Frases Echas

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Can we play hide and seek? ¿Podemos jugar al escondite?

Close the closet cierra el armario
Were you hiring from me? ¿Estabas tú escondiéndote de mí?
I didn´t want to scare you yo no quise asustarte
What about you? Y tu?
Yes of course si por supuesto
What are you doing here? ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?
What is that? ¿Qué es eso?
Let me introduce myself dejame presentarme
I don´t know yo no se
I want toste and tea please yo quiero tostada y te por favor
That´s my father ese es mi padre
He looks like you él se parece a ti
We had a terrible fall nosotros tuvimos un terrible otoño
Will you be ok? Estaras tu bien?
Keep it quedatelo
You need it more than i do tu lo necesitas mas que yo
We should go back nosotros deberiamos volver
I´m back estoy de vuelta
That´s enough eso es suficiente
This is a joke esto es una broma
I think i believe you now yo pienso que yo te creo ahora
I didn´t do anything wrong yo no hize nada malo
What´s your name? Cual es tu nombre?
How many are you? ¿Cuantos sois vosotros?
You look so cold tu pareces tener tanto frio
How about something to drink que tal algo de beber
How did you do that como hiciste eso
This is the king este es el rey
I hope so yo espero eso
I´m gonna miss you yo te echare de menos
Wake up despierta
You don´t understand do you? ¿Tu no lo entiendes verdad?
Following me sigueme
We are just talking nosotros estamos hablando
Come on inside vamos dentro
Is anything i can do to help? ¿Puedo ayudarte en algo?
You don´t know do you? ¿Tú no lo sabes verdad?
You are missing the point tu no lo estas pillando
I think you are making a mistake yo pienso que estas cometiendo un error
It´s out of our hands esta fuera de nuestro alcance
I´m gonna kill you te voy a matar
Hurry up date prisa
Get of me quitate
This is your fault esta es tu culpa
I apoloyais lo siento
Wait here espera aqui
I was wondering ... could I...? yo estaba pensando ..podria yo?
You know what to do tu sabes que hacer
They are after us ellos nos estan siguiendo
Take them tomalos.
Winter is almost over el invierno esta casi finalizando
See you next year te vere el proximo año
I told you he was real te dije que el era real
No more ice no mas hielo
We need to cross now necesitamos cruzar ahora
I´m not that fast yo no soy tan rapido
We don´t have a minute nosotros no tenemos un minuto
Be realistic se real
You are trying to be smart as usual tu estas intentando ser inteligente como siempre
Maybe i should go first quizas yo deberia ir primero
Put that down pon eso abajo
Someone could get hurt alguien podria herirse
Leave now while you can marchate ahora mientras puedas
Don´t worry about me no te preocupes
Maybe you should listen to him quizas deberias escucharlo
She is a smart girl ella es una chica inteligente
Don´t listen to him no lo escuches
Just drop it dejalo caer
I won´t wait forever no esperare siempre
What have you done? Que has echo?
Look after your brother cuida de tu hermano
Don´t worry dear no te preocupes querida
Forgive me perdoname
I´m glad estoy encantado

Five more minutes 5 minutos mas

We must hurry nosotros debemos darnos prisa
What´s going on? Que pasa?
Will i ever see you again? Te vere otra vez?
Take care cuidate
I prefer to be left alone prefiero estar solo
Where do you thin? Donde tu piensas?
I don´t remember yo no recuerdo
I was wondering estaba pensando...
It can´t be no puede ser
It´s not what you think no es lo que tu piensas
Until then hasta entonces
I apologies for being late yo lo siento por llegar tarde
There is not doubt no hay duda
Drop it dejalo
It ´s a long story es una larga historia
Oh, you have to be kidding me me tienes que estar bromeando
You don´t want to do that tu no quieres hacer eso
Not me no yo
You said that tu dijiste eso
Give me a bandage dame una tirita
Wait= hold it espera
Run away escapar
They used to dance ellos solian bailar
Shoot dispara
This is huge esto es enorme
Pick it up recogelo

