Presente Perfecto

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Total de puntos recibidos: 

verde - correcto
rojo - incorrecto
I know that I saw  him before.

Ann is my sister. I know her very well.

Somebody has taken my bag.

Greg is in Italy. He has been in Italy since 1990.

My parents work in a hospital now.

The headmaster has been  busy at the moment.

They are  married for fifty years.

I have learned English for 15 years.


The Present Perfect Tense

1. Se usa el Presente Perfecto cuando queremos hablar de algo que ocurrió en el pasado, sin que
importe cuándo la acción tuvo lugar. La acción tiene un efecto en el presente:
I've broken my - Me he roto el brazo I broke my arm at some point and
arm as you can como puedes ver. now I have a plaster cast on it.

I can't go on - No me puedo ir de At some point in the past, I broke

holiday because I vacaciones porque my leg. As a result, I can't go on
have broken my me he roto la holiday now.
leg. pierna.

The train has left - El tren ha salido de The train left the station some
the station. la estación. time ago (it is not important
whether it is an hour or a minute
ago). The effect is that it is not
here now.

Have you locked - ¿Has cerrado todas

all the doors? las puertas?
Our neighbours - Nuestros vecinos
have bought a han comprado un
new car. coche nuevo.

This is the first - Ésta es la primera The action is happening now. It

time I have eaten vez que como marks a new experience in my life.
Japanese food. comida japonesa.

I've bought - He comprado algo

something to eat. de comer.

I haven't found - Aún no encuentro

her phone number su número de
yet. teléfono.

Why haven't you - ¿Por qué no has

read this book? leído este libro?

We've eaten all - Nos hemos comido

our food. toda tu comida.

2. También se usa el Presente Perfecto cuando queremos describir algo que comenzó en el pasado y
ha continuado ocurriendo o tiene un efecto hoy. Este tiempo se usa con las palabras "since" y "for":
Cuando queremos decir que la acción ha comenzado se usa "since":

Tom has lived in Wroclaw since - Tom ha vivido en Wroclaw desde 1980.

I have met Miss Brown five times - Me he encontrado con la Sra. Brown 5
since February. veces desde febrero.

Her mother has been a teacher - Su madre ha sido profesora desde 1972.
since 1972.

Cuando queremos preguntar cuándo algo comenzó podemos usar "since

when". Sin embargo, es mejor hacer la pregunta con "How long":

Since when haven't you seen your - Better: How long haven't you
grandmother? (¿Desde cuándo que no ves a seen your grandmother?
tu abuela?)

Since when have you known him? (¿Desde - Better: How long have you
cuándo lo conoces?) known him?

Cuando queremos decir por cuánto tiempo algo ha ocurrido se usa "for":

They haven't seen you for seven weeks. - No te han visto en 7 semanas.
I have studied English for sixteen years. - He estudiado inglés por 16 años.

I've lived in this house for five years. - He vivido en esta casa 5 años.

Más preguntas con "how long":

How long have you known Mary's - ¿Por cuánto tiempo has conocido al
husband? esposo de Mary?

How long has she had this car? - ¿Por cuánto tiempo ha tenido ella este

Formación de oraciones en el Presente Perfecto

Formación de oraciones positivas
PERSONA + "have" + III forma del VERBO + OBJETO

I have seen him in the shop.

You have seen him in the shop.

He / she / it has seen him in the shop.

We / you / they have seen him in the shop.

Formación de preguntas
"Have" + PERSONA + III forma del VERBO + OBJETO

Have I seen him in the shop?

Have you seen him in the shop?

Has he / she / it seen him in the shop?

Have we / you / they seen him in the shop?

Formación de la negación
PERSONA + VERBO "have" + "not" + III forma del VERBO + OBJETO

I have not seen him in the shop!

You have not seen him in the shop!

He / she / it has not seen him in the shop!

We / you / they have not seen him in the shop!

Puntos adicionales
have not = haven't

has not = hasn't

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Have you ever played tennis?

The President has visited our university.

I have not seen you for years.

Dad has repaired the chair.

She has dropped her pencil. It's on the floor.

I have not seen you for years.

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