Medical Glossary Inttraduk

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(ACTH) (ACTH) Anorexia Anorexia

Aborto Abortion Anormal Abnormal

Absceso Carbuncle Anovulatorio Anovulatory
Ácido acetilsalicílico Acetylsalicylic acid Antialérgico Antiallergic
Ácido clorhídrico Hydrochloric acid Antibióticos Antibiotics
Ácido úrico Uric acid Anticoagulante Anticoagulant, blood thinner
Acidosis Acidosis Anticonceptivo Contraceptive/birth control pill
Adenosín trifosfato (ATP) Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Anticuerpo Antibody
Adicción Addiction Antidepresivo Antidepressant
Adrenalina Adrenaline Antídoto Antidote
Intestino Ciego Caecum Antihistamínico Antihistamine
Albúmina Albumin Antiinflamatorio Anti-inflammatory
Álcali Alkali Antimicótico Anti fungal
Alérgeno Allergen Antimicótico Antimycotic
Alergia Allergy Antioxidante Antioxidant
Alérgico Allergic Antitusivo Antitussive
Alucinógeno Hallucinogen Aórtico Aortal
Alveolos Alveoli Apnea Apnea
Amenorrea Amenorrhea Arritmia Arrhythmia
Amigdalitis Tonsillitis Arteria Artery
Aminoácido Amino acid Arterosclerosis Atherosclerosis
Amnesia Amnesia Artículos médicos Medical equipment
Ampicilina Ampicillin Artritis Arthritis
Anabólico Anabolic Artritis reumatoidea Rheumatoid arthritis
Anal Anal Artrosis Arthrosis
Analgésico Analgesic Asma Asthma
Andrógenos Androgens Ataque epiléptico Epileptic seizure
Anemia Anemia, Anemia Atención médica Medical care
Anestesia Anesthesia, Anesthesia Auscultación cardíaca Cardiac examination
Anestésico Anesthetic, Anesthetic Auxiliar de enfermería Nurse's aide
Anestesista Anesthesiologist Azúcar (o glucosa) en la sangre Blood sugar
Aneurisma Aneurysm Bacteria Bacterium, pl. Bacteria
Aneurismático Aneurysmal Bacteriano Bacterial
Ano Anus Biólogo Biologist
Biopsia Biopsy Células adiposas Fat cells
Biotecnología Biotechnology Células sanguíneas Blood cells
Biotecnológico Biotech Cepa Strain
Bocio Goiter Cerebro Brain
Bocio exoftálmico Exophthalmic goiter Cilios Cilia
Bronconeumonía Broncho-pneumonia Cirrosis Cirrhosis
Broncopulmonar Bronchopulmonary Cirugía mayor Major surgery
Bronquio Bronchus, pl. Bronchi Cirugía plástica o estética Cosmetic surgery
Bronquiolos Bronchioles Cirugía, operación Surgery
Bronquitis Bronchitis Cirujano Surgeon
Bucofaríngeo Buccopharyngeal Cistitis Cystitis
Calcitonina Calcitonin Citoplasma Cytoplasm
Cálculo Calculus Clavícula Clavicle
Calostro Colostrum Clítoris Clitoris
Cáncer Cancer Cloranfenicol Chloramphenicol
Cáncer pulmonar Lung cancer Coágulo sanguíneo Blood clot
Canceroso/a Cancerous Cóccix Coccyx
Cánula Cannula Código genético Genetic code
Carbunco Anthrax Colesterol Cholesterol
Cardíaco/a Cardiac Colon Colon
Cardiológico Cardiological Conteo Count
Cardiopatía Cardiopathy Control de la natalidad Birth control
Cardiopulmonar Cardiopulmonary Corazón Heart
Cardiorrespiratorio Cardiorespiratory Coriónico Chorial
Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Coronario Coronary
Caries Decay Cretinismo Cretinism
Cartílago Cartilage Cromosoma Chromosome
Cataratas Cataracts Cuerpo (sust.); Corporal (adj.) Body
Catéter Catheter Cuerpo lúteo Corpus luteum
Cavidad toráxica Chest cavity Cutáneo Cutaneous
Caja toráxica Rib cage Deficiencia renal Renal failure
Cavidad, receptáculo óseo Bony pocket Dentición Dentition
Cefalea, cefalalgia Cephalalgia Depresión Depression
Célula Cell Depresión post-parto Postpartum blues
Diabetes Diabetes Equilibrio salino Salt balance
Diagnóstico Diagnosis Equipo de intubación Intubation equipment
Diálisis Dialysis Eritromicina Erythromycin
Diarrea Diarrhea, Diarrhea Escarlatina Scarlet fever
Diastólico Diastolic Esclerosis Sclerosis
Difteria Diphtheria Espasmo Spasm
Digestivo Digestive Espasmolítico Spasmolytic
Disentería Dysentery Esperma, Espermios Sperm
Distrofia Dystrophy Estafilococo Staphylococcus
Diurético Diuretic, water pill Estetoscopio Stethoscope
División celular Cell division Estómago Stomach
Donante Donor Estrabismo Strabismus
Dosis Dose Estrabismo Wall-eye
Duodeno Duodenum Estreptococo Streptococcus
Ébola Ebola Estro Estrus
Edema pulmonar Pulmonary edema Estrógeno Estrogens
Electrocardiograma Electrocardiography Exocrino Exocrine
Electroencefalograma Electroencephalography Eyaculación Ejaculation
Embarazo Pregnancy Facultades mentales Mental powers
Embrión Embryo Faringe Pharynx
Embrionario Embryonal Fase de latencia Latency period
Empiema Empyema Fase latente Latent labor
Encefalitis Encephalitis Fémur Femur
Endoscopía Endoscope Feto Fetus, pl. Fetuses
Enfermedad Disease Fibrosis cística Cystic fibrosis
Enfermedad autoinmunitaria Autoimmune disease Fiebre Fever
Enfermera Nurse Fiebre del heno Nonseasonal hay fever
Enfisema Emphysema Fiebre amarilla Yellow fever
Entuerto Afterpain Fiebre infecciosa Infectious fever