You call me llamame

My first mistake was when.. mi primer error fue cuando…
I am not the one you are looking for yo no soy el que tu estas buscando
Congratulations felicidades
I can get it for you puedo conseguirlo por ti
Who´s there quien esta ahi?
Show me the money enseñame el dinero
Get away from him apartate de el
I believe in you yo creo en ti
You are lucky tu eres afortunado
Waterproof a prueba de agua
Buy some time compra algo de tiempo
Pardon me? Perdóneme?
I mean quiero decir….
I refused me niego
It is time es la hora
Something go wrong algo va mal
Well, feel free bien, sientete libre (par hacerlo)
They seen us ellos nos vieron
You better go tu deberías ir
Just in case por si acaso
Be carefull ten cuidado
What happen? Que pasa?
Save it for later guardalo para mas tarde
No mercy no perdón
Perhaps i was wrong quizas estaba equivocado
Give it back devuelvelo
Get ready preparate
Things never happen twice las cosas nunca pasan dos veces
What was that? Que fue eso?
It is a trick es un truco
Is this posible? Es esto posible?
I have a chance tengo una oportunidad
I´m sure they will be here son estoy seguro que ellos estaran aqui pronto
I don´t think i saw him yo no pienso, que lo vi
Are you away? Estas despierto?
I have missed you so much te he echado mucho de menos
Where have you been? Donde has estado?
Whatever you like lo que quieras
I thought yo pensé….
Oh my gosh, he is so cute oh dios mio, el es tan guapo
You were right tu tenias razon
What are they like? Como son ellos?
Well enough suficientemente bien
I think, it´s up to me yo pienso que depende de mi
Who are you doing this for? Por quien estas haciendo esto?
There is always a first time siempre hay una primera vez
I´m not sure, you have been listening no estoy seguro que hayas estado escuchando
Five more minutes 5 minutos mas
What are you talking about? De que estas hablando?
I don´t want to do this yo no quiero hacer esto
I´m a bit busy estoy un poco ocupado
It´s too late es demasiado tarde
Fall back retirada
Poor thing pobre….
My dear little friend mi querida pequeña amiga
Congratulations felicidades
I told you te lo dije
I believe in you yo creo en ti
You are lucky, you know? Tu eres afortunado, tu sabes?

After all despues de todo

Any questions? Alguna pregunta?
Are you mad? Estas enfadado?
Are you there? Estas ahi?
Be smart se inteligente
Believe me creeme
Breath respira
Bullshit mentira cochina
Bum vagabundo
Call a cab llama a un taxi
Call the cops llama a los policias
can you ? puedes tu?
Cut it out cortalo ya
Dam carajo
Do something haz algo
Do you know how to... ? tu sabes como....?
Do you see anything ves algo?
Do you want to see it? Quieres verlo?
Don´t lie no mientas
Don´t piss me off no me enfades
Excuse me perdoneme
Fag maricon
Folks amigos
Forgive me perdoname
Get out here fuera de aqui
Get out of my house fuera de mi casa
Give me a chance dame una oportunidad
Give me the can dame la lata
Give me the matches dame las cerillas
Give me the napkins dame las servilletas
Global thinkers pensadores del mundo
Go straight t hell vete derecho al infierno
He gave me a beat up el me dio una paliza
He is a handyman el es un manitas
He is bleeding El esta sangrando
He is praying el esta rezando
He is weak el es debil
He run away el se escapo
He seems mad el parece enfadado
Here you go aqui tienes
Holy jolin
How do you know? Como lo sabes?
I am proud of you estoy orgullosa de ti
I can prove it lo puedo probar
I did´nt say that yo no dije eso
I don´t eat breakfast no tomo desayuno
I don´t need it no lo necesito
I got fire me despidieron
I got on my knees me puse de rodillas
I got to go tengo que irme
I have a blind date yo tengo una cita a ciegas
I mean it te lo aseguro
I miss you te echo de menos
I pass the buck to you te paso el cubo
I run into ..juan yo me tropeze con .. juan
I show up on time yo vengo siempre a la hora
I was wondering that estaba pensando que....
I wasn´t the same no era el mismo
i will do it right away lo hare inmediatamente
I will let you know te dejare saber
I wish you luck te deseo suerte
I´m doing the best i can estoy haciendo lo mejor que puedo
I´m gonna give up voy a renunciar
I´m gonna throw up voy a vomitar
I´m kidding estoy bromeando
I´m married estoy casado
I´m scared estoy asustado
I´m single estoy soltero
I´m used t this estoy acostumbrado a esto
It ´s worth it merece la pena
It is up to you depende de ti
It´s not fair no es justo
It´s up to you depende de ti
Journalist periodista
Leave alone dejame solo
Let it out vamos dilo...
Let me dejame
Let´s go have some drinks vamos a beber algo
Look it up miralo
Looks to me a mi me parece..
Moron estupido
Neither do I yo tampoco
One day you will be free un dia vosotros sereis libres
One in a while de vez en cuando
Put that down dejalo en su sitio
Reach that, please alcanzame eso, porfavor
Shit mierda
So you can do it asi que puedes hacerlo
There´s no doubt no hay duda
This is a mistake esto es un error
This is huge esto es inmenso
This is painful esto es doloroso
What do you mean que tu quieres decir?
What´s going on? Que pasa?
What´s the matter? Que pasa?
Where is the dryer? Donde esta la secadora’
Why do you say that? Porque dices eso?
You are a freak eres un friki
You are in trouble tu estas en problemas
You are nuts tu estas loco
You are right tu tienes razon
You are sneaking something tu estas escondiendo algo
You look like crap estas echo un asco
You scared me tu me asustaste

