Apuntes Random
Apuntes Random
Apuntes Random
Alex Ross establece una primera generación de minimalistas conformada por Philip Glass,
Terry Riley y Steve Reich. (RUIDO ETERNO 583)
Ross cita a Kurt Weill: “una vez que los músicos obtenían todo lo que habían imaginado en sus
sueños más temerarios, volvían a empezar desde cero” (RUIDO ETERNO 584), vanguardias de
principios de siglo??
“In the 1960s and ’70s, he found a rigorous solution to a pressing challenge: how to restore,
after a long period of experimentation, the primal pleasures of stable harmony and a steady
pulse. Reich did this in a way that was unblinkingly modern, not at all nostalgic or neo-
Romantic.” “On some days, as familiar shimmering patterns echo on the soundtracks of
commercials and from the loudspeakers of dance clubs, it seems as though we are living in a
world scored by Reich.” (Alex Ross New Yorker phased in 2006)
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