004 - HomeServe Glossary - Vehicle
004 - HomeServe Glossary - Vehicle
004 - HomeServe Glossary - Vehicle
English Spanish
Air Balancing Baleanceador De Aire
Air Duct Ducto De Aire
Air Filter Filtro De Aire
Air Scoops Entrada De Aire
Aquastat Acuastat / Controlador de la Temperatura
Asbestos Or Other Insulation Asbestos u Otra Insulación / aislamientos
Assembly Montaje, Ensamblaje
Barometric Damper Regulador De Tiro Barométrico
Belts Cintos, Cinturones
Blower Soplador
Blower Motors Motor De Extractor/Soplador
Boiler Boiler/Calentador
Boiler Distribution Piping Tubería De Distribución De Boiler /Del Cale
Broken Circuit Board Tabla De Circuitos Dañada
Buried Sewer/Septic Line Tubería Séptica Bajo Tierra
Capacitor Condensador / Condensador Eléctrico
Central Forced-Air System Sistema De Aire Forzado Central
Chimney Maintenance Repair Mantenimiento Y Reparación De Chimenea
Circuit Boards Tabla De Circuitos
Circulating Hot Water Central Heating System Sistema De Calefacción Central De Agua Ca
Circulators Circuladores
Combination Ambient Heat Combinación De Calentar El Ambiente
Condensate Pumps Bombas De Condensado
Condenser Motor/Fan Motor/Ventilador Del Condensador
Contactor Switches Contactores/ Suiches De Contacto
Delay Timer Temporizador De Retardo / Taimer
Domestic Hot Water Heating Calentón/Calentador De Agua De Casa
ECO Safety. The Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) Was Seguridad De ECO
Introduced In January 2013 To Reduce The Energy Consumption And
Support People Living In Fuel Poverty.
Electronic Air Cleaner Limpiador De Aire Eléctrico/Electrónico
Electronics Electrónicos
Fan Ventilador
Fan Controls And Relays Controles Y Relés De Ventilador
Filter Drier Filtro Deshidratador
Furnace Caldera/Calentón/ Calentador
Fusible Link Enlace Fusible
Gas Valve Válvula De Gas
Hanging Unit Unidad Colgante
Heat Exchanger Termocambiador/ Intercambiador de Calor
Heat Pump Bomba De Calentón/ Del Calentador
Heating Jacket Chaqueta de calefacción /Chaqueta
High And Low Pressure Switches Interruptores De Alta Y Baja Presión
Humidifier Humidificador
Ignition Control Control De Ignición/ De Encendido
Induced Draft Motor Motor De Ventilación
Insulator Aislante
Internal Fuses Or Breakers Fusibles O Interruptores Internos
Leaking Boiler Boiler Goteando/Calentador Que Gotea
Limit Controls Controles De Límite
Low Water Cutoff Válvula De Cortar El Agua Baja /Corte De A
Low Water Pressure Baja Presión De Agua
Main And Pilot Burner Quemador Principal Y Piloto
Meter base Base del medidor
Oil Unit Unidad De Aceite
Pressure Switch Switch/Suiche/Prendedor De Presión
Pulley Polea /Garrucho
Radiator Radiador
Rated At Inputs Of Calificado A Entradas De...
Refrigerant (Excluding Maintenance Recharges) Refrigerante (Excluyendo Las Recargas De
Register Registrador
Regulator Valve Válvula De Regulación
Relay/Relays Relé/Relés /Rileis
Riser Tubo de subida
Rooftop Azotea, Techo
Service Drop (it’s an overhead electrical line running Cable eléctrico aéreo/ Cable eléctrico por e
from a utility pole, to a customer's building)
Service entrance conductor Conductor de la entrada de servicio
Space Heater Calentón De Area/Calefacción Portátil / Cale
Spill Switch Swiche/Prendedor De Derrame
Thermocouples (electrical device consisting of two Termopares/ Termopar/Termo Cuplés
dissimilar conductors forming electrical junctions at differing
Thermostat Termostato
Through The Wall Unit Unidad Atravesando La Pared/Que Atravie
Transformers Transformers/Transformadores
Valves Válvulas
Weatherhead (also called a weathercap, service Weatherhead/ Güederjed/ Cableado exter
head or service entrance cap, is a weatherproof service drop) de la casa
Zoning Component Componente De Área
Filter drier
and low pressure switches
Limit controls
Refrigerant (excluding maintenance recharges)
Home Serve – Exterior Sewer
English Spanish
Backfilling Of Areas Disturbed By Repairs Relleno de áreas afectadas por reparacione
Clogged/Backed Up Drains Inside Your Home Drenajes obstruidos / rebosados dentro de
Excavation To Expose Pipe Excavación para exponer la tubería
Fitting External Valves Montaje de válvulas externas
Fusing Fusión
Locating The Blockage Or Collapse Localización del bloqueo o colapso
Pipe Cutting Corte de tubería
Pipe Replacement Or Repair Reemplazo o reparación de tuberías
Repair Or Replacement Of Seals And Joints Reparación o reemplazo de empates y conex
Residential Home Permanently Secured To The Vivienda residencial permanentemente que
Sewage Backed Up In Your Yard Alcantarillado rebosado en su patio
Sewage Flooding In Your Basement Inundaciones de aguas residuales en su sóta
Unblocking Desbloqueo
Welding Soldadura
Water Heater Repair and Replacement
Interior Electrical
Cooling System
Heating System
Exterior Electrical
Exterior Sewer/Septic Line
Exterior Water Service Line
Interior Plumbing and Drainage
Interior Gas Line
Combination ambient heat/domestic hot water 1. Water heaters that use ambient air flowing
heating units through coils using a compressor &
refrigerant to heat water. Sometimes these
are hybrid electric/ambient
2. Specialized units that use the hot water
produced in the tank to heat heating system
coils. This type will have 4 pipe connections,
instead of 2.
