Extreme Sports
Extreme Sports
Extreme Sports
i never bothered to try skiing, as i´ve only ever wanted: Nunca me molesté en intentar
esquiar, ya que solo he querido
hacer snowboard.
Being outdoors brought a number of challengers we hadn´t faced on the indoor slope:
Estar al aire libre trajo una serie de desafíos que no habíamos enfrentado en la pista
to avoid: para evitar
when you get it right and catch that perfect wave: Cuando lo haces bien y atrapas la ola
suitable beach: playa adecuada
decent: bueno
altogether : en total
all the boring stuff i do most of the time: Todas las cosas aburridas que hago la mayor
parte del tiempo.
i could carry on for ever: podría seguir para siempre
sometimes thought it´s tough and i actually quite like that: A veces pensé que es difícil y
en realidad me gusta.
to balance. Balancearse.
empty my brain : vaciar mi cerebro
would like to ensure that others can do their sport: Quisiera asegurar que otros puedan
hacer su deporte.
i hope that whatever i do in the future: Espero que todo lo que haga en el futuro
to watch out: tener cuidado
my whole life: toda mi vida
closely: cercanamente
does not like to analyse what they do too closely: No le gusta analizar lo que hacen
demasiado de cerca.
Ensure: asegurar
Disapprove: desaprobar
is pleased to get away from their every day life: Se complace en alejarse de su vida
points out: señala
has gained confidence through doing their sport: ha ganado confianza haciendo su
occasionally feels left out by people they know : de vez en cuando se siente excluido
por personas que conocen
surroundings: alrededores
behind: detrás
i would just up and make myself go do it
cello once
eventually narrow it down to the things
she has refused to take a back seat in her
to trying out for cheerleading
onto the world stage
everyone else
it speaks to those of us who also aspire to
welcome and take advantage of what makes
us different, rather than hiding it.
expect other people
are afraid
to be sucessful
stand out