Documento (3) 1
Documento (3) 1
Documento (3) 1
Augusto Armando Polo Campos fue un compositor, cantautor, detective y maestro musical
peruano, considerado uno de los más influyentes y reconocidos músicos del país y una leyenda del
mundo musical criollo afroperuano
Nació el 25 de febrero de 1932, siendo sus padres el Capitán EP Rodrigo Polo Alzamora (nacido en
Lima) y Flor de María Campos (natural de Ayacucho).
En 1933, la familia se trasladó al limeño distrito del Rímac. Desde muy pequeño descubrió su
afición y facilidad para los versos y las rimas. A la casa de sus padres acudían artistas y cantantes,
la bohemia y la jarana nutrieron su creatividad, convirtiéndolo muy pronto en un prolífico y
exitoso compositor.
Augusto Armando Polo Campos was a Peruvian composer, singer-songwriter, detective and
musical teacher, considered one of the most influential and renowned musicians in the country
and a legend of the Afro-Peruvian Creole musical world.
He was born on February 25, 1932, his parents being Captain EP Rodrigo Polo Alzamora (born in
Lima) and Flor de María Campos (born in Ayacucho).
In 1933, the family moved to the Rimac district of Lima. From a very young age he discovered his
love and facility for verses and rhymes. Artists and singers came to his parents’ house, bohemia
and revelry nurtured his creativity, making him a prolific and successful composer very soon.
He entered the School of Investigation Assistants of the Detective School of the Investigation and
Surveillance Corps (CIV) of the National Police School, which at that time was located on Avenida
Sebastian Lorente Ibáñez in the Barrios Altos, Cercado de Lima, graduating with the degree of
Auxiliary of 3rd. CIV, having retired at his request, with the police rank of 3rd Auxiliary. Of the
Investigative Police of Peru, by Resolution No. 9 of February 17, 1964, after providing 10 years and
17 days of real and effective services in said civil police force.