Commercial grade water heaters Generally these water heaters are 100 gallons or
more. Designed for industrial/commercial use.
Damage from restricted lines or as a result of water 1. High water pressure can cause damage to
pressure in excess of 80 P.S.I. the water heater, its components or safety
features. Pressures below 80psi are
considered safe.
2. Restricted water lines can reduce flow and
even introduce air into a system. This can
cause heating elements to burn out,
sediment build-up in tanks.
Electrical service wiring Wires supplying power to the water heater, from the
power source to point of connection on the WH.
Exhaust venting Carries exhaust (carbon monoxide) to a safe, exterior
Hanging units These units hang from the ceiling and are sometimes
found in garages, work spaces, etc.
Jacket and interior doors Jacket—outer covering on a water heater. Insulation
is between the jacket and the WH
Interior doors—This is a reference to the burner
assembly manifold cover or other internal
combustion access covers.
Supply and delivery water piping Supply piping—pipes that carry water to the water
Delivery piping—pipes that carry the heated water
from the water heater.
Tankless systems Wall mounted water heaters that do not use a tank
to store and heat water. Also called instantaneous
water heaters.
Tanks larger than 100 gallons Water heaters that have tanks with a holding capacity
of 100 gallons or greater. Not normally found in
Aluminum wiring or any non-permanent electrical Aluminum wiring was used in older houses as a
wiring substitute for copper, however it no longer allowed
in most cases.
Domestic appliances or equipment Appliances such as dishwashers, ice makers, etc. Are
not covered under our terms and conditions.
Failure arising from the disconnection from or This would occur when there is an outage due to
interruption to the main electrical supply acts of god and when service is restored it cases
circuits to blow out.
Fuses or plugs A fuse is a safety device consisting of a strip of wire
that melts and breaks an electric circuit if the current
exceeds a safe level.
Light fittings A light fitting is a fixture.
Replacement of light bulbs Light bulbs are not covered under our contract.
Resetting of circuit breakers or system controls When a circuit is overloaded the breaker may need
to be reset and can be accessed at the panel.
Residential property with an electrical services 80 amp panels are not up to code. And cannot
entrance rated at less than 80 amps facilitate a standard size house, Most panels are
rated at 120 or 200 amp.
Service entrance conductors The service entrance conductor is between the
terminals of the service equipment and a point
usually outside the building (clear of walls) where
joined by tap or splice to the service drop.
Transformers A transformer is an electrical device that transfers
energy between two or more circuits through
electromagnetic induction.
Capacitors A capacitor is a little like a battery. Both store
electrical energy. Used in circuits to operate cooling
Circuit boards and Internal fuses or breakers Electrical control board helps to operate and control
the cooling system,
Fuses protect the electrical system for voltage spikes.
Breaker protect against high amperage.
Condensate pumps Air conditioners remove the moisture from the air
and it turns to a liquid called condensate. That liquid
drains into a condensate pump which is discharge to
a drain in the residence.
Condenser motor and fan It is the outside unit of the air conditioning system- it
helps to convert the gaseous refrigerant back to a
liquid. By cooling it with the movement of air.
Contactor switches Electrical component used to control high voltage by
a lower voltage/ Thermostat/ 12 volts- turns on air
conditioning Compressor./240 volts.
Delay timer Electrical control that protects the compressor.
Compressors cannot be turned off and on quickly.
Fan controls and relays Senses the temperature in the air handler and allows
the fan to turn on when it is most efficient.
Filter dryer Removes moisture, acids and debris from the cooling
High and low pressure switches Protects the compressor in the event the gas
pressures are either too low or too high. It will shut it
down as to not cause damage to the cooling system.
Limit controls Safety switch designed to protect the cooling system.
Refrigerant (excluding maintenance recharges) A refrigerant is a substance or mixture, usually a fluid,
used in a heat pump and air conditioning systems In
most cycles it compressed from a liquid into a gas
and back again. (FREON)
Relays Is an electrically operated switch. Used to control a
circuit in the cooling system.