A what time are you available? Aque hora estas disponible?

A.S.A.P rapido
Are you be able to..? podras tu.....?
At least por lo menos
Be smart se inteligente
Breath respira
By the way a proposito
Cab taxi
Can i ask you a favour? Puedo pedirte un favor?
Can i carry these grocery bags? Puedo llevar esas bolsas de la compr
Can i speak to Mr. Mrs.? Puedo hablar con ...?
Can i take a message? Puedo yo coger el mensaje?
Can i take out the garbage? Puedo sacar la basura?
Can you come? Puedes tu venir?
Can you give me a hand? Puedes echarme una mano?
Can you give me a lift- ride? Puedes llevarme?
Can you make it? Puedes hacerlo?
Candidate for president
Chill out calmate
Come on
Did you miss me?
Do you have a clue?
Do you have a lead?
Don´t piss me off
don´t press me man
Don´t worry about it
Down town
Fever breaks
Forgive me
Get me an update
Get the groceries
Give me a chance
Give me a ring- call
He got married
He is a handyman
He is praying
He ran into...
He seems mad
He took off
He was signed by...
Help me
Hold a second
How about..?
How come- why?
How do you do’
how much is it?
I am doing the best i can
I didn´t realize it was so late
I didn´t say that
I don´t get it
I don´t have enough
I feel dizzy
I feel sick
I gonna go
I got a scholarship
I got it
I have fever
i have to make a call
I know you don´t want to hear it
I mean it
I miss you
i need a back up
I owe you one
I was supposed to...
I was wondering
I wish you luck
I would say so
i´ll be down in a sec
I´ll do my best
I´ll let you know
I´m afraid
I´m kidding
i´m looking for..
I´m proud of you
I´m scared
I´m used to this
I´m very good at....
I´m very upset
If you are not busy
in the meantime
It was unbelievable
It´s me again
It´s worth it
Keep in touch
Le it out
Let´s get out of here
Let´s get together soon
Let´s go
Listen to me
Look this building
Looks to me
May i speak to...?
Me neither
Neither do I
No doubts
No way
Pick up...... at the cleaner´s
Please, i don´t undersantd . Can you call back later?
Positive- sure
See you
shut the door
So long
So, so
Straight to hell
Take care
Take it easy
Take the dog for a walk
take the keys
That´s too bad
The truth is that
There is nothing i can do about it
These things happen
This is b.s.
this is none of your business
This was my fault
Throw up
to tell you the truth
What ´s that abaut?
What did you ask me to do?
What did you say?
What do you mean?
What is my schedule?
What´s going on?
What´s the point?
What´s up
Where are you coming from?
Where is the
You gotta be kidding me
you are under arrest
You are wrong
You got fire
You look like crap
You were counting on me to...

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