Ortiz Lejarde Juan Felipe TI 1000179933 Póliza de Salud N.º 22776659
Ortiz Lejarde Juan Felipe TI 1000179933 Póliza de Salud N.º 22776659
Ortiz Lejarde Juan Felipe TI 1000179933 Póliza de Salud N.º 22776659
TI 1000179933
Allianz Seguros de Vida S.A. certifica que la persona descrita arriba se encuentra afiliada
en nuestra póliza de salud y cuenta cobertura de Asistencia Médica Internacional para
enfermedad (incluyendo Covid19) o accidente, repatriación sanitaria y funeraria en el
exterior hasta €30000 para viajes a la Comunidad Europea o US $30000 cuando realice
viajes a otros países del mundo, sin deducible y por un periodo máximo de 60 días
consecutivos en viaje contados a partir de la fecha de salida de Colombia.
Firma Autorizada
Allianz Seguros de Vida S.A
Dirección Indemnizaciones Salud | Vicepresidencia de
Carrera 13A No. 29-24, Bogotá | Teléfono +57(1) 5600600
TI 1000179933
Allianz Seguros de Vida S.A. certifies that the person identified above is affiliated with our
health policy which has International Medical Assistance coverage for illnesses (Covid19
included), accidents, emergency evacuation or repatriation of mortal remains abroad up to
€30000 for trips to Europe or US $30000 when traveling to other countries in the world,
without a deductible and for a maximum period of 60 consecutive days in travel counted
from the date of departure from Colombia.
That the service for medical emergencies derived from an illness or accident prior to the trip,
will be treated with a maximum limit of US $3000 as long as the cause of assistance is not
pre-existing on the health policy accessed for said service.
The coverage is exclusively oriented for travel assistance for sudden and unpredictable
events that prevent the normal continuation of the same, therefore, it does not constitute an
extension of your health policy abroad.
This certificate is only valid if the member and/or dependents are active on the Allianz health
contract at the time of the occurrence of the event.
Authorized Signature
Allianz Seguros de Vida S.A
Dirección Indemnizaciones Salud | Vicepresidencia de
Carrera 13A No. 29-24, Bogotá | Teléfono +57(1) 5600600