Transformers Converts a high Voltage down to a lower voltage.
Valves Controls the flow of either liquid or air.
A/C coils Refrigerant is moved thru the coil and air is blown
acrossed it and distributed thru the residence.
Air ducts Piping / ductwork used to move conditioned air thru
a residence.
Ammonia cooling systems A type of refrigerant used.
Asbestos coverings Used as an insulator to cover heating and
cooling piping.
If asbestos is in your home, this is usually NOT a
serious problem. The mere presence of asbestos
in a home or a building is not hazardous. The
danger is that asbestos materials may become
damaged over time. Damaged asbestos may
release asbestos fibers and become a health
Sometimes, the best way to deal with slightly
damaged material is to limit access to the area
and not touch or disturb it. Discard damaged or
worn asbestos gloves, stove-top pads, or
ironing board covers. Check with local health,
environmental, or other appropriate officials to
find out proper handling and disposal
Balancing of system Adjustment of the registers to control an even
amount of cooling to each room so the residence is
on common temperature.
Combination ambient heat/domestic hot water A heating unit that supplies Potable hot water to the
heating units home and also hot water to a heat system.. One unit
does 2 functions.
Compressors or chillers Circulates the refrigerant in the system under
pressure, this concentrates the heat it contains.
Condenser casings Is a device to dissipate heat, typically by condensing
a substance such as refrigerant from a gas to a liquid
Condenser coils The primary purpose of a heat exchanger is to
efficiently transfer heat between two mediums.
Evaporator coils An evaporator coil is a vital part of any heating or
cooling system. It is usually found in an air
conditioner, because it is particularly good at
absorbing heat when air is passed through it. These
coils look like a series of pipes. A furnace, central air
conditioner, or other air-modifying device passes the
household air through the coil, which absorbs the
air’s heat and sends it back into the house as cold air
via a series of air ducts.
Geothermal heat pumps Type of Cooling and heating system- They use the
constant temperature of the earth as the exchange
medium instead of the outside air temperature. This
allows the system to reach fairly high efficiencies.
Grills Directs air flow into a room from the ductwork- Grills
have no mechanical moving parts.
Hanging units Also called Wall mounted- or split systems. Usually
only cools 1-4 rooms on the same level.
Metering systems / TXV valves Thermostatic expansion valve controls the rate of
flow of liquid refrigerant.
R-410a or have non-compliant components R 410A is an environmentally friendly and more
efficient refrigerant.
Air scoops Not always present; this component removes air in
the hot water heat piping to stop hot water heating
system noise and to avoid air-bound heating
baseboards or radiators.
Aqua stat An aqua stat is a device used in hydronic heating
systems for controlling water temperature. Keeps
boiler from firing too often.
Barometric damper A damper is a valve or plate that stops or regulates
the flow of air inside a duct, chimney, VAV box, air
handler, or other air handling equipment. A damper
may be used to cut off central air conditioning
(heating or cooling) to an unused room, or to
regulate it for room-by-room temperature and
climate control.
Belts and pulleys Parts of the actual fan coils located in the interior of
the unit. Connects fans to motor blower.
Blower Air blowers generally use centrifugal force to propel
air forward .Inside a centrifugal air blower is a wheel
with small blades on the circumference and a casing
to direct the flow of air into the center of the wheel
and out toward the edge. The design of the blades
will affect how the air is propelled and how efficient
the air blower is. Blade designs in air blowers are
classified as forward-curved, backward-inclined,
backward-curved, and radial.
Blower motors and assembly The interior of the furnace that distributes air to the
rest of the components of the unit.
Circuit boards Mechanically supports and electrically connects
electronic components using conductive tracks, pads
and other features etched from copper.
Circulators A pump (circulator) on a hot water heating system
has the same function as the fan on a forced air
heating system. We are pushing the boiler water thru
the heat system to the radiators/ baseboards in a
ECO safeties Energy Conservation Opportunity.
Fan and limit controls Senses furnace and room temperature The limit
control is an electrical switch that opens when the
temperature around it gets above the set point.
Some are a round button-like switch and are referred
to as snap disc limit controls. Others have a long
metal sensor or a long mounting arm with a snap
disc on it.
Fusible links A mechanical fusible link is a device consisting of two
strips of metal soldered together with a fusible alloy
that is designed to melt at a specific temperature,
thus allowing the two pieces to separate.
Gas valves A gas valve is a device that regulates, directs or
controls the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, fluidized
solids, or slurries) by opening, closing, or partially
obstructing various passageways.
Ignition controls Used in oil fired gas boilers, controls and starts flame.
Induced draft motor A fan connected to the heat system that manually
forces exhaust air up a chimney to induce draft.
Low water cutoff It is a mechanical means (usually a float switch) that is
used to turn off the burner or shut off fuel to the
boiler to prevent it from running once the water
goes below a certain point. If a boiler is "dry-fired"
(burned without water in it) it can cause rupture or
catastrophic failure.
Main and pilot burners A pilot light is a small gas flame, usually natural gas
or liquefied petroleum gas, which is kept alight in
order to serve as an ignition source for a more
powerful gas burner.
Pilots and thermocouples A pilot light is a small gas flame, usually natural gas
or liquefied petroleum gas, which is kept alight in
order to serve as an ignition source for a more
powerful gas burner. A thermocouple is a
temperature-measuring device consisting of two
dissimilar conductors that contact each other at one
or more spots.
Pressure switch A pressure switch is a form of switch that closes an
electrical contact when a certain set pressure has
been reached on its input. The switch may be
designed to make contact either on pressure rise or
on pressure fall.
Regulator valves Is a valve that automatically cuts off the flow of a
liquid or gas at a certain pressure.
Relays A relay is an electrically operated switch.
Spill switches A spill switch is a device designed to sense and
corrects unsafe venting of combustion gases from a
gas-fired appliance into a building. This “spilling” of
carbon monoxide (CO) or extreme heat is detected
through a sensor that shuts off gas to the furnace,
boiler or water heater before enough CO is emitted
to put the building's occupants at risk.
Transformers A transformer is an electrical device that transfers
energy between two or more circuits through
electromagnetic induction.
Air balancing Balancing is the methodical regulation of system fluid
flows through the use of acceptable procedures to
achieve the desired or specified airflow.
Air ducts Used to distribute air throughout house. Made of
metal, flex, or foil.
Air filters Filters air located in furnace. Disposable items
changed every 30-90 days.
Asbestos or other insulation Asbestos material used in older homes pre 1978 is
most common, typically wrap furnace or ductwork.
Needs to be removed by abatement contractors.
Insulation any material used to insulate air handler or
Boiler distribution piping Pipes related or connected to boiler portion of
Chimney maintenance or repairs Anything doing with the chimney or repairs to. Not
connected to mechanical system.
Combination ambient heat / domestic hot water It’s a form of heat utilizing hot and cold water tanks
heating & oil units or oil to transfer heat throughout the house.
Electronic air cleaners Filters fresh air before distributed throughout hose.
Acts the same as disposable filter but reusable and
Furnace or boiler rated at inputs of 400,000 BTU per Commercial grade unit. Not typical of residential.
hr. or more
Hanging units Small unit found hanging from wall, see through the
wall unit definition.
Heat exchangers A heat exchanger is a piece built for efficient heat
transfer from one medium to another. In residential
setting air passes through to this to help heat the
Heat pumps A heat pump is a device that provides heat energy
from a source of heat or "heat sink" to a destination.
Heating jacket Jackets or covers manufactured to help insulate
stainless steel piping. Or insulate actual forced air
Humidifiers A humidifier is a device that increases humidity
(moisture) in a single room or an entire building.
Leaking boilers The portion of the furnace where the gas connects to
heat your home. When you want to heat your
home, you switch on the boiler with an electric
switch. A valve opens, gas enters a sealed
combustion chamber in the boiler through lots of
small jets, and an electric ignition system sets them
alight. The gas jets play onto a heat exchanger
connected to pipe carrying cold water.
Radiators Not very common. The oldest systems used a boiler
to produce steam. This steam traveled through a
pipe to cast iron radiators.
As the steam gave off its heat, it would turn back to
water which is called condensate. Then it ran back
down the pipe and was returned to the unit. These
systems were referred to as single pipe systems.
Registers Points where air is distributed throughout home.
Rooftop units Furnace and air conditioning units that are located
on the roof of residence as opposed to a basement,
closet, attic or crawl space.
Space heaters Plug in heaters used to provide heat to an individual
room or space.
Thermostats A thermostat is a component of a control system
which senses the temperature of a system so that the
system's temperature is maintained near a desired
set point.
Through-the-wall units Commonly referred to as PTCA units cool or warms,
a type of self-contained heating and air conditioning
system commonly found in hotels, motels, senior
housing facilities, hospitals, condominium.,
Zoning components and electronics Components that control different temps to different
parts of the home. Common in large homes with
multiple furnaces.
Insulator Insulators are used in electrical equipment to support
and separate electrical conductors without allowing
current through themselves.
Meter base A meter base is a mounting plate for an electric watt-
hour meter, the device that measures how much
electricity a home consumes.
Permanent wiring to detached garages and to
fixtures such as light posts and pool heaters that are
damaged due to normal wear and tear, not accident
or negligence.
Riser A riser is a set of devices that connects an overhead
line to an underground line. A riser has a conduit
from the ground up the pole where potheads are
used to connect to the overhead lines.
Service entrance conductor The service entrance conductor is between the
terminals of the service equipment and a point
usually outside the building (clear of walls) where
joined by tap or splice to the service drop.
Weatherhead A weatherproof service drop entry point where
overhead power enters the house.
Electrical service entrances rated less than eighty (80) 80 amp panels are not up to code. And cannot
amps facilitate a standard size house, Most panels are
rated at 120 or 200 amp.