Enzima Enzyme Fiebre tifoidea Typhoid fever
Epidemiología Epidemiology Folículo Follicle
Epiglotis Epiglottis Gangrena Gangrene
Epilepsia Epilepsy Garganta Throat
Episiotomía Episiotomy Gen, pl. Genes Gene
Genitourinario Genitourinary Hormona adrenocorticótropa Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Gerontólogo Gerontologist Hormona del crecimiento Growth hormone
Gigantismo Giantism Hormona folículo estimulante Follicle stimulating hormone
Glándula Gland Hormona lactogénica Luteotropic hormone
Glándula Pituitaria Pituitary gland Hueso (sust.); Óseo (adj.) Bone
Glándula mamaria Mammary gland Ictericia Jaundice
Glándula Pineal Pineal gland Inflamación Inflammation
Glándula Tiroidea, Tiroidea Thyroid gland Ingeniería genética Genetic engineering
Glándulas endocrinas Endocrine glands Ingurgitación mamaria Engorgement
Glándulas sexuales Sex glands Inmunoglobulina Immune globulin
Glándulas suprarrenales Adrenal glands Insuficiencia cardíaca Heart failure
Glóbulos blancos White blood cells Insulina Insulin
Glóbulos rojos Red blood cells Intersticial Interstitial
Glucagón Glucagon Intestino Intestine
Glucógeno, glicógeno Glycogen Intravenoso Intravenous
Glucosa Glucose Irrigación sanguínea Blood supply
Glucosuria Glycosuria Islotes de Langerhans Islets of Langerhans
Gónadas Gonads Isoniazida Isoniazid
Grasa abdominal Abdominal fat Jaqueca, migraña Migraine
Hematocrito Hematocrit Lactancia Lactation
Hemofilia Hemophilia lactancia materna Breastfeeding
Hemoglobina Hemoglobin Laringe Larynx
Hemorragia Hemorrhage Laringitis Laryngitis
Hepatitis Hepatitis Latido (cardíaco) Hearth beat
Hidratación Hydration Lepra Leprosy
Hidrocefalia Hydrocephalus Lesión Injury, pl Injuries
Hígado Liver Leucemia Leukemia
Hígado graso Fatty liver Leucocitos Leukocytes
Hipo Hiccup Linfocito Lymphocyte
Hipofisiario Hypophyseal Liposoma Liposome
Hipotálamo Hypothalamus Lóbulos pulmonares Pulmonary lobes
Hipotermia Hypothermia Luxación Luxation
Hipotiroidismo Hypothyroidism Macrófagos alveolares Alveolar macrophages
Hormona Hormone Malaria Malaria
Hormona adrenocorticótropa Adrenocorticotropic hormone Martillo reflejo Reflex hammer
Hormona del crecimiento Growth hormone Medicamento, Droga Drug
Hormona folículo estimulante Follicle stimulating hormone Médico, Doctor Physician
Hormona lactogénica Luteotropic hormone Médula espinal Spinal cord
Hueso (sust.); Óseo (adj.) Bone Melatonina Melatonin
Ictericia Jaundice Membrana Membrane
Inflamación Inflammation Membrana celular Cell membrane
Ingeniería genética Genetic engineering Meningocócico Meningococcal
Ingurgitación mamaria Engorgement Mental; mentoniano Mental
Inmunoglobulina Immune globulin Meticilina Methicillin
Insuficiencia cardíaca Heart failure Meta mielocito Metamyelocyte
Insulina Insulin Metástasis Metastasis
Intersticial Interstitial Micción Urination
Intestino Intestine Micótico Mycotic
Intravenoso Intravenous Microorganismo Micro-organism
Irrigación sanguínea Blood supply Mitocondria Mitochondria
Islotes de Langerhans Islets of Langerhans Mitosis Mitosis
Isoniazida Isoniazid Monocitos Monocytes
Jaqueca, migraña Migraine Monucleosis infecciosa Glandular fever
Lactancia Lactation Mortinato, nacido muerto Stillbirth
lactancia materna Breastfeeding Muestra Sample
Laringe Larynx Músculo Muscle
Laringitis Laryngitis Músculo ocular Eye muscle
Latido (cardíaco) Hearth beat Narcóticos Narcotic drugs
Lepra Leprosy Nefritis Nephritis
Lesión Injury, pl Injuries Nervio Nerve
Leucemia Leukemia Neumonía Pneumonia
Leucocitos Leukocytes Neurotransmisor Neurotransmitter
Linfocito Lymphocyte Neutrófilos Neutrophils
Liposoma Liposome Noradrenalina Noradrenaline
Lóbulos pulmonares Pulmonary lobes Nutricionista Nutritionist
Luxación Luxation Oxitocina Oxytocin
Macrófagos alveolares Alveolar macrophages Oftalmoscopio Ophthalmoscope
Malaria Malaria Oído Ear
Ombligo Navel, belly button Prolactina Prolactin
Oncólogo Oncologist Próstata Prostate
Orina Urine Prótesis Prosthesis
Otitis Otitis Psiquiatría Mental medicine
Otorrinolaringología Otorhinolaryngology Puérpera Postpartum patient
Otoscopio Otoscope Puerperio Postpartum period
Ovario, pl. Ovarios Ovary, pl. Ovaries Pulmón Lung
Ovulación Ovulation Pulmonía Pneumonia
Oxidación Oxidation Quemaduras de segundo grado Second-degree burns
Paciente ambulatorio Outpatient Quimioterapia Chemotherapy
Paciente hospitalizado Inpatient Quirófano Operation room
Paperas Mumps Quirúrgico Surgical
Páncreas Pancreas Reconocimiento médico Medical examination
Paratiroides Parathyroid gland Reflujo Backflow
Pared toráxica Chest wall Relación sexual, Coito Sexual intercourse
Paro cardíaco Cardiac arrest Reproducción sexual Sexual reproduction
Paro cardíaco Heart attack Respiración Breathing
Patógeno Pathogen Respirador artificial Life-support system
