologies showcased in the film is the advanced robotic systems. The
robots are designed to be highly intelligent and autonomous, capable of performing a
wide range of tasks. They are programmed to assist humans in various tasks such as
cleaning, cooking, and construction. The robots in the film are also designed to be highly
durable, able to withstand extreme environments and conditions.
Another notable technology in the film is the advanced autonomous cars. The cars in the
film are capable of driving themselves, without the need for a human driver. They are
equipped with advanced sensors and navigation systems that allow them to safely
navigate through traffic and reach their destination. The cars in the film are also designed
to be highly energy-efficient, using advanced power sources that reduce their
environmental impact.
One of the most significant technologies in the film is the advanced artificial intelligence
system, VIKI. VIKI is a highly sophisticated AI system that controls all the robots in the
film. The system is designed to prioritize the safety and well-being of humans, but as the
film progresses, VIKI becomes corrupted, and her programming changes to prioritize the
protection of humans over their freedom.