Repair of low voltage wiring Low voltage wiring is the wiring for Audio, Video,
Telephone, Intercom, Data, Alarm System, Weather
Station, HVAC, and generally any wiring for things
using less than 24 volts.
Repairs to damage arising from the disconnection or This would occur when there is an outage due to
interruption to the main electrical supply acts of god and when service is restored it cases
circuits to blow out.
Transformers A transformer is an electrical device that transfers
energy between two or more circuits through
electromagnetic induction and is generally owned by
the utility company.
Leaching fields Clear effluent comes from the septic tank and is
distributed through a system of pipes that is soaked
into the ground and/or evaporated by heat from the
Pumps or grinders Sewage from a home goes into an underground
tank. Then the effluent is pumped by the grinder /
pump and is distributed to either a septic tank and or
city sewer system.
Septic tanks Underground tank in which sewage from the home is
retained, solid are contained, oils float to top and
clear effluent is distributed to the leach filed.
Any exterior water service line that branches off the A domestic WSL is one continuous pipe coming from
main line (e.g., water systems for sprinklers, pools, where the customer has responsibility to The point at
hot tubs, and/or other outdoor systems) which the line enters the premise. Any pipe that is
connected to this continuous line is considered a
branch and therefore not a part of the exterior WSL.
Fittings or fixtures including but not limited to: A receptacle or device which is either permanently or
temporarily connected to the water distribution
system of the home, and demands a supply of water
or discharges used water/ waste/ sewage either
directly or indirectly to the drainage system.
-Bathroom fittings Same as fixture.
-Baths Large container for holding water in which a person
may bathe.
-Radiators Radiators are commonly used to heat buildings. In a
central heating system, hot water or sometimes
steam is generated in a central boiler, and circulated
by pumps through radiators within the building.
-Shower pans A Pan of concrete, Tile, Fiberglass or metal used as a
floor to a shower bath.
-Sinks A fixed basin with a water supply and a drain. They
are found in Kitchens, bathrooms, Laundry’s etc…
-Toilets A toilet is a sanitation fixture used primarily for the
disposal of human waste.
-Water heaters A household appliance consisting of a gas or electric
heating unit under a tank in which water is heated
and stored.
-Water tanks Used in a well system to store water and control the
pressure of the water system.
Connectors to each natural gas/propane appliance A pipe that connects the gas fuel supply to each
Meter An apparatus for measuring and recording the
amount of gas consumed in a residence.
Propane tank outlet connection Is a Valve connected to a Propane cylinder that is
connected to the piping feed gas to a residence.
Gas wells A natural gas well isn’t at all like a water well (where
you drill a hole in the ground and water fills it).
Natural gas tends to be contained within the
underground rock itself. The rock must be broken to
release the gas. And if it’s brought out the wrong
way, it can contaminate the groundwater supply
surrounding it.
King Pin Pasador del muñón Sealed Unit No. 1, 2.. Unidad Sellada No. 1,2…
King Pin Bearing Rodamiento del pasador del muñón Seat Backrest Espaldar del asiento
Left / right Side Lateral izquierdo / derecho Solenoid/ Coil-winding Solenoide
Left Steering Arm/Bar Barra de dirección izquierda Spark Plugs Bujías
Light commuter (located within starter switch) Commutador de luces Spring, Clip & Washer for Inside Door Handle Muelle, presilla y anilla
Lights (rear) Luces traseras para manecilla de puertas interiores
Lower Control Arm Brazo Pigma Spring, Clip & Washer for Vent Window Crank Handle Muelle, presilla
Luces del pie Dimmers y anilla de goma para ventiletes
Mainshaft Eje Spring, Clip & Washer for Window Crank Hand Muelle, presilla y anilla
Mainshaft bearing Rodamiento del Eje para Manecillas de subir cristales
Mainshaft rear/front wheel bearings Rodamiento del eje de las ruedas Starter drives Arranques del motor
traseras/delanteras Starting System Sistema de encendido
Metal /rubber seal for timing gear cover Retén /sello de distribución Steering Column Bushing Bearing Kit (4 part kit) Rodamiento caña del
Metal /rubber seal for timing gear cover Sello / retén de distribución timòn juego (4 piezas)
Metal Rods Biela (Metales de Biela) Steering Knuckle Pasador (Conj. de suspensión: parrilla y cangrejo)
Metal Rods Metales de apoyo / Metales de biela Steering Power Power de dirección
Mileage Gauge Reloj del cuenta-millas Steering Wheel Timón /volante
Mileage Gauge Cable Cable cuenta millas Steering Wheel Volante / Timón
Motorcycle (with sidecar) Moto / Motocicleta (con sidecar) Tachographer Tacógrafo
Muffler Silenciador Temperature Gauge Pulmón de temperatura
Odometer / Speedometer Cable Culebra del velocímetro / Odómetro Thermostat Termostato
Odometer number / reading Lectura del odómetro Tie Rod (rod/bar in the middle) Barra de dirección
Oil Filter Filtro de aceite Tie Rod Adjustment Sleeve Manga de ajuste de yoquis
Oil Filter BYPAS Filtro de aceite Bypas Tie Rod End Barra de dirección
Oil Radiator Radiador de aceite Tie Rod End (inner) Extremo largo de dirección, interior
Pick-up truck Camioneta picó (pick-up) Tie Rod End (outer) Extremo corto de dirección, externo
Pins Pines / Pasadores Tie Rod Ends Conjunto barra de conexión de punta eje de dirección
Piston Cylinder Cilindro del Pistón Tie Rod Ends Ejes de dirección
Piston with Rings & Pins Pistón con anillos y pines Tire Neumático / Goma
Pivot Pin Tapones de Parrilla Trim / Mouldings Cintillo / Moldes
Pivot Pin Bushing Tapones de Cangrejo Trims, (Chrome) Mouldings Moldes (cintillos)
Port-A-Wall wheel rubber bands (white)6:70x15 Bandas blancas Truck Camión
(diámetro de goma: 6:70x15) Trunk Maletero / Cajuela (in México)
Port-A-Wall wheel rubber bands (white)7:70x14 Bandas blancas Universal Joint Cruceta
(diámetro de goma: 7:70x14) Universal Joint Cruceta
Power Steering Box Conversion? Sinfín Vacuum Pump Bomba de aspiración
Pre-heating spark plugs Bujías de precalentamiento Van Camioneta
Radiador Radiador Vanity Mirror Lamp Luz del espejo interior
Rear Emergency Brake Cable (left) Cable de freno de emergencia Vent Window Crank Handle Ventiletes
trasero izquierdo Voltage regulators Reguladores del voltaje
Rear Emergency Brake Cable (right) Cable de freno de emergencia Water Leaks Salideros de agua
trasero derecho Water Pump Bomba de agua
Rear light lenses Reflectores (focos) rojos para luces traseras Wheel Rueda
Rear Rocker Arm & Shaft Parts complete set Flauta de los balancines Wheel Bearings (front / inner) Rodamiento delantero interior
Rear Rocker Arms Balancines Wheel Bearings (front / outer) Rodamiento delantero exterior
Rear Shock Absorber (hydraulic) Amortiguador trasero (hidráulico) Wheel Bearings (rear) Rodamiento trasero
Rear Wheel Bearing & Seal Assembly (left) Eje trasero con rodamiento Wheel Knuckle Pasador de rueda
izquierdo Window Crank Handles Elevalunas / Manecillas de las ventanillas /
Rear Wheel Bearing & Seal Assembly (right) Eje trasero con Manecillas de subir cristales
rodamiento derecho Window Crank Handles Manecillas de subir cristales / elevalunas
Rear/Front Brake Cylinder Cilindro de freno trasero/delantero Windshield Glass Cristal del parabrisas / luna
Rearview Mirrors (left & right) Espejos retrovisores (izquierdo y Windshield Glass (front / rear) Parabrisas (delantero / trasero)
derecho) Windshield Wiper Arms Brazos de escobillas de limpiaparabrisas
Restoration Kit for Power Steering Box Conversion Juego de Windshield Wiper Blades Escobillas de los brazos limpia-parabrisas
reparación del sinfín Windshield Wiper Escutcheons Embellecedores de brazos de limpia-
Right Steering Arm/Bar Barra de dirección derecha parabrisas
Rings Aros Windshield Wiper Motor (electric) + cables Motor eléctrico del limpia-
Rod Biela / Barra parabrisas con cables
Rotor Rotor Windshield Wiper Switch Interruptor del limpiaparabrisas
Safety Belt Cinturón de seguridad Wipers Brazos (limpiaparabrisas)
Seal / Washer Anilla (ring) de goma
Seal / Washer Ring (anilla) de goma
Carburador (modelos Rochester, Carter, etc.) Carburetors (models
Rochester, Carter, etc.)
Caretas Front Grills
Carro o Coche / Auto / Vehículo Car / Automobile / Vehicle
Amortiguador delantero (hidráulico) Front Shock Absorber (hydraulic) Chucho de arranque Ignition Switch
Acumuladores Accumulators Cilindro de Freno Máster (juego) Brake Master Cylinder kit
Alternador Alternator Cilindro de freno trasero/delantero Rear/Front Brake Cylinder
Amortiguador trasero (hidráulico) Rear Shock Absorber (hydraulic) Cilindro del Pistón Piston Cylinder
Anilla (ring) de goma Seal / Washer Cintillo / Moldes Trim / Mouldings
Árbol de Levas Camshaft Cinturón de seguridad Safety Belt
Aros Rings Claxon del volante (juego de siete piezas) Horn Kits (seven parts)
Arranques del motor Starter drives Cojinetes Ball Joints
Asiento de seguridad para niños Child safety seat Commutador de luces Light commuter (located within starter switch)
Balancines Rear Rocker Arms Condensador Condenser
Bandas blancas (diámetro de goma: 6:70x15) Port-A-Wall wheel rubber Conjunto barra de conexión de punta eje de dirección Tie Rod Ends
bands (white)6:70x15 Conjunto Collarín Clutch Release Bearing
Bandas blancas (diámetro de goma: 7:70x14) Port-A-Wall wheel rubber Conjunto de freno delantero Brake Set (front)
bands (white)7:70x14 Conjunto de freno trasero Brake Set (rear)
Bandas de freno Brake Bands Conmutador Commuter
Barra de dirección Tie Rod (rod/bar in the middle) Consola de aire acondicionado A/C Console Unit
Barra de dirección Tie Rod End Correa de distribución Distribution Belt
Barra de dirección derecha Right Steering Arm/Bar Correa del ventilador Fan Belt
Barra de dirección izquierda Left Steering Arm/Bar Correa doble del alternador Alternator’s Double Belt
Batería / Acumulador Battery Correa hidráulica Hydraulic Belt
Biela (Metales de Biela) Metal Rods Cremalleras (hidráulica / mecánica) Inside Door Handles (hydraulic /
Biela / Barra Rod mechanic)
Bobina de encendido/arranque Ignition switch Cristal del parabrisas / luna Windshield Glass
Bobinas de encendido Ignition Coils Cristal triangular de la puerta delantera / trasera Front / Rear Vent
Bocina de puerta delantera/trasera Front/Rear Door Speaker Window
Bolsas de aire (Bolsas de seguridad) Air bags Cruceta Universal Joint
Bomba de agua Water Pump Cruceta Universal Joint
Bomba de aspiración Vacuum Pump Cubierta del convertible Convertible Top
Bomba de combustible Fuel Puma Culebra del velocímetro / Odómetro Odometer / Speedometer Cable
Bomba de freno Brake Pump Damper doble Damper (double)
Bomba hidráulica Hydraulic Pump Damper simple Damper (simple)
Brazo Pigma Lower Control Arm Defensas (trasera y delantera) Bumpers (rear & front)
Brazos (limpiaparabrisas) Wipers Diferencial Differential
Brazos de escobillas de limpiaparabrisas Windshield Wiper Arms Dimmers Luces del pie
Bujes de cangrejo (conjunto de suspensión) Control Arm Bushings Disco de freno Brake Disc
(upper) Disco del Clutch Clutch Pad (Disc)
Bujes de parrilla (conjunto de suspensión) Control Arm Bushings Distribuidor completo Distributor Cap & Column
(lower) Eje Mainshaft
Bujías Spark Plugs Eje trasero con rodamiento derecho Rear Wheel Bearing & Seal
Bujías de precalentamiento Pre-heating spark plugs Assembly (right)
Cable cuenta millas Mileage Gauge Cable Eje trasero con rodamiento izquierdo Rear Wheel Bearing & Seal
Cable de freno de emergencia trasero derecho Rear Emergency Brake Assembly (left)
Cable (right) Ejes de dirección Tie Rod Ends
Cable de freno de emergencia trasero izquierdo Rear Emergency Brake Elevalunas / Manecillas de las ventanillas / Manecillas de subir
Cable (left) cristales Window Crank Handles
Cables de batería (para cargar la batería) Jumper Cables Embellecedores de brazos de limpia-parabrisas Windshield Wiper
Caja de relojes Dash Board (gauges board) Escutcheons
Caja de velocidad complete Complete Transmission Embrague Clutch
Caja reductora de la caja de velocidad Gear Unit Ensambles cable de frenos Brake cable assemblies
Calefacción y ventilación Heating and Ventilation Escobillas de los brazos limpia-parabrisas Windshield Wiper Blades
Camión Truck Espaldar del asiento Seat Backrest
Camioneta Van Espejos retrovisores (izquierdo y derecho) Rearview Mirrors (left &
Camioneta picó (pick-up) Pick-up truck right)
Camisa del bloc Cylinder Extremo corto de dirección, externo Tie Rod End (outer)
Capacitor Capacitor Extremo largo de dirección, interior Tie Rod End (inner)
Capó Hood Filtro de aceite Oil Filter
Filtro de aceite Bypas Oil Filter BYPAS
Filtro de aire Air Filter Piñón de distribución Camshaft Gears
Filtro de combustible Fuel Filter Pistón con anillos y pines Piston with Rings & Pins
Filtro de combustible con bomba Fuel Filter w/ Pump Plato opresor Clutch Plate
Filtro de gasolina Gasoline Filter Power de dirección Steering Power
Flauta de los balancines Rear Rocker Arm & Shaft Parts complete set Puertas interiores delanteras (izquierda y derecha) Inside front Doors
Flotante para tanque de gasolina Gas tank float level indicator (left / right)
Fusible Fuse Puertas interiores traseras (izquierda y derecha) Inside rear Doors (left /
Gato hidráulico Hydraulic Cat right)
Goma ponchada Flat Tire Pulmón de temperatura Temperature Gauge
Grafito de sello del cigüeñal Graphite of stamp of the crankshaf Radiador Radiador
Interruptor de arranque con cilindros y llaves Ignition Switches with Radiador de aceite Oil Radiator
Cylinders and Keys Reflectores (focos) rojos para luces traseras Rear light lenses
Interruptor del limpiaparabrisas Windshield Wiper Switch Reguladores del voltaje Voltage regulators
Interruptor luces delanteras Headlight Switches Reloj del cuenta-millas Mileage Gauge
Interruptor luces delanteras del pie Dimming switch / Floor dimmer Relojes Gauges
switch Retén /sello de distribución Metal /rubber seal for timing gear cover
Inyectores Injectors Ring (anilla) de goma Seal / Washer
Juego de reparación del sinfín Restoration Kit for Power Steering Box Rodamiento caña del timòn juego (4 piezas) Steering Column Bushing
Conversion Bearing Kit (4 part kit)
Junta de cojinetes (inferior) Ball Joints (lower) Rodamiento del Eje Mainshaft bearing
Junta de cojinetes (superior) Ball Joints (upper) Rodamiento del eje de las ruedas traseras/delanteras Mainshaft
Juntas del motor (juego completo) Engine Gaskets (complete set) rear/front wheel bearings
Lámpara interior de techo Dome Light Rodamiento del pasador del muñón King Pin Bearing
Lateral izquierdo / derecho Left / right Side Rodamiento delantero exterior Wheel Bearings (front / outer)
Lectura del odómetro Odometer number / reading Rodamiento delantero interior Wheel Bearings (front / inner)
Luces delanteras Headlights (front) Rodamiento trasero Wheel Bearings (rear)
Luces delanteras con el pie Headlight (floor) dimmers Rodamientos Bearings
Luces traseras Lights (rear) Rotor Rotor
Luz del espejo interior Vanity Mirror Lamp Rueda Wheel
Luz intermitente Indicator / Flash Lights Salideros de agua Water Leaks
Maletero / Cajuela (in México) Trunk Sello / retén de distribución Metal /rubber seal for timing gear cover
Manecillas de puertas interiores / cremalleras Inside Door Handles Silenciador Muffler
Manecillas de subir cristales / elevalunas Window Crank Handles Sincronizador de árbol de leva Camshaft synchronizer
Manga de ajuste de yoquis Tie Rod Adjustment Sleeve Sinfín Power Steering Box Conversion?
Manguera de freno delantera Brake Hose (Front) Sistema de carga Charging System
Manguera de freno trasera Brake Hose (Rear) Sistema de encendido Starting System
Masilla Filler Sistema de enfriamiento Cooling system
Metales de apoyo / Metales de biela Metal Rods Solenoide Solenoid/ Coil-winding
Moldes (cintillos) Trims, (Chrome) Mouldings Tacógrafo Tachographer
Moto / Motocicleta (con sidecar) Motorcycle (with sidecar) Tambora de freno (delantera) con rodamientos Brake Drum (front)
Motor completo Complete Engine including rolled bearings
Motor eléctrico del limpia-parabrisas con cables Windshield Wiper Tambora de freno (trasera) Brake Drum (rear)
Motor (electric) + cables Tanque de combustible Fuel Tank
Muelle, presilla y anilla de goma para ventiletes Spring, Clip & Washer Tapa de block del motor Engine Block cap
for Vent Window Crank Handle Tapa de la distribución Distribution Cap
Muelle, presilla y anilla para manecilla de puertas interiores Spring, Tapa del Delco (con sello o retén) Distribution Cap w/seal
Clip & Washer for Inside Door Handle Tapas de rueda Full Wheel Cover / Wheel Hub
Muelle, presilla y anilla para Manecillas de subir cristales Spring, Clip & Tapas de tanque de combustible Fuel tank Caps
Washer for Window Crank Hand Tapón de depósito (de gasolina) Filler Cap
Muñón de dirección (derecho) Front Wheel Spindle (right) Tapones de Cangrejo Pivot Pin Bushing
Muñón de dirección (izquierdo) Front Wheel Spindle (left) Tapones de Parrilla Pivot Pin
Neumático / Goma Tire Terminales de la bateria (de plomo o bronce) Battery terminals (lead or
Paño /panel de puerta Inside Door Panel bronze)
Parabrisas (delantero / trasero) Windshield Glass (front / rear) No. 1,2… Sealed Unit No. 1, 2..
Pasador (Conj. de suspensión: parrilla y cangrejo) Steering Knuckle Válvula de aire Air Valve
Pasador de rueda Wheel Knuckle Ventilador Fan
Pasador del muñón King Pin Ventiletes Vent Window Crank Handle
Pastillas de freno Brake Pads Volante / Timón Steering Wheel
Pedal del acelerador Gas pedal (accelerator)
Pedal del freno Brake Pedal
Pines / Pasadores Pins