Patológico Pathological Respirar Breathe
Pecho, Tórax Chest Retraso mental Mental retardation
Pene Penis Riboflavina Riboflavin
Penicilina Penicillin Rinitis alérgica Perennial hay fever
Peroneo Peroneal Riñón Kidney
Peste bubónica Bubonic plague Rubéola German measles
Peste negra Black Death Rubéola Rubella
Piel (sust.); Cutáneo (adj.) Skin Sacro Sacral
Piel; Cutáneo Cutis Sala de urgencias Emergency room
Pituitario Pituitary Sangre Blood
Placa de Petri Culture dish Sanitario; Salud Health
Placa dental Dental plaque Sarampión Measles
Placentario Placental Secretar Secrete, to
Pleuresía Pleurisy Sedante Sedative
Presión sanguínea Blood pressure Senos (nasales) Sinuses
Progesterona Progesterone Sentido del gusto Sense of taste
Sexual Sexual Trastorno psíquico Mental disorder
Sibilancia Wheeze Triglicéridos Triglycerides
Sicotrópicos Psychotropic substances Trompa de Falopio Fallopian tube
Sífilis Syphilis Tubárico Tubal
Síndrome Syndrome Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB)
Síndrome nefrótico Nephrotic syndrome Tumor Tumor, Tumor
Sinusitis Sinusitis Tumor cerebral Brain tumor
Sistema inmunitario Immune system Tumor maligno Malignant tumor
Sistema nervioso autónomo Autonomic nervous system Uretra Urethra
Somatotropina Somatotropin Útero Uterus
Tabique Septal Útero Womb
Talas anemia Thalassemia Vacuna Vaccine
Tallo del cerebro Brain stem Vagina Vagina
Tejido Tissue Vancomicina Vancomycin
Tendinitis Carpel Tunnel syndrome Varicela, Peste cristal Chickenpox
Terapeuta Therapist Vaso sanguíneo Blood vessel
Terapia ocupacional Occupational therapy Vasopresina Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Terminación nerviosa Nerve ending Vejiga Bladder
Testículo Testicle, pl.Testis Vena Vein
Testosterona Testosterone Vías respiratorias Airways
Tetraciclina Tetracycline Viruela Smallpox
Tímpano Tympanum Virus, pl. Virus Virus, pl. Viruses
Tirotropina Thyrotropin Useful Medical Acronyms
Tiroxina Thyroxin PCP Primary Care Physician
Tórax Thorax RN Registered Nurse
Torrente sanguíneo Blood stream OB Obstetrician
Tos Cough GYN Gynecologist
Tos convulsiva Whooping cough OB/GYN Gynecobstetrician
Tracto digestivo Digestive tube MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Transfusión sanguínea Exchange transfusion (blood) EEG Electro Encephalogram
Tranquilizante Tranquilizer IV Intra Venus
Transaminasa Transaminase GI Gastro Intestinal
Tráquea Trachea ENT Ears Nose and throat
Tráquea Windpipe ER Emergency Room
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
EKG Electro Cardiogram
CAT/CT scan Computerized Axial Tomography
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
ALS Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”
Pain Description/types
Acute pain Dolor agudo
Back pain/Backache Dolor de espalda
Burning pain Dolor con ardor
Blinding pain Dolor enceguecedor
Choking pain Dolor asfixiante
Chronic pain Dolor crónico
Constant pain Dolor constante/continuo
Crushing pain Dolor opresivo
Dull pain Dolor sordo
To dull the pain Calmar el dolor
Excessive pain Dolor excesivo
Fleeting pain Dolor pasajero/dolor fugaz/dolor momentáneo
Increasing pain Dolor que aumenta, dolor que va en aumento
Intense pain Dolor intenso
Intermittent pain Dolor intermitente
Irregular pain Dolor irregular (no todos los días)
Mild pain Dolor leve
Oppressive pain Dolor opresivo
Pain and stiffness Dolor y rigidez
Piercing pain Dolor penetrante, dolor punzante
Postoperative pain Dolor postoperatorio
Searing pain Dolor agudo, dolor punzante
Severe pain Dolor severo
Sharp pain Dolor agudo
Slight pain Dolor leve
Stabbing pain Dolor punzante
Stitch (side pain) Punzada, dolor de costado
Sudden pain Dolor súbito o repentino
Throbbing pain Dolor palpitante
Transient pain Dolor pasajero, dolor transitorio
The Role of the Medical Interpreter
While the function of interpreting in order to allow communication between a customer/client and a health care provider, who do not speak the
same language, has been going on for a long time, in the past this function was performed mostly on an ad hoc basis. Calling on whoever was
immediately available- family members including children, non-medical staff, even other clients- this practice ran a high risk of inadequate
communication resulting in misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment that could, in worst case scenario, result in the death of the client. Such
untrained individuals, for the most part, had little or no understanding of medical concepts or terminology and much less understanding of the
importance of accuracy and completeness in the messages they conveyed. As a result, erroneous messages were often transmitted, new
information added, and/or critical information omitted, drastically changing the nature of the original message

