Reglamento Metropolis
Reglamento Metropolis
Reglamento Metropolis
Artículo 2. Inicio del Procedimiento de Arbitraje: El autor o los autores deben remitir
sus creaciones en forma digital, las cuales deben ser enviadas al correo correspondiente al
coordinador de la línea de investigación afín con la materia, el documento debe ser
realizado y remitido en formato Word.
Artículo 8. Citación: Las Tablas y gráficos deben poseer título autónomo y numeración
continua. Ejemplo: Cuadro N.º 3 o Tabla N.º 4, se puede remitir a éstos utilizando paréntesis
(ver Cuadro N.º 3), construidos en Microsoft Word (evitar colocarlas en imagen), los cuales
posean un buen contraste para una adecuada reproducción. En la parte inferior del mismo, se
debe escribir la palabra (Fuente) seguida de dos puntos para indicar la fuente donde se obtuvo
la información. Ejemplo: Fuente: Fernández (2020). se debe considerar al citar que:
Artículo 12. El Plagio: Se prohíbe totalmente el Plagio de forma objetiva y los autores dan
fe que los trabajos no poseen elementos conducentes a situaciones de plagio parcial o total
intencional o culposo. Para ello, las producciones son revisadas con programas específicos
destinados para garantizar la originalidad del texto e identificar posibles irregularidades en
el mismo.
Artículo 14. No Responsabilidad de Opiniones: Los Términos empleados, los datos, estilo
y el contenido de los Artículos, son de la entera responsabilidad de sus autores, ya que son
garantes de la calidad de los contenidos expuestos, en términos académicos, ortográficos,
entre otras formalidades pertenecientes al discurso escrito, por lo tanto, no se compromete al
Equipo Editor ni al Centro de Investigaciones por estos.
Artículo 15. Cláusula de Reserva: En caso de no Cumplir con los criterios establecidos,
favor abstenerse de consignar el trabajo.
Artículo 16. Notificación: El producto es recibido por el comité editorial, una vez revisada
la factibilidad del documento para ser publicado, se somete al arbitraje. Si el trabajo es
rechazado o aprobado con modificaciones, se notifica al autor el veredicto en conjunto con
las razones que lo sustentan, con el objeto de declinar él envió o realizar los ajustes sugeridos,
posteriormente se implementará una segunda ronda de evaluación.
Artículo 17. Formas de Veredicto: Los resultados del arbitraje serán enviados por los
árbitros al correo electrónico de la Coordinación respectiva, y esta lo remitirá a los
participantes, donde será expuesto en un informe descriptivo de los resultados del arbitraje
con su evaluación y observaciones, la información es confidencial. El Veredicto de los
árbitros es inapelable. Los criterios de respuesta son:
Artículo 18. Plazo de Enmiendas y Reformas: En caso de ser aprobado con sugerencias, el
autor tendrá cinco (05) días hábiles para entregar la versión corregida.
Artículo 21: Definición: Los árbitros son individuos seleccionados por su idoneidad
académica, formación científica, humanística y tecnológica, aunado a sus niveles de
experticia profesional asociada a los trabajos recibidos. La Revista de Estudios Globales
Universitarios Metrópolis, recurre evaluadores internos y externos al Centro de
Investigaciones Metrópolis.
Artículo 22: Misión del Arbitro: La Misión de los árbitros es realizar el arbitraje en un
tiempo máximo de diez (10) días hábiles, a partir de la fecha de recibido para su arbitraje y
los resultados deben ser informados a la Coordinación de la línea de investigación que los
Artículo 24. Notificación a los Autores: en un plazo no mayor cinco (05) días hábiles, el
Coordinador respectivo hará la notificación formal del veredicto emitido por los árbitros a
los autores, a efectos que estos tengan conocimiento del mismo.
Artículo 31. Sistema de Verificación: Todos los productos de investigación serán sometidos
al sistema de verificación de plagio mediante el software “Plagiarsm Checker for Publishers
& SEO experts” a los fines de verificar la integridad objetiva del producto remitido que debe
estar ajustado a los criterios del “Commite on Publication Ethics”
Estimado(a) Profesor(a):
La Coordinación (NOMBRE DE LA COORDINACIÓN) de la Revista de Estudios
Universitarios Globales “Metrópolis”, ha considerado seleccionarlo para integrar el equipo
de árbitros de trabajo de investigación científica anexo a este correo. El siguiente instrumento
le guiará en la realización de este trabajo de manera sistemática. Le recomendamos señalar
en el texto electrónico las indicaciones, para que el autor pueda comprender y hacer los
correctivos indicados por Usted de existir. Dispone de hasta 10 días hábiles, para hacer
entrega de las observaciones. Una vez que consigne la producción evaluada, podrá retirar la
constancia que le acredita como Arbitro Internacional. Agradecemos su colaboración.
