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Pronoun Guide

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Class work

Ciclo V

Possessive adjectives

Los adjetivos posesivos permiten indicar a quién le pertenece algo. Hay un adjetivo diferente
para cada persona cuya forma es única. Se utiliza de igual si se habla de uno o varios objetos.
En general, el adjetivo posesivo siempre estará acompañado del objeto que le pertenece al


I have his boots  Yo tengo sus botas

These are your words  Estas son tus palabras

This is their classroom  Este es su salon de clases

She has her own problems  Ella tiene sus propios problemas

NOTA: El adjetivo posesivo siempre irá tras el objeto perteneciente.

Possessive pronouns
Al igual que los adjetivos posesivos, los pronombres posesivos permiten indicar a quién le
pertenece algo. Existe igualmente uno para cada persona. Se diferencian principalmente en su
ubicación en una frase. Los pronombres posesivos nunca estarán acompañados
inmediatamente después del objeto cuya posesión se muestra. Hay casos en el que el objeto
puede ser omitido.


This house is mine  Esta casa es mía

That book is your  Ese libro ese suyo

These keys are his  Estas llaves son suyas

Those cars are hers  Esos carros son suyos

The toy is its  El juguete es suyo

That classroom is ours  Este salón de clase es nuestro

Those ties are theirs  Esas corbatas son suyas

Nota: Los adjetivos posesivos (Possessive pronouns) responden a la pregunta ¿de

quién es? O en inglés: Whose= de quién.

Construcción con la particula “Whose”:

Whose + object + verb “to be” + demonstrative pronouns ?

Ejemplo: Whose computer is this?  ¿de quién es este computador?

El genitivo sajón
Es otra manera de expresar a quién le pertenece algo. Se emplea cuando se agrega un
apóstrofe seguido de la letra ese (‘s) al dueño seguido del objeto que le pertenece Es una
forma más corta y sencilla de mostrar la propiedad en comparación al usar la preposición “of”
(de). Por ejemplo:

Demonstrative pronouns

This: Este, esta.  Funciona para señalar un objeto cercano.

That: ese, eso, esa, aquel, aquella.  Funciona para señalar un objeto lejano.

These: Estos, estas.  Funciona para señalar 2 o más objetos cercanos.

Those: Esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas  Funciona para señalar 2 o más objetos lejanos.
Object pronouns

Los pronombres objeto (Object pronouns) se usan para remplazar la persona (o el objeto) del que
se está hablando. Por lo tanto, siempre irán después del verbo.


Oración sin object pronoun: Karla miró a Juan Karla looked at John.

Oración con Object pronoun: Karla lo miró  Karla looked him.

A. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.
1. Where are (you) ______ friends now?

2. Here is a postcard from (I) ______ friend Dees.

3. She lives in England now with (she) ______ family.

4. (He) ______ wife works in Tilburg.

5. (He) ______ company builds websites.

B. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.

1. Joanie is (John and Nancy) ______ daughter.

2. Our names are Kathy and Robin. This is (Kathy and Robin) ______ mother.

3. Jeremy and Valerie are (Tim and Carey) ______ parents.

4. Tony is (Mary) ______ grandson.

5. My name is Annie. This is (Annie) ______ father.

6. (Alex) ______ name is Alex.

7. Peggy and Martin are (Kelly) ______ children.

8. Your name is Greg. They are (Grey) ______ parents.

C. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

1. We bought that house last year. It is _______________.

2. This car belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It is _______________.

3. I think I saw John drop this pen. I think it is _______________.

4. This book is _______________. It has my name on it.

5. My brother and I made that chair. It’s _______________.

6. Excuse me. This phone is _______________. You forgot to take it with you.

7. Her sister drew the picture. It’s _______________.

8. The little boy shouted, “Give the ball to me! It’s _______________!”
9. That’s _______________. We bought it last night at the department store.

10. The bicycles were _______________, so they rode them home after school.

11. A: Are you sure this book belongs to your mother? B: Yes, it’s _______________.

12. This is _______________ - you ordered the pizza. I ordered the spaghetti.

13. A: Is this Robert’s? B: No, it’s not _______________.

14. I think these keys are _______________. I left them on the table.

15. Thomas can find his classroom, but Susan and Mary can’t find _______________.

D. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

1. Do you know that man? Do you know _______________?

2. My friend and I have money. _______________ can go shopping.

3. Robert and Mark are late. _______________ should hurry.

4. She gave _______________ a birthday gift. I really like it.

5. Elephants are very big, so _______________ eat a lot of food.

6. My brother is studying because _______________ has a test tomorrow.

7. Do you feel okay? Can I help _______________?

8. My new neighbors are very friendly. I really like _______________.

9. I need to find my book. Where did you put _______________?

10. Spiders have eight legs, and _______________ also have many eyes.

11. I’m busy right now. Could you please call _______________ after an hour?

12. He gave me the box, but _______________ lost it.

13. We gave him the money, and he gave _______________ the candy.

14. I almost never eat junk food because _______________ isn’t healthy.

15. Who is she? Do you know _______________ name?

16. My sister isn’t here. _______________ is at work.

17. Dinosaurs were very large, but _______________ all died millions of years ago.

18. Could you please help _______________? I have a problem.

E. Use an object pronoun as the object in each sentence based on the word(s) in parentheses.
1. Please give ____ the book. (Peter)

2. I bought ____ last week. (the car)

3. Angela visited ____ two months ago. (Mary)

4. I enjoyed listening to ____ last week. (the song)

5. Alexander asked ____ to give the book to him. ( I)

6. She ate ____ quickly and left for work. (breakfast)

7. I picked ____ up at seven o'clock. (Peter and Jane)

8. I like reading ____ before I go to sleep. (magazines)

9. It's very difficult to memorize ____. (the new vocabulary words)

10. Tom gave ____ some advice. (my wife and I)

F. Complete las siguientes oraciones con los pronombres demostrativos (Demonstrative


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