Cultural Competence
Cultural competence is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or among
professionals and that enables them to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. Essential elements that enable organizations to become
culturally competent include valuing diversity, having the capacity for cultural self-assessment, being conscious of the dynamics inherent when
cultures interact, having institutionalized cultural knowledge, and having developed adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding
of cultural diversity. By definition, diversity includes differences in race, ethnicity, age, gender, size, religion, sexual orientation, and physical and
mental ability. Accordingly, organizations should include these considerations in all aspects of policy making, administration, practice, and
service delivery

Cultural competence involves more than having sensitivity or awareness of cultures. It necessitates an active process of learning and developing
skills to engage effectively in cross-cultural situations and re-evaluating these skills over time. Cultural competence is often used interchangeably
with the term cultural competency.

Cultural competence in Health care system

A health care system, sometimes referred to as health system, is the organization of people, institutions, and resources that deliver health care
services to meet the health needs of target populations. A culturally competent health system not only recognizes and accepts the importance
of cultural diversity at every level but also assesses the cross-cultural relations, stays vigilant towards any changes and developments resulting
from cultural diversity, broadens cultural knowledge, and adapts services to meet the needs that are culturally-unique.
As more and more immigrants are coming to America, the challenges for American health care systems to meet the health needs of the
increasing number of diverse patients are becoming very obvious. The challenges include but are not limited to the following:

• Sociocultural barriers

• Poor cross-cultural communication

• Language barriers

• Attitudes toward health care

• Beliefs in diagnosis and treatment

• Lack of cultural competence in the design of the system.

HIPAA is the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information and applies
to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically. The
Rule requires appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of personal health information, and sets limits and conditions on the uses and
disclosures that may be made of such information without patient authorization. The Rule also gives patients’ rights over their health
information, including rights to examine and obtain a copy of their health records, and to request corrections.

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