CRITERIOS A EVALUAR: Marque con una (X) dentro de la casilla respectiva “SI” o
“NO” según su criterio objetivo.
3.1. ¿Tiene como máximo 180 palabras?
3.2. ¿Presenta objetivo o propósito? ¿Metódica? ¿Indica las
partes? ¿Asoma resultados?
OBSERVACIONES: (En este espacio se sugiere realizar los comentarios pertinentes para
que el o los autores que se comprendan dentro del número de aquellos que tienen la necesidad
de mejorar la producción intelectual)
Figura 2º. Modelo de Documento de Originalidad Autoría y Cesión de Derechos
Patrimoniales: (Individualidad o Pluralidad de la redacción según el caso)
Ciudad, Dia/Mes/Año.
• El artículo que presentamos para ser publicado, es original, que no ha sido publicado
antes en forma total o parcial y que no se ha presentado simultáneamente a otra revista
u órgano editorial para su publicación.
• No existe ningún tipo de conflicto entre los autores, y la totalidad de los mismos han
otorgado su pleno consentimiento para la publicación.
• No hemos incurrido en plagios o faltas éticas y asumimos la responsabilidad total del
contenido del artículo.
• Conocemos y aceptamos las condiciones de publicación que se encuentran contenidas
en las políticas editoriales e Instrucciones para los autores de la Revista de Estudios
Universitarios Globales “Metrópolis”.
• Si el artículo que presentamos para su publicación en la Revista de Estudios
Universitarios Globales “Metrópolis” es aprobado, como autores cedemos nuestros
derechos de publicación patrimoniales y autorizamos a publicar y hacer difusión de
los contenidos del mismo a través de los medios de que disponga.
• Entendemos que no recibiremos compensación alguna de la Revista de Estudios
Universitarios Globales “Metrópolis” por la publicación de este artículo.
Nombres y apellidos:
Afiliación Institucional:
Correo Electrónico:
Dirección postal:
That the editorial body of this academic journal is “Metropolitan International University
(MIU) and this is an institution that has been authorized for full operation by the Florida State
Commission for Independent Education (CIE). under code 5079.
That scientific, diversified and innovative research is one of the pillars of the University as
an institution and the Metropolis Research Center as an entity attached to the MIU Academic
Dictate the present regulation of publications of the Magazine of Global University Studies
Article 1. Authorship: All works must be original and unpublished and, therefore, not have
been published or being refereed by other magazines. If the work was presented at a
congress or similar event, the corresponding details must be provided (full name, date,
place, organizing institution).
Article 2. Initiation of the Arbitration Procedure: The author or authors must submit their
creations in digital form, which must be sent to the corresponding mail to the coordinator
of the research line related to the subject, the document must be made and sent in Word
Article 3. File Formalities: The document on its first page must contain:
Article 4. ORCID Registration: The author must indicate his ORCID digital identifier. It is
suggested to use the ORCID system, since it allows researchers to have a system for the
unequivocal identification of researchers and a clear method to link research activities and
their products to these identifiers. In case you do not have an ORCID, you can enter:, to create one, the service is completely free.
Article 5. Name: It is important that the author specify the type of scientific content that he
wishes to publish, and specify the abstract in Spanish and abstract in English, as contemplated
in the article referring to the use of the second language. The author has as main publication
options in the magazine the following:
Article 7. Second Language: The length of the research papers is a minimum of ten pages,
and a maximum of 25 pages, the latter with attention to research papers and papers.
Article 8. Citation: Tables and graphics must have an autonomous title and continuous
numbering. Example: Table No. 3 or Table No. 4, you can refer to these using parentheses
(see Table No. 3), built in Microsoft Word (avoid placing them in image), which have a good
contrast for an adequate reproduction. At the bottom of it, the word (Source) must be written
followed by a colon to indicate the source where the information was obtained. Example:
Source: Fernández (2020). should be considered when citing that:
3. The images must be identified and linked to the text according to APA
4. The Authors when sending their production, must send a letter of Declaration of
Originality and Assignment of Publication Rights to Metropolis Magazine.
Article 9. Arbitration System: The intellectualized creations contained in this magazine will
be arbitrated through a double-blind system, if necessary, a third evaluator can be used in the
case of complex issues or that require precision in the face of a confused opinion.
Article 9. Publication Order: For publication, the order of assignment of the works will be
respected, according to their adaptation to the regulations and academic suitability.
Article 10. Number of Authors: Intellectual creations with more than 3 authors will not be
accepted, except for research papers.
Article 11. Periodicity and Innovation: The Magazine of Global University Studies, is a
production with biannual periodicity, therefore, it is defined to generate two (02) numbers
per year of total originality, where each number will present at least five (05) scientific
research productions of total originality and not published in another editorial body.
Article 12. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is totally prohibited objectively and the authors attest that
the works do not have elements conducive to situations of intentional or guilty partial or total
plagiarism. For this, the productions are reviewed with specific programs designed to
guarantee the originality of the text and identify possible irregularities in it.
Article 14. No Responsibility for Opinions: The terms used, the data, style and content of the
Articles, are the sole responsibility of their authors, as they are guarantors of the quality of
the content displayed, in academic, orthographic terms, among other formalities pertaining
to written discourse, therefore, it does not commit itself to the Editing Team or the Research
Center for these.
Article 15. Reservation Clause: In case of not complying with the established criteria, please
refrain from recording the work.
Article 16. Notification: The product is received by the editorial committee, once the
feasibility of the document to be published is reviewed, it is submitted to arbitration. If the
work is rejected or approved with modifications, the author is notified of the verdict together
with the reasons that support it, in order to decline he sent or make the suggested adjustments,
then a second round of evaluation will be implemented.
Article 17. Forms of Verdict: The results of the arbitration will be sent by the arbitrators to
the email of the respective Coordination, and this will send it to the participants, where it will
be exposed in a descriptive report of the results of the arbitration with its evaluation and
observations, the information is confidential. The verdict of the referees is final. The response
criteria are:
Article 18. Deadline for Amendments and Reforms: If approved with suggestions, the author
will have five (05) business days to deliver the corrected version.
Article 19. Approved Products: Once the publication is approved, the production undergoes
a style review by the proofreaders, translators, among other adjustments necessary for the
layout and final adjustment.
Article 22: Mission of the Arbitrator: The mission of the arbitrators is to carry out the
arbitration in a maximum time of ten (10) business days, from the date of receipt for their
arbitration and the results must be reported to the Coordination of the line of research that
supplied them,
Article 23. Results: The arbitration results will be communicated to the coordinators through
a written report, considered confidential. The structure of the report must contain a
description of the work, observations if necessary, followed by the response criteria.
Article 24. Notification to Authors: within a period not exceeding five (05) business days,
the respective Coordinator will formally notify the verdict issued by the arbitrators to the
authors, so that they are aware of it.
Article 25. Exception from Arbitration: No arbitration procedures will be carried out to
participate in the publication of the journal of Metropolis Global University Studies, in those
scientific productions that have been provided in the last thirty (30) days before the date it
has planned to be published.
Article 29. Format of Documents of Originality and Assignment of Rights: All declaration
of authorship and letter of assignment of economic rights regarding the investigations
presented to the respective coordinators must follow the model prescribed in the annex
Article 30. Proof of Evidence: All participants with a verdict of Approved or Approved with
Excellence, will have the right to request the proof of publication of the work of their
authorship to the respective coordination that processed the publication of the same, which
will be issued in a period not exceeding twenty (20) days after the request made by the
Article 31. Verification System: All research products will be submitted to the plagiarism
verification system using the "Plagiarism Checker for Publishers & SEO experts" software
in order to verify the objective integrity of the submitted product that must be adjusted to the
criteria of the “Committee on Publication Ethics”
Article 32. Percentage of External Researchers: The Journal must contain in each of its two
annual editions, at least fifty percent (50%) of scientific productions produced by researchers
from entities outside the "Metropolis Research Center"
Figure 1º. Model Arbitration Document:
Dear Professor,
The Coordination (NAME OF THE COORDINATION) of the Journal of Global University
Studies "Metropolis" has considered selecting it to join the team of scientific research work
arbitrators attached to this email. The following instrument will guide you in carrying out
this work in a systematic way. We recommend that you indicate the indications in the
electronic text, so that the author can understand and make the corrections indicated by you
if they exist. You have up to 10 business days to deliver the observations. Once you enter the
evaluated production, you can withdraw the certificate that accredits you as an International
Referee. We appreciate your collaboration.
CRITERIA TO EVALUATE: Mark with an (X) inside the respective box "YES" or "NO"
according to your objective criteria.
OBSERVATIONS: (In this space, it is suggested to make the pertinent comments so that
the author or authors who are included within the number of those who need to improve
intellectual production)
Figure 2º. Originality Document Model Authorship and Assignment of Property Rights:
(Individuality or Plurality of the wording according to the case)
We also declare that:
• The article that we present to be published is original, that it has not been published
in whole or in part before and that it has not been submitted simultaneously to another
magazine or editorial body for publication.
• There is no conflict of any kind between the authors, and all of them have given their
full consent for publication.
• We have not incurred plagiarism or ethical misconduct and we assume full
responsibility for the content of the article.
• We know and accept the publication conditions that are contained in the editorial
policies and Instructions for the authors of the Journal of Global University Studies
• If the article that we present for publication in the Journal of Global University
Studies "Metropolis" is approved, as authors we give up our property publication
rights and authorize the publication and dissemination of its contents through the
means available to it.
• We understand that we will not receive any compensation from the Journal of Global
University Studies "Metropolis" for the publication of this article.
Institutional Affiliation:
